Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 8 VOL 4

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| ISSUE 8 VOL 4|


0UR VISION Romans 15:20(TPT) It is my honor and constant passion to be a pioneer who preaches where no one has ever even heard of the Anointed One, instead of building upon someone else’s foundation.

OUR MISSION 1 Corinthians 1:17 (MSG) God didn’t send me out to collect a following for myself, but to preach the Message of what He has done, collecting a following for Him. And He didn’t send me to do it with a lot of fancy rhetoric of my own, lest the powerful action at the center—Christ on the Cross—be trivialized into mere words.

declarations e u g n o t e h t f o Power V E R B S 1 8 : 2 1 PRO

My destiny helpers and midwives are locating me My hands shall produce results that shall build up the Church, family , community, & colleagues by the grace of God for His Glory Out of my belly shall flow rivers of LIVING WATER My life is an answer and solution to those in need I declare divine acceleration and edification upon my physical and spiritual life My life is a testimony that shall draw man unto GOD this month is filled with the manifestaion of the Kingdom of GOD O Lord , oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight against me.

Beauty & The Gospel

CONTENTS SATAN'S ENDTIME STRATEGY USING THE PHARMACEUTICAL 351 chambers of hell & 47,000 cities of Heaven Prophet Aston gives accounts of these real revelations STOP USING ARTIFICIAL EYELASHES” – GOD’S WARNING TO WOMEN " One of the major aim of its introduction is to increase sexual immorality.” . OFFERING LIFE IN THE MIDST DEATH EXCITING TIMES FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE! ''People were dancing with the angels'' The Blessed life series unlocking the secrets on how to activate the blessed life THE FIVE INGREDIENTS OF AN ANOINTED LIFE

Tell the world to fear the fires of hell not death for everybody will die.


Who do you say I AM ? "What matters is your answer to this question" FORGIVENESS IS THE NATURE OF GOD faith oracles



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Chanelle Pillay

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Dr André & Jenny Roebert bels,a rent esss ,Ntpaom Gopaodn stor sus Je lovers of d His Christ an unders of Word. Fo Faith Tv

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EDITOR'S NOTE y, that in the Now the Spirit speaketh expressl m the faith, latter times some shall departs,fro d doctrines giving heed to seducing spirit an of devils;

1 Timothy 4 v 1 KJV

This Editor's note is from Tsakani , a slave of Jesus Christ.

I had eagerly planned to write to you about something else but I now find I must write to you about sound doctrine & seducing spirits .

Beloved , THE WORD OF GOD. clearly states that in the last days many will depart from the faith , taking heed to seducing spirits.

This is something we cannot deny as we've seen this happen all over including pastors but as I write the Holy Spirit is revealing something to me . That to give heed to seducing spirits in not just denying your faith but by actually following a gospel that is different from the one laid by Jesus Christ and preached by the Apostles. Today everyone just wants to be a voice for God but are they really hearing from God, today's miracles are far from the anointing of God.

The church has become entertainment rather than a place to prepare for the return of Christ. Evil is called good and good evil. Nakedness has become the order of the day and well the grace of God has been abused more than the word abuse.

I beseech you beloved , let's go to King Jesus and ask Him to reveal any seducing spirits we might be following and to hide us from this wicked world and seducing spirits that want our souls so bad for eternal damnation!


tsakani mhlongo @empress_teekay


Hosting the Glory by Dr André and Jenny Roebert 2 Samuel 6:11 (NLT): "The Ark of the Lord remained there in Obed-edom's house for three months, and the Lord blessed Obed-edom and his entire household."

Obed-edom found himself in a very peculiar yet privileged position. He was handed the responsibility of hosting the Ark of the covenant which housed the glory of God - in his home. As a result, the Lord blessed him and his entire household. Just making room for the presence of God in our lives is not enough. We are to pursue His presence as our vital necessity, making it the centre of everything we think, speak and do. Israel camped around the tabernacle that housed the presence of God. This was the centre of their life as a nation. It's what ensured their protection and provision - because God was with them, dwelling among them. To pursue God's presence is to diligently and purposefully seek Him. It is to be continuously alert and aware of Him in us, and upon us, as we live in a way that that would honour and love Him. This is a way of life He promises to reward with His goodness, life, protection, provision, peace and joy because He is with us.



I greet you in the name of the Lord. Please read through this message with the purpose of getting enriched and empowered to become a better person to the glory of God. "Ye are the light of the World......" Matthew.5:14.

"For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people.......And the Gentiles(unbelievers) shall come to thy light...." Isaiah.60:2-3. "And every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ." Acts 5:42.

The world's population is over 7billion people; and you know that, the bigger a house the more light it requires. Correspondingly, we need more lightcarrying believers to LIGHT UP THE WORLD.. JESUS calls every believer the light of the world. If you know where the light switch of a house is and you refuse to turn it on, you will remain in darkness with a person who doesn't know where the switch is. The Prophet Isaiah spoke about the times we live in. He said: ".....darkness shall cover the earth...." Isaiah.60:2; and JESUS said, we are the light for the season of darkness. The Holy Spirit in the book of Acts reveals that evangelism is the means by which we light up the world and draw many to the Lord. Acts 5:14 didn't say 'believers were added to a denomination' rather 'believers were added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women'. How did they achieve this? They preached DAILY in every house- Acts 5:42.


You can be very successful in your chosen career and still make heaven because God doesn't encourage failure. But you must not allow your pursuit of earthly success to diminish your drive for matters of eternity like the souls of men. If men remember you for your achievements and heaven has no record of it, you have only lived like someone who didn't pass through this earth. I want to encourage you to get radically and resolutely committed to soul-winning thereby populating God's Kingdom and lightening up the world. Should we say that the forces of evil are winning while believers are still around? God forbid! The Apostle Paul said, he won men to the Lord 'by all means'- all honest and legitimate means. Remember that if we don't LIGHT UP THE WORLD, we have made a

If you are a true believer and expecting the coming of the Lord Jesus, you cannot be passive about soul-winning. If you can't speak God's word to people directly, then support those who are doing so, or pray at least 30mins daily for unsaved souls around you.

choice to suffer the darkness that

What would it profit you to get to heaven and not see any of your familar neighbour's, family or friends?

'darkness' by shining our lights

Dear friend, if all your earthly pursuit does not have the Kingdom of God at its Centre, it's a most miserable life.

covers the earth. Some places are predominantly in 'spiritual darkness' because the 'spiritual lights' there have refused to shine their lights. We must win the war against through soul-winning and living the LIFE OF CHRIST EVERYWHERE. Receive Grace, Peace and Joy to DIRECT PEOPLE AROUND YOU TO CHRIST.

Shepherd Hill Community




Transcribed and compiled by Joshua Chong Thanks to Peniel Ngonde who translated the French sermons of Prophet Aston Adam Mbaya to English and posting his videos on YouTube.


CHAPTER 5 FATHER CHRISTMAS IN THE 86TH CHAMBER OF HELL Brother, I have already talked about Christmas but this time around it will be different, for it will not be preaching or


teaching but a testimony. Many people


celebrate this feast. Therefore, I will


testify so that you can make up your mind either to continue to celebrate this holiday or not.



When I had this experience in my life, I was at a point where I was being taken by the Lord to Hell. I mean, I had daily experience with the Lord for a period of 351 days. I had been in Hell for 351 days. And on the 86th day of this experience, the Lord came and He took me again to Hell. When we arrived in Hell, as usual, this was a kingdom full of fire. There was a lot of lava of fire everywhere, and I saw countless lost souls inside the lava of fire. They were numerous. I noticed that their lower parts were in the lava of fire. Brother, we have all seen lava of a volcano, how they looked like liquid molten steel. Now imagine thousands of people inside liquid lava of fire burning. I came to see that the majority of the souls that I was observing were people who were churchgoers. Beloved, the kingdom of Hell is divided into 351 valleys that we call the chambers of Hell. These chambers of Hell are actually continents of Hell. On the Earth, we have five continents, but in Hell, there are 351 continents. The continent of Africa and Asia put together is equal to one continent of Hell. Thisplace of torment is really vast. It is an unbearable place for the torment was great. People were crying and shouting, they were all asking for forgiveness. When I saw this horrendous scene, I was crying continually. There was no empty landscape and the places were full of fire. People were tormented by fire and demons.

There was no escape in Hell. I saw members of my family. In Hell, I saw my grandmother and my grandfather. All these souls in Hell were in pits of fire. I asked the Lord, “Why are all these souls in their respective pits of fire?” The Lord said, “When men of the Earth are living in sin, they are digging a hole for themselves. They are digging an eternal pit in Hell. Sinful lives provide demons with material to build your pit.” Every chamber of Hell was in an enclosure. And there were screams of millions rising everywhere. I heard people complaining and regretting. A lost soul said, “Why has my body lied and deceived me? I fulfilled the desire of the body. But this is where it led me. Everything that I strived to acquire in life, I left it on the Earth and I lost my soul for eternity. Woe to me.” Other souls were insulting God, for the suffering was unbearable, and there was no escape. When I saw the pain of the lost, I cried bitterly. I said to the Lord, “Is there no more opportunity for these souls to be redeemed?” The Lord said to me, “Men can repent on the Earth when they are alive. However, when men fall into this place, it is too late.” As we were moving above these people, I saw countless lost souls lifting their arms to the Lord and asking for deliverance.


When I looked, I saw that these lost souls were like rotting and they were covered with worms and fire that was burning them. Whenever these people tried to remove worms on their bodies, more worms were coming upon them. It was better to accept the ones crawling on your body instead of removing them for they will multiply. In the Kingdom of Hell, there were fast springing from under the ground and the fire was burning all these in numerous crowds of souls and people were crying. Seeing this torment, I was crying all the time and I was saying, “Lord, pity Your people.” Finally, we arrived before a gate. When I looked, I saw a man sitting before the gate. He was dressed exactly like Father Christmas. He was holding toys on his hand, and he was laughing at people that were stuck inside the gate. Above the gate of this place was written, “The chambers of the damned souls who celebrate Christmas.” The writing was not of this world but the Lord enabled me to understand it. I am just simplifying things so that you can understand. In Hell, I saw that fire was not burning demons, impure birds, beasts and impure animals. It was only burning human souls that were in this hostile place. When I saw this writing on the gate, I said, “Lord, what is the meaning of this inscription?” The Lord said, “All the sins that people are committing on the Earth are classified in prisons and punishments in Hell.

This chamber that you see is built for people who are celebrating Christmas.” I said, “Lord, people celebrate Christmas because it is Your birthday.” The Lord replied to me, “That is not the case. This celebration was instituted by the devil through the Roman Catholic Church. And the demon you see that is called Father Christmas is the unclean spirit that is seducing the world. He is a demon. This church that came up with Christmas is the representative of Satan. They have instituted this Christmas. “ The Lord said, “There were many gods in ancient times. The Emperor was worshipping the Sun God. When the Romans came to Christianity, the Emperor resolved to institute a feast for the Christians. The Emperor said, ‘Since there is a feast of Holy Communion to remember the death and resurrection of Christ, we need a day of celebration in order to celebrate the Sun God.’ “This inspiration came from the devil himself who had summoned a meeting in which he told the powers of darkness, ‘Since Christians of the world don’t have a day where they remember and celebrate their master. And since living in the presence of their Master daily is the celebration of their God, lets come up with a day where we will tell the world that they are celebrating the birth of Christ. This will be the day the whole world and all families of the world will give me the honor.


I want a day where the whole world would celebrate and worship me a day, where all the families of the Earth will worship and celebrate me. That day will not be for remembering the death of Christ, for it is too powerful. When the families of the Earth and the inhabitants of the Earth will celebrate this day, they shall be marked by my serial 666.’ ” This resolution of Satan was implemented by the Roman Catholic Church and people who celebrate Christmas are marked with 666 for they are worshipping the devil. I saw this demon that was Father Christmas before the gate. He was saying to the damned souls in torment, “Rejoice for this is your kingdom. You have accepted our proposition and you have done our will in bidding. This is your reward.” [God gives specific instructions about using pagan practices to worship Him— the exact thing Christmas does! Notice what He says in Deuteronomy 12:30-32: “. . . Do not inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’ You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way . . . Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it” And lest some think this is simply an Old Testament command that no longer applies, the apostle Paul makes the same point in 2 Corinthians 6, where he addresses whether unbiblical religious customs and practices have any place in the worship of God’s people:

“What fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial [the devil and/ or demons]? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God . . .“Therefore ‘Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.’ ‘I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the LORD Almighty.’ Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Corinthians 6:14- 18; 2 Corinthians 7:1). Rather than relabeling pagan customs as Christian, or allowing members of the Church to continue their old pagan practices, the apostle Paul told them in nouncertain terms to leave behind all these forms of worship and worship God in true holiness as He commands. Jesus likewise says His true followers “must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24)— not revel in recycled pagan customs and symbolism.] When we got to the gate, this demon ran away from the presence of the Lord. I saw the names of the people who celebrate this pagan feast on the gate. Then the gate opened. When we entered the gate of this chamber, I was feeling lost. I said, “Lord, please get me out of here.


I swear to tell people that Hell is real. This place is unbearable. I cannot take it.” The Lord said, “My son, you have to see this. It is in your interest. You should tell the inhabitants of the land about these things.” Brother, there was fire everywhere in this place. There was no empty space. Quickly I began to hear the voices of men and children. They were countless. These children were obsessed with the Christmas celebration on the Earth. I watched and I saw that they were like decomposing and they were crying. As we were moving in this place, I saw a pit and inside the pit, there was a baby crying. He was eaten by worms. As the baby was crying the Lord allowed me to hear him. He was saying, “I don’t know anything. I left the Earth when I was one year old. What have I done to deserve this?” I asked the Lord, “Why is this baby here?” The Lord said, “The baby was initiated from the womb of her mother in witchcraft. That is why he is there.” When we left this baby, I saw a toddler. He was surrounded by demons. These demons were cartoon characters that he was watching on the Earth. The kid used to watch Snowy. As a result, Snowy was around him in this place among others. The child seems to be 8. [Snowy (French: Milou [milu]) is a fictional character in The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. Snowy is a white Wire Fox Terrier who is a companion to Tintin, the series’ protagonist.]

Brother, in Hell, it was difficult to identify people for they were rotting and they were skeletons. You will recognize people thanks to their voices for they were covered with worms. The child was crying and calling the name of his mother and father. For when you fall into Hell, you will remember your family and loved ones that you left on the Earth. I asked the Lord, “Why was this child there?” The Lord said, “When this child was on the Earth, his parents were always buying him gifts and presents for Christmas. But whenever his parents failed to buy him presents and clothes, he was crying and bothering his parents. He was shouting and imposing himself and saying, ‘I must celebrate Christmas.’ His parents were so pressured that they had to do what it takes to buy him Christmas presents and clothes. When new clothes were bought for him, he was happy to go play with other kids. Since the child was doing this every Christmas, the Devil put the mark 666 on the child, for he had become a worshipper of Father Christmas who represented everything for the child. This was actually the worship of Father Christmas.” The Lord said, “You shall have no other God than Me. Christmas has become more that matters for children and Father Christmas has become a god for children. When Christmas comes, they become impatient and there is the heartbeat.”


When we left this pit, we went to another pit where I saw a man and a woman inside. They were in chains and they were skeletons. They were saying to one another, “I am here because of you. It is your fault.” Quickly the Lord told them to keep quiet. When I looked at these two people, I saw that there were no eyes in their eye sockets for the fire had consumed their eyes and worms were coming out of their eye sockets. They were saying, “Lord, have mercy on us.” They were on their knees and were asking for mercy. But the Lord said, “My children, it is too late.” I saw that Jesus was crying for their souls. Jesus said, “You had all the time on the Earth to repent. Once you fell here, there is nothing I can do.” The Lord said, “You see, this man and woman were boyfriend and girlfriend. When Christmas of the year 2013 had come, they went to the restaurant to eat and had a good time. It is when they were coming back that they had an accident in the National Boulevard in the city.I asked the Lord, “What is that they did wrong?” The Lord said, “You shall not have other gods before Me. They wanted to celebrate Christmas. And this is their condemnation.” Brother, just imagine, just because of the celebration of this holiday called Christmas, the souls of these people were lost. Jesus had not finished talking when we heard someone behind us calling the Lord and saying, “Jesus, please get me out of this place. I have suffered enough.”

We went towards the pit where the voice was coming from. I saw that as we were going there, the Lord was crying and shedding tears like someone who has lost a loved one. Then I saw from the pit a woman who was crying, there were no eyes in her eye sockets for her flesh was burned. I saw that in her pit there was like a huge pan full of meat, but there was a voice shouting, “Justice.” I said, “Lord, what did she do?” The Lord said, “This woman was not going out to celebrate Christmas, but every Christmas she was cooking a lot of food and meat and inviting people to come and celebrate. Then one Christmas day after the cooking, she was shouting in the street “Merry Christmas” to everyone. When she was shouting “Merry Christmas,” the Principality of Christmas came and said to her spirit, “Since you have been shouting my name I have come,” and this demon entered her house. The lady could not see the demon of Christmas that we call Father Christmas. A few days later she fell sick and died. On that day of her death, Father Christmas came and cast her soul in this place. She never knew that she invited this demon inside her place. Seeing these things, I cried a lot. The lady said to the Lord, “Master, you know that I served you faithfully. I was doing the arrangements in the church and I was carrying the Bible of the pastor.


I was paying my tithes. I was doing evangelism.” Jesus said, “I know the works you have done for Me. But you were imprudent and complacent for you knew My word and My principles, but you went on to celebrate this holiday willingly. You ignored the voice of the Spirit because of alack of vigilance. By celebrating this holiday you went to worship this god of Christmas, who is a demon. You shall have no other God than Me. It is too late

The Lord said, “My daughter, time is gone for you.” As we were moving in this place, there were pits everywhere with people shouting because of pain. There were demons mocking these souls in this place. They were saying, “You people were worshipping Father Christmas by celebrating Christmas. This is your kingdom. You will celebrate and worship

and there is nothing I can do.”

Father Christmas here forever. Why are you

Then we moved to another pit where I

kingdom forever.”

saw four children. They were holding fiery hammers and they were beating a woman

crying? You are in your kingdom. This is your

While we were in this chamber of Hell, I saw

with their hammers.

the gate where we had entered this chamber

They said, “We did nothing wrong. But

a number of children. They were pulling these

this woman brought us here. She is the one who taught us to celebrate Christmas every year. That is why we are here.” The Lord said, “This lady is the mother of these four children. She used to buy her children’s clothes every year at Christmas

of Hell. I saw demons coming in the gate with children with wires that were attached to their tongues. The Lord said, “What you see are the newcomers. They’ve died on the Earth and they have the mark of Father Christmas 666

and they were celebrating.

on their forehead.”They were crying for help.

One day they were on a bus and they had

kept saying, “Too late, too late.” Beloved, how

an accident and they died.” The mother said to the Lord, “The children were piling pressure on me every Christmas to buy them new clothes, and I had no choice but to please them in order to have peace. I wanted to please them.” The Lord said, “My daughter, it is written, ‘Do not conform to the present world. You are not of this world.’” Brother, we cannot do things and follow the traditions of the world because the people of this world are doing it. We are not of this world. Let us learn to use the freedom that we have received from the Spirit.

The Lord had a love for these souls. But He many times have you and I celebrated this pagan holiday? Then I saw at a distance a soul that was inside the liquid lava. His belly was like four meters and demons were piercing his belly with javelins. The Lord said, “This man has lived 55 years on the Earth from birth until death. He celebrated Christmas every year. He never missed celebrating. He was buying food and clothes and going out to celebrate. He kept telling his wife, ‘We must celebrate and enjoy this time of life. I am happy to be with you.’ ”


The Lord said, “All the food that he had eaten in all the Christmas celebration all these years are in his belly. That is why it is that way.” Jesus said, “Demons will pierce him forever.” And I saw that he was unable to stand up because of his belly. He was calling the name of his pastor but it was too late. He was there inside the fire. Then I saw a preacher in Hell preaching and telling lost souls, “Do not celebrate Christmas as it is of the devil.” I saw that some souls were asking for forgiveness, other souls were insulting him. I asked the Lord, “Why has this preacher fallen in this place?” The Lord said, “In his church, he was preaching that people can celebrate Christmas. Every Christmas children were invited and given presents in his church. When he died, he realized that he was in error. That is why you see him preaching this way, but it is too late for him.” When we got to him, he said, “Lord, pity me. I did your work and won souls on Earth. And when I fell into Hell, I realized my mistake. That is why I am preaching here and many souls believed me. Get me out here.” The Lord said, “Lying servant, you knew My word, but you wanted to follow

This was unbearable. There were people in the river of lava of fire. Some were looking for a way to get out, but there was no place to hide. They were laying in the river of fire. People were calling for help and saying, “What have we done to deserve this torment?” The wall of the enclosure of this place was also burning with great fire. In this chaos, I was hearing a voice saying, “Increase the temperature.” For every half an hour, there was an increase in the temperature of the lava. You cannot imagine what I am talking about. There were incessant screams. You cannot imagine this horrendous place. In this place, I saw a Cardinal with a popular school in our city. He was surrounded by kids that were grabbing him. They were saying, “Father, you are the one who brought us here.” These children were joined by faithful believers of the Catholic Church. They were tormenting the Cardinal saying, “We have come here because of you.” Brother, after seeing these torments of Hell, my life will never be the same again.


the celebration of the world and you preached that celebrating Christmas was okay. It is too late.” When we were leaving, this preacher began to insult the Lord and he was blaspheming. The Lord was in tears.In this place. I saw Cardinals of our country. I will not quote their names. I saw Catholic priests and Popes.

"You ignored the voice of the Spirit because of a lack of vigilance"


W A T C H written by:

ANGUS & JILL BUCHAN Jill and I found Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour on the 18th of February 1979, just two years after settling in Greytown, Kwa-Zulu Natal Midlands, South Africa. Originally from Zambia, we bought a piece of land on which we planned to farm crops and livestock. We had very little to start with but even as brand new Christians, we were content with our farm, which we later called SHALOM.

In these perilous times in which we are living, Jesus tells you and I quite categorically that we

When we get a clear word from Him, you

need to watch. You’ll find that in Mark 13:36-37

might be saying ‘but I’ve had no word from

(NKJV). He says, “lest, coming suddenly, he find

the Lord,’ well, that is also an answer from

you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to

God, because if you’ve heard nothing from

all: Watch!”

God that means you need to carry on with what you are doing at present. You don’t have

We are living in times when people are

to do anything, just be obedient to what He

undecided. People don’t know whether they

tells you. If He tells you to leave, then you

need to stay, to leave, to invest, to withdraw, to

need to leave immediately. If He tells you to

pursue their studies, to leave their studies, to

stay, then you need to stay and that is where

get married, not to get married. These are

you’ll get your peace, when you are watching

times that we need to be very, very careful on

and waiting.

the decisions that we make. We cannot be swept up by the sentiments of the news media

One of my favourite scriptures is John 16:33

or of well-meaning people. Remember we

(NKJV), “These things I have spoken to you,

always say at Shalom “A good idea is not

that in Me you may have peace. In the world

always a God idea.”

you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” So

Then on the other hand we cannot

whether we be in the Middle East in the

procrastinate either. We need to actually make

middle of a war, whether we be in South

decisions, because if we don’t, we’ll just start

Africa or whether we be in Great Britain. The

slipping backwards. Therefore, we need clear

bottom line is, we need to be where God

instructions from our Father in heaven.

wants us to be because that’s where peace is found.

To be in His perfect will, because that’s where He will undertake for us in everything that we desire. So have a great week and remember the Lord says “watch.” Keep watching and He will show you the way.

Jesus bless you, Angus and Jill Buchan


of Death SOURCE:


It is better to go to a house of mourning

This verse is a completely countercultural

than to go to a house of feasting, since

statement because few people prefer to go to

that is the end of all mankind, and the

a funeral than to a banquet. However, the

living should take it to heart.

reason is really very important: a funeral is an

Lamentations 7:2

occasion to stop in the midst of the hustle and bustle of day-to-day worries, care, plans, and

This month I have been reflecting on this

projects to think about what is truly important:

biblical verse on the occasion of the

that one day we are going to die. This truth

sermons that I have taught on the letter to

necessarily implies a deep reflection on what

the Philippians where Paul talks about

we are doing in the present life with respect to


the eternity that awaits us.

This topic has been the subject of three

July was a month of many difficulties related to

sermons that I have given this month, one

illness and pain. That is why I think that the issue

of them at the funeral of the mother of a

of the imminence of death, which is rarely

church member. During her life, this

discussed today, has been very close to the

person did not express saving faith in

church. Many relatives of church brothers are

Christ so preaching at her funeral was a

sick. At least two of them died this month. May

challenge that I had not experienced

the Lord use his Word to prepare us to depart

before. How can you speak at the funeral

with Christ, and while the time comes, that we

of someone for whom there is no certainty

can live holier lives, worthy of the gospel of Jesus

of hope in Christ? At some point in

Christ. As for me and my family, thanks to the

preparation, I realized the meaning of the

Lord we are in good health, encouraged in Christ,

verse above. This funeral would be a

and with the desire to continue forward. We

perfect occasion to bring all those

always thank the Lord for your prayers and your

attending the funeral to reflect on their

support. May the Lord bless you greatly.

own reality of eternal salvation or damnation because this is the end of all mankind. It does not matter if we are rich, poor, strong, or mighty. We all face the same reality at the end of our earthly lives.








"Pharmacy is a well organized and professionalized system that administers poisonous drugs" Revelation chapter 18 gives a description

By the “sorceries” of Babylon all

of the fall of Babylon and in verse 23 it

nations were deceived. The Greek word

gives us the reason why all nations were

for “sorceries” in verse 23 is “pharmakeia”

deceived. This may be shocking for many

[far-mak-i’-ah]. According to the Thayer

people. Let’s read what the Bible says.

Greek Dictionary “pharmakeia” is “the use

Referring to the fall of Babylon Revelation

or administering of drugs; poisoning; and

18:23 says “And the light of a candle shall

sorcery, magical arts, often found in

shine no more at all in thee; and the voice

connection with idolatry and fostered by

of the bridegroom and of the bride shall

it.” If you put the original Greek word

be heard no more at all in thee: for thy

“pharmakeia” in place of the English word

merchants were the great men of the

“sorceries” the end of verse 23 would say,

earth; for by thy sorceries were all

“For by thy pharmakeia were ALL nations

nations deceived.”


“Pharmakeia” is where we get our English

These are “direct effects” because the

word “pharmacy”! Pharmacy is a well

reality is that drugs have direct effects on

organized and professionalized system

the entire body system including the

that administers poisonous drugs. The

brain. When you go back to Revelation

Bible reveals that Babylon will deceive all

18:23, Jesus uses the Greek word

nations by the use of pharmacy that is in

“pharmakeia” to reveal to us the main

connection to “magical arts” and idolatry.

thing that will be used to deceive ALL people in the last days is a well organized

“Magical arts” has its deep roots in

system of administering poisonous drugs

witchcraft and the occultic world. We don’t

to billions of people that are not only toxic

have to do a deep Bible study to know that

to the organs of body, but have direct

Satan is directly behind the magical arts

negative effects on the brain. Many of

and God’s people should have nothing to

these drugs used for a variety of reasons

do with it. Professed deceived Christians

are known to cause problems with

today use “magical arts” under the

memory, mood, and contribute to

disguise of contemplative prayer,

negative personality changes.

“christian” humanism, and spiritual formation. In general those involved in

Who is the main one behind the system of

sorcery, witchcraft, and magic are known

pharmacy and the administering of

to use “magic” potions to “heal”, deceive,

poisonous drugs that Babylon uses to

poison, control, or kill someone.

deceive all nations? A logo or symbol reveals the values and the purpose of a

Pharmacy mainly uses a mixture of toxic

business, organization, or professional

chemicals, metals, and/or synthetic

occupation. They use a logo or symbol as

elements to produce “pharmaceuticals”

an identifying “mark” to the world. In other

that are designed to manipulate the

words, that logo makes a direct link to a

biochemistry or metabolic functions of the

business or occupation. When a person

body in an attempt to get a “desired”

thinks of the “swoosh” they immediately

affect in the treatment of a disease or

think of the Nike corporation.

sickness. In other words, pharmacy mixes up different types of poison, package it,

The symbols and logos of modern

patent it, and claims that it can treat

medicine clearly reveal who is behind the

certain types of diseases. The main

scenes orchestrating the whole system of

problem with that system is that poison is

the administering of poisonous drugs that

poison. Pharmaceutical drugs are

manipulate the bodies and minds of

poisonous. When poison is put into the

billions of people around the world. Let’s

body it has negative effects on the entire

just look at three recognizable symbols

body system from head to toe. These are

and unmask the truth!

not just “side effects” or “unintended” sicknesses or diseases that a person suffers as a result of using a drug.

The symbol in Figure A is the international

Figure B is a picture of the statue of Hygieia.

symbol for pharmacy known as the “Bowl

Notice the serpent drinking the magic potion

of Hygieia.” Who is Hygieia? Hygieia comes

from the “bowl of wisdom”. In Genesis 3:1-14,

from Greek mythology. Mythology is the

Satan, known as the serpent, used a serpent

study of myths, or lies and pagan false

to deceive Eve. Verse 1 reveals that this

gods. In other words, though it is not true,

serpent was “more subtil” meaning that it was

millions worship it as if it is true. Who is

thin or very light, not dense or gross, but

the father of lies? Satan. According to

smooth and refined in order to accomplish its

Greek pagan worship, Hygieia is the

deceptive purpose.

goddess of health and hygiene, the daughter of Aesculapius. He is the god of medicine, healing, and physicians.

In verse 6, Eve believed the serpent’s subtil lies. Thinking that she could become wise, Eve Ettie Rosenberg, a doctor in pharmacology

disobeyed God by eating from the tree that

and attorney describes the meaning of the

God said not to eat from. In verse 13 after

Bowl of Hygieia. She says, “The ‘Bowl of

eating the fruit from the forbidden tree, Eve

Hygieia’ symbol is the most widely

acknowledged that the serpent deceived her.

recognized international symbol of

When a person is deceived, are they aware of

pharmacy. In Greek mythology, Hygieia

it? According to Webster’s dictionary to

was the daughter and assistant of

deceive means “to cause to believe what is

Aesculapius, the God of Medicine and

false.” So when people are deceived, they

Healing. Hygieia’s classical symbol was a

really believe the lie. Notice Satan used the

bowl containing a medicinal potion with

serpent to deceive Eve so she would believe

the serpent of Wisdom (or guardianship)

the lie. This serpent drinking from the “bowl

partaking it. This is the same serpent of

of wisdom” is from Satan. It represents the

Wisdom, which appears on the caduceus,

deceptive character of Satan that is still

the staff of Aesculapius, which is the

deceiving people today. Should God’s

symbol of medicine.” - Ettie Rosenberg,

people have anything to do with this

Pharm.D., Esq.


Figure C is known Figure C: Rod of

Figure D is a statue of Aesculapius with his

Aesculapius as the staff of Aesculapius.

rod wrapped with the “Snake of Wisdom”.

His rod represents the healing aspects of

This “Snake of Wisdom” is seen throughout

the art of medicine. Many Christians think

the symbolism of the modern medical

that this symbol is the same as the

profession. It is in the symbol of the American

serpent of brass that Moses put on a pole,

Medical Association, an association that set

but it is not. The serpent on the rod of

the standards for physicians and the medical

Aesculapius is a counterfeit to Moses’

profession in America. It is found in the

bronze serpent on the pole. This

middle of the logo of the World Health

counterfeit symbol gives a false message

Organization. It is also found on the logos of

that the serpent is wise and harmless.

medical schools, doctor offices, and many other medical organizations.

Remember, the serpent on the rod of

The next symbol in Figure E really sums up

Aesculapius is the same serpent that is

who is really behind the poisonous drugging

drinking from the Bowl of Hygieia. The

system of Babylon. Figure E is another symbol

message that the serpent of this Satanic

recognized throughout the medical field, it is

symbol is also giving is that it is okay to

known as the “caduceus.” A caduceus has two

take the poisonous “magic potent” from

serpents mating around a rod, topped by a

the bowl. These symbols that are used to

pair of wings. The caduceus,also known as a

represent the professions of pharmacy

magic wand, belongs to the Greek god

and medicine are giving a deceptive

Hermes or the Roman god Mercury. These

message from Satan that taking poisonous

gods are supposed to be the messengers of

drugs are wise and has the power to heal

gods, inventors of magic, communicators to

and not kill. This is a lie! Those who submit

the “dead” and one who protects business

to this poisonous counterfeit system will

and thieves ( Asclepius.html).

be swept away.

Many in witchcraft and sorcery still use the

Could it be that modern medicine has

caduceus for magic and to cast spells. Also

adopted the caduceus as their symbol of

the caduceus in sorcery is known to

medicine and physicians to PROTECT the

“restrain and control” its victims.

merchants of the earth that make billions of dollars poisoning people and to protect the corporate thieves and to control and restrain masses of people? This may shock you. Even though the caduceus had nothing to do with healing or medicine, an officer in the U.S. ARMY Medical Corps in 1902 insisted to adopt the caduceus as their symbol. Since then others in the medical profession began to adopt the caduceus as a symbol of medicine or physicians. Let’s lift the veil of what the caduceus really means. In the occultic world, Satan depicts himself as a goat known as Baphomet with two wings and a caduceus between his

In Greek mythology and the occultic world

crossed legs! Yes, Baphomet has a caduceus

the caduceus had nothing to do with

between his legs. Look at the pictures in

medicine, healing or health. So why has

Figure F and compare. Here is the direct link

modern medicine adopted the caduceus

between the poisonous practices of modern

as their symbol of medicine? Remember

medicine through pharmakeia and Satan.

its original function and meaning. Who

Satan is behind this drugging system. A

holds the caduceus? The false god of

caduceus is actually an abbreviated version of

Mercury holds it. What is his claim?

Baphomet, Satan himself.

Inventor of magic, conductor of the dead, protector of merchants, thieves, and to restrain and control is his claim!

Do you think Jesus is a part of this system?

At 50 or 51 years old the story is told that

NO. Should true Christians be a part of

Paracelsus was thrown out the window by

this drugging system? No. This systematic

other physicians at the time who believed

poisoning is of Babylon and God’s people

him to be very dangerous in 1541. It is

need to get out. We need to learn natures

amazing today that Paracelsus is known as

way of healing that God approves of

the father of modern pharmacy! Where did

through lifestyle and plant-based eating

he get his inspiration? Baphomet, Satan!

and herbs. This system of Paracelsus is the foundation in Did you know that the “father” of

which modern medicine is built. It has killed

pharmacology was an occultist? He was a

and poisoned millions of people.

worshiper of Satan! Born as Philippus

Pharmaceutical drugs never cure disease –

Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von

they only try to manage it by inhibiting or

Hohenheim in 1493, he called himself

manipulating a function in the body that is

Paracelsus. He was well known as a Swiss

supposed to happen naturally. In a June 2010

German physician, botanist, alchemist,

report in the Journal of General Internal

astrologer, and general occultist. He

Medicine, authors said that in looking over

founded the field of toxicology better

records that spanned from 1976 to 2006 they

known as pharmacy. For hundreds of

found that out of 62 million death certificates,

years physicians used natural herbs and

25 million deaths were coded as having

food for healing. Paracelsus defied this

occurred in a hospital setting due to

notion. From his studies on chemistry and

medication errors. The total number of

metallurgy with the mix of occultic

deaths due to the American modern medical

worship and astrology, he theorized that

system of drugging, unnecessary surgeries,

metals such as mercury, lead, tin, copper,

infections, medical errors, etc., is nearly

and gold could “purify” the body. He

800,000 people per year! This is more than

believed that the stars and planets were

people who die from heart disease with over

the main cause of human illness and

600,000 deaths per year and cancer with over

disease. He believed that ALL diseases

500,000 deaths per year. -

should be treated with metals which are

poisonous to the body. This was a very


radical practice during his time. He treated


many diseases with mercury better known as quicksilver. Many physicians who

This system of administering poisonous drugs

bought into Paracelsus method and used

worldwide is a trillion dollar industry and the

quicksilver (mercury), also known as

medical merchants of the earth profit greatly

Quack Salber, were known as “quacks”.

from it. They love the money it produces and

This was a very rebellious way of treating

ignore the many lives it destroys. Millions

the body at the time (Jethro Kloss, Back to

worship the system as an idol.

Eden, 2nd ed., pp. 52, 53). Many died as a result of Paracelsus way of treatment.

Poisonous drugs are NOT a cure for

The Greek word for “witchcraft” in verse 20 is

disease. Many who prescribe and

pharmakeia. Those who are in this poisoning

administer pharmaceutical drugs will

drugging business need to repent and turn

admit it. If drugs cured disease, why are

away from it. If they do not repent they will

many who are being treated for diseases

not inherit the kingdom of God. This is

prescribed to take drugs until the day they

confirmed in the book of Revelation.

die. This does not sound like a cure but a

Revelation 21:8 says, “But the fearful, and

money making hoax.

unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and

“People need to be taught that drugs do

sorcerers [pharmakeus =druggist/poisoner],

not cure disease. It is true that they

and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their

sometimes afford present relief, and the

part in the lake which burneth with fire and

patient appears to recover as the result of

brimstone: which is the second death.” The

their use; this is because nature has

Greek word for sorcerers in verse 8 is

sufficient vital force to expel the poison

“pharmakeus” defined as a druggist or

and to correct the conditions that caused

poisoner. This is repeated in the last chapter

the disease. Health is recovered in spite of

of the Bible. Revelation 22:14, 15 says,

the drug. But in most cases the drug only

14“Blessed are they that do his

changes the form and location of the

commandments, that they may have right to

disease. Often the effect of the poison

the tree of life, and may enter in through the

seems to be overcome for a time, but the

gates into the city. 15 For without are dogs,

results remain in the system, and work

and sorcerers [pharmakeus = druggist], and

great harm at some later period. By the

whoremongers, and murderers, and

use of poisonous drugs, many bring upon

idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh

themselves lifelong illness, and many lives

a lie.”

are lost that might be saved by the use of natural methods of healing.” - Ellen White, Counsels on Health, p. 89

Pharmakeia is a part of Babylon. This is what the Bible predicts that Babylon would use to

What message does the Bible give for

deceive all nations. You don’t have to be

those in pharmakeia – the poison of

deceived. There is no way to be a part of

Babylon? Galatians 5:20-21says

God’s true people at the end of time and be

20 Idolatry, witchcraft [pharmakeia],

connected with this system of administering

hatred, variance, emulations, wrath,

poisonous drugs that manipulate and

strife, seditions, heresies, 21Envyings,

confuse the mind. This comes from Satan

murders, drunkenness, revellings, and

himself. You have seen the evidence. Babylon

such like: of the which I tell you before, as

is fallen, get out before it is too late. It is a

I have also told you in time past, that

broken and poisonous system, “GET OUT” is

they which do such things shall not

God’s earnest plea.

inherit the kingdom of God.”

The Stronghold of T r u s t THE FOLLY OF FALSE FOUNDATIONS


Money can buy the best physicians, but only God can give us health.

Some people place their trust in money. Paul wrote, “Command those who are rich in

Some people place their trust in education.

this present age not to be haughty, nor to

Education without God only produces

trust in uncertain riches but in the living

intellectual barbarians. Hitler’s Nazis were

God, who gives us richly all things to

well educated, and yet they threw Jewish

enjoy” (1 Tim. 6:17). Why are riches

children alive into the blazing ovens of

“uncertain”? Because billionaires are one

Auschwitz. They had obtained scholarly

stock market crash away from being broke. Money can buy a bed of gold, but only God can give us rest. | BEAUTY & THE GOSPEL

degrees, but they were educated heathens with hearts of stone. Public schools have thrown the Bible out the back door and September 2021

brought condoms in the front. Without much

I love the song that simply says to “trust and

imagination, we can see where public schools

obey, for there’s no other way to be happy

are heading. Without God, they produce

in Jesus than to trust and obey.”

human beings with little moral fortitude.


GOD IS TRUSTWORTHY When life gets tough, we need to trust someone. “In You, O LORD, I put my trust,” David says (v. 1). When we are going through one of life’s storms, the Great Physician has a prescription –

The opposite of trust is unbelief. What does God think of people who will not trust Him? “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the

TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. (PROV. 3:5) He knows the burdens we carry and the tears we shed. He suffered a broken heart and even had a dear friend betray Him. He is the healer of broken hearts, broken dreams, and

second death” (Rev. 21:8). Unbelief releases fear, doubt, and suspicion. Unbelief binds the hands of God and releases the demons of hell. The woman who doubts her husband’s love and loyalty does not sing for joy. Her face is haggard, her heart is broken, and her eyes are flooded with tears. That’s emotional. The

broken lives. Trust Him. He never fails.

person filled with self-doubt is not a picture

Trust must be complete or it is not trust. A

people, angry, and seething with resentment.

farmer went to the county fair and saw a sign that read “Airplane rides for $50.” He told the

of joy. He is withdrawn, fearful of other That’s emotional.

pilot the price was too high. The pilot said,


“I’ll make you a deal. If you trust me enough


to ride without screaming, the ride is free. If you scream, you pay double.” The farmer

Trust is not emotional. It is based on

agreed to the deal. The pilot took off and

knowledge. We know that God is faithful, and

took the plane through a series of aerobatic

trust is born in faithfulness. When David was

maneuvers. After the plane landed, the pilot

facing great trials, he remembered the

said to the farmer, “I’m amazed; you didn’t

faithfulness of God in times past (v. 15).

scream once.” The farmer replied, “I almost

When the lion roared against David’s sheep,

screamed on the barrel roll when my wife fell

God came. When the bear appeared, God


came through. When Goliath mocked Israel, God gave David victory. When Saul tried to

God asks but one thing of man-that man

murder him, God saved him. So when

should trust Him. He does not ask that man

Absalom was trying to destroy him, David

understand Him or explain Him or vindicate

knew that God is faithful and would come

Him, just that man trust Him.

through again.


September 2021


Our relationship with God is based on trust.

A pesky old dog lived next door to Charles H.

healed by trusting in His Word. We are

Spurgeon. This dog always got into his flower beds. One day Spurgeon saw the dog in his flowers, and he threw a stick at him to scare him away. But the silly dog retrieved the stick and, with his tail wagging, brought the stick back to Spurgeon. The dog was in complete surrender. Spurgeon said, “What could I do

We are saved by trusting in Jesus. We are delivered by trusting in the power of His name. We are forgiven by trusting in the power of His blood. We have hope for the future because we trust He is all-powerful and sovereign. When we are facing a crisis, we need to

but love the rascal?”

remember how many times God has come

When we surrender to God, putting our trust

sin debt at Calvary. He conquered death in

through for us. God is faithful. He paid our

in Him, He will love us back too. No matter what our crisis, what our crime, what our sin,

the grave. And He is coming again with power and great glory.

or what our heartache, if we put our trust in

We know that God is faithful,

Him, the heart of God will melt.

and trust is born in faithfulness!


September 2021

featured Article: Hosanna David Source:


INFILTRATING THE CHURCH SATAN GOES TO CHURCH! “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN” (Rev. 2:9)...

The above are the very words of Jesus Christ to the Churches in and Smyrna Philadelphia respectively.

“Behold, I will make them of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie” (Rev. 3:9)

Satan had always tried to infiltrate the Church of God right from time. He succeeded in infiltrating the perfect relationship Adam and Eve had with-

God and made it sour. Just the way he does today. Daniel interpreting the dream of the King described two different opposing kingdoms mingling unsuccessfully.

This revelation is one of the first eschatological revelations in the Bible on Satan’s infiltration of the Church: “And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay (Daniel 2:43).

The Church of today (because of the numerous “wolves in sheep clothing”) is one of the most corrupt institutions of the world.

In fact, I have not seen anything that is more corrupt and deceptive than: A lamp that radiates or shines out darkness. Jesus exclaimed woefully:

Jesus warned sternly in Matt. 7:15:

Others may pretend about this TRUTH but without pretence, fear and any form of apology, I stand to expose the corruption, deception and the overall satanic practices in our contemporary Church – the Laodecian Church that is neither hot nor cold.

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening

(Rev.3:15-17). I am in no way saying that the Body of Christ (Church of Christ) is corrupt, either in

A Christian who “perfectly” serves God and mammon/money No man can serve two


part or whole but what I am saying is that many of those who call themselves “Christians and Children of

masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the

God” are the real “Antichrists,” “…certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 4). These ones are in to “scatter the Sheep” (John 10:12), for this is the one of the major assignments of the “wolves in sheep clothing” (Matt. 7:15).

one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Matt. 6:24);

Again Jesus warned His Disciples: “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many” (Matthew 24:4-5). A statement I make time and time again: “Satan goes to Church!” is born out of many personal experiences and scriptural revelation and predictions that are playing live in our days.

“If therefore the light that is in thee be the darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matt. 6:23).

A “holy altar” openly dedicated to God but underneath are ritualistic and demonic offerings on a satanic altar (Ezekiel 8:6-17); A Church building in which “Christians” worship but the same is primarily a witchcraft coven and a demonic shrine: (Ezekiel 8:6-17);

This revelation is one of the first eschatological revelations in the Bible on Satan’s infiltration of the Church: “And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay (Daniel 2:43).

The Church of today (because of the numerous “wolves in sheep clothing”) is one of the most corrupt institutions of the world.

In fact, I have not seen anything that is more corrupt and deceptive than: A lamp that radiates or shines out darkness. Jesus exclaimed woefully:

Jesus warned sternly in Matt. 7:15:

Others may pretend about this TRUTH but without pretence, fear and any form of apology, I stand to expose the corruption, deception and the overall satanic practices in our contemporary Church – the Laodecian Church that is neither hot nor cold.

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening

(Rev.3:15-17). I am in no way saying that the Body of Christ (Church of Christ) is corrupt, either in

A Christian who “perfectly” serves God and mammon/money


part or whole but what I am saying is that many of those who call themselves “Christians and Children of

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the

God” are the real “Antichrists,” “…certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 4). These ones are in to “scatter the Sheep” (John 10:12), for this is the one of the major assignments of the “wolves in sheep clothing” (Matt. 7:15).

other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Matt. 6:24);

Again Jesus warned His Disciples: “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many” (Matthew 24:4-5). A statement I make time and time again: “Satan goes to Church!” is born out of many personal experiences and scriptural revelation and predictions that are playing live in our days.

“If therefore the light that is in thee be the darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matt. 6:23).

A “holy altar” openly dedicated to God but underneath are ritualistic and demonic offerings on a satanic altar (Ezekiel 8:6-17); A Church building in which “Christians” worship but the same is primarily a witchcraft coven and a demonic shrine: (Ezekiel 8:6-17);

Pastors who eat and drink on the LORD’S table and on the table of devils (1 Cor. 10:21);; Pastors who oversee God’s people (the

Pastors and members who promote and do the very things their core beliefs oppose and preach against; Pastors and Church members who rail

Yet I am not startled by any of these because these Satan and these people are merely fulfilling the scripture. These are things that were revealed in the Bible

Church) yet the very same pastors” are the heads of witchcraft covens and/or other satanic kingdoms; Prophets and miracle workers who do miracles deceptively in the name of

curses and fire upon Satan in the open yet they anchor the survival of their lives on demonic protection, the use of charms, talisman, witchcraft and occult powers?

that there shall be “Wolves in sheep clothing” (Matt. 7:15). We are never to be discouraged by these things, rather we should be encouraged, knowing that many are called but

Jehovah with the dark powers of the same Satan they insult openly, (Matt. 7:22-

few are chosen. Brethren, this is the very end.

23; 24:11; Rev. 13:14; 16:14; 19:20). This is BLASPHEMY! (Rev. 2:9).

Therefore let us be sober and keep the Faith to the end.


He Will Finish What He Started by Dr André and Jenny Roebert

John 19:30 (NKJV): "So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit."

God always finishes what He starts. He will always bring to completion what He begins. Not even death can stop His marvellous work. He never leaves anything unfinished, or undone. And He's never anxious when things look like they're going askew. The Bible says all things work according to His glorious plan. While our lives are hidden in Him, we can be sure His plan is being worked in and through us, and it is glorious! Our part is to keep pursuing His Presence as the one thing that overrides and outshines anything else. As we put Him and His ways first place in our lives, every other detail will be personally taken care of by Him. Remain steadfastly composed in faith, knowing that as you love Him and follow after His wisdom, He will work everything together for His glory. You can confidently trust the Lord to provide all you need, when you need it. You can trust Him to keep His promises and finish what He started in you.

Extracted from: Written by : Hosanna David

“STOP USING ARTIFICIAL EYELASHES” – GOD’S WARNING TO WOMEN This is what the Lord revealed to me about artificial eyelashes and He commanded me to share it with the world. In the night on my bed, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and asked me to write down what He would tell me. So, I obeyed. This was after I prayed and asked God to speak to me about the use of artificial eyelashes. This is a warning from God! Whosoever doubts these words does himself or herself a disfavour.

Jesus Christ rightly warns His children to be as “wise as serpents” (Matthew 10:16), “Lest should Satan gain advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices” (2Corinthians 2:11 KJV), Apostle Paul added. There is no doubt that we are living in a demon-infested world.

Satan is doing everything possible to sexualize mankind. Artificial eyelashes are Satan’s are tools for human sexualization.

Humans should learn and know that one’s belief controls the totality of one’s actions in life.

The Lord said to me: “the devil is seriously at work. He is very active in the business of distracting people. Artificial eyelashes were invented by the devil to distract the children of men. The wise will hear My words and become wiser but to the fool it is increase of folly.”

Don’t men say, ‘Seeing is believing’? Yes! Seeing is the height of belief and total conviction beyond doubt. The doubtful believes when he sees. What if your organ of sight is impaired and manipulated, how can you see correctly and believe rightly? When a man believes anything, when he hears, reads or is taught anything in life, his faith receives firm confirmation when he sees what he believes with his eyes. The eyes therefore are very important. Have I not created the eyes for humans? Do I not protect them from blindness? But what can I do when man decides to submit his own eyes willingly to his enemies to be blinded?

Then the Lord said to me, “there are three major things about the introduction of artificial eyelashes.”

They are as follows: 1.“It was introduced to distract the children of men from spirituality and be engaged in carnal deeds. It is a branch of worldliness. The use of artificial eyelashes introduces the user into another deeper level of worldliness – attachment to worldly things. A friend of this world is in enmity with God. Its usage is trading spirituality for carnality. No matter how serious a Christian is with the things of God, the day such a Christian starts to use it there must be a drop in the spiritual level of that christian because the introduction of artificial eyelashes is not without an aim. It must accomplish its aim when people submit to its power by using it. 2. “Artificial eyelashes was introduced by the devil to pollute humans. Satan is raging with wrath. He is raising soldiers against God and God’s children. He recruits people by first gaining entrance into their lives. Giving Satan entrance gives him the room of establishing himself. This establishment gives him total control over those that house him. Humans are too dull in their understanding. Though I did not create them like that they choose to allow the devil to veil their understanding.

All artificial eyelashes are polluted, including the ones individuals make for themselves. The companies on earth producing them are all connected to the one in the water world, either directly or indirectly. Before artificial eyelashes was invented, the devil had tried to introduce a weapon against humanity that would be very effective, something that could infest the eyes of the children of men with spiritual lies. All previously introduced weapons were not very effective to achieve the total aim of Satan until artificial eyelashes was introduced. The day it was invented and produced, it was dedicated to the Queen of the Coast and it was handed over to the prince of the kingdom of the air, for its proper monitoring, empowerment and manipulation.”

''No matter how serious a Christian is with the things of God, the day such a Christian starts to use it there must be a drop in the spiritual level of that christian because the introduction of artificial eyelashes''

“Irrespective of where and who produces it, it is emblematic. It represents its true value in meaning. Just as logos are iconic and flags are representatives, so also whatsoever that is invented and dedicated by the devil is in the world of darkness. Just as it is pure foolishness to tag oneself with the flag of another country and feel it has nothing to do with people’s perception about you nationality and identity, so it is also for someone to use something that is already dedicated, iconic and symbolic, ignorantly and still believes his or her personal reason of usage overwrites its spiritual significance. Humans will continue to be faraway from God except they understand spiritual laws.” “Eyelashes were design originally to protect the eyes from harm, filters what goes into the eyes, to give beauty and also by the reason of their differences people may vary in their look. One of the major works of artificial eyelashes is to veil the spiritual eyes of those who use them. This spiritual veil blinds the eyes of the user and prevents such one from seeing the truth correctly. Instead, such one, from a perverted spiritual perspective sees things differently. No one can believe otherwise, except from the perspective one sees things. One’s perspective determines his understanding and one’s understanding is directly proportional to the belief one’s heart gives birth to. Artificial eyelashes causes spiritual inflammation of the eyes of its users. The sole aim of this spiritual inflammation is to infest the eyes with lies. When the eyes are inflamed with lies, it is impossible or difficult for incoming truth to be seen correctly. Does lie not has its own shortsightedness? Artificial eyelashes filter away the truth and makes the user vulnerable and more receptive to lies. Its usage causes spiritual sight defect. When one that has colour blindness cannot differentiate between colours correctly, how can such one tell correctly that which is black, white, green or gold? Anyone whose mind is darkened cannot reason correctly. The one whose eyes are blinded cannot see correctly.”

3. Artificial eyelashes is a hook of sexual immorality. “How often do I want my children to obey me, but don’t. How can the one that obeys, and carries out Satan’s will say, “God Almighty is my Father”? Artificial eyelashes is a hook of sexual immorality. Many men have been carried away by the flirtatious looks of these prostitutes. Don’t my children know that Satan wants every woman to be a hawker of sex and every man a buyer of sex? From the very day Satan planned to commodify sex, he also resolved to introduce all that will make sex sell. When a woman wears artificial eyelashes, the evil spirits to whom artificial eyelashes are dedicated to claims astral right against such a woman. This astral right gives them access into the life of the user to manipulate her. The degree of access gained is dependent on the level of the spirituality or worldliness of the user. Artificial eyelashes make the user to feel sexy. One of the major aim of its introduction is to increase sexual immorality.

'' Those who promote sexual immorality shall have their place in the lake of fire ''

Just like many cosmetics that are sold in the market today, artificial eyelashes contain charming powers that make the wearer to have a sexually attractive look. I have given my warnings. Let them hear and obey. Those who promote sexual immorality shall have their place in the lake of fire.” “Men, be wise, let none of these prostitutes take you by the cunning of their flirtatious eyelashes” (Prov. 6:25).

“My judgement will soon come upon all those who disobey Me and use their bodies to serve the flesh. Let as many that wear artificial eye lashes repent and stop using them. Let them pray to Me for deliverance and I will deliver them. They should also warn others to stop using artificial eye lashes.” Let him who has ears hear what the Spirit says to the Churches.




Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ And Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi. And on the way he asked his disciples, “Who do people say I am?” And they told him, “John the Baptist; and others say, Elijah; and others, one of the prophets.” And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.” And he strictly charged them to tell no one about him. - MARK 8 V 27-30 As the passage opens, we see Jesus Christ travelling and ministering through the regions of Judea and Galilea. He had just fed the 4000 people and healed the blind man. He then asked, “Why are these people following me? Who do they say I am?”. His disciples answered, “some say you are John the Baptist; others say you are Elijah, others say you are Jeremiah and others say you are a prophet.

Others remembered him in his father’s shop and said he is a carpenter because his father is a carpenter and others saw him teach and called him Rabbi. Others refused to look to him for answers as they had their own bias opinions about him e.g. the Pharisees called him unrighteous because he did not follow their rules. This question continues to be answered even in the present times we are living in – on televisions, radios, social media platforms, magazines, books, music, everywhere you can think of. But if you look closely at the passage this is not the important question that should be answered. Jesus continues further down to ask in verse 29, “What about you? Who do you say I am?

If you look at this response – these people answered according to how they saw him, what they saw him do, their personal observations and experiences with him.

This shows that Jesus Christ does not want a third-party opinion. It does not matter what others think or say, nor the tv show, or your pastor at church or what your favourite podcast says about him. What matters is your answer to this question.

Probably others saw him change water into wine and said he is a magician. Others saw him heal the sick and said he is a physician.

Sadly, this is a question we going to have to answer either way – if it is not on earth then in eternity.


The answer to this question is not really based on the information about Jesus but it if based on the below: Your confession Personal assessment Evaluation Question of belief Personal revelation. Going to church every Sunday, reading about him, praising, and worshipping him is a good thing but do you really know who he is to you? Peter said he is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God and Jesus Christ answered by saying that flesh and blood cannot reveal that to him. This shows that he had a revelation of who he is – it is a spiritual matter. In these current times Christians are Christians by a word of mouth to a point hereby they do not know the person who they are following simply because they are running with other people’s opinion of who he is rather than with their personal revelation of who he is to them. Today, children of God are so conformed to the patterns of this world, forgetting that they are not of this world and they let the world define who Jesus Christ if is for them. The bible says that as children of God we are the salt of the earth and if you look at the one of the characteristics of salt is to make people thirsty. This means that we must make people thirsty for the Living water which is the Living Jesus but how are we to do that when we do not know who he is? Others want to be like their pastors, bosses, associates, friends but they do not know what they went through to be where they are today. Yet, when they start praising Jesus for who he is to them they also join in singing the same song not being aware that the seasons they are in are different to those of theirs – practically singing lyrics of a different song to a tune of another song.


Yes, we go through challenges, obstacles, trials, and tribulations but through them do we learn who he is. It is written in 1 Peter 4:13 that “Rejoice so far as you share in Christ’s sufferings, rejoice and be glad when His Glory is revealed.” When you go through the refiner’s fire, through your refinement will you learn who he is and when his glory is revealed, you gain a personal revelation of who he is. For you to know if he is a true vine, you have to let him cut off every branch in you that bears no fruit – remaining in him as much as he remains in us. Everyday you say he is the way, the truth and the life but how do you relate? You can do what you want with Jesus – study his life, theology, reflect on the prophecies about him but one thing we cannot walk away from is answering this question. Its all good to give patented answers but what is inside you through a past situation where you truly encountered Christ can you answer who he is to you. He is asking you today – “Who do you say I am?” How will you answer? Grace and Peace – Stay blessed beloved.

woman of faith,

Minister Karabo Woman of Faith - Saved by Grace. I love to sing, play Bible quizzes and most of all, be in the presence of God.

Mercy rewrote my life!


T h e o f

F i v e a n

I n g r e d i e n t s

A n o i n t e d

L i f e

written by : Jentezen Franklin

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant calamus, 500 shekels of cassia—all according to the sanctuary shekel—and a hin of olive oil. Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil. - Exodus 30:22-25

This is God's recipe for the anointing. He required five specific ingredients for this holy anointing oil. This precious anointing oil was used to anoint kings and priests, and to consecrate those things meant to be most holy. If we examine these five ingredients, we find recipe to living an anointed life. A life God can pour out His blessing upon, and use to accomplish His will and purposes.

The first ingredient of an anointed life is meekness. He said the first thing that you are to put in the anointing oil is a spice called myrrh. Myrrh is a fragrance that comes from the trunk of a commiphora tree in Arabia. It's produced in the form of tears. Alcohol is added to remove any impurities, and then it is steamed. As the steam passes through the gum, it’s melted into oil, and that oil becomes a perfume. Myrrh is a beautiful picture of meekness and submission. The number-one ingredient for an anointed life is meekness and submission to God's will. Meekness is not weakness. Meekness is strength in harness for service. Meekness is the raging river no longer flowing wide and wild, but submitting to the dam so that from it might come hydro-electricity. It's submitting all that you have in obedience to God, and when you do that, the anointing is attracted to your life. Submission and meekness is the wild, untamed, powerful stallion, submitting to the bit, the bridal, the saddle, and the tug of the reins. The Bible says in Numbers 12:3, that Moses was the meekest man who ever lived. He reached a place—and not over night, by the way, it took 40 years—where he understood his role was to do what God called him to do, and let God deal with the consequences. He put his self-will, rebellion, and stubbornness aside, and said yes to God in spite of himself. The second ingredient of an anointed life is uprightness, or how you stand. The second ingredient in the anointing oil was cinnamon. Cinnamon comes from a tree that grows 30 to 40 feet, and it grows remarkably straight. It is said that this cinnamon grew so straight it had no curves. They take the leaves, and the fruit of that upright tree, and squeeze them, and out of that comes the oil. They used cinnamon oil to make fragrant candles for the king. How you stand matters. Being upright doesn’t mean being self-righteous, standing on spiritual stilts looking down on everyone else. It means standing for what is right, standing on the truth, living above reproach, but not judging those around you (remember meekness).

When you stand upright, the anointing is attracted to your life. Did you know the Old Testament said that if a man had a crooked back, he was disqualified from being a priest in the temple? God was making a point. Your stance matters. The way you carry yourself in front of others, the way other people see you, the things you choose to stand on and for—you need to be upright to walk in the anointing. If your back is crooked, you can't stand straight, and you don’t qualify for service to God. It’s not physical, it’s spiritual, and it’s your integrity. Even today, when we speak of ill-doing people, we call them “crooked.” To walk in God’s anointing you must stand upright. You must stand for truth, you must stand in His righteousness, not your own. You must stand on His promises. You must stand against the enemy, sometimes that means standing against public or popular opinion. Billy Crabtree said, "On Christ, the solid rock I stand, and every other rock is a shamrock." And that's the truth! Four times in the Book of Ephesians, God says, "Stand." "Stand." "Stand." "Stand." When it looks like your prayers aren't working, when it looks like the fasting isn't working, when it looks like the Bible isn't working, when it feels like the dream is not working, what do you do? You don't quit, you don't get angry, and you don't throw in the towel. You stand. Four times, and when you've done all you can do, stand. And when you can’t stand on your own any longer, you find someone who will hold up your arms, so can keep on standing! The third ingredient of an anointed life is humility. The recipe for God’s holy anointing included calamus, a reed that grows in swamps. The head of the reed is filled with oil. You know it’s ready to be used when the head of the reed is bent over, almost in half. It speaks of bending low in humility. Jesus demonstrated a level of humility that society at large doesn’t understand today. Our corporations and organizations are built on a pyramid, with the leader on top. But Jesus was a servant leader.

When asked, “Who shall be greatest in your kingdom?” He essentially said, the one who is willing to kneel down and serve all. One by one, the peasant fishermen who were His disciples, walked in with grimy, sandy filthy feet, and Jesus Christ—God in the flesh—bent low and washed their feet. In an ultimate act of humility, the hands that created the universe washed those feet. From the magnificent, to the menial task of foot washing, it was His example of how to be great. God was showing us it’s not about your name, it's not about your popularity, it's not about your fame, but it's about serving people. If you want to walk in the anointing, you must walk in humility. The fourth ingredient for an anointed life is cleansing. Malachi 3:2 says, “He [The Lord] is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap.” The ingredient in the anointing oil was called cassia. Cassia produces a leaf called senna that, still today, is used for inner cleansing. Just like Malachi 3:2 suggests, the Holy Spirit comes to clean us, like a refiner’s fire burning off the scum, turning up the heat until only the purest substance remains. And like fullers’ soap, once the inside is purified, the outside is washed clean. To live an anointed life, every now and then, we’ve got to get cleaned out and cleaned up! You need everything inside of you to be brought to the cross, laid at the altar, and you need to say, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139: 23-24). Are you letting things into your life that are hindering the anointing? Before it's a deed, it's a thought. And before it's an action, it's an attitude. This is why cleansing is an important ingredient. We must take inventory, ask God to take inventory, of our thoughts and intentions and cleanup from the inside out.

The fifth and final ingredient to an anointed life is the Holy Spirit, the presence of God in your life. A hin, or container, of olive oil was the final ingredient required to make the sacred ointment. And this olive oil, symbolizes the Holy Spirit. Olive oil was used to cook food in ancient days; it fed them. They used it to bring rest and comfort by applying it to their feet after a long journey. They used it to pour on wounds to bring healing, and they used it to anoint kings, priests and prophets. Today, the Holy Spirit, the spirit of the Living God, which came to us after Christ ascended into Heaven, brings comfort, power, healing, and fills us so that we never hunger or thirst again. In Psalms 92, David said, "I shall be anointed with fresh oil." There's nothing worse than old, stale oil; it attracts flies, and Satan is Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies. So when we're living off yesterday's oil, yesterday’s blessing, and yesterday’s experience with God, it attracts the enemy. That's why David said, "I'm crying out, and I shall be anointed with fresh oil." Fighting today's battles and depending on yesterday's oil is futile. You need the daily presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. You need an ongoing relationship through worship, prayer, and the Word. You cannot sustain an anointed life on a stale, forgotten relationship with God. You need a fresh anointing. There's nothing that can take the place of a fresh move of God in your life. Money can't. The house, the car, everything that you think is so important, these material things cannot be a substitute for what truly fills us and makes us happy. Keep God fresh in your life. Stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit guiding and directing your life.

If you want to walk in the anointing of God, to live in the fullness and power of His presence you must be meek, upright, and humble. You must ask God to search your heart and cleanse you, keep your life rid of impurities that will hinder the anointing. And you must seek the Holy Spirit, an active and daily filling of the Spirit of the Lord in your life. Make it your prayer today to help you adjust your life to walk in His anointing, and ask Him to fill you anew with His Holy Spirit.

"We must take inventory, ask God to take inventory, of our thoughts and intentions and cleanup from the inside out."


Chanelle Fairlene Pillay Chanelle Fairlene Pillay is a South African born, qualified attorney in her own firm CHANELLE FAIRLENE ATTORNEYS, with her Masters in Business Law. She is a woman of faith and planted in the ministry known as THE SUPERNATURAL CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST where she encountered more of the Lord and His dynamic plans for her life. She is also the author of the books, "A Shepherd King" and "Away From Yesterday" available on Amazon.


EXCITING TIMES FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE! At the beginning of August 2021, the LORD showed me two powerful dreams. In the first dream, the man of God – Apostle Adrian Elijah Robert – of The SuperNatural Church of JESUS CHRIST was preaching the WORD. Suddenly, I was taken into the universe where the entire earth was hanging before me. Then, the Hand of the LORD stretched forth, and placed a large nail to the tip of the earth. With His other Hand, He brought down a large hammer and struck the nail. The force impacted and shattered the entire world.

In the days to come I was reminded of the Word of God in Jeremiah 23:29 when He says, “Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” A few days after, I had another dream. It was about the mass revival that is about to sweep the earth. In the dream I saw hundreds and hundreds of people packed into venues to hear the Word of the LORD. The power of God was so strong, touching and setting people free.


People were dancing with the angels! Little children were falling to their knees in the presence of the LORD. These were such exciting dreams because once again, it reminds His people that HE is not done with His Church and His Bride as yet! The enemy may fight and do everything in his power to try and stop God’s people from moving forward, but the Bible says in Matthew 16:18, “… and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” This is an exciting time for the Body of Christ and the true believers. It is a time when the SUPERNATURAL power of God becomes more and more real and natural. It is a time when the stories we have read about in His Word come to life before us. In a time of famine, we will experience supernatural provision. In a time of plague and pestilence, we shall experience health and safety. In a time when the economies are going down, we shall soar.


It is a time when, despite what the world is facing, we can look up and know that our redemption is drawing near for our Saviour is about to return for His own! Many people are seeking wisdom. Yet, the Bible says in Proverbs 11:30, “He that winneth souls is wise.” These are the days for the winning of souls, for the clock is ticking and time is running out. And above all else, it is the time to get our lives right before Him. He is coming back for those who are without spot and blemish. Jesus said, “Be Ye Holy For I Am Holy”. Let us remember these words daily, for we are about to see Him soon!



I Hear His Whisper . . He Knows You Nothing in the Bible is there by mistake. The long lists of names and ages aren’t simply a record of historical lineage. They give us another glimpse into the heart of God. Only a Father who loves his children takes the time to mention each one by name. God sees you and knows not only your name but also every movement of your heart and each dream you long to fulfill. He knows the number of hairs on your head and what you’re thinking at this very moment. You are desired and cherished. You are the beloved bride he has chosen for his Son. You are the one Jesus died for. You’re the temple he’s elected to house his Holy Spirit. Nothing about you is mundane or uninteresting to him. He enjoys being with you so much that he’s created eternity so this holy relationship will never end.

PRAYER Father, you always know just how to encourage me. When I think about the way you tenderly care for me, I can’t help but smile. Every time I call to you, you take the time to listen. I’m so honored to be a part of your family. I feel known, celebrated, and desired. Thank you for being a Father who loves without any strings attached. For accepting me just as I am.

Genesis 5:2 The Passion Translation After he had created them, he lovingly blessed them and named them “humanity.” So here is the family history of Adam and Eve.

f o e s r ve ! h t n o m the REVELATI ON 13: 10 (KJV)

"He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints''. SURELY THE TIME IS COMING



Pray that your pastor would fear God and not man. God’s glory is the goal and purpose of everything, “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever” (Rom. 11:36). Pray that your pastor would stand in awe of God above all else. Pray that he would be, as John Piper often says, a “God-besotted” man who treasures, loves, savors and fears the triune God. Pastors face the regular temptation to fear people instead of God. They wrestle with their own sinful tendencies to please others at the expense of biblical principles. Pray your pastor would love God, and you, so much that he would be willing to disappoint you for God’s glory.

Pray that your pastor would have great confidence in God’s Word and the gospel.


Those who stand in awe of God also

Church work can strain your pastor’s

tremble at his word, so pray that your

family. Evening meetings often pull him

pastor would believe fully in the

away from the dinner table. Even when

inspiration and supreme authority of

he is home, your pastor may be

the Bible. Pray he would rely on the

exhausted and disengaged from his

Holy Spirit working through the word

family because he is recovering from

to do the work of ministry. May he

an explosive board meeting, or

trust that it is the gospel itself that is

mentally crafting a reply to a blistering

“the power of God for salvation to

email, or grieving a tragedy in the life

everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16).

of a church member. His wife often

The modern world constantly

bears the weight of unrealistic and

pressures your pastor to rely on

unbiblical expectations of what a

alternative power sources:

pastor’s wife should be and do. The

technology, marketing, ambiance,

same is true for his children.

management techniques, music, youthfulness, social media, celebrity,

Pray your pastor would have the

and entertainment.

strength and discipline to guard time with his wife and kids, and the grace to

Pray that your pastor would look to

be mentally and emotionally present

Scripture first as he thinks through

with them. Pray that the elders and

how to do ministry and shape church

other leaders would support your

life, rather than following fads and

pastor in maintaining at least one day

trends. Pray that your pastor would

off per week, and in using his allotted

devote himself to the serious study of

vacation time every year. Ask God to

the Bible and then preach from the

enrich his marriage and empower his

Bible, allowing the main point of the

parenting. Managing one’s household

text to be the main point of the

well is a requirement for those who

sermon. This requires courage,

would lead God’s household (1 Tim.

because people can have “itching

3:4–5). Your pastor needs God’s help to

ears” that won’t put up with sound

do this.

doctrine (2 Tim. 4:3). Cultural pressures seduce pastors to truncate the Bible’s message in order to make it more palatable and less offensive, often in the name of evangelism and outreach. But those inside and outside the church need preachers who can say with Paul “I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27).

Pray that your pastor would love his family well.

Pray that your pastor would grow in godliness. God calls pastors to be examples to the flock (1 Pet. 5:3). No wonder character qualities make up the majority of the biblical qualifications for pastors/elders in the New Testament (see 1 Tim. 3:1–7; Titus 1:5–9; 1 Pet. 5:1–4). No pastor is perfect, and yet pastors ought to give us a living picture of Christian maturity and Christlikeness.


Pray that your shepherd would love the sheep under his care. Ask God to guard his heart against bitterness, cynicism and resentment, and instead cause your pastor to treasure church members as the bloodbought bride of Jesus. Pray that your pastor would have a tenacious, patient care for church members. Ask the Lord to give him faith in God’s promises to bring the elect to maturity so that he would not grow weary in making disciples.

Pray that your pastor would have great wisdom. James assures us that “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives Pray that the Holy Spirit would cause your

generously to all without reproach” (James

pastor to hate sin and love righteousness.

1:5). That’s good news, because pastoral

Pray for him to be quick to repent when he

ministry demands the wisdom of Solomon.

does sin—and he will. Pray for him to be

God’s word is true and absolute, but

conformed more and more to the image of

applying God’s word to the ambiguities,

Christ. Ask the Lord to deliver him from the

complexities, and relativities of a sinful

evil one. Far too many pastors are falling

world requires divine insight. Your pastor

into disqualifying sins like addiction, sexual

needs wisdom from on high for navigating

immorality and abusive authoritarianism.

church politics, shepherding messy

When pastors fall they bring shame on the

counseling situations, balancing a host of

gospel and great harm upon their churches.

competing priorities, and making daily

This is why Paul told Timothy “Keep a close

decisions without sufficient information.

watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this for by so doing you will save

Pray that your pastor would look to God’s

both yourself and your hearers” (1 Tim.

word for his wisdom. Ask God to surround

4:16). Assist your pastor’s self-watch with

your pastor with a team of wise and godly

your prayers!

elders/pastors (the two terms are interchangeable in the New Testament).

Pray that your pastor would love the

Pray that the Lord would give him a

church members.

humble heart that is willing to ask for help

Pastoral work is people work, which is why

Pray God would bless him with the

pastoring is rewarding. And it’s also why pastoral ministry is hard. People disappoint. People sin. People attack. People typically grow very slowly. The Bible often compares the work of ministry to farming. Making disciples of people can be slow, exhausting, heart-breaking labor.

and learn from his inevitable mistakes. attitude of Solomon who prayed “Give me now wisdom and knowledge to go out and come in before this people, for who can govern this people of yours, which is so great?” (2 Chron. 1:10).


Pray that your pastor would rest and

Pray that the Lord would provide your


church with a team of fellow

John the Baptist confessed to the

and complement your pastors weaknesses.

authorities, “I am not the Christ” (John 1:20). John wasn’t the Messiah, and neither is your pastor. Your pastor is just like you: a fellow lost-and-found sheep, a sinner saved by grace, a stranger and exile in this world, a pile of dust animated and sustained by God’s power. This means your pastor has limits. His body and mind need sleep. His emotions have a breaking point. He has limited intellect and energy and gifting. Pray that your pastor would humbly embrace his finite, creaturely status, and rest. Ask God to spare him from workaholism and lead him to take time off, work reasonable hours, get enough sleep, exercise, and be able to know when to be “done” with things even when they’re not done. Pray that God would graciously provide him with real friendships and safe places to unload his burdens.

pastors/elders who can help carry the load Plead with the Lord to rid your congregation of Messianic expectations of your pastor. And may the Lord release your pastor from those same expectations of himself! And pray that in all these things your pastor would not lose his joy in the Lord and the work of ministry. May his heart delight in the Lord, the church, and the gospel work. May God make him a happy pastor. This brings us back to the first prayer request—that your pastor would be man who delights in and treasures the Lord—because true happiness comes from knowing and walking with Jesus. Pray that the joy of the Lord would be his strength all his days.


Jeramie Rinne

By: Rabbi Schneider


God is Communicating Although Father predominantly speaks through His written Word, He can also speak to us through our circumstances. So, it is important that we are paying attention to our surroundings because HaShem will oftentimes reveal Himself to us through the situations that we encounter. I have a friend who was in the congregation that I used to shepherd in Toledo, Ohio. He was sitting in the prayer room there – reading from the book of Isaiah. While he was reading, a particular verse “popped out” at him, “Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary” (Isaiah 40:31). He said that when he read that Scripture, he suddenly felt like the Lord was saying, “I want you to call and share that Scripture with Rabbi.” Like many of us, he wasn’t quite sure whether that was the Lord or not. Suddenly, a woman walks into the prayer room. Her name is D. Schneider, same last name as mine, and she is wearing a T-shirt with an eagle on it!

When he saw this woman walking in with an eagle on her T-shirt, and having the same last name as me – he knew what to do next. He reached out to me by phone and told me about the Scripture. I was encouraged by it, and I was thankful for him sharing. But it was kind of general. After all, it is a pretty common and well-known Scripture, so I didn’t quite know what was personal about it for me at that time. Here is what happened a few days later as I looked out my back window at home. The first time I have ever seen this in my life, a literal bald eagle was sitting on a tree stump right in my back yard, as clear as day! I was blown away. I knew God was encouraging me to be patient in hope and expectation of what He was about to do in my life. “Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary” (Isaiah 40:31). Beloved, I just wanted to share this to remind us all that our God is alive and surrounds every aspect of our being. He is at work in our lives as we seek Him, and He will continue to work in our lives even into eternity. Let’s be paying attention.


“HaShem will oftentimes reveal Himself to us through YOUNG DJ the situations we L.A. that WORLD encounter.”

Your daily habits are what you actually believe. Like watching television for four hours after work versus being productive for an hour. Or talking to friends but won’t talk to God. Being on social media throughout the day and night, tells God what you believe. When you take care of everyone in your household before you cater to your relationship with God, it shows. Hebrews 11:6 says “And without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

When we look at the book of Hebrews, we see a list of saints that Paul speaks of as having unwavering faith, strong faith, and active faith which led to actions. In the beginning of verse 6 it says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God”.




Using your own way of learning to get

you have any level of those types of faith,

started. Understanding the main

is if your spiritual values and your daily

characters, context, principles and allow

habits align. If they don’t align your

the Holy Spirit to do the rest until you can

spiritual values are lip service; you are

get a better understanding of how to read

fakin’ and frontn’.

God’s word.

What value system does that show?

We make so many excuses which are tied

Definitely not one of honoring God

to mental strongholds which goes into

through our activities. Which makes our

the next part of the scripture “because

earthly values reign supreme over the

anyone who comes to him must

spiritual values we want to obtain. Stop

believe that he exists”. Do you believe

running from yourself and God!

that God exists? Has life weighed you down so much that your actual belief left

We have a hard time realizing who we are

a long time ago?

because we aren’t intimate enough with God to see our flaws. “Oh I believe Jesus

One of my latest coaching graduates,

Christ is the son of God.” Well, even the

Kelly Neal, during her exit interview,

demons believe and know that to be

talked about having a foggy lens. I told

true. As a matter of fact, they do their job

her she had a foggy lens and wasn’t

day and night based on that observation,

looking at God correctly in one of our

so do demons have more faith than you?

sessions. She didn’t like it when I said it, but because she trusted my process, over

Consequently, who we say we are doesn’t

time she was able to have a clear lens of

line up. Does your life show faith in God or

God. She had given up after her mom

faith in the world? When we go into the

died. Kelly barely had any faith, but by

refrigerator from being hungry, we have

reading the words of God, examining her

faith that the food will sustain us long

own thoughts, habits and unbelieving

enough to keep us going, but we won’t

routine, she gained clarity on what God

study the Bible four days a week for

wanted from her personally and her

spiritual food.


When we go to school for a better future

Just a month ago she was speaking at a

with a $40,000 price tag but won’t tithe

Women’s day quoting scriptures. She was

and give offerings to God, it shows our

quoting scriptures! Prior to our time

lack of faith and where it lies. We will Go

together she had not read the Bible for

through grade school, study and write

years. What are your mental strongholds

papers through the night, get ready for

and what are the root causes? In the

the PSAT, but won’t give God 30 minutes

midst of a storm do you really believe? If

of our time. Then we’ll make the excuse

you believe as you say, does your life

that we don’t know how to study the

actually show it…where is your action and

Bible, so we can’t pick up the Bible. It’s as


simple as reading it and studying like your test.


The easiest and quickest way to realize if

So, do your spiritual values align with your

rewards those who earnestly seek him”.

daily Habits? With faith you will always

God wants to reward us and to open the

please God which always leads to action,

floodgates of Heaven. Sadly, they have

and you will gain your reward on earth and

been taken hostage by our lack of faith.

in the life to come through our Lord

Don’t you want God’s rewards: more faith,

and savior Jesus Christ.

more assignments, more gifts. We have every gift that God wants to give us in any

Which level or type of faith do you have?

given moment.

Whatever it is, ask God to increase it. And make sure you ask God today because

It’s time to humble yourself into God, so


you can gain faith that brings action and clarity on what God wants you to do on this earth. For those that have unwavering faith, active faith and strong faith, don’t leave the people that are struggling. Don’t judge them wrongly because you’ve forgotten about the times you didn’t have your life together. Be sure to make gratitude a constant practice.



The last part of verse 6 states, “and that he



'APOSTOLIC ORACLES' epistle by: Prophet Joseph Yamkela


Forgiveness is the nature of God, without forgiveness we cannot call ourselves the children of the father. We don't forgive others because we are perfect but we forgive because we also have our own faults that we want to be forgiven. This world doesn't reward righteousness, in many times the good we do can also be paid by evil, it is possible that our good actions can lead to our greatest rejection and betrayal by those we regard as dear to us. Holding offence is a trap to bind our souls, Satan wants us to be offended so that we cannot have fellowship with God. Harbouring offence in our hearts is a sign that our love for Jesus Christ has grown cold, we are backsliding from the faith.

Jesus asked us to love our enemies not because we are perfect, He wants to be like our Father in heaven who loved us when we were His enemies too. In life nothing is permanent. Your enemy today is your friend tomorrow and your friend today is your enemy tomorrow. When we love without limit, forgive without boundaries, embrace without judging we will be like Jesus Who on the cross embraced us and loved us without limit. He loved us with our faults, sins and big offence, he died in our place so that we can be saved. Family unless we love like Jesus we cannot heal like Jesus. Ask the Lord to teach you how to love without limit, forgive without boundaries and embrace without judging.

HEALTH & FITNESS change is possible



SELF-LOVE – A GREAT NECESSITY When we speak about Love, we often rush into thinking about loving others. Loving our families, spouses, children, friends and many other people in general. It seems it is much easier to give love others, as this is a highly expected act.

In fact, right after loving the Lord our God with all our hearts, our souls and our minds, loving yourself is mentioned in the second most important commandment. The Bible tells us that to test Jesus, one of the experts of the law asked him what the greatest commandment is. The answer was extremely unexpected…

Mark 12 v 29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. “There is no commandment greater than these.”

The second most important mentioned by Jesus is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. One cannot correctly love their neighbor unless they have an example – which would be from loving themselves. Often times we are unable to love our neighbors because we do not know how to love ourselves. Many struggle to love self because of a number of reasons. Some of those reasons could be; We could have been filled with the teaching that it is prideful to love one’s self. ( When I speak of loving self, I am speaking of a genuine love from Christ who teaches us how we are to walk in the kingdom. This is a clear indication of selflove, which is very spiritual and not carnal. ) We have learnt to hate ourselves because we of bad life experiences where we did not measure up to worldly standards. When we have loved ourselves in a genuine godly manner, we will walk in good health and treat our bodies with much care and caution. How should we walk in self-love? What does the scriptures say about love?

1 If I speak in the tongues [a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, [b] but do not have love, I gain nothing. 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.



From the above scripture we can deduce the following acts as a means of showing and giving love Love is Patient Love is Kind Love does not envy Love does not boast Love is not proud Love does not dishonor others Love is not self-seeking Love is not easily angered


Love keeps no record of wrongs Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth Love always protects Love always trusts Love always hopes Love always perseveres Meditating on these points, do you practice these principles upon yourself. I for one know I need to work on a couple of these.

How many times do we lose patience with ourselves, or fail to be kind to ourselves? We cannot truly love unless we first love ourselves. 2 Corinthians 8:12 (For if the [eager] readiness to give is there, then it is acceptable and welcomed in proportion to what a person has, not according to what he does not have.) What good measure can be poured out of an empty cup? Be Kind to yourself!



''When we have loved ourselves in a genuine godly manner, we will walk in good health and treat our bodies with much care and caution.''

PASSIONATE LOVE The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. —Revelation 22:17, NIV To follow His call and discover His hidden The Father is calling forth from us what we

treasures we must desire nothing of our self

don’t feel we possess. He stretches us beyond

or of this world, but seek all of Him. Through

our natural abilities and gifts, bringing us to

trials and tribulations our salvation in Him is

the end of ourselves so we become so

worked out, and at times we will feel beaten

desperate for Him that we cry, “Come, Spirit!

with nothing remaining of our old self.

Come, Yeshua! Come, River of Life! Flow from Your throne into my heart and soul.”

Cooperating with His process, we let go of the old self and cry, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Our

When the cry of our heart is, “Come, Lord; not

Bridegroom faithfully responds by filling the

my will but Yours,” Father takes our hands and

depths of our soul, to make us and mold us

leads us into places we have never walked

as He wills.

before. With the eyes of our heart looking upward to Him, He reveals Himself as our

Precious one of the Lord, abandon your self

good, mighty, and trustworthy Daddy, who

to the Lover of your soul. Surrender your

loves us, equips us, and wants us to succeed.

entire being to Him. In love and desperation, the Spirit and the Bride cry, “Come,” to each

With a wooing love, the Spirit says to us,

other. Cry, “Come,” and let King Jesus arise

“Come,” that we would follow Him. He leads us

within you with His ardent love. Receive new

to hidden resources, hidden wells, and hidden

living water in the desert places you

rivers that flow with life-giving waters.



Cynthia's Letters


Good Character Paves the Way For Victory! by Dr André and Jenny Roebert Genesis 41:43 (NLT):"Then he had Joseph ride in the chariot reserved for his second-in-command. And wherever Joseph went, the command was shouted, "Kneel down!&" So Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of all Egypt." Joseph's story is certainly inspiring! Yet, we have the privilege of reading the story from the perspective of "hindsight". We read about his tribulation and trials, but we know that in the end everything will work out perfectly. For Joseph, living in "real time" must have felt as though he always seemed to find himself in the wrong place, at the wrong time. In spite of every challenge he remained steadfast in his faith. Every setback was actually a setup for greatness. When we walk in obedience to the Spirit of God, the goodness and mercy of the Lord locates us and turns everything around for our favour. In hindsight we discover we have always been at the right place, at the right time, with the right people when we walked by faith in obedience to the will of God. When Joseph's character was strong and sound enough to suit his call, promotion came. Wherever you find yourself today, and whatever circumstances you face, remain steadfast in your faith. Let the Lord develop your character as you diligently learn to follow and obey His voice too. In the perfect time, your faithful character will cause you to step into the destiny He has called you to.

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