Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 12 VOL 3

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a prophetic word concerning the VACCINE

2021, enter & occupy WORDS OF TRUTH FOR A NEW YEAR


PLUS! escaping emotional rip currents

+ COUNT GOD AS FAITHFUL & it is finished , so get started

VISION Romans 15:20-21 20 Accordingly I set a goal to preach the gospel, not where Christ’s name was already known, so that I would not build on another man’s foundation; 21 but [instead I would act on this goal] as it is written [in Scripture],“They who had no news of Him shall see, And they who have not heard [of Him] shall understand.”

MISSION 1 Corinthians 1:17 For Christ did not send me [as an apostle] to baptize, but [commissioned and empowered me] to preach the good news [of salvation]—not with clever and eloquent speech [as an orator], so that the cross of Christ would not be [b]made ineffective [deprived of its saving power].

Beauty & The Gospel

CONTENTS LIES OF DEFEAT ARE FROM TONGUES OF DECIET! Prophetic Word "church be careful of the vaccine" LIVING THE GOOD LIFE "with long life I will satisfy you" COUNT GOD AS FAITHFUL HEALTH & FITNESS we are more than conquerors Breaking Legalities in the physical & spiritual SEEK HIS WILL "doing church can also become a routine for Christians" POSSES WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS Monthly Devotions I'm doing a new thing!

"STOP setting new years resolutions but rather focus on cultivating daily habits " - Mark Batterson-



MINISTER MONICA I am a Christian Influencer who encourages, motivates and equips others through the Word of God.



servants of God, lover of Jesus Christ , parents , grandparents and soul harvesters.

I am an energetic free spirit that loves life. In my spare time i love to do puzzles.




servant of God, businessman, father and husband. I love making people laugh! and traveling.

Author of Manna Daily Devotions book. The founder and overseer of Seobi Ministries International in Vereeniging, South Africa

married to one wife, Tiyiselani. I enjoy cooking and learning new stuff. I'm mostly passionate about serving God




Honored to serve. Ordained Minister, founder of Radiant Woman International, and Author of DISTORTED.

i am a loving husband and father of two. I love studying the Word of God.

Family Life Enthusiast, Author and Convener of Signature family building workshops|




Chef, wife , mother , Pastor, transformational Speaker and Relationship coach.

I'm philanthropist, author, public speaker, businesswoman, and an artistic person. Gracefully set apart and anointed by Him as a Prophetess.



Preacher of the Gospel in all forms and ways Business Analyst Spoken Word Artist Health enthusiast!

A qualified attorney with her Masters in Business Law, and woman of faith! ! Author of books titled :‘A SHEPHERD KING’ and AWAY FROM YESTERDAY all available on Amazon.



An intercessor, worshiper and student. A lover of beauty, fashion and Christian apologetics.

Completed her Degree in BCom Accounting and is currently studying Post Grad in Financial Accounting.

DR ANDRÉ & JENNY ROEBERT pastors , parents, lovers of Jesus Christ and His Word. Founders of Faith Tv

THENDO NETSHIVHUNGULULU Holds a B.Psych (Hon) in psychology from Midrand Graduate Institute. She is passionate about people from all walks of life and their mental well-being.

TSHOLOFELO MAHLATSI obtained her LLB degree from the North West University- She has since been admitted as an attorney of the High Court.




We at Beauty & The Gospel are big on Master Jesus,the Christian lifestyle and spreading the Gospel Of Jesus Christ. We cannot do it alone. We believe we are all gifted with different gifts by our God. We would love to have you on board . Whether it be Design, Reviews, Finance , Mental Health , Business, Rehabilitation, cooking etc.


editor's note Your majesty Deuteronomy 5:33 (NLT) Stay on the path that the Lord your God has commanded you to follow. Then you will live long and prosperous lives in the land you are about to enter and occupy. ENTER & OCCUPY Praise the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me. Beloved, it is year 2021 and by the grace you & I have made it. Can you just join me for a 5 min praise break. This portion of scripture in Deuteronomy is for 2021. I remember reading this chapter early this year and when I came to this portion, whew it was explosive. Little did I know Almighty Jesus would bring me back to it and this time it would be a Word for 2021. I pray that you, reading this, this Word manifests in your life as the reader of Beauty & The Gospel. May the Lord help us as we are about to enter & occupy the land, promises, territories, dimensions and testimonies that we stay in obedience at all times BY THE GRACE OF HASHEM, NEXT MONTH IS OUR ANNIVERSARY, WE ARE TURINING 3. HALLELUJAH. NEW CONTENT COMING......... IT’s always and honor to work on this magazine for the Body of Christ and glory for my King. Write us your comments and thoughts to our email: it might just be printed!

tsakani mhlongo editor-in-chief

If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now, till next time, you’re loved by Him and I.

Styled by @vintage__vybz





Welcome, welcome, welcome, my precious ones. My beloved daughters, sons, elders, friends, brothers, and sisters, are you all hale, hearty, and well? The Lord Jesus Christ is going to come very soon; without any delay, He is going to come very soon. You have been listening to this good news every week, right? So what does this mean? The One who said that He will come back, will come very soon. So, repent! For the kingdom of heaven has come near now, right? My dearly beloved, I came across a shocking news a few days back; a news came out in a popular, trustworthy, and reliable news network. Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world. All of you must be knowing who he is. He is the founder of Microsoft Corporation. He is also a rich man and has much wealth and many assets. Later, he retired and started working at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife. Through this foundation, they have been doing several charitable works across the world for people living in poverty and below the poverty line. For many years, even in his days as Microsoft’s chairman, he’d been doing many such good and virtuous deeds. Because of his wealth and status, whichever nation he visits, the respective national leaders, presidents, kings, prime ministers, and chief ministers of the respective states come to meet him and highly respect him. This is something that’s been happening for years.

But lately, ever since the start of the COVID-19, coronavirus pandemic, I’ve been noticing a strange thing happening. Because of his power, he came forward to donate millions of dollars to produce a vaccine for this coronavirus.


He had a global vision of tying up with several companies to strive to make a vaccine to help the world out of this crisis. That’s very much appreciated! But as the days went by, the difference I began to see in him was that just as the ruler of a kingdom would authoritatively pass a law or decree, in the same way, he also started making statements. I began to wonder how he could do that. He is not a political leader. He is just an individual, but with much money. In light of this, he has risen up as a leader among other world leaders and has started announcing authoritatively what should be done and how one should live.


And I was concerned as to how he could act as if he was passing a decree for the whole world. And none of the other world leaders expressed any opposing or contrarian views. This is one thing. While this has been happening, the latest news that came up last week says that he has tied up with GAVI: The Vaccine Alliance. Now GAVI is a medical organization; it is a medical research institute. He has pledged a huge sum of money (in dollars, that’s crores of rupees) . . . he has pledged 300 million dollars to Research and Development (R&D) to somehow make a vaccine. Now this company is about to come up with a vaccine. You might have seen the news too. Russia has come up with a vaccine, and they are ready to distribute it to the world. But the scientists of other countries haven’t tested it yet or given their approval. Instead, they are opposing it. But our country [India] is ready to buy the vaccine that Russia has come up with. In this situation, the latest report says that the concerning the vaccine that GAVI is coming up with, there is another company: TrustStamp (“stamp” means to stamp a mark or something). This company produces digital biometric identity. When you go into certain companies, unlike earlier times, the attendance is not be marked by calling out names [Sadhu Selvaraj gives some mock examples]. Those days are gone. Now, everywhere, it is the thumbprint.

You must have seen in some organizations. We use it even in our ministry. We use it to check if our staff come to office on time in the morning. In a few places, it’s the eye scan. The retina in the eye is scanned. This is what is known as biometric identity. If you go to airports today, they record your fingerprints, right? This is what is called biometric identity. Thus, everyone is given a unique number or identity. So, by partnering with this company, they are planning to give a new unique identification number to every person on the earth through this vaccine. This is the second thing. Thirdly, credit cards, debit cards, and ATM cards have become very common today, right? Among the numerous credit card companies, there are four to five well-known ones that are widely used across the world. Of these, Visa and Mastercard are the most widely accepted. You must have heard of these, right? And the Mastercard company is partnering with the other two. Now see, the third team is joining. First was GAVI, the medical organization; second, TrustStamp, the biometric digital identity company; third, which company did I mention? Mastercard. These three are joining. The reason Mastercard is joining is that . . . now the shaking of hands is one of the reasons for the spread of COVID-19, so it is possible that it would also spread when we do cash transactions, right? So hereafter, there isn’t going to be any cash transactions.


Everything is going to be cashless— digital currency. They are keen to launch it. For everything today, we have Paytm in our country [India] now. If you go and see in China, even small street vendors, like food vendors and flower vendors in our country, don’t entertain cash transactions. Everything is cashless. There will be QR codes in front of each store. It’s an app like Paytm. It can be downloaded to each mobile phone, and once the account is funded with money and you’ve purchased your stuff, you can use your phone to scan the QR code, and on pressing the “OK” button, the transaction amount will be sent. In the same way, they desire to put an end to cash. They want to abolish it. How can this be done? Now Mastercard comes in. Tying up with Mastercard, Bill Gates says, “Eliminate cash!” He wants to get rid of cash completely. Currency notes and coins will hereafter be found only in the pages of history, and our eyes won’t see them anymore. So these three together are going to provide everyone with a new identity, which is going to be tied up with buying and selling. When I discerned this, fear gripped my heart; do you know why? About 2,000 years ago, in a book called Revelation, in the Holy Bible, in its 13th chapter, if you read verses 15–16, what do they say?

"It was given to him to give breath to it, to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause as many as wouldn’t worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, to be given marks on their right hands, or on their foreheads". Did you see that? A mark . . . that’s the vaccine. They are going to plant it in our hand. We give several vaccinations for babies; that’s different. But see here: this vaccine is forced upon us. Of course, being vaccinated against diseases is good. But what is this vaccine linked to? One, a digital identity. Second, money is also being linked to it. Without it, one cannot buy or sell. Cash will be eliminated. From a technological point of view, it sounds great. But . . . “This is not good,” says the Creator of heaven and earth, the Almighty Lord, Jesus Christ. He warned us 2,000 years ago that such times will come. Be careful! Be careful! There will be a world dictator; he is the antichrist. He acts and works against the true God. He is going to rise up. There is also a book called Daniel. The books of Revelation and Daniel are viewed as sister books. There is a link between the two. The seventh chapter of the book of Daniel says that a little horn will come up.


On reading about Bill Gates, this morning I started wondering whether it was that. It is also stated that this horn was a little one previously. But it would come up suddenly like a dictator of the whole world. In his case, all of a sudden the statements he is making on behalf of the world leaders tend to resemble such an attitude. My dear children, see, from the year 2006, we have been saying that such things are going to happen and that we are living in the last days. Look, how significantly things have started moving and happening in the year 2020. I forgot to tell you one thing: The proposal that Bill Gates is coming up with will come into effect from the year 2021. And you can watch this development on our programs. Looking at all this, there is one more surprising thing. Do you know what? While we were conducting a prayer meeting in Chennai in the month of December 2019, the Eternal Light revealed to me how the following year, 2020, would be. Do you know what He said? “2020 is a year of preparation.” Because, from 2021 onward, there will be many tribulations and uncertainties. So the year 2020 is to be a year of preparation. When I look at the things that are happening, I’m shocked on one hand, but on the other hand, terror grips me: Oh! All that was said is speedily coming to pass now in front of my eyes! Yet, I want to warn all you dear children. That’s my job. The work of Angel TV is also the same.

See, there are three angels flying in the sky and warning the people of the world. The work of Angel TV is to warn. Let me tell you once again: Be careful! Be careful! The Word of God very clearly tells and warns us that when the mark without which we cannot buy or sell comes into force, we mustn’t take it. You can be anyone, but please obey the Word of God, and let’s be careful. Let’s strive to strengthen and grow strong in faith during the rest of the days in this year. Shall we all pray now? Place your right hand over your heart. [Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj prays for all who would receive the warning of our Lord and His Word to be protected, counseled, and guided by the Holy Spirit in all their ways and blesses them.] My dearly beloved, be careful. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming very soon. Be careful. Be warned. The Lord Jesus Christ is going to come very soon. God bless you.


More Than Conquerors All the Time! by Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert IRomans 8:37 (AMPC): "Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us." The Bible doesn't promise a life free of trouble or hardship. What it does promise is a way to go through every challenge with hope and peace. We have all the supernatural wisdom from His Word and the indwelling power of His Holy Spirit to strengthen us to overcome each challenge, triumphantly every time. There is not one trial in this life that has the power to defeat us, not when we yield to, trust in, and lean on the Lord Jesus. It all begins with how we respond to the trials as they present themselves. Instead of falling to pieces, we need to run to the Presence of God, and His Word. He has promised that when we call on His Name, expecting Him to help us, we will never be ashamed for trusting Him (Romans 10:11)! We can face each problem with great joy, being fully confident that God already has the answer and is more than willing to lead us through to victory. Once we have rolled every care over to Him, we must choose to listen carefully to His instruction, and follow through with whatever He says to do. We face the difficulties of life fully confident of who we are in Christ, and being completely aware of what belongs to us while we abide in Him. This is how we are more than conquerors - all the time!


HARDSHIP written by:

ANGUS & JILL BUCHAN Jill and I found Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour on the 18th of February 1979, just two years after settling in Greytown, Kwa-Zulu Natal Midlands, South Africa. Originally

You see, nowhere in the Bible does it say: 'Come to

from Zambia, we bought a piece of land on which we planned to

Jesus and all your tribulations will be over.' That is

farm crops and livestock. We had very little to start with but

not the truth and any person preaching that is not

even as brand new Christians, we were content with our farm,

preaching God's Word. The Lord will never take you

which we later called SHALOM.

and me out of the fire, but what He does, He walks

If we go to the Word of God in the book of Acts: “STRENGTHENING THE SOULS OF THE DISCIPLES EXHORTING THEM TO CONTINUE IN THE FAITH AND SAYING, WE MUST THROUGH MANY TRIBULATIONS ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” — ACTS 14:22 (NKJV) Many tribulations and the year 2020 has really tested many of us. We have been tested through many different things: Through isolation, one from another, which is not of God - God never created us to be lone rangers, individuals living by ourselves, no. We have been called, by God, to live in families and to live together in harmony. Remember Psalm 133 ‘Where there is unity God commands a blessing.’ There have been some severe droughts in our nation that we’ve had to deal with and God has been very gracious. There has been unprecedented violence on farms and in townships and we firmly believe it is of the devil himself. There has been sickness: COVID-19, of which my wife and myself were at the forefront right at the beginning, self-isolated for sixty-seven days. We were tested five times before finally receiving a negative result, one might say ‘Lord where are You?’ Well the Lord says: “I’ve been with you always, especially in the storm.”

with us through the fire and that makes a way out for us. In fact, Paul says in Romans 5:3-4 NKJV "Not only that but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulations produce perseverance and perseverance character and character, hope." I have never yet met a man worth his salt, who has not been through fiery trials. “WEEPING MAY ENDURE FOR A NIGHT, BUT JOY COMES IN THE MORNING.” — PSALM 30:5 I‘ve experienced it in my own life, not once, but many times. Remember every drought always ends with rain. So as Christians we are not exempt from trouble, but the good news is that the Lord says He will never leave us nor forsake us. It is a wonderful opportunity and season in our lives to be good witnesses for the Lord. We need to be different and we need to always put in front of every complaint, 'but God, but God'. So it doesn’t matter what you are going through at the moment, but God, He will see you through.

God bless, Angus and Jill Buchan



Good morning dear friend and

They are new every morning:

welcome to the beginning of a

great is thy faithfulness."

NEW YEAR. I pray that God will

Lamentation: 3:22-23.

make it peaceful and pleasant for you this YEAR in Jesus Christ

"Being confident of this very


thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform

"It is of the LORD's mercies that

it until the day of Jesus Christ:"

we are not consumed, because

Phillipians.1:6 .

his compassions fail not.

GOD is super faithful to be flawed

Absolute trust in GOD is the path

by our faults. The faithfulness of

to accomplishment. If GOD

GOD is an agreement He has with

brought you all the way from the

His Word and not with you;

previous years to this day, and all

because GOD has been faithful

you went through couldn't stop

before creation. If you must

you, then GOD has a plan to bring

understand the bigger picture of

you to His desired destiny.

God's faithfulness, consider His dealings with you on a daily basis-

Paraphrasing David's words in

Psalms.92:2; and each time you

Psalms.66:12, he said, after

experience the lovingkindness of

passing through fire and water,

GOD, it should be a reminder that

GOD still brought them to a

God's faithfulness cannot fail-

wealthy place. What we go through


does not change the position of GOD to be counted as faithful,


because His faithfulness is the

you can trust Him going forward.

pride of His divinity. What you go

He promised to bring the children

through are facts, but what GOD

of Israel out of Egypt and He did.

says is the truth you should hold

But they didn't trust GOD enough

on to. Facts can change any time,

to bring them into the land He

but the truth is constant; and GOD

promised them; and that was their

is committed to the constant.

destruction. One of the highest honour anybody can express to

My friend, take time to recall every

GOD, is trusting Him particularly

detail of God's goodness in your

at a crossroad. The GOD you don't

life and all He has brought you

trust, you won't truly honour.

through, this would put you in a position of gratitude. let your

A healthy and lasting relationship

gratitude flow out to Him. Don't

is built and flourished on mutual

stop God's flow by your

trust; so is our relationship with

ingratitude, it's a principle JESUS

GOD. If your trust in GOD is not

Himself declared in Luke.6:38.

growing, that's s a pointer that

Your testimony of God's past acts

you're not growing in your

will reproduce same when the

relationship with Him. It doesn't

need arises in your life. Make

matter how long a man is married

God's testimonies your

to his wife, if after many years of

meditation- Psalm.119:99. When

staying together they still cannot

the testimonies of God's

trust each other, it is unlikely that

faithfulness become your

relationship is heading in the

meditation, trusting Him will

right direction and God's

become easy.

intervention is seriously required. May you always see God as God's Word in Proverbs.3:5: "Trust

Faithful and your Fruitfulness will

in the LORD with all your heart...."

show up in Jesus Christ name.






There are a great number of people in the world today who have given up on the dreams and aspirations they once had. There was a point in time when a fire burned within them that sparked fresh ideas and fueled a desire that could have shaped destiny, but that’s all over now. Why? Because somewhere along the way they lost a battle, and in losing the battle, they quit. They failed to learn the lesson of failure – get up and fight on.

These are the authors who refuse to write the books because they are afraid they won’t be published. They are the singers who are silent because, as much as they wish to sing, the enemy of fear has them locked in a quiet penitentiary. It is the artist whose masterpiece will never be seen, the poet whose pen will never touch paper, the dreamer who has allowed the enemy of failure to dictate his reality, and the leader who has allowed the enemy of rejection to squander his gift. For each of them there is a great future to possess if they will simply have the courage to take the next step.

Just because you do not achieve what you set out to accomplish the first time doesn’t mean you have failed. Only when you cease to try have you failed. As long as there is breath in your lungs and the sun shining in the sky, don’t you dare give up; live to fight another day. “Some days you’ll get the bear; some days the bear gets you.” No matter what, don’t quit.



An intercessor, worshiper and student. A lover of beauty, fashion and Christian apologetics. @sanelemanzini_

If there is anything that year 2020 taught me,

It’s very important to always be mindful of

is that God is sovereign and is truly in control

that, that you have a creator who created you

of our now and future. And I learnt that there

for a reason, and your mission here on earth

is no better way of knowing the future

is to fulfil that purpose.

without being in relationship with God, who holds the future.

I am sure that you have heard purpose talks too many times. Funny enough if there is

Jeremiah 1:5 says “I knew you before I formed

something that people of all religions have in

you in your mother’s womb. Before you were

common, is this, everyone, believers or non-

born I set you apart and appointed you as

believers believe in purpose. But a lot of

my prophet to the nations” These were the

people have a hard time finding it, you will

words of the Lord to Jeremiah, as he

find a 50 year old who still says they don’t

was calling him to be a prophet to the

know their purpose and they are still

nations. As much as these words were for

searching for it.

Jeremiah then, they are still relevant to and for us today, they are teaching us the

In this generation it mostly people in their 20s

character of God and his intentions with

who are desperately wanting to know their

humankind. He knew us before we were in

purpose because they want to get an idea of

our mother’s wombs, before we were born he

how their future structure will look like but

already had a plan for us and set us apart for

not a lot of them find it, they just end up living

it. The family you were born in is not by

life of a routine that is going nowhere; waking

mistake; the city, town or village you were

up, go to work, get paid, and pay bills. It more

born in is not a mistake; you gender, race,

like sprinting a hamster wheel. And that is

skin colour, gifts and talents are not a

sadly the reality of those living a life outside

coincident but they were intentionally put

the Will of God, they missed it.

in place in your life to serve a greater purpose.

Even Christians are not safe on this one, you

James 1: 22-25 “But don’t just listen to God’s

can be a Holy Ghost filled Christian who goes to

word. You must do what it says. Otherwise,

church every Sunday and attends Bible studies

you are only fooling yourselves. For if you

every Wednesday and still miss it. Reason being,

listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like

doing church can also become a routine for us

glancing at your face in a mirror. You see

believers. That is why, it is very important to

yourself, walking away, and forget what you

constantly and earnestly seek the Will of God

look like. But if you look carefully into the

for our lives. Seek a rhema word, a now word,

perfect law that sets you free, and if you do

Lord what are you doing and saying now! But it

what it says and don’t forget what you heard.

is hard to trust God for big things if you haven’t

Then God will bless you for doing it.”

trusted him for the small things, start by seeking Gods Will for the day before you can

I believe God is saying to us today, we need to

ask his Will for your next 10 years, because

earnestly seek his Will this year 2021. Scratch

what you do today is like planting a seed of

out your plans and find out what HIS plan are.

what God has for you or what you will reap in

No one should be found where they are not

the future. Everyday say ‘Lord, today here I am

supposed to be; be in the right city, in the right

again, I thank you for this day and the gift of life,

church, with the right people, doing the right

I dedicate all of my plans for today to you, if it is

thing, everyone should be in line to God’s Will

in your Will, guide my steps and let me be in

for their life and not following the Will of

sync with you’, you obviously don’t have to say

others. After knowing his Will for your life, you

these exact words but I am trying to give you

need to actively follow His blueprint. If you are

an idea of how submitting your day to the Lord

confused, pray more about it, do a fasting if

looks like.

you must and invite your accountability partners to pray for and with you. Do whatever it takes, which is in line with God’s word of

As we start learning to trust God with our day


and let him guide our steps on a daily basis, we will be walking into our purpose daily.

My prayer for you this year is that, God opens

Sometimes yielding to Gods Will daily will be

your eyes to see what He has for you. In all the

uncomfortable, but the benefit of it is this, your

trials that you may face this year, I pray that

future will be secure and your purpose fulfilled.

may He be your strength and torch of light

If we can master this, I promise you we won’t be

when it seems like you are walking in darkness.

phased by what is happening around us, not

May He be your strength at all times, may He

even this pandemic we are in because we will

give you peace in knowing that He has your

know and trust who holds our future, we will

future in His hands. Seek His Will and find

trust that he is leading us somewhere greater

rest in Him today.

even if circumstances around us don’t seem like it. He even assures us in his word, Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I hope you find rest in that knowledge, that when your future is in God’s hands, it is safe and secure.

sanele manzini

WORDS OF TRUTH FOR A NEW YEAR A New Start A new year has arrived! And like the year before it, this new 365 days has come with much anticipation. Many people begin January 1 with goals, hopes, dreams, and perhaps even a plan of action for all that they would like to accomplish. The possibilities for a new year’s list of resolutions are endless. Some of the most common include exercise routines, healthier eating, progress at work, and quality time spent with family. Life goals and resolutions can be a great way to begin a year, so long as a healthy balance is maintained. For Christians, the start of a new year arrives with reminders afresh of the glorious promises that God has made to his people through the Bible.

For Christians—those who have repented of their sin and received Jesus Christ as their Savior—a new year is a chance for renewed commitments to seek after God and to share the good news of Jesus. The Scriptures below are foundational truths that Christians believe. They are beacons of hope, not only for a new year but also for an eternal future with God. If you have not yet placed your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, then these Scriptures bring great news. The gospel of Jesus is that his birth, life, death on a cross, and resurrection to heaven from the grave deliver eternal life to those who turn away from sin and receive Jesus as their Savior. Make this new year the start of an eternity-changing journey toward becoming a child of God!

Gospel Scriptures for a New Year “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. . . . The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 3:23; 6:23). “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.” (1 Corinthians 15:3–4). “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:6) “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world. . . . But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved.” (Ephesians 2:1–2; 2:4–5). “When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and the renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.” (Titus 3:4–7). “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” (1 Timothy 1:15).

“[Jesus] committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to [God] who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” (1 Peter 2:22–25).

The Light of the Gospel Let these Scriptures sink deep into your hearts. Memorize them. Share them with your friends and family. The gospel—or good news—of Jesus Christ is a bright light to an often-dark world. If you believe the truths that you’ve just read, it is only fitting that you would want to share the rich hope of the gospel, especially at the beginning of a new year. If you have read these words of good news as an unbeliever, consider taking a first step of faith in Jesus Christ by praying the following: Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son, and that he died on the cross to save me from my sin. I believe that he rose again to life, and that he invites me to live forever with him in heaven as part of your family. Because of what Jesus has done, I ask you to forgive me of my sin and give me eternal life. Help me in a way that pleases and honors you. Amen.






I’ve been asked on numerous occasions, how did you get your book published? Did you major in English or Journalism? How did you get started? When did you have a vision for writing your book? I don’t ever know how to answer those questions other then with, “It was an act of God, a God movement.” Then people just look at me waiting for more information as if that isn’t good enough. I understand because usually a person would go in detail as to how the events happened logically and the actual steps for them to achieve the same goals. But that’s not how writing “God’s Perspective for Me” came about. So here it goes. I had been writing songs for close to two years and it was a past time love of mine. It was a rekindled gift that catapulted after my deliverance from alcohol.


It made me feel good that she was

could not be said at that point in an

emotionally attached to the poems,

article. I had hoped to one day be in the

but I was so much more joyful for what I

studio with some of my favorite gospel

was feeling inside. By the end of the

artist, but soon turned anxious. I had

trip I had written three songs and eight

thoughts of, “What if we’re in the studio

poems. It wasn’t until the last day

and I have nothing to say?” or “What if

that I realized God was telling me, “Ken

what I have to say wouldn’t be good

Ken, I can give you all the words you

enough.” While I didn’t let those thoughts

need, just listen to me.” I started to cry as

plague me, I wasn’t 100% confident in my

we were laid out on the reclining

abilities. I was too focused on me and not

chairs that night. I had finally realized that

God who gave me the gift.

God can and will do anything, through me. I was so happy to hear God and was

That same year I went on a cruise to

overwhelmed by his response to me.

Jamaica with my sister and a few other friends. At the end of April of 2016, we

Soon after the trip, I was sharing some of

were off to the port in Miami. Once we

the poems I had written, and on May 17,

stepped on the boat to head out into

2016, my brother asked me, “When is the

God’s ocean of love, a calmness came

book coming out?” My exact reply was,

over me.

“Lol…you know what I just started writing poems like 3 weeks ago but I'm gonna do

The first day was amazing. I couldn’t

a book…maybe 100 poems?...I could do

believe what I was seeing. The sky, the

that by the end of this year…figure out the

boat, and the ocean. It was so beautiful

publishing stuff…I'm gonna do it.” In that

and clear that my mind was clear. As if I

moment I didn’t hesitate. It was as if I

was the reflection of what I saw. I don’t

knew what I didn’t know. God spoke

remember if it was the first or second day

through my brother for me to realize

at sea that I wrote my first poem, but I

what I was writing a book.

was so in tune with the moment that it almost scared me. While writing a song

One year prior, after I told my testimony at

and a poem are very much a like they

our 2015 Woman’s Day, my mom told me

were very different for me in its approach.

I needed to write a book. I kind of brushed it off since I was thinking, I’m not

The first poems I wrote were Blue Skies,

about to write a novel, that’s too much.

Majesty, and Weave in Me. As I was

But the first seed was planted. It wasn’t

writing these poems, I was allowing my

until a year later that God would show

roommate to read them, and she loved

me, I would write it through my talent,

them. When she read “Weave in Me,” she

through poetry, through melodies.

exclaimed, “I love this one, this is my favorite.”


It helped me release through song what

Again, hallelujah! God is just‌I’ll just leave

God was telling his angels, “She don’t even

it like that. So, I got up with him and

know what’s about to happen.� Every part

within the next month I had a publisher,

of my story just amazes me.

two months later my book was published, and I had my books in my hands ready for

The initial name of the book was “God’s

purchase on December 24th. What a God

Perspective Through Me,� but my

movement. It was just that effortless.

counselor bae, a.k.a. Bro. Dublin, told me that it could sound like I was making

If I had not started sending my family and

myself a prophet. In which I thought

friends the poems, and had I not told an

that’s what I am, but I guess I had to be

acquaintance I was writing a book, had I

taken down a few notches đ&#x;˜‚ . So, I

kept all that to myself and replied to

renamed it to “God’s Perspective for Me.�

people with, “Yea life is good, just maintaining,� and listened to the “Don’t

I started putting my poems in book form

let none of your moves be known, I move

and researched how to format the work.

in secret,� memes, I would’ve never

Soon I asked one of my sisters in the

published this book, especially not in the

church to help me with the cover. She

time frame that God wanted it done. Stop

told me it looked like it was more about

thinking everybody is out to get you. If it’s

me and I needed to find a picture or

ordained by God, the work will get done

something that made the reader

no matter what. Man has no say over that.

understand where I was when I started

So, you better network when you can and

writing the poems. That was not

tell people what you’re doing because you

what I meant to convey, so I took her

never know if your blessing is supposed to

advice. After looking at some of the

come through them. What I’m not saying

pictures I took on the trip, I came across

is to tell everybody every detail but watch

what would soon be my cover, and the

how God will work through the people

picture I used to market myself on social

around you.

media. Hallelujah! God is a wonder. It was a full circle moment. By July, while I

Just listen to God and he will confirm your gift

was in Ohio visiting family, I finished

to you. He has something great for you to do

writing the book. The last poem I wrote was, “Drive Drunk,� which is my favorite of Volume 1. Before I finished Volume 1, because by then God had already told me I was going to write three volumes, I sent what I had

in His kingdom on earth. God has given you a talent and a gift that you must use. You must embrace what God has called you to do. We need you! Every single one of us needs your ministry, because you have something that no one else has for us. Give yourself to God today because TOMORROW IS TOO LATE TO BE GREAT.

to a poet. She didn’t get the chance to read it, but upon me asking her about it, she told me she knew a publisher.



Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah! I know


New Things What is ahead is your freedom in Christ Jesus, your restoration is ahead, just forget about the past and trust God. In the book of Samuel when David and his men were coming from war, they found the house burned down, wives and children captured. The situation was hopeless and all of this was coming down to David. The bible said David was distressed, and he inquired from the Lord.

Scripture reading: 1 Samuel 30:8 "So David inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all". 1 King 18:48 "Then the hand of the LORD came upon Elijah; and he girded up his loins and ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel". In the book of Isaiah, God said: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!".

God said am doing new things, why should we focus on the past rather than to enjoy the new things that God has done for us. So many challenging things happened in the past, many of us have fallen down in the past, some lost their jobs and loved ones. All this things happened in the past, but thank God I don't dwell in the past. There are great things God prepared ahead of me. Apostle Paul said, one thing I do is to forget what is behind and press on to what is ahead. 2020 was rough, but press on toward 2021. What you lost the past year, you shall recover it this year.

God said to David: "Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all". David did not dwell on what he lost, his only hope was in God and he recovered all that he lost. May God give you strength in that distressing situation, rise up and recover all your goods. This my prayer for you this year, may God give you overtaking grace, the strength to run and never get weary. All that you lost in 2020,may it be restored in the name of Jesus Christ. The past is gone, and the new things are here for our own benefits. I don't dispute that you failed before, you were rejected, you were side-lined, you lost all you had, and all those negative things that I didn't mention. Above all, allow me to welcome you to the new season, where God will show up to show off. Declare that this is your season to excel, new things are coming your way…




by: Nicole Whitacre

“Mom, I’m caught in an emotional rip

Your spouse makes a critical comment,

current,” my ten-year-old daughter told

and you writhe in a rip current of anger.

me the other day — her way of letting me

A random thought strikes your soul,

know she needs help handling her

stirring up feelings of fear and anxiety.

feelings. The two of us often talk about

Sometimes, your emotional life heaves

how emotions can feel like rip currents.

with rip currents of despair, and you can’t

They lurk beneath the surface, popping

seem to find a way out. Even the

up at the worst times to drag us away like

strongest Christian may feel powerless

a powerful tide.

when caught in the grip of an emotional rip current.

You know how it feels, right? A friend shares her good news, and suddenly you’re caught in a miserable current of

Emotions Are Not the Problem


Beauty & The Gospel



To make matters worse, we don’t always know how to handle our emotions. Our feelings fluctuate, and we don’t know why; we drift in and out of the same yucky emotions. As a result, we blame much of our trouble in the Christian life on our feelings: “My emotions were out of control today.” And we warn each other, “Don’t let your emotions get the better of you” or, “Whatever you do, don’t follow your feelings.” We tag emotions as disorderly, deceptive, and dangerous. But feelings have gotten a bad rap. Many of us have unknowingly swallowed a mouthful of misconceptions about our feelings,

to serve a good and useful purpose in our lives. God is the one who fashioned each of us in his image to be thinking, acting, emotional creatures. Then he declared it all, including our feelings, “very good” (Genesis 1:31). Very good? That’s not how our feelings feel much of the time. In this fallen world, we have been “grieved by various trials” (1 Peter 1:6). Physical pain and weakness can wreak havoc on our feelings. But perhaps most troublesome of all is the sin that grips our emotions. Sin seeks to unite the whole person — mind, will, and emotions — in rebellion against the holy God. Emotions are not the problem, but they do have a sin problem. For this

“Many of us have unknowingly swallowed a mouthful of misconceptions about our feelings.”

reason, I don’t correct my daughter for being “too emotional”; instead, I try to help her see the sin that has hijacked her emotions.

Redeemed Feelings Then I give her the good news: Though sin would drown us in a sea of wretched feelings, we have been rescued. Though

which has led to a lot of confusion over how to handle our feelings. And so I tell my daughter: If we want to fix our feelings problem, if we want to figure out how to escape emotional rip currents, and if we want to experience an emotional life that is full of rich and godly feelings, we must start with God. God is the one who made us to feel. He wired us up with a full range of emotions according to his wise and beautiful design. He created our faculty of emotions, together with our minds and our wills,

our emotions have been corrupted by sin, they can also be redeemed by Christ. No longer do we have to keep getting caught in the same emotional rip currents. But in order to find the path of specific repentance and real change, we need to better understand how our emotions work. You see, emotions aren’t emojis. We don’t select “joy” and feel joyful. We don’t unclick “anger” and watch it fade. We don’t simply decide to feel happy or hopeful or to stop feeling sadness or shame. That’s not how God created our beautiful and complex emotions to work.

Beauty & The Gospel



Instead, he created our feelings to operate

While it may not happen immediately,

together with our other faculties and to

godly emotions will begin to spring up in

respond to our minds and our wills. We can

your heart.

choose to think true thoughts. We can choose to take godly actions. And when we

Godly emotions, in turn, excite and move

do, our feelings will start to change.

us to greater thoughts and actions for the sake of Christ. Love for Christ motivates

Think, Act, Feel When we choose to set our minds on things above (Colossians 3:2), meditate on God’s word day and night (Joshua 1:8), and consider Christ who died for us (Hebrews 12:3), our feelings often will line up with truth. Likewise, when we present our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) and say only what is good for building others up (Ephesians 4:29), our emotions often eventually follow our actions and our words. When we think on God’s truth and make godly choices, our feelings take on a new and different shape: they conform to and coalesce around God’s word. To get started, prayerfully choose one emotion you want to change. Meditate on one truth from God’s word that speaks to that emotion. Take one godly action that goes against your sinful feeling.

Beauty & The Gospel

us (John 14:15), joy in God strengthens us (Nehemiah 8:10), and zeal for God’s word consumes us (Psalm 119:139). Our emotional life — once rife with dangerous rip currents — can come alive with godly feelings that propel us forward in Christlike character. Fixing our feelings is the work of a lifetime. I still have much to teach my daughter, and even more to learn and apply to myself. But this much I know: with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can escape our emotional rip currents. We can feel what God wants us to feel. ---------------------------------------------------------Nicole Whitacre is a pastor’s wife, a mother to two boys and two girls, and a homemaker. She is the co-author, along with her mom, of several books, including True Feelings (2017), and she writes with her mom and sisters at


HEALTH & FITNESS change is possible



WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH CHRIST! 2020 –What a year! This has definitely been a year of great tests, trials, challenges, difficulties but over and above that it has been a year of Gods faithfulness. Apostle Mathabathe Mphahlele my spiritual father puts it in this way; “2020 had revealed the condition of our hearts and gave us an opportunity to repent of our -

apathy and respond boldly to the Word of the Lord, all of which I’m grateful for, trials are a blessing in disguise” I couldn’t have put it in any better way, the Word of God encourages us to consider it pure joy whenever we face trials of many kinds because we know that the testing of our faith produces perseverance (James 1: 2 – 4). We can both agree if there is definitely one thing we-

have done this year is to PERSEVERE! I am personally so grateful to God for the grace to persevere. I am sure you are too, amidst the loss of jobs, income, family members or loved ones, profits etc. We have great joy in our hearts. So, with that in mind I look forward to this year 2021. With a persevering heart I do believe that the coming year will definitely be one for -

achieving greatness. We are bolder, stronger and are more than ready to keep pressing in towards God to achieve purpose, goals, visions, dreams and as you would have guessed it a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE (smiles) Whenever the new year starts as clichéd as it might sound, it is a good place to sit back, take stock and refocus for the year ahead. I know for sure many of you will be putting down what we call “New Year resolutions” to achieve this year. Amongst those definitely the following always makes the list, ‘lose weight’, ‘eat healthier’ or ‘lead a healthier lifestyle’. Its a good thing that we are concerned about our bodies, after all they are a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Why then would we neglect one of the greatest things we have been given to steward. Without your bodies we would not be able to achieve anything no matter how great or small it is. It’s because of these bodies that we can walk, talk, laugh, sit, sleep, work or do anything. I would like to use this opportunity to give out some great tips concerning the BIG new year’s resolution - ‘lose weight’, ‘eat healthier’ or lead a healthier lifestyle’


Start immediately

One of the biggest things about wanting to implement a change especially in lifestyle is just this, start immediately. You don’t need to keep waiting for December to end, whilst using it as an excuse to continue in bad habits. Say it with me no more delays! - Isaiah 60: 1 – 3 Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!

Consistency is key

Nothing is ever achieved if we do it once and give up! Keep doing the right things consistently and you will begin to realize the difference. Consistency also means where you might have failed you don’t just give up, but you get up, dust yourself off and start again. Remember it could take up to 21 days to create a habit! - Galatians 6: 9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Comparison is a thief of joy

Do not compare your journey to anyone else’s journey. Stay true to yourself, if there is anyone you look up to, do so from a perspective of learning from them and never comparing yourself to them.

Most times conditions, circumstances are never the same no matter how similar they may look. Customize your workout routines, you’re eating plan to suit your goals, your budget, your needs etc. – 2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

Do not starve yourself

Dieting is never a long term solution that can be sustainable. It is better for one to eat the right types of food at the right quantities. Often times people resort to starving themselves which is not suitable. That kind of approach often leads to people giving up and not following through on their plans. Rather exercise (no pun intended) discipline and you should be sorted. Food is definitely not just food, it can be a stronghold or I know this will sound extreme, curse if not used for its original intent. God has given humans food as a gift and like any other gift the enemy can use it to bring disorder and misalignment in Gods plans. Hence here are possibilities of eating disorders, undereating or over-eating etc. 1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Workout Your body

Customize your workouts into something that is appealing for you. The trick is this, if you enjoy it, it will not be considered exercise.


If you are a person who enjoys taking walks or jogs use that as means to workout. If dancing gets you excited then take up a dance class or if you are a parent, have a session at home where you dance with your children. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Often times people will say that don’t have time for going to a gym or money for gym membership. Our current times have proven that one does not need a gym membership to workout. With so many exercise videos available on different platforms exercise can be done in the comfort of your own home. If you don’t have gym equipment remember you don’t really need it. Your body is equipment enough to have a proper workout. Take up skipping, walk, dance, jump – there is always one way or the other to workout - 1 Timothy 4:8 For bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things,


since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

Rely on Holy Spirit

Lastly and most importantly - Allow your strength to come from Holy Spirit. When we walk in the Spirit we definitely can achieve so much more than when we rely on our own strength. God is able to give us resilience and strength that far supersedes our own abilities. – Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Keep this in mind, if you fail at something, it’s not an indication that you can’t achieve it or you were not meant to succeed in it. Michael Jordan one of the greatest basketball players said, “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times

I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life. AND THAT IS WHY I SUCCEED.” Failure should never be a reason to give up and encouragement to keep going, with better knowledge and experience. Let 2021 be the year you push on further and walk in Gods power. Remember God loves You! May the year be one that brings upon great opportunities and most importantly wisdom to take those up and thrive. May Grace abound and may you possess the land!




"Failure should never be a reason to give up and encouragement to keep going, with better knowledge and experience"


The Test of Character by Dr André and Jenny Roebert Proverbs 27:21 (TPT): “Fire is the way to test the purity of silver and gold, but the character of a man is tested by giving him a measure of fame.”

From the beginning, the Lord intended for fathers to instil a strong sense of identity in their children, and to speak blessing and approval over them. He demonstrated this ‘father - son’ relationship while Jesus was on the earth. Jesus never lost sight of His identity and He knew how much His Father loved Him. The day God told the world Jesus was His beloved Son, in whom He was well pleased, was the day Jesus stepped into His destiny. Since He knew Who He was, and He had His Father’s approval, His character enabled Him to remain steadfast in His purpose and endure all things, without needing the approval of people. Proof of His character was how He always gave glory to the Father when people praised Him. Today, find your identity in your Heavenly Father. He is faithfully for you, and you already have His approval. Living in Him will cause your character to stand the test as you live out your purpose without needing the approval of others to form your self-worth.



@monicatheophilus founder @amomentwithmonica, minister, prayer warrior , writer and contributor at beauty&thegospel magazine .

The Bible says, We are overcomers (1 John 5:4). We are more than conquerors ( Romans 8:37). Blessed when we remain steadfast in trials (James 1:12). Greater than he who is in the world ( 1 John 4:4). Fear not God will help us ( Isaiah 41:10). We have the victory ( 1 Corinthians 15:57). God will make our paths straight ( Proverbs 3:5-6). Be strong and courageous ( Joshua 1:9). We can do all things through Christ ( Philippians 4:13) God has given us power, love and self-control ( 2 Timothy 1:7) The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it ( John 1:5). Do not be anxious about anything ( Philippians 4:6). The Lord will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish us ( 1 Peter 5:10). Trust the Lord with all your and do not lean on your own understanding ( Proverbs 3:5). Nothing is impossible with God ( Luke 1:37) God will supply all of our needs ( Philippians 4:19).



And over a dozen more affirmations + confirmations of the victory that is guaranteed because of Jesus Christ and we get access to victory when we have a personal relationship with Him. So why is it that when we are angry or going through a difficult trial in our lives we speak the opposite? It is the lies we entertain then speak into existence that can cause us to live a life of defeat. The tongue can be deceitful if it is not cleansed, purified and brought to the obedience of Christ. We have to take authority over our tongue or it will say whatever whenever and what it may spew into the earth may not be good for our spirits. The Bible says that, “ Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof” Proverbs 18:21 KJV.

Therefore, if we speak death over our life, circumstances, situations, job, education, purpose and calling there is no way we will reap a harvest of blessings, abundance and victory. We must be intentional about what comes out of our mouth. We are not what our bank account says, we are not what social media says, we are not who our boss say we are and we are not who are loved ones say we are. We are who God says we are. God defines us. And when we truly understand that God’s word has the ultimate power then no matter what happens in our lives we will see His power manifest over us in His perfect timing. I pray you stop speaking defeat. I pray you be free from a deceitful tongue and live the word of God. YOU ARE NOT DEFEATED.


Pay attention to your gift! Paul wrote two letters to his "spiritual son," Timothy. In both, he addressed the fact that Timothy’s "gift" was being neglected and was inoperative. Paul’s first letter states, "Do not neglect the gift that is in you" (1 Timothy 4:14 NKJV).

The word "neglect" in the Greek is ameléō. A couple of defining words are "to overlook or regard lightly." Another source defines this word as "to not think about, and thus not respond appropriately to—‘to pay no attention to.’"

Why would Timothy—or any of us— overlook and not pay attention to a Godgiven gift, and in an extreme case, not even think about it? One of the biggest reasons is we feel like it isn’t working or producing according to our expectations.

Why am I saying all this? Well, you might be in a place right now in your life where you are feeling discouragement in a big way. You may be thinking, Why keep trying? It’s not working. I should just give up. Don’t.

The thought becomes, I tried and it didn’t work. I was often tempted to think this way in my twenties and early thirties. One occasion came after Lisa and her friend fell asleep while I was preaching. After this incident, I had this thought:

I want to encourage you the same way Paul did to Timothy: "Do not neglect the gift that is in you." God’s grace is more than enough for you and He will see that what He has placed on your life comes to pass.

Why would anyone want to listen to me when those closest to me can’t even stay awake?

"Always remember, God has given you unique gifts, and the enemy knows it. Keep pressing into God and keep moving forward!"

Around the same time, another reality that increased my struggle with thoughts of failure, was when a friend and I were each teaching a Sunday school class. He had over 200 attend his class—standing room only. During this same time frame, my class average attendance was approximately 20 people. There was actually one class I taught during this time period that only one person attended! There were other occasions, too numerous to list, when I was tempted to question my gifts. I realize now that if I had yielded to these thoughts of unmet expectations and apparent failure, I would have given up on ministry and pursued another path—ultimately becoming miserable because of leaving my life's calling.


Chanelle Fairlene Pillay Chanelle Fairlene Pillay is a South African born, qualified attorney with her Masters in Business Law, and woman of faith! She is connected to the ministry known as The SuperNatural Church of Jesus Christ where she encountered more of the Lord and His dynamic plans for her life! Author of books titled :‘A SHEPHERD KING’ and AWAY FROM YESTERDAY all available on Amazon. @chanelle.fairlene

BREAKING LEGALITIES It was only when I joined The SuperNatural Church of JESUS CHRIST did I understand the truth and principles of the importance of breaking spiritual legalities in one’s life. As an attorney and a believer, I realized how similar the law of legalities worked, both in the natural realm, and in the spirit realm. In the natural legal realm, there are many contractual principles one has to follow in order to reach a specific solution. So I understood that there had to be a similar process to follow for deliverance in the spirit. In the natural realm, a contract is a binding agreement that is enforceable on the terms and conditions agreed to and discussed between the parties.

If a party wishes to cancel a contract so that it is no longer binding, they have to cancel it in some form – be it through written or verbal communications that is brought to the attention of the other party so that the agreement can come to an end. In the realm of the spirit, it is very similar. Today, many people may be struggling emotionally, financially, and spiritually all because of spiritual legalities that they have not terminated in the spirit- giving the enemy freedom to still do as he pleases in their lives. Apostle Adrian EliJAH Robert once shared two powerful scriptures that revealed to me how spiritual legalities play a role in our lives.


The first verse is found in 1 John 5:18 that says, “We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.” The other verse is found in Proverbs 26:2 which says, “As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come”. Simply put, sin brings about curses, destruction and death. You cannot expect to walk in all that God has purposed for you if your life has sin and you refuse to repent and change your ways. Also, the enemy cannot have any claims and rights to your life, your home, your health, and your finances if you have nothing in common with him or his kingdom of darkness. The man of God once gave us a clever illustration of this. He said to imagine having visitors over to your home, and one of them leaves their personal belongings behind. Don’t they have every right to come back to your home to have it returned to them? Why? Because it belongs to them! Your home has something of theirs! In the same way, the enemy cannot come into your life and touch you if you have not given him some form of consent, either in your actions, lifestyle, or words. If you are walking in defeat, you have to evaluate whether your life is mixed with anything from that of the enemy’s kingdom so that you can break it off once and for all. There is a story in the Old Testament of a man called Achan who took for himself the spoils of a Babylonish garment, silver and gold and hid it in his tent. It was for this reason that the LORD was fierce with anger against His people because these items were considered cursed.

The LORD had said in Joshua 7:13, “Up, sanctify the people, and say, Sanctify yourselves against to morrow: for thus saith the LORD God of Israel, there is an accursed thing in the midst of thee, O Israel: thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye take away the accursed thing from among you.” Achan was later destroyed for his actions when what he had done was exposed. Today, many people may be in bondage by the very possessions they have in their homes and lives which could be considered wicked, a cursed thing, or which is displeasing in the eyes of Godthings which could be preventing you from walking into victory or having that new start that God has for you! May you identify these things even now as you read this to make the change! Other people may have received all the promises of God but they have brought death, destruction, curses, and defeat into their own lives and purposes arising from the very negative words that come out of their mouths. The Book of Proverbs speaks of the power of life and death being held in the tongue. Many have not repented and cancelled the very words of bondage and defeat that they have spoken over their own lives or the lives of others, causing them to enter into a contract with the kingdom of darkness for the agents of Satan to carry those mandates out until it is accomplished. If a contract in the natural is not terminated, the parties are still entitled to perform according to their rights and obligations. Only when it is properly terminated, does it cease to exist. In the same way, you have to terminate all contracts you have made with the kingdom of darkness which will give the enemy no more ground to operate in your life.


At The SuperNatural Church, I often see the turning point come to many people’s lives when they understand the importance of breaking spiritual legalities and destroying that which could be considered a ‘blessingblocker’ in their lives. I often hear the man of God pray over people and tell them to simply repeat these words, “I cancel every contract that I may have made with the kingdom of darkness, knowingly or unknowingly, and I cancel every contract that others may have entered into with the kingdom of darkness for me or on my behalf, knowingly or unknowingly, by the blood and in the name of Jesus Christ”.Suddenly, everything changes! Wicked contracts with the kingdom of darkness get served their Notice of Cancellation and Termination!


The Bible says that His people perish because of a lack of knowledge. And the LORD reveals these things in order to heal His children! As you've stepped into a new month, and a new year, may all spiritual legalities from the kingdom of the enemy be cancelled and terminated in your life so that you may walk in and reach the fullness of the purpose God has for you.



I Hear His Whisper . . . I HAVE GIVEN YOU MY WORDS.

My beloved, I have given you my words so that you may use them and triumph in every aspect of your life. My words are powerful and alive, able to revive anything in your life that is dead. My words have the power to heal the sickness and disease that afflict the body. My words are full of peace to silence any storm that swirls in the mind. My words are full of light, causing darkness to flee. Use my words. If you listen to my voice and confidently believe, I promise that my words will come to pass. Feast on my promises. Let my Word be your daily source of life. Only in me will you find joy and abundance. Only in truth will you experience breakthrough. Take time each day to search my Word and know my heart. When you listen and position yourself in trust, faith, and love, you can expect to see my words come to pass. Your love moves my heart, and I long for you to enter into your inheritance today. My Word has the final say.

Psalm 119:65–66 The Passion Translation Your extravagant kindness to me makes me want to follow your words even more! Teach me how to make good decisions, and give me revelation-light, for I believe in your commands.



God declares in His Word that His children

It is available to all who want it. It does not

should experience a full and satisfying life.

depend on who we are, where we live, what

Psalm 91 ends with this promise, “with a

we do, or what we have. It rests solely on our

long life I will satisfy him and let him see My

relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac,

salvation, and Jesus affirmed, “I came that

and Jacob who sacrificed the life of His only

they may have life, and have it abundantly”

Son so we could be redeemed from sin and

(John 10:10). Yes, God our Father wants us to


live the good life! In order to qualify for the Good Life we must So, what is the Good Life and who can have

first confess our sins to the Lord,

it? The Good Life is one that is filled with

acknowledge Christ as our Savior, and invite

hope, joy, and peace.

God into our hearts.


January 2021

He, in turn, promises to deliver us from the

Although James wrote his letter over 2,000

darkness of iniquity and accept us as His own

years ago, if it were delivered to our homes

(John 1:12-13). As the Spirit of God abides

today, it would be as practical and relevant

within our hearts—we are able to adopt His

now as it was then. This dynamic

nature and inherit eternal life—this is not

phenomenon is one of the miracles of the

only unending life in heaven—it is life in the

Living Word of God—it transcends time.

here and now—it is a life far greater than mere existence—it is the Good Life!

James wrote the letter to Jewish believers from the “twelve tribes scattered abroad”


and to gentile converts that fled Jerusalem

Christians take for granted that we walk in

after Stephen was stoned to escape

the shadow of spiritual giants like Abraham,

persecution for his faith in Christ. James

Daniel, Moses, Joshua, the Prophets, the

wrote to encourage and advise believers

Apostles, Paul, and even the early church

through practical wisdom. This Holy Spirit

fathers like James, the brother of Jesus. One

inspired work instructed the followers of

thing that we have in common with all of

Christ to live righteously and maintain their

them is that we are all mortals chosen by

moral duties while living outside of their

God to do His will. Yes, you and I have been

beloved Promised Land. James desired

chosen by our Father in heaven to

believers to be a Godly example to others by

accomplish His divine destiny!

the way they conducted themselves—he

One way we accomplish God’s divine plan for our lives it to immerse ourselves in the testimonies of these giants which are found in God’s divine Word. The Word is the source of life! In it we find guidance, peace, and comfort. Today I write about one such source of wisdom—the Book of James. The Book of James is the earliest of the New Testament writings. It is one of the 21 epistles or letters recorded in Scripture. James presents its readers more practical application for every day than policy. It contains no reference to the events in Jesus’ life, but bears more similarity to the words of Jesus than any other in Scripture. Many of the principles and promises we quote as believers come from one of the shortest epistles recorded in Scripture. My mother-in-law, Vada Hagee, loved the Book of James so much that she memorized every

wanted them to be doers of the Word and not just hearers. Although history records James as the first Pastor of Jerusalem, as the brother of Jesus, as “James the Just”, and “James the Righteous”, he simply identified himself as a bondservant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. A bondservant is one who serves through love and not law or dictates. James was emphasizing that there is no greater title than servant and no greater act than to serve. Pastor James wanted all believers to grow their faith in Christ by seeking wisdom from God. He encourages us to mature in our relationship with our Redeemer and not remain spiritual infants. The following are some of the pearls of wisdom James sets before us enabling every child of God to experience the Good Life!


January 2021


This is called answered prayer! Are there

James writes of an enduring faith that is

things in your life now that you can easily

characterized in two ways: It is a tested faith

endure that would have caused you to

and it is an active faith. James refers to “trials

collapse yesterday? This is the miracle of

of many kinds” which stem from the troubles

God’s patience working in you!

created by circumstances beyond our control, by temptations that cause us to

Part of the beauty of living in Christ is that

make bad choices, or as a result of our sinful

the process of maturing is an ongoing

inclinations and carnal desires. James wants

journey no matter how old we are. The verse

us to learn from our trials and benefit from

“perfect and complete, lacking nothing”

our times of testing.

refers to the process of continual spiritual growth. Be mindful of the difference between

CONSIDER IT JOY James encourages us to “count it all joy when we fall into various trials.” Many of us read this verse and quickly want to turn the page —“surely I’m not to rejoice for my troubles!” Of course not—I certainly don’t! Instead, James is saying that accepting Christ as

the processes of natural maturity and spiritual maturity. Once fruit is mature in the natural, it is ripe and then it decays—our goal for spiritual maturity is to grow in Christ but never allow the joy of the journey to grow stale or decompose altogether.

Savior does not exempt anyone from trouble


and trials. However, when they come, James

The wisdom James refers to is not intellectual

encourages us to confront adversity with the

knowledge but spiritual understanding,

spirit of joy. He is not referring to the

insight, and discernment. God provides His

emotion of joy but the attitude of joy, which

children this kind of insight when we pray.

is a deliberate and mindful action that offers

He also imparts His wisdom through the

thanks to God during times of trouble. James

reading of the Word, righteous counsel, and

is not asking us to rejoice in the trial itself

life experience. Remember, you are God’s

but in the results that will come from the

child—He will generously provide for your

trial. The most important result is a closer

needs without hesitation or contention—all

relationship with God.

we need to do is ask.

Testing is a way of removing impurities from


our lives and patience is not resigning to bad

When I read these verses I realized how

circumstances but making a commitment to

important it is for us to believe in what God’s

endure the tests until the victory comes.

Word promises. Our Father wants us to take

Remember this truth— acknowledging what

action on His promises by asking Him for

God has brought us through in the past

what we need without doubting that He will

builds up our faith for the present we are in

provide. He sternly warns that doubt will

and the future trials we encounter.

prevent us from receiving His bountiful provision and it will breed insecurity causing

Most of us are living in faith now but don’t

us to question who we are in Christ.

recognize it. I ask you, are you appreciating

Ultimately doubt will prevent us from living

today what you asked God for yesterday?

the Good Life.


January 2021

Remember this truth—unbelief is like a


consuming virus that will seize our thought

James emphatically declares that God’s

lives. It will cause our prayer life to suffer,

perfect holiness puts Him beyond the reach

our commitment to church to waiver, and it

of temptation. God does not entice His

impedes our fellowship with other believers.

creation to sin. God tests—Satan tempts.

Soon we will gravitate to the world and

God’s “testing” produces patience, joy, and

eventually become more like the world and

the fullness found in the Good Life. Satan’s

less like God.

temptation, on the other hand, results in sin and destruction.

UNDERSTANDING RICHES (JAMES 1:9-11) James is not condemning the wealthy or the

We make wrong choices—God does not.

poor—he is instead warning that both

Wrong choices lead to sin and sin leads to

prosperity and poverty can test our faith.

death which will eventually cut off our relationship with God.

However, James warns believers not to rely on or to gloat in our riches and cautions us


about the temptations and evils associated

Remember this truth—God is the source of

with them. He encourages all believers to

all good. We should take hold of who God is

give thanks for their material abundance yet

and what He does. We must stay focused on

never overlook the value of their spiritual

what His Word says about Him and believe

wealth which is far more important. Material

the accounts of His miraculous power. Don’t

blessings will fade but the Lord’s spiritual

stray into erroneous opinions, and go off

blessings will remain forever!

from the standard of truth that you have received from the Lord Jesus by the direction

VICTORS CROWN OF LIFE (JAMES 1:12) James declares that those that remain faithful and are not moved by their trials will not only receive a crown of life as an eternal reward but can enjoy the Good Life with

of His Spirit. God is good, He is merciful and He does not change. Know that nothing can deprive you from living the Good Life God has desired for you,

abundance and fullness—now!

“For I am convinced that neither death, nor life,

Does this mean we are not to be affected by

present and threatening, nor things to come,

our trials? No! We have God-given emotions that influence how we react to our circumstances. However, we must anchor ourselves to the promises found in Christ and walk through our trials with our heads held high. We are to plant our feet in the Word and not waiver or retreat but fully believe that nothing is too difficult for God who will provide the victory!

nor angels, nor principalities, nor things nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39). James wrote to believers that were dispersed to different nations of the world. We can apply every precept found in his letter to our lives today. The choice is ours—we can merely exist in the world or live the Good Life God offers us by trusting Him.


January 2021

2021 declarations R E T N E

Y P U C & OC




Lord, Give Us Discerning Love written by : Marshall Segal

The last year has revealed much about us, for good and for bad. Trials expose us, confront us, and purify us, and God has given us trials of various kinds. Who knows what the next months or weeks — or even hours — may bring?

Should we say anything at all? Are we experiencing a climate catastrophe? What should we say, as Christians, about this presidency? Should we vote for this party or that party, this candidate or that candidate, or for someone who will never win?

Should we gather as a church despite the virus, or not? Should we wear masks, or not? Was an officer’s use of force warranted? Was a shooting racially motivated? Should we march? What should we say (or tweet)?

The complexity of our challenges and sorrows — relational and political, medical and financial, mental and spiritual — uncovers two dangerous and rival impulses in us.

Immature Impulses


In difficult or confusing circumstances, confronted with conflicting reports and emotional pleas for help or compassion, we often either analyze and judge without love, or fling ourselves into love without careful discernment.

What is knowledge? Knowledge is an accurate awareness of reality, especially spiritual reality, acquired through education or experience. We know that spiritual knowledge is ultimately always a gift of God because of how Paul prays for it (Philippians 1:9; Ephesians 1:17; 1 Corinthians 2:13–14). But though knowledge is a gift, we still “toil” and “struggle” to grow in it (Colossians 1:29–2:3), in large part by submitting to faithful teaching (Ephesians 4:11– 13).

Even within one human heart — my human heart — we can feel ourselves swinging back and forth between these distant poles, each enough right to earn our trust and devotion, and yet enough wrong to distract our souls and undermine our witness. We need, as much today as ever, the strange marriage in an ancient prayer: It is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment. (Philippians 1:9). Love and discernment. Discernment and love. We may rarely see the two together in real life, and yet wisdom hides in the wedding of the two. God has joined them, perfectly in Christ and now increasingly in us, so that we might shine — patient, courageous, humble, peaceful, hopeful, faithful, different — in especially dark, divisive, and troubling days like ours.

Love Without Discernment The first failure, in the midst of crisis or upheaval, would be for us to try to pursue love while laying aside discernment. “It is my prayer that your love may abound more and more,” Paul says, “with knowledge and all discernment” (Philippians 1:9). Love without discernment deciphers reality and makes decisions (often subconsciously) based mainly on what others want and feel. It is a capitulating love, a shallow and often superficial love, usually a dishonest love. This kind of love has an allergy to hard questions, and a sweet tooth for the approval of others. Far from making love less loving, however, true discernment only deepens and furthers love. As Paul says in his prayer, this love abounds not despite knowledge and discernment, but with knowledge and discernment. Knowledge and discernment are not just boxes for love to check; they are some of love’s strongest roots.

So, the knowledge we need is supernaturally distributed by God through careful, even rigorous, attention to his word. We receive it, and we must increase in it (Colossians 1:9–10).

DISCERNMENT And what is discernment? Discernment is the ability to judge well, especially to judge the way God might judge in any given situation. Though the two are intricately related, even overlapping, discernment is more elusive because it puts knowledge to work in real life. It is one thing to define right and wrong, good and evil abstractly, but it is another, more challenging task to distinguish them in reality — in real relationships, in real headlines, in real crises. And again, while our ability to discern well is ultimately given by God, we know that it is also “trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil” (Hebrews 5:14). Constant practice. If no other good has come from the events of the past year, it has certainly challenged us to do what God calls us to do at all times: to continually grow in discernment. Love puts on discernment. And not just some discernment, but “all” discernment (Philippians 1:9) — a thorough and expanding discernment, a listening, learning, and questioning discernment, a rarely assuming discernment. A relentless discernment that reinforces an even more relentless love. While debates rage and kingdoms totter and viruses spread, we do not need light or easy love. We need the weight and durability of discerning love.

Discernment Without Love But lest the more discerning among us begin to think more highly of ourselves than we ought, Paul prays not ultimately for discernment, but for love. And not just any love, but an abounding love. While some fall into a vague and untethered love driven along by the fear of man, others of us are so busy and determined with asking all the right questions that we never actually love. The investigation, not the people with real needs, becomes the focus, even fascination. We excuse ourselves from love by heralding discernment. This kind of person often reads extensively, but prays little. He slowly becomes suspicious of the needy, and calloused when he could be compassionate. As important as discernment is, Paul prays here that love, not discernment, would abound more and more. If our discernment sounds more and more cynical and indifferent, it is emphatically not the discernment for which Paul is praying. Godly discernment catalyzes and strengthens love. It lights hearts on fire to take risks in love. It may not be the love others want — very often, it won’t be the kind of love or support others want, expect, or even demand. But it is love all the same — a deep desire and commitment to serve (and sacrifice for) the eternal good of others. While debates rage and kingdoms totter and viruses spread, we do not need aloof analysis or cynical speculation. We need the warmth and devotion of loving discernment.

Filled with Discerning Love Practicing love and discernment is not merely about survival in a fallen world. Heaven and hell are at stake, in some real way, by how well we love and discern.

The apostle Paul prays that the church’s love would abound with knowledge and all discernment “so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ ” (Philippians 1:10–11). If we don’t abound in love and discernment, if we don’t learn to identify and approve what is excellent and true, we won’t be pure and blameless for the day of Christ. This purity and blamelessness is not the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, but the righteousness he graciously works in us and through us (Philippians 2:12–13) — not perfection, but the genuine purity and blamelessness that marks God’s people off from the world (Philippians 2:15). And if we are not pure and blameless for the day of Christ — in real and increasing measure — then he will turn us away on the day of Christ (Matthew 7:21–23; Hebrews 12:14). As unprepared as we have felt for the unprecedented days of the last year, how much worse to be found unprepared for that great and fearful day to come? We should long to be filled with the fruit of righteousness, as Paul prays, filled with an abounding love marked by an increasingly refined discernment. Practicing — really practicing — love and discernment is not merely about winning an argument or being on the right side of history, but about being right before God for eternity. If we want to glorify God in all we do, we cannot settle for discernment without real love. If we want to be more and more like Jesus, we cannot settle for love without real discernment. If we want to make a difference in dark days like these, we need real love filled with real knowledge and discernment in the very real pressures and complexities we have been given.


revival IS COMING 2 days ago (27 September 2020) , during my 3am watch, God spoke to me about the revival that is coming. He said this. Get ready Julita, as the church will not know what to do with these souls coming in. And I asked Him why that is. And He told me that this revival will not be like any other. It will not be because of an evangelist preaching the gospel or church sermons, but the Holy Spirit Himself will PROPHECY

minister to people and many will have encounters with Jesus Himself and because of this, they will be so on fire for Him, that the church will be afraid of them, not knowing what to do with these “radicals�. But God is raising up an army Himself, an army who will build His kingdom here on earth like we have never seen before. A few months ago, during lockdown, I had a vision one morning. Now.... during that past week, I saw angels on the mountain tops surrounding Cape Town, Stellenbosch, Franschoek, Paarl and the Overberg , South Africa. Angels just watching and waiting. iting.

Waiting patiently for something. God

Last night we had an earthquake off the

never showed me what they were waiting

shore of South Africa, 6.2. There was no

for.... they were just there.... waiting....

threat of a Tsunami, but for the first time

thousands and thousands of angels just

in our history, there was a possibility of


such a thing happening in Cape Town. When I heard about it, God reminded me

A few years back, God started speaking to

about 2 things. The dream myself and

me about the holy war that is coming and

others had about the tsunami hitting

He instructed me to prepare the

Cape Town and its surrounding areas and

worshippers. To get an army of

an assignment I was on one week ago at

worshippers ready for the holy war that is

the Indian Ocean. I want to tell you today

coming. And since then, every now and

not to underestimate the powers at work

again, He reminded me about this war

in the waters. They have been there since

that is coming.

the beginning causing havoc.

So, during that week of seeing the angels

And this morning, as I was praying into

waiting on the mountain tops, again

the earthquake asking God about the

during my 3am watch.... I had a vision of

times and seasons.... I wanted to know

Jesus riding into Cape Town on His white

exactly where we were at, He reminded

horse. He came over the ocean and was

me about the sequence of events He

just riding slowly and at ease .... riding

showed me the past few years, but also

into Cape Town and He had a huge, huge

the past few months.

army of angels with Him riding horses and as He came riding in, He was calling to all

I want to tell you this morning that we live

the angels on the mountain tops waiting.

in a time where the Bible speaks of the

And they all joined Him. At that moment I

sinners that will go before us. This is the

knew the holy war is at hand and Jesus

time where the Holy Spirit will encounter

Himself is here to fight the battle. This is

many people and He will ignite a fire

not our battle as a holy war is always

within them that will run wild as it

about souls and He is here for this fight.

spreads from Cape Town, through Africa,

And during this time of lockdown we

to Jerusalem and beyond. A time where

started Worship SA and the worshippers

the church will not control these new

were doing their part and the watchmen

born souls as they will know things of

on the walls are praying doing their part

Christ which the church could never

and He gave us praise as a weapon .... so,

understand. A complete work will be done

I knew the battle is on. We are all

in them by the Holy Spirit in an instant. It

preparing the atmosphere and the

will not take years, it will be instant. And

spiritual realm for what is about to

we as Christians on this road for a long

happen in this earth.

time, should be awake as to what God is doing and be careful not to work against


God because we want things done in a certain way.

Let God be God during this time and

Make time. This is your most important

move with Him and your eyes will see the

investment. Make time for this

most beautiful things happen in the lives

relationship. We live in a time where we

of the unsaved. Many of them will go

as Christians cannot afford to not hear

before those saved for many years

His voice. Get to know Him by interacting


with His Word and by praying. And do not be afraid of the times we are in. Count it

And as I was praying into all of this, this morning of the 27th of September

all joy, because our salvation is at hand. He spoke to me about the healing of the

2020..... I suddenly saw a valley

nations at this time as well, but we will

surrounded by many, many mountains.

get to that at another time.

The valley was covered in darkness. And then suddenly, a small light appeared....

Do not be afraid, but rejoice for the times

not like the sun.... I knew instantly that it

we are in and know that Jesus Himself is

was not the sun.... and as I looked closer,

here to fight this battle. The enemy has

I saw it was the Son..... coming in all His

been defeated and this battle is also the

glory, surrounded by His angels shouting


Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord..... and this Light grew brighter and shone into all of

Keep on praising and dancing as the joy

the dark places of this valley until it

of the Lord is our strength.

covered it all. No more darkness, but only Him shining brightly.

part 2 ( 29 Sept 2020) So, I want to tell you to prepare yourselves for a mighty, mighty outpouring like this world has never seen

Rain-Fire from the Holy Spirit

before. He is establishing His Kingdom. And I know that I usually see a few years ahead, but this time I know that it is not

I had another encounter with the Lord.

the future that I see, it is already

Those who know me, know that I go to the

happening right now in the spiritual

mountains to pray. This is where I declare

realm. It is upon us. Jesus Himself is here

and decree mostly. On Sunday evening, I

to fight this holy war and we will see the

took my son, Leo, with me for the first

results of that in the souls that will be

time. Now going to the mountains is a

saved without crusades.... they will tell of

journey. It is a 90min journey. It takes

encounters with Jesus Himself.

effort to get up there. On Sunday evening we did all that for God to tell me that Leo

What an exciting time we live in. I want to

and myself should wait on Him during our

urge you to spend time with Him.

midnight watch. So, at 12h00 we came together and did a short prayer and just


waited. No prayer, no talking.... just waiting upon God to speak to us.

I suddenly became aware of 3 men who

We welcomed the Holy Spirit into our

walked into the room. Faceless. Could

nation and our homes and to all the other

only see their shapes and all they did was

nations of the world. And we repented of

wait with us. I instantly knew that they

neglecting the Holy Spirit.

came to hear what God is going to say to us.

But Leo had a spectacular vision earlier. He saw rainfire coming down on people. I

And when God spoke, it saddened me

have never heard of rainfire before. I

beyond anything else. In short.... He

asked him to explain and he said that it is

asked me to welcome His Holy Spirit.

normal raindrops, but they are on fire.

When I got saved many years ago, we

Water cannot burn. But I immediately

used to sing songs welcoming the Holy

knew what God is doing in this time.

Spirit in our midst. We used to invite Him to join us at our gatherings, invited Him

Water cleanses. It is also a sign of the

to teach us. But only few people do this

Holy Spirit. Fire refines. God is using the

today. Most People do not bother with the

Holy Spirit to send down rainfire to

presence of the Holy Spirit anymore. The

cleanse, purify and refine at the same

Holy Spirit was so important to Jesus. He

time as there is no more time for new

told His disciples that He had to go away

souls to take 50 years to mature in Christ.

in order for the Holy Spirit to come. And

He is quickening the process. He is going

He called Him the SPIRIT OF TRUTH!! We

to baptise people with water and fire

need the spirit of truth more than ever

simultaneously. Purifying and refining at

before. In this day and age..... lies and

the same time.

falseness is our reality. We are bombarded with lies every day and these

And I was reminded about the prophesy

lies have the power to control our lives.

of a fire will start in Cape Town and it will

Where the Spirit of Truth is, there can be

spread through Africa to Kairo to

no lies. And it brings freedom.

Jerusalem and beyond. We have been waiting for this for years. It is upon us.

And so, on Sunday, I knew God wanted us

When I was in my early 20’s, I heard this

to welcome the Holy Spirit once again and

prophesy for the first time and God

“release” (by lack of another word) Him to

said.... Julita.... your eyes will see it and

do what He needs to do in this era we are

you will be part of it.

in. God previously said that people will have encounters with Jesus Himself and

I am telling you today to get ready for

His Holy Spirit will teach them in this time

what is coming. Not years from now.... it

and they will receive the fullness of Christ

is here. Welcome the Holy Spirit in your

instantly. So, this is what Leo and myself

homes, your lives. Welcome Him in your

prayed for on Sunday evening.

city, your nation. “Release” Him to do what He needs to do in people’s lives at


this time.

And I was reminded about the prophesy

One of the things God showed me a few

of a fire will start in Cape Town and it will

months ago, is that there are angels in

spread through Africa to Kairo to

heaven who have been waiting. They have

Jerusalem and beyond. We have been

never been released on earth as they

waiting for this for years. It is upon us.

have been waiting for this era. And a few

When I was in my early 20’s, I heard this prophesy for the first time and God

months ago, they were released onto the earth for the first time and for THIS time!!!

said.... Julita.... your eyes will see it and you will be part of it.

I am telling you

We have no idea of what is coming!! I am

today to get ready for what is coming. Not

excited beyond measure for God’s plans

years from now.... it is here. Welcome the

for us. He is going to save by the

Holy Spirit in your homes, your lives.

millions!!! He is sending rainfire from the

Welcome Him in your city, your nation.

Holy Spirit to do this and no man will

“Release” Him to do what He needs to do

receive the Glory!!! Jesus is coming back!!!

in people’s lives at this time. We have

God is preparing a kingdom for His Son

never seen a move of the Holy Spirit as

here on earth and He is in a hurry now.

we will see now. Welcome Him!! Songwriters and worshippers, write and

Be expectant of the rainfire. Pray it down.

sing about the Holy Spirit and call in the

And welcome the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of

revival!! Go before us with your victory

Truth, in your midst.

songs!!! Prepare the way for the Holy Spirit to come and witness to people of Jesus who died for them. Intercessors and watchers on our walls, protect what God is doing in this time!! He is releasing a new, yet ancient frequency and people’s spirit will recognise it.





Dig Deep Foundations by Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert Luke 6:47-48 (NKJV): "Whoever comes to Me and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: he is like a man who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock." When our opinions are formed on the truth of God's Word, and we make a deliberate effort to build our lives on its principles - we can weather any storm unshaken. For instance, when someone has wronged you, even though all natural reason tells you to hold a grudge, God's Word says forgive and walk in love towards that person. The only possible way anyone can choose to do this, is when he has more faith in the credibility of God's Word than his own feelings. When we come to the place where we have tested the truth of God's Word, and seen that its wisdom always leads to our victory and success - it becomes the final authority of our lives. We willingly obey its principles, regardless of what our flesh says, because we know the results it will bring - without fail! Obeying God's Word over and above our natural reasoning becomes an absolute delight to us when we have learnt to trust it with our lives. Building your life on the principles of God's Word will cause you to experience victory, success, and a life that's worth living. It will yield super-natural results that make you a monument of His steadfast goodness and grace.

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