Februar y 15, 2011
Between you, me and the fence post Spending more on a better fence may pay off in the future
Hold off on filing your IRS return.
Conditions right for high prices in 2011.
South Texas herd has first case in 5 years. PAGE 5
Historic property victim of real estate woes. PAGE 16
The Land & Livestock Post ✪ February 15, 2011
8,595 CALL FOR -$400 Kubota
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From the General Manager
Special to The Eagle
SAN ANTONIO — Free horticultural educational opportunities are in and around San Antonio abound:
• Feb. 16 from 6-8 p.m., EarthKind Landscape Series: Spring Vegetable Seminar — selecting, planting and maintaining vegetables for a backyard garden. Suite 208 of the AgriLife Extension office, Bexar County, 3355 Cherry Ridge, San Antonio. For information, call Angel Torres at 210-467-6575. • Feb. 19 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Ear th-Kind Educational Program: Pruning and Q&A Gardening Seminar — how and when to prune plants. Participants encouraged to bring garden samples for practice pruning. Schulz Nurser y, 3700 Broadway, San Antonio. For information, call 210-804-0600. • Feb. 20 from 2-4 p.m., Spring Vegetable Seminar — selecting, planting and maintaining vegetables for a backyard garden. Cooper’s Garden Place, 87 Coopers Lane, Floresville. For information, call 210-467-6575. • Feb. 26, from 11 a.m-1p.m., Spring Vegetable Seminar — selecting, planting and maintaining vegveg etables in a backyard garden. Fanick’s Garden Center, 1025 Holmgreen Road, San Antonio. For information, call 210-648-1303.
Special to The Post
Mark Nemec, a veteran cotton consultant from Waco and Bryan, recently was honored as the 2010 Cotton Consultant of the Year. He and his family were guests at a special reception and dinner at the Georgia Aquarium Exhibit Hall in Atlanta during Beltwide the Cotton ConferConf ences. The Cotton MARK NEMEC Consultant of the Year award is co-sponsored annually by Cotton Farming magazine and Syngenta. On hand to join in the celebration were Nemec’s wife Carol and daughter Cassidy as well as Carol’s parents, Tom and Lynda Lowery. Others in attendance included producers, consultants
and Sygnenta representatives. Cotton Farming publisher Lia Guthrie and several Syngenta officials presented gifts to Nemec as well as the traditional Syngenta jacket given to each year’s Cotton Consultant of the Year winner. Several former Cotton Consultant of the Year winners delivered remarks at the event, including Roger Carter of Louisiana, Tucker Miller of Mississippi and Billy McLaw-
10522 FM 2095 • Gause, Texas 77857 Bill Pendergrass • 979.203.6800 bill@fluhartyfarms.net
QUALITY REPLACEMENT CATTLE FOR SALE • 80GoodBrangus Br Brangus 3yrolds.64withfullyworked rk rked Anguscalves lv attheside lves • 65TrueF-1Brangus Br Brangus 3yroldpairswithcalves lv by lves W4Herefo rerefordBulls. • 107F-1GoodBraf Brafafor Braf ord Tigerstripepairs. 90day ord calving! Exce Ex llentquality qualit quality 3-5yrolds. • 69F-1Braf Brafafor Braf ord Tigerstripe3yroldcows ord cow calving cows this Springwiththeir2ndbabiesbyAngusBulls • 20Reg5-8yroldBrahmanc 20Reg5-8yroldBrahmancowscalvingJan-Mar 20Reg5-8yroldB 20Reg5-8yroldBr Dahmanc toRegHerefordbulls. oRegHSOL oRegHerefordbulls • 60Crossbr Crossbr ossbred ed 3-5yroldcows, cows, pair, balance Cr ossbr cow 40pair, pair balanc heavybred bred. br • 40RegV8Brahman Br Brahman youngcows. cow cows. Pairs&breds br . breds • 100Crossbr Crossbred Crossbr ossbred cows, cow 3-5yearsold,Bred Br toCharolais Bred ar arolais bulls. • Threegroups gr groups of9Register Register Register ered ed Br Brahman heif heifers each • 45TrueF-1BrafordTigerstripeheifersALLcalving ueF-1BrafordTigerstripeheif ueF-1BrafordT Tigerstripeheif D inApriltoAngusBulls. priltoAngusBulls priltSOL • 17TrueF-1Braf Brafafor Braf ord heifers ord heif exposedsince sinc since No November1toRegister Registered Register ered AngusBulls. • 73Exce Ex Excellentgrey gr grey Br Brahman cows cow with45F-1 babies, babies balance balanc bred br ,6-8yrsold. • Approx pr imately55-60(pendingpregnanc prox pr pregnanc ytest) Gr Br Grey Brahman cows, cow mostly4,5,and6yrolds withF-1Braf Br Brafafor aford ord calves lvlves atsideorheavybred br ” bred • 5 TrueF-1Braf Braf Brafaforord ord Tigerstripepairswithblackbabies. • 68Grey Grey Brahman cows calvingMar-Ju Mar-Juneto Gr Br cow MarRegistered Register ered Brahman Br Bulls.3-7yrsold. • 29Register Register Register ered ed Grey Gr Br Brahman cows. cow 24are ar are 3-4yrs olds five olds, fiv are ar 6yroldsWillstarthavingRegister Regist Register ered ered
Brahman babiesthisSpring. Br • 112Exce Ex ExcellentSantaGertrudisheifers heif readyfor heifers bullsweighing800lbs. Worked rk withcutting rked horses horses, verygentle, tle tle, calfhoodvaccinated 202&3y 202&3yearoldBr • 202&3yearoldBranguspairse 202&3yearoldBranguspairsexposedbackto Danguspairse L Herefordbulls ordbulls orSO • 44Brangus Br Brangus baldy3yroldcows cow calvingthis cows SpringtoBrangus Br Brangus Bulls. • 20FallcalvingBrangus Br Brangus 3yearoldshavingtheir 2ndcalves lves refo lv byHerefo re rdbulls • 23Ultra-black Ultra-black 3yroldcows cows MarchUltr cow calvinginMarchMar May. • 40GoodCrossbr Cr Crossbr ossbr ossbred ed 3yroldscalvingthisSpringto AngusBulls. • 31Good3yroldCrossbr Crossbr Crossbred ossbred pairswithAngus babies babies, afewheavybred br bred. • 40coming3yroldTrueF-1opencows. cow (20 cows. Br Brafafor afords ords 20Brang), Br Brang), reproduc pr produc oductiv oductiv tively ely sound, ExposedtoRegCharolais ar bullssince arolais sinc since Dec15 • 38TrueF-1Braf Brafafafor ord cows exposedtoReg Br ord 3yroldcows cow Angusbullssince sinc Dec1forFallcalves since lv . lves • 4SouthTexas Te Huntingranchesforlease Texas 200-650acres acr .Forphotos acres phot photos &info inf info logontowww. www www. texastroph texastr astrophylease.com .c.com • 79Ultra Ultra Black3yroldsheldopen. Justhadbaby baby Ultr bab calves lv pulledoffthem. Perfec lves rfrfec ec ectt forrecipients. • 38Grey Gr Br Grey Brahman yearlinghfrs. Exce Ex llent&gentle. • 12certifiedF-1Braf Br Brafafor aford ord openyearlingheifers heif heifers.
BULLS OF ANY BREED FOR SALE OR LEASE! For phot photos and information logg onto www www.casascattle.com, click “for “f sale priv private treat treaty”. eaty” y” Qualit alityy registered gister ered bulls of anyy breed for sale or lease; for photos and information click the above websit bsite for “bull leasing”.
horn of North Carolina. Nemec becomes the first recipient of the Cotton Consultant of the Year award to be a second-generation winner. His father, Stanley Nem-ec of Bryan, won the award in 1987. “This is easily the highlight of my consulting career, and it is very humbling to be in the same room with so many previous winners,” Mark Nemec said.
February 15, 2011
Horticultural opportunities
mation and knowledge into my head. But a good fence is essential to landowners, and in this issue we look at some basic tips and methods for building fence. There are several factors to consider, and we examine the different options to help you build a fence that will last. In this issue we also have a few stories about row crops as well as an outlook for cattle prices in the upcoming year. All this along with our regular features and advertisers make for a pretty good issue. Hope you enjoy it. ’Til next time,
y only experience building fence is in the Hill Country of Texas, where sometimes you can get as far as three, maybe four inches into the ground before you hit solid rock. Building fence in JESSE WRIGHT those conditions as a young man is as good a motivater as any to stay in school and get a good education. A T-post driver is perfect for physically driving posts in the earth, but just the thought of a T-post driver was enough to figuratively drive formulas, dates and all sorts of infor-
Nemec named consultant of the year
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The Land & Livestock Post ✪ February 15, 2011
Reasons to delay filing tax returns By KATHLEEN PHILLIPS Texas AgriLife Communications
COLLEGE STATION — Large numbers of tax payers may have to delay preparing their returns this year, and the usual April 15 filing deadline has even been extended, according to a Texas AgriLife Extension Service expert. The Internal Revenue Service needed some time to update its system’s regulations afte af r late action by Congress in December, said Joyce Cavanagh, AgriLife Extension personal finance specialist, so returns with certain deductions can not be submitted until Feb. 14. And since April 15 falls on a Washington, D.C., holiday this year, taxpayers will be given until the following Monday, April 18, to postmark their returns, she said. The IRS is updating its system primarily to meet three deductions, Cavanagh said. “Anyone who itemizes their deductions and files a Schedule A will not be able to file until late,” she said. “Other deductions that will result in delayed filing are one for educator expenses up to $250 and one for certain taxpayers who have higher education expenses such as
tuition and fees that are not eligible for other credits.” The reason for the need for later filing for the Schedule A is that Congress extended the sales tax deduction, Cavanagh said. “Particularly in Texas that’s important because we do not have a state [income] tax,” she explained, noting that in states that require state tax reporting, people may choose between that and sales tax. The educator tax is for teachers in kindergarten through 12th grade for classroom materials they purchase up to $250, she said. The higher education tuition and fees deductions are for people who are not eligible for either the Lifetime Learning Credit or the American Opportunity
difference ference between taking a “This can mean the differ loss or making a profit in the cattle business.”
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Credit. “People who will be taking any or all of these deductions on their returns need to know that the IRS estimates it will not be able to accept these until Feb. 14,” Cavanagh said. She said IRS estimates that only about 30 percent of the U.S. taxpayers itemize on their returns. And though processing will not be ready for a few weeks, Cavanagh said, all taxpayers will have
an extra three days to file. Washington, D.C. will observe Emancipation Day on April 15 because April 16 — the date that commemorates the signing in 1862 of the Compensated Emancipation Act — falls on a Saturday this year. “While that may just give some a few more days to procrastinate, I’d like to encourage those who need help preparing their taxes to look for some of the free tax assistance programs and on the IRS website at www.irs.gov in advance of the filing date,” Cavanagh said. She recommends: • Wait until all documents are in hand before beginning tax return preparation. • Get help as needed. • Participate in electronic filing and direct deposit if money back is expected, in order to get the speediest refund.
Helicopters may be used to hunt some feral hogs AUSTIN (AP) — Feral hogs in Texas could be targets for high-flying hunters. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering allowing hunters in helicopters to shoot wild pigs at the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge. Refuge manager Deborah Holle told the Austin American-Statesman that feral hogs continue to destroy habitat. The refuge, with about 23,000 acres in Burnet, Travis and Williamson counties, was formed to protect the habitat for two endangered songbirds. The service is considering amending the 2001 Feral Hog Management Plan to allow aerial shooting. The proposal would allow personnel from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to shoot feral hogs on refuge lands away from public roads.
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The Land & Livestock Post
✪ February 15, 2011
First case of bovine brucellosis in five years reported in South Texas Special to The Post
Austin — For the first time in more than five years, a cattle herd in Texas has been diagnosed with Bangs disease — bovine brucellosis. According to Texas Animal Health Commission officials, a small beef herd in Starr County in South Texas has been determined to be infect-
ed. Brucellosis is a bacterial disease of cattle that can cause abortions, weak calves and low milk production. Humans also can catch brucellosis or undulant fever, most commonly by consuming unpasteurized milk prod-
WEDNESDAY, 1:00 PM Carl Herrmann (979)820-5349 Hwy 36 South, P.O. Box 542, Caldwell, TX 77836 Sale Barn Phone: (979) 567-4119
The Land & Livestock Post ✪ February 15, 2011
Cattle prices likely to remain at record levels By DONALD STOTTS Oklahoma State University
STILLWATER, Okla. — A number of producers seem to be feeling a bit of disbelief when it comes to current cattle markets, worrying about a vague sense that there is another shoe to fall. “Such feelings are understandable given everything the cattle industry has been through in the past several years, combined with the amount of volatility in most input and output markets,” said Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension livestock marketing specialist. Feeder and fed cattle prices are at or near all time highs and are poised to keep moving higher. Both feeder and live cattle futures suggest that higher prices are yet to come. “It is easy to remember
corn and wheat markets in 2008 which soared to astronomical heights for a brief period of time,” Peel said. “Are cattle markets in the same situation, set for a wild but short-lived ride into the stratosphere? Producers just don’t know and that is causing some concern.” Peel said that the beef industry has never been in a situation exactly like it is now. When the factors that put the industry in the current situation are considered, however, there is good reason to believe current price structures are not a flash in the pan that will fizzle quickly. “Unlike grain markets in 2008, cattle markets are not reacting merely to the shortrun impacts of market shocks,” he said. “There are numerous factors at work, most of which are long-term in nature and will persist for the foreseeable future.
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Photo courtesy of Matheson Farms
A ‘perfect storm’ of factors likely will keep cattle prices at record levels for the foreseeable future. Although the phrase ‘perfect storm’ is overused, it may apply to the 2011 cattle market situation.” The underlying supply situation that is the major driving factor has been developing since the early 2000s,
when drought conditions across a significant portion of the United States extended the last major cyclical herd liquidation. “Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy shocks in 2003 pushed the industry to new
levels of intensity with tight feeder supplies offs of et by placing ever younger and lighter cattle into feedlots,” Peel said. “This reaction worked well as
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Costa Rica tourism visit scheduled April 10-16 By MIKE JACKSON Texas AgriLife Communication
tourism in the state, Phillips said. “A 2006 survey by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service documents the economic value of nature tourism, with a measurement of wildlife-related recreation, and, in effect, points out the importance of recognizing and promoting best practices in the industry,” he said. In 2006, some 6 million peo-
ple in Texas participated in some form of recreation involving fish and wildlife, according to Phillips. During that year, anglers, hunters and wildlife viewers generated $8.91 billion in retail sales — $8.24 billion by residents and $671 million by non-residents — creating $4.67 billion in salaries and and supporting wages, 139,404 jobs.
February 15, 2011
and supports Latin American programs of Texas A&M University. Soltis is a forest research center located on the mountain slopes outside La Fortuna and near farmbased tourism operations. • Opportunities for a variety of activities, including birding, botanical walks, boat trips, hot springs and canopy zip-line experiences. The tour costs $1,599 per person based on double occupancy in hotel rooms, and does not include travel to and from Costa Rica as individuals may wish to extend their trip or use frequentflyer miles. Registration can be done online at agrilifevents. tamu.edu. To obtain more information, visit naturetourism. tamu.edu. Innovation and creativity among Texans in recent years has already led to significant growth of nature
COLLEGE STATION — Texas landowners and managers in the ecotourism or agritourism business can learn from some of the best in the industry through a specially designed tour of Costa Rica, the tour’s coordinator said. The Texas AgriLife Extension Service will host the tour, April 10-16, to be led by Miles Phillips, AgriLife Extension nature tourism specialist. “This learning tour will provide tourism practitioners, ranchers, land managers or anyone else the opportunity to experience successful operations and learn about marketing, product development and certification from business managers in a country that is a world leader in ecotourism and
agritourism,” Phillips said. The tour will include visits to tourism operations and discussions with business owners, and will be led by a professional, certified Costa Rican guide, he said. “We’ll hear directly from them about how they have succeeded, and discuss applications for Texas operations,” Phillips said. Some itinerary highlights include: • Manuel Antonio National Park and La Foresta Private Lodge, where participants will experience a variety of forest and coastal tourism operations. • La Fortuna, a city known as a center for tourism, with a stay at Arenal Observatory Lodge, which faces Arenal Volcano, a popular site among nature tourists. • The Texas A&M Soltis Center for Research and Education, which represents
The Land & Livestock Post
The Land & Livestock Post ✪ February 15, 2011
Quality beef starts with quality forage.
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AVAIL and NutriSphere-N are registered trademarks of SFP. NutriSphere-N is not approved for use in California. ©2010 SFP. All rights reserved. 1012 41565
Series emphasizes beef marketing, management By KAY LEDBETTER Texas AgriLife Communications
Participants will experience firsthand the differences encountered in carcass composition and see the production of boxed-beef cuts. The second component of Beef Marketing and Management 2015 is a series of seven meetings and seminars supporting the BEEF 706, said Ted McCollum, AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist. These start with the kickoff in March and end in September. These programs will cover feeder cattle and carcass evaluation, influence of genetics and management on carcass merit, marketing on carcass grids and tradeoffs ff between ffs live and carcass marketing, McCollum said.
Speakers for this program are profes of sionals involved in ofes the beef industry or beef educational programs, he said. The meeting schedule and topics are: • March 1, Kickoff, Texas AgriLife Research farm at Bushland, followed by a dinner at the Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Amarillo. • March 29, Carcass Evaluation and Value. • April 26, Types, Genetics and Carcass Traits. • June 7, Cattle Observation and Ultrasound. • June 28, Cattle Management and Carcass Characteristics. • July 28, Pre-harvest Cattle Evaluation and Grid Marketing. • Aug. 9-11, BEEF 706, West Texas A&M University Meat Lab. • Sept. 1, Advanced Grid Marketing Topics and BEEF 2015 Wrap-Up and evaluation.
February 15, 2011
2015 meetings are not limited. The BEEF 706 program will begin with teams of participants selecting feeder steers at the kickoff meeting in March, Boughen said. These steers will be placed on feed and monitored until finished in August. This will culminate with a two-day BEEF 706 activity where participants will grade and fabricate their steers’ carcass, he said. The BEEF 706 component is sponsored by the Texas Beef Council. Participants will experience firsthand the differences encountered in carcass composition and see the production of boxed-beef cuts, Boughen said. Their resulting information will be evaluated in terms of boxed-beef value differences among steers and how that translates back to value differ ff ences in live catffer tle.
AMARILLO — Cattlemen will have a chance to improve their marketing and management skills during a sixmonth-long series of seminars sponsored by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and Texas Beef Council. “Beef Marketing and Management 2015� is a series of educational activities for people involved in the beef industry, according to the organizers. “Whether you are in the cow/calf, stocker, cattle feeding or an allied industry sector, an owner, a customerbased operator or an employee, this program offers an opportunity to learn more about factors influencing beef quality and value,� said Brandon Boughen, AgriLife Extension agent for Potter County. The program will kick off
March 1 and end Sept. 1, and will consist of two components: BEEF 2015 and BEEF 706. All activities will be held at the Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Amarillo and West Texas A&M University in Canyon. Registration is $50 per participant and due by Feb. 21, said Michael Wilkes, AgriLife Extension agent for Oldham County. Pre-registration is required, and registration forms and the $50 registration fee made payable to Oldham AG Committee should be mailed to Oldham Ag Committee, Box 380, Vega, Texas 79092. BEEF 706 seats are limited to the first 45 people, Wilkes said. Participation in the BEEF 706 section requires registration and participation in the Beef Marketing and Management 2015 program. Seats for the series of BEEF
The Land & Livestock Post
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The Land & Livestock Post ✪ February 15, 2011
Getting all corny over high-fructose syrup I
n the past few years, we have watched an increasing attack on corn. The skewed reasoning is: corn syrup is available, reasonably priced and good for the average person — therefore, it must be bad! This is the kind of logic that has been applied to farmed salmon, Big Macs, lower taxes, capitalism and pasteurized BAXTE AX R BLACK milk. I’m sure this same kind of reasoning was applied to earlier “civilizing” discoveries such as air conditioning, the steam engine and fire. In the book The Omnivore by Michael Pollan, © 2006, it was noted that “too much” corn syrup can make you fat, reduce the popularity of competing vegetables such as beets and wheat straw and someone can make a profit on it! In the book Fire, © 5286 BC, the author noted that “too much” fire could cause global warming, reduce your ability to withstand the cold, and
someone could likely invent matches and make a profit! prof Too often, in the longestablished profession of the Luddites, Nay-Sayers and otherwise unemployed columnists, their motives can be found by “following the money.” To sell a book or theory, wacko as it may be, you must first find a trend, discovery, or product that is well-known and well-liked. Then you make a persuasive observation casting doubt on the safety, ecological impact, availability and/or the morality of its use. The purpose is to create a problem where none exists: i.e., wild horses, hormone implants, preservatives, oil drilling the tundra, pesticides, irradiation of food, hog confinement sheds, Alar in apples and antibiotics in cattle. Look at what a waste of common sense and money has resulted from the discovery of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy … in one cow in the United States! It was a fear monger’s feast! So while lettered experts, authorized “mullers.” activists and writers are try-
tendency to fall over!” “Carrots used as weapons in Arctic battle!” “Could bovine dewlap be related to snood shrinking in turkeys?” “Should Holsteins sue the Dairy Improvement Association for the Chick-Fil-A ads?” “Is Tractor Fantasy dangerPhoto courtesy of Cor CornSugar nSugar nSugar.com ous?” ing to portray corn syrup as “Can Tolstoy save your some evil substance, others marriage?” of their kind are searching “Packers blame the tennis ball shortage in New Zealand for easy prey so they can be for the drop in the beef marthe “nay-sayer de jour.” ket!” Potential headlines: The corn attack has stimu“Burnt toast, a carcinogen lated discourse on why we suspect!” eat so good, have so much “People who lean have a
cheap food, and can feed the world’s hungry if need be. The majority of this discussion has been among nonproducers, non-scientist and journalists, wherein common sense, economic impact, scientific validity, and overwhelming acceptance are not on the table. Michael Pollan in his book The Omnivore caused a ripple. He put corn syrup on the stage for its 15 minutes of fame. But, as Lincoln said when his dog swallowed an Indian head penny, “This too shall pass.” • Baxter Black is a former for lar large animal veterinarian who writes a syndicated column and appears re regularly on National Public Radio. His website is www.baxwww terblack.com.
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Welcome rain helps South Texas cotton farmers By ROD SANTA ANA Special to The Post
Quality and Integrity at Pr Pric ices You Can Afford.
The New D Series Skid Steer
February 15, 2011
Texas AgriLife Extension Ser Service vice photo
South Texas cotton fields soak up welcome rain which ended the driest three-month period since records have been kept. “It was a nice, slow rain, a have something to work good soaker, and depending with.” on how much rain a particuGrain sorghum growers lar area got, a sign of hope,” will savor the timely rainfall, he said. “Growers, especially then start planting seed in in the dryland areas of the the coming weeks, he said. Valley where they depend “Sorghum is usually planttotally on rainfall, were start- ed around the first of ing to wonder whether it February, but this year we’ll would be worthwhile to plant see a lot more cotton than anything. Why plant if it’s last year because of higherjust going to die? But now we than-normal market prices.”
Cowan said the rains provided moisture at the top of the soil profile that is needed to help seeds germinate and send roots to lower levels of soil still moist from Hurricane Alex and the tropical storm that followed. “The rains may have temporarily slowed down the harvest of citrus, sugarcane and winter vegetables, but for soil conditions overall, the rain was super. It was very welcomed,” he said. Cotton planting in the Lower Rio Grande Valley started Feb. 1, with most cotton planted between Feb. 15 and March 15, Saldana said. “Cotton is an expensive, complicated crop to grow,” Saldana said. “But this rain provided one less thing to worry about. A lot can happen between now and harvest in August, but at least we’re off to what looks to be a good start.”
MCALLEN — South Texas cotton farmers got the drenching rain they so desperately needed recently as they prepared to plant their 2011 crop, according to Texas AgriLife Extension Service personnel. “It was great, a blessing,” said Brad Cowan, an AgriLife Extension agent in Hidalgo County. “There are a lot of happy farmers today. The rain was nice and slow for the most part. There is not much standing water in the fields because it all soaked in. It was ideal.” Lower Rio Grande Valley cotton growers narrowly escaped rain and floodwater damage from Hurricane Alex last summer, but little or no rain had fallen since, according to Ruben Saldana, an AgriLife Extension administrator in Weslaco.
“According to the National Service, South Weather Texas has suffered the driest three-month period, from Septem-ber to December, since records have been kept, in some areas dating back to the late 1800s,” he said. The extremely dry weather was due to a “moderate to strong La Niña,” coupled with an atmospheric condition known as the arctic oscillation, according to the weather service’s website. “Of the 17 cold fronts we’ve had, 16 were dry with a low humidity. And after those fronts, it got warm again. That’s a world of difference from an El Niño year,” said Barry Goldsmith, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Brownsville. Rainfall amounts ranged from almost 4 inches in Brownsville to .15 inches at Falcon Dam in Zapata County.
The Land & Livestock Post
The Land & Livestock Post
February 15, 2011
Do fence me in
Paying more up front worth the money By HOLLI L. ESTRIDGE Special to The Post
hen it comes to protecting your property by keeping livestock in or pests out, local fencing experts agree quality of materials matter most. “The best rule you can follow is to build the best fence that you can with the money you have,” said Buddy Micklitz, owner of Bryan-based Buddy Micklitz Construction and Welding Services. “If you go cheap, you’re going to be replacing your fence a lot sooner.” Sometimes, though, the up front costs of higher grade materials can be discouraging. Compared to barbed wire — which can run $45 to $65 per roll — a sturdier product such as fixed-knot can cost between $185 and $350. But if the fence is installed properly, a fixed-knot fence can last as long as 50 years, said Matt Stokes, ag equipment and fencing manager at Producers Co-op in Bryan. A fixed-knot fence adds a third wire twisted around the vertical and horizontal wires where they join, giving greater strength. “The wire is more expensive per foot, but using half the number of posts can result in savings,” Stokes said. Micklitz said a net wire fence with a solid lock knot is the best product currently available. “It can be 48 to 49 inches tall — or taller. It can even be a game fence,” he said. “The way we build is to use steel or pipe for all the major posts and then use heavy weight t-posts for
ON THE COVER Buddy Micklitz and his employee Zach Rodriguez pound in posts while building a fence in rural Bryan last month. Post photo by Stuart Villanueva
our intermediary posts.” Micklitz said net wire is a high-carbon wire, which also makes it feasible to use fewer posts — keeping costs in line. Less costly options such as welded wire and cattle panels also are available, but Stokes said these options will not provide the longevity of a heavier wire. The type of materials used and the height of the fence should be driven by the types of animals a rancher or landowner hopes to keep in — or out, Micklitz said. A net wire fence with a strand of barbed wire three inches from the ground can help keep hogs off a property, for instance.
Posts A sturdy fence is as good as its posts, according to Micklitz. Installation of quality posts can increase the life of your fence greatly . Micklitz said he often steers customers more toward using pipe, because it lasts longer. If using cedar posts, Stokes said posts from the Texas Hill Country offer harder and better material. Wolmanized-treated and galvanized posts are among the other available options. Wolmanized wood is pressure treated with a preservative containing a fungicide, offering longer protection than untreated wood.
Photo by Stuar Stuart Vi Villanueva llanueva
Fence builder Nick Rodriguez walks past rolls of barbed wire while working on a fence in rural Bryan. Experts say spending more money up front for better matierals will build a stronger fence that will last longer. longer Proper bracing and corner systems also are key, said Micklitz. “Make sure you have a good corner post and brace post so that when you stretch the wire, it doesn’t pull it,” Micklitz said. “If not done properly, the wire can begin to droop and lose tension.” When Micklitz works on a fence, he said the property owner generally dictates how the posts are installed. But he prefers using a post-hole driller to install posts.
Hire a professional? Stokes said installation of a fence is straightforward, as long as ranchers and landowners have the proper tools and equipment at their disposal. A manual post-hole digger or a three-point auger — which can be fitted atop a trailer — can get the job done, he said. Fencing pliers and stretching
bars also are available. “People who do it for a living can sometimes have better ways to do it that they know,” he said. “But it’ s also straightforward.”
Maintenance A properly installed and maintained fence can last many years, said Micklitz. “It’s important to keep your fence lines clean,” he said. “Don’t let trees and brush grow up in your fence. It just makes it harder if you have to go in and repair them.” If you spray annually, spray your fence line with a chemical to keep the trees and brush down. A tree growing through the fence may not necessarily tear up a fence, but if the tree falls down, it can break your fence, Micklitz said. • Holli L. Estridge is a freelance fr writer in Bryan-College Br Station.
Recent weather a mixed blessing for producers By ROBERT BURNS Texas AgriLife Communications
the size of the hog herd and construct a trap size accordingly. It’s not too late this year to get started on getting the hogs on bait, he said, but even if it were, it’s a good idea to do it any time a landowner sees signs of feral hog damage. More information on controlling feral hogs can be found at feralhogs.tamu.edu. AgriLife Extension district reporters compiled the following summaries: Central: Recent rains gave small-grain crops a growth spurt. Winter livestock feeding was in full swing, and producers were moving cattle. Coastal Bend: Wet, cool weather continued. Winter annual grasses began to green up, providing some grazing for livestock. Pond levels were due to dry conditions. Many producers were applying fertilizer to their winter pastures. Livestock producers continued to pr provide sup-
plemental hay and protein to stock. There were reports of higher incidences of respiratory infections in cow herds. East: Recent rainfall and milder temperatures improved winter pastures. Cattle remained in fair to good condition. Producers continued supplemental feeding of cattle with calving under way. Hay supplies were dwindling, and many producers were thinning their herds. With recent rains and improving moisture conditions, producers hoped that stock ponds will be filled before seasonal dr y periods. Growers started pruning peach trees. Feral hog damage was on the rise. Southeast: Rain helped crops and pastures in some counties, but more moisture was needed. Nighttime lows were in the 30s; daytime highs in the 50s. Farmers continued preparing land for spring planting where there were drier conditions. Livestock were in fair condition.
February 15, 2011
Texas, Higginbotham said. “But we do know that regardless of the population out there, the economic damage can be drastically reduced by adopting best management practices,” he said. For ground-based and aerial hunters, the advantages of feral hogs being on the move are obvious, he said. In areas such as East Texas, where there is more cover, the name of the game is trapping, ground-shooting and snaring, Higginbotham said. For trappers, it’s important to fit the size of the trap to the size of the herd, which is called a “sounder.” He recommended that landowners “get the hogs on bait.” This expression means getting them used to visiting a location for food, usually shelled corn. Then, using automatic cameras or other means, the landowner needs to estimate
COLLEGE STATION — Wet, mild weather improved winter pastures during the last week of January, according to Texas AgriLife Extension Service personnel. The winter storm that struck Feb. 1 brought more moisture, which should benefit crops, but the extreme cold was expected to further stress livestock. But if there’s a silver lining to weather this time of it year, it’s that conditions are optimal for feral hog control, said Billy Higginbotham, AgriLife Extension wildlife specialist. “February is a month when we really need to concentrate control of feral hogs for a number of reasons,” Higginbotham said. This is because during the past 30 to 45 days of winter, native food supplies are
becoming scarce and hogs are on the move in search of something to eat, he said. “This makes them more vulnerable to some of our control techniques, such as trapping, shooting and snaring, because they are moving and in search of food,” he said. Another thing to consider, Higginbotham said, is that sows that were bred in late fall will be due to have litters in mid-spring, he said. The typical litter size is four to six piglets, and a sow can have at least one litter a year. They are one of the most reproductive large mammals on Earth, he said. “Therefore, we’ve got this window of opportunity over the next 30 to 45 days prior to spring green-up when we need to concentrate some control efforts.” No one really knows how many feral hogs there are in
The Land & Livestock Post
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The Land & Livestock Post
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February 15, 2011
Land & Livestock Post
ucts, or handling contaminated birthing material when assisting with difficult calving situations in infected cows. Routine blood testing at a livestock market led to the discovery of the infected herd. Animal Health Commission rules require all adult sexually intact cattle to be tested negative for the disease prior to change of ownership. “This herd may have been affected for some time and not detected due to lack of sales of adult test eligible cattle,” stated Dr. Andy Schwartz, Texas Animal Health Commission state epidemiologist. For that reason a full disease investigation is under way to find the possible source of infection, and to identify any exposed animals that may have left the herd. Though it has been five years since cattle brucellosis was last detected in Texas, there was on-going concern among industry and regulatory offi of cials that infected herds might still exist. “The discovery of this herd is a reminder of the value of continued surveillance efforts, and the importance of an effective system for tracing exposed animals,” Schwartz said.
The federal brucellosis eradication program began in earnest in 1959, with Texas being the last state to be declared “free” of the disease in 2008. The good news is that Texas will not lose its Class Free status as designated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA issued an interim rule in 2010 that suspended the provision for possible reclassification of any Class Free state or area to a lower status, and instead encouraged a localized risk based disease management approach. Currently, the only known reservoir for bovine brucellosis in the United States is in elk and bison in the Greater Yellowstone Area located in parts of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. That area is not considered the likely source of the newly detected Texas herd, however, based upon the epidemiological information received to date. Producers desiring more information on brucellosis may call their local Texas Animal Health Commission office, or visit the website at www.tahc.state.tx.us.
The Land & Livestock Post
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The Land & Livestock Post ✪ February 15, 2011
Historic Camp Cooley Ranch to be sold By MAGGIE KIELY maggie.kiely@theeagle.com
FRANKLIN — Klaus Birkel was far from being a rancher when he moved to Texas in 1991 and took over Camp Cooley Ranch. Unlike others in the industry who were carrying on the cowboy tradition of ranching, as many in their family had done before, becoming a rancher was never on Birkel’s agenda. Before moving to the area, Birkel had taken over his family’s food business in Germany, where he manufactured pasta sauces and readyto-eat meals. “If you’re coming out of Europe, space is important,” Birkel said. “Especially Germany, it’s a highly populated and highly dense area. I wanted to have the luxury of a lot of space. I never envisioned what we had to do with the
place.” But since Birkel took the reins of ranch operations two decades ago, Camp Cooley, which at nearly 11,000 acres is the largest ranch in Robertson County and has a carrying capacity of about 4,000 head of cattle, has become well-known in the beef industry for its innovations in genetics and breeding and record-setting stock sales. It also is recognized as one of the oldest exotic game preserve ranches in the country. Today, the ranch is for sale and Birkel is looking for a buyer who will take over the ranch and run it as a unit, he said. Camp Cooley includes about 7,400 acres of pastureland, 1,000 acres of highfenced exotic game preserve
Photo by Dave McDer McDermand mand
Cattle graze last month at Camp Cooley, Cooley a 10,600-acre ranch near Franklin. The largest ranch in Robertson County County, established before the Civil War, is expected to be sold by mid-April. Owner Klaus Birkel, who suffered losses in the real estate downturn, hopes to sell the ranch he has owned since 1991 to someone who will keep it intact. Experts say the anticipated sale price is hard to pinpoint.
Events Calendar
Feb. 19 : Navasota Livestock Auction, 7th Annual Female & Bull Replacement Sale. Navasota, TX. 936-825-6545 Feb. 19: Coufal Prater Country Store, 2011 EXPO. Navasota, TX. 936-825-6575 Feb. 23: Thomas Charolais 5th Annual Spring Bull Sale, Raymondville, TX. 956689-5162 Feb. 24: Land & Livestock Post advertising Deadline Feb. 25 & 26: Black & White Sale. RRR Ranch, Salacoa Valley Farms, Fluharty Farms. Camp Cooley Ranch Sale Facility, Franklin, TX. (979) 828-5532 Feb. 26: 44 Farms Prime Cut Spring Bull Sale. Cameron, TX. 254-697-4401 Feb. 26: Farm Ranch and Construction Equipment Sale. Edna TX. 979-865-5468. Feb 26: South Texas Cattle Marketing’s Spring Gathering, Cattleman’s Opportunity Sale. Nixon, TX. 830-334-8227 Feb. 27: Horse Auction. Over 100 Consignments. Edna,TX. 979-865-5468 Feb 28: Edna, TX All Breed Bull & Female Sale. Edna, TX. 979-865-5468
Mar. 2: Buffalo Livestock Marketing’s PreConditioned Weaned Calf and Yearling Sale.
Buffalo, TX. 903-322-4940 Mar. 2: Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo All Breed Range Bull Sale. Houston, TX. 979885-3526 Mar. 5: Foundation Angus Alliance, Annual Production Sale. Luling, TX. 830-875-2438 Mar. 5: Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo All Breed Commercial Female Sale. Houston, TX. 979-885-3526 Mar. 12: Texas Commercial Bull & Female Sale, Southern Cattle Co. (979) 820-8362
Apr. 1- 3: 2011 TSCRA School for Successful Ranching & Trade Show. San Antonio, TX. 800-242-7820 Apr. 16: Texas State Shorthorn Sale and Futurity Auction. Eastland, TX. (432)6612939 or (281) 469-963 Apr 30: 2011-Kallion Farms “Advanced Genetics” Brahman Spring Production Sale, College Station, TX 956-245-9780
Do you have a sale or event you’d like listed? Call Jesse Wright at (979) 731-4721 or email jesse.wright@theeagle.com
Cooley From 16
The hard choice
The decision to sell Camp Cooley didn’t come easy for Birkel, and it was his other business ventures that have led him to the tough choice. As someone heavily vested in the real estate industry, his portfolio took a majo ma r hit during the economic downturn, Birkel said, causing him to rearrange his finances. As a result, he said, Camp Cooley will have to switch hands. Bernard Uechtritz, an international consultant based out of Dallas who is handling the sale of Camp Cooley, said he expects to sell the ranch by mid-April, although he didn’t
Photo by Dave McDermand
Traffic along busy U.S. 79 outside Franklin roars past the entrance to Camp Cooley, Cooley Robertson County’s largest ranch, that is expected to be sold by mid-April. disclose a selling price, saying that an exact price was hard to pinpoint. As someone who was raised on a cattle ranch in Australia who has handled high-profile real estate sales — past clients include TV personali-
ty Howie Mandel and radio host Dr. Laura Shlessinger — Uechtritz said he’s confident in his ability to pinpoint qualified and appropriate possible buyers who will be the right fit for Camp Cooley. In 2008, Camp Cooley was
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Joe Fuller, former vice president of marketing for Camp Cooley and a member of the Franklin Chamber of Commerce, said the ranch has played a vital role in the local economy. “It does absolutely contribute to the job market,” he said. “All levels of education and skills were employed at the ranch, and there were easily more than 50 employees at one time.”
• See RANCH/Page RANCH 19
Brazos Valley Livestock Brazos Valley Livestock Commission, Inc. Commission, Inc.
February 15, 2011
land, and another 1,400 acres of wetlands. During the Civil War, the ranch served as a recruitment camp under Capt. Charles G. Cooley, and was a popular stomping ground for the Comanche Indians before they were pushed onto reservations. Birkel had the business expertise to run a successful operation, but needed experienced ranchers to make the place into what he had envisioned. “I tried to hire real good people and develop a business plan,” he recalled. “It was fun, more or less, to show the people that outsiders can do a good job. We pushed the organization to heights that we never expected.” In 1998, two calves were successfully cloned by scientists at Camp Cooley, and a consistent herd of Brangus cows — a mix between Angus and Brahman cattle bred to handle sub-tropical weather conditions — has been maintained for the last 15 years. “I think our biggest achievement is we brought a lot of service and support to our customers to make them successful,” Birkel said. “Not only genetic-wise, but consulting — how they should manage their ranch, how they should do their breeding program.” Most of Camp Cooley’s clientele over the years consisted of co-op ranchers who would go on to sell the cattle to beef producers, Birkel said.
A boost to the economy
subject to investigation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture after one its cows was found to be infected with malignant catarrhal fever, an animal disease that’s fatal to cattle but doesn’t pose a threat to humans. The cow had contracted the disease from a wildebeest, then passed it on to her calf when she gave birth. As a result, Birkel decided to sell off his entire herd of 3,000 cattle, but the infected cow incident isn’t what led him to decide to sell the ranch, he said.
The Land & Livestock Post
Tuesda Sales: Tuesdays 12 N @ 12 Noon oon 6097 East Hwy. 21 • Bryan, TX
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979-828-4000 962 Acres, sAl sAlTer FArM rd., cAl cAlVerT Bermuda & Native, irrigation wells, 4 ½ miles of Brazos River frontage, some minerals, electricity, Calvert ISD; $2,070,000 90 Acres, FM 2446, FrAnklin Bermuda, Bahia & Native, small pond, seasonal creek, approx. 3,000 rd frontage, water & electric, Franklin ISD; $405,000 65 Ac, on cr 278, kosse 90/10 wooded/open, 3phase power, water well & community, hunting/recreational or homesite, 100% of surface rights convey; Bremond ISD $169,000 w/out minerals or $194,350 w/15% minerals owned 52 Ac, on FM 1940, FrAnklin Single wide mobile home, 70/30 open/wooded, new fences, 2 ponds, water well, surface control conveys, Franklin ISD $367,052
10Acres, rABBiT ln. & THurMAn rd, Br BryA yA yAn n Water & Electric, 3 sides fenced, paved on 2 sides, pond site 5 min to Bryan; Bryan ISD; $129,000 9 Acres, FM 1373, BreMond 3 sides fenced, open hay pasture, water & electric available, Bremond ISD; $345,125
33 Acres, norTH oF cAl cAlVerT 95/5 wooded/open, live creek, elect. on site, road frontage on 2 sides; Calvert ISD $84,900 ($2,567/Ac)
30 Ac, on Wylie ln, FrAnklin 1,859 sq. ft., 2 bed, 2 bath custom home, built in 07, open floor plan, fireplace, in 37.5 Ac, on WArren rd, FrAnklin ground pool, built on hilltop overlooking Single wide mobile home, 25/75 wooded/open, improved & native pasture, pond, water well, fenced, electricity electricity, water well, Hearne ISD, Franklin ISD; $325K $119,500 (3,186/Ac) 99.457 Ac, FM 46, FrAnklin 60% open pasture, 40% wooded, spring fed 105 Acres, ½ Mile oFF FM 974, Br BryAn creek, 4 ponds, sandy rolling hills, new fence Approx. 25% pasture, 75% wooded, home site on 2 sides, fronts on FM 46, electricity and overlooking pond, rolling wooded hills with lots community water line available; Franklin ISD; of wildlife, electric in area, Bryan ISD; $390,000 ($3,921/Ac) ($3,750/Ac)
The Land & Livestock Post ✪ February 15, 2011
Every cow in your herd now comes with this handy deworming applicator. Safe-Guard® (fenbendazole) is the first and only liquid feed dewormer on the market. Which means your cattle can now get the parasite protection they need on-pasture, on a free-choice basis, when they need it most to improve production. No extra handling, no extra stress. Just have it added to your lick tank and let the cattle do the rest. In 3-6 days you’re on your way to bigger profits.
Consult your local feed and animal health supplier for assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and control of parasitism. RESIDUE WARNING: Cattle must not be slaughtered within 13 days following last treatment. For dairy cattle, the milk discard time is zero hours. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in pre-ruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal.
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health | www.intervetusa.com | 800.521.5767 Safe-Guard is property of Intervet International B.V. or affiliated companies or licensors and is protected by copyrights, trademark and other intellectual property laws. ©2011 Intervet International B.V. All rights reserved. BV-SG-1113237R LLP
Ranch From 17
When considering potential buyers, Birkel said he’s looking for someone who will continue his operation with fresh ideas. That’s what Uechtritz is looking for, too, he said. “It’s important to me that Camp Cooley sells to somebody who buys the whole thing as a turnkey operation,” he said. “We’re not just showing the ranch to anybody.” To pre-qualify, potential buyers have to sign a confidentiality agreement stating they won’t disclose any financial information they’re exposed to and need to be able to prove they’re in the position to afford the ranch, as well as make the investments needed to improve and maintain the land and facilities, Uechtritz said. Because Camp Cooley goes beyond operating as a typical cattle ranch, and is rich in minerals and wetlands, estimating a sale price is challenging. Interested buyers are presented with a range of values
O’Keefe said he expects to see a Texan take over. “Who better to appreciate the value and the opportunities associated with such an iconic property?” he asked. Leaving the ranch won’t be easy for Birkel, who’s lived in a home on the property with his wife since moving to the area. But, it’s the people he’ll miss most. “The cattle business brings people together, which is amazing,” he said. “I met a lot of interesting people of out Mexico, South America, Australia, and a lot of highclass people here in Texas and the United States.” He’ll be moving to Dallas, where he already owns a home, he said.
rk An a l C
From 6 long as corn was cheap.” By 2004, prices had reached a level that resulted in limited herd expansion in 2004 and 2005. In 2006, the world marketplace changed with grain prices jumping to new levels, which have continued fundamentally higher and provoked long-term beef industry adjustments that continue to this day. Peel said the loss of profprof itability caused by high and volatile input prices since late 2006 also prompted additional liquidation, which has contributed to today’s tight cattle inventory numbers. “The point is that there are some very solid reasons why we are seeing record cattle prices and still have expectations for even higher prices,” he said. “Limited cattle numbers, high grain prices that temper carcass weights and the need to reduce heifer and cow slaughter all suggest that supplies will tighten significantly in 2011 compared to recent years.” Furthermore, a continuation of strong export demand and indications of recovery in domestic beef demand will allow cattle and beef prices to move higher. How high? Nobody really knows, cautions Peel, but there are likely
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industry can watch. “The key is demand and just how much higher prices can be supported,” he said. “As is typical, the market will probably overshoot at some point and pull back a bit to reveal what the top really is.” It does not appear that the beef industry is close to that level yet. “Even when we do, we will likely stay at historically high levels for some time,” Peel said. “The situation that led us to this point has been a decade in the making and will not unravel very quickly.”
February 15, 2011
The next owner
Expecting a Texas sale
“The point is that there are some very solid reasons why wh we are seeing record cattle prices and still have ha expectations for even higher prices. es.”
Camp Cooley also has been advantageous to area economies by drawing in visitors — often 800 to 1,000 at a time — from all over the world who would make the trip to Robertson County for cattle sales, Fuller said. Hotels would sell out and restaurants were always busy during the events, he said, bringing a boost of revenue to the area. Ideally, the next owner will want to continue operating Camp Cooley in a similar manner as Birkel, Fuller said. “The best solution would be for a registered cattle operation to buy Camp Cooley Ranch and carry on some of the things the ranch is doing or do some of their own programs there,” he said. “No doubt that when it was operating in its peak capacity, Camp Cooley was a tremendous economic driver in the Brazos Valley, and that’s certainly missing right now.” Birkel said the ranch was at the top of its game in about 2008, when there were more than 60 employees. About 40 work on the ranch today.
stating how much each part of the ranch could be worth, Uechtritz said. For example, a value range is presented for the mineral-rights component. A unique aspect of the ranch is that it’s so close to four major cities — Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio. “Buyers of legacy ranches such as Camp Cooley expect to fly to their properties, not drive a couple of hours from Houston, Dallas, or Austin,” said Eric O’Keefe, ef editor of efe, The Land Report. “That’s what makes it such a rarity,” O’Keefe said.
The Land & Livestock Post
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Gallagher S17 Solar Charger
The Land & Livestock Post ✪ February 15, 2011
News LIVESTOCK MARKET REPORTS Bryan Results of Brazos Valley Livestock Commission’s Jan. 18 sale: Head: 629 Steers: 200-300 lbs., $125$177.50; 300-400 lbs., $120$175; 400-500 lbs., $116-$167; 500-600 lbs., $110-$150; 600700 lbs., $100-$124; 700-800 lbs., $111-$120. Heifers: 200-300 lbs., $90$144; 300-400 lbs., $90-$146; 400-500 lbs., $100-$141; 500600 lbs., $92-$131; 600-700 lbs., $90-$112; 700-800 lbs., $96-$102. Slaughter cows: $34-$72.50. Slaughter bulls: $61-$85. Bred cows: $500-$1,010. Cow/calf pairs: $860-$1,090.
Buffalo Results of Buffalo Livestock Commission’s Jan. 22 sale: Head: 1,156 Steers: 150-200 lbs., $125$190; 200-300 lbs., $125-$185;
300-400 lbs., $130-$170; 400500 lbs., $120-$162.50; 500600 lbs., $120-$145; 600-700 lbs., $112-$127; 700-800 lbs., $110-$122. Heifers: 150-200 lbs., $120$185; 200-300 lbs., $115-$165; 300-400 lbs., $122-$150; 400500 lbs., $115-$138; 500-600 lbs., $110-$127; 600-700 lbs., $104-$119; 700-800 lbs., $102$111. Slaughter cows: $48-$71. Slaughter bulls: $66-$79.50. Bred cows: $680-$1,010. Cow/ calf pairs: $710-$1,110.
Caldwell Results of Caldwell Livestock Commission’s Jan. 26 sale: Head: 705 Steers: 200-300 lbs., $130$165; 300-400 lbs., $120-$170; 400-500 lbs., $115-$156; 500600 lbs., $105-$140; 600-700 lbs., $104-$125; 700-800 lbs., $95-$110. Heifers: 200-300 lbs., $125-
$145; 300-400 lbs., $110-$155; 400-500 lbs., $105-$150; 500600 lbs., $100-$130; 600-700 lbs., $95-$120; 700-800 lbs., $100-$110. Slaughter cows: $35-$72. Slaughter bulls: $53-$82. Stocker cows: $530-$1,190. Cow/calf pairs: $620-$1,300.
Groesbeck Results of Groesbeck Auction & Livestock Co.’s Jan. 27 sale: Head: 900 Steers: 300-400 lbs., $165$172; 400-500 lbs., $133-$155; 500-600 lbs., $122-$143; 600700 lbs., $121-$132; 700-800 lbs., $117-$122. Heifers: 300-400 lbs., $125$142; 400-500 lbs., $121-$137; 500-600 lbs., $112-$130; 600700 lbs., $115-$120. Slaughter cows: $44-$74.50. Slaughter bulls: $70-$80.50. Bred stockers: $850-$1,150. Cow/calf pairs: $750-$1,300.
Milano Results of Milano Livestock Exchange’s Jan. 25 sale: Head: 963 Steers: 300-400 lbs., $135$152.50; 400-500 lbs., $127.50$150; 500-600 lbs., $118-$145; 600-700 lbs., $106-$127.50. Heifers: 300-400 lbs., $122.50-$140; 400-500 lbs., $113-$135; 500-600 lbs., $106$125; 600-700 lbs., $104-$118; 700-800 lbs., $105-$109. Slaughter cows: $50-$75. Slaughter bulls: $71.50-$83.50. Stocker cows: $880-$1,200. Cow/calf pairs: $1,000-$1,010.
Heifers: 150-300 lbs., $100$180; 300-400 lbs., $110$152.50; 400-500 lbs., $105$129; 500-600 lbs., $105-$125; 600-700 lbs., $95-$117. Slaughter cows: $38-$72. Slaughter bulls: $55-$89.50. Stocker cows: $650-$1,050. — Special to The Eagle
For more ag news you can use:
Navasota Results of Navasota Livestock Auction Co.’s Jan. 22 sale: Head: 1,366 Steers: 150-300 lbs., $110$190; 300-400 lbs., $110-$170; 400-500 lbs., $105-$152.50; 500-600 lbs., $100-$145; 600700 lbs., $100-$127.
Land & Livestock Post
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Ranch U workshops to begin By BLAIR FANNIN Texas AgriLife Communications
Land & Livestock Post Published by Bryan-College Station Communications, Inc. (979) 776-4444 or (800) 299-7355
President - Jim Wilson...................................................Ext. 4613 Publisher and Editor- Kelly Brown................................Ext. 4656 Advertising Director - Ron Lee ....................................Ext. 4740 Advertising Sales/General Sales/Gener Manager Manag - Jesse Wright ........Ext. 4721 Fi Financial Director - Rod Armstrong..................................Ext. 4605 New Media Director - Mike Mik Albin ....................................Ext. 4663 Production Director - Mark Manning................................Ext. 4671 Director - Jack Perkins ..................................Ext. 4752 Cir Circulation
Texas is a big wildlife state, and “several wildlife management topics are covered ranging from white-tailed deer and turkey management, fisheries management in ranch ponds, and what to do with the feral hog,” Redmon said. Field demonstrations will
16% Protein • 110% Fat
February 15, 2011
The Eagle
Texas AgriLife Extension photo
Larry Redmon, Texas AgriLife Extension state forage specialist, will coordinate the April 1215 Ranch Management University workshops in College Station.
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COLLEGE STATION — Ranch Management University, scheduled April 12-15 in College Station, is a workshop designed to help new and novice landowners improve their understanding of managing resources on the ranch. Sponsored by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service, the four-day workshop will address many topics, said Larry Redmon, workshop coordinator and state forage specialist. “We introduce them to the basics of soils and soil fertility, plus forage species selection, hay production, weed and brush management,” he said. “We also give discussion on winter pasture establishment and utilization, beef cattle breed selection and nutrient requirement.” Feeding strategies for livestock and grazing management strategies will also be discussed. “And the popular chute-side talk on live-animal handling, demonstrations of vaccinations, dehorning and castration of cattle are also a part of the program,” he said. “An agricultural economist will cover topics including how to plan for profit, how to develop a marketing plan and a look at alternative enterprises. Additionally horses, sheep, and goat production will also be covered.”
include learning how to assess body condition scores for cattle, how to collect proper soil and hay samples, and how to assess the fish populations in the pond. “There will also be a discussion regarding pond weeds and a demonstration on hog trap design,” Redmon said. “Breakfast items, lunch, three suppers and all break refreshments will be provided. A resource CD containing over 100 publications covering ranch resource management will also be provided,” Redmon said. Attendance is limited to the first 50 people who enroll. For additional information, contact Redmon at 979-845-4826 or l-redmon@tamu.edu. To register online and to obtain additional information, go to http://agrilifevents.tamu.edu and type in “ranch management” as key words in the search window.
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February 15, 2011 âœŞ
The Land & Livestock Post
the traits that Pay… In Volume… Calving ease… Growth...Quality Grade
The Land & Livestock Post
Selling sons of these 44 Farms herd sires:
Saturday, February 26, 2011 Cameron, texaS 125 18-month-old bulls • 100 yearling bulls
Reg. # 16645185
Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96 Also selling sons of: Predestined, Objective, Bextor, Complete, In Focus
Reg. # 16645186
BW: I+2.3 WW: I+56 YW: I+112 Milk: I+26 Marb: +.92 RE: +.40 $B +75.87
BW: I+1.7 WW: I+50 YW: I+95 Milk: I+23 Marb: I+.59 RE: I+.43 $B +54.75
The Total Package. Tom Dalbey’s favorite since birth. Sire: Werner War Party 2417 Dam: B/R Blackcap Empress 127
Dam is full sister to Bextor. Sire: B/R New Day 454 Dam: BAAR USA Lady Jaye 494
Reg. # 16629346
Reg. # 16673599
BW: I+2.9 WW: I+52 YW: I+99 Milk: I+21 Marb: I+.68 RE: I+.30 $B +63.93
44 Ruby of Tiffany W927 a full sister was selected by Bo Bo Farms Ardmore, Alabama in the 2010 Sale at 44 Farms for an $80,000 valuation. Sire: B/R New Day 454 Dam: B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250
February 15, 2011
B/R New Day 454 B/R Destination 727-928 B/R Ambush 28 B/R New Frontier 095 Werner War Party 2417
BW: I+1.1 WW: I+54 YW: I+101 Milk: I+24 Marb: +.96 RE: +.22 $B +69.19
Calving ease, growth, and off the chart marbling. Sire: Mytty In Focus Dam: B/R Blackcap Empress 127
EPDs as of 1/4/20 1/4/2011
SALE WILL BE BRoADCAST oN 1945 County Rd. 227 Cameron, TX 76520 (254) 697-4401 info@44farms.com 44farms.com
Bob McClaren (713) 650-9090 Doug Slattery (979) 451-2003 James Burks (254) 718-5193 Tom Dalbey (404) 372-0973 Luke Jenkins (254) 541-7085
February 15, 2011 âœŞ
The Land & Livestock Post