Sept 2017 bear facts

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b ear fact s OCT OBER 5 | VOLUME no. 13

NO JUST I CE, NO PEACE Six years later, Jason Stockley is found not guilty of first degree murder after the police shooting of Anthony Smith. Both peaceful and violent protests erupted after the verdict.


Co n cer n s o f Vapin g


The interest in vaping and its unknown

No J ust ice, No peace After Judge Timothy Wilson found

side-effects have continued to grow over the years, resulting in many young teens using

Jason Stockley not guilty, people took to the

them. Vaping, over all, is dangerous, but not

streets to protestthe lack of justice for

everyone knows why it is bad or what makes

Anthony Smith, who was killed after a car

it so dangerous.

chase in downtown St. Louis. People feared the protesting would look like the 2014 protests in Ferguson after the death of Michael Brown.


Vio l en ce Spar ks Remo val The violent controversy in

Charlottesville, Virginia, over the removal of


J un e 1 t o No v. 30 Hur r ican e seaso n headq uar t er s

a Confederate monument has caused more local government officials to consider how to deal with the debate and what their options are. The various options concern removal, relocation to a museum, tearing them down completely, or putting up historical signs to contextualized them.


Septem ber 2017 Bear Facts

- Tweet Briefs - Timelines - Infographs - Frightening Facts

Concer ns of Vapi ng Th e Popu l ar i ty of Vapin g

Side Ef f ect s of Vapin g

Vaping has increased rapidly over the last six

Although vaping industries claim that an

years for both adults and teenagers. Not only

e-cigarette is better for you than a regular

are e-cigarette dangerous, they can cause many

cigarette, they?re wrong. Smoking an e-cigarette

side-effects. But despite all the dangers it can

can be just as harmful, if not worse, than a

cause, people still vape. Why? Bear Facts sent a

regular cigarette.

survey to 80 people and received 44 response back on this question. Out of those 44 responses, 27 % said they have vaped before. The most common reason vaping and e-cigarettes are so addicting is that they contain various amounts of nicotine. Once the nicotine starts to wear off in the body, the body starts to crave more, leading to addiction. Side effects of nicotine withdrawal can be depression, tiredness or anger.

Wh y V a p i n g is So Dan ger ou s Not only is the e-liquid itself dangerous, but the flavoring can be dangerous as well. The flavorings can be damaging by themselves.

Image from www.ur sulinestl.or g/ bear facts


N o J u s t ic e , N o P e a c e After Judge Timothy Wilson found Jason Stockley not guilty, people took to the streets to protest the lack of justice for Anthony Smith, who was killed after a car chase in downtown St. Louis. People feared the protesting would look like the 2014 protests in Ferguson after the death of Michael Brown. Six years after the police shooting

conversation.? Greitens took these

that killed Anthony Smith, Circuit Judge

precautions after the violent protests

Timothy Wilson found ex-St. Louis police

that happened in Ferguson in 2014 after

officer Jason Stockley not guilty of

the police killing of Michael Brown.

first-degree murder, according to

Friday, the day the verdict was Stockley and his partner

released, 13 people were arrested and

Brian Bianchi ?tried to arrest Smith for a

four officers were injured, according to

suspected drug deal at Church?s Later at a press conference,

Chicken,? said. A car chase

St. Louis police chief Lawrence O?Toole

ensued, and the shooting took place,

said that ?all in all today?s protests were

killing 24-year-old Anthony Smith. Early

very peaceful and the police exercised

September 8, the verdict was

great restraint. This is a good outcome

announced, and protests soon erupted.

for a very tense day.?

September 11, after talking privately with members of the clergy and other religious leaders about the potential

" Ever yon e h as t h e

protests due to the verdict, Missouri

con st it u t ion al r igh t t o

Governor Eric

peacef u lly pr ot est an d w e w ill pr ot ect t h ose r igh t s...f lippin g car s an d bu r n in g h om es is n ot t h e w ay t o h ave a con ver sat ion ." -M issou r i Gover n or Er ic Gr eit en s

The official twitter account for the St. Louis Police Department released tweets, reporting the protests. The SLMPD twitter account released a video showing ?agitators damaging a police car. Those causing destruction distract from the mission of peaceful protesters,?

Greitens said

the tweet read. Another tweet included

that ?everyone

three images of rocks and water bottles.

has the

The tweet read, ?rocks and water bottles


have been thrown at our officers

right to peacefully protest and we will protect those rights,? according


throughout the day. Officers used great restraint.? A reporter witnessed protesters burning a St. Louis Cardinals sweatshirt while shouting, ?If we can?t get get no justice y?all can?t get no peace.?

Greitens warned that ?flipping cars and burning homes is not the way to have a 4

September 17, ?more than 1,000 people had gathered at police

Septem ber 2017 Bear Facts

headquarters then marched without trouble

Reporter Ryan Delaney said that the

through downtown St. Louis, the posh Central

September 18 morning protest in downtown St.

West End, and the trendy Delmar Loop area of

Louis ?was entirely peaceful,? according to

nearby University City. Protesters also marched St. Louis Public Radio

through two shopping malls in a wealthy area of

Executive Editor Shula Neuman said that

St. Louis County,? reported

?protests over the weekend were mixed

By 8 p.m. on September 17,

demographically, with both white people and

stated that ?a small group had marched

people of color participating,? on

downtown, breaking several windows in the

Marriott hotel on Washington Avenue and at

After three nights of protests, the number

other nearby businesses, including at Olive and

of arrests rose to 160 people, according to

10th streets. A sushi restaurant, a nail salon and The majority of the arrests came

an optician's shop were among those hit.

?after police said people ignored several warnings

Concrete planters were knocked over and trash

over about an hour ?s time to leave,? according to

cans tossed into the street.? One of the protest An unknown chemical was thrown

leaders, Hollis, said, ?We?re not apologizing for

on police officers, and a bicycle officer was sent

protesting, but we are apologizing for the people

to the hospital with a leg injury. The twitter

that were not part of the peaceful protest.?

account for the St. Louis Police Department

During the night, most had gone home,

tweeted more images from the protests, this time

yet ?the 100 or so people who remained grew

including images of weapons, guns and

increasingly agitated as they marched back

protective gear from a rioter who was then taken

toward downtown,? said Mayor

into custody.

Lyda Krewson and Interim Police Chief Lawrence

Anthony Smith?s mother, Anne Smith,

O?Toole held a brief press conference around 1

spoke on September 15 near the intersection

a.m. September 18, according to,

where her son was killed, according to KMOV-TV.

where Krewson said that ?for the third day in a

She said, "I'm not going to stand here and say 'no

row, the days have been calm and the nights

justice, no peace.' My soul is burning, my heart is

have been destructive. This is unacceptable.

broken. I say I ain't get no justice, I could never be

Destruction cannot be tolerated.? Protesters

at peace. I can't speak for no one else, but I know

splattered red paint and broke a window at

the system didn't work on behalf of Anthony

Mayor Lyda Krewson?s home, according to

Lamar Smith."

I sabel l e Stei n l age Bear Facts Staf f www.ur sulinestl.or g/ bear facts


Violence SparksRemoval The events in Charlottesville, Virginia, are put a national spotlight on the removal of Confederate monuments from public spaces when news networks captured footage of the rival protests that turned deadly on August 12.

The events in Charlottesville, Virginia,

according to a USA Today article posted on Aug.

have put a national spotlight on the removal of

12. It was one of those civil disturbances that

Confederate monuments from public spaces

involved a lot of people from out of town such as

when news networks captured footage of the

James Fields. The Virginian governor, Terry

rival protests that turned deadly on August 12.

Mcauliffe, voiced his distress, saying, ?Go home;

The ?Unite the Right? rally, in favor of keeping the

you are not wanted in this great commonwealth;

statue of Confederate-war-general Robert E. Lee,

shame on you.?

Image from

Image from

Image from

Before the Confederate monument was removed from Forest Park, the monument's supporters came to rally, but they were soon met by Black Lives Matter protesters, according to The River Front Times. Overseen by 20 police officers at one point, the protests remained fairly peaceful with only shouting matches between the two sides. Two people, one from each side, were arrested when they got into a confrontation, according to The River Front Times ' article posted on June 3.

had legally obtained a protest permit, but a


Since then, the events in Charlottesville

counter protest, supporting the removal of the

have catalyzed the removal of Confederate

statue, showed up, and as things became violent,

monuments. Evident in an online Times?article,

the police declared it an unlawful protest and

more and more local officials are making

tried to disperse the crowds. This happened

statements similar to Gainesville Mayor Lauren

throughout the weekend, but on Saturday the

Poe?s: ?We should not glorify a part of our

violence claimed 32-year-old Heather Heyer

history in front of our buildings that really is a

when 20-year-old James Alex Fields of Ohio

testament to America?s original sin.? The

drove his car into a crowd of counter protesters,

?original sin? which government officials are

Septem ber 2017 Bear Facts

trying to distinguish from present attitudes is the

attracted a crowd of more than 200 people, was

Confederacy?s support of slavery and the general

hosted by a an organization called the Sons of

discrimination against black people in following

Confederate Soldiers. The member in charge of

decades that Confederate items have come to

the Alabama division of the Sons of Confederate


soldiers made a speech and led the crowd in

St. Louis mayor Lyda Krewson agreed

voicing the names of Confederate relatives. Then

with the calls to take down Confederate

they unveiled a gray stone with the engravings

monuments as she said that the removal of a

?Unknown AL Soldier ? and ?CSA? and ?Mother, I

Confederate monument from Forest Park is

have been found, I am home? to the sound of

helping St. Louis move forward, according to the

gunshots as reenactors dressed in Confederate

St. Louis

uniforms fired This would look perfect in the museum next to the Japanese internment camp exhibit.

Post-Dispatch. The final piece of the monument, the graffitied base, was

These monuments are insulting, but they are expensive to move and part of our history whether we like it or not. We should make them historical by placing signs by them.

removed by the Missouri Civil War Museum at Jefferson Barracks.

This monument is about southern heritage and honoring U.S. soldiers. It's a waste to tear it down and destroy history.

This is history we can't replace, but it's not fit for being in public.

rounds into the air, said the New Yorker article published on

The monument is insulting and represents the discrimination that has followed African American people since the Civil War. If we don't believe in the ideas of the Confederacy, it should be torn down.

August 29. Some cities are less sure about what they should do. In Richmond,

As stated in the

South Carolina, for


example, they have

article, ?Remaining

five Confederate

pieces of

statues on a


prominent road

Monument removed from Forest Park,? both the

called Monument Avenue. A committee

museum and the city, which had raised $16,000

commissioned by the mayor, Levar Stoney, is

to remove it on a Go Fund Me page, wanted the

debating options that would put the statues in

monument, but the museum won the right to

historical context, according to The Washington

remove, store and relocate the monument in an

Post. A few options that have been voiced are to

agreement with the city that the monument

tear down the monuments, put them in

wouldn?t be placed in St. Louis or St. Louis

museums, put up historical markers and signs

County. The money from the Go Fund Me page

around them or to leave them.

will now go to the St. Louis Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department. On August 27, however, a new Confederate monument was presented for the first time in Crenshaw County, Alabama, in a privately owned Confederate memorial park, according to the New Yorker. The event, which www.ur sulinestl.or g/ bear facts

Mer edi th Mi kl os Bear Facts Staf f 7

June 1 t o Nov . 30

Hurr ica ne Sea s o n Hea dq ua r t ers The Northern Atlantic hurricane season sharply peaks from late August through September.

Fr ight ening Fa ct s Deat h Toll

Am ou n t of

Cat egor y

Rain Ir m a


15.91 in.




no landfall


Har vey


4 ft.


M ar ia


6-40 in.


* Information above from bu sin essin sider .com , n , and n * deat h t oll in clu des deat h s ou t side of U.S. an d deat h s t h at w er e t h e con sequ en ces of t h e ef f ect s of t h e h u r r ican e

Po w er Out ages Hurricane Maria knocked out power for all of Puerto Rico's population of 3.5 million people. As of right now, hurricane Harvey and Irma are the most dangerous, but the hurricane season isn't over yet which could result in a bigger hurricane before November 30t. Hu r r ican e Har vey

Hu r r ican e M ar ia 8

Septem ber 2017 Bear Facts

= 100,000 people w it h ou t pow er

Tw eet Br ief s

Timel ine o f Des t r uct io n Irma Jose




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Maria Frankl in

www.ur sulinestl.or g/ bear facts



5 Changes t o Fal l Fest Sp ir it

e at t h e l b e d on il w n e e ead o f Qu n c e in st a D g in m o st o f H o m ec o ec au se m b t s e F l al in g. m ec o m d u r in g F o H o t s ol com e t h e sc h o


Th e ar ts an d cr afts

al u m n ae ven dor fair wil l be m oved to October 19, wh ich wil l be pu t on by th e M oth er ?s Cl u b an d wil l be open to an yon e. It was m oved so th at th e fair cou l d be a bigger deal .

3. M or e gam es wil l be gear ed Im

towar ds fam il ies with sm al l er k ids becau se Fal l Fest is becom in g a h om ecom in g for al u m n ae an d th eir fam il ies.

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Septem ber 2017 Bear Facts

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Wh a t a c h i h a v e yo ev e d ov u t he er ye a r s at Ur s u l in e ? - An n a La m ar t i na

A inr ee U r s u l yo u twrheeearre a n y c l a s s e s a nwso u l d l l y l ik e d a n d s r o i n r ec om m Se tt aikoinngs end , or c l a s e u s s e s yo u q wou l d r ec om m m end f ro t a k m e n e a r l y int g h s e r F o ge

I h av e ac h ie v e d a 4 .0 GP A and f ir s t h onor s e v e r y s e m e s t e r . Ad d it ional l y, I'v e l e ar ne d h ow t o be a l e ad e r , and I h ol d l e ad e r s h ip p os it ions on m y c r os s c ou nt r y t e am , M u Al p h a T h e t a, NHS, and on Div e r s it y t e am .

t t hem o v e r w it h? - Er in F a g en

-Al l is on Koh ne

DO YoOuUwRil l .y H ic m a D o snt 't a nhyet h in gOM EWOR K . er T ak e c s u it in k a bot e acc e r a m icast e t o a s k n not t h h a e h r t s af o r h t h e r t h a lt a s s . I t 's el p : el se o c is t w a h h y a t a t w g a t in h e y ar e du r t ep her e t ot sh e r e c h a n c y oturre s s o f f ootr . C h e r is h t im e a t he s Ur s u l f r om t itc l ags s e s . o e s by in e : r e al l y m l f l as t . be - e l is -eR a c h e l d e n o ye r

Wh a t a d v ic e do yo u h a v e f or f r es h m en? - Be c c a Su d hol t

it "s ok ay t o s p e nd s om e t im e al one e v e r y now and t h e n. p e r s onal t im e and s p ac e is g ood f or e v e r yone . - Hannah br e w e r

www.ur sulinestl.or g/ bear facts


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: Septem ber 2017 Bear Facts

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