Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 8 VOL 2

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PROPHETESS TUMI APHANE talks on the will of God, holiness and purity!

Lead yourself first, then God’s lock

What the Bible Says About SelfConfidence


The Secret to Breaking Free from Habitual Sin



IT WAS THE HAND OF GOD + christian blogging


VISION ROMANS 15:20-21 20 Accordingly I set a goal to preach the gospel, not where Christ’s name was already known, so that I would not build on another man’s foundation; 21 but [instead I would act on this goal] as it is written [in Scripture], “They who had no news of Him shall see, And they who have not heard [of Him] shall understand.”

MISSION 1 CORINTHIANS 1:17 17 For Christ did not send me [as an apostle] to baptize, but [commissioned and empowered me] to preach the good news [of salvation]—not with clever and eloquent speech [as an orator], so that the cross of Christ would not be [b]made ineffective [deprived of its saving power].
















EDITOR'S NOTE Your majesty BELOVED, IT IS VERY EASY TO DIE. This past month August has been a month that has been very good, but a number of people I know, or their family members have passed away. You know, the death that shocked me the most was of a family friend. I hadn’t seen him in a long time together with his family and out of nowhere, I decided to pass by their place on the 20th August to check my clothing as the wife is a seamstress, only to hear the news that the husband had passed away on the 17th August, early morning. Beloved, shock came upon me, honestly, if there were flies, they could have made a home in my mouth the way I was shocked. It’s said that everyone that heard this news reacted the same because on the 16th August he was healthy and showed no signs. The minute I heard the news, I instantly heard my mother’s voice saying: IT IS VERY EASY TO DIE! Beloved, Our Father King Jesus says; always remain ready as we do not know the day nor the hour ( Matt 25V13), and indeed no one does except Him, the giver of life . We need not be sick, injured or act up to qualify for death, we need to remembe that we are all passing by in this life, especially as children of God we are refuges 1 Peter 2:11. Life on earth is too short just like David said, may the Lord remind how short our years on this earth are. Remember beloved, IT IS VERY EASY TO DIE! Write me your comments and thoughts to our email: it might just be printed :-) If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now till month, you’re loved by Him and I.



Am I Truly Born Again? Four Evidences That You Are New written by: Greg Morse

We all know that everyone who claims to be a

Have You Experienced Real Conviction?

born-again Christian is not a genuine follower of Christ. A 2017 study by LifeWay Research

First, the medium of communion with God is a

discovered that 24% of Americans profess to be

growing conviction of faith. Remember, “Faith is .

evangelical. A higher percent claim to be born

. . the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews

again. But when pressed, only about 15% of

11:1). True faith empowers us to increasingly see

Americans can affirm the most basic evangelical

truth through God’s eyes — from a divine


perspective. We “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). New birth equips us to

This is not a new problem. Anyone who has been a

increasingly taste spiritual truth. The primary way

Christian for long knows someone who professes

we taste is through conviction.

Christianity but fails to believe what Christians

For example, I recently read Paul’s description of

should believe, or believes right doctrine but

man’s sinfulness in Romans 3:9–20. As I read “their

exhibits little or no fruit. A gap always exists

throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to

between the number of people who profess to be

deceive,” God opened my heart to see that this

born again and those who possess the reality. This

was often me. Then the thought that God had

is true of every congregation. That is one reason

loved me, even in this condition, overwhelmed

why the constant preaching of the gospel matters.

me. The result was a new conviction about the

The more the gospel is preached, the smaller that

depth of God’s love and mercy. My soul soared in

gap becomes.

gratitude, and I felt a heightened desire to serve

So, acknowledging that the gap exists, how can

and live for God.

we know that someone who professes new birth actually possesses it? Those legitimately born

This is what takes place when the Holy Spirit

again are indwelt by the Holy Spirit (John 3:5).

speaks to us. We see spiritual truth with God’s

What does it mean to have the Holy Spirit living

eyes, and conviction is always a byproduct.

within us? Fundamentally, it means that the Holy Spirit is communicating a conviction about

Many reading these words have experienced

Christ’s moral beauty to the eyes and ears of our

similar encounters with God. It can take place

hearts. This communication has four important

while reading Scripture, while listening to a


sermon, while busy jogging, driving, or vacuuming the living room. To the degree that

- First, the medium of God’s communication is a

this communication happens, everything

conviction of faith.


- Second, the place where it occurs is the heart. - Third, the knowledge communicated is the moral beauty of Christ — a growing grasp of his

Has Something Happened in Your Heart?

moral and spiritual goodness. - Fourth, the effect is changed behavior motivated

Second, the location of this interaction with God

by a growing desire to be holy as God is holy.

is the heart, not simply the mind.

-FEATUREIn the work of sanctification, God never bypasses

The more we gaze at the light of Christ, the brighter

the mind. The intellect is crucial. Although the

it gets. For example, at conversion my knowledge of

conviction that points to new birth passes

God’s glory was basic. I trusted that God forgave my

through the mind, however, it occurs in the

sin and loved me. Over the years, however, God has

heart. “With the heart one believes and is

increasingly turned that light up. It now includes

justified” (Romans 10:10). “Faith is the

the excellence of his justice, the depth of his

candlestick,” noted Charles Spurgeon, “which

righteousness, and the majesty of his sovereignty.

holds the candle by which the chamber of the

With each communication, the capacity to delight

heart is enlightened.”

in his goodness has grown, and joyful obedience has increasingly followed.

We use the expression “from the heart” to describe something done with enthusiasm and

Has Believing in Christ Changed You?

joy — something done because we want to. By contrast, we say “my heart wasn’t in it” to

Fourth, this communication has one consistent

describe behavior done strictly from a sense of

effect: it motivates us to be like Christ in holiness

duty. Although some duty always characterizes

and righteousness. New birth and spiritual fruit

Christianity, fundamentally it is a heart religion.

cannot be separated.

Before conversion, our hearts might be into

Our hearts cannot feel a growing conviction about

material wealth, popularity, entertainment, or

“the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” and not

career success. After conversion, we are

long to imitate what we see. This is what Paul

increasingly into God himself (not just his gifts).

meant when he also wrote, “We all, with unveiled

Increasingly, he becomes our heart’s delight.

face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being

John Bunyan described the Holy Spirit’s heart

transformed into the same image from one degree

conviction as God branding our hearts with a

of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord

hot iron.

who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18). We will always imitate the object of our worship. That is why John

Is Christ More and More Beautiful?

inexorably connects new birth with a changed way of life. “We know that we have passed out of death

Third, the subject of this communication is

into life, because we love the brothers” (1 John 3:14).

ultimately the moral beauty and goodness of Christ. I am not talking about eschatology or the

Am I Truly Changed?

best form of church government. These subjects matter, but you can have convictions about

Tragically, some legitimately born again will read

them and not be born again. But you cannot

this and doubt their salvation. That is not my

have a conviction about the moral beauty, the

intention. It is possible for us to experience

utter glory and trustworthiness of Christ,

assurance that we have been born again. Do you

without the inward presence of the Holy Spirit.

love and trust Christ more today than ten years ago? Yes, I know you have doubts. All Christians do at one

That is why Paul described new birth as the

time or another. But has your view of Christ

shining forth of “the light of the knowledge of

changed? Do you increasingly want to imitate him?

the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” in

Has he become the treasure in the field for which

our hearts (2 Corinthians 4:6). It is a growing

you would sell everything (Matthew 13:44)?

heart conviction that God is good, that he can be

Second, are you changing? I’m not asking if you are

trusted, that I can spend my life in his service

perfect, but are you changing? “You may be sure

and will not be disappointed. This conviction

that everyone who practices righteousness has been

about God’s goodness frees me to take the risks

born of him” (1 John 2:29). Do you handle your

that always accompany obedience. It is a down

money, your time, and your gifts differently?

payment on our eternal inheritance (Ephesians 1:13–14).

-FEATUREIs your speech becoming more godly? Are you

This will not be true of those who possess the reality

more willing to forgive, to love an enemy, to

of new birth. Just the opposite — they will

push yourself out of your comfort zone? Are you

increasingly enjoy communion with God. And a

changing how you relate to your spouse? Your

believer enjoying this communion will begin to

roommate? Your parents? “No one born of God

change. “Everyone who has been born of God

makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed

overcomes the world” (1 John 5:4). That is because

abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning,

God saves purposefully. “We are his workmanship,

because he has been born of God” (1 John 3:9).

created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them”

Third, there will be a spiritual oxymoron. People

(Ephesians 2:10).

born of God feel increasingly (and joyfully) unworthy. They feel their sin more acutely, and

When the Holy Spirit indwells us, he communicates

therefore are more dependent upon Christ and

a growing conviction about Christ’s moral goodness

his grace. That is because their knowledge of

to the eyes and ears of our heart, and it slowly

Christ’s perfections grows much faster than their

changes everything. “The core of conversion,” writes

ability to change. Even though they are forgiven

John Hannah in To God Be the Glory, “is the gift

and growing in Christ, the contrast makes them

from God of a new indwelling principle in the heart

feel increasingly unworthy.

of mankind. That principle is the very life of God; it is the love of God. This alone is the ground of true

Born Again for Good Works

virtue and morality and is the exclusive means for glorifying God.”

From the data gathered from his many surveys, George Barna concludes that when “evaluating


fifteen moral behaviors, [those who profess to be] born-again Christians are statistically

William Farley is a retired pastor and church

indistinguishable from non-born-again adults.”

planter. He and his wife, Judy, have five children and twenty-two grandchildren. They live in Spokane, Washington. He is the author of seven books, including Gospel-Powered Parenting. You can read more of his writing at his website.

Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

Incomparable Power Message taken from from Job 26:7-10, 14 (NLT) Job 26:7-10, 14 (NLT): "God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing. He wraps the rain in His thick clouds, and the clouds don't burst with the weight. He covers the face of the moon, shrouding it with His clouds. He created the horizon when He separated the waters; He set the boundary between day and night... These are just the beginning of all that He does, merely a whisper of His power. Who, then, can comprehend the thunder of His power?"

The very first time we hear about God demonstrating His supernatural power is in Genesis 1, when He created the entire universe...out of nothing. If God created the heaven and earth out of nothing, why do we find it difficult to trust Him with the details of our lives? If He created the heaven and earth out of nothing, why do we doubt His willingness and ability to heal, or create new organs in our bodies? If God created heaven and earth out of nothing, why would we wonder if He would be willing to open up a womb to conceive? The truth is: God is most willing and well able to supply all our needs according to His riches in Glory. He proved His ability in creation, and His willingness when He sent His Own Son to die that we may live and inherit every promise in His Word. Never question or underestimate the incomparable power of God, nor His compassionate nature. Put your trust firmly in the truth of His irrefutable Word and His faithfulness to honour it concerning you.


Lead yourself first, then God’s flock by: Pastor Bongani Gama I. Introduction A. There is a superman syndrome going around in the Church, 1. This is just one of those tendencies where members of the church assume that leaders are immune to everyday life struggles or leaders should not have time to have ambitions and dreams of their own 2. Sometimes leaders themselves assume that they have super powers, or they are immune to certain things in life and sometimes they even lose sight of what their role is in the Church 3. In case of preachers they are expected to be fine even when the situation does not agree with them B. We all know the structure of God’s specified leadership mode in His Church is that of a unique nature 1. God’s vision of leadership is that of a pastoral formation 2. God wants leaders that will take good care of His flock 3. The ultimate objective of this particular leadership is to imitate the one supreme overseer who is Jesus Christ John 10:11

4. The objectives are to: i. Lead them to pasture, feed then the truth John 21:17 ii. Protect them against the wolves Acts 20:28 iii. Bind up the wounds and help in recovery of the spiritual sickness John 21:16 C. Pastoring is giving guidance, from the spiritual standpoint to the people of God 1. Leadership is defined as ‘the process in which an individual influence the group of individuals to attain a common goal’. The goal is attained by mutual cooperation and organised behaviour. A leader infuses a sense of positivity and directs others to reach the specified goal. 2. Remember our common goal is getting to heaven and living as effective as possible as people who are heaven bound Philippians 3:20 D. In doing all these, giving guidance, looking after the flock sometimes it makes leaders to neglect themselves in the process. E. The most important factor is remembering that this is God ‘s flock 1. Leaders in the Church are just stewards, so the Church does not belong to those who are leading it but belongs to Christ who died for it. Ephesians 5:22-23 2. Christ is the head of the church and leaders should look to Christ as an example of a shepherding and He gives guidance through His word 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” 3. Leaders have a responsibility to God to make sure that they attend to the needs of the called-out body of Christ, leaders are called to administer to the needs of the saints 4. And as much as they have these overwhelming responsibilities, they also have a huge responsibility to themselves (they need to pay attention to themselves also)

a) Acts 20:28 “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. (in context he speaks of guarding the church against false teachers) b) Paul says pay attention to yourselves -He charges these men to take care of themselves FIRST -THEY COULD NOT GO ON AS IF THEY ARE SUPERMEN c) Self-reflection is quite important because it actually brings people to a realization of who they are, what they lack and who they are to God and what role they should be playing in the Church II. So THEN, Leading GOD’ S FLOCK REQUIRES ONE TO LEAD THEMSLEVES FIRST A. Starting with self means looking at yourself as individual 1. The most important thing is understanding that as a leader you are still a Christian and a brother a) Christians are equally going to face different challenges (including leaders) b) Members of the congregations sometimes do not see leaders as people who also struggle with certain things i. Maybe the reason behind that is that leaders sometimes put themselves on pedestals and that often gives the whole congregation reason enough to not see them as regular Christians who also go through things ii. Paul addresses this Galatians 6:1-4 “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. iii. How we deal with matters as leaders will create a mind that will help the congregation see them as people also who have their own struggles Matthew 7:12 “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” iv. I guess now I see the point when Christ said in Matthew 7:5 “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. v. As much as leaders are to handle matters in the congregation how they do it really matters and if they do it correctly, they will get respect also as Christians and they also go through things the Church can actually sympathies with them and be of comfort to them

2. After recognizing that we are all Christians (this simply means we all depend on God including leaders) a) Joshua 1:5 God says as I was with Moses, I will also be with you “I WILL NEVER LAEVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU” b) God says to Joshua if you are to do all these things you have to totally depend on me, and I will give you guidance 3. Leaders are human and Christians unless they recognize also themselves that they are not above others Romans 12:3 “For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned” 4. (Leaders must know what their role is and they should execute these roles diligently, most leaders encounter burnout because they do not know what to really do in the Church ,they want to do all by themselves, and when they have that face that shows that I’ve got it do not worry people do not bother to really ask whether they are fine or not because they’ve got it ) i. Leaders should stop pretending a) Pretense is not a good thing because Christ preached against hypocrisy in the New Testament (Mat_23:28; Mar_12:15; Luk_12:1, Mat_6:2, Mat_6:5, Mat_6:16; Mat_7:5; Mat_15:7; Mat_22:18; Mat_23:13, Mat_23:15, Mat_23:23, Mat_23:25, Mat_23:29; Mat_24:51; Mar_7:6; Luk_12:56; Luk_13:15 b) Hypocrite – upokritoV in classical Greek this word is translated a stage player c) In 2 Maccabeus 6:25 the word is used as “to pretend” d) Christ wants people who will sincerely follow him, so we do not have to pretend, so leaders also do not have to be pretentious even when things are not going well with them e) Sincerity in this context is acknowledging when things are not going alright in our lives

Lead yourself first, then God’s flock

f) Some people say the congregation sometimes are a reflection of their leaders if our leaders are legit and sincere in terms of acknowledging they also have flaws and can go through many difficulties in their lives and that they also have hope and dreams for their families and themselves. Then congregations will start looking at leaders as people who also need their support III. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing” A. Paul talks to the Thessalonians to encourage and build one another up, as they were already doing B. Our leaders also need encouragement at some point to continue in their work (sometimes we criticize more than we encourage) Romans 15:2 “Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up” C. They need for people to have an understanding that we all have problems and dreams, so they also need to lift up when they are down (sometimes we destroy more than we build) IV. The fact is that the church has people who are heavily depending on Jesus to carry all their burden Matthew 11:28. A. We are to bear with one another in our weaknesses Romans 15:1 “We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. B. Leader or no leader we all have were we fail and lack, so it is Christian duty to be there and help one another out in those circumstances V. Final advice A. Leaders are servants of God and are tools that God uses, and they can be troubled and be distressed like every other Christians B. 2 Corinthians 4:7-9 “But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 1. We are vessels that God uses to lead his people, but we are also human 2. Paul says even though we are precious vessels of God, we can be afflicted (because we face everyday trials and tribulation that everyone goes through) 3. Even though we are precious we become confused, but He is always with us to carry out his mission and he knows us very well we do not have to pretend for Him and for everyone else (Be who you are to God )

may the peace and grace of King Jesus abide in you in abundance~ Pastor Bongani


TITLE: DO YOU KNOW THE GOD THAT YOU ARE SERVING? Acts 17:22-23 Moses says to God, who should I say sent me? Then God answered and said: tell them I AM has sent me, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It's good to know the names of the Lord! But are you one of those who knows all the names of God but don't know God? People are after the things of the flesh but reject the things of the spirit. People want to start in the flesh not knowing that the spirit is leading the flesh, not knowing that they have to start by reading the Word of God, not knowing that they have to seek first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness and when they are done in the spirit, then they can return to the flesh with their blessings... Moses says to God, who should I say sent me? Then God answered and said: tell them I AM has sent me, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

" TELL THEM I AM HAS SENT ME, THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB." It's good to know the names of the Lord! But are you one of those who knows all the names of God but don't know God? People are after the things of the flesh but reject the things of the spirit. People want to start in the flesh not knowing that the spirit is leading the flesh, not knowing that they have to start by reading the Word of God, not knowing that they have to seek first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness and when they are done in the spirit, then they can return to the flesh with their blessings...

That's where Luke 4:18 comes in, where it says: “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor”. Who are the poor? The poor are those who don’t have the Lord Jesus! When the heavens located Paul, he was blinded by the heavenly light. Paul said to the voice that spoke to him, "who are you Lord "..By Paul asking, he was starting in the spirit so that when he comes back in the flesh, he might have direction and knowing the One who sent him.. At times it can be harmful when you find out who truly God is. When Jesus Christ fed the 5 thousand men in the book of John, they saw that through Christ they can have their daily bread, and they wanted to take Him by force and make Him King, but they forgot that Christ Jesus is the God who looks at the hearts of men. Because of their wrong motives the Lord ended up leaving them.

Now you know that we are dealing with a God who looks at the heart! Why do you want to make Him your King, is it because He saved you or you just want an ATM? When they realized that Jesus Christ wasn't on the mountain, they followed Him and when they found Him they asked Him how He got there. But Jesus declared that “you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill”. M When . K you know the God that you are serving and knowing that you are carrying Christ in you, you don't just eat anything.. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:21 you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons.



The Lord said to Gideon in Judges 7:2 you have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands, or Israel would boast against me, saying my own strength has saved me. God wants to be alone in the field of your life, not because the field is too small but because He is too big and can handle your life alone. God wants to be alone so that when He blesses you, you will give Him ALL the glory .We are serving the God who doesn't share His Glory with idols...EVER!!! When Jesus Christ left them and walked on water, they thought He was still on the mountain. That's what we are seeing today.. When people are ignorant and break the commands of the Lord they think the Lord is still around and active but not knowing that He has left them. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit God told them not to eat, they hid themselves and when God called them, Adam answered and said: ‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid”, then God said; “who told you that you are naked”? So brothers and sisters, who told you that if you stop consulting witch doctors and spiritualists, you'll die? Who told you if you leave your mute idols you'll die?

My advice to you is: Try this God, the Lord Almighty, who is Jesus Christ and you'll never regret it.. Jesus Christ says to the Samaritan woman, ‘if you knew the gift of God and who is it that is asking for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water’. If you knew brothers and sisters who is it, that is asking for your heart, you would have asked and he would have given you your hearts’ desires. Jesus says I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in me will never thirst. In the book of 1 Kings 19: Elijah says to God after running away from Jezebel, ‘I have had enough, Lord; he said, take my life; I am not better than my ancestors’, then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep.. Later an angel of the Lord touched him and said ‘get up and eat’ and Elijah saw bread and a jar of water. The bible records that the food lasted Elijah for 40 days and 40 nights until he reached Horeb the mount of God. The bread that he ate and the water that he drank represent Jesus Christ himself. Jesus Christ says to you today: I am the bread of life. Eat and drink Jesus Christ your God, you'll never go hungry and you will reach your destiny... Now I say this again: DO YOU KNOW THE GOD THAT YOU ARE SERVING? WELL NOW YOU DO

remember in everything all the gLory belongs to master jesus, the most high god! SHALOM BRETHREN MINISTER KAT


1. Who is Prophetess Tumi Aphane, personally and professionally and where are you from? An ambitious woman of God full of passion for the gospel of our Lord Jesus. I am extrovert that loves outdoors, hiking and camping. I’m a Marketing & Theology graduate, the founder of a NPO The Preachergirl Foundation that grooms young woman in the way of the Lord. I am currently growing my private company that offers facilities management. I am from the east of Johannesburg, South Africa. 2. Who does Prophetess Tumi say, THE SON OF MAN IS? The Son of man is firstly a Saviour, He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. It is Jesus who is the Light and a Way Maker. He loves unconditionally and wants all man reconciled back to God 3. When hear the name Jesus what comes to mind? A Name above all names, A powerful Name, a Name that saves, a Name that heals, my King, my hope & my all.

4. Your spiritual father actually happens to be your biological father Apostle Aphane. How do you then differentiate the relationship as your father in the Spirit and father in the physical? It is really to submit to him on the same level for both, He is my role model, very full of love, he loves and believes in me, so my behaviour is the same. I honor him on and off the pulpit. I always respect him because of his humble nature, I trust his leadership abilities, so at home and at church he is my daddy. 5. Growing up , have you always known that you were gifted in the 5 hold ministry? And who pointed it out to you? Growing up, I could hear the voice of God but I was not yet in a prophetic ministry till I was 16 years old. I remember being age 11 years and telling my friends I could actually hear the voice of the Lord and they would say I have an imaginary friend because they could not understand. At a camp I attended, I was prophesied that I should study a lot as the Lord will use me in the prophetic. My mother would tell me I am a special child.

EXCLUSIVE WITH prophetess tumi 6. You were serving as a Pastor under the leadership of Apostle Aphane and recently ordained into the office of a prophet tell us more about that? I have been serving as a youth pastor, and I had completed my 3 year diploma and 1 year theology certificate and have mentored the youth successfully by Gods grace & my ministry launched. It is the highest honor for me, and humbling as well as a great feeling to represent and work for God. I was ordained as a prophet and the oil of God is upon me. 7. As a prophetess what’s your opinion on the way this office is being abused and misunderstood by both the Church and the world? Prophets are a mouth piece of God. The world does not understand or have a revelation of the office,

that is why people are seeking unknown powers. It's abused because they don’t know the significance of the office. And the church should not be ignorant 1 Corinthians 12v1. Now concerning spiritual gifts bretheren, I do not want you to be ignorant. The gift is useful and is to build the body of Christ. 8. Whose mantle from the prophets in the Bible would you say you carry? (By Gods Grace my mentor asked me not to publish this part) It’s a mystery. 9. Can one be taught to be a prophet or is it a gift that one is given before birth (Jeremiah 1:5)?

A prophet is a prophet every season that is what Jer 1:5 means. You can’t be taught to be a prophet but you can be planted a prophet. Elisha was planted a prophet through Elijah, he received a mantle. You can be taught how to grow the prophetic gift. Every prophet has a source, levels are different and so different dimensions might need someone to introduce you to them. One can desire to be a prophet but that does not mean you are a prophet. 10. How important is it for a child of God to be connected with a prophet of God, especially in these end times? Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless he reveals His secret to his servants the prophets.


When you look at the hand, on your 5 fingers the prophets are the index finger, because they can point out, they direct, they correct and edify. It is important to be connected with the mouth piece of God. 11. How was growing up as a Pastors Kid and regarding that what would you say to the 16 year old Tumi Aphane ? Growing up as a PK was fun for me because I love God, so I felt the pressure to lead by example. At 16 I had opened a prayer group in high school and was focused on my books and so intrigued by the supernatural. I was learning memory verses then, proud of that girl. I willingly went to church and did my church chores. 12. You are known as preacher girl. How did this name come about? 5 years ago I was part of a prophetic school, and the Prophet after he heard me preach, said my new name is Preachergirl because of my passion & the revelations during our 3 min preachings. 13. You have a business and npo “THE PREACHER GIRL FOUNDATION”. How was it birthed and what’s the purpose behind it? I am a youth and I have seen how fast paced life is moving and that there is a lack of role models for ladies. After having mentored a lot of young woman and receiving a prophetic word to minister to woman. I was led by God to gather woman and let them know the Lord loves them and our bodies a temple and we each have a purpose on earth, so we cannot live any how we must find our purpose to live a fulfilled life. 14. How did the passion for hosting women’s conferences come about and what’s your success behind them?

I have a passion to see woman do well, succeed and gather in order to grow in all areas of our lives. The success behind it, is showing people the love of God and being led by the Holy Spirit. 15. Which 2 ministers nationally and internationally would be your ideal speaker at one of your conferences and when is the next one? Nationally it would be Dr. Grace Mohoto G.O of Christian Family Church Eastfield and Prophetess Ingrid Nortje G.O of Shekinah Glory Ministries Robersham. Internationally Sarah Jakes Roberts & Funke Felix-Adejumo. 16. You do school ministry, share with us why schools and the impartation you want to impart to the learners? School ministry because I am a servant of God and I can relate with them as I am a young minister. Proverbs 22v6 says: Train up a child in a way that he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Young people are hungry for knowledge and for good role models, so I impart wisdom on the benefits of good morals and knowing God. 17. What advice can you share with someone who has been called for school ministry but has fear and doesn’t know where to start? If you are called, you need to know the calling will keep calling so you must answer the call. Spend time in the presence of God, seeking His will and direction. The Word of God gives us boldness, so don’t be afraid to go knock on small doors, don’t wait for your Pastors pulpit, small doors lead to bigger doors. 18. In 2017 you resigned from a leading position in one of the biggest corporations in South Africa to pursue your purpose. What challenges did you face and how has that decision changed your life? Definitely it was one of the most fulfilling decisions, but it came with so much challenges that pressed and forced me to seek God more.

I knew the only way to be fulfilled is to live in my purpose. I had to be creative and know what my education and work experience did for me. I use my talents and volunteer with my time. I have started a business and an NPO which God is favouring. I also had to move back home and become a landlord. I am living in my purpose, seeing lives change and souls being saved. The scripture that kept me going, Psalms 46v5 God is within her, she will not fail. 19. How important is that we children of God be very selective of the music we listen to, especially the genre and TV shows we watch? What impact does it have on the inner being? We have to be highly sensitive. I personally don’t watch television I have only subscribed to gospel channels, we have to build the nature of Christ in us so what we watch is very important. One should not entertain themselves with vanity, surrender your senses to God. 20. Given the opportunity to minister, which country is on the top of your list? Jerusalem, on the mount of olives 21. If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? I would thank Him for dying for me and For preserving me. I would spend the day with Him by firstly going to engrave my name in the book of life. Ask Him to show me heaven and we then go to earth to give miracles to prisoners that have been wrongfully sentenced to be released. 22. There is power in the name of Jesus Christ, share with someone who doesn’t seem to grasp that exactly? Phillipians 2v10-11 says that: at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven, and of those on earth.

fact file


25. Lastly, what message is King Jesus sending out prophetically to the world at large? God wants us to be in Aligned to His will. He wants the church to seek counsel from the Holy Spirit and be Holy as He is Holy.

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24. What advice can you give to that young preacher girl/boy? You need to spend a lot of time in the presence of God, meditate on the scriptures, pursue purity, watch the places you go to. Ask God for wisdom on how to live your life.

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The Name of Jesus Christ is the most powerful Name, and all situations bow at the Name, when you call on Jesus you will be saved. 23. What message do you have to the Church, regarding the end times and especially this “NEW AGE GOSPEL”? Revelations 22v12 And behold I am coming quickly and my reward is with me, to give to everyone according to his work. 13, I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. My message is, do the work of the Father, Seek the Kingdom of God first and all you need will be magneted to you.

Legacy is Living in your purpose In my bag you will find earrings Can’t live without my Bible I dream of building an orphanage for girls 2019 is…. Open Doors Lipstick or nails ? nails What people don’t know is that I Generally am very funny If it weren’t for Jesus I would Not be here Can’t stop thinking about The supernatural Daily mantra Declaring the blood of Jesus Purpose is The pursuit for your rightful position on earth Favourite Minister Prophet David Uche Okolie I will retire the day I am a spirit, I live forever Best advice ever received Always seek counsel from the Holy Spirit





When thinking on Scriptures about womanhood, one particular line has always stood out in my mind – when God describes how a woman can be precious in His sight. “Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.” 1 Peter 3:3-4 There’s tenderness to these verses. It’s a sweet note that reveals how we as women can please our Heavenly Father— through our character. Inside this little definition of godly womanhood there are no commandments for action or requirements for what activities to do, but rather a proper attitude of reverence. In context, Peter is directing this Word to wives, but all of us can glean wisdom from such a delightful description. God loves women with inner beauty. It’s about the heart hidden inside – the spirit that is imperishable. God loves women with inner beauty. May we cultivate it through His Word. God’s picture of womanhood – while lovely – is not always easy for me. My natural tendencies go against what He desires, like when I doubt my husband or panic at the slightest change in plans. Thank the Lord that His mercy renews each morning. If we keep pursuing to walk with the Spirit, confessing our sin and cherishing the grace offered at His throne, He is faithful to shape us into Christlike women.

“He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24 Come take a closer look at what this inner beauty is. Pray over what God seeks for us as we seek to be His daughters in Christ. As you’ll see, all the qualities are interconnected through faith. 1. Gentleness The Greek word for “gentle” in this passage means mildness of disposition, or meekness. This is not to be confused with passivity, but to be understood as a humility of spirit that comes from trust in God’s goodness. This is the same word Jesus used when He said “blessed are those who are meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). A woman of gentleness recognizes that every element of life can be used by the Spirit to grow her in Christ, and so refuses to be hardened by hardship. She responds to others in deference, kindness, and love, knowing Christ has shown her the same grace. Her heart is softened toward others, looking to extend compassion. 2. Quietness Nearly synonymous with gentleness, this word denotes being “peaceable.” It suggests inner tranquility. When we are serene in God’s salvation, we exhibit gracious behavior. Rather than stirring up strife or calling for attention, the “quiet” woman is secure in God’s love. She serves Him and her home without grumbling. Having confidence in the Lord, she reacts to life thoughtfully and with self-control.


Moving past verse 4, more qualities appear in 5 and 6.

“For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.” 1 Peter 3:5-6 3. Hope We can have a gentle and quiet heart because we hope in Jesus, knowing He will soon return. Even if others fail, the godly woman knows her God does not. She entrusts herself to Him, and takes Him at His Word. Christ and His promises are the foundation of her heart and home. The hope of heaven is so real to her, giving her a warmth and strength that inspires her family and neighbors. Following the footsteps of the biblical matriarchs, this hope leads us to respect and submit to the authorities God has placed in our lives – whether it be our parents, husband, or spiritual mentors. Through this obedience we take steps closer to what He has promised. 4. Faithfulness This is perhaps the most difficult – we are instructed to “do good.” It seems so simple, and yet such a calling involves the daily grind of self-denial and selflessness for our homes and ministries. Faithfulness must define our character—not daydreams, secret sins, or selfish ambition. These are the easy temptations in our world of instant gratification and feminism. Instead, let us put on good works – ones that may not have fireworks but bring joy to our servant-hearted Savior. From diaper-changing to praying for our husband to crying with a friend, we can be holy women who bring God’s Word to life.

Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

Free from Sin Message taken from from Psalm 32:8 (NLT) Psalm 32:8 (NLT): "The Lord says, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.'"

In Psalm 32 we read how David's life was affected when he refused to confess his sin and surrender his ways to the Lord. Physically, his body wasted away, and sickness and pain plagued him. Emotionally, he was depressed and in anguish day and night. Financially, he experienced lack and drought. Those are some pretty tough consequences that always follow sin, and lead to death. Praise God for Jesus and the finished work of the cross! Because of His blood, sin no longer has a hold on us. Because of grace, we can refuse sin and overcome every desire of the flesh by the power of God that lives inside us! The book of James tells us to confess our sin in order to change our course, and healing will come. As we surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit within us, He personally coaches us through every step of life. He empowers us to turn our back on sin and walk in His abundant life. The choice is yours to make, don't struggle on your own, yield to the Holy Spirit and let Him coach you through your journey of life.


REDEEMING JEALOUSY! Article by Erik Thoennes

ABSTRACT: To many people, the word jealousy is laden with negative connotations. In Scripture, however, we read that “the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” God is rightfully jealous for his own glory and for the devotion of his covenant people. Holy jealousy also characterizes the most godly men and women, from David and Elijah to Jesus and Paul. For our ongoing series of feature articles by scholars for pastors, leaders, and teachers, we asked Erik Thoennes, professor and chair of theology at Talbot School of Theology/Biola University, to explain the meaning of godly jealousy in Scripture. Hear the word jealous, and images of an insecure, abusive husband may come to mind. Indeed, sinful human jealousy has been the cause of countless difficulties and heartache in human relationships. For many today, the word jealousy is always a bad one. It can be perplexing for Christians, then, when they come across a passage like Exodus 34:14: “You shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” How could a perfect, loving, patient God call himself jealous? Is God insecure? Do passages like this simply represent a primitive, Old Testament idea of God that is thankfully done away with by the time we get to the New Testament?

Maybe this is just a human way of talking about God that should not be taken seriously, or perhaps jealous is a bad translation of a Hebrew word that could allow for a less troublesome English word? Despite confusion and aversion to this attribute of God, we must not reject or neglect this important aspect of God’s character. The jealousy of God is an attribute that pervades the pages of Scripture and is an essential part of God’s covenant love. To understand why God would call himself jealous, and even intensify this description by turning it into one of his divine names, we need to see Exodus 34:14 in its biblical context. This is also true for the hundreds of other times God declares or displays his jealousy in the Bible. Jealousy and Envy While all human words are frail and limited in describing God, we need to allow God’s verbal revelation to hold the power and meaning he intends for it to have. Jealous is actually a very good English word to translate the Hebrew word kana in Exodus 34. Kana (as well as the Greek equivalent zelos) could be translated as zeal or envy in other places in the Bible. Zeal is a general strong feeling to see something come about. Envy is a desire to gain possession of something that does not belong to you, and it is always sinful.

Jealousy is a strong desire to maintain relational faithfulness that you believe does belong to you. Jealousy can be sinful if it is unwarranted or expressed in wrong ways, but it can also be an entirely appropriate and righteous emotion. We don’t usually make any distinction between envy and jealousy, which contributes to the public-relations problem jealousy has. God’s jealousy is his righteous and loving demand of exclusive faithfulness from his covenant people. Because God rightly loves his own glory, and graciously loves us, he demands that we worship and serve him above all. In human history, God is most glorified by the undivided devotion of his redeemed people, and his ultimate jealousy for his glory demands this devotion. If he does not care when we love idols more than him, he would allow himself to be dishonored and let us settle for so much less than he intends us to have from life. God’s jealous love demands the best of us and our relationships. In Exodus 34, God is giving Moses the central demands of relating to him as his covenant people — a covenant he compares repeatedly to a marriage (Isaiah 54:5; Jeremiah 2:2–3; Hosea 2:2). God is the husband of his people, and we are his bride. This metaphor only intensifies when we get to the New Testament (Matthew 9:15; Ephesians 5:22– 33; Revelation 19:6–9). To worship any God but the true God is spiritual adultery, and any husband who does not care that his wife committed adultery most certainly does not love her. Right at the heart of the laws of the covenant, God wants his people to know that this covenant relationship is permanent and exclusive. He wants them to realize that he is a personal God establishing a personal relationship with his people, and that his people should relate to him as he is, not as a more user-friendly god of their own making. God’s Jealousy for His Own Glory Throughout the Bible, God is rightfully jealous when he is dishonored, as we can see in the reason God gives for the second commandment: You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me. (Exodus 20:3–5)

God demands the fidelity of his people because he loves them, but ultimately because he is most glorified when they ascribe to him the honor that belongs to him alone. God achieves this goal of making himself known so that people will acknowledge, fear, worship, and obey him as the one and only Lord. Every key stage of salvation history points to this supreme aim. God’s covenant love and compassion are no less operational than his jealousy; he is jealous for the devotion of his people because he has the loving heart of a father, but ultimately because he desires to protect the honor of his name. God has a unique right to seek his own glory, a right none of us should seek to take for ourselves. Only God deserves absolute honor, worship, and glory, and he reacts with jealousy and anger when those he has created do not ascribe it to him, or when they desire it for themselves. God is righteous and therefore values above all else what is of ultimate value. He loves most what is most worthy of being loved, which is his own character, being, and perfections. Therefore, God’s jealousy for his glory does not conflict with his love. Indeed, his perfect justice and love necessitate his own self-exaltation. We see the same jealousy for God’s glory in the ministry of Jesus. The portraits we often get of Jesus tend to be limited to his attributes that we find comforting, like his compassion and mercy. Jesus certainly is compassionate and merciful, and tells his followers to turn the other cheek and love their enemies (Matthew 5:39). But what do we make of Jesus flipping over tables in the temple (John 2:14– 15)? That doesn’t seem to be the Jesus most hear about on Sunday morning! The godly jealousy of Jesus stands behind his righteous indignation as he drove out the money-changers with a whip. His disciples recognized this attitude as the same one that drove David. They recalled his words from Psalm 69 after Jesus cleansed the temple: “His disciples remembered that it was written, ‘zeal [zelos] for your house will consume me’” (John 2:17). Jesus is often thought of as very different from the God of the Old Testament. But he spoke often of hell, and one of the last images we have of Jesus in the Bible is so terrifying that unrepentant people are crying out for rocks to fall on them rather than face “the wrath of the Lamb” (Revelation 6:16).

Jesus is indeed gracious and loving, but his grace and love are ultimately driven by God’s glory. His jealous love caused him to hate sin and all that dishonors God so much that he gave his life to vanquish evil and idolatry once and for all. Jealous with God’s Jealousy The prevalence of a consumer mentality and humancenteredness in contemporary society easily leads our agendas and takes greater priority than God’s glory. A desire to be relevant and attractive can encourage a marketing mentality in the church that lacks jealousy for God’s honor. The heavy influence of secular psychology, with its therapeutic, self-centered approach to ministry, also can detract from God’s glory being the supreme objective when Christians gather. These influences can lead the church to become a pragmatically oriented self-help group rather than a God-glorifying community. On the other hand, when God’s people deeply desire that he be glorified so that nothing competes with him for our devotion and worship, they should experience a godly jealousy that mirrors his. The Bible includes many examples of godly people who are jealous for God’s honor. Whenever religious reform and revival was brought about in Israel, behind it always stood a jealous leader. Whether it was Hezekiah smashing the sacred pillars and cutting down Asherah poles (2 Kings 18:3–4; 19:15–19), Jehoiada tearing down the house and altars of Baal (2 Kings 11:17–18), or Josiah removing the high places (2 Kings 23:19), jealousy on behalf of God’s name, and his exclusive right to receive worship and covenant fidelity, was a primary motivating emotion. Among the many examples and individuals who express godly jealousy, five of them stand out as the strongest: Phinehas, David, Elijah, Jesus, and Paul. The key passages that epitomize this attribute for each of them are Numbers 25(Phinehas), Psalm 69:9 (David), 1 Kings 19:10–14 (Elijah), John 2:13–17(Jesus), and 2 Corinthians 11:1–4 (Paul). Each shows his intense desire for the preservation of God’s honor in the face of a challenge to that honor. Consider Phinehas, for example. Phinehas is not a well-known Old Testament figure today, but he should be. He killed an Israelite man and a Midianite woman who were flagrantly rebelling against God in the midst of Israel’s repentance for rampant unfaithfulness (Numbers 25:6–9).

God responds by saying that Phinehas atoned for the sins of the people, stopped a plague, and saved many lives because he was jealous for God’s honor in a way that reflected God’s jealousy (Numbers 25:10–13). He stands as a Christ type when it is said that he is given a perpetual priesthood in addition to being a source of atonement (Numbers 25:13). Different Weapons God calls Christians today to feel the jealous anger and indignation that all of the godly leaders in the Bible (like Phinehas) experienced. However, in this day of terrorist attacks in the name of God’s honor, we will be quick to acknowledge that there are significant distinctions between the Old Testament saint, operating under the law-based theocracy, and the New Testament Christian, operating under the new covenant and the lordship of Christ. In addition to the roles of men like Phinehas, David, and Elijah, their theocratic context was based on Old Testament law-covenant and direct commands of God. This limits the bloody expression of their jealousy to their historical situation. Phinehas’s killing of Zimri and Cozbi, David’s killing of Goliath, and Elijah’s destruction of the prophets of Baal were appropriate manifestations of their godly jealousy for their contexts, but they no longer represent God’s methods under the new covenant. In the New Testament, we still see God himself taking drastic, physical action on those who dishonor him (Acts 5:5–10; 12:23). But when it comes to humans, a shift takes place in the New Testament where jealousy for God’s honor is now channeled through gospel proclamation and is, in some measure, put on hold until God unleashes his final judgment (Romans 12:19–21). Jesus himself frowned upon violent reactions to behaviors that were dishonoring to God. He rebuked Peter when he cut off Malchus’s ear (Matthew 26:52). His response to James and John when they wanted to call down fire to consume the inhospitable Samaritans seems to teach the same idea. He rebuked them and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man came not to destroy people’s lives but to save them” (Luke 9:55–56).

Paul provides the same perspective: “Though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:3–4). And again: “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). The godly Christian hates idolatry no less than Phinehas, yet Christ calls him to fight with different weapons. Phinehas’s spear has been replaced by Paul’s epistles. The enemies of God deserve the same bold indignation David felt, but righteousness, the gospel of peace, and the sword of the Spirit have replaced his stones. Christian leaders may think godly jealousy has little to do with most ministry endeavors, but central to our calling is that we abhor and denounce false teaching, even if we will be considered divisive, intolerant, and uncharitable (Titus 1:9; Romans 12:9). Any distortion of the truth of God’s word among God’s people amounts to idolatry and spiritual adultery. A faithful pastor will react with godly jealousy, among other virtues (2 Timothy 2:22–26), whenever the clear teaching of Scripture is violated. In a proper effort to be irenic, gracious, and fair, it nevertheless will be impossible to remain ambivalent when God’s word is ignored or distorted, especially by those who claim to be his covenant people. God, whose name is Jealous, demands that his people remain devoted to the true gospel without compromise. The church is to be “a pillar and buttress of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15), and its leaders are to “guard the good deposit entrusted” to us (2 Timothy 1:14), so its theological gatekeepers must remain vigilant in these efforts.

Faithful Bride What a staggering and wonderful truth— that the God who is perfectly self-sufficient (Psalm 50:12; Acts 17:24–25) has chosen to enter into a intimate relationship with his people to the point where he feels jealous anger if we are unfaithful to him! And what a blessed joy to know that, by faith in Christ, the only perfect covenant-keeper, we can rest assured that one day we will be presented to our Lord pure and conformed to his image (1 John 3:2–3). Until that day, may the God whose name is Jealous be honored through the surprising faithfulness of his bride, even when she is prone to wander. 1. Some key passages that show God’s jealousy for his own glory are Exodus 10:1– 2; Isaiah 48:9–11; Ezekiel 20:42–44; 36:21– 23; 39:25; Matthew 4:10; Mark 8:38; John 12:28– 29; 17:1–5; Acts 12:23; 2 Corinthians 4:7, 15; and Hebrews 1:4–14. ↩ 2. For more on godly jealousy, see Erik Thoennes, Godly Jealousy: A Theology of Intolerant Love (Fearn, Scotland: Christian Focus, 2005); Erik Thoennes, “For the Sake of the Name: Godly Jealousy as a Foundation of Evangelism and Discipleship,” in Fulfilling the Great Commission in the Twenty-First Century: Essays on Revival, Evangelism, and Discipleship in Honor of Dr. Robert Coleman, ed. Lyle W. Dorsett and Ajith Fernando (Franklin, TN: Seedbed, 2015); Erik Thoennes, “Sinners in the Hands of a Jealous God,” interview by Matthew Barrett, Credo Magazine, July 1, 2015. ↩ ----------------------------------------------Erik Thoennes is professor and chair of theology at Talbot School of Theology/Biola University, pastor of Grace Evangelical Free Church in La Mirada, California, and author of Godly Jealousy: A Theology of Intolerant Love. He and his wife, Donna, have three children, Caroline, Paige, and Samuel.


S T O P running !


If you ever saw a crowd of people running

Shortly after, Pharaoh changes his mind

towards you, you would start running. We’ve

and readies his army to recapture the

all seen those apocalyptic movies where

Israelites. As the army approached them,

zombies break out of a building, start

they began to get scared and cry out to

chasing and killing everyone, and before

Moses that he brought them to the

you know it a whole city is in an uproar.

wilderness to die. In that moment they

Now imagine seeing a group of people

would have preferred to go back to

running towards you that want to harm you,

Egypt. Can you imagine being so scared

but you keep the same pace. Would your

of your enemy that you prefer to go back

anxiety get the best of you?

to slavery?

In the book of Exodus, we see Moses rescue

It’s hard to accept that type of mindset,

the Israelites. After performing many signs

but I don’t think many of us would do

in front of Pharaoh, he finally allows the

any differently.

Hebrews to leave to worship God.

Moses tells them they will be delivered so

The armies, the friends, the frenemies

don’t be fearful. God instructs Moses to lift

don’t know it was made to show who God

his hands to part the Red sea, then

is and how He has manifested in you and

the angel of the Lord moves from behind

for you. We don’t even have to physically

them to the front, while His cloud went

suit up because peace resides in us. God

from in front of the Israelites to behind

already won before the armies were

them. When God parts the Red Sea, He

formed, before the armies came together

doesn't tell them to hurry up, He just

to destroy you, before a person said an

repositions the physical aspect of Him, His

untruthful word about you, before an evil

creation of a cloud, in between their

thought was plotted against you God was

enemies. Pharaoh and his men’s hearts

there; The armor of God surrounding you;

where so blind that they believed the

God's army surrounding you; God

Hebrew’s blessing would fall upon them.

surrounding you. Now, that's peace!

God’s people continued to walk through the

There is no need to look back. There’s no

Sea and the chariots and horsemen pursued

need to be afraid. There’s no need to run

them. I can imagine the loud rumbling of the

and hide. The same people that want you

wheels getting closer and closer.

in bondage physically and mentally don’t

The gallop of the horses sounding like a bull

stand a chance when you are doing the

riding massacre; Trained to trample those

work and will of God. If you have read my

surrounding it and make an example out of

previous article, Women’s Gifts can’t be

them. I know the anxiety of the

Stopped, then you know my position on

Hebrews was growing by the second.

women leading and using their gifts to uplift the Kingdom. As my ministry

Again, I ask, how would you feel knowing

continues to blossom before man’s eyes, I

your enemy was behind you ready to attack?

know there will be a lot of backlash and

When God put His cloud behind the

people will pursue my death. But I

Israelites making light for them and

can’t look back, run, hide or have anxiety

darkness for the army, He was saying, I

in worshipping the Lord with my

got you. You don’t need to panic; You don’t

life. As an informal leader, teacher, and

need to run. Keep your eyes in front of you

shepherd, I am here to save and

where my angel resides. God has distracted

change lives. I’m not here to see who’s

your enemies the same way. He may not use

pursuing me and who accuses me of

a cloud, but he will confuse their thoughts,

wrongdoing. I am not a witness, but a

walks, and attacks. Just like Pharaoh’s army,

worker for the Lord.

they will be consumed by God.Your enemies will bring their friends ready for bloodshed

As the crowds mentally chase me down,

not knowing the Heavenly army is

darkness will come upon them while I walk

surrounding you. No weapon formed against

in God’s light. And as they are picked off

you shall prosper because the weapon was

one by one, I will look towards the vision.

made for confirmation and your breakthrough.

Are you shrinking back on your purpose? Have people pursued you trying to enslave you because they don’t believe you should be free from their bondage?

How often do you look back when God says move forward? How often do you run instead of allowing God to show His mighty power

for you? Stay focused on

God and when He repositions Himself to save you, tell Him thank you and keep moving. Follow God’s lead, listen to His direction, and stop running. As always be blessed and stay sunny on the inside.



CONTINUING WITH THE SERIES OF: REAPING AND SOWING BY : PROPHET GEZANI He came in order to defeat Satan in your life if you will let Him. Are you going to yield to God, or are you going to yield to the devil? The devil makes a lot of promises. He will promise you everything in the world if you will follow him and bow down to him. But the Bible says, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). When you come to Christ, you have a power within you that is greater than the power of the devil. That power is the Holy Spirit.

Read : Hoses 8:7 Fifth, you will reap more than you sow. “They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind” Have you ever seen a hurricane or a tornado? The wind starts with a gentle breeze. The clouds gather, and the wind picks up. In John 4:36 we read, “And he who reaps receives wages.” The things that you are sowing now as a young person or a middle-aged person, you will reap when you get older. Then you will ask, “Why didn’t I change the direction of my life?”

Do you know Christ? “He who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life” (Galatians 6:8). Come to Christ. Let Him forgive your sins. He arose from the dead. He is alive. He has His arms wide open for you, and He wants to tell you, “I love you. I forgive you. I give you eternal life.” Are you sure that you know Christ? If there is a doubt in your mind or heart that you really know Christ, ask Him into your life today.



Guess what! The following Wednesday, I get a call from my manager. I have a position for you. The regional wants you on

One other thing when a spiritual journey begins. People will try to

board (Grace). Mercy has singled me out again. My God is a good.

push you down, discredit you, belittle you or leave you out. I don't

So on Tuesday the 21st if may 2019 I was told to be in the

get upset cause I've learned to quit focusing on who is against me.

office at 12:00 afternoon. I did as ordered and I was there 45

believe they are part of a plan to get me to my destiny. God is

minutes early but the people who were supposed to interview me

using them to propel me forward. Grace is my name throughout my

only came at around past two to three. I was called in, they

journey at Unilever I’ve worked at my own pace under no

introduced themselves I did the same. They asked if I had worked

supervision and managed to deliver excellent service. Then few

in FMCG before, I said no. The other one started asking me my shirt

weeks ago we were told that our contracts will be terminated and

size, trousers and shoe size. The other one asked, guys don't you

93 routes will be close due to business not being profitable.

have questions for this lady, they all sad no. I still say (grace) I was told that the money is small on their department it’s not as much

Everyone got out of that meeting stressed and worried. For some

as where I’m from but there's growth and it’s a permanent position

reason I wasn't, God knows why. We were told will be called latest

that they offering me.

on the 10th but I was called on the 8th that my manager will come

pick me up to go into the office. My manager picked me up went to

On the spot I was given a contract to initialize every page, the rest

the office, a whole lot of people there came to sign. My turn came

of the info they will pull from my previous department. I'm now a

they tried explaining to make me feel better little did they know I

permanent employee of Unilever and will be getting my salary

wasn't even worried. Singed, went home and accepted the

every month until I’m placed because currently there's no where for


them to place me but I'm employed. Glory be to the Most High God.

WHOSE PLAN PREVAILS, YOURS OR GOD’S? WRITTEN BY: M.K WHOSE PLAN PREVAILS, YOURS OR GOD’S? We always plan our lives every day. In most cases the lives we live now are what we planned some time ago. Everyday our minds are racing with ideas and plans to make our lives better. You can plan and live the way you like but just like one minister said: “DIE AND YOU WILL SEE”, if you didn’t plan your life in connection with His plans: Woe unto you! We plan our days, speeches, careers, clothes, parties, future, retirement, families, holidays, menu, shopping, investments etc. Every nitty gritty of our existence, we often tend to plan it to the T. There is nothing wrong with that. It is of course the way it should be. You cannot just live or exist without any plan. The only thing wrong with this whole scenario is that we neglect, ignore, and forget to plan for our spirits. This is the most important part of our being. You are a spirit and you live in a body. You come from God Who is

Jeremiah 29:11. He has good plans He gave us. Jesus Christ died for our sins and to reconcile us with Him. There are two places, Heaven and Hell. Heaven’s ticket is Jesus Christ, Hell’s ticket is when you reject Jesus Christ, and if you think you will see Him, forget it. An elephant and an ant, who will have the last word or say? John 10:10 Humans sometimes think they can tell God what to do. Shame!! We are not His league. He is bigger than the Universe and we are like ants to Him. God has the final say. Plan how you will meet with Him, it’s His way or the highway. You can plan for your life here on earth but just know that it’s like a candle in the wind. The day God opens the door to call you back, you will be gone just like that!! Do you know when, how, or where will you die? Do you have a choice or glimpse of that? Any input you have made? As long as you are still breathing you need to plan for the spirit (you) which shall go back where it came from.



See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples,but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.


The Secret to Breaking Free from Habitual Sin BY: Jon Bloom


In fact, they began to excel their parents and exhort the rest of the family regarding the importance of eating well. Now in their early twenties, they eat far better than I did at their ages. What happened to them? It really wasn’t that they went from being ignorant to being informed. They knew, even as kids, that junk food was “bad” for them and veggies were “good” for them. What they lacked was a belief that eating veggies would really make them happier in the long run than eating junk food now. Then they experienced an

We keep falling into the same sin when we fail to believe that holiness really will make us happier than giving in again. Many other factors may influence us, but at the root of habitual sin is a battle not for self-control, but for happiness. What we believe and want, deep

“awakening” that nutritious food would bring greater long-term joy, on multiple levels, than empty carbs. Thatis when they began to change what they ate. Their awakenings provide a helpful

in our hearts, really matters.

illustration of why we often live in

When my two oldest children were younger

keep choosing to sin as long as we

teens, they did what most younger teens do (including my three remaining teens). They ransacked the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer for empty, sugar-based carbohydrates. If they didn’t find them, they would run to fast-food restaurants and convenience stores. My wife and I would urge them toward more balanced diets and cite the science-based negative effects of such foods on the body and mind, but with little success. “We will keep choosing to sin as long as we believe that choosing not to sin is choosing

defeat before a habitual sin: we will believe that choosing not to sin is choosing less happiness. Sin Can Be Quite Simple Now, I’m a very experienced sinner (like you are), so I know how reductionistic this can sound. There are many factors contributing to why we keep giving in to sin, even if we think we don’t want to. Sin is quite complex, isn’t it? Actually, no. Sin can create complex

less happiness.”

illusions, and it can result in all

Then, around ages 17 or 18, suddenly they

essence, sin is quite simple.

began to eat healthy, nutritious food and eschew junk food.

kinds of complexity. But at its

The apostle John says it in four words:

No. God told them directly that eating the

“All wrongdoing is sin” (1 John 5:17). Yes,

fruit would be wrongdoing and they

but aren’t our motivations and influences

would be far happier if they refrained

to do wrong a big tangled mess? Well, the

from eating (Genesis 2:16–17). But Satan

apostle James says, “Each person is

put a different spin on God’s words and

tempted when he is lured and enticed by

motives, and told them they would be far

his own desire. Then desire when it has

happier if they ate.

conceived gives birth to sin” (James 1:14–

They weighed both assertions and made

15). Not a lot of qualifications. Not a lot of

their choice. They saw the tree was “good

rationalizations. Not a lot of

for food” (“the desire of the flesh”), “a


delight to the eyes” (“the desire of the

If we’re tempted to think that this was due

eyes”), and “desir[able] to make one wise”

to James’s ignorance of psychological,

(“the pride of life,” Genesis 3:6; 1 John

sociological, biological, or family-of-

2:16). They ate for the joy they (wrongly)

origin factors influencing us to sin, we’re

believed was set before them.

mistaken. He may have lacked the extent of scientific data available in our day, but

We Choose What We Believe

he knew human beings. His epistle is full

It wasn’t wrongdoing for Adam and Eve to

of penetrating insight into our inner

be motivated by joy, any more than it was

workings. In fact, I think he saw more

wrong for Jesus to be motivated by joy

clearly into us than most twenty-first-

(Hebrews 12:2). That’s why we choose to

century Westerners do. James simply saw

do, or not do, anything.

what sin is at its core.

If given the choice, we choose what we believe will make us happier than we are,

Sin at Its Core

or less miserable than we are — even if

Every sin, every wrongdoing, no matter

the knowledge in our head tells us our

what kind — whether acted out in

choice is “wrong.” As Blaise Pascal said,

behavior or nurtured secretly in some

“The heart has its reasons, which reason

dark place of our heart (Matthew 5:28) —

does not know.” And Pascal knew what

is a manifestation of something we

drove the heart’s reasons: “All men seek

believe. Every sin is born out of a belief

happiness. This is without exception.”

that disobeying God (wrongdoing) will

God made us this way.

produce a happier outcome than obeying God (right-doing). Whether or not we’re

What made it wrongdoing was where

conscious of this, it’s true. Nobody sins

Adam and Eve tried to find joy, where

out of duty.

they placed their faith. They believed Satan’s promise of joy over God’s promise

“Every sin, every wrongdoing, no matter

of joy. For “whatever does not proceed

what kind, is a manifestation of

from faith [in God] is sin” (Romans 14:23).

something we believe.”

And “whoever would draw near to God must believe . . . that he is the rewarder of

Every sin is some repeat version, some rerun, of the original human sin, when our ancient parents ate the forbidden tree’s fruit. Why did they do it? Were they ignorant?

those who seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).

Getting Free from Habitual Sin

How to Break Free

When we are caught in habitual or

The secret to getting free from the

besetting sin, our problem, at its core,

entrapment of habitual sin begins with a

may be simple. What’s holding us captive

prayerful, rigorous, honest examination

is a deceptive belief about what will make

of what satanic promises we have believed

us happy.

— and the better promises God has made. Which promises will really produce the

I know the objections that might come.

longest and best happiness if true? And

We do often “know” that a sin is

which source of promises has the most

destructive to us and others. We might

proven credibility?

loathe the sin in certain ways and feel

Then we must renounce the lies we have

shame over it. We may have a sincere

believed, repent to God for having

longing to be free, and just feel like we

persistently believed them, and begin to

can’t, like we’re enslaved to it — which, in

exercise faith in God’s promises through

a sense, we are (John 8:34). These are the

obeying him — “[bearing] fruit in keeping

complex consequences and illusions sin

with repentance” (Matthew 3:8).


As I said, this is just the beginning. I make no promise of it being easy from there. It

“Sin is not fundamentally defeated

is often very hard, because insight into

through the power of self-denial, but

our false beliefs does not itself unseat

through the power of a greater desire.”

those beliefs. Often, entrenched false beliefs have shaped our perceptions and

The truth is, however, that we are

instinctive behaviors and therefore take

enslaved as we believe that to give up the

significant time and intentional effort to

sin is to embrace living with less

change. It is not called the “fight of faith”

happiness or more misery. Like my now-

for nothing (1 Timothy 6:12).

adult kids once believed: eating junk food might be “bad” for them, but life was

But I will say this: the more convinced

more happy eating “bad” food than eating

you become that God is the source of all

“good” food. This didn’t change until their

superior joys for you, the more resolved

belief about nutritional happiness

you will become to fight for those joys,

changed. Once that changed, the power of

and the easier the fight will become over

junk food began to lose its hold on them.

time. But unless you become convinced,

Habitual sin is not fundamentally

in some measure, that this is true, the

defeated through the power of self-denial,

power of your habitual sins will keep their

but through the power of a greater desire.

hold on you.

Self-denial is of course necessary, but self-denial is only possible — certainly for


the long term — when it is fueled by a

Jon Bloom (@Bloom_Jon) serves as

desire for a greater joy than what we deny

author, board chair, and co-founder of

(Matthew 16:24–26).

Desiring God. He is author of three books, Not by Sight, Things Not Seen, and Don’t Follow Your Heart. He and his wife have five children and make their home in the Twin Cities.

Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

Walk Strong Message taken from from Psalm 46:1 (NLT) Psalm 46:1 (NLT): "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble."

Perseverance under pressure can be really tough - especially when the stressful circumstances are prolonged, and the intensity of the stress doesn't let up. Jesus warned us of encountering difficult times where our frustration and struggle can easily lead us to despair. But then He immediately gives hope, and reminds us that He has overcome everything we will ever face in this life. And since His Spirit lives inside us... if we learn to walk closely, even cling to, and trust Him at all times, we will be strengthened, encouraged, and empowered to overcome too. The key is to make Him our refuge and strength. We must refuse worry and fear as we deliberately keep our minds focused on the truth of His Word; our hearts engaged in His Presence; and our mouths full of praise. That's how we experience supernatural peace through any storm, and strength infusing joy, in the face of all trouble. He is always ready to help and move on our behalf; we just need to choose to press in to where our help comes from and stay there. Choose to walk strong in God today, and you will not fail.


What the Bible Says About Self-Confidence BY: KELLI MAHONEY

We are always told today to be self-confident.

He called on Noah to build an ark. He had

There are programs designed to teach teens to

Moses lead his people out of Egypt. Esther

have high self-esteem. Walk into a bookstore,

kept her people from being slaughtered. Jesus

and there are rows of books all written with

asked his disciples to spread the gospel. The

the idea to give us a higher sense of self. Yet,

same theme is demonstrated over and over -

as Christians, we are always told to avoid

God has confidence in each and every one of

focusing too much of the self and to focus on

us to do what He calls us to do. He created

God. So, what does the Bible actually say

each of us for a reason. So why, then, do we

about self-confidence?

not have confidence in ourselves. When we put God first, when we focus on His path for us, He

God Has Confidence in Us

will make anything possible. That should make us all self-confident.

When we look up Bible verses on selfconfidence, we read mostly verses that explain

Hebrews 10:35-36 - "Therefore, do not throw

how our confidence comes from God. It starts

away your confidence, which has a great

in the beginning with God creating the Earth

reward. For you have need of endurance, so

and designating humanity to watch over it.

that when you have done the will of God, you

God shows over and over that He has

may receive what was promised." (NASB)

confidence in us.


What Confidence to Avoid

Living Confidently

Now, we know God has confidence in us and

When we trust God with our self-confidence,

will be our strength and light and all the things

we put the power in His hands. That can be

we need. However, that doesn't mean we just

scary and beautiful all at the same time. We've

walk around all cocky and self-involved. We

all been hurt and crushed by others, but God

cannot just be focused on what we need all

doesn't do that. He knows we aren't perfect,

the time.

but loves us anyway. We can feel confident in

We should never think we are better than

ourselves because God is confident in us. We

others because we are stronger, smarter, grew

may seem ordinary, but God never sees us that

up with money, are a certain race, etc. In

way. We can find our self-confidence safe

God's eyes, we all have a purpose and

in His hands.

direction. We are loved by God no matter who we are. We should also not rely on others to be

1 Corinthians 2:3-5 - "I came to you in

self-confident. When we put our trust in

weakness—timid and trembling. And my

another person, when we put our self-worth in

message and my preaching were very plain.

someone else's hands, we are setting ourselves

Rather than using clever and persuasive

up to be crushed. God's love is unconditional.

speeches, I relied only on the power of the

He never stops loving us, no matter what we

Holy Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in

do. While the love of other people is nice, it

human wisdom but in the power of God." (NLT)

can often be flawed and cause us to lose confidence in ourselves.

Philippians 3:3 - "For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh — though I myself have reasons for such confidence." (NIV)

Yet, as Christians, we are always told to avoid focusing too much of the self and to focus on God.


STEP INTO THE NEW by: Minister Monica "Sometimes you have to break out in order to break in"~ Pastor Cindy Jordan Can I be honest? God wants to revamp our entire lives, but before He can do that, He must change our mindset. Ever thought if God changed the situation everything would be perfect? I know, we have all been there, but during that moment of praying for our circumstances to change, we failed to pray for God to renew our hearts and shift our mindsets. I hope I didn’t lose you. The word says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” ~Romans 12:2 KJB. In order for elevation to take place, we MUST have a renewed mind, we MUST be transformed by the power and the word of God. Otherwise, we would go back to what we know (our old sinful nature). Therefore reformation must take place in our thinking, our attitudes, our character, and our heart to walk in our promotion. We can’t walk into a wealthy place with an expired mindset.

Let’s take a look at Genesis 22-24 NKJV “Then Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day. Now when he saw that He did not prevail against Him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. “ And He said, Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “ I will not let you go unless you bless me!” So He said to him, “What is your name? He said, “Jacob.” And He said, “ Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and men, and have prevailed.”

That was a mouthful I know. But what has taken place here is a divinely orchestrated shift in Jacob’s life. Jacob was wrestling with his old self. His old nature. The breaking away that took place was for Jacob to step into who God has ordained him to be. Not the slave to sin that he was before when he was known as cunning and deceitful. Jacob was even blessed with a new name, “Israel.” He was given a new identity. No longer bound by his guilt and condemnation as Jacob goes to meet his brother, his brother Esau is pleased and receives him kindly despite their long history of deceit and betrayal. (Genesis 33:4). I believe God wants to do the same with us all. He wants to take us higher, in fact, He is calling us higher, however, we delay the process by staying stuck in our old way of thinking and doing. The revelation of Jacob’s story was brought to me by my Pastor, Pastor Cindy Jordan almost two years ago. At the time I read this, I had not grasped the full concept, but as I step into the NEW I understand why I was delayed for so long. It was because I was clinging to my past. The old me before I came to know Jesus. I wanted everything around me to change, but not myself. That’s pride. Don’t be deceived. In order to thrive and not just survive, we must leave the old things that hinder us behind. “Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” ~ John 3:3 KJB.

Thank you all so much for reading. Be encouraged Love Monica

Jacob was even blessed with a new name, “Israel.” He was given a new identity.



Don’t Give Up Praying for Your Children by: Jon bloom

Several years ago I wrote an article suggesting seven things we parents can pray for our children. I still personally find them helpful. However, in making these suggestions, I included a qualifier: Of course, prayers are not magic spells. It’s not a matter of just saying the right things and our children will be blessed with success. Some parents earnestly pray and their children become gifted leaders or scholars or musicians or athletes. Others earnestly pray and their children develop a serious disability or disease or wander through a prodigal wilderness or just struggle more than others socially or academically or athletically. And the truth is, God is answering all these parents’ prayers, but for very different purposes. The more time passes, the more crucial this qualifier becomes for me. The more accumulated time I spend in Scripture, the more I read history, and the more I observe as I grow older, the less confidence I place in my perceptions of how things appear at any given point.

Trusting God, Not My Perceptions I’ve lived long enough now to have watched a number of movements within evangelicalism surge and decline. I’ve seen numerous leaders rise and fall. I’ve seen spiritually zealous twenty somethings who got off to a strong, solid start become spiritually disillusioned thirty- or fortysomethings and falter, some abandoning the faith altogether. And I’ve seen spiritually disinterested, and in some cases dissolute, youth become spiritually vibrant, mature adults.

feature I’ve also been in close proximity to many parents who

“If our children are doing well spiritually, they

have raised children to adulthood. I’ve seen children of

are not out of the woods. If they are not doing

faithful, prayerful parents reject their parents’ faith,

well, their story is not over.”

and I’ve seen children of unfaithful parents embrace Christ and follow him in spite of the profound pain

Like most young parents, my wife and I began our

they have experienced. This hasn’t made me skeptical

parenting journey with an almost unconscious

of parental faithfulness, but it has made me less given

assumption that if we did parenting “right,” our kids

to formulas.

would embrace all we embrace without all the wrestling and pain and questioning we went through

“God is trustworthy, and what I think I see at any

to embrace it. Though if you would have asked me that

given time is not.”

specifically back then, I would have denied it, theoretically knowing better. It’s just hard to avoid

And perhaps more than all that, I’ve also observed

that early optimism.

myself pass through various seasons of my own life. I’ve had seasons when I was full of faith and

But parenting has humbled me significantly. My

enthusiasm, and seasons of discouragement when I

weaknesses and limitations, I think, are most clearly

was a man of “little faith” (Matthew 6:30). I’ve

exposed in fathering. The net effect this has had is to

endured seasons of dark depression and even faith

make me less confident in my abilities and efforts, and

crises. Well into middle age, one thing I know about

more dependent on, feeling more desperation for, the

myself is that I am “beset with weakness” (Hebrews

power of God to do for my children what he has done

5:2). I can bear witness that God has been unfailingly

for me — a work of grace that I know my own parents

faithful to me with regard to his word, even though I

would say occurred in spite of their weaknesses and

have frequently not been faithful in trusting him.


Yes, I’ve learned that God is trustworthy, but my perceptions regularly are not.

Two of my children have launched into independent

I’ve learned — or more accurately, I’m learning —

adulthood, and three are in their teenage years. Over

not to assume too much when it comes to human

the years, I have watched many different kinds of

beings, myself included. Jesus set the example, for he

spiritual ebbs and flows. They have lived in the same

“on his part did not entrust himself to [people] . . .

home with the same parents, who live out their faith

for he himself knew what was in man” (John 2:24–25).

before them in essentially the same way. They have

This is an invaluable lesson when it comes to praying

attended the same churches. Yet they are each walking

for my children.

unique spiritual paths at their own unique speeds.

Parenting Pushed Me to Prayer

Ask, Seek, Knock

I am the father of five wonderful human beings. They

And here is where a parent’s faith is tested. We of

are wonderful to me, not because they are prodigies I

course want our children to truly love the Lord Jesus,

can boast in, but because they are human beings,

the true Pearl of great price, with all their heart,

“fearfully and wonderfully made” by God himself

soul, mind, and strength, and love their neighbor as

through the inscrutable historic process and genetic

themselves (Matthew 13:45–46; Luke 10:27). We very

legacy of countless generations of fearful and

much want them to experience this as early as

wonderful humans — of which my wife and I are only


the most recent contributors (Psalm 139:14).

But we don’t know what the best way is for each of

Sometimes I just stop and observe them, in awe

them to learn this. We don’t know God’s purposes or

of what and who they are, quite apart from what they

his timetable for revealing himself to our children. Nor


are we allowed to peer into the mystery of God’s

They are very much their own persons, very different

sovereignty in election as it relates to our children

from each other and their parents.

(Romans 8:29–30).

feature But all I have observed and experienced in Scripture and in life teaches me two things: God is trustworthy, and what I think I see at any given time is not. Which means what looks encouraging to me now could very well change in the future, and what looks discouraging to me now could very well change in the future. Therefore, I stand by what I wrote in that article more than ever: So, pray for your children. Jesus promises us that if we ask, seek, and knock, the Father will give us good in return (Luke 11:9–13), even if the good isn’t apparent for forty years. “If we ask, seek, and knock, the Father will give us good in return, even if the good isn’t apparent for forty years.” That last phrase reminds me of Peter Hitchens’s story of his conversion (Peter is the late Christopher Hitchens’s brother). He recounts how, as a 15-year-old, he cast off what he saw as the bonds of religious faith and zealously embraced atheism, publicly burning his Bible to announce his liberation. Then came the slow, unexpected realization well into mature adulthood that what he once thought bondage was true freedom, what he once thought liberation was, in fact, bondage, and what he once thought ignorant darkness was actually light. I doubt anyone who knew the young-

When I say that I AM A CHRISTIAN, I am not shouting that I am clean living. I’m whispering I was lost, but now I’m Do Not Lose Heart found and forgiven. When I say I AM A CHRISTIAN, I don’t speak of this with pride. I’m confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be So, let us not give up praying for our children. This ministry of intercession is a lifelong calling. We must not assume my guide. too much when it comes to human children are living welltospiritually, they are not out of the When I saybeings. I AMIfAour CHRISTIAN, I’m and notdoing trying be strong. woods. If they are living and not doing well spiritually, their story is not over. Therefore, let us “always . . . pray and not I’m professing that I’m weak and need His strength to lose heart” (Luke 18:1). carry on. God is faithful. He will never default on his word. Let us be faithful to his call on us, and let us be faithful to our When God I sayonI their AM behalf. A CHRISTIAN. I’m not children by continually petitioning He will not allow suchbragging a labor, no of matter what the result is that success. admitting I have failed and need God to clean he determines in his wisdom, to beI’m in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). my mess. When I say I AM A CHRISTIAN, I’m not claiming to be ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it. Jon Bloom (@Bloom_Jon) serves as author, board chair, and co-founder of Desiring God. He is author of three books, Not by When I say I AM A CHRISTIAN, I still feel the sting of pain. Sight, Things Not Seen, and Don’t Follow Your Heart. He and his wife have five children and make their home in the Twin I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name. Cities. When I say I AM CHRISTIAN , I’m not holier than thou, I’m just a simple sinner who received God’s good grace, somehow! adult Peter Hitchens saw that coming.




BY: ANTHONY KIDD Playwright T.S. Eliot wrote, “In my beginning is my end.” The statement has been interpreted in many ways, but I see in it a reflective note of someone older who realizes that who we end up becoming is set in motion and already at work at the beginning of our lives. Oh, how I wish I had known that when I began my ministry. This year I turned 52 years old and I am realizing very quickly that my end is closer than my beginning. As I reflect on 20 years of ministry, I wish I could go back and tell my younger self a few things — things that had I known at the beginning of the race would surely have served me, and others, well. If I could go back in time, here are four pieces of counsel I would share with my younger self. 1. Knowing the Bible is not the same as knowing Christ. The apostle Paul said, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). That was his greatest passion: to know Jesus, to experience his resurrection power, to participate in his sufferings so that he might be conformed into his image. And that ought to be your greatest passion. Seminary training is great. A working knowledge of Hebrew and Greek will serve you well. Reading your Bible, learning doctrine, and preparing gospel-saturated sermons are a must.

But none of those is the same as having and cultivating a vibrant relationship with the risen Christ, fueled by regular drinking from the fountain of living water — Christ himself. Never stop studying the Bible. But above all, never stop pursuing Christ. He is the pearl of great price and the greatest treasure in the universe. He laid hold of you so that you might spend the rest of your life growing in intimate knowledge of him. This might surprise you, but I have learned that the greatest need of your people is your personal knowledge of Jesus Christ. 2. Preaching sermons is not the same as loving people. Don’t get me wrong: preaching is important. You will spend the bulk of your ministry proclaiming God’s word. It’s your duty, one to which you will be held accountable. But as Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “To love to preach is one thing, but to love the people to whom you preach is quite another.” And let me tell you, God’s people will inevitably know the difference. “Never stop studying the Bible. But above all, never stop pursuing Christ.”

Preaching is only part of being a faithful shepherd. You are called to model your shepherding efforts after Christ himself, of whom it is written, “having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end” (John 13:1). To love like that is to love not only in word from the pulpit, but also in deed with your presence amid people’s pain, heartaches, and sufferings. You will discover that a congregation who knows you love and care for them will overlook a multitude of your flaws and endure any number of weak sermons. As pastor Albert Martin once said, “It’s a false sense of piety of those who love to study who say, ‘I show my people I love them by sweat in the study,’ but then neglect them outside that realm.” Don’t be a “noisy gong” or a “clanging cymbal” — be an unfeigned lover of Christ’s bloodbought people. Show them that you love them. 3. Teaching godliness is not the same as being godly. Private home life qualifies you for public ministry life. The home is simply a microcosm of the church. What you say and do in your home will either add weight to or erode your credibility in the church. So, never forget: ministering to your family is your primary calling. Gathering the family for daily devotions will yield eternal dividends, but I have come to realize that my wife and kids watch me more intently than they listen. And confessedly, I’m sure I’ve spoiled some of my influence in their lives because of the gap between what I’ve taught and how I’ve lived. It’s one thing to teach patience and something else to practice it. Some of the most powerful words that you’ll ever utter to your family is when you say to them with integrity, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). Strive to model the graces of the gospel in your own life. Your family may not always listen to you, but trust me: they are always watching you. Robert Murray McCheyne once wrote, “What a man is on his knees before God, that he is, and nothing more.” That’s true.

But let me respectfully tweak it by saying, what a man is in his home before his wife and kids, that he is, and nothing more. Endeavor to be, by God’s grace, as Christlike as possible. 4. Defending yourself is not the same as defending the gospel. Ministry is going to be tough. If you stay faithful to the gospel, you will be attacked, maligned, misunderstood, and criticized. The temptation will be to defend yourself at all cost. After all, no one likes to have his name dragged through the mud — trust me, I know.


“What a man is in his home before his wife and kids, that he is, and nothing more.” Somewhere along the way, though, I learned that I was more concerned about my own name than I was about Jesus’s. It was my unmortified pride and ego that were bruised, so I fought back, only to realize that the more I fought, the more I made things about me. And the more things were about me, the less they were about Christ and his gospel. I lacked the humility of John the Baptist, who said, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). As I determined not to defend myself and only defend the gospel, I began to see in my life the reality of God’s promise in Exodus 14:14, “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” The best defense against personal attacks is maintaining “a good conscience” as you defend the hope of the gospel “with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15–16). Well Worth It Time travel is impossible, so I’ll never have the opportunity to counsel my younger self. But if you’re reading this and just getting started in ministry, perhaps you can take some of what I’ve shared to heart and spare yourself, your family, and God’s people some grief. If that’s the case, my hard knocks will have been well worth it. John Newton called ministry “a sorrow full of joy.” That’s pretty accurate. But let me tell you, there is no greater work than giving yourself to the service of the all-glorious Savior who alone saves, sanctifies, and satisfies the soul. -------------------------------------------------Anthony Kidd is the preaching pastor at Community of Faith Bible Church in South Gate, California. He and his wife, Sherry, have five children.


Good Medicine We are so honored to share this beautiful article written by Uncle Angus Buchan . A Born Again spirit filled servant of the Gospel. Thanking you once again Angus for sharing this article with us. He is an Author, Evangelist, Farmer, Husband, Father and Grandfather. Good Medicine The Bible tells us very clearly in the book of Proverbs that a merry heart does the very soul of a man so much good. It is like having a 'continual feast'. In another version of the Bible it says that a cheerful disposition is good for your health. 'Doom and gloom leave you bone tired!' Like never before we really need to start walking by faith and not by sight. A lot of people worry about things that are never actually going to happen and this actually affects their health. As the saying goes, 'Your attitude will determine your altitude'. We need to be positive and to walk in faith. I find that the more time I spend with God in the morning, the better my day seems to go. I think more clearly, and I am much more objective in my thoughts and deeds. I also try to keep away from negative people. Negative people are bad news when you are trying to get on with the job. I love spending time with the younger generation. I find them optimistic and I find them seriously considering the future because they will still be farming when we are no longer here. They are

He led the British from the helm for six years and then

busy preparing, building and developing and I

after the war, he was voted out in the first general

always feel so much better after I have spent

election they had. At the age of 76 years they called the

time with positive, young folk.

old gentleman back to become Prime Minister again. He lived until he was over 90 but he had a tremendously

Your age is only a number as they say, you are as

positive outlook towards life. He was a keen watercolour

old as you feel! I know some of the senior

artist and he enjoyed doing bricklaying.

generation who are also such an inspiration to be with. If you are feeling old, I want to tell you

We as farmers need to get involved in every aspect of

that I was given a book recently about the life of

society. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, as

Winston Churchill. . Now whether you like him

the saying goes. I love riding horses, I still go jogging

or whether you don't like him is not the point.

and I love to go to horse shows and agricultural shows. I

Winston Churchill at the age of 66 years was

don't always feel physically strong, but after I have been

called by the British government to take control

to an event like that, I feel rejuvenated.

of the country as Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime was about to invade Britain.

Most important, spend time in the house of God.

My late Dad, who was a blacksmith, always said to

You need to fellowship with people that love God.

my brother and myself, 'When you get up in the

Birds of a feather flock together, the saying goes.

morning and you don't feel like going to work,

You will never see an eagle flying with a flock of

change your job!' I cannot stress that enough. It is

turkeys! Spend time with God and it is like healing

not about, 'well, it's been in the family for six or

to your bones. It will give you added strength and

seven generations, so I have to keep farming'. That


attitude will not do you any good at all. Do the work that you enjoy doing because that is where you spend most of your life. If you love farming,

One of my favourite scriptures in the Bible is Isaiah

then get stuck in and do it and it will be a joy to

40:31, 'Those who wait upon the Lord will renew

your heart and that will do your soul so much

their strength, they will mount up with wings like


eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint'.

May God continue to bless you as you do a work which I firmly believe is of the highest calling,

Many magazines today are full of all the physical

managing God's creation and feeding hungry

aspects of the human, the right food to eat and the

people. I don't think there is anything in this life

wrong food to eat, but I really believe that if your

more rewarding than to grow good food at a good

spirit is healthy and there is joy in your heart, your

price to feed the hungry, just don't forget to feed

body will overcome most physical disabilities. If

them spiritually as well.

you are eating the right food and training correctly but your spirit is low and you are filled with fear

God bless

and anxiety, eventually it will be like a cancer to

Angus Buchan

your bones. The Bible says that a broken spirit dries up the bones. We need to look after our spiritman first and foremost and then take care of our physical bodies as well. Remember to cast all of your cares (worries) on to the Lord Jesus Christ, because He cares for you, (1 Peter 5:7).

Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

Tug-of-War Message taken from from Romans 8:13 (AMPC) Romans 8:13 (AMPC): "For if you live according to [the dictates of] the flesh, you will surely die. But if through the power of the [Holy] Spirit you are [habitually] putting to death (making extinct, deadening) the [evil] deeds prompted by the body, you shall [really and genuinely] live forever."

"If it feels good, do it!" That's a well-used phrase people quote when trying to justify doing something they know is wrong. The question is whether you're doing something that feels good to your flesh, or good to your spirit. Paul the apostle speaks about a constant tug-of-war between the flesh and the spirit. The stronger always wins, leading you towards either life or death. When we are born-again, the Holy Spirit creates a brand new spirit inside us. This new spirit has the exact nature of God. This means its desires are only to do what is good and right; and when we do what it dictates, the result will always be abundant life. Our flesh however dictates what our past, sinful nature desires, and its end will always be misery and death. So how do we get our spirits to override our flesh? We must renew the part of us that controls our flesh, which is our mind. As we meditate on the Word of God, our minds are reprogrammed to follow after God's way of living. Now, when our re-born spirits and renewed minds are in agreement, they put that sinful nature to death and we are free to be led by our spirits into the abundant life God has for us. Be diligent to renew your mind to God's Word and let your spirit win the tug-of-war.

Meet Caleb: A Man Who Followed God Wholeheartedly

by : Jack Zavada

Caleb was a man who lived as most of us would like to live—putting his faith in God to handle the dangers around him. The story of Caleb in the Bible appears in the book of Numbers after the Israelites had escaped Egypt and arrived at the border of the Promised Land. Questions for Reflection The Bible says that God blessed Caleb because he had a different spirit or a different attitude than the rest of the people (Numbers 14:24). He remained wholeheartedly loyal to God. Caleb followed God when no one else did, and his uncompromising obedience earned him a lasting reward. Are you all in, like Caleb? Are you totally sold out in your commitment to follow God and stand for truth? The Story of Caleb in the Bible Moses sent spies, one from each of the twelve tribes of Israel, into Canaan to scout the territory. Among them were Joshua and Caleb. All the spies agreed on the richness of the land, but ten of them said Israel could not conquer it because its inhabitants were too powerful and their cities were like fortresses. Only Caleb and Joshua dared to contradict them.

Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the and, for we can certainly do it.” (Numbers 13:30, NIV) God was so angry at the Israelites for their lack of faith in him that he forced them to wander in the desert 40 years until that entire generation had died-all except Joshua and Caleb. After the Israelites returned and set about conquering the land, Joshua, the new leader, gave Caleb the territory around Hebron, belonging to

the Anakites. These giants, descendants of the Nephilim, had terrified the original spies but proved no match for God's people. Caleb's name means ''raging with canine madness." Some Bible scholars think Caleb or his tribe came from a pagan people who were assimilated into the Jewish nation. He represented the tribe of Judah, from which came Jesus Christ, Savior of the world. Caleb's Accomplishments Caleb successfully spied out Canaan, on assignment from Moses. He survived 40 years of wandering in the desert, then on returning to the Promised Land, he conquered the territory around Hebron, defeating the giant sons of Anak: Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai. Strengths Caleb was physically strong, vigorous to old age, and ingenious in dealing with trouble. Most importantly, he followed God with his whole heart. Life Lessons Caleb knew that when God gave him a task to do, God would supply him with all he needed to complete that mission. Caleb spoke up for truth, even when he was in the minority. Often, to stand up for truth we must stand alone.

We can learn from Caleb that our own weakness brings an inpouring of God's strength. Caleb teaches us to be loyal to God and to expect him to be loyal to us in return. Numbers 14:24 But my servant Caleb has a different attitude than the others have. He has remained loyal to me, so I will bring him into the land he explored. His descendants will possess their full share of that land. (NLT)


THE POWER OF KNOWING by: Pastor Ntsako Scripture reading: Psalm 34:19&20 “The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all; He protect all his bones, not one of them will be broken”. Job 19:25 “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth”. Knowledge is power, what you know can never be taken away from you. You might have valuable things, but if you don’t know the worth of what you have it doesn’t help you in anyway. All can be taken away from you, but none can take what you know. Knowledge is golden, knowledge is power!

Situations do not take away what I know, I might be in pain but I know that He is my healer, whatever that you are going through, hold on to what you know. Troubles may endure for a night, but I know that joy comes in the morning.

In Christianity, the level of our faith and worship is determined by what we know. It is impossible to worship and have faith in God that you don’t know. You must first know God in order to believe that He can do above, exceedingly, beyond what you can think or imagine. As children of God, our strength is found in knowing that God will not leave nor forsake us, we know that He love us and He is always by our side.

Job says I know my redeemer lives, he came out victorious and received double portion of what he lost. Because he knew what his redeemer is capable of doing, the pain of losing all that he had was unbearable but the power of knowing his redeemer kept him. I don’t understand why I am going through what I am going through, but I know my redeemer is with me through it all. Victory is guaranteed because I know the God I serve.

The above scripture is a Psalm that says: the righteous man face many troubles. No matter how many times we face troubles, we keep on holding on because we know that the Lord will deliver us. I know that my God is powerful, no matter how many troubles come my way; I stand still and believe that my Father in Heaven will deliver me.

Know who you are in God, know His Word, and know what He can do. Your worship will be special, because you know who you worship. When you hold on to what you know, you will live a victorious life. I know I am a winner, I know I am the head not the tail, I know He hears me when I call and I know His promises are yes and amen!!!


WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE? ALL APPEAR BEFORE THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST? by: John Piper The Parable of the Talents And most of us remember the parable of the talents (or pounds) in Luke 19:12–27. Jesus compares his going to heaven and returning to a nobleman who went away and gave to ten of his servants one pound each with the command to trade with them so that his estate would be advanced in his absence. When he returns, one had traded so as to turn his pound into ten. And the nobleman says that his reward will be to have authority over ten cities. Another had turned his pound into five. And the nobleman said that his reward would be to have authority over five cities. Another had just kept the pound and done nothing with it. To this one the nobleman said, “I will condemn you from you own mouth.” And he took the one pound from him. Now what this parable teaches is the same thing Paul taught, namely, that there are varying degrees of reward for the faithfulness of our lives. But it also moves beyond that and also teaches that there is a loss not only of reward but of eternity for those who claim to be faithful but do nothing to show that they prize God’s gifts and love the Giver. That’s the point of the third servant who did nothing with his gift. He did not just lose his reward, he lost his life. Jesus says in Matthew 25:30, “Cast out that slave into outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Salvation Demonstrated by Deeds That leads us to the second purpose of the judgment. The first was that the judgment makes a public demonstration of the varying degrees of reward that Christians receive for the exercise of their faith in obedience. The second purpose of the judgment is to declare openly the reality of the faith and the salvation of God’s people by the evidence of their deeds. Salvation is owned by faith.

Salvation is shown by deeds. So when Paul says (in verse 10) we “will be recompensed . . . according to what we have done,” he not only means that our rewards will accord with our deeds, but also our salvation will accord with our deeds. Why do I think this? Romans There are numerous texts that point in this direction. One is in Paul’s letter to the Romans (2:5–7) where he refers to “The revelation of the righteous judgment of God,” and then says (in verses 6–8), “[God] will render to every man according to his deeds: to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality [he will render] eternal life; but to those who . . . do not obey the truth . . . [he will render] wrath and indignation.” In other words, just as our text says, the judgment is “according to what a person has done.” But here the issue is eternal life versus wrath “Faith Without Works Is Dead” Several times Paul listed certain kinds of deeds and said, “those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:21; 1 Corinthians 6:9– 10). In other words, when these deeds are exposed at the judgment as a person’s way of life, they will be the evidence that their faith is dead and they will not be saved. As James said in James 2:26, “Faith without works is dead.” That is what will be shown at the judgment. Jesus’s Words Jesus put it like this — and he used exactly the same words for good and evil deeds that we have here in 2 Corinthians 5:10. He said in John 5:28–29,

An hour is coming in which all who are in the tombs shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.” In other words, the way one lived will be the evidence whether one passes through judgment to life or whether one experiences judgment as condemnation. “Our works are the evidence of the reality of our faith. And it is faith in Christ that saves.” He says this even though five verses earlier in John 5:24 he said, “Truly, truly I say to you, he who hears my word and believes has eternal life.” To hear and to believe is to have eternal life — it is by grace through faith. But when that faith is real — not dead — the life will change and Jesus can say, with no contradiction: the deeds of this life will be the public criteria of judgment in the resurrection. Because our works are the evidence of the reality of our faith. And it is faith in Christ that saves. Deeds That Prove Let me close with an illustration that I think makes clear how deeds will function in the final judgment. Remember the story of how two harlots brought a baby to King Solomon, each claiming that the baby was hers (1 Kings 3:16–27). They asked King Solomon to act as judge between them. He said that a sword should be brought and that the baby should be divided and half given to the one and half to the other. The true mother cried out, “O, my lord, give her the child and by no means kill it.” Solomon said, give this woman the child, for she is its mother.


What was Solomon looking for? He was not looking for a deed that would earn the child. He was looking for a deed that would prove that the child was already possessed by birth. That is the way God looks at our deeds. He is not looking for deeds that purchase our pardon in his judgment hall. He is looking for deeds that prove we are already enjoying our pardon. The purchase of our pardon was the blood of Jesus, sufficient once for all to cover all our sins. And the means by which we own it is faith — and faith alone. That is what this communion is all about, and I invite you to prepare your hearts to remember. --------------------------------------------------John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is author of more than 50 books, including Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist and most recently Why I Love the Apostle Paul: 30 Reasons.



BEWARE OF THE GREAT DECEIVER (PART 2) THE DEVIL WILL ENTER INTO A UNION WITH MEN AGAINST GOD - If satan finds a man or woman who is in conflict with the Lord, he will join forces with that individual. - Just before Yeshua gave communion to His disciples, satan entered Judas According to Luke 22: 3. - This was the beginning of the great betrayal. - The devil sends messengers to fight & defeat the saints. - The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians 12:7 --- Lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of satan to buffet me. - The purpose of satan was to defeat this effective missionary - evangelist and he will assign his evil agents to assault believers.

THE DEVIL SETS TRAPS FOR MEN - Constantly, satan is creating new ways to trap us - The Bible teachers that a Christian leader must have a good testimony among those who are outside the Church, lest he fall into reproach & the snare of the devil According 1 Tim 3:7 - Satan's objective is to steal, kill, and destroy, but Christ came to give us life more abundantly, according John 10:10. THE DEVIL IS WILL FINALLY BE DEFEATED - While on earth we must deal with a persistent adversary who is out to make war on the saints, but please don't be discouraged. - I am happy to report that the day is coming when the devil that deceived them is cast into the lake of fire & brimstone, where he shall be tormented day & night for ever & ever : READ REV 20:10

THE SEVEN WAYS SATAN TRIES TO DESTROY A CHURCH 1. CHURCH CONFLICT 2. BURNOUT, 3. RUMORS, 4. LIES, 5. SCANDAL, 6. MARRIAGES & 7. FAMILY DISRUPTIONS CHURCH CONFLICT - Satan loves business meetings that get out of hand or when two church members have disagreements outside of church. -He loves when church members argue about lots of things, mostly trivial things. BURN OUT - Satan loves to burn out a Church volunteer workers, staff members or Pastors. - If he can make them feel they no longer have anything to offer..... he feels he's winning part of the battle. RUMOURS - Satan is the stirrer of dissensions. He likes to plant little seeds of a juicy story about someone in the church or community. - Sometimes even the pastors or leaders can do that to cause division in the church. .

- Satan attempts to interject what he calls a half truth. - That little lie or false doctrine disrupts or divides the Church. SCANDAL - Satan loves good, juicy, gossipy news headlines in the local paper. This will split, divide or destroy a Church’s body. If it will destroy someone's kingdom, calling or work he will take that too. MARRIAGES AND FAMILY DISTRUCTIONS - Satan loves to destroy any relationship, but he also goes after key leaders’ marriages, even the pastor's marriage. He knows that the leader will find it difficult to preach when his own life is not good. This is his way of silencing them. - He likes to encourage prodigal children. - He wants to cause families to fight within the Church & fight against the Church. - Satan knows if he can destroy a home, he has a better chance of destroying a Church.

may the love of Christ Jesus abide richly in you. Pastoe Thutho Gezani


The tongue is a flame of fire! written by: Pastor Tee

“and among all the parts of the body, the tongue

though I’m not married, plus anyways I won’t

is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of

get married because there are no marriages.” I

wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can

don’t remember nor even heard what the other

set your whole life on fire, for it is set in fire by

lady said because I was in awe of the deadly

hell itself.” James 3 V 6

words this lady was prophesying upon her life, to the point I even forgot what I went to the

Beloved, in the past couple of weeks, I had an

store for. It’s not my norm to go around

experience that the Lord Jesus had revealed to

listening to people’s conversations, but this one

me regarding the power of the tongue and how

I heard and had to add my two cents worth. I

much we take it for granted.

started by asking her, ’do you want to get married’ and she answered ‘ yes I do’. I then

I had gone to a clothing store to check earrings,

asked her ‘then why are you speaking death

so as I went in there was no customer but the

over your life because the word of God says: Life

store workers, there is a topic, or should I say

and death is found in the tongue’. ‘By these

words that one of the ladies spoke. She said

negative, deadly words you are telling God

“One of my friends is still living at home and will

Almighty that Lord whoever you have created

grow grey there as there are no marriages, I

for me I’m okay because there are no marriages.

have moved out of my parents’ home and live in a room, at least I’m not at home even though

I told her that the God I serve is the same

That verse right there is a sermon on its own.

yesterday, today and forever when He said in

Let’s practise speaking life that is found in the

Genesis that it is not good for a man to be

word. They ask you how are you doing, you

alone; those words still are for today and

always have a complain (Philippians 2: 14), let’s

tomorrow. By the way she is only 30 years old.

stop that and speak life, say you are blessed


even though you may not see it in the physical, yet it shall become a reality. Let’s learn to speak

When I analyse this situation, I’d like to think

the Word when we gather (Ephesians 5:19):

that she is surrounded by people who are negative, speaking those words of death,

Speak to one another with the words of psalms,

encouraging each other that yes friend there is

hymns, and sacred songs; sing hymns and

no marriage because we have failed. You ask

psalms to the Lord with praise in your hearts.

yourself, failed at what? Dating in the world’s way? Yes, of course, it’s inevitable to fail

I hope I have encouraged you with this article.

because all those people were ‘replicas’ and not

May King Jesus Richly Bless you.

who King Jesus formed with you in mind. Prayer: King Jesus, I have used my tongue to . I just want to share with you, child of God, that

speak death instead of life through the Word.

let’s be careful with the words that come out of

You’ve given me the Word to not only study but

our mouth. Words have creative powers hence

to speak and live. I have failed and allowed

our warfare isn’t carnal nor are God’s fighting

negativity to rule my life. I repent and ask you,

weapons. We destroy so many things which are

Holy Spirit, to be the One that will control my

supposed to manifest in the physical by speaking

tongue to speak life through the Word and only

words that we shouldn’t. Forgetting that, that’s

the Word. Thank you, Lord Jesus, because you

the work of the enemy, if he can get you to

are a God that forgives and are merciful. Thank

speak death; he doesn’t need to do anything

you, Father, as I start on the new journey of

further but watch them come to pass. The word

speaking life Amen.

of God in Proverbs 18:21 says: The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. NLT



Many, many people believe in Jesus Christ – and yet somehow there’s a gap between what they believe and how they live. It seems that other people are out there doing things for God, and yet they feel as though there’s something missing in their lives in that regard. That’s because there is. The Lord means for us to be Ambassadors – Ambassadors of Christ. What does that mean? How does that work? So why not join Berni Dymet – as he opens God’s Word to discover what it really means to live out a life that truly counts for something. Most of us are immersed in the cultures in which we live. And that’s as it should be. But there’s a risk for the person who believes in Jesus, in getting to thinking that their a local … a citizen of this earth. They’re not – they’re a citizen of Heaven and what’s more, an Ambassador of Christ. We can believe that rubbish but if we do

Let me tell you something, I’ve made my

that … if we continue doing that the flame in

choice. I was a man whose life was

our hearts for Jesus, the one that’s growing

broken; a terrible mess. When I accept

dimmer and dimmer these years; that flame

Jesus, with simple faith of a child, just on

will eventually go out.

face value and still today, I’m accepting what He has to say, really simply. Not in

Or, we can believe God and what He has to

any complicated, theological sense, just

say. We can believe Jesus and what He has

on face value and Jesus said John

to say. We can believe God’s Word. See, so

chapter 14, verse 12 – He said:

often, faith is believing God’s apparently outrageous claims and promises, square in

Very truly, I tell you, the one who

the face of the mundaneness of life – a

believes in me will also do the works that I

world that squeezes us into its mould-

do and in fact, will do greater works than

mundaneness verses majesty. The power of

these because I am going to the Father.

the Spirit verses the power of this world.

I’m taking that, how about you? You see, I

See, so many people shy away from being

think He really meant it … I think He really

an ambassador of Christ because they

means it right now. Just as Jesus came as

somehow imagine that it’s the guy with the

God in the flesh to bring the Kingdom of

smooth voice on the radio – it must be his

God near to us, I believe He’s calling you,

job to be an ambassador of Christ. Or the

He’s calling me to take up our cross and to

one they see on TV or maybe it’s the youth

follow Him and to be His ambassadors and

pastor down at church – must be his job to

to do just the things He’d always planned

be an ambassador of Christ. We imagine

for us to do – not in our power, but in the

somehow, that being an ambassador in this

power of His Spirit. Works greater than His

great upfront role, someone with great

because He has gone to the Father and His

public speaking style; someone with a

plan is to involve you and me in bringing

presence – “Uh, you know, that’s not me. I

His love … the love of Jesus Christ, the love

can’t possibly do that; that can’t be my job.”

that saw Jesus crucified on that cross; that love to those who need it.

Whatever country you may live in you have diplomats from foreign countries living in

That’s what I think. But in a sense, it

your country; performing their roles as

doesn’t matter what I think. Question is,

ambassadors, so let me ask you: how often

what do you think?

do you see those guys on TV or hear them on the radio or read about them in the newspapers – how often? The answer is


almost never! Yea, maybe every now and


then an ambassador might get quoted but I

So, God’s plan is that we should be His

know if I tripped over the Ambassador of

ambassadors. It’s a great plan! This plan

China or the Ambassador of the U.S.A. in

that God has, to take every man, every

the street, I wouldn’t know them from a bar

woman, every child who believes in Jesus

of soap.

His Son and is therefore a citizen of heaven and appoint them as ambassadors

Why? Because most of the time, being an

of heaven; ambassadors of Christ to their

ambassador isn’t about being up front in the

little part of the globe so that through them

public eye; most of it is about quietly

God can make His appeal … an appeal of

building influence, one on one, or with small

grace and love, to people so that they will

groups so that when there’s a difficult issue

be reconciled to Him.

to be dealt with between the two governments, there’s a bridge already in

Question is: does anyone want to hear

place over which the parties can travel and

what we have to say?


When there’s a sensitive issue or a border

You know what – they are the ones to

dispute or a difficulty with a foreign

whom my heart is open. Why would we

national in a country, the diplomats talk

expect that it’s any different in being an

quietly, mostly in measured tones; mostly

ambassador for Christ?

unseen and unheard by the rest of us, to resolve the issue.

Jesus put it this way – He said – you can read this in Matthew chapter 5. He said:

Diplomacy is much more about individual relationships and trust than it is about overt

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is

brinkmanship. I wonder if we applied that

great in heaven, for in the same way they

model of diplomacy to our role as

persecuted the prophets who were before

ambassadors of Christ, whether that

you. “You are the salt of the earth; but if

doesn’t cast a whole new light on the job

salt has lost its taste, how can saltiness be

description. We all have friends and family

restored? It is no longer good for anything,

and work colleagues; people with whom we

but is thrown out and trampled under the

already have relationships of trust and I

foot. You are the light of the world. A city

wonder whether being an ambassador of

built on a hill cannot be hidden.

Christ isn’t a whole lot more about letting our goodness shine into their lives than it is

In other words, anyone who steps out into

about standing up on a soapbox on a street

the world who loves God, believes in His

corner or in the mall or down at the

Son – anyone who is prepared to share that

weekend at a crowded market, as I saw

love and that faith with other people as an

recently – screaming out words,

ambassador of Christ – you’re going to be

supposedly from God, to a whole bunch of

persecuted. Look back through history and

people with whom we don’t have a

that’s what you’ll find. Now, where I live

relationship and who don’t want to listen

“persecution” simply means, people might


reject you or they might make fun of you, they might keep their distance. Most people

I wonder whether it isn’t a whole bunch

I know, know who I am and what I do and

more about quiet diplomacy than beating

what I believe and even in that role, I don’t

someone over the head with a Bible. The

get much of that sort of stuff. And even if I

people whom I allow to influence me, I’ve

did it’s not much of a price to pay.

got to tell you, are the ones that I trust and the ones that I trust are the ones that I’ve

Of course, in other parts of the world,

known for quite a while. I’ve watched

persecution is very real – prison, torture,

them, I’ve observed them – they are good

even death – very real. Look at Jesus –

people; honest, decent, have their lives

nailed to a cross.


But what He’s saying here is to be the salt

The Bible talks about speaking the truth in

of the earth anyway; add flavour! “Be My

love – that’s what diplomacy is. I read an

light, anyway,” Jesus is saying, “Shine light

interesting Proverb this morning in my own

into dark places. Do those things; be those

personal time with God. Have a listen:

things! Shine My love into the hearts of the people around you. And if you’re some

Well meant are the wounds of a friend but

upfront creature, okay, sure do that and if

profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

you’re a quiet, unassuming, relationships oriented kind of person, my oh my, what a

Sometimes that’s a friend’s job – to speak

great ambassador you are going to make.”

the truth in love – and sometimes it’s hard and sometimes it hurts but the thing I know

Go and build bridges and build

is this: being an ambassador of Christ is the

relationships and build trust and let people

job of every disciple of Jesus. Sometimes

see the goodness that’s in your heart and

that involves just living a good life and

in what you do. Shine light, add flavour –

shining a light; sometimes it involves dealing

people like some light; people like flavour

with difficult issues and doing it in love;

– go and do that. Sometimes we are so

sometimes it involves embracing your

worried about whether other people want

enemies; it involves all sorts of different

to hear about Jesus or not; sometimes we

things at different times but each one of us

are so concerned with how they will react.

who believes in Jesus is called to be an ambassador of Christ in our own way, in

I imagine that being an ambassador involves a lot of subtlety. I imagine the role is all about timing; knowing when to quietly build relationships; knowing when to speak about hard things.

our own neck of the woods.

Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

Guard Your Heart Message taken from from Proverbs 4:23 (AMPC) Proverbs 4:23 (AMPC): "Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life."

The Bible says that life flows out from our hearts. We know that spiritually speaking, that life would be God's Own power that flows from His Spirit living inside us. The reason we are to guard our hearts is because if we aren't careful, we can cause that flow of life to become restricted when we block its flow with issues that have no place in our born-again lives. Things like sin, un-forgiveness, and any thoughts and conversations that are contrary to God's Word and nature. We guard our hearts by deliberately keeping our focus on whatever is in agreement with God's will... Things that are pure, and right, and uplifting; instead of things that are destructive and erode our faith! Today, choose to not become easily distracted by any negativity. Don't allow things to steer you away from God's truth, and drag you down a path of discouragement and despair. Rather, pull that life up from within your spirit as you keep your eyes on God's truth, having its wisdom set your course. It will fill your mind with peace and lay out a clear path ahead to victory.




Who are you personally and professionally and where are you from? I am a 30 year old woman originally from Birmingham, Alabama in the USA. Outside of faith based writing, I am a speech language pathologist who helps kids and adults who have complex communication needs. How and when did you become Born Again? It was the week before the 17th birthday. I felt God welcoming me with open arms in my grandmother's church. I knew after I walked down that aisle to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior that my life would never be the same How and when did you get into blogging? And why Christian Blogging? I launched my website in February of 2018. Overall, the blog provides me with a creative outlet for myself, helps to keep me accountable in my Bible studying, gives me a way to connect with other Christians, helps me preach the gospel to all of creation as Mark 16:15 states. What is blogging? Writing about things that interest you. What inspires your posts and what preparation goes into it? I can be inspired by anything--- a verse of a song, a Bible scripture, nature, a conversation I have with a friend. Literally, there is inspiration all around. To prepare for a blog post, I pray about everything-- from the title, to the scriptures to include, to what graphics to include. As a faith based blogger, God has to be in the entire blogging process with you.  What do you want people to learn from your blogs? I want readers of my blog to feel the love of God and Jesus Christ from start to finish. I want them to feel encouraged no matter what they are going through. I also want them to find community, joy, and laughter across my blog pages.

Other Interests? I am an avid reader. I love traveling to new places and trying new foods. What is the secret to authentic, thought provoking blogging? Be yourself. Be humble. No one else can do what you do, how you do it. What makes you different from other Christian bloggers? I wouldn't say that this is makes me different---- However, I am passionate about the creative writing process from start to finish. I like to create relatable, everyday content in a writing style that is thought provoking, engaging, and humorous. Where would you like to see your blog in the next 2 years? I would love for my blog to be a community in which people feel comfortable but still challenged to learn more about Jesus Christ. I would love to create printable faith based guides and resources for readers to use in their everyday walk with the Lord and I would love to have some meet-ups in different cities eventually. Who is King Jesus to you? My everything. Advice on how to start Christian blogging? Use google, youtube, and pinterest. Don't be afraid to jump right in once you have a domain name. Don't get caught up in the details. Just start writing. Misconception people have about Christian blogging? One misconception is that you can only talk about prayer and Bible studies on a Christian blog. No, you can talk about everything on a Christian blog! (food, fitness, travel, entrepreneurship, etc). Don't place limits on the different ways that God can work and move in our lives. Last words to the Beauty&TheGospel reader? Thank you for the opportunity to be interviewed! Can't wait to connect with new readers and subscribers at

ANNOUNCEMENT s s e pr e m u s E s e i s m i s h . t t i e r e , o e p r o m e h th le .I nd c y a n i i e t d r H e ga a d a s e is a y e e a n s k n t i u e n z o i e a y T . g l sa l e a l l a l m a s ab e l n i h o wa a T g v . n a s i l s r l i to y Ca r u b a i l tr sa n o o n c o s free

Advertisers you are also welcome. For reasonable price queries email: beautyandthegospel@ Till next time ,THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ! look out for the next issue on the 1st of October 2k19

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