Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 6 VOL 2

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lerato twala Who shares about what it takes to become A WOMAN OF FAITH

Satan Will Sing You to Sleep !

10 Ways to Avoid Backsliding as a Christian ISSUE NO 6 VOL 2 JULY 2019

VISION ROMANS 15:20-21 20 Accordingly I set a goal to preach the gospel, not where Christ’s name was already known, so that I would not build on another man’s foundation; 21 but [instead I would act on this goal] as it is written [in Scripture], “They who had no news of Him shall see, And they who have not heard [of Him] shall understand.”

MISSION 1 CORINTHIANS 1:17 17 For Christ did not send me [as an apostle] to baptize, but [commissioned and empowered me] to preach the good news [of salvation]—not with clever and eloquent speech [as an orator], so that the cross of Christ would not be [b]made ineffective [deprived of its saving power].













EDITOR'S NOTE Your majesty TAKING THE WORD OF GOD FOR GRANTED. Beloved, I’ve recently read some articles about how some people in the Middle East have no Bibles. Let me rephrase, as in even one of the Ministers has had to go 40 years without the Holy Scriptures. Can you imagine being a child of God and not having the freedom to read let alone access the Word of God? We all know that being a Christian living in the Middle East is hard enough, imagine going through all that without the Word of God. Imagine going through trials, challenges, persecution, lack of food and church service without the Word of God? It made me ask myself how many times have I gone through the day without reading the Word of God, let alone studying it. I couldn’t imagine going through a morning devotion without the Living Word of God, where would one start? I applaud their faith in the Living God. Could you go 3 days without the Word of God and still be okay in your spirit? Imagine having to maybe spend all your Christian life without the Word of God. We in fist and Second world countries take so many things for granted and its saddening, now Imagine how the Holy Spirit feels. We’d rather spend time watching Netflix , series ( end up knowing the series off by heart, reading books that have nothing to do with the soul and spirit (remember no book can substitute the WORD OF GOD, NO MATTER HOW SPIRITUAL IT IS) Hebrews 4:12. How many Bibles do you own or have given away since you received Christ Jesus? I’ve asked myself and so many others why is it that The Word of God is so expensive, I’ve failed to get an answer. Let us cherish our Bibles, study them, be rooted in the Word and share with others. To check details on the article mentioned above please do visit Write me your comments and thoughts to our email: it might just be printed :-) If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now till month, you’re loved by Him and I.


Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

It is Finished Message taken from John 19:30 (NIV) John 19:30 (NIV): "When He had received the drink, Jesus said," It is finished. "With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit." What powerful words Jesus uttered on the cross: "It is finished!"He succeeded in making a way for all humanity to have access to the throne of God. Because of His sacrifice and excruciating pain, He provided us with a solid and sure path of redemption. After speaking out those words, the Bible says the veil dividing the holy place from the Most Holy was torn in two. This was a sign that the presence of the Most High God was no longer contained in a vessel of wood, but would be accessible to anyone who received and acknowledge Jesus Christ as Saviour! The curse and bondage of sin that separated us from personally experiencing the tangible presence of God was dealt with! Now - through the indwelling presence of God’s Holy Spirit - we can enjoy an unhindered, deep and meaningful relationship with our God. Now living vessels of flesh and blood have replaced the one of wood. Those words, "it is finished


Satan Will Sing You to Sleep! Waking Up from Spiritual Indifference written by: Jon Bloom You don’t tell people about Jesus, because you

His story is worth a book someday. For now, I

don’t care about their eternal state.”

will spare the details, lest I in any way expose

His assertion stung. But I knew it was true.


Confronted with the way he lives for the lost, its

I must pass along something he shared with me,

truth was as obvious to me as the nose on my

though, because we all might be ignoring the

face. And like the nose on my face, I wasn’t

obvious and eternally significant “nose” on our

paying much attention to it until he called it out.

collective Western Christian faces — to our own

But unlike the nose on my face, his assertion

spiritual detriment, for sure, but also to the

was eternally significant.

spiritual catastrophe of those around us.

I recently met this remarkable man while traveling in the Middle East. He, along with his

What Could Happen to Them

wife, is leading a rapidly growing movement of

My new friend lives in an Islamic country where

Muslims turning to Christ in a very restrictive

sharing the gospel, if you’re caught, will get you

part of the Islamic world. I had the great (and

thrown into prison and likely tortured to extract

exposing) privilege of spending hours with him. I

information about other Christians. Yet he and

wish I could tell you more about his story — how

his wife are daily, diligently seeking to share the

Jesus called him and the incredible ways the

gospel with others because they want to “share

Lord uniquely prepared him to make disciples

with them in its blessings” (1 Corinthians 9:23)

and plant churches in a very dangerous place.

— even more than they want their own survival.

Each morning, when this husband and wife part

So, I learned that my friend has translated John

ways, they acknowledge to one another that it

Piper’s original sermon series on Christian

might be the last time they see each other. She

Hedonism into his native language and used

knows, if caught, part of her torture will almost

them as part of his core theological curriculum

assuredly include rape, probably repeatedly. He

for believers.

knows, if caught, brutal things await him before a likely execution. For to them, “to live is Christ,

Lulled by an Evil Lullaby

and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).

All those things were wonderful and

Yet each day they prayerfully pursue the Spirit

encouraging — as well as convicting — to hear.

of Jesus’s direction in order to show the lost the

But then he told me a disturbing story.

way of salvation. And they are equipping other

A number of years ago, this man and his wife

Christians to do the same.

were given the opportunity to move to the States, and they did. After living here for a

Wholly Dependent on God

period of time, however, the wife began to

When I say “prayerfully,” I mean prayerfully.

plead with her husband that they move back to

They, and their fellow leaders, spend a minimum

their Islamic country of origin. Why? She told

of four hours a day in prayer and God’s word,

him, “It’s like there’s a satanic lullaby playing

and frequently fast for extended periods, before

here, and the Christians are asleep. And I feel

they go out seeking souls. They do this because

like I’m falling asleep! Please, let’s go back!”

they need to.

Which they did (God be praised!). This story contains an urgent message we must

Spiritual strongholds do not give way and

hear: she wanted to go back to a dangerous

conversions don’t happen unless they do this.

environment to escape what she recognized as a

One wrong move and a whole network of

greater dangerto her faith: spiritual lethargy and

believers could be exposed. So, they depend on

indifference. This should stop us in our tracks.

the Holy Spirit to specifically lead them to

Do we recognize this as a serious danger? How

people the Spirit has prepared. For them, the

spiritually sleepy are we?

doctrine of election is not some abstract theological controversy for seminary students to

According to my new friend, we can gauge our

debate. They see it played out in front of them

sleepiness by how the eternal states of non-


Christians around us shape the way we approach

The cessationism-continuationism debate is also

life. Judging by the general behavior of

a moot issue for them. They regularly see the

Christians in the West, it’s clear to my friend

Holy Spirit do things we read about in the book

that, as a whole (we all can point to remarkable

of Acts. As my friend described the Spirit’s

exceptions), we don’t care much about people’s

activity where he lives, it was clear that all the

eternal states.

revelatory and miraculous spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12–14 are a normal part of life for

Are We Content to Sleep?

these believers — because they really need

My friend and his wife are right. There is a


satanic lullaby playing, even in churches, across

They’re not debating Christian Hedonism either.

the West. Why else are we so lethargic in the

When you live under the threat of death daily,

midst of such relative freedom and

either life is Christ and death is gain to you, or

unprecedented prosperity?

you will not last.

Where is our collective Christian sense of

My conversation with this new friend showed

urgency? Where are the tears over the

me that, Calvinist though I am, I do not yet know

perishing? Where is the groaning? Where is the

as I ought to know.

fasting and prevailing intercession for those we

But, Father, I want to know as I ought to know! I

love and those we live near and those we work

repent of all lethargy and indifference! I will not

with, not to mention the unreached of the world

remain sleepy anymore when it comes to the

who have no meaningful gospel witness among

eternal states of the unbelieving family and


friends and neighbors and restaurant servers and checkout clerks all around me.

Paul had “great sorrow and unceasing anguish in [his] heart” over his unbelieving Jewish kinsmen

Over Our Dead Bodies

(Romans 9:2). Do we feel anything like that? And

According to Jesus, in his parable of the ten

Paul’s Spirit-inspired urgency to bring the gospel

virgins, spiritual sleepiness is a very, very

to the lost shaped his whole approach to life:

dangerous condition (Matthew 25:1–13). We

I have become all things to all people, that by all

need to get more oil — now! There isn’t much

means I might save some. I do it all for the sake


of the gospel, that I may share with them in its

I want to be done with satanic sleepiness and

blessings. (1 Corinthians 9:22–23). What is

cultivate the resolve that led Charles Spurgeon

shaping our approach to life? If we think that

— that unashamed Calvinist — to say,

kind of mentality was only for someone with

If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to

Paul’s apostolic calling, all we need to do is keep

hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let

reading 1 Corinthians 9:24–27. It’s clear that

them perish with our arms wrapped about their

Paul means for us to run our unique faith-races

knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be

with the same kind of kingdom-focused

filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our


exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for.

If we’re not feeling anguish over people’s eternal state and ordering our lives around praying for and trying to find ways to bring the

Father, in Jesus’s name, increase my anguish

gospel to them, we are being lulled to sleep by

over perishing unbelievers and my urgent

the devil’s soothing strains. It’s time to start

resolve to “become all things to all people, that

fasting and praying and pleading with God and

by all means I might save

one another to wake up. Now Is the Time It matters not if we call ourselves Calvinists and believe we have an accurate knowledge of the doctrine of election, if our knowledge does not lead us to feel anguish in our hearts over the lost and a resolve to do whatever it takes to save some. “We do not yet know as we ought to know” (to paraphrase 1 Corinthians 8:2). What we need is to cultivate Paul’s heart for the lost.

WHY STUDY THE BOOK OF GALATIANS? by: Geoff Ziegler Practical Atheism Perhaps you’ve had a day like this. The alarm wakes you up, and soon after, you groggily reach for your smartphone to check on your schedule and see if you have any emails. A flurry of activity begins: showering and getting dressed, making sure the kids catch the bus, having a quick bite to eat, and then, the workday. Some sixteen hours later as your head hits the pillow, you feel a wave of shame as it occurs to you that not once in the entire day did you even think about God, let alone pray to him. For all intents and purposes, you spent this day as a practical atheist. If you’ve seen The Wizard of Oz, you might remember that one of the greatest threats Dorothy and her friends encounter as they seek the Emerald City is not some terrifying monster—it’s sleep. The magical poppy field along the way makes them irresistibly drowsy and threatens to end their journey. Similarly in our day, we are constantly facing the danger of spiritual drowsiness. We live in what has been referred to as a “secular age,” a time when thoughts about what is eternal and transcendent are almost completely removed from our cultural understanding.

The constant pressure is toward practical atheism, toward falling asleep to the glory of our God. Galatians is given to wake us up. Because every aspect of Galatians turns our attention to God. This 12-week study leads readers through the book of Galatians, highlighting how the gospel gives Christians a new identity as adopted sons and daughters of God. God’s Gospel . . . The opening section of the letter revolves around one simple point: the Christian gospel is God’s gospel. This gospel is not something that Paul came up with through his own creative genius, and neither was this message something he received from other Christian leaders. The eternal God made himself known to Paul. Through the risen Christ, God is the one who told Paul the gospel. It comes from him. The implications of this for Paul were clear. Since this gospel is from God, it is a precious gift, and it is sacred. It offers us words of life and freedom, for to hear the gospel is to hear God himself. And the converse of this is also true: to ignore it or pervert it is death.

W I b e V p H M t a T H c W F w r l

When church leaders and teachers adjust the gospel message or augment it to make it more relevant and palatable to their audience, they are pursuing their own destruction. That was true in Paul’s day, and it’s true in our day as well. . . . Of God’s Salvation . . . The middle part of Galatians focuses on the salvation that this gospel proclaims, and again, the focus is on God. These chapters declare truths that fueled the Reformers’ teaching. Paul vehemently rejects the belief that obedience to the Law of Moses—or any other form of human effort—in any way contributes to making us right in God’s eyes. Christians are saved by hearing, with faith, the gospel of Christ. It is a salvation that comes through the cross in fulfillment of God’s promise of grace and not out of obligation to what is owed to us. It is a salvation that is experienced in the power of the Spirit and not our own strength. In every way, our salvation is of God. We often spend much of our energy pursuing our own salvation, though we likely don’t think of it in this way. We work hard to demonstrate to others (and perhaps to God?) that we are likeable, even admirable. We seek, through earning and through careful decisions, to ensure that our lives are secure and comfortable. We pursue happiness by the sweat of our brow. And yet the gospel teaches us that all that we really want and long for comes from God, and it comes to us as a gift, to be received by faith. When understood rightly, our entire lives can be lived as a joyful response to all that has already been done for us—by God. . . . Into God-Given Freedom Galatians does more than describe how our salvation took place. It also speaks of the outcome of our salvation—the life of freedom that salvation gives to believers. “For freedom Christ has set us free,” Paul reminds us. And this freedom can only be understood in relationship to God. In our day, freedom is about choices. Essentially, “freedom” is the ability to do whatever we want, as long as we hurt nobody else. Tragically, this understanding of freedom is destroying us, for it deprives us of the very things that make us most human and alive. Human wholeness only comes in being faithful to our commitments and principles, in showing sacrificial love toward others, and, above all, in worshiping the true God. And yet each of these are seen as contrary to human freedom, for each of them places constraints on us.

When understood rightly, our entire lives can be lived as a joyful response to all that has already been done for us—by God. Galatians offers us a different, and far better vision of freedom. Freedom is to be, in Christ, a son of the Most High God. Rather than being a freedom from, it is a freedom for. It is the freedom to experience the love of God that enables us to cry to him “Abba, Father,“ the freedom of confidence, knowing that we are an heir to all of God’s promises, the freedom in the power of the Spirit to serve one another in love. This is a freedom that connects us more deeply to God in every way, and in this, we find life. God’s gospel of God’s salvation into God-given freedom. That’s the heartbeat of Galatians. In the morning as I wake up very slowly, my antidote to the drowsiness I feel is my first, glorious cup of coffee. Galatians is a spiritual cup of coffee, awakening us again to the reality of God in our world and in our lives. ________________________________ Geoff Ziegler (PhD, Wheaton College) serves as the senior pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Hinsdale, Illinois. Geoff and his wife, Jennifer, have three sons.

Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

Transformation 101 Message taken from Romans 15:13 (TPT) Romans 15:13 (TPT): "And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!" Nothing about the Holy Spirit is aimless or unintentional. Neither is He an abstract symbolism of Christianity. He is the third person of the Godhead; a gift freely given to all who accept Jesus Christ as Saviour. His mandate is to indwell us to transform us from the inside out. Since He has already given us a brand new spirit, it's our mind, will and emotions that need to be influenced by Him to take on the character and nature of God. This transformation takes place as we meditate on the Word, fellowship with the Lord, and remain sensitive to obey His voice. When we do this, He teaches, guides, comforts and empowers us. The Holy Spirit is the One Who demonstrates God's Word with power every time we step out in faith, believing and declaring its truth. Allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way in our lives causes us to be pure and powerful vessels, completely unstoppable as we advance the Kingdom of God.

The fear of the LORD ! BY: J. Webb Mealy


Running into the street, climbing up high on the bookshelf, and poking your sister with a rat tail comb all get

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of

something of an equivalent reaction

wisdom. (Proverbs 1:7a).

from both mom and dad. Exactly why these particular actions should call forth

We want to suggest that the fear of the

such ferocious responses remains a

Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but

mystery for a long time — a mystery that

that it is not the end of wisdom. The end

preys on your mind, so that mommy will

of wisdom (in other words, wisdom's

sometimes see you meditating on it in a

goal, and aim) is not to fear God, but to

quiet moment. "Naughty, no, no no!"

fear what God fears.

you'll repeat in a kind of solo role play, lowering your brow, pursing your lips

Breaking Down Fear of the Lord.

just so, and lightly slapping your own

Let us put it this way. For a toddler, the

wrist. You're trying to fathom the

beginning of wisdom is to fear daddy

meaning of this sudden, inexplicable

and mommy. Knowledge of their love and

transformation that comes over those

the natural love that comes up to us in

great parental powers who are generally

response is good and wholesome. But

so congenial to you.

wisdom, the constructive side of the "knowledge of good and evil," consists in

Fear of the Lord Is the First Step

more than the knowledge of love

The fear of Lord is the beginning of

(Colossians 1:3-4, 8-10). Wisdom is the

wisdom. God is our father, our mother,

ability to discern what is edifying from

the father of our fathers and the mother

what is harmful, what is safe from what is

of our mothers. It may be a major positive


step to fear God's disapproval over things that seem innocuous to us in our

There is important knowledge to learn

biological adulthood and spiritual

about what is safe and dangerous, and not

toddlerhood. But beyond the first step in

all of it is best to gather from direct

wisdom is the maturing of wisdom. When

experience. Some such knowledge comes

you come to understand later why God

from those who have been around before

disapproves of many things — and you

you and know more. It is certainly possible

see that God loves you and wants to

to find out some quick facts about the

protect you from harming myself,

dangers of electric sockets by putting a

harming others, and harming your

paper clip into one. But when you're too

environment. The end of wisdom is that

young to understand concepts like

you come to join God in hating what is

electricity and electrocution, the beginning

harmful, not because you know you will

of wisdom is the fear that drenches you

"get in trouble" with God if you do what is

when mommy suddenly shouts at you,

harmful, but because you learn two

leaps mightily over the coffee table, and


slaps your hand away, saying, all red-faced

1. First, in accepting God's love, you grow

and intimidating, "Never, never, NEVER

to love your own well-being and the well-


being of all that God has made.


2. Second, you grow to discern what kinds

Dear friends, we're children of God now, and

of behaviors and attitudes tear down that

it hasn't yet appeared what we're going to be.

well-being, and what kinds of behaviors

We do know that when Jesus appears, we're

and attitudes build it up.

going to be like him, because we're going to see him just as he is. (1 John 3:2)

You can see this pattern in Colossians 1:7-10: Epaphras ... has told us about your love in the

We've come to know and trust the love that

Spirit. And that's why we haven't stopped

God has for us. God is love, and when a person

praying for you, from the first day we heard

lives in the love that's in God, God lives in

about you. We've been asking that you'll be full

them. That's how love is brought to completion

of understanding about God's will—with total

with us, so that we can be confident on

wisdom and spiritual insight. That way, you'll

judgment day—because as God is, so we are in

live in a way that's worthy of the Lord. You'll

this world. There's no fear in love. Just the

please him completely, doing all kinds of good

opposite: perfect love kicks out fear. Because

things. You'll be bearing fruit and growing in

fear has to do with punishment, and the

your understanding of God.

person that fears hasn't been perfected in love. We love because God loved us first. (1 John

The Colossians have love, the first and


foundational part of mature wisdom; Paul prays that they may be completed in the

All New Testament quotations are from

knowledge of what is best, the second part,

the Spoken English New Testament,

so that they may be fully equipped for

translated by J. Webb Mealy.

God's effective service.

-----------------------------------Fearing What God Fears

J. Webb Mealy, Ph.D. is a trained

Through wisdom, you have come to

theologian and scholar of biblical studies

understand that your mother does not have

who created and published an entirely

two opposite sides and that she did not

new translation of the New Testament

have a habit of suddenly turning against

called the Spoken English New Testament.

you. For the very reason she loved her

He focuses on writing theology, teaching

children, she feared for your safety and the

in urban training centers for Christian lay

safety of your sister, therefore she rescued

people, building Christian communities,

you from yourself and rescued your sister

and managing a website designed to help

from you. The beginning of wisdom was to

individuals identify and recover from

fear her reaction; the end of wisdom is to

process addictions.

fear what she fears.


WHAT ARE YOU BUSY WITH? #whose feet are you sitting on? (Whose word or voice are you listening to? Taken from Luke 10:38-42 She started being jealous of her sister as she realized what her sister was gaining and she was losing out. She became envious, jealous, angry, bitter, complaining, whining and all. She went and told Jesus, that she needed help in the kitchen and He should tell her sister to come and assist her. She forgot one thing that Jesus didn’t come to this world to enjoy our food and have a good time, He came to tell us the Word which would sustain us in our walk with Him to eternity. He came to show us the way Home. He came here to teach and the best thing you can do is to sit at His feet and feed your spirit because that is the most important part that Jesus came to this earth for.

The spirit needs to be nourished more than the flesh and this is what Jesus answered Martha. She thought He was going to tell her sister to stand up and help her but He didn’t. He praised Mary for listening to the Word of God so that she can live a pleasing life to God. What are you busy with? Feeding the flesh or feeding your spirit. Whatever you are feeding, it grows. If you feed your flesh more, it will over power your spirit and vice versa. Feeding your spirit will show by the fruits in Galatians 5;22-26 and feeding your flesh will result in the fruits in Gal 5:1921. How do you feed your flesh; -e.g- tv , watching all the soapies, movies, hearing all the bad news, listening to music by children of the devil because it has a nice sound. The beat may be nice and is danceable. Even though there may be no words or lyrics . Question is who composed it. Whose influence where they under? TO BE CONTINUED...




I got the chance to have a chat with South Africa's anointed author, entrepreneur, minister, podcaster and purpose mentor LERATO TWALA.

LERATO TWALA a woman of faith! BY:



Known for her mega faith , where the name WOMAN OF FAITH DERIVES FROM. May we be enlightened further with this exclusive interview. Q. Who is Lerato personally and professionally and where are you from? A: Lerato is a daughter of The Almighty God, a wife and a mother. I was born and bred in Thabazimbi, Limpopo, but I now reside in Florida Roodepoort. I am a Teacher by profession, an online Minister and a purpose mentor. Q. Who does Lerato say, THE SON OF MAN is? A. THE SON OF MAN is GOD THE SON (Jesus) brought to us in the flesh to reconcile us back to God through His death and Resurrection.

Q. When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? A. Nothing is impossible. Jesus said that He will do whatever we ask in His name (John 14:13 KJV). Q. You are the founder of a company called “Lerato Transforms”. Share with the readers what it entails? A. Lerato Transforms is all about Inspiring, empowering and transforming the lives of people. We host events (both Physical and Online) and we provide private mentorship to people who desire to walk in their purpose and turn their passion into a profitable start-up. Empowering people to become all that God has created them to be has always been my passion. Due to this love, I’ve always attracted people who wanted me to provide them with strategies they can use to manifest their purpose. This made me realise the gap that my passion can close and that is how Lerato Transforms (PTY) Ltd was birthed. Q. You recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Would you say that your background impacted on you making the decision to study education? A. I wouldn’t say my background impacted my decision because being an A students at High School, coming from a poor background, living in an area where I managed to secure a sponsorship with Kumba Iron Ore (One of the top mining companies) meant that acquiring more money would help me improve my family’s financial status. But, I always wanted to do more than just making money. I wanted to inspire young people and have a positive impact in their future. It was after my matric that I decided to change sponsors and go for Education. Q. Not only are you an educator but also a purpose mentor , tell us more about that? A. During the course of my degree I was blessed enough to receive salvation through Christ, which ultimately made me discover my purpose. I then had to align my passion to inspire people with my purpose and that is when I decided to not only impact people academically but to also empower them to walk confidently in their purpose. Q. Most Christians face the challenge of being distracted especially wanting to have devotion with the Lord. What would you say causes that and how can one overcome that?

As much as it may be hard to believe, the enemy is against every believer’s relationship with God and he will attack every way that helps one come closer to God. To overcome him we need to girt ourselves with the belt of truth (Ephesians 6: 14). We need to understand that before our desire to have a relationship with God, God wants to have a relationship with us and He understands our weaknesses. He is the one who puts the desire in our hearts (Philippians 2:13 and 1 Corinthians 12:3 ). Therefore, one needs to firstly find the method that works for him/her. For example, when I experience an attack in my devotion with God (losing interest to read the bible or pray) I simply take a minimum of 15 minutes to soak myself in worship (Listening to worship music). This allows me to be led by Holy Spirit into the presence of God and consequently sparks the desire to read the Bible and pray more often. Q. How, when and why did you become an online minister and how can we access your podcasts? A. God led my steps. It all started in 2016 when I was doing 3rd year of study and met my now husband. I had spent more than a year of waiting in the LORD and preparing for a relationship that would lead to marriage. God had worked in me (Thus making me whole) and taught me how to have a solid relationship with Him before seeking a relationship with a life partner. So during this time, 2016, God placed a desire in my heart to equip other women to become who they are called to be and be like the Proverbs 31 woman. Due to this, I searched for a free online platform I could use to share my messages with different women from different parts of the world. I then started blogging using SimpleSite and then opened my Facebook page which now has over 1800 followers. I wasn’t really looking to become a YouTube minister until one day when I needed to publish a video there for my blog. It attracted many people who then asked me to keep publishing more video. From there on I started hosting free online events where I taught the Word of God as The Holy Spirit led me. My Podcast name is Lerato Twala on Spreaker and one can access it by using the following URL: Q. Talking about ministry you are also an author. Have you always envisioned writing books and is there one you’re currently busy with? A. I’ve always loved writing, in fact I’m more good with writing than speaking, I almost published a book prior to becoming a born again Christian which ended up being lost with my stolen laptop.

I believe that God allowed it to happen because my message had to be that which is inspired by the Grace of God. That never stopped me from desiring to be a published author. In 2018 I became part of the Speak and Write community where I met a lady by the name Wanda D. Hollis, an American radio presenter, actor and author. She was looking for people to write a book titled ‘Wake Up Winning No Matter What’ with. I joined her and we published this booking towards the end of 2018. Later that year I self-published my own Daily Devotional titled ‘Five Days of Purification’ which can be purchased via I currently have 3 books that I’m working on and will publish them when God leads me to because He is my CEO and Manager. Q. Spending time with King Jesus everyday especially in His Word is vitally important for our well being. What advice can you give as to how one can begin with studying the Bible? Share with us 5 tips on where one can begin and challenges one might face? A. As I mentioned earlier, the enemy will always try to keep you from having a relationship with God. So one needs to be determined to keep rising above the attacks and keep his/her eyes on God. I have few simple steps you can use to do that: 1. Believe that God wants a relationship with you. 2. Rely on The Holy Spirit to lead you because God sent Him to guide you. 3. Be intentional about your time with God. Find time in your day to sit down, even if it’s just for 10 minutes, to read the word and grow from there. 4. Sometime you will fail to be consistent but don’t focus on your failures. Always understand that your Father (God) is yearning to have a conversation with you (Isaiah 1:18). 5. Christianity is fun so find creative ways to aid you in spending time with God e.g Journaling, go on a walk or run while meditating on a scripture, play worship songs, pray before doing a task etc. Q. You have recently handed in a resignation letter, so that you could focus on pursuing your purpose and call. Tell us more about that decision? Honestly that was not an easy decision to make because it meant I had to become a stay at home mom, depend on my husband’s salary and rely on God for my next move. It took a while for me to completely exercise obedience and faith. In true essence, I moved from one job to another after God had told me to quit. During that season the Grace of God had been lifted off from me and my problems worsened. This experience reminded me of the story of Jonah in the Bible and I had to decide that it was either going to be my way or God’s way. That is how I gathered the courage to hand in my resignation and focus on what God has entrusted me with at the moment.

Q. On the 28th September 2019, you will be having your very first woman’s conference titled: sister2sister. How did it come about and what can be expected? A. After few months of staying at home and faithfully stewarding my home as a wife, God gave me a desire to host a women’s conference. I didn’t act on that desire right away but I brought it before God in prayer so that He may give me guidance on how to go about that. In 2018 I had been hosting Sister2Sister Bible Studies online of which God inspired me to take that to the next level. During this conference we’ll be having speakers such as Innocent Sadiki, Mohau Cele, myself and others, who’ll be inspiring women to walk confidently in their God-given purpose and excel beyond any obstacle they face in life. Q. How did the “woman of faith” title be added to your name and how can one become one? A. This name was given to me by my class mates at the university because I was known as a girl who’s crazy about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I embraced this title because it meant that I was unashamedly declaring what God had told me without compromising. It is not about what you do on your own but about allowing Jesus to manifest His glory through you and impact those around you. That is how we become Women of Faith Q. Would you say that every challenge or trial that a believer encounters whether young or old will be their part of ministry? A. Definitely, My ministry is built by challenges I’ve overcame through Christ and those challenges have birthed the story I tell today. Q. If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? A. I’d thank Him for lovingly paying the price for my sins and I would spend my day listening to how He wants me to transfer His love to others. Q. There is power in the name of Jesus Christ, share with someone who doesn’t seem to grasp that exactly? A. No matter the magnitude of your sins, no matter the extent of your difficult situation; Christ has paid the price for your freedom. You simply need to believe in the finished work He has done at the cross and embrace His deliverance. Regardless of how things may seem to be, His power will manifest in the Peace you have the storm. Q. When people hear the name Lerato WOMAN OF FAITH . What do you want them to know? A. I want them to know that I am their sister in the LORD, sent by Him to give them hope in what God has called them to become.

Q. Any advice to Christians? You are the light to the world. You are not called to blend in with darkness but you are expected to shine your light in the midst of darkness. You don’t need to know how but you simply need to rely on The Holy Spirit and be obedient enough to go where He is leading you.

Q. How can people get in touch with you and access all that you do? A. People can follow me on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram by searching for ‘Lerato Woman of Faith’. All my links are on my social media platforms and I am always ready to receive your inbox.

Q. Last words and plans for 2019? This year is a year of being obedient to God. I have resolved to not wonder how but to follow every instruction of God. I believe that anyone looking to be effective in their lives must firstly start with being obedient to God.

I embraced this title because it meant that I was unashamedly declaring what God had told me without compromising ! 1. In my bag you will find….? My phone, Hand lotion, tissue, bank card, pen and a notebook. 2. Can’t live without? Jesus 3. I dream of …..? Living legacy for my generations to be who they are called to become. 4. 2019 is…. A year of obedience and trusting God 5. Lipstick or eyelashes? Lipstick 6. What people don’t know is that I …….? I don’t like phone calls but prefer texting or face to face converstions. 7. If it weren’t for Jesus I would …….? I wouldn’t be who I am today. 8. Can’t stop thinking about? My loved ones

9. Daily mantra? God is able 10. Purpose is…….? Preaching the Good news to the nations in my unique way and using the talent the God gave to me. 11. Favourite Author and Minister? My favourite author is Elizabeth George and my favourite minister is Joyce Meyer 12. I will retire the day ……? The day I die 13. Best advice ever received? I was going through depression and my friend, Karabo, reminded me that my suffering will build up a story for me to encourage those who go through the similar struggles. She told me to read 2 Corinthians 1:3-6 that I still remember in the challenges I face today



10 Ways to Avoid

Backsliding as a Christian

The Christian life is not always an easy road. Sometimes we get off track. The Bible says in the book of Hebrews to encourage your brothers and sisters in Christdaily so that no one turns away from the living God. If you're feeling far away from the Lord and think you might be backslidden, these practical steps will help get right with God and back on course today. Each of these practical steps is backed by a passage (or passages) from the Bible. Everything You Will Need • A Bible • A Daily Relationship With God • A Christian Friend • A Bible Teaching Church Examine your faith-life regularly. 2 Corinthians 13:5 (NIV): Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? If you find yourself drifting away, turn back immediately. Hebrews 3:12-13 (NIV): See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. Come to God daily for forgiveness and cleansing. 1 John 1:9 (NIV): If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Revelation 22:14 (NIV): Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.

Continue daily seeking the Lord with your whole heart 1 Chronicles 28:9 (NIV): And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. Stay in the Word of God; keep studying and learning daily Proverbs 4:13 (NIV): Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life. Stay in fellowship often with other believers. You can’t make it alone as a Christian. We need the strength and prayers of other believers. Hebrews 10:25 (NLT): And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near. Stand firm in your faith and expect difficult times in your Christian life Matthew 10:22 (NIV): All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. Galatians 5:1 (NIV): It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.


Persevere 1 Timothy 4:15-17 (NIV): Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely.

Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. Run the race to win 1 Corinthians 9: 24-25 (NIV): Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training ... we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 (NIV): I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness... Remember what God has done for you in the past Hebrews 10:32, 35-39 (NIV):Remember those earlier days after you had received the light when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised … we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved. More Tips for Staying Right With God 1. Develop a daily habit of spending time with God. Habits are hard to break. 2. Memorize favorite Bible verses to recall in difficult times. 3. Listen to Christian music to keep your mind and heart in tune with God. 4. Develop a Christian friendship so that you'll have someone to call when you feel weak. 5. Get involved in a meaningful project with other Christians.


THE POWER OF RESISTANCE by: Pastor Ntsako Scripture readings: Acts 16:22-26 “The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten. After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. Upon receiving such orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundation of the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose.” The above scripture is well known; we usually talk and hear about it. Paul and Silas were jailed for no reason, they were in fact serving God in a mightily way, they dedicated themselves in the ways of God, yet this terrible thing happened to them. Think about it for a minute, what would you do in that situation, perhaps questions like: Why me? Where is God? Does God love me? And many more negatives questions would have crossed your mind. It is in a nature of men to always complain when something wrong happens. Even the disciple, they asked Jesus: “who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? (John 9:2). They thought it is impossible for something negative to happen without a sin involved. .

We sometimes blame ourselves for the wrong things happening to us, we often think that is our faults. Some situation needs you to stand and resist, and stop blaming yourself and feeling sorry for yourself. Resist to remain in that situation, you are empowered and able to stand that situation. There is power in resistance, resistance will open doors for you. In reality, Paul and Silas were not in a position to stand and pray, the situation did not allow them to worship God. But because of their attitude of resistance, they did not mind the place they were in. TO BE CONTINUED....


We are honored to feature a TRUE PROPHET OF OUR TIME. Sharing with us the true and undiluted Word of God. WE WELCOME PROPHET GEOFFREY GEZANI. Continuing with the series of: REAPING AND SOWING

WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH ; THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP ... THIS IS THE YEAR OF REAPING AND SOWING: Read :-GALATIANS: 6 : 6--9. The Bible has a great deal to say about sowing and reaping. First, we must sow to reap. All walks of life have to be involved in sowing and reaping Lawyers, doctors, scientists and professors spend long years in studying. You reap excellence if you sow effort, but you have to sow to reap.

The Law of Sowing and Reaping is universal. It works the same way regardless of the part of the world in which one lives. No one would ever plant a field of corn and expect to harvest cucumbers. Nor would one plant peas and expect to harvest oranges . One always expects to harvest what has been planted. It is a universal LAW. The principles of the Law of Sowing and Reaping operate in every area of life.

However, we are most concerned today with how it affects our spiritual lives. After all, the Law of Sowing and Reaping is first and foremost, a spiritual law, given by God. We read in Jeremiah 4:3, “Break up your fallow ground, means do not sow your seed among thorns. Break off all your evil habits , clear your hearts of weeds. We are to go out and sow the seed of the Word of God; then we will come in, bringing sheaves.

Hosea 10:12 says, “Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord.” This year try your best to seek the Lord. It is time to seek the Lord. Many of your lives are in pieces. You are all mixed up; you are confused. You need Christ to put your life together again. Second, if you sow, you will reap. The Bible says, “Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7) and “Be sure your sin will find you out” Read : Numbers 32:23 Read:- Galatians 5:19-21 Bringing disunity in the church of God you will reap one day, IT IS A PRINCIPLE. Selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, divisions , factions etc, those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God" (Gal. 5:19-21). THEY WILL GO TO HELL!!! READ:- Romans 16 :17 & Prov 22 :10; They are to be marked and avoided. "Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses... and avoid them.

1 Corinthians 15: 33 Don't be fooled , for bad company corrupts good character, Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners ( King James Version) Don't fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you. Don't be deceived, evil companionship corrupts good morals. The Bible warns us in Galatians 6:7-8: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap. The Bible teaches that satan is a great deceiver. God is Lord of the universe, but there is also a force of evil in the universe called satan, who is also called the devil. Read : Prov 6: 12 ,14,,15 If we sow to lust and drugs and alcohol and all of these things, we are going to reap corruption. In Proverbs we read, “A wicked man ... devises evil continually, he sows discord. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly. Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy”

God knows the thoughts and the intents of our hearts. All of us have sinned, and we all need the mercy of God. That is why Christ came and shed His blood for our sins. He died on the cross and rose again. God loves us in spite of all our sin, and He will forgive us if we come by faith to His Son, Jesus Christ, confessing our sin. REAPING AND SOWING Sow love, you will reap love. Sow patience, you will reap patience. Sow kindness, you will reap kindness. Sow forgiveness, you will reap forgiveness. Sow money, you will reap money. Sow bitterness, you will reap bitterness. Sow strife, you will reap strife. KJV says in Gal 6:7 KJV Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. TO BE CONTINUED...


Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

Be Strong Message taken from Ephesians 6:10 (KJV) Ephesians 6:10 (KJV): "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might." Did you know that being a child of God means you don't rely on limited, earthly, natural power to overcome in life? Since the Holy Spirit lives in us, we are filled with a supernatural power that has absolutely no limitation. As long as we remain connected to God, supernatural strength and ability flows from Him to us. Jesus promised His disciples that when the Holy Spirit came upon them, through His power they would be enabled to work unusual and extraordinary signs, wonders and miracles. That promise is for us today just as it was for them. Even if in the natural you feel weary or despondent, there is a supernatural power available to you that will keep you focused, strong and well able to meet any challenge. You can tap into that limitless power of God that's already at work inside you. Just ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh with His power and, by faith, let it rise up strong and surge through you today.



Then the 26/06/2017 came. I went to hospital all bags packed. As I got to the hospital at about 5:30 am all the

On that Thursday night, God showed Himself to me

procedures were written down in the file, the stamps

through my Spiritual father: Dr Prophet Geoffrey

etc. I went into the doctor’s room. Now the

Gezani. When the prophet entered the church, I was

conversation has changed. The doctors were no longer

sitting right at the back in a class room in Motsaneng

talking about replacing my valves but they were telling

Primary School (Soweto, South Africa). As he entered

me that my valves are recuperating and will have to

the class he asked me to proceed forward immediately,

keep coming for checkups to monitor my health. Now

because I was sitting right next to the door. Before he

I’m living a normal life like everybody else. I can eat

could do anything or teaching the Word, God started

what I want whenever I want. Ebenezer fellowship

using him mightily upon my life.

Centre has changed my life and I took a decision that I'm not looking back.

The man of God prayed for me and gave me 2 ×2liters of water to drink. I was afraid to drink the water

God has given me a second chance at life and I'm not

because according to my condition I was not allowed to

looking back.

drink more than 5ml of water a day (that’d a table spoon). I drank the water anyway. Immediately I started

I must add that daily devotions have really impacted

manifesting, as I was manifesting, healing was

my life in a positive way. The grace, favor and mercy of

beginning. I was healed instantly. That night all I

God is upon my life. God knows people whom I don't

wanted was to drink water, remember I wasn't drinking

know, He will connect me.

water for a while. The water tasted so good and I slept like a baby and slept in bed because every day of my

Mercy will single me out, wherever I set my foot I shall

sick days I was sleeping on my couch sitting right up, I

take that place with authority as the man of God

couldn't lie down.

prophet Gezani declared. All has come to pass. I'm so grateful for my father in Christ. TO BE CONTINUED IN THE NEXT ISSUE!


PREACH THE WORD! We are so honored to share this beautiful article written by Uncle Angus Buchan . A Born Again spirit filled servant of the Gospel. Thanking you once again Angus for sharing this article with us. He is an Author, Farmer, Husband, Father and Grandfather. PREACH THE WORD! A few years ago, I returned from "Pately Bridge," Yorkshire, England where I had the privilege of addressing two thousand men at a Mighty Men Conference in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. I went for a jog, early in the morning and I thought I was in a fairy land. The quaint little country lanes have dry wall fencing and the lush, green paddocks were dotted with snow white sheep, it was something to behold. Each little village has its own chapel. I jogged into one village and went into the little chapel. It could seat about sixty people; it had a balcony in it. The chapel was joined to one of the old houses and was built in beautiful stone. As I walked around that little chapel, I saw the pulpit and a little organ and a few beautifully carved wooden pews. It was truly magnificent. As I started jogging home, I thought what revival there must have been in this nation to see the evidence of Christianity in so many places; in the beautiful buildings, churches and cathedrals all over the country. The tent that was hosting the Mighty Men Conference had been erected on a field in a valley. It was so amazing to hear the men singing with such gusto to God, it must have warmed the heart of our Lord.

They have just upgraded the airport and it is magnificent. There is the famous store, Harrods, in the airport. One can buy anything in that store, from expensive clothes to food to jewellery. I am a real bookworm and have a great love for books especially Christian books. I found a large bookstore and went in. I took my time having a look around and could not find one Christian book. I went and spoke to the lady at the counter, she was a woman from Ghana. I asked her if there were any Christian bookshops in the airport and she said unfortunately not. I could not find any Christian literature in Heathrow Airport. That saddened me deeply, because I love Christian history and I have read the life stories of most of the mighty men and woman of God. About eighty percent of them came from Europe. I am talking about giants like William Booth who started The Salvation Army; James Hudson Taylor, who took the gospel to mainland China - there is one of the biggest revivals taking place through the house churches in

On my way home I had a stop off at Heathrow International airport, one of the busiest airports in the world. I had four hours to spare while waiting for my connecting flight to Johannesburg, so I walked up and down terminal five in the International departure lounge, from the one end to the other.

China at the moment. I am talking about Dr David Livingston who brought the gospel to sub-Sahara Africa and who was also instrumental in abolishing the slave trade. I am talking about people like William Kerry who took the gospel to India, and who translated the Bible into Sanskrit and many other Indian languages.

I am talking about Robert Moffit who started the

I come home with a bittersweet taste in my mouth.

mission station at Kuruman and great preachers

On the one hand I am so excited that so many men

like CH Spurgeon, John Wesley and George

gave their lives to Christ or recommitted their lives

Whitfield. This country's main International Airport

to Christ and will take the gospel to their homes.

did not have one scrap of Christian literature, let

On the other hand, I realise that we need to get out

alone a Bible and that troubles me immensely.

into the 'marketplace', because that is where the need is. That is where Jesus was found, where Paul

I looked up 2 Timothy 4:2 (NKJV) in the Word of

and the disciples where found preaching the

God, where Paul says "Preach the word! Be ready in

gospel. We need to be seen in the marketplace, in

season and out of season, convince, rebuke, exhort

the workplace, in the recreational places. Â

with all longsuffering and teaching." I really want to encourage all of the readers, not to take it easy

Paul is very explicit when he said, "Preach the

and to ease up. Do not to think it is happening and

word". There is nothing that can take the place or

everyone has heard about our Lord. The world is

be more powerful than the undiluted Word of God

desperate to hear from Christians, the world has no

being preached. Let us not get side-tracked in any

answers, hence the mess that we are in now. We

way. Let us not get pulled away from the main

need to hear the gospel; we need to hear it straight

focus and that is that people must be born again,

and we need to hear it plain. There is a scripture in

John 3:3. May God bless you as you preach the

Romans 8:19 that says, "All creation is waiting on

Word, uncompromisingly. The harvest is whiter

tiptoes for the manifestation of the Sons of God."

now than ever before.

That is, you and me! We need to get out there and we need to do it. There were many other books

God bless

that I could have bought in that bookshop. Books

Angus Buchan

on positive thinking, books by men who say that the world started with a big bang, and many other books that we as believers cannot accept. Yet the Bible, the Word of Life, was not to be found. There is a drought. The Bible tells us that there will be a drought and a hunger, not for food, but for God's Word. Like never before we need to up our game as they say. People have asked me whether I would contemplate retirement, and I say not at all, in fact the best is yet to come for me. How can I retire when people are going to hell because they have not heard the truth. Somebody said to me a long time ago, nobody deserves to hear the gospel twice, until the world has heard it once. The Lord is sending people from Africa, from South America, from China, from India, from the so-called third world nations, to the first world nations. He is taking the gospel back to the place from where it came.Â

women's gifts can't be stopped!


It’s crazy to think that in 2019 women are

These women are just a few mentioned in

still fighting for what God ordained years

the Bible who held leadership roles that

ago. Women can’t be pastors, preachers,

brought the Israelites/Jews closer to God.

teachers, deaconess, prophetess and so

Miriam was a prophetess, part of the

forth. But they can be ministry leaders for

leadership team led by Moses with her

the food, cleaning, and quilting

brother, Exodus 15:20; Micha 6:4, while

ministries. Well, I’m sorry but cooking and

Deborah led the Israelites solely. Huldah,

cleaning aren’t gifts of mine, but

Anna and Philip’s daughters were

teaching and leading are just a few! Let’s

prophetesses. Deborah and Esther were

dive into the scriptures and historical

leaders called by God.

contexts that support this statement.

Phoebe was a deaconess, while Priscilla was a co-worker with Paul. The women

Miriam. Deborah. Huldah. Esther. Anna.

who fascinate me the most are Deborah

Junia. Priscilla. Phoebe.

and Priscilla, so I want to dive into there stories.

You can do your own research on the rest of

They knew who she served, so they didn’t

these God-fearing women.

have issues with a woman of God showing them the way. How many Deborahs are

Deborah is introduced to us in Judges 4 and

out there being pushed aside? How many

5. She was a prophetess, judge, warrior,

Deborahs are out there wanting to make a

commander, and poet. She attended the

change with God’s people and are

affairs of the Israelites while they were

considered unworthy? How many Deborahs

captive to Jabin. I’ve heard many people say

out there are willing to step into their

there wasn’t any man to lead the people,

faith and do exactly what God has for

but I have yet to find any biblical reference

them despite man’s traditions and

for that claim. However, Hebrews 11:32-33

legalism. Get to work because you will be

states, “And what more shall I say? I do not

held accountable for what you do and

have time to tell about Gideon, Barak,

don’t do in this short lifespan!

Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets, who through faith

Priscilla was a passionate teacher and

conquered kingdoms, administered justice,

evangelist. She worked alongside Paul

and gained what was promised; who shut

who stayed with her and her husband,

the mouths of lions.” Barak went to war with

Aquila, in Corinth. We are introduced to

Deborah, by her command from God, and

them in Acts 18. Out of the four times they

was the military commander of the

are mentioned in this text, three out of

Israelites. Certainly, if God wanted him to

four times, Priscilla is named before her

be the people’s judge and prophet, God

husband. When Apollos, who was

could’ve done so. That verse alone throws

knowledgeable in scriptures, spoke in the

away that argument. When they go to war

synagogue to win Jews to Christ, he spoke

for their freedom against Jabin’s

on things that he wasn’t fully aware of.

commander, Sisera, Barak pleads with

Priscilla and Aquila brought him to their

Deborah to go with him. When the day

house (church) to teach him. She was the

comes for the Israelites to attack Sisera,

main teacher in their congregation and

Deborah commands him with these words,

scriptures support that claim. Priscilla

“Go! This is the day the LORD has given

taught at church to men and women.

Sisera into your hands. Has not the LORD

There weren’t formal churches in that day.

gone ahead of you?" So, Barak went down

I sure wish we could do as they did in that

Mount Tabor with 10,000 men following him.

regard and worship and teach wherever

Eventually, the Israelites won, and they had

God has placed us. Their house was their

peace for 40 years, which is usually

church. The fact that Paul calls them co-

considered a generation in the Bible. A

workers in Christ, while naming Priscilla

generation of peace because of the

first, tells us they did as he did. They

obedience of Deborah, then Barak.

preached and taught the gospel in their homes and the homes of others while they

Deborah shows us how a woman can lead

traveled. Romans 16:3-5. They risked their

and be respected by males without her

lives for the gospel and Priscilla was the

taking her place by force because God gave

main teacher between her and her

it to her.


Priscilla shows how you can teach and

I know that’s what God has me on earth to

evangelize to all. Males are included in

accomplish. I’m here to bring men and

her evangelism and I’m sure they were

women to Christ and serve in leadership

happy to have her show her knowledge in

roles to impact our congregations. I’m not

Christ. How many Priscillas are out there

here as a bystander or to work in ministries

being pushed aside? How many Priscillas

that don’t pertain to my gifts. I’m here to do

are out there wanting to make a change

a work and I won’t let anything or anybody

with God’s people and are considered

stop me. I only have a season on earth in

unworthy? How many Priscillas out there

this body, and I’ll be cursed if I don’t get to

are willing to step into their faith and do

working and stick it out in Jesus’ name. I

exactly what God has for them despite

want to get back to God as soon as

man’s traditions and legalism? Get to

possible. My food, as Jesus, is to finish the

work because you will be held

work of the One who sent me. My soul will

accountable for what you do and don’t

go back to God saying, “I did it at all

do in this short lifespan!


AS ALWAYS, BE BLESSED AND STAY SUNNY ON THE INSIDE. The reason why we have crippled

Are there any Kendras out there in 2019 who

churches is because we don’t value

are ready for a change? Are you ready to

everyone’s gifts. God gives women and

walk in your God-given gifts? If God is for

men gifts for HIS glory. We continuously

you, I pray that those who are against you

read, “The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I

who will move to the side, watch you work,

don’t need you!’” Yet we make our

and praise God for your mission. “There is

congregations dysfunctional by never

neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor

putting women and their gifts in that

free, nor is there male and female, for you

scripture. Sadly, we have a long way to

are all one in Christ,” states Galatians 3:28.

go, but I’m glad that some of the world

Women’s gifts can’t be stopped. As always,

values women who live for Christ and use

be blessed and stay sunny on the inside.

their gifts. Now, I turn this article to me. I’m a teacher, leader, and encourager and I will continue to speak words of wisdom to those around me.



CONQUER THE LAND by: Minister Monica Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it” (Numbers 13:30 NIV). The rain poured down hard while I drove on I-95 an hour away from my destination. The breeze of the AC hit my eyes and I felt my eye slightly shut for a millisecond as I was in desperate need of sleep, but quickly I pulled myself together and prayed the Lord would take the wheel. I had driven straight from work to go to my tutoring session in preparation for school in the fall, so I knew it would be a long day, but a productive one. On my way back home I was led astray by my GPS about three times. What was supposed to be an hour drive home ended up being almost two hours At this point, I was disoriented and in frantic need of rest. Yet, I thanked God anyway because He opened up new doors of opportunity, prosperity and poured out His favor in my life, so who was I to murmur in a few minutes of uncomfortability. After all, this was preparation for the Promised Land. This moment was preparing me for what God had promised me. The Lord told the people of Israel, ““I will lead you to a land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:17 NLT).

When God spoke this to the Israelites He required action which was their faith. The Bible tells us, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). Truly, I believe the Israelites thought it would be simple and easy, but serving God is never easy. There is always a war in the spirit, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). TO BE CONTINUED......

Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

The Word of God Message taken from Hebrews 4:12 (KJV) Hebrews 4:12 (KJV): "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." The integrity of Gods Word is unquestionable. It contains creative power that is activated and ignited by our faith! The sad reality is too many Christians have a far too casual attitude towards the Bible. What a shame to have something so dynamic and life changing in your possession and never realise or experience its power. The Bible teaches us that as children of God, our reality is not what we can see, feel or touch. For us, everything that God says we are and can experience in this life is our reality. For us there is no regression, only increase in every area of our lives as the Word transforms us into His image one degree of glory at a time. It is our privilege and expected practice to understand and appropriate His Word to our personal lives. It matures us, prepares and equips us for life and produces the best quality of character as well as healing and blessing in us. Do not take this gift lightly, give it the honour it deserves and it will enrich you far above your greatest expectations.

young , married &

BORN AGAIN by; empress teekay

A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Created by God for us.

1. Who are you individually (personally &

We can never learn enough and this couple does exactly that. They teach , encourage and live. Enjoy and make sure you have a note book with you, you will definitely be taking notes. Here's the love story of Donovan & Lindsey Capron.

producer. I’m a God-fearing man who enjoys helping

professionally)? Donovan: Professionally, I’m a prominent Gospel others and a husband to my beautiful wife, Lindsey. Lindsey: Professionally, I’m a blogger/writer and a modern-day homemaker. I’m a fun-loving and encouraging beach-going wife to my handsome husband, Donovan.

2. How and when did you meet? We first met September 1, 2016, as perfect strangers on Facebook connecting through a funny video a wellknown Christian comedian posted by liking, commenting, and direct messaging with each other. 3. How long did you date before you got married? We dated a little over a year before we got married. 4. How did you individually know that He , She was the one? Donovan: God simply said so through a lot of prayers even while dating. I also felt safe opening up myself to Lindsey revealing my soul and secrets. I didn’t hold anything back from her. Lindsey: I would say the same. I knew Donovan was the one through tons of prayer and consultation of the Holy Spirit. What really got me was when he agreed to us holding off kissing or getting intimate until our wedding day. 5. When did you get married? We both joyously tied the knot November 11, 2017 (11/11/17) 6. Take us through the process of the wedding celebration how was that and if there is any changes you could have made? Our wedding was a small and intimate outdoor wedding taking place at a country club in Southern California. It was sixty of our closest family and friends. The ceremony was very emotional, comical, beautiful, and blessed. The weather held up perfectly and the reception was a lot of fun. Even with all the tiny snafus that happened, we don’t think we would’ve changed anything about our wedding day. 7. Has your relationship changed from dating to marriage? Donovan: Yes. Both Lindsey and I have become much stronger as individuals and as a couple. We’ve also become more trusting in each other. Lindsey: Oh yeah! Spiritually as a married unit, Donovan and I have become much stronger and even more loving towards each other. Our love and friendship towards each other in our marriage has intensified. 8. If you could change the perception that people have about marriage, what would it be? Donovan: Marriage is beautiful. There are more spiritual benefits in marriage when God is in the middle. Lindsey: Marriage is MORE of a spiritual act than what the world/society would call “just a piece of paper” for tax and common law recognition and benefits. Marriage is certainly a mirror to our own selves and sins. Its two souls coming together representing Christ and His Church.

9. For the single person out there, wondering when they are getting married ,what advice would you give them? Donovan: Become the spouse you want to have while waiting for the one God has for you. Lindsey: While single, PLEASE (for the love of everything pure, true, and excellent) ENJOY YOUR SINGLENESS TO THE FULLEST. It is at this season where you can focus on loving and serving God while He works on your heart and prepares you to be a spouse. Know also that God has that tailor-made spouse for you. KEEP PRAYING AND NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR FAITH! 10. How do you deal with problems that you encounter as a married couple? Donovan: We PRAY FIRST before talking about the issue. It could be either alone or together. Just about every issue that we encounter in marriage or in life can be found in the word of God and we stand firm on that. In that, both Lindsey and I can find common ground when dealing with challenges and ways to work together.

Lindsey: I go to God and His Word along with

14. One word, if possible to describe your

prayer. I ask Him for wisdom that only He can


give to help solve the issue but solve it


together with Him and my husband. In that, I

Lindsey: EXCITING! There’s never a dull

also pray that God removes me from being a

moment in our marriage.

hindrance in solving the issue.

15. What advice to those who are in the

11. Challenges you’re facing as a married and

process of getting married would you give ?

born-again couple?

Donovan: Christian Premarital counseling is

Donovan: Like any marriage, we have our

a MUST! Always remain prayerful and NEVER

challenges. I would say finding a work-life

ignore any red flags before marriage.

balance can be tricky at times.

Lindsey: Sound Christian premarital

Lindsey: For me personally, one of the

counseling is MANDATORY. Be sure to bathe

challenges I face being newly married is

your courtship and upcoming marriage in

connecting with other married couples in

prayer. God MUST BE THE CENTER of your

our age group of like-mindedness and with a

marriage. If God created the institution, it

solid relationship with Christ.

would only make sense to have Him in the middle of it.

young , married &


12. Things you wish you were told about

16. The best advice ever received.


Donovan: Finish your marriage how you

Donovan: ALWAYS COMMUNICATE! No matter how

started, if not better.

big or small the detail is. We’re also always

Lindsey: When things in a marriage get

learning when it comes to marriage no matter

tough, remember your wedding vows and WHY

how long we’ve been married.

you said them. Jesus is the spice of life and

Lindsey: Marriage vows are nothing to play

marriage, so be sure to KEEP THINGS SPICY!

with. Marriage has its ways of making sure

you hold yourself accountable to the marriage vows that you said before your spouse and God. My relationship with God must never be forsaken even in marriage. 13. Who is Jesus Christ to you individually and as a couple? Donovan: Jesus is my rock, my provider, protector, my best friend. Lindsey: Jesus to me is my refuge, my strength, provider, my peace in the middle of life’s storms. In our marriage, we can agree that Jesus is EVERYTHING to us. He’s kept us in the middle of our fiercest situations since being married.

let no one separate -Ecclesiastes 4:12

Therefore what God has joined together,


the capron's


We are honored to feature a woman of God by the name : Pastor Thuto Gezani. Truly a remnant of our generation! Prepare a journal and pen!

BRING BACK THE GLORY TAKEN FROM 1 SAMUEL 4:1-22 - If there is something thing that characterizes religion today is this: 1. There is no mystery 2. There is no wonder 3. There is no glory in it - These days when you attend a church service or visit the church you should check one thing and which is: is there glory in that church? GOD'S GLORY IS PARAMOUNT * The glory of God is paramount , nothing is as important as the glory of God. * Paul tells us in Eph 1 that everything God has purposed & everything he does in the redemption & salvation of his people is to the praise of His glory. God's prophet Elijah wanted, asked for & sought only one thing when he confronted the Lord's enemies on Mt Carmel:

- He cried " let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel - He wanted nothing else but desired the manifestation of God's glory as God. -When Moses led the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage, he sought wisdom & grace to lead them through the wilderness, and he prayed: * O LORD I BESEECH THEE, SHOW ME THY GLORY * THE CHURCH OF GOD HAS BEEN CAPTURED! -There's no more glory in house of God - The churches of our days are full of gimmicks -The churches of our days are bigger than ever, richer than ever & engaged in more activities than ever -Yet in as far as the glory of God and the manifestation of the presence of God is concerned, the churches of our days are very poor, emptier, less powerful & less significant than ever.

* THE CHURCH HAS BEEN CAPTURED -READ: 1 Sam 4: 11- 22 - The name of the church today is ICHABOD!!! THE TITLE OF MY MESSAGE IS: BRING BACK THE GLORY!!! In the scripture that we read the Bible tells us that the woman named the child ICHABOD- And she said: THE GLORY is departed from Israel for the ark of God has been captured. THE DEATH OF ELI -The bible records that Eli sat upon a seat by the wayside watching, for his heart trembled for the ark of God. When news came back to Shiloh about the massive loss of life & the death of his 2 sons, the old man was concerned for the ark of God. - When he found out that the ark had been captured, the shock & horror of it caused him to collapse. When he did he broke his neck and died. My question is: where are the Elis of today? - That will die for the glory of God - That will be worried about the glory ICHABOD Read: 1 Sam 4: 19- 21 -The meaning of this word is that: the glory of God is gone, - Eli’s daughter in law Phinehas’s wife seems to have been of the same spirit for: - When the news of her husband 's death, Eli's death and the fact that the ark was gone reached her ears, she went into early labour. She died giving birth to a son. - But the name she put on that boy's head tells us where her heart was, - And she named the son ICHABOD, * No more glory

* No more order - Anyone can start a church without a proper release or spiritual guidance from the spiritual parents – that’s ICHABOD - These days everyone is called in the Five Fold Ministry, no one is willing to serve or to submit under a certain pastor, - Where is the order in the in the church the today? - bring back the glory!!! * Read: Ephesians 6:1

NO MORE RESPECT OF SPIRITUAL PARENTS: THAT'S ICHABOD * Why should I honour my parents? Firstly I will like to point out that the Bible talks about two types of parents - Our biological & spiritual parents E.g Apostle Paul said: Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right, - Honour your father & mother, which is the first commandment with a promise - Obey your parents in the Lord for this is right - If you don’t, your name is: ICHABOD * There are several examples in the Bible that talks about spiritual children and spiritual parents. e.g. Prophets Elijah and Elisha Apostle Paul became a spiritual father to the believers -The fivefold ministry are our spiritual parents. God command us to be obedient to them. * You should not be judging your spiritual parents. Let Jesus be their judge.

may the love of Christ Jesus abide richly in you. Pastoe Thutho Gezani


20 And they rose early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and you inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established; believe and remain steadfast to His prophets and you shall prosper.



PROPHETIC MINISTRY We are so honored to share this article written by: Apostle Neo Motaung. The founder of Crystal House of the Prophets Church based @ Ratanda Heidelberg, South Africa. A former Radio Presenter and Gospel prolific writer. Professional motivational speaker, Mc and life coach. To contact him do email: PROPHETIC MINISTRY Prophecy and prophetic ministry are important because they are associated with the plans and purposes of God. They reveal the heart of the Father for the Church today and prepare us for the Church of tomorrow. The apostle Paul knew difficult circumstances facing the young Timothy and wrote, encouraging him to use the prophecies given to him to wage a good

In closing I want to say a Prophetic ministry is God ministering to his holy nation the Church of Christ. Allos parakletos Remember that we are not fighting against flesh blood but with the rulers of darkness and you don’t need only faith to warfare but also your confession or prophetic declaration are able to conquer for you. Prophetic

warfare (1 Timothy 1:18).

declaration opens heaven and allows supernatural

The Bible says faith cometh by hearing the

be, a holy and peculiar someone. In prophetic ministry,

Word of God and you need prophecy for your life and decree to your destiny. God speaks through the Prophets to edify and encourage the Church which is the Bride of

transformation to be able to be what God created you to when one is being prophesied, it is important to activate that prophecy by decreeing and declaring. Many are people whom were given prophecy, but it did not come to pass simply because they did not activate it. it’s like you


are being given the keys to unlock your destiny but you

[The Lord said] Call to me, and I will answer

important to the receiver to activate the prophecy.

you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3). In a place of fellowship, worship and prayer, you are bringing back to God what He has spoken over your life. As He gets what He wants from you, that is, fellowship, you get what you need, which is the fulfilment of the prophetic ministry. Prophecy is also powerful because it reveals God’s plan for the future given to us in the present. Prophecy gives us direction for the future so that we can be good stewards of our present. Prophecy is reality that exists in a different time frame, God’s timetable of events waiting to be manifested by someone who believes and acts on them.

just hold on to the key not finding the lock, so it’s equally Prophetic words are authoritative that Scripture says we would “do well to pay attention to” 2 Peter 1 v19 . Properly know how to use the keys handed to you through prophecy, visions or a dream, that is what Jesus taught Peter. The Lord’s message was “Peter, these are keys. I just gave you a key called “revelation”. With that key you have a responsibility to open up the Kingdom of Heaven so that revelation can come to pass. So it’s important to birth or unlock your prophecy. Let’s look at Daniel 9 v 2, Daniel received a prophecy while reading the book of Jeremiah about the Babylonian captivity, he did not just proclaim it but he birthed that prophecy through prayer and fasting, Daniel 10. So saints, next time you receive the word from the Lord, it’s your responsibility to birth or unlock that word so it comes to pass.



Too often, I’ve bought the lie. The one the Western world shouts (and the one our sinful ears itch to hear): “Never compare, just be you. Contentment is only found within yourself.” The lie is especially sweet because it allows us to hide our lack of spiritual fruit. It’s tempting to dismiss our need for personal sanctification when we’re preoccupied with the comfort of self-confidence. Even when those lies don’t seduce us, we can still make the mistake of believing that repentance of sinful comparison — the kind that puffs up or beats down — means rejecting all comparison. But we don’t need to fear or avoid comparison, because it is often the means by which God helps us grow.

When Cain responded in anger, revealing the hardness of his heart, God graciously appealed for him to “do well” and beware the lurking beast of sin. In love, he wanted Cain to follow in the righteous footsteps of his brother, who gave the very best of his flock out of devotion to God. Instead of learning from Abel, Cain killed him (Genesis 4:1–8).

Godly comparison isn’t about keeping up with someone else’s standard, or replicating another’s life, or hustling until we feel better about ourselves. It’s not about running harder on the treadmill of self-improvement, futilely seeking self-worth in our next accomplishment. Godly comparison isn’t ultimately about us. It’s about celebrating and learning from God’s grace at work in others so that we might better love and glorify God.

Jesus told his disciples to follow the examples of others. While sitting in a synagogue, he called them and directed their attention to a poor widow as she placed two copper coins into the offering basket. Contrasting her giving with the wealthy, he declared that she had given more. Though poor, she had given everything she had, demonstrating that her ultimate treasure was God himself (Mark 12:41–44).

God Compares for Our Good In Genesis, God compared two brothers who brought him an offering. He had regard for Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s.

But, you may say, that was before Jesus! We do not earn his love with offerings. Through faith, we’re clothed in his righteousness. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Yes, but saving faith in Christ does not produce complacency in character.

Jesus also taught us by comparing two sisters. As Martha busied herself with preparations and grumbled to Jesus over Mary’s lack of help, he responded that Mary had chosen better by remaining at his feet.

His tender correction wasn’t meant to burden this weary woman with heavy expectations, but to demonstrate what Mary already knew to be true — it’s better to treasure Jesus than to merely toil for him (Luke 10:38–42). When God makes comparisons, it’s not so that we’ll be crushed or condemned, but so that more of our hearts will be captured by him. Comparing for Our Godliness We’ve been saved into one body: the church. This body is made up of many members, each with a distinct function (Romans 12:4–5). God’s glory is too vast and magnificent for a family of cookie-cutter Christians. He intends for all of us — with our different personalities and talents, backgrounds and stories, strengths and weaknesses — to display glimpses of his infinite goodness to the world. Our differences, of every kind, underline his worth in ways sameness cannot. However, while God hasn’t called us to sameness, he has called us all to holiness. As all the parts of our body move in the same direction when we walk, the church in all its diversity moves together toward Christ. One way God helps us become holy is by surrounding us with Christians who imitate him in ways that we don’t yet. These differences are a part of God’s gracious plan to conform us into the image of his Son. He has always intended for us to be sharpened by one another’s examples. That’s why Paul unashamedly told the Corinthian church to be imitators of him as he was of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). It’s why Paul instructed Titus to be a model of good works (Titus 2:7) and Timothy to set an example in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (1 Timothy 4:12). It’s why Paul spread the word of the Macedonian church’s generosity amidst their affliction (2 Corinthians 8). The body won’t grow in holiness unless there’s godly, humble, and hope-filled comparison and imitation. Our altars of autonomy must be overthrown. Just as Cain should have learned from Abel, just as Martha had to learn from Mary, just as the Corinthian church learned from the Macedonians, we need to learn from one another.

How Should We Compare? As we compare, it’s helpful to focus on principles more than particulars. For example, I struggle to practice biblical hospitality, so I look to those who excel — imitating them as they imitate Christ. In doing this, I remind myself there’s freedom to extend hospitality in different ways. My mother-in-law invites people without nearby relatives to holiday gatherings. My siblings and friends have brought foster children into their families. My friend from small group recently had a Mormon missionary over to discuss faith. Rather than feeling daunted by their examples, God is helping me celebrate and learn from them. How might the Christ living in and through them live in and through my hospitality? Rather than ignoring or making excuses for my weakness, I am stirred to grow, obey, and even enjoy hospitality. In areas where we’re stronger, we should still humbly position ourselves to learn from others. I’m far more gifted in mercy than in hospitality, and love using my time and resources to care for those in need. Yet I still need to grow. I want the depth of compassion my friend Brenda has for prostitutes where we live. I want my brother’s heart for the addicted, and his boldness to declare the gospel to those in hopeless situations. The Spirit frees us to boldly and expectantly compare. Who stirs you to treasure Christ more? Who possesses godliness you lack? Who lives passionately for the mission? Consider their examples and identify ways in which you want to imitate them. The same God at work in their strengths will be faithful to slowly refine and transform your weaknesses.


1. He says we must first look at his hands and what he did with them 2. He emphasis that there is none like him because all he does is durable and cannot be compared to anything 3. People forget sometimes when they are busy with their things F. You see the fact of the matter is that God had done so much for the Israelites 1. He took them out of slavery in Egypt 2. He fed them manna and gave them water in the dessert 3. He fought many enemies from their midst 4. And he gave them a land as a bonus on top (the promise land) 5. All this was that they should know who He is and what He can do for them Psalm 111:4,5,6 read

Appreciate the King by: Pastor Bongani Gama Psalm 111:1-2 “Praise the Lord, I will praise the Lord with my whole heart in the assembly of the upright and in the congregation, the works of the Lord are great studied by all who have pleasure in them” I. Introduction A. The Psalms are a compilation of different authors like David, Solomon sons of Korah, Asaph, Moses etc and some have unknown authors like this one B. Psalm are grouped according to their themes and from 111-118 they are Psalms that have to do with Praising the Lord C. Fighting the good fight of faith, now we find that we should appreciate the King in the midst of the fight we are fighting, in the midst of the race we are running we should appreciate the King D. It is easy for us to actually lose sight and not show real appreciation for the King due to the toughness, the high stakes involved, to the pace in which we are running, to the kind of enemies we are facing E. The writer encourages those who are GOD ‘s people to appreciate Him and to never give up because Psalm 11:3 “His work is honourable and glorious and his righteousness last forever”

G. This God is awesome and deserves all the glory, honour and praise 1. He is loving 2. He is kind and compassionate 3. He forgives, and He is the gift that keeps on giving 4. No matter how much we sin He still forgives 5. No matter how much and for how long we deny Him He still is waiting on us II. Who is this King A. The King is Jesus Revelation 19:6 B. He came to establish His kingdom (the Church) Matthew 16:18-19 read a) His kingdom is full of people who are obedient to His Word 1 Samuel 15:22 it is better to be obedient than to sacrifice” b) Because the King was also obedient to His Father even to the point of death Philippians 2:8 read C. The King gave the ultimate sacrifice that perfects people before God so that we should be able to live and be with God forever Hebrews 10:14 III. The writer opens up by saying HALELUJAH (in Hebrew) Praise the Lord A. He is the object of worship and we are His subjects 1. He deserves all the praise because He is the only One who will satisfy

2. Many of us are satisfied by the idols we have adopted along the course of our race/in the middle of the fight we are engaged in 3. But here the writer says we must refocus and see the King for who He is Hebrews 12:2 “Fix your eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of your salvation…. 4. Despite what we go through in this fight God is still God and He still maintains His goodness no matter what. 5. So, we should not lose focus, you see the fact is that we do not stop worshipping and praising God just because we are going through certain things: a) Soldiers carry on knowing very well that He is the commander in Chief, He protects and He is still your King b) We soldier on even when we are heartbroken because we have God He is still your King c) We do not give up on Him just because He is on our side Romans 8:31 “if God is for us who can be against us” d) Just because people do not support you when you are going through things, He is still your King e) Matthew 15 :8 we should not have lip services our lives should give honour to God by living honourably to His commands. B. Praising God is the true character of worship 1. All the aspects of worship come together and from praise (communion Acts 2:42 ,44) 2. When we meet together on Sunday, we worship 3. When we sing together we take part worship 4. When we hear the teaching of the apostles 5. When we give we take part in worship? 6. If we come here and then when the prayer is prayed, we do not even become part of it, we are wrong 7. If we do not sing when the song is singing, we are no taking part if we do half not all we simply are not taking part and that shows that we are not appreciating the King 8. When we spend a lot of our times in our phones that being part of service we are simply substituting the one true God who deserves your praise with an idol (your phone).

C. All because praise means that we appreciate and acknowledge His past, present and future mercy D. We express gratitude and thankfulness with praise for have all the blessings in Christ Ephesians 1:3 E. We express selflessness by giving ourselves over to Him F. Romans 12:1-2 our lives are an example of appreciation. 1. There are many things that should have happened to us, but He protects on a daily basis 2. Paul says for me to live and to die is gain Philippians 1:21. a) When we live, it is Him so therefore we live by following His commands that is appreciation. b) We go daily displaying His attributes to our friends, families and colleagues that is appreciation. c) We do all we can just for His sake Colossians 3:17 that is appreciation. IV. In closing ,the fact is we are fighting the good fight ,but we have heard lesson that tell us that we are not to engage in this war in our own way, because God is fighting for us and we need to stand firm and have absolute faith in Him because He will gives us victory no matter what ,so this fight is not an excuse for us to bail on praising Him for all that He does A. The King provides strength to fight the war, but we act as if we are the ones winning for ourselves B. The King blesses us daily with life, but we do not acknowledge that C. The King gave His life so that we can have eternal life with Him and we still do not appreciate that read.

may the peace and grace of King Jesus abide in you in abundance~ Pastor Bongani

Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

Intentional Gratitude Message taken from Proverbs 3:9-10 (TPT) Proverbs 3:9-10 (TPT): "Glorify God with all your wealth, honoring Him with your very best, with every increase that comes to you. Then every dimension of your life will overflow with blessings from an uncontainable source of inner joy!" When we consider the goodness, mercy, and kindness of God - and think about the extent of His proved faithfulness towards us - how can we not honour Him with our all? Our God has already blessed us even when we didn't deserve it. He gave His precious Son for us, Who willingly died the most humiliating and painful method of death in the ancient world, so we could live. How can we ever question the extent of His love and devotion towards us? We must not allow ourselves to be unaffected by the power of God that has always been and continues to be at work in our lives. When we realise that He is continuously moving on our behalf, how can we not wholeheartedly pour out our very best at His feet? When we do, we find His blessing increases and overflows into every dimension of our lives - from His source of miracle working power that is inside us. Let's never hold back in honouring our Good, Generous God. This is how we intentionally embrace every good thing He does for us.


hree Types of Prophets Coming to the Frontline in this Hour!


In an early morning encounter, the Lord highlighted three types of prophets that I believe are being prepared in this hour. Although no two prophets are alike, there are similarities but diversity in flow, function and personality. I saw the Samuel Prophets who carry a building anointing and a hybrid gift mix of apostolic and prophetic function. They serve the body by teaching, training and grooming the next generation of prophets. I also saw the launching forth of the Power Prophets, flowing in uncommon levels of demonstration and power in the areas of signs, wonders and miracles. These daring prophets will be on the front lines of the next great move of God. They are instruments of revival and catalysts of change in the earth carrying a heavenly authority. Then the Lord unfolded the Seers to me, the detailed Revealers. This breed of prophets possesses insight that unfolds through the word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits in a breathtaking way. Calling out names, phone numbers and other personal facts, along with God’s heart, plans and purposes for individual people and groups, is the calling card of these prophets. They are entrusted with mysteries and secrets.


They pour into people their skills, styles,

The Samuel Prophets occupy a high

values, strategies and experiences;

ranking prophetic office, operating in a

establishing prophetic academies where

strong level of wisdom and discernment.

their testimonials become life lessons.

This mantle is a result of years of

Samuel Prophets have many students to

experiential lessons in prophetic

their credits because of their wealth of

ministries. The Samuel Prophets are

revelatory grace to unveil mysteries; they

apostolic builders by nature.

replicate themselves. These prophets carry a hybrid, prophetic, apostolic anointing.

They often start quite early in church, as

Samuel Prophets are born to ignite a fire,

we see Samuel with Eli in the temple.

to kindle a weakened generation and to

They learn skills in church; they learn the

bring back lost glory. They bring the

voice of God in church. Samuel heard his

Shekinah where they meet an Ichabod.

voice three times to confirm. These

While Hophni and Phinehas deposed the

prophets are nurtured by senior

things of God, God was raising a young

apostolic leaders, training and equipping

boy to grow in favor and wisdom. When

them. Just as Samuel was a civil leader,

there’s rebellion in any generation, God

these prophets have concerns for the

will raise up reformers to birth revival.

welfare of the people in all ramifications:

Samuel was called to set up the fire. The

health, wealth, marriage, family.

word of the Lord was rare in those days, Samuel was the conduit through which

Examing the life of Samuel, as a child he

God spoke to the nation of Israel. He was

was given to the Lord’s work, carried in

set apart as a Nazarite; Samuel Prophets

the womb of travail. He was the last and

are set apart from the world.

greatest of the judges to rule Israel. He served the priest Eli and through him

In the time of Eli, the Israelites made false

God brought judgement upon Israel.

gods. They were oppressed by the

Samuel Prophets carry the emotion of

Philistines but when Samuel came into

the Father and the heart of God.

leadership, he commanded that all false gods be burned down. Samuel Prophets

When Eli’s Sons were desecrating the

pull down altars, strong holds, religion and

temple, no one in the nation brought

powers. They rescue people under

them to order. Samuel’s rise and

demonic attack. They set captives free,

installation of his office brought

they preach the liberty of men in Christ.

judgement on the people. Samuel was

Samuel Prophets are not scared to pull

both a prophet, priest, Nazarite and a

down, root out, throw down and destroy.

civil leader. The prophetic mantle was to mediate for the people, the civil

Samuel Prophets must willingly impose the

leadership mantle was to meet the

same discipline on their children (biological

welfare of the people and the Nazarite

and spiritual). Joel and Abijah, the sons of

mantle was to be separated unto God.

Samuel, did not follow the footsteps of

As a priest, he atoned for the people. Eli

their father. As a result, the leadership did

began to lose his vision, but in the secret

not fall on them. The Samuel mantle is not

place God was raising a young man with

hereditary, it falls on an obedient

a vision. Samuel Prophets will rise when

generation. Samuel Prophets are very

an older generation is losing their vision.

patient prophets, even though they have a strong personality.

Samuel warned Saul over and over

They are known for these things because of

again about his leadership model but

their high standard of intimacy with the

Saul rebelled. The Lord instructed

Lord. These are prophets of prayer,

Samuel to ordain a younger prophet,

intercessors, who terrorize hell. Power

David. They are generals in the spirit,

Prophets have a declaring mantle on their

who can affirm or demote an authority

lives; they operate strong in the gift of faith

that has lost place in their call. These

and working of miracles. We saw Elijah

servants are not intimidated by fat

personally shut heaven (1 Kings 17:1); we

offerings and honorariums, they will not

saw Joshua make the sun stand still (Joshua

compromise truth for fat seeds and


pledges. They value obedience over everything. Obedience is the key to

Power Prophets are known to always

Samuel’s ministry.

decree and declare. Their words are a gift

Samuel said, "Has the Lord as much

to the Church. Often times, God would say

delight in burnt offerings and

to prophet Ezekiel, “Son of man, decree.”

sacrifices As in obeying the voice of

Power Prophets are action prophets, their

the Lord? Behold, to obey is better

ministries are confrontational. They confront

than sacrifice, And to heed than the

structures, systems and strategies which try

fat of rams. 1 Sam 15:22

to thwart the plans of God. Power Prophets are not about articulation or demonstration

Samuel Prophets are also intercessors,

of words, as Paul rightly put it, but of

watchmen who lift up the people’s

power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit

queries before the Lord. They love order

(1 Cor 2:4).

in the House and are not afraid to confront. Even though Samuel saw Saul’s

Moses was a man who was called forth to

weaknesses, he kept interceding for him,

bring redemption to the Israelites. While

he kept on praying for Saul as much as

Samuel grew up in the house of the Lord;

he could. Samuel Prophets carry the

Moses grew up in the house of a King.

heart of the people and also the heart of

Power Prophets carry a heavy mantle on


setting captives free. They understand the Egyptian stronghold either because they


were in the system or because they are

As the name implies, the Power Prophets

given divine revelation about the captivity

have an unusual anointing to make

of people. Power Prophets deal with the

things happen. They have such an

people; they are about the liberty of people.

authority to shut the heavens, make the

Power Prophets understand power! They

sun stand still, cause drought, send fire

use their experience of earthly power to

from heaven, send dew and more.


Power Prophets have a unique working


of miracles mantle. They spend time with

The Revealing Prophets, the Seers, have

the Lord and carry such a glory. When

the ability to see into dimensions. These

the Lord wanted to reach out to the

prophetic graces operate outside of the

people, He invited Moses to the

dimension of time. They see into events

mountain. Moses went up into the

with precision and accuracy. Revealing

mountain and was covered by the cloud.

Prophets see, hear and witness heavenly

The mountain is a supernatural dimension

activities, engage angelic beings and

where the glory dwelled. When Moses

operate in a high level of the word of

came down from the mountain, his face

knowledge. Every now and again, the

shone because he had been in God’s

Lord will trans relocate these prophets into

glory. When Jesus appeared on the

supernatural realms to see what He has

mount of transfiguration, we saw Moses

for His people. When the Lord allows this,

and Elijah (Power Prophets) come down

they see what has never been revealed

in that shining glory. These prophets are

because these prophets flow outside our

light bearers. Power Prophets speak light

time constraint. Revealing Prophets can

in the dark places because light sets

flow between dimensions. They have a

free. These are freedom prophets; they

precise predictive gift because they have

care about setting people free.

seen it unfold in the supernatural realm. The Revealing Prophet only sees, hears

Power Prophets decree and declare.

and feels when the Lord gives him/her

Most of the Power Prophets did not have

access. When the Lord does, it’s precise.

anything special about their personality, but were only vessels the Lord chose to

There are a few people in the Bible with an

do His will (James 5:17). Moses came to

ability to see into dimensions. These

the burning bush with his insignificance,

prophets have access into portals.

but the Lord began to pour

Revealing Prophets are those prophets

encouragement into him. Prophets need

who reveal things that are past, things in

these encouraging words from God.

time and things to come. They see deep

Power Prophets have such a unique gift

into dimensions and can predict when the

of faith. It’s interesting how the Lord

Lord shows them His plan for what is to

says Moses was the meekest man on the

come. The Revealing Prophets have a

earth, yet he carried such a tough

mantle for sight. They see in visions,

personality. This is because of his heart

dreams, trances and possess other abilities

for the people. Power Prophets build the

to see.

people while they look at the promise. They demonstrate Power.

The story of Elisha and Ghazi comes to mind. And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 2 Kings 16:17 Elisha sees into deep realms that cannot be seen with the physical eyes. Revealing Prophets have the gift of sight. God uses the Revealing Prophets to reveal the things He has lined up for His people. Revealing Prophets are wired to see. Their eyes are their gifting to the body of Christ. Prophets like Daniel, Joshua and Jeremiah possesed revelatory mandates to see. Both Daniel and Joseph were summoned before kings; they used their revelatory abilities to reveal what was to come. The revealing gifts function as the word of knowledge in today’s Church age, through which God speaks His desires and intentions on the earth. Revealing Prophets work with the Samuel and Moses prophets to unfold what the Lord is birthing on the face of the earth. As a phenomenal new wave of the apostolic and prophetic movement arises, there is an emergence of powerful prophetic voices. As with David, many have been tucked away in a wilderness place spending valuable time becoming intimate lovers of Jesus. They have faced rejection, criticism, frustration and other battles, but they have been forged in the fire and have a critical role in this emerging move. Jesus wants to use the prophetic voice and office to bring forth His testimony in profound ways in the earth (Rev. 19:10). There are three types of prophets that we believe are coming to the forefront in this hour! There are so many different types of prophets, prophetic ministries and flows but there is something happening now, in this moment with these three expressions!


Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

Dealing with Criticism Message taken from Proverbs 13:18 (NLT) Proverbs 13:18 (NLT): "If you ignore criticism, you will end in poverty and disgrace; if you accept correction, you will be honored." Growing in God includes receiving constructive criticism from those who are mature in the Lord and have our best interests at heart. When you accept correction and advice that is given in love, it will sharpen your senses to discern things of the Spirit more accurately and develop you to become more like Christ. On the other hand, if past disappointment has caused suspicion and mistrust to cloud your judgement, you could see the criticism as being a personal, negative attack. Your misconception of correction can cause you to become offended and cynical, which only stunts your Christian growth - instead of propelling it. Allow the Holy Spirit to heal your soul from any root of disappointment from the past so you can allow trusted friends and leaders to build into your life. The results will be abundantly evident and you'll be walking in a new maturity in the things of God that He has prepared and planned for your life.




Steps for Walking Through Trials When I was eight weeks pregnant with my son, my doctor took one look at the ultrasound and told me that he was not going to live. She said to give her a call when the miscarriage started and I left the office with an ultrasound bill and a lump in my throat. Despite the sick feeling in my heart and the devastation I felt, I wanted to cling to Christ and glorify God. A verse kept ringing through my head: “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds” (James 1:2). How could I count it joy that my doctor told me my son would soon die? James wasn’t just saying “rejoice despite your trial”; he was saying “rejoice because of your trial.” Where could I turn to help me obey this command from the heart? Songs to Sing Under Dark Clouds I turned to the Psalms for comfort and wisdom, and I invite all who are walking through difficult circumstances to do the same. The Psalms give us the tools to train our minds to rejoice in all circumstances. Have you ever faced trouble and wished you understood how to count it joy? Have you wondered how you can actually be happy to see a storm cloud hovering over your life? The Psalms prepare us to treasure Christ through suffering, and train our hearts and minds to bring God glory and find joy in all things. If you are slandered or betrayed, train your heart to say, “In God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?” (Psalm 56:4). If you have been diagnosed with a chronic illness, train your heart to say, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:26). When you are facing financial trouble, train your heart to say, “Now I know that the Lord saves his anointed; he will answer him from his holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:6–7). Training our hearts and minds with the Psalms gives us the perspective to be able to welcome trials with the open-armed joy that James talks about. The Psalms teach us how to live out our purpose to glorify God, even with our troubles. Through Sorrow to Praise Throughout the Psalms, we see the writers go through times of confusion, times of grieving and lament, and times of rejoicing. In all those circumstances, they show us how to respond in a way that brings glory to God. They show us how to be completely satisfied in God, how to make God our portion and our strength through times of lament and confusion.

Psalms of Lament It might seem strange that lamenting would bring glory to God. When David was hiding from Saul, he wrote these lyrics: With my voice I cry out to the Lord; with my voice I plead for mercy to the Lord. I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him. When my spirit faints within me, you know my way! (Psalm 142:1–3) Look at the example David gives us when fleeing from those who wanted to kill him. He shows us how to talk to God when we are overwhelmed. He pours out his complaints to God, and he finds comfort in knowing that God is directing his path. When we are walking through hardship, we can still be honoring God. When we direct our complaints to God instead of to all the people around us, we are showing God that we believe he is the only one who can help. Psalms of Confusion Many places in the Psalms, the writer is confused. For example, in Psalm 13, he asks desperate questions. How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? (Psalm 13:1–2) Have you ever felt like crying out to God, “What is happening? And where are you?” Even these perplexed and desperate cries can bring honor and glory to God. God wants us to search for answers in him, trusting his timing and revelation. When we pursue God more than our most precious things — our work, our family, our friends, our health, our homes, our money — he is glorified. When we let go of all the things we naturally trust in, when we find our only comfort in God, then our confusion finds peace to wait for help from God. Psalms of Praise The Psalms train our hearts to praise God. Learning about God’s character is the first step to knowing how to praise him. We can’t praise God without knowing what he is like. The Psalms tell us that God is kind, patient, caring, merciful, attentive, beautiful, and holy. The Psalms show us how to praise God for who he is and for what he has done. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1). When we work with gladness and gratitude, our life becomes a gift to God that glorifies him. When we praise him during times of blessing, we are reminding ourselves that he is the one who has poured out goodness on us. When we praise him during times of trouble, we are opening our eyes to see all the good he is creating from our ashes. When we praise him for our trials, we acknowledge that he is using our trials as his tool.


HOW DOES ONE KILL PRIDE? by: John Piper Audio Transcript How do I kill the pride inside me? Pride is a nefarious enemy — one of our great enemies, and one of God’s ancient enemies. Yet when the Lord gifts someone with natural skills and abilities beyond the norm, that struggle with pride can become even more intense. As we begin a new week on Ask Pastor John, our next question arrives from a young woman who listens to the podcast. “A pleasant good day to you, Pastor John! I am a law student from the Caribbean island of St. Vincent. I love the Lord with all my heart and desire to do many exploits for the kingdom of God. However, I have one big problem, and I think it is hindering my effectiveness as a disciple of Christ. I have a deep-rooted issue with pride. I know it is a sin, and I have tried many times to deal with this problem, but it always seems to hide and then resurface. I have been called condescending by my peers and family. I am verbally aggressive. What steps can I take daily to kill the sin of my expressive pride?” Universal Struggle I wish I knew you better. I don’t even know your name. I sure love your candor, and I think it’s a great work of grace that you can even see and identify those things about pride. You’re certainly not the only one. If I knew you better, I would try to tailor this response to your particular kind of pride, if I understood it better. “Everybody deals with pride, but not everybody knows it because pride takes such subtle forms.” Everybody deals with pride, but not everybody knows it because pride takes such subtle forms. But we all do. I wish I knew you better, but you have given me some clues, so let me make a stab at what might be helpful. I pray that God will use it to help you and others, because pride is universal.

How God saved saved you Let me commend this way of battling pride: a close look at the way God saved you — a close, repeated, regular attention to the way God saved you. He saved you in a way that no matter how you look at it, if you look at it biblically, it was designed to humble you and destroy your pride. That’s the way you were saved. So what you need, and what all of us need, is not some teaching that comes later, like at a mature stage of Christianity. What you need is to know and to feel the implications of how God saved you. Millions of Christians do not know how God saved them. That might sound strange. You can be saved and not know how? That’s right. Many people haven’t been taught accurately what the Bible says about what God did to save them, either in history or by the Spirit in their lives. Therefore, they have been deprived of the power of this truth to work deep humility and great boldness in their lives. Many Christians think that they themselves were the decisive cause of their own conversion to Christ. They’ve been taught that. They have been taught that God was merely a responder, not a sovereign Savior. Hopeless Without Christ Let’s look at reality. First, there’s the reality of sin that we have to be saved from. It’s more profound and more terrible than anyone realizes. And I mean anyone. “Faith is what a child has or does when it is happy to be helpless and safe in Daddy’s arms.” The entire Old Testament is written to show us the dreadful power of sin and the utter hopelessness of everyone, even the people of God.

Without the omnipotence of God’s saving grace to convert them to Christ, they are hopeless. Here’s Romans 3:19: “Now we know that whatever the law says [I think he’s referring to the whole Old Testament, not just the first five books; you can read why in the context] it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God.” We were utterly helpless to free ourselves from the blindness and the bondage of sin. We couldn’t see the glory of Christ. We could not bring ourselves to life from death (Romans 8:5–7; 1 Corinthians 2:14; 2 Corinthians 4:4). Faith Kills Pride God appointed faith as the only way of salvation. And the way of faith excludes pride. It does so in two ways: (1) Faith, by nature, looks away from ourselves to God. That’s what faith is — a looking away from ourselves to God. (2) Faith itself is a gift of God. Here’s a text for the first way faith kills pride: “Then what becomes of our boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? By a law of works? No, but by the law of faith” (Romans 3:27). Faith excludes boasting. You are not trusting God when you are boasting, and you are not boasting when you are trusting God. Faith is what a child does when it is happy to be helpless and safe in Daddy’s arms. Let me say that again. Faith is what a child has or does when it is happy to be helpless and safe in Daddy’s arms. The child doesn’t boast in its self-sufficiency: “Oh, look how smart I am to be in Daddy’s arms.” Boast in Daddy. Look at his arms. Look at his smile. On top of that, faith is a gift. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8–9). There’s a principle here that Paul expresses in 1 Corinthians 4:7: “What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?” God appointed faith as the way of salvation to doubly exclude boasting. Its nature is like a child calling attention to Daddy’s strength, not its own. And even that is a gift of God.


Consider Your Calling Now why does God save us in this way, choosing to give faith to one person and not to another? Because it’s a gift. Some have it and some don’t. This is his election, God’s choosing. He gives it to one; he doesn’t give it to all. Why? Is it because he chooses us on the basis of some admirable quality so that we can boast in being chosen? No, he doesn’t.

“Pride is slain by election — free, sovereign, Godwilled election, not man-determined election.” This is probably the clearest text in the Bible about the relationship between election and humility, or election and the destruction of pride. For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose [that’s the key word] what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. (1 Corinthians 1:26–29). Pride is slain by election — free, sovereign, Godwilled election, not man-determined election. God chose. God chose so that no human being might boast. Then Paul continues like this: “And because of him [i.e., because of God] you are in Christ Jesus.” You didn’t do that. You didn’t jump into Christ. You didn’t raise yourself from the dead. “You are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, ‘Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord’” (1 Corinthians 1:30–31). Grace Alone So the entire method of saving us is designed for this: negatively, that no human being might boast in the presence of the Lord; positively, so that the one who boasts would boast in the Lord. Let this sink in. Let us all pray that it would sink in. We are saved in such a way that it makes God’s sovereign grace shine as glorious and makes us look utterly helpless in ourselves, utterly dependent on God. We were dead, blind, and helpless, which means that we were no more worthy of salvation than anyone else. You are like everybody that you will boast over — or worse than them — except for one thing: grace, grace, grace. All self-exaltation is a re-crucifixion of Christ because he died to kill pride. Every boast, therefore, mocks the suffering of Jesus. And I end on this: every humble attitude, every humble act of faith, glorifies the grace of God in Christ.

Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

Conquerors for God Message taken from Romans 8:37 (AMPC) Romans 8:37 (AMPC): "Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us." Conquerors always overcome and triumph in battle. They understand the strategy of their enemy. They prepare and train extensively before they go to battle, and they confidently and skillfully do great damage to their opponent's army. As children of God we are called to not be ignorant of the schemes of the devil. We train for victory by growing and sharpening our faith every time we meditate on the Word. This is where we familiarize ourselves with the weapons we need to use in combat as we fight the good fight of faith. We have the Holy Spirit Who continuously trains and guides us both on and off the battle field. So the more we practice recognising and hearing His voice, the more skilled we become in using our weapons effectively, making us a dangerous and formidable enemy to the devil and his band of evil cohorts. Spend time training to be the conqueror you were created to be in Christ. There's no reason for you to be caught off guard or suffer defeat when your heart and mind are fixed on His Word and you are in tune with His Holy Spirit.

ANNOUNCEMENT s s e pr e m u s E s e i s m i s h . t t i e r e , o e p r o m e h th le .I nd c y a n i i e t d r H e ga a d a s is a y ee a e n s k n t u zi a Tee all yo ll sain . g e a l m a s ab e l n i h o wa a T g v . n a s i l s r l i to y Ca r u b a i l tr sa n o o n c o s free

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