A guide to good living in the Brazos Valley
A Great Side
Chef Diane shares a pineapple bread pudding recipe Pg. 5
Compassionate Friends
Group offers support to families who have lost children Pg. 6
April 2011 • Vol. 3, Issue 12 • A monthly publication of the Bryan-College Station Eagle
The Second Career More people over 50 starting their own businesses PAGE PA GE 8
CONTENTS Bradway: Treating Spine Pain Memory Medic: Exercising the Body & Mind Chef Diane: Pineapple Bread Pudding Family: Compassionate Friends Cover: The Second Career Financial Literacy: Beneficiary forms Calendar
4 4 5 6 8 10 13
Ca Calendar ev events
Do you have an event you’d like on the 50plus calendar? Email it to billy.mau@theeagle.com (subject line:50plus calendar) or fax it to 979-774-0053 (attn Billy Mau). Calendar space is first-come-first-served.
Volunteers ages 18 – 35 with moderate to severe facial acne are needed to participate in a month long research study with an investigational topical medication for the treatment of acne. All eligible volunteers will receive at no cost: • Study-related acne assessments by a dermatologist • Study-related Medication • Compensation up to $880 for time and effort Call for MorE inforMation inforMa
Athletes foot study Volunteers ages 12 and older are needed to participate in a 6 – week clinical research study with an investigational topical medication for the treatment of athletes foot. Eligible Volunteers will receive at no cost: • Study related medication • Medical Examinations relating to the study • Compensation up to $160 for time and effort
April 2011 The Eagle • theeagle.com
aCnE Study
Call for MorE inforMation inforMa
50plus is a monthly publication of Bryan-College Station Communications Inc. 1729 Briarcrest Drive Bryan, Texas
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• Pre-admission home visit and assessment. • Licensed nurse on site 24 hour urs a day. da • Specially trained staff assist wi with all aspects of care while maximizing and encouraging independence. • A fully supe su rvised, success-oriented activities program offer off ed everyday. ay ay. • Regularly scheduled social events with family in lvement welcomed. invo • Three nutritious meals served daily, with snacks da available throughout the day. • Supe Supervised Su rvised outings to nearby points of interest. • Furnished linens and routine housekeeping. housekee ek ping. ekee • Comfor Comfortable, mf table, attractively decorated living li ng rooms, mfor livi activity rooms and private conversation areas. • Cable TV and fireplace in livi li ng rooms. • Beautifully landscaped secured courtyard with walking areas. • Individ di ualized service plans. divid • Electronically monitored security system. • TV and phone outlets in all resident rooms. • Support Su ort groups, Supp groups ou , educational programs oups and referral services.
April 2011
Lif at Hudson Cree Life Creek eek offer offers ers these amenitie ities itie ies for one monthl nthly nthl hly fee:
A Heartfelt Choice
50plus April 2011 The Eagle • theeagle.com 4
Finding treatment Study shows that exercising the options for Lumbar body also exercises the mind Spinal Stenosis I’m in my 70s and I was recently diagnosed with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Can you provide some basic information on Lumbar Spinal Stenosis and what options I might have to relieve my back pain? I can’t have surgery due to other medical issues and I don’t like to take a lot of medications. LeOn BraDwaY My husband phySiCal therapy and I are very health conscience and we want to do what we can for our bodies naturally. Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS) is the narrowing of the spinal canal that most often is noted in patients between 50 and older. Narrowing of the spinal canal in the lumbar area can put pressure on nerves that exit out from small holes along the spinal column. Compression on nerves can cause pain in the back and pain to radiate down one or both legs. Symptoms include; numbness/tingling in one or both legs, difficulty walking because of pain, muscle weakness in the leg(s), inability to get comfortable
at night because of back or leg pain, and in severe cases, bowel or bladder problems. As with many sufferers, you may wonder what caused this condition. Around 30 years of age, our body and our spine begin to gradually degenerate. Our spine consists of individual vertebrae separated by discs. The discs are primarily composed of water and their purpose is to support and stabilize our spinal column. As we age, the water content in the discs diminishes and eventually the disc “flattens out”. Once this happens, the vertebrae in the spinal column compress together which results in back, leg and buttocks pain. Other life factors that can increase the rate of spinal degeneration include the type of work activity ( heavy lifting, repetitive tasks ), prior motor vehicle accidents, old sports injuries, poor body posture, obesity, and muscle weakness. So what are your options if you’ve been diagnosed with stenosis? Treatment options can vary. First, depending
See Bradway page 15
As I get older, I seem to spend more and more time on the couch. I can see and feel my muscles withering from what they used to be in my prime. If you look closely in the bathroom mirror you may see the same thing has happened to you. What I can’t see is the probable withering of my brain. Yours is likely withering too. Research has documented that most seniors lose brain mass every year, sometimes more than 1 percent a year. As you get older, you will probably at some point start to worry about staying on top of your mental game. You may have already developed some mild memory problems. Will you get senile? Will you get Alzheimer’s? These terrifying questions may have a hopeful answer if you live a healthy lifestyle and get plenty of aerobic exercise. Remember, aerobic
exercise is the vigorous kind that gets your heart rate up for at least 15 minutes. Jogging is the aerobic exercise “gold standard,” but it is too hard on joints, as my two artificial knees and recent addition of an artificial hip will attest. Treadmills or fast walking can do the Dr. BiLL KLeMM job just the memory meDiC about as well and don’t do as much joint damage. The idea that exercise might benefit memory originally came from animal research revealing that exercise increased learning and memory capability. What was not known until recently was whether exercise could reduce the ravages of aging. So in one rigorously controlled animal study, the investigators designed
an experiment to compare the effects of exercise in young mice and elderly mice. Mice were housed with and without running wheels. They were also injected with a DNA precursor that would indicate how many new brain cells appeared. After one month of the daily opportunity to run in the wheels (mice must think this is fun; they do this voluntarily), the animals were tested in a maze. Results confirmed that exercised young mice did learn quicker and remembered better than comparable mice that did not exercise. In addition, a similar effect occurred in aged mice. In all groups, new cells appeared in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that forms lasting memories. But many more
See Memory Medic page 12
Diane Lestina, a certified ifi personal chef, pe ef, holds cook oking in classesandcook oksfo s forresidents nt nts in the Brya Bryan-Colleg llege Stat St ion area. To learn more, re visit re, www hefd www.c he iane.com
Serves 6-8
Senior Circle is out to expand your horizons with an exciting calendar of events scheduled around town and around the world. If you’re 50 or better, want to meet new people, learn more about your health, travel and just have fun, then Senior Circle is for you. Dues are just $15 a year. To join or for more information, call Mandy Williams at 979-764-5107 or visit CSMedCenter.com. Become part of the Circle. Colors of New England October 10-17, 2011 Experience the lovely shades of fall with this tour of Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Waterways of Holland and Belgium: Tulips, Windmills and Canals March 26 – April 8, 2012 Join Senior Circle on this European river cruise and explore the majestic waterways of Holland and Belgium. Meet new friends and make memories on this exciting 13-day adventure.
Add a new treat to your Easter dinner menu with this pineapple bread pudding.This easy-tomak sweet treat is great for a dessert or as a complement to the Easter ham. Even better, make ter the ter, preparation is simple and only needs about 30 minutes to bake, bak making this an easy treat as well.
Come play with someone your own age!
The Eagle • theeagle.com
• ½ fresh pineapple, cut into ½ inch cubes – about 2 cups • 5-6 cups cubed challah bread, cut into 1 inch cubes (about ½ loaf ) • 1 stick butter, er melted er, • 3 large eggs, beaten • ¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg • ¼ teaspoon salt • ½ cup apple juice (can also use pineapple juice) Butter the bottom of an 8 x 8 pan. Combine bread cubes and pineapple and place in pan. Mix together eggs, butter, tter tter, nutmeg, salt, and apple juice. Pour this mixture over the bread and pineapple. Press down with a rubber spatula. Bake at 375 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Let sit for about 10 minutes befor bef e serving.
April 2011
This month’s recipe was inspired by a dish my mom used to make when we were growing up. This is an updated version of a pineapple casserole that was always served with Easter ham. Instead of using canned pineapple, it uses fresh and also uses challah bread – a wonderful Jewish egg-bread you can Diane Lestina find in most Cook it Simple bakeries. www.ChefDiane.Com The recipe can be made ahead and reheated in the microwave owa . owave Fresh nutmeg is so much nicer than the pre-ground stuff stuf that has been sitting around in your pantry for several years. If you have ha a microplane typegrater, er it is the perfect tool for er, the job.
Pineapple bread pudding brightens holiday plate
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50plus April 2011 The Eagle • theeagle.com
Group offers help, hope to families morning the loss of a child In January of 2010, 71-year-old Bryan resident Kathy Lees found out that losing a child is devastating no matter what age they are. Even though Mike was almost fifty, fifty for Lees the grief was as terrible as if he had been younger. “When you lose a child it’s like a stab to your heart,” Lees said. “Whether that child is two or 49, it’s still your child. It’s a horrible, horrible thing to go through. We should not outlive outli our children. We just shouldn’t.” According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, gy the grief gy, experienced after losing a child can feel more intense than other forms of grief, with feelings of sadness and loss lingering for years. The Robertson County chapter of The Compassionate Friends has been instrumental in helping Lees come to grips with her loss. Dedicated to helping parents, siblings, and grandparents move through the grieving process after the death of a child of any age, The Compassionate Friends is a worldwide organization with chapters in 30 countries and more than 600 chapters in the United States. Lees and her husband George attended their first meeting in March of 2010, and after three months of attending found she was able to stop crying and start talking. “I started telling stories about Mike and got invo in lved,” said Lees. “It helped
me accept the fact that it happened.” The group continues to meet regularly gular at the Hearne Fire Station gularly on the second Monday of every month at 7:00 pm. It was an effo ef rt to ease the pain of other parents such as Lees that led Elaine Beasley and JoAnn Boggan to start the Robertson County chapter of The Compassionate Friends. Beasley, Beasley now the co-leader of the chapter, ter lost ter, her 22-year-old son Jared in a car accident in 2005, and Boggan, now the treasurer, er lost her 18-year-old son er, Scott in a car accident in 1996. Starting with only four participants in 2006, the monthly gatherings have ha grown to 15, with five to six commuting from Bryan and the remainder coming in from Cameron, Brenham, Franklin, Hearne, Calvert, and Buffa Buf lo. “W “We begin our meetings by introducing ourselves,” Beasley said, “telling who our child is, how they died, and when they died. When you come, we don’t ask you to say one word. Just listen. Anything you say stays in the room. We have ha a topic but don’t always talk about it, like what our kids did during spring break. Usually we ask if there is a subject we need to address to help you through this. It’s nothing formal, just sitting around the table, talking about our children.” The second Sunday in December is the organization’s Worldwide Candle
Card Shark
The Compassionate Friends is a support group for families coping with the loss of a child. Each October, er the Robertson County chapter holds its “Walk er, “W to Remember” event. Lighting service. “We “W light a candle See Friends at 7 pm in memory of your child,” said Boggan, “and virtually there is pa 15 page
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Memorial Me morial Fu Funer Funeral ner neral al Ch Chap Chapel ap apel el ya n • (979) (979) 823-8125 Brya Br Bryan yan
2011 Se Senio niorr Se nio Seminar minar Se Serie riess rie Senior Series
Call Today to RSVP: Susie Brown or Bobby Gail Jeffries 979-595-2800 ext. 2025 Lite Lunch Provided
The Eagle • theeagle.com
CENTER FOR REGIONAL SERVICES 3991 East 29th Street Bryan, Texas 11:30 a.m. to 1:00p.m.
April 2011
April 13, 2011 The Aging Eye Dr William Rigg Dr. Ri Riggss May 11, 2011 Wills/Power of Attorney June 8, 2011 Depression with Aging July 13, 2011 Financial Estate Planning August 10, 2011 Manag naging Pain Managing
Memorial Me morial Fu Funer Funeral ner neral al Ch Chap Chapel ap apel el ya n • (979) (979) 823-8125 Brya Br Bryan yan
2011 Se Senio niorr Se nio Seminar minar Se Serie riess rie Senior Series
Call Today to RSVP: Susie Brown or Bobby Gail Jeffries 979-595-2800 ext. 2025 Lite Lunch Provided
The Eagle • theeagle.com
CENTER FOR REGIONAL SERVICES 3991 East 29th Street Bryan, Texas 11:30 a.m. to 1:00p.m.
April 2011
April 13, 2011 The Aging Eye Dr William Rigg Dr. Ri Riggss May 11, 2011 Wills/Power of Attorney June 8, 2011 Depression with Aging July 13, 2011 Financial Estate Planning August 10, 2011 Manag naging Pain Managing
50plus April 2011
By HOLLI L. ESTRIDGE Special to The Eagl Ea e
Tips for Senior Entrepreneurs
Seniors who start businesses have the advantage of experience whether they realize it or not. Here are some ways to help get a starter business off of the ground: • Use your networks. You’ve been working for years and you’ve probably built quite a network of friends, former co-workers and associates. These people can be invaluable when it comes to advice, encouragement and even promoting the business. Who knows, maybe some of them might want to work for you. • Don’t be afraid of partnering. Maybe you’re an idea person, but lack technical knowledge, or vice versa. Partnering with someone who has a complementary skill set can take you farther than you might have gone on your own. • Run a tight ship. Another way experience helps the older entrepreneur is when it comes to managing finances. All of those years balancing the household finances has made you better at risk assessment than you might think. • Do something you enjoy. It’s one thing to work a job you don’t like, but being your own boss in a job you don’t like is something completely different. dif
has retired from a law firm but who wants to do part-time patent law, so they are leveraging that expertise.” In that regard Lancaster said many retirees in BryanCollege Station are leveraging their own experience but working within their own capabilities, rather than launching a new enterprise altogether.
In 2003 Plantacor CEO Gary Richardson embraced entrepreneurship, launching his venture to develop a group of novel compounds for use as cancer therapeutics. At the age of 49 Richardson was already a seasoned entrepreneur with a handful of successful start-up Traits of 50+ Entrepreneurs businesses under his belt. The cliché that you can’t teach an “The path was somewhat known to me as far as what old dog new tricks does not ring true I would be facing,” said Richardson, who is currently with 50+ entrepreneurs, according to taking the plant-derive plant-deri d treatment through the preLancaster. in stigational new drug (IND) stage with the FDA. inve “Someone around the age of 50 is RICHARDSON probably Richardson is part of a large and ever-growing group at or past the point where of mature, local entrepreneurs, said James Lancaster, Lancaster their children are still in school,” said Lancaster. “A lot founder of Research Valley Funds, an local angel of the retirement funds are pretty much in place, and in stment fund that plugs dollars into local technology they are more willing to roll the dice on a venture.” inve ventures. Part of that thought pattern is determining what But statistically — according to the Angel Capital portion of their net income a senior is willing to use on Association — the average first-time entrepreneur in the the venture, without heavil hea y sacrificing their retirement, U.S. is likely to be an older one. “Most people assume that entrepreneurs are young on average, because young entrepreneurs get all the hype,” said Lancaster. “But in Bryan-College Station, in particular, ticular you see a lot of 50+ ticular, entrepreneurs.” Lancaster said Texas A&M Uni rsity is the source Unive of many of the area’s 50+ entrepreneurs, as many years of research can often yield products with potential in commercialization. Because many younger researchers at A&M are focused on the tenure process or have ha not reached the point in their career where they ha have struck upon a potential business venture, many entrepreneurs out of A&M are in the older age bracket. Independent of Texas A&M, many local retired seniors are general business executives, said Lancaster. “They are not necessarily what I would call an inve in ntor or a product innovator,” tor tor,” Local entrepreneur and CEO of Plantacor, tacor Gary Richardson’s latest project is a planttacor, he said. “You “Y may derived cancer treatment drug.The drug, shown in varying concentrations in the vials ha have someone who above, is in the investigational new drug stage with the FDA. FD
“M people assume that “Most ent preneur entre preneurs eneurs are ar young on average, aver erage, because young ent preneur entre preneurs eneurs get all the hype.” hy James Lancaster, ncaster founder of ncaster, Research Valley Funds
Lancaster said. For Neil Summer, Summer president and chief technical officer of of College Station-based Ecolyse, entrepreneurship at the age of 55 was an exciting new path. “Y have “You ha to take a hard look at both sides – the plusses and the minuses – and then go for it,” said Summer, Summer who opened the doors to Ecolyse in early ear 2010. Ecolyse is working toward commercialization of a bacteriophage solution that could potentially combat pipeline corrosion and reservoir souring in the oil and gas industry.
Tips for the 50+ Entrepreneur Lancaster said one key to becoming a successful entrepreneur is understanding exactly what you can af rd to lose. affo “It is also feeling comfor comf table with making the decision to stop or give gi it up, if it’s getting close to that line so that you are not chasing a rabbit down the rabbit hole,” he said. Entrepreneurs also should feel ready to employ every resource they have, ha Lancaster said. “Sometimes entrepreneurs do not call all their friends for fear of losing their reputation or stature,” he said. “They are afraid to show they are human and risk not leveraging the best resources they have ha .” Friendswithavarietyof skillsetsandpotential customers are resources entrepreneurs should always leverage, said Lancaster. “Y “Young er people typically have ha nothing to lose,” he said. “They are willing to call everyone and say let’s make this happen,” said Lancaster. “Y have “You ha to get creative ti . Tell a friend you will tive compensate or assist them when the company is of the ground.” off Richardson said it’s important to remember that others do not “know what you know. Trust your gut,” he said. “You “Y need confidence to take the necessary steps and to follow through, and you need to have ha people around you who would support your decision.” Lancaster said the Brazos Valley Small Business Development Center and the Research Valley Innovation Center – as well as a growing number of industry professionals oriented to work with small businesses – can also offer of rich resources for those considering an entrepreneurial venture.
• Each year from 1996 to 2007, Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 had a higher rate of entrepreneurial activity than those aged 20-34. • During that period, the 55-64 group averaged a rate of entreprenurial activity roughly one-third larger than their youngest counterparts. • A longitudinal survey of 5,000 companies that began in 2004 showed that twothirds of firm founders were between 35-54 years-old. • The average age of technology company founders in the United States is 39, with twice as many over the age of 50 as under the age of 25. Several notable companies have been started by entrepreneurs who were over 50. Here are some you may or may not know about: • Denali Flavors - Founded in 1995 by Wally Blume (then 54), this ice cream company is best known for its peanut butter and chocolate Moose Tracks. Moose Tracks are used in a wide variety of ice cream treats, bringing Denali Flavors about $80 million per year. • Zelda Wisdom - Carol Gardner was 52 when she was inspired to create her greeting card and gift company. The source of the inspiration: her dog Zelda. Now her company is worth about $50 million per year. • Geek 2 Geek - At 60 Spencer Koppel thought about retiring. Instead, the former insurance actuary set up the online dating website, Geek 2 Geek. The one-man operation is projected to produce $400,000 in revenue this year.
The Eagle • theeagle.com
The Eagle • theeagle.com
Local entrepreneurs prove it’s never too late to chase your dreams
According to a 2009 study conducted by the Ewing Marion Kaufman Foundation, the 50Plus crowd represents the largest group of entrepreneurs in the country. The study, titled “The Coming Entrepreneurship Boom” presented the following points:
April 2011
National studies show that people over 50 are the largest growing segment of entrepreneurs. Instead of retiring, some people are using their experience to start a second career, eer one eer, where they work for themselves.
Did You Know?
To you readers who have ha ex-spouses, perhaps you want to double-check your beneficiary forms today. In fact, those of you who do not have ha ex-spouses should double-check your beneficiary designations. Here are two examples showing the importance of ensuring the correctness of beneficiary forms: Mrs. Kennedy waived her rights to Mr. Kennedy’s pension when they di rced. Mr. Kennedy intended for his divo daughter to inherit all his retirement benefits, which was reflected in his will. Despite this, in early ear 2009 the Supreme Court ruled that Mrs. Kennedy was entitled to his pension because the now deceased Mr. Kennedy had never changed his beneficiary form to remove her name. The plan administrator sent Mrs. Kennedy $402,000. A Texas Teachers Retirement System (TRS) representative ti once told tive me about a deceased TRS member in this community whose first wife receive cei d his TRS pension benefits at his ceive death because he never got around to changing his TRS account beneficiary after their divo di rce. This left his second wife and their four young children without his pension benefits. Just a few reasons to reevaluate your beneficiaries include • Change in financial circumstances • Change in job • Your employer stops offering of your employee life insurance • You cancel your life insurance
coverage • Your spouse passes away • Any of your beneficiaries become incapacitated or die • You change your mind about having ha named that charity as a beneficiary A primary beneficiary is the person or entity you name to receive cei ceive life insurance or retirement account proceeds bef e befor anyone else. A contingent beneficiary receive cei s ceive proceeds under a certain event, such as the death of the tracY stewar ewart ewar art primary beneficiary. finanCial literaCy iter Local CP CPA and attorney who practices primarily in estate planning, Richard D. Talbert says, “Many people ha a spouse as primary beneficiary, have beneficiary but have ha not named contingent beneficiaries. When their spouse dies, they don’t revisit their beneficiary designations.” In fact, says Mr. Talbert, at the end of each year while gathering up income tax infor inf mation, everyone should revisit their beneficiary designations in their retirement accounts and life insurance policies. This would include accounts for TRS pensions, 403(b), 401(k), 457 plans, annuities and any other accounts and insurance policies for which you have ha beneficiary forms.
Contact the company where the account is held. Ask them to send you a form or letter that shows your beneficiaries. Keep a copy of this document with your will and other important papers. Verifying your named beneficiaries every year is just one part of keeping your final wishes in order. Just as important is consideration of all your estate assets, including your retirement benefits and life insurance policies. For retirement accounts and life insurance policies, you may wish to understand the impact of income tax and estate taxes befor bef e you name the beneficiaries. While taxes should not determine whom you name as beneficiaries, disregarding the influence of taxes could prevent you from making the best choices. “You “Y can make a lot of good tax planning decisions with your beneficiary designations. Your beneficiaries on each asset should coordinate with your other beneficiaries,” advises ad Mr. Talbert.
Don’t assume you can change a contractual beneficiary designation in your will. A will does not override the beneficiary on file with the life insurance company or retirement account custodian. If you need to change your beneficiary beneficiary, do it with a changeof-beneficiary form provided by the company or custodian. We ha have only touched the surface surf of the importance of carefully choosing and monitoring your beneficiaries. Don’t think that just because you feel young, this doesn’t apply to you. Every day I open The Ea e to the obituary page and read Eagl about people who have ha prematurely passed on. Take control of your wishes for your loved ones today. Review your beneficiary designations. Make sure they are in line with your intentions.
Don’t n’ assume n’t you can change a contra nt ctual ntra beneficiary iar iary designat n in designatio your will. A will does not override the beneficiary iar on iary file with the life insur e company insuranc mpan mpany or retirement account custodian.
Tracy Trac acy B. Stewart, CPA, CP PFS, PFS CFF, CF CDF CFP® CDFA, CF sp specializes in advising couples and indi dividuals rega re rding in ing divorce fin financial advice. You can contac nt t her through ntac ug her blog at ugh www.Texas www.T .TexasDivorceFin eF ance.com eFin
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50plus April 2011 The Eagle • theeagle.com
Beneficiary forms can cause problems if out of date
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50plus April 2011 The Eagle • theeagle.com
Memory Medic from page pa 4
new cells appeared in the mice that exercised, both young and old. The effect ef of running on cell number was greater in young mice than in aged mice. Moreover, the fine structure of the new neurons in both young and aged runners indicated that these new nerve cells were fully mature and functional. There is every reason to believe that these results can be extrapolated to humans, although this kind of study has not been specifically perf med in humans (and perfor there is no practical way yet to test for new neuron formation and development in humans). We also know that exercise relieves stress, and that the hormones released during chronic stress kill neurons in the hippocampus and elsewhere in the brain. Remember my column last December and the follow-up this January? It is now clear exercise benefits memory capability in humans too, both old and young. In addition, the state of exercise is tied to memory; that is, state-dependent memory can be demonstrated with exercise. For example, in a study of humans exercising on a bicycle, word lists learned during the exercise were recalled best during another exercise episode, while words learned not riding on a bike were recalled best under that same condition. Statedependent learning has
been demonstrated in other contexts too, such as with school-room envir en onments. Clear direct benefits of exercise on memory have ha been demonstrated by a team of Duke Unive Uni rsity Medical Center researchers, led by James Blumenthal. They found that aerobic exercise significantly improved higher mental processes of memory and the so-called executive ecuti mental functions, ecutive which include planning, organization, and the ability to juggle differ dif ent intellectual tasks at the same time. The study invo in lved 156 patients between the ages of 50 and 77 who had been diagnosed as clinically depressed. They were randomly assigned to one of three groups: exercise, medication, or a combination of medication and exercise. The exercise group spent 30 minutes either riding a stationary bicycle or walking or jogging three times a week. So, couch potatoes, watching daytime TV is depressing enough, without adding to it whatever level of depression one might have ha from other causes. Get off of that couch and get yourself moving. Your brain will thank you for it. And you will be able to say, as I do in my book title, “Thank You Brain for All Your Remember.”
Dr Bill Klemm is a Dr. Profes of sor of Neuroscience ofes at Texas A&M Universi er ty. ersi ty Visit his blog at ThankYo nk uBrain.com for nkYo more memory tips. ti
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April 5 & 7
April 5
FREE Sit and Fit Class for Seniors - “Sit and Fit” Chair Exercise Classes offered of at Southwood Community Center every Tuesday and Thursday, noon - 12:45pm. The Center is located at 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@ cstx.gov Line Dance - A great way to exercise! Join other line dancers every Tuesday from 1:30 -2:30 pm at the Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 7646371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov
April 6
Computer Club for Seniors - All Seniors are invited to attend the monthly meeting of the Computer
Club for Seniors from 9 - 10:30 am at the Carter Creek Training Room located at 2200 North Forest Parkway in College Station. No registration required. The topic this month is on “How to plan a vacation or trip”. Jerry Markowich will demonstrate mapping programs. For more information, contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or email: mrodgers@cstx.gov
April 7
Photo Editing Class - A great class designed for beginners to learn how to improve your digital photographs. Learn how to use new techniques in cropping , color correction, retouching and more. Students may bring a laptop to the class. Class offered of on Thursdays, April 7 -28 from 2 - 3 pm at the Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. To register: please contact the College Station Parks and Recreation Department at 764-3486 or in person at Stephen C. Beachy Central Park, 1000 Krenek Tap Road or on-line at parksweb.cstx.gov. For more information contact College Station Parks and Recreation Dept. Senior Services at 764-6371. First Thursday Monthly Birthday Party - Senior adults are invited to
attend a Birthday party and bring your friends. Come help us celebrate April Birthdays with Magnified Health and Rehab starting at 1 pm at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road. Blood pressure checks and healthy living tips will be shared. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@ cstx.gov
April 12
Genealogy - Learn how to discover your family’s origin and past history. The class is designed for the beginner genealogist and will introduce several methods of research. The class meets on Tuesdays from 9 - 11:30 am at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Cost is $35. To register: please contact the College Station Parks and Recreation Department at 764-3486 or in person at Stephen C. Beachy Central Park, 1000 Krenek Tap Road or on-line at parksweb.cstx.gov. For more information contact College Station Parks and Recreation Dept. Senior Services at 764-6371.
See Next Nex Page
Today after lunch with my friends, I’m getting my hair done. Yesterday we saw a play. Senior Lifestyle arranged it all and even drove. Tomorrow? Maybe I will workout, play cards with friends or go on a shopping
excursion. The possibilities are virtually endless
The Eagle • theeagle.com
Computer User Tips Class for Seniors - Learn how to organize your documents and folders. Discover how to keep your computer updated. Learn to manage your photos and more helpful tips. This class meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9 - 10:30 am at the Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Cost is $45. To register: please contact the College Station Parks and Recreation Department at 764-3486
or in person at Stephen C. Beachy Central Park, 1000 Krenek Tap Road or on-line at parksweb.cstx.gov. For more information contact College Station Parks and Recreation Dept. Senior Services at 764-6371.
April 2011
Friday Bridge for Seniors - Join other senior adults every Friday from 9 am - noon at Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Road. No partners needed. For more information, please contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 7646371. Friday Game Day - Senior Adults are invited to join the fun at Southwood Community Center every Friday afternoon from noon – 3 pm for bridge, dominoes, board games, billiards, Wii games and more! A place to meet your friends for a cup of coffee cof and enjoy your favorite games. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 7646371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov Seniors meet to Play 42 - Senior adults are invited to join us every Thursday at Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. from 9:30 - 11:30 am to play 42 dominoes. New players are welcome to join the group. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station
Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov Free Diabetes Workshop - Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? The Brazos Valley Area Agency on Aging with the assistance of Texas A&M School of Rural Public Health is excited to offer of a Living Well with Diabetes workshop at: Watercrest at Bryan, April 6-May 11, every Wednesday at 10 am, and Christ United Methodist Church, April 7-May 12, every Thursday at 5:45 pm. Anyone that has diabetes, is prediabetic or lives with someone with diabetes is invited to attend. For more information and to register for this free workshop please call Cindy Quinn at 979-458-2237 or email quinn@srph. tamhsc.edu.
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50plus April 2011 The Eagle • theeagle.com
April 13
The Woman’s Club 2011 House and Garden Tour -Three lovely homes in Bryan and College Station will be open to the public on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 from 10 am to 6 pm. Tickets are $15 and may be purchased from any Woman’s Club member or by calling the Club at 979-822-5019. On the day of the tour, a luncheon will be served at The Woman’s Club facility at 1200 Carter Creek Parkway in Bryan. Tickets to the luncheon (also $15) must be bought in advance, as none will be sold at the door. Craft Class at Southwood Community Center - Join Senior Adults for a fun afternoon and learn a new craft every second Wednesday of the month from 1 - 3 pm at Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Road. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 7646371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov
April 18
AARP Driver Safety Program This course is offered of to all licensed drivers 50 and older. The class meets from 10 am – 3 pm at the Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road. AARP members pay $12 and non-members pay $14. To register, please contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@ cstx.gov
April 19
Free Movie Day for Seniors at Southwood Community Center Enjoy a free movie and popcorn at Southwood Community Center every third Tuesday from 1 - 3 pm located at 1520 Rock Prairie Road. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 7646371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov
April 20
Exploring History Lunch Lecture Series - The College Station Historic Preservation Committee and the Senior Advisory Committee present: “The Life and Times of Bob Wiatt: FBI” with William T. Harper. Mark your calendar for the Third Wednesday, at the College Station Conference Center located at 1300 George Bush Dr. Lunch is served at 11:30 am with a reservation. Cost is $5 payable at the door. Speaker begins at noon. Please call 764-3491 or e-mail aboykin@cstx. gov to make your reservation.
April 25
Senior Advisory Committee Meeting - Visitors are welcome to attend regular meetings of the Senior Advisory Committee held the last Monday of each month at 10 am at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road. For more information contact College Station Parks & Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov
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from page pa 6 a 24-hour window where a candle is burning all over the world. What we don’t want is for people to forget our children.” Also in keeping with honoring their children’s memory memory, the Robertson County chapter hosts a Walk to Remember in conjunction with a Silent Auction every
from page pa 4
you with pain management for the stenosis, but they can also determine whether you ha factors that contribute have to or increase your LSS pain such as; a postural alignment problem, a lack of trunk or leg flexibility, flexibility or significant weakness either in the abdominals, trunk core muscles, or in the lower extremities. Deficiencies in any or all of these areas could complicate the LSS pain management process. Other structural deficiencies need to be addressed to ensure maximum pain relief. Physical therapists use a variety of natural treatment methods to help you manage pain including; distraction manual
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sa d my life. You don’t know save how you’ll handle it until it happens. At first, I thought, ‘I don’t need this,’ but I went and then afterwards I felt like a great burden had been lifted.” Others don’t always want to hear about the loss of a child, but speaking about your child
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can help ease the pain, along with joining in with others, and helping the next parent who has lost a child. As Beasley said, “If I can help one family, I’m honoring my son.” For more infor inf mation, contact JoAnn Boggan at 979-820- 3236.
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The Eagle • theeagle.com
tournaments have ha allowed the chapter to purchase brochures from the national of office and covered the cost of the monthly newsletter sent to about 50 members. Lees, Beasley, Beasley and Boggan all agree that the pain of losing a child is greater than anything they could have ha imagined. “It’s like a sore that scabs over but never really heals,” said Boggan. “We “W hide it but the pain never goes away. Compassionate Friends
April 2011
on the severity of your pain, gi n your age and medical give history a doctor could history, prescribe medications for pain, schedule you for an MRI or refer you to a surgeon. As you’ve mentioned surgery is not an option. However, er er, you could visit with a physician specializing in pain management. The specialist might relieve your pain with injections, pain medications, nerve ablations, nerve stimulators and other methods. Your primary care doctor might also refer you to a physical therapist. Not only can a physical therapist assist
October. “W “We start out reading the names of the children,” Beasley said. “Then we release blue and white balloons, some of which have ha messages inside them. We walk two miles, from Franklin High around the courthouse, carrying a banner in memory of each child. This year is our fifth walk.” Every July they hold a Golf Tournament at the Hearne Municipal Golf Course. The success of the last two
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