Beautiful & Dauntless Issue 21

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e i m a J meet











summer collection

TIFUL the ver s i llining SEPTEMBER 2018 | ISSUE 21




Karissa Hagemeister Editor In Chief

Jackie Cullum Assistant Editor

Arnette German Fashion Editor

Sara Robillard Art Director

Xiomara Montalvo Feature Story Layout & Graphic Designer

ABOUT BEAUTIFUL Beautiful magazine has always been a dream of mine, something that I knew would come eventually. I just cannot believe it is already here! Beautiful is a collection of art and illustrations, depicting inner and outer beauty. It is stories, it is real, it is life. It is pure beauty. Beautiful is fashion, health, beauty tips, encouragement, life, art and truth. Beautiful is about you, your story, your life, your love, your pain and your fears. Beautiful is about us, our stories, our journeys, adventures and our moments of life that have been crafted specially to share with you. I want you, the reader, to feel safe reading Beautiful. I want you to feel like you are a part of the stories, the adventures and the passion that each one of the editors, writers and photographers bring to you. I want you to feel empowered, encouraged and excited about your beautiful journey in this life. Most of all, I want Beautiful to be the spark that makes a change in your life. Not a change for good or a change for the better, but a change for the BEST! Anytime you feel encouraged or have questions or just want to share something with the Beautiful team, shoot us an email at We would love to hear from you. Share Beautiful with those that need a little extra beauty in their life. Life is beautiful. You are beautiful. That is what Beautiful is all about.

follow beautiful


Š2018 Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc.

table of CONTENTS


04 Letter from the Editor 06 Meet the Staff 10 Feature Story The Silver Lining 16 Be Inspired NEW CONTENT!


18 Fashion Topic


Gadget Girl 24 Fashion Faves Beautiful Summer Styles 28 Miss Beautiful, September 2018 Jamie Carr


36 inBetween NEW CONTENT! Beauty in the Contrast


60 Dauntless


letter from the EDITOR


BEAUTIFUL, September is officially here. With it, we have our latest magazine release and a new theme color. I have really enjoyed working with the theme colors each month. It plays into my creative juices. Silver is September’s color. Meanings behind silver include sleek, high-tech, modern, graceful, sophisticated and wealthy. You will find these schemes and the silver theme sprinkled throughout this issue. I love the metallic, shiny colors. There is just something about them that draws me in more than a “regular� color. I hate to call the other colors regular because they are all great too. What is cool about the metallic colors is that they always have such grand and exuberant meanings attached to them. The two that stand out the most for the women, in this color, is graceful and sophisticated. Those are two magical words that used to define women. Such a compliment to be called either but I feel we women, as a whole, have lost this part of our women-hood. What do you think? What does graceful and sophisticated even look like anymore? Just some food for thought. I hope your September is off to a great start. XOXO,


Photography by K. Kalista



Karissa Hagemeister is on a life long journey in the pursuit of love, beauty and truth. Not only does she want to discover these things for herself but she desires to share them with anyone willing to watch and listen. Beautiful & Dauntless was birthed out of this desire. She enjoys modeling, acting and singing. She has her own fashion line and partners her business with a jewelry line, Chloe + Isabel. In July of 2016, Karissa published her first book. Her future plans are to revamp the fashion & entertainment industry with the love, truth and beauty through both her fashion business and Beautiful & Dauntless magazine.

EDITOR IN CHIEF, dauntless

Arman Irani is just another fellow human. He’s admittedly a little bit nerdy. How nerdy? Well, he just received a Bachelors degree in Nanotechnology. Arman loves working out, cooking healthy, dressing up, traveling and he’s also a bit of a gamer. He has no qualms with moving in faith to new destinations and embarking on new adventures in life (as the phrase goes, you only live once!). When it comes down to it, Arman believes life is short and hopes that you become inspired and believe in yourself to do the things that you want in this life and follow your calling.


Jackie Cullum, 26, is a wife, mom, and Chairperson for the Missions Committee at Aldersgate United Methodist Church. She has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Saint Leo University and obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Southeastern University. She plans on using her degrees in the missions field oversees. Her passion is for children and she wants to work with orphans by planting orphanages to help get children off the streets and providing them with an education so that they can have a brighter future.



Arnette German is a native of Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. She took her leap of faith and finally decided to yield to her passion for fashion by enrolling in the online Graduate Program of Fashion Journalism at Academy Art University in San Francisco, California. No stranger to the stage, Arnette is a member of the Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe in Sarasota, Florida. Presently calling Bradenton, Florida home, Arnette spends her free time either volunteering at her local church and spending time with friends and family, especially her best friend.


Arnette is a foodie and a lover of nature and the arts. Life is definitely, in some shape or form and fashion, being lived to the fullest. Sara Robillard spent the first part of her life growing up in New England, and about a decade ago, she found herself transplanted to Central Florida. Sara is currently working in a full-time marketing position, as well as attending college as a part-time student to earn a degree in graphic design. She has been working in graphic art professionally for over five years (unprofessionally for almost a decade) and truly enjoys creating and telling stories. When she’s not working or doing homework, Sara is either doing something artsy, enjoying the outdoors, traveling, reading, writing or lounging with her cat, Ruxin.


Xiomara Montalvo is a 21 year old university student that lives and breathes all things artistic. She has lived in Central Florida for half of her life, but is originally from Michigan. Xiomara will be graduating soon with a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design with a concentration in Digital Imaging. Her goal after graduation is to work as a Layout Designer for magazines. While Xiomara is not studying, and completing assignments, she is painting, drawing or designing something at home.


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follow beautiful Colors shown are gray, gray with tan and black with tan.


feature STORY

The Silver Lining o September & Gra by Arnette German | layout art by Xiomara Montalvo


of ace


“Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold.� -Maurice Setter


If I were to ask you to envision the color you would assign to grace, would silver be the hue it is adorned in? Silver, a precious metal associated with being “high-tech, industrial and modern.” Impressively, from a socioeconomic aspect, it also signifies “wealth and riches.” However, in a fashionable and character context, silver means “glamorous, elegant, sophisticated” and drum roll please… “graceful.” Now grace, utilized as a noun is identified as: “ 1.) the simple elegance or the refinement of a movement or 2. (in the Christian belief ) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.” Whereas, as a verb, grace means to either give “do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one’s presence or (of a person or thing) be an attractive presence in or on; adorn.” So? It looks to me, silver is the contender. And yet again, another powerful monthly hue selection speaks blessings to you, my loves! But, let’s have some fun and pretend that grace was the overall theme for September. Even with the “correct” hue pick, September, the 9th month, in itself, from a biblical perspective, pronounces another powerful decree without a helping hand of our “color” for the month of September, silver. But, by adding the “right” shade with it...will leave you (as it left me) a stupor...awestruck! Surprisingly, 9, in biblical numerology, represents “the perfect movement of God, fruit of the spirits, divine completeness from the father, patience of harmony, meditation, inspiration and perfection of ideas and the number of those who accomplish the divine will” so in his “simple elegance of refine movement” his grace...all that September signifies is simply achieved and made attainable through grace...sophisticatedly!


So you see, a loss for words, which is very rare for me, is where I found myself after seeing how grace, September and silver harmoniously intertwined...I was left in a stupor! But, it was the overall joy of discovering the silver lining that coexisted in the month of September and Grace. So, again, I charge you as the continuation of wealth, prosperity, elegance, sophistication and glamour is being pronounced over you, sophisticatedly-boldly walk into and/or continue to march into the authentic you, your purpose and destiny. Your new beginning was given in August so that you could accomplish your divine will in September. Embrace it! Own It! After all, there is a Silver Lining of September and Grace!

*Meaning of silver was found at and the numerical biblical meaning for “ 9� can be found at number-9.html. Silver lining quote secured from


ful. i t u a e B , o l l e H

I want you to know that you are not alone. This journey of life can be very difficult and very confusing at times. We all face critical things that can make us lose sight of who we are. As you read this book, I hope you are able to discover the lies and false identities that are holding you back. I hope you will find the truth about who you are. I pray that you find your worth and purpose in this journey we are taking together. XOXO,




CYPRESSES Vincent Van Gogh Circa: 1889 (Source:



hat am I in the eyes of most people — a non-entity, an eccentric, or an unpleasant person — somebody who has no position in society and will never have; in short, the lowest of the low. All right, then — even if that were absolutely true, then I should one day like to show by my work what such an eccentric, such a nobody, has in his heart. That is my ambition, based less on resentment than on love in spite of everything, based more on a feeling of serenity than on passion. Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me. I see paintings or drawings in the poorest cottages, in the dirtiest corners. And my mind is driven towards these things with an irresistible momentum.” Vincent Van Gogh 17

Gadget Girl by Karissa Hagemeister



n our current age of high-tech gadgets and gizmos, we all can start to feel like Gadget Girl. There is an app for everything, a remote to open anything and new, high tech this and that coming out every other day. Technology is fun, helpful and beneficial in so many ways. But in a world of so much technology, we can feel so overwhelmed, even confused and often distracted. Many studies have shown that Millennial’s and the younger generation have lost much of their social skills. They have a hard time making real friends, holding real conversations face-to-face and even coping with real life situations. I enjoy Instagram, iPhones and having the world at my fingertips just like any other girl, however, I also understand the importance of creating real connections with real people. I do not let any technological device consume a large amount of my time. I use what I can as tools to get ahead in business with my career and try to utilize and optimize my time spent on all social media sites. I am sure I probably sound crazy to a majority of you but that is just part of

my hustle and flow. All I am saying is that it is important for us to remember what is real and what is not when it comes to technology. Remember to spend more time with the real and less with what is not. Family is real. Friends are real. Things happening in your life are real. Other people’s lives portrayed on social media are real, but they are real to them. It is not your concern how much money they have, what they drive, where they went on vacation. If you spend your time desiring other’s things and lives, you will end up despising your own. Enjoy the gadgets and the technology but remember these three simple things: 1. Enjoy your own life and do not envy others based on what you see on social media. 2. Take the time to spend life faceto-face with real people. 3. Limit the amount of time you spend with your face stuck in your phone or glued to the TV. Life will become much simpler and much more beautiful if you do.









BeaUtiful fashion is birthed out of my desire to see women view themselves as beautiful. I want women to understand that they are royalty. Kingdom Dezigns is not only about the fashion, but it is about changing the world— Bringing BeaUtiful Back.”

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summer collection the summer’s hottest colors and trends

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ultra violet

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follow beautiful 27


BEA TIFUL r r a C e i m a J PROFILE:

Jamie Michelle Carr was born in Ridgewood New Jersey. Growing up, Jamie enjoyed music, playing outside, doing out door adventures, watching movies, and last but not least, Jamie enjoyed dressing in costumes and acting out characters. Music became Jamie’s therapy from her easiest to her most difficult times. She had a few instruments, but her favorite was the violin. When anyone came over her house and seemed a little sad or worried, Jamie would take out the violin and she would play her music for them and all you would see is happy tears. (continued) 28

miss beautiful MAGAZINE

September 2018


miss beautiful MAGAZINE Jaime would put her instrument down and she would give the person a hug and say, “See all better now.” Jamie also loved soccer. But when she wasn’t playing soccer, she was pinning a curtain from each side of the door way, and act! She would go into every room closet and take what she could use for her little show in the living room. Jamie would take a few things out of the wardrobe and put it on and start acting, or impersonating. From elementary to high school, Jamie was constantly in sports and theater. She absolutely loved it. Jamie loved dressing differently, she loved being in her own creative and imaginary world. It was also her safety zone. Fascinated by psychology, Jamie hopes to incorporate that in her career in the future. She moved back to Jersey when she was 20 and started her professional entertainment career in 2012. In November 2017 Jamie graduated with SHINE NY 2017 for the AMTC ministry. Jamie is also a current 30

student at the New Jersey School of Dramatic Arts, located in Bloomfield, New Jersey. Jamie also has two private acting coaches who help her and encourage her to continue to be who she is. When Jamie isn’t modeling, acting, nor entertaining, she spends her time working with children and adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Jamie volunteers at her church’s children’s ministry as an assistant teacher for babies and toddlers. Jamie has always been very dedicated and hardworking when trying to achieve her goals. She does not let any obstacle get in her way; She perseveres and keeps working toward her dreams. She hopes to learn and master every technique for her acting career and in everything else with her professional life. Jamie hopes to become a very well-known actress, model, activist and motivational speaker one day. Jamie also hopes to get married and have her own family someday. violalove1909



the beauty in contrast by Sara Robillard


It stormed tonight. And as I walked out to my car, I couldn’t help but look up as the clouds started to break. The sun was setting and hitting the tip of one of the breaking storm clouds, setting it on fire against the pale blueness of the sky. I caught myself staring at it as long as I could, struck by the beautiful contrast of the colors captured in a frame of dismal gray. Slowly I was realizing that the beauty was coming from the contrast. This is a world where differences tend to be taboo, where people use them to justify strife and violence, when they are used as a reason to break ties or inflict heartbreak. Even to the well-intentioned, well-informed and well-meaning, differences of look, opinion and belief are often viable excuses to cut ties. Some people don’t even realize they are doing it—and that’s what’s scary. They let it happen and just simply accept that’s how it has to be.

The sky above me tonight drew and captured my attention, it engaged my thoughts. It wouldn’t have happened without the storm, it wouldn’t have been noticeable if all the elements had been the same, or if they had been on their own. They had to be together— not working against each other, but enhancing one another. I know I’m not breaking any new ground here, and I know people can argue why some things just can’t be worked out. But with all that I’ve been through, with all that I’ve had to learn, with how ugly the world is and will remain to be, I’m going to take this single moment and see the beauty in the contrast. I’m going to choose to take the risk, choose to step out of the bubble, choose to go against the flow. Choose to embrace those others run from. Choose to be one of those things that stands against the rest and lights up a small part of the sky.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.






September 2018


mr dauntless MAGAZINE


My name is Steven Berkani. I am 26 years old, confined to a wheelchair, since birth, due to Cerebral Palsy. Even though I have definite limitations, they do not stop me from pursuing my dreams and goals. I intend on becoming a film producer. However, I have to approach my career differently than able-bodied people. Considering my disability, I cannot use my hands; so I learned to operate the computer with my chin. I taught myself to edit many things including videos and pictures. The programs I use include Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro. I mainly learn all of my skills through helpful guides, or through online tutorial videos. Recently, I wrote and filmed my second project. I accomplished this task with the assistance of a friend who happens to be a former media high school teacher. His name is Greg Cardino. I expressed to Mr. Cardino that I had a desire to film an anti-bullying P.S.A., called Be A Friend, Not A Bully. Mr. Cardino reviewed the script, as he did with my previous P.S.A. He then wanted to go forward and offer his assistance to help me put this


project together. Days later I contacted a colleague and friend, Scott Christianson (director, Mixed Nuts.), and requested that he also review my P.S.A. He told me he really liked it. Thankfully, this project was done with the assistance of some of Greg’s former students, as well as crew members provided by Scott. With the joint efforts of all who came to put my P.S.A. together, we were able to complete this project. I am very proud of my P.S.A. and very much appreciate the help that I was given to bring this project to fruition. We’re trying to get this P.S.A. on TV to continue bringing attention to this ongoing problem. Too many people are victims of this abuse so I’ve posted my video on my YouTube page hoping that this message will make people think before they act in a hurtful and abusive manner. If you agree with my P.S.A. please share it with others. Steven Berkani @StevenBerkani Steven Berkani

mr dauntless MAGAZINE


Too many people are victims of this abuse so I’ve posted my video on my YouTube page hoping that this message will make people think before they act in a hurtful and abusive manner.''



A lean, streamlined companion for active trendsetters, the Arctic Fold Backpack is roomy—yet light-weight. It’s ideal for carrying a laptop, books, and work essentials. 38


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MEAT BALLS Ingredients: 2 lbs of ground beef 2 large eggs 1/2 cup of gluten free breadcrumbs 1/2 an onion Spices to taste: Salt, Pepper and other spices Directions: 1. In a large mixing bowl combine uncooked beef, eggs and bread crumbs. 2. Also add in the sliced up onion and all the seasonings you desire. 3. Mix well, use your hands if you are comfortable. 4. Roll them into balls about 1.5 to 2 inches around. 5. Place all meatballs in the air fryer. 6. Fry for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. 7. Flip them upside down after 15 minutes and then back in for 5 more minutes. 8. Once it beeps after the last 5 minutes they are done and ready to be enjoyed with any of your favorite dishes. Serving Size: 10-12 meatballs 41

social media SPEAK

we asked.

we list

ď &#x; Follow us on social media beautiful & dauntless 42


you spoke.


ď &#x; to join in the conversations.


beautifulndauntless 43

What is your favorite high-tech gadget?


follow beautiful

Auto Drive Jay F. Smartphones Mark K. 2-in-1 Chromebook Brittany T. New Go-Pros Gage S. Whatever the military hasn’t released for civilian use Arman I.


What does sophisticated look like?

follow beautiful 46

social media SPEAK

I think a sophisticated person is genuine and has an interest in everything, is willing to talk and do anything. Joseph L. Being a good person is most important, I think. David K.


How much is enough?

follow beautiful 48

$80 quadrillion Darren M. $5,000,000. That is all I ask. Barry S. For me to start my business, I need $200,000. And I’ll turn that into an empire. Ron J. All of it. Jay K.

I’m good on money, what I need is more time. Conrad L. Mortgage free is enough for me. Mark K. Enough to enjoy life to the fullest without owing anyone anything Arman I.

At this point, $500,000 should do. Wayne V. It is never enough in this world. You either want a little bit more, or need a little bit more. Wade J.


g n i x o

b a s s i r k a K c h i t i w K s s la




Movie of the Month

Movie of the Month


The Spy Who Dumped Me

he Spy Who Dumped Me may surprise most as the movie winning the award for movie of the month, even out ranking the latest Mission Impossible, but it has good reason to. (And don’t bash it until you watch it.) We had the chance to go to an advance screening of this movie. Neither of us were really expecting much from the movie but it pleasantly surprised us. We both walked away from the movie laughing and pleased that we had taken the time to watch it.

story line. This is pretty much a movie for anyone and everyone to enjoy. We were engaged the entire movie with the whole plot. We were jumping out of our seats and laughing our heads off. If you are going to see any movie in theaters or from Redbox, give this one a shot. You just might like it. To watch more of our movie reviews, check out our YouTube page.

Along with comedy, this movie has plenty of action (great for the guys), a little romance (for the ladies) and a crazy, fun 51



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Men’s Dauntless tee $43.50

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follow dauntless 54


daunt¡less adjective : incapable of being intimidated or subdued : fearless


letter from the EDITOR


This months color is silver, standing for sophistication and high tech. We all live in a fast past world nowadays. It’s very different then the ones our parents lived in. I remember the first flip phone and when texting came about on cell phones, it was a BIG deal! Being able to communicate with people without having to be landlocked to the phone in the house was huge. We have come a long way in just a short time thanks to science and technology and it has been a great improvement in many ways. I personally like the fact that I can communicate with so many different readers all over the world without having to be in each individual location to share my thoughts. As much as I love technology, we should all remember that everything in life is always a choice and a double edged sword. What I mean by this is that I see many grown adults being absorbed by technology and missing out on the real joys of life in that moment. I used to be a server and noticed how families would all be attached to their screens for dinner, only to pop their heads up to eat a meal but otherwise so engrossed in things they think matter that they are missing out on the family experience right in front of them. In the day and age of technology, supercomputers, robots and much more to come, don’t forget about the human experience. Everything that is synthesized and created in a lab is not always better or greater, enjoy the moments of life before life passes you by.


I would love to hear from you guys on what you’d like to read about. Drop us an email at (Type in the subject line: Dauntless) 57

DAUN LESS Arman Irani Editor In Chief

Jackie Cullum Assistant Editor

Sara Robillard Art Director

ABOUT DAUNTLESS The second half of this magazine is now being taken over by guys, for guys. Since the creation of this magazine, January 2017, we have excelled at offering real life stories, advice and insight into daily matters. Our writers share what is on their heart in order to bring some life to your current situation. Up to this point, much of the material has been more “lady focused” but we hate to leave out our male counterparts, as they need special rays of light to impact their life as well. In May 2017, after receiving much feedback from males asking for more content geared towards them, our wheels started turning. We came up with the idea of having the dual magazine, but we need a name. After conducting a poll on social media, we were given some insight as to what a guy might prefer to be thought of as, and DAUNTLESS was the winner. Below are a few of the reasons as to why Dauntless is now the name of the second half of our e-mag. So, gentlemen, as you are reading, think of yourself in these terms: “Dauntless means, ‘I am BOLD, COURAGEOUS, and GALLANT. Which trumps all other choices. IMHO.” Larry “Dauntless for sure. Dauntless means, ‘Showing FEARLESSNESS and DETERMINATION.’ That is how I would like to be defined.” Arman

follow dauntless 58

©2018 Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc.


Miss Beautiful Cover Model



September 2018

01 Beautiful 32 inBetween NEW CONTENT! Beauty in the Contrast 34 Mr. Dauntless, September 2018 Steven Berkani 40 Bae’s Kitchen Meatballs 42 Social Media Speaks Tech, Sophistication, Wealth 51 Movie of the Month The Spy Who Dumped Me 54 Dauntless Styles 56 Letter from the Editor 60 Dauntless




September 2018 | Issue 21



s s e l t n dau


Bae’s Kitchen



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