Spring Parade of Homes Guide

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Spring ‘18 MAY 5 & 6 TH








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GreetinGs from the Greater Brazos Valley Builders association By Brian Windham President Greater Brazos Valley Builders association

I would like to personally invite you to attend the 2018 Spring Parade of Homes™. This parade will run April 28 and 29 and May 5 and 6. This parade will feature 45 homes and 32 builders. This will be a great opportunity to tour some of the finest homes the Brazos Valley has to offer. We encourage everyone to come meet and get to know our builders. They are very excited to showcase their homes and answer questions you may have. You can find parade information in the recent

publication of Insite magazine and the Eagle. There is also an interactive app you can download with the builders information, maps and more. For further information, please visit our website www. gbvbuilders. org.

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity whether you

are considering building or looking for ideas for your home. Our mission

is to be a contributing part of our community, supporting professionals

and providing this great opportunity for the Brazos Valley!

The Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association is striving to bring quality constructed homes from the builders to the public.

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Spring 2018

Parade of Homes™

T H E B r YA n - C O L L E g E S TAT i O n E A g L E

Spring ‘18 2 Greetings from the GBVBA 4 April is New Homes Month 5 Home buyers reveal what they want in their next home 6 Taking the guesswork out of financing your first home 7 Three things to know about your new home warranty 8 Preparing to buy in 2018 9 Three questions to ask 1 0 Three ways to use your lawn to improve curb appeal 1 1 Index 1 2 - 1 3 Map 1 4 Gardening during a drought 1 5 When to tackle weeds in your lawn 1 6 Recognizing and addressing leaf spots 1 7 Preparing garden beds for spring and beyond 1 8 Select the right fertilizer for your needs 1 9 The basics of mulching 2 0 Building a hydroponic garden 2 1 Potential threats to pets in your yard 2 2 Ergonomic gardening techniques

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Parade of Homes™

Spring 2018 | 3

aPril is new homes month Greater Brazos Valley Builders association It’s no coincidence that people are generally happier in springtime. Compared to the colder, darker days of winter, spring is the opportunity for a fresh start – from planting a new flowerbed to starting a new baseball season. And for many Americans, it’s when they plan on buying a new home. As the momentum of home buying season continues to grow, the home building industry celebrates New Homes Month in April. At this time of year, millions of people are starting their search for the new home that’s perfect for their lifestyle.

That is why we want to take this monthlong opportunity to showcase the many advantages of owning a newly constructed home. Many home buyers are seeking a unique new home that offers energy efficiency, spaciousness and warranties. They also want the ability to select their favorite appliances, flooring, paint colors and other design elements to give their home a personal touch from the day they move in. But those characteristics are just some of the countless advantages of buying a new home. There are many other benefits of owning a new home

that might be less obvious, but are often found to be just as valuable.

stronG sense of community One of the builtin benefits of many new homes is the new neighborhood. When families move into a new community at the same time, lasting bonds of friendship and neighborliness often form right away. Many home builders will host community block parties in these developments to help neighbors of all ages meet and connect.

aBility to entertain Older homes are often smaller and therefore more

challenging in which to host gatherings with friends and family. Today’s home builders are creating more open spaces with higher ceilings, larger windows and expansive great rooms for added convenience and modern living.

a clean slate

have changed a great deal over the decades, almost as fast as technology has evolved. New homes can accommodate today’s advanced technology and be customized to meet the individual home owner’s needs. And knowing that the home was built to the

latest safety codes gives the owner added assurance. For more information on the benefits of a new home, contact info@gbvbuilders.org or visit the National Association of Home Builders online at nahb. org.

When moving into a new home, you won’t have to spend hours stripping dated wallpaper or painting over an ugly wall color. There are no oil stains to remove in the garage, no windows to replace, no walls to be torn down. Everything is already just the way you want it.

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Spring 2018

Parade of Homes™

T H E B r YA n - C O L L E g E S TAT i O n E A g L E

home Buyers reVeal what they want in their neXt home By the national association of home Builders

As the spring home buying season kicks into full gear, the home building industry is celebrating New Homes Month in April. If you’re in the market for a new home, you’re probably thinking about what features are essential on your must-have list. Do you wonder if other home buyers are looking for the same things? A recent survey from the National Association of

Home Builders (NAHB) reveals what consumers are looking for in their house hunting this year. Both firsttime buyers and existing home owners were asked about the features they consider essential in their next home. Nearly half of firsttime home buyers rank these features among their top five must-haves: living room, laundry room, dining room, garage storage and a walk-in closet in the master bedroom. First-time buyers are also

looking for a front porch, a two-car garage and a double sink in the kitchen. Are existing home owners looking for dramatically different features as they look to move up or downsize? In fact, their list of essential items includes many of the same preferences of first-time buyers. But they also are looking for more, including a patio, table space for eating in the kitchen, hardwood floors in the main level, Energy Star appliances and

point during their lifetime. Perhaps not surprisingly, Gen Both sets of home buyers are continuing Xers and millennials were much more their commitment open to the idea of a to energy efficiency in 2018. Energytiny house than baby efficient features like boomers and seniors. low-E windows and Contact info@ Energy Star-certified appliances are among the popular desired features. granite countertops in the kitchen.

gbvbuilders.org to learn about the latest features available in new homes in the Greater Brazos Valley area.

Home buyers also indicated their openness to joining the tiny home trend. NAHB found that 53 percent of respondents would consider purchasing a home of 600 square feet or less at some

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Spring 2018 | 5

takinG the Guesswork out of financinG your first home By the national association of home Builders Homeownership rates among young adults continues to grow as millennials begin to return to the housing market. In fact, the number of millennials buying homes grew the most of any age group in 2017, according to the Census Bureau. And since millenials are mostly first-time home buyers, they are also facing the the abundant amount of paperwork involved in the home financing process. Fortunately, with advanced preparation and a personalized to-do list, new home buyers can easily stay on top of the financing process. You need to decide how much to spend on your home and which type of mortgage will

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Spring 2018

work best for you, as well as understand the settlement process.

Be realistic aBout What you can afford Figure out what you can comfortably pay on a monthly basis. Write down all your monthly expenses including loan payments, utilities, insurance, credit cards and don’t forget food, clothing and entertainment expenditures. When determining the monthly payment that’s within your reach, remember that in addition to the monthly principal and interest, you will also be paying into escrows for property taxes, hazard insurance and possibly mortgage insurance or a home owners or condominium

association assessment. Many real estate-focused websites have mortgage calculators that are a great way to figure out what your monthly payments would be based on current interest rates and down payment amounts.

Get oBjective advice Attend a first-time home buying seminar or talk to a housing counselor who does not work for a lender. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers free housing counseling and seminars. Housing counselors can help you determine if a loan you are looking at is right for you. You can find more information by visiting hud.gov or calling HUD’s interactive voice system at (800) 569-4287.

Pre-qualify for your home mortGaGe To ensure the financing process goes smoothly, buyers should consider pre-qualifying for a mortgage and having a financing commitment in place before shopping for a new home. Buyers also may find that some home builders have arranged favorable financing for their customers or offer financial incentives. Preapproval also enables you to quickly make an offer when you find a home, and is attractive to sellers who are considering multiple offers. A lender’s pre-approval would still be subject to a final verification of your credit and a satisfactory appraisal. It’s important not to rush this process and it’s smart to

Parade of Homes™

interview several lenders before deciding the right mortgage for your situation. Qualifying for a mortgage and saving for a downpayment remain primary obstacles to homeownership. To address these issues, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac offer lowdownpayment mortgage programs geared primarily toward the first-time home buyer market. These lenders currently offer mortgages with 3 percent down payments, allowing more creditworthy borrowers who lack the funds for a large downpayment to obtain a home mortgage.

financinG oPtions for veterans If you are a military veteran, make sure

you explore the special financing options available to you through the VA Home Loan program. While you would still apply for the mortgage through a private lender, the VA guarantees a portion of the loan, which can mean more more favorable terms and lower monthly payments. For more information, visit benefits.va.gov/ homeloans. After taking these steps to get your financing in order, finding your first home will be a much more enjoyable experience. For more information to help ease the firsttime home-buying stress, contact info@ gbvbuilders.org or check out Mortgage Lenders list at GBVbuilders.org under the Business Directory.

T H E B r YA n - C O L L E g E S TAT i O n E A g L E

three thinGs to know aBout your new home warranty By Brian Windham President Greater Brazos Valley Builders association

What is a neW home Warranty?

A new home warranty gives you Buying a new home limited coverage on is one of the most home repairs for a set important purchases amount of time, but you’ll ever make, the scope and length but it’s also one of of coverage will vary. the most exciting. Some warranties One great benefit of will only cover buying a newly built deposit insurance home is that it will and protect against often come with a major structural home warranty. defects, while others You probably have a are more extensive, lot of questions about covering defects in what to expect from a your home’s heating new home warranty, and air conditioning, especially if you’re a plumbing, windows, first-time buyer. Here roofing, lighting, or are answers to three even fixes to overly common to help get creaky floors. you started. You can often choose to upgrade from a basic

T H E B r YA n - C O L L E g E S TAT i O n E A g L E

package to a more comprehensive one, so if the warranty your builder is offering doesn’t put your mind at ease, inquire about increasing the coverage.

What does a Warranty cover and for hoW lonG? Coverage depends on the provider and type of warranty, but typically your new home warranty will be divided into different terms. For example, labor and materials might be covered for one year, while plumbing, electric, heating, and

air will be covered for a little longer, maybe two to three years. Structural defects will usually have the longest coverage period, extending for 10 or even 20 years. The home warranty likely won’t cover things like appliances and swimming pools, so if you want long-term coverage for those things, you’ll want to buy a supplemental warranty from a third-party seller.

hoW can i make sure i’m GettinG a Good deal? It’s a good idea to ask your builder about the warranty before building even

Parade of Homes™

starts. Make sure to read through your entire warranty carefully. Mark any passages that you don’t fully understand, and go over them with your builder before signing off on anything. Hopefully, you’re working with a builder you trust. Good builders will want to give you a solid warranty to maintain their reputation. If you feel like you might be getting a raw deal, start by verifying your builder is registered with a warranty provider by checking out the provider’s website or

calling their hotline. If you’re still feeling uneasy, take the warranty to a lawyer and get their opinion. It’s also crucial that you fully understand the process for making a claim and resolving disputes. Put all of your correspondence with your builder and warranty provider in writing whenever possible. That way you’ll have a comprehensive record if a dispute ever arises.

For more information about buying a new home, contact info@ gbvbuilders.org.

Spring 2018 | 7

PreParinG to Buy in Greater Brazos Valley Builders association 2018 is here. We are more than a third into the year, and you’ve decided: this is the year you’re going to purchase a new home. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or a move-up buyer, the sooner you start preparing, the better. By following these simple tips, you’ll feel confident and ready to get out there and find the perfect home for you.

Prioritize your must-haves If you’re a firsttime home buyer, it’s crucial to sit down and think through what your needs and wants really are, particularly

regarding size, location and amenities. Even seasoned home owners will find that setting aside the time to write down what you need in a new home will save you a ton of time in the long run. Instead of sorting through listing after listing, you can narrow it down significantly by knowing what your must-haves are. It’s equally important to be smart about prioritizing your list and keeping an open mind, especially when it comes to the smaller stuff. Most homebuyers will have to compromise on at least a couple of items to find a house that fits into a realistic budget.

check your

credit score Credit requirements have become more and more strict in recent years, making it challenging for some buyers to find home loans. Having a favorable credit score can make a huge difference in getting approved for a loan. Even if you think nothing has changed on your credit report, it’s smart to check anyway. Make sure you’re not being unfairly penalized for old debts, which can sometimes linger on credit reports. Borrowers with scores in the low 600s and even high 500s can still find lenders who will qualify them, but ideally you should


strive for scores in the mid-to upper-700s to land the best rate. Also, refrain from opening any new credit cards in the months leading up to your purchase. This can be particularly tempting around the holidays, but it could hurt your chances of getting a mortgage considerably.

expenses should not exceed more than onethird of your gross monthly income. Don’t forget to determine how much you’ll need in order to cover any loan fees and closing costs and include that in your final budget.

set a realistic BudGet

If buying a new home is contingent on selling your current one, it’s a good idea to start by reaching out and consulting with your realtor. You probably want to sell your home quickly, but keep in mind that if you want to get the best price possible, it’s critical to wait and put it on the market at just the right time.

Don’t let your maximum loan approval amount dictate what your home-buying budget should be. You are the best and only judge of what you can safely, realistically afford. Many experts advise that your total monthly home

sell your current home

In the meantime, you can work on any maintenance issues your home may have and make a plan for when, how, and if each one will be addressed. You might be surprised by how much even minor fixes can change how a potential buyer sees your home. Ask your realtor if investing in any upgrades to your current home would result in a favorable return when it comes time to sell, and get to work. For more information about the home buying process, contact info@ gbvbuilders.org or visit nahb.org.

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Spring 2018

Parade of Homes™


T H E B r YA n - C O L L E g E S TAT i O n E A g L E

three questions to ask when lookinG for the riGht Builder By the national association of home Builders

Though builders might generally use similar tools and materials when building homes, not all are alike when it comes to things like technique, training and customer service. Finding the right builder whose business approach aligns well with your personal preferences is essential to a pleasant homebuilding experience. The builder will be asking you plenty of questions during your initial meeting

to discuss the home you envision. But the questions you ask the builder are equally important to determine if it’s going to be a positive partnership. Consider asking the builder about the following:

Work exPerience You will want to find a builder with extensive experience building homes similar to the one you want. Ask to see examples of floor plans and designs they’ve done before to ensure their company can deliver

T H E B r YA n - C O L L E g E S TAT i O n E A g L E

what you need. You should also ask if they have or are working toward any professional designations, which show that the builder has advanced training in a particular area. A few examples of such designations include a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS), a Graduate Master Builder (CMB), and a Certified Green Professional (CGP).

references Any high-quality builder should be ready to provide

you with several names and phone numbers of satisfied customers. If they can’t, consider that a red flag and walk away. When reaching out to those former clients, ask about how well the builder followed through on the initial plans, and if the builder met their expectations regarding budget and timing. Don’t forget the most telling question of them all: If they could do it all over, would they hire that builder again?

Parade of Homes™

For more communication information about style Many builders will do their best to accommodate your communication preferences. But it’s always best to establish expectations as early as possible. The frequency (weekly, monthly, as-needed, etc.) and method (phone, text, email) of how you communicate early on with each other is something that will set the tone throughout the whole building process.

how to find the right builder to create your dream home, contact info@ gbvbuilders.org. Visiting the homes entered in the 2018 Spring Parade of Homes™™ is another great way to see and feel the design style of the various builders who have entered to showcase their home building style. Go to gbvbuilders.org or download the mobile app by looking up PardeCraze.

Spring 2018 | 9

three ways to use your lawn to imProVe curB aPPeal metro creatiVe connection Returns on home improvement projects vary. In its annual Cost vs. Value Report, Remodeling magazine notes the projects that yield the best returns on investment in a given year. But a host of factors, including the type of market (buyers’ or sellers’) and the region where the home is being sold, ultimately combine to determine if homeowners’ investments in home improvement projects will provide the returns they were hoping for. Though there’s no way of guaranteeing a home improvement project will yield a great return, real estate professionals often cite improving curb

appeal as an excellent way to attract prospective buyers and potentially get the asking price or more when selling the home. Improving curb appeal makes even more sense in today’s real estate market, when many people do their own searching via real estate websites such as Trulia or Zillow. When using such sites, buyers will likely be less inclined to click on a listing if exterior photos of the property are not eyecatching. Various projects, including tending to lawns and gardens, can improve curb appeal. An added benefit to focusing on landscaping to improve curb appeal is it promotes spending time outdoors in

spring and summer. In addition, many lawnand garden-related home improvement projects need not require professional expertise.

1. maintain a lush Green laWn. Lawns that fall into disrepair may not give buyers a correct impression about how homeowners maintained their homes. Lawns with multiple dead spots and grass that appears more brown than green may lead many buyers to assume that the home’s interior was equally illcared for. Maintaining lush green lawns is not as difficult as it may seem. Applying fertilizer and aerating at the appropriate times of year (this varies by region)

can promote strong roots and healthy soil, making it easier for grass to survive harsh conditions like drought. When watering in summer, do so in early morning or evening so as little water is lost to evaporation as possible.

2. address BroWn Patch. Even well-maintained lawns can fall victims to brown spots. According to the lawn care professionals at TruGreen, lawns in regions with hot temperatures and high humidity can be infected with brown patch, a common lawn disease that is caused by fungus, which can produce circular areas of brown, dead grass surrounded

by narrow, dark rings. Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences notes that removing dew that collects on grass leaves each morning, which can be accomplished by mowing or dragging a water hose across affected areas, can be an effective way to reduce brown patch. Homeowners without much lawn care experience can consult professional landscapers to address the issue. But those looking to sell their properties should note that buyers often walk the grounds of homes they are considering buying. So addressing any issues on the lawn should be a priority for sellers.

3. confine doGs to certain areas. Dog owners may want to let their pets roam free in their yards. But homeowners about to put their properties up for sale may want to confine their four-legged friends to certain areas. That’s because dog urine can be high in nitrogen. Nitrogen itself is not harmful to lawns, but in high concentrations it can contribute to yellow or brown spots. Also, highly acidic dog urine may even adversely affect pH levels in the soil. Curb appeal can go a long way toward helping homeowners sell their homes, and a lush lawn can be used to catch the eye of prospective buyers.

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Spring 2018

Parade of Homes™

T H E B r YA n - C O L L E g E S TAT i O n E A g L E

MAp iS on pAge






Sq. Ft.



Kolby Homes Ambit Homes Kinsmen Homes Hall Homes Mariott Homes Stylecraft Builders Omega Builders Chestnut Ridge Homes Oakwood Custom Homes Kaleo Homes Heath Townsend Homes Kinsmen Homes Blackstone Handcrafted Homes David Weekley Homes Novella Homes Reece Homes RNL Homes Magruder Homes Reece Homes Gary Emola Construction LLC B.A. Cathey Ltd Mariott Homes Schaefer Custom Homes Trident Homes CGM Homes CGM Homes Cedar Bend Homes Raven Homes Bluestone Partners Ironstone Homes Ironstone Homes Crowley Custom Homes Mariott Homes Kolby Homes Trident Homes Chestnut Ridge Homes Court & Son Construction Reece Homes FlagShip Custom Homes Blackstone Handcrafted Homes Weber Custom Homes Magruder Homes Pitman Custom Homes Southern Creek Homes TAP Construction LLC Oakwood Custom Homes Williams Creek Homes LLC

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16892 FM 3090 2909 Embers Loop 2928 Archer Drive 2912 Archer Drive 3075 W. Embers 4001 Dunlap Loop 2605 Portland Avenue 2701 Portland Avenue 2709 Portland Avenue 2716 Wardford Way 4107 Downton Abbey 4213 Downton Abbey 4400 Uphor Court 2600 Belliser Court 4006 Arboleda Drive 3217 Ashville Path 3401 Dovecote Way 3220 Ashville Path 3513 Foxcroft Path 3520 Foxcroft Path 3553 Foxcroft Path 17314 Lesharo Cove 4001 Chaco Canyon Drive 18352 Kiowa Cove 17312 Holona Court 17357 Lesharo Cove 17324 Cheveyo Court 10659 St John 1686 Millican Meadows 3301 Legacy Court 4229 Villaggio Drive 1227 Quarry Oaks Drive 1231 Quarry Oaks Drive 1418 Royal Adelade Drive 1241 Quarry Oaks Drive 7323 River Ridge 4679 S. Stonecrest Court 4824 Coopers Hawk Drive 4814 Crooked Branch Drive 4909 Crooked Branch Drive 15656 Long Creek Lane 4010 Crooked Creek Path 4027 Crooked Creek Path 3226 Walnut Creek Court 2817 Maroon Court 4838 Willliams Creek Drive 4430 William Lake Drive

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T H E B r YA n - C O L L E g E S TAT i O n E A g L E

Parade of Homes™

Spring 2018 | 11

T H E B r YA n - C O L L E g E S TAT i O n E A g L E













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Not to scale






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T H E B r YA n - C O L L E g E S TAT i O n E A g L E




Spring 2018 | 13

GardeninG durinG a drouGht metro creatiVe connection During the early and oftentimes rain-drenched days of spring, it can seem like there may never be a time when plants will struggle to get their share of water. But drought can affect any area, and arid climates in particular. Ensuring gardens can survive drought takes patience and forethought. Drought can be particularly troubling for avid gardeners because it can wreak havoc on lawns and gardens. In addition to causing changes in the physical appearance, including wilted, dried out leaves and stalks, drought can weaken the integrity of plants. This makes plants more susceptible to disease and attacks from plant-preying insects, according to Better Homes & Gardens. In addition, it can take years for plants to recover from drought.

with garden centers and landscape professionals to create gardens that are full of water-wise plants and flowers. Some examples of plants that can survive with minimal water include the blanket flower, Spanish lavender, euphorbia rigida, and kangaroo paw.

aPPly a layer of mulch. Mulch can protect delicate plants and the rest of the landscape by reducing the evaporation of soil moisture. Mulch will keep soil cool and moist.

skiP the fertilizer. Since fertilizers encourage plant growth, it’s best to skip them during drought, as growing plants require extra water.

invest in rain Barrels. When it rains,

maximize the amount of water that can be collected by connecting rain barrels to downspouts on the house. This water can be used to water gardens when dry weather returns.

use orGanic materials. Amend the soil with organic materials, like compost. The Grow Network advises that light, fluffy soils with air pockets in between the soil particles route water efficiently during floods and retain moisture for plants. Therefore, such soils can perform very well during drought. Gardens can survive drought with simple actions and smart planting.

So what can gardeners do? While they may not be able to prevent damage to plants from drought, gardeners are not helpless.

Water Well infrequently. Get plants used to a thorough watering every week or every other week. This will help develop strong, deep roots rather than shallow ones that will need frequent watering to thrive.

choose drouGhttolerant Plants. Homeowners can work 14 |

Spring 2018

Parade of Homes™

T H E B r YA n - C O L L E g E S TAT i O n E A g L E

when to tackle weeds in your lawn metro creatiVe connection Weeds are the bane of lawn and garden enthusiasts. Weeds can spread rapidly and overrun pristine grass, choking lawns and robbing them of their lush green look. In garden beds, weeds can steal water from thirsty plants, threatening their survival. A proactive approach that prevents weed growth is easier and less frustrating than dealing with weeds after they have sprouted. That means addressing weeds before they release seeds, and not waiting so long that the damage is already done. According to the home and landscape experts with This Old House, spraying herbicide for

weeds in June and July can address weeds before seeds are set. Tilling and installing a new lawn in late August or the beginning of September can help the lawn establish itself before the first frosts arrive, all the while avoiding weed growth. The weed control experts at Roundup also suggest a springtime application of weed killer if this is the desired route. Early treatment can prevent weed roots from spreading too far in the soil, which can reduce the chances that weed remnants will be left behind to grow at a later time. Homeowners with small lawns or gardens or those who prefer hand-weeding or using

nonchemical ways to treat weeds must take steps to address the weeds early. Gardeners can try suffocating weeds by placing wood, blocks or plastic over them. Wet newspaper used as mulch can block weed formation and also clear patches of unwanted grass so that garden beds can be mapped out. Pouring boiling water on weeds or pulling them by hand is more effective when roots are young and have not yet spread. The UK-based company Lawnsmith also suggests a mid-spring weed killer application. This ensures that all weeds that have surfaced are addressed and that none are missed by weeding too early. The Idaho-based Town

& Country Gardens suggests lawn and garden enthusiasts wait to tackle weeds. By waiting and applying weed treatments in the fall, when dandelions and other weeds are absorbing food and nutrients in larger quantities to survive winter, homeowners can rid their lawns and gardens of weeds efficiently.

eyesore in lawns and gardens. Choosing the right time to treat them can ensure they don’t

adversely affect lush landscapes and thriving gardens.

Weeds are a nuisance and an

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Spring 2018 | 15

recoGnizinG and addressinG leaf sPots metro creatiVe connection Homeowners who take pride in their properties may be alarmed to notice seemingly spotted leaves on their trees. Such spots may be indicative of a condition known as leaf spot. In spite of its appearance, leaf spot is often harmless. According to the Missouri Botanical Garden, leaf spot is a term used to describe a number of diseases that can affect the foliage of ornamentals and shade trees. Often caused by fungi that can spread thanks to wind and/or spring rains, leaf spot also may be a byproduct of bacteria. As unsightly as leaf spot can be, the Missouri Botanical Garden advises that established plants will only be adversely affected by leaf spot if defoliation occurs three or more years in a

row. While leaf spot is often harmless, homeowners should still learn to recognize it and document its presence to ensure it does not become a longterm problem.

hoW to recoGnize leaf sPots Because leaf spot is an umbrella term that refers to various diseases, its symptoms can vary depending on which type of leaf spot is affecting a tree. SPOTS: The spots of leaf spot vary in size and color depending on the plant, the organism that’s affecting it and the stage of development. Spots are typically brown, but can be tan or black as well.

MARGINS: Another sign of leaf spot is the presence of concentric rings or dark margins on the leaves around the infected areas. BLACK DOTS: If fungus is the cause of the leaf spot, the fungal bodies may appear as black dots in the spots. These dots may be within the rings or in central clusters. YELLOW LEAVES: Some leaves that are infected with leaf spot turn yellow and drop prematurely. If leaf spots are not noticed immediately, they may gradually combine to form large blotches.

hoW to address leaf sPots Leaf spot does not necessarily need to be addressed. As the Missouri

Botanical Garden notes, many trees tolerate leaf spot and suffer little to no damage. In addition, the University of Minnesota Extension notes that the majority of leaf spot diseases affect only a small percentage of infected trees’ overall leaf area and are only minimal stressors on the trees. But homeowners who want to address leaf spot can take certain steps to do so.

spores that can contribute to infection. CHANGE WATERING TECHNIQUES. When watering trees, homeowners who want to prevent leaf spot or stop it from spreading can avoid overhead watering, instead using soaker hoses. Watering early in the day also can give foliage ample time to dry off before nightfall.

PRUNE PLANTS. Pruning plants promotes healthy air circulation and reduces crowding, which can help keep foliage dry, making trees less vulnerable to leaf spot. As unsightly as it can appear, leaf spot is often harmless. But homeowners can take steps to prevent it and stop it from spreading to healthy leaves.

REMOVE INFECTED LEAVES. As infected leaves fall, homeowners can remove them so the spores that caused the initial infection cannot be blown onto healthy leaves and spread the disease. REMOVE DEAD TWIGS. Removing dead twigs also can help get rid of

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PreParinG Garden Beds for sPrinG and Beyond metro creatiVe connection Gardening enthusiasts may have been thinking about their landscape plans throughout the winter, eager to once again get their hands dirty with soil. Whether a home gardener is making preparations for edible crops or beautiful flowers, he or she must take time to make the soil amenable to planting. To establish hearty, durable plants, gardeners can focus on three main areas: addressing soil composition, cultivating and adding nutrients.

soil comPosition Many gardeners prefer growing a variety of plants in their gardens. Such an approach requires taking inventory of the type of soil in one’s garden and

making the necessary modifications so that the types of vegetables, herbs, shrubs, or flowers that will be planted can grow in strongly. In fact, according to the plant company Proven Winners, the most important step to developing good roots is preparing the soil. Take a sample of the soil and examine it to see what is present. If the soil is too full of clay, too sandy, too dense, or too loose, that can lead to problems where plants cannot grow in strong. Work with a garden center to add the right soil amendments to make a rich soil. This may include organic compost or manure, which will also add nutrients to the soil.

cultivation Cultivating the soil can

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involve different steps. Removal of weeds, errant rocks, roots, and other items will help prepare the soil. Mother Earth News suggests working on garden soil when the soil is damp but never wet; otherwise, garden soil can become messy and clumpy. Use a digging fork or shovel to lightly turn the soil when it’s mostly dry. Gentle tillings also can open up the soil to incorporate the nutritional amendments and relieve compaction that likely occurred from freezing temps and snow pressure. Tilling also helps with drainage and oxygen delivery to roots. The DIY Network suggests turning over soil at a depth of 12 inches to work the soil — about the length of a shovel spade. However, the resource Earth Easy

says that existing garden beds have a complex soil ecosystem and simply topdressing with compost or manure can be enough preparation for planting. Gardeners can experiment with the methods that work best for their gardens.

nutrition Testing the pH and the levels of certain nutrients in the soil, namely nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, will give gardeners an idea of other soil additions that may be needed. Soils with a pH below 6.2 often can benefit from the addition of lime several weeks before planting. Soil tests will determine just how much fertilizer to add to the soil. Complete fertilizers will have equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous

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and potassium. Individual fertilizers can amend the soil with only these nutritional elements that are needed. Top-dressing empty beds with a layer of mulch or compost can prevent weed growth and preserve moisture until it is time to plant. If existing shrubs or

plants are in garden beds, use more care so as not to disturb roots or dig too deeply. Preparing garden beds takes some effort initially, but can be well worth the work when plants flourish throughout the growing season.

Spring 2018 | 17

select the riGht fertilizer for your needs metro creatiVe connection For plants to truly flourish, the right growing conditions and soil that offers the right nutrients is of paramount importance. Fertilizer enhances soil so that plants and flowers can thrive. However, fertilizer is not a one-sizefits-all mix. Choosing fertilizer can be a little overwhelming thanks to the variety of formulations available at neighborhood lawn and garden centers. Shelves contain allpurpose products, such as those billed as vegetable fertilizer, and even formulations geared toward specific flower varieties. Others may feature buzz words like “all-natural” or “organic,” and consumers

may not be sure just what they need to keep plants healthy. The following guidelines can help any would-be gardener or landscaper grow more vibrant plants.

start With a soil test It’s difficult to determine what plants need without an accurate picture of what’s going on in the ground. A soil test can paint a picture of what’s going on and indicate if any nutrients are lacking. A common misconception is that gardeners fertilize plants. But fertilizer amends the soil that feeds plants, according to the soiltesting lab professionals at Virginia Tech. Soil types vary by region, and conditions may even

vary between spots on a landscape. Testing where the plants will be placed can yield the most accurate results. Soil tests are available at gardening centers and online. Otherwise, landscaping professionals can conduct tests.

knoW the n-P-k ratio Most fertilizers will come with information concerning the nutrients within. Most notably it will have a breakdown of how much nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) is in the mix. Judging by the soil test, gardeners can choose a product that will give them the right ratio to amend the soil for the type of plant they are hoping to grow. Complete

fertilizers often have NPK in the formulation. Incomplete fertilizers may have only one or two nutrients. This allows a person to customize fertilizer even more without overdoing it with a particular nutrient.

GroW Plant knoWledGe A cursory knowledge of the plants being planted in the garden also can be helpful. Gardeners must recognize that some plants will not tolerate excess amounts of a particular fertilizer component, while some may need more. Checking books out of the library, seeking information online and consulting with landscaping experts will help expand homeowners’ knowledge

about plant types and the needs of each particular plant they hope to grow.

solid and liquid fertilizer Fertilizers are generally sold in pellets, spikes and liquid forms. Pellets or granules are dispersed over large areas and will gradually offer nutrients when the soil is watered. Liquid fertilizer is concentrated and fastacting. These may be used for container plants or smaller areas. Spikes usually are placed in houseplants or

to feed individual trees or shrubs. Depending on the formulation, fertilizer may need to be reapplied once a month or more. Consult the product packaging for the correct application advice. Fertilizer amends soil to grow stronger, more resilient plants.


Leaf spot is a term used to describe various diseases that affect the foliage of ornamentals and shade trees. According to the Missouri Botanical Garden, the majority of instances of leaf spot are caused by fungi, though some are the result of bacteria. While leaf spot can contribute to some defoliation in a plant, the Missouri Botanical Garden notes that established plants can tolerate near-complete defoliation if it occurs late in the season or less frequently than every year. However, small trees or those that are newly planted are more vulnerable to damage resulting from defoliation than established trees. Damage from leaf spot tends to occur in the spring, when wet weather and wind splashes and blows spores from fungi onto newly emerging leaves. The spores then germinate in the wet leaves, ultimately infecting them.

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Spring 2018



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the Basics of mulchinG metro creatiVe connection Mulch is available in various forms. Like other land and garden products, mulch can go a long way toward helping plants thrive. Mulch comprises just about any material that is spread over the surface of soil. Its purpose is primarily to help soil retain moisture. In addition, mulch can staunch weed growth, keep soil cool, improve the aesthetics of garden beds, and even improve soil nutrient composition. When the right mulch is chosen, it can reduce the amount of time homeowners spend watering and weeding their gardens and insulate plants from dramatic changes in weather.

Gardeners may not realize that mulch also can prevent garden soil from becoming overly compacted, according to HGTV. This can mean beneficial earthworms can move easily through the soil, creating channels for water and depositing their nutrientrich waste products. Gardeners can choose organic or inorganic mulch. Organic mulches are derived from natural materials that will decompose over time, lending organic matter as well as various nutrients to the soil. Organic mulches also may contain beneficial microorganisms that can fight against plant diseases. Inorganic mulches may be made of stones, landscape fabrics

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and plastic. Both types will need to be amended or replaced as they degrade. Those who want the most environmentally-friendly mulching materials can choose all-natural mulches instead of synthetic alternatives. To work effectively, mulch should be applied in a two- to three-inch layer of material, state the experts at Old World Garden Farms. This is the ideal amount to retain soil moisture and suppress weed growth without choking plants. Also, mulch that is too thick may make it impossible for water to penetrate, or it may prevent the soil from airing out, causing continuously wet conditions that lead to

root and stem rot. The University of Connecticut Home & Garden Education Center says mulch should not be placed directly against plant crowns or tree bases, as this can promote the development of disease. It may also serve as a habitat for bark- and stem-eating rodents. The center also suggests watering newly installed bark or wood mulches to prevent fungi from colonizing in dry mulch and causing problems like a water-repellent surface on the mulch.

mulch types may find that compost, manure and grass clippings (from nonpesticidetreated lawns) can be inexpensive and versatile in garden beds. The home advice site The Spruce notes that newspaper may also be effective. Many newspapers have switched over to organic dyes, especially for their black and white sections. Newspapers

are an inexpensive way to suppress weeds and act like organic mulch in beds. They can be covered with other organic mulch, like shredded bark, for more visual appeal. Mulch can be a versatile asset when doing gardening projects around home landscapes. And the benefits are more than just aesthetic.

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Spring 2018 | 19

BuildinG a hydroPonic Garden metro creatiVe connection Hydroponic gardening can change people’s perceptions of what’s needed to grow vibrant plants. Rather than soil, all you may need for a hydroponic garden is water to grow a variety of healthy, strong plants. Although it seems like a futuristic concept, hydroponics — or growing plants without soil — actually dates back many centuries. The hanging Gardens of Babylon and The Floating Gardens of China are two of the earliest examples of hydroponics. According to Fullbloom Hydroponics, hydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants in a water-based, nutrientrich solution. Instead of

soil, roots are supported by an inert material, such as pellets, perlite, or vermiculite. Some people use coconut fiber, sand or gravel as well. The key is that the substance not supply any additional nutrition to the plant. In some instances, the roots grow in water alone. Hydroponics works so well because the person doing the gardening can directly control the nutrients, oxygen and light according to what the plant needs. A nutrition-based water delivery system delivers food to the roots in a highly soluble form, rather than the roots having to search through the soil and extract the same nutrients. Absorbing food with very little effort means

the plant can divert its energy to growing and flower production. This method of nosoil growth can be used just about anywhere. Although it has not yet edged out traditional farming methods, hydroponics is gaining popularity among entrepreneurs and hobbyists. An added attraction to hydroponics is its efficiency. The gardening resource Maximum Yield says hydroponics is ideal where traditional farming is not an option, such as in large cities where there is little to no access to agriculturally amenable land. Hydroponics can even be merged with vertical farming methods, helping to save space

and increase output. Hydroponic gardens can be placed anywhere there is access to water and natural or simulated sunlight. Empty warehouses, rooftops, old shipping containers, and much more can be turned into hydroponic garden locations with minimal effort. Scientists say that there can be drastic differences in growth rates and yield from hydroponic and soil plants. The group Greentrees Hydroponics says the growth rate for a hydroponic plant can be 30 to 50 percent faster than a soil plant grown under the same conditions. Environmentalists tout that hydroponic gardening is also

beneficial to the environment because the plants require considerably less water than those produced with soil gardening and require fewer pesticides or other amendments to thrive. Hobbyists looking to dabble in hydroponics can find many different hydroponic systems on

the market today, in an array of prices and sizes. Wicking, ebb and flow, aeroponics, nutrient film, and deepwater culture are different hydroponic systems, each with their own advantages. Once gardeners get the knack of hydroponics, they may not want to turn back to traditional soil gardening again.

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Potential threats to Pets in your yard metro creatiVe connection Pets love to roam free, and homeowners with outdoor space often let their pets get some exercise and play time in their backyards. While it’s important for pets like dogs and even some cats to get some time outdoors, pet owners should recognize the potential threats to pet health looming in their lawns and gardens.

mulch: According to the Pet Poison Helpline, mulch made from cocoa beans can pose a threat to pets. This type of mulch is made of discarded hulls or shells of the cocoa bean. These byproducts of chocolate production contain varying concentrations of the

toxins theobromine and caffeine. When ingested in high concentrations, these toxins can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, seizures, and, in some instances, death. The amount of these toxins present in a given batch of this type of mulch may not be readily known, so homeowners should avoid applying it.

sluG and snail Baits: The PPH notes that the active ingredient in slug and snail baits is metaldehyde, which is highly poisonous to cats and dogs. Symptoms of distress, including restlessness, vomiting, seizures, and high body temperature, can appear as soon as one hour after

these baits are ingested. The baits are typically available in pellet, granular, powder, and liquid form, but each should be avoided by pet owners who allow their pets to play in their yards.

comPost: Compost is a great and natural way to enrich soil. But compost piles should be cordoned off so curious pets cannot access them. As the organic matter within compost piles decomposes, mold can begin to grow. If ingested by pets, moldy materials inside compost piles can make pets sick in as little as 30 minutes. Pets who have ingested moldy compost may appear agitated, pant, drool, or vomit, and some may

even suffer from tremors or seizures.

floWers/Plants: Of course, some flowers and plants can pose a threat to pets as well. Before planting new plants and/or flowers in their gardens, homeowners should inquire at their local gardening center or speak with their veterinarians to confirm if the plants or flowers are safe to ingest. If not, do not plant them or plant them in raised garden beds that cannot be accessed by curious pets.

may be harmful to pets. According to the PPH, fertilizers that contain blood meal, bone meal, feather meal, and iron can be dangerous to dogs. When ingested in large doses, such products can form a concretion

in the stomach, which can obstruct the gastrointestinal tract and cause severe pancreatitis. Fertilizers that are high in iron also can contribute to iron poisoning if ingested by pets.

fertilizers: Certain types of fertilizer also

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Spring 2018 | 21

erGonomic GardeninG techniques can make GardeninG less taXinG metro creatiVe connection Gardening is a popular activity that seems to be gaining even more supporters. Statistica reports that the number of people who gardened within the last 12 months in the United States rose from around 105 million in 2008 to 118 million in 2017. Gardening can be relaxing yet physically demanding work. Gardeners who find themselves battling aches and pains after spending time in the garden may need to make a greater effort to reduce injuries and improve comfort when tilling, weeding or installing new landscape features.

Ergonomic gardening techniques and tools can help gardeners reduce their risk of injury and make gardening more comfortable.

Warm uP Just as novice athletes wouldn’t dive right into a strenuous workout at the gym, nor should novice gardeners immediately pick up a shovel and jump into digging a hole for their new tree. Gardening requires bending, stooping, lifting, twisting, and other movements that work the entire body. Spending 10 or more minutes stretching, walking and doing a few back and arm rotations can limber the body up for the physical


activity to come.

use ProPer form

keeP items close

Think about the mechanics of lifting weights during a workout, as home and garden tasks may mimic movements made when exercising. The occupational therapists at Bend Spinal Care say that strain on the lower back can be reduced by positioning objects close to the body and its center of gravity when lifting them. Furthermore, people can contract their abdominal (core) muscles when lifting and bending to support the back. When lifting heavy objects, power should be derived from the legs and buttocks rather than the

Keeping work closer to the body will reduce the need for stooping, leaning or reaching, which should cut down on pulled muscles. Longhandled tools can help minimize reaching. Use step ladders to reach high areas or get down on padded cushions to work closer to the ground. This alleviates strain to the neck from having to look up or down for extended periods of time. Raised garden beds can bring plants to a person’s level. The therapists at ProCare Physical Therapy say that working below shoulder level whenever possible can

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prevent shoulder strains; otherwise, perform tasks for no more than five minutes at a time.

invest in neW tools Cushioned grips and grip handles can prevent wrist fatigue, as can hand tools that keep wrists straight to improve strength and reduce repetitive motion injuries. Long-handled tools and push mowers should be as tall as the person using them. Seek out tools that keep the body in natural positions

to maximize efficiency. Even though gardening is viewed as a relaxing pastime, the work involved can be taxing on the body. Ergonomic tools and proper form can keep injuries at bay.

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