Ursuline Academy 341 South Sappington Rd St. Louis, MO 63122
5. 2. 14. Volume 9 Senior Issue
Four Years Later
Around the World
Advice From Your Big Sis
10 12
Time To Remember
Best Memories Ever
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This is my crazy attempt to explain carpe diem.
Shocking to think about, isn't it? I’ll ell, here we are. It’s our For those of you who bet it makes you want to seize this last day of school and, of course, PROM. day, doesn't it? We couldn't be more excited for the com- had Mrs. Stinehart Here’s my point: seizing the you know what ing weeks and the fun they will bring, but day is going out and making the best in the midst of all the craziness, stop, carpe diem means, of it, one day at a time, also, one motake a deep breath and slow down. It is but for those of you ment at a time. Don’t get ahead of important to enjoy the moment: carpe yourself. The limo will be there todiem. For those of you who had Mrs. Sti- who didn’t, it means night, and your dress didn't grow “seize the day.” nehart you know what carpe diem legs of its own. Enjoy this last admeans, but for those of you who didn’t, it visement , enjoy follies, enjoy this means “seize the day.” Let’s start by answering this last day. You only have to watch UA Today simple, yet not so simple, question. What is your mess up seven more times during the advisefavorite Ursuline memory? ment party. I mean, come on, the “technical I asked this question to many of you and got difficulties” are not that bad. a lot of interesting responses, but what I had failed This rant, I’m going on about carpe to do was ask myself that question. What Ursuline diem, doesn't just apply to the last day of high memories stick out the most to me? To be honest, I school. It applies to the rest of life as well. We can’t really answer because I can’t decide. Yes, the only spend a short time on this beautiful journalist is stumped by her own question; unbeplanet, and that time goes by fast. Think about lievable, I know. This is where carpe diem comes it. Wasn't it just in. I’m so busy finishing English projects or trying yesterday we were to push through another one of Coach Nilica’s ranfreshmen, making dom math packets to stop, think and enjoy. I’m not peace signs on our seizing the day. However, I’m not seizing it because eyes because we I’m not making time for it. thought we were Right this very second, I want you to get up, cool? Nope, that go hug your little sis and return to this article. Did was four years ago, you do it? Yes? Okay, good. Now, you just made and college is just time to seize the day. Believe it or not, the two minas short. Soak it in, utes it took you to go hug your little are two minutes ladies, and go light seized. In a few weeks you’re going to be an alumna, your world. Love always , and in a few months you’ll be an alumna-that’s a Abigail Krafft college student. Littles don’t go to college with us last time I checked, so your ability to share time with her as a student is pretty much at its end. No more advisements, no more lock-ins, no more service for Ursuline and no more of Nancy’s food.
Ursuline Bear Mizzou Tiger
Seniors look back at their four-year stay at UA and share some of their favorite memories!
"My favorite memory is experiencing a strong sisterhood with everyone at Helen's funeral. When we sang ‘Go Light Your World’ and everyone had their arms around each other will be a memory that I will never forget." - Kelsey Winston
My favorite memories from UA would be my trip to Italy and spirit week. Those are weeks I'll always remember. –Abby Adams My favorite memory from UA is performing at the Nerinx basketball game this past year. It was my last time performing at a game with my squad, but it was the best performance we had ever done. It was so much fun! - Christina Mueller One of my favorite memories from UA was community day this year. All of us seniors got together in our black outfits and welcomed in the freshmen, being as loud and spiritfilled as possible. Our whole class was able to celebrate Mass together and then have some fun at the volleyball game, and for the first time we really felt connected as seniors.—Sarah Lowery I chose Ursuline for the immense sense of community and sisterhood that I didn't receive when considering other high schools. Throughout my high school career, I have experienced this community repeatedly, as well as the sisterhood. From events like freshman induction to homecoming this past year and all of the father-daughter dances and mother daughter brunches in-between. I couldn't imagine going anywhere else and am proud to say I'm an Ursuline Bear! - Taylor Enderle Just being here for four years has truly been a blessing. Seeing all of my classmates every single day is without a doubt my favorite memory from UA.— Claire Mulligan
One of my favorite memories from UA was Kairos 24. It was an awesome experience to get to know my class better, and I'm glad I got to lead it! - Jen Rustige I will always remember how everyone came together for Helen's funeral. It was amazing to see the sisterhood in our school, especially the week after she passed.—Emily Unruh One of my favorite memories at Ursuline would have to be my freshman year playing soccer in the 2011 State Championship game. All the love and support from my family, friends and teachers that came out and watched us play that day in the 100 degree weather will be something I cherish for the rest of my life.—Frankie Fogertey
The follies my freshman year. I had never experienced something like that, and although I didn't understand all the jokes at the time, I couldn't wait to watch them my senior year.—Hannah Brown
"VERN"- Natalie Italiano I remember running under the seniors with all the other freshmen on our first day of high school and being tripped by one of my senior friends. It was so embarrassing but so funny. I loved how they made me feel right at home. –Josie Knesel
The “High School Musical” sing along we had at Big Sis-Little Sis.—Marissa Krieg My favorite memory is going on the New Orleans service trip. I got to know so many amazing people, and I pushed myself outside my comfort zone.—Allie Stein
Our awkward junior ring ceremony. There was some interesting Irish flute music playing the entire time. The petitions were missing so the girls on stage made up their own. We all took different routes back to our seats after getting our rings, and then the school song cut out halfway through and we just kept going. It was great. :D—Abigail Engelskind
Our UA Bears are all over the world! Here are some of the places we found them!
Ursuline alumnae gave advice on how to tackle the first year of college!
First of all, I would say to anyone playing a sport in college; know that it takes up your life, from study hall to practice at 5 a.m. Another thing I would say is get involved as much as possible. That's how you meet people. Even if it's just joining a club, there are cute boys everywhere. Also, there is a time and place for everything. Know when the proper time to party is. Another thing is give up on those high school boyfriends: they are very easily replaced in college. Lastly have a blast, your parents just invested in four years of paid vacation and, go Bears! - Maggie Tayon ‘11
Don't be afraid of change or to change. It's okay. Branch out; try new things and make new friends.— Kaitlin Holmes ‘13
1.) Don't freak out! Whether you're going away or staying home college, is scary at first, but every other freshman is in the same boat as you. So don't worry if you can't figure out the washing machine, get lost in the dining hall or walk into the wrong class. Almost everyone can say, "Been there ,done that."
2.) Learn to manage your own time efficiently. You'll have the time, but it's up to you how you use it. Planners are your best friend! Also, it's totally acceptable to have quiet time for yourself (in fact, you'll need it). My personal choice is the library. 3.) Keep in-tact your values, but be open to new people and opportunities. You will find a whole melting pot of people, so step outside your comfort zone! That being said, become involved whether it's Greek life, student government, intramurals, stargazing or even all-you-can-eat pancake club, you won't regret it. 4.) Continue to give back to your'll have withdrawals. (SERVIAM)! 5.) Lastly and most importantly, live in the moment! I can't believe that it has almost been a year since graduation! Time seriously flies by! So smile, make mistakes, laugh and learn!- Maura Kelly ‘13
As an incoming freshman, I wish I had known to only get involved in the things I am truly passionate about. In college, your time is very precious, and you often have to relearn how to manage it. It is absolutely beautiful to get involved in different organizations and take on leadership roles, but know what you're signing up for. Don't sign up for organizations just to sign up or build a resumé. Only be a part of things that you genuinely care about and WANT to do. I love my university with my whole heart, and it is a perfect fit for me :) When people ask me what I don't like about my university, I struggle to find an answer, but my answer would be I wish I had more time to be involved in everything I want to!- Eleanor Clark ‘13 As an incoming freshman I wish I had known how fast high school would go by. I know everyone says that cliché, “time flies!” but I can tell you that this is not just a cliché. Coming in as a freshman, I was very nervous to say the least….excited, but nervous. I didn’t know a single person and I was so afraid of being left out of the already formed cliques. However, I took the opportunities I had freshman year to meet people. I played sports, joined a few clubs and even ran for student council. As sophomore and junior year flew by, I started wondering how it was that I was already 17 and looking into colleges. I remember panicking going into senior year and frantically planning group hang outs, trying to spend more time with the people I had grown closest to during my four years. I joined the play because I had been meaning to and had been putting it off for too long. I started to spend more time with my family, attempting to make up for all the time I had spent out of the house by taking my brother and sister out for meals, the park or the zoo. I began to realize how little time I had left of my perfect life at Ursuline Academy. I think I took the first few years of high school watching the seniors and just waiting until I became “one of them.” What is really important is to enjoy the time that you have as a freshman, or as a sophomore, or junior, as stressful as that year was. Senior year was my absolute favorite year, but it’s even more enjoyable knowing that you made the most of your time and did everything you wanted to. Thankfully I realized that before it was too late. My advice? Make a list of everything you want to get involved with, be outgoing and do what scares you; try to learn something new every day and make a pact to speak to everyone in your class at least twice.—Jamie Varghese ‘13
As an incoming freshman I wish I would have known that college is whatever you make it: the ball is completely in your court. You can make the next four years the greatest years of your life, or you can just let them pass you by. Get involved; meet the people on your floor in your dorm, talk to the cute boy you sit next to in class (still pay attention in class), rush a sorority, get involved in athletics, join a dance group, STUDY ABROAD and have the time of your life. I have learned so much about myself in college, and I am proud of the woman I have become. Ursuline has prepared you for college; you will do great academically if you work your hardest, you will get involved, you will do service, and your UA friends will always be in your life. GOOD LUCK!!!! If you ever need anything I’m just a Facebook message away. Molly Rathert ‘12
These pages are blank so that you can write or dooodle the memories you’d like to remember! Have your friends write on them too!
Movies To Remember:
“Mean Girls”
Ryan Gosling
“Bridesmaids” “Finding Nemo” “Hunger Games”