Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 2 VOL 5

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Beauty & The Gospel MARCH











"music is the most appealing thing

"it's often not a

to the flesh"

mental or academic exercise"

0UR VISION Romans 15:20(TPT) It is my honor and constant passion to be a pioneer who preaches where no one has ever even heard of the Anointed One, instead of building upon someone else’s foundation.

OUR MISSION 1 Corinthians 1:17 (MSG) God didn’t send me out to collect a following for myself, but to preach the Message of what He has done, collecting a following for Him. And He didn’t send me to do it with a lot of fancy rhetoric of my own, lest the powerful action at the center— Christ on the Cross—be trivialized into mere words.

declarations e u g n o t e h t f o Power PROVERBS 18:21 My Jesus is doing something that I will not believe when I hear about it May my enemies who send Balaam to come and curse me instead declare blessings over my life I shall walk like KING JESUS in this world and take every place I step with AUTHORITY My life shall draw man to the feet of JESUS My promotion doesn't lie in the hands of man but of my FATHER, KING JESUS This is the year I shall manifest as the daughter/son of the LIVING GOD I've stepped in the season of open doors unlocked by King Jesus with the KEY OF DAVID that has also locked old ones. Favour is my name

Beauty & The Gospel

CONTENTS 351 chambers of hell & 47,000 cities of Heaven Prophet Aston gives accounts of these real revelations AN OPPORTUNITY IN THE MIDDLE OF OPPOSITION "she focused on her opportunity than her opposition .'' EXPOSING DEMONS BEHIND LUST, SEXUAL IMMORALITY & INDECENT DRESSING Is the Lord Jesus in it? ''is what you're doing certified by the Lord Jesus'' WHAT IF THEY DON'T BELIEVE If you depend on people, you will go from praying for them to preying on them for your needs.

“If you meet me and forget about me, I've lost nothing. But if you hear about the LORD JESUS and forget about HIM, YOU'VE LOST EVERYTHING”






that gurl's

EDITOR'S NOTE but my people know not the judgment of the Lord. Jeremiah 8 : 7


tsakani mhlongo tsakanii tsakanii

This Editor's note is from Tsakani , a slave of Jesus Christ. I greet you in the MIGHTY NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Beloved, can you believe we are already in the 3rd Month of 2022, where is all the time going too. All I can say is: "our redemption drawth nigh, are you ready" The Bible says: THE PEOPLE OF GOD KNOW NOT THE JUDEGMENT OF THE LORD. Beloved this could very well be an abomination. We cannot say we are children of GOD and not know the judgements of our Father and when they are revealed by His servants we the very same church are the first to stone them. For some months now, the Lord Jesus has assigned me on an end time mission to tell the non-believers about His judgements and to my surprise, they are more receptive than the church, which really baffles me. For the salvation of our souls, we must allow the Lord Jesus to correct us through His law, whichever way it could come as long as it's the judgment of the Lord Jesus. Being smart, beautiful , handsome , good hearted without Jesus, wealthy, educated, preaching, giving, going to church every Sunday doesn't guarantee that we'll enter the Kingdom of GOD . We must fear and obey the WORD OF GOD AND FLEE FROM COMPROMISING! None the less, may the grace of the Lord JESUS CHRIST and the ever sweet fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT be with you. Be a blessing and stay blessed !

ARE YOU SAVED? Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3v 3. I haven't come across anybody that said: "I don't want to go to Heaven". Well, just like every destination there is a designated way. To enter the Kingdom of GOD , meaning you & I , The Royal Family, Presidents , Trillionaires, MUST BE BORN AGAIN. Not educated, wealthy or connected, BUT BE BORN AGAIN! Firstly, being born again is not lip service but the spiritual state(heart) which starts by an individual having a repentant heart towards the LORD JESUS and confessing Romans 10 v 9-10 KJV. Inviting the presence of the Holy Spirit , Whom shall then help you to live a righteous and holy life. If you've done so or would love more information. Please email me at :


Living on the Altar by: Dr André and Jenny Roebert Romans 12:1 (NLT): "And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice - the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him."

Paul explained that just as a sacrifice is laid upon an altar to be burned up, we are to do the same with our lives! We are to become living and holy sacrifices to God. Deciding to follow Jesus means a daily choice to lay down our own intents, thoughts, words, and actions for His Own. As a fire consumes what is on the altar, our surrendered lives become consumed by the fire of God. It burns up everything that is not of Him so we can represent Him well. Then that same fire burns within us a passion to live boldly for Him. What a glorious privilege to be fully filled with the power of God like this! It's a power that is explosive and demonstrative; but it's only fuelled by a life that is surrendered to the transforming power of the Holy Ghost. We are transformed into the image of Jesus when we become living sacrifices, fully laid down and surrendered to Him. The scripture calls this true worship that is pleasing and fully acceptable to the Lord. It's how we position ourselves to become just like Him, and to be used by Him. The ultimate privilege we were destined to fulfil.




Transcribed and compiled by Joshua Chong Thanks to Peniel Ngonde who translated the French sermons of Prophet Aston Adam Mbaya to English and posting his videos on YouTube.

CHAPTER 7 FIRST CHAMBER OF HELL: SEX IN DREAMS, THOUGHTS, EYES The demons would be receiving materials for the construction of their pits. Every man born on the Earth has a demon in Hell bearing his name. The demon bearing your name is the one preparing your pit in Hell. I saw demons digging pits for the world population. There were names of celebrities, public figures, superstars. Every time they committed a sin the demons were clapping and receiving materials. Then I saw a pit that had collapsed and there was a demon that was sad as he sat above it.


The Lord said, “The owner of this pit was a sinner who committed crimes and fornication until the day he came to Me. Since there is no condemnation for those who are in Me, his pit has collapsed.” In Hell, I saw a pit built for me with my name on it. It was closed and the demon was sad. When I saw it, I said to myself, really, I would have fallen here had I failed to repent. This is staggering and terrifying. As we were descending in this valley I saw that the kingdom of Hell was vibrating. The Lord said, “This kingdom is expanding in order to receive more souls. Still, it is not full.” Then we arrived in a segment of Hell where the souls were condemned for having sexual dreams. In this part of Hell, there was a man who was a politician. He was in the occult order of Eckankar and he was a politician of the Congo Republic. He was required to sleep with his daughter. He agreed to do it. However, he was coming to abuse his daughter sexually in dreams. He was a spiritual husband to his daughter. The young girl tried to talk to her mother but her mother was an accomplice of his father for she had agreed to this practice. We visited this section of Hell where countless souls were tormented and held for sex in the dreams. They were a lot of them. Jesus said, “I had not made marriage and sex to happen in the dream.” We then left the land of souls who had sex in the dreams, and we crossed the Abyss to the land of people who were condemned for sexual and perverse thoughts. On the Earth, they had sex in their minds and thoughts. When we entered this land, I saw a throne upon which was seated a demon, who was a lizard. He had male and female sex, and his skin was dirty. I saw that this demon was on fire. I asked the Lord, “Who is this beast on the throne?” The Lord said, “My son, this is the demon of sexual and immoral thoughts. When people think of sexual and immoral thoughts, they invite this demon who makes their minds his dwelling place, and he transfers his dirt to the skin of the person that is having sexual thoughts. When people died in sin and immoral thoughts and perverse minds, their souls will be dirty like that of a lizard or leopard.” And when I looked at souls in this section of Hell, I saw that they had dirt on their skins like this lizard demon, who was seated on the throne laughing. He was saying, “Why are you crying, my children? I’m your mother. Rejoice for this is your kingdom for eternity to eternity.” The Lord took me closer to the throne of this demon. And when he saw the Lord Jesus Christ, he knelt down, and when he knelt down, I saw on his back many names.I asked the Lord, “What is the meaning of these names on his back?” The Lord said, “These are the names of people who entertain sexual and perverse thoughts on the Earth.”


While this unclean spirit was still bent, we left his throne and we got to a place where I saw many territories, and there was a hole above these territories. The scream of pain and torment were rising and asking for help. We were moving in the middle of the fire that could not burn us. Then we got to a territory and Jesus asked me to look inside. When I looked down, I was seized with fear, for I saw two people inside. However, these souls had huge heads. I mean, they were macrocephalic, for the proportion of their heads was two meters and their eyes were massive. They were bound and chained. The Lord said, “These people are here for two reasons. Firstly, the sins of the eyes and secondly, the sins of their minds. They are here for perverse and immoral thoughts. That is why they had big heads and big eyes.” I saw that there were worms in their heads and eyes that were rotting. I saw that their bodies were burning and they were skeletons. These souls were accusing and blaming one another saying, “You are the one who brought me here.” When they saw the Lord, they began to ask for help. In fact, they were disputing about who should be helped by the Lord first. Jesus said, “Peace be to you.” As a result, they went silent. I noticed that there was a TV on their side projecting the image of a young lady. The Lord said, “These two people are from Zambia. They used to work in the same company but they were in a lifestyle of fornication sleeping with young ladies. One day one of them was promoted and they celebrated in his home. It is when he was celebrating his promotion and drinking with his friend that something happened. His daughter who was already a young lady left the bathroom where she was bathing, and she was passing and going back to the room, but she was covered with a towel that was revealing the shape of her body. When the friend of her father saw her, he was captivated by the shape of the body of this young lady and he made a joke and sexual remark to her father. When the father turned to look, he saw how the body and shape of her daughter were showing beneath the towel. As a result, these two were affected by this image. They pretended that everything was fine, but they were already aroused by the body shape of this young lady. Later, when this celebration ended, the father went to have sex with his girlfriend, for he was aroused because of the image of his daughter and his friend went to sleep with his wife for the same reason. However, while they were having sex with their partners, in their minds, they were seeing themselves sleeping with the young lady who came out of the bathroom covered with a towel.”

In truth, many men when they sleep with their wives, they see the pictures and images of other women. When you have sex with your partner and you see the image of another person you must repent. The Lord said, “The more people feed their minds with perverse and sexual thoughts, the more their heads grow in the spirit and when they die that way, they will end up with huge heads.” Then we moved to the second prison. There was a person who was trying to rise out of his prison but he could not for his head was huge. Inside this prison, there was a voice of a man regretting. The Lord said, “The man that is inside this cell has deceived his wife. He spent 15 years in marriage and then he died. And during his marital life whenever he was sleeping with his wife, in his mind, he was sleeping with one of his girlfriends although he was physically sleeping with his wife. Often he had to watch porn movies to excite himself because his wife was no longer attractive to him. Often he was seeing images of pornographic actresses when he was sleeping with his wife. That is why he is condemned here.” There were countless souls in this section because of immoral and perverse thoughts. There were men who had married women in their thoughts. And whenever they sleep with their wives, they imagined themselves sleeping with those married women in their thoughts. Beloved, we were in this prison of Hell, where we visited people that had sex in their minds. After we had left, we were now heading to another land where there were souls of people who had sex with their eyes. While we were crossing the border between these territories, I saw on top of the valley a huge rock where it was written, “Trees of Fire.” There were trees around them and fires were dripping from these trees. There were voices saying they wanted corruption, wickedness, and immorality. This is their condemnation. When we arrived in this section of Hell, I saw a demon that was holding a javelin and he was piercing the eyes of a man that was really huge. The demon said to this man, “I’m pulling out our movies that you liked watching.” The man was crying for help, but he was helpless. His body was rotting. He was regretting all the popular episodes of movies that he was watching. The Lord said, “He used to watch erotic soap opera episodes. These sexual acts in movies stain and defile those who watch them. Sexual scenes in movies and soap operas open gateways for demons to enter into peoples’ lives.” The Lord said, “These movies are sent by the devil to stay in and defile humanity. These movies cause demonic possession. These people who are defiled in their thoughts are attached and bound in marriage with demons of Hell. These demons of movies will claim their souls if they fail to repent.”


The Lord said, “Whenever people watch images of nakedness on television, a doorway will be opened and a demon will come out of the TV to capture their souls. When this demon comes out of the TV, if the person watching the movie is a single man, the demon will write on his forehead the word “Fornicator” and the Mark 666. If you are married, he will write the word “Adulterer” and the Mark 666. People are marked with 666 by demons of television when they watch sexual scenes in soap operas and TVs. The Lord said, “This man is pierced in his eyes because every member of the body that caused people to fall in Hell will be tormented. Since this man was watching these movies his eyes were tormented. The Bible says if any member of your body causes you to sin, cut it and throw it away. (Matthew 5:30)” Then we continued to move and in this segment of Hell, I saw a man. He was French. He was shouting, “Where am I? What is this place?” When he saw the Lord, he said, “Master, have I done something wrong when I separated the two women that were fighting?” The Lord said, “My son, one cannot see the nakedness of another, for this will be his part in the place of torment.” The Frenchman said, “Lord, have mercy on my soul. I did not do it intentionally.” The Lord said, “My son, now it is too late. The judgment has been pronounced.” The Lord said to me, “One day this man was passing. He saw two women fighting. He was moved to do something about it for no one wanted to separate them. When he tried to tear them apart, one lady landed blows on her opponent and her breast was exposed. This image remained in the mind of this man who was condemned. Sisters that are exposing their body parts will not escape.” Judgment. When we moved forward, I saw a cell like a house that was the size of a cage. A voice was saying and repeating the word, “Justice.” Inside this house, there was someone that was shouting, “Please get me out. I’m burning. How can I get out of here?” Immediately I recognized the voice of this man who was my friend. This hole was bearing his name. I said, “Lord, this is my friend. Please get him out.” The Lord said, “It’s too late. The judgment is already pronounced.” The Lord said, “Do you know the lifestyle of your friend who was living with her girlfriend?” I said, “Yes, Lord. I knew that they were together.” The Lord said, “When they were boyfriend and girlfriend, they were staying with their respective parents. Very often your friend was taking his phone and writing to her girlfriend, asking her for her naked images. They were sending each other naked images on the -


phone and he was masturbating with his girlfriend’s pictures. He was putting his genitalia on the body of his woman on the phone.” “Since this was happening in the homes of their parents, he was punished in Hell inside a model of his parents’ house, for he was seeing the nakedness of his girlfriend while she was in the house of her parents. The Bible says the maid that is known in the house of her parent must be stoned. And given that we are in the dispensation of grace, this judgment happens in the afterlife. His condemnation was the house of his parents.” Deu 22:21 Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

Brother, I remember when the Lord showed me the tribunal of Satan, the devil said, “If we cannot conquer the world, we should put them in misdirection.” He said to his collaborators, “This is the way to lead astray humanity.” I saw the devil taking a device which was a mobile phone and he presented it to the demons. This was well before the launch of mobile phones in circulation on the Earth. The devil said, “I have already conquered the world through radio and television. I have overcome through tools of communication. Thanks to this new device we call mobile phone, we shall conquer humanity and through mobile phones, we will win many souls. I want every soul to have at least a demon from these mobile phones.” TO BE CONTINUED....



Dear friend, I greet you in the name of the Lord and I pray that your month will be fruitful in Jesus Christ name. "For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole." Matthew.9:21 The woman being referred to in the above passage of the Bible had a medical condition called, haemorrhage; She's been bleeding continuously for 12yrs and paying doctors for help, yet her condition grew worse. Thank GOD an opportunity came, like this message could be somebody's opportunity.

Somebody once said he doesn't feel comfortable when people give him things for free. He said, it's like he's lazy or taking the people for granted. This is a serious error particularly if the giving comes from the generous heart of the giver.

JESUS was passing by and a multitude thronging Him. To reach her opportunity, this weak, and almost lifeless woman faced an opposition called 'the multitude' who perhaps were looking for the same thing this woman wanted so desperately.

REMINDER One question that comes to my mind is, Where did this bleeding woman find the strength to keep on pulling through? I believe she focused on her opportunity rather than her opposition. Why would she get something that a stronger multitude couldn't get? The Bible reference says, she kept saying something in her heart. The multitude were struggling but this woman's heart was speaking. What's the difference? The woman's heart was in what she was doing. If your heart is not agreeing with what you're doing, it may just be an effort in futility but that won't be your experience in Jesus Christ name. I declare over you that, "This is the day for you to touch a long awaited expectation. Never say, it may not be the right time yet. JESUS had not gone to the cross with the sins and sicknesses of the world, yet this woman got her healing from JESUS. It's like being given something before you make payment. Dear friend, If your heart is saying something good, then expect it, but if it is saying nothing, it's an indication that faith is not there according to, 2 Corinthians .4:13"We having the same spirit of faith .....we believe and therefore speak." If that bleeding woman could pull through, you too can; and if she was not denied her desire, the same impartial GOD will not deny you.

It doesn't matter where you're feeling a drained ; it could be in your health, finances, marriage or some relationships, family issues, worsening business or anything draining you,. I set my faith in agreement with you that GOD will give you a notable attention from this time on in Jesus Christ name. The 12yrs struggles of a bleeding woman suddenly came to an end in one day and she felt in her body the difference that all her physicians couldn't make happen. You can have the same experience. let your heart keep saying out that godly desire and every step you're taking will bring you to your miracle in Jesus Christ name. The bible says, "the thing was done suddenly" and it brought rejoicing- 2Chronicles.29:36. Expect God's sudden intervention and you will testify and celebrate. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

Shepherd Hill Community

Extracted from:

EXPOSING DEMONS BEHIND LUST, SEXUAL IMMORALITY AND INDECENT DRESSING God spoke to me and revealed these things to me and commanded me to share them with His Children and the world as a whole so that man can be enlightened about the tricks of the Devil. It is God’s will that all men be saved but it lies within our will to choose to obey or not. But I beg everyone that accesses this message to amend their ways and make their ways right with God. In so doing, they will be able “…to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Ephesians 6:11-13).

WARNING ABOUT SENSUAL DRESSING, WORLDLINESS AND DEMONS God spoke to me and said, “Satan lives on earth with his fallen angels. They are trillions in number. They are everywhere, especially where my fire is not burning. Demons love indecent dressing, especially sensual dressing. “Son, every worldly person on earth is inhabited by demons. This is because worldliness quenches my fire and drives away my Spirit from those who are worldly. Anyone in whom my fire does not burn is a habitation of demons. Most people on earth that house demons in their bodies are deeply ignorant that demons live inside of them.”

At this point the Lord showed me in a vision a young man who works in a state-owned transport company. There were demons living in his body. Then the Lord said to me “this young man is not aware of the presence of these demons living in him”. The Lord further revealed to me the source of the demons living in him and their activities in that motor park. The Lord then spoke to me and said, “Just as this young man is ignorant of the presence of the demons in his body, so also many people on earth are ignorant of the presence of demons in their bodies.”

HOW SATAN PROMOTES SEXUAL IMMORALITY After that, the Lord spoke to me and said, “My son I will show you how these demons promote sexual immorality. Sensual dressing attracts demons. Many of the clothes the children of men wear today glorify Satan and promote the activities of the kingdom of darkness. Satan promotes anything that promotes sexual immorality and carnality. This is because the best worship Satan loves is when he is worshiped through sexual immorality. “There is nothing that can defile a man more than sexual immorality. High levels of sexual immorality, especially deviant ones, are evidences of the heavy presence of demons and demonic spirits. I God hate sexual immorality. It is the reason I destroyed the first earth with flood in the time of Noah; including Sodom and Gomorrah. Men in Noah’s generation became defiled when they slept with fallen angels. I could not stand the sight because man became dehumanized. I had to destroy man except Noah and his family. “Demons and demonic spirits hang around and live in those who do not carry my fire. When a woman dresses in a sexy way, demons are attracted to her. These demons do the work of seduction. A spiritual concoction could be rubbed on the woman to make her look more attractive. These demons could concentrate attractiveness on some parts of the body like breasts (or cleavage) buttocks, hips, lips, eyelashes, Mons pubis and body shape. “Though some people who are agents of darkness on special assignments know they are equipped with the demons of lust and sexual immorality, many of those who are being used as agents of lust are not aware of the presence of these demons in their lives, their activities and the covenant that accompanies it. “The spiritual concoctions rubbed or invoked into those who are being used by such demons make some of their body parts or all their bodies to look attractive by emphasizing on the seductive features of their sensitive body parts, hereby making them to look more sexually appealing and seductive.

LUST, DEMONIC ATTRACTIONS AND POSSESSION “These demons also pay close attention to see if anyone will lust after them in their hearts. When a man lusts after someone under demonic possession and manipulations, the demons are aroused and are attracted to such a man. The demons look for “legal grounds” to possess the man that lusts after their victims. They say, ‘We are one with the one you desire to be one with (through sexual union). Since you lust after her (and our properties in her), you equally desire us because we are one with her already.’ Some of these demons can gain entrance into the life of such a man, if he continues to lust after her deeply in his heart.” (Please not that if a woman lusts after a man that is equally possessed with such demons, the results would be same as described above).

SATANIC BEAUTY SURGERIES The Lord explained to me that there are satanic human agents that who undergo spiritual surgeries in satanic kingdoms to beautify themselves beyond their natural looks, and appear extremely sexually attractive physically. “Many of the things that make satanic agents to look sexually attractive are invoked into them, while others are embedded through spiritual operations in theatres and laboratories in the kingdom of darkness. This is to empower them to work out lust, sexual immorality and other satanic purposes. These operations are purely spiritual. The commonly used weapons are serpents. Serpents are under the control of the principality called Leviathan. These serpents (or other things) are located in some strategic parts of the body. In girls, serpents could be concentrated in their buttocks. When they wear seductive clothes these serpents are activated the more. These creatures wriggle and twist themselves in her when she walks. With the help of transparent, light, tight, revealing and demonically dedicated and demon possessed wears, seduction becomes easier. Seduction could be reduced if such one wears a flowing gown or skirt. The essence of many females wearing tight, transparent and light wears like trousers, short skirts, gowns and shorts is to boost sexual attractiveness, not necessarily to make themselves look beautiful. Many of my children even enjoy the admiration and sexual lust of men than my praise and admiration of their virtues, spiritual and physical beauties. “Some even devised means of movements that can enable the shaking of their buttocks, breast and laps. This is why they cannot do without seductive wears because these wears help them to achieve their aims of seduction. Anyone who lives this lifestyle is a cheap material in the devil’s hand. It does not take long before demons extend their influence and control over such one. My son, tell them that except they repent they are on their way to the eternal Fire of Hell.

“Many of them in my House think they are serving me but my MARK OF OWNERSHIP IS NOT UPON THEIR FOREHEADS'' CHRISTIANS WHO LIVE IN IGNORANCE “If they live and work for me on earth I will reward them in the portion of my Son but it they live and labour for the devil, my enemy, they will be rewarded in the lot of the devil whom they served! “Many shall say, ‘I was doing these things in ignorance’, but I shall answer them that I no longer leave any man in ignorance after the Death and Resurrection of my Son Jesus Christ. My son, in the time of old I overlooked but now repentance is a command from me.”







“It pains me for parents who prepare the beds of sexual immorality for the children by laying a wrong and sensual foundation for their innocent children. Many parents are helping Satan to remove the thick wall between the dressing that is modest and that which is sensual. The foundations are drastically being destroyed. Truth is trodden underfoot! Never! It will not be long anymore, my appearing is near! Very near!”


DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN THE TRUE TOUCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND FAMILIAR SPIRITS place will start to attack the masses like a mass destruction weapon. The so called spirit turns into a tool of ' demonstration' and a performer of miracles onstage. The performance will normally take place in the presence of videographers, keyboardist, bright stage lights , while the main man of the hour will remain calm whilst holding his cordless microphone in his sparkling white suit (portraying an image of an Angel). Many will roll down uncontrollably, while some will cry and others will start to laugh . Many regard this kind of an encounter as the movement of a spirit in the atmosphere. The question is what kind of a spirit are they referring to? Are brainwashed people even able to discern if it's the Holy or a familiar Spirit these days? Do you know that this practice of being slain in the Spirit was introduced into the Church by a Protestant Healer named Kathryn

@apostle makhado soulwinning AFM Sebokeng Zone 10 Senior Pastor, Author , Founder of Khado & Sons Productions and Vaal Farming.

Kuhlman(the same woman that the popular Tele evangelist Pastor Benny Hinn confessed to visiting her grave in search of her 'anointing'. My concern back then was the anointing from the graveyard. Do you know that women are easy targets of this heavy spiritual current, especially women who are going through challenges such as depression, broken relationships, divorce, financial difficulties or any hardship (in most cases most of them are easy targets because they will be in need of inner healing for their emotional trauma).

'' Holy Spirit move me now and make my life whole again. Spirit move over me''..... The above lyrics are not just lyrics but a prayer that we should pray daily , we should seek the real move of the Holy Spirit to do a perfect work within us. ''John 3: 7-8 : The wind blows wherever it pleases. You can hear its sound, but you can never tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” The above verse from the Bible clearly shows that human beings have no power over the actions of the Holy Spirit but strangely we see a new breed of ' supernatural' Pastors or Prophets who seem to be in a position to control the actions and the movement of the 'Holy Spirit'. I have seen many counting from one to three and after shouting number three, the 'spirit' in that-

There is nothing wrong for a person to fall down to the ground but the problem is when they think falling down and rising up again is a sign of deliverance and the end of all their major problems and trauma. Do you remember Joshua in the Bible? When he saw a commander of the army of God, he fell to the ground as a posture of honor and reverence. Are Christians who claim to be slain in the spirit influenced and controlled by the spirit that would be in that particular place ? Can such Christians differentiate between the true touch of the Holy Spirit and Familiar Spirits ? Do you think the disciples of Jesus Christ fell down when they received the gift of the Holy Spirit in the upper room? 'Holy Spirit make my life whole again, Spirit move all over me





Haters Gon’ Hate

Word on the street was that Greg started a cult. The rumor began with someone I thought was a friend. A big name on the university football team, a go-to on the field — a hater behind my back. When I heard what he was saying, my first response was frustration. If the natural response is fight or flight, I found myself gravitating toward the former. But God was gracious, and soon I calmed down. The emotion that took its place next, however, caught me off guard: regret. Had I said something too extreme?

Had I been a little too vocal? Should I have lingered a little more at their parties and laughed a little more at their jokes? I failed to win him. And now, how many others would stay away from our Bible study because of his slander?

When the World Hates You From there, the descent was gradual. I started to be invited out less and less. I saw pictures of different parties and cabin getaways on Facebook. Lines began to be drawn, and I was on the other side. Wallowing in self-pity and shame, wishing I had been a cooler Christian, Jesus confronted me one night through his word.

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” (John 15:18–20) Maybe I was excluded and lied about, not because I failed as an evangelist, but instead because King Jesus had chosen me. Maybe Christ was the cause. Maybe I was not of this world.


If I was of this world, Jesus had said, the world would love me as its own.

He said all. And to help us, God gave us a book full of godly, yet hated men

But if I was his own, the world would persecute me.

and women pursuing righteousness. Are you more well-liked than your

That night in God’s word, my weaning from people pleasing began. One of


the most liberating, expectationchanging, Jesus-endorsed truths that set me free was the tried and true

No amount of winsomeness or political correctness will make us loveable to a world that crucified our

statement, Haters gon’ hate.

Jesus, if he really is our Lord. And we shouldn’t seek to be the world’s friend: “Whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (James 4:4). What will it take to make the world love us as its own? Compromise.

Haters Gon’ Hate Before that night, I had sinful expectations. Secretly, I was hoping to be loved by God and the world. Secretly, I wanted God to change my life but not my reputation. I wanted to be liked — for Christ or otherwise. I, the servant, had expected to be treated more favorably than my Master — and the world chose a murderer over him. But I was not greater than my Master. I would not — and should not — be liked by everyone. Jesus wasn’t. I should be thought well of by outsiders (1 Timothy 3:7) — many should see a good lifestyle and approve of it — but Jesus’s word to every follower of his would come to pass: “you will be hated by all for my name’s sake” (Matthew 10:22)

an embarrassment or a failure, it was the natural consequence of being Christ’s. I was a citizen of another realm, no longer who I used to be. And as E.T. illustrated way back in the 80s, people often dislike what they do not understand.

How to Be Loved by All you


“Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets.” (Luke 6:26) “Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man!” (Luke 6:22)

Through my teammate’s slander, some at the university were defriending me. Instead of this being


Proclaim Christ a little less; indulge a little more. Hide your light under a basket. Become less salty. Keep your faith to yourself. Warm yourself at the fires of this world, and keep it low-key. But Jesus offers a warning and a blessing to pierce the temptation to people please through compromise:





everyone? Paul taught that everyone who desires to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12). He did not say, “Just the awkward, hyperspiritual, loud-mouthed-and-lackinglove believer.”

Beware when all speak well of you. Be surprised if no one despises your faith, your zeal, your singular devotion to Christ. Examine yourself if you never give offense to anyone. You may be seeking to receive your glory from men instead of God (John 5:44). You may be striving to please man in a way that disqualifies you from serving Christ (Galatians 1:10). But blessed are you when they hate and exclude you for his name’s sake. Blessed are you when haters hate, for it is evidence that you are his (John 15:19). “Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you” (1 John 3:13), but rejoice. For “it has been granted [literally, “graced”] to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake” (Philippians 1:29).

Endure, and you will be sons of the Most High, and your treasure will be great in heaven (Luke 6:23).

How to Respond to Haters Expecting the antagonism of our neighbors, co-workers, and family members is one of the first steps to actually loving them. If we never expect enemies, we might spend our lives trying to make sure we don’t have enemies instead of accepting it and doing good to them anyways. But Jesus assumes the world’s hostility and commands us to love our enemies and do good unto them....(Luke 6:35– 36). But it is hard to avenge ourselves with love when we are frantically trying to get everyone to like us. We can spend so much time trying to avoid being disliked that we never give much thought to how to respond when hate inevitably comes. We double down on our efforts to win them over, often by concealing our love for Jesus, instead of being who he has made us while doing good. God says that some will never be our friends, and he instructs us on how to respond to them: with love.

Happy to Be Hated Carl Trueman observes, “A man without enemies is a man without honor.” Jesus says that a Christian without enemies is a servant unlike his Lord. And a man unlike Christ is not truly wise or happy. What the world excludes, God calls blessed. The one spurned, reviled, rejected, for Christ’s name, is called child. Haters are gonna hate us because they hated him first (John 15:18). But when they do, our response is not fear, sorrow, anger, or regret. It is a joy that leaps at being associated with Christ and a love that avenges their hate with kindness.

" kindness is our revenge"


NO DIVORCE & REMARRIAGE IN CHRISTIANITY TEXT: GENESIS 2:21-24 (21) And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; (22) And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. (23) And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (24) Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. KEY VERSE: LUKE 16:18 Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.

Pastor Paul Rika International Director of Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide ​ "HOREMOW is like a large body of water coming with great force washing away all debris, shedding dead weight, and riding off all impurities from among the churches today. The great force carries along the genuine children of God from all over the world and from all denominations and nationalities onto the narrow way to be rapture ready and to meet our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the last move of God on earth, and, Holiness Revival Movement is the Last Ark of our generation. Some say, "Is this the only place people can worship?" Indeed, such a drastic measure would perplex the world. But, Jesus said, "My children know my voice..."

" God's plan does not end with the couple, but it expands to generations as we see in the marriage of Abraham and Sarah''. In Biblical perspective, when either Christian or nonChristian marriage is done according to the standard of God, it is reorganized by the initiator of marriage, which is God Himself. Thus, Christian values should be taken seriously no matter what comes along in the marriage. God's initial plan for marriage is that the couple is to live together for the rest of their lives and nothing should ever bring separation between the two apart from death. Genesis 2:24. Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall become one flesh. No sin is greater than the other. Sin is sin and no sin is too big to cause divorce; not even adultery as we see in John 8:10-11. “She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more”. God requires us to forgive all those who have offended us because, in everything that God does, He has a divine purpose in it. For anyone to temper with what God started is to go against God, Who initiated it. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. We should know that God's plan does not end with the couple, but it expands to generations as we see in the marriage of Abraham and Sarah, from whence we got the Savior of the whole world. So, it should be preached to the body of Christ (the Church) that after meeting all the parental demands, no man is allowed to disengage that marriage. In the Bible, only fornication was talked about but that was for those who were in the process of getting married like Joseph and Mary; who were in the betrothal affair. Divorce is applied to the married and not those in fornication.

Any man therefore; Pastor, Bishop, Reverend or anyone who divorces and remarries will not enter the kingdom of God because from the beginning, divorce was never permitted. Separation should only be temporary and after that, the couple should get back together. Therefore, looking at marriage with this understanding, those who encourage divorce are against God's Word and at the judgment day will stand to account for it.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Follow God's Word to run your marriage, not traditions of men.

BIBLE READING FOR THE DAY: Numbers 5-6; Mark 4:1-20





FINISH THE WORK written by:

ANGUS & JILL BUCHAN Jill and I found Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour on the 18th of February 1979, just two years after settling in Greytown, Kwa-Zulu Natal Midlands, South Africa. Originally from Zambia, we bought a piece of land on which we planned to farm crops and livestock. We had very little to start with but even as brand new Christians, we were content with our farm, which we later called SHALOM. While reading my Bible early this morning, I came to that beautiful scripture found in the gospel of John 4.34 (NKJV) "Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.” The Lord is not interested in good starters, He’s only interested in good finishers. Many of us are in the middle of our race, some of us are only starting, others are very close to the finish line, but the most important thing is to complete the task that God has called you to. It might be to be a faithful wife, to be a steadfast, praying mother, it might be to finish the calling that God has put on your life, whether it be preaching the gospel, feeding the hungry, taking care of the poor and the needy, whatever that might be, the Lord is expecting you and I to finish the work. I just love the way He says, His meat, His food, is to do the will of Him who sent Him. At the moment in my own life, I am living my dream. If you had to ask me, is there any other way of life that I would prefer, I would say, no. So for me to get up in the morning and to spend time with Jesus is not a burden, it is a joy and a pleasure. There are times when the burden gets extremely heavy and sometimes I even cry out to the Lord, and I say ‘Lord, it’s too much, I can’t handle it anymore, I’m getting older now,’ but He says, ‘finish the work.’ It’s that getting up in the morning and fulfilling the task He’s called me to, which keeps me fit, keeps me strong and keeps my eyes sharp.

I want to encourage you today to continue to finish the calling that God has put on your life, so that when He calls you home, you can hear those beautiful words, ‘well done good and faithful servant, enter into thy rest.’

Jesus bless you Angus and Jill Buchan


The Power of Humility by: Dr André and Jenny Roebert 1 Peter 5:6 (NKJV): "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time" In the Kingdom of God there is something that causes the mighty hand of God to come upon us in a powerful way. It's a Kingdom character trait called humility; it attracts God's protection and favour upon a person's life. This is why, the devil actively tries to make people prideful. Pride not only makes you an enemy of God, it effectively repels the hand of God from your life and limits your destiny. There is a fruit of the Spirit every child of God possesses. It's called meekness. Of course, the devil does everything he can to make this quality seem like weakness, when in truth it is supernatural power under perfect control. Jesus demonstrates this powerfully throughout the gospels. There was no pride in Him, and His complete submission to the Holy Spirit within Him caused the power of God to flow unhindered. Jesus always chose His Father's will above His own - in every situation. His humility resulted in Him being exalted to the highest position in heaven and gave Him the Name above every name - to which every knee must bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord! In the Kingdom of God, lifting up is always a result of laying down. Humility is our portion, and it not only attracts the favour of God, it causes us to walk in the fullness of His power to display His glory through our lives!



PASTOR FAINTS IN CHURCH No one knew that the man behind the whole program had fainted and passed away in the office. The service was electrifying, it was our yearly praise program. Those who know me, know I don't do things half way for God. I go all out when it has to do with God. We prepared for 50,000 worshippers, the overflow was designed by one of the best event planners in town. We just changed all our key equipment and instruments to the latest make. We invited 3 major Christian musicians from the United States and 7 from Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa. We lodged them all in 5 star reservations. Our choir had been practicing for 5 Months just for this program and the new choir garment is angelic.

(part 1- a true story)

We have all the major TV stations broadcasting live, there was traffic in town because our program brought the town to a stand still. I was enjoying the music on the exalted podium, I was rejoicing that God had blessed us so much with such a great ministry. I felt pressed, I decided to use the toilet in


my office. Just as I pulled down my briefs to use the toilet, I slumped and fainted.

I left my body and stared down at my contorted form, half


naked and lifeless. I wanted to cover my nakedness, so that


when members discover my body, it will be honourable to behold, but I couldn't. An Angel stood by, He smiled and


said, "Leave the body, there's nothing you can do about it.


Follow me". I followed the Angel into the church. I could










see the members dancing with joy, my wife was dancing with other female ministers unaware that I was dying....










PRAIZNATION from my hands and tossing it into the fire. I looked into the auditorium, I couldn't find one single Angel besides the one with me. I questioned the Angel,

Before I could say a word, I was lifted into a place. What I

"how come there are no Angels in our program, wherever

saw and heard were too much for me, I started shedding

there is praise, God comes down, why can't I find Angels in

tears of joy. I was in the midst of the largest choir gathering

our praise service?" The Angel didn't reply, He simply

I have ever seen. Trillions upon trillions of Angels in pure

grabbed my hands and at the speed of light, we travelled

white choir robes. Their voices were too sweet, too

into the heavens..

delicious, too sonorous, too melodious that I started shedding tears of joy.

I found myself in the presence of the LIGHT on a very magnificent throne. Words fail me to describe the beauty.

Just at that instant, a large screen opened right in front of

The throne was so high and mighty. I heard a voice asking

me and in our program, the most expensive international


gospel artist's voice boomed from invincible speakers, the whole music, the voice, the costly instruments all sounded

I answered, We are having our yearly national praise

like frog croaking in comparison to the heavenly choir. I

program tagged PRAIZNATION. The number one praise

screamed, "please stop the noise"

program in any church in Africa. The Voice roared back....WHO GAVE YOU THE IDEA OF THE PROGRAM?

The screen changed to an old woman, in a remote village, singing hymns in a foreign language, her voice was so

I didn't know when a large screen opened up in front of me,

ordinary. Fine white smoke was coming from her mouth but

and I saw myself watching a concert by Beyoncé after which

by the time it gets to the throne of LIGHT, it becomes sound

I decided to do the Christian version.... The idea came from

just like the beautiful voices of the Angelic choir.

my heart.

The screen changed to a very small underground church in THE LIGHT ASKED: WHO GAVE YOU THE NAME FOR THE

India, they were having a worship service, the white smoke


from their service was very thick, and it sounded so sweet in heaven

I saw myself in my office, playing with various words to form the title. I personally gave the title myself.

The screen changed again to a popular gospel artist in his studio, trying to compose a song. An Angel was trying to give


him a tune but he didn't like it, I saw Satan adding a new


tune and new lyrics filled with pride, worldliness and love for popularity.

I saw myself with the church council, looking at the calendar, to choose the date that works best for us. I led

I saw the song released and many churches singing the

the team in choosing the date.

song. They so much loved the song but the song formed a black smoke filled with noise and not allowed in heaven.



I saw myself and my wife, discussing in our bedroom. We


were reading the various accolades from all over the world.


I saw another scene, where I was preaching, I was telling the church how our praise program was the best in Africa.

I was lifted again and taken to the instrument section in

I saw another scene, I was receiving award for the praise

heaven, wow and unbelievable. I saw the head of the choir,

pastor of the year. I saw the award sitting visibly behind my

He was very huge, very handsome, very smooth. In him was

chair in the office so that it can be seen by all in my

all kinds of instruments. Stars were all around him.

broadcast. I shared in the glory for the program.

I heard the voice saying... THERE IS NO VACUUM IN HEAVEN, SEE THE REPLACEMENT FOR LUCIFER. to be continued in the next issue.....


The corrupt influence of music & television TEXT: GALATIANS 6:7-8 (7) Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (8) For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. KEY VERSE: PSALM 101:3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

Music! The devil has gotten hold of music. Music is the most appealing thing to the flesh. It makes people dance, sing rough words and speak slangs. The music of our day goes with pornography. The musicians bring naked women and actual acts of immorality into the music. The people singing and dancing in the contemporary music are stars. They train your daughter to stand in her underwear. ​ he watches it, so fear and shame are no more there. They S teach her harlotry right in her father's house through music and, of course, they are making a name. She wants to make a name too. They are paying them much for such nakedness. She needs the money too. She has gotten a friend who told her how much she made and has bought a car with it. Music and dancing! A great force against children!

Television has become a nanny. It has taken over the family. Parents tell their child, “Stop crying”. Watch! The child really will not bother about eating food. In these days of work, work, work, they set a television in front of the child and go out to labor for money. They tell the child, “here are your favorite stations; go ahead, watch, until I come back.” That is a school the child is going through in the house. He is watching and the world and Satan are ready to train him. When you return, he begins to say, “Chu! Cho! Chu!” You say, “What is happening?” He has learnt it and he is practicing it! When children, a boy and a girl who are brother and sister, have watched pornography, no matter how short the scene is, they will want to practice it. They will say, “The man did like this and the woman opened like this.” Before you know it, they will do like that and open like that right in your house. It has happened several times before and it is still happening. I heard of a boy that killed one of his brothers or so with a knife, after watching Kung Fu fighting where they used knives to fight. Chu! Chu! Chu! So he carried a knife and “Chu” on his sibling. Television! What a corrupt thing; bringing the wickedness of the world to your house, and making Satan in charge of your house. Maybe you watched along with them too, and you were laughing while it is sinking into them. They do not have self-control like you. They don't forget what they learnt easily. They will put it to practice.


“Oftentimes, in my Christian walk, there is a bit YOUNG DJ of L.A. WORLD loneliness” Rabbi Schneider


Set Apart “Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God” (Romans 1:1). Oftentimes, in my Christian walk, there is a bit of loneliness. I have to live a certain way because I am not part of the world. And because I am not “among the crowd,” I cannot engage or participate in the things our society defines as acceptable. “Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE,” says the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 6:17 Beloved, you and I are separate; we have been called. We are required to act a certain way and think above the existing culture. We are also called to share Messiah with those God brings into our lives. I am meeting new people all the time. And you know, people that are from the world, they speak and behave as those that are “earthly minded.” But those of us who have our eyes set on heaven and are born again have a different value system. We speak a different language; we talk about different things. We exalt absolute truth. We are set apart. We are unique. You and I are called. We have been selected to live apart from this world. We must accept that our godly stance can sometimes create a divide or a negative response from people. “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15).

Think about Paul’s life and how mistreated he was because he was set apart. He was beaten, ridiculed, and maligned. In fact, he wrote most of the New Testament while in prison. Consider the people of Israel. Even though they are God’s firstborn covenant people, look at the price that the Jewish people have had to pay. They have been persecuted and hated ever since their call. And beloved, we should expect the same. We must be willing to suffer the reproach of our calling. “Indeed, all who want to live in a godly way in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12). Apostle Paul also said, “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death” (Philippians 3:10). There was this dual fellowship that Paul was experiencing in his walk with Messiah. On the one hand, he knew Jesus in the power of His resurrection, but on the other hand, he knew Jesus in the fellowship of His sufferings. He knew what it meant to be rejected for Yeshua. He knew what it meant to feel lonely because he was not being received. This is also part of our call and destiny. We have been set apart. So be encouraged; know that Father loves you and know that you will be rewarded for all that you suffer and give up because of your love for Him.

Rabbi Schneider


Unfortunately, all Christians have feelings of spiritual

Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery.

emptiness from time to time. Fortunately, God knew it

Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” Then, we should make

would happen and has given us a lot of helpful advice in

sure we are doing all right physically—are we getting

His Word.

enough sleep, eating properly, etc.?

It is often sin that causes our feelings of spiritual

A Christian may feel spiritually empty sometimes, but he

emptiness—possibly the sin of apathy toward God or

need never be truly so. No born-again Christian is ever

sluggishness in our daily lives. Also, how we feel physically

without the Holy Spirit. All who are born again have

can impact how we feel spiritually. So the best advice to

received the baptism of the Holy Spirit the moment they

overcome feelings of spiritual emptiness might be to first

believed in Jesus (Ephesians 2:1–10). The Holy Spirit has

examine if we have been disobedient to God’s commands


for us. Ephesians 5:15–18 says, “Be very careful, then, how

(Ephesians 4:30).








you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do

So the key to overcoming spiritual emptiness is to “fill up”

not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

with the Holy Spirit. Maybe that sounds obvious enough,

but how exactly does one do that? Dr. Bill Bright, the

In doing those four steps, you are essentially doing

founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, suggests these

spiritual breathing—exhaling the impure and inhaling the


pure. In faith you are praying for what God already knows you need—the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

1) Sincerely desire to be directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 5:6 and John 7:37–39).

Often in allowing the Spirit to fill oneself, there will be an immediate desire to dine on God’s daily bread—the Bible.

2) Confess your sins and thank God that He has forgiven all

“Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that

of your sins whether past, present, or future (Colossians

comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

2:13–15; 1 John 1:1—2:3). It is also helpful to know where to turn for encouragement. 3) Present every area of your life to God for His gracious

Overcoming feelings of spiritual emptiness is often not a

control (Romans 12:1–2).

mental or academic exercise; rather, we need the personal touch of another born-again believer. Here is where the

4) By faith claim the fullness of the Holy Spirit according to

church comes in, with brothers and sisters everywhere,

His commandment in Ephesians 5:18 and His promise in 1

Bible study and support groups meeting locally, and, of

John 5:14–15.

course, worship services and the preaching of God’s Word.

''Sincerely desire to be directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit''


S o

W h a t

I f

T h e y

D o n ' t

B e l i e v e written by : Jentezen Franklin

Key Scripture Romans 3:3-4; Exodus 14

What if some do not believe what God has told you? What happens when you tell others about Jesus and they do not believe? Keep telling people and keep praying for your loved ones whether they accept your testimony or not. Keep telling others anyway, because God has told you to do it. Others have no control over what God has told you to do. Their unbelief will not cancel your promise for you OR for them.

Key Points 1. When you are in the will of God there will still be opposition. There will always be people that do not accept what you know to be true. 2. Don’t listen to lies. False accusations and trials, and even evil can come against you, but it cannot stop what God has told you. A real dream does not die when opposition comes. Man cannot kill that which God has given life.

3. Your dream is not dependent on someone else. Don’t be distracted by others’ talents and abilities and think they are your pathway. Don’t think your dream depends on the help of others. God is your door opener.

3. Does your dream intimidate you? That's a good sign because He never intended for you to be able to do it without faith … Great Faith. Don’t be intimidated by anything God gives you to do. He will give you everything you need at every point in the journey.

4. People are resources for your dream—God is your source. People will come and go but God will provide all you need. The dream is in you as is the promise. If you depend on people you will go from praying for them to preying on them for your needs. God is your source and He will provide all you need.

Where God guides, He provides.

3 Questions to verify if your dream is from God 1. What is the origin of your dream? Identify the origin of your dream. Did it come from my imagination or from God? You only want God’s dream for your life. 2. What talents and resources do you have? God won’t give you a dream that you don’t have the talent or gift to do. Your gift will make room for you. You have to do an inventory of your talents and abilities. They will match God’s dream for your life. Don’t make the mistake Sarah made: impatience and wanting what others have.

a. Don’t let the smallness of your dream discourage you. Your seemingly small dream is a critical piece of God’s plan. There are no small dreams. b. Don’t let the magnitude of your dream discourage you. If your dream has a giant in your way, remember you serve a giant-killer.

Final Thoughts Are you ready for all that God has next for your life? Are you willing to believe God’s Word and His promises for your life even when what you see looks impossible? Are you willing to believe for your family’s salvation? Are you willing to place your dreams in Jesus’ hands and allow the Lord to work that dream out through you? Don’t be intimidated; you serve the King of kings. You serve a MIGHTY God. So what if others don’t believe? That doesn’t change God’s promise or diminish it in any way.

"When you are in the will of God there will still be opposition."



TEXT: MATTHEW 4:1-4 (1) Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. (2) And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. (3) And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. (4) But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

KEY VERSE: 2 TIMOTHY 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. You must devote and consecrate all to Jesus. This means that you should come holistically to the Bible. God requires you to do all; when you do this... then shall thou make thy way prosperous. The level you want your Christian life to be is in your hands. The level of your progress is in your hand. When you fast and you do not pray, it will not work because you have done one and neglected the other. Matthew 4:1-4 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.


You must live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. To know every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, you must study His word. Ezra prepared his heart to seek what is written down. You must do the same today to gain the true knowledge of the living God. Be equipped with the word of God. Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.






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