October 2012
Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
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table of contents brEAsT cAncEr lEAnEd On
ThinGs ThAT hElpEd durinG brEAsT cAncEr
sOmEThinG fishy
in A GOOd WAy
TOp 25 ThinGs i Wish pEOplE WOuld
hAvE TOld mE
4 6
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A pOrTiOn Of ThE prOcEEds frOm Think pink Will bE dOnATEd TO ThE susAn G. kOmEn fOr ThE curE®
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Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
blEssinGs in
Crystal Dupré Ron Prince Joanne R. Patranella Dawn Goodall Jim Bob Mckown Shauna Lewis Courtney Lewellen
lOcAl prOGrAms
prOvidE mAmOGrAms EAch dAy
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Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Blessings in Breast cancer it’s scary, But sometimes good things come from it, Brenham Breast cancer survivor says.
reast cancer survivor Lois Holley, of Brenham, said trusting her gut instinct might have saved her life. Holley, 65, was 53 in October 2000 when she discovered a “good-sized” lump during a self-breast exam. A biopsy, a test in which a sample of tissue is taken, showed that the lump was benign (noncancerous). Despite the biopsy results, Holley didn’t want the large lump left in her body, so she had it removed.
After the lump was taken out, doctors discovered that there was cancer on the outside of the lump. “I was stunned,” Holley said. “I thought I was having that lump removed just because I wanted to, not because there was something wrong with me. I was speechless, but very thankful.” Her doctor called her on a Friday afternoon to deliver the news that she had breast cancer, after debating whether to tell her before the weekend
or wait until Monday, she said. She was thankful he told her. “The knowing is better than the not knowing,” she said. The day after she found out she had breast cancer, she had a mastectomy, which is surgery to remove all breast tissue from a breast as a way to treat or prevent breast cancer. “I had reconstruction about a year later,” she said. “It wasn’t too important to me at the time. I just wanted to get it
out of there.” Holley followed the mastectomy with six months of chemotherapy and eight weeks of radiation. During her treatment, Holley said she was sick some of the time, and she lost her hair -- a traumatic event for her. She wore a wig and continued her job at the Brenham High School Library, though she had to work around doctor’s appointments. Working was good because it gave her a continued
Photos by shauna Lewis: (FaR RiGht) breast cancer survivor Louis holley, of brenham, recently stands in front of a bosom buddies fundraiser at the brenham Clinic. routine, as well as less time to focus on the cancer, she said. People often tell those dealing with breast cancer that they’re brave, Holley said, but anyone dealing with cancer just does what needs to be done. “It’s a very scary thing. You hear the C-word and the bottom falls out,” she said. “People say you’re brave … You do what you have to do.” Holley said the family of a breast cancer patient also has to deal with the cancer. Her daughters were 16 and
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Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
“it’s a very scary thing. you hear the c-word and the Bottom falls out.”
- lOuis hOllEy, brEAsT cAncEr survivOr frOm brEnhAm
19 when she was diagnosed with it. “My husband was the rock. He went to doctor appointments him to,” she said.
‘dOn’T bE cOmplAcEnT’
ThE silvEr lininG
There are a few things that can be good about having breast cancer and losing hair, Holley said. “There was never a bad hair day,” Holley said, laughing. “You never have to shave your legs.” After the cancer was gone, surviving breast cancer has made her appreciate life’s blessings more, counting her four young
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The Eagle • theeagle.com
According to the American Cancer Society, 85 percent of women who get breast cancer do not have a family history of the disease. Holley said she’s one of those women who doesn’t have a family history of the disease, and she pointed to the statistics as a reason to be vigilant about health. “Don’t be complacent,” she said. “Know your own body … Sometimes you have to be your own advocate.” Several others she’s known who have been diagnosed with breast cancer say they knew something was wrong before being diagnosed.
grandchildren among them. “I’m thrilled that I get to experience that,” she said about being a grandmother. Holley said breast cancer also led her to become involved with Bosom Buddies, a group of breast cancer survivors that raises money to pay for mammograms for Washington County women who are unable to afford them. The mammograms are provided at the Brenham Clinic. She first went to a Bosom Buddies event to hear her oncologist at the Cancer Center in Bryan speak, and has been involved with the group since. What money the group has left over after mammograms goes toward scholarships for graduating high school seniors. Besides fundraising, the group meets once a month for social time. Being able to help women who are going through breast cancer is “very meaningful,” she said. “There are good things that can come out of bad things,” Holley said. For more information on Bosom Buddies, email brenhambosombuddies@ gmail.com.
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Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
navasota woman says she and two sisters
leaned on faith to fight Breast cancer By SHAUNA LEWIS THE EAGLE
avasota resident Pat Wright was not shocked in March 2009 when she found out that she had breast cancer; her older and younger sister had already both dealt with it. Even then, it was “upsetting,” she said. Wright, 61, found out she had breast cancer after an annual mammogram at the Brenham Clinic showed a small mass. Wright also works at the Brenham Clinic, the Brenham branch of the College Station Medical Center, as a new patient registrar. “They detected a very
small spot,” Wright said. A follow-up biopsy to test the small mass showed that it was malignant, she said. The same month, in March 2009, she got a lumpectomy, a procedure in which the tumor and some surrounding tissue were removed. Soon after, Wright started seven weeks of radiation treatment in Bryan. She said she has continued to faithfully get annual mammograms, and is taking a pill that she was prescribed for five years. “So far I’m cancer free,” Wright said. “I hope it
stays that way.”
A ‘fAmily AffAir’
Wright said her youngest sister, 60-yearold Sharon Brown, of Brenham, first had breast cancer about 18 years ago, and survived it three times. She was doing well until she was diagnosed in March with brain cancer, which she is still fighting. Her 64-year-old sister, Marilyn Naumann, also of Brenham, has had breast cancer twice, but is now cancer free. “It’s a family affair,” she said. Because of Brown’s brain cancer, Dr. Raj
Photos by shauna Lewis: (bottoM LeFt)breast cancer survivor Pat wright, of navasota, recently stands in front of a bosom buddies fundraiser at the brenham Clinic, where she works as a new patient registrar.
Cheruku, the oncologist for all three sisters, recently recommended that Wright take a BRCA test to determine whether she was genetically prone for cancer, and the result was negative. The sisters’ mother, who is 90, has never had cancer. But they have aunts on their mother’s side of the family who have also had breast cancer.
cOpinG WiTh cAncEr
Wright said she continued working during the time she had radiation. She just left work a little early to drive to Bryan for the treatment.
She said she and her sisters dealt with cancer by leaning on each other and other family members and friends and by having a positive attitude. Not feeling alone makes a difference, she said. “Even if you’ve had it before, it’s upsetting,” she said about cancer. “You learn to deal with it and have a positive attitude. I think that’s a lot of it.” The sisters’ faith in God also helped them with their struggle with cancer. “We’ve got the faith that God won’t give you anything that you can’t tackle,” she said. “That gets you through it.”
The Eagle
salutes the
WOMEN in our community
things that helped during
Photos ContRibuted by Janie MCdouGaL: (LeFt) Janie Mcdougal poses with her dogs, duncan, who died last year, and Fufu on Christmas day 2008. (bLaCk and white Photo) Janie Mcdougal poses wearing a wig at an oPas ball in 2002.
aith, hope, and love are words that 11-year breast cancer survivor Janie McDougal lives by. All three pulled the College Station resident through eight months of treatment in 2001. In April 2001, when she was 54, her mammogram came back without showing much of anything, but she was still suspicious and wanted an ultrasound. Her mother had breast cancer at 67, and her sister had found a lump the year before.
Alliance, McDougal plans to share that with others. “Pink Alliance helps support the women who don’t have the means to have treatment or mammograms,” McDougal said. “We hope to reach as many people as we can and offer support. The biggest thing I could say to anyone going through it would be to assume your normal lifestyle. Go to work; go to a meeting. You may not feel 100 percent, but get up, do your hair, put on a nice outfit. You will feel pretty and pretty makes you feel better. Because it is not a death sentence. There’s all the reason for hope. It’s traumatic and serious, but it is survivable.”
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The Eagle • theeagle.com
“I was concerned because I had felt a spot there,” McDougal said. “Irregularity in breast tissue meant I could feel it more prominently at times, but not at others. My dense breast tissue also made it harder to locate.” The ultrasound confirmed her suspicions; there was a lump. “I was high risk, so we were watching things closely,” McDougal said.
“When we found it, I was not really surprised, but was disappointed that it was now my turn.” After a battery of tests, another lump was found in the other breast. “I had a double bi-lateral mastectomy on May 31 at MD Anderson,” McDougal said. “When I woke up from anesthesia and got back to my room, it was filled with family and friends. I felt lifted up, and that I was going to get through this. I had a lot of hope.” McDougal’s chemo treatment at MD Anderson started at the end of June, and finished in December of 2001. “A month after the mastectomy, I started six treatments of chemo,” McDougal said. “I had so much support and prayer support from family and friends. I felt it. I had a good attitude, and that I was going to get through this.” Even so, it was tempting to fold up her tent. “At that time, I was newly elected president of the women’s club in Bryan,” she said. “My first reaction was, ‘I’m going to have to resign if I’m going to have all this treatment.’ But I got a nudge from the Lord, ‘No, you go ahead; I will be with you.’ He gave me the encouragement that hopefully I was able to give (to) the ladies in the
club, showing them I had hope, that it wasn’t a death sentence to be diagnosed with breast cancer. And I didn’t miss one meeting. I was never really sick with chemo, which was a real blessing.” Love and support from others gave her the courage she needed to keep fighting, and even brought laughter to a difficult time in her life. “So many people were
bringing me food, praying and giving me attention,” McDougal said. “That wonderful support made this a truly remarkable experience in my life. I will never forget the love and concern of those around me. When I started losing my hair, I went to get a wig and chose two brunette and one blonde. My husband and I would meet at a restaurant and he would never know who to look for. We had a lot of fun with that.” Now 65, McDougal said her faith, hope and the love of family and friends got her though to the other side. As a new board member for local organization Pink
Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
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The Eagle
Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Study ShowS that regular uSe of fiSh oil SupplementS may reduce the riSk of breaSt cancer
Something’s Fishy …
In a Good Way
or women, the benefit of a fish filet may go beyond the protein, mental health and the delicious taste. A recent study by researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle links consumption of fish oil supplements with a decreased risk of breast cancer. Regular consumption of high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA contained in fish oil supplements was linked with a 32 percent reduced risk of breast cancer in the study led by Emily White, Ph. D, a member of the public health sciences division. The Hutchinson study is the first to link these substances to breast cancer. Previous studies of fish intake and omega-3 fatty acids have been inconsistent. “It may be that the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil supplements are higher than most people would typically get from their diet,” White said. White and other researchers followed 35,016 postmenopausal women for six years. Initially,
none of the women had a history of breast cancer and each completed a 24-page questionnaire about their use of non-vitamin, non-mineral “specialty” supplements. Six years later, 880 cases of breast cancer were identified. While excitement has emerged with increasing evidence about the health benefits of fish oil, White and other medical professionals encourage caution. “It is very rare that a single study should be used to make a broad recommendation,” said Edward Giovannucci, M.D., professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health and an editorial board member of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, “Over a period of time, as the studies confirm each other, we can start to make recommendations.” Harvard researchers are now enrolling what they plan to be a study of 20,000 patients on the impact of fish oil supplements and vitamin D on cancer, heart disease and stoke.
Source: Pink Alliance Brazos Valley Breast Cancer Support. (bvbcs.org)
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The Eagle • theeagle.com
1. We cry, we all have cried, but we laugh too! 2. With new treatments, you are not sick all of the time! You can work and carry on a normal life — you just have to rest more. 3. Listen to your body. When you’re tired, stop and rest. When you are feeling okay, follow your usual routine. It will make the time pass faster and make you healthier both physically and mentally. 4. Eat several small meals a day. It keeps your strength up and manages nausea, if you have any. 5. Keep a journal of daily visits, meals brought by, gifts, card, etc. Also write down how you are feeling. It becomes your story, and it is good to look back on your journey. 6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. People are willing to offer, but often don’t know how to approach you. 7. When people offer to help, believe them. They get as much from helping you as you do. It fills two buckets at the same time! 8. So many “angels” come into your life — and they come in many ways. 9. Have someone accompany you to all your appointments. It is hard to hear/understand/think about everything the doctor is saying when you have so many things going through your mind. Four ears are always better than two! 10. It’s okay to be proactive and ask questions about your treatment and your doctors. 11. Keep a list of questions as you think of them between treatments so you can ask the doctor at your next appointment. 12. If you are sick or hurting, don’t suffer in silence...tell your doctors. 13. It’s okay — and kind of nice — to not wear a wig if you’re not comfortable with it. You look glamorous with your hats and scarves, and cute with your bald head. 14. You will learn that the hair on your head is there for more than looks — it helps your body retain heat. You will probably want to wear a turban to keep your head warm at night and on colder days. 15. If you are having chemo and expect to lose your hair, cut it short. It is fun to have a new hair style, and it makes it easier when you start losing hair. 16. You can get a fringe of hair that looks like hair under hats and scarves without having to wear a full wig. 17. Putting baby powder on your head before putting on your wig makes it Are you suffering from more comfortable and absorbs some of the moisture. leg heaviness ∙ swelling ∙ leg pain ∙ cramping 18. Buying the wig early helps match color/style to real hair. Or, if you want varicose veins ∙ blue veins ∙ spider veins ∙ restless legs to, get a wig that is very different than your hair. It’s your opportunity to try new things! The cause of these symptoms CAN be treated. 19. If you acquire your wig before your hair has fallen out, keep in mind that · Fast recovery · Covered by most insurance companies it will not fit as tightly without hair. If you purchase your wig, ask if you · Minimally invasive procedures can return to have it sized later. · State-of-the-art non-surgical outpatient treatment options 20. Get your wig trimmed by your hairstylist or someone with experience with wigs. FREE VEIN SCREENINGS 21. You can get a free wig and other supplies at the local American Cancer Society office. Call Today to Schedule 22. Not having hair during the treatments allows more time to relax and take APPOINTMENT ONLY (979-776-WALK) care of yourself. Think how much time you save without having to fix Subject to availability. your hair! 23. If you are having reconstruction and nipple/areola tattooing, take a Gordon Mitchell ’77, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.C.C.P. picture of your breasts before surgery. That will help you see colors Gloria Jean Mays, M.D., F.A.C.C. better when you do the tattooing. Ricardo Gutierrez ’92, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I. 24. Contact the American Cancer Society — the resources are amazing! Call or e-mail any member of BVBCS (bvbcs.org) — we are here to help. 25. Talk about your diagnosis. You may save another life.
Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Things I wish people would have told me...
Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
local groups provide mammograms for those who can’t afford them and support for those dealing with breast cancer
few Brazos Valley organizations are available to provide local residents with assistance related to breast health,
including paying for mammograms for women who can’t afford them, advocating for breast health and giving support to those touched
by breast cancer.
pink AlliAncE Pink Alliance, a non-profit organization in Bryan, serves Brazos Valley women and
Gerling said. “The alliance’s goal is to ensure that no one leaves the doctor’s office without credible, reliable information about their breast cancer treatments and their impending cancer journey,” she said. Gerling said the Pink Alliance furthers its mission by working with and developing alliances with other organizations. It works with the American Cancer Society, St. Joseph Regional Hospital, The Cancer Clinic, Bryan Radiology, local nonprofit organization Health For All and other local community and health providers. Pink Alliance also assists medically and financially challenged cancer patients with payments to medical providers. In October last year, the organization started the Pink Alliance Breast Cancer Support Group. The support
pinkalliance.org P.O. Box 6373 Bryan, TX • 77805
Serves as the Brazos Valley's advocate for breast health and cancer support by providing reliable, informative resources; inspiring hope through individual and group support; and offering access to medical treatments for those with limited means.
The Eagle
Pink Alliance
men breast cancer patients by providing informative resources; inspiring hope through individual and group support; and offering access to medical treatments for those with limited means, Pink Alliance board member Patricia Gerling said. Gerling and five other women serve as board members without compensation: Marilyn Byrne, Reba Ragsdale, Nora Thompson, Janie McDougal and Cheryl Pederson. Five are breast cancer survivors, and one was affected by her mother’s breast cancer diagnosis. In collaboration with the American Cancer Society, the Pink Alliance provides Personal Health Managers (portfolios of cancer-related materials and resources) to those who are diagnosed with breast cancer; patients receive this information in the doctor’s office at the moment of diagnosis,
Like us on Facebook
Pink Alliance Brazos Valley
brenhambosombuddies@ gmail.com. For more breast cancer resources, visit: www.nbcam.org http://www.cancer.org/ http://ww5.komen.org/ http:// survivingandthriving.org http://www.sw.org/ cancer-institute
Photos by shauna Lewis: brenham Clinic staff sells items at the annual doctors’ bake sale at the clinic on oct. 2. bosom buddies received proceeds from the event. the group raises money to provide mammograms for women in washington County who can’t afford them.
Think pink
The Think Pink mammogram program,
through the St. Joseph Foundation, provides mammograms to patients who cannot afford them. Since the program started in 2009, about 250 mammograms have been donated, with about 120 being donated in 2012, St. Joseph spokeswoman Heather Bush said. To donate a mammogram, call St. Joseph Foundation at 979774-4087 or visit https:// foundation.st-joseph.org/ SSLPage.aspx?pid=287. St. Joseph Regional Health Center also holds its annual Surviving & Thriving event in October, to recognize breast cancer survivors and raise funds to support St. Joseph Regional Cancer Services and American Cancer Society Brazos Valley. For more information, visit http:// survivingandthriving.org.
bOsOm buddiEs
Bosom Buddies members raise funds to provide mammograms for women in Washington County who are unable to afford them, and give support to those dealing with breast cancer. The mammograms are done at Brenham Clinic, and there is an application process through Bosom
Buddies. “We don’t want anyone to ignore symptoms or not seek treatment because of money,” said Lois Holley, Bosom Buddies member and breast cancer survivor. Breast cancer survivor Debbie Mackey founded Bosom Buddies in 2001, and is still a group member. Holley said the group now has 50 on its email list, and about half of those regularly attend group functions. The group sells Butter Braid pastries twice a year, and receives some donations. Brenham Clinic also holds its annual Doctors’ Bake Sale as a fundraiser for the group. The deadline to place orders for the fall Butter Braid fundraiser is Oct. 26. The pastries are $12 and available in assorted flavors. They will be delivered in time for the holidays from 3 to 5 p.m. on Nov. 13, at Christ Lutheran Church in Brenham. To order pastries, call Holley at 979836-1413. Two years ago, Bosom Buddies also started using money leftover after mammograms to give scholarships to graduating high school seniors in Washington County who
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The Eagle • theeagle.com
group provides a safe environment for breast cancer patients and survivors to share feelings and concerns, and receive emotional support through small group discussion, Gerling said. Meetings feature guest speakers on special interest topics for breast cancer patients and provide practical advice, information, supplies and publications. The support group meets on the second and fourth Tuesday at the Travis B. Bryan, Jr. Community Room at The Bank & Trust, 2900 South Texas Ave. in Bryan. The Pink Alliance raises money though fundraisers for local residents through community fundraisers. The next fundraiser is the second annual Pink Alliance Golf Classic at Pebble Creek. The alliance welcomes the chance to expand its efforts with other community partners and health advocates, Gerling said. For more information on Pink Alliance, including the Golf Classic and other events, visit http:// pinkalliance.org.
Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
write an essay related to cancer. Bosom Buddies meet on the Third Thursday of every month at a local restaurant, except the November and December meetings are usually combined for one meeting in early December. For more information on Bosom Buddies, including meeting details, email
The Eagle
Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
each day
san antonio news anchor, speaker at this year’s surviving & thriving event in College station, says breast cancer led her to think about how she lives each day. Leslie Mouton, an anchor for san antonio news station ksat 12, speaks at the 10th annual surviving and thriving Luncheon on oct. 8 at the hilton in College station.
hen San Antonio news station anchor Leslie Mouton found a lump on her breast during a self-exam in 2000, she said her first reaction was to hide it, but she later decided to use her experience to put a face on breast cancer. Mouton, an anchor for KSAT 12, the ABC affiliate in San Antonio, was the keynote speaker at the 10th annual Surviving & Thriving luncheon Oct. 8 at the Hilton in College Station. She was 35 when she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. St. Joseph Regional Health Center holds the event to recognize local breast cancer survivors and raise funds for the St. Joseph Cancer Center and American Cancer Society Brazos Valley. As of 2011, the event had raised a total of $325,000. Dr. Erin Fleener, an oncologist at the Cancer Clinic, also spoke at the event, and told the audience an estimated 1,000 people in the Brazos Valley are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Breast cancer is the
second-leading cause of death for women, behind lung cancer. She said breast cancer affects those who suffer from it for the rest of their lives, but it often ends up changing lives for the better. Mouton, who leaned heavily on her religious faith, decided to share her breast cancer diagnosis with her viewers, and during one newscast, anchored without her wig. That newscast gained national attention, and resulted in her being a guest on shows including Oprah, Good Morning America and the Today Show. Mouton said her experience led her to be a spokeswoman for breast cancer awareness, and the night before speaking at an event, she met a woman in an advanced stage of breast cancer. She said that woman helped her realize that everyone is going to die, and no one knows how long he or she will live. What matters the most, Mouton said, is how a person lives each day. “What can I do today to make me proud and make God proud?” she said.
Mouton also said she realized along the way that her daughter, who was a toddler when Mouton was diagnosed
with breast cancer, needed to be part of the process of her going through cancer, rather than being shielded from it.
For more information on Surviving and Thriving, visit http:// survivingandthriving.org.
heumatology of Brazos Valley The Osteoporosis Center
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How-to conduct a breast self-exam conTEnT providEd by METro crEATivE connEcTion
placed by the hips and then again with your hands elevated overhead with your palms pressed together. Next you will move on to a physical examination. This can be done either by reclining on a bed or the floor or any flat surface. The exam also can be done in the shower. To begin examining the breasts, place the hand and arm for the breast you will be examining behind your head. Use the pads of your pointer, middle and ring fingers to push and massage at the breast in a clockwise motion. Begin at the outer portion of the breast, slowly working inward in a circular motion until you are at the nipple. Be sure to also check the tissue under the breast and by the armpit.
Do the same process on the opposite breast. Note if there are any differences from one breast to the other. If you find any abnormalities, mark them down on an illustration that you can bring to the doctor. Or if you can get an appointment immediately, draw a ring around the area with a pen so that you will be able to show the doctor directly where you have concern. It is a good idea to conduct a BSE once a month and not when menstruating, when breasts may change due to hormone fluctuation. Frequent examinations will better acquaint you with what is normal with your breasts and better help you recognize if something feels abnormal.
Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
The Eagle • theeagle.com
arly detection of breast cancer can improve survival rates and lessen the severity of treatment options. Routine mammograms are essential to catching signs of breast cancer early on but so can home-based breast exams. Over the years there has been some debate over the effectiveness of breast selfexams, or BSEs. Different breast cancer organizations have different views on the subject. Some studies have indicated that a BSE is not effective in reducing breast cancer mortality rates. Some argue that these exams also may put women at risk -increasing the number of potential lumps found due to uncertainty as to what is being felt in the breast. This can lead to unnecessary biopsies. Others feel that a BSE is a good practice, considering that roughly 20 percent of breast cancers are found by physical examination rather than by mammography, according to BreastCancer.org. The American Cancer Society takes the position that a BSE is an optional screening tool for breast cancer. For those who are interested in conducting self-exams, here is the proper way to do so. Begin with a visual inspection of the breasts. Remove clothing and stand in front of a mirror. Turn and pivot so the breasts can be seen at all angles. Make a note of your breasts’ appearance. Pay special attention to any dimpling, puckering or oddness in the appearance of the skin. Check to see if there is any change in symmetry or size of the breasts. Continue the examination with hands
Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Things You Can Do for a Woman Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
1. create a cd of favorite music for chemo times and “down days”. 2. collect items for a comfort basket (suggestions include: rapid dissolving Tylenol, eye pillow, peppermints, simple reading, music, candles). 3. host a hat party. friends bring caps, scarves, or hats to give away. They can also wear the item and give individually telling why that one was selected, then move it to the head of the honoree. 4. Gather happy movies, books and magazines that can help provide stress-free entertainment. 5. help set up a website, such as care pages (www.carepages.com) or caring bridge (www.caringbridge.org). These networks allow the woman or her family to update her status, without having to tell her story multiple times to numerous people. 6. Organize meals for the woman and/or her family. 7. Arrange for pet care (walking, vet visits, etc.). 8. set up carpools to get the children to/from school and activities. 9. bring lunch to her home for both of you; stay and visit while you eat. 10. visit often and listen to her journey. do not say, “At least you’re alive;” “your hair will grow back;” “This is what you need to do;” etc. she knows these things already.
Things You Can Do for the Family of a Woman Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
1. Go to the website for ideas on telling children about a cancer diagnosis. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/cri/content/cri_2_6x_dealing_With_ diagnosis.asp 2. fill jars with a daily treat equaling the length of treatments (i.e. chemo or radiation). The child can have a daily treat; when the jar is empty, treatment is over!
The Eagle
3. help the woman’s children with school/church projects.
Breast Cancer support is an issue near and dear to our hearts. If it’s for you too, stop by to show your support.
4. Ask how their friends have reacted to the cancer diagnosis; give the children time to talk in a safe environment. 5. prepare children for questions and rehearse with them what they might say when people ask questions about their mother they don’t want to answer. 6. Organize a carpool to take the children to school, sports activities or music lessons. 7. Organize a sleepover at your home for the children and a few friends. 8. find ways to support the husband/partner; that person has his/her own journey. Ask one or two friends to not ask about the cancer patient, but to only ask about the support person. 9. Organize a time for the husband/partner to go to dinner/golfing/ bowling/ hunting/fishing/a concert/sporting events/etc. with friends. provide needed support for the rest of the family. 10. medical bills, insurance, and multiple forms can create confusion. Offer to organize and track the medical bills and insurance claims.
Source: Pink Alliance Brazos Valley Breast Cancer Support. (bvbcs.org)
Our annual Breast Cancer Survivor Fashion Show and speaker, Dr. David Doss, is October 18th at 6:00 p.m. If you are a breast cancer survivor and would like to serve as a model, please call 979.286.0608.
3800 S. Texas Ave., Bryan • (979) 268-0608 1 MILE NORTH OF UNIVERSITY DR
One out of every eight women will develop breast cancer. But statistics show more women survive this diagnosis when it is detected and treated early. If you are 40 or older, or are considered at risk, the American Cancer Society recommends a screening mammogram. Do it for yourself. Do it for your family. Do it now. The Med now offers digital mammography! Please call 979-764-5112 to schedule your mammogram today. For more information, visit CSMedCenter.com.
Official Healthcare Provider for Texas A&M Athletics
Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The Eagle • theeagle.com
Appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis. A physician order is not required, but the patient must provide a physician’s name when an appointment is made. If the patient does not have a physician, a list will be provided for the patient’s selection. All mammogram reports will be sent to the physician and follow-ups are the responsibility of the patient.
Think Pink • Wednesday, October 17, 2012
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