A guide to good living in the Brazos Valley
Remembering advertisers’ ads
Pg. 3
5 foods for the over 50 crowd
Pg. 6
February 2014 • Vol. 10, Issue 3 • A monthly publication of the Bryan-College Station Eagle
Senior Dating 101 Remember to take it slow and keep it casual
Brazos Valley Senior Games PAGE 7
50plus is a monthly publication of Bryan-College Station Communications Inc. 1729 Briarcrest Drive Bryan, Texas SPECIAL PROJECT PR S EDITOR/ PUBLICA PUBLICATION DESIGNER Shauna Lewis shauna.lewis@theeagle.com
Dale Stroud
Burleson County Sheriff
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How advertisers get you to remember ads consumer decisions are In the last couple memory based. You buy of columns I have ha something because you been explaining how remember a persuasive persuasi stereotyping affects af ad for it. Thus, adve ad rtisers perf mance. For example perfor seek to find ways wa to get if seniors buy into the consumers to remember stereotype that tha they are their products and services. supposed to have ha failing One obvious way wa is to memories, they are more repeat pea the ad over peat ov and likely el to have ely ha failing over. over er. But that tha costs a lot of memories. How you money money. identify yourself (y (young, old, One adve ad rtising male, female and stra gy is to target strate so on) is a key consumers with factor in how promotions that tha you will respond ca capitaliz e on social to adve ad rtising. identity The idea is identity. Indeed, selftha you will prefer a dr. BILL KLeMM that identity creates ea eates the MeMOry MeDic product that tha is pitched all kinds of to your identity. identity No bias, from the doubt you have ha seen sports team you root for to the TV ads on reverse the candidate candida you want to mortgages, where a clearly ear early become president. older celebrity makes the pitch. You are supposed Mar ting research Marke to be persuaded by the ad has establ esta ished that tha most
because you can identify with such a person. He’s a senior, senior you’re a senior. senior He’s a star, star and you can imagine how great ea it might eat feel if you were one. In other words, your personal identity is wrapped wra up in how responsive sponsi you are sponsive to a give gi n ad. This same principle is at work in ads tha use beautiful models that to sell clothes and star athletes to sell athletic gear. ar ar. Social identity can be threatened ea eatened when the ad presents events ev , inf mation infor ma or choices in a way wa that tha is inconsistent or negati gative gati tive. A senior, senior for example, would not be persuaded to consider reverse mortgages if the salesperson was a young and gorgeous female model. Recent studies show that tha these kinds of cognitive gniti gnitive
disconnect interfere with how consumers encode and remember adve ad rtising messages. Adve Ad rtisers certainly tainl don’t want to tainly create ea identity-threat eate ea ads eat because consumers will be automatically automaticall tically motiva motivated vated to forget the ads. The process of motiva motivated vated forgetting is being explored by Hong Kong Unive Uni rsity mar ting professor, marke ofessor Amy ofessor, Dalton and her colleague, Li Huang. When people see or hear an ad that tha presents identity threat, ea they are eat, automatically automaticall tically motiva motivated vated to forget it. It’s a defense mechanism. Naturall Naturally, turally, the ef effect is greatest ea eatest in people who have ha the strongest in-group identities. That’s wh adve why ad rtisers have ha to be really all careful in ads that ally tha in lve invo lv such emotionally emotionall charges matters ma as gender, nder nder,
race, religion or political belief. In their studies, they use identity linked promotions, such as “Ladies get one drink free,” or “10 percent discount for seniors,” and the like. To enhance attention and encoding, they prime the experimental audience ahead of time to reinfor inf ce infor the intended identity. identity In one experiment, they primed a social identity, identity produced identity-linked promotions, introduced social identity-threat, ea and eat, then tested for memory of the promotions.w For example, experimental subjects were students. Students were primed about their student identity by telling them that tha the experiment was being perfor perf med also
with students at other uni rsities. Students unive then watc wa hed 20 print ads for three seconds each and were told they would be quizzed on how much they remember of the ads. Identity-linked promotions were created ea eated for eight of the ads by stating sta tha that there was an “Additional 10 percent discount for Hong Kong Unive Uni rsity students.” Then students read news reports about their uni rsity, unive rsity either neutral reports or negati gative gati tive ones (in the identity-threat ea group). eat Wha they found was What tha identity strength that enhanced memory for identity-linked promotions if the identity had been
See Memory mor Medic mory pa 13 page
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February 4, 2014 | 3
Are you saving too much for retirement?
In my December 1. The total amount of column, we saw a quick household spending way to estimate how 2. The kind of goods much savings sa you need and services they are to accumulate for a buying retirement standard of 3. How much money li living that matches your they have ha to current standard spend (assuming you are not currently According racking up debt to Blanchett, to support that “households that standard). I are not spending ha since come have retirement funds across another optimally will credible analysis tend to adjust of measuring TracY STewar ewarT ewar arT them during your targeted Financial literacy iter the retirement nest egg. period.” In other words, if you are living li This concept, within your means, published in early ear you are less likely to be November 2013, comes caught in a situation from David Da Blanchett, where you need to cut CF CFP®, head of CFA, back on your spending. retirement research at If you see that your nest Morningstar Inve In stment egg is dwindling befor bef e Management. the end of your life, (Morningstar is an you will reduce your in stment research inve spending and/or change firm, which provides the goods and services data on about 433,000 you are purchasing. in stment offerings inve of On the flip side, those along with real time with higher levels of global marke mar t data on about 10 million stocks, bonds, options, futures, etc.) Blanchett used government data and an inve in sting and life expectancy model to challenge the usual assumptions for retirement cash needs.
retirement resources who begin their retirement spending at lower levels, are shown to increase spending later in their retirement because they are able to do so. Which camp do you want to be in?
This Morningstar paper concluded that using a replacement rate of 70 percent to 80 percent of preretirement spending would be a reasonable starting calculation for most couples. Also, many of the rule-of-thumb retirement funding models use a fixed period of time (such as 30 years) for an estimate of your total years in retirement. If instead, you were to carefully consider your unique life expectancy and actual spending patterns, you might conclude that your retirement nest egg can be 20 percent less than the amount calculated with one of the rule-
of-thumb retirement funding calculations. The actual goal can and does vary greatly due to the expected dif ences between your differ pre- and post-retirement spending.
We are not just talking about total spending here. We are talking about what you are spending your money on. You cannot simply assume a flat inflation rate for all postretirement expenses. If you are paying for goods and services that are predominantly high inflation items, your expenses will increase more throughout your retirement than if you are spending your money on low inflation items. Using more specific analyses to estimate
So, what should you do? If you are a do-it-yourself type, in addition to using the rule-of-thumb retirement funding estimate calculations such as the 15.9 percent method discussed in my December column, you might consider rolling up
your sleeves and getting deeper into the detail described above. If you want to put an even finer edge on your funding plans, then get thee to a competent fee-only financial advisor ad who routinely works on these more complex and more accurate calculations.
Contac nt t Trac ntac Tracy acy B. Stewart, CPA, CP PFS, PFS CF CDFA, CFF, CDF CFP® CF through ug her blog at www. ugh www TexasDi xas vorceFin xasDi eF ance.com. eFin
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Contrary to common assumptions, Blanchett’s analyses also show that retiree spending does not rise and fall simply due to inflation or due to the higher health care inflation rates. Actual spending varies by total consumption. Retiree households that spend at lower levels at the beginning of retirement tend to have ha increases in spending that are greater than those households that have ha higher initial levels of spending. These spending levels depend upon three basic things:
4 | Fe b r u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 4
your unique actual retirement spending can significantly change your estimate of your true financial needs in retirement.
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Tips for seniors to keep active without injuries headac pain once and headache Dr Brad Dr. Br way, wa I read for all without relying your 50 plus articles monthl and was hoping on medication? – S.H. monthly Bryan TX you could help me with my neck nec and headache headac This is a great pain? I’m a 55 year old question and one that professiona prof ofessional who works wor af affects more employees at a desk most of the day. da than you might think. There er have been times ere It often invo in lves when my neck nec pain is so stress, body posture bad I’m in agony agony. ony. I am on pain medications and and lifestyle. It is not unusual to have ha neck, I have tried injections. head and jaw ja pain all While both help, help the at the same time. Let pain always wa comes back. ways bac me address When my neck nec where the pain pain gets bad, originates, I get horrible where you can headac headaches get help and and jaw pain. the long-term When this solutions. happens I’m useless at work wor Head and and at home neck pain Leon BradwaY dw dwaY and I snap even over a at everyone. heraPy Physical theraP short period Wh can’t I Why of time can get rid of this neck nec and be debilitating. You
can’t concentrate or focus, you can’t get comf table seated, comfor standing or lying down and it can strain your relationships with others. Common causes of neck and head pain include: • Muscle tightness both in the upper back, neck, shoulders and ja area jaw • Pinching nerves from the cervical vertebrae (Cervical Radiculopathy th can thy be resolved without surgery or long-term pain medications) • Joint pain (facets (f , vertebral joints, holding head and neck positions for a prolonged period of time) • Lack of Support of
head and neck (this happens as we get older in life our neck muscles become weak – the bowling ball gets hea causing neck heavy pain)
• Poor Posture for prolonged time periods (a professional conundrum. how am I sitting, where are my hands, feet and my head, do I take breaks to stand up and stretch or walk around, relieving the stress on my muscles and joints) • Emotional and ph ical Stress (even phys if not phys ph ically stressed, we create tightness in our muscles when we are emotionally stressed, so either way wa our
muscles can get very tight in certain areas of our body, leading to headaches, neck pain and jaw ja pain… teeth grinding)
• Prior trauma to the body (past injury, injury surgery can create tight muscles and scar tissue that if not worked out, can lead to tightness in other parts of the body, causing pain and restricted movements.) Approximately 90% of all headaches, including migraines are called tension headaches and stem from stressed muscle systems. As mentioned, the cause can come from many differ dif ent daily acti activities , including,
poor posture while at work or play, pla forward neck flexion, staying sta in one position too long (typing, studying, dri driving), carrying heavy hea objects or briefcases over your shoulder, shoulder falling asleep in a chair with your head bent forward, studying or reading lying down and so on. Head pain is often felt around the eyes, in the front of the head, in the temporal areas and in the back of the head. Tension headaches are often accompanied by jaw ja pain. In many cases, the head and ja pain are created by jaw tense or tight muscles.
See Bradwa Bradway adway pa 13 page
Advertise Advert Ad rtise ise your company in this monthly publication. Publication Date: Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014 Space Reservation Deadline: Tuesday, y, Mar. 4, 2014
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February 4, 2014 | 5
5 foods for the over 50 crowd
Metro Creative Connection
en and women must alter their diets as they age. Portion sizes that young adults might have been able to get away with must shrink when those same men and women enter their 30s. And as thirtysomethings head into their 40s, what’s on the plate requires more careful consideration than it might have a decade ago. The same goes for men and women over 50, who must take steps to reduce their risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes. One of the easiest ways to do just that is to
eat healthy foods. The following are five flavorful and healthy foods tailor-made for the over 50 crowd. 1. Apples: Apples definitely qualify as a superfood, helping reduce cholesterol by preventing plaque buildup in the blood vessels and, as a result cutting an individual’s risk of diabetes considerably. In fact, a recent study published in the British Medical Journal found that eating at least two servings of apples per week can reduce a person’s risk of type 2 diabetes by as much as 23 percent. Apples also make for a great source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C.
2. Blueberries: Blueberries help men and women maintain healthy blood sugar levels because they are high in soluble fiber, which lowers cholesterol while slowing the body’s uptake of glucose. And despite their relatively small size, blueberries contain more fiber, vitamins and minerals per ounce than any other fruit. 3. Broccoli: Though broccoli might not have been your best friend during childhood, you may want to cozy up to this powerful green vegetable now that you have cracked the half-century mark.
See Foods od ods pa 12 page
Do I qualify for Home Health Care? You qualify for home health care if you meet the following requirements:
Phone: 979-846-7870
1. You have the need for skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy services 2. You are homebound. 3. Your physician certifies your plan of care.
What does it mean to be homebound? You can be considered homebound if:
1. Leaving your home requires considerable and taxing effort. 2. Taxing effort can mean that you require help from another person to leave your house. 3. Taxing effort can mean that you require the use of a wheelchair, walker, crutches, or cane.
4. Taxing effort can mean that you are fatigued after you go out and need considerable time to rest.
Who decides if I am homebound? Information provided by you and/or your family, your physician determines if you are homebound.
How much will home health care cost me if I qualify?
If Medicare is your primary insurance, 100% of services are covered. If you have an HMO, PPO or other primary insurance, contact your provider for complete details. 6 | Fe b r u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 4
Registration deadline for Brazos Valley Senior Games Feb. 7
The City of College Station will host the 2014 Senior Games Feb. 20 through Feb. 23, and registration will be held through Feb. 7. The Senior Games promote physical and mental health and fitness among Texas seniors by encouraging them to maintain healthy lifestyles and social relationships, to participate in sports and recreational acti activities with other seniors, and to provide an envir en onment for athletic competition, according to organizers. Ages 50 and older (competition age based on age on Dec. 31, 2013) can compete in track & field, swimming, three-onthree basketball, basketball skills, cycling, horseshoes, washers, a 5k, archery, ery tennis, bowling, a ery, road race, pickleball, golf, ladies volleyball, 42 and disc golf. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded in each event and age group.
check payment to “Brazos Valley Senior Games,” 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station TX 77840. All entries must be postmarke postmar d by Feb. 7. All checks must be payable to the City of College Station.
Age categories Participants will compete in one of the following age categories for both individual indi and/or doubles sports: 50 - 54, 55 - 59, 60 - 64, 65 - 69, 70 - 74, 75 - 79, 80 - 84, 85 – 89 and 90 and over. Team sports are divided di into the following brackets: 50 - 59, 60 - 69 and 70 and over. Partner and team age groups will be determined by the age of the youngest partner/ team member. All athletes may be required to show proof of age during the Senior Games. Schedule FEB. 20 9:30 a.m.: 42 - Southwood Community Center 4-9 p.m.: Swimming - College
Registration The registration cost is $25, plus additional fees per event. The fee includes a T-shirt and two tickets to the reception. Athletes are encouraged to participate in more than one event, as long DENTAL GROUP as the events aren’t at Formerly Known As Aspen Dental conflicting times. In-person registration: Athletes can register at Stephen C. Beachy Central for your continued Park, 1000 Krenek patronage! Tap Road in College www.thematthewsdentalgroup.com Station, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 Dr. Daulton and Dr. Erickson have undergone advanced p.m. All entries must training in Sedation Dentistry, a treatment option to help ease or completely eliminate dental anxiety. be receive cei d by Feb. 7. ceive If your dental anxiety is keeping you Mail-in registration: from the dental treatment you need Athletes can Call today to schedule an appointment! register by sending a 1509 EMERALD PARKWAY SUITE 105 • COLLEGE STATION completed registration PHONE 979.696.8681 | FAX: 979.680.1330 form and cash or a 103 CHURCH ST. • NAVASOTA • PHONE: 936.825.6225 | FAX: 936.825.8412
Meet the Team that Cares
Thank You Brazos Valley
Dr. Ian J. Daulton
Dr. Todd Matthews
Station Natatorium FEB. 21 8 a.m.: Golf - Texas A&M Course
8 a.m: Pickleball - Singles
See Games pa 12 page
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Participants pose for a photo after af the last Brazos Valley Senior Games.
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February 4, 2014 | 7
Senior Dating 101 Remembertotakeitslowandkeepitcasual. Adateisameanstoanendlitisnottheend. By Holli L. Koster Special to The Eagl Ea e
Betty DuBose and Jimmy Holder had been widows for several years when they met on a Senior Circle day trip to League City. The couple – now together a year – immediately bonded over shared interests, similar family situations and values. At the end of the trip Holder, Holder 81, asked DuBose, 75 for her phone number and e-mail address. “I had not dated, and I really was not looking for anyone,” said DuBose. “I decided if it happened, it happened, and if it didn’t, it didn’t.” A widow after her husband of 50 years died suddenly of a heart attack, DuBose said she had to consider whether she was ready to date when Holder called to in invite her out to dinner, dinner following the Senior Circle trip. Among DuBose’s considerations also were whether she would find a mate with interests similar to hers and whether a date might share her outlook on relationships – including a desire not to marry
again. But DuBose did find all of those qualities in Holder and Holder says Holder, he has found important qualities in DuBose, as well. “I hoped that I would find someone who believed in the Lord and was a Christian, who had a good parental history and had raised kids and who didn’t want to stay home and look at the wall or the TV screen,” Holder said.
DuBose, many seniors seek out and value dif ent attributes in a differ relationship, compared to younger singles. “An initial relationship between younger persons may be based on ‘practical’ matters: quality mate, good provider, ider good ider, potential parent, good parent, stable, etc.,”
said Andrew Crocker, an extension program specialist with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, who specializes in gerontology and health. “A relationship in later life probably occurs between two established people who are unconcerned with whether the other will be a good family provider and more
around a common interest, a shared vision for later life, con nience, etc.” conve Research also suggests that healthy relationships are good for seniors, reducing stress and causing them to make better health choices. “Of course, this isn’t
exclusive usi to romantic usive relationships,” Crocker said. “This could be sibling relationships, friendships, etc. And the opposite of this can also be true, with unhealthy relationships causing stress, anger, er depression er, and isolation.” In several studies addressing the health benefits of marriage,
While Holder said he and DuBose are not planning on marriage, he describes their relationship both as significant and serious. The couple also has a number of plans for the future – to experience new places for the first time together and to go on a cruise. “W are just serious “We senior citizens who want to enjoy life,” Holder said. “We “W want to enjoy life at a senior citizen age and act like senior citizens.”
Positive relationships – romantic or not – can boost your health
8 | Fe b r u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 4
As with Holder and
the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center has shown that married couples who are in a satisfying relationship enjoy better mental health and wellbeing. Additional research shows that the older people are, the less likely they are to argue, Crocker said. Seniors also may be more af affectiona te and tolerant with one another.
Re-entering the dating world For some seniors, re-entering the dating world may be a challenge, Crocker said. “Many older adults may lack the confidence to seek or initiate a new relationship due to body changes, personality changes, changes in agility, ility mobility or ility, acti activity level, children and grandchildren, or the memory of a deceased spouse,” he said. Also, as people age, the tension between equality and autonomy may become greater. While younger couples may enter a relationship with the idea that there needs to be some give gi and take between the two parties to make the relationship work, older adults may not be so interested in changing and sharing so much as they are interested in bringing someone new into their existing set up, he said. “Change may happen gradually, if at all,” Crocker said. “Additionally, during ear earlier life, things like children and work might ha provided a buffer have ff ffer
between two people in the relationship so that the couple wasn’t ‘thrown together’ all the time.” Also, much later in life, older women outnumber older men by roughly 3:1, Crocker said. So older men often ha many choices when have seeking a relationship, while older women may face stiff stif competition for a limited pool of potential mates.
Are you ready? Gauging readiness for a relationship is highly subjecti subjective, Crocker said. “A person may need to look deeply to determine when or if they are ready for a new relationship,” Crocker said. “This might also in lve some sort of invo counseling to work through any grief, loss, depression, anger or bitterness issues that may exist.” Crocker said people need to remember to take it slow and keep it casual. A date is a means to an end; it is not the end. “Don’t look at your first date or your first series of dates as an attempt to replace a lost spouse/partner,” tner tner,” he said. “Confide your feelings to a trusted friend or family member and talk openly about fear anger, fear, er loss, etc. er, After you’ve built a relative ti ly secure tive relationship with the new person, try sharing these feelings with him or her slowly.”
Where seniors meet, upcoming events
networks or , faith orks congregations, meal sites, senior centers and mutual friends are all places where seniors can potentially meet. Research shows that more and more older adults are using the Internet, as well. Local senior centers and organizations also are holding Valentine’s Day and heart health events, where seniors can learn or potentially forge new friendships: Feb. 10 - 14 Heart Health Week Southwood Community Center 1600 Rock Prair Pr ie Road in College Colle Station Acti Activities include health checks, guest speakers, exercise sessions and cooking demonstrations. All activities acti are designed to educate and engage seniors on how to keep their hearts healthy. For more details on the events, visit cstx. gov/seniors or call 979764-6351. The week will conclude with a Senior Valentine’s Day Dance from 7 to 9 p.m. Feb. 13 and a Senior Tea and Luncheon from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Feb. 14. Feb. 14 February Lunch with the Expert Senior Circl Cir e Building 1604 Rock Prair Pr ie Dr. Christopher Gullett from Central Texas Cardiovascular Surgery will present heart health tips to seniors at a Senior Circle luncheon. For more infor inf mation, visit www.csmedcenter. com or call 979-764-5107.
Existing social
February 4, 2014 | 9
Yoga not just for youngsters
Metro Cr Creati eative Connection
oga is big business, attracting more and more people each year. Designed to promote physical and mental health, yoga has helped millions of people across the globe control their stress and improve their flexibility, and studies have shown that yoga is only growing in popularity. According to a study conducted by the
Harris Interactive Service Bureau, roughly 20 million Americans practiced yoga in 2012, marking a 29 percent increase from just four years earlier. While some men and women over 50 may feel their time to take up yoga has passed, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, yoga can pay numerous dividends for the
over 50 crowd.
• Yoga can help alleviate hypertension. Also known as high blood pressure, hypertension is a potentially dangerous condition that makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body. Hypertension contributes to a hardening of the arteries known as atherosclerosis, and can even contribute to the development of heart failure. A person’s risk of developing hypertension increases as he or she ages, so it’s important that men and women over 50 take steps to reduce their risk of hypertension, and yoga can help them do just that. A normal blood pressure is 120 over 80, but people with hypertension often have blood pressure readings of 140 and above over 90 and above. Studies have shown that yoga can reduce the top number, which is referred to as the systolic blood pressure. In a study published in the Journal
of Clinical Hypertension, researchers found that men and women who practiced yoga for six hours a week for 11 weeks reduced their systolic blood pressure by 33 points. The study’s authors feel that the slow, controlled breathing that’s essential to practicing yoga decreases nervous system activity, helping the body manage its blood pressure levels. • Yoga helps practitioners maintain healthy weights. While yoga may not help men and women shed weight as effectively as more vigorous activities, it can help them maintain healthy weights. Many men and women over 50 find vigorous or strenuous physical activity too demanding, and might not be able to perform such activities with the frequency necessary to prevent weight gain. But while yoga is physically demanding, those who practice yoga often find
it takes a smaller toll on their bodies than more traditional strength training. Another way yoga can help to maintain a healthy weight is through its relation to stress. Yoga can help to relieve stress, and lower stress levels reduce the likelihood that men and women will overeat, which is a common response to elevated stress levels. • Yoga promotes strong bones. Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which tissue loss leads to brittle and fragile bones. Aging is a significant risk factor for osteoporosis, and women are at even greater risk than men. The National Osteoporosis Foundation notes that women can lose up to 20 percent of their bone mass in the five to seven years after menopause, so it’s important that women (and men) take steps to strengthen their bones. The nature of yoga makes it an ideal activity to promote healthy bones.
Because it is a weightbearing exercise, yoga forces practitioners to hold the weight of their bodies up against gravity. This resistance to gravity puts mild stress on the bones, which respond by laying down new bone growth. But unlike other weightbearing activities, such as jogging or walking, yoga does not damage cartilage or put stress on the joints. The AARP notes that studies have indicated the weight-bearing activity of yoga can be especially effective at reducing the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Though yoga might not have been popular when today’s men and women over 50 were in their 20s and 30s, that does not mean such men and women cannot take advantage of the numerous physical and mental benefits yoga has to offer.
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1 0 | Fe b r u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 4
Nutrition and aging go hand-in-hand Metro Creati Cr ve Connection
utrition is important for people of all ages, but it’s especially important for men and women over the age of 50, who can dramatically improve their quality of life by eating a well-balanced diet filled with vitamins and nutrients. Though that may seem like common sense, research has shown that men and women in this age group, who are often referred to as “Baby Boomers,” are not necessarily as healthy as they may seem. While the baby boomer generation, which is generally regarded as those people born between 1946 and 1964, boasts longer life expectancies than any generation that came before them, some of that can likely be chalked up to advancements in medical care, including a booming pharmaceutical industry that seemingly has an antidote to every ailment. But a 2013 study from researchers at the West Virginia University School of Medicine found that baby boomers are less healthy than the generation that immediately preceded them, tending to be more likely to have higher levels of hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol. While that news might be sobering, it’s never too late for men and women over 50 to start eating healthier diets, which can reduce their risk of a wide range of ailments, including heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis.
balanced diet seemingly from the moment they enter a classroom for the first time, but many adults fail to heed that basic advice as they get further and further away from kindergarten. When changing your diet, be sure to include plenty of protein and carbohydrates. Protein maintains and rebuilds muscles, which is especially important for aging men and women who might find themselves unable to keep up with the physical demands of everyday life as well as they used to. Including ample low-fat protein, which can be found in fish, eggs and low-fat dairy among other foods, will aid in muscle recovery, benefitting aging athletes as well as those men and women over 50 who recently started exercising as a means to regaining their physical fitness. A diet lacking in sufficient protein can contribute to muscle deterioration, arthritis and even organ failure, so it’s important for men and women to prioritize including
The following are a few ways men and women over 50 can alter their diets so their bodies are getting what they need to live long and healthy lives well into their golden years. As is always the case, men and women should discuss any potential changes to their diets with their physicians to ensure the changes will be both effective and healthy. • Balance your diet. Kids hear of the benefits of a
protein in their diets.
Carbohydrates are also an important part of a balanced diet, as they are a great source of energy that can help men and women stay active well past the age of 50. Carbohydrates found in fruits, grains and vegetables are the most beneficial, as these contain valuable vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
• Don’t denounce dairy. Dairy is a great source of calcium, which promotes strong bones and teeth. Men and women over the age of 50 want their bones to be as strong as possible because aging is one of the strongest risk factors for osteoporosis, a potentially debilitating medical condition in which loss of tissue causes bones to become brittle and fragile. Vitamin D is necessary to effectively absorb calcium, and vitamin D can be found in certain dairy products, including pasture-raised eggs and grass-fed cow’s milk, and can be generated when men and women get
enough sunlight. Other healthy sources of vitamin D include salmon, light tuna packed in oil, sardines, and sun-grown mushrooms.
• Cut back on sodium intake. Cutting back on sodium intake can be very beneficial, especially for men and women over the age of 50, who are at greater risk of diabetes, hypertension and chronic kidney disease. But cutting back on sodium intake takes more than just throwing the salt shaker away. Processed foods, soups, canned goods, salad dressings, condiments such as mustard and ketchup, and breakfast cereals are just a few of the many products that may contain alarming amounts of sodium. That’s important to note, as excess sodium increases blood pressure by holding excess fluid in the body. That excess fluid puts an added burden
on the heart, potentially increasing a person’s risk of stroke, heart failure, osteoporosis, cancer, and kidney disease. The problem with cutting back on sodium is that salt is so often relied on to make foods taste better, and many people find salt-free foods bland. But the rewards of reducing sodium intake are so significant that it’s worth making the
adjustment, especially for men and women over the age of 50.
No one is too old or too young to embrace a nutritious diet. But men and women over the age of 50 are in a unique position to vastly improve their quality of life by adopting a low-sodium diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals.
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February 4, 2014 | 11
from page pa 6 Broccoli is loaded with vitamin C. A single 3.5 ounce serving of broccoli contains more than 150 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which can shorten the duration of the common cold. In addition, a 2013 British study published in Medical News Today found that broccoli may help prevent osteoarthritis, a degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone that is most common from middle age onward. A similar study from researchers at New York’s Roswell Park Cancer Institute
published in the same publication six years earlier found that just three servings of broccoli per month can decrease bladder cancer risk by as much as 40 percent. 4. Fava beans: Fava beans are cholesterolfree and low in fat. Fava beans also may provide cardiovascular benefits and help men and women maintain healthy weights. Fava beans are considered “nutrient-dense,” a term used to describe low-calorie foods that boast lots of nutrients, and are an excellent source of vitamin B1, which is important for nervous system function and energy metabolism.
5. Oatmeal: Another food that might never make youngsters’ lists of their favorite foods, oatmeal is nonetheless a healthy option at the breakfast table. Oatmeal is loaded with soluble fiber, which can reduce cholesterol levels and subsequently reduce a person’s risk of heart disease. Also low in calories, oatmeal can help men and women maintain a healthy weight. Those who find oatmeal a tad too bland for their tastes can double on their superfoods by adding some blueberries into the mix, making their breakfast more flavorful and more healthy.
from page pa 7 Lincoln Recreation Center 9 a.m.- 2 p.m.: Bowling - Grand Station Entertainment 6-8 p.m.: Reception - Hilton Garden Inn College Station FEB. 22 8 a.m.: 5K - TBA 9 a.m.: Cycling - 5K time trails start at Cobb Road and F.M. 2038 8 a.m.: Horsehoes - Sue Haswell Park in Bryan 8 a.m. – 11 a.m.: Volleyball - Lincoln Recreation Center 8 a.m.: Tennis Brian Bachmann Community Park
8 a.m.: Pickleball - Doubles - College Station Middle School 10 a.m.: Cycling -10K Time Trials start at Cobb Road and F.M. 2038 12 p.m.: Washers - Sue Haswell Park (Bryan) 11:30 a.m.: Cycling – 20K Road Race starts at Cobb Road and F.M. 2038 1 p.m.: Archery - Texas A&M PEAP Building 1 p.m.: Basketball – Free Throws and Skills - Lincoln Recreation Center 3 p.m.: Basketball – Three-on-three competition - Lincoln Recreation Center
FEB. 23 8 a.m.: Disc golf Southern Oaks Park 8 a.m.: Pickleball - Mixed - College Station Middle School 10 a.m.: Cycling 40K Road Race starts at Cobb Road and F.M. 2038 9 a.m.: Field events (rolling start) - College Station High School 11 a.m.: Track events (rolling start) - College Station High School For more inf mation, visit infor cstx.gov/seniors or contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 979-7643486.
Waldenbrooke Estat st es Wa nbrooke Walde ok Esta oke ta s does more than provide tate ov a ovide beautiful fu place to live ful li . We provide ov a trusted community ovide with a sense of belong ng g. Ever ngin Ev ythi yt ng is designed to create ea a better senior lifestyl eate yle. We offer off you a whole new world of friendship, shi comp ship, mpassion, gracious livi li ng, and comfor mf t in the ultimate mfor ma loca mate ca on. Put them together and cati you yo u have have th thee pe perf rfect co rfec comb mbination fo mb for an inde de nd depe ndent, rewarding and fulfi fulfilling retirement. Experie er nce for erie yourself, lf the warm hospit lf, itali it ality ty an and d qu quali ality ty th that at is a way way of life at Walde Wa nbrooke ok Es oke Estate ta s. Your lifestyle is waiting. tate
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1 2 | Fe b r u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 4
Memory Medic from page pa 3
primed. When the primed identity was threatened, ea eatened, ad memory was impaired, reflecting the motiva motivated vated forgetting effect. ef A related la lated experiment tested the role of the news source for neutral
from page pa 5 The muscle system is intimately intertwined with our nervous system that reports to the brain that there is a pain problem from an over worked, fatigued, and poorly poor positioned muscles that are no longer able to deal with daily stress and work acti activities . In order to solve the pain problem, the fatigued and
millennials, poor, poor rich and so on). Often these groups are pitted against each other (as in “the rich exploit the poor, poor blacks are victims of white racism,” and so on). What Wha politicians exploit is social identity. identity
be more such research, as adve ad rtisers have ha their own motiva motivations: vations: spend less money through fewer ads, make their ads more memora e, and get you to memorabl spend more money. money
and negati gative gati tive-identity conditions. Identity strength increased the resistance to read news from a source that tha presented an identity threat ea but not in control eat conditions. This may ma explain why wh some people steadfastly steadfastl astly get their news from a single distinct identity source, such as NBC (more liberal viewers)
or Fox News (more conserv ive conservat iv viewers). Such loyalties minimize identity threat ea and make eat the news and opinion better remembered. Obviously, viousl viously, such loyalties contribute to political polarization. polariza In U.S. politics, voters are not identified as people. They are identified as voting blocs (blacks, Hispanics, seniors, females,
While identity politics is old hat, ha consumer identity research is in early ear stages. But you can bet there will
Sour Source: Dalton, Amy Am N., and Li Huang 2013. Motivated Huang. forgetting rg rgetting in response re to social identity threat. thr
overworke or d muscles orke ha to be identified have and that requires a healthcare provider who specializes in muscles and joints. Taking medication in many cases only addresses the symptoms, but doesn’t correct the underly under ing problem, hence your pain returns again and again. Here are my recommendations when you have ha unresolved pain in general and particularly ticular in the head, ticularly neck and jaw ja area:
See your family ph ician to ensure phys it is muscle and not something more serious, then ask for a referral to an experienced phys ph ical therapist. You need to be examined with a “hands on” approach in order to determine where the pain actually originates (sometimes referred pain can ha people treating have the wrong location) so the treatment plan can address the true cause and thus offer of
lasting solutions. This ma invo may in lve gentle palpations, observed directed movements, and phys ph ical tests. The treatments should also consist of “hands on” manual therapy techniques, such as, dry needling, postural fault corrections, pressure point, manipulation, assisted stretching and prescribed exercises designed to both stretch and strengthen targeted muscles. To a lesser extent passive passi
modalities will also be used such as hot/cold packs and electrical stimulation (both of which can be done at home) and ultrasound. While you will need to do some guided exercises in the clinic setting, in order to recover completely, a commitment to doing your home exercise program consistently is essential. Muscles can quickly tighten again when overused or weakened due to lack
J. Consumer Resear Research search. http://www.jstor.or http://www.jstor .jstor.org/ .org/ stable/10.1086/674198 stabl ble/10.1086/674198 Klemm is a senior professor prof ofessor of neuroscience neur at Texas Te A&M. He writes learning and memory memor bl blogs for Psychology olog Today ology da day magazine maga gazine and his site at thank ubrain.b thankyo ubr logspot. com.
of use. A highly skilled ph ical therapist phys understands the muscle/nerve systems and how they can influence each other to keep the cycle of pain going. They can help you stop the cycle of pain for good.
Leon Brad Br way is a doctor of phys physical al therap erapy erap apy andd director of the Sports Back and Pain Manage nagement Clinic. See nage www.bvphysicaltherap www.b erapy. erap apy. com.
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2010 Business Performance Award February 4, 2014 | 13
CALENDAR February 4: “ Life Experienced as Nurses in Brazos County Before 1964” Please join us as we hear from retired nurses, Earnestine Jackson and Christine Matthews, at Lincoln Center starting at 10:30am. Contact Annie Williams at Lincoln Center at 979-7643779 awilliams@cstx.gov for more information. February 4 – Zumba Join us for the latest craze in fitness exercise! Easily learn the dance steps to salsa, samba and master the Latin moves. Drop in for one of our Zumba Classes and pay just $6.00 for each class. Class meets at Southwood Community Center on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-10:00am for four weeks. Cost of class is $45.00. To register online visit rectrac. cstx.gov or call for more information 979-764-6351. February 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27: Sit & Fit Sit & Fit meets every Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays, 12:00 - 12:45pm at Southwood Community Center. The Center is located at 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Contact Southwood Community Center, 979-764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov February 4: Line Dancing Join other senior adults each Tuesday from 1:30 -2:30pm at Southwood Community Center for Line Dancing. The center is located at 1520 Rock Prairie Road. Contact Southwood Community Center at 979-764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov
February 4: Bluegrass Jam Session Open to all senior adults who enjoy listening or playing Bluegrass music. Bring string instruments and invite a friend! Join us every Tuesday for a Bluegrass Jam Session at Southwood Community Center, located at 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. from 1:30 -3:30pm. All levels welcome including beginners! Contact Southwood Community Center at 979-764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov February 5: Computer Club for Seniors “ Windows 8” The Computer Club is open to all senior adults interested in learning more about the computer world. The meetings are held at the Carter’s Creek Training Room located at 2200 North Forest Parkway in College Station from 9:00 – 10:30am. Free and no pre-registration needed. For more information
contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-7646371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov February 6: Dominoes - 42 Senior adults meet every Thursday to play “42” at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. from 9:30 - 11:30 am. New players welcome! Contact Southwood Community Center at 979-764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov February 6, 13, 20,27: Bible Study @ Lincoln Center Join other senior adults every Thursday morning at Lincoln Center, 1000 Eleanor Street in College Station, for Bible Study starting at 9:15 am. Contact Annie Williams at Lincoln Center at 979-7643779 or awilliams@cstx.gov for more information
Center offers a senior friendly environment to play bridge every Friday from 9:00 am -11:30 am. Southwood Community Center is located at 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Call 979-764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov February 7, 21,28 Line Dancing (No Line Dancing on February 14th) Join other senior adults on Friday, from 10:30 -11:30am at Southwood Community Center for line dancing. The center is located at 1520 Rock Prairie Road. Contact Southwood Community Center at 979-764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or
mrodgers@cstx.gov February 10: AARP Driver Safety Class This class is for drivers 55 +. Cost is $15.00 for AARP members or $20.00 for non-members (pay at the door). The class is offered at Southwood Community Center from 8:30am12:30pm. Please register by calling 979-764-6371 or email, mrodgers@cstx.gov. February 10: Drawing Class This beginners drawing class is designed to give students a solid foundation in the basics of drawing. We will introduce basic theory, perspective and principles for compositions. Basic drawing supplies needed. This six week class meets on Mondays from 9:00 – 11:00am at Southwood Community Center. Cost is $45.00. To register online visit rectrac.cstx.gov or call for
more information 979-7643486. February 10: Beginning computer Class This class is designed for senior adults who would like to learn how to use the internet and email. Class meets for two weeks on Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 -10:30 am at Southwood Community Center. Cost of the class is $45.00. To register online visit rectrac.cstx.gov or call for more information 979764-3486. February 10: Microsoft word for Beginners Learn the basic steps of creating a new Word document and entering simple text. Class meets for two weeks on Monday and Wednesday from 10:4512:15pm at Southwood Community Center. Cost of the class is $45.00. To register
February 7,14,21,28: Friday Bridge Southwood Community
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online visit rectrac.cstx.gov or call for more information 979764-3486. February 10: Watercolor class Class will focus on basic painting tools and materials, watercolor painting techniques, composition, color theory and the art of self expression. Supplies discussed during first class. Basic drawing skills needed. Class meets for six weeks on Monday at Southwood Community Center from 1:00 – 4:00pm. Cost of the class is $45.00. To register online visit rectrac.cstx.gov or call for more information 979764-3486. February 11: “Love Your Heart, Love Your Health” Health Fair Free Health Fair offered to all seniors as part of a week of programs offered at Southwood Community Center on Heart Health. Health fair will be held from 11:00am- 1:00pm and includes screening for diabetes and pulse-oxymetry
and cooking demo. Contact Southwood Community Center at 979-764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov February 12: Acrylic Painting An introduction class to painting with acrylics. Learn basic brush strokes and painting techniques. Class meets for six weeks on Wednesdays at Southwood Community Center from 9:00am- 11:00am. Cost of the class is $45.00. Supply list available at registration. To register online visit rectrac. cstx.gov or call for more information 979-764-3486. February 12: “Love Your Heart, Love Your Health” with Dr. Dr Rocky Bilhartz Learn the Signs of a Heart Attack with Dr. Dr Bilhartz and enjoy a light lunch with a reservation. Program begins at 11:00 am at Southwood Community Center. Please register by calling 979-764-
6351 or email, mrodgers@ cstx.gov. February 13: -“Love Your Heart, Love Your Health” Sweetheart Dance Enjoy an evening of dancing at Southwood Community Center with DJ Tom Byer from 7:00-9:00pm at Southwood Community Center. Light refreshments served and door prizes will be given away! For more information call 979-764-6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov February 14: “Love Your Heart, Love Your Health” – Valentine’s Day Tea Please join us for a special Valentine’s Day Tea at Southwood Community Center starting at 1:30pm. Enjoy light refreshment, a comedy show and play Valentine Bingo. Seating is limited and a reservation is necessary. Please register by calling 979-764-6351 or email, mrodgers@cstx.gov. February 18: Nutrition Education at Lincoln Center
Nutrition Education presented by Texas Agrilife Texas AgriLife presents nutrition education with Flora Williams who will demonstrate healthy cooking and recipes at Lincoln Center, 1000 Eleanor in College Station starting at 10:00am. Contact Annie Williams at Lincoln Center at 979-7643779 awilliams@cstx.gov for more information February 19: Genealogy Computer User Group “finding ancestral places” All are welcome to join the group on the third Wednesday of the month at the Carter’s Creek Training Room located at 2200 North Forest Parkway in College Station from 9:30 – 11:00am. Contact Southwood Community Center at 979-764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov
Senior Circle is out to expand your horizons with an exciting calendar of events scheduled around town and around the world. If you’re 50 or better, better want to meet new people, learn more about your health, travel and just have fun, then Senior Circle is for you. Dues are just $15 a year. To join or for more information, call Mandy Williams at 979-764-5107 or visit CSMedCenter.com. Become part of the Circle.
February 19: Exploring History Luncheon “Wildfire in Texas: Lost Homes and Firewise Living The College Station Historic Preservation Committee and the College Station Parks and Recreation Department present monthly lectures with lunch on the history of our community. Don Galloway with the Texas Forest Service will present at at Aldersgate Church located at 2201 Earl Rudder Fwy S. A reservation is necessary for lunch by the Friday before and the cost is $5.00. Lunch is served at 11:30 am. The speaker will begin at 12:00 noon. Please make your reservations by calling 979-764-6351 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. February 20: Movie & Popcorn “Blue Jasmine” Senior Adults are invited to enjoy a free movie and popcorn at Southwood Community Center. Movie starts at 1:00 pm. Contact Southwood Community Center at 979-764-6351 for
more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov February 24: Senior Advisory committee meeting The Senior Advisory Committee meets on the last Monday of each month at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd starting at 10:00 am. Visitors welcome! For more information call 979-7646371 or email mrodgers@ cstx.gov February 28: Bingo & Birthday Celebration Seniors are invited to join us on the last Friday of each month as we celebrate birthdays for that month with cake and bingo! Join the fun at 1:00 pm at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd . Contact Southwood Community Center at 979-764-6351 for more information or mrodgers@cstx.gov
Come play with someone your own age!
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February 4, 2014 | 15
The gratifying, satisfying, enriching, mind-expanding, soul-stirring, laughter-filled lifestyle. And now, two more things you should know about Arbor Oaks independent living at Crestview. First, the new Arbor Oaks has the long-respected heritage of Crestview behind it – which means you can expect a future with as much integrity as Crestview’s past. And second, it’s ingenious: Life Care, one of the cleverest ideas in senior living, helps you manage the costs of long-term care, just in case you need it someday. Maybe that’s why Arbor Oaks is proving so popular with Bryan-College Station seniors. After all, heritage, ingenuity and happiness-filled hearts make a pretty good plan for senior living. NOW OPEN. Call 1.888.419.4734 to find out more.
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