Beauty Come Forth FEBRUARY 2013

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A New Perspective Myra Wallace Editor-in-Chief So here we are in another year, the 13th year of the New Millennium. Determined to make this year the best year of our life, or at least better than last year. We made it thru all the storms, fires, earthquakes, heat waves, elections, foreclosures, bankruptcies & social economic and personal tragedies, while anxiously awaiting the earth’s response to 12-12-12. Well I guess we have our answer….. We’re still here. With that said, welcome to 2013. For me 2012 was a year of reflection, revelation & restoration. I can honestly say I didn’t plan it that way. Like many others I started out the year the same as I do most years, with an agenda full of events and projects, and somehow they all just kind of morphed into this incredibly enlightening season of growth. Last year I gained a new appreciation for keeping the main thing the main thing. Never has taking the time to smell the roses, been such a reality in my life, it would almost be safe to say it’s high on the list of laws to live by. I took the time, to take my time and it’s made all the difference in my world, I spent time with family, traveled to see old friends, spent real time with God as he downloaded a truckload of revelatory truths in my soul. Yes 2012 was a year of perfecting, a year God set aside for order to return to my life and for that, I am deeply grateful. So what’s new with Beauty Come Forth for 2013? I’m glad you asked. I and all of the staff writers are excited to share all the wonderful things we have locked away in the archives of our brain ready to spill out over the pages of ever upcoming issues. My vision for this year is one of change. Not the same ole approach to change. We’re taking a new approach to change, starting with changing our perspective. We plan to take you on a journey towards living a FABULOUS life that says, “Don’t change the game, Change the rules”. With that in mind, we are proud to announce BCF returns to a monthly publication in 2013! We are prepared to flood the internet highway with 12 beautiful inspiring issues full of Beauty, Fashion, Food, Finance and lots more. In addition, we will launch the Beauty Come Forth- Living FABULOUS television talk show. So stay tuned, get connected, link in and follow us @ Beauty Come Forth, cause we are doin’ the dog on thing in 2013!


Wendy’s Word What About Your Friends? By Wendy M. Reynolds

We often hear the rumor that women can’t get along. It is said that we always compare ourselves, compete with one another, feel threatened by each other, judge each other, and are quick to gossip about one another. I believe those rumors have been started to keep us blinded to power and influence that we have when we come together on the same page. I am blessed to have some good female friends. The motive of our friendship is to pray for, encourage, strengthen, and support each other on our journey. We share in each other’s laughter as well as in each other’s pain. We encourage each other to pursue our dreams and we celebrate one another’s accomplishments. I don’t have that with everyone in my life, but I do with those whom I consider my inner circle. When is the last time you celebrated or encouraged your friend? When is the last time you felt celebrated and supported by your friends? Are your friendships bringing out the best in you? Are you on the same page? This week I challenge you to start defining and strengthening the friendships in your life. Don’t invite people into your inner circle who do not bring out the best in you and whom you cannot support. Find time to share a word of encouragement with a friend this week. Send a handwritten note in the mail celebrating your friend and friendship. Give them some encouragement for the week. Schedule time when you can hang out and exhale. If you do not have any good female friends (nothing against male friends, I have both), take a risk and try to develop a few. Don’t buy into or validate the rumors. Amazing things happen when you connect with and value the good people in your life. 5



Power of Possibility!

By Myla Denise

I had the pleasure of spending a few days in the beautiful city of Santa Barbara, California. Riding up Gibraltar Rock I experienced magnificent views of the ocean on one side, and even more majestic mountains on the other. As I observed the incredible natural beauty, I was amazed by a simple realization; I witnessed such stunning sights because many years ago someone believed. I could feel such magnificence because a long time ago someone believed that building a road on a mountain was possible. Someone had the confidence and freedom to look at that massive stone and think, “A road needs to be up there and I know how to make that happen.” All of us have the ability to stimulate change. Unfortunately, many of us doubt our level of impact before we even start. We convince ourselves not to try. We tell ourselves we’re not enough. Not smart enough, strong enough, talented enough, good enough, young enough, nor experienced enough. We essentially believe that we aren’t deserving enough to live in the realm of possibility. Fortunately, that isn’t the truth. Instead of doubting our abilities or comparing our life’s work to others, we should challenge ourselves to walk in the freedom of believing. We should experience the power of possibility. When you entertain possibility you possess power. Limitations are viewed as temporary. Fear of failure no longer holds your thoughts captive. Excuses loose their grip. Would you prefer limitations, fear, and excuses to have the greatest impact in your life? Or would you prefer your life to be a reflection of freedom, empowerment, and possibility? Someone looked at a mountain and saw possibility. What do you see when you gaze at the mountains in your life? No matter what others have said, or who didn’t believe in your talents, or what you may have convinced yourself, you are enough to alter your world. You are simply enough. Change your mind, treat yourself to the benefit of believing, and give yourself permission to experience the power of possibility. ~~~~~~ BIO Myla Denise developed an early appreciation for poetry and writing as she began writing poems, plays, and short stories in junior high school. This Western Michigan University graduate combined her way with words and her formal business education in the legal, marketing, and higher education field. She currently writes marketing text and manages the website for the alumni relations department at the University of Indianapolis while pursuing a graduate degree in English. She published Dawn: Diary of a Poet (Cole Publishing, 2005), a memoir told using poetry and journal entries to help her reach her goal of using her personal story of overcoming to encourage and uplift others. In addition to writing, Myla also loves reading novels and traveling. She is an alumna of Semester At Sea and has served on the Alumni Association Board of Directors for the Institute of Shipboard Education. Myla resides in Michigan.


The Changing Game of By: Jean-Luc Tahou

The incredible amount of wealth that evaporated in these past few years has even affected the higher echelons of wealth. Granted most ultra affluent individuals still have plenty of money left despite losses in the market and can easily ride the wave until things improve. However, the game is changing when it comes to luxury spending. We have to recognize that we are coming down from an unprecedented explosion in wealth levels, a new Gilded Age. Luxury brands had to reach down to capture those millions of aspirational dollars by offering entry-level items (such as wallets, key-chains and sunglasses) and ratchet up the exclusivity factor via one-of- a kind pieces in the tens of thousands (try a $200,000 Gucci trunk). Now that the entry-level segment is in essence priced-out, those that are left standing really are the truly affluent. Professional and affluent households represented a good share of the buyers of luxury/designer accessories. The same went for luxury automobiles. The good news is that this recession was across the board and no single group was left out. Regardless of one’s situation, the days of “affluenza” or conspicuous consumption are over. For the ones on shaky grounds, their money has to be allocated to more important expenses such as mortgage payments, car notes, and credit card payments. They are now forced to watch their discretionary spending due to the economic uncertainty. Some of us even have to provide for struggling relatives now. For those who are comfortably wealthy, the reduction in spending comes from a certain guilt associated with their status; a mild case of “survivor guilt”, if you will. They resort to discreet spending so as not to appear inappropriate in such hard times for relatives or others around them: “… there is no need to throw it in the face of someone shopping at Wal-Mart by showing off the new Louis Vuitton bag." A suggestion for the affluent is to focus on luxury staples, items that transcend trends and can last over time. A classic Chanel suit can last a woman for years and so does a classic custom-suit by Zegna for a man. Ditto a classic Burberry trench coat or a Rolex watch. Such pieces can be accessorized with less expensive accessories over time, but their apparent quality and timeless appeal will usually overshadow the rest. This idea can be expanded to automobiles, jewelry, and luxury services: practicality and quality trumps quantity. I would encourage all of you then to shop “wisely” and stack up on those staples mentioned above. They can be blended in with clever finds from Marshalls or TJ-Maxx. As you can see, the days of extravagant spending are now gone, but retailers and buyers have to adapt accordingly. Adopting the right outlook and a disciplined approach will guarantee that you can still maintain a healthy shopping regimen without breaking the bank or alienating your spouse. 8

BCF- Behind the scenes Action!

Catch the action behind the scenes of our January 2013 Cover Girl photo shoot with Beauty Come Forth-CEO/Editor-InChief Myra Wallace along with her BCF Glam Team: Photographer-Marcus Redd, Stylist-Karicean & Make-Up ArtistGeorgette Holmes


A Letter to Every Woman (With Love) By Jerrin Holt

A young lady I have never met in my life messaged me with some very kind words about several thoughts I posted here and there throughout my facebook page, especially this one… “Lady, do not be troubled or plagued with burrowing defeat. You only did what you were taught to do, failing to recognize that I am a man in which they have failed to teach you about. You often praised me, smiled upon my being and blessed me with the effort of your interest, but I needed you to dig deep. I needed you to elevate me, encourage me, help mend my faults and conquer my imprisoning weaknesses. For my road to greatness begins with a woman who is the very essence of the greatness in which I aspire to be.” -Jerrin Holt

Before responding to this impressive young lady, I prayed that God would allow me to say something to her that would provide clarification, justification or inspiration. Not to say that this young lady had turmoil in her life, but I saw this as an opportunity to embrace a woman through words and sincerity. As a man who is transitioning into the great man my mother raised me to be and the great man I long to be, more and more I find myself sharing my heart and an element of protective love with any woman open to receiving the temperature of my adoration. With age, my tendency to judge has seemed to fade which has allowed me to excitingly learn, listen to and vibe with almost anyone. God has so graciously allowed me to see the light even in the darkest of women. Age has also brought about maturity as I have become a bit more responsible and wise when handling my share of power. This power I speak of is a specific and natural power that God gives to all men. The power to uplift women or the power to beat them down mind and body. The power to protect or the power to selfishly ravage them. The power to let God’s light shine through me or the power to singe them with the weaponry of evil. And sometimes even with good intentions I still make mistakes, but my heart’s desire to do right by women is unfailing. I pride myself on being man enough to speak the truth of my heart and mind to any woman who needs to here such things, for the truth is a gift that will never age. Here is a self truth that is absolute no matter how us men try to bend or twist it. At the end of the day, we can only blessedly settle down with, create with and love one woman (a wife) if we wish to receive the very best of God’s favor. And because I cannot possibly crown every 10

woman in the world as my own, I can extend a love comprised of prayer and respect. After all, the women of the world despite their status, mind-set, or actions are our mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, friends and quite often our objects of desire. So I pray that God affords each and every woman the ability to maintain or attain a love of purification that rockets her to her destiny and fulfills her every need. I pray that at some point in their life that every woman finds her niche and aligns herself with God’s purpose for her life so that she may receive victory and Heaven. I pray that the inevitable rainy days of life sprout forth beautiful flowers. And on the sunset of strife, I pray that women are able to learn from their mistakes and allow a self-love to prevent them from repeating patterns of destruction. Most of all, I pray that women continue to build on the sacred bond of womanhood while teaching, guiding and assisting one another. If a woman cannot be for and aid another woman then it is foolish for her to expect such gestures from a man. I pray that bountiful blessings are bestowed upon all women so that in turn, they may bless others. As far as I am concerned, the foundation of the world begins with our women who birth us and give us life. Personally, I have been extremely fortunate to be held accountable, celebrated, encouraged, inspired by and genuinely cared for by a few phenomenal women that have been an advantageous privilege in my life. Some of these women have recently entered my life while some of them have been a staple in my life for years. I would like to personally thank those women who have played integral roles in unearthing the majesty of God through their actions, their examples and their immense love for and towards me. They have been sisters, at times mothers and angels in my life. Through proclamation, smiles, hugs, kisses, conversations and gestures of kindness, they have provoked me to want better and do better as a man‌ I have decided to share the response I sent to the young lady I mentioned earlier. I believe that a lot of women will be able to pull from these words that were placed in my heart by the Lord. And because wisdom, understanding and discernment comes from God, I cannot take the credit. God is without a doubt the absolute reason that anything progressive, powerful or positive comes from me. I suppose by now it is no secret just how much I love women, as a matter of fact, the feeling that I have for the female race exceeds love. I would rather die than to exist in a place without the sight, smell and essence of a woman. Each and every one of you possesses something that is so special words could never accurately describe the magic that is you. And from a place of honesty I offer you food for thought. Always pray that God allows you to be a woman of character and strength who proves to be an enhancement and blessing to her man and her relationship. Your role and place is just as vital and important as that of any man. If you cannot turn to anyone for comfort, love, or reassurance always remember who gives you life and allows you to breath. There is an entity that crushes impossibility with just a simple thought. An entity whose excellence is beyond our minuscule imagination. An entity who can love your soul, body and mind better than greatest lover that has ever walked the face of this wondrous earth. So take these words and ponder them, remember them and live them. You all deserve love and happiness and it is up to you to ensure that such blessings come your way. 11

Response From: Jerrin To: Charlie D… As a man with many thoughts and many colors in my head, I feel blessed to have "gotten it" at a young age. My attraction to women has been tempered by numerous experiences that have helped me to gain a clearer understanding of what being free to love really looks like and feels like. I do not feel that being attracted to a woman for her physical beauty is necessarily a bad thing. The outward appearance is usually the first thing that garners initial attention on both ends of the gender spectrum. The important factors however, are the qualities you discover about a person that accompany the physical attraction. Speaking from a male perspective, most of us were raised to believe that it is our job to protect, lead and give women the respect and love they deserve. But along with that, I believe it is also a woman’s responsibility to uphold her guard, cautiously involve her emotions and work at being able to decipher fantasy from reality at least until she has a very good idea of who she is dealing with when it comes to man. This does not mean she should be cold or uninviting, but instead, reserved and careful in her dealings and actions. As a conscious woman, you should not be concerned or troubled by those men who do not truly want or cannot handle a “real woman”. Being able to perceive this flaw in a man is equal to that of having the map to a minefield. Consider yourself blessed if you are one who can decipher this kind of man as you should be highly capable of avoiding atrocity. Never become so desperate that you are willing to settle and risk the effects of an explosion! Another important component to being a complete woman is becoming, believing and knowing what you are and who you are. That means taking the time to discover and build your own ideas, beliefs, interests and forming a connection with God as it pertains to you as an adept individual. Discovering your strengths and gaining a sense of worth and confidence without a mate will give you the advantage of bringing priceless value into your relationship with the right man. A strong sense of faith and knowing what you want will always expose inadequate men who are not worthy of your time and love. Each woman has a responsibility to herself to acknowledge red flags and signs and then take action to detach from a situation that is not a good fit for her life or her purpose. In the midst of waiting and sometimes searching for the right man, optimism and positive thinking are critical to keeping you open and ready to receive the blessings God will send your way. In a world filled with many men who seek to drain and burn you with all kinds of motives and trickery, there are good and capable men who have accepted and actively seek their opportunity to be upstanding, outstanding, true and righteous men. If you remain ready and prepared to join forces with this kind of man instead of fighting, losing faith or shying away from men all together because of bad experiences, you will always remain closer to your ordained relationship than those who are controlled by fear and defeat. And if you happen to be involved with someone who offers no potential and proves to be poisonous at this moment, 12

remember my words…”It is far better to seek fulfillment alone or elsewhere than to bind yourself to someone who seeks to destroy himself and you in the process.” Sometimes I find myself sitting and racking my brain trying to figure out how society can offset a lot of the drama and cyclic self-destruction for the next generation. I feel that it is vital that multiple positive and consistent influences are afforded to our children at a very young age. A joint effort from both the mother and the father to instill values, honor and respect in children, not only for themselves, but towards the opposite gender as well makes a world of difference in the shaping of a person’s life. If a woman is raising a child alone and the father is completely uninvolved and out of the picture, finding a strong male role model for the child is necessary regardless of their sex. Mutual respect is the single most important factor in a male/female relationship because it leads to a direct understanding of the value that accompanies the opposite sex. Sadly, a lot of single mothers end up pulling the weight all by themselves while some fathers drop the ball. It does not always take a traditional two-parent household to steer a child in the right direction; however the impact of positive, life-directing influences from both sexes is a major advantage in a child’s life and provides a more solid and complete foundation for a child to pull from. Fathers, or at minimum father figures, tend to stress to their daughters the importance in watching out for danger and providing her with a healthy love from a man during the impressionable years of her life. A father is also responsible for raising a Godfearing, sensible son who exudes respect and consideration for himself and those around them (especially women). Father’s can also set an example for their sons by being men who use compassion and consideration when dealing with women. Children are always listening, watching and learning. Sometimes the best lessons in life are indirectly observed. A mother’s influence is just as critical as the influence of a father or father figure. Mothers are our daughter’s very first teacher and help their daughters to understand what it means to be strong and have self-worth and class as a woman. Mothers should also demand and challenge their sons to take responsibility and handle women with caution. Women are to be honored and cherished and it takes a real man to do so even when a woman does not necessarily seem deserving. The art of unconditional love is the rewarding ability to find the good in people and be thankful for their worth and excellence regardless of society’s standards. You love them when they are up, down, young, old, in, out, etc… All in all, women must take charge of their own lives and exercise patience, discernment, intellect and prayer in the course of dating and dealing with men. A no “bs” disposition and command for the substance of a man to accompany his physical traits must be understood and absolute from day one. Cut things off right away and keep it moving if he does not get it or does not want to get it. For a woman, much of her ability to love and have love will result from never being too quick to love and allowing time to meticulously fasten together what God has created. Allow the man to pursue you and prove through his actions that he is who he says he is. Keep in mind that innately, men are predators who sometimes only see women as prey. For a man to date and consume countless women might not affect him on the same level that it will affect a 13

woman. An emotional disconnection with a man coupled with an invasion of a woman’s heart, mind and body will leave her feeling violated and vulnerable every time. Too many failed, flawed and negative relationships can take its toll on a woman’s faith; her desire for a relationship or her belief that good relationships even exists. So if no one else uses caution when dealing with you, make sure you use caution and understand why it is important for you to do so. In the mean time, know that there are indeed men of valor out there who are prepared and are being prepared to come into their most amazing privilege and blessing…the woman God has made just for them. When this day comes, God will allow you both to understand the makings of true love and grow within a bond created through Him that no man or woman will ever be able to break. ~BIO~ Jerrin Holt is an extraordinary young man who is already making an impact on the world. He is an exinternational model and businessman who understands the privilege and blessing of being able to share God's wisdom and inspire people. He is 28 years old, resides in TX and is currently working on his first book. To learn more about Jerrin, click on the following link:


Don’t change the Game, Change the Rules Myra Wallace

So the truth has really set you free. Now make sure that you stay free, and try not to get caught up in slavery to the world’s laws on beauty. I tell you this: If you are counting on the world’s definition of beauty to make you right, then, you may want to stop reading right now. I’ll say it this way, if you are trying to find favor with people by doing things according to the world’s standards of beauty, you must obey all of the biased regulations and standards of the world’s perspective on what beauty is. If you are trying to make yourselves right with folks by keeping those erroneous laws, you have been cut off from the vision established by the message we stand on here at Beauty Come Forth and have turned away from the grace presented to you in every issue. We who live by the fabulous spirit and who seek to be right through faith eagerly await receipt of everything promised to us. For when we place our faith in God’s word, it makes no difference to God whether we are accepted by the world’s definition of beauty or not. What is important is beauty expressing itself in love. There may have been a time when you were getting along so well. Who or what interfered with you holding you back from following the truth? It certainly wasn’t God, for he is the one who called you to live free. Many times it takes only one wrong person to infect us with the virus of disbelief. It is my desire that BCF will become a tool in your toolbox of beauty that will bring you back to believing in yourself. Did you know, you have been called to live in freedom—not freedom to satisfy your ugly nature, but freedom to serve one another in the beauty of love. For our Beauty law can be summed up in one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But if instead of showing love amongst yourselves, you are always arguing and devouring one another, watch out or you will end up destroying one another. 15

So here’s my advice, live according to your new F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. life, the life that’s screaming from the inside of you telling you there’s more and you want to start living the MORE, then you will conquer that ugly nature that so desires to discourage you. That old ugly you, who loves to do evil, which is the polar opposite from that of the beautiful you. The beautiful you gives you desires that are opposite from what that ugly nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, and your choices are never free from this conflict. But when you are directed by your beautiful God given spirit, you are no longer subject to the laws of ugliness, because they can no longer control you. When you follow the desires of your ugly nature, your life will produce these evil results: sexual immorality, impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, fear, anger, unworthiness, low self-esteem, jealousy, hostility, confusion, selfish ambition, the feeling that everyone is wrong except those in your own little group, envy, drunkenness, sickness, disrespect, and other kinds of sin. Let me say it like this: anyone wanting to live that sort of life is not open to inherit the benefits of what we inspire to share here at Beauty Come Forth. On another note, when the beautiful spirit controls your life, it produces: love, joy, words of encouragement, peace, patience, acts of service, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, pure thoughts, generosity, health, prosperity, and forgiveness. With these things, there is no conflict with God’s law. Dear sisters, let me conclude with this. If another woman is overcome by an ugly nature, you who are walking in God’s beautiful spirit should gently and humbly help her back onto the right path, but you, yourself be careful not to fall into the same temptation. Share each other’s troubles and problems, and in this way obey these newly restored laws of beauty. If you think you are too important to help someone in need, you are only fooling yourself. Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. For each of us are responsible for our own conduct. So as we embark upon yet another year, let us not be misled. Remember, you can’t ignore God and get away with it. You will always reap what you sow. Those who live just to satisfy their own ugly desires will harvest the consequences of ugliness. But those who live to please the beautiful godly spirit will harvest an everlasting beautiful life. So don’t get tired of doing what is good. Don’t get discouraged and give up, for you will reap a harvest of blessings at the appropriate time. Whenever you have the opportunity, you should always do good to everyone, especially to all of your fellow sisterhood. It’s time to stir up that inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God created and we at Beauty Come Forth celebrate.


The Fun is Back In Food! By Chef Barbie Flores

Go ahead! Confess it with me! We love food journalism, especially food pics! Images of tantalizing, eye-popping, provocatively plated food make us feel happy! They inspire us to cook. They inform us about nutrition and cool restuarants, as well as satisfy us without all the decadent calories.

In 2012 consuming a slice of molten chocolate cake, dripping with ganache or a dreamy, tender Kobe beef filet with black truffle oil or peeling the sweetest mouthwatering passion fruit with our eyes and talking about it became THE THING to do! We saw scores of the most amazing food photographs turning up in places like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our favorite food sites like Gastrofotomania or Food Porn. And many of us were the photogs of 2012! Whether it was a pic from an I-phone or a Hassalblad camera, we were capturing it, drooling over it and yes, wanting to gobble our screens because if it. The photographing of food and posting of the latest “Hot 10” dishes occupied a great deal of our online time. We just couldn’t get enough of those digitally immortalized food odysseys! Food photographs and blogging became a national pastime on our lunch hours and the activity that occupied us in restaurants. Not only did we become food photogs and food voyeurs, we read and wrote about it! We were eager to see and share the latest from magazine publications like Food & Wine, Saveur, Bon Appetite and What Katie Ate. We read all about the restaurants and dishes that Bourdain, J Gold and our friends were talking about. We chronicled every cupcake we decorated, as well as every incredible “conquista” we cooked in our own kitchens. We recommended food restaurants, recipes and events to our friends, simply by pressing “post”. Like our well documented, “baby’s first haircut” or our best vacation sunsets, food journalism became the popular post. Yes, in 2012 we all became food journalists! So let’s confess and give credit where credit is due! Armed with our spatulas, cameras, the latest blogs and our cooking prowess we are the new food net workers and we are a force! Oh but as I write this, I’ve got a bit of discouraging news to report. According to a recent article in the New York Times, there is a rise in the number of restaurants frowning on picture taking of their dishes. Oh, I say, 17

“Come on, we are your best campaigners!” Hopefully, this frowning will not become the norm. Food is just too wonderful and we are having too much fun with it!

In 2013, it is predicted that we will see the look of food and pairings change. Fun food like “spaghetti tacos” on a kid's menu or something salty paired with a sweet dessert will no longer seem wrong when combined. We’re going to see completely different flavor profiles mixed together for the fun of it. I like that! For example, chocolate cake with a hint of cayenne pepper. Who knew? From the traditional to the trendy, we will see dishes becoming more deconstructed, more relaxed and just more fun. We will see two different types of cuisine involved with each other as well. I love it! It will not be a surprise to find more ethnic influences on our traditional American menus. Variety is the spice of life! So with 2013 predictions already showing a playful fusion of flavors and juxtapositions on a plate, get those cameras ready and get your blog on! The fun is back in food!


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