rising up above the storms with
monthly devotion + Christian blogging 101 & CREATIVE IN CHRIST
TABLE OF CONTENTS Editors Note exclusive`ITU SEKHU
fallen church it was the hand of GOD
Rapture vs Second Coming SECTIONS monthly devotion creative in Christ christian blogger young, married & born again words of wisdom
EDITOR'S NOTE Your majesty Is it not a mystery that you can doze off on the couch but once you get to your bed you’re tossing and turning like you never feel asleep a couple of minutes ago. I know right, it’s painful, weird and sad! So, this particular evening was no different. As I laid on my bed thinking about things and my God of course. I suddenly had a thought about a nickname to call King Jesus (if I must add, I love giving people nicknames) and it dawned upon me how His name is in every language on the face of this planet, LITERALLY. When I say dope, boss, that’s Who my Jesus is. The fact that He knows my name, story, destiny, and purpose not to mention the hair follicles on my head is amazing. I love the words that David wrote in the book of Psalms 139:13-18 (You created every part of me; you put me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because you are to be feared; all you do is strange and wonderful. I know it with all my heart. When my bones were being formed carefully put together in my mother’s womb, when I was growing there is secret, you knew that I was there you saw me before I was born. The days allotted to me had all been recorded in your book, before any of them ever began. O God, how difficult I find your thoughts; how many of them there are! If I counted them, they would be more than the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.) Mind blowing right, need I say more. To think that we serve a God who is soooo powerful yet loving, merciful, always patient , always kind ,always ready to change His mind and not punish (Jonah 4:3). A God who is a Father yet also a Friend and is seeking to have a relationship with us. The world doesn’t know what they are missing out on. So, it’s our responsibility to share the Treasure we have found and it starts with you and I. Lookout for the article written by this month’s contributor Tiffany Stroman, very powerful (by the way, if you would love to contribute via articles send us an email on: See also article about the difference between the Rapture and Second Coming not forgetting the convicting articles by our regular, M.K and IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD. Hope you are learning, growing and sharing. If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now till next time, you’re loved by HIM and me.
RISING UP ABOVE THE STORMS ITUMELENG SEKHU, A SOUTH AFRICAN RESIDENT, WHO'S NOT ONLY THE DAUGHTER OF THE MOST HIGH GOD BUT ALSO A SPEAKER, AUTHOR, AND MEDIA PERSONALITY. Who is Itumeleng Sekhu(personally and professionally)? Itumeleng is a young woman who believes in herself and believes in purpose. She is the daughter of God and lives to enrich others to fulfil their purposes. Very happy soul who wakes up each day to assist other people reach their full potential How did you become a Born-Again Christian? My friend’s sister took us to her church to get rid of us and the youth pastor introduced us to Jesus Christ which was astounding, I’ve never looked back ever since. To you, what does being Born Again mean? Having a personal relationship with Jesus where you both communicate with each other. What is the best thing about being a Born Again Christian? Finding my identity and purpose in Him and knowing where I am going and why but ultimately the personal relationship that affirms who I am and His breath-taking love for me.
What challenges have you faced or still are facing as a Christian in this world? I would say taking time out to be with Him and drink from Him…ultimately quality time gets rid of many distractions and helps you focus. Who is King Jesus to Ithu? A husband, lover, friend, healer, provider, Savior, Lord, big brother, Jehovah and ultimately MY EVERYTHING!!!! At what point did you decide to leave the things of the world and focus on Jesus whole heartedly? When I became Born Again, I surrendered it all. Define purpose and how can one determine their purpose? Purpose is the reason why you are on earth and the only way to know who and what you are meant to do is to go to your Creator.
You are a Media personality, Author, Entrepreneur and Speaker who also travels the world. When growing up had you always known you’d be doing what you doing now and how did you get into what you are doing now? When I was growing up, I had a very low self-esteem. I thought I was going to be a Chartered Accountant and lock myself in the office so that I don’t have to speak to people. However, I must admit I’d always had a passion for the media so when Christ directed me to the media industry. I was so happy and deep down was happy that I was doing what I love but I had to first find myself, love me and then be able to live fully. You are living a life of purpose, has it always been easy and please share with us the challenges you have faced and are still facing? It hasn’t always been easy, but you rise up above the storms and keep on walking. The fire within (passion) will always supersede the trials. Challenges I faced, was setting myself up as a foundation and making that work.
The transition from being an employee in the media industry to an entrepreneur is always difficult financially, emotionally and physically because you are up all night working for such a day as compared to when you’ve built a brand that people can trust and require services from. Even then with every new level of success comes new challenges. Misconception that people have about you? That I’m vulnerable If you could change some things within the modern church (us Christians), what would it be? To rely more on the Word of God and a personal relationship with Him than chasing “miracles” which ultimately lead to fraud and people taking advantage. What’s that one thing you haven’t done and is the 1st thing on your bucket list? Travel the USA Favourite book, scripture and character from the Bible? Book Esther Job 1 King 2 King James Scripture: I can’t choose. There’s too many Jeremiah 29:11 Matthew 7:7 Hebrew 12:2 Esther 4:14 Jeremiah 1:5 Character Paul David Plans for the rest of the year? Travelling and building more relationships
Last words or rather advice for the young Christians? Invest more in a personal relationship with God and then everything else will fall into place
ITUUUUU ACCORDING TO ITUMELENG 5 Items we would find in your bag right now? Lots of paper chocolate and sweets Phones Vaseline Book / Journal Purse Best advice ever received? Empowering others is strength. Mastering yourself is power Current read? Lol, The Story of Us You are happiest when? When I am with the people that I love like my cousin and my twin boys. Your fashion statement would be? Handbag Can’t live without? My twin boys and my laptop Most valuable possession? I don’t know because I don’t value material possessions Daily scent? Lady Million Can’t stop thinking about? My future Got on repeat? Currently loving “Who You Say I Am” by Hillsong You look up to? I love Oprah Favourite destination? Dubai and Seychelles You haven’t lived if you haven’t? Fulfilled your purpose and reached your full potential Greatest Achievement? Launching my book across the world
Monthly Devotion THOUGHTS OF A CHRISTIAN! Read 1 TIMOTHY 1:3-7 William Barclay also listed five points which will characterize a Christian. 1. His thoughts are based on faith. Faith is to take God at His Word and to believe that God Himself is revealed through His Son, Jesus Christ, and Through His Word, the Bible. 2. His thoughts are motivated by love. When we are driven by love there is no place for arrogance or pride, destructive thoughts or words. Love tries to win people for Jesus Christ, rather than to win arguments. 3. His thoughts are the result of an upright heart. His motives are pure. He has only one goal and that is to draw people closer to Jesus. 4. His thoughts are the result of a clear conscience. He has the right to talk and act because of his honest, upright lifestyle. 5. The Christian thinker is without hypocrisy. He is upright in his search for the truth and in his search for a right relationship with God. We continually need to test ourselves to see whether these characteristics are evidenced in our lives. If they are not, our Christianity could be questioned. Christians must learn to discern between true and false. PRAY ABOUT IT TODAY
Prayer: : Dear Lord, please let me be true and loving in all my thoughts and actions. Prayer: : our Father , please let me be ready when You call me home
BROAD & NARROW WAY CHRISTIANS (PART 2) WRITTEN BY: M.K In this issue I will be explaining what exactly is a Broadway Christian. Mathew 7:13 says: “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it”. The Broadway Christians are the type of Christians who profess their knowledge of Jesus Christ. They declare their love for Him but their deeds are the direct opposite of what comes out their mouths. They believe in the saying that “once saved, always saved”. They tend to neglect Philippians 2:12 “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling”. These are the lukewarm Christians who live their Christianity by their own terms. They are the Sunday Christians who during the week they live a different life altogether. They are people pleasers who are loved by everybody because they make everyone comfortable around them. They have friends who do not love Jesus and partake in their celebrations whilst justifying everything that they do. They drink wine and justify that it is not wrong to do so as long as they don’t get drunk. They even have scriptures to back up their theories. They move with the flow and will even say the Bible says “we should repent everyday which means you have to have sinned in order to repent”.
"I SET BEFORE YOU TODAY LIFE AND DEATH, CHOOSE LIFE" DEUTERONOMY 30:19 Their favorite scripture is 1 John 1:10 “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and there is no truth in us. But if we confess our sins to God, He will keep His promise and do what is right. He will forgive us our sins and purify us from all our wrongdoing. If we say that we have not sinned, we make God out to be liar, and His Word is not in us”. They don’t have the courage to stand their ground according to the Word. They have no backbone and compromise the truth because they don’t want to offend anyone. These are the strongest gossipers and trouble makers in the churches. To them, Jesus is an alternative and tends to live by the saying “no one is perfect, even He said so Himself”. They are like Pharisees who are standing at the door and blocking the entrance to Heaven. They are the main reason that people hate Christianity Galatians 5:24 “And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires”. THEY DILUTE THE TRUTH. Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap”. The legendary Billy Graham once said “We act as though we have no soul, that we are not accountable to anyone. And for that we will pay for it”.
Let’s be hot and zealous for our Lord Jesus. Life is too short (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 says: “Have reverence for God, and obey His commands, because this is all that human beings were created for. God is going to judge everything we do, whether good or bad, even things done in secret. TO BE CONTINUED IN THE SEPTEMBER ISSUE.
THE RAPTURE VS SECOND COMING by: ENDTIME SIGNS This is a topic that confuses many Christians. And once again we give thanks to @endtimesigns who took it upon himself to elaborate. LEARN AND SHARE!!! THE RAPTURE The word “RAPTURE” comes from the Latin word “RAPTURO”, this Latin word was translated from the Greek word “HARPAZO”, which means “carrying off, snatch or take off”. We see this concept of “carrying off” in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 as “caught up” together in the clouds, thus making the rapture event true. The return of Jesus Christ involves two stages, first the rapture of the church and then the second coming. When studying end time Bible prophecy, it is very important to differentiate between the two. The rapture is when Jesus Christ returns to remove the church (all true believers in Christ) from the earth. The rapture is described in 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1st Corinthians 15:5054. Believers who have died will have their bodies resurrected and along with believers who are still living, will meet the Lord in the air. This will all occur in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. The second coming is when Jesus returns back to earth to defeat the Antichrist and his evil world order, destroying evil and establishing His millennial Kingdom. The second coming is described in Revelation 19:11-16 and Zechariah 14:4 foretells of it as well. There are many more differences. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 “For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord”.
1 Corinthians 15:51-52 “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not sleep, but we shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” SECOND COMING Revelations 19:11-16 “Then I saw Heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The One sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns and He has a name written that no one knows but Himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which He is called is THE WORD OF GOD. And the armies of Heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On His robe and His thigh, He has a name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” Zechariah 14:4 “On that day His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall be split into two from east to west by a very wide valley, so that one half of the Mount shall move northward, and the other half southward”
When I say that I AM A CHRISTIAN, I am not shouting that I am clean living. I’m whispering I was lost, but now I’m found and forgiven. When I say I AM A CHRISTIAN, I don’t speak of this with pride. I’m confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide. When I say I AM A CHRISTIAN, I’m not trying to be strong. I’m professing that I’m weak and need His strength to carry on. When I say I AM A CHRISTIAN. I’m not bragging of success. I’m admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess. When I say I AM A CHRISTIAN, I’m not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it. When I say I AM A CHRISTIAN, I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name. When I say I AM CHRISTIAN , I’m not holier than thou, I’m just a simple sinner who received God’s good grace, somehow!
IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD You know so many times as Christians, wait let me say as human beings we face encounters that can only be solved by Jesus. These types of situations once solved, make you sit and be in awe of how a human could have never survived that. In everyday life we get to see the hand of God by merely being alive , we get to experience what an awesome God we serve . In every issue we feature a story that will change your life in every way. If you have no idea what God can do , this is one true example . This story is by NOSIZWE .You can also share yours with us at:
I went back to church in February 2018 and since
The tattoo I have, I did it recently last year with the
then up until my testimony, I’ve attended every
full knowledge and understanding that this wasn’t
church service. When I was in church, something
meant for me! You know you are bound by his chains
would speak up inside of me and I’d see myself right
when you start engaging in things you know you
in front of the church with a mic at hand and I could
should not be doing and don’t want to do. Leviticus
audibly hear the words coming out of my mouth
saying” I have had X5 abortions” these words would echo. I didn’t resist it nor deny the words, but I was
Smoking was a bad habit I picked up at age 16 trying
now trying to figure out “how was I to go about it”
to flow with the flow and fit in. Drinking came much
(the testifying). And so, I found a way and the only
much later but even at its late stage of arrival, it was
way was to tag a few things along with these audible
picking up its pace rather a bit too fast for my liking.
With that being said let me get to the core of it, THE ABORTIONS, being the main characters of the script
I had decided I’d first drop a few small bombs before
of my testimony. I say this because it was my biggest
I drop the big one. So, smoking, alcohol, the tattoo
sin to be remembered not as a sin but a testimony to
and being a widow to a husband who died of AIDS
up lift at least one soul and it tore me apart, it killed
and still coming out clean with no trace of the
me. Nobody knew about it and no one asked me. Just
disease running through my veins were important
like an old friend once said; “it’s not a sin because it’s
factors of my testimony. They made up the puzzle,
not like any one can see you”.
but they were not the drive. They were more like
“brides maids” and they were just as important. Yes, the HIV/Aids cannot be traced after several blood test because the best blessing you can ever receive is; when God protects you.
Not everyone who calls me Lord , Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do what my Father in Heaven wants them to do.
ILuke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his
I often hear people say "well the Lord knows my heart"
heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil
as an excuse to say what they want and the truth is the
treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the
Lord knows our hearts yes, but so does everyone else
abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
because they can hear what we are saying, or nowadays, see what we are typing and posting. The heart has to be in sync with the Master in order for the
So many times we are asking God to deal with our
words that flow from our hearts to be pleasing to Him.
mouth or help us with what comes out of our mouths. When we should more accurately be asking God to
For one day, we will have to give an account for every
change our hearts. Our words flow from our hearts. Our
idle word spoken (Matthew 12:36 But I say to you that
words flow from the abundance of what is in our
for every idle word men may speak, they will give
account of it in the Day of Judgment.) So it is not enough to "control" our tongue. It's our hearts that need
Today, so much focus is placed on what we say and
to be changed, cleansed and pruned...
how we say it and little attention is given to the "why we say it". For Christ is plainly telling us to pay attention
In order for a true transformation to take place. It's not
to our words because they reveal our hearts and our
enough to have it together on the outside if your heart
hearts reveal our character.
is jacked up. A lot of times we pray for character changes or seek God for deliverance when what it
Proverbs 27:19 says; As in water face reflects face, so a
really all boils down to is a heart issue and only Christ
man's heart reveals the man.
can make that kind of change.
young , married &
BORN AGAIN by; empress teekay
A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Created by God for us.
Who are you individually (personally & professionally).
We can never learn enough and this couple does exactly that. They teach , encourage and live. Enjoy and make sure you have a note book with you, you will definitely be taking notes.
Writer and Speaker and the topics I talk about the most are
My name is Heather Margiotta. I’m a wife to James and a mother to Nathan and Chase. Professionally I’m a Christian my faith, relationships, adoption, and grief.
How and when did you meet? James and I met at a youth group. My best friend from high school asked me to attend a youth event with her and there is where I met James. Shortly after, I switched the church I was attending to my friend’s and saw James regularly. How long did you date before you got married? We started dating when we were 16 and 5 years later we married. How did you individually know that He , She was the one? The first night we hung out was when our mutual friends got together. I noticed him and immediately was attracted to him. That night while praying before going to bed God spoke to my heart and showed me that James would be the one I would marry. When did you get married? June 27th, 2009 Take us through the process of the wedding celebration how was that and if there is any changes you could have made? I wouldn’t change a thing. It was a blast and full of joy. All of our friends and family were there, everyone was so happy for us, and it was a day I thanked Christ every 5 minutes. James and I were in college out of state the year we were engaged, so my mother was back home and planned everything for us by phone and e-mail.
"For many married couples, falling in love and saying "I do" was the easy part. Living happily is the part that takes a whole lot of work." Has your relationship changed from dating to marriage? Since we dated for 5 years we had a solid friendship as a foundation. We waited to have sex until we were married so adding that layer of intimacy to our relationship was the biggest change. However, it was a wonderful change and something we got to learn and experience together. If you could change the perception that people have about marriage, what would it be? I would change the idea that you have to live a little before getting married. Or that marriage “straps you down.” James and I were young when we married and many people would make comments that we should travel, experience life, and live more before getting married. I challenge that idea because I wanted to travel, experience life, and live more with James. So, we did! We spent a semester in Israel 3 months after we married; we traveled all over the states together and then some. Everything I’ve done as an adult I’ve done with my best friend and I love that. If someone is in a relationship where they feel being married is going to be a hindrance, then there is something unhealthy in their relationship.
For the single person out there, wondering when they are getting married, what advice would you give them? My heart is with them because loneliness is real and a tough struggle for many. My advice is to go to Christ. Share your desire with Him, ask Him questions about that area in your life, and listen when He speaks. Whenever the feeling of loneliness creeps up- listen to worship music and read scripture. Only Christ can fulfill the feeling of loneliness. How do you deal with problems that you encounter as a married couple? James and I will sit and talk about whatever it is we’re dealing with. We always end the conversation praying together so we can end being on the same page. Sometimes we will pray before we even start talking if our feelings are heightened. That way, prayer calms and brings us together so we can have a purposeful conversation. We also are a team on everything. If one of us is not OK with something then we don’t move forward. We both have to be in agreement on everything we do. Because the Holy Spirit wants unity- it always occurs. There is no division in Christ.
let no one separate -Ecclesiastes 4:12
Therefore what God has joined together,
the margiotta's
Challenges you’re facing as a young, married born again couple? Currently, it’s to make time for one another. We both work, both are involved in our local church, have two children, and want to spend time with family and friends. So, making sure we don’t forget about one another is key. We don’t want to be roommates just coliving together. We want to be friends and husband and wife. So we will have evenings where we put the children to bed early and we will stay up playing board games and laughing together. Things you wish you were told about marriage? I wish we were told that no one is perfect and that your spouse will fail you and hurt you. But, with Christ there is always healing and forgiveness. Who is Jesus Christ to you individually and as a couple? Individually, Christ is our personal savior. We follow His teachings, and only pray and worship Christ, our creator. His Holy Spirit is what empowers me to go out and share His teachings and encourage others. As a couple, Christ is the head in our relationship. He is the one we constantly go to and keep our eyes on. We know that if we push one another towards Christ then He will stay the center of our marriage. One word, if possible to describe your marriage? Joyful
What advice to those who are in the process of getting married would you give? Keep your personal relationship with Christ number one in your life. If you do that, He will order everything else in your life. He will create peace and unity within your life in all areas. Don’t neglect praying, worshiping, and getting to know Him deeper and deeper. The best advice ever received? The best advice we ever received was that a husband and wife are equals within and outside of the home. That when married- they are one. So everything that you do in life must be done in that context. People will have different opinions on that and structure their family different, and that’s OK. But, being shown that Husband and Wife are one, equals, and submit to each other has made our marriage stronger and healthier then I could have imagined.
Monthly Devotion A BEAUTIFUL TESTIMONY! Read PHILEMON 4-7 Paul gave a beautiful testimony about Philemon’s faith in the Lord. Paul thanked God for Philemon’s spiritual growth and for his love and concern for his fellow-believers. He also prayed that Philemon would have an even deeper understanding of God and His Word. Paul was impressed by the depth and quality of Philemon’s faith. That is why Paul felt at liberty to write to Philemon regarding Onesimus. Philemon displayed the characteristics one would expect in a Christian. I wish that such testimony could be written about every Christian. Churches would blossom, the Kingdom of God would be increased, and people would be drawn to Jesus. What about your own faith in the Lord? Would someone be able to write of you what Paul wrote of Philemon? Or would your testimony be that you have backslidden, stagnated and are loveless? That would be pity because we cannot be of service to the Lord or His church if we are not living in a close relationship with Him. Our selfless and zealous service and actions should draw people to the Lord Jesus. Otherwise our Testimony cannot bring glory and honour to God. Take a good look at your testimony!
Prayer: : Lord, please help me to be a shining light in YOUR KINGDOM.
THE FALLEN CHURCH (The devil’s playground) It amazes me today to see many Church buildings being built. So many Pastors being “called”, many sermons preached, many prayers being prayed and yet many people cannot seem to overcome sin and their problems are increasing every single day. Especially, people who profess to be Christians. After series of prayers, I asked God, why are all these things happening? And that was when He began with me on the journey to “THE FALLEN CHURCH” HE said to me…….. “ I see my children gathered in churches to pray against the devil and all they do is scream HOLY GHOST FIRE, FIRE, FIRE as many times as they can. They go home tired and exhausted and yet nothing happens. You see, It’s because they don’t know who this devil is, let alone how to overcome him. My son, do you remember what Lucifer did in heaven some time ago? I couldn’t answer! You see, the devil is not scared because you scream Fire Fire Fire and this is someone who was able to persuade and pervert 1/3 of my angels who were with me, do you know what angels are made of?” Psalms 104:4 “Who makes His angels spirits; His ministers a flaming fire” My angels are made of spirits and were covered in flames of fire and yet Lucifer was able to corrupt their Divine nature and convert them into demons, and my children think they can overcome him by just screaming fire? Even those who are made with fire fell for his schemes, how much more you who are flesh and blood? My son, I will show you how to overcome the enemy so you can save my Church and other Souls hungry for my salvation.
Proverbs 4:23 says “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life” You see the strategy of the enemy will never change, in the Garden of Eden; he used what was around man to destroy what was in man. When the devil attacks your finances, it’s not because he needs your money, because Lucifer doesn’t spend money in the dark world. He doesn’t attack your marriage because he wants to marry your spouse; he doesn’t attack your car because he wants a new ride. You see, when the devil attacks any of these things he sees that your heart is connected to them, and then he can touch your heart and destroy you. The devil will always use what is around you to get what is in you. But Christians today are more mindful of what is around them, more than what is in them. We are more scared of losing money than losing our souls and that is why they never overcome the devil, instead of setting your heart on purity and righteousness, you are rather praying to set fire around your business, money, cars and future. I PITY THE CHURCH. If the devil is able to capture your heart by making you live in sin, he has power over your physical materials. Proverbs 4:23 says “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life”
ngcebo shange Ngcebo Shange is a 25 year old young
"I am a young man who has big dreams for himself.
man. He was born in Kwamashu but grew
Very hard working and focused on being the best at
up in Montclair. Raised by a single
whatever I am doing. I co- partner a company called
parent Zodwa Shange. Has three siblings, Mbally Thabiso and Londiwe Shange. A am God fearing and believe that God is right about who He says I am in His word. Currently serving as a Pastor at
New revolution project’s, I’m also a Public speaker." When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? IF IT HAD NOT BEEN FOR THE LORD WHERE WOULD I BE. JESUS IS EVERYTHING TO ME What challenges do you face as a male, young, born again, Pastor and now author? Yoooh what a
Oasis Church Umlazi. His Senior Pastor is
question! Firstly I face the same challenges as
Khaya Mthethwa and is under the
people my age. I'm not perfect in any way but we
leadership of Apostle Bhekithemba and
THANK GOD FOR HIS GRACE and sometimes people
Lulu Mthethwa.
don't get that but one of my biggest challenges right now is creating a balance in my life.
We can get sooò busy chasing the dream
What is Intimacy with God?
that we forget about what's important in
Firstly, everyone longs for intimacy .We are
our lives and families. Having enough
built for intimacy. It’s what the heart longs
time to study and read the bible,
for. Intimacy is when God is involved is a
Spending time praying not on my way to
peculiar concept. God is a Spirit, He can't
any meeting but just spend time with
be touched, how than I be intimate with
God? Intimacy with God is when you and
You have a book out “THE CALL TO
Him connect heart to heart.
INTIMACY WITH GOD”. Take us through the
Define purpose and how can one determine
process from the beginning to the end,
their purpose?
what inspired you to write a book?
Purpose is why I'm here. There is a reason
The Love of God that results to freedom
for my life. I'm a reader, I’ve read so many
inspired me. You know understanding
books and articles on 5 ways to discover
how God died for us while we were
your purpose and it all didn't work for me.
sinners amazed me. The thought of how
Then I started reading and studying the
HE JUST WANTS US and wants to set us
Bible and I discovered who I was in Christ
frees from condemnation, guilt and
and things began to just unfold. In the
restore the relationship He had with
presence of God is where you will find
Adam before eating the fruit. His Love is
yourself and what your purpose.
so intentional. How important is it to be around people with a purpose that is aligned to yours? Wow, being with people of purpose is very challenging and encouraging. Especially, when they achieve things you are just encouraged to.keep.pushing. You are currently busy with your second book “MY EMOTIONS VS THE WILL OF GOD” what can we expect and when will it be published? THE WILL OF GOD VS THE WILL GOD More than anything the book encourages us to lean not on our own understanding (our emotions) but on God (the Holy Spirit and His word). We are going to address and tackle a lot of issues in our generation and lives that need us to confront with the Help of God. How can people access your books? Books are available at online a company called; My African Buy or from me directly. We are about to get into bookshops like; Adams nationally and many more. In the mean time, people can connect with me on my social media and they can get the books. To you, what does it mean to be CREATIVE IN CHRIST? Being Creative In Christ means; understanding your DNA. Our God is a Creator and the source of all creativity. The Bible says: nothing that is created was created with Him. He holds every idea, concept and book. When people hear the name Ngcebo Shange. What do you want them to know? One thing I want to be known for is NGCEBO SHANGE INSPIRES US TO LIVE OUT GOD'S PURPOSE FOR OUR LIVES.
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MORE ABOUT NGCEBO On the weekend you will find me …..? Spending time with those I love. Can’t live without? God and my phone I dream of …..? Travelling the world, preaching the Good News of God's Grace 2018 is …..? Challenging What people don’t know is that I …….? I'm very shy If it weren’t for Jesus I would …….? I would be dead or on drugs
EGNAHS Daily mantra?
Isaiah 26:3 All day everyday Purpose is…….?
My purpose is to give people hope Favourite Author? Steven Furtick and John Maxwell I will retire the day ……? When I'm wealthy but I can never retire from purpose
Best advice ever received? Many people are too busy but a few are intentional. LIVE INTENTIONALLY
Monthly Devotion INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL OF JOHN? False doctrine and false teachers form the backdrop against which the apostle writes his final first letter and while he does not attack these false teachers or their teachings, he is at pains to point out the truth. For John, the desire is to see joy, holiness and assurance in the people to whom he is writing. This letter is designed to help us, as the followers of Jesus Christ, to rejoice in the hope we have in Christ; to grow in holiness and separation from the world; and to know that we are indeed children of God through faith in Jesus Christ. We live in a world that no longer recognizes truth. The result is that the church has become hazy in the way it presents the message of the gospel. It is half apologetic for what should be the most absolute of all truth. John is at pains to point out to us what this truth is so that we may be sure of what we believe and sure about what we proclaim to others. And so, the two main themes of the first letter are certainly about Christ, and secondly, the certainty about eternal life. So, we find in the first letter a series of tests that we can apply to ourselves to measure whether we are in Christ or not. May you benefit from these tests and may you find yourself to indeed be in Christ. John’s second and third letters deal with the matter of Christian hospitality when false teachers and charlatans were on the prowl abusing this hospitality. Jude, on the other hand, is very critical of these false teachers. Finally, to give us some balance, we look at the opening chapters of Proverbs.
Who are you personally and professionally and where are you from? Hi there! My name is Shruthi ParKer. I am an Austin-based blogger and writer. I am originally from India. How and when did you become Born Again? I became a Christian before the first year of University. I was reading the Bible and praying, asking God to reveal Himself to me and sure enough, He did! I have never looked back since that day. Also, I was reading More than a Carpenter and Case for Christ – two books I highly recommend. How and when did you get into blogging? And why Christian blogging? I started blogging because I moved to England for a year after I got married. During that year, my job fell through so I figured, why not write about my time in a completely different part of the world. I knew that if I started writing, I would have to write about Jesus too because He is the reason I am who I am. I don’t know if I write “Christian blogging” but I am a Christian who writes about everything through the eyes of One who loves God! What is blogging? Blogging is sharing information and inspiration with others. It’s a way to convey a message, photography, beauty, inspiration, and information! What inspires your posts and what preparation goes into it? I am inspired by life honestly! If there is a current event that stirs my heart, or a beautiful city I visit, I will write about it. I don’t overthink what I’m writing about because I believe that it comes from my heart. I don’t want to overthink my heart you know. I write, I pray, I discern if others will find value from it, and if they do, I will publish. @thehonestshruth
What do you want people to learn from your blogs? I want people to question the things they’ve heard or believed. I want them to seek truth. I want them to realize that people of all colours and countries are worth respect. I want them to expand their minds and learn about their Creator! Other Interests? I’m a big fan of trying new restaurants, playing with my dogs, and reading a good book! What is the secret to authentic, thought provoking blogging? The secret is just to be yourself. People are trying to hard to be like others, and they lose their own, unique voice. Write about valuable things, not about self-glorifying things. What makes you different from other Christian bloggers? Besides the fact that we are all made uniquely, I also think that I come from a background that always pushes me to question “cultural norms.” As someone who comes from a Hindu background, I understand the difference between culture and religion. I understand tradition is deep, but faith is deeper. Where would you like to see your blog in the next 2 years? I’d like it to be a resource to those who are seeking after God, encouragement for those who know God, and inspiration for anyone who comes across it. Who is King Jesus to you? He is my saving grace. He is the reason for the breath in my lungs. He is my second chance. He is the One I praise when blessings come my way and the One I cling to when life brings troubles my way. Advice on how to start Christian blogging? Just start! Get a free WordPress site. Pray about why you’re blogging. Pray about what the Lord can do through your words. Check your heart to make sure there’s not selfish ambition there. And then just start writing! Misconception people have about Christian blogging? A lot of people don’t really understand this field because it is relatively new and many people also use it to talk about surface level things. Each blogger is different, you cannot lump us into one category. There’s a lot of hard work and prayer behind the scenes, hopefully that comes through in the content! Last words to the Beauty&TheGospel reader? Thanks for reading this! I hope you know that wherever you are, whoever you are, you are loved and thought of. God has not forgotten about you, just trust in Him and His timing in all things! Let’s be a light to each other as well. Much love, Shruthi.
ANNOUNCEMENT Hey there, its me Empress Teekay again. I hope this issue was all you needed and more. Calling on all interior designers, cooks, fashionistas, makeup artists etc as article contributors . The magazine is free so no salary is available .
Advertisers you are also welcome. For reasonable price queries email: beautyandthegospel@ Till next time ,THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ! look out for the next issue on the 1st of September 2k18