beautyandthegopsel Issue no 3

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EXCLUSIVE Keeping it 100 with

REAL GIRLZ 4 JESUS A coil vessel useful to God




IN THIS ISSUE i hope this magazine is everything you need and are revived. In THESE last days we need to do as much as we can to spread the good news. hope this magazine in some way does that. take your time when reading it ,it's totally worth it and share it as much as you can, they will thank you later :). if you are interested in contributing, please do email: beautyandthegospel@gmail.c om also follow our insta and facebook page @beautyandthegospel . remember king jesus loves you unconditionally and is coming back very soon!

young , married & born again

EXCLUSIVE WITH THELMA the characteristics of Jezebel are listed

IF YOU DON'T KNOW JESUS, DON'T DIE beth what's on your mind

THE VISION OF RAPTURE a coil vessel useful to God

EDITOR'S NOTE Your majesty Can I just be honest? I had no idea what to write about in this issues editors note but luckily I had 2 weeks left to figure it. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who I knew would pull through, as usual. So it hit me PURPOSE. This word hasn’t been alive in me now as much as it was in high school. You know in that period my life was everywhere; I’d always ask myself what exactly is my purpose. Now I can gladly say I know my purpose and life is really starting to make sense. Can I just give a young shout out to @chosen_to_reign for this saying that started the “purpose’’ fire in me, “purpose is not something you have to pursue, It’s a gift you already possess”. Let’s look at the meaning of purpose: “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists’’, like this definition is spot on. We have all been created for a purpose, a simple illustration would be: every baby is born with clinched fists and that reason is because those clinched fists have something inside that is being held and that is purpose. The worst thing to experience is living and not knowing why you’re living and until one can meet with their purpose, life becomes clear. Another example is Noah; who wasn’t a builder and I’m certain it had never crossed his mind that he would or could build something, but with Gods guidance he managed to and that to me speaks purpose. I don’t know if you have noticed but every character in the Bible seemed to be not qualified for what the Lord had called them to do but in the end they excelled in what they were called to do as the Lord was with them, helping them and fulfilling what they had been called to do, purpose. I can totally relate to them as I myself have no journalism education or experience. I remember when I was instructed by the Lord to do this magazine I had no idea where and how to start but purpose needed to be fulfilled and with the Holy Spirits help you today you are reading the 3rd issue. This word is alive and waiting for each of us to live it. Stick around and watch Beauty&TheGospel get better issue by issue. With that being said we’ve added more articles like Young, Married and Born Again, we talk more about the Rapture and Our new writer Bongi who writes from the heart. That’s it for now till next time, you’re loved by HIM and me. EMPRESS TEEKAY



KEEPING IT 100 WITH REAL GIRLZ 4 JESUS IT'S NOT EVERYDAY WE COME ACROSS WOMEN WHO CAN WORK TOGETHER TO BUILD SOMETHING THAT NOT ONLY EMPOWERS THEMSELVES BUT ALSO EMPOWERS OTHERS. WELL, THEY EXIST AND THEY DO IT IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST . WE HAVE A CHAT WITH THE FOUNDER OF RG4J THELMA MMOTLA. WRITTEN BY ; EMPRESS TEEKAY 1. Who are the founders of RG4J? Thelma Kagiso Mmotla 2. How did the idea and name come about? I had passion for helping young girls and so I called all the young girls in my area to have a fellowship, that’s how it started. 3. What is the vision and mission of RG4J? Our Mission is to reach, teach and train young women to impact their communities and the world with the love of Jesus. Our Vision is to fulfil the words of Isaiah 58:12 “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the ageold foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken walls, Restorer of streets with dwellings”. 4. How often do you meet and how are ideas generated? We meet monthly, have discussions and plans for all our yearly outreaches. In addition, we meet up for prayer and fasting.

5. Why specifically girls and do you have plans of adding boys? I always have a heart for boys too, but I have started something with the boys and still on the pipeline. I won’t be able to mention it as yet. 6. Are there any challenges you’v e faced with implementation? Finances are always a challenge but we always trust God for provision. 7. How long has RG4J been running for? RG4J has been in existence for 6 years. 8. When helping the girls , what exactly do you help them with and do you keep in contact with them and how long is a session? What we do is, we offer one on one sessions for a heart to heart talk, more like counselling, they either see us face to face or chat with us on Whats app or via Facebook. Our normal counselling session is 6 weeks; we meet up once a week.

9. Are there specific roles that each of the members play? We have our Marketing/Media Manager which is Nkeng Moabelo. Creative Arts Mary Mutambalika & Thobeka Jali, We have Praise and Worship leader Senz Mabuza and My Assistant/AdministratorNomfundo Mkholise, Event Co-Ordinator – Mirage Taiwe. 10. How and where do you find the girls that need help? Normally from the word of mouth or when we do our outreaches and some on social media. 11. Please tell me about your relationship with King Jesus? The mere fact that I am saved means so much to me and nothing in this world can replace that. On a daily basis, I die to self and take up my cross, as hard as it is in this world, one needs to die self. I cannot sing, but I love singing worship even new songs to the Lord. Every day is new day and His mercies are new every morning. I love Jesus and I am really nothing without Him. It’s by His grace that I am saved!

"THEY NEED TO KNOW THAT HE IS COMING SOON AND WE NEED TO BE READY EVERYDAY " 12. What do you want the world to know about King Jesus? They need to know that He is coming soon and we need to be ready every day. 13. Does the Bible play a role in your RG4J sessions? Yes, we have a group on whats app, where we encourage each other with scriptures. 14. If there is one highlight you have achieved, what would it be and what would be the one you are hoping for? It would be changing people’s lives, that makes me sleep well at night to see lives changed and people getting healed. I am hoping for more of that in the future, Africa will hear about RG4J 15. Plans for this year? More outreaches and camps, for more information check us on our facebook page Real Girlz 4 Jesus. 16. Where would you like to see RG4J in 2 years? To have at least visited 5 countries in Africa and have 10 branches in South Africa. 17. How can one be a part RG4J (OR are you content with the existing members) and the girl in need how can she seek help from you? You can send me a message on 0727318049 also available on whats app, or Inbox me on facebook Thelma Kagiso Mmotla, so we can schedule a meeting or pre-interview. 18. Are there plans of taking RG4J to other places? Yes, we always have a new place to go when we do our outreaches, check us on facebook for more information. 19. Advice to the youth? Guard your heart (Proverbs 4:23), Psalm 1:1” Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers” Seek God first and all shall be added unto you. 20. Contact details and social media handles? Real Girlz 4 Jesus on facebook 0727318049 contact Thelma.




If you keep quiet at a time like this , help will come from Heaven to the Jews, an they will be saved, but you will die and your father's family will come to an end. Yet who knows- maybe it was for a time like this you were made queen

ESTER 4:14


I In John 14:6 Jesus Christ says; “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me”, Jesus Christ is the One and Only way to God the Father. If you think that Jesus Christ is “irrelevant” or not so important, you have better change your mind set before it is too late!, as Jesus in Matthew 28:18 says “All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth. You need Jesus Christ if you want to meet with God the Father; He is your only link and the right path. The emptiness and void you have in your heart, only Jesus Christ can fill it up. Accept Him today and you will be saved (Romans 10:9-10). Invite Him today to be the King of your life (2 Corinthians 6:3). You know some people believe what man says over what the Bible says. For what profits a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? (Luke 9:27), only Jesus can save from eternal condemnation. . In John 15:5, Jesus says; “for without Me you can do nothing’’.

"THE DESTINY OF YOUR OWN SOUL IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS BY THE CHOICE YOU MAKE" -BILLY GRAHAM We need Him to enter into eternal life. He is God who has power over everything in Heaven, on earth, under the earth and deep down in the sea (Philippians 2:10-11) .In closing, my advice and plea to you is don’t die without making it right with King Jesus, please do it now as you don’t know the time, day or year on which you will depart from this earth. This is the sad part of our lives. Be ready for that minute when your time is up and you have to pass on. Unfortunately, death comes without warning, it is the greatest mystery of our existence. Remember and spread the word that: IF YOU DON’T KNOW JESUS, DON’T DIE! #untilallhaveheardmaranatha

If you want to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, pray this prayer

I'M NEW!!!

young ,married & born again

"Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate" Mark 10:9 A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage and become one. In this issue we feature a beautiful couple Nyiko an Nyeleti Mhlongo. They share on their journey of marriage thus far . I'd like to say thank you for letting us know more about you as a couple and your marriage. Trust me after reading what they have got to say , you will realize that they are a match made in heaven.

1. Who are you (individually & professionally)? Nyiko: A born again child of God. Called to minister the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I’m an accountant by profession. During my spare time I enjoy going out and watch soccer at the stadium. Nyeleti: A born again Christian with an introvert personality. I’m a community development practitioner by profession. 2. How and when did you meet? We used to fellowship together at Nwamitwa A.F.M but we were at different branch. We met at Nwamitwa AFM main branch when my friend invited me for their youth service. 3. How long did you date before you got married? 4 years

4. How did you, individually know that he/she is the one? Nyiko: The first time I met her I knew she was the one. At the youth service that I was invited to, she was the only lady and I asked myself why is she the only lady at the service, and the Holy Spirit said to me if you can answer that question you will know why you should take her as your wife. One of the answers was that “she loves the Lord” and I had peace in my spirit. Nyeleti: The first time he proposed I was not sure whether to accept or not, but I didn’t accept his proposal since I was not sure whether the decision was right or not. He proposed again later after we went to Easter conference. My decision to love him back was confirmed by the peace that I had in my heart. Then I knew he is the one. 5. When did you get married? 26 December 2015

I'M NEW!!!

6. Take us through the process of the wedding celebration how was that and if there are any changes you could have made? We would describe our wedding as a breath taking experience; it was not an easy journey. During the preparations process we faced so many challenges but at the end we managed to overcome them because the Lord was on our side. One thing we would have changed was going to be the wedding venue since it was not big enough to accommodate our entire guests, so a bigger venue would have been better. We had people standing outside as the hall was full and that did not sit well with us. 7. Has your relationship changed from dating to marriage? Yes, now that we are married we spend more time together than we used to when we were dating. We plan things together, when we were dating we were planning things individually without considering how one’s plan can impact another. We now best friends. 8. For the single person out there wondering when they are getting married, what advice would you give them? We would advise them that if they are not yet ready for marriage they should not rush into it or get married just because their peers are getting married, they should get married when they are ready for marriage. Not because they are pressurized by circumstances or people surrounding them. Lastly they should know that Gods time is always the best in everything they do. 9. Challenges you’re facing as a young, married and born again couple? Sometimes the families that we come from tend to take advantage that we are still young and they can influence our decisions as a young couple concerning our marriage. And when we do not agree with them in certain aspect they draw a conclusion that we are disrespectful. Therefore, as young couple we need to stand up to these challenges, our yes should be 10. Things you wish you were told about marriage? That marriage goes through different phases that require the couple to respond in a certain way, for example the way you live before having a child and when you eventually have one is different. All young couples still preparing to get married should be prepared for this kind of transitions and to react positively in all of them.

11. Who is Jesus Christ to you individually and as a couple? Nyiko: He is my provider, because I’ve seen Him providing from the day I was born till I got married even now He is still providing. Nyeleti: My Lord and personal Savior. The pillar of my strength for in all things that I do I rely on Him for He is the Alpha and Omega of my life. Couple: The pillar of our marriage, the Lord who fights all our battles. He has been there before we got married and He is still with us in marriage and forevermore. 12. One word to describe your marriage? Lovely 13. What advice to those who are still in the process of getting married would you give? Marriage has its own challenges and the only way to conquer the challenges they must pray together about everything that they going to face or go through. Secondly they must not allow the challenges to come in between them and separate them and they must read books that talk about marriage and be each other’s best friend. 14. The best advice ever received? Learn to forgive each other every day. In case you disagree on something, listen to each other’s opinion and find a common solution. Love conquers everything. There is no temptation that is above your strength.


I saw it again. This time it was scarier. The end-time is at hand, it will happen like a flash unexpected and time shall be no more for repentance. In my dream, I didn’t make it to Heaven despite the fact that I was saying my last prayer for forgiveness of my sins. It was as if God shut His ears. I saw multitudes of people running into a church, but inside that church there was screaming and shouting everywhere, people making utterances to Heaven. Behold, it was as if a strange spirit entered into some people more clearly. I remember seeing an old man who was beside me, whom the same spirit entered into and as he let out a cry, he disappeared and few other people.

At that point, I realized that rapture had taken place and I cried even more. Immediately the devil took over and started making a mockery of the left over Christians. He had a register of everyone’s name, at that point I woke up. Beloved the end is more than near. What breaks my heart the most is that many people in the church will not make it if Jesus Christ comes now! Many are unaware that the end is near; don’t tell me that it’s advancement in technology or development. If any area of your life is not in sync with God’s word, Repent and be converted. If you miss Heaven, you can never miss Hell, think about it?

Hell is not a pretty place; the worst part is that it is for eternity. Don’t keep this message to yourself and don’t get annoyed when you receive this, just do the whole world a favour and keep broadcasting the Lord Jesus’ coming, you might just save a soul. Visit my website: and let’s make Jesus Christ famous.

IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD .You know so many times as Christians, wait let me say as human beings we face encounters that can only be solved by Jesus. These types of situations once solved, make you sit and be in awe of how a human could have never solved that. My name is Joyce and I will be sharing my “IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD EXPERIENCE WITH YOU” I hope it touches your life just like it touched mine till today I have never forgotten how God saved me from the jaws of death. You can also share yours with us at:

One afternoon, I was going to a meeting in town. I

I literally saw my life flashing in front of me, death

remember what a great day it was, especially the

was staring me in the face. I don’t know what

beautiful weather. I had no complains whatsoever as

happened next, when I came to my senses I realised

I had to drive for about 45 minutes to get to the

that the car had stopped at the stop sign, switched

meeting and wouldn’t even feel the distance because

off, handbrake up, gear on neutral and my feet off the

of the Hillsong cd I was jamming to. The road I used

pedals all was well. I knew from the bottom of my

was not congested at that time, it had very few

heart that it wasn’t me who did all of that. I knew and

robots and one or two stop signs. I was cruising

still do, that it was the hand of God that saved me

nicely without a care in the world and enjoying my

from the brink of death. That experience changed my

time with the Lord through worship. Just a meter

life forever; today here I am sharing my story with

before my right turn, I was supposed to change the

you. What an awesome God we serve, all powerful, all

gear in preparation for the turn, I suddenly went

knowing and ever present. Thank you, Jesus, for

blank. The gear was on gear 5 and it clicked to me

saving me!

that there was something I should have done since I was going to turn but that didn’t happen. I started to panic, I tried very hard to think what I was supposed to do. As I approached the turn, I was getting anxious as I couldn’t think of what I was supposed to do. I turned to my right and realised the car was flying downhill, I panicked and screamed and said; “JESUS, HELP ME”. By the grace of God, there was no oncoming car.


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THE SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL! WRITTEN BY VARIOUS WRITERS As promised from the March issue that in continuation of this topic we would add the characteristics, they are about to blow your mind. After reading this your life will never be the same, introspection is vital. • Jezebel lies convincingly and never gives credit or shows gratitude • This spirit uses people to accomplish its agenda • One trait is her obsessive passion for domineering and controlling others, especially in the spiritual realm • Refuses to admit wrong doings • It hates Prophets, prayer and spiritual warfare • Always wants to be the centre of attention • This spirit will try to infect and contaminate the person it is in, so they will too operate with these same kind of traits • They will never repent • Full of prideful demanding and manipulating • Ruthless and judgemental • Isolate and pit people against each other privately • Play the victim and are never wrong

REVELATIONS 2:20 “NEVERTHELESS I HAVE A FEW THINGS AGAINST YOU, BECAUSE YOU ALLOW THAT WOMAN JEZEBEL,WHO CALLS HERSELF A PROPHETESS,TO TEACH AND SEDUCE MY SERVANTS TO COMMIT SEXUAL IMMORALITY AND EATING FOOD THAT HAS BEEN OFFERED TO IDOLS” • False humility and sense of entitlement • Not accountable to anyone and accuses others of being a Jezebel • Look for those who are hurt and wounded to mentor • Initiate witchcraft prayers based on selfish motivation • Are competitive • Filled with jealousy • See themselves better than everyone else I’d like to think there are plenty other characteristics that are part of this spirit. With that said I hope that you were able to learn and to do a check list whether you have any of these characteristics. At the end of the day as Christians we need to remember that we are not fighting with flesh and blood. We need to be woke and ask our Father to help us in these last days to carry through our salvation because going to hell is not an option. Lets us not also forget that King Jesus also states that “My people perish because of lack of knowledge”. Share this article, in fact the whole magazine with others they will thank you.


BETH, WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? Hi beloved, my name is Elizabeth, the writer for BETH WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND. In this issue I will focus on sin and forgiveness. The Lord forgives endlessly. No sin is too bad, nothing is too horrible that it could separate you from God’s love, He is all powerful. So, a thing like sin is not something that can keep you from Him. But here’s the thing, you have to want it. You have to want to be forgiven. You have to ask and repent whole heartedly. Know that what you did is wrong and be constantly making every effort to prevent sinning again or anything like it again. See that’s where some of us go wrong. We think, “Oh God loves me no matter what so I can do whatever I want and be good”. Yes, God will always love you, but that doesn’t mean you can take that for granted. That doesn’t mean you can live a life of conscious sin, sin that you know you shouldn’t do and not ever repent for it. Living in sin is not something you should be okay with. It should be something you strive every day to prevent. On the flip side, sinning does not mean that you can never be loved by God either. One sin or a thousand sins does not mean that you are a bad person. It doesn’t mean that you can never change. It doesn’t mean that you are a lost cause, because guess what? God will leave the flock to find His astray sheep, He will never abandon you, shut you out or tell you aren’t good enough for Him. He loves you, you can change and do better. You’re loved, cherished, welcome and beautiful in God’s eyes. No matter what you do, He is always willing to let you come back to Him. You just have to ask! Basically, don’t think you can do whatever you want and get away with it, but also don’t feel like you are bound by chains to it and that you can’t do better. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. I don’t know if any of this made sense, but I hope you get something out of it. Till next time,much love .

Journey of being transformed to be a coil vessel useful to God - by Bongi Shandu

As a young girl who grew up in family that is dominated by women, not just women but strong-willed women. One might assume that a strong-willed person is a person that is focused. Well I beg to differ, a strong-willed person is someone that enforces their will and mostly lacks the spirit of humbleness, doesn’t accommodate other people’s feeling but only pushes to see their desires done. Well I grew up like that and My name is Bongi. On the positive side it helped one escape peer pressure, but it closed the door for the will of God to dwell in me. God works with humble souls, not a soul that it’s self-exalting but a soul that can yield to Him. The bible says “If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.” Galatians 6:3. My journey of Christianity as my age increased, I had to let go of myself and be lost in His will. That was not an easy decision, remember the impartation of self-exaltation was groomed in me for years therefore it took ongoing selfdenial (constant repentance and decrease on self) for God to use me and expose my spiritual inner man. It starts with practicing some small actions on daily encounters with humans for one to be able to let go of self will, for example; it can be waiting longer for meal at a restaurant, your heart becomes impatient, but we forget to think that the longer the food is cooked the more it’s well executed to perfection. These small actions like these ones teaches us selfman is naturally impatient.

I would like to share the process I went through in order to be able to be a vessel that is useful to God. One might ask what is a vessel? In the bible the word vessel is familiar to natural illustrations for different sorts of human beings (Hosea 8:8; Isaiah 22:24; Jeremiah 22:28) and through Acts 9:15 the word "vessel" has passed into Christian theology as signifying simply a human being. Remember that Romans 9:21 indicates that when God created man, He formed man as a vessel. Man is a vessel of clay but he was destined unto honor and unto glory, just because we are supposed to be God’s vessel it does not mean we assist GOD to function or without us there won’t be productivity in the kingdom, it simply means a vessel is not created for the benefit of what it will contain but what it will contain is created for the benefit of the vessel. Meaning that without being filled as a vessel we remain empty and our usefulness will not be seen.

SEPATION OF CLAY The first process that one must go through is separation. As the bible says in the book of

Corinthians 6:17 therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves

Journey of being transformed to be a coil vessel useful to God - by Bongi Shandu from them, says the LORD. Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you. This means came as you are, do not bring anything with you for God to use you, you must come as you are and be separated from any other thing. As we illustrate from the process of making a vessel, the clay must be cut of and separated from the buddle of other clay and be in a measurement that will suit the quantity or scale of the vessel that is to be made. This means the clay must be submissive to the molder which is the potter. When the potter directs the clay, the clay must separate its self to do what the potter directs. One of the most powerful statements that Jesus once said in the bible in John 14:23-24 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.” Separation or separating yourself it’s not only the first step to the process to be a vessel but it’s also the first simple sign of obedience for the benefit of the kingdom.

The rolling of the clay is a sign of setting to be in a straight level. What better way to access the gift of righteousness than living a straight forward life. The clay on its own can’t make itself to be straight, it requires the potter. The hard step that I needed to do in order to allow God to use me was to let of what I know and am able to do on my own but allow Him to mold me to His own perfection. That is being totally dependent on Him. The Bible says in Isaiah 64:8 “But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and you our potter; and all of us are the work of Your hand” without us allowing Him to work on us daily we won’t be straight in the kingdom.


ROLLING OF CLAY When creating a coil vessel, a base is the most important thing for structure. Once the base is done to perfection then the remaining will be the repeating on what was done first Cor 3:1112 “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. If what a person has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward”. This means the no foundation that can be laid other than the foundation of Jesus Christ.

Journey of being transformed to be a coil vessel useful to God - by Bongi Shandu Being on the journey of being transformed from self-worth to Christ’s servant, requires us not to start on a new foundation, but to work on the foundation that was laid by Jesus Christ. One might ask how do I do that? Well it is simple just be imitators of Jesus Christ. Because as its stated In 1 Cor 15:14 and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is without foundation, and so is your faith. The third step of self-denial requires to build on Christ as the existing structure of the kingdom. He had chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him, in love (Ephes 1:4 ) Jesus Christ is the Rock upon which we must build our foundation. The Lord referred to Himself as “the stone of Israel”

expected to daily build our self-up through the reading of the word. Because without the impartation of the word of God .Our walls will remain at a shorter level then it will be impossible to get rid of self-pride, self- praise and self-will. Act 20:32 “And now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is powerful to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified”. It’s in the Word of God that we can be strengthened. Because as you are a person living in world, where a lot is expected out of us. For us to able to function we must keep ourselves immersed in the word.



After the base was laid as the foundation in Christ. What is next is to build the walls, Isa 60:18 “Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise”. A wall symbolizes division and protection. This means that we are

In practical term the cups that you see in the above picture are there to support the vessel from drooping while drying. In real life one cannot make it traveling alone, we all need a supporting structure to be able to stay motivated and .it’s important to check who is around your circle, what kind of company do u keep around you. For the bible says 2 Tim 3:13 “Bad characters and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving others and deceived themselves” and also the book off

Journey of being transformed to be a coil vessel useful to God - by Bongi Shandu 1Cor 15:33 state that “make no mistake about this: 'bad company is the ruin of good character�. In summary for one to able to be a full and complete vessel useful to God and for the glory of Jesus Christ, one must first separate herself/himself, secondly must allow them self to obedient to the potter in order for the potter

to straighten you up for righteousness, thirdly to build up the only foundation that was laid which is JESUS Christ, fourthly to surround yourself which positive people who are the same vision as you are this helps to stay motivated. For many are called, but few can be useful vessels in the kingdom of GOD for the glory of Jesus Christ.

ANNOUNCEMENT Hey there, its me Empress Teekay again. I hope this issue was all you needed and more. Calling on all interior designers, cooks, fashionistas, makeup artists etc as contributors . The magazine is free so no salary is available .Also if you have a story about how God saved you from a near death experience or testimony of how you got born again please do email

Advertisers you are also welcome. For reasonable price queries email:Â beautyandthegospel@gm Till next time ,THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ! look out for the next issue on the 1st of May 2k18

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