i was dead in my sins~ LYNDA CEBEKHULU
caught up in self Angus Buchan
God is still saying something with Prophet Donald
IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD + young , married and born again & CREATIVE IN CHRIST
CAUGHT UP IN SELF : ANGUS BUCHAN monthly devotion creative in Christ
christian blogger young, married & born again words of wisdom
EDITOR'S NOTE Your majesty CHOICES & SACRIFICES Beloved, at this age I’m at, these are two things that I’ve recently had to learn and personally encounter. As people, especially Christians we go through life very chilled, going about our day and living like there is no after life. That’s also another thing I’ve become so conscious about because as King David says: “Seventy years is all we have – eighty years, if we are strong. (Psalms 90:10).” Talking about choices and sacrifices, these had to be the hardest things I had to learn and embrace and not from a worldly perspective but a spiritual one. Being conscious of this, I’ve realized that growing spiritually is painful but very beneficial in the end. We go through situations, trials, challenges that serve as a purpose to take us to another level, which requires us to make choices and sacrifices everyday if not seconds of our lives. Things like emotions, what kind of a day are you going to have? That’s a choice within itself and then with sacrificing, it’s with reading the word, fasting and prayer, especially when you have to wake up early. We live in a world whereby you are not only your worst enemy but are also afflicted by another enemy which you cannot even see but we give King Jesus all the glory for equipping us in that department, but it also needs sacrifice in order to be activated. I used to look at other saints and think to myself, man, they have all things in check but later learned that we all are going through something, but they have made a choice to not let whatsoever rule their lives. Which brings me to a conclusion about the letter I recently stumbled upon which had been featured in one of our magazine issues titled “The devil’s letter to Christians”. Let us not forget we have an enemy that never sleeps so why do we? Let’s never stop praying in our hearts, having fellowship with our King and encouraging each other. For our redemption is near! Look out for the young, married and born-again article, hahaha! what a cute and quirky couple, also our regular writers M.K and Evangelist Angus Buchan. We also welcome a new addition as a writer Prophet Donald. Not forgetting our awesome Creative In Christ worship group SOS and Tiny’s story on” IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD”!!!! If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now till next time, you’r
LYNDA CEBEKHULU , A SOUTH AFRICAN BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN WHO SAYS; "I'D RATHER NOT PERFORM OR BE ON STAGE , IF I''M NOT USING THE PLATFORM TO MAKE MUCH OF CHRIST" Who is Lynda Cebekhulu, personally and professionally? Hahaha I must say this is definitely one of those questions I'm not fond of answering. Primarily because there's a lot to say yet I'm limited to keep it to a minimum. In short; I'd like to see myself as a chilled person; cool, calm, collected and easily approachable. I've got two siblings and privileged enough to have both parents still alive. My Mom has always been my anchor, my Dad an open door I could always run to and my Brother and Sister an annoying thorn in my flesh. (Hahahaha I'm kidding!) I hold my siblings dear to my heart. They remind me that laughter is never far out of reach when they're around. I'm part of an awesome Church Family, (Church Without Walls) located in Boksburg and I'm certainly most proud to be involved with such loving people. Professionally, I'm currently studying. On the verge of actually completing my Business Degree.
How and when did you become Born Again? I actually got saved during my Primary School days. We had a teacher who used to take time outs from teaching us school stuff (which is not allowed) and she would declare the goodness of God with us by sharing testimonies of what He has done personally in her life and as young as I was, I knew in heart that God was a good God and that I could trust Him with my life. But obviously as time went by, I progressed. I went to a different class, a different grade and eventually a different school and I didn't retain God in my knowledge. The most probable reason for that is because I didn't have the people who were there to remind me about the things of God and help me grow more in my relationship with Him, but instead, I surrounded myself with people who were nowhere near to seeking God. Just like the Prodigal son, I also left home. But God knew exactly how to bring me back and bring me back He did! I haven't looked back ever since!! When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? That's simple. Love!!
W I b e V p H M t a T H c W F w r l
'' SIN KEEPS YOU IN A FANCY LOCKED UP PRISON SO YOU HAVE NO REASON TO LEAVE " As a poet, how did you decide to combine that craft with the Gospel? Apart from God revealing it to me. It was really easy to be quite honest. Poets are known for speaking their mind, and if we as a people produce what we're conscious of, I couldn't resist but use the gift to bring out the goodness of God because that's the only thing I'm mindful of, or at least I try to be. When writing material for gigs or collaborations, what goes into that? The Holy Spirit. I honestly have no other reply. I may have a concept or an idea, but to actually bring it out takes dependency on the Holy Spirit. You have a spoken word (poem) out titled “Lazarus”. What is it about and why the character Lazarus as the reference for the spoken word? Well reading the story in John 11, we realise that Lazarus was sick and then he later died. In 4 days’, time, Jesus calls him out his tomb and he lives. Some would ask why Jesus had to do all of that, but the answer is actually found in verse 5 of John chapter 11. It reads; "Jesus Loved Lazarus and his two sisters." The death of Lazarus is symbolic to our death because of Adam's sin passed down to us that separates us from God and Lazarus brought back to life is symbolic to what happens when we believe in Jesus because He is life and in Him we get to experience life abundantly. So, in the Poem, I'm disclosing some of the frustrations, discomfort and emotional turmoil I experienced as a result of sin. I was hopeless, devastated, drained and in fact, I never thought a greater life existed like the one found in Christ. All it took was the revelation I had of Christ that made me realize that without full communion with Him, we are bound to be unfulfilled in everything we do trying to close the gap that only He can fill. To someone listening to Lazarus, what do you want them to know? That God Loves them no matter how messed up they think they are and that He is able and more than willing to save them. And I'd also like for the Poem to remind people about the goodness of God, the righteousness and unmerited Grace He has bestowed upon us to reign in every area of our lives with nothing holding us back. You also talk about insecurity. Why this particular topic and how important is it for us in the body of Christ to know our identity in King Jesus? Well insecurity comes in many shapes, forms and sizes but from the same root - FEAR, and as long as we're not secured on the inside about Whose we are, we will never know who we are which perversely opens a door for us to fall prey to a mistaken identity. And truthfully speaking, insecurity doesn't stem too much on what others may think of you, but rather an internal conviction of what we've convinced ourselves of based on our rational thinking. But the Love of God has a causality. It casts out fear and causes us to see ourselves and other things differently and what better way than to see through the lens of the One who created you? What better reference would one have than to go to the one they belong to, to tell them all about who they are? Our identity can only come from the One who's responsible for our existence. Talking about insecurity still, please share with us the words the Lord spoke to you about insecurity and have set you free from it? Oh man I'll never forget that day!! There was just a season in my life where I was so conscious of myself in every belittling way possible. I wasn't at rest at all. But God came to my rescue and He said this to me... "The only person who has the right to be insecure is Me, because I created you and so you have nothing to do with yourself, but am I, as Your Creator insecure with what I created like a painter is with their art? No, I'm not, I'm Pleased and that's why you exist". I really needed to hear those words from Him and it’s so cool for Him to come through for me like that. And to be honest, I may have insecure thoughts about myself every now and then, but the difference is my approach to it. I am able to keep perspective and continue to embrace my identity because who I am is in how He sees me.
You talk boldly about purpose, how can one who has no idea what theirs is identify it? Well I love what one of my brothers at church said. He said that our Purpose is to be loved by God. If you think about it, a chair was created to be sat on and a ladder was created to be climbed on but We on the other hand have been created to communion and fellowship with our loving Father. Now what comes out of the relationship we have with our Father, is His vision and plans for us. Everything God does revolves around people and what comes out of our relationship with Him is purposed around how and what gifts He has given us to fulfil His vision. What are the perks of being Born Again? Discovering!! There's so much that God wants to dispense to us. So many things we can discover in our relationship with Him so much that Eternity is not even enough to exhaust the Fullness of God.
How would you elaborate the verse “Do not be conformed to the standards of this world but instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind”? Well Scripture tells us to be holy for God is holy. Last time I checked, God would never tell us to be something we're not or He'd at least empower us to become it.
The word "holy" simply means to be uncommon, peculiar or to be unusual as opposed to what is. How would we reach out to the world if we're exactly the same as the world? How can we as a people reach out to the world if we don't have anything different to offer? How would we even draw them closer to God if we ourselves are misrepresenting Him by settling for a lower standard in conforming to their ways rather than His? We become transformed when we continue to submit our mind, will and emotions to the truth of what God's word says and in so doing, we will influence the world and not the world influencing us. What challenges have you faced or are still facing as a Born-Again Christian male? Persecution and being constantly ostracised. It makes sense because we're so distinct to the norms of society so rather than being understood, our beliefs are looked down upon because they claim we haven't adapted to "an ever-changing world". Though seasons change and the world's system changes, God and His Word forever remains the same. I mean who in their right mind would trust their lives over to a bipolar God who says one thing, and then later contradicts Himself by saying something else? I definitely wouldn't trust such a person. The reason why the world is what it is, is because we have literally excluded God out of the equation and then we ironically blame Him for the mess we cause. But God is a good God who knows and wants the best for us.
If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? Oh man!!!! I'd be honestly speechless and trust Him to articulate the words my mouth would fail to utter. I mean what do you say to the Creator of the universe? Sometimes I get so overwhelmed by His presence that words fail to escape my mouth, how much more beholding Him in the flesh!!? Just like Mary, I would spend that day seated at Jesus' feet and basking myself in His presence while soaking every word coming out of His mouth. I wouldn't want that day to end!!
Last words or rather advice for Christians? Always look to God and strive for the Blueprint He has for your life to be more realised.
If you could change something’s about the modern church, what would it be? Well it depends on what kinda church we're talking about. Saying that is kinda sad on its own because of the amount of church denominations that exist. I think the starting point would be changing our beliefs because right believing equates to right living. Just because we're seated in a church service, it doesn't mean we're sitting under the correct teachings. So, it would definitely be getting back to the basics and depending on the Holy Spirit to teach us the Word for the purpose it was written. That would definitely cancel confusion out.
What can you say to the young Christian who has decided that they will become committed to Jesus and the gospel when they are older? Why would you wanna do that though? Let me give you some facts: Jesus at the age of 12 was filled with wisdom and the Grace of God was upon Him. So much that even the teachers at the temple marveled hearing someone as young He was filled with so much understanding with the questions and answers He presented them. Apart from Peter, the rest of the apostles were teenagers when they followed Jesus. At some point Israel was reigned and ruled by a 7-year-old king. Imagine that!! And God's always the one who anoints kings through His prophets. Perhaps the issue would be the young Christians believing that they're too young to be used by God, which is not the case. God will use anyone who's willing to be used by Him. Waiting 'till you're older is only delaying the level of growth that you could experience. And Honestly speaking, I believe if that's what their approach is, then they haven't really tasted the goodness of God. If they can taste and see that God is good, they won't help but to crave for more and to be filled with the knowledge of His will.
Plans for the remaining months of 2018? Hahaha resting. 2018 has been hectic! Good hectic though How can people get in touch with you? Facebook - Lynda Cebekhulu Twitter - @Lynda_cebekhulu Instagram - @Lynda_cebekhulu Youtube - Lynda Cebekhulu Email -
1. On the weekend you will find me ….? At home chilling. I'm an indoors typa person 2. Can’t live without? Worship Music!! 3. I dream of …...? A better world 4. 2018 is….? A year of growth 5. What people don’t know is that I …….? Don't like performing 6. If it weren’t for Jesus I would …….? Cease to exist
uluhkebec D N Y L A
7. Can’t stop thinking about? The future
8. Daily mantra? "Strive to enter into His rest" Hebrews 4:11
9. Purpose is…….? Loving God, Loving People 10. Favourite Artist? Spoken Word - Chris Webb Worshipper - Michael Ketterer I will retire the day ……? God says so
Best advice ever received? Rest in God's presence
Monthly Devotion NEVER ALONE! Read 2 Timothy 1:11-14 Paul suffered as an apostle. Read 2 Corinthians 11:23-29 to get a rough idea of the suffering he endured. But he testified: “Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed”. He was imprisoned when he wrote these words, yet he knew in Whom he believed. God never deserted him. The Lord has never promised us that we will not struggle and suffer in this world. Committed people often suffer because they have opposition, and sometimes persecution, because of their faith in Jesus Christ. In Isaiah 43:2,3, THE Lord promised: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you… flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God ….” God is faithful. We must never doubt that. If He carried Paul in his times of hardship, He will also carry me. There is no hardship of which He is not aware, and He will not leave me or forsake me. We can face anything through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us. I need not become discouraged about pain or illness or opposition, not even death “because I know whom I have believed”. His love and care encompasses me in life and in death.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, thank you that I am never alone!
CHILD OF GOD! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? WRITTEN BY: M.K Most Christians are guilty of talking too much. Sometimes talking too much can be a curse or a hindrance to ones spiritual growth than being a blessing. People, who are too quick to speak, usually do so without thinking about what they will say. Most are quick to speak carnal things more than they speak things of the Spirit. They tend to rely more on their knowledge of what is happening around, rather than what is happening in the Spirit. As a child of God when you speak, what is it you are talking about? Does it help your spirit to grow and does it build your character? Do you say something for the sake of it or is it important? Romans 12:2(Do not be conformed to the standards of this world but instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind. As children of God, we must always speak life. What you say must never leave questions on your listeners mind, but people should always learn something after you have spoken. Words have a way of building and destroying. If you are speaking the word of God, you will always be a person who people want to listen to. The word of God gives life and will always build people’s character. The tongue is the most destructive member in the body of Christ. It is very dangerous as a child of God to speak idle words. James 3 talks about the tongue being a small member of the body but very dangerous. Verse 6 says: “The tongue is also a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body.
"BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY AND PROTECT YOUR LIFE. A CARELESS TALKER DESTROYS HIMSELF" PROVERBS 13:3 It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell”. Most churches are in trouble which emanates from the tongue. Some Christians cannot mind their own business. Spreading a rumour without finding the truth is unchristian like. Christians leave churches because of lies that are discussed about them. Some people are SO DANGEROUS that whatever they come up with is believed and it spreads like wild fire in turn hurting their fellow Christians and they in turn continue, living their lives without seeing the damage they are causing in the body of Christ. Some have caused their brethren to lose hope and stop coming to church but they never stop. It’s like they have the cancer that is always on the path to destroy other people. They are always very loud and speak in “tongues” more than the rest of you, always commenting when the Word is preached and conduct themselves in a “holy manner” but they are indeed the most evil and judgement people you have ever seen. These people know something about everybody and most of the time they are very “concerned about everybody’s well-being”. These talkers are always the first to welcome the new converts. They will befriend them and show them around but truly they are telling them stories about members of the church; who to stay away from and what to expect from everyone except themselves. They always manipulate the weak Christians into listening and believing everything they say. Everybody else is a sinner and they are the only ones that are strong in the Lord. It’s vital we pray these words over our lives: Lord Jesus, help us to tame our tongues. Have mercy on us. May words of love and life come out of our mouth. Ask yourself: How many people have you hurt with anything you have ever said about them? Did you repent?
God is still saying something with:
I got baptized when I was young and got my
Prophet Donald is a man who fears God. He
certification of Baptism there. I grew up as a
is devoted to learning and preaching the
teenager like any other teenagers we get caught up
Word of God. I like listening to worship
into temptations of Life and I started living a life of
songs and spend most of my time in the
sin forgetting who I’m supposed to be as a child of
House of God.
God. But God, who raised Christ from the dead
How and when did you become Born Again? Actually, it is a funny story this how it went about. I was born in a family that fears God and grew up going to church. The first church I attended was called Word Centre Ministries Lead by Apostle George Jansen.
remembered me that I have a greater purpose for His kingdom and He delivered me by making me to come to my senses and discover who I am. I started reading the bible on my own for years without understanding and God lead me back to the church I was attending when I was young. At Word Centre Ministries I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour through the teachings of Apostle George Jansen officially in 2015.
When I say the name Jesus what come to
What perception do you want to correct that
people have about Prophets?
When I hear the name of Jesus I think of the
Prophets are the mouth piece of God. Most of the
Scripture from the book of Philippians 2:10
people in social media and a lot of journalists
which says :
write bad and terrible lies about them to
That at the mention name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth. When I hear the name of Jesus this scripture comes to my Mind and I begin to see how great is the glory of my Lord and Saviour. Growing up, have you always known that you had the gift of being a Prophet? Growing up, I faced many challenges in my
discourage people not to go to them and receive their deliverance. As a Christian God gave you a discerning spirit don’t move with the crowd, ask God and He will show you a true prophet that can lead you to your destiny, don’t just read in the papers or social media and already judge according to how people think. Sometimes you can be misled because the enemy knows a prophet is able to speak what God thinks and knows about you. Everyone somewhere, somehow would love to have the gift of prophecy. What challenges do Prophets
life. When I was young, I used to be sick and
my mother used to tell me that I must call
The Gift of prophecy is not only available to
the name of Jesus Christ and when I call it I
prophets it is also available to every believer who
would be healed. I discovered that God has
God anoints. Prophets are not defined by
a special way of doing things in my life. I
Prophecy. Prophecy is part of who they are as
grew up seeing open visions about other
Prophets have an assignment from God here on
people and they would come to pass, I knew
earth to fulfil, whether to deliver certain people,
I had the gift at a young age and most of the time my friends would tell me that you are gifted when I tell them things and they come to pass. I remember one day I was praying on the mountain with a well-known soccer star Tiyani Mabunda and suddenly a lady came to us that God said I’m a prophet and if I pray for her she will be delivered, I grew up coming across such experiences. I thank God, because in 2014 that’s when I first saw a True prophet sent by God Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and started
countries or nations and when they are done with their assignment they go back home and leave a legacy. So, the challenges we face is that people think we are here to prophesy only everywhere you go someone wants a prophecy not knowing that our assignment is bigger than prophecy. Jesus was in an office of a prophet while operating here on earth. He prophesied healed the sick, but His assignment was bigger than that. His assignment was to die for all, so that all can live through Him in His resurrection. Prophets have a greater assignment more than just prophesying, people need to know that!
following him and I saw through him how I must move with God because God used him
How would you explain Seeking First The Kingdom
mightily and he was young. He was such an
Of God?
inspiration as his calling taught me a lot of
Seeking the Kingdom of God, I would explain it
things about prophets and I almost used
this way:
the gift in a wrong way but through his
It is when a person loses his identity to receive
teachings I learned how to channel my gift
Gods identity. Most Christians want to seek Gods
in a right way.
Kingdom, but they don’t want to lose their identity. When you are seeking God, He wants to fill your life with His presence, the presence of God can only be found in Jesus Christ. To seek God's Kingdom, it requires you to lose yourself and be filled with the knowledge of Jesus. More of Jesus and less of you.
There are people who are in the Ministry who
How important is it for us in the body of Christ
know they have a gift but have no idea what
to know our identity in King Jesus?
it is. How can one identify theirs?
That is a very good question. It’s very
God spoke through apostle Paul, that when
important because if you don’t know your
Jesus Christ rose up from the dead He gave gifts to men in the book of Ephesians 4-8 whoever believes in the resurrection of Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour has a gift and for them to discover the gift it takes Grace and Revelation of who they are in Christ and their purpose in the Kingdom of God. Grace will separate them, and they will begin to know who they are in Christ when that separation takes place it’s hard because God will separate you from the things you love and
identity you will be lost whether physically or spiritually. Let me make an example if you are a citizen of a certain country and you don’t have an identity document you will not be able to access the resources which the government of that country offers to their citizens like; free health care and education etc, it’s the same as in the Kingdom of God if the Body of Christ doesn't know its identity in Christ it won’t be able to access its inheritance
people who are close to you, so that God can
in Christ Jesus. It is important for the Church
reveal to you your purpose in Him. Then
to know its purpose so that it can live a life
Revelation will allow you to know what the
filled with knowledge and understanding.
Gift is and how to use the Gift God has deposited in you. They are two major factors that are involved when you are discovering your gift, its Grace and Revelation.
What advice would you give to someone who is eager to know how they can hear the voice of God? The advice I would give is that; if they want to hear God speak in their lives they must associate themselves with people who are constantly led by the Holy Spirit because the word of God says in Psalm 1 "blessed is he who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly " and again the Word says bad company corrupts good habits. So for you to be able to hear God speak, remove yourself from ungodly things and serve in the house of God and surely the Lord will speak to you, Amen. What challenges have you faced or are still facing as a Born Again Christian male? The challenges I face as a Christian is that, many believers have a certain way how they see thing. Some know certain born-again Christians in their ministries or personally in their lives, how they conduct themselves and when they see you they also want you to be like them that’s an error we are totally different each and every individual is fearfully and wonderfully Created by God so our characters are not the same, but we serve the same God. If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him. If Christ came to visit me today, I would worship Him, kiss His feet and tell Him how I love Him and appreciate Him for what He has done in my life. I would thank Him for everything he has done for all mankind, Amen.
If you could change something’s about the modern church, what would it be? If God gave me power to change one thing about the church it would be; the mindset of the youth in the church of God. The youth has this mindset that God only uses older people and that is a lie, God wants to use them like Jeremiah so that they can change nations and proclaim the power of the Gospel of Christ Jesus, Amen. What can you say to the young Christian who has decided that they will become committed to Jesus and the gospel when they are older? My advice to the youth is that it is good to serve the Lord when you are young because you are energetic. When you are old you will regret why you didn’t serve the Lord while you are young. My advice is that; it is good and pleasing to the Lord to serve Him in the days of your youth. Last words or rather advice for Christians? We must love one another. It is a command from our Lord and Saviour! If we love each other the body Christ will prosper and do great things the world has not seen Amen. Plans for the reaming months of 2018 and how can people get in touch with you? To seek the face of God and give more of my time in praying for people and preaching the Gospel. I’m planning to have a 3 days crusade. I pray that God gives me strength to accomplish that assignment. Those who want to contact me they can send me a Direct message on Facebook my FB name is Tsietsi Donald Lethoko or come to my week day prayer meeting gathering which is held at palm springs section A every Wednesday.
Say "I do" al fresco! Read to find out if this setting is for you.
On the weekend you will find me ….? At Church 2. Can’t live without? The word of God 3. I dream of …...? Becoming a billionaire 4. 2018 is…...? The year of Favour 5. What people don’t know is that I …….? Don’t like motor bikes 6. If it weren’t for Jesus I would …….? Be lost in the world 7. Can’t stop thinking about? Jesus, He drives me crazy Lol 8. Daily mantra? Nothing is impossible with God. 9. Purpose is…….? Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 10. Favourite Artist? William McDowell 11. Best advice ever received? Pride comes before downfall
Monthly Devotion This devotion is taken from Kenneth E. Hagin FAITH FOOD daily devotions booklet written in 1979. BY THY WORDS “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned – MATTHEW 12:27 Jesus Himself said this. Words are more important than people realize. Do you remember Job? And the so-called friends who came as comforters and stayed as tormentors was, “How long will ye vex my soul, and break me in pieces with words” (Job 19:2). Words make us or break us. Words heal us or make us sick. According to the teaching of the Bible, words destroy us, or words make us full of life, happy and healthy. Words that we spoke yesterday make life what it is today. That agrees with what Jesus said in Mark 11:23, “…. he shall have whatsoever he saith” Those things which you say are words. In fact, you could read that last phrase like this “…he shall have the words that he speaks.”
Confession: By my words I shall be justified. I know that I shall have whatsoever I say. I shall have the words that I speak. Therefore, I speak words full of life, happiness, and health. I speak words that make, rather than break.
IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD You know so many times as Christians, wait let me say as human beings we face encounters that can only be solved by Jesus. These types of situations once solved, make you sit and be in awe of how a human could have never survived that. In everyday life we get to see the hand of God by merely being alive , we get to experience what an awesome God we serve . In every issue we feature a story that will change your life in every way. If you have no idea what God can do , this is one true example . This story is by TINY MONAGENG. You can also share yours with us at:
Having always been a top learner in school and getting my first job while in my last year of Varsity, I had never tasted unemployment and did not know the struggles of job-hunting. My first job was not completely related to what I studied, hence I quit later on and applied for an internship in the field I’m currently working in. The internship was a yearlong and at the end the company would absorb some or none of the interns depending on availability of vacancies. Two months before the end of the internship I started applying to external companies with the hope that there would be an overlap between the last days of the internship and the starting day of the new job such that I would not have to deal with unemployment. Two months after the Internship I found myself unemployed and hopping from one interview to another, this was the most difficult time of my life because I did not have any other source of income to keep me going should I not get a job. God made provision for me through family and friends. I moved in with my friend after she offered and would go to interviews from her place, with this I learnt that there are reliable friends out there. I had a belief that people seem to care when everything is going well but as soon as you need to depend on them for something they will step back. From that time on I’m open to help other people who are struggling especially those who are not working because I know how I feels and someone else was also kind enough to help me through it.
I was emotionally exhausted from going to one interview after the other. I was starting to doubt my abilities and felt defeated. There was a time I thought of packing my bags and go back home because it seemed none of the interviews I had been to were yielding positive results. The interview I had with the company I’m currently working for went very well but I had my eyes on a different company. The Good News Bible translation in Proverbs 16: 1 says ‘’we make our plans but God has the last word’’, indeed God knew which company was going to be best for me to work for and it was not the company I had in mind. The offer I got from the company was exceeding my expectations and was more than what the other companies could ever offer me because God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what we can think of and His plans are higher than our plans. I made a promise to God that I would be faithful in my tithe and offerings once I start in my new job because I had seen His faithfulness in my life. 3 years later I look back and I’m in awe of what God has done. My advice to anyone out there looking for a job: Hold your peace, the Lord is fighting your battles! Pray and prepare for your interviews and leave everything in the hands of God because He knows what’s best for you. In your waiting, be of good courage. Learn the lessons that God wants you to learn during this season and once God answers your prayers do not forget where He found you and also help another people who are going through a difficult time.
F R O M :
W W W . G O D T A L K S . C O
gates of the body , soul and spirit! (part 1) We may have inadvertently given demonic forces legal access and legal rights to sit in the gateways to dominate. Our ancestors may have given legal right to a demon. That legal right may still be there. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20. What is the door? What is the gateway? Our spirits have 8 gateways; our souls have 7 and our bodies have 5. Our goal should be for ♦ Our body to be the slave and servant of the soul; ♦ Our soul to be the slave and servant of our spirit and ♦ Our spirit to be the slave and servant of Jesus Christ. That is what happens when you take 1 Thessalonians 5:23 seriously: May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. A Gateway is a place of authority where dominion is exercised. Whoever controls your life’s different gateways exercises authority, dominion & control over you. We may have inadvertently given demonic forces legal access and legal rights to sit in those gateways to dominate. Our ancestors may have given legal right to a demon. That legal right may still be there. The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it
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by force. Matthew 11:12 To be violent is to take the Word of God and use it to dispossess what has control of the gateways in our lives. Look at Rev. 3:20 again. Jesus, the creator of the universe, wants to sup with you. I.e., He wants to have an intimate relationship with you. He is knocking and the handle is on your side. You must take the first step. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17 Take the first step, imagine yourself opening a door and letting Jesus in. Then, experience the freedom.
Spirit Gateways Eight gateways through which the presence of God can come into our spirit: ♦ Revelation ♦ Intuition ♦ Fear of God ♦ Prayer ♦ Reverence ♦ Faith ♦ Hope ♦ Worship In order to move in greater realms of authority, it is necessary to flow through of these gateways. Most Christians move When I say that I AM A CHRISTIAN, I amallnot shouting that in only two or three.
I am clean living. I’m whispering I was lost, but now I’m found and forgiven. The word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and When and I say I AM A CHRISTIAN, don’t speak this with 4:12 You need the spirit, of both joints and marrow, able to judge the thoughts andIintentions of the of heart. Hebrews I’m stumble and Christ beso that it is glory of God to penetrate pride. your spirit so confessing that your soul that can beIchanged. You needneed to change yourto body my guide. submissive to your soul. When our soul is dominant over our spirit, ourA spirit is in bondage.I’m Oftennot people with familiar spirits are in bondage to When I say I AM CHRISTIAN, trying to be strong. those spirits. They can gain I’m access through the gateway of revelation andneed make His the person think to that they are doing the professing that I’m weak and strength right thing. carry on. It is easy to start with the gateway of prayer. We can pray for faith. We can pray for revelation. When I say I AM A CHRISTIAN. I’m not bragging of success. I’m admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess. When I say I AM A CHRISTIAN, I’m not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it. When I say I AM A CHRISTIAN, I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name. When I say I AM CHRISTIAN , I’m not holier than thou, I’m just a simple sinner who received God’s good grace, somehow! Compare that to a person using only a few muscles in their body. They will eventually become deformed.
caught up in self We are so honored to share this beautiful article written by Angus Buchan . A Born Again spirit filled servant of the Gospel. Thanking you once again Angus for sharing this article with us . He is an Author, Farmer, Husband, Father and Grandfather. CAUGHT UP IN SELF The worst thing that can happen to a Christian is to get caught up in self. To become selfish, self centered and self focused will cause us to lose our perspective on life, to loose hope and to start spiraling downwards. Jesus said that He came to set the captives free and the greatest freedom we can ever know is to be set free from self and to no longer have a “fear of man.” When we are caught up with self we are always so anxious that people think well of us, we care so much about their opinions and about being accepted into their circles or groups. It becomes so important to us to “keep up with the Joneses,” especially
Reputation, how we look and our fitness keeps us totally absorbed. Some of us try one diet after the other, some
concerning our possessions, i.e. the sort of
become victims of food eating disorders and others of us
house we live in, where we live, what make
just keep running. Sadly, many of us, and this is reality,
of car we drive, the clothes we wear (name
resort to drinking, medication and drugs to try and cope
brands) and the friends we hang out with.
with life.
We are anxious about having enough money to eat at the right places and to
In John 8: 36 we read these words “Therefore if the Son
holiday where everyone else does. The
makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” I believe that it is
stress of this sort of lifestyle begins eventually to affect most of us physically and mentally. Stress is a very big concern in the lives of most people in these times. Reputation, how we look and our fitness keeps us totally absorbed. Some of us try one diet after the other, some become victims of food eating disorders and others of us just keep running. Sadly, many of us, and this is reality, resort to drinking, medication and drugs to try and cope with life.
only a sovereign work of God in our lives that can set us free from self. With that freedom comes liberty and we find that the “fear (reverence for) of God” replaces the “fear of man” in our hearts and because, as Believers, we know Gods love, we can become those who are able to reach beyond ourselves to love others and to no longer be concerned as to what people think or say about us. We find our hearts are focused on one thing only and that is to love and please Jesus, our Saviour and Lord, and yet in doing that we find a new joy in caring for others. In the gospel of Matthew, chapter 3 we will find the account of John the Baptist of whom Jesus said these words “Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist.”
” Matthew 3:1-6 (NKJV) “In those days John
Unlike most of us, he did that gladly.
the Baptist came preaching in the
Stepping out of “centre stage” is not an easy
wilderness of Judea,2 and saying, “Repent,
thing to do, especially to give place to
for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” 3 For
another and acknowledging Him as greater
this is he who was spoken of by the prophet
than ourselves. Many of us can’t even find
Isaiah, saying: “The voice of one crying in the
the grace to say “well done” to our
wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the LORD;
opponents when we lose our match, we are
Make His paths straight.’” Now John himself
more inclined to speak about why we didn’t
was clothed in camel’s hair, with a leather
win instead of just accepting the fact that
belt around his waist; and his food was
we were not as good as the other team on
locusts and wild honey. 5 Then Jerusalem,
that day. That is “self” speaking.
all Judea, and all the region around the Jordan went out to him 6 and were
In Galatians 2:20 (NKJV) Paul wrote “I have
baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing
been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I
their sins.” In verse 11 we read the words of
who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life
John “I indeed baptize you with water unto
which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in
repentance, but He who is coming after me
the Son of God, who loved me and gave
is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not
Himself for me.”
worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire,” and when Jesus came
So let’s make a decision to die to self so that
to the river Jordan to be baptized, John
we can live for Jesus and for others and in
knew his time was at an end because it was
so doing we will surely find the joy of the
necessary that the crowds followed the
abundant life Jesus came to give us.
Lord, to hear His teaching and to receive from Him revelation, deliverance from sin and bondage and healing for their bodies.
God bless
John the Baptist was later beheaded for
Angus Buchan
Jesus sake.
SONGS OF WORSHIP 1. Who is Singing Our Stories and where are you from? “Singing Our Stories” is a worship collective consisting of worshipers and songwriters based at Fountain Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. None of us are full-time in worship or music. We all have other jobs. This is our passion and calling and that’s why we are investing time into it.
2. Who is King Jesus to Sing Our Stories? He is the son of God - the conqueror of the grave and forgiver of sins. Ravi Zacharias said, “There is only one place in the world where love, forgiveness and justice come together: justice was being revealed, love was being demonstrated and forgiveness was being offered. That is on the cross of calvary. Jesus Christ claimed to be the way, the truth and the life because he is what the absolute truth really is. Repentance is an anguished moment, but your tears are wiped away with the joy of forgiveness. This truth of Christ's grace is unique.” Jesus is the only reason we can live freely and feel joy about our future and love for other people despite what we have done and what we are going to do in our lives. 3. When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? Our saviour, our deliverer, our friend. 4. How did the name Singing Our Stories come about and when did you start the musical journey? A few years ago, I (Sharné) was reading the story in Joshua 3 and 4 about how Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan River. “When all the people had crossed the Jordan, the Lord said to Joshua, “Now choose twelve men, one from each tribe. Tell them, ‘Take twelve stones from the very place where the priests are standing in the middle of the Jordan. Carry them out and pile them up at the place where you will camp tonight.’” So Joshua called together the twelve men he had chosen—one from each of the tribes of Israel. He told them, “Go into the middle of the Jordan, in front of the Ark of the Lord your God. Each of you must pick up one stone and carry it out on your shoulder—twelve stones in all, one for each of the twelve tribes of Israel. We will use these stones to build a memorial. In the future your children will ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ Then you can tell them, ‘They remind us that the Jordan River stopped flowing when the Ark of the Lord’s Covenant went across.’ These stones will stand as a memorial among the people of Israel forever.” Joshua 4:1-7 NLT
When I read this story, I felt like the Lord spoke to me about my songs being like the altar in this story - a reminder of His goodness at a particular time in our history. These songs we write are reminders to us of what God has done. We sing them out in our worship as a reminder of what the Father has done. Most of us involved have been writing and creating music for many years, but in 2014 we started this journey of writing for our church community which was, at that time, The Edge Family Vineyard Church (which has since amalgamated with Fountain Vineyard Christian Fellowship in 2017). In 2016 we recorded our first album of the songs that we wrote during our time at The Edge Family Vineyard Church.
5. You have a single out “I will rejoice”. Take us through the process from the beginning to the end, what inspired you to write the single and the meaning of the Title? “I Will Rejoice” was written specifically for our community of believers. Over the last few months all the sermons preached have been focused on the theme of HOPE. The entire song is shaped around two passages found in Romans 4:18-21 and 5:1-6. During this sermon series I felt a stirring in my heart to write a song for our congregation. A song of truth and warfare. An anthem to sing over the many struggles we are facing. A pivotal point in the shaping of this song was when our friend, Maria, shared about the story of Abraham and Sarah and their wait for a child - for the fulfillment of a promise. She spoke of the promises she and her husband, Dave, have had spoken over their two year old son, Duncan’s life and how they are waiting for the fulfillment of those promises as he battles a brain tumour. Every time we sing this song in our community we’re singing it over Duncan’s situation, over the many illnesses, the poverty, the loneliness, the losses, the depression and the infertility in our community, but also in communities across the world. In Romans 4:18-21, Paul said that against all hope, in hope Abraham believed the promise that he would become the father of many nations. In the struggles and disappointments in life our hope lies in Christ and we choose to believe His promises and wait for the fulfillment thereof. 6. You will be releasing an album tell us more about that and where can it be purchased? We’re planning to release another single online in November, with an album launch event in January 2019. The exact date is to be decided. The original hope was to release the full album in November, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to push the release date. Our hope is that people will be blessed by the songs and that they would be able to use these songs as tools in their own worship times, whether private or corporate. Our music is available on all online platforms i.e. iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music. Physical CDs will also be available for delivery in South Africa. Email or follow us on Facebook and Instagram @singingourstories for more information. 7. Who does what when it comes to composing the music? Seven songwriters (namely: Sharné Osborne, Matt Osborne, Raymond Finn, Ricky Venter, Declan McLaggan, Kirstin McLaggan and Dean-Michael Allison) were involved (in various degrees) in the writing of this album. Each person writes in their own way, some more experienced than others and we each have our different strengths. For us, there has been a great deal of collaboration - making use of the strengths among us. 8. Define purpose and how can one determine their purpose? Purpose is living out what one was made to do. Finding purpose should be a journey in figuring out what God intended when he made you. People feel accomplished and satisfied when they find their meaning for their lives. The best way to find common ground in this is to realise that we are all created to make Jesus famous. Whatever way people choose to do that is okay because we all have the same goal in mind and we use our different gifts in order to achieve that goal.
T H I S ,
F A M O U S .
8. How important is it to be around people with a purpose that is aligned to yours? Being around similar minded people is important. We are very geared in community and we meet with all of our worship people once a week. It is incredible to be able to worship and share life with people whose purpose is similar to your own in this regard. This is not the only way forward though. We believe that spending time with people whose gifts are different to our own is important too. It’s amazing what one can learn from someone who isn’t within the same ministry. As mentioned in the question before, we all have a purpose. So spending time with people who tick differently is incredibly important because they will all help us gain perspective in our own ministry. 10. To you, what does it mean to be CREATIVE IN CHRIST? God is generous in His sowing of talents. We believe that He has given us the ability to write songs and distribute them just as He gives someone the ability to paint a picture. Being creative means to find where you can function in what you feel passionate about as well as what you’re talented in. The main thing to realize is that everyone is creative. The question shouldn’t be, “How creative are you?” It should be, “How are you creative?” If people can answer that question for themselves, then they can be creative in Christ because they are doing what He created them to do. 11. Have you always aspired to be gospel musicians? Not quite sure we are. 12. To someone going through the worst right now, what’s your message? Fix your eyes on Jesus. On the mountaintops or in the deepest valleys, He remains constant. He will give you the courage WATSON to persevere and will make a way for you. Our pastor (Dave Pedersen) said that valleys BY JORDAN are things that we go through. There’s always an up after the down. Keep looking at Jesus in everything. Be thankful when times are good as well. 13. If you were granted one lifetime opportunity, what would it be? Song writing with one or all of the following: Jonas Myrin, Pat Barrett, Jeremy Riddle, Brooke Ligertwood. There are many more but these are the names that stand out immediately. 14. When people hear the name Singing Our Stories. What do you want them to know? We want them to know that we all have a story of God’s faithfulness and goodness in our lives...and we need to find a way to tell those stories. 15. How can people access your music? Our music is available on all online platforms i.e. iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music. CD's are also available for delivery in South Africa. Email: for more information. 16. Last words and plans for the rest of 2018? Finish the year strong and enjoy a holiday after that.
17. On the weekend you will find us ….?. Doing our various jobs or parenting, or relaxing with friends. 18. Can’t live without? Music 19. We dream of …..?. Being a resource to the Vineyard movement in South Africa first. If God chooses to use our stuff for the wider church body, then that’s wonderful too. 20. 2018 is …..? Almost finished. 21. What people don’t know is that We…….? All have separate jobs. None of us are in full-time ministry. 22. If it weren’t for Jesus we would …….? Write secular music.
23. Can’t stop thinking about? Doughnuts 24. Daily mantra? Look at the opportunity not the obligation. 25. Purpose is…….? Answered in a previous question. 26. Favourite Artist? Various Bethel, Housefires, Coldplay, One Republic, Mumford and Sons, .... the list goes on! 27. We will retire the day ……? We all turn 65. 28. Best advice ever received? Being offended gives one an opportunity to grow.
the devil's letter to Christians UNKOWN
I’m working…..
ARE YOU SEEING WHAT I AM LIKE? It’s funny to say that I’m lazy, don’t you think? My
I do not care much, and although they paint me in an ugly way saying that I have horns, tail, and other things, I’m not like that. Whoever knows the Bible knows very well that I can become an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). Actually, I go to church more often than many. I feel so happy seeing lazy Christians who do not pray or read the Bible. It is in this that I am filled with joy and even applaud. The less you pray and read the Bible, the better for me. My greatest joy is when at the moment of preaching, many are talking, distracted on the internet, others go out to the bathroom. Also at that time I make people talk, sleep, get up at all times, disturb the silence of people etc.
greatest sadness is when I see the church singing. I turned against God, wanting to be equal to Him; I was expelled losing my privilege in Heaven. Today in church, music is what I hate most. Therefore I have set a spirit of pride and prostitution for the musicians, (Ezekiel 28: 12, 13, 14, 15). My end is near. That is why in recent times I have worked hard to bring crowds with me to hell causing accidents, road deaths, hospitals and suicides. MY MISSION IS TO KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY (John10:10) I attract crowds with songs, dances, parties, alcoholic drinks, drugs, social networks, soap operas, movies, fame, fashion, lust, money, sexual pleasures etc.
It is God Himself who makes us , together with you, sure of our life in union with Christ; it is God Himself who has set us apart, who has placed His mark of ownership upon us, who has given us the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the guarantee of all that He has in store for us.
Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate . -Ecclesiastes 4:12 A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Created by God for us. This issue focuses on the Godly marriage of Samuel and Martha Simalenga.
1. Who are you individually(personally & professionally ) • I am Martha. I am a twenty-seven-year-old singer and newbie blogger. đ&#x;˜Š • I am a believer and follower of JESUS. I make music and I also teach audio & music production. 2. How and when did you meet? • We met through a mutual friend at church. Martha was leading the music team at their church at the time and this friend asked me to help play keyboard at one of their services, and we’ve kept in touch since then. 3. How long did you date before you got married? • We dated for 2 years.
4. How did you individually know that He, She was the one? • I personally didn’t have an ‘aha’ moment that defined it for me. It was through getting to know him better that I realised more and more that I wanted to be with him. • I had a light-bulb moment while in prayer and I asked GOD for opportunities to meet if it was His will. We then met often and became friends. 5. When did you get married? • 28th of June 2014 6. Take us through the process of the wedding celebration how was that and if there are any changes you could have made? • The was pretty much perfect. The only thing we would change, is the few issues we had with the sound guy. Other than that, the day was great. It wasn’t perfect, but we feel like it was a great representation of who we are as a couple; laid back and fun. Having a photobooth was one of the best things that we did, because it gave us an opportunity to take fun pictures with all our friends who were there that day. 7. Has your relationship changed from dating to marriage? • It has changed for the better. I think we have become a lot more understanding of each other’s personalities and preferences. We are a lot more comfortable with being different and having different opinions. Our love has matured and a has become a lot less selfish than it was before. 8. If you could change the perception that people have about marriage, what would it be? • A lot of people think marriage is the end of your life and that before you get married, you need to have achieved most of your life goals. We don’t think that you have to have your whole life figured out before you get married. We’re not saying you should just go ahead and marry anyone. We’re saying that there’s nothing wrong with starting off small, growing together financially and pursuing your goals with the encouragement of your spouse.
9. For the single person out there, wondering when they are getting married, what advice would you give them? • Waiting on God is a lot better for your heart than waiting for a spouse. I know, I know. It’s easier said than done. But you will get more fulfilment from serving the Lord than waiting for a potential somebody to come by, only to realise that they are not the somebody you’ve been waiting for. ☹ Serve in your church, join a cell group and seek to be mentored by an older person in the faith. Focus your energy on all things good and pure and when (or if) God sends someone for you, you will have more to say about your character than “I’ve been waiting for you.”. 10. How do you deal with problems that you encounter as a married couple? • We do our best to talk openly about things that bother us while trying to understand each other’s perspective. At the end of the day we try to remember that there is no problem that we should make greater than our relationship as husband and wife. So, if we find that there is something that is causing us to be unkind or inconsiderate of each other, we shelf it. Whatever the issue is, we can always talk about it another time. The health of our relationship is always more important than any problem we can encounter. 11. Challenges you’re facing as a married and born-again couple? • Maintaining a positive and encouraging atmosphere is challenging especially when working together. We’re constantly learning to be more sensitive to each other’s emotional needs. 12. Things you wish you were told about marriage? • The good days far outweigh the bad ones.
sam & martha
13. Who is Jesus Christ to you individually and as a couple? • The Lord has become a confidant to me over the years. My relationship with Him has become a lot more natural. I can talk to Him without having to ask for anything. It’s really like having your best friend with you all the time. • Personally, He is a friend. I trust Him quite a lot daily, in very practical ways. I’m also learning more and more to have Him rule and be LORD of every decision. • To us, He is the Anchor of our marriage. We base our decisions together on how the LORD sees the situation. This keeps us focused on our goals and brings a lot of peace and mental stability, no matter what we face. 14. One word, if possible to describe your marriage? • Laughter! • Happiness! 15. What advice to those who are in the process of getting married would you give • Be each other’s best friends. It makes it easier to not make mountains our of molehills. đ&#x;˜‰ 16. The best advice ever received? • Make sure you and your spouse are always in agreement. It’s easier to do anything when you know that you are not alone.
ME vs GOD 04
Monthly Devotion I’ve come across books that were written in the 90’s by Radio Pulpit titled “Bread upon the waters”. They are books written so we could have a daily devotion. What’s so amazing about these books is the fact that till this day they are so informative and relevant more than ever. In this one is based on the book of 1 Timothy with the heading: SPIRITUAL GROWTH! Read 1 Timothy 4:14-16 A common problem is that Christians do not grow spiritually. Often people grow so little after their conversation that ten years down the line they are still being fed with milk (spiritually speaking). Paul encouraged Timothy to live so that others could see his spiritual growth. His diligence and knowledge of God, and His Word, should have been evident in his everyday life so that others would see that he was becoming more and more like Jesus, who totally conquered sin. You cannot stand still – if you are not growing you are going backwards in your Christian life. You may not have grown since your conversation. There could be several reasons for this. It could be that you have not made a complete break with sin or that you do not spend sufficient time with God. Whatever the reason, it is to your spiritual detriment. It not only paralyses your own spiritual life, it hinders your witness to others. Instead of your life inspiring others to love and serve Jesus, people wonder whether you are in fact a Christian because they see no spiritual growth in your life. Spiritual growth is essential so that we become more like Jesus Christ. Prayer: O Father, I want to become more and more like Your Son, Jesus. Give me a consuming love for Your Word so that I can know, love and serve You better.
Who are you personally and professionally and where are you from? I always say that I am simply a vessel for our Lord Jesus Christ. I spread the gospel using the channels at my disposal. I am a Congolese national who grew up in South Africa and moved initially to China, Â but I now live in Belgium. I recently made a career change from audi/finance to childcare. I work with children and it is such a blessing to be a catalyst in counselling children to be their best selves. How and when did you become Born Again? I grew up in a Christian household, Catholic to be specific. I knew God existed, but I never developed a real relationship with Him until I reached university. I joined a campus ministry which helped me build my faith. Later on, in life I got baptized and now attend a Christ Centered Church. How and when did you get into blogging? And why Christian blogging? I have been a blogger ever since I can remember. I started writing blogs in Microsoft Word, converting them into PDF files and then emailing them to friends and family. I then discovered BlogSpot and created my first blog which is no longer active. Since then I have created a couple of blogs with my most recent being The Lightroom Official. What is blogging? Blogging is putting your thoughts, passions and ideas on a platform to inspire other people. Some people share their entire lives with their followers while others simple share small bits. It is up to you. Blogging is a diverse world. What inspires your posts and what preparation goes into it? It is different depending on the day. Inspiration comes through experiences, conversations or articles I see online. Sometimes the Holy Spirit tells me what to blog about.
What do you want people to learn from your blogs? Only one thing - That Jesus Christ is Lord! Other Interests? Hiking and nature
What is the secret to authentic, thought provoking blogging? Stop caring what people will think about your thoughts, ideas or your style of writing. If you want to blog, go ahead. I have had so many times when I pulled a blog post down because I thought it was too revealing of my private life, but now that I look back, I feel those blog posts were raw and somebody else could have learned from it. What makes you different from other Christian bloggers? Well, I focus on the message I want to put out. I do not know a lot of Christian bloggers and cannot speak on that. I need to find them, sign me up for the group? :) Where would you like to see your blog in the next 2 years? I would like my blog to become a hub for hope. I am looking to tell real stories from Christians all over the world. Who is King Jesus to you? Jesus is my Saviour. Advice on how to start Christian blogging? It’s so easy to start a blog these days. There are plenty of articles online that teach people how to start a blog, but if I would give a piece of advice: Stick to the free options until you are sure about your blog and vision. Don’t pay for web hosting if you’re not sure that blogging is what you want to do or not. Misconception people have about Christian blogging? That it is boring. Christian blogging can be just as interesting as secular blogging. I follow some Youtubers who are extremely interesting to watch. Last words to the Beauty&TheGospel reader? Live your truth. Don’t try to fit in with the rest. If you are a true believer, you must do what the Bible says. These days there is a mix between good and evil and we all know what the Bible says about lukewarm Christians. Don’t be lukewarm.
ANNOUNCEMENT ss e r mp ssue E e i s m i s h . t t i e r e , o p re o m e h h d t le .I n c y a n i i e t r H ed ga a d a s e is a y e a e n s k t u in e n z o e i a y a T . g l s l e a l l a l b m a s e n ila h o wa a T g v . n a s i l s r l i o a t C ry u b a i l r t sa n o o n c o s free
Advertisers you are also welcome. For reasonable price queries email: beautyandthegospel@ Till next time ,THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ! look out for the next issue on the 1st of December 2k18