Beautiful and Dauntless issue 10

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BEAUTIFUL October 2017 Issue 10


Fashion that BLOOMS 1


Fall Fashion 2017 begins on Page 26


letter from the EDITOR



This month starts the happy feels for me. I just love as the months begin to come to an end of another year. Depending on where you live, I know it does not mean the same thing in every area of the world, but the weather starts to cool, the leaves begin to change, festive decorations are everywhere, and yummy comfort foods are on display. It is at this time each year, no matter what is going on in my life, that my heart begins to well up with so much love. It lasts throughout the holiday season. I think this is why I love the holidays so much. Yes, the decorations are amazing. And the FOOD! But it is more about what goes on in the inside of me that is really incredible. I am assuming that not everyone experiences this and so I often tune down my little, happy elf-self. If I could, I would give everyone a dose of the amazing love and joy that the holidays bring me. If you are someone that needs a little pick me up during the holiday seasons, begin to hang around those crazy Christmas Elves like myself (instead of avoiding them) and let them wear off on you a little. I promise, it is not a disease. We are actually enjoying life at a much greater rate than you are and you are the only one keeping yourself from joining in. Stop punishing yourself and join in on the fun! XOXO,

Karissa Hagemeister 4

Photography by K Kalista 5





October 2017

12 Feature Story Feeling Fear 26 Feature Fashion Spring/Summer Fashion 2018 Blooms 41 Ms. Beautiful October 2017 Brittany Tanner 44 Dauntless


Meet the Beautiful CREATORS

Editor in Chief

Photograph by K Kalista

IG @karissaluvhagemeister FB: Karissa Hagemeister

Karissa Hagemeister is on a life long journey in the pursuit of love, beauty and truth. Not only does she want to discover these things for herself but she desires to share them with anyone willing to watch and listen. Beautiful was birthed out of this desire. She enjoys modeling, acting and singing. She has her own fashion line and partners her business with a jewelry line, Chloe + Isabel. In July of 2016, Karissa published her first book. Her future plans are to revamp the fashion industry with the love, truth and beauty that she discovers by both her fashion business and Beautiful magazine.

KARISSA HAGEMEISTER Relations Editor Courtney Mack is passionate about travel and trying the latest food trends. She has dined her way through more than thirty states and seven different countries. As much as she enjoys eating healthy, the temptations of unique, local flavor will swoon any girls heart. Courtney’s current career has no correlation with food, but more so it is an access to the marvels of travel. Her taste for travel and food are only two of her passions; seeing all people find Jesus as their Savior and gaining a revelation of their value in Him, while communing around great food, is the truest honor to her.


Assistant Editor Jackie Cullum, 26, and is a wife, mom, and Chairperson for the Missions Committee at Aldersgate United Methodist Church. She has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Saint Leo University and obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Southeastern University. She plans on using her degrees in the missions field oversees. Her passion is for children and she wants to work with orphans by planting orphanages to help get children off the streets and providing them with an education so that they can have a brighter future.


Creatives: Writers: Terry Randolph


Josiah Richwine KKalista Photography Ashley Henricks Johanny Becerra Photography

Layout Designers: Xiomara Montalvo

Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc. 9


Available as an ebook at:

Or Paperback at:



Feature Story



LING Fear 13

Afraid of Fear Off to the airport I am filled with excitement as the moments grow closer for me to get to the airport to head to Australia, but I also have that little fear nagging in the back of my mind, remembering my first experience on airplanes. My friend Courtney picks me up close to 1 pm to take me to the Tampa airport. Three flights are ahead of me. One right after the other. The first is about two hours, the second about five hours and the last is almost 15 hours. My first flight is from Tampa to Dallas, where I met up with Yahaira and her daughter, Karen, my two traveling companions. The first flight, I managed to get my fear in check quickly, I had my chewing gum, and plane pills. It went by quickly. The transition to the next flight was also quick, and I felt a bit better once I had my two traveling buds with me. The second flight was smooth sailing and we made it to LA in great time. The third flight was causing me a little more anxiety, even though I knew it shouldn’t. Eight years prior, I had flown from LA to Hong Kong for a fourmonth study aboard in China with 13 college students, who were strangers at the time. We had a 23-hour plane ride for that trip and there had been no mishaps or problems with my ears and the pressure on the plane. So there should have been no reason for worry or fear.




However, since the beginning of this year, I have been experiencing anxiety attacks, for no reason. I have not quite found out what causes it but I could be in a complete normal and calm situation and out of nowhere my heart will start racing, my body will get hot and I will have to talk my brain out of passing out. I can normally calm myself down, but it can take up to a half an hour or more. Going outside, away from others and being able to breathe fresh air really helps. But on the airplane, there will be no going outside for fresh air. I have found that being in big groups of people when I am already anxious or stressed can enhance it and being on the airplane, there are a lot of people, most are strangers. The week before the trip, the anxiety attacks have increased like crazy. So that was frightening to me. Without Fear I was not going to allow that fear whispering in my mind to keep me from living out my dreams of going to Australia. I boarded that plane, walking over the fear with every step that I took. We took off, I was seated by strangers but completely happy knowing that we would be in Australia once we landed. Australia is 14 hours ahead of my normal Florida time zone, and 17 ahead of the Cali time we were leaving. It was after 10 pm in California once we took off, way past my bed time. I knew I needed to sleep because once we arrived it would only just begin to be morn-


ing and we would have to stay awake all day to lessen the effects of jet lag. So I attempted to watch some movies on the flight for the first few hours but was not impressed by anything I began watching. My eyelids were beginning to be seduced by the sweet temptation of sleep. So I tried to position myself as comfortably as you can in an airplane chair. The next several hours I wrestled with sleep but it never fully took me over. I am very difficult when it comes to sleep. Conditions have to be exactly perfect or there will be no sleep for me. About half way through the flight, seven hours in, my body begins to feel weird. I went from freezing (because outside of the plane it is -45 degrees) to sweating and me stripping my clothing to as much as is appropriate in public. The cabin was fairly dark because most everyone was asleep. I was pouring with sweat and my hands were trembling. I thought maybe I was having a panic attack or maybe the airplane chicken I had eaten hours prior was coming back to bite me. I kept thinking I was going to have to take a quick trip to the toilet if I didn’t calm down. But no matter how much I prayed or tried to focus my mind, it was not getting better. I knew that I needed to tell someone soon because I was on the edge of passing out and I felt completely alone. It felt like the end of the world, to be honest and I just wanted my mommy. It sounds so silly right now but it was what I was thinking at the time.




But at the perfect time one of the male flight attendants walked past and I told him I was going to pass out. He was so kind and was trying to talk me through what was going. He asked me first if I had eaten recently. I was thinking, I feel like I am going to throw up, I don’t think that is it. But the more he talked to me, the more I realized that could be what the problem was. He found me some gluten-free snacks and instantly I was back to normal. It is crazy to see how fear from an earlier situation can blow things way out of proportion and make life way more difficult than it needs to be. I have struggled with fear for way too many years of my life and I hate it. I can feel the fear consume all parts of my being and come around to bother me for no reason. Fear is the next battle that I choose to face in my life. I will win this battle and defeat the power that fear thinks it has. Instead of creeping people out and scaring them by dressing up as an ugly, creepy thing for Halloween I am going to scare the fear away so that it never comes back to haunt me again. Who’s with me? By Karissa Hagemeister


Photo by Ashley Henricks


The ORIGINAL Beautiful Shirt Available exclusively at Kingdom Dezigns e-shop:




26 26


Fashion 2018







Photography taken in Kissimmee, Florida Historical District




Kickboxing Klass with Karissa

Only available online @ Start at ANY time & go at your own PACE 36

6-Week Intense Course 37



llection Beautiful Back



ABOUT Beautiful Magazine

Beautiful magazine has always been a dream of mine, something that I knew would come eventually, I just cannot believe it is already here. Beautiful is a collection of art and illustrations, depicting inner and outer beauty. It is stories, it is real, it is life, it is pictures and it is just pure beauty. Beautiful is fashion, health, beauty tips, encouragement, life, art and truth. Beautiful is about you, your story, your life, your love, your pain and your fears. Beautiful is about us, our stories, our journeys, adventures and our moments of life that have been crafted specially to share with you. I want you, the reader, to feel safe reading Beautiful. I want you to feel like you are a part of the stories, the adventures and the passion that each one of the editors, writers and photographers bring to you. I


want you to feel empowered, encouraged and excited about your beautiful journey in this life. Most of all, I want Beautiful to be the spark that makes a change in your life. Not a change for good or a change for the better, but a change for the BEST! Anytime you feel encouraged or have questions or just want to share something with the Beautiful team, shoot us an email at bringingbeautifulback@gmail. com. We would love to hear from you. Share Beautiful with those that need a little extra beauty in their life. Life is beautiful. You are beautiful. That is what Beautiful is all about. --------------@bringingbeautifulback

Ms. Beautiful Brittany Tanner October 2017

Hi, I’m Brittany! Everyday I pray that His light shines through me, so others can see His love and grace from my words and actions. I was very honored to be chosen for Ms. Beautiful October 2017, so I can tell all of you how amazing and beautiful God thinks you are, and through Him ANYTHING is truly possible. @GirlsUnitedinChrist on Instagram and Facebook I use God’s Word to encourage other young women to find their inner beauty and lift each other up. You are loved. You are enough. You are worthy. I would also love to challenge each of you to spread some light around! 41

Who Will Take the Title for Ms. Beautiful November 2017?

Ms. Beautiful

Submit your choice by sen they should be Mr. or Ms 42

Who Will Take the Title for Mr. Dauntless November 2017?



nding a picture, their name and a brief description of why s. for next month’s issue. Email submissions to bringingom * No specific requirements 43

ABOUT Dauntless Magazine

DAUN LESS The second half of this magazine is now being taken over by guys, for guys. Since the creation of this magazine, January 2017, we have excelled at offering real life stories, advice and insight into daily matters. Our writers share what is on their heart in order to bring some life to your current situation. Up to this point, much of the material has been more “lady focused” but we hate to leave out our male counterparts, as they need special rays of light to impact their life as well. In May 2017, after receiving much feed-

back from males asking for more content geared towards them, our wheels started turning. We came up with the idea of having the dual magazine, but we need a name. After conducting a poll on social media, we were given some insight as to what a guy might prefer to be thought of as, and DAUNTLESS was the winner. Below are a few of the reasons as to why Dauntless is now the name of the second half of our e-mag. So, gentlemen, as you are reading, think of yourself in these terms:

“Dauntless means, ‘I am BOLD, COURAGEOUS, and GALLANT. Which trumps all other choices. IMHO.”

- Larry

“Dauntless for sure. Dauntless means, ‘Showing FEARLESSNESS and DETERMINATION.’ That is how I would like to be defined.”

- Arman





Photo by Jenee Carrigan

Arman Irani October 2017

All of you that are reading this.. don’t let your dreams drift away into the past.. Work work work “grind” after what sets your soul on fire, what makes you smile, what makes you feel like a human again, instead of just a consuming machine. If you read the Bible then you may remember this: 1 John 4:8-12 - “He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love.” The key in this passage to me is “God is Love” what a beautiful thing?? The more love you spread the more positive vibes, the more real connections you make with others that can really impact how your destiny can unfold. I love helping others, man, it makes me feel good, even just listening to others, there is so much you can learn... not everything is written in a book. You have to live your life. AKA yolo! haha Peace & Love yall, yo boii Armanii 45

FALL Fashion 2017

New Dauntl

Collec 46




Fall 2017 Style 47









Social Media SPEAKS

You Spoke,



We Listened




Chocolat Snickers - Angelica Anything Chocolate! - Jackie Crunchbars & Wonderballs - Julia


What candy do you look forward to eating after Trick-or-Treating?

te, Sweet, Sour


What is the 1 thing you are most

AFRAID OF? What do you fear the most?

Photos by Josiah Richwine


The dark .... Pure darkness scares the ... out of me Christopher S. Snakes Matt W. Failure! Trinity D. Being unprepared. Buster G. Death Alfredo A.

Cockroaches ... As long as I could remember, I hated them since I was in diapers ... I can’t believe I have had this phobia for so long. Sarah W.

Not having internet connection. Emilio R. Fear itself. Bo P.

Another terrorist attack on American soil. Kenny F.

Spiders!! Kim S.

Nobody holding my hand while I am dying ... lol Ryan F.

Heights. Just the thought of going splat. Any other death is, okay, but for some reason the thought of going splat from a fall scares me. Ben F.

Gators, snakes, spiders all share the top spot. Justin S. Bees!! Jamee J. I fear God, I am afraid of roller coasters. I almost flew out of one when I was younger. Eric D.

Rejection. Failure. Dennis W.


What are you going to be for


Cat Woman, or Storm, or Black Widow, or Black Panther - Alta Chica


Me on Tuesday - Ben Kylo Ren - Max Batman - Ben Michael

Max Ben


tober 31st--> Me. An Angel - Sherry


Lego (Destruction) - Michael


Ninja Turtle - John Pattie







Is Control The Solution? By : Terry Randolph


We want to be in control. Throughout history, the human conquest

for control has been the catalyst for nearly every war fought. Even in society control is often the subversive motive influencing economic behaviors, legislation, and business practices. In as much as we seek to control, we fight against systems which aim to control us. In our own life we find ourselves captured between two roles: the controller and the controlled. But with our striving to be in command, how much of our life actually submits to our rule? And even in those moments when we feel like we are in charge, is control the solution or a part of the problem? Control in its purest form is ideological at best and there are few environments in life in which we can exercise absolute authority. Rather, the vast majority of our existence really occurs irrespective of our rule. Nevertheless, we wrestle for the opportunity to author our life how we want it to be, and point it in the direction of our scripted success. We ascribe to the philosophy that the more we can control and plan for, the more we can guarantee our safe arrival in the ‘happily-ever-after’ life we have written for ourselves. It makes sense that control should guarantee success, right? And although we buy into the idea, our experiences betray us and reveal a truth that unsettles the foundation of the controlled-life we want. The truth is we are not in control. For most of us, the controlled-life is all we know. As a culture steeped in independence, familiar slogans like, “Grab life by the horns,” seep into our understanding and influence how we respond to life. As a philosophy, the notion that we can forcibly steer life wherever we want it to go is empowering, but in practice it can be devastating. It implies that life is a wild beast that stands in opposition between you and all your hopes and dreams, ready to gore you should you step foot on its territory. With our American Dream at stake we fight to subdue life, believing that victorious control is the only means by which we can achieve our dreams. We control for survival, for success, and for our dreams. 68



But it was not always like this. As children, when the extent of our responsibility was limited to making our bed, we had little control over our lives. Our parents had authority over what we ate, what we watched, when we went to bed, and nearly every other decision. Ironically, in this environment with so little control, we thrived. Most of us have fond memories of our childhood. We understood that there were many circumstances beyond our control, so we adapted, and went on with life. However, as we mature into adulthood and the onus of responsibility transitions from our parents to us, we simultaneously take on the mantle of control and the mentality that somehow responsibility and controllability are synonymous. They are not. Just ask any parent (or even your parent) and you will readily receive an account of how even the best child still has the ability to be uncontrollable. Just because you are are responsible for it does not mean that you have control over it. When it comes to life we have a choice. We can attempt to control it or we can surrender to it. We have all experienced the futility of our attempts for control because we ALL have problems. And if you could fix your problems, would you not have already done so? Perhaps the persistence of life’s problems is but another reminder that control does not work. But is surrendering any better? Surrendering seems to fly in the face of all our cultural conditioning. We are a people who never back down; you either control life or it will control you. For many, to surrender to life means to accept defeat, hopelessness, and victimization. Life wins and you lose. So, we opt to swing the pendulum to the opposite extreme and try to control all that we can. But is that the solution? The errancy of our notion is in our misunderstanding of surrender. In life, to surrender is not the acceptance of hopelessness; it is the acceptance of help. Life, in the most unconventional way, will make us better. But, it is also the cruelest of teachers, doling out lessons filled with pain and heartache without explanation. It is no wonder we strive to steer our own lives. But a life under our command will never be 71

strengthened by sadness, fortified by fight, or purposed through pain. We would never write our story like this because it is painful. However it is most often pain, and not comfort, which unlocks our latent potential to be better. Whether you opt to control life or to surrender, life dispenses its lessons on everyone without bias. But who we become on the other side of calamity is directly determined by our positioning amid these situations. For those living the controlled-life, the winds of change are but another variable of which to be in command. However, any attempt to control the wind is as futile and frustrating as it sounds, and always results in a disappointing defeat. Alternatively, surrendering to life is about adapting; it is the continuous adjustment of your sail according to conditions you are experiencing. With the right positioning, the winds that once opposed you can become the driving force used to propel you forward, to make you better. In the same manner, what if the ‘horns’ of life that we had been using to forcibly attempt to steer life where we wanted were actually intended for us hold on to while we take the ride of our life? It is all about your positioning. So, if we cannot control life, then how can we make any real contributions to the world around us? It is simple; we influence. The purpose of our lives is not to acquire control over as much as possible, but rather to best utilize our influence. Then, our influence becomes our partnership with life, working in synchrony with its twists and turns and using these moments to positively affect those around us. This changes how we parent. Our kids are not people to be controlled, but rather lives for whom we have been given significant influence. It changes how we work and our reason for doing it. But more importantly, it changes how we view life’s inexplicable difficulties, as these become our platforms of influence. In the end, we get the best of both worlds, we get to enjoy the ride and to help others to do the same. Layout by Xiomara Montalvo & Photos by Josiah Richwine 72






October 2017

66 Is Control the Solution? Terry Randolph

56 Social Media Speaks Fall Festivities 46 Dauntless Collection Men’s Fashion 44 About Dauntless 45 Mr. Dauntless October 2017 Arman Irani 40 Beautiful 75 Photo by Josiah Richwine

DAUN LESS October 2017 Issue 20

Fear What? Is Control the ARMAN IRANI Photo by Jenee Carrigan



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