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EXCLUSIVE ! Christ Revealed with

LEBOHANG KGAPOLA Angus Buchan talks resting on the wing YOU CAN LIVE FOR GOD AND STILL BE DOPE




monthly devotion + Christian blogging 101 & CREATIVE IN CHRIST


RESTING ON THE WING it was the hand of GOD

BROAD & NARROW WAY CHRISTIANS SECTIONS monthly devotion creative in Christ christian blogger young, married & born again words of wisdom words by Bongi Shandu

EDITOR'S NOTE Your majesty THE END IS HERE! Body of Christ we need to stand together like never before. We are the last generation living in times that are in no way easy but Thank God we have a STRONG TOWER JESUS CHRIST. We Christians have put up this facade that when you are saved you are immune to pain, fear, doubt, warfare, trails, and tears etc… Now if we carry on acting like our lives are perfect, then when it all crumbles down who are we going to talk to, when the very same people who should be there for you in such times have no idea what or why you are going through such. We need to start being honest and when we can start being honest we are able to heal so much better and quicker knowing that there is a community of believers who will comfort and encourage you without judging and being surprised because they themselves have been through such. Even Apostle Paul encourages us in Hebrews 10; 25 (Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all the more, since you see that the Day of the Lord is coming nearer). Now, I wonder who our leaders are reaching out to, because if we the church are not honest about our problems, what about them. They are in no way able to break down and be human. CHURCH WE NEED EACH OTHER MORE THAN EVER. LETS SHARE, ENCOURAGE AND PRAY TOGETHER AS WE HAVE AN ENEMY ROAMING AROUND LOOKING ON WHOM TO DEVOUR AND YEP WE ARE TARGET NO 1 IF NOT THE ONLY. YOU MIGHT NEVER KNOW, YOUR STORY MIGHT CHANGE SOMEONES LIFE. Lookout for the article about dope living in Christ not forgetting the convicting articles by our regular, M.K and IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD. Hope you are learning, growing and sharing. If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now till next time, you’re loved by HIM and me.





lebohang kgapola Who is Lebohang personally and

I do not work myself up and try too hard because all


one can honestly really do, is to do what's supposed

Personally,I’m really just your girl next

to be done EXCELLENTLY, authentically and

door who loves to laugh, dance, sing,

creatively whilst putting in your heart and

hang out with friends and family. Bit of


an extrovert. A daughter, sister, neighbor, friend. Professionally a singer, and songwriter. An artist at heart. I'm very chilled, relaxed, yet goal driven.I’m blessed to have found the grace of working from a place of rest, knowing what is meant to be, will be. .

When and how did you become Born Again? I don't remember. I grew up in church, I was always the youngest of all the adult music groups I was a part of. "The small girl with the big voice " coz I was very skinny lol. We attended so many crusades, revivals and there were so many alter calls I would take the step to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, I was probably about 8/9 years old always surrounded by music and Christian gatherings.

At age 16 I joined Krush Ministries, a local

The industry says you've gotta sell a certain

music group from my hometown Witbank,

number of albums, be on a certain stage, fill up a

founded by Themba Lephokowho

certain venue, appear on relevant media platforms

introduced me to a deeper more real

to be considered a success whilst ministry says be

knowledge and walk of this God I've always sung about. Being part of this group, knowing God through studying the Word, prayer and fasting was placed far above the music. When I say the name Jesus what come to mind? When I hear the name Jesus Christ, I think of Wonder, Salvation and Redemption wrapped in love. Love beyond human understanding. How He is a wonder just in the way He was conceived and the truth of

concerned about the souls you're reaching and that the reward who is Jesus is greater than the awards and reports of how much you've sold. That being sold out for God is better than sold out shows. It's a constant struggle to keep one focused on the goal and purpose set for you by God because we end up setting goals and find later that they are actually self-absorbed, self-centered and they have nothing to do with bringing glory to God which is ultimately what the goal should be, that everything we do brings Him glory. Literal challenges like asking necessary are they concerning music which was

who He was even as a baby. A Savior born of

initially recorded to present Christ to people and

a virgin. God in flesh who carries salvation

to lift Him up? Then the other part...branding

of mankind to put us back where we belong, sounds good when announced "award

giving us eternal and abundant life.

winning so and so" but who's brand matters

What are the perks of being Born Again?

most...yours or Christs'?

Perks of being born again is; though the

Does the number of follower’s matter? Isn't Christ

World will not like you just like scripture

the one being followed lol. It's all really still

says (John 15:18-20) you are liked by the very maker of the World. I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that the World (it's system won't be favorable towards me) but the favour of the Lord goes beyond the World's system. So being born again guarantees you favour and blessings even in the storms. You are guaranteed help from the Holy Spirit who is always with you. What do you want people to know about Jesus Christ? I'd like the World to know that He's more

conversations in my head I have with myself and feel I certainly would love to have discussions around such topics one can argue and say, yes, the numbers matter because they mean the gospel is reaching all those people, whether it's on those charts or stages and if that's what’s being achieved then great. I guess, personally my point is, it bothers me when these platforms are a measure of success of an artist, because true success is in the transformation or revival of the soul which cannot really be told by "charts or followers" I hope I'm making sense lol. I believe in going big for Jesus and doing well as long as it is

than just an idea, that He's not far but real

aligned with Jesus, connecting with His people

and so personal. That He's more than a

and not for our own egos and selfish ambitions.

ticket to Heaven lol. That He can be so real

If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would

and close and can be experienced daily in

you say to Him and how would you spend the rest

our different spheres of life.

of the day with Him?

Being a Musician where do you draw

Lol, I’d invite most my friends and family to my

inspiration from.

place so we can have a Jesus party omg!!! Literally

I'm inspired by conversations I have, books I read, teachings I watch on YouTube, personal experiences and other artists. As a Worshiper and music minister, the Holy Spirit is my greatest inspiration. What challenges have you faced or are still facing as a Born Again Christian female? Challenges I’m faced with, is the struggle of finding a balance of being in the industry which has its standards and maintaining authenticity of ministry

a Jesus party! I mean...Jesus was at a wedding and turned water into wine...imagine the kind of wine we'd have!!! Probably the best I’d ever tasted lol. Imagine the conversations we'd have with Him, the dancing, the laughter, the knowledge and courage we'd be left with! Woo! And the food won't run Jesus would be in the house yow!!! Then because I'm a nice person I’d put together a worship night in the biggest stadium and stream it all over. Have Jesus right there amongst us as we sing and pour our adoration and love to Him. NOW that would be something hey!


If you could change something's about the

Because you can do so much more when you

modern church, what would it be?

are young. Imagine living a life empowered by

It would definitely be preparation of praise

the Holy Spirit while you are young, how

and Worship and generally all other

effective you can be for our generation and the

departments that play a role in the service of God. The heart of what music teams (and other teams) do, should be put above the art. Teach people heart above art, practically there can be special missionaries brought in who teach the love of Jesus more than the love for singing and that knowledge on its own could possibly change the way in which singing, and all these other things are done in church. What can you say to the young Christian who

next to come. Why wait when you're older with less time and energy. NOW IS THE TIME! not later. So much more can change now...So much more can be done now. You've also released an album on 27th of April 2018 which was recorded as a live DVD, why that date and how is it doing? One of the many loved songs from Christ Revealed is FREEDOM SONG. Everything came into place and the album was ready to be

has decided that they will become committed

released in the days leading up to 27th April

to Jesus and the gospel when they are older?

which is celebrated as FREEDOM DAY here in

1Timothy 4:12 encourages us to not let anyone

our beautiful country South Africa. We thought

despise us because we are young, instead we

it would be cool that the album is then

should set an example for BELIEVERS in

released on the day, so everybody can jam to

speech and in conduct. The Word says that


WE (the youth) should set the example

received so many great testimonies about how the album helps people to Worship God and how it's a big part of their daily devotions and alone time with God.

With this album what do you want to impart to the listener? We based the recording on the Scripture Luke 4:18 that tells us that we are anointed to preach the gospel to set captives free, the blind to see etc. We recorded with the confidence that the Spirit of the Lord was with us, so we were expectant of an anointing that would break yokes, set captives free and cause the blind to receive sight. Everyone who was in that room and under the anointing of the Holy Spirit experienced God one way or another. That's why we believe even as people play the album in their homes, cars and respective places, they will continue to experience God whether it's through healing, deliverance, restoration or any other way that God wants to be encountered by those who listen to Christ Revealed. You've done a lot of backup singing with big artists, what have you learned from them and how was the change to being a solo artist? Working with the great artists I’ve worked with taught me love, respect, honesty, transparency, freedom and tolerance. I practice that with my own team because that's what I saw from them. Love is the glue and having fun is important. A healthy environment is where people are free to be themselves. Excellence is key. Last words or rather advice for the young Christians? Psalm 119:9 How can a young man keep his ways pure? By living according to Your Word. God's Word is our map to life guys. It truly is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Plans for the rest of the year? I plan to do more ministry. Looking forward to all the places we're invited to. All dates are put up on my website

MORE ABOUT LEBOHANG Current read – We are gonna need more wine by Gabriel Union 5 items in your bag right now? – makeup bag, purse, sweets, hairbrush, When not singing, I am...? – On my couch alone or with friends, on YouTube all day. Sometimes at the mall, shopping and pampering myself. Most valuable possession? – I value my phone a lot. Lol, it's got a lot of important info. Also, it's entertaining. Can't stop thinking about? – I can't stop thinking about what the future holds...Wondering with expectancy and


my journal.



You look up to? – Lesego from WE WILL WORSHIP, she's my Worship leader crush lol. I love her worshipper’s heart on and


off stage. I admire her character so much.

Favourite destination? – I love being in Ashton, Montagu and Robertson in the Western Cape. Being there reminds me how real and big God is. One thing that people don't know about me is? – I secretly write love poems which I don’t think I’ll ever publish coz I’m too shy.

On a Saturday you will find me..... – At a concert or event, or on my couch relaxing.

Monthly Devotion PEOPLE WILL BE….. READ 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5 The last days, until the time when Jesus Christ returns, will be marked by broken, disturbed relationships. Humankind has become totally self-centred and that is why relationships have gone awry. Relationships with God have become superficial and artificial. There is often no real love or respect, merely a show of religion. People choose not to be under the control of Jesus Christ and are totally unstrained. Relationships with fellow-human beings are disturbed in that notice is no longer taken of needs and interests of others. Even those closest, like parents, are no longer afforded the honour and respect commanded in the Bible. The relationship to possessions is affected in that people become selfishly greedy about their material assets. Me, myself and I are so high on peoples’ list of priorities that they begin to see themselves as small gods, becoming both boastful and arrogant. It is quite frightening when you realize how descriptive these verses are of the end of the twenty first century. Many people in our own time fit this description to the letter. But please note: Paul said that” PEOPLE” would be like this. We, as Christians, must not fit this description. Other words apply to us, as found in verses 10 and 14. “You, however…”. “People” will be like this, “You, however” must be different

Prayer: Lord, please help us to live lives worthy of the name Christian.


In this issue I will be explaining what exactly is a Narrow Way Christian. Matthew 7:14 “But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there are few people who find it”. These are the Christians who live for the glory of God. They know that as people we are waiting for two mysterious events to occur any second. The Rapture or Death. They are always prepared and looking forward to meeting with the Lord Jesus. They study and live the Word. What they say and do is linked and are the real ambassadors of Heaven. Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. They are conscious of the devils schemes. Their spiritual life ears or antennas are very much awake. They fear and revere God. They stick and live according to His principles. His word is the ultimate and there is no room for compromising at all. They are bold in whatever they do or say. Their lives revolve around Jesus Christ and live by the words “WWJD”? People who do not live for Jesus are not comfortable around them. They share God’s Word and people are left feeling guilty. These Christians take the Word of God as is. They are led by the Holy Spirit who is the greatest Teacher of all times.

"I SET BEFORE YOU TODAY LIFE AND DEATH, CHOOSE LIFE" DEUTERONOMY 30:19 They do not move with the flow and never want to fit in. They are very rooted in their beliefs in the Lord Jesus. They are never moved to and fro by every mind of doctrine. If something does not promote or is not aligned to the Word of God, they don’t do it period. They do not partake in things just to please people but everything is aimed at pleasing God You can see by the kind of music they listen to, it is gospel all the way and don’t listen to anything circular nor watch circular Television. People think this kind of life is so boring but trust me; with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as your companions you have no time for boredom. When you follow Gods principles and put Him first in your life, He will never leave nor forsake you. He is a friend who will ALWAYS stick closer than a brother. Narrow way Christians don’t contaminate their minds and spirits with carnal entertainment. They strive for perfection by living a Holy life and this can be only achieved by reading, studying and meditating on the word of God and prayer. They mostly read books written by born again authors who are promoting God’s Kingdom. These Christians know they are in this world temporarily and are always eager to share Jesus and long for people to be born again because hell is not an option for anyone. They know that their bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and have to keep their bodies clean inside and outside. They live their lives according to Galatians 5: 22-26 which are the fruits of the Spirit. These have received Jesus Christ of the Bible who is the real Master; King, Lord, Saviour and Redeemer. The True God who is the Same Yesterday, Today and forever. Jesus Christ who is Saviour today but is going to Judge the World because they rejected Him.



Resting on the Wing We are so honored to share this beautiful article written by Angus Buchan . A Born Again spirit filled servant of the Gospel. Thanking you once again Angus for sharing this article with us . He is an Author, Farmer, Husband, Father and Grandfather. Resting on the Wing It struck me that many people are tired. Worse, some even seemed to be at the end of their tether. God often speaks to me through the elements and through nature. Take the Barn Swallow, for example. This little bird, which comes from Europe to enjoy the South African summer, has some amazing attributes that we, as farmers, can learn from. The swallow literally rests on the wing. God feeds him in the air; he collects

If the Lord is capable of taking care of the little swallow, how much more will He take care of you and me?

his food while he flies and very rarely

Jesus could see that the disciples were working hard and

touches the earth. Christ spoke about this

were exhausted. He said to them, as recorded in Mark 6:31:

when He said: “Look at them, they don’t

“Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a

feather their nests, they don’t reap, they

while. For there were many coming and going, and they did

don’t sow and yet they don’t go without

not even have time to eat.”

food.” When I see young people today, they work so hard. It often

We need to imitate God’s creation and stop worrying about things that might never happen. It distresses me when I don’t see joy in many people I meet. We need to start looking up and stop looking down all the time. We need to put our trust more in God and less in men, or in statements we read in the newspapers and hear on television that have no foundation in truth. In Hebrews 13:6 we read: “The Lord is my

seems that they don’t have time to eat. Their children and spouses miss them. We need to be like that swallow; we need to take time out to be with our families. We need to take time out to ‘smell the roses’ with our wives. We need to be with our children to support them in their sporting ventures at school. We need to have an interest in our local community. We need to rest on the wing. We can’t work for that once-a-year holiday that we think is going to refresh us. It won’t. Our rest must become a lifestyle, not something we do two weeks in a year, otherwise we won’t finish strong.

helper, I shall not fear, what can men do

We need to rest continually and learn to pace ourselves

unto me?”

correctly, while doing the thing that we love the most.

God bless Angus Buchan

IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD You know so many times as Christians, wait let me say as human beings we face encounters that can only be solved by Jesus. These types of situations once solved, make you sit and be in awe of how a human could have never survived that. In everyday life we get to see the hand of God by merely being alive , we get to experience what an awesome God we serve . In every issue we feature a story that will change your life in every way. If you have no idea what God can do , this is one true example . This story is by NOSIZWE .You can also share yours with us at:

What I am saying is that the soul knows what it

So, with that being said his plan for me was that I do

needs to heal itself and I did what my soul requested

not do 5 but 7 abortions because I’m already a

me to do. How I got to the abortions is irrelevant but

complete number. This is a no. 7! So, seven abortions

what’s important is that if you open a loop hole for

were necessary. First as a living sacrifice, see how he

the devil he enters through sin. He breeds other sins

copies the heavenly ways and perverts them. He then

just like good habits breed other good habits and the

needed a blood sacrifice from me to seal the deal

principle is the same so it becomes easier and easier

and a covenant needs blood remember? I was to

to repeat.

terminate all that God had imparted in me so that I’m crippled to do Gods will which is sitting in my

I read James 4:7/Timothy 6:12/Romans 12:2. I took

belly ready for me to give birth so Gods work is done

my time to study carefully the devils plan for me by

and Jesus’ name Reigns Supreme. 7 is the number for

analysing my weaknesses, abuse, habits and sins.

me so I had 2 more abortions to go then I would be

After analysing, I adapted and became the adapter

gone either physically dead or a walking zombie. The

which is a charger. I was energized to fight back for

devils plan was to steal my gifts, kill me, and destroy

myself and those loved by me.

God’s purpose in me. John 10:10 read it!

The thing is, the devil knew very early in my life that I am a creative being that God has imparted much in

So, I flipped the script. Went on top of the mountain

me not for myself but for His Glory. We are earthly

and shouted because I had found Light. The devil is

beings sitting in the belly of the beast whose plan is

the perverter of all things created by God through

to abort us, but him being the punk that he is, he will

Christ so he needed to be exposed and shamed (Mark

not do the dirty job himself instead he will trick and

4:21/ Luke 11:33). We need to learn to slam the door

twist us to kill ourselves- self destruct!

in the devils face as Joyce Meyer says. SO I SMEARED ALL HIS CRAP BACK ON HIS FACE. TO BE CONTINUED.....


YOU CAN LIVE FOR GOD AND STILL BE DOPE Be dope, do not be conformed to the systems of this world but be transformed. As children of God we like to live our lives so that we can be “accepted” by those people around us. Why don’t we live our lives in such a way that they long to be conformed to our way of living? We tend to live double lives and think we are pleasing God. IMPOSSIBLE!

God wants us to be totally

Some Christians treat God as

committed to Him and His ways

this desperate, in need to be

and nothing else. It is impossible

loved old man they can twist

to serve two Kings. Today, people

around their little fingers and

are selling their souls in order to

control. Surely, we don’t know

make it through life. Some of the

who we dealing with (Rev 22:12-

Christians are only Christians on


Sunday when they dust their Bibles to go to Church. Church has become a ritual and it’s like people attend church just to have the register marked.

"#YOUCANLIVEFORJESUS&STILL BEDOPE!." Well, God is not moved by our

As Christians let’s look at how we conform to the systems

church attendance. He wants your

of the world through:

spirit, soul and body to represent

� Clothing- the way we dress and trends

Him on earth. We are to make Him

� Music- what we listen

famous. We are books whereby

� Movies and Television

people should read about Him. We

� Fornication ( sex outside of marriage)

should be promoting His Kingdom

� Books, magazines

in any way we can. Our lives should

� How we conduct ourselves( our lifestyle)

tell people about God without us

� Compromise

having a one-on-one with them.

� Language

Our lives should preach to them.

� Thoughts


creative in Christ

nick mathevula .


Who is Nick personally and professionally and where are you from? I am Nick Mathevula, Born August the 8th at Makhuva Village (Giyani), grew up as a singer and an awarded academic. After graduating from high school, I went and studied Biomedical Sciences at Vaal University of Technology. After completing my studies, I went on to specialise in Immuno-haematology (Blood Transfusion Medicine) and I am also currently enrolled for LLB (Law) with University of South Africa to practice Medical Law in future. I would like to think that I am very funny, lol; I always find myself trying to crack a joke. Though sometimes I am not sure if people are laughing because it’s funny of because they don’t want to be rude. I’m also a movie freak. Oh and I’m not single… GOD has blessed me with an amazing fiancé. I am a Contemporary Christian and gospel artist — a rawly expressive singer, a self-taught acoustic guitar player, and songwriter who incorporates several genres into his sound. I was first driven to express myself through music as a youngster at a youth camp in 2002. In addition to developing as a musician, I worked as a youth leader and music director. My dream is to write music, which ministers to the heart of God and touches the heart of men. Not what’s hot, but what delivers, what heals, what restores, music that God inhabits. One other thing that I desires, is to encourage and restore the hearts of men back to the FATHER and to keep the message of Christ on display more than the brand of the artist. Who is King Jesus to Nick? • Wow, how do I sum this in a short sentence…He is my Lord and King, a friend who sticks closer than a brother, my confidant. My hope, my shield and fortress, He is the promise maker and promise keeper. He is my righteousness, my defence, my judge. He is the resurrection and the life, and in Him do I trust! He is the very embodiment of love! He is the Truth, the Way and the Light of the world. My HERO! When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? Hope, and Salvation. The very embodiment of love.

What challenges do you face as a male, young, born again and musician? • One of the challenges as a young musician in south Africa is that, the music industry is no longer about exposing the beautiful music and the talent, it is more about who you know and how the big shots can benefit from you. • Going broke from going to events. i.e “come promote your music” when in actual reality they need your services but do not want to pay you. You have a single out “Tshama Ka Yesu”. Take us through the process from the beginning to the end, what inspired you to write the single and the meaning of the Title? • “Tshama Ka yesu” was inspired by the struggle WORDS BY SARAH a fish puts when being fished out of the water. The fish puts so much struggle because it understands that it is in the water where it has its being and was made to live. It is in the water where it finds its provision and health. It clearly understands that although there is oxygen on the land, it is not the type of oxygen on which it survives. The fish clearly understands that if it’s taken out of the water, it will surely die. • The bible says, in Acts 17:28, “For in Him we live and move and have our being. It is from an understanding that, the very presence of GOD is to us, what the water is to the fish and land to the trees and sky to the birds. This writing is to inspire the brethren to continuously seek the presence of GOD to guide us in all we do. The writing also recognises the magnificence and the Might of GOD… “U xikwembu”. You are not only a musician but you also play the acoustic guitar, share with us how you got into playing it? And why specifically the acoustic? • Well, I am actually a self-taught acoustic guitar player. I thought to my self “why wait for someone if I can just use books and videos from YouTube to teach my self the instrument”. So I started teaching my self the basics and I got better with time. • I used to just love how the acoustic guitar doesn’t need any electricity and how useful it was when having poetry sessions. The sound of the acoustic guitar grew on me and also changed the way I related to different genres of music. I then decided that an acoustic guitar would be the instrument that will accompany me on my musical journey.

Define purpose and how can one determine their purpose? • Purpose is a person's sense of resolve or determination. It is that which (task) a person was created for. • It is the person who conceived the idea of a car who has and knows the full purpose for which a car was made. To find or know one’s purpose, one would have to consult the Creator. It is only God who knows why they created a being such as my self. How important is it to be around people with a purpose that is aligned to yours? • It is very important in that, it affords one an opportunity to fellowship and as you sharpen one another, you grow stronger and confident in that which brings you together. The Bible says: “bad company corrupts good character”. Good company would also positively influence a bad character. Another example is the movie character Tarzan. He was raised and grew up in the company of Gorillas. To him, the human way of doing things was unknown. To you, what does it mean to be CREATIVE IN CHRIST? • It is impossible to lack creativity when living in the presence of the Creator. GOD has graced us with an intrinsic ability to create. To design beauty from nothing. To write, to draw, to build, to sing and to dance for something and someone bigger than ourselves…” • Ephesians 2:10 says we were ‘created in Christ Jesus for good works’. We often ignore our gifts, talents and innate creativity because we are too afraid of what the world thinks of us. • In a nutshell, creativity in Christ for me is how I package and present Jesus to the world. Have you always aspired to be a musician? • Yes, but not just a musician. A gospel musician who will take part in bringing back the hearts of men back to the FATHER.. To someone going through the worst right now, what’s your message? • Keep holding on, learn to accept what GOD allows, it may be hard at times, but always remember the scripture(JER 29:11) that says: “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you”. Always know that even that pain, rejection and disappointments, all is working for your good. • Bible says in Isaiah 66: 9 (AMP) “Shall I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Or Shall I which gives delivery shut the womb?” --in other words the labour pains you feel are a sign that you are about to give birth.






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‘ C R E A T E D

W O R K S ’ .







G I F T S ,








U S .




How can people access your music? My music is available on all digital platforms, i.e. ITunes, google play, deezer and Spotify. I also upload some videos on my social media accounts. YouTube: Nick Mathevula; twitter:@nickmathevula; Instagram:@nickmathevula and Facebook: Nick Mathevula • I also have a website:


If you were granted one lifetime opportunity, what would it be? • To share stage with Jonathan McReynolds and Kevin Gray When people hear the name Nick Mathevula. What do you want them to know? • That young fella who is after GOD’s heart and hungry to serve God.

Last words and plans for the rest of 2018? When driving a car to a particular destination, we often encounter steep-hills. Due to the force the car requires to move on the steep-hill we are forced to change down the gears as the car cannot withstand the hill or easily drive on a higher gear. Yes, you are changing down but the important thing is you are no longer where you started. You are moving at that low gear, but headed towards your destination. Same with life, sometimes you will get to a point where you need to adjust your self, could be financially, in order to pull through. Just always remember that you are no longer at the point you started. Always appreciate the progress you have made thus far. Joy comes in the morning. There are a few events and worship gatherings that I will be part of, please follow me on my social media for updates.

"Just always remember that you are no longer at

the point you started. Always appreciate the

progress you have made thus far. Joy comes in the


On the weekend you will find me ….? Ministering, since during the week I’m at work or hanging out with family.

Daily mantra? Of all the beings GOD has ever created (in heaven and on earth), there is only one me!

Can’t live without? Jesus

Purpose is…….? To minister to God and touch the hearts of men through music

I dream of …..? Impacting the world with my music ministry. .2018 is …..? A greatest year so far in my life. Kick started my music carrier to mention one of the amazing blessings. What people don’t know is that I …….? I am also a business person (I have a company that deals with domestic cleaning chemicals.) If it weren’t for Jesus I would …….? I would be dead.

Favourite Artist? Jonathan McReynolds I will retire the day ……? I fulfill my GOD given mission/purpose Best advice ever received? Never underestimate your value. A truck carrying 10 brand new mustangs is much slower compared to an actual mustang being driven on the high way, but the value of what the truck is carrying is 10 times greater than the fast mustang.


He rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us safe into the Kingdom of His dear Son. by whom we are set free, that is, our sins are forgiven.


Monthly Devotion IMPURE TITUS 1:14-16 What is actually corrupt in this world? Is corruption found in an object like a bottle of alcohol or a packet of cigarettes? No, corruption is found in a person. A person who stands pure before the Lord will not be side-tracked or threatened by an object. A pure person will not allow himself to be tainted by abuse of alcohol or by the use of cigarettes. The corrupt person is tainted in their minds and conscience. Such a person is also open to external corruption. Their whole beings are corrupt because God’s Holy Spirit does not dwell within them. Although they may try and pretend that they worship God, it is all lies. They are “unfit for doing anything good” (v 16). We must worry less about the outside and concentrate more on the inside. Our attitude determines our purity or corruptness. If I reflect a critical, loveless spirit, I am corrupt before God. Then all that I attempt is also corrupt. If I am pure and clean inside and exhibit an attitude of love towards God and my fellow-man, I stand pure before God and my mind and conscience are clear. Therefore, strive for a healthy attitude. Prayer: Dear Lord, please create in me a pure heart .



Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate . -Ecclesiastes 4:12 A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Created by God for us. This issue focuses on the Godly marriage of Essic and Tiffany Stroman

Who are you individually (personally &professionally)? Essic; Individually I am a born-again believer who wants to serve the Lord.Professionally, I am a Program Analyst working for the government in the Supply and Logistics field. Individually I am just a woman who loves Jesus with all her heart. Tiffany: Trying my best to be a Godly wife and mother so that when I stand before Christ I can hear Him say “well done”. Professionally, I am stay at home wife and home-schooling mom. How and when did you meet? We both served Active Duty in the United States Marine Corps. We met on January 30th, 2008 at the American Consulate General in Frankfurt-am-Main Germany. I received orders from my unit in California to report to Germany and the day I arrived, my Sergeant walked me around the building to introduce me to all the other Marines working there. I was excited to meet her because I was told that there was another Marine from Georgia in Germany.

How long did you date before you got married? Essic: We officially started dating in December 2008 and was married by August 2010. So, all together about 21 months. How did you individually know that He,She was the one? Essic: She received orders to leave Germany and was stationed at the Pentagon nearly a year before it was my time to rotate to a new duty station. I'd never been in a long-distance relationship before, but I knew she was worth the attempt. We managed to talk everyday via phone call, emails and text. One day a close friend of mine asked me if I saw myself marrying her out of the blue. I thought for a second and couldn't think of one reason why not. She was everything I ever wanted in life and I made up my mind that day and secretly starting planning on proposing to her. Tiffany: I knew that my husband was the one because he and I were sitting down and talking one day and God whispered to my heart and told me that he was the one. I knew there was something different about my husband the first time I talked to him. I had never known peace before in any relationship other than my relationship with Christ and that’s what stood out to me the most. When did you get married? We got married August 7th 2010. Take us through the process of the wedding celebration how was that and if there are any changes you could have made? Essic: The wedding ceremony was strategically done during my wife's family reunion. This way,the majority of her family would be in attendance.Everything about the ceremony was traditional from the exchanging of vows,communion, lighting the unity candle etc. If I were to change anything I would have saved more money for a honeymoon. Tiffany: We didn’t have money for a huge wedding and since I have a lot of family and family is very important to me we had our wedding in the middle of my family reunion. That way people only had to travel once, and everyone could be there and celebrate together. I wouldn’t change anything about the wedding.

Has your relationship changed from dating to marriage? Essic: Yes. It's safe to say that we are not the same people we were eight years ago, and we continue to grow together. I thought I was really in love with her back then, but that love has evolved as she became the mother to our children and so much more. It was through her that I became a born-again believer and as my love for the Lord grows, my love for her grows as well. Tiffany: Yes, I think that our relationship has changed. I love my husband a lot more now than I did when we were dating. I didn’t think that it was possible to love him more when I was dating him. But the truth is my love for him grows day by day and I am convinced that as the years continue to go by my love will continue to grow for him. If you could change the perception that people have about marriage, what would it be? Essic: I would change the perception that people think our marriage is perfect and that we as a married couple have never gone through anything. We are happy but if our marriage appears perfect it's only because we've let Jesus lead us every step of the way. Tiffany: I think the perception that I would change about marriage is that a lot of people believe that you can’t have a happy marriage. They believe that there must be some type of dysfunction in a marriage. Now, I am not saying that I believe in a perfect marriage. Because I believe that no marriage is perfect, to have a perfect marriage you must have perfect people, and no one is perfect. But you can be happy and have a marriage filled with joy if Christ is truly the foundation and center of your marriage. For the single person out there, wondering when they are getting married, what advice would you give them? Don't rush it and don't let the world tell you that there is a specific point in time that you have to get married. Pray on it and wait until God tells "both" of you that the time is right.

let no one separate -Ecclesiastes 4:12

Therefore what God has joined together,


the stroman's

How do you deal with problems that you encounter as a married couple? Essic; Open communication with one another is the best way to deal with any problems we encounter. There isn't anything that either of us feel as though we can't openly express to each other. Tiffany: When we face difficulties, we talk about them as much as and as long as we need to. But most of all we pray. One of the things that I love about my husband is when I don’t have the words to pray or have the desire to pray He will grab my hands and pray for me and pray with me. It’s in those moments that I realize how important it is to love and serve the same God to love and serve Christ. Because only a man who loves Christ can demonstrate the love that Christ has for the church to His wife. Challenges you’re facing as a young, married born again couple? Essic; I think one of the challenges we are facing is trying to find a way to help change the lives of others by leading them to Christ. Tiffany: Another one of the challenges that we are facing now is trusting God’s timing with the expansion of our family. Things you wish you were told about marriage? Essic: Patience. Someone may have mentioned it to me, but I really wish I had a sit down with a few older wiser men and let them drill into me that marriage takes a lot of patience. Tiffany: When your dating your both drawn together by all of your similarities. You both may like the same movies or food or sports etc. Once you’re married you discover just how different you really are. But God wants us to celebrate the difference. Adrian Rodgers said it best when he said that “God made us different so that He might make us one”. Who is Jesus Christ to you individually and as a couple? Essic; Jesus Christ is the same person to us both individually and as a couple. He is our Lord and Saviour and we both know that He made the ultimate sacrifice for us and our salvation. Tiffany: Individually, Christ is my Saviour, but He is also my Lord. He is my teacher and my friend. He is my provider and Healer but most of all He has been my rock the one constant thing in my life that has NEVER let me down. As a couple I would say that Christ is the head of our home and the head of our Marriage. One word, if possible to describe your marriage? Blessing.Blessing. What advice to those who are in the process of getting married would you give? Essic: I would say that they need to understand that marriage is a continuous learning process. Find a good church home if you don't already have one and keep God first. Tiffany; The advice I would give is to keep God first. He must be the main thing. Some people get so caught up in trying to make a marriage work or trying to “keep” their spouse. Only Christ can keep someone. So, if you are keeping Christ first above all else. Everything else will be added unto you. The best advice ever received? Essic: The best advice I received was from Ephesians 4-26; "Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath." I do my best to never allow myself to go to sleep angry with my wife. Tiffany; The best I ever received as from my grandmother Luevone Baker, she told me never go to bed angry at my husband. She said find a way to work it out before you go to bed or give it to God and start new in the morning. But never go to bed angry with each other. She also said always kiss my husband before I leave the house (smile).








Who are you personally and professionally and where are you from? My name is Tiffany Rogers. I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am a writer, blogger and speaker. How and when did you become Born Again? I was born into a Christian home, but when I was 7 years old my parents sat down with me and my siblings to explain to us the story of Jesus and pray the prayer of salvation with us to receive Him as our Lord and Savior. How and when did you get into blogging? And why Christian blogging? I started blogging in the summer of 2013. I was getting my degree in journalism from Oral Roberts University and wanted a way to continue practicing my writing. I started my blog and it has evolved to what it is today over at I never intended it to be strictly a Christian blog; I simply wanted to write honestly about my own experiences. That is still my goal today, but my life revolves around Jesus and my faith as a Christian, so naturally my blog does as well. What is blogging? Blogging is writing about your life for the purpose of sharing that with others on the internet; typically, your own website or “blog.” What inspires your posts and what preparation goes into it? Most of what inspires my blog posts are experiences that I go through in my own life. Most of my blog posts were written after I experienced something where I learned more about myself, about God, about life, and wanted to share what I learned with anyone who would listen.


My preparation for my posts is always different. Many of my posts are written over months-long periods; others I have written in a single day. It just depends how much research goes in to a piece, or whether the experience I’m writing about is over. Sometimes it’s just a matter of waiting for the words to be there so I can spill it all out on paper. I’m still learning, honestly, what this process looks like for me and I feel like it will be ever-evolving.

What do you want people to learn from your blogs? The ultimate goal would be for people to learn to live with Jesus on the throne of their hearts. For people to understand that only Jesus can satisfy them, fulfil them, and give them the love and value that they so deeply long for. Other Interests? Besides writing, other interests of mine include volunteering with the youth group at my church, cooking, baking, reading, traveling, and spending time with my family and friends! What is the secret to authentic, thought provoking blogging? Honesty. Just be honest with where you’re at and what you’re going through. You don’t have to have it all together! I certainly don’t, and I’m honest about that. What makes you different from other Christian bloggers? Other bloggers haven’t lived my life! They’ve not lived through the same things that I have. And not every blogger is necessarily open to being vulnerable, and that’s okay, not everyone has to be. But I think what makes me different is a keen sense, really a gift for vulnerability. Where would you like to see your blog in the next 2 years? I’d love to have books, devotionals, a speaking schedule, courses and apparel on my website. Who is King Jesus to you? Oh! Lover, Savior, Lord and Friend. Advice on how to start Christian blogging? Do your research-- use Pinterest. Find out what works best for you as far as website hosting and domain buying. But then just do it! Dive in. You won’t get everything right to start off, but you’ll learn as you go. Don’t be scared and don’t hold back. Check out my blog post on “How I Started Blogging + FAQs.” Misconception people have about Christian blogging? I’m really not sure about misconceptions. I know hesitations about Christian blogging would be that no one will care what you have to say, or they’ll think it’s stupid, but that’s a lie. People care more than you think they do. You have something to say and there are people in your life that only you can reach. Don’t hold back! Last words to the Beauty&TheGospel reader? You are beautiful, and you are chosen! Don’t let the negative voices in your head tell you what to do. Believe who God says that you are. You are worthy, called, and set apart! You got this because God’s got you.


The status of women in the society has change and has taken a more positive direction. Women are now recognized in position of leadership and their voices are addressed with equal recognition as that of a man, THAT’S AMAZING! But in the Word of God or rather in Christianity, women were never oppressed! Yes! I repeat women were never oppressed IN any form in the Bible. If you look closely in all events when a women was involved, its man “husband “ that has to work extra hard to provide for families . This means that the Lord never disregarded women in the foundation of the earth. The word of God reference women/she as “Wisdom” in the book of Proverb chapter 8, further if you read prior also in book of proverb chapter 4v5 it state that wisdom is life. Women are indeed referenced as wisdom. This means they had a prestigious position in the Bible and in the foundation of Christianity. Now that we have established that women had a role in the plan of God. The big question is that, how do we demonstrate the role of a godly woman in the world today. How do we manage our careers, our business our families and still maintain our true character as

women of God. Well God has given us total access of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit teaches, guides, protects, enables and when warranted, He convicts our hearts. When God saved us (through salvation), He gave us His divine nature and divine power to follow His commands fully, but we have to be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives to bring a godly lifestyle to fruition. Fruit doesn't grow spontaneously; it's a process! We don't grow spontaneously; it's a process - a combination of active and passive state. In the Bible, we come across many women that shape a generation influence through their selfless act and total obedience to the will of God. The Bible recorded two types of women classified into one of two categories: a woman of folly, or a woman of wisdom. Throughout the proverb book, wisdom is personified as a “she”. Women have to constantly confess that I can stand perfectly still and manage to get things done. That I can influence rather than provoke, inspire rather than challenge. That I can affect a nation from my home. That I can move mountains with my faith. Why? Because God said so! The renewing of our mind is indispensable to and inseparable from spiritual growth and godliness. The first women that came to mind whenever the topic of women is being discussed is Eve, the first lady. The cluster around her name, when being mention the less positive things are embraced but rather we think of the birth of sin, we think of paradise lost, the flight of innocent , holiness from the beginning of the creation and we think of the fearfulness of the divine curse of pain and sorrow ultimately the curse of death . However, the are many facts that people totally ignore, one of them is that Eve was in the original plan of God. When you read Genesis 2:18–24” And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him”. Eve was made especially for Adam and bonded to him in marriage. They were one in spirit, fully mature flesh and bone, husband and wife, united by the Spirit of God as the first couple. She was the chosen vessel through which children should be born to sustain life, both physically in this world and ultimately in the spiritual world to come. Eve’s choice put all of humanity on a collision course with a multitude of daily difficult choices, but we learn from her as a universal lesson for women and men alike: the importance of hearing and heeding God’s Word. Remember “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of Light, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17).

A VIRTUOUS WOMAN A reading of the entire Book of Proverbs provides a picture of contrasts, Thou Proverbs 31 woman is clearly well-off and upper class, as would most often be the case for a woman being considered for marriage by a king, but it also helps in addressing the single mother, the young women and the older women, business women, women in leadership and career driven women. A virtuous woman was introduced in the Old Testament. A practical story of classification of virtuous woman is found in the book of Exodus chapter one. When the Egyptian midwives wanted to kill any baby born by Hebrew women under Pharaoh’s instruction, the midwives failed to find the Hebrew women in time before they gave birth, they went back and gave

Pharaoh a report that Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women , for there are vigorous and delivered before midwives came unto them. The virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 is a much-contemplated figure. Could such a woman have existed? If she did, who was she? New International Version translates the same word as noble being, a noble person is about living a righteous life, and that opportunity is available to every believer regardless of social status or gender. Scripture’s virtuous woman illustrates a materialization of all the wisdom contained within the writings of Proverbs THE QUALITIES OF A VIRTUOUS WOMAN This portrait of the virtuous woman is just as relevant today as when it was written in the book of proverbs 31 v 10 -, and not just to married women, but to all women who are believers. Applying this concept to our focus thought would mean the church is to be kind, loving, generous, honourable, trustworthy, wise, industrious, strong, and fearless as she brings honour, renown and pleasure to her Lord. The two points that ours shine in proverbs is “wise and industrious “ Wise = Proverbs 31 v 26 ““She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” Although the virtuous woman’s business dealings occasionally took her away from home, she was wise, planning ahead to provide for her family’s needs even as she considered the business enterprises she would develop and engage in. She was wise in that she thoroughly evaluated the possibilities before making the major purchase of a field. That is wisdom in action. Industrious = It is clear the virtuous woman was not lazy. She was constantly busy with various projects and was an industrious woman who successfully combined her business enterprises with keeping her house. After she made money in one enterprise, she would invest it in another, developing and continually expanding new sources of revenue Strong and Fearless. Example of virtuous women in bible 1) RUTH A woman who rose from obscurity to riches. At some point in her life she lost everything that she had through death and poverty. However, she remains faithful to her mother in-law. In spite of her heathen background and her raise through association with Boaz, Ruth became a devout worshiper of the true God. Ruth 3 v 11 Boaz addresses Ruth as a virtuous woman. 2) SARAH ( genesis 11 ; 29-31) The mother of nation Sarah has been a woman mostly known for her extraordinary beauty , which she retained to a very late period of her life even at ninety years of age. She attracted the attention of king Abimelech. Sarah’s desire to have children was as real as that of any woman. The culture of the times shamed women who had

no children and praised those with many. So great was Sarah’s pain that she suggested a plan to her husband, 3) ESTHER The women who saved her nation from genocide. She the strong –minded woman of ancient history, from her we learn to seek divine guidance from the Lord in difficult times. (Esther 4v 15-17), she showed how to obtain knowledge of human nature in order to be ready to announce self and exert ourselves for the good of others and the value of cooperation of fellow – believers. 4)


It’s a woman of unblemished character and she always maintained her duties in the church and nation. She’s the woman that led all her troubles unto the Lord. Hannah cried unto the Lord for a son and she was separated unto the Lord, her shame was restored with pride as she conceived of a son. She illustrates restoration and prayer ( 1 Samuel 1 v 2 -21) The virtuous woman was a woman of strength. This refers to both strength of body and strength of mind. Proverbs 31v 25 records her as wearing strength and honour as clothing, a metaphor for her character. She was covered in both. The garments of strength and honour are always lovely and need not unravel or wear out over time. The virtuous woman earned a good reputation for her quality workmanship and business

A woman in business, any career or stay at home wife you are virtuous! Be of any shape or size, social praise or ignored you are a virtuous woman. Single mother, sister, wife, divorced you are virtuous. Gods original plan recognized you are victories, strong, loved, courageous and trustworthy regardless that you domestic worker, driver, waiter, casher, writer, nurse, doctor, tailor, street vendor, pastor’s wife, writer, celebrity or rural farmer. WE ARE ALL LOVED AND VIRTUOUS WOMEN

Monthly Devotion CHRISTIAN TO CHRISTIAN! Read Philemon 20:25 You can open up your heart to a fellow-Christian and even many requests. Listen to Paul: I do wish; Refresh my heart; Knowing that you will do even more than I ask; Prepare a guest room for me Open and honest, that’s Paul! One could almost say he was very presumptuous. But he knew that he could ask because he was dealing with a fellow- Christian. Philemon was different because he was indwelt by the Holy Spirit. He would definitely do more than was requested of him because Jesus taught him to “turn the other cheek” and to “walk the second mile”. Being a Christian means being of service. Are you available for your fellow-Christian? If they ask a favour are you prepared to do more than they ask? Can someone ask you to prepare the guest room? Christians should be prepared to do more than is expected of them. There are so much Christians and we thank God for them. Unfortunately, there are also Christians who do the minimum. What a pity!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to serve You at my full potential.

ANNOUNCEMENT Hey there, its me Empress Teekay again. I hope this issue was all you needed and more. Calling on all interior designers, cooks, fashionistas, makeup artists etc as article contributors . The magazine is free so no salary is available .Also if you have a story about how God saved you from a near death experience or testimony of how you got born again please do email

Advertisers you are also welcome. For reasonable price queries email: beautyandthegospel@gm Till next time ,THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ! look out for the next issue on the 1st of October 2k18

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