2014 ford foundation update

Page 1

2013 - 2014

Public Design, Policy & Development

Ford Foundation Interim Progress Report

March 20, 2014

[1] sustainABLEhouse: framing and sheating is completed on the Lara Residence. [2] RAPIDO: a project team meeting. [3] LID & Open Space: a community meeting on Low-Impact Development in the Lucero Del Norte colonia. [4] RGV Transit: community residents map out their typical routes during a Cyclobia event in Brownsville. [5] LUCHA: representantes participate in training on drainage and local street design. [6] UT Rio Grande Valley: community engagement forum participants discuss university-community partnership opportunities in the RGV.







sustainABLEhouse RGV Cameron & Willacy County, TX PARTNERS Community Development Corporation of Brownsville, Local Builders, & bcWORKSHOP DESCRIPTION & STATUS bcWORKSHOP’s sustainABLEhouse initiative aims to design and build socially sustainable, affordable and environmentally-friendly housing with the participation of local clients, communities and organizations involved in housing development and construction. At CDCB’s request, we have shared and integrated this approach as a part of CDCB’s Colonia Redevelopment Program. Since August 2012, bcWORKSHOP has worked with 45 families, constructed 16 homes, and, using the designs we have developed with our clients, continue to compile a home design catalog. Families that elect to participate in the program meet with bcWORKSHOP staff to discuss site design, basic layout and how their home can best meet their needs and preferences. Families then have the opportunity to choose from catalog designs matching their criteria or can choose to participate in a custom design process. All design work is facilitated and documented by bcWORKSHOP in collaboration with the CDCB team to ensure consistency and efficient delivery. MOVING FORWARD The next goal of sustainABLEhouse initiative is to enable non-profit and for-profit developers, builders and architects throughout the RGV region to design and build client-driven and customized affordable housing. To accomplish this regional expansion, we have identified these key items and steps: [a] Continue to refine our client engagement process to ensure it can be easily replicated at a regional scale. [b] Continue to expand the home design catalog to reach a wider range of income levels and construction budgets. [c] Further the client-driven customization of the home budget to increase client choice. [d] Improve overall environmental strategies to increase home performance and foster regional sustainable practices [e] Initiate post-occupancy surveys to evaluate our work and maintain relationships in communities. [f ] Identify and engage regional partners and communities to better understand how to expand regionally.

RAPIDO Cameron, Hidalgo and Willacy County, TX PARTNERS Community Development Corporation of Brownsville, Local Community Organizers, Local Builders, Center for Housing and Urban Development TAMU, & External Advisors. DESCRIPTION & STATUS Rapido is a locally based disaster response approach, designed to allow regions across the state to adequately respond to natural disasters. Rapido rethinks the current disaster housing models to improve the sustainability, affordability, desirability and quality of housing rebuilt in the wake of natural disasters. The program is composed of three main elements: program design, unit delivery and program reports. 1. Program Design: The engagement and tracking strategies for Program Development were decided by the project team. Four sub-teams - Program Design, Outreach, Case Management, Construction and Design, and Policy Design - meet monthly to review program process and discuss steps forward. 2. Unit Delivery (20 prototype homes): The CORE design has been completed with windstorm engineer and local builder input for constructability. The first RAPIDO house will be designed, constructed and administrated by the RAPIDO team to test its performance. Construction will begin shortly. To simulate the disaster scenario as much as possible, the CORE will complete its bidding process in March, 2014. The schematic design for permanent house additions is near completion and the RAPIDO housing catalog design is ongoing. 3. Program Reports: A document will be comprised of three stand-alone reports: Program Comparison Report (existing systems and case studies), Technical Guide (step by step guide), and Policy Recommendations. The document is ongoing and will be a working draft during project implementation to include lessons learned, successes and challenges during the process.

MOVING FORWARD [a] Engage community organizers as part of the Outreach Team, to develop trust between applicants and the project team. [b] Engage outreach, case management , design and policy experts for monthly reviews, to evaluate the ongoing processes and get impartial recommendations in moving forward. [c] Engage approved clients in the design process, to receive feedback not only about their house but also about the complete RAPIDO housing catalog.
















out of flood zone scattered throughout Cameron County


Construction Preparation Warehouse Field Parking Lot

Permanent Home Site damaged by natural disaster


Construct Phase 1


crew 1: ‘wet core’ crew 2: ‘living flat-pack’


standard truck with flatbed trailer hitch


Assess Conditions




Site Evaluation


homes damaged homes not damaged

Site setbacks Property Lines Home Expansion

Foundation Placed

*Could be completed before disaster occurs

Temporary Home Site

out of flood zone scattered throughout Cameron County



Site Preparation

Temporary Core Deployment

staging for homes and transport residential area assess to water, electricity, sewer


Core Placed


Off-Site Construction

temporary adjustable jack footings



Colonia LID & Open Space DESCRIPTION & STATUS The Colonia Stormwater Low Impact Development & Open Space project has three main goals: education, political and community engagement, and design. It seeks to educate colonia residents and government officials about LID stormwater management strategies, regional and local stormwater challenges and opportunities through a series of meetings and presentations. Six stormwater management and open space plans will be produced and can be used by colonia residents as a tool for advocating change, and by County Engineers and Commissioners as a community informed design for future drainage projects within existing colonias. In order to prioritize colonias, bcW and the organizers are engaging with county officials to identify colonias with urgent needs and that are impacted by the 2012 Drainage Bond improvements. The Spanish Palms Colonia Plan has been developed along the residents and the county officials collaboration. A booklet is being produced in order to provide both the community and county officials with a document they can use in the future. Other colonias are being identified with the collaboration of the community organizer. A process similar to Spanish Palms will take in place in those colonias. Lucero del Norte is one of the Colonias already identified and initial research and production of material is taking place. For each colonia there are going to be three meetings at which we learn about the challenges of the colonia and we are able to both provide education workshops and engage with the community in a design process.

MOVING FORWARD Acquiring meetings and information with county engineers and commissioner has been one of the major challenges. Also, the identification of all the colonias has been a challenge since we are trying to correlate our efforts with those of the county and the 2012 Drainage Bond money. Next Steps: [a] Finalize Spanish Palms Booklet [b] Establish Community Meeting with Lucero del Norte residents [c] Prepare Stormwater Management Plans for Lucero del Norte and the other Colonias in Precinct 1, 2 and 4.

SWALE DIAGRAM Total Area: 63978.9325 ft2 Total Volume = 78,673.7027 ft3

736.8 ft2

1747.4 ft2

3114.0 ft2

745.3 ft2

411.4 ft2

668.1 ft2

1962.5 ft2

608.4 ft2

2 1962.5 ft2 919.6 ft

2031.0 ft2

1956.5 ft2

1287.5 ft2

2242.3 ft2

4529.3 ft2

1125.8 ft2

1124.5 ft2


891.3 ft2

2655 ft2

1188.4 ft2

1519.0 ft2

879.5 ft2

1137.4 ft2

1222.0 ft2

2340.5 ft2

1319.5 ft2

972.0 ft2

660.7 ft2

789.1 ft2

2662.4 ft2

2121.0 ft2

1076.7 ft2

4987.2 ft2

1148.3 ft2

1623.3 ft2

1255.2 ft2

1501.8 ft2

613.6 ft2

1319.5 ft2

891.0 ft2

1872.1 ft2

LRGV Transport Cameron and Hidalgo Counties, TX DESCRIPTION & STATUS bcWORKSHOP has been working along Bike Texas and the City of Brownsville to identify colonias within current and planned transportation networks both at the city and regional scale. The project seeks to raise awareness about the region’s multi-modal transportation systems and allow for an improved ease of use in rural and low income areas. The project has two phases: research and colonia identification phase, and an outreach and educational phase. With the creation of several maps, we have been able to identify colonias, to organize educational workshops and to distribute information about the Bicycle Plans, and other transportation alternatives. These workshops have a double purpose. First, it allows bcWORKSHOP and project partners to understand Colonia Residents’ transportation needs. Second, it provides the opportunity to present information availabe transportation networks to the colonia residents. In order to prioritize geographies of engagement, several factors are being considered: 1. Proximity to current transportation means 2. Proximity to future transportation means 3. Colonia Population 4. Key Destination proximity (Schools, Hospitals, Parks) Collaboration with Bike Texas have been accomplished, to acquire the right information to identify colonias and geographies for engagement. Five maps have been produced and a matrix of colonias is being developed. Taking into account the factors previously mentioned, the maps that have been developed focus on the city of Brownsville and McAllen and both Cameron and Hidalgo Counties. Finally, colonias have been identified within the transportation routes.

MOVING FORWARD [a] Developing user friendly information for colonia residents. [b] Correlating our work with that of Bike Texas and understanding their goals in order to produce adequate information has also been a challenge. Next steps: [a] Revise Colonia locations with Organizers [b] Prepare material and give informational workshops to the residents at the colonias.

LRGV Regional Bus Transportation Network

County Limits City Limits

Hidalgo | Cameron Counties 0

Colonias 5x mile radius from Bus Station


Bus Station

La Villa Edcouch

La Joya

R14 R20 R21 R22

R31 R40 R41 R42

R43 R44 R45 R50

Metro Connect Red Line Blue Line

Cameron County




The Wave

Willacy Cou



Santa Rosa

nty County

Rio Hondo



Sullivan City

R10 R11 R12 R13

Hidalgo County Willacy County

Sta Hid rr Cou alg nty oC oun ty




Palm Valley


Alamo Donna


La Feria

San Benito


San Juan





South Padre Island

Bayview Laguna Vista


Progreso Progreso Lakes

Port Isabel

Indian Lake Los Fresnos

Los Indios

Nuevo Progreso

Rancho Viejo



East - West Connections1 Route R21 1:12 hr

Time Frame


R20 1:00 hr

Indian Lake


R31 2:55 hr

4 Los Cuates


R50 0:55 hr BLUE LINE 0:45 hr



Indian Lake


Rice Tracts

Del Mar Heights

Del Mar Heights Nogal St.

La Paloma


20 mi

Esparza Subd. #2 Encantada Ismael Montalvo Subd. #2

El Calabozo

Villa Cavazos

20 mi

Esparza Subd. #2 Encantada Ismael Montalvo Subd. #2 Villa Cavazos



Las Flores

Las Flores


10 mi

San Pedro

Colonias by District Proximity1 D3 Chula Vista Shoemaker Acres Paredes Partition Del Mar Heights Nogal St. Olmito Las Flores Hacienda Gardens Cameron Park



Cameron Park



5 mi

Barrios FM 802-511








Travis Road





Bautista Reid Hope King


Houston Road East



5 mi

Houston Road East

Betty Acres Saldivar Harris Tract



South Point

Travis Road Bautista Reid Hope King


Cisneros Estates





D2 D1

Valle Escondido Valle Hermosa Alabama/Arkansas


Angel Haven


Cielito Lindo Villa Pancho







E 11 ET

21 Subdivision Los Cuates (south)


FM 802-511




District Diagram

D4 D2 Palmer C Praxedis Saldivar Legend Central Estates Rice Tracts Barrios La Paloma 2013 Cicycle and USA Boundaries FM 802-511 Carricitos-Landrum Trail Master Plan Colonias Travis Road Ranchito Existing Bike Lanes Stewart Esparza Subd. #2 Parks - Bike Trails Houston Road EastExisting El Hike Calabozo Hospitals Proposed Bike Lanes Bautista Encantada Proposed Bike Trails Bus Station Reid Hope King Proposed Ismael Montalvo Subd. #2 Sidepaths 5x mile radius Villa Cavazos Saldivar fromBetty Bus Acres Station San Pedro Harris Tract Villa Nueva Stardust Cielito Lindo ReferencesValle Escondido 1. District Valle and Bicycle and Trail information as per Hermosa Connecting Brownsville - The 2013 Bicycle and Trail Master Plan Alabama/Arkansas 2. Local Bus Routes as per B-Metro [http://bmetro.cob.us/] Pointas per V-Metro 3. RegionalSouth Bus Routes

Praxedis Saldivar Central Estates BLVD




Betty Acres Saldivar Harris Tract

Cameron Park


Villa Nueva



E 11

D3 U.S.A. Chula Vista MEXICO Shoemaker Acres Paredes Partition Del Mar Heights Nogal St. Olmito Las Flores Hacienda Gardens Cameron Park



D4 Palmer Rice Tracts La Paloma Carricitos-Landrum Ranchito Esparza Subd. #2 El Calabozo Encantada Ismael Montalvo Subd. #2 Villa Cavazos San Pedro Villa Nueva Stardust

D1 21 Subdivision Los Cuates (south) Villa Pancho Coronado Angel Haven Cisneros Estates

10 mi

San Pedro

Colonias by District Proximity1

Praxedis Saldivar Central Estates Villa Nueva









Hacienda Gardens D


Hacienda Gardens


15 mi




D2 C Praxedis Saldivar Central Estates Barrios FM 802-511 Travis Road Stewart Houston Road East Bautista Reid Hope King Saldivar Betty Acres Harris Tract Cielito Lindo Valle Escondido Valle Hermosa Alabama/Arkansas South Point

Paredes Partition

Carricitos-Landrum Ranchito

El Calabozo

D1 21 Subdivision Los Cuates (south) Villa Pancho Coronado Angel Haven Cisneros Estates


Rice Tracts

Nogal St.



Chula Vista Shoemaker Acres

25 mi

Paredes Partition

La Paloma

PI - SPI Varies 5

4 Los Cuates

Rutherford-Harding Addition Palmer

Chula Vista 1. All Bus Routes and Schedules were acquired from the respective public transit agencies at a regional level. and their respective websites. Palmer Valley Metro [www.lrgvdc.org/valleymetro] - Metro Connect [http://rgvmetroconnect.com] - The Wave [http://www.myspi.org] Shoemaker Acres

25 mi

R45 1:20 hr RED LINE 1:20 hr


District Diagram

21 Subdivision Los Cuates (south)

Angel Haven

D4 D2

Cisneros Estates


USA Boun Colonias Parks Hospitals

Cielito Lindo Villa Pancho

Coronado D3

Valle Escondido Valle Hermosa Alabama/Arkansas

Bus Statio 5x mile rad from Bus S

South Point

References 1. District and Bic Connecting Brown 2. Local Bus Route 3. Regional Bus Ro [http://rgvmetroc 4. Colonia Inform


[http://rgvmetroconnect.com] 4. Colonia Information as per Texas Secretary of State

Brownsville Bicycle Network


Brownsville Bus Network




AccessibilitybcWORKSHOP for Colonias

Accessibility for Colonias











Sno-Bird Estates #2 Magnolia #1 Lane #2 Puesta Del Sol Leslie Subd. Meadow Creek Country Club Sunrise Hill 11 North/Victoria Rd-FM 493 Madero Townsite Piquito De Oro 3B 40 mi 40 mi Harding Gill Tract Harding Gill Tract Wes-mer Subd. Bar Subd. #6 Bar #7 Ware Country Subd. #2 Dimas #3 Bar #2 Chapa Los Terrazos Subd. Los Cerritos Subd. Los Cerritos Subd. Brown Acres Batson Gardens Alsonia Alsonia Colonia del Noreste Siez Tract El Nopal Live Oak Mobil Home Park Chapa #5 Milyca Subd. Chapa #1 Brandon Lake Subd. Town of Faysville Town of Faysville 30 mi 30 mi Lunar Heights Subd. Colonia Big 5 Colonia Big 5 Foster Subd. Puerta Del Sol Subd. Puerta Del Sol Subd. Martin Ware Shadows Roosevelt School Monte Cristo Heights Gernentz Subd. Monte Cristo Heights Whitewing Subd. Post Oaks Subd. Hillcrest Terrace Hillcrest Terrace 281 Estates 281 Estates Balli #2 Nelle Estates Jessup's Subd. Jessup's Subd. Dellinger Lanfranco Lanfranco Ranchette Estates Meadow Lands Meadow Lands La Palma #1 Regency Acres #2 Regency Acres #2 R&G Americana Americana 4B Basham #3 Basham #3 Monte Cristo Acres Subd. Monte Cristo Acres Subd. Seville Park #1 Loma Chica Subd. Loma Chica Subd. East Cantu Road Southport 4A Hoehn Drive Subd. CJRS Subd. A Hoehn Drive Subd. Lull Lull Engleman Estates Engleman Estates Bernal Subd. CJRS Subd. A Bar #5 Bar #5 Borderland Retreat B B 20 mi 20 mi Harding Gill Tract Bar Subd. #6 Bar Subd. #6 Ware Country Subd. #2 Ware Country Subd. #2 Capisallo Heights Closner Subd. Bar #2 Bar #2 Jessup's Subd. Basham #9 El Monte Subd. El Monte Subd. Collin Subd. Collin Subd. Indian HillsBasham West #9 Los Terrazos Subd. Los Terrazos Subd. Batson Gardens Batson Gardens Acacia EDINBURG Siez Tract EDINBURG Siez Tract Engleman Estates Salida Del Sol Estates Subd. Salida Del Sol Estates Subd. South Fork Subd. South Fork Subd. Rambo Estates Oak Subd. Heidelberg Rambo Estates Oak Subd. Live Oak Mobil Home Park Live Oak Mobil Home Park El Charro Subd. Bar #3 Bar #3 Devan Estates Devan Estates 1B High Land Subd. Delta West Subd. Delta West Subd. Stonegate Subd. #2 Milyca Subd. Milyca Subd. Hacienda el Porvenir Hacienda el Porvenir Brandon Lake Subd. Brandon Lake Subd. Valle Vista Subd. Valle Vista Subd. Salida Del Sol Estates Subd. Casa de los Vecinos Casa de los Vecinos Capisallo Park Laborsita Laborsita Foster Subd. Beamsley Subd. Foster Subd. Mary Ann Mary Ann Citralinda V&C Citralinda Valle Vista Subd. Ware Shadows Ware Shadows Colonia Tejana Colonia Tejana Minnesota Acres EDCOUCH EDCOUCH Nuevo Alton Nuevo Alton Gernentz Subd. Gernentz Subd. Old Rebel Field Subd. Eldora Subd. Blue Star Enterprises #2 Blue Star EnterprisesBlue #2 Star Enterprises #2 Sunny Brook Sunny Brook McDaniel Addition Palm Lake Estates #1 McDaniel Addition Palm Lake Estates #1 Abram North Subd. Post Oaks Subd. Abram NorthNorth Subd. Capisallo Post Oaks Subd. Ricky Subd. Ricky Subd. Puerta Blanca Subd. Puerta Blanca Subd. Puerta Blanca BarSubd. #4 St. Claire Fisher Subd. St. Claire Fisher Subd. Nelle Estates Nelle Estates La Suena La Suena 15 1/2 North/FM 491 Tri-City Subd. #2 15 1/2 North/FM 491 Tri-City Subd. #2 East Cantu Road East Cant Col Garza St. Claire Fisher Subd. Azteca Daniel Ozuna Subd. Daniel OzunaAcres Subd. Basham #16 Basham #16 10mi Ranchette Estates 10mi Ranchette Estates R&G R&G LA FLOR EST El Sol Subd. #2 LA FLOR EST El Sol Subd. #2 Daniel Ozuna Subd. Peter Gort Peter Gort La Pampa Subd. 2C La Pampa Subd. Yvonne Orleander Estates Orleander Estates Basham #12 Basham #12 Benevides Subd. Benevides Subd. Seville Park #1 Seville Park #1 Hamlet Hamlet Southport Southport Linda Vista Estates Orleander Estates GranjenoLinda Vista Estates L. R. Bell SH 88/14 North/6 West SH 88/14 North/6 West Cuevitas Cuevitas Isaac's Subd. Isaac's Subd. Borderland Retreat Borderland Retreat Benevides Subd. Diaz Subd. Patal Estates Patal Estates Olivarez 18 Olivarez 18 Basham #6 Basham #6 Closner Subd. Closner Subd. 3C SULLIVAN CITY Havana Subd. LA JOYA SULLIVAN CITY Palmhurst Estates Palmhurst Estates Muniz Subd. Muniz Subd. Acacia Acacia Cuevitas Havana Subd. LA JOYA Laguna Park Eastview Eastview La Quinta Los Ebanos Los Ebanos Havana Subd. 13 North/2 West 13 North/2 West Cole Subd. Cole Subd. Palm Heights Subd. Lakeview Subd. Lakeview Subd. El Charro Subd. El Charro Subd. Subd. Goodwin Acres #2 GoodwinRobinette Acres #2 Mel Gray Mel Gray Las Brisas Los Ebanos Las Brisas Stonegate Subd. #2 Stonegate Subd. #2 Lantana L. J. #1 L. J. #1 Penitas Penitas Subd. Hidalgo Park Estates Beamsley Subd. Beamsley Subd. The Highlands Chapa Subd. #3 Bernal Subd. The Highlands Chapa Subd. #3 Bernal Subd. Lakeview Subd. Tolle Subd. #2 Tolle Subd. #2 Tierra Linda Ridge Road Tierra Linda Minnesota Acres Minnesota Acres Las Milpas Subd. Gray East & West Gray East & West Eldora Subd. Eldora Subd. Penitas Magnolia #1 Puesta Del Sol Magnolia #1 Puesta Del Sol Bar #4 Bar #4 Moore Road Tolle Perezville Perezville Valle Alto #1Tolle MCALLEN MCALLEN Leona Subd. Leona Subd. Josefina L. Chapa Subd. Bentsen Bentsen R/S lot J Sunrise Hill Sunrise Hill Capisallo Heights Capisallo Heights Southfork Estates Tierra Dorada 11 North/Victoria Rd-FM 493 Tierra Dorada 11 North/Victoria Rd-FM 493 Azteca Acres Sotira Estates Azteca Acres Sotira Estates Yvonne Yvonne MISSION Valley View Estates MISSION Valley View Estates Sings Subd. 2B Indian Hills West Indian Hills West Piquito De Oro Piquito De Oro Sno-Bird Estates #2 Sno-BirdValle EstatesAlto #2 #2 L. R. Bell SAN JUAN Diaz Subd. L. R. Bell SAN JUAN Diaz Subd. El Gato Wes-mer Subd. Wes-mer Subd. Bar #7 Dimas #3 Bar #7 Dimas #3 Basham #9 Laguna Park Laguna Park Heidelberg Heidelbe Chapa 5C Chapa Josefina L. Chapa Subd. JosefinaAvocado L. Chapa Subd. Palm Heights Subd. Palm Heights Subd. Park South Fork Subd. Leslie Subd. Leslie Subd. Brown Acres High Land Subd. Brown Acres High Land Subd. Meadow Creek Country Club Meadow Creek Country Club Encino #1 Colonia del Noreste Colonia del Noreste South Tower Estates Devan Estates Capisallo Park ALAMOEl Nopal Capisallo Park ALAMOEl Nopal Chapa #5 Chapa #5 Lantana Subd. Lantana Subd. Lotts Ridge Road V&C Ridge Road V Chapa #1 Chapa #1 Casa de los Vecinos 4B Olivarez #5 Lunar Heights Subd. Lunar Heights Subd. DONNA Martin DONNA Martin Citralinda R/S lot J PHARR Moore Road Old Rebel Field Subd. R/S lot J PHARR Moore Road Old Rebel Field Subd Madero Townsite Madero Townsite El Monte Subd. Schroeder Subd. Roosevelt School Roosevelt School Nuevo Alton Whitewing Subd. Whitewing Subd. Collin Subd. Sings Subd. Balli #2 Balli #2 Sings Subd. North Capisallo North C Villa Verde Subd. WESLACODellinger WESLACODellinger Palm Lake Estates #1 Col Garza Col Garza Avocado Park El Gato Avocado Park El Gato Rambo Estates La Palma #1 La Palma #1 Bellaire Abram North Subd. MERCEDES MERCEDES C Oak Subd. C South Tower Estates South Tower Estates Agua Dulce Encino #1 Lotts Encino #1 Lotts Olivarez #5 Olivarez #5 Bixby La Suena Bar #3 Angela Schroeder Subd. Schroeder Subd. C.A. Conner & Co.Legend Inc. Subd. C.A. Conner & Co. In Tri-City Subd. #2 Legend Villa Verde Subd. Villa Verde Subd. Delta West Subd. La Quinta La Quinta South Donna Subd. Robinette Subd. Robinette Subd. Basham #16 Granjeno Granjeno Hacienda Porvenir MetroelConnect County Limits Agua Dulce Bellaire Agua Dulce Bellaire South Donna Subd. Angela South Donna Subd. Angela 9 North/East FM 493 County Limits El Sol Subd. #2 Hidalgo Park Estates Hidalgo Park Estates Laborsita Los Leones Red Line City LimitsBasham #12 9 North/East FM 493 Mary Ann 9 North/East FM 493 Las Milpas Subd. Las Milpas Subd. City Limits Vertress Subd. Los Leones Los Leones Stephensons Stephensons Hamlet Green Line Colonia Tejana Vertress Subd. Vertress Subd. O & J Subd. Valle Alto #1 Valle Alto #1 O & J Subd. O & J Subd. Colonias Linda Vista Estates Bustamante Subd. Bustamante Colonias Sunny Brook Santa Amalia Subd. Patal Estates Valle Alto #2 Southfork Estates Valle Alto #2 Southfork Estates Santa Amalia Subd. Santa Amalia Subd. McAllen Metro McDaniel Addition Oriente Oriente Parajitos 10 mile radius from HIDALGO HIDALGO Basham #6 10 mile radius from Ricky Subd. Relampago Zacatal Relampago Z Runn Parajitos Parajitos Palmhurst Estates Bus Station Bus Station 15 1/2 North/FM 491 Runn Runn B & P Bridge (Toluca Ranch) Eastview LA FLOR EST PROGRESO LAKES PROGRESO LAKES Bus Station Bus Station 6C Goodwin Acres #2 Peter Gort B & P Bridge (Toluca Ranch) B & P Bridge (Toluca Ranch) C.A. Conner & Co. Inc. Subd. V-Metro Las Brisas La Pampa Subd. Bicycle Plan Tolle Subd. #2 Stephensons SH 88/14 North/6 West R10 R14 R31 R43 Bike Lanes Tierra Linda Bustamante Subd. Isaac's Subd. R11 R20 R40 R44 Gray East & West Oriente Hike and Bike Trails Olivarez 18 Tolle R41 Relampago R12 R45 R21 Muniz Subd. Bike Routes Perezville Zacatal 13 North/2 West R50 R22 R13 R42 Roads with Shoulders Leona Subd. Cole Subd. MEXICO MEXICO Bentsen Mel Gray Tierra Dorada L. J. #1 Sotira Estates The Highlands Valley View Estates Chapa Subd. #3 Lane #2

Basham #3 CJRS Subd. A


Lane #2 Los Cerritos Subd. Alsonia Town of Faysville Colonia Big 5 Puerta Del Sol Subd. Monte Cristo Heights Hillcrest Terrace 281 Estates Lanfranco Meadow Lands Regency Acres #2 Americana Monte Cristo Acres Subd. Loma Chica Subd. Hoehn Drive Subd. Lull Bar #5

McAllen Bicycle Network Accessibility for Colonias



McAllen Bus Network Accessibility for Colonias




LUCHA Cameron, Hidalgo & Willacy County, TX PARTNERS Community Development Corporation of Brownsville,Texas Low Income Housing Information Services, La Unión del Pueblo Entero, A Resource In Serving Equality, South Texas Adult Resource and Training Center, & bcWORKSHOP DESCRIPTION & STATUS Land Use Colonia Action [LUCHA] is a partnership of organizations and residents to build resident capacity, change land use and development policy, and build relationships with colonia residents and local authorities. Through a multi-staged process, LUCHA seeks to inform colonia leaders, provide opportunities for engaged conversations with local and regional experts, and identify a policy agenda that supports key issues for colonia residents. Since October of 2013, the LUCHA representante have attended 14 trainings and 4 workgroups. The trainings have worked to grow the representantes’ understanding of key topics, and develop leadership skills. During the workgroups, representantes have had the opportunity to discuss issues of concern with local and regional experts in the areas of Drainage and Low Impact Development systems, Housing, Planning and Land Use.

MOVING FORWARD The next goal of LUCHA is to develop policy initiatives for the next State legislative cycle, and prepare the representante to present, discuss, and advocate these initiatives with various public and political leaders. To accomplish this we have identified key steps: [a] Commission policy option papers on issues that are important to the representantes. [b] Shift the focus of trainings and workshops from education to identifying and developing policy initiatives. [c] Begin reviewing the policy option papers with the representantes, and identifying their preferences. [d] Create a space for representantes to discuss their policy initiatives with friendly local leaders and political representative. [e] Continue to refine policy initiatives through the process of representante preferences, political viability, and technical input. [f ] Strengthen the representantes’ capabilities in the areas of presenting ideas, discussing their ideas with government and political leaders, and advocating for their position among those in power.

UT Rio Grande Valley PARTNERS Community Development Corporation of Brownsville (CDCB), La Union del Pueblo Entero (LUPE), A Resource in Serving Equality (ARISE), South Texas Adult Resource and Training (START), and the Texas Organizing Project (TOP), buildingcommunityWORKSHOP, Pulbic Architecture, Educate Texas, and U3 Ventures, as well as The University of Texas System DESCRIPTION & STATUS The goal of UT Rio Grande Valley is to enable the community and university system to work in partnership in planning a new university, and to identify and prioritize specific, achievable actions, activities, and strategies for future university-community engagement. United for RGV, a team of local and national organizations, administered a public survey to over 1,300 low-income residents across the Rio Grande Valley and coordinated a series of community focus groups and workshops with roughly 100 low-income residents in preparation for a Forum on Community Engagement around the establishment of a new, engaged university in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley. Focus groups and workshops with residents identified major challenges which low-income residents of the Valley face day-to-day, and began to establish priorities for action moving forward. The Forum on Community Engagement convened over 100 individuals, including low-income residents, local and national experts, and key representatives from the University of Texas System around four primary focus areas: education, health, economic development, and regional planning. The Forum became a space to share new, innovative ideas for creative partnerships between low-income residents and the new, engaged university to improve the livability and viability of communities across the Rio Grande Valley. The Forum acted as a start to a larger conversation, organizing participants around the idea of future growth and prosperity for the Valley through partnerships stewarded by and through the new, engaged university and local leaders. As a result of the Forum, a Community Agenda was created as a framework for future community-university partnership. MOVING FORWARD [a] Support the University System as they move forward in developing an engaged university. [b] Partner with the future design team in the new campus planning process. [c] Ensure that the Community Agenda is carried forward in each new phase of the University Planning. [d] Continue to engage and connect local residents to future UTLRVG planning efforts.


T System’s planning process involves the participation of many individuals and ganizations. Assets and resources from UTB, UTPA, and RAHC institutions will be onsolidated and become part of the new university. Outreach teams, working oups, and advisory boards will inform the mission of the new university, curriculum nd academic programs, student activities and support services, organizational ructure, administrative functions, community outreach, research and economic evelopment.

K-12 + Community College Outreach

he Forum on Community Engagement is an important part of UT System’s process nd will advance the conversation of long-lasting partnership.

Professional Services + External Expertise Operational + Administrative Working Groups Political + Civic Outreach

UT at Brownsville (UTB)

+ UT Pan American (UTPA)


Community Outreach/Forum on Community Engagement University / System Leadership Teams

Project South Texas Medical + Health Outreach

Regional Academic Health Center (RAHC) Academic Program Working Groups UT System Working Groups Academic Administration Working Groups Business and Economic Development Outreach



Icons on Front Cover: Monika Ciapala and Anna Weiss, from The NOUN PROJECT

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