the power of UNDERSTANDING by Angus Buchan
PLUS! the devils letter 2 CHRISTIANS + Christian blogging 101 + THE BIBLE ON CUSSING
EDITOR'S NOTE Your majesty Victory belongs to Jesus. Who can stand against the King, no can, no one will. I’ve asked myself if we really understand the magnitude of these words and whom they are about. We live in a culture where we put God in a box. Where when things are going right, these song lyrics are relevant, He is victorious. Then the minute things go “wrong” then we do away with these powerful words. It doesn’t work like that. It’s in those hard times, difficult situations; painful experiences where we can really see, know and breathe that really “Victory Belongs To Jesus”. I look back and say King Jesus thank You for all the hard times, difficult situations and painful experiences I went through. They have made me to know You for myself, not what people say about You. I love these words said by (Job 42:5) “In the past I knew only what others had told me, but now I have seen You with my own eyes”. Within those experiences you realize that there is more to know and seek, what you know about God is not enough and He is calling you deeper. Question is how deep are we willing to go , what and who are we willing to leave behind because it doesn’t need an entourage ( don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we become loners and not have passion to preach the gospel , I’m referring when it comes to seeking God). No matter what just know that No one can stand against the King, no one can and no one will. For Victory Belongs To Jesus Christ. He is never caught by surprise. Lookout for the article by M.K about “broad & narrow way Christians”, it will change the way you view Christianity and also about “ THE BIBLE ON CUSSING”. Hope you are learning, growing and sharing. If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now till next time, you’re loved by HIM and me.
Thembalethu Brian Mncube .
Known to many as an actor and motivational speaker. Just like his brand THEMBATALKSMIND , you can be certain that you will be receiving knowledge. When you have found Jesus Christ and your purpose the sky is the limit. CAUTION: YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE BLOWN AWAY.
Who is Themba personally and professionally? Themba, personally is a Big Brother, a Friend, a Colleague, a quiet, introverted extrovert lol đ&#x;˜‚ . He is a very reserved and sometimes shy guy even though that’s hard to believe. He is a lover of life, of people but most importantly of his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Professionally Themba is a humble servant of Christ, He is a Motivational Speaker. A Filmmaker as Actor, Writer, Director, Producer. He is an Ambassador for TJ and Pals | Just Sow Children’s Foundation |Abide he is a very hard-worker and  ultimately a Youth life coach. When and how did you become Born Again? I had always been going to church as a young person because my family would go to church and so it was a custom more than a transformation. I ultimately became a born-again Christian in 2005 when the guys from The Silver Ring thing came to visit us when I was just doing grade 8 but back then I couldn’t fully understand what being born again meant. I remember they had taught us purity and to keep ourselves pure for Christ and I absolutely loooved that, something just clicked in my heart. They taught us about the prayer of Jabez from the book of 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 and I was captured by the prayer and it was a prayer I used to recite for quite a long time still stumbling along the way. After some time at high school just as I was doing Matric in 2009 I went to a Christian Camp called: (YouthWeek) run by Youth for Christ at Magaliesburg. The fire for Christ in my heart was fueled by the passion and hunger for Jesus that I saw in those young people and I remembered just how I wanted to be fueled by that same fire and from then on, I could say I transitioned once again and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and from then on an eternal zeal for Christ began and its been that way ever since. It’s been about 10 years or so to date. people he had the chance to reach. When I say the name Jesus what come to mind? Agape Love, Peace and Eternal Joy. When I truly understood what that meant, it just hits your heart and all you can ever do is fall down in surrender and worship to His Love.
What are the perks of being Born Again? • Honestly the free gift of Salvation. The Grace of going to Heaven as compared to eternity in Hell. • God’s abundant Grace in everything. • Freedom in Christ because of His Death and Resurrection. • Being Loved and Learning how to Love as Christ loved the church. • Having Peace from all the troubles of the world despite the circumstances and or situations. • There is an inexplicable Joy that comes with being in Christ even on your worst day it just carries you through. What do you want people to know about Jesus Christ? I want people to know that Jesus Christ is NOT the Enemy that the world has made Him out to be, He never was, and He never ever will be. He is not some “whiteâ€? man who came and opressed people and created slaves or even changed our cultural traditions etc as some people might put it and He is the Messiah. God’s only BYinterpret JORDANit.WATSON begotten Son. A free gift to mankind the Saviour of humanity from the Sin of this world. I want people to truly know the Love of Jesus when your heart has been touched by His love, His peace, His perfection, I just can’t put into words that kind of feeling because He just LOVES US sooooooooo muchđ&#x;˜. It really takes Bold Faith to Follow Jesus. But JESUS loves all of us regardless of whether we love Him back, hate Him or reject Him. I want people to know that whether they believe it or not, Jesus died for them. He gave up His life and became a living sacrifice for all of us. He was buried and on the 3rd day He rose again that we might have eternal life. He is truly the Hope of our Salvation. I want people to know that they only have the gift of every waking morning to receive Him as Lord and Saviour only one chance to accept him with every breath of Grace that they take and unfortunately no one can escape death. One day ALL will stand before God and give an account of their lives but certainly every knee will Bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. You are an Actor, director, producer, programme director, motivational speaker, youth life coach and writer, when it comes to writing scripts where do you draw inspiration from? I draw my inspiration from the word of God. That is the Best written material you will ever find to exist in the world and I truly believe that every-
story ever written in some way or another at its core carries the word of God. For Hebrews 4:12 declares that the word is alive and active therefor it lives in everything we are and do. No one can ever rewrite the Bible. The Word of God is Truth and Light to all who receive it. I am also inspired by daily life, struggles, lessons, opportunities, circumstances, pain, suffering, hurt, happiness, joy you name it. I am always an observant person so I generally study people, I try to understand different people that I come across and given the opportunity when I hear their stories I tend to draw a lot of inspiration from them. I am an avid reader and so I also draw a lot of my inspiration from different forms of written literature, biographies, motivational books, novels etc, Another form is from watching other inspiring Films, Television shows etc. It really depends on the subject matter that I’d be working on at the time as well. By being an avid reader, when you purchase books, what do you look for in books? I look for a number of things such as entertainment value, content and identification, the look or cover of a book says a lot about it and even the author, a familiar author also makes the process very easy. But most importantly I look for my growth when I pick up a good book. Hahahahaha I can’t and won’t read a book if I won’t grow from having read it, Yes this includes fictional material. Life is about growth and development and there are lots of books that just take you nowhere. A good book has to leave an imprint on my own existence one way or another. But I am truly always inspired by motivational books, Christian Literature and Autobiographies. I’ve done a number of fictional books but I’m very selective when it comes to those. I don’t fill my mind with any and everything. What challenges have you faced or are still facing as a Born Again Christian male? I think a lot of people will agree with me on this because it doesn’t matter if you’re male or female but generally it’s doubt or Lack of faith including a whole range of other individual challenges and the answer for this is really simple. The Flesh or Carnal mind is always in enmity with the Spirit and I believe for as long as we are still attached to the Flesh we will always at some point, one way or the other encounter these two challenges or obstacles. Now how and when we overcome them, that is the Victory we have in Christđ&#x;˜ The beautiful Grace of Salvation is that of the forgiveness of sins and no condemnation for all those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1. M
@thembab_m Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? • I would Cry (my personal relationship with Him). Give Him a hug and hold on to Him for as long as I can because He knows my heart. He’d know just how thankful and grateful I am that I wouldn’t need to say anything. • I would spend the rest of the day with Him giving me a piggy back, swinging me around and throwing me in
"there is no greater act of Bravery in Humanity than that of Publicly Confessing your faith in JESUS CHRIST" THEMBATALKSMIND
the air. I honestly would be like a child in His presence, I wouldn’t have to worry about cares of the world even as scripture teaches us how much more when He is physically here with me .I would be happy by just being in His presence nje. • I also believe that when He says it’s time to go. I’d ask if He could take me back with Him unless He says otherwise I’d be happy to leave the earth and be with Him in paradise for eternity. If you could change something’s about the modern church, what would it be? I would personally change a number of things such as the Christian mindest to a Discipleship mindest. Christian Mindset says I’m Saved and free from Hell which is not wrong, BUT a Discipleship mindset says I have to be transformed and be like Christ. The modern church is more concerned about receiving more than giving. The Apostle Paul as well as the first 1, (excluding Judas) GAVE their ALL and paid with their lives. The church is also now afraid to preach about the coming judgment of God. I’d revive those teachings and remind the world that we’re not instilling fear but preaching the truth and a time that is coming. All will give an account. The CHURCH has also become too concerned about the “church building and how many people are in it”. The TRUE church met at homes and various gathering places to meet the needs of the poor and the sick and not to have favorite pastors, bishops, evangelists, prophets etc. I would also change this whole “denominational” thing. It has truly brought so much division in the body of Christ. It’s a major thing but I would try and correct it somehow. We are ALL children of God, and there is ONLY one way to Salvation and that is by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour without any “works” inbetween as it has absolutely nothing to do with denominations and church “traditions”. It’s the simple Gospel. We the people are the “CHURCH”!
What can you say to the young Christian who has decided that they will become committed to Jesus and the gospel when they are older? • First let’s tackle the urgency of accepting Christ - Tomorrow is not guaranteed, let alone the fact that tonight you might just breathe your last. Therefor there is no time inbetween but the time you have now as you are reading this article or the time when you received the gospel about Jesus Christ. You only have that time to truly receive Him as Lord And Saviour. You cannot gamble with Salvation. • Being “committedâ€? to Christ has been answered with the above statement. You do not choose whether or not you’ll get older or see your next birthday. It is a gift and I want to be very blunt here so that people W O R D may S B Yunderstand  S A R A H the kind of times that we’re living in. “Listen, when you DIE no one can EVER accept Jesus Christ on your behalf or ASK forgiveness for you on your behalf once you’ve passed on you’re Gone and that’s it! YOU have to make that decision. It’s either now or never with the time you’ve been given while you ALIVE and Christ Himself will work in you everything else by your obedience and submission to Him. • I also want the young people to understand that once you’re saved it’s no longer about you but the next person. Your commitment to Christ is not about what you can do for God but what God wants to do through you, for His other children and Kingdom. The end of self has come and the beginning of Him (Jesus) begins. So, if you commit to serving Christ at a later stage it will not benefit anyone except you and all you’ll have left is just waiting to hear the final judgment of your life from God. But also think about the Joy you bring to someone else who never knew Christ and them being saved because you decided to serve Christ while you were young. đ&#x;˜Š That must certainly spark some warmth in your heart to think about the Salvation of another. You are involved in a Children’s Foundation with Hope Masilo which was recently launched; please tell us more about that? So, on the 16th of June 2018 we launched - Just Sow Children’s Foundation and the simple reason for this was because, Hope the Founder had a Vision from God with various confirmations about the salvation of children through this foundation. The first step is to always acknowledge that everything we do is for God’s Purpose and then narrow it down to the need which has been identified.Â
You have passion for the gospel and youth. Tell us more about National Day of Prayer you will be Hosting? I certainly do with all my heart. Sometimes I’m not sure how but it’s what I’ve been called to do. I Love young people and I believe they have such a potential to be used by God and do sooo much for our country and communities, I do believe with God all things are possible. I had a Vision from God where I saw a number of young people gathered together in prayer to call on the name of the Lord Jesus and seek God’s council over much of the challenges we’ve had in the past as youth and those that we have currently. I saw a dynamic move of the Spirit and a change in the spirit of our Youth as we all gathered to pray in one united voice. I remember hearing in my spirit that the Month of June has always been dedicated to the Youth but not to the one who created us as young people. We always go into the month of June with already preconceived emotions, attitudes, memories and so forth about June 16 but we’ve never cried out unto the Lord to help us as young people in the nation and give us workable solutions to alleviating substance abuse, teenage pregnancy, business opportunities, ideas and innovations and various other challenges that affect the youth. And so, the National Youth Day of Prayer was Born and a mobilization was created in the form of a Prayer challenge, to challenge all youths to come together in their respective and homes, churches or places of gathering and pray together as one. We asked all groups to use the following #Hashtags #NYDOP_2018 #NationalDayofPrayer2018 so we can keep track of who was praying, and how far the reach has gone. We are believing that God is going to do a mighty thing in the last few months of 2018 concerning the Youth for He said in His word that in the last days He will pour out His Spirit and Young men will have visions and old men will dream dreams, young men and woman will prophesy Acts 2:17. We’re believing God will pour out His Spirit afresh in us and cause us to see visions and speak a New Prophetic Word over ourselves as young people and our Country. So, join us in prayer and let’s keep praying for our Youth to go back to the Fear of God. Amen!
Last words or rather advice for the young Christians? I write to you as Paul would write one of his letters‌I Themba write this letter to the readers of Beauty and the Gospel and the whole church of believers who are reading this Magazine, I greet you all in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Now concerning matters of advice to the Young Christiansđ&#x;˜ . I have this to say, that the Joy of the Lord is my strength I was full of Joy in the HolySpirit when I became a born again Christian and a mature disciple of Jesus Christ. Look guys and girls it’s not easy believe you me when you read Paul’s letters you realize just what it cost to follow Christ. But when you read the Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) you get to understand why we follow Jesus and that is because He First Loved us yet while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 for we were not worthy, but He saw us worthy. Yes, BY following Jesus may be unpopular but it is JORDAN WATSON the best decision you will ever make in your life. When you invite Christ into your life it leads to eternal life with Him. Sure, sometimes you will lose friends, you will be rejected, there are certain people who wouldn’t want to be associated with you any longer because of your Faith in Jesus and guess what it’s okay man, like really hahahaha it’s all good đ&#x;˜†đ&#x;˜ . You see many fish go down stream where the current leads them and I’ve found in most cases that’s because at the end of the flow there is always a water fall and such could unfortunately represent Hell. But when you swim upstream and go against the current, you have to be Resilient, you have to focus, you have to make a choice to follow your own path which God has laid out for you, you might go alone but you’ll find the more you push the easier it becomes and you will eventually get to dwell in Heavenly places seated with Jesus. One of my favorite scriptures that has always kept me going is Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP “5. Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. 6. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].â€?
Also, young Christians please DO NOT BE AFRAID to stand for Jesus. I promise you it is going to mean so much when the world is no more. The sacrifice you’ve done now will mean so much more for your Salvation and the salvation of others. Being some young born again person is soooooo cool I promise you and it’s filled with so much of God’s promises and His Love for us. We are His chosen generation the soldiers of the Lords army. And my Final Exhortations are Keep the Peace, don’t fight with anyone about Religion, God is the one who convicts hearts we just share the Gospel, let them see your faith more than you tell them about it. Seek (Have a deep desire to know) God with all your heart, go to your room sit quietly alone and start praying (talking to God), you don’t have to say the smartest prayer, a moment between you and God is not about intelligence or using the perfect words but it’s about your heart, the deep inner thoughts and feelings of your heart �. Give your heart to Jesus, you’ve got nothing to lose but so much to gain. When you share the Gospel for the first time if you’re not brave enough go with someone who is older or even your closest friend and together speak to people about Jesus it’s always better to do it while you have the zeal and burning fire of the spirit to do it while you’re still young. Find out about Christian -  Camps, Music concerts and gatherings happening but I carefully urge and warn you, we are living in the last days with lots of fake prophets, Pastors, Leaders, Bishops etc. There is NO OTHER NAME THAT CAN SAVE but the name of JESUS. No water, no drink, no substance apart from the name of Jesus. Please be careful and ask God to give you a spirit of Discernment (to check) about certain people and places. Lastly, the only way to grow as a Christian please know that there is no formula except READING and MEDITATING on the Word of God (The Bible). Read it a (Book) at a time and don’t rush it just fill yourself with His Word. And never stop praying even if you feel like you don’t want to pray and be still in His presence, don’t pray and quickly run away when you’re done praying, God is not a dustbin where you offload and go. He is a Spirit and He is 80 or 90% of the time speaking through His word. I always prefer that young people read the word from a physical bible rather than a digital one from your phone, trust me you will not grow that way. I pray that the Spirit of God will touch the heart and mind of the person reading this Interview and that He will reveal Himself through this magazine in the name of Jesus. I pray that your heart would open up to Jesus and that you would receive Him just after you finish reading this interview for the Word of God is alive and Active. I declare that every reader will be consumed by the power of God and that every evil spirit that comes against you will back off and leave you as your desire for Jesus grows in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen These are my final greetings to the church that reads Beauty and The Gospel.
You look up to? • Jesus as the Author and Perfecter of my Faith. • My Parents & Family my Mother (Nokuthula Ntuli) and Father(Kenneth Ntuli). Zethembe and Msizi Ntuli they all truly inspire me. • My Pastor Dr. Reverend Kenneth Meshoe and Dr Lydia Meshoe • A number of Great Leaders, Men and Women of God most who are still alive and some who have passed on. • Someone very special to me • A number of brothers and sisters in Christ. Favourite destination? Thus Far it’s Israel, Botswana, Lesotho and many more that God has in store for me.
Current read • The Wait - by Pastor DeVon Franklin and Meagan Good • Rich Dad Poor Dad - by Robert Kiyosaki • Last Light – Terri Blackstock You are happiest when… • Praying and reading God’s Word. • I’m with my Family and Closest friends. • Eating my favorite food and watching a Good Christian Movie. Thoughts on the man bag and do you own one? • Love it and I am due for a new one very soon Most valuable possession? • My Bible • iPad • Cellphone Daily scent? • Revlon Man – Fire and Ice Can’t stop thinking about? • Jesus • Food • My Bed • My Future with my own family someday
You haven’t lived if you haven’t? Accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour and discovered your Life’s Purpose. One thing that people don’t know about me is? I am a hectic Foodie. I know I’m short but I loooove Good Food: Burgers Pizza’s and Home Cooked Meals On a Saturday you will find me….. At home At my friend’s place At a meeting At the Mall *It all depends on what I’m up to. *
Plans for the rest of the year? I am busy with the National Youth Day of Prayer and then the next Project will be #YoungAndRunningForChrist which is a communitybased walkathon and Marathon which I am busy developing with my Team. I am also currently working on a Youth based Talkshow and my First Tv Feature Film that I want to produce, write and direct. I am busy developing my brand ThembaTalksMIND™ as a youth motivational speaker, so do write to us and invite us to your school, or organization using the following email My latest movie is coming out which I did with Leon Schuster called: Frank and Fearless in November so I’ll be promoting that quite often. This is all I can reveal for now at this stage. By Grace it shall all come to pass.
Monthly Devotion This devotion is based on the book of 1 SAMUEL with the headi .....ONLY A STEP BETWEEN ME AND DEATH Read 1 Samuel 20:1-4 David’s life was in danger all the time Saul was alive. He was so intensely aware of this that he said: “… there is only a step between me and death” (v3). He had several close shaves with death. These words are not only applicable to David. Every moment each one of us is only one small step from death. Just think about it: a small clot in the heart or head; a truck with brake failure; a piece of bread crust struck in the throat; a knife between the shoulder-blades and my life is over. Death is always just a breath away. That is why I must always be ready to meet the Lord. As a born-again Christian I dare not continue in sin because then I would stand before the Master as a disobedient servant. And I don’t want that! Being a Christian means being prepared. So often we forget about the reality of death, and the Rapture, and continue as if we will be around for years to come. We need to live each day as if it is our last. It may be!
Prayer: : our Father , please let me be ready when You call me home
In the next couple of issues I will be explaining what exactly these two ways are. In this issue it’s we focus on the introduction There are two types of Christians in this world. They both confess to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour but their lifestyles are totally different. They are both vocal when it comes to the Word of God, they both attend churches and are very active in serving. Revelations 3:11-22 says: “I know what you have done; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were either one or the other. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither hot or cold. I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say; I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing. But you do not know how miserable and pitiful you are. You are poor, naked and blind. Buy also white clothing to dress yourself and cover up your shameful nakedness. Buy also some ointment to put on your eyes, so that you may see. I rebuke and punish all whom I love. Be in earnest, then, and turn from your sins. Listen! I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with them, and they will eat with me.
"I SET BEFORE YOU TODAY LIFE AND DEATH, CHOOSE LIFE" DEUTERONOMY 30:19 To those who win the victory, I will give the right to sit beside me on my throne, just as I have been victorious and now sit by my Father on His Throne. If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches. Christianity is a lifestyle that should be lived according to the Word of God. We are the light of the world, therefore our lives should guide and lead people to God. We are ambassadors of Heaven, hence we should live our lives to represent Heaven and imitate the Lord Jesus Christ. Our lives should always aim to our Lord. Our lives should revolve around Jesus Christ and what His Word entails. We need to study the Word and apply it daily. Before you can even open your mouth, your lifestyle should tell people that you are indeed different. This will make them to listen to you attentively when you tell them about Jesus and Him being crucified. The Word of God says that obedience is better than sacrifice. Obeying the Word of God and being committed is a sure way of finishing the race that has been before us (Matt 7:21). Not everyone who calls me “Lord, Lord” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do what my Father in Heaven wants them to do. The Bible is to be studied and this will be easy for you to live it. If you just read it, it will be like a novel or newspaper that you read and hours later you will have forgotten what it was all about. Eat the Word and living it will be effortless. The Holy Spirit is here to help, teach and remind us of what we know. We should depend entirely upon Him and our lives will be very easy and fruitful. We will not be conformed to the system of this world but will be transformed by His Word. We should guard ourselves against being lukewarm.
Let’s be hot and zealous for our Lord Jesus. Life is too short (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 says: “Have reverence for God, and obey His commands, because this is all that human beings were created for. God is going to judge everything we do, whether good or bad, even things done in secret. TO BE CONTINUED IN THE AUGUST ISSUE.
But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ .
The power of UNDERSTANDING We are so honored to share this beautiful article written by Angus Buchan . A Born Again spirit filled servant of the Gospel. Thanking you once again Angus for sharing this article with us . He is an Author, Farmer, Husband, Father and Grandfather. The Power of understanding When we become offended with someone we’re obviously hurt, and its normally people who are close to us who offend us. Those whose opinions we treasure. I’ve always said that if I had to take my shirt off you’ll see the scars between my shoulder blades. But now the only person who can stab me there is someone I trust and who is very close to me – God. If we carry offences with us, it’s like carrying a 50kg bag of cement on our backs all day long. It doesn’t affect the person who has caused the
Love endures through all. If you’re having a problem with your spouse, with your children or with your parents, dig
offence. Instead, it hurts us. “Hatred stirs up
that hole, bury the offences and walk away. Love them
quarrels, but love makes up for all offences,”
unconditionally. All around the world, so many people are
says Proverbs 10:12.
stressed out. They’re experiencing the same problems we
The way we overcome offence is by love. We
are in South Africa. And all are inevitably financial- or
need to forgive, forget and move on.
I read a good story about a lady who was
The best way to deal with them is to confront them. Don’t
struggling to sleep, because of something someone had said about her which was untrue. She was very troubled. Then she dreamt the Lord said she should go out into the garden and dig a very deep hole. She then had to put her pain into the hole and cover it with soil. Once the hole had been filled, she needed to plant a beautiful rose bush in that soil and walk away from it. After the woman did that in her mind, she fell sound asleep.
push them away. Always look at things from the other person’s point of view. In this way you may understand why they’re behaving that way. Often it’s due to fear, and they’re taking it out on the ones who they love the most, which is totally unfair, but that’s what happens. The way to respond is not by throwing more petrol on the fire and retaliating. It’s to be understanding and forgiving and to love that person. That will defuse any situation and you’ll earn respect. Charity begins at home. We need to start by loving our own people first before we go out trying to rectify the problems in the country. So let’s start at home
Love covers all sin. In 1 Corinthians 13, it
with our immediate family and then move on to our
speaks very clearly about the power of love.
business and then the rest of the world.
The Lord says love never gives up. Love never loses faith. Love is always hopeful
God bless
(gives the benefit of the doubt).
Angus Buchan
the devil's letter to Christians UNKNOWN
I’m working…..
ARE YOU SEEING WHAT I AM LIKE? It’s funny to say that I’m lazy, don’t you think? My
I do not care much, and although they paint me in an ugly way saying that I have horns, tail, and other things, I’m not like that. Whoever knows the Bible knows very well that I can become an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). Actually, I go to church more often than many. I feel so happy seeing lazy Christians who do not pray or read the Bible. It is in this that I am filled with joy and even
greatest sadness is when I see the church singing. I turned against God, wanting to be equal to Him; I was expelled losing my privilege in Heaven. Today in church, music is what I hate most. Therefore I have set a spirit of pride and prostitution for the musicians, (Ezekiel 28: 12, 13, 14, 15). My end is near. That is why in recent times I have worked hard to bring crowds with me to hell causing accidents, road deaths, hospitals and suicides.
applaud. The less you pray and read the Bible, the better for me. My greatest joy is when at the moment of preaching, many are talking, distracted on the internet, others go out to the bathroom. Also at that time I make people talk, sleep, get up at all times, disturb the silence of people etc.
MY MISSION IS TO KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY (John10:10) I attract crowds with songs, dances, parties, alcoholic drinks, drugs, social networks, soap operas, movies, fame, fashion, lust, money, sexual pleasures etc.
I like to see women showing breasts and clothes that teach intimate parts of the body, to arouse the sensuality of men. Many got to church with tight pants that mark the body shape, short skirts, cleavage and inappropriate clothing to go to the temple of God.
I’M NOT AFRAID TO REVEAL MY SECRETS. I know very well that even when all this is said, there will be no improvement in you. The things that make me angry in the church are: fasting, prayers, intercession and offerings. When I want someone not to go to church, I put thoughts
like: “You are tired”, you are not fit to go to church…Then do not go! “The services are long and tiring, do not go”. “Rest, enjoy the TV”
This is a topic that is hardly spoken about in the Christian community. So as Beauty&TheGospel we've taken it upon ourselves to add this article. We cannot live like the world does . LEARN AND SHARE!!! In our age today, curse words are common. Song lyrics, TV shows, movies are full of cussing. Children often pick up these dirty words in the school system from their friends or the TV, the list goes on and on. I can remember a time when most people would apologize when a curse word slipped out. Now it’s become ingrained in society’s daily conversations. Some may consider you ‘LAME”” or a “NERD” I you don’t curse like a sailor. God mentions several times in His Word about how we who follow Jesus are to communicate with others. We are not to swear, cuss or use profane language. In fact, it’s not okay for anybody to cuss but we just don’t have the expectations that unbelievers would avoid from using these modernized swear words. If we were to use such profane words in the Church, when we are out with friends, when we are preaching the Word, even online when we are essentially anonymous, it paints a bad picture to Christians overall, even if it’s in a joking way, followers of Christ are to be set apart from the world.
If you have problem with this, a heart change and repentance is needed. Jesus says that what comes out of our mouths is a reflection of what is in our hearts. The evil in one’s heart will eventually be expressed in curses or swearing. However, if our hearts are filled with the love of God, others, and His goodness, that is what we will express with our words. See Luke 6:45. We can conclude that from the Biblical definition of sin, our overview of foul talk and Scripture’s many expressions on the use of our tongue that it is without question a sin to curse. Fact is, words have real power, either for good or for evil. They hold the power of life and death. When given the choice, choose to speak what is good. For scripture referrals please read: • Ephesians 4:29, 5:4 • Proverbs 4:24 • James 3:10 • Matthews 12:36 • Deuteronomy 5:11 • 1 Peter 3:10
Monthly Devotion This devotion is based on the book of 1 SAMUEL with the heading: THE CONSEQUENCES OF A BAD EXAMPLE Read 1 Samuel 2:11-17 Eli’s two sons were wicked men. They went against God’s Law and against His commands regarding offering. They had no respect for God and did not obey Him or consider Him. What was the result? The people had lost their respect for the Lord’s offerings. The offerings were not carried out to the letter and God d was robbed of honour He deserved. Through their bad example, others stopped giving honour to God. Church-goers have tremendous responsibility. They should be such a good example that their lives clearly show that they honour God so that others also want to come to know and honour Him. If we do not do this, there is a ripple effect and others begin to think that it is not necessary to honour and glorify God. In this way we can detract from the honour due to God. A bad example influences others so we need to ensure that our words and actions always bring honour and glory to God and do not harm His precious Name.
Prayer: : our Father , please let my example bring honour and glory to You
IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD You know so many times as Christians, wait let me say as human beings we face encounters that can only be solved by Jesus. These types of situations once solved, make you sit and be in awe of how a human could have never survived that. In everyday life we get to see the hand of God by merely being alive , we get to experience what an awesome God we serve . In every issue we feature a story that will change your life in every way. If you have no idea what God can do , this is one true example . This story is by JOYCE MAPIMELE .You can also share yours with us at:
One Tuesday afternoon, a group of well dressed youngsters came to my house. They were carrying some books and pamphlets and were going around preaching. They spoke about JEHOVAH, but that's where we differed because I was born again and I didn't know who JEHOVAH was, as since the beginning I was only taught about the name of JESUS. They then said: '' Jesus and Jehovah was the same but they hardly use the name of Jesus. Something in me was not accepting the name "JEHOVAH" and with that it made me ask a lot questions and their answers didn't satisfy me.
I was shocked to find that the verse was exactly the same as the one I saw in the dream. It then clicked to me that THAT IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD. He saved me from a cult. Since then I knew and still do, that Jesus Christ is the one. Thank you Jesus. Ezra 8:22 ( For I knew for sure that the hand of God is upon all them for good that seek Him). Jeremiah 1:5 ( Before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you. Before you were born I had already set you apart).
With that being said, they then invited me to their church, so that their elders could explain further about JEHOVAH. I agreed that they fetch me. That same week on a Thursday, I had a dream. I saw a BIG HAND open a Big Bible which was highlighted in Galatians 1:8-9. This happened twice in the same night. The next morning, I opened the Bible to check the verse.
young , married &
BORN AGAIN by; empress teekay
A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Created by God for us. We can never learn enough and this couple does exactly that. They teach , encourage and live. Enjoy and make sure you have a note book with you, you will definitely be taking notes.
Who are you individually (personally & professionally). KEENAN: I am a calm and collected believer of Christ who was blessed with a healthy family and upbringing in the church. Through my growing up I had quality Godly men, including my father to look up to and glean off of. Today, I get to be the dad to two incredible kids and a wife who’s exceeded my wildest dreams. For work I have done too many things for my someone my age as I have a lot of interests. I am an entrepreneur at heart though.
Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate . -Ecclesiastes 4:12
Becky: I’m a wife, friend and mom who has loved Jesus since I was 3. I had a close relationship with the Lord, experiencing many things such as visions, speaking in tongues, and physical healing from as young as 10 years old. This helps keep my relationship with God authentic and REAL. I graduated from a Christian high school, did a 2 year discipleship program in Seattle, WA and then went on to do several short term missions in various countries and studied Midwifery abroad as well. I love being a wife and mom and I also enjoy being active, music and staying busy! How and when did you meet? My husband and I had been a part of the same church for several years. He is 4 years younger then me so when I was a member of the youth group staff team he was still part of the youth group. Once he graduated high school we started to hang out as friends all the while each having a crush on the other. How long did you date before you got married? We had an intentional friendship for 3 months at which point we were officially courting and actually followed a book of courtship that helped guide our relationship development. Then we made ourselves a couple officially and dated or courted for another 3 months, then engaged for 3 months, then marriage. 9 months of relationship all together before married. How did you individually know that He, She was the one? Becky: I had never had a boyfriend or serious relationship so by this time I knew what I was looking for. I felt peace as we went through the relationship time line. I never felt any ‘red flags” all of our non-negotiables in life fit together and didn’t contradict. To put it simply we loved each other and felt that it was right, and followed the Lord and His principals along the way, so that when the question of marriage came up, it was an easy YES answer with no hesitation in our hearts. Keenan: I felt an intense peace at the knowing that she would be my wife and that together with her passion and fierceness, and my even keeled rational personality, we’d be able to face any challenges that came our way. I had also told God that I wanted the next woman I dated to be my wife and I just knew he had granted my request! When did you get married? August 31st, 2013. 5 years ago! Take us through the process of the wedding celebration how was that and if you could change anything about it, what would it be ? 0ur wedding was such a hit! Everything literally went perfect. We had gorgeous wedding photos and video, large bridal party, free use of a beautiful church with stain glass and free use of an outdoor barn for the reception that we decorated ourselves. We had lots of help including both our parents helping financially to pay for it all. We had friends cater a meal for dirt cheap. Lots and lots of yellow decorations as it is my favorite color! And best of all we had a live folk band play for the reception and everyone had such a blast dancing. It was an amazing night! I have a great wedding video recap that was put together for us from my husbands friend and I watch it often because its so fun to see it all again.
let no one separate -Ecclesiastes 4:12
Therefore what God has joined together,
the Ebanks
If you could change the perception that people have about marriage, what would it be? People think they need to “ try out” their partner or “try out” living with them to see if they are compatible or a good fit. What people don’t understand is by doing a dating relationship well, doing your homework and putting in the work to have a strong foundation before marriage, you are creating for yourself a better platform for marriage then “testing it out” would do for you. By allowing yourself one and only one sexual partner for life you save yourself headache and heartache and actually are walking through something the way it was designed to be. Which means you will be better prepared for it even though marriage is hard. Being married means being committed. There is no out. For the single person out there, wondering when they are getting married, what advice would you give them? I would challenge them to ask themselves, “ are you wasting time and energy and emotions wondering so much when the right person is coming along? Or are you living your life to the fullest chasing after God with a vision and leaving a husband or wife possibility 100% in His hands?”. Surround yourself with people who encourage you in your single walk and offer support and vision for Christians who are single. Don’t spend all your time with people who are always asking you if you have a boy friend etc. you want to have a vision for your singlehood just the same as you would want to have a vision for your marriage. How do you deal with problems that you encounter as a married couple? There are several ways we deal with conflict between us and with regular life problems that come up. But one thing we do very consistently is surround ourselves with people who have Godly wisdom and experience and make sure to invest in one or two relationships with other couples who “ do life” in marriage very well so that when problems come up between us or in life we have a godly sounding board for ourselves and also someone to be vulnerable to and keep us accountable. Remember to stay humble, say sorry, and not blame. These are a couple things that we don’t always do successfully as our first response to a problem but try to do. Things you wish you were told about marriage? I wish someone had stressed to me how important and beneficial it was for our marriage to prefer the other person always, to practice that from the beginning and be in the habit. Just like in Romans 12:10 to “outdo yourselves in honoring one another” Who is Jesus Christ to you as a couple? Jesus Christ is our Saviour who died for us both when we didn’t deserve it and because of Him we can live completely righteously as a couple in marriage together as a team because His divine power has given us everything for life and godliness. (2 peter 1:3.
One word, if possible to describe your marriage? INNOCENT What advice can you give to those who are in the process of getting married? Try to focus on yourself as much as possible, not in a selfish way, but in an investment kind of way. Get used to looking into your own heart first and not judging or blaming your fiancé first. Look to God not to your husband to bring you your joy and contentment. Practice seeing the good in your fiancé, pull it out of them in every situation, if things are going good or bad. The good you see in them is what you will then experience in that relationship and that’s a good thing to practice ahead of time. The best advice ever received? Pray for your spouse constantly, pray for them when you have an issue or conflict arise. Pray for their soul and speak truth to their spirit. For the wives, I had a pastor of mine say it to me like this….. “ duck so that the Lord can hit them” in other words, get out of the Lords way, He will deal best with your husband, better than you!
PHLO GIRL Who is Phlo-Girl and where is she from?
When and how did you become Born Again?
Phlo-Girl is a Christian hip hop artist. A
I grew up going to church. My mother used to take
young lady born in Harare, Zimbabwe
us to church and force us to go to youth, but it was
but currently residing in Johannesburg, South Africa. Who is King Jesus to you? He is King of all that lives, and of the dead. He is all things, in all things, for all things and of all things. He is my Saviour and most prized possession.
only when I was in university under no supervision that I decided to give this ‘Christianity’ thing a real try. I remember standing alone, not having attended church in 2 years and deciding that it was time to give this a try. I prayed and said “Ok God, I’m going to give this a real genuine go. If I don’t find and experience You for real, then I’m out.” That was my ‘sinners’ prayer hahaha. When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? My Everything.
When and how did you realize you had a
As a rapper, how did you decide to combine
gift of rapping?
that craft with the Gospel?
I figured it out before I got saved. I was
After getting saved, I quit the group I was
dating a guy back in high school, and he
in because we were rapping about things
and his friends decided to take me with
that I felt didn’t correlate with the gospel.
them to the studio where they were going
So I stopped rapping completely and then
to record a song. I liked the beat but felt
one day the Holy Spirit challenged me to
some of their verses were terrible. After
write a song for Him. It wasn’t easy because
expressing my disappointment, they
I was newly saved and still learning the
challenged me to write a verse and record
word but I did it with His help. That song is
it there and then and I did. The verse was
called: “The Answer” and is available on my
good, better than theirs in fact. That was
Jesus is Alive free mix-tape.
the first and last time until 4 years later
When writing material for gigs or
when I met some friends at University
collaborations, what’s your creative
who were rappers / musicians as well. We
jammed together and recorded songs in
Honestly, God gives me concepts, words,
our dorms then got opportunities to
melody, all of it. I cannot take credit in any
perform at different events.
kind of way. I guess that is why I do not freestyle either, I need to write verses that make sense.
Your latest single is titled “Stay Shining”, why that title and what does it mean to you? The concept behind the song is that we are the salt and light of the world – all of us, no matter how small, have a role to play in our communities, at work or school. Not all of us are called to be Pastors or lead worshipers but we need writers, journalists, business men and women, plumbers, teachers etc. Some have even been called to simply make a sandwich for the homeless man at the corner once a week. If everyone played their part, we would take over the world for Christ. So the idea of the song is to encourage people not despise their gifting but to embrace it and run with it, it is part of a greater picture. Apart from goose bumps, what do you want Stay Shining to impart to the listener? I want people to get up and get to shining their light across their communities. You are nominated for the Adara awards, now that’s big. Share with us the day you got the news and what it means to you? I was excited of course. Everyone wants to be recognized for what they do, so this is an honour. What does it mean to Phlo-Girl to be Creative in Christ? It means to be completely you and nothing less or more. God’s mind is more creative than we could imagine, He doesn’t need us to be more than who He has made us to be because He has that covered. If we all stopped trying to be other people, we’d see how creatively different and diverse we are – the God way.
MORE ABOUT PHLO On the weekend you will find me …..? Resting, writing new music, planning shows, and spending time with my hubby and family. Music and ice-cream hahaha I dream of …..? being a mother 2018 is …..? bwt to be lit! What people don’t know is that I …….? I’m a loner, I love being alone and don’t always know or care where my phone is. If it weren’t for Jesus I would …….?
Can’t live without?
Be dead
W H A T ' S I ’ M
1 S T
N E X T ?
I ’ M
S U P P O R T .
H A P P E N I N G 2 0 1 8 .
I ’ V E
T I M E .
I ’ M
E M A I L :
P H L O G I R L B O O K I N G S @ G M A I L . C O M
Hip-hop is…….?
The part of what makes me who I am 5 items in your bag? Lipstick, lotion, lipstick, wallet and lipstick Best advice ever received? Marry Robby (my hubby) … and I did.
Monthly Devotion This devotion is based on the book of 1 SAMUEL with the headi WAS IT A COINCIDENCE? Read 1 Samuel 17:12-23 Was it a mere coincidence that Jesse sent David to the battlefield with food for his brothers? Was it mere coincidence that David arrived at the scene as the two armies were drawing up their lines for battle? Why had Goliath just challenged the lines of Israel once again? We may pass it off as “coincidence” but the Bible does not. The Bible says: “David heard it” (v 23). It seemed as if David was on an ordinary goodwill visit to his brothers on the battlefield. But God had planned that David would hear Goliath’s boasting and his humiliation of Israel because God wanted to use David to do something about it. God’s plan for us often seems unclear. We sometimes land up in a specific place, or community, because of our work situation or because of a transfer. Suddenly the Lord sends someone across our path; someone who needs help, nurturing and support. We find it strange but the Lord had it in mind from the very beginning. It is never merely coincidental. Maybe we should learn to trust the Lord more. He knows when and why He wants us where we are.
Prayer: Lord, please use me when and where You will.
Prayer: : our Father , please let me be ready when You call me home
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Where there is a nation! There is division and category of positions. Where there is division and category position, there is leadership. In life nothing is achieved without a leader. Leadership brings guides, wisdom, direction and that is why mostly leaders are given more prestige, it is because of the level of responsibility resting on their shoulders. It is without a doubt that leaders play a significant role in the nation. However also in leadership and kingship there are levels. In the physical realm is not easy to be part of this category, you can only access it by birth or material relations, that category is called royalty (kingship membership). An individual that belong in royal family automatically have kingship status. That individual is not treated the same as any other person. From how he/she is referenced, it comes with a title like “Prince, majesty or Queen. Since it is a monarch level, each rank weighs more position than the other. There is never equality in kingship and royalty. Birth-right speaks greater than the action of that individual. Kingship and royalty member do not act anyhow, but they are expected to handle themselves in high level of integrity.
It all sounds powerful and prestige. As children of God who believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, we are saved and we belong to the kingdom of God. A bigger question arises. What is the root of kingdom-hood (kingship) and how are we connected to royalty in the Kingdom of God. Firstly when you read your bible from the bases of Abraham, you note that kingship was promised and a declaration made by God to Abraham. The bible says in “Genesis 17:6 for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you”. It means in every descendant of Abraham, kings are born out of it. And secondly JESUS CHRIST is a descendant of the Abraham’s clan, as it is stated in the book of Matthew 1:1 about the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. And thirdly those who believe in Christ are the sons of God (have access to kingship). As shown below, is it relationship and connection to kingship of children of God.
Abraham promise of kingship
Jesus Christ redemption of kingship
Adoption of kingship by salvation
Remember Jesus is the KING of kings! The bible says whoever believes in Him is a child of God. The bible says “we are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise”. This means we have been adopted to the royal hood through salvation, if you are born of God you overcame the world. Your position of war changes, you no longer struggling to fight but we fight a good fight of faith. Our fighting is based on the ground of grace. We take advantage because we don’t fight using our power, but we have the name of Jesus Christ the strong tower. Since we now understand that our kingship is originated through Abraham, by the redemption of Jesus Christ dying for our sins and us receiving salvation, we are adopted to kingship. Below are the characteristic and life style of a king (Child of God). A king acts with authority Jeremiah 1v 10 says “Today I give you authority over nations and kingdoms to uproot and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant” Authority is linked to creatorship. The word “authority” is related to the word “author,” which means “one that originates, makes, or gives existence.”. The authority that we have, we get from our all mighty GOD. The Supreme One who gave existence to all creation. He is undeniably the Supreme Authority. Aa a king (child of God) you have total domain over the creation. Hence it is written that whatever you speak is shall came to pass by faith. A king lives with integrity.
In Ephesians 5v 1 the bibles says therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; 2 and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. The word integrity is related to the roots of words like “integrate” and “entire.” meaning whole. Integrity thus implies the state of being complete, undivided, intact, and unbroken. The King has not only integrated all the other archetypes, but seeks this wholeness in other areas of his/her life as well. A king mends broken relationships, keeps his word, acts with honesty, and takes responsibility for his/her actions. A king protects his realm. Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, in the book of chronicles "Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request. Historically, one of the king’s primary function is makes sure his /her dominion is protected. Even today, we look to our leaders as protectors. While a man might not be a leader of a country, he certainly has his own realms he’s responsible for protecting–whether that protection be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. If you’re married with children, your home is a realm, a place you want to make a refuge from negative influences. The department you’re responsible for at work is another sphere where you work to protect your employees from in-fighting, mediocrity, and layoffs. And your own psyche and personal boundaries are sovereignties that you must protect and defend with zeal. A king leaves a legacy When there is a man who has labored with wisdom, knowledge and skill, then he gives his legacy to one who has not labored with them. This too is vanity and a great evil (Ecclesiastes 2v 21). As bible says we ought to leave a legacy for our co- labors. We must inspire creativity in others as well, understands that his power and influence in the world increases as he empowers others to live to their fullest potential. As a child of God you must not be obsessed with own legacy only. But also desire to leave behind something that would remind subsequent generations of their lives and their greatness. No matter the size of your principality, the desire to leave a legacy cannot be ignored., creating a legacy need not involve the construction of great pyramids, but can come from any idea, business, relationship, or thought…anything that changes a person, the world, just a little and gets passed on. He is centered. As child of God you need to be centered in prayer and reading the word in order to execute all tasks of life and have the ability to be motivated to overcame. A centered king has the following personality :( 1) King is so driven by mastery that they rarely abandon a task or new skill until they have completely mastered it. (2)King is also perfectionists and they demonstrate their exacting standards from others. (3) Kings promote loyalty from the people around them (4) King is a skilled troubleshooter who can quickly assess a situation and lead people to action. (5) King adapt at seeing the big picture and are excellent at delegating jobs to the right people. Kingship and royalty is no longer a distance or foreign thing in our nature as children of God. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9.
Who are you personally and professionally and where are you from? My name is Winnie and I was born and raised in Kenya but moved to the US in 2005. How and when did you become Born Again? I grew up fully knowing and relying on the Lord but not until December of 2012, that I fully accepted all that He had done for me. I will never forget it. Who is King Jesus to you? He is my sweet, trustworthy, accountable, redeeming friend. How and when did you get into blogging? And why Christian blogging? I have always loved encouraging people. So, when I decided to start it was to be based on loving and encouraging others. Another reason was that I was spending a lot of time on social media. I then decided to make my time spent on social media count and be encouraging, bring life and share the Love of Jesus. Because being a believer is the center of my life. What is blogging? It’s sharing your experiences that you have learned, things you have overcome and just sharing your thoughts on life. What inspires your posts and what preparation goes into it? Anything and everything inspires me, whether a song, a book or simply being with friends. What do you want people to learn from your posts? I want people to experience freedom from reading the words on my blog. I want people to come to know the Lord or to at least see a little piece of Him. Other Interests? I love dancing.
What is the secret to authentic, thought provoking blogging? Sharing what you have learned and the things you have faced and how you overcome them. People just like to read something real.
ANNOUNCEMENT Hey there, its me Empress Teekay again. I hope this issue was all you needed and more. Calling on all interior designers, cooks, fashionistas, makeup artists etc as article contributors . The magazine is free so no salary is available .Also if you have a story about how God saved you from a near death experience or testimony of how you got born again please do email
Advertisers you are also welcome. For reasonable price queries email:Â beautyandthegospel@gm Till next time ,THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ! look out for the next issue on the 1st of August 2k18