it's our year
EXCLUSIVE ! who's that gal
IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD + christian blogging
VISION ROMANS 15:20-21 20 Accordingly I set a goal to preach the gospel, not where Christ’s name was already known, so that I would not build on another man’s foundation; 21 but [instead I would act on this goal] as it is written [in Scripture], “They who had no news of Him shall see, And they who have not heard [of Him] shall understand.”
MISSION 1 CORINTHIANS 1:17 17 For Christ did not send me [as an apostle] to baptize, but [commissioned and empowered me] to preach the good news [of salvation]—not with clever and eloquent speech [as an orator], so that the cross of Christ would not be [b]made ineffective [deprived of its saving power].
EDITOR'S NOTE Your majesty “What can I render to Jehovah, for He has done so very much for me?” Beloved, that right there is a song I love very much and it just made sense to start this Editor’ s Note with such words… Beauty & The Gospel turns 1 year on the 1st of February 2019. It was this time last year that the very first issue of Beauty & The Gospel was birthed. 1 Timothy 1:12 says: “I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me the strength for my work. I thank Him for considering me worthy and appointing me to serve Him.”. These words are from Apostle Paul but I so so so relate like they are from my very mouth and heart. You know, when I started the magazine I had no idea what I was doing but God did and I thank Him for appointing me to be part of such a service. As I type this note this verse Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind and I think of the great plans that the Lord has for everyone of His children. I think of His faithfulness, mercy, grace and love. How God can change one’s story into something beautiful. As the book of Proverbs 19:21 says, “people may make all kinds of plans but the LORD’s will is going to be done”. How amazing is it to know that the God of heaven and earth has got your back. I can attest to that because had it not been for Him you wouldn’t be reading issue 1 volume 2. I wish you could see my face as I type this because I’m in awe of God’s goodness for not in a million years did magazine ministry cross my mind . Now as I leave you with these words: ‘If He can do it for me, He will definitely do it for you’. Thank you beloved for being a part of this ministry and may King Jesus Richly bless you. Forward we go, backwards never! In conclusion, cheers to growing in the things of the Spirit , wisdom , insight , love and giving. We are on issue 12 which is something I never anticipated we would reach when BEAUTY & THE GOSPEL started but then again the Lord’s ways are not ours neither are His thoughts. It’s an honour to be part of such a ministry. Thank you for being a part of the magazine. The best is yet to come because it cannot be otherwise. Look out for the article written by Uncle Angus Buchan about Wisdom. Check out M.K's article written to the CHURCH & LOVE by Apostle Themba. Not forgetting our favorite: "the creative in Christ"and the cover gal! Lastly read every page, they have all been put together specially for you!!!!!! :-) If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now till month, you’re loved by Him and I.
enemies of a Christian
This life is a war. Do you feel the tension? Do you watch the news and hang your head in sorrow? I do. Abortion. Child molestation. Human trafficking. Rape. Murder. There are so many evil things happening all around the world. We know our enemies, or at least one of them. If you haven’t read it yet: go read it now. LEARN AND SHARE!!!
THE 3 ENEMIES OF A CHRISTIAN by: sarah liberty ( In Washington state, a 62-year-old woman was charged with stealing more than $73,000 from her church. She was caught in her sin and when the police interrogator asked why she did it, she did a little blame-shifting. “Satan had a big part in the theft.” YES, the devil tempts believers, but he NEVER can MAKE us sin. We have the Holy Spirit in us and we can choose to listen to Him or choose to listen to our enemies instead. And it’s often a lot easier to listen to our enemies. But…who are our enemies? Who is to blame when we sin? James tells us that God isn’t at fault either: “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone” (James 1:13 ). God never makes you sin. The opposite is actually true. He always provides a way out from your sin. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.” Some Christians want to blame the devil or his demons for everything that goes wrong in their lives. And the devil definitely has a plan for your life – doubt. He wants you to doubt the things that God has said. One of the first recorded things that Satan said was “Did God really say?” (Genesis 3:1 ) He encourages rebellion from the Father- just like he rebelled. “ I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.” John 10:28-29 Still, we as Christians are DEFINITELY engaged in spiritual warfare. There are three enemies that you should be aware of as a Christian.
1. The Devil His name literally means “slanderer” or “accuser”. Satan hates things that are holy; tricks humans into following him with false promises, and hates God’s plan to redeem us through the grace of Jesus. Satan • hates things that are holy • tricks humans into following him with false promises • hates God’s plan to redeem us through the grace of Jesus. Because of this hatred, Satan is seeking to oppose God’s plan to redeem humankind by promoting evil in every way possible. For the unsaved Satan wants to keep people from accepting the Gospel by filling their heads with doubt. He works through many voices to speak doubt and death into people’s minds. (2 Cor 4:4 ) For the saved Good news: Satan or his demons can’t possess a Christian BUT Bad news: The devil has no respect for Christians and wants to discourage us and make us ineffective. He does this by keeping us apart from one another, keeping us from going to church, and making us believe that our sin is unfixable. He loves both starting and promoting false teachings and cults within the church that divide us and keep us away from Christ. 1 Peter 5:8 says: “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” Just like in a herd of wild animals, the babies, the injured, and the old are the most targeted by the lions. The wise herds are extra-protective of these members. We as Christians should surround our weaker church members too. Not just the physically young but also the spiritually young.
What you can do to combat your enemy- the Devil The one thing to remember about the Devil is that he can only be one place at one time. He isn’t omnipresent- only God is everywhere. And His demons? About a third of the original angels decided to follow Satan and are now doing his work. There are definitely people who are demon possessed and oppressed but if you have The Holy Spirit living inside of you, they can never invade your body. The Devil runs the show but we underestimate our other two enemies. Let’s stop that with a little deeper look into what the Bible says about temptation and spiritual warfare.
3. Your Own Flesh
2. The World Yes! The world is actually your enemy. As in they are combative towards Christians regularly. The Bible says that Christians are aliens and foreigners to the world.
Romans 13:13-14 says: “Because we belong to the day, we must live decent lives for all to see. Don’t participate in the darkness of wild parties and drunkenness, or in sexual promiscuity and immoral living, or in quarrelling and jealousy. Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires.” (NLT) Give your body up as a sacrifice One more VERY important scripture. Your body is a gift from God… and offering it to Him is the highest, most precious gift you can give! Romans 12:1 says: “Therefore I urge you, brothers, on account of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” What you can do to combat your enemy- the flesh Keep offering yourself as a living sacrifice to God- even if you find yourself crawling off the altar… get right with God and keep trying. That’s the deal with living sacrifices, they are there voluntarily! You aren’t dead… God doesn’t want robot Christians, but authentic followers who seek to do the hard thing and keep worshipping God by giving up their own preferences in His name. You’ll never be perfect- Jesus was the only perfect person and He chose us! That’s God’s grace. For more on God’s grace and how to be saved- check out this link. Was the woman in Washington State who embezzled from her church saved? I’m not sure and that’s a matter between her and God. If she is saved, God has forgiven her and wants her to listen to the Holy Spirit as it prods her and makes her more into the image of Jesus. That’s what the Father wants- that we would love Jesus enough to want to become like Him- because we all know that we become what we worship.
1 Peter 2:11 says “Dear friends, I warn you as temporary residents and foreigners to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.” (New Living Translation) Jesus even told us this would happen. “If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.” John 15:19 What you can do to combat your enemy- the world What should we do to be in the world but not of the world? This is a delicate line to walk because we want to have genuine friendships with those who aren’t Christians- just like Jesus did. When you are too friendly with the world; when you start to look like the world and act like the world, God calls it adultery. “You adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore, whoever chooses to be a friend of the world renders himself an enemy of God.” James 4:4
Remain IN the WORLD but not OF the world. You probably know where the line is, and if you don’task God! He would love to show you.
You feel it, the tugging within yourself. You know the right thing to do but sometimes choose the wrong thing anyway. This is because you listen to the Holy Spirit, but your flesh is still alive and you still want to disobey. You can listen to the flesh or you can listen to the Holy Spirit. Practice makes perfect. The more you practice listening to the Holy Spirit, the easier it gets!
Monthly Devotion I’ve come across books that were written in the 90’s by Radio Pulpit titled “Bread upon the waters”. They are books written so we could have a daily devotion. What’s so amazing about these books is the fact that till this day they are so informative and relevant more than ever. In this one is based on the book of 1 Timothy with the heading: FROM AN APOSTLE TO A SON IN THE FAITH! Read 1 Timothy 1:1-2 Paul was convinced that he was “an Apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God” (v 1). God Himself had called and sent him. He had met Timothy somewhere in Lystra. Through Paul’s teaching and labour Timothy had been converted which is why Paul calls him “my true son in the faith” (v 2). It was Paul’s privilege to train Timothy in the doctrines of the faith, in the way that a father would train his own child. Paul greeted Timothy with these beautiful words: “Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord” (v 2b). The two men had a deep spiritual relationship because they both loved and served the Lord. Every Christian has been called by God and those He calls He gives a special task. Christianity, calling and task cannot be separated. They belong together like fish and water. Can you speak of “my true son in faith”? Have you ever led someone to Jesus? Maybe there is someone with whom you should speak today. Be sure you know how the Lord wants to use you! Prayer: Lord Jesus, please open my eyes so that I can see and grasp the opportunities You give me to witness for You.
THE EXCELLENCE OF WISDOM We are so honored to share this beautiful article written by Uncle Angus Buchan . A Born Again spirit filled servant of the Gospel. Thanking you once again Angus for sharing this article with us . He is an Author, Farmer, Husband, Father and Grandfather. THE EXCELLENCE OF WISDOM Jesus says to me and you today that we are to seek wisdom before fine gold or silver. It is the fear of God that is wisdom, and the departing from evil that is good understanding. Job 28:28 Wisdom is to be sought after more than any material thing. We should always ask ourselves the question: “What would Jesus do in this unknown situation?” We should have the faith and courage to follow through on the decision made. There are just so many different opinions in the marketplace today, and it can be very confusing to say the least, if not downright scary.
At the end of the day it is our decision to make and no one else can make these life changing decisions for us. That is why you and I need to have good quiet times each morning, so that Jesus can direct our paths through the unknown
Do I go into business with the person or
and give us His wisdom through His ‘Word’, the Bible, and
not? Is it better for me to leave or to stay? To
through prayer, and mediation (Waiting upon Him in peace
buy or to sell? To invest or to consolidate?
and quiet) for direction.
Should I have the operation, or do I trust God for my healing?
Then we can go out with confidence and face the new day, the unknown frontier, knowing that He goes before us. Hallelujah! Matthew 6:33 Proverbs 8:1,10 Job 28:28 Love Angus Buchan
We are honored to feature a young Apostle of our time . Sharing with us the true and undiluted Word of God about the importance of Love. WE WELCOME APOSTLE THEMBA (THE APOSTLE OF LOVE )
Love is a beautiful seed & your heart is a perfect Garden for it to grow. When two people meet for the first time, they don't meet already loving each other, but there is a seed called love inside of them which is poked by butterflies in their empty garden(heart)the moment they meet, which is the reason they decide to start something beautiful. Now their garden is empty however the next person waters that seed of love for it to grow into beautiful flowers... This seed is watered with agreement, commitment, consistency, obedience, patience, perseverance in order for it to blossom to its perfect destiny. These are the 7 principles of love.
Bear in mind that these seven steps are extracted from the story of Elijah and his servant which is found in the book of 1st Kings 18:41-46 Here's the first step: 1. Agreement Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" More insight: Matthew 18:20 Any form of relationship is built by agreement. As soon as you agree to let a person be part of your life, both your hearts create a mutual link that allows you to mutually care for each other. And we know by default that any agreement has its terms and conditions. Terms and conditions are there to help you not to violate the agreement of which you agreed to. As soon as the agreement is violated it often leads to what we call a "break-up".
The first type of agreement which is the "minor agreement", is when you agree to get to know a person better. As soon as you get to know them, if you like them you allow them into your life. And as soon as you have allowed them to be part of your life then you have granted them permission to participate in the rights of the agreement depending on the terms and conditions. They have the right to love and care for you so you should always allow them to do so. They have the right to have access to your heart which is always at risk because they have the Power to break it or build it accordingly to the agreement. Often relationship that don't last are called "short term agreements", one of the popular short-term agreements is the "One-night stand". Then the long-term agreement is the one that leads to the second step.
If you agree to allow someone in your life, then you have just signed a contract which gives access to that person whether to love and care for you or to do the opposite of what you agreed upon. When two hearts join in agreement, meaning if you accept any proposal from any person which grants them to be part of your life then you need to consider what we call commitment, commitment is the next step after agreement. 2. Commitment Psalms 37:5 "Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." More insight : James 1:8 & Proverbs 16:13 Commitment helps build character of your relationship together and disciplines two hearts to become one. It teaches you the nature of the relationship and builds trust and consistency. Commitment is the sign of sealing the agreement and a part of adhering to the terms and conditions of your union together. Any relationship that lacks commitment can never accomplish the greatness of love and the fruits of joy in a relationship. Commitment helps build certainty and security. You feel safe and secured. It's advisable to be in a committed relationship so you can start building goals and vision together, uplifting each other and motivating one another instead of being lazy and needing "blessers" in your life. Commitment is a sign of maturity and making bold decision for your relationship being prepared to take it to the level of growth or else your relationship will remain stagnant. Partners who aren't committed often don't plan to have a long-term relationship with u. Nobody can ever say they don't have time for the ones they love, nobody ever has time in life, WE MAKE TIME!!
So, I advise you to consider commitment and actually be committed to your union and focus on your union and build together one big empire. 3. Consistency Titus 3:8 "This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men." Now when agreement and commitment are combined together then they should give birth to what we call "Consistency". If your partner is committed to you then it's only consistency that will keep you together. What do I mean? Commitment has subtitles such as faithfulness, trust, given attention, time for each other, communication, just to mention a few, which need to be done consistently. Without them being done consistently then your relationship is bound to be broken at some point. The reason why some relationships have fallen is because committed partners failed to be consistent. They stopped calling like they used to, stopped caring like they used to, stopped showing love like they used to then your relationship starts falling apart due to the lack of consistency. If you know that you won't be able to be consistent about something rather don't initiate it at all. If you are a man and you spoil your girl from the beginning then you need to keep doing it because you initiated it, if ever you stop then it should be valid reasons as to why you have stopped spoiling your girl. And if you are a girl and you always hug your man when you meet then that's the way it should be when you always meet whether you upset or not. Consistency is very important in a relationship, it can save your relationship. Keep things consistent, keep loving your partner the way you do and keep showing that sense of care and of daily affection and see the growth that will take place.
4. Obedience 2 Corinthians 10:5 "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" More insight: Hebrews 5:8 & Romans 5:19 Obedience helps you build certain boundaries over your relationship. It helps build trust and respect towards each other. There are certain things of which we learn that our partners do not like, of which makes them angry and upset. So, we learn to be obedient without any sacrifices regardless of trying to get even when they have hurt us. Obedience is often said it is better than sacrifice of which is very true. Obedience helps your relationship to stay grounded into qualities that have built your relationship. Often when there's an argument or disagreement obedience will control the length of respect and understanding towards your attitude to the situation at hand. Obedience controls friendships and family not getting in the way of your relationship. It helps build a respectable relationship that needs no opinion of others. What a powerful quality in a relationship. Respect your relationship and honor it. Do not destroy your partner in hard times and show off his weaknesses in public just to provoke them because they have made mistakes. Keep away from social media because you will be inviting the whole entire world to have opinions concerning your relationship. Learn to set standards together and have the same goals for your relationship and respect each others efforts in making things work. look out for the continuation of the other 3 principles of love in the next issue!
creative in Christ
Who are the founders of PAINT & WORSHIP, personally and professionally and where are you from? There are two founders and CEOs of Paint and Worship and they are Dora G. Robles and Julyza Ruiz. We are a mother and daughter family business; many people think we are sisters! Dora sells prophetic art in our business Paint and Worship and instructs and leads the painting sessions. She is currently writing multiple books and is also a Grand Canyon University online student. She is a part of Delta Mu Delta international honors society in business, DMD honors outstanding students for their economic achievement, she is a member of the school site council at her sons’ school and is actively involved with city and school districts to bring back art activities to low income neighborhoods. Dora is also a Real Estate Agent in CA and entrepreneur. Julyza is a prophetic artist, prophetic flag dancer who dances with flags, she is in the process of writing books, song writer, singer, business woman, she was a co-president in an academy in high school called “Female Leadership Academy”, she was principal for a day in high school, entrepreneur, and is soon going to be a Grand Canyon University student. We were born and raised in Long Beach in the sunny state of California. You are so passionate about the painting and worship. Why do these two things mean so much to you? We are passionate about Paint and Worship because this business is a God idea. And God spoke the words “Paint and Worship” over us. What God wants to do through Paint and Worship is show His love for people through these painting sessions. At Paint and Worship sessions God has supernaturally healed the broken hearted, restored relationships back to Himself, and shown His love greatly through paintings and an encounter with Him. God has also released words of knowledge for people and has also broken strongholds, and generational curses. Our God has something to say to every person that attends our Paint and Worship sessions. Our God is a living God that is active in the spiritual and physical realms of heaven and earth.
God’s desire is to commune with His children in many forms that also include prophetic art paintings. Through the Holy Spirit, His children are able to discern God’s voice and God’s will for their lives. We have had people who attended our prophetic art sessions and have said that God has given them a vision of the painting He wants His children to paint on the canvas, and the message behind the painting for each individual. There is a lack of creativity in this world that is so consumed by entertainment and social media that people don’t explore their God given creativity inside of them. Paint and Worship is not just a prophetic art business, but we are also on a mission to bring back creativity to our public schools and God’s presence to places that they have taken God out of. Our goal is to bring back art to many low-income schools where there is no funding or budget to make art possible for students who can’t afford to pay for art activities out of school grounds. Who is King Jesus to you? King Jesus is the son of God who sacrificed His life on the cross to redeem humanity of eternal punishment and separation from God from their sins. Jesus is King and Lord of my life and through His power by the Holy Spirit. His children can walk with authority against the principalities and warfare as stated in Ephesians 6.
King Jesus to me is my reason to live, my strength to keep going and push through this hard life, the song on my tongue, my joy and reason to smile. He has set me free from bondages and yolks that I once had. He is the lover of my soul, my eternal husband, my best friend, my comforter, my shoulder to cry on yet He holds my very tears. He is my everything and I wouldn’t be able to live without Him. Life wouldn’t be worth living without a Savior. It’s about a personal relationship with Him, God encounters that change you forever. One touch, one word from God can change you forever. When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? Jesus my Lord and savior, my redeemer and my healer. Jesus my King and the lover of my soul who has the power to break strongholds and heal my body from deformities and disease. Jesus the Prince of Peace, who is coming back for His Bride and do away with death and evil. When I hear the name of Jesus, I hear freedom, restoration and love. I think of God’s love for us as children of God. I see the great and powerful love that He has for us. Love has a name, and His name is Jesus. Challenges you face as a business, doing what you are doing? The challenges Paint and Worship faces would be, the opposition against having painting seasons where God is not invited and welcomed.
Paint and Worship is a Christian business, but we welcome everyone, and this includes unbelievers, gay, lesbian and the LGBT community. Christians are called to love everyone including our enemies. By showing the love of Christ to unbelievers, we are giving God an opportunity to love the lost and redeem humanity of eternal separation. How did the idea of paint and worship come about? Paint and Worship is a God idea. We can hear God’s voice clearly. John 10:27 says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”. And we moved forward in faith knowing that He was going to provide, and He has provided every time. Talking about worship, how would you define it and how is it done in the painting sessions you provide? Worship is adoration to Who God is. He is Holy and Worthy to be praised. A heart of worship is a surrendered heart to encounter God’s Holiness. Worship at Paint and Worship session is done first through prayer and allowing the presence of God to be present by soaking in the Holy Spirit. And this is done by listening to Christian music, for several minutes. As we are listening to worship music, we worship God by dancing, flagging, or just sitting still and listening to what God has to say for this season of our lives. Sometimes God speaks in an audio voice, vision, or prompting from the Holy Spirit. For example, we have had people who attended our events share with us how God spoke to them through the soaking session and how God had given them a vision of the painting He wanted them to paint on the canvas and the message behind the painting specifically for them.
Does one need to be a painter to be part of the sessions? No, it’s not about perfection but about creativity in the presence of God. The world is so consumed with entertainment, social media, that people don’t engage in creativity. There is a lack of creativity in the world. We have had people join us for our Paint and Worship sessions who never painted before in their lives, but after they find a new passion in painting.
Without the Holy Spirit, we would not be able to move in the prophetic and get words of knowledge for our attendees. We give an overview of what the twohour session consists of, what to expect, and encourage them to open their hearts for what God will do for them. And we soak in the spirit for several minutes by listening to worship music. Out attendees are encouraged to sing, dance, flag, or just sit still in the presence of God.
Your paintings have titles like; “The redemption of Jesus’ Blood, Heaven’s Gate into Eternity etc , how do the titles come about”? I am a prophetic artist and before I start a painting, the Holy Spirit gives me instruction and revelation on what the painting is going to be about. It comes as a thought, and a prompting of what kind of paint and method I need for that particular painting. The Holy Spirit gives me revelation of the title for the painting and the message behind the painting and who the painting is for. For example, the prophetic painting called “The Breath of Heaven” “The Grieving Soul” the message attached to this prophetic painting from God to the person who received that painting was, “Let go my daughter of the pain you’re holding on. The pain, the sorrow, the disappointment. I love you my daughter. I am bigger than your pain, sorrow, disappointments. Allow me to move on your behalf to remove that sorrow, guilt, and pain. My beloved”.
You collaborated with Alejandro Ruiz (known as Revel, who is a speed painter, muralist, visual artist who is known to paint Jesus upside down) tell us more about that collaboration? The collaboration with Alejandro Ruiz also known as “Revel” was God ordained and the reason is because God wanted Paint and Worship and Revel to collaborate on Facebook live to paint a Jesus painting to auction off to the highest bidder to raise money for a non-profit organization called “Wounded Warrior Project”. It is a charity and veterans service organization that offers a variety of programs, services, and events for wounded veterans of the military. Define purpose and how can one determine their purpose? Purpose is the pursuit of what you strive for in life in God, for the Kingdom of heaven. In fellowship in relationship with God Almighty. In connection with the Holy Spirit to empower believers to live out our divine purpose.
What preparation goes on before a session is held,e.g.; prayer or scripture inspiration for that session etc? Before a Paint and Worship session we pray before and during the session to invite the Holy Spirit.
How important is it to be around people with a purpose that is aligned to yours? Proverbs 13:20 says, “He who walks with the wise shall become wise. But the companion of fools shall be destroyed”. As believers of Jesus Christ it is vital that we surround ourselves with like-minded people in the pursuit of the Kingdom of God. Iron sharpen irons as started in Proverbs 27:17.
When we surround ourselves with believers and women of wealth as stated in Proverbs 31 states, we become stronger in our faith and relationship in Christ. Having community with likeminded people in the pursuit of our heavenly vision and purpose. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says, “Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." To someone going through the worst right now, what’s your message? To someone who is going through the worst right now, I would encourage them to keep the faith. For the Lord has good plans for those who love Him as started in Romans 8:28. In order for us to grow, we have to go through trials and tribulations therefore it says in the word to be encouraged. How would we know God is good if we never went through the bad? How would we need encouraging if our lives were perfect? Remember where we are weak, He is strong. And the trail is only temporary. The test will become a testimony. And God can use your mess and turn it into a message. Someone needs to hear how God got you through it. Instead of looking at the trail, I encourage you start thanking God for all that He has done because then you will meditate on what is good, noble and just (see Philippians 4:8). If you were granted one lifetime opportunity, what would it be? To bring Paint and Worship to all public schools in America because many public schools have excluded God and do not have the budget for art activities. Art at public schools has been seen as an enjoyment rather than a necessity. Resources has been done on the benefits of engaging in art in creativity. Art production can have the ability to change the wiring of a person’s brain. Being creative can be a channel to releasing stress, anxiety, depression and anger. When people hear the name Paint and Worship. What do you want them to know? Paint and Worship would love people to know that, painting can be a way to worship God. By engaging in creativity in connection with Him by painting in His presence and fellowship.
@paintandworship How can people all over the world access your paintings? People all over the world can access our paintings through our website at and our social media platforms that include Facebook and Instagram @paintandworship. Last words and plans for 2019? We are excited for what God is doing with His business Paint and Worship for the upcoming years. Paint and Worship’s vision is to become international and a multi-million business that gives people jobs and to encounter God through painting and creativity. When are you coming to South Africa? If it’s God’s will to fly out to South Africa to open several Paint and Worship businesses, then we will go.
facts 101
On the weekend you will find me at a Paint and Worship session. Can’t live without Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God! I dream of leaving a lasting legacy to my descendants. 2019 is going to be a prosperous year for Paint and Worship. What people don’t know is that I want to open several orphanages. If it weren’t for Jesus I would be lost and hopeless. Can’t stop thinking about JESUS! Daily mantra is daily meditation of God’s word Purpose is found in Christ Favorite Painter Dora Robles I will retire the day I go to heaven. Best advice ever received is “choose your relationships wisely”
Monthly Devotion THREE WARNING EXAMPLES! Read JUDE 5-7 What these pompous false teachers forgot is that God eventually deals ruthlessly with those who oppose Him. If they do not repent, they will be destroyed. Jude gives three examples of this from history. Firstly, the Israelites when brought out of bondage from Egypt complained bitterly about the way God was handling their situation. They did not like the way God was handling their situation. They did not like the way God treated them because they did not believe that God knew what was best for them. The result? God destroyed all those who did not believe, and an entire generation perished in the desert. Secondly, there are angels who disobeyed God. These rebellious angels have been kept in everlasting chains bound over for the great judgement day. Thirdly, there were Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities of the plain that were destroyed because of their persistent evil and immorality. These serve, says Jude, as warnings to us today not to trifle with God. God has revealed Himself to us in the Bible and we must not look for other ‘new’ revelations. God has given us clear commands of how to live and behave. We dare not set up other rules for ourselves and imagine that we are above.
Prayer: Lord, keep me close to You and faithful to Your Word.
WRITTEN BY: M.K Church, what are you doing??? We live in times where people want to control God. They want to dictate to Him how they want to live their lives, how to worship Him and how they want to do things. All I all they want to dictate terms to Him. If they could, they would even change the Bible to suit them. They expect God to just sit down and accept things the way they are. Do we know the magnitude of His power? Job 38 – 41 will remind us of who He is. Who do we mortals think we are? God doesn’t need us at all but He wants us. We need Him more than we can ever think. The fear of God is no longer with us. We treat him like a bored old man who is always begs humans to come to Him. He is worshipped by creatures in heaven who cannot keep shut. He loves us because He is good and this comes from His goodness. The church wants to do things it’s way. This shows us that we are living in the last days. The church has lost its way and direction. Things have changed and the Bible seems to be treated like any literature book. The old time religion where sin, repentance, regeneration and hell were preached is a thing of the past. These pastors lived by Apostle Paul’s words in Acts 20; 26-27, ‘so I solemnly declare to you this very day that should you be lost, I am not responsible. For I have not held back from announcing to you the whole purpose of God’. These days, preachers have employed themselves as middle men. They seem to convince people that they are the only once who can talk to God, something which Jesus cancelled on the cross.
Churches are a gathering place just for social purposes. What is done inside these buildings has nothing to do with winning souls for the kingdom of God. Jesus seems to be not the centre of attraction any more. The churches are established because people see them as a quick way of making money. Romans 16: 18 , says ‘ for those who are doing such things are not serving Jesus our Lord, but their own appetites . By their fine words and flattering speech they deceive innocent people‘. They elevate themselves above Jesus and pretend to have this power to deliver people from bondage of poverty. These false prophets are mushrooming at an alarming rate it’s so scary. This means that Christians are at risk and should watch out lest they be deceived by these ungodly ‘men of God’. In South Africa there are so many “Pentecostal churches’ but how come people know nothing about Jesus Christ? When you ask these church members if they have accepted Him, they don’t know what you are on about. The only topic they are sure about is healing and prosperity. This really is sad. Someone once said these words: ‘there was a time when people went to church, heard the Word and wept over their sins. Today they go to church, hear a motivational speech and ignore their sins’. Sad but true. These days it is very hard to differentiate between a Christian and a non- Christian. This reminds me of what William Booth- founder of Salvation Army once said; ‘in the last days there will be religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God and heaven without hell’. The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ has been diluted in such a way that people believe that going to church will gain them entry into heaven. John 14: 6 ‘Jesus answered him; I am the way the way, the truth and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me ‘. The old time preachers plundered hell and populated heaven, these day they plunder each other’s churches and end up fighting and hating each other. What a shame! The name of Jesus has been sent to retirement and the main attraction now are the fake miracles accompanied by false promises of prosperity. James 3: 1 ’my brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers. As you know, we teachers will be judged will be judged with greater strictness than others’. Let us stop diluting the Word of God. Let’s go back to the Word of God as is. Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready to meet Him?
who's that gal ? BY EMPRESS TEEKAY PHOTOS BY N.K professionally?
How and when did you become Born Again? Well, I’d say before I was even formed
Personally- Tsakani is 26 year old lady , born
(Jeremiah 1;5 – “I chose you before I gave you
gain Christian from South African who is
life, and before you were born, I selected you
clothed with the robe of Esther. I love sharing
to be a blessing to your generation”). Ok, so it
the Word of God when I’m in the company of
was at the age of 12 when I had attended a
others especially conversing about King Jesus
children’s fun week @ a local church. They
and Apostle Paul. I talk a lot when given the
explained the Gospel, which I had grown up in,
chance and love to make others laugh. My aim
and I thank my mom (Margaret Mhlongo) for
is to live the life that Jesus Christ has called,
being a great example in all things in life,
created me to live and stay being a blessing
especially when it came to salvation, she never
to others.
compromised and still doesn’t. By the way she
Professionally- Let me start with saying I’m a
is celebrating 40 years this year being BORN
creative. I’m a qualified PR practioner and DJ. I
AGAIN. It was in June 2004 when after the
also do clothing design and of course am the
preaching they called an altar call and I went in
overseer ( I say overseer , because it was
front and accepted the love of my life, Jesus
founded by Jesus Christ) of the dopest
Christian brand called Beauty & The Gospel,
When I say the name Jesus what comes to
which is currently a Magazine with plans of
mind? Love, Father I never had and Hero. Who do you know, who would die for you as imperfect as you were ( Romans 5: 8)? As the Bible says in Romans 5: 7 It is a difficult thing for someone to die for a righteous person.
Who is Tsakani Mhlongo, personally and
more to come. May Glory be to God. I’m also a Youth Leader at a very amazing church called Ebenezer Fellowship Centre. Can I just give a shout to my Spiritual Parents: Prophet Gezani and his lovely wife Pastor Thuto.
But in our case were in no way righteous but that didn’t bother Him, He did it and today I have the opportunity to be part of an amazing family with Jesus Christ as the Head. It’s an Honour. As an Editor. How did you decide to combine that craft with the Gospel? Can I just start by just saying: “God doesn’t call the qualified but He qualifies the unqualified” When it comes to the crafts that I’m doing , It could only be Jesus, especially when it comes to the magazine. I never imagined in my life I would be part of such a publication but then again we serve a God who says: “I know the plans I have for you, plans not to harm you but plans to prosper you. Plans to give you a hope and a future”. Jeremiah 29:11. It was Jesus Christ who decided that I would combine the magazine and gospel.
Has being an editor always been part of your life goals? Not at all. I didn’t even know I had such a gift, until the Holy Spirit called me to do the magazine and until I obeyed, its then I realised that Jesus had deposited such a gift in me and here we are today, celebrating our 1-year anniversary as a brand. I give all the Glory to the King of Kings for such Grace! What goes into preparation for the magazine issues? Shoo, a lot. But first, prayer and inviting the Holy Spirit, because I’m working under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I’m not alone. Secondly, Christians need to be sourced out to be interviewed, research and editing must be done. Designs of cover and article layouts and contributors aligned etc.
Mat challenges do you face with production of the magazine? Getting interview answers on time and cellular network sometimes it is weak, which affects the final production of the magazine compiling. Also because I do everything alone with the Help of The Holy Spirit, time management. What are your dreams when it comes to Beauty & The Gospel? To see it going to print and being read in all the four corners of the earth especially in countries where the Gospel hasn’t been heard (Romans 15:20-“ My ambition has always been to proclaim the Good News in places where Christ has not been heard of, so not to build a foundation laid by someone else”). Not only will it be a magazine, but it shall consist of many divisions. Won’t say much but look out for Beauty & The Gospel Empire for all nations as stated by the Lord Jesus Christ.
BEAUTY & THE GOSPEL 4 ALL NATIONS You talk boldly about purpose, how can one who has no idea what theirs is identify it? Purpose can only be found in the
You need not search for it; the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you when the time is right. But I’d also say whatever you can do naturally and are passionate about in the Kingdom, that’s your purpose and more. What are the perks of being Born Again? The fact that I’m a new creation,
How would you elaborate the verse “Do not be conformed to the standards of this world but instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind”? The minute we become Born Again,
where the old has passed and the
being is so immersed with the world
new me is alive. The fact that my
and its ways that when we become
spirit is alive and I’m aware of it and is
Born again we are new creations but
that were in no way aligned to my
controlled by The Holy Spirit. The fact
still posses the same body, mind ,
purpose and now, I see why it all
that I’m conscious of the love and
heart etc. So, it’s essential that we get
happened. As the book of Proverbs
grace of Jesus Christ who not only
our heads into the Word which is the
states 13:20 “Keep company with the
created me but knows my name and
guide for Christian living as Peter
wise and you will be wise. If you make
has everything mind blowing planned
states in 2 Peter 2:11 “I appeal to you,
friends with stupid people, you will
for me and most importantly access
my friends, as strangers and refuges
be ruined”) It’s very important who
to Heaven and God.
in this world! Do not give in to bodily
you are keeping in your company.
How would you elaborate the verse
passions, which are always at war
Creator of it, Jesus Christ. The minute one finds Jesus Christ, they have found life in abundance and everything else. I personally hadn’t found my purpose in life until I gave my life back to Jesus in late 2015. Jesus had started even before by removing people and things in my life
Now, on how to identify it, let Jesus Christ do His thing.
we no longer have fellowship with the world or things of the world. Before we come to know Jesus Christ our
against the soul”.
What challenges have you faced or are still facing as a Born-Again Christian female? Challenges I faced was renewing the mind, especially because God had isolated me from everything and had me alone where I was in a position to grow but also faced a huge warfare in the mind. But glory be to God I learned that I’m not alone, instead of running way from Him it made me run to Him. Also, with not compromising my beliefs like with dressing etc. Sometimes people might see you as thinking highly of yourself when you don’t partake in other things they might see as minor, like circular music and Tv shows etc, which are not so minor to the spirit. Investing more in the spirit. If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? I would kiss His feet and say
If you could change some things about the modern church, what would it be? The way Christians compromise is alarming. These days we can no longer differentiate between them and the world. Let’s look at the dress code in the streets, let’s not talk about at church. The music listened to and Tv shows watched and places visited. What good is it for the Spirit especially in these last seconds we are living in. Where has the fear of God vanished to? Let’s not talk about competition. The Body of Christ has become a competition as to who has many followers, church members and who posses which gift. What can you say to the young Christian who has decided that they will become committed to Jesus and the gospel when they are older? Now is the time, later might be
thank you Father, for thinking of
“Now, young people, listen to
me on the cross, thank you for
me. Do as I say, and you will be
rising and giving me the
happy. Listen to what you are
opportunity to know You. Thank
taught. Be wise; do not neglect it.
you for changing my life and
Those who listen to me will be
story. Thank You for choosing me
happy- those who stay at my
and giving me hope. Thank You
door every day, waiting at the
waiting for me when I was lost in
entrance to my home. Those who
this world and not once did You
find me find life, and the LORD
remind me of my past. Thank you
will be pleased with them. Those
for being the Father I never had.
who do not find me hurt
Then I’d ask Him what”s on His
themselves; anyone who hates
heart and what I need to fix in my
me loves death”.
life. I’d ask for a glimpse of the praise and worship in Heaven.
too late. Proverbs 8:32-36 says;
Last words or rather advice for Christians? The King is coming and as my mother always says: “Nothing in this world is worth going to hell for”. Let’s continue in our race as Philippians 3:14 says “So I run straight towards the goal in order to win the prize, which is God’s call through Christ Jesus to the life above” Plans for 2019? Growing in all things concerning Jesus Christ and living God”s plan for my life! How can people get in touch with you? @beautyandthegospel (Instagram and facebook)
fast facts about Teeeekay
1. On the weekend you will find me ….?
Church, chilling and chatting with my mother
Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you.
Daily mantra?
Before you were born, I had already set you apart to be a
2. Can’t live without?
blessing to your generation”
The presence of Jesus Christ
10. Purpose is…….?
3. I dream of …..?
Jesus Christ
Fulfilling every plan that the Lord has planned for my life
4. 2019 is……?
11. Favourite Artist?
The year of being remembered by the Heavens (reaping & sowing)
Benjamin Dube , William McDowell
5. What people don’t know is that I’m …….? Currently training as a Minister and I’m a cheap skate
I will retire the day ……?
Jesus calls me Home
7. If it weren’t for Jesus I would …….?
Be lost in this sick world
Take care of Gods business and God will take care of you’.
8. Can’t stop thinking about? The grace over my life and the love of Jesus Christ
Best advice ever received……?
By (Prophet Gezani) also the Holy Bible.
Monthly Devotion MOTHER AND GRANDMOTHER! Read 2 Timothy 1:3-5 Paul was not the only spiritual backing that Timothy had. Paul also thanked the Lord for Timothy’s mother, Eunice, and grandmother, Lois, who had a great influence on him. These two ladies had apparently come to know the Lord during Paul’s first missionary journey because in Acts 16:1 Lois is referred to as “a believer”. Through the faith, prayers and examples of a mother and a grandmother, young Timothy had also come to know the Lord Jesus. Although the Bible does not refer to Timothy’s father as a believer, the Holy Spirit used the faith of this mother and grandmother to influence Timothy so that he, too, would come to faith in God. It is such a privilege for children to have a saved mother and grandmother in the background. To come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour at a mother’s knee is an incalculable legacy. Such children have a spiritual advantage over others. What do you want to leave to your children and grandchildren? Earthly riches are handy but are of temporal worth. To teach my child who God is, how to believe and trust in Him, is of worth now and for eternity. There is no greater legacy. Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to bring up my children in the training and instruction of the Lord!
Reasons 7- Praying in Tongues enables us to pray for the Unknown Praying in tongues provides a way to pray for things for which no one thinks to pray, or even aware. We already know that the Holy Spirit helps us to pray for what we know not how to pray as we ought. But in addition, the Holy Spiritwho knows everything – can pray through us for things about which our natural minds know nothing. An English missionary to Africa was home on furloung speaking at a missionary conference when a woman asked him if he kept a diary. He replied that he did. And she began to relate, “Two years ago I was awakened in the night with a burden to pray. I got out of bed and was talking in tongues before I got down on my knees. For an hour I prayed in tongues – and it seemed as if I were wrestling. When I finished praying, I had a vision. I saw you in a little grass hut, surrounded by natives. You were sick. Then you died. I saw the natives pull the sheet over your head and walk sadly outside the hut. Suddenly you came out of the hut and stood in their midst, and all the natives rejoiced”. The missionary then asked her if she kept a diary and requested, she brings it that afternoon. Comparing diaries and making allowances for time differences in England and Africa, they discovered the time of the woman’s prayer burden exactly coincided with the time when the missionary was sick with a deadly fever. His partner was away, and he was alone with the natives. Things happened just as she them- the missionary died, the natives saw him die and pulled a sheet over his head – then he rose up suddenly well! Because of the Spirit of God! In 1956 when my wife and I were in California, I was awakened suddenly in the night. It was as if someone laid his hand on me. I sat bolt upright in bed, my heart beating rapidly. “Lord”, I cried, “what is the matter? I know something is wrong somewhere. Holy Spirit in me, You know everything. You are everywhere as well as within me. Whatever this is, You give me utterance.” I prayed in tongues for an hour and then began to laugh and sing in tongues. (When praying this way, always continue praying until you have a note of praise. Then you will know whatever it is you are praying about, is settled.) I knew what I had been praying for had come to pass. I had the answer, so I come to pass. I had the answer, so I went back to sleep. I dreamed that I saw my youngest brother become extremely ill in Louisiana. saw an ambulance with lights flashing take him to the hospital. In the dream, I stood in the corridor outside his hospital room door. The door was shut. Then the doctor came out that door, pulled it shut behind him, shook my hand and said, “He is dead.”
“No , doctor, he is not dead,” I replied. “What do you mean. He is not dead?” “The Lord told me he would live and not die.” At that the doctor became angry and said, “Come with me and I will show you that he is dead. I have pronounced too many people dead not know when someone is dead.” He took me by the arm and led me into my brother’s room. He walked over to the bed and jerked the sheet back. When he did, my brothers’ eyes opened. The doctor saw that he was breathing. He began to stutter, “You knew something I didn’t know. He is alive, isn’t he?” In the dream I saw my brother rise up from the bed, well. That was what I had been praying about. Three months later we came home to Texas. My brother came by to see and said, “I nearly died while you were gone.” I told him that I knew he’d had an attack during the night while staying in a motel in Louisiana and had been rushed to the hospital. He thought someone had told me about it, but they had not. I told him about my burden of prayer followed by the dream. “That’s exactly how it happened! They told me that for about 40 minutes at the hospital the doctor thought I was gone.” Praying in the spirit provides a way for things to be prayed for that we wouldn’t know anything about in the natural. The Holy Ghost, however, knows everything. Reason 8 – Praying in tongues gives Spiritual Refreshing Isaiah 28: 11-12 11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to his people. 12 To whom he said, This is the rest where with ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is refreshing: yet they would not hear. What is the rest, the refreshing the above scripture refers? Speaking in other tongues! Sometimes the doctor recommends a rest cure, but I know the best one in the world. Often when you take a vacation, you have to come home and rest before going back to work. But isn’t it wonderful that we can take this “rest cure” everyday? “This is the rest …….. this is refreshing. . . . ” We need this spiritual refreshing in these days of turmoil, perplexity, and anxiety.
Look out for the next issue with the continuation of the reasons!
The day when I knew that God was on my side and will
I screamed but the street was empty and normally at
forever Protect me.
that time the road was busy but not on this day. As I was fighting, they managed to drag me but somehow, I
This happened three years ago, but I remember it so
managed to take of my sweater and I ran, as I was
clearly. I woke up very early that morning as I had an
running a police van drove by and stopped and
exam that I needed to prepare for since I was writing
suddenly I was surrounded by people. The police officer
the following day. I cleaned the house and decided to
chased the guys and caught two of them. As I was
go to the shops to go and buy bread. As I was stepping
sitting on the ground there was a knife but it was
out of the yard, I saw guys coming but I didn't pay
broken into two pieces. They also found another knife
much attention to them. I crossed the street and
on the guys. I was in shock, I got home and took a bath,
walked. I was on my phone and something just told me
I didn't feel any pain only at night after the shock
that I need to look into my shadow.
cleared up. I saw a tiny scratch with blue bruises from the hitting and kicking.
As I was about to turn one guy grabbed me from behind
The knife just scratched me. Only God saved me that
and the two came in front of me, it happened so fast,
day. The knife that they tried using on me broke and
all I heard was sfebe (South African township slang
God gave me the strength to fight back.
word meaning prostitute). I knew that I needed to fight back, I don't know where I got the energy from but all I
That day made me realize that God is always with us
knew was that If I allow these guys to drag me into the
and that we should always pray and ask for His
graveyard It would be over.
protection. And this is why Jeremiah 29:11 id my favourite scripture. SURELY IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD and that is why this particular verse is my favourite!
Jeremiah 29:11-13 New International Version (NIV) 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
the devil's letter to Christians UNKOWN
I’m working…..
ARE YOU SEEING WHAT I AM LIKE? It’s funny to say that I’m lazy, don’t you think? My
I do not care much, and although they paint me in an ugly way saying that I have horns, tail, and other things, I’m not like that. Whoever knows the Bible knows very well that I can become an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). Actually, I go to church more often than many. I feel so happy seeing lazy Christians who do not pray or read the Bible. It is in this that I am filled with joy and even applaud. The less you pray and read the Bible, the better for me. My greatest joy is when at the moment of preaching, many are talking, distracted on the internet, others go out to the bathroom. Also at that time I make people talk, sleep, get up at all times, disturb the silence of people etc.
greatest sadness is when I see the church singing. I turned against God, wanting to be equal to Him; I was expelled losing my privilege in Heaven. Today in church, music is what I hate most. Therefore I have set a spirit of pride and prostitution for the musicians, (Ezekiel 28: 12, 13, 14, 15). My end is near. That is why in recent times I have worked hard to bring crowds with me to hell causing accidents, road deaths, hospitals and suicides. MY MISSION IS TO KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY (John10:10) I attract crowds with songs, dances, parties, alcoholic drinks, drugs, social networks, soap operas, movies, fame, fashion, lust, money, sexual pleasures etc.
preparing for GOD'S voice @godsperspectiveforme November and December were crazy months for me. Some of you may think this was a bad thing but let me take you back into 2018.
November 20th, I started reading 25-30 chapters a day. Yes, I said a day! It was the Holy Spirit that helped me get through it because I still do not understand how I accomplished such a task.
In the beginning of November God said to me, “Kendra you need to read through the Bible.” My response was, “Read through the Bible? I’m prepping for 2019 and getting my outline together, I don’t have time to read the whole Bible.”
I knew I was reading the Bible for a purpose, but I wasn’t sure why. What were the complete reasons? Consequently, I had to allow my faith to lead the way because I was anxious for the new year. I knew it would help me write my
Two weeks later I was at a Women’s Conference, and as the closing speaker was preaching the same proclamation came to my head, but this time I affirmed what God told me. “I have to read the Bible, and I have to do it by the beginning of the year.” Had I acted initially, I would have had two extra
third book, prepare me for 2019 in some way but the pieces of the puzzle couldn’t be revealed just yet. God has a way of explaining to us what we so diligently seek, but in His season. So, I was excited to see how my life would transform in the following months and years.
weeks to read it. As God was giving me revelations and a better Hearing God’s voice through the Holy Spirit takes time to develop but the key concept is to, #StayInPractice. That means to read the Bible faithfully, be of service to your family, congregations and community, and work your talents and gifts. The more you commune with God the clearer His voice will be in your lives.
understanding of Him, I would call my mom and tell her what I was seeing. For reasons only known to God, you can’t reveal everything to everybody. So, you go to the right people for their encouragement and healthy dialogue. Day after day, I couldn’t shut my mouth because I was seeing the fullness of God, not just weekly appetizers that don’t sustain. I was getting full without needing to take a break
and I wanted more.
The first indication of how 2019 would begin came nine days later through a phone call. One of my sisters in Christ
The perfection is the Holy Spirit within me. My year will go exactly as God wills and allows.
asked me to be apart something major. Yes, I would love to tell you all what that is, but I can’t until our second meeting is complete. The task would require me to speak on my life and world events with Biblical references. As she was revealing this project, I said this is another reason for expeditiously reading the Bible in six weeks.
When God gives you an order, just do it! He knows what’s best for you because He’s already in your future. Don’t wait. Even when you are in a state of confusion, He knows how to be your peace. Try Him and see how He completes your life. As always, be blessed and stay sunny on the inside.
As I was trying to make more time planning for the new year and my part time job, God revealed this to me. Stop worrying about your business, reading my Word is the prep. I’m getting you prepared better than you could ever do. The moment I heard this declaration, I had peace. I could not predicate 2019 on what I could accomplish, but what God was executing. I said to myself, God will work it out. I don’t have to have this perfect plan and outline. The perfection was in The Word.
"Hearing God’s voice through the Holy Spirit takes time to develop but the key concept is to, #StayInPractice". ~KENDRA HAMILTON
Who are you personally and professionally and where are you from? I am a voice for purity and my favorite genre of people, teenagers! I am a Christian Blogger/Youtuber at any given hour and Founder of both and My online ministry can be found dancing across states and leaping across international borders. I have an Associate’s in Criminal Justice, Bachelor’s in Psychology, and currently working on my Master’s in Religion through Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. I am wife to Jaime who I love to say resembles my coffee; hot, light, and sweet. A Mama to three curly-haired girls, an avid coffee drinker, Jesus book nerd, and lover of all things Autumn! I live in the Tri-state area of the Northeast. I was raised in NY about 30 mins. away from NYC and now reside in NJ which is still about 30 mins. from NYC. How and when did you become Born Again? The Lord called to me when I was around 19 or 20. He kept giving me dreams almost every night about it being Armageddon and how I knew I was going to die. So in the dream I cried out to Him and asked Him some questions, “Do I need to go to church? Do I need to read my bible? Do I need to believe in Your Son?” He didn’t answer because I already knew the answer. I just needed to do it. Sometime later, maybe a few weeks, I found myself locked in my bathroom with my 18-month-old daughter on my lap. I was hiding from an abusive husband and crying. She looked up at me and started wiping my tears with her little hand. It was then that I knew she was beginning to understand and I didn’t want her growing up in a household where Mommy was being abused. I cried out to the Lord, “I don’t know Who You are but I need Your help.” That’s all it took. A week later, He gave me strength to grab important documents, some clothes for me and her, and my sweet baby. I never looked back.
How and when did you get into blogging? And why Christian blogging? In 2012, I first started blogging with my first blog originally called, and just this year it was switched to due to inappropriate messages I kept receiving. Unfortunately, men would read the first part and not realize it was an actual ministry and not a sex trafficking site. Due to language barriers, I couldn’t pray or minister to these men.
It was good in a way because it made me think of Internet filters and wondering if my website was getting blocked because of the same reason. I changed it and I’m already seeing a flow of traffic I didn’t have before. My other blog I started in 2017 and its called, I remember I was teaching a True Love Waits course in the Youth Group where I was a Youth Leader and happened to be come across an article on how people microblog on Facebook which I had been doing for purity but most people I knew didn’t care for it. I decided to look more into blogging to reach my targeted audience and ended up buying the book, “Problogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income.” It definitely helped start the process and from there I just continued researching how to blog and chose Wordpress as my platform. What is blogging? Blogging is a form of micro writing. It gives the reader snippets of a specific topic not meant to take much time but still cause enough impact hopefully to help inspire change with the time frame and space given. What inspires your posts and what preparation goes into it? Jesus Christ, first and foremost and His people are my biggest inspiration. I look for Christ everywhere and find Him literally everywhere. I could be buying a bunch of bananas and find a sermon in that seemingly minimal process. I am constantly talking to my audience as I go about my day and will often have to stop what I’m doing or pull over to write down notes in my phone because I will forget it if I don’t. This way when it’s time to write or hit record I already have stuff written down to help with the creative process. What do you want people to learn from your blogs? I really want people to take away practical tips on how to walk out their purity journey with Jesus Christ being at the center of it all. On my Youtube channel, the tag line is, “The how-to ministry on love, life, and purity..” and that pretty much sums it up for that ministry. For my howtoloveyourteenager blogsite, I really want adults in teenager’s lives whether it’s a parent, teacher, Pastor, or mentor to learn how to not just love but really like their teenager because they truly are such a fun group to be around. What I loved about starting this blog/ministry was I found that parents do want to love their teenagers and teenagers do want to be loved. They are looking to us for direction because they desperately need it. I hope to give adults a different lens by which they can look through for the uplifting of the younger generation. Other Interests? I love to dance. I’ve been a choreographer since I was 16 and when I was finally able to do it for the Lord it was such a tremendous blessing. Being able to work with the Youth and people of all ages through music, speaks to me at a deeper level. What is the secret to authentic, thought provoking blogging? It has to be real talk. Where I live, we are pretty use to giving it to people straight and I think that’s what people are really looking for. Of course, you want to do it with appropriate gentleness but I noticed people eventually get tired of being babied and having everything sugar-coated. They just want straight truth, even if it hurts at first. By being biblically honest along with a compassionate heart to their struggle, you can make waves in the Kingdom of God. Godly words can shift the spiritual atmosphere that can make room for internal change. A heart shifted for Jesus Christ. Also, when you write about your own struggles it helps them relate to a person. It gives this extra “me too” ministry that we all desperately need so we know we aren’t the only one going through a particular challenge. What makes you different from other Christian bloggers? I truly believe we all have our own unique voice in this world. I love to link up with other Christian bloggers because we can all speak and reach people the other person would never be able to influence. I’m only different because the Lord all created us different. Our nuances, language, and attitude all work for His glory. However, with the same focus in mind of saving souls for the Kingdom of God, even in the world of blogging, we can run together. Faster and better!
Where would you like to see your blog in the next 2 years? Wherever the Lord wants it to go. I love that I have been able to minister to people from all over the world. I’ve noticed that we all have the same struggles just different geographical locations and contexts. I try to go where the audience is, which is why I went into Youtube and I have other projects I’m working on this year. Wherever the Lord leads me, I’m willing to go. I love writing so I’m happy to see how it still reaches people to this day. Who is King Jesus to you? Everything. I find Him everywhere. If I think about Him too much, my eyes start to well up with tears because He has been so good to me. To see where I was to where I am now, I can only point to Jesus Christ because it’s all because of Him. He took my yes, my hand, and now we are running together through eternity. Advice on how to start Christian blogging? 1) Pray- Always pray for protection over any project you are starting with the Lord. You will need His direction for every aspect surrounding it. 2) Research- The best part about blogging now is that you can find anything and everything about blogging. Whether its technical help, branding, writing lessons, etc., it can be found on Youtube. If you’re a visual learner like me, it has proven to be an effective tool and most vital asset in getting you to where you need to go. 3) Community- There are Christian Facebook groups that are also another major asset in connecting you with like-minded Christian bloggers. They will help you with encouragement, prayer, tips, practicalities, social media marketing opportunities, and friendships. It’s so important to be connected in that way. I have gone farther with the help of my brothers and sisters in Christ than I could have ever done on my own. Misconception people have about Christian blogging? People tend to think it will be overnight success or they go into blogging for the wrong reasons meaning for a celebrity like status or six-figure incomes. Celebrate every comment, view, or visit to your site. Do it for the one person because they represent a whole generation of people. If you set yourself up to be monetized and make a profit, awesome! However, if you’re not seeing the six-figure income everyone promises within one month of blogging it doesn’t mean you’re on the wrong track. You just need to readjust your focus. I’m not saying making money off a blog is bad, it just can’t be your main reason because you will break under the weight of these expectations. It’s a gritty gruelling process sometimes and one that takes actual work. If you have passion, you will have patience. We also forget we aren’t just any blogger. We are bloggers for His Kingdom so we will get hit in the spiritual realm in ways others might not. The key is to keep your head down during the storm, rest when needed, keep going, keep writing, and keep praying. Last words to the Beauty&TheGospel reader? Take people’s stories and make them yours. If they went through a particular struggle, take their story with their wisdom so you don’t have to go through the same thing. The enemy’s tricks may be new for you but old for him. He’s crafty but not original. Also, purity is not old-fashioned but God-fashioned. There is a reason why it’s often talked about in the New Testament and it’s because it matters. Think of it as an investment into your legacy for the Kingdom of God. You got this because God
Monthly Devotion ELDERS FOR ORDER! Read TITUS 1:5-9 Titus had a specific responsibility. He was left to “straighten out” the church in Crete and appoint elders in the surrounding towns. Very high standards were set for these elders. Their doctrine, lives and ethics had to be above reproach because they were the managers of the household of God. Above all, they had to be people who held firmly to the Word of God, so that they would be in a position to encourage other Christians and refute wrong doctrine. They were responsible, with Titus, for the continuation of the church of Jesus Christ in their area. Although ministers, elders and deacons carry the main responsibility for the continuation of the gospel, it is also the task of every believer. It is MY responsibility to promote the gospel in my neighbourhood. I must help ensure that gospel of Jesus Christ does not become dead or irrelevant in my work situation or household. This is the specific responsibility of every believer so that the gospel will continue to be proclaimed. Are you encouraging the proclamation of the gospel in your neighbourhood? The Lord called us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Let’s not disappoint Him! See that the gospel is alive in your neighbourhood! Prayer: Holy Spirit, thank you that I am never alone!
The Battle in Your MIND
• Resource by: Rick Warren
• Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:3–5 This message appears as a chapter in Thinking. Loving. Doing.: A Call to Glorify God with Heart and Mind. A violent battle is raging around us twenty-four hours per day. In 1965, Donald Grey Barnhouse wrote a book about it called The Invisible War. It is the battle for your mind, and that battle is vicious. It is intense. It is unrelenting, and it is unfair because Satan never plays fair. And the reason why it is so intense is that your greatest asset is your mind. Destroying Strongholds I have seen the face of mental illness. I have seen what it is like when people are unable to hear God because their minds are broken and cannot seem to connect to God even when they want to connect to God. And I know whatever gets your mind gets you. So one of the most important things we need to learn and teach others is how to guard, strengthen, and renew our minds, because the battle for sin always starts in the mind. There are many passages in Scripture that we could look at in this chapter, but I want us to focus in on one, 2 Corinthians 10:3–5: Though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh [in other words, we don’t fight with armor, we don’t fight with politics, we don’t fight with money, we don’t fight with all the humanistic ways]. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. The apostle Paul says here that our job in this battle is to “destroy strongholds.” You know what a stronghold is? It is a mental block. Paul is talking about pretentions, arguments set up against the knowledge of God. This is a mental battle. And he says, “Destroy these strongholds.” A stronghold can be one of two things: It can be a worldview, such as materialism, hedonism, Darwinism, secularism, relativism, communism, atheism. All of the different -isms are mental strongholds that people set up against the knowledge of God. A stronghold can also be a personal attitude. Worry can be a stronghold. Seeking the approval of other people can be a stronghold. Anything that you make an idol in your life can be a stronghold — fear, guilt, resentment, insecurity. All of these things can be strongholds in your mind. And the Bible says that we are to tear them down.
“THE BATTLE FOR SIN ALWAYS STARTS IN THE MIND.” Taking Every Thought Captive Now look at the very last phrase in the passage: “take every thought captive to obey Christ.” Take captive every thought. The Greek word aichmaløtizø there means “to control, to conquer, to bring into submission.” We take captive. We make it submit. Every thought obedient to Christ. Make it obedient. Hupakøe means “to bring into submission, to bring under control.” But how do you do that? And how do you teach other people to do that? How do I make my mind mind? I have noticed that my mind doesn’t always mind. It is often disobedient. It is often very rebellious. It wants to go in a different direction. When I want to think a certain way, it wants to go another way. When I need to ponder, it wants to wander. When I need to pray, my thoughts want to float away. Paul talks about this in Romans 7, and he says, “I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. . . . Wretched man that I am!” (Romans 7:19, 24). The fact is, the reason we have so many ineffective Christians today is that they do not know how to fight the battle of the mind. And I blame pastors like me for that. We must spend more time teaching our people how to fight the battle of the mind. IN THE NEXT ISSUE, WE WILL GO DEEEPER INTO 4 PRINCIPLES TO OVERCOME THE BATTLE IN THE MIND.....
Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate . -Ecclesiastes 4:12
A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Created by God for us. This issue focuses on the POWER COUPLE: Ntsako & Tiyiselani Baloyi
1. Who are you individually(personally & professionally ) • Husband: Ntsako Baloyi, working as Credit Controller with a National Diploma in Recreation Management. • Wife: Tiyiselani Baloyi with National Diploma in Educare and currently doing Degree in Education. 2. How and when did you meet We first met at Pretoria on the 31st Octber 2015, it was an all night prayer. Then on November the same year we met again on a youth conference, that’s when we even exchange contact. The one thing that kept us in constant contact, was our responsibilities at our respective churches. I was serving as a chairperson and my wife as a vice chairperson at her own church, so we used to talk and meet regarding youth activities and eventually we became friends. 3. How long did you date before you got married We dated for about a year and 11 months.
4. How did you individually know that He , She was the one • Husband: it was always my prayer to marry someone who is eager to serve God. Upon meeting this beautiful lady, I was convinced that she was the one and I prayed and ask God to give her to me as the wife I desired. I had to ignore the ideologies of man and follow my inner being, and I believe I was led and directed by God. • Wife: he just had all the qualities I wished for in a man, and most importantly, he came at the time that I was believing God for marriage and when he proposed I just knew that God finally answered my prayer. 5. When did you get married It was on the 23rd December 2017. 6. Take us through the process of the wedding celebration how was that and if there is any changes you could have made? The process was challenging, required more of prayers and planning. The celebration was challenged and tested, for instate; our decoration was totally different from what we asked for. We were surprised when we walked in to the venue, heartbroken and disappointed. But above all we encouraged ourselves in the Lord, knowing that the wedding is just a celebration, people can do all they want but cannot touch our marriage, it is God’s institution. 7. Has your relationship changed from dating to marriage? Changed for the best, from glory to another glory. We are still those love birds of our dating times.
Trusting God is the best and only option for a healthy marriage. 10. How do you deal with problems that you encounter as a married couple? There is nothing new under the sun, every challenge we encounter there is always a solution. In our marriage we don’t work against each other but with each other. We always empower ourselves by reading and attending couples and marriage seminar, in preparation for any challenge that we may come across. We always have each other as priority, so in anything that may come, we fight it both with a goal of making each other happy. 11. Challenges you’re facing as a young, married born again couple? People will always have opinion about your marriage and how you should live, to an extend that they literally want to run your life. But we don’t conform to the standard of this world and we also do not let anyone look down at us because we are young. We live by our principles regardless of what others think. 12. Things you wish you were told about marriage? How we wish that someone told us that marriage is free and beautiful. We would have been married many years back. 13. Who is Jesus Christ to you individually and as a couple? Jesus Christ is our Lord and personal Saviour, we are because He is. And as couple we want to know Him more and more everyday of our lives, He comes first in everything. 14. One word, if possible to describe your marriage? Wonderful
8. If you could change the perception that people have about marriage, what would it be? Marriage started by God, it is enjoyable. Many people would say they want to enjoy before they get married, but we say they must just get married to enjoy.
15. What advice to those who are in the process of getting married would you give? Marriage is not perfect, but you make it perfect. Work out your own marriage and put God first in all you do. Not every advise will work for you, do what works and leave the rest.
9. For the single person out there, wondering when they are getting married ,what advice would you give them God’s time is perfect, God is never late.
16. The best advice ever received? “Maintain and sustain the good things you do”. This was the advice toward our weeding, since then until today, all the good things that makes our marriage work we keep on doing them.
ntsako &Â tiyiselani
Monthly Devotion FRIEND PHILEMON! Read Philemon 1-3 The letter to Philemon is very personal. Philemon was an affluent Christian and part of a small home church in Colosse. Onesimus was one of his slaves. Onesimus probably often heard the Christians in Philemon’s house speaking of “freedom” and these words met with a response in his own heart. He may have wondered whether this would mean the end of his slavery. He heard that Paul was also speaking of freedom in his home, and he decided to desert his owner and look for Paul. When Onesimus arrived at Paul’s house he had his first disappointment: Paul, the one he thought would be able to free him, was chained in prison. Even if he could have spoken to Paul, Paul would not have been able to do much for him. (In those days prisoners were not as isolated from the outside community as they are today.) His second disappointment was when he realized that Paul would not do what he requested. Paul did not want to give him his freedom. The freedom of which Paul was speaking was not freedom from being a slave to a master, but freedom from the slavery of sin. Paul succeeded in showing Onesimus the true freedom that comes from knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and encouraged him to return to his owner. Onesimus was afraid of returning. What would his owner do to him? That is why Paul wrote this letter to his owner, Philemon. Prayer: Lord, thank you that I have been freed from the slavery of sin through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross!
ANNOUNCEMENT ss e r mp ssue E e i s m i s h . t t i e r e , o p re o m e h h d t le .I n c y a n i i e t r H ed ga a d a s e is a y e a e n s k t u in e n z o e i a y a T . g l s l e a l l a l b m a s e n ila h o wa a T g v . n a s i l s r l i o a t C ry u b a i l r t sa n o o n c o s free
Advertisers you are also welcome. For reasonable price queries email: beautyandthegospel@ Till next time ,THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ! look out for the next issue on the 1st of March 2k19