By Dana Rady, WPVGA Director of Promotions and Consumer Education
Wisconsin Potatoes Featured on Interstate Billboard A new billboard is up on Highway 39/51, in the Wisconsin Central Sands potato production area, that might make your mouth water. For another year, the Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) is working with Lamar in promoting the state’s potatoes to everyday traffic on the popular interstate and gain the interest of those visiting from out of state, especially Illinois. Featuring a healthy loaded baked potato, the design is a replica of one from 2019. It not only has an eye-catching image of a finished potato dish, but also showcases WPVGA’s consumer website along with the words “nutritious, delicious, versatile.”
This Spud’s for You: The 2021 eye-catching Wisconsin potatoes billboard on Highway 39/51, near County Highway W, in Bancroft, attracts the attention of a plethora of drivers from in and out of state who travel the corridor.
Since copy needs to be short and that Wisconsin potatoes are healthy, sweet for drivers to be able to read delicious and quite versatile! it, that is the main message on which 21-09 Badger Common'Tater (7.25x2.25).v1.pdf 1 billboard 2021-08-04 is located 8:13 AM on I-39 The new WPVGA wants consumers to focus—
about 1.25 miles north of County Highway W, in Bancroft. continued on pg. 56
BC�T September 55