December 2010 - Mini 3

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Volume 6

Bringing You the Ursuline Academy News Now


Issue 4

Blogs Blowing Up “People want to keep up with new technology and ideas, but I think blogging also satisfies the need in all of us to simply express ourselves without interference.” —Alicen Moser, junior at Ursuline Academy.

Blogging has exploded within the past few years. Blogging actually started within our life time,11 short years ago. According to MerriamWebster’s Dictionary, the word “blog” was first used in 1999. The term blog comes from the word weblog and means a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments and often hyperlinks provided by the writer. The word “blogosphere” was first used in 2002 and refers to all the blogs on the internet combined. Teens

satisfies the need in all of us to simply express ourselves without interference. I really think there's a part of everyone that just wants to share something--ANYTHING--with the world without worrying about being interrupted or contradicted or judged, and blogging is an awesome way to meet that need.” She also said that she feels that blogging should not have limitations because if someone doesn't like what the blog is about, she or he can just stop reading, but a blogger should never say some thing on a blog that she wouldn’t say out loud. Blogging has become such a big part of our society. With individuality as such a driving force in our generation, blogging is a great way to release this craving. Whether you read, write or have even heard of a blog, then you are up-to-date with the latest writing trend. Mary Elizabeth Herries

Bear Facts Staff Writer

and young adults seem to be the most interested in blogs, but if you have access to the internet, you have access to a blog. With our generation growing up with a computer mouse in one hand and some form of remote control in the other, we are well adapted to this so often changing technology. Blogging has seemed to replace what people would have once called a journal or diary. Instead of writing down thoughts, feelings and free expressions on paper and then hiding them so parents would never find them, people are now posting these things online for anyone to stumble across. Sometimes this availability to every one can be a good thing, and sometimes it can be bad. A good example of this is the movie Julie and Julia, which was based on a true story; Julie had so many followers and supporters on her blog, but at the same time some people criticized her including the great Julia Child. Even when Julie wanted to give up, she just kept pushing ahead and finished her blog all the way through Julia Child’s cookbook. Alicen Moser is one of the girls here at Ursuline who writes a blog. When asked if she thinks this take-off in blogging has anything to do with the need to keep up with Alison Griffero, a junior at Ursuline, relaxes while she reads the newtechnology, she said, “Definitely. People want to keep up est blog updates given by her fellow friend, Alicen Moser, another with new technology and ideas, but I think blogging also junior at Ursuline. Photo Taken by: Mary Elizabeth Herries




America’s Next Top Blog

Do’s and Dont’s


of Blogging

Blogs are dynamic websites, always changing so that the reader is enticed to come back again and again. Many of the most popular blogs have a specific focus that makes them unique and fun to read. So, without further do, here are the top 15 blogs currently on the Internet. Number 1: HuffingtonPost This is almost a newspaper, where news from around the world is presented online so that everyone can comment on the stories. Number2: TMZ Let’s admit it: at some point, everyone wants to know if so-and-so from that really cute movie ever hooked up with her ex again. That is how TMZ became so popular: stalking celebrities so the average America doesn’t have to. Number 3: Engadget A lot of people are obsessed with everything shiny and beeping, so that’s why Engadget is at number 3, running a blog reviewing products and fielding rumors for upcoming gadgets. Number 4: Perez Hilton Yet another one of the celebrity gossip blogs, this one is mainly run by one man, Perez Hilton. Number 5: Gizmodo Well, their words sum it up best: ” we love technology, we love gadgets, we love science, we love all kind of toys big and small…And we love to write about all those things.” Number 6: Mashable This blog is a guide for social networking, and all that entails, like news and updates. Number 7: TechCrunch This is a massive website, with people blogging everything from the latest phone to new Facebook games to green companies. Number 8: Gawker Gawker is another news/celebrity


blog with a surprisingly sarcastic twist. Number 9: Lifehacker Operating under the tagline “Upgrade your life!” lifehacker gives tips on how to do everything better, like take better pictures and buy better apps for your phone. Number 10: FanHouse This is a one-stop blog for sports fans, with everything from team standings to player statistics to fantasy leagues. Number 11: SmashingMagazine This blog aims to inform web developers on updates and techniques pertinent to web creation and design. Number 12: FailBlog FailBlog, run by the creators of the lolcat, hosts user-uploaded pictures of ‘fail moments. Number 13: Kotaku Kotaku talks about everything gaming, including new releases, like Call of Duty, and go all the way to things like games on the Amazon Kindle. Number 14: The Business Insider Business Insider is dedicated to aggregating, reporting, and analyzing the top news stories across the web and delivering them to you at rapid-fire pace. Number 15: Boingboing Calling themselves ‘mutants’ bloggers on this site write about everything in the 21st century, from technology to culture to steampunk. Ann Slesinski Bear Facts Staff Writer

What to Do: • • •

Blog with a purpose. Blog about something you enjoy. Blog about things your readers will enjoy-decide what kind of people to whom you want to direct your blog. Pick a theme, and stick with it.

What Not to Do: • Do not blog about other people. • Avoid irregular posting--make regular posts on specific days. • Do not preach to your readers--your readers do not want you telling them how to live their lives. Emily Price Bear Facts Staff Writer

Faces: “If you had a blog, what would it be like?”

“It would be funny.” Freshman Meredith Synac ‘I do. I blog about random things, literally.”

“Glitter, like Ali Kardesch.” Sophomore Jamie Varghese “Others people’s problems.” Junior Jillian Estes


Best of:

Web site’s of the month:

WxvxÅuxÜ How to start a blog: 1. Come up with creative ideas for your blog. 2. Go to a blog Web site that is free and create an account. 3. Sign in and design your blog.

1.Huffington Post 2.TMZ 3.Engadget 4.Perez Hilton

Bestest Month Ever: Ali Kardesch In the last year, Ali Kardesch, has produced a blog called Glitter Thoughts. Glitter Thoughts is one of her most prized possessions, and it show how she loves to write. Ali tends to write about many random things and she considers it her online diary. Ali has over 2,000 viewers, and many Ursuline girls are excited to read her latest blog after a rough day at school. Ali influences many other students to write and encourages other to have a strong sense of imagination. Ali hopes to grow up and become a writer someday along with being a Dentist. She influences underclassman to do the same, and excites everyone with a new Facebook post about her blog. So what do you say? Start a new blog and accomplish your dreams. Remember that blogging is about you and writing can never be against you. Ali encourages many people to write, and she influences the Bear Facts Newspaper too. Photo taken by: Emily Price


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