2 minute read
A Comprehensive Cyberbullying Guide for Parents
The Beagle Editor, I recently read your article where you mention bullying, Thank you for sharing!
I'm a passionate advocate for the awareness of bullying among children. It's always been something I've deeply resented, even more since my kids started going to school.
So, I'm always looking for new resources to stay up-to-date on the issue. I recently found this cyberbullying guide that provides parents and teachers with valuable tips for keeping our kids safe online: https://www.wizcase.com/blog/a-comprehensive-cyberbullying-guide-for-parents/
I wanted to ask you to share the article on your page so that more parents can learn how to protect their kids online.
I hope we can build a safer internet for everyone, Mia Williams
The Triangle - June 2023 is OUT NOW
Triangle Editorial, by Linda Sang
Reading through all the contributions to The Triangle, I was truly struck by the range and breadth of interesting and diverting activities one can be involved in. Whether you sign up to a workshop learning about fungi, how it grows, where to find it, how to grow it and, more importantly to me, where to eat it! Learn to play bridge, volunteer to work in a productive community garden or wander through other people’s gardens and become inspired. Looking through the happy photos of children celebrating the coronation with a picnic and decorations of their own making, taking part in Anzac memorials through the different villages, playing music to a crowd at a village fair or having fun at the Moodji Garden’s family workshops – I can see the advantages of bringing up children in this wonderful environment.
There’s art and music to be enjoyed, community dinners, new services and venues to explore. Of course it’s not all beer and skittles – the many building projects that are on the table, both large and small, are being delayed by many factors, including the slowness of DAs.
It’s impacting individuals and larger projects where it hurts most – budgeting and time. And some projects are being halted for other reasons – environmental and cultural. Reading some of the history of Dignams Creek and surrounding areas, I was given a perspective on history that seemed to mirror contemporary times.
People worked and suffered, but also had time to enjoy themselves in the community. Just like now. Our communities are small, but they reflect the wider world. And being small we can implement change more efficiently and cooperatively. If only we would.
Mayor's Wri ng Compe on
The annual Mayor’s Wri ng Compe on aims to encourage young people who live or go to school in Eurobodalla to get wri ng.
Each year, young authors between the ages of five and 18 are invited to submit an original work. Entrants can submit a short story, essay, poem, or any style of crea ve wri ng as long as the wri ng adheres to word limits set out in the terms and condi ons.
Each year we receive a flood of entries in the form of short stories, poems and essays. To select the prizewinning entries from hundreds of submissions, the judges award the most imagina ve and unique plots.
2023 theme: Change
This year's theme, Change, is chosen by Mayor Mathew Hatcher and needs to be incorporated in your entry.
Entries are open
Entries open on Monday 22 May 2023.
Entries must be received by Friday 25 August 2023, 5pm.
To enter you can find the details at: h ps://www.esc.nsw.gov.au/news-and-events/whats-on/mayors-wri ng-compe on
Finalists will win great prizes, such as Mogo Wildlife Zoo family or child pass, book gi vouchers and have their work published in the annual Mayor’s Wri ng Compe on Anthology.
The overall winner will be presented with The Syd Hayes Crea ve Wri ng Award and will receive a handcra ed pen by local ar st, Richard Turvey.
The winner of the Syd Hayes Crea ve Wri ng Award will also be presented with the MWC Perpetual Shield, to be displayed at their school for a year!
The 2022 Mayor’s Wri ng Compe on anthology, is available to view in the Eurobodalla Libraries online catalogue.
More informa on
To find out more about this compe on contact your local library: