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Eurobodalla Photographers May - Inspira on Con nues

The Club’s May mee ng started with members displaying their printed images on a variety of ‘Open’ topics. Prin ng and displaying images are other facets of photography and it was inspiring to see so much skill, crea vity and diversity of images. Club members had the opportunity to prac ce their judging skills, with each member nomina ng their favourite photographs, which led to overall winners of this month’s compe on.

Also on the night, club member, Ken Foster, gave a presenta on that summarised a recent weekend workshop by professional photographer Len Metcalf. A few club members from Narooma and Ulladulla’s photographic clubs also joined the workshop. Len Metcalf is an excep onal photographer and he shared a wide range of skills and knowledge with all who a ended. We are hoping that Len will return to offer another workshop next year, which is highly recommended if you have the opportunity to a end. Club member, Beth Westra, also gave a presenta on on her personal journey of photography. It was inspiring to see her evolu on of taking photos over the years, with many of her photos receiving awards in photography compe ons. Beth included an incredible movie slideshow of a series of birds she had photographed in her garden, with 30 bird species and their bird calls represented. It was a good example of how photographing what you love leads to great photos.


For those at the beginning of their photography journey, a beginner’s workshop was recently held at the RSL Memorial Hall in Moruya. More experienced photographers from the club volunteered their me to help beginners expand their knowledge and skills on how to use their camera se ngs. A big step for beginners is understanding their camera well enough to venture off ‘automa c’ mode and start adjus ng their se ngs in order to improve the overall quality of their photos. Another workshop is planned for Saturday 10th June at 900 am un l 11.00 am, at the Dr Mackay Community Centre in Moruya. If you are a beginner photographer and have been considering joining the club, then this may be a great me to come along.

Whether you are an absolute beginner or advanced photographer, you are welcome to come along and join a club mee ng. The club meets 7.00 pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month, at Tomakin community hall, Ainslie Pde Tomakin. See you there on the 27th of June! If you have any ques ons you can contact the club on eurobodallaphotographicclub@gmail.com

Check out their website at www.eurobodallaphotographicclub.org or Facebook .

TILBA WOODWORK SHOW Bate St, Central Tilba Halls June Long weekend – June 10 & 11

Love hand-made? Love the look of beau fully cra ed mber? Then the annual Tilba Woodwork Show is for you. The Central Halls on the main street of Central Tilba hosts the 27th exhibi on of fine woodwork cra ed by ar sans from north of Batemans Bay to south of Bega.

Exquisite handcra ed items will be both on display and for sale, ranging from small toys to cu ng boards and serving pla ers, from fine jewelry boxes to pens, bowls - both func onal and decora ve, and much more. Come and watch the magic of wood turners at work on the lathes, and stroll through the Exhibi on Hall and vote for your favorite piece on display.

In addi on, the Dalmeny Quilters will once again be special guests and will have a display of their intricately designed quilts and other handmade items, most of which will be for sale.

Enter the raffle for the opportunity to win a variety of great prizes. The entry fee is $2.00 per adult and for children under the age of 16 entry is free.

At this time of the year, we are often asked for advice on the best supplements to help prevent and treat colds, flu, and viruses. Of course, there are many products on the market and sometimes it can be confusing to understand which supplements might work best. With the many warnings that we are about to experience an extremely bad cold and flu season, now is no doubt the time to start supplementing with a cold and flu supplement.

I particularly like a combination of Olive Leaf, Andrographis, Echinacea, Sacred Basil, Zinc, Vitamin C and Selenium.

Olive Leaf is a herb many will be familiar with and one we have sold for many years. Olive leaf is extremely high in antioxidants plus contains anti-viral and antibacterial properties which have been found to be very helpful in avoiding and/or treating colds, flu, and viruses.

Andrographis is a traditional Chinese, Southeast Asian and Indian herb which has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. Because of its powerful immune strengthening benefits, it has been used as a preventative for many diseases. It is believed to be particularly helpful in relieving symptoms of colds, particularly respiratory infections such as coughing and sore throat.

Echinacea is another excellent herb which has been promoted as an immune booster for many years. It is thought Echinacea may help our immune system combat infections and viruses which is why Echinacea has traditionally been used to treat or prevent colds, flu and other infections plus stimulate the immune system to help fight infections.

Sacred Basil is not a well-known herb, however it is also known to boost the body’s ability to resist viral and bacterial infections. It is wonderful for treating the symptoms of cold and flu. Sacred Basil is believed to help reduce fevers as well as help with coughs. By mobilising the mucous it may work as an expectorant when suffering from bronchitis.

Another important ingredient in my favourite immune formula is Calcium Ascorbate (Vitamin C). We’re often asked what the difference is between Calcium Ascorbate and Ascorbic Acid also known as Vitamin C. By adding calcium salts to ascorbic acid, a buffer to the ascorbic acid is created which enables far easier digestion and absorption. It is obviously far less acidic minimizing gastrointestinal discomfort.

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