Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 9 VOL 2

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"even when the sun sets, Jesus Christ is still LORD!"







=> obeying God & How Do Christians Observe the Biblical Festivals

VISION ROMANS 15:20-21 20 Accordingly I set a goal to preach the gospel, not where Christ’s name was already known, so that I would not build on another man’s foundation; 21 but [instead I would act on this goal] as it is written [in Scripture], “They who had no news of Him shall see, And they who have not heard [of Him] shall understand.”

MISSION 1 CORINTHIANS 1:17 17 For Christ did not send me [as an apostle] to baptize, but [commissioned and empowered me] to preach the good news [of salvation]—not with clever and eloquent speech [as an orator], so that the cross of Christ would not be [b]made ineffective [deprived of its saving power].

















EDITOR'S NOTE Your majesty CALLED TO SERVE ONE ANOTHER Romans 12:6-8 The Message (MSG) 6-8 If you preach, just preach God’s message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don’t take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don’t get bossy; if you’re put in charge, don’t manipulate; if you’re called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don’t let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face. Beloved, this scripture right here hit home. We tend to take the gifts that the Lord has given us for granted and with the notion that hey, It’s one of those things. I love the NLT version, it says: “In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well”. There are those gifts that the Lord has given us to do well and it’s our responsibility to make sure they are done well. I’ve realized that when one has been doing something with ease and for some time that zeal, hunger and passion seems to burn out, then it becomes a routine, forgetting that it’s a gift that must be handled with love and thanks giving. I love what some Apostle by the name of Neo said: “do not forget that what you have been given, someone out there has been given the same gift. So, don’t ever think you are irreplaceable”. Beloved, I’d love that you go back to the first love you had when starting the journey in the gift you are operating in, keeping in mind that it’s meant to expand the Kingdom and to serve others. (1 Corinth12 V7). And that no one’s gift is better than the other. (1 Corinth 12 V4:6) let’s not forget that it’s not about us and our gifts but about the Giver of the gift and those it benefits. Write me your comments and thoughts to our email: it might just be printed :-) If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now till month, you’re loved by Him and I.


Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

Reflecting His Image Message taken from 2 Corinthians 3:18 (TPT) 2 Corinthians 3:18 (TPT): "We can all draw close to Him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into His very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, Who is the Spirit."

As born-again children of God, our spirits have been recreated in the image of God. Now it's up to us to yield to His Holy Spirit and allow Him to transform our minds, our emotions, and our wills to reflect that image to others. We were made to display the true, beautiful nature of our Heavenly Father; to show the world His sincere love, His righteousness and power over the enemy. Being His image bearer is a continuous process of refinement, where our brokenness and character flaws are replaced with His nature and life, as we are sanctified under the personal touch of the Holy Spirit. Allow God to cleanse your soul as you meditate on the truth of His Word, trusting it to transform your mind so that lasting change can come. You can expect a supernatural transformation to take place inside you, where God's Glory radiates from the inside out, until you reflect His exact image to the world around you.


Guide to God's Holy Days The progression of the biblical festivals throughout the year vividly portrays the glorious plan of God to bring many children to glory in His family. The Bible lists seven festivals that God gave to the nation of Israel for them to celebrate each year (Leviticus 23). The New Testament shows many examples of Jesus, His apostles and the Church of God observing them as well. Each festival is full of rich Christian symbolism, pointing to God’s plan for humanity and Jesus Christ’s role in each step. Most of the festivals are also special annual Sabbath rest days, which are observed in addition to the weekly Sabbath day. Passover The first, the Passover , is a memorial of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins. The original Passover was a reminder of how God spared the firstborn of His people from death in Egypt. As the ultimate fulfillment of what the Passover pictures, the New Covenant Passover reminds us that -

"EACH FESTIVAL IS FULL OF RICH CHRISTIAN SYMBOLISM, POINTING TO GOD’S PLAN FOR HUMANITY AND JESUS CHRIST’S ROLE IN EACH STEP. " Christians are saved from sin’s penalty of eternal death by Christ’s sacrifice as the Lamb of God. In the United Church of God, we approach this period of the year with deep spiritual introspection. We commemorate the Passover with a service based on the instructions of the apostle Paul and the New Covenant Passover ceremony that Jesus instituted in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). The solemn Passover service begins after sundown the night before Passover day, according to Jesus’ example. The service starts with a brief

explanation of its purpose and readings from the Gospels. Then, following Jesus’ example and instructions in John 13, Christians wash one another’s feet. Then there is an explanation of the symbols of the Passover, unleavened bread and wine, which represent the body and blood of our Savior. Each baptized member of the Church eats a small piece of the unleavened bread and drinks a small glass of the wine. Passover is the only festival that is not also a special annual Sabbath day. (See: Exodus 12:1 50; Leviticus 23:5; Matthew 26: 17-30; Mark 14:2224; 1 Corinthians 11:23-28) Feast of Unleavened Bread The Feast of Unleavened Bread symbolizes a Christian’s responsibility to strive to live a sin-free life. Church members prepare for the festival by removing leaven and leavened products (please see “What Is Leaven?” for more info) from our homes. Christians also don’t eat anything made with

leaven during the seven days of the festival. This is because, during the week of the festival, leaven symbolizes sin, which Christians are striving to keep out of their lives. Instead we eat unleavened bread, which represents the righteousness of Christ in us through the Holy Spirit.

This day also pictures the ultimate fulfillment of every Christian’s hope: the moment when faithful Christians will be resurrected to receive the gift of eternal life at the sounding of the seventh trumpet. A Christian’s eternity with God begins with the opportunity to reign on earth with Jesus Christ for 1,000 years.

This festival begins and ends with a special annual Sabbath on which services are held. The services are similar to our weekly Sabbath services, but on each of the annual Holy Days the messages focus M on . Kvarious aspects of the meaning of the festival. The annual festivals are the only times the United Church of God takes up an offering, following the example set in Deuteronomy 16:16.

(See: Leviticus 23:24-25; Numbers 10:110; Revelation 8:2; Revelation 11:15; Revelation 20:46; 1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16)



(See: Exodus 12:18-19; Leviticus 23:58; 1 Corinthians 5:8) Day of Pentecost God’s third annual festival is Pentecost . It’s also called the Feast of Harvest or Firstfruits and the Feast of Weeks. On this Holy Day Church members meet for a special annual Sabbath service. The Church of God began on Pentecost, and this festival was the day God gave His Spirit to those He called together. On this day Christians remember that God’s Holy Spirit empowers them with the love of God, the motivation to obey Him and a sound mind to discern His truth. Those who are led by God’s Spirit are called the children of God. These Christians have a pledge or down payment on eternal life and can look forward to the first resurrection to eternal life in God’s family. (See: Exodus 23:16; Exodus 34:22; Leviticus 23:1621; Acts 2:141; 2 Timothy 1:7; John 15:26; John 16:13; Romans 8: 9, Romans 14; 2 Corinthians 5:5; Revelation 20:5-6) Feast of Trumpets The fourth festival of God is the Feast of Trumpets . The Bible describes the day as a “memorial of blowing of trumpets.” In Israel, trumpets were used as a way of announcing special, very important messages. Jesus Christ reveals that before His return to the earth, seven trumpets will be blown, announcing the downfall and overthrow of this world’s kingdoms and the return of Christ to take possession of the earth and establish the Kingdom of God. Christ’s return is announced by the seventh and final trumpet.

Day of Atonement The Day of Atonement is unique among the other annual festivals because it is a day of fasting. Following shortly after the Feast of Trumpets, Christians observe the day by fasting, which means not eating or drinking for the day. This solemn day of reflection portrays the human race finally becoming reconciled with God after millennia of rebellion against Him. The Day of Atonement also pictures that Satan the devil, who now leads all of mankind astray, will be bound for 1,000 years so all humans of all nations can be reconciled to God. (See: Leviticus 23:2632; Isaiah 58:3; Esther 4:16; Ephesians 2:2; Revelatio n 12:9; Revelation 20:1-3) Feast of Tabernacles The Feast of Tabernacles lasts for seven days and is a time of joy and excitement for Christians around the world. The Feast of Tabernacles is also known as the Feast of Ingathering. It pictures the future 1,000-year rule of Jesus Christ on earth with His saints. After His return, Jesus will set up the Kingdom of God and Isaiah describes this future period as a time of peace when all people will be taught to know, love and obey God. The nature of animals will change, the earth will become highly fertile, and, most importantly, “The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” With Satan’s evil influence removed, all of humanity will at last learn God’s ways. During the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles, the United Church of God organizes sites all over the world where members gather to enjoy fellowship, worship God and study His Word each day of the festival. The first day is a special annual Sabbath. Find more about this year’s Feast of Tabernacles at .

(See: Leviticus 23:34; Exodus 23:16; Revelation 20:46; Isaiah 2:24; Isaiah 11:6; Isaiah 11:9; Isaiah 35:1; Isaiah 65:25)


Eighth Day The final step in God’s plan of salvation for all mankind is portrayed in a feast day that immediately follows the Feast of Tabernacles.


Called the Eighth Day (and often traditionally called the Last Great Day) this festival pictures the judgment of humankind described in Revelation. this time all people who never knew God’s M During .K plan for them will be resurrected to life and will be judged and have an opportunity to understand and respond to God’s call. Even though not everyone will choose God’s way of life for eternity, our Creator wants “all men to be saved” and is “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” Through God’s wonderful plan everyone will have an opportunity to know His truth, repent and receive salvation.


Since the Eighth Day immediately follows the Feast of Tabernacles, Church members meet together one last time at the chosen site before returning home. (See: Leviticus 23:39; Revelation 20:1113; 1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9) The progression of these festivals throughout the year vividly portrays the glorious plan of God to bring many children to glory in His family (Hebrews 2:10). There’s much more to learn about God’s festivals, and we recommend you read God’s Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind . at .

The Annual Festivals of God YEAR 2019 Passover: April 19 (Observed evening before) Feast of Unleavened Bread: April 20-26 Pentecost: June 9 Feast of Trumpets: September 30 Day of Atonement: October 9 Feast of Tabernacles: October 14-20 The Eighth Day: October 21

God Choose You! with: Pastor Randy

I remember playground games. Whether it was softball, kick-ball, football or dodge ball, we would divide into teams. Sometimes the teacher would select captains, sometimes 2 would just volunteer. But one thing I remember most, is that in the process of selecting teams, no one wanted to be the last person picked. It meant people didn’t see much in you, that you lacked the skill necessary to be a vital part of the team. Being picked last was often humiliating. As we celebrate Communion, I want you to know that in God’s eyes you are never the last person picked for God’s team! Let’s look at today’s passage from Ephesians 1:3-14 found in The Message 3-6 How blessed is God! And what a blessing He is! He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in Him. Long before He laid down earth’s foundations, He had us in mind, had settled on us the focus of His love, to be made whole and holy by His love. Long, long ago He decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure He took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of His lavish gift-giving by the hand of His beloved Son. 7-10 Because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, His blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we’re a free people—free of penalties and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free! He thought of everything, provided for everything we could possibly need, letting us in on the plans He took such delight in making. He set it all out before us in Christ, a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up in Him, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth. 11-12 It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, He had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose He is working out in everything and everyone. 13-14 It’s in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free—signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit. This signet from God is the first installment on what’s coming, a reminder that we’ll get everything God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life. Today is the most important day in your life. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, not next week or next year. This leads me to the one thing you need to remember from today’s message: God speaks of his relationship with you in permanent, irrevocable terms of adoption, ransom and guarantee. God chooses you, and that will never change.

If you've ever felt unsure about your usefulness in God’s plans or if you are acceptable to God, then I want you to pay close attention for the next few minutes, because these few verses tell you three important things about You in God’s eyes. Embrace these 3 truths into your life, you will experience a greater sense of self-worth and more spiritual confidence than you have ever known. 1. You’ve Been On God's Mind From The Beginning. Go back to my image of standing on the playground. At first, you were just part of a crowd, but now selections have been made and now you are standing alone, and the captain who has the last pick, says “Oh well, I guess I’ll have to take them.” I think all of us can relate to this feeling; we all know what it is like to be the last chosen—the least talented in at least some area—academically, athletically, musically, and so on. But there is an area where you never need feel that way: Your Relationship With God. Probably all of us have wondered, at one time or another, “If they had it to do all over again, would they choose me? Would they hire me? Would she marry me?” Maybe some of you have even thought, “If Jesus had to do it over, would He die for me again?” Some of you may believe that you have been such a disappointment to God that you would have been better off not to have been born. The message from God is the exact opposite. The message from the heart of God is that you are accepted not because He had to, but because He wanted to. You are part of His plan. From The Beginning, He Has Wanted You To Be A Member Of His Family. Whether or not you think it's possible, the Bible makes it clear that God Believes It Is Possible. Whether or not you believe in your potential, God Believes In Your Potential. You are part of His plan. God knew that you would be where you are today in all areas of your life. He knew you would be here at this moment and for some, it may have been a rough ride. There may have been mistakes and disappointments along the way and you may have wanted to give up many times. Even though your past may be littered with failures, it doesn’t change the fact that God Loves You, He Chooses You, And He Believes In You. You have been, are now and will always be on His mind and in His heart. This is RANSOM! 2. You Belong To God, And That Will Never Change. This passage defines your relationship with God in permanent terms. It says, first of all, that we have been adopted. The citizens of Ephesus understood the significance of adoption, because it was common in their society. Adoption wasn’t just a case of parents choosing to provide a home for a parentless child. Adoptions also frequently occurred for business or political reasons—for one grown man to adopt another grown man to ensure that his wealth and power were passed on in the way that he intended it to be. The Most Important Thing To Remember Is That Adoptions Were Irrevocable. A man could disown his birth son, but could not disown his adopted son. It was a permanent relationship. Paul said, “You’ve been Adopted into the family of God. Get comfortable because He’s not going to give up on you.”

3. Everything You Need, You Can Have. Jesus didn’t die on the cross just to abandon you now. God is generous. He doesn’t withhold His kindness, His love, His mercy, His forgiveness, His compassion, or His blessings from you. He showers you with kindness. He will lavish His generosity on you, If You Are Willing To Receive It. It’s not just about your physical needs; he is referring to your spiritual and emotional needs as well. God will give you All The Joy You Need—All The Love You Need, All The Faith You Need, All The Mercy You Need, And Much More. You may have spent most of your life thinking that you had to manufacture these things on your own, and that most of the time God is ticked off that you don’t do a better job at it. You may have spent most of your life thinking that God doles out blessings only with great resistance, and only to the most deserving. The truth is, He Wants To Shower His Kindness On You. Everything you need, He wants to provide. See your relationship with God in a new way—in a non-adversarial way. God isn’t mad at you. He isn’t sorry that He chose you. And if He had to do it over, He Would Die For You Again. Why? Before you were born, you were on His mind and IN His heart. He chooses You to be His very own. You belong with Him, and that will never change. And He will be with you every step of the way, blessing you with what you need each and every moment. How do I know this? Even more important, how can YOU know this? You and I can know this without a doubt because the Holy Spirit is given as our guarantee. “Guarantee” Is A Term That Means The Assurance That Another’s Obligation Will Be Fulfilled. It comes from a Hebrew word that means “a pledge”—God has made a pledge to fully restore you back to His Intended Design—To be the you He created you to be. Until that work is finished He gives us the Holy Spirit, as His Personal Pledge. The presence of the Holy Spirit is the assurance that God’s commitment to you will not stop until the final result—We become exactly like our Intended Design—The Perfect In Every Detail Reflection Of God. We come to the table, the ONLY Table where it all starts, where we are called to live, and one day where it will be completed —the Table of Grace… Next Step This week it’s rather simple: Find where God is at work and join with Him. After all, He has chosen you to work with Him! Or, find a place where you know God wants to work, and get started. After all, He wants you to work with Him!


1 The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. 2 He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. 3 He renews my strength.He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. 4 Even when I walk through the darkest valley,[a]I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. 5 You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. 6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life,and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.




by: unknown

The beautiful red-bricked church of St. Andrews in Easton, Maryland, was known for its open door. Generations had gathered at St. Andrews to enjoy food, fellowship, and Sunday worship. So it came as a jolt to most parishioners when the bank foreclosed on the building and sold the property at auction. Sadly, this is not a rare occurrence. There are thousands of houses of worship in America, and every week a few of them close their doors. The Christian Science Monitor ran a column a number of years ago entitled, “The Coming Evangelical Collapse,” which proclaimed, “We are on the verge—within 10 years—of a major collapse of evangelical Christianity.”[1] But not so fast! I’m not ready to accept defeat. These are exciting times to be a Christian. The Church around the world is growing at a pace unequalled since Pentecost, and this is the greatest harvest season in the history of Christianity. While I’m realistic about the challenges facing evangelism today, Christianity has a way of outliving its critics. News magazines and newspapers may soon be a thing of the past, but it’s a mistake to assume that Christianity is dead and buried. Don’t discount the power of God in the hearts of men and women. A Revival of Mission If we’re going to open the doors and see the people in our churches, we need a revival of mission. In Matthew, Jesus told us to go into all the world, winning, baptizing, teaching, and making disciples in all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). With that admonition to go, the Lord Jesus promised to build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). Whether we’re respected in society, or neglected and abused, we have a mission— to take the Good News of Christ to the ends of the earth and to bring the Gospel to anyone willing to listen.

We aren’t here to be successful, influential, wealthy, famous, or praised by a degraded society. We’re here to pave the way for the Lord’s return by sowing the Gospel, both in person-to-person and nation-tonation. A Revival of Mercy We also need a revival of mercy. Our ministry of compassion is one aspect of our faith that critics cannot deny. Even though the pundits rail against our stand on immorality, they respect our work with those in need. We’re to be like Dorcas, who “was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did” (Acts 9:36). The good deed you and I do for someone authenticates our testimony, shares the compassion of our Lord, and paves the way for our message. A Revival of Magnetism Finally, we need a revival of magnetism. I believe God wants to draw people to Himself through our testimony, and the Holy Spirit wants to use us as living magnets to attract people through the open doors of our churches. Charlotte Baptist Chapel in historic Edinburgh, Scotland, has a history of more than 200 years. It was established in 1808, but after several decades, attendance dwindled to about 30 people. An offer was made for the property, but the church secretary, Andrew Urquhart, rejected the offer. He said: I for one, am not going to believe that the light which has burned so long in this place is going to be put out; that the people who so long labored for the advancement of the Redeemer’s cause are to retire from the work in despair; that the door of this dear old Chapel, hallowed by many blessed and holy memories, is to be closed. … I believe the crisis is of God, and He will bring us through it. Don’t let the doors close on your mission to the Church, keep it open and flourishing by the power of God working in your life.



I got the chance to have a chat with South Africa's anointed Pastor, entrepreneur, wife, mother, gospel artist, designer and model Pastor Mokgadi


Senoamadi. May we be enlightened further with this exclusive interview. Q. Who is Pastor Mokgadi Senoamadi,

a woman after GOD'S

personally and professionally and where are you from? A. Pastor Mokgadi Senoamadi is a wife to Evangelist Abiott Senoamadi and a mother of three of girls. I was born in Moletjie at a village called Kgohloane , South Africa. I’m a Pastor,


Musician and a businesswoman. Q. Who does Pastor Mokgadi say, THE SON OF MAN IS? A. The Son of Man is my Comforter, Redeemer, My Healer, My Deliverer a friend when I am alone, My Savior and my everything!

Q. When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? A . Deliverance, Protection, Peace, Joy and everlasting life. Q. You are a Pastor that actually happens to be a gospel artist. You are serving with your husband Evangelist Senoamadi at a branch in Ga-Mphahlele , Limpopo, South Africa. Tell us more about that: A. We are serving in our local church at GaMphahlele which is one of our spiritual fathers’ branch. I am a Pastor who sings and I never thought it would happen. I always thought I was not called for singing because I considered myself to be very shy. Q. You recently released your first album with songs: Ke Lokolotswe , Good to me and Le Ge Le Phirima. Talking about Le Ge Le Phirima (meaning: when darkness, evening, challenges, tribulation comes, You are still King Jesus), what inspired the song, title and what do you want to impart to the listener? A. I was inspired by the circumstances I faced in this walk with God. But I have come to a realization that everything else I went through God never left my side He was always there for me and this showed me that God loves me in-spite of my challenges. He remained Faithful. Ke lokolotswe simply means I am delivered from bondage. I was once a sinner but now I am delivered from sickness, from oppression, depression and everything that used to bother me and my family. Q. Tell us about your gift on song writing. What makes it so different and can song writing be taught? A. The gift of song writing in my opinion is a gift from God. I am inspired by the Holy Spirit and maybe it makes it different. Sometimes I will think I am hearing a sound of some sort and I would take the tune and start writing. Yes I think song writing could be taught definitely. You can guide someone on how to start writing a song from scratch and I believe certain things are learned as long as you have the passion and the desire to do them. Q. You have been graced with amazing favour to have released an album this year and already getting mega airplay both on radio and television. What’s the success behind that?

A. The word of God says seek ye the kingdom of God and everything else shall follow. I love God so much and I believe He opened doors for me because of my love and commitment to Him. And I believe in the power of prayer. I have invested a lot of prayer for everything. I also work hard for God and He gives me favour. Q. You’ve been nominated for the Radical FM Gospel Awards for the Best Gospel category. Tell us more about that and your first response to this nomination? A . I was just amazed, I mean it’s my first single and already a radio station recognized my work. I am so happy to be part of their awards and this encouraged me to record a full album which I am busy with. Radical FM awards promotes our African music and they actually have international nominees. This helps us as Local musicians to be recognized outside South Africa. Q. You’re a mother of three girls, a wife, a minister, worshiper and model. How do you juggle all of these responsibilities? A . I do get tired but my lovely husband is very much supportive. He helps me with almost everything and he encourages me and always tells me I can do all these things. Other that really God equips us to do everything He has called us for. Q. Talking about modelling, you’ve won titles like “Mrs Congeniality”, Mrs Ubuntu and in 2016 you represented South Africa in Reno States for Mrs Universal. How and when did you get into pageants and some advice for those who want to tap into pageants? A . I got into pageants in 2011 it’s not that long I didn’t grow up doing them because I didn’t have the information on how to enter. I always wanted to do modelling so I just went for pageants. I just saw an article on a magazine and then I sent them everything they wanted and I got in. Anyone wanting to enter pageants should just go online and search for legit sites. Q. It’s the first; I’d like to think of us hearing a Pastor who does pageants. Is it something you get all the time? And would you say that King Jesus has placed you in this particular industry for a reason? A. I’ve also never heard of anyone who was a Pastor and did pageants. Back then I didn’t know I had a calling but I would like to think God allowed it to happen for a specific reason and I am yet to discover that reason. But ever since I was ordained I never even looked back.

Q. When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? A . Deliverance, Protection, Peace, Joy and everlasting life. Q. You are a Pastor that actually happens to be a gospel artist. You are serving with your husband Evangelist Senoamadi at a branch in Ga-Mphahlele , Limpopo, South Africa. Tell us more about that: A. We are serving in our local church at GaMphahlele which is one of our spiritual fathers’ branch. I am a Pastor who sings and I never thought it would happen. I always thought I was not called for singing because I considered myself to be very shy. Q. You recently released your first album with songs: Ke Lokolotswe , Good to me and Le Ge Le Phirima. Talking about Le Ge Le Phirima (meaning: when darkness, evening, challenges, tribulation comes, You are still King Jesus), what inspired the song, title and what do you want to impart to the listener? A. I was inspired by the circumstances I faced in this walk with God. But I have come to a realization that everything else I went through God never left my side He was always there for me and this showed me that God loves me in-spite of my challenges. He remained Faithful. Ke lokolotswe simply means I am delivered from bondage. I was once a sinner but now I am delivered from sickness, from oppression, depression and everything that used to bother me and my family. Q. Tell us about your gift on song writing. What makes it so different and can song writing be taught? A. The gift of song writing in my opinion is a gift from God. I am inspired by the Holy Spirit and maybe it makes it different. Sometimes I will think I am hearing a sound of some sort and I would take the tune and start writing. Yes I think song writing could be taught definitely. You can guide someone on how to start writing a song from scratch and I believe certain things are learned as long as you have the passion and the desire to do them. Q. You have been graced with amazing favour to have released an album this year and already getting mega airplay both on radio and television. What’s the success behind that?

A. The word of God says seek ye the kingdom of God and everything else shall follow. I love God so much and I believe He opened doors for me because of my love and commitment to Him. And I believe in the power of prayer. I have invested a lot of prayer for everything. I also work hard for God and He gives me favour. Q. You’ve been nominated for the Radical FM Gospel Awards for the Best Gospel category. Tell us more about that and your first response to this nomination? A . I was just amazed, I mean it’s my first single and already a radio station recognized my work. I am so happy to be part of their awards and this encouraged me to record a full album which I am busy with. Radical FM awards promotes our African music and they actually have international nominees. This helps us as Local musicians to be recognized outside South Africa. Q. You’re a mother of three girls, a wife, a minister, worshiper and model. How do you juggle all of these responsibilities? A . I do get tired but my lovely husband is very much supportive. He helps me with almost everything and he encourages me and always tells me I can do all these things. Other that really God equips us to do everything He has called us for. Q. Talking about modelling, you’ve won titles like “Mrs Congeniality”, Mrs Ubuntu and in 2016 you represented South Africa in Reno States for Mrs Universal. How and when did you get into pageants and some advice for those who want to tap into pageants? A . I got into pageants in 2011 it’s not that long I didn’t grow up doing them because I didn’t have the information on how to enter. I always wanted to do modelling so I just went for pageants. I just saw an article on a magazine and then I sent them everything they wanted and I got in. Anyone wanting to enter pageants should just go online and search for legit sites. Q. It’s the first; I’d like to think of us hearing a Pastor who does pageants. Is it something you get all the time? And would you say that King Jesus has placed you in this particular industry for a reason? A. I’ve also never heard of anyone who was a Pastor and did pageants. Back then I didn’t know I had a calling but I would like to think God allowed it to happen for a specific reason and I am yet to discover that reason. But ever since I was ordained I never even looked back.

One thing that made me go ahead with pageants, I approached my spiritual dad and he was 100 percent ok with them . I trust his opinion so that is why I went ahead with entering pageants. Q. Whats the perception that you’d like to address regarding being a woman of God that’s not only confined to church but also to the market place? A . Proverbs 31 woman is a woman who goes out and buys a field. She makes sure her dealings are profitable. I know here we are talking about women but Paul says imitate me as I imitate Christ. Paul was a tentmaker and was also an Apostle. As long as what we do does not take our time away from God and do things to glorify our Daddy in Heaven. Q. When and how did you become born again’? A . A friend of mine gave me a book and in it were a whole lot of stories and the sinners’ prayer. I prayed that prayer in 1998 and I was saved. But along the way not having a spiritual guidance I fell off the wagon that is when I met my spiritual father Bishop Seoka who was there for me all the way, till today! Q. Growing up, did you always know you were called to the 5 fold ministry and when did your ordination take place? A . I never thought a girl like me who was much looked down on could actually be called by God. My ordination took place in 2017 September the 24th. Q. Being a wife of an Evangelist is not like other callings in the 5 hold ministry, as they are called for nations and travel a lot. What has kept you and your baby girls and what advice would you give to young evangelists’ wives? A. What keeps me strong if I might say is that I am always busy and always in church so it doesn’t really affect me that much. My husband makes a lot of time for us . When he has to preach somewhere we are there with him all the time we travel together we sometimes share the pulpit I am sure that’s a first but him and I have this special relationship we are like twins. It’s even amazes me how God has put us together. Q. Being a minister’s wife is not about the fame, clothes and respect, but it’s about being a mother to ‘’children’’ that King Jesus has placed in your hands. What can you tell people that have this perception about fame, money , etc

A. If you are called by God you must understand it’s not as easy as it looks. It’s not about fame and money it’s not even about clothes. It’s about God’s people and the challenges they face. You have to sit and listen to them and also pray for them until they are completely delivered. Sometimes we spend sleepless nights. Sometimes people call you Just to talk to you. My spiritual dad taught me to be available at all times because God is the one who has put His help in us as His servants. So it’s not glamorous at all. Q. Where do you desire to see Pastor Mokgadi Senoamadi both in the gifts of ministry ( Pastoring and Performing)? A . Travelling the whole world and telling people about Jesus Christ‘s love and singing about His Greatness. Q. How important is that we children of God be very selective of the music we listen to, especially the genre? What impact does it have on the inner being? A. Music is food for our soul. Music is actually a message in a song form. What you listen to actually influences how you think and feel. When King Saul was tormented by demons, he called for David to play him a harp and the demons left King Saul. Hope you understand how music plays such an important part in our lives. Christians should be selective to what they listen to and not just listen to any song. We are called into light and we should speak and listen to everything and anything that promotes God and His Word. Q. Given the opportunity, which country is on the top of your list and collaboration? A . I would love to travel to USA again. This time singing for Jesus and I would love to collaborate with Nicole C. Mullen . Q. If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? A. I would thank Him for coming. I would ask Him to destroy the spirit of divorce, I would ask Him to change situations in families. I would ask Him to help me love Him more and more every day, but I don’t think I would let Him go. I would hug Him I would tell Him how much I long to be with Him. I am actually tearful when I answering this question because I love Him with everything in me. Q. There is POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, share with someone who doesn’t seem to grasp that exactly?

A. Demons tremble when they hear the name of Jesus. Situations change when they hear the name of Jesus. Fear disappears, everything that is an obstacle will move when the name is called. Sicknesses will move in Jesus’ name. The devil fears the name of Jesus. Q. What message do you have to the Church, regarding the end times and especially this “NEW AGE GOSPEL”? A. Trust only in the name of Jesus. Trust in His word which is the Holy Bible. Believe God and His word and patiently wait upon His promises. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof so trust in His promises.

Q. When people hear the name Pastor Mokgadi. What do you want them to know? A. A woman who loves God more than life itself. A woman who is filled with the Holy Spirit. A woman who loves people. Q. How can people get in touch with you and access your music and schedule? A . They can follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. If they want to see my schedule they should keep logged on those sites. They can also call my manager on 0729721378 to get my music.

As long as what we do does not take our time away from God and do things to glorify our Daddy in Heaven. Q. What most do you miss about the “old time true gospel”? A. Ecclesiastes 7:10 says we should not miss the good old days. I think we should just appreciate each and everything that happens in our lives because God is faithful enough to help us through. Q. Lastly, advice you can give to young women in the 5 fold ministry and people desiring to join the gospel industry? A. Be committed to God in all your ways. God is everything and without Him you can’t make it in this life.

Q. Last words and plans for 2019? A. I would like to thank Beauty &The Gospel for this opportunity and may God richly bless you. Trust God and commit your lives to Him and He will definitely bless you and your families. I plan to open a clothing store.


1. Legacy is ….?

8. Can’t stop thinking about?

Wealth you leave for your children

Creating my own designs

2. In my bag you will find….?

9. Daily mantra?

Lip moisturizer,mascara, sunblock, sunglasses

I am more than a conqueror

and perfume

9. Purpose is…….? 3. dream of …..?

Living for God all the way


10. Favourite Minister? 4. 2019 is….

Bishop Seoka

A great year for me

11. I will retire the day ……? 5. Lipstick or nails?

I die


12. Best advice ever received? 6. What people don’t know is that I …….? I love laughing a lot

7. If it weren’t for Jesus I would …….? Have been dead

Not to look down on myself

Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

Earnest Prayer Message taken from James 5:16b (AMPC) James 5:16b (AMPC): "The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]."

The word earnest conjures up an image of someone who is set on what he believes, and is prepared to boldly move forward in it - on the most serious of terms. In his book Sparkling Gems From The Greek, Rick Renner explains how the Greek translation for the word earnest describes the type of prayer that strongly attracts the power of God, and puts it into action in the strongest possible way. When you are facing a problem that deeply concerns you, don't be afraid to earnestly go to the Lord in prayer. That means: when you pray, have His Word back your request. Since He always honours His Word, and responds to our faith, this gives Him something most powerful to work with. We can approach Him confidently, expecting Him to move on our behalf when we are serious about what His Word says, and know that He is always willing to honour it concerning us. The book of James teaches us that timid, doubtful prayers are completely ineffective. So pray the way God's Word tells you to pray: deliberate, faith-filled and in line with His Word. That's the earnest kind of prayer that brings results without fail.


How to Quiet Your Mind So You Can Hear From God by: Dawn Klinge “If destruction fails to entangle us, distraction will do it’s best.” – Beth Moore As I sit here at my desk preparing to write, to share something that I hope ministers to you, dear readers, I find myself needing to practice first, the very thing I want to share with you today. I need to stop and listen. I need to quiet my mind and listen for God to speak. How do I do that? It’s a discipline that I’m still working on (and probably always will be). My mind is not, naturally, a quiet place. Yours probably isn’t either. Am I right? Distractions are everywhere, but there are steps we can take to minimize those distractions and quiet our thoughts, even in the midst of our busy lives. We need quiet pauses in our day. We need to make space for listening to the most important voice of all- the voice of God. When we listen for God, we might consider the following verse, “Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.” 1 Kings 19:11-13 (NIV)

feature Notice that God’s voice came to Elijah as a gentle

I believe that God speaks to us but we miss out on

whisper. We have to be quiet to hear a whisper.

what he’s saying because we’re not listening. How can

we quiet our minds and minimize the distractions that

I think, too, of how Jesus went away to “lonely

get in the way of hearing from God?

places and prayed” (Luke 5:16).


My own experiences in hearing God speak to me seem


to come during the quiet times as well.

1. Place yourself in an environment that helps you concentrate. Find a quiet corner or room that is away

Do I hear an audible voice? I haven’t, personally (but

from distractions. I live in small house with my husband

that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen). It would be

and two teens, so sometimes, the only place I can find is

interesting to search for all the instances where

the bathroom! I like to fill up the bathtub with hot water,

God speaks to people in an audible voice throughout

lock the door, and read my Bible while I soak.

the Bible. There are plenty of examples to be found. 2. Talk to God about what you’re reading in the Bible For me, I hear God when I’m reading the Bible. The

when you pray. Treat it like a conversation. Leave

meaning of a certain verse, maybe something I’ve read

space and quiet for him to respond.

many times before, will suddenly become more clear, often speaking to an area of my life that I have

3. Don’t fight distracting thoughts by trying to avoid

questions about.

them altogether. The more you focus on what you don’t


There are other times when I read the Bible; I

to think about, the more you’ll think about it! Instead,

might not feel like I received a whole lot from that

think of those distracting thoughts as if you’re sitting by

time. But later, sometimes much later, when I need it,

the side of a busy freeway. The thoughts are like cars

a verse will come back to me- and it’s like a light bulb

speeding by. Acknowledge that they’re there, watch them

comes on. A fresh perspective, a thought that I know

go by, and let go.

wasn’t from me…these are some of the ways I hear God speaking to me.

4. Choose a short phrase or sentence from the Bible. Meditate on it, reading and re-reading it until it really

God speaks to us through the Bible and it’s the Holy

sinks in.

Spirit that illuminates His Word, speaking to us so that we can better understand it and how it relates to our

5. Find a time to pray and meditate that works for you

lives. If we’re wondering whether the voice we’re

and stay consistent with that time. First thing in the

hearing is the voice of God, there’s an easy test. God

morning works for a lot of people.

won’t contradict himself. We can measure everything against his Word in the Bible.

6. Start small. Baby steps. If you aren’t used to sitting quietly, try 5 minutes until that gets easier, then work

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for

your way up to longer periods.

teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,” 2 Timothy 3:16 (ESV)

The habit of listening is something that you can improve upon and develop. It doesn’t always come

We can, and should, test everything we hear against the

easily. With a little practice and intention, you can


strengthen your ability to quiet your mind and meditate.

“Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” Acts 17:11 (ESV)

Listen for God’s voice. He’s has something to say to you.


20 And:If your enemy is hungry, buy him lunch! Win him over with kindness.[a]For your surprising generosity will awaken his conscience, and God will reward you with favor.[b] 21 Never let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with good.[c]

ROMANS 12:20-21 (TPT)





Jack Zavada of is well acquainted with the unique challenges that a single life can present, including the subtle but sinister trap of bitterness. Maybe you've slipped into the bitterness trap unaware. You have wanted to get married for some time now. You have even told God that you deserve to be happy and in love. But no matter how hard you've prayed, God doesn't seem to care. Jack Zavada uncovers three important reasons to avoid bitterness and then presents three steps to climb free from bitterness. 3 Reasons to Avoid Bitterness When you're not married but you want to be, it's very easy to become bitter. Christians hear sermons on how obedience brings blessings, and you wonder why God won't bless you with a spouse. You obey God to the best of your ability, you pray that you'll meet the right person, and yet it doesn't happen. It's even tougher when friends or relatives have happy marriages and children. You ask, "Why not me, God? Why can't I have what they have?" Long term frustration can lead to anger, and anger can degenerate into bitterness. Often you don't even realize you've slipped into a resentful attitude. If that's happened to you, here are three good reasons to get out of that trap. Bitterness Damages Your Relationship With God Bitterness can put you in an adversarial relationship with God. You blame him because you're not married and think he's punishing you for some reason.

That's dead wrong because Scripture says God is not only enormously in love with you, but that his love is constant and unconditional. God wants to help you, not hurt you: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10 NIV) Your intimate, personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the source of your strength when things are going wrong. Bitterness forgets hope. Bitterness misdirects your focus onto your problem, instead of on God. Bitterness Alienates You From Other People

Bitterness Detours You From Your Best Self You're not a negative, harsh person. You don't snap at people, put yourself down, and refuse to see any good in life. That's just not you, but you've taken a detour from your best self. You've gotten onto the wrong road. Besides being on the wrong road, you've got a sharp pebble in your shoe, but you're too stubborn to stop and remove it. Shaking out that pebble and getting back on the right road takes a conscious decision on your part. You are the only one who can end your bitterness, but you have to choose to do it. 3 Steps to Freedom from Bitterness

You take the first step by going to If you want to be married, a bitter God and asking him to be in attitude can scare off a potential charge of your justice. You've spouse. Think about it. Who wants been hurt and you want justice, to become involved with a person but that's his job, not yours. who is nasty and cynical? You He is the One who makes things wouldn't want a spouse with those right. When you return that qualities, would you? responsibility to him, you'll feel a heavy load come off your back. Your bitterness inadvertently punishes your family and friends. You take the second step by Eventually, they'll get tired of thanking God for all the good tiptoeing around your touchiness, things you have. By concentrating and they'll just leave you alone. on the positive instead of the Then you'll be more lonely than negative, you'll gradually find joy ever. returning to your life. When you understand that bitterness is Like God, they love you and want a choice, you'll learn to reject it to help. They want the best for and choose peace and you, but bitterness pushes them contentment instead. away. They're not to blame. They're not your enemy. You take the last step by enjoying Your true enemy, the one who is and loving other people again. telling you that you have every There's nothing more attractive right to be bitter, is Satan. than a joy-filled, loving person. Discouragement and bitterness When you make that the are two of his favorite ways to emphasis of your life, who knows draw you away from God. what good things might happen?



Ambassadors for Jesus Christ We are so honored to share this beautiful article written by Uncle Angus Buchan . A Born Again spirit filled servant of the Gospel. Thanking you once again Angus for sharing this article with us. He is an Author, Evangelist, Farmer, Husband, Father and Grandfather. Ambassadors for Jesus Christ The fact of the matter is that it is a physical thing, 2 Cor.5:20 tells us that we are ambassadors for

showing, not telling another hungry beggar where to


find bread. Faith has got feet, as we have said before,

Paul says, “as though God were pleading through

and as ambassadors of Jesus Christ, we have got to lead

us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be

from the front. As Saint Francis of Assisi said ‘Preach the

reconciled to God.”

gospel at all costs and, if you really have to, use words.’ We need to be practical ambassadors for Christ.

The hardest place to be a Christian is in your own home. Your family know you so well, they know your moods, they know your strong points and

As ambassadors for Jesus, the main objective, according

they also know your weaknesses, but that is where

to verse 20, is that we might encourage people to be

we need to start.

reconciled to God. In order to be reconciled to God we need to be reconciled to one another. As ambassadors

At Shalom we say that revival will not come to

we must be prepared to humble ourselves, to say sorry

South Africa through the Houses of Parliament, it

and to ask forgiveness. Even if it is not really our fault,

will come through the kitchen, through the home.

we must be prepared to put the first foot forward. We

When people on the ground start to become

must be known as peacemakers, not peacelovers. A

ambassadors for Jesus it will spread upwards,

peacelover will do anything for peace, but a peacemaker

right into the very hierarchy of our nation.

is an ambassador of Jesus Christ. He will not compromise the Word of God for anything.

An ambassador is a representative and we are to represent Jesus Christ. This is not always easy,

One of the greatest ambassadors that Africa has ever

especially when things are not going well. As I

had was Doctor David Livingstone. As an evangelist,

write this article, I am in a very challenging

maybe by today’s standards he would be regarded as a

position from a business point of view. It is so easy

failure, as it recorded that he only led one man to Christ,

to have your say (as it were) and ruin the

one of the chiefs in Botswana. However, his lifestyle

reputation of the Lord Jesus Christ and

spoke volumes and as a result of his presence in Africa,

subsequently become a very poor ambassador for

he was given the title of ‘the good man’. Through his

the Lord. What I have found in my life is that it is

letters sent back to Britain, he was an instrument in the

very easy to be God’s representative when

abolishment of the horrific slave trade. I have travelled

everything is going well, but as the test comes,

to many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, and I have never

when things are not going well, we still need to

met a man, black or white, who does not know who Dr

maintain our composure, integrity and most of all,

David Livingstone is – a true ambassador for Jesus.

our love. This basically is what evangelism is about.

Remember it is not what you say, it is who you are, that will win souls to Christ. Col.1:27

We have said before that the definition of evangelism is one hungry beggar showing another

God bless

hungry beggar where to find bread.

Angus Buchan


hurricane life


We are currently dealing with Hurricane

We prepare ourselves for devastation the

Dorian as it crawls up the Pacific Ocean.

same ways every time disaster is upon us.

It has passed the Bahamas, flooding the

If we bought one extra can of soup,

island and continues to be a menace for

candle, and case of batteries when we go

those in its path. The wind, rain and debris

grocery shopping, we’d be prepared

falling on our cars and houses. Now, we are

without the panic that we usually

dealing with the aftermath of the

experience. So, why don’t we prepare like

devastation which has been minimal, thank

we should when we know it’s hurricane

God, but we are still praying for those on

season, and in the same way prepare

the coast. A week prior to every hurricane

ourselves mentally for the Dorians in our

we run to grocery stores and find any brand


of bread and milk, non-perishable items, batteries, boarding for shutters, and

Our lives are run by immediacy. After the

candles to stock up on.

storm we go back to life as usual.

We feel a sigh of relief and act as if the

I was asking God what He wanted me to

next one will come 10 years later.

say and what words of His could I use to

Although the patterns suggest a different

make each point come alive. I came

outcome. We go on about our lives as

across Romans 5:3-5 and immediately

if there wasn’t something to learn and when

knew this was the one. “Not only so,

hurricane Ellen comes along, we react

but we also glory in our sufferings,

instead of being proactive. What did you

because we know that suffering produces

learn from your last struggle? What didn’t

perseverance; perseverance, character;

you learn about who you are? Did you take

and character, hope. And hope does not

time to evaluate how things happened? Did

put us to shame, because God's love has

you examine your part to understand what

been poured out into our hearts through

to do or what not to do the next time

the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”

around? Or did you just watch television

As I started to look at the definitions of

after working the job you hate? Did you

perseverance I started to shout. Suffering

hang out with everybody you could find to

is supposed to produce a steady

mask the pain inside? If you never gave

persistence in a course of action or a

thought to the suffering, when it comes

purpose. So why do our struggles tend to

around again, you’ll find yourself not

produce disobedience, indifference, low

learning anything that God wanted you to

self-esteem, shame, and manipulation? I

gain for your elevation. Because the next

realized this is where we are missing the

storm shouldn’t outweigh you and put you in

mark. Therefore, it takes 50 years to get

panic mode, you should be prepared from

to character and hope because we miss

the last one.

the point of suffering. Wheewww,

hallelujah! We go into a “woe is me

This weekend I had the honor of being a

attitude” and instead of pursuing God,

speaker for a young adult conference at our

talking it out and being strategic, we just

sister congregation. As some of the

allow ourselves to go by the wayside. “I’ll

leadership was pinpointing the content of

get back to Jesus when my suffering

the retreat, I specified the root issues of

stops” only to find out hurricane Ellen is

personal development and understanding

on it’s way and you haven’t prepared for

the Holy Spirit. I was rewarded with mental

it because the last storm was the

health as a topic and how it affects our


Christianity. Too often we talk about suffering, pains and struggles without the

I believe once we understand why we

practical applications needed to persevere

suffer and how to handle our trials, it

with self-care. We say, “Pray it away” or

makes way for God to show us what it all

“It’s meant for a reason” or “Jesus can work

meant. For me, going through alcoholism

it out.” Jesus will work it out, but what is

showed me who I really belong to; initially

your part in the turn-around; what does

I belonged to myself. I was prideful so I

Sunday through Saturday look like in the

had to be humbled and in that humility

midst of a storm.

I could see God.

The year I had my last drink to the year I was delivered took a lot of persistence. I didn’t know my purpose, but I knew I had to keep on the path of God. I prayed, studied the bible daily, wrote songs and joined different ministries, because I wanted to be closer to God and let him take over. I was tired of doing things my way. As I persevered, my character was strengthening, and my hope was coming to and all time high. Now when I deal with the storms of life, because I know my purpose, I know exactly how to handle them; I know who I serve and I know the power I have through the Holy Spirit and that will never put me to shame. If I sin, I repent, examine my actions, gain more wisdom, then I move forward. When life gets windy, all I have to do is lean on the knowledge I’ve gained, work this testimony into the one of alcoholism and keep it moving. I have a purpose of uplifting people, especially millennials, and showing them we are on earth at this time for a reason. We are here on a mission! The more we prepare the better we are for it. That’s when God can use us. Don’t go on living with the same struggles. Don’t you want a new test? Don’t you want elevation? Don’t you want to know what the power of God is? Don’t you want to glory in your sufferings because a testimony is brewing? I’m so thankful for the Frans, Floyds, and


Dorians, because they have made me the woman of God I am today. Join me on the road of redemption, love, and perseverance. As always, be blessed and stay sunny on the inside.


Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

A Consuming Fire Message taken from Lamentations 3:22-23 (KJV) Lamentations 3:22-23 (KJV): "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness." The Word calls God a consuming fire. Everything that holds us back from living in the freedom of God's love, peace, and abundant life is like dead wood that His Fire in us must consume. Things like un-forgiveness, sinful habits, and harmful attitudes, only prevent us from moving forward in the life Jesus died for us to have. If you know there are some loose ends in your life that you have not completely surrendered to the Lord, you can do that today. As you commit your thoughts, your attitudes, and your speech to His Lordship, and surrender to His Holy Spirit; He will burn away those things that prevent you from walking in the fullness of His blessing. Because of His love for you, you can see every day as an opportunity to wake up to a fresh start in Him; where you purposefully give the Holy Spirit the authority to lead every decision with His wisdom and power. You can rely on His faithfulness, mercy and compassion to help you live free of your old nature and full of His new life - one day at a time.


1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 This I declare about the Lord:He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. 3 For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. 4 He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. 5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. 6 Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. 7 Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you. 8 Just open your eyes, and see how the wicked are punished. 9 If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, 10 no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. 11 For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. 12 They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone. 13 You will trample upon lions and cobras; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet! 14 The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. 15 When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. 16 I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”




Article by Rick Adams

Summary: This message focuses on controlling the big fish in the mouth called the tongue. It seems that lately you can’t hardly turn on the television without hearing about some new development in the moral decay of the Catholic church. More and more accusations are being hurled at priest regarding sexual misconduct. In no way shape or form am I defending what these priests allegedly did, but every time I hear of these things, my heart breaks in two. The reason being is because the eyes of the world are watching, and perhaps thinking, “I told you that the church is nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.” I want to bring your attention to another matter that is plaguing the church of the Living God. One that hasn’t popped up as of late but has been around since the foundation of the church. What’s the problem? The inability for God’s people to tame their tongue. You may be asking yourself, “How does that compare to what’s going on within the Catholic church?” Because the eyes and ears of the ungodly are watching and listening. They are hearing good Christian people verbally lash one another all the while wondering, “If I was in that church, would they talk about me like that?” Someone coined the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

Whoever said that could have never been more wrong. Broken bones heal much quicker than the wounds left by an out of control tongue. I know people to this day, and there may those sitting in this room this morning, who are still suffering from the aftermath of a tongue lashing. When Dr. Tim Dailey was here with us, he and I sat down for coffee on afternoon, and he told me that some of the most encouraging words he’d ever heard came from Christian people. Then he went on to say that some of the most hurtful words ever spoken against him came from good Christian people. You see, our tongue can either burn the Kingdom of God, or it can build it. Simply by what comes out of our mouths can destroy what God is trying to accomplish in and through a ministry, or it can build it. So, I want to ask you, “Is your tongue productive or destructive?” Our Scripture text this morning comes from the book of James. The book of James’ theme has been labelled by many scholars and theologians as “practical Christian living.” James speaks more about the tongue than any other book in the Bible. If James is truly a book for practical Christian living, then there must be something essential about the tongue and living an effective Christian life. Read James 3:2-10

THE TONGUE When God created man, He gave us two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, and one mouth which contains one big fish; the tongue. The eyes, ears and nostrils help make us aware of our surroundings. They are what we utilize to observe our world, and our tongue is what we use to comment on those surroundings. Could it be that God wants us, by design, to observe twice as much as we speak? I don’t know, but it is something to think about. Anyway, God has given us the power of the spoken word. And I believe that is why many people today are in bondage. The sense of conflict that they experience can be traced back to their tongues. What do you mean? Well, the Bible clearly teaches a principle of sowing and reaping. If you sow corn, you will reap corn. If you sow black-eyed peas, you will reap blackeyed peas. If you sow words of destruction, you will reap destruction. If you sow words of life, you will reap life. There is power in the spoken word. It will be your tongue that will shape your character. There are Christian people that I know who are always negative. They have nothing positive to say. Their demeanour, or the way they carry themselves, reflects this. Please get this in your spirit, a person will eventually get what his or her mouth says. If you say, “I can”, then you will. If you say, “I cannot”, then you will not be able to do whatever you set out to do. If you talk negatively, then you will get negative results because your words create a negative environment, which will produce negative results. And the opposite is true. Try this experiment. For the next 48 hours, determine within yourself that you will speak only positive and hopeful things about your job, your children, your spouse, your health, your future, anything and everything that effects your life. It may be difficult at first but see what type of results you get. As I said before, your tongue will reflect your true character. Your words will reveal the real you. In fact, James again addresses this issue for those who consider themselves “religious”. In James 1:26, he says, “If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.” It is interesting that the word for “religious” in the Greek actually translates as “fearing and worshipping God”.

So, in essence James is saying, if you claim to fear and worship God and don’t control your tongue, you are kidding yourself and your worship is worthless. We find later in chapter 3 why. The same tongue blesses or worships God, and then turns around and lashes a brother or sister in Christ. The next statement I believe comes from the heart of God. “These things should not be so”. The reason being is because by doing so, we are not reflecting the true heart and nature of God to the lost. Just as our opening verse says, “we all make mistakes”. Now, the world may not know very much about God, but I think they do know that Christians are supposed to respond to people’s mistakes differently than they do. Right now, the word on the street is that Christians shoot their own wounded. Those in the world may be saying to themselves, “if I am going to get treated the same way in the church that I do outside of it, I’ll just stay out.” Friends, “these things should not be so.” The Bible goes further to compare the tongue to fire, an unruly evil full of deadly poison. The tongue is capable of edifying, or building up, and is capable of burning down. Although it is a small part of our body, it is capable of starting big fires. In fact, the Chicago fire in 1858 was started by a cow knocking over a lantern. What we would consider today an insignificant act consumed an entire city. The same is true with the tongue. What seem to be harmless words can devastate and destroy families, marriages, friendships, countries, nations, and yes, even churches. A lot of people would not be where they are now, if they had not engaged in a particular conversation. A lot of people would still be friends today if they could have glued their lips together. A lot of homes would still be together if couples were a little more careful with their words. Many adults’ lives would be shaped differently they weren’t the victims of childhood verbal abuse. See, we try to bring the principles of our world into the church. I believe that American churches suffer more from this than any other nation. The reason being is that we as Americans have the mindset of “freedom of speech”.

We can say whatever we want to, whenever we want to, to whomever we want to. We think that we have the right to speak our minds. Now, there is nothing wrong with speaking our minds, as long as that mind has been transformed and renewed by the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit. Even the Bible says that we in ourselves cannot control our tongues. That is why Paul says that we need to be under the control of the Holy Spirit. We must die to ourselves daily, a choice we make every day, and allow the Lord to rule in our lives. When your tongue is under the control of God, you will speak God’s words, but when it is under the control of the flesh and the devil, you may speak God’s words for a little while, but eventually, you will speak the devil’s words. We see this very thing in Matthew 16:23. As Jesus and the disciples are traveling, Jesus was telling them of His pending death. Peter says, “Far be it from You Lord; this shall not happen to You”. Jesus turned and said, “Get thee behind me Satan”. Satan wasn’t standing there, Peter was. Peter wasn’t possessed, but he allowed his tongue to speak the devil’s words. Proverbs 13:3 says, “He who guards his mouth preserves his life, But he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction.” So again, this morning I want to ask you, “Is your tongue productive or destructive? Is it burning or building the Kingdom of God?” Here are a few signs of a tongue that is destructive. A TONGUE THAT IS DESTRUCTIVE 1. SPEAKS IDLE OR CARELESS WORDS Jesus says in Matthew 12:36 that we will give an account of judgment day for every idle words we speak. The word “idle” in the Greek means “lazy; free from work”. That means to me that every word that I speak that doesn’t produce some good, I will held accountable for. 2. GOSSIPS A person who gossips is the devil’s broadcasting station. Paul describes someone who gossips as a “busybody”. Someone who doesn’t necessarily have a fulfilling life of their own, so they insist on talking and ruining someone else’s. How do I know if I am gossiping? Here are five practical questions to ask yourself before sharing information:

A. IS IT TRUE? B. IS IT NECESSARY? C. IS IT BENEFICIAL? D. DO I HAVE PERMISSION TO SHARE IT? E. IS MY MOTIVE PURE? If you can’t answer YES to all five questions, yourself and favor keep your mouth shut! 3. LIES Illus. Some years ago there was a southern comedian by the name of Jerry Clower. I loved Jerry Clower because he loved the Lord, and he didn’t need profanity to be funny, and often shared the Lord with his audience when he performed. Jerry Clower was known to tell stories about the Ledbetter family. Jerry told a story about Eugene Ledbetter that just liked to lie. One day the Ledbetter’s neighbor's dog had the mange. They shaved it down except the head and tail. When Eugene saw it, he ran around yelling, “Lion in the yard! Lion in the yard!” Now Uncle Versey Ledbetter “whooped” Eugene and sent him to his room to ask the Lord to forgive him for lying. About 30 minutes later, Eugene came downstairs. Uncle Versey asked him, “Do you feel the Lord has forgiven you for lying?” Eugene said, “Yes sir, in fact He spoke to me.” “What’d He say to ya?” Uncle Versey asked. “He said it was alright because the first time He saw that dog, He thought it was a lion too.” We laugh at that story, but lying isn’t a laughing matter in the eyes of God. In fact, Proverbs 12:22 says, “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight.” When you tell a lie, even if it one you might categorize as a “white lie”, it is an abomination in the sight of God. The word here for “abomination” in the Hebrew means, “a disgusting thing”. So we can say that lying lips turn God’s stomach. It makes God sick. Just like I tell my kids, always tell the truth, even if you think it will get you in trouble. Someone who perpetually lies is hard to trust.



“The theme of God’s judgment spans the length of human history and is as marvelous as it is sober. It is both awesome and frightening, wonderful and terrible, just and merciful.” – Daniel Kolenda Have you ever played a word association game? Word association is an interesting

What comes to your mind? Almost certainly you would associate negative thoughts wit judgment. In fact, our modern world hates few ideas more than judgment. The one Bible verse that most unbelievers seem to know is, “Judge not so you will not be judged” (Matt. 7:1). Even many Christians now ignore—or even reject—the idea of judgment altogether.

way to see how someone categorizes and connects ideas,

It is true that human judgments are

feelings, experiences, and

flawed at best and corrupt at worst.

information. So if I say a word,

And there is nothing more repulsive

what is the first thought that comes

than chronic criticism and

to your mind? For instance, if I say

judgmentalism. But when it comes

“dog” you might think “cat.” If I say

to God’s judgments, they are as

“heart” you may think “love.” If I say

wonderful and perfect as He is.

“fur” you might think “coat. “But

That means we should not avoid

what if I said “judgment”?

the theme of God’s judgments. Rather, as true followers of His Son,

we should understand and appreciate them. One of the reasons for confusion around this topic is that, for many people, the subject of God’s judgment seems to contradict other doctrines they hold dear. For example, didn’t Jesus say, “Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life” (John 5:24)? And yet Paul says explicitly, “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ” (2 Cor. 5:10). Both statements are true without any contradictions because they are not referring to the same event, but to different judgments. In fact, Scripture describes a number of distinct judgments—past, present, and future.

Even though Christians are exempt from the final judgment by the blood of Jesus, it is important for us to consider God’s judgments for two reasons. First, they reveal the profound mystery of His character. David declares, “Your judgments are like a great deep” (Ps. 36:6). They display the unfathomable fusion of righteousness and mercy in God’s nature ."He will judge the world in righteousness and will execute judgment for the peoples with equity” (Ps. 9:8). Yet in the very next verse, “The Lord also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble” (Ps. 9:9). That is why, even in the New Testament, God’s judgments are actually celebrated. They are not relics of the past, belonging exclusively to the Old Testament. They reveal His glory even under the New Covenant. Remember that Jesus said the Father has “given all judgment to the Son” (John 5:22) and “in righteousness [Jesus the King] judges and wages war (Rev.19:11). Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the One who died on the cross and whose blood was shed for the salvation of the world, is now the great Judge, and the Father has given all judgment into His hand. Since all judgment now and in the future is the domain of Christ, there could be

“His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire. His feet were like burnished bronze, when it has been made to glow in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of many waters. In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength. When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man... " (Revelation 1:14-17) This is the Jesus that is sitting at the right hand of God—the Judge and King of all the earth. The theme of God’s judgment spans the length of human history and is as marvelous as it is sober. It is both awesome and frightening, wonderful and terrible, just and merciful.

contradicts the easy-go-lucky, hippy flower child version of Jesus that so many modern Christians believe in. But the Scriptural Jesus (the only true Jesus) is quite different than most people understand. Listen to how John describes Him in Revelation.

step back and consider some of God’s awesome judgments throughout biblical history. Then we will focus on the judgment that applies to us as believers: the judgment seat of Christ. This will help us to live with joyful anticipation, as well as careful sobriety, as we journey toward eternity. We hope you enjoyed this Bible Study by Daniel Kolenda. Be on the lookout for the next teaching “THE JUDGMENT OF ADAM AND EVE IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN” in the next issue!

-------------------------------------------This Bible Study Introduction has been

Second, Christians should consider God’s judgments because, in one way or another, it is a subject that directly affects all of us. We will all in fact stand before “the judgment seat of Christ” in order to have our works evaluated as we enter the glory of the age to come. Yes, we are justified by faith and should have no fear of damnation. But we should be very sobered by the fact that the burning eyes of Christ will analyze our “deeds done in the body” to see if they are fit to follow us into His eternal Kingdom. This theme is not at all popular today, but that does not mean it is not true. As you will see, it is very important and merits earnest consideration.

nothing more “New Covenant” than this theme. I realize that this

So in this Bible-Study, we will take a

“Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear.” (1 Pet. 1:17, NIV). As followers of Jesus, we are wise to reflect on the severity of God’s justice while celebrating the sweetness of His mercy.

taken from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda’s book, “The Judgment Seat of Christ.” Rediscover the amazing Truths that surround the Judgement Seat of Christ, one of the forgotten treasures of Scripture. It is a theme central to the doctrine of the New Testament authors and especially to Jesus Christ Himself.


Deliverance from evil altars BY: dr daniel olukoya

We are looking at a message entitled, “Deliverance from evil altars.” And as you read this message, I advise that you pray the prayer points attached to it. I also encourage you to pay attention to everything in it so that you can be richly blessed after going through it. In the book of I Samuel 7: 7-11, it is written, “And when the Philistines heard that the children of Israel were gathered together to Mizpeh, the lords of the Philistines went up against Israel. And when the children of Israel heard it, they were afraid of the Philistines. And the children of Israel said to Samuel, Cease not to cry unto the Lord our God for us, that he will save us out of the hand of the Philistines. And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and offered it for a burnt offering wholly unto the Lord: and Samuel cried unto the Lord for Israel; and the Lord heard him. And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel: but the Lord thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines, and discomfited them; and they were smitten before Israel. And the men of Israel went out of Mizpeh, and pursued the Philistines, and smote them, until they came under Beth-car.” We notice in the above story that the Lord thundered with a great thunder upon the enemies of Israel after Samuel built an altar and offered a sacrifice to the Lord.

WHAT ARE ALTARS? In the Bible, altars are designed for sacrifices and not just for decoration (Exodus 20: 24). The Bible also described the various methods of constructing these altars. Some were made of sand or unhewn stones, that is, stones that have not been chiseled with any tool, and some were made of bricks. In some cases, a natural rock could automatically be turned into an altar. Altars were either constructed for God or idols. Any altar constructed for the purpose of idolatry incurred the wrath of God. In the Bible, we read the story of a king who was sacrificing by an altar and God sent a prophet who prophesied to it. This shows the role of altars in spiritual transactions. As a Bible student, you would find that the great men of God in the Old Testament built altars. This was because an altar served as a medium of communication and worship. Abraham, Noah, Joshua, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Gideon, Samuel and David built altars. When Elijah challenged the Baal worshipers at Mount Carmel, he told them to construct their own altar and when it got to his turn, what he did was to repair the broken down altar of the Lord. An altar could also be described as a place where animals are slaughtered for sacrifice, that is, a place where blood is shed and where blood cries. It is a spiritual dinning table where spirits are offered food.

It is a place of spiritual bureau de change

The devil has counterfeited most things

where blood is exchanged for something.

God had instituted to bless His people.

It is a place where contact is made with

For example, people offer sacrifices at

the spirit world, and it could be with good

crossroads and by so doing, they corrupt

or bad spirits. It is a place of spiritual

the cross of Jesus and this is a counterfeit.

fellowship with either clean or unclean

No wonder the problems of many black

spirits. When Jacob built an altar in

people can be directly linked to evil altars.

Bethel, it was the angels of God who were

The enemies go about to construct altars

ascending and descending on it. If he had

of affliction for many people and these

built a demonic one, there would have

altars have priests of wickedness

been the traffic of evil angels otherwise

ministering on them. The devil has taught

known as demons.

his people the secret of altars and they use it for destructive purposes. You may

An altar is a place where covenants are

wonder where the devil borrowed this

made with spiritual powers. It is also a


place of deliberation, decision and action whether negative or positive. From the

Remember the Bible says that he had

above description of an altar, we can see

been with God right from the beginning.

that there are positive altars as well as

He had seen the order of heaven and

negative ones. For example, the cross

understood the way things are done over

where Jesus died was an altar of sacrifice

there. So, he duplicates things and goes

of the Son of God. That cross therefore

about to teach his disciples how to use

stood for a positive altar, which is meant

them for negative purposes. That is why I

for good purposes. When somebody says

often emphasize that prayer against evil

your prayer altar is weak, it means that

altars is not the gentle kind of prayers. An

your prayer life is nothing to write home

evil altar is a place of evil transactions

about. If they say your holiness is equally

where many evil things like infirmities,

weak, they are telling you that your level

demotion, failure, etc are accommodated.

of holiness is not up to God’s standard.

And looking at the situation in our

Conversely, negative altars are raised by

immediate environment, where some

the enemies to steal, kill and to destroy.

people do not mind going to any length to

An altar can be raised to bless or destroy,

make money or harm their fellow human

promote or pull down a person, an

beings, we should understand that evil

organization or a thing. Altars can also be

altars must be dealt with aggressively. At

raised to enhance a course or to frustrate

this point, I would like you to pray the

it. So, we see that altars were raised to

following prayer points:

either save lives or to destroy the enemies

1. Every satanic altar erected against me

in the Old Testament. According to the

and my family, be demolished by fire, in

passage, Samuel raised an altar in the

the name of Jesus.

name of God against the Philistines, and

2. I refuse to be a prisoner of any local

as a result, God became angry with the

altar, in the name of Jesus.

Philistines and thundered with a great thunder against them from heaven. The

Sometimes, sacrifices are made on evil

altar made things easy for the Israelites.

altars in order to seal a contract with

God fought for them and they did not

wicked spirits.

have to do anything by themselves.

Sacrifices are food given to evil spirits to

Let us look at some of the local altars

enlist their support and this is why the

erected to destroy the lives of people in

Bible says that we should not eat things

our environment.

sacrificed to idols, because eating them would amount to eating at the same table

1. Crossroad altars: This is a perversion of

with idols. Any food sacrificed to idols are

the cross of Jesus. The reason they use

given to demons and sharing food with

crossroads is to summon demons from

demons means being in agreement with

the north, south, east, and west together

them. That is why you discover that

against a person. If for example, you find

sometimes sicknesses such as migraine,

a pot of sacrifice at your office, it is

hypertension etc are not actually the

because they are summoning demons to

problem. The enemy uses them as

cause havoc in that place. Whoever is a

camouflage. It is against this background

victim of crossroad altars would be

that Christians are advised to pray always

bombarded with afflictions. Any born

when they are sick even when they seek

again believer who does not know his or

medical attention. We should not forget

her right and lacks power, cannot counter

that believers should rely solely on the

the effects of evil altars. A policeman on

Holy Spirit to fight their battles. When

the road controlling the traffic may stop

your name is submitted to altars, it is in

vehicles because of his authority that is

order to monitor and influence your life

acknowledged by the drivers, but if he

in a negative way. Many house helps,

encounters armed robbers, his uniform of

nannies, in-laws and relations that are

authority not withstanding, he would be

brought in without prayers are altar

killed. What I am saying is that there is a

agents who supply information to evil

difference between power and authority.

priests ministering at evil altars. They

If you are born again and you have not

value this information very much because

received the baptism in the Hoy Spirit, it

it helps them to know which ammunition

means that you only possess authority

to use on their victims. These altars are

without power to back it up. Failure to get

also used as remote control devices to

baptized in the Holy Spirit would make a

cause problems for people. Some of the

Christian powerless and sacrifices offered

weird things they do include rituals at

at evil altars against such a person at

crossroads in order to limit their victims

crossroads would affect him or her. The

for life. A person under the dominion of

person may not die, he or she may even

these evil altars normally loses his or her

make heaven, but they will destroy many

mind and can no longer exercise

good things in his or her life. It is amazing

discretion. Such a person will be living in

that crossroads sacrifices are seen even in

fear and will be experiencing nightmares

intellectual communities, like universities

and all sorts of afflictions. In the light of

and other institutions of higher learning.

the foregoing, the kind of prayers to

Whereas, people think that such practice

undertake against evil altars is not “a

is done only in slums and ghetto's. This

gentleman� kind of prayers, but rather, it

would serve to disabuse the minds of

is the aggressive prayer of command and

those who think that offering sacrifices is


only for the illiterates. TO BE CONTINUED .....


Preparing our families for heaven by: Pastor Bongani Gama Proverbs 3:1-7 “My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So, you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil. I. Introduction A. The lesson is inspired by the famous words of Joshua 24:15 “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord” B. Our biggest service is to our family (what I learned from the retreat is that this can be wrong if it is the only focus because this can make us ignore the greatest mission which is to preach the gospel to all) C. But we have a responsibility to our families, we owe it to God to build a sustainable Christian environment at our homes (a child should not know about God only on a Sunday) Remember the theme we are called unto heaven

D. Men should emulate God on a daily basis, women should emulate God daily because kids are watching E. So basically, we teach with our action in our households, because the ultimate goal is to go to heaven and be with God. II. The Text A. The text we are dealing with is known to have been written by the wise king Solomon son of David due to Proverbs 1:1 “The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: B. Solomon did not write chapter 30 and 31 as they have their authors Proverbs 30:1 “The words of Agur son of Jakeh. The oracle. The man declares, I am weary, O God; I am weary, O God, and worn out. Proverbs 31:1 “The words of King Lemuel. An oracle that his mother taught him: C. The name Proverbs was given to the book based on the content of the book. A Proverb is a moral truth or statement arranged or written in one or two lines, it is written in symbols to express principles of social behavior (God does care about your social standing) D. Mainly directed to the training of young People (a good book for a Christian family) E. This part was written by the great wise King Solomon 1. Proverbs 1:8 “Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and forsake not your mother's teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck. a) Both parents are to be actively involved in teaching these children the way of God b) There is value in these teachings because they are God’s counsel and God ‘s counsel is never wrong (blessings) c) Ornaments and pendants are visible for all to see, so this means that children who continue to follow the good behavior of their parents, many will be attracted to God i. Everlasting lesson that comes from God will be like that sweet aroma that will always follow you around where you go. ii. And it so strong that it will be a great smell to others around you as well.

Proverbs 3:3-4 “Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. iii. Let us try and educate our kids that the teachings of Christ should be worn like decorations in their lives for many to see so that God must be seen by others and their peers a) Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it. i. Our kids should be taught by us everything that has to do with God ii. It your personal responsibility as a parent to instill all those values that you have learned from GOD iii. YOU MAKE SURE THAT EVEN YOU’RE YOUR CHILDREN HAVE LEFT THE NEST THEY CANNOT BE LOST BECAUSE YOU HAVE TAUGHT THEM THE WAY John 14:6 I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE iv. Proverbs 3:1&5 “My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. v. Let’s make known to our family members that they should not trust on their degrees, monies, wisdom, power, technology but let them trust in Christ vi. Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through him who strengthens me. vii. If we teach them this very simple principle, then they will do this Proverbs 3:9 “Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; iv. And our families should be rooted in the faith at all times because we must constantly understand that Hebrews 11:6 “it is impossible to please God with no faith” v. Faith means we understand that God is the foundation of all we are, all we were and all we will be, Psalm 121:1 “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. 2. Ephesians 6:1-3 “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother" (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land." b) If our children are obedient to us parents, we are honored by that, we become worthy parents and then the glory goes to God because that which we teach is not from us but from God who gave us this responsibility.

c) The blessings of a long life for our Kids because this is an investment, we have to be fully invested in Matthew 6:19-21 Lay up treasures for yourselves in heaven when we teach all things God, we invest in our Kids the future that God has promised through Jesus (Eternal life) d) Proverbs 3:2 “for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. i. Solomon says the following about God’s wisdom. Proverbs 3:13 and in the context New Testament the wisdom of God is the Gospel Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 ii. Solomon says the wisdom of God that the wisdom of God is better than silver and what we gain for it is more precious than gold ,Peter said to the lame man in Acts 3:6 silver and gold I do not have but I come with the name of Jesus Christ, Paul said in Philippians 1:21 for me to live is Christ to die is gain iii. Solomon says there is length of days and riches in the wisdom of God and the tree of life is found in the wisdom of God Proverbs 3:16,18, Christ said in John 5:39 you read to find eternal life, only to find that it is only found in me eternal life Romans 6:23 the free gift from Jesus is eternal life III. Conclusion A. Deuteronomy 6:6-9 “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. B. What is it that we talk about with our kids at home? C. Remember your family is called unto heaven by God !

may the peace and grace of King Jesus abide in you in abundance~ Pastor Bongani




As ministers we are given the responsibility and to lead and guide His people.

Jesus Christ asked Peter to take care, tend, feed and shepherd His sheep. Today the ministers of the gospel have changed their duties and do as they wish. They have moved away from what the bible says and have come up with their own job description. They see themselves as people of authority and status.

GUIDE: you show someone the way or help them do something. You are a hired conductor.

STATUS: it is a social position or rank in relation to others.

These days’ churches have become abattoirs (slaughterhouses). People are more spiritually wounded inside these churches than outside. It is very possible to find Christians who are so bitter that whatever you say they don’t have the skill of listening to what you have to say before they react.

AUTHORITY: it is the power to give orders to other people. We tend to forget that we are all His servants and He is the only one who has authority and His word is final. Jesus Christ asked Peter to feed, tend, shepherd, and take care of His sheep. Today people of God are not taken care of per His instruction. .

LEAD: you guide especially by walking in front while encouraging them to follow you and do as you are doing.

The church is supposed to be a hospital for the soul and spirit. People come to seek solace (comfort in distress and disappointment) in the church. This is after the devil and his kingdom of darkness has stabbed, slapped, afflicted, disappointed, smacked, whacked, grinded, smashed, struck, treaded upon and broke them.


They are so weak, hurt, shattered and vulnerable. They are looking for anyone to mend their broken hearts and souls. Instead they come across the opposite. The church makes their situations worse and the run back to the world or those who stick around become bitter as they don’t get healed properly. These days there are so many preachers with mega churches and a huge following. Numbers are the main focus and the saving of souls is the least of their worry. When you listen to the word that is preached inside those walls, people are not fed the healthy stuff like: repentance, accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, living right or that Jesus is coming back again. People are attracted by the promises of blessings in the form of money, cars, jobs, houses and physical healing. King Jesus said: ’what will it benefit you to gain the whole world and lose your soul?’ The gospel that tells people about heaven and hell is a rare find. Most preachers want to be politically correct. People don’t know what being born again is according to John 1:12, John 3:1- 21, Romans 10: 914 etc. What they know is that when they die they are going to heaven, the How of it, they are not interested as they think you are coming with your own gospel because their leader never mentioned anything like that at all. They are interested in getting their blessings and continue living in sin as they don’t see anything wrong with that. Jesus is no longer the gist of most preaching. Blessings and material possessions are the main attractions to churches these days. The most vulnerable and oppressed people are encouraged to buy the paraphernalia sold by these leaders in the form of soap, candles, holy water, anointing oil, wrist bands and a whole lot more. They are told that these will give them protection, cleanse them and also heal them.

A lot of money is made by these fake ministers while souls are perishing. John 14:6 Jesus says: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me” the name of Jesus has been downgraded to nothing and reduced to be of no value at all. Jesus is out of fashion and these paraphernalia have taken centre stage. No Jesus and Him crucified is preached. Many Christians run after material possessions and not Jesus. Jesus is no longer trending. He has been replaced. The name of Jesus is rarely mentioned by most preachers and this is so sad indeed. We are going to be judged and account for this. James 3:1. Jesus said: ‘feed my sheep’ and not ‘slaughter my sheep’. As a minister you have been given the RESPONSIBILITY and not AUTHORITY over God’s people. Your duty is to lead and guide them according to His word and statutes and not your own way. MARANATHA—JESUS IS COMING AND HIS REWARDS FOR US ARE WITH HIM. LETS DO THE RIGHT THING BECAUSE HELL IS NOT A GOOD PLACE TO BE SENT TOETERNALLY!!!



WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS (PART 1) Relationships today are more defined by what the world says than what the word of God says. Because this topic has not been thoroughly taught so it becomes much easier to go with what everyone is saying or doing. What I want to achieve at the end of this series, is for you to actually say that I want to become an example of how a relationship should look like. When you come to think of it, when people think about relationships they don’t think about church, they don’t think about Christians, they don’t think about Gods people and there is a reason. To be real about it, many believers have failed at relationships. You get children of God, who love God, go to church, are committed and die lonely. You preach to the nations but have no friends, to be honest about this issue many of us have had more sexual relationships then you-

can think of, by not being honest we will think that its normal, so, within this sermon I came to tell you that some of the things we do were never taught to us or rather taught us of what is the Biblical model of relationships. For example, how am I supposed to deal with this relationship. Well we all know and have been told that we shouldn’t have sex before marriage, we know that we are to have a monogamous relationship. Christians don’t date but court but tell me how I am to do all those. Show me how and show me what the Word of God says I want to just break it down on how this thing looks like; RELATIONSHIP GOALS How many people would actually say that they have relationship goals? • things that you would want to happen in a relationship.

How many of us have relationship goals, doesn’t matter what kind of relationship? I really think a lot of people understand the relationship part but the goal part we hardly ever consider it or its rather blurry to many of us. • So, effort needs to be directed to reach a goal, it’s the aim or the end. Whether you are single, married, divorced, its complicated, whatever you might call it, whatever level of relationship you might be in right now, God wants you to have successful relationships. The problem is that many of us do not have an aim when it comes to relationships. We take whatever that comes, we do whatever that is comfortable, but we don’t have an aim and if you do not have am aim you cannot have a goal. • you cannot have relationship goals if you are not aimed at the direction at what God has for you. We are so misled when it comes to relationship goals to the point that we aim everywhere, we are not sure of what we are looking for, that we jump at any given opportunity • I think he is the one, I thought that was my business partner, I thought DEFINITION OF GOAL: THE RESULT OR ACHIEVEMENT TOWARD WHICH AN EFFORT IS DIRECTED

We aim at anything and we are so blinded of what culture is saying that we shot at anything. At the end people and things get damaged along the way because we do not have a clear aim of what God has for us. Many of us are products of people trying to have relationships without proper aim and proper goals. • We need things that are the standard of our lives that are set by God. You need to have a target and if culture is your way of targeting then you are aiming at a moving target. God wants us to have relationship goals that is stable. The Word of God never changes, it is and is still what it is, TRUTH! Can we let the standard of relationships be the Word of God? Can we see what possibly may happen in our hearts, our mind and our lives if we would follow the Biblical model of relationships instead of our feelings when it comes to relationships? TO BE CONTINED......

may the love of Christ Jesus abide richly in you. Pastoe Thutho Gezani


The Intriguing Symbolism Of Numbers In The Bible BY: SUSANJNELSON

I’m a Bible nerd. Yep, I love going deep into

(sensus tropologicus or sensus moralis—

God’s Holy Word and revealing in His promises.

broader moral lessons), and 4)

I also completely geek out on Bible symbolism.

Anagogical (sensus anagogicus—mystical,

I’ve written numerous posts about Symbolism in

metaphorical sense). Often numbers are used

the Bible including hands, open doors, closed

symbolically to represent certain biblical

doors and even colors. Today, however, we will


be looking at numbers in the Bible. God as Creator An Overview of Numbers in the Bible The early church (Early Apostolic Church

Nehemiah 9:6 (NIV)

Fathers during the period of 100-451 AD)

6 You alone are the Lord. You made the

recognized that Scripture had four layers of

heavens, even the highest heavens, and all

interpretation. They used an interpretation

their starry host, the earth and all that is on it,

method called quadriga which has the

the seas and all that is in them. You give life

following laye) Literal (sensus historicus), 2)

to everything, and the multitudes of heaven

Allegorical (sensus

worship you.

allegoricus—texts hold symbolic meaning), 3) Tropical/moral


While I have covered various topics of Bible

It symbolizes the unity and primacy, and the

symbolism in previous posts, an important key

oneness of God. The is only one God! In Jewish

to understanding God the Creator and Author

prayer services, a quote of Deuteronomy 6:4 is a

of His Word is through the symbolism of

testament to this fact. The prayer is known as

numbers in the Bible. The connections and

the Shema (or Shema Yisrael). It among the

patterns of numbers in the Bible, when we

best known of all Jewish liturgy.

study them and seek to understand them, reveal the handiwork of God. Although some

The number one also represents:

of the symbolism is obvious, others are may not be immediately understood without in-depth


Bible study. Each of the patterns of numbers

Jesus (John 10:30 – I and the Father are one.).

The unity between God the Father and His Son

found are not random, but give us just another glimpse of God’s design. Each one


shows a particular symbolism orchestrated by

possible the forgiveness of ALL our sins.

Jesus, by his singular sacrifice, has made

The Creator.


He is the one Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5 – For

It is interesting to note that, on average, ONE

there is one God and one mediator between

in every FIVE Bible verses contains a number.

God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus).

These frequently used numbers in the Bible

reveal the mind of God and the divine design

He is the one Shepherd (John 10:16 – I have other

of His revelation to man.

sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice,

Colossians 1:15-17 (NIV)

and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.)

15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all

Interesting Facts about the Number One in the

things were created: things in heaven and on


earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have

There are several words that occur only once in

been created through him and for him. 17 He is

the King James Version of the Bible (I was

before all things, and in him all things hold

surprised that some of these did not occur


more!. They are: Reverend (Psalm 111:9), Grandmother (2Timothy 1:5), Eternity (Isaiah

Scholars have uncovered patterns in certain

57:15), Forgetfulness (Psalm 88:12) and

original language (Hebrew, Aramaic, etc.)

Lukewarm (Revelation 3:16).

words and phrases that reveal a hidden meaning behind the Biblical text. This

Numbers in the Bible – Two

discovery offers additional proof that God inspired every word used in the book that

The number two (2) holds several meanings but

boldly proclaims to reveal His will, plan, and

most relate to the symbolism of unity, division or

purpose for man. The Eternal challenges us

the verification of facts by witnesses.

through Isaiah that He alone is Creator of heaven and earth and His Holy Word.

The number two represents:

Numbers in the Bible – One

A man and woman, though two people or two in

One (1) is the first prime number, meaning (for

number, are made one in marriage (Genesis

a refresher from grade school) is only divisible

2:24 -That is why a man leaves his father and

by itself. It is completely independent of any

mother and is united to his wife, and they

other numbers, yet composes them all.

become one flesh).


· There

is also the


In the End Time, two witnesses will appear on

union between Christ and the church

the world scene to testify and uphold the truth

(1Corinthians 12:12-14 – Just as a body, though

of God against the Beast and the False

one, has many parts, but all its many parts

Prophet (Revelation 11).

form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one

· Jesus

body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—

they could not only testify about his teachings

and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.

and miracles, but also be witnesses of those

Even so the body is not made up of one part

who accepted or rejected the gospel

but of many).


The testimony of God is divided into Old and

New Testaments. His agreements with mankind

sent the disciples out in pairs so that

(Mark 6:7 –13).


Symbolizes the duality of man, consistent of

both spirit and flesh (Gal. 5:16-18).

are divided into Old and New Covenants. Number in the Bible – Three


Though two in number, God the Father and

God the Son (Jesus Christ) compose a single

The number three is a symbol of completeness


(though to a lesser degree than the number 7. The meaning of this number comes from the


The first man Adam, sinned and brought

fact that is is the first of the four “spiritually

death and destruction into the world. Jesus,

perfect numbers” (the others are: 7, 10 and

however, as the second (or last) Adam brings

12). Note: there is much discussion and

the hope of the resurrection and eternal

controversy surrounding spiritually perfect

life (1 Corinthians15:45 – 49).

numbers as they feature prominently in end times discussions.


Those who ultimately refuse to repent and

obey God will be put to death FOREVER by

The number three represents:

being thrown into the lake of fire, which is called the SECOND death (Revelation 21:8 But

- The 3 righteous patriarchs before the flood

the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the

were Abel, Enoch and Noah. After the flood

murderers, the sexually immoral, those who

there the three righteous “fathers” Abraham,

practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars

Isaac and Jacob* *(later renamed Israel).

—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death. ). This

· Jesus

act will eternally divide those who are

Gethsemane before His arrest.

prayed three times in the Garden of

righteous from those who practiced evil.


· At the minimum, the testimony of at least 2

He was placed on the cross at the 3rd hour of

the day (9 a.m.) and died at the 9th hour

people were needed in the Old Testament to

(3 p.m.).

convict someone of a crime or sin. The validity of this teaching was confirmed by the


Apostle Paul (1 Timothy 5:19 Do not entertain

the land while Jesus was suffering on the cross

an accusation against an elder unless it is

from the 6th hour to the 9th hour.

There were 3 hours of darkness that covered

brought by two or three witnesses and Titus 3:10 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them).



ONE SOUL IS PRECIOUS TO GOD by: Pastor Ntsako Scripture reading: Luke 15:10 “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” A soul is a soul and its precious to God. The above scripture says: “there is joy in heaven when one sinner repents”. He left heaven and came on earth to save the entire world. The bible says: “for God so loved the world”. He didn’t love and die for specific people, but the whole world, so when people repent and come back to Him, it’s a great joy. In the book of Titus 2 verse 11 says: “the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men”. Which teaches us that it is the intention of God for every man to be saved. The question is, how will the lost souls come back to God? As Christians we are the light of this world, we need to go out there and make disciples. It is the mandate of every Christians to win souls. How good is it when you make heaven joyous by winning souls. As children of God, we must make this gospel fashionable. The bible says: how good are the feet of those who bring the good news. We have the good news of Christ, let’s share it. You cannot keep the good news for yourself, its news because it must be shared.

Make a commitment to win souls for God, be the light you were created to be. God depends on you to win the lost. Commit today to share this good news wherever you are, at school, work, home, social media and in whatever way, because a soul is a soul and it is precious to God!


Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

Because He Said So Message taken from Deuteronomy 31:8 (NKJV) Deuteronomy 31:8 (NKJV): "And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed." Have you ever felt like your prayers are not reaching the ears of God the Father? Or have you found yourself in a situation where there seems to be no way out? That's when you remind yourself that God is faithful, even if you feel like you're lacking the confidence to believe it. That's because God's promises, not our circumstances are all the evidence we need to base our faith on. The truth will begin to resonate with you when you know the character of God, and you aren't ignorant concerning His Word. God's Word is truth and when He says He goes before us, and that He will be with us, we can believe that's exactly what He will do, without a shadow of doubt. We really don't need not to be dismayed or disheartened because He really will never leave or forsake us - just because He said so. The question is: how deeply do you believe Him and take Him at His Word? When you purposefully meditate on His promises, until they become more real to you than anything else, faith comes. Then, whenever times of testing come your way, you'll never again lack confidence in the promises of God Just because He said so!

Why Should Christians Celebrate the Feast of Trumpets?


Christ's return is announced by the seventh and final trumpet The fourth festival of God (after Pentecost) is the Feast of Trumpets (or a “memorial of blowing of trumpets,” Leviticus 23:24-25), which falls in September or October. This festival is called Rosh Hashanah by the Jews today. Ancient Israel understood that trumpets were used as a way of announcing special, very important messages (Numbers 10:1-10) .In the New Testament, Jesus Christ reveals that before His return to the earth, there will be the blowing of seven trumpets, announcing progressive stages of the downfall and overthrow of this world’s kingdoms, ending with the return of Christ to take possession of the earth. Christ’s return is announced by the seventh and final trumpet (Revelation 8:2; Revelation 11:15). This day also pictures the time when faithful Christians will be resurrected to eternal life at the time of the seventh trumpet (1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16) to reign with Jesus Christ for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:4-6). Interestingly, it was around this time of year that Jesus was born—not in the dead of winter (see “Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Wasn’t Born on December 25 “). And the fall feast season represents the time when Jesus Christ will come to the earth again to reign in glory. The remaining fall feast days describe steps in the establishment of the prophesied Kingdom of God on earth and judgment of humanity after Christ’s return. The Feast of Trumpets is followed by the Day of Atonement.

Why Should Christians Celebrate the Day of Atonement (Also Known as Yom Kippur)?

When the meaning of the Day of Atonement is fulfilled in the future, it will set the stage for the sixth festival of God, the Feast of Tabernacles The Day of Atonement is the fifth of God’s annual Holy Days (Leviticus 23:26-32), following shortly after the Feast of Trumpets. Observed by fasting (verse 27; compare Isaiah 58:3), which means not eating or drinking (Esther 4:16), this day portrays the human race finally becoming at one with God.

At the return of Jesus Christ, Satan the devil, who now leads all of mankind astray (Ephesians 2:2; Revelation 12:9), will be bound (Revelation 20:1-3) so all humans of all nations can be reconciled to God. In the New Testament Luke referred to this Holy Day as “the fast” in Acts 27:9. When the meaning of the Day of Atonement is fulfilled in the future, it will set the stage for the sixth festival of God, the Feast of Tabernacles.

How Do Christians Celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles Today? The Feast of Tabernacles focuses on a great time of spiritual renewal and a time of enjoyment with something for everyone, so daily services are centered around teaching the Word of God. To observe the seven days of the Feast and the Eighth Day that immediately follows, families gather in centralized locations for the entire festival. In the United Church of God, which produces Beyond Today magazine, members and their families travel to sites around the world to take part in the celebration. Large conference centers and facilities accommodate everyone so they can assemble together for daily worship services. The Feast of Tabernacles focuses on a great time of spiritual renewal and a time of enjoyment with something for everyone, so daily services are centered around teaching the Word of God. Specifically, messages focus on the hope we have in the coming Kingdom of God and the role Christians play today in serving their King. Because the Feast of Tabernacles occurs when vacations and school absences may not be common, members notify employers and schools well in advance of their plans. You can expect that the vast majority of teachers and employers will be cooperative and accommodating in the observance of the biblical festivals, especially in the United States. In the rare instances of difficulty in getting off of work or school, or in countries where religious freedom isn’t guaranteed, you may have to take a stand for your beliefs. It’s only through trusting God and putting our trials into His hands that we experience the best blessings He has for our lives. The Feast of Tabernacles is a special time that’s celebrated with great rejoicing. We’re told, “You shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days” (Leviticus 23:40). The Feast is a wonderful and exciting part of a Christian life. To learn more about the Feast of Tabernacles and how to observe the biblical festivals with the United Church of God, go to . You can also contact the United Church of God minister closest to you. He would be happy to tell you more about the Feast of Tabernacles.

The Eighth Day Eternal Life Offered to All Thousands of millions have lived and died with their deepest spiritual needs unrealized. When will they be refreshed by the life-giving power of God’s Spirit? The Bible makes abundantly clear in Acts 4:12 that “there is no other name under heaven” than that of Jesus Christ by which human beings can be saved. This particular passage raises troubling questions for anyone who believes that God is desperately trying to save the whole world in this age. If this is the only time for salvation, we must conclude that Christ’s mission to save humanity has largely failed. After all, over the centuries billions of people have lived and died without once hearing the name of Jesus Christ. Even now thousands die every day never having heard of Christ. In spite of the missionary zeal of so many over the centuries, far more people have been “lost” than “saved.” If God is truly all powerful, why have so many not even heard the gospel of salvation? The traditional portrayal of conflict between God and Satan over mankind leaves God on the losing side of the struggle. What is the fate of these people? What does God have in mind for those who have never believed in Christ or understood any of God’s truth? How does the Creator provide for them in His plan? Are they lost forever without any hope of salvation? We should not doubt God’s saving power! Let’s examine some common assumptions and come to an understanding of our Creator’s marvelous solution. Resolving the dilemma Paul tells us that God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). Peter adds that God is “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3;9 ). This is God’s overriding goal in dealing with mankind: He desires as many as possible to repent, come to the knowledge of the truth and receive His gift of salvation! Jesus explained how this will come to pass. John 7:1-14 describes how Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. He appeared publicly and stood in the midst of the people, crying out: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:37-38). Christ’s message recorded here most likely was given on the seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Scholars vary on whether this was the seventh day or the day following, but the weight of evidence and the series of events indicate that John 7 describes incidents on the seventh day while the setting moves to the eighth day in John 8 and 9. It is also possible that Christ’s teaching recorded in John 7:37-38 came at the end of the seventh day or the very beginning of the eighth day (God’s Holy Days begin with sunset and end at the following sunset), as the chapter concludes with people returning to their homes after sundown for the night. The theme of Christ’s teaching then continues in chapter 8 (which is clearly the next morning, John 8:2) and includes the offer of salvation to all mankind. In Leviticus 23:39, we see that this day immediately follows the Feast of Tabernacles but is a separate festival with its own distinct meaning. Based on Christ’s words and the theme of offering salvation to all mankind, this festival is sometimes referred to as “the Last Great Day,” although the Bible simply calls it “the eighth day.”

Symbolism of Christ’s teaching What was the significance of Christ’s teaching about “living water”? In His day, according to tradition, during the Feast of Tabernacles the priests would bring golden vessels of water from the Pool of Siloam on the south side of Jerusalem and pour it over the altar at the temple. Joyous celebration along with the sounding of trumpets marked this ceremony as the people sang the words of Isaiah, “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3). Jesus stood where all could hear Him and drew a lesson from the water, revealing that all who were thirsty could come to Him and be refreshed— forever. In Christ’s analogy, the water represented God’s Holy Spirit, which those who believed in Jesus would receive (John 7:39). He showed that the basic wants of spiritual thirst and hunger could be satisfied only by Him as “the bread of life” (John 6:48) and the source of living water. But when would this happen? Within six months Christ’s own countrymen pressured the Roman authorities to execute Him. About 40 years later the temple and all its ceremonies, including those described above, were brought to an end at the hands of the Roman legions. Humanity still hungers and thirsts for the message Christ brought—and for the means to live as they ought to and find true happiness. God’s promise to pour out His Spirit on all flesh (Joel 2:28) has not yet fully taken place. Thousands of millions have died with their deepest spiritual needs unrealized. When will they be refreshed by the life-giving power of God’s Spirit? A physical resurrection to an opportunity for salvation To find the answer, we must consider again a question the disciples put to Christ just before He ascended to heaven: “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6). When the disciples spoke of this restoration, they understood it in the context of the many prophecies of a reunited nation of Israel under the coming rule of the Messiah. One such prophecy is in Ezekiel 37. This passage describes Ezekiel’s vision of a valley full of bones. God asks, “Son of man, can these bones live?” to which the prophet replies, “O Lord God, You know” (Ezekiel 37:3). God then says to the bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord” (Ezekiel 37:5-6). In this vision a physical resurrection takes place. The account acknowledges the hopeless situation in which these people had found themselves: “Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!” (Ezekiel 37:11). Their Creator, however, offers them the hope of a resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit in the setting of a reunited nation. In this dramatic vision, ancient Israel serves as the model for all peoples, whom God will resurrect to physical life. God says: “Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves . . . I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live” (Ezekiel 37:12-14). At this future time God will make freely available the life-giving spiritual water of His Holy Spirit. God says He will “make a covenant of peace with them, and it shall be an everlasting covenant with them . . . My tabernacle also shall be with them; indeed I will be their God, and they shall be My people” (Ezekiel 37:26-27).

The apostle Paul also referred to this yet-future event: “I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew” (Romans 11:1-2) . As Paul further wrote, “And so all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26). This does not mean every last individual, as some will ultimately reject God’s offer of salvation (“What Is the Fate of the Unrepentant? “). But clearly the preponderance of the nation will be saved. Yet not only Israel, but all who have never had a chance to drink from the living waters of God’s Word and His Holy Spirit will at last be able to do so (Romans 9:22-26). God will freely offer them the opportunity for eternal life. The Great White Throne Judgment In Revelation 20:5 John writes that “the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished.” Here John makes a clear distinction between the first resurrection, which occurs at Christ’s second coming (Revelation 20:4-6), and the second resurrection, which takes place at the end of Christ’s millennial reign. Remember that the first resurrection is to eternal life. By contrast, God raises those in the second resurrection to a physical, flesh-and-blood existence. John discusses this same second resurrection to physical life that Ezekiel wrote about: “Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works” (Revelation 20:11-13). The dead who stand before their Creator are all those who died never knowing the true God. Like Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones coming back to life, these people emerge from their graves and begin to know their God. The books ( biblia in Greek, from which we get the word Bible ) are the Scriptures, the only source of the knowledge of eternal life. Finally all will have an opportunity to fully understand God’s plan of salvation. This physical resurrection is not a second chance for salvation. For these people it is a first opportunity to really know the Creator. The resurrected are “judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books” (Revelation 20:12). This judgment will involve an evaluation period during which they will enjoy the opportunity to hear, understand and grow in God’s way of life, having their names inscribed in the Book of Life (Revelation 20:15). During this time billions of people will gain access to eternal life. This final commanded festival of the year shows how deep and far reaching are the merciful judgments of God. Jesus Christ spoke of the wonderful truth depicted by this day when He compared three cities that failed to respond to His miraculous works with three cities of the ancient world: “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works which were done in you had been done iTyre and Sidon [ancient pagan cities], they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment than for you. And you, Capernaum, who are exalted to heaven, will be brought down to Hades; for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. But I say to you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for you” (Matthew 11:21-24). The inhabitants of ancient Tyre, Sidon and Sodom—cities that had incurred the anger of God for their depravity— will receive mercy in the day of judgment. Unlike Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum of Christ’s day, these cities of old had little opportunity to know God. Yet He will ultimately resurrect these people just after the first 1,000 years of Christ’s reign over the world, including them in the time of judgment when even those who lived in bygone ages will be reconciled to God.

In similar examples, Jesus refers to the long-dead people of the pagan city of Nineveh, to the queen of the South (of Sheba) of Solomon’s time and again to ancient Sodom along with Gomorrah, these serving as the epitome of wickedness (Matthew 10:14-15; Matthew 12:41-42). God doesn’t tolerate perversion and sinfulness, but it is evident that He has not finished working in the lives of the people of these ancient generations. This requires that they be resurrected—brought to life again—and at last instructed in God’s ways. Jesus was describing a time during which people from all past ages—the long-dead people of the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh and the biblical "queen of the South” from Solomon’s time will rise with those from His generation and live at the same time. Together they will all come to understand the truth about who Christ was and the purpose of life. It will be a time of universal knowledge of God . From the least to the greatest, all will know Him (Hebrews 8:11). Those whom Jesus specifically mentioned, and countless more like them, will at last experience their opportunity for salvation. This final period of judgment completes God’s plan of salvation for the world. It will be a time of love, deep mercy and the unsearchable judgment of God. The opportunity to drink of the life-giving waters of the Holy Spirit will indeed quench the deepest thirsts of men and women. This time of righteous judgment will bring back to life those long forgotten by humanity, but never forgotten by God. What is the fate of those who die with no real knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Son of God? What hope is there for the billions who have lived and died without knowledge of God’s purpose? The Scriptures show that these are not cut off without hope. He will bring them back to life and give them their opportunity for eternal life as spirit beings in God’s Kingdom. God will see His plan through and bring many sons to glory (Hebrews 2:10). His promise to pour out His Spirit on all flesh will find its fullest manifestation. The thirst-quenching waters of the Holy Spirit will be available to all in the time depicted by the Eighth Day, the last of God’s annual festivals. What a marvelous plan these biblical festivals portray. How great would be our lack of understanding without them!


RELINQUISH YOUR ALABASTER BOX! by: Minister Monica When disaster strikes and hits too close to home, we often question the God we serve. When we choose to carry the unnecessary burdens of this world, we forget that the same God made a way for us before. In every season of our lives God serves a different purpose or several, depending on where He desires to take us and the knowledge He desires for us to acquire. He is still Jehovah Rapha (the God who heals). Jehovah Jireh (our provider). El Elyon (the sovereign God whom we place all our trust). He is STILL God in every situation and in every circumstance. It is imperative that we do not forget, otherwise we begin to burn out. It starts off by slacking in prayer, slacking in attending church, slacking in our personal time with Jesus, and then our worships begin to dwindle until it finally ceases. I too am guilty of withholding my worship when life gets too difficult for me to handle. I don’t do it intentionally, but when I choose to focus on the problem more than the problem solver, I lose sight on what really matters and who matters more than my issues. I love what David says in Psalm 103: 1, Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! David finally understood that no matter what! He would bless the Lord, because God is good and it is just His nature to be a good, faithful, kind, just and loving God. Therefore, He deserves our very best. He deserves our love, our attention, our affection and our communion with Him.

Was it not enough that He sent His Son Jesus to die for us on the cross? Let’s take look at Luke 7:38 “And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster box of ointment, And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.” This woman gave Jesus all that she had, her very best, because she knew the worth of Jesus and honored Him. She used her expensive perfume in that alabaster box to pour it on Jesus as a mark of praise and worship. She could have used that alabaster box to purchase groceries or to pay her rent, but none of that mattered when she saw Jesus. God is calling us to not be distracted by the things we see; the materialistic things, awards, and achievements. He is calling us to love Him wholeheartedly with every fiber of our being. Take this opportunity to raise your hallelujah to the Most High God and relinquish the hold on your worship because despite it all, HE IS GOOD! Thank you for reading. Be Encouraged, Love Monica.

Devotions by the anointed Dr André and Jenny Roebert

Always the Same Message taken from Hebrews13:8 (NIV) Hebrews 13:8 (NIV): "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." There is nothing more secure and trustworthy than the eternal nature of God. The Bible emphasises His faithfulness and calls Him utterly dependable. It also states that He will never lie or turn back on His Word concerning us. If this is God's unchanging, constantly stable, unwavering character, and His Spirit dwells inside us, do you realise what that means? If we allow His Presence to work freely in our lives, He can make us faithful and steadfast just as He is. God's character can grow and increase in our lives as much as we are yielded to Him and His ways. This is a supernatural work only the Holy Spirit can do as we open our hearts to Him, and His Word, every moment of every day. The results will be astounding as we see the same dependable nature of Christ being formed in us.


OBEYING GOD (PART 2) BY : PROPHET GEZANI OBEYING GOD : GIVES PROVISION READ : Hebrews 11:17-19 - Abraham offered Isaac back to God - Abraham acted in faith - Abraham was ready to return the promised son back to God. - Abraham obeyed God even if material condition was not favourable. Hebrews 11:17-19 shows us three aspects of Abraham’s amazing faith in the greatest trial he would ever face. I. Abraham’s Test “By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice.

He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son” (v. 17). That is, we start with the fact that Abraham ended up not having to put his own son to death. And we say, “See, God never wanted Isaac to die in the first place.” Read: Genesis 22:1-2 tells us what was at stake: Sometime later God tested Abraham. He said to him, ‘‘Abraham!” Here I am,” he replied. Then God said, ‘‘Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah.

Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.” It would have been enough if God had simply said, “Take your son.” But he qualified that phrase three ways. Your only son— not forgetting Ishmael who was also his son but meaning that Isaac was the promised son. Isaac—the son for whom Abraham and Sarah had waited for 25 years. Whom you love—which might seem as if God were mocking him,

but these words were meant to reassure him that God knew what he was asking. By saying it this way, Abraham would know that God understood what it would cost him to obey. Let us be clear about what God was asking at this point. He wanted Abraham to travel with his son to Moriah (which today is called Jerusalem) and build an altar of stones on one of the mountains. This is what God told Abraham to do. At that point the man of faith only has two options. Either you obey or you don’t. II. Abraham’s Trust Read: Heb:11:18“Even though God had said to him, ’It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned’” And God told Abraham to offer his own son, and Abraham was fully prepared to do it, so prepared, in fact, that Hebrews 11:17 actually says that Abraham “offered” Isaac as a sacrifice, meaning that when he laid his son on the altar and raised the knife, he fully in‐ tended to put him to death. Naturally our minds focus on that aspect because it is so poignant and personal.

God had already promised to make Abraham the head of a great nation, and through that nation to bring great blessing to the world (Genesis 12:1-3). And God had said that he would bring forth that nation from Isaac’s descendants But that couldn’t happen if Isaac (who was only a teenager) was dead. Here we are faced with what seems to be an enormous contradiction. Faith believes and leaves the “how” in the hands of Almighty God. God commanded him to offer his son Isaac. God promised to bring forth offspring through Isaac. The promise and the command seem to flatly contradict each other. If Abraham obeys the command, does that not cancel the promise since Isaac will be dead? If he disobeys the command, what happens to the promise? Here is the shining, amazing, beyond-this- world character of Abraham’s faith. •He didn’t know how God would do it. •He just knew God would do it somehow. Herein lies a lesson for all of us. When God makes a promise, it is folly and disbelief to wonder how he will keep his word.

Faith does not reckon with “how.” Faith believes and leaves the “how” in the hands of Almighty God. If we spend too much time trying to figure out “how” God will take care of us, we are likely to talk ourselves into a corner. As you ponder this amazing story, remember that Abraham no idea—none! —of what was about to happen when he and Isaac started on the three-day journey to Moriah. That is, he set out to obey God, knowing the One who had called him to offer his beloved son would solve the “how” question in his own way. There are times in life— many times—when our only job is to take the next step. We aren’t called to figure out the big picture or to explain where it will lead. •God say, “Go” and we go. •He says, “Stop” and we stop. •He says, “Give me your dearest possession,” and we offer it to him. This is the true life of faith. TO BE CONTINED....


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