A guide to good living in the Brazos Valley
Time for Dessert
Chef Diane tops angel food cake with an easy-to-make mango sauce Pg. 5
Financial Literacy
Do your homework before hiring home heaalthcare for parents Pg. 6
August 2011 • Vol. 4, Issue 4 • A monthly publication of the Bryan-College Station Eagle
No Age Limit on Beauty Healthyhairand skinwillhaveyou lookingyourbest
CONTENTS Bradway: Treating Pelvic Pain Chef Diane: Mango Sauce Treat Cover: No Age Limit on Beauty Travel: California Mission Trail Calendar
4 5 8 10 14
August 2011
50plus is a monthly publication of Bryan-College Station Communications Inc. 1729 Briarcrest Drive Bryan, Texas
SPECIAL PROJECT PR S EDITOR Billy Mau billy.mau@theeagle.com
DISPL ADVER DISPLAY ADVERTISING VERTISING MANAGER MANA Joanne R. Patranella joanne.patranella@theeagle.com Dawn Goodall dawn.goodall@theeagle.com
A few drugs provide temporary improvement of thinking and memory in Alzheimer’s patients if their disease is not too far ad nced. The issue is, will adva such drugs help normal adults, such as seniors whose only disease is that of getting older and losing some memory capability in the process. Now there is a formal study by Ariel Rokem and Michael Silver at U.C. Ber ley showing that one Berke such Alzheimer drug can improve memory in young adults who do not have ha Alzheimer’s Disease. The Alzeheimer’s drugs typically belong to the class of drugs known as acetylcholine esterase inhibitors. These drugs inhibit the esterase enzyme that normal destroys the neurotransmitter, otransmitter otransmitter, acetylcholine, as it is released normally to keep neurons active acti . Actually, this class of drugs was developed from research on “nerve gas”
drugs, which act in the same way, but are so potent they are fatal. The inve in stigators tested 12 healthy, non-smoking adults, ages 18-35. Their learning task was to detect whether two visual fields of moving dots, presented one after the other were other, in the same direction. So, this task measures dr. BiLL KLeMM tenti ness, tentive The memory meDic attentive sensory perception, and the working memory of what the previous display looked like. Subjects learned a perceptual task in which they were viewing a particular direction of motion in a particular location in the visual field. Previous research had already shown that this kind of learning tends to generalize only partially to other locations in the
visual field and to other directions of motion. This is akin to a person whose job is to sort green apples on a conve con yor belt. Through training, this person may become able to perfor perf m very fine discriminations between differ dif ent shades of green apples. However, er er, if this training on green apples does not improve this person’s ability to discriminate differ dif ent shades of red apples, we would say that the perceptual learning is specific to green and does not generalize (or transfer) to red. The study measured the degree of specificity of perceptual learning by comparing the improvement in perfor perf mance in the trained location and trained direction of motion to improvements in other locations and other directions. Donepezil, a
See Memory Medic pa 13 page
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Alzheimer’s drug may help memory in normal adults
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Forr th Fo the la last st 20 year years, ars, JEA JEA Se Seni nior ni or Li Livin ving ha ving has be been en doing doing what what we do best, best st, and that that is ta taki king ki ng car care of senio iors rs.. At Hu rs Hudso dson Cree dso Creek eek we spe specializ cialize cializ in Alzh Alzheimer and Demen Dementi tia care, tia care, and we pride pride ou ours rsel rs elves elve ves in prov providin iding ing outstand outst standin anding ing care care in a wa warm rm ho home melike meli like environ environmen ment.t. Ou Ourr hop hope is that that will re cogniz mmitment th ugh ou ality of care. care. you will reco cogn izee ou ourr co commi mmitmen thro roug ro ugh ourr qu quali ality
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• Pre-admission home visit and assessment. • Licensed nurse on site 24 hour urs a day. da • Specially trained staff assist wi with all aspects of care while maximizing and encouraging independence. • A fully supe su rvised, success-oriented activities program offer off ed everyday. ay ay. • Regularly scheduled social events with family in lvement welcomed. invo • Three nutritious meals served daily, with snacks da available throughout the day. • Supe Supervised Su rvised outings to nearby points of interest. • Furnished linens and routine housekee ek ping. ekee • Comfor Comfortable, mf table, attractively decorated living li ng rooms, mfor livi activity rooms and private conversation areas. • Cable TV and fireplace in livi li ng rooms. • Beautifully landscaped secured courtyard with walking areas. • Individ di ualized service plans. divid • Electronically monitored security system. • TV and phone outlets in all resident rooms. • Supp Support Su ort groups, groups ou , educational programs oups and referral services.
August 2011
Lif at Hudson Cree Life Creek eek offer offers ers these amenitie ities itie ies for one monthl nthly nthl hly fee:
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I have been having a lot of pain in my lower abdomen and pelvic region for the past two years. I have seen several different specialists, but no one can tell me why I am having this pain. I’ve read on the internet that physical therapy (PT) may be Leon Bradway beneficial. Physical TheraPy What can PT do to help me?
See Bradway page 15
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Pelvic pain is a common and often unbearable problem that can have profound effects on the physical and emotional health of both men and women. One study found the incidence of chronic pelvic pain to be similar to that of migraine, back pain, and asthma, making it one of the most common problems seen in medical practice for women ages 12 to 70. Additionally, around nine percent of women having hysterectomy surgery will develop pelvic pain or back pain within two years of the surgery. Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is not a specific disease and
the term CPP refers to the symptom of pain, specifically, the duration and location of the pain. Pain is considered “chronic” when it has been present for at least six months. Patients with CPP may report pain in a variety of different areas in the region below the belly button. They may report pain both internally and externally; one-side, both sides, or right in the middle; or shooting into the lower back, belly, buttocks, hips, or thighs. The pain may be related to a woman’s menstrual cycle, only occurring once in awhile, or be constantly present. Patients with CPP may describe pain with intercourse and changes in bowel and urinary habits. CPP may be the result of a number of different disease processes or muscle imbalances. It can be difficult to identify the true origin of a patient’s symptoms, often leaving the sufferer with more questions than answers, and a significant medical record of seeking various treatments without relief. However, it is important for you to know that you have
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The Eagle • theeagle.com
August 2011
Editor’s Note: This month’s column was written by Alyssa George, MPT.
Angel Food Cake with Mango Sauce 3 medium ripe mangoes, peeled, pitted and cut into cubes 4 tablespoons fresh lime juice 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon Cointreau , optional 1 angel food cake (store bought, about 9 ounces or homemade) Toasted coconut for garnish In a blender or food processor, ocessor ocessor, process half the mangoes with lime juice, sugar, ar and Cointreau ar, until smooth. Dice the remaining mangoes. Pour 2 tablespoon of mango sauce over a slice of angel food cake and place some diced mango on top and garnish with toasted coconut.
The fluffiness of angel food cake cak pairs perfect perf ly with the bright flavo fla rs of mango and lime in this refreshing summer dessert. Whether you use store-bought angel food cake cak or make mak your own, this one is sure to please.
Senior Circle is out to expand your horizons with an exciting calendar of events scheduled around town and around the world. If you’re 50 or better, want to meet new people, learn more about your health, travel and just have fun, then Senior Circle is for you. Dues are just $15 a year. To join or for more information, call Mandy Williams at 979-764-5107 or visit CSMedCenter.com. Become part of the Circle. Waterways of Holland and Belgium: Tulips, Windmills & Canals March 26 – April 8, 2012 Join Senior Circle on this European river cruise and explore the majestic waterways of Holland and Belgium. Meet new friends and make memories on this exciting 14-day adventure. Northwest National Parks • July 13 – 26, 2012 Escape the blistering heat of Texas with Senior Circle as we explore magnificent Northwest National Parks such as Glacier National Park, Banff National Park, Jasper National Park and many more. This 14-day adventure takes tak us through Seattle, Montana, British Columbia and other destinations, with special visits including the Lonesome Dove Ranch and Dr Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Gardens. Classic Christmas Markets • November 28 – December 6, 2012 Treat yourself for Christmas and join Senior Circle as we explore the classic Christmas markets in Munich, Innsbruck, Wurzburg, Nuremberg and Strasbourg. This nine-day adventure takes us to historic towns in Central Europe where we will have time to shop for handicrafts and experience delights such as a private choir performance in an 850-year-old church. Call Senior Circle for more details.
Come play with someone your own age!
The Eagle • theeagle.com
Diane Lestina, a certified personal chef, holds cooking in classes and cooks ing for residents nt in the Brya nts Br n-College St ion area. To learn more, Stat re visit re, www hefd www.c he iane.com
August 2011
If you are looking for a refreshing summer dessert, I saw some beautiful mangoes at the mar t last week and they inspired marke me to make a mango dessert sauce. When you buy them in the store, most mangoes are hard, so you need to plan ahead as they must be fully ripened bef e eating. befor Since mangos will ripen at room temperature and become sweeter and softer over diane Lestina several days, don’t refrigerate cook iT simPle them until www.chefDiane.com they are ripe. Mangoes have ha a flat seed, so once they are peeled, you’ll need to cut around the seed giving gi you 2 large side pieces and 2 smaller side pieces. This recipe keeps several days in the refrigerator and is also wonderful over ice cream.
Mangoes bring a little zip to dessert
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50plus August 2011 The Eagle • theeagle.com
MONEY MATTERS Home health care for Mom & Dad: Do your homework before hiring Avoid Getting Soaked ak at aked the Gas Pump
Whether you live li near your parents or several states away, ay at some point you may ay, be making arrangements for some sort of assisted care for your aging parents. It is not unusual for an incident or crisis to prompt action, and you’ll have ha to make quick decisions. tracy stewar ewart ewar art In these financial liTeracy iTer situations, especially if there are no relative ti s tive available nearby to help, you may be under pressure, lea leaving no time for thoughtful research. Most elderly elder people prefer to stay in their own home, instead of assisted living li arrangements in a sterile envir en onment. Generally, you have ha a choice of hiring home health care indi individuals or contracting with a home health care agency that supplies the home health care assistants. Hiring an individual indi who is not affilia af ted with a bonded, insured agency has its risks. Over the years, Richard Talbert, local estate planning attorney and CP has developed tips to CPA, consider when you are in the mar t for home health care marke
assistance for your aging parents. Mr. Talbert explains, “Home health care providers can provide good physical care and/or companionship, when it is greatly appreciated or needed. But not all caregivers off of the street have ha your sole interests at heart.” • Background check Begin with getting their dri rs license number and drive Social Security number. A simple internet search may turn up a criminal record. Or get permission to do a background check. Then, unless you are a priva pri te in stigator by trade, hire inve a company to do the check. Some are opportunists hoping to steal jewelry and silver pieces that fit in their pockets. Some want to get identity theft infor inf mation for their own use or that of accomplices. Others are looking for pain medications, which they will replace with placebos and sell Mom’s prescription on the street. • Hire as an employee, not as a contractor – For home health care individuals indi , you are setting their hours, providing the workplace and the equipment. You will likely
See Stewart pa 13 page
Same-Day • Dentures Extractions • Partials Crowns • Bridges Fillings • Cleanings
You don’t have to drive to the ends of the earth to keep your head above water, er er, er, er gas, when gasoline prices soar, soar according to the American Automobile Association. First of all, shop for the best prices, which fluctuate from one part of town to another. The AAA recommends searching such websites as www.GasPriceWatch.com to get inf mation about prices in your infor area. Drive sensibly, sensibly which means staying within the speed limit and avoiding stops and starts. According to AAA data released by CNNMoney, oney oney, traveling just five miles faster than the highway speed limit cuts fuel economy by 6 percent. And constant accelerating and braking at highway speeds can lower your gas mileage by onethird. Doing the same around town will drain five percent of your fuel mileage. Planning errands in advance also will cut your cost by eliminating duplicate and unnecessary trips.
Keep your automobile in good running order to obtain and retain the most economical and efficient mileage.
U.S. Health-Care Spending Growing Fast The United States not only spends significantly more on per-capita health care than other industrial nations but, since 1980, also has experienced one of the highest annual growth rates. According to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation analysis, U.S. health spending climbed to $7,538 per capita in 2008, more than 50 percent more than Norway, reportedly the second highest country in per-capita health-care spending among the 15 wealthiest nations in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. After adjusting for inflation, U.S. per-capita health spending grew at an average annual rate of 4 percent between 1980 and 2008, second highest among those countries analyzed. And16 percent of the gross U.S. domestic product was devoted to health care in 2008, nearly five percentage points higher than a comparable figure logged by
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August 2011
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No age limit on beauty
Taking proper care of yourself can have you looking your best for years to come By HOLLI L. ESTRIDGE A patch of gray here or a wrinkle there need not be a source of worry for men and women after 50. A regimen of sound nutrition combined with use of innovative ti cosmetics and concealing garments can tive keep you looking your best.
Factors such as sun exposure – responsible for 85-90 percent of the signs of aging – and oxidation can take a hea toll on skin. heavy According to research from BeautiControl, a beauty company that specializes personalized skin care and ad nced anti-aging products, UVB and UVA adva UV rays can cause extreme damage to skin’s DNA that can result in reversible and irreversible damage. UVB rays cause visible damage, penetrating just under the skin’s surface surf and causing skin to burn or tan. UVA UV rays, on the other hand, penetrate through the skin; their damage is not obvious to the naked eye. These rays are the ones responsible for long-term damage that manifests itself in the form of sagging skin, lines and wrinkles and age spots. When UV rays penetrate the outer protection of each skin cell, it causes the skin cell to oxidize and become defecti defective, similar to the way an apple turns brown when the skin is broken. Products including sunblock and blends of antioxidants can protect against the damage wrought by sun damage. Meanwhile hair can become more brittle, lose pigments and change in texture as you age, according to Estella Garcia, hairstylist at Crestview Retirement Community. “I tell many of my clients to take a multivitamin, multi including Vitamin D,” she said.
Abo : Skin care is important as you age. Look for products that help stimulate the proAbove duction of collagen in your skin, as well as those with anitoxidants and sunblock to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. ra Right: One thing that shouldn’t change as you age is your regular haircut schedule. Getting your hair trimmed on a regular basis helps keep it healthy and helps keep you looking your best.
Mak Up and Skin Care after 50 Make
Jeanine Gouge, an independent director for BeautiControl, said proper skincare is the key to beauty after 50. But a variety of application techniques can aid in concealing skin pigmentation – that can take place as women mature – and shadowing caused by the shifting
of fat deposits in the face. “Y can spot shadowing by looking straight into the “You mirror and then tilting your face down,” said Gouge. “Then you can go in with a concealer that is lighter than the color of your skin to conceal the shadowing.” The base and bridge of the nose and in the corners of your eyes and contours of your face are areas that can be lightened with concealer. Gouge said additional make up coverage can also help to conceal skin pigmentation. Nancy Pride, owner of Morgan Fitzgerald’s in Bryan,
said application of blush slightly under the cheekbone, rather than above it, can give gi the appearance of lifting the face. She added that many skincare products, aided by technological strides, can boost the development of collagen in the body. Men can benefit from the same skincare regimen as women, especially with regard to sun protection, Pride said.
Hair and Nail Care
Garcia said seniors should continue, as they did in
Most women over the age of 50 have ha already established a sense of personal style, said Pride, and they should stick to it. “With age comes many body changes,” said Pride. “Everyone wants to look thinner and more fit.” Undergarments such as Spanx, Yummie Tummie and SassieBax worn under the clothes can help to give gi women a more fit appearance, Pride said. “Feel free to mix and match coordinating pieces in dif ent size tops and bottoms,” Pride said. “And if differ you already have ha an established wardrobe, add trim colors and styles to create a more current look.” Also, strategically placed accessories can accentuate your best attributes, she said. Arch support in shoes is important for comfor comf t and taking proper care of feet. Men can also keep a sense of fashion late into life. Pride said men can wear Yummie Tummie undergarments to give gi the appearance of a six pack and wear colors that enhance their skin tone. “Many people develop rosacea as they age,” she said. “So take care not to wear colors that make you look redder.” On the other hand, seniors with a more sallow tone can pull of reds and pinks. Seniors can find additional tips in InStyle Magazine’s book Secrets of Style, which can help them to identify and dress for their body type, said Pride.
The Eagle • theeagle.com
The Eagle • theeagle.com
August 2011
Changes to Skin and Hair
August 2011
younger years, to trim their hair every six weeks. She said many of her clients seek out new trends and advice ad on hair color. And likewise, men should maintain regular trims, including facial hair. Pride said wigs can be a great option for women, experiencing hair loss or who simply want to look their best with minimal effo ef rt. “Many of my customers remember the days when wigs were hot, uncomfor uncomf table and not natural looking,” said Pride. “But wigs have ha come a long way. They are light and comfor comf table, and they can make you look 10 years younger.” Proper nail care also becomes important later in life, according to Garcia. Vitamin supplements can keep nails strong, and regular manicures and pedicures – for men and women and especially diabetics – can prevent ingrown nails.
Special to The Eagl Ea e
Mission Trail cuts through California cultures By CECIL SCAGLIONE SCA
The Eagle • theeagle.com
August 2011
Matur Life Mature Lif Features atur atures
It takes about 12 hours to drive dri the complete Califor Calif nia Mission Trail that required an expedition of Spanish padres and “leatherjac ther kets” about 2 therjac 1/2 months to complete more than a couple of centuries ago. The 21 Califor Calif nia missions that form El Camino Real (The King’s Highway) also served as military complexes during the early ear days in this part of the nation. Following the green mission bells erected along what is also known as the Serra Trail, named for Franciscan Friar Junipero Serra who founded the first nine anchor missions on the chain linking San Diego with Sonoma, is an excellent way to visit and view the varying cultures of Califor Calif nia. We took time out during our mission meandering for an Oriental stopover in San Francisco’s Chinatown, tour of Mexican marke mar ts in the Salinas Valley, lley lley, array of Italian cuisine in Monterey, ey ey, delightful Scandinavian Scandina detour in Solvang, and celebrity-studded drive dri through Beverly Hills and Bel Air. Our north-to-south trek also made us available to: • Califor Calif nia’s redwood forest just north of San Francisco de Solano, the youngest of the missions that logged their golden era from 1769 to 1834. • Breath-taking views from the Golden Gate bridge as we left Mission San Rafael Raf Arcangel. • Trolley cars and Fisherman’s Wharf minutes from Mission San
Francisco de Asis. • A tour of modern art decorating the grounds around Mission Santa Clara de Asis on the Santa Clara Unive Uni rsity campus. • A bargain-buying spree of fresh fruit and vegetables enroute to Mission San Jose de Guadalupe. • The topsy-turvy side trip at the gravity-defying Mystery Spot a few blocks from Mission Santa Cruz. • The Old West in the grassy square at Mission San Juan Bautista. • Startling surf-supported sunsets seen from Pacific Ocean-side bluffs uf uffs near Carmel’s Mission San Carlos Car
Living Life
to Waldenbrooke”, because when it was �irst built she took a tour and told herself, elf elf, “When I get old, this is where I am moving to.”
De Estes and her late husband, Andy moved to husba Walde ldenbrooke Estates 2 years ars ago after realizing theirr house and yard were too much to keep up. De says, “I already knew that I was going to move
Mission San Antonio de Padua, established as the third mission after Mission San Diego de Alcala and Carmel’s Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, is on Hunter Ligget Military Reservation, the only one on a military base.
De is still going strong, despite the fact that she thinks she is old. She enjoys the exercise classes in the mornings, the swimming pool, and belongs to the Ladies Auxiliary. ry. ry She belongs to the drama club; “The Off Broadmoor Players” which puts on 3 plays a year for residents, their families and people
Borromeo de Carmelo. • Wine-tasting rooms around Mission Nuestra Senora de la Soledad. • Exciting glimpses of migrating gray whales off of the Monterey Coast bef e climbing inland to Mission San befor Antonio de Padua. • A clamming expedition at Pismo Beach after leaving lea Mission San Miguel Arcangel. • William Randolph Hearst’s castle on the Enchanted Hill just north of Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa. • Lompoc, which comedian W.C. Fields dubbed “The Flower Seed Capitol of the World,” on the way
community Some from the community. of the plays they have put on are “The Yee Haw Hoe Down”, Gilligan’s Island and Las Vegas Lights.
De also belongs to a prayer group at her church, a Wearable Arts Club and is joining the Sheriff’s Citizen’s Academy of Brazos County, which is starting up this month. De was in the medical industry and owned her own transcriptionist business until she retired. Andy was in the oil business as well as having been a deputy for the Brazos County Sheriff’s Department. They have three sons, and a er Hannah. De granddaughter, er, says Hannah loves coming
to visit her because she thinks it is a resort. De has a hard time getting Hannah to leave Waldenbrooke to go to the stores and places around town, because she loves staying in the community. She knows so many of the residents here it is like having lots of grandparents to hang out with.
“I love the convenience of living here, because Waldenbrooke is close to the hospital, pharmacies, grocery stores and downtown Bryan”, says De.
Come see us and talk to De and our other residents and �ind out why you should
2410 Memorial Drive, Bryan | www www.seniorlifestyle.com .seniorlifestyle.com
to nearby Mission La Purisima Concepcion. • A vicarious visit to Scandinavia Scandina in the picture-book town of Solvang, where Mission Santa Ines is perched; • Sportfishing off of the Channel Islands in view of Mission Santa Barbara. • A tour of downtown flea mar ts surrounding Mission San marke Bona ntura. Bonave • A rest-and-reverie stop at Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana, where it sort of sunk in that several of these sainted namesakes gave ga their names to modern metroplexes as they were established within a day’s horseback ride of each other to stabilize early ear European settlement of the Golden State. • Professional baseball games – there are also pro hockey, basketball, and football teams all along this route – featuring the Los Angeles Dodgers and Anaheim Angels as home teams during our stopover at Mission San Gabriel Arcangel. • A day at the world-renowned San Diego Zoo a few minutes away from our final stop at Mission San Diego de Alcala, the first mission in the Calif nia chain. It was established Califor July 16, 1789, when friars dug a hole on the banks of what is now-named the San Diego Rive Ri r to plant a cross and then suspended a bell on a nearby tree. You can, of course, visit one, two, three or more of these missions as you choose and select other dive di rsions without having ha to traipse through them all at once.
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August 10, 2011 Managing Pain
Dr David Hackethorn Dr. Hackethorn, ethorn, Scott & White
August 2011
2011 Se Senio niorr Se nio Seminar minar Se Serie riess rie September 13, 2011 Senior Services Nove No vemb mber er 8, 2011 Differ erent Levels of Care CENTER FOR REGIONAL SERVICES 3991 East 29th Street Bryan, Texas 11:30 a.m. to 1:00p.m. Call Today to RSVP: Susie Brown or Bobby Gail Jeffries 979-595-2800 ext. 2025 Lite Lunch Provided
The Eagle • theeagle.com
October 11, 2011 Medicare Part D
50plus August 2011 The Eagle • theeagle.com
Did you know? The importance of having a will in place
To ensure their wishes are Men and women who ha die without a will do not honored, a person must have automatically have ha their assets a will in place. Otherwise, seized by the government. the formula will be used to When men and women die distribute assets. Contrary without a will, they leave lea what to popular belief, children do not have ha to is known as be born from intestacy. The only When men and women legal marriage time a deceased die without a will, they to share in the distribution of person’s assets leav what is known as assets. end up with the leave W h a t ’ s gover nment intestac intestacy more, laws is when the ha have changed deceased has no living li next of kin. Should to include de facto partners in the distribution of assets a man or woman with living li lea s no family or dependents perish when the deceased leave without a will, a formula is will. Previously, this only er er, then used to distribute the applied to spouses. However, ha deceased’s assets. While this now same sex-couples have when their formula ensures family or entitlements dependents get some of the partners die without a will. To deceased person’s assets, it determine the rules of asset does not necessarily mean distribution when a man or the deceased’s wishes will be woman dies without a will, consult an attorney. honored.
HEALTH MATTERS Take 5 Easy Steps to Pump Up Your Heart Did you know that a good night’s sleep can help prevent heart disease? An estimated 58 million Americans are affec aff ted by heart disease, including nearly half a million women who die every year of heart disease and stroke. Yet, women continue to lag behind in their understanding of this disease. So take these steps to help lower your risk of heart attack. 1. Know your numbers. Your blood pressure, cholesterolandtriglyceridelevels are the most important numbers you need to know befor bef e you start on the path to good heart health. A normal blood pressure level is 140 over 85 or a bit lower. Total cholesterol levels should be less than 200; triglycerides less than 150. 2. Start walking. Exercise is the fountain of youth. A simple 20- to 30-minute walk a few days a week can actually reduce the risk of premature death by more than 50 percent. Physical activity also improves sleep, reduces stress, elevates mood, reduces blood pressure, improves cholesterol
levels, improves cognition, and prevents memory loss. 3. Laugh out loud. Laughter really is the best medicine. Just 15 minutes of laughter is equivalent to about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise with respect to our cardiovascular health. Laughter has also been linked to the healthy function of blood vessels, an increase of the brain hormones that improve mood, and reduction of pain and anxiety. 4. Focus on your waistline, not your weight. Your waistline is a better measurement of your overall health than your weight because the amount of fat around your waistline is directly linked to high blood pressure and high cholesterol and can place you at increased risk for diabetes. Anything you can do to make your waistline smaller is definitely a step in the right direction. Liposuction doesn’t count! 5. Get a good night’s t’ sleep. t’s Sleep is one of the most undervalued elements of our daily routines, but it is absolutely vital to good health. Lack of sleep increases your blood pressure, induces stress, increases your appetite, slows down your
metabolism, mood, and cognition.
dampens decreases
your your
Constipation Myths Cleared Up
Constipation is a chronic problem for many older adults that requires an individualized treatment plan. Relieving it can be more difficult than shortterm use of a laxative or eating more fiber. Myth: An absence of daily bowel movements indicates constipation. Fact: Constipation is most accurately defined as the infrequent or difficult passing of stool. Normal bowel-movement frequency in adults can range from three times a day to three times a week. Myth: Constipation causes the body to absorb toxins from stools. Fact: Not true. This belief causes some people to take laxatives unnecessarily when daily bowel movement doesn’t occur. Others try colon cleansing to remove supposed toxins. These practices aren’t helpful. They even may be harmful. Mature Life Features
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Call 9-1-1 if you believe you are experiencing a heart attack.
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Source: Rokem, A., and Silver, M. A. 2010. Cholinergic enhancement augments magnitude and specificity of visual perceptual learning in healthy humans. Current Biology. 20 (19): 17231728. Available at http://argentum.ucbso.berkeley. edu/papers/rokem_and_silver_2010.pdf
We have always taken care of each other.. .
from page pa 6 ha payroll tax liabilities. The have IRS has severe penalties if you run afoul af of Social Security tax procedures. Check with a CPA CP to ensure you set this up correctly bef e you hire a home health befor care employee. • Risks of paying with cash – You may be tempted to pay your employee with cash to save sa money or avoid the hassle of payroll tax reporting. Don’t do it. Later, ter if a few of the silver ter, spoons go missing and you accuse your employee of theft, he/she may claim injury on the job or improper handling of their Social Security taxes. This will lead to bigger and more complicated issues for you. • Get workers compensation insurance – If your employee is injured while helping your parent get out of the bathtub and you do not have ha workers compensation insurance, you have ha set yourself up for another liability. • Driving Dri risks – If you want your employee to drive dri your parents’ vehicle to run errands and take your mother to the doctor check their driving doctor, dri history bef e hiring. You have befor ha personal liability for negligent entrustment if you hand over the car keys
to someone with a prior DWI con conviction or revoked license who causes an accident. Your personal liability is much greater than the value of that vehicle. • No substitutes – When you hire an individual indi who is not af affilia ted with an agency, you ha no guarantee that someone have will show up every day. The absenteeism will likely happen on a day when you cannot drop what you are doing to stay home with Dad. • Executor liability - Finally, consider that an executor has personal liability for, among other things, tax compliance of the decedent. After the funeral, home health care assistants can file job claims against the estate. If you are executor, ecutor you will be ecutor, personally liable for that claim. It is tough enough to see your parents go from being there for you to needing you to be there for them. Getting tied up with the police or the IRS is not going to make your life easier. Cut this article out and tape it to the inside of your closet door so it is there if you ever need it.
Contac nt t Trac ntac Tracy acy B. Stewart, CP PFS, CPA, PFS CFF, CF CDFA, CDF CFP® CF through ug her blog at ugh www.Texas www.T .TexasDi exasDivorceFin eF ance.com eFin
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The Eagle • theeagle.com
Dr Bill Klemm is a Profes Dr. of sor ofes of Neuroscience at Texas A&M Universi er ty. ersi ty Visit his blog at ThankYo nk uBrain.com for more memory nkYo ti tips.
August 2011
common Alzheimer’s drug, increased the degree of this specificity. Each subject completed two five-day courses of training on this task. In one of these courses, subjects took a 5 mg pill of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, inhibitor donepezil (brand name = Aricept), bef e each training session and this befor was counterbalanced in the second training course when only a placebo pill was taken. The test design was doubleblind. That is, neither the trainers nor the subjects knew whether the pill was donepezil or placebo. The drug produced a doubling of perf mance, compared with the perfor placebo. This present study should encourage the study of such drugs in the normal elderly elder . If they improve memory in young adults, surely they might help older normal people. I assume the memory benefit occurs because acetylcholinesterase inhibitors make the brain more alert and more attentive tenti . Indeed, Dr. Silver tentive and colleagues have ha completed a study showing that donepezil does improve voluntary attentive tenti ness. Recall that in tentive an earlier ear column I described research that showed the main cause of memory decline in the elderly elder was due to loss of attentive tenti ness and increase in tentive distractibility. The researchers have ha also collaborated with Sarah Mednick at U.C. San Diego to study any additive additi benefit
of naps. This is related to donepezil studies, because certain stages of sleep (in particular, ticular dream sleep) are ticular, associated with increases in the levels of release of acetylcholine in the brain. As could be predicted from the current results, the number of minutes a person spends in dream sleep during the nap predicts the degree of specificity of perceptual learning in a post-nap test. It is possible that donepezil would enhance the beneficial effects ef of napping on memory, memory especially in older people who might benefit from improved acetylcholine function. As for what to do for Alzheimer’s patients, the currently available drugs do not cure and only provide temporary relief of symptoms. The best thing is to try to prevent the disease’s development. Next month, I will discuss what we think we know about how to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. Reminder: school starts this month. Bef e then, school children should Befor read my e-book on “Better Grades. Less Ef rt,” available in all formats from Effo Smashwords.com
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The Eagle • theeagle.com
August 2011
Sit & Fit Chair Exercise Looking for a fun way to exercise in the comfort of a chair? The group meets at Southwood Community Center every Tuesday and Thursdays, noon - 12:45pm. The Center is located at 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Seniors meet to Play 42 - Meet your friends every Thursday to play 42 at Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. from 9:30 - 11:30 am. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Friday Bridge - Join other senior adults every Friday from 9:00 am -12:00 noon at Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Road for a fun day of bridge. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 7646371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Line Dancing - Ready for a great workout? Join others senior adults for Line Dancing at Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Rd on Tuesday afternoons from 1:30-2:30pm. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 7646371 or mrodgrs@cstx.gov.
Affordable Living
Game Day - What’s your game? Board games, billards, Wii bowling, dominoes and more are available for your fun. Join us every Friday from 9 am - noon at Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Road. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov.
Aug 2 Beginning and Intermediate Computer Class - College Station Parks and Recreation Department is offering of summer computer classes designed for senior adults. Beginning and Intermediate Computer Classes will meet on Tuesdays for 4 weeks starting at 9 or 10:45 am at the Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Cost is $45. To register: please contact the College Station Parks and Recreation Department at 764-3486 or in person at Stephen C. Beachy Central Park, 1000 Krenek Tap Rd or on-line at parksweb.cstx.gov. For more information contact College Station Parks and Recreation Dept. Senior Services at 764-6371. Aug 3 Computer Club for Seniors The Computer Club for Seniors is free and open to everyone. The club will meet from 9 - 10:30 am at the Carters Creek Training Room located at 2200 North Forest Parkway in College Station. No registration required. The topic
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is “How to use Google” with Larry Lippke. For more information, contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or email: mrodgers@cstx.gov.
Aug 4 August Birthday Celebration Senior adults are invited to celebrate August Birthdays on Thursday at Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Rd starting at 1:00 pm. Cake and ice cream will be served by Magnified Health and Rehab. A health topic will be presented and blood pressure check available. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Aug 6 Rio Brazos Audbon Society Birding 101 - Lick Creek Park from 7:30 – 9:30 am. For information, contact Kitty Anding at 979-7768381.
Aug 8 AARP Driver Safety Program Course - At Watercrest, 3801 East Crest Dr., Bryan. 1 – 5 pm. Call (979) 703-7088 to register. Cost of course is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members. Aug 10 Cool Meal Ideas - Looking for healthy and easy meals? Join us for a FREE demo with Texas A&M Agrilife-Brazos County Extension Assistant who will prepare nutritional meals for you to sample. Cooking starts at 10 am at Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Road. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@ cstx.gov. Aug 11 & 25 Learn how to do Facebook This is an introductory class for senior adults who want to learn about Facebook. This one day class is offered of from 9 -11 am at
Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Road. Cost is $25.00. To register: please contact the College Station Parks and Recreation Department at 7643486 or in person at Stephen C. Beachy Central Park, 1000 Krenek Tap Rd or on-line at parksweb. cstx.gov. For more information contact College Station Parks and Recreation Dept. Senior Services at 764-6371.
Aug 15 Travel Tips - Learn from the professional, Dorothy Hernandez, about what you need to know and how to prepare for your trip along with suggestions for travel destinations. Join other senior adults at 10 am at Southwood Community Center located at 1520 Rock Prairie Road. This event is free and for more information, contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@ cstx.gov.
See Page 15
Aug 16 Free Movie and Popcorn “Lassiter” -Enjoy a Tom Selleck western movie and popcorn from 1 - 3 pm at Southwood Community located at 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@ cstx.gov.
Aug 27 2011 Fall Gardening Seminar - 8:30 am – 3 pm, at The Brazos
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options when it comes to pain relief, and the answer is not always found in medications or surgery. Physical therapy is usually a welcome addition to the medical management of Aug 29 CPP because it often results Xtra Education Registration in significant pain relief, begins - Registration for Fall improvement in function, Xtra Education classes begins on and provides strategies for patients to manage Monday, August 29 with three ways their pain more effecti effective fectively. to register. 1) On-line: parksweb. Pelvic pain can be caused cstx.gov 2) by phone: 979-764-3486 by problems such as pelvic or 3) in person: College Station Parks joint dysfunction; muscle and Recreation Department located imbalance within the floor in Stephen C. Beachy Central Park, muscles of the pelvic floor, 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. and open from trunk, and/or hips; lack of coordination in the muscles 8 -5 pm Monday - Friday. related to bowel and bladder Senior Advisory Committee function; tender points in the Meeting - Visitors are welcome muscles of the pelvic floor; pressure on one or to attend. The Senior Advisory more nerves in the pelvis; and weakness in the Committee will meet on Monday at muscles of the pelvis and pelvic floor. Pelvic pain can also be related to the 10 am at Southwood Community presence of scar tissue after abdominal Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. or pelvic surgery. There can also be an For more information contact identifiable disease process related to pelvic College Station Parks & Recreation pain; therefor ef e it is important to consult your efor Department, Senior Services at physician to fully determine the cause of your pain. Now let’s discuss how physical therapy 764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. can help relieve your pelvic pain. Physical therapy treatment typically does not directly target the pelvic or abdominal organs. Rather, ther PT treatment is based on ther,
the principal of referred pain and therefor ef e, efor physical therapists may treat the muscle, nerve, and joint consequences of organ dysfunction. While this may not entirely eliminate the source of a person’s pain, it will reduce the person’s pain and improve function. Physical therapists are trained to evaluate and treat joint dysfunction, muscle tightness, weakness in muscle groups, and nerve entrapment, which are all potential causes of pelvic pain. Physical therapists trained specifically in the area of pelvic health can identify the possible generators of pelvic pain and develop a treatment plan specific to the patient. A physical therapist trained in this area may utilize hands on techniques to address muscle tightness or targeted exercises to improve muscle strength and reduce faulty patterns of muscle recruitment. Other treatment strategies may include: biofeedback, retraining of muscles to improve coordination, postural training, and strengthening of the abdominal core muscles. You should be aware of all your options when it comes to treatment of pelvic pain. A physical therapist trained in the area of pelvic pain can provide effecti effective, fective, non-inva non-in sive si treatment to help alleviate your pain.
You should be awar aware are of all your options when it comes to the treat treatment eatment of pelvic pain. A phys ph ical ther therapist tr traine d in the area ar of pelvic pain can prov pr ide effe ef ctive treatment treat eatment. ment.
The Eagle • theeagle.com
Leon Brad Br way, way PT MS OMPT OM Director of the Sports, Back, ck & Pain Manage ck, na ment nage Clinic Bvph Bvphys physicaltherap erapy. erap apy.com
August 2011
Aug 26 BINGO - Please join us for Bingo onthelastFridayofthemonthstarting at 1 pm at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Prizes provided by SouthernCare Hospice. Refreshments served. Contact Southwood Community Center at 764-6351 for more information or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 764-6371 or mrodgers@ cstx.gov.
Center, Room 102, 3232 Briarcrest Drive. Cost: $50 per person, includes sandwich lunch buffet. buf Seminar information and registration form is available at the website: brazosmg.com. Mail registration to the Brazos County Master Gardeners, 2619 Highway 21 West.
Continued from Page 14
50plus August 2011 The Eagle • theeagle.com
StaY COnnECtEd wItH YOUR wORld. One-third of Americans over the age of 65 suffer from hearing loss. Many people are not aware their hearing is failing until significant loss occurs. At Scott & White Clinic – College Station, we offer premier personal hearing devices from OTICON and PHONAK that are specifically designed to fit your lifestyle and hearing needs. Present this coupon at your next visit to Scott & White Audiology and receive a discount on your hearing aid purchase. Call 979-691-3222 to schedule your consultation today.
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