Beauty Come Forth March 2013

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The Definition of

Beauty By Myra Wallace, Editor In Chief

“Beauty, like truth, is relative to the time when one lives and to the individual who can grasp it.” - Unknown Did you know that the words beauty and or beautiful are used nearly 100 times in the all-time, bestselling book in the world, the Bible? It’s true, the word beautiful is first mentioned in Genesis Chapter 6 which states, “The sons of God saw the beautiful women and took any they wanted as their wives”. That’s sounds about right, man saw beautiful women, they liked what they saw, and they chose accordingly. God created and defined beauty and it’s obvious that man not only recognizes it but is also naturally drawn to it. The question then arises, what is the appropriate and applicable definition of Beauty? I am convinced that it was no accident that God used the first example or reference of it as observation through the eyes of men (male) when they saw, with their physical eyes, women (female) in their physical form. Men are visual by nature, which is why their attraction to women is usually initially based upon their attraction to what they see. The expressed opinion of being beautiful is usually used in reference to a woman, female, or of feminine character. That being said, I believe history has shown, along with the evolution of visual outlets, that an even greater shift in the emphasis of the one component most commonly used to describe who or what beauty is. A man’s visual nature makes it apparent that most associations of the word are used in its “visual” application. Simply said, society has focused its attention on one aspect of beauty, the physical (what the eye can see). If you can see it, it requires no faith, but to believe it’s there when you can’t see it with the naked eye requires one to go beyond a first glance. I found it most appealing when I began the wonderful journey to “unleash the beauty within” when I looked into the various definitions of beauty as written in Webster’s New World Dictionary and Strong’s Comprehensive Concordance. Be careful to look very closely—you may see something that could open your eyes to a whole new understanding of beauty.

Beauty- (byoote) noun. 1. The quality attributed to whatever pleases or satisfies the senses or mind, as by line,

color, form, texture, proportion, rhythmic motion, tone, etc., or by behavior, attitude, etc. 2. A thing having this quality 3. Good looks 4. A very good-looking woman 5. Any very attractive feature. Beautiful- (byoot-e-fal) adj. having beauty, very pleasing to the eye, ear, mind, etc. –interj. An exclamation of approval or pleasure –the beautiful 1. That which has beauty, the quality of beauty 2. those who are beautiful – beautifully adv. SYN. –beautiful is applied to that which gives the highest degree of pleasure to the senses or to the mind and suggests that the object of delight approximates one’s conception of an ideal;


Hold up. Did you see what I saw? Beauty is three-dimensional! For centuries, we’ve been pressed by society to place such strong emphasis on what we can see. Sure, every now and then beauty is associated with music, or when you hear a voice that ushers you into another state of being, but what about the mind dimension? Now that revelation made me take a step back. How does one express having beauty that is pleasing to the mind? Let us continue. Strong’s Concordance reports beauty from the original Greek and Hebrew as: Hebrew (tobe) - a good thing, the good, best, better, bountiful, cheerful, at ease, fine, glad, graciously, joyful, kindly, loving, merry, most pleasant, precious, prosperity, sweet, wealth, well favored (no-am) agreeable, delight, suitableness, splendor grace (tseb-ee) - prominence, splendor, glorious (to-ar) comely, countenance, favored, goodly, fair, visage (yaw-feh) - comely, fair, pleasant


Greek (ho-rah-yos) - belonging to the right hour or season, timely, flourishing How interesting. I don’t know about you, but I certainly want to belong to the right hour or season? These translations speak to the fact that beauty permeates from the woman who is in the right place, at the right time, in her season. I believe there is much to be said about this thing called Beauty. But before you take this journey into the unchartered waters of your inner beauty, take a moment to ask yourself these two questions: What is my personal definition of beauty? How do I measure up to the standards I set to define it? Now it’s time to dive in and explore your beautiful self.

Ομορφιά 5

Forgiveness…Forgiving Yourself, Forgiving Others, And Moving Forward By Minister Joy Clark

As I sit writing this, my eyes are filled with tears. Why tears, because of the forgiveness that I have received, the forgiveness of God, forgiveness of myself for bad decisions I made- things that I’ve done that I locked up on the inside of me, that kept me in bondage, but today, I forgave myself. When we don’t forgive ourselves, it makes it difficult for us to love, to treat people right, to love ourselves. You cannot effectively love other people if you don’t love yourself. As children, most of us were taught to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Well, if you aren’t loving yourself, how then can you love another? In Leviticus 19:18, the Lord spoke to Moses and told him to speak to the children of Israel and tell them, “You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself, and then in verse 19 He says, “I am the Lord, you shall keep My statues.” I am determined to keep God’s statues, His commands. Often times people will ask me, how can you be cool with this person after they’ve done thus & so. My answer is love. Someone at some point forgave me. God forgave me, so who am I not to forgive? Romans 3:25 in the Amplified says, “Whom God put forward [before the eyes of all] as a mercy seat and propitiation by His blood, [the cleansing and life giving sacrifice of atonement and reconciliation, to be received] through faith. This was to show God’s righteousness because in His divine forbearance, He passed over and ignored former sins without punishment. Just think, God passed over and ignored former sins without punishment!” Whatever that person did, let it go! Pass over it and ignore it. Be like God. He forgives and forgets! Isaiah 43:25 says that “I even I am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sakes, and I will not remember your sins.” Furthermore, stop replaying the things you did in the past. If you had an abortion, God forgave you the moment you asked Him. Hurt someone? God forgave you the moment you opened your mouth and asked Him! God is not standing accusing you or anyone else. Scripture tells us that’s what satan does, (see Revelations 12:10). The enemy is the one who constantly has what you did on replay. He alone is the accuser of the brethren, while Christ, the anointed one is the propitiation, the mercy seat. Beloved, forgive yourself. There is nothing that you cannot forgive yourself for. If God can love you with a sincere love, love so sincere that He 6

gave His Son Jesus as a ransom for sin, mistakes, etc., then it’s time for you to love yourself like God loves you. Love from a pure place. Love without conditions or limitations! Love has no limits, so stop trying to rationalize how much you can love yourself, or that other person. It’s time for you to move forward! Love yourself right where you’re at right now, knowing that if you take that first step of faith, your love is only going to increase and grow stronger. Look in the mirror and say to yourself, “I love me!” When you begin to love yourself, you enable yourself to love other people! Philippians 3:13-14 says this, “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” There is a reward in forgetting the things behind, the past and moving forward…freedom! You free yourself from the jail of unforgiveness. Make the choice to forgive and move forward! No more looking back, only forward, and only upward! I pray that you forgive, forgive yourself, forgive others, and move forward! Let your soul prosper! For this is God’s desire, III John 2. ~Bio~ Joy Clark is a wife, mother of three, and an ordained minister of the Gospel. She is a lover of God and His people. God has specifically given her a heart for women, knowing that if we give anointed revelation to the women of God, we would obtain synergistic solutions to world-impacting problems. She clearly walks in the Luke 4:18 anointing, to heal the broken hearted and to proclaim liberty to the captives. Joy is in tune to the Spirit of God and has a right now Word for a “now generation”.


Wendy’s Word Getting Unstuck By Wendy M. Reynolds

We face times when we feel stuck and unable to move. With each attempt, we appear more immersed in where we are. We become tempted to give up and give in to the power of circumstances. It’s like being caught in quicksand. Maybe you’re stuck in a bad relationship, a dead end job, or in the middle of nowhere. Let me give you some quick tips for getting unstuck naturally and spiritually. Let go of any baggage that’s weighing you down. “Lay aside every weight and sin that so easily beset (troubles, harass, hems you in) you (Hebrews 12:1).” Honestly recognize what’s weighing you down. It may be difficult because you’ll have to give up something that you may want to keep such as a boyfriend or your love for fried chicken.  Drop to your knees to distribute the weight. Prayer changes things. Never stop praying. Drop to your knees in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:18, Ephesians 6:18) and allow God to strengthen and relieve you of weight that’s not yours to carry. Stop the panic. Panic and struggling is a waste of time and energy. It will surely take you under. When you stop panicking and breathe, you’ll discover the situation is not as deep as you first thought. Take a few steps back. This may feel like you’re moving backwards in life. However, this step is important in order to gain fresh perspective and momentum. Use what is in your hand (Exodus 4:2). When in quicksand, a long stick can help push you out. Consider what you have available to help bring you out. It might be a gifting, talent, or skill. Recognize there is a way out. God wants you free and always provides a way of escape so that you can freely move forward in Him. Let’s get unstuck! Let’s move forward together!


Grown Women, Please Step Forward! By Jean-Luc Tahou

I recently realized even that most well-intentioned people tend to get so caught up on living paycheck to paycheck that they rarely take the time to assess their preparedness and fix what needs fixing. If you know deep within yourself that there is something that you need to get a handle on. You know…. Yes, you do know. It’s that one aspect of your financial life that creates a knot in the pit of your stomach whenever it comes on the radar. That thing you would be embarrassed for the whole world to know about your financial profile. Whatever that thing is, the time to address is not one day in the future, or whenever a certain arbitrary condition has been met. The time is NOW. If you don’t know what it is, you should. If you want to know, please consult an accredited financial professional for a comprehensive financial evaluation. As the saying goes ”knowing is half the battle”. Keeping a blind eye, “ignorance –is-bliss” approach is destructive and dangerous. Life tragedies are just stories that happen to others until the day that they actually happen to us. I am talking major accidents, loss of employment, even death and all the accompanying devastation they wreck on the lives of your loved ones. Handle that bad credit, reign in that compulsive spending and start saving more, and explore life/disability insurance options. It takes a special and courageous type of person to admit that they need help, accept it, then go seek it. Pride and Ego have no place in these situations. In my experience, my women clients often are the cornerstones of their household and /or families. With so many people directly and indirectly relying on them for their physical or financial well-being it is crucial that they put the right protections in place should anything affect their ability to provide for and support their loved ones(not just children, but their own aging parents as well). I didn’t understand the value of life insurance until my 27 year old sister unexpectedly passed away, leaving behind a house we co-owned and a 10 month old a baby daughter. A policy would have helped with the house and provided for my niece’s future. Again, I recently learned the value of disability insurance protection, while recovering from a destabilizing stroke which led 9

me to undergo intensive rehabilitation and take off work for almost an entire year. As a self-employed individual, you can imagine the potentially devastating implications for a person with no coverage. Thank God, I had a safety net, but not everyone is so lucky. I am not bitter from these experiences for they have made me a better advocate for my clients’ needs and a crusader for preventive measures. It can happen to me; it can happen to anyone.

I shared my story to say this: will the responsible readers to whom I might be speaking to please stand up and step forward. It is time to put your grown woman pants on and get your hands dirty! You have work to do and the stakes are too high for you to sit quietly in the corner and look cute.

Next from BCF Online Magazine



RELATIONSHIP DETOX “Toxic Relationships will make you Sick!” -Margo Hudson

Have you ever experienced a Toxic Relationship? Maybe you or someone you know is in one now. Definition of a toxic relationship: A relationship that’s Poisonous, Harmful or potentially Deadly to you. Truth is, in our lifetimes, many of us will experience toxic relationships. It’s also a great possibility that at least one of your most significant relationships could be putting your emotional, psychological and physical health at risk right now. Something must be done about it because, “Toxic Relationships will make you sick!” The term toxic relationships, does not only apply to “love”, it can be your relationships in business, family, or even your neighbors etc. While there are people in toxic relationships that don’t know it, others know it well and find it challenging to either cope or break up for a multitude of reasons. I’ve known people of very diverse backgrounds who’ve refused to acknowledge the toxic dysfunction of their relationships and wrongfully convince themselves to stay and deal with the crazy, due to learned behaviors or possibly a dependency that’s developed over time. It’s common that people stay because they don’t want to be alone or start over. Others stay for financial stability or with the pretense of protecting their children. When in fact, the children suffer precisely as a result of exposure to this poison over time. The dangerous issue about toxic relationships is that if you stay in this negative cycle long enough, the toxic environment can become normal for you, and you may not feel comfortable in a relationships unless it’s turbulent and toxic. Your children could also grow to follow this familiar pattern. You eventually pay the price, as you suffer with your health, wellbeing, and future relationships. No relationship is worth more than your own life.~ WHAT IS TOXIC? Toxic relationships are any relationships that tear down your sense of self-worth. Your sense of self worth is associated with how you feel about yourself, and its connected with how you allow people to treat you within your interpersonal relationships, as well as what kinds of relationships you‘re choosing. Toxic relationships can make you feel constantly depressed, exhausted, anxious, out of control, angry, and crazy. Learning to identify toxic behavior within yourself and others is key. Once entrenched in a toxic love relationship, you’re not thinking clearly as everyone grows toxically reactionary and defensive, creating an incubator for negativity to continue thriving. Toxic relationships destroy your spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical health. If you and you partner find you’re unable to resolve your challenges on your own, it may be time to be start interviewing good, reputable Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT), or Psychologists to help heal what’s going on up under all that junk!

YOUR HEALTH RISKS… People often have a disconnect between the chronic strain and stress of a toxic relationship and their health, not understanding that constant arguing, stress and negativity create real dis-ease in the mind and the body that not only make you sick, but can also kill you over time; literally and figuratively. There are several research studies over the years that prove exactly this. Constant stress on the mind and body are known to 11

cause elevated Cortisol levels, sleep disorders, difficulty with digestion, headaches, migraines, forgetfulness, inability to focus, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, weakened immune system, fibroid tumors, and cancer within the body. DANGEROUS CORTISOL LEVELS & YOU The constant emotional stress that toxic relationships generate cause a dramatic spike in Cortisol levels, which produce serious health complications over time. Cortisol is the stress hormone produced from cholesterol in the two adrenal glands, which are located on top of each kidney. Cortisol helps maintain your blood pressure and also provides you energy by stimulating your fat carbohydrate metabolism. Cortisol also plays a significant role in several functions of cardiovascular regulation. With chronically elevated Cortisol levels you’ll gain weight, especially around the gut and thighs, and find it difficult to lose, especially in women. In November 2000, researchers at Yale University released their findings about a link between Cortisol and the deposit of abdominal fat, titled, “Stress May Cause Excess Abdominal Fat in Otherwise Slender Women.” Additionally, a study published in January 2001 in an issue of Psychoneuroendocrinology, showed that elevated Cortisol levels are associated with chronic stress, increased appetite, cravings for sugar and weight gain. This is why we crave junk foods when under stress!! Extreme Cortisol levels have also been found to greatly increase PMS symptoms, as stated in the book, “What Your Dr. May Not Tell You About Menopause”, by Dr. John Lee. It’s also been said there’s strong evidence that elevated Cortisol levels in the blood is central in the development of clinical depression, according to Dr. Paul Mackin in the Psychiatric Times, May 2004, “The Role of Cortisol and Depression: Exploring New Options for Treatment.” If you’ve been under tremendous stress for long periods, it’s wise to see a doctor and request to have all your hormone levels checked.* THE RELATIONSHIP DETOX If you’re tired of suffering, it may be time for a Relationship Detox! Awareness of the toxic state within your relationship is the best place to start. Next, finding the right reputable, licensed therapist, or psychologist to help you work through your healing process would be wise. It’ll help you face the real issues, eliminating the emotional garbage you’ve accumulated. Additionally, if you decide to walk away you don’t want to take this poison with you into your next relationship! RESPONSIBILITY & COMMUNICATION You both must understand and take responsibility for what you’re feeding the fire. A razor sharp tongue can devour a relationship! It’s easy to get into a cycle of arguing to express anger or injure another, vs. constructive arguing for the purpose of working towards a resolution. You may be yelling at each other regularly, using retaliatory insults that only work to destroy your relationship and self esteem, vs. using tact and communicating in a way that supports your relationships growth, mutual love, and respect. Going to a therapist can teach you these skills and help you make better choices for healthy communication. Examine any harmful habits, behaviors, emotions, communications and or personality traits that you and your partner are contributing if you want change. Remember, destructive emotions like fear, anger, depression, anxiety, frustration, jealousy, hopelessness and resentment grow toxic to you and your relationships. They must be acknowledged, investigated, released, and replaced with positive emotions and beliefs that’ll activate your healing process.~ 12

CREATE A POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT Creating a positive environment starts in your head. Stop your negative thoughts before they dominate, and replace them with positive ones. Repetitive Positive Visualization is a powerful tool when done consistently. Before sleeping and upon waking, close your eyes and see yourself having what you want. See yourself happy. Beware: Negative visualizations are also powerful. Another powerful action is to imagine times you were at your strongest and felt most confident. Feel it! Repetitive Positive Visualization create healing in the mind, body and your life… They create CHANGE. Develop positive behaviors. Engaging in more positive “feel good” activities alone and together can get you in touch with your will and desire to live. Laughter is golden! Experiencing pleasure creates a sense of freedom and purpose in your life that effectively shifts negative energy, and in the process you’ll elevate your immune system and other important bodily functions.~ CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES Choosing your battles simply means, everything isn’t worth an argument, and being right or the last to speak is never the most important thing!!! Learn to let things go. While some things should be addressed, learning to suppress the urge to bark about every single thing you have an issue with, can cause needless arguing. Arguments can become habit-forming, and people can forget why they were even arguing and fighting in the first place! Be aware not to create a power struggle, motivating you towards another hurtful emotional exchange.~ TAKE A BREAK It’s a real challenge to be in a relationship once things become toxic, or perhaps one or both of you came in toxic. In extremely toxic relationships, it can be best to walk away before the relationship destroys your health, family, or your livelihood. A famous quote by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche reads, “Whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” While that’s true, it‘s also true, “Whatever doesn’t kill you, can certainly mess you up for life… Especially if you do nothing about it.” Relationships require effort to keep them loving, honest and strong! Chose mates who demonstrate effort, and who are good to you, and for you. Healthy love makes you stronger, not weak.~ Thank you for reading! I invite you, your family & friends to join is launching April 2013! We're looking for passionate contributors like you for our amazing new website experience! If you have something important to say about Love, Life, Health, Spirituality, Beauty, or Sex...Answer the call! Submission Guidelines: @DestinLoveLife © Copyright 2012-2013

Margo Hudson, All Rights Reserved. WGA Reg. 13

BCF DESIGNER PROFILE Clothing women for over 30 years, Madeline K. Smith began sewing at the tender age of 8 in East Chicago, Indiana and by 12, she was redesigning outdated pieces from her wardrobe. By high school, she was sewing for friends and by college she created her first wedding gown. Though college took her on a path toward law enforcement, the retail jobs she worked while in school brought her back to the road of fashion. Though the transition was a 15-year process, Madeline finally took on the role she was destined for – clothing designer. Her company, Madeline K Couture, took shape after she created a non-traditional wedding gown for a friend. That wedding gown initiated the sophisticated styling, unexpected silhouettes and luxurious fabrications that have become Madeline’s signature style. Word of mouth increased her customers and accolades from fellow veteran designers increased her belief that she was supposed to be in this business. A locally televised contest in 2011 solidified that believe when Madeline won a locally televised designer contest against accomplished designers. The judges were likewise accomplished and included designer David Meister and noted retailer Lisa Kline. Their vote of confidence along with their encouraging words has truly increased Madeline’s confidence in this business. Today her goal is to build a fashion house that is synonymous with timeless, glamorous clothing for the fashion conscious woman.

COMPANY PROFILE Established in 2003 with a big dream, a lot of prayer and very little money, Madeline K Couture debuted to rave reviews from industry veterans and customers and the accolades continue today. A big fan of glamorous, feminine clothing reminiscent of old Hollywood, designer, Madeline K. Smith’s passion is creating clothing that captures the romance and allure that defined the 40’s and 50’s with modern unexpected details. “Our mission is to produce clothing that is synonymous with timeless elegance and high-end quality while providing superior service.” Relying on skilled workmanship from French trained contractors and luxurious fabrics while integrating unique, unexpected details, Madeline K Couture is committed to making their customers feel their most elegant at the most important times in their lives. Committed to being an asset to the local economy, all garments are made in the United States, primarily Southern California, which is the home of Madeline K Couture. (Look for Madeline K Fashion Feature in our next BCF issue) 14


BCF Takes a Trip to

one of the most exotic

countries in the world, is a world of contrasts created by the intercrossing of many different Asian cultures. It is located in the center of the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia. On the north you can visit Burma and Laos, in east Cambodia, in the south you can see Malaysia and the Gulf of Thailand and in the west there is Andaman Sea.

Bangkok, Thailand Written by Karina

It’s the 51st largest country in the world and with 64 million people, it’s the 20 th country in the world in terms of population. The largest city is, of course, the capital of Bangkok – a city that’s world known because of its overpopulated markets, different exotic attractions and last but not least, action movies.

Bangkok When you’re planning a trip to Krung Thep (this is the name of the city in Thai) don’t forget to take into consideration the fact that there are more attractions than you can think of which means you need 4-5 days to visit them all. Starting from all those exotic markets filled with incredible tastes which you never had the pleasure to enjoy, going through all the old palaces and museums combined with modern architecture and ending up in the city’s nightlife, every step will be a real adventure. Let’s see where to start.

Bangkok attractions The first place to go when you arrive in Bangkok is the Temple of Dawn or Wat Arun. It’s over 70 meters tall and it’s one of the most important landmarks of both Bangkok and Thailand. It’s decorated with Chinese porcelain and colored glass and watching the sunset on the western bank of the Chao Phraya River with the Temple near you is the perfect ending for your first day in the city. Another important attraction in the city is The Grand Palace – it was built in 1782 but it represents the soul of Thai people as it’s called the spiritual heart of the Thai Kingdom. Spectacular is a small word for it as it’s much more than just a place, it’s a complex full of impressive buildings like the Temple of The Emerald Buddha which is the place where you can find the 14th century Emerald Buddha. The entire complex is used for ceremonials and celebrations. A boat tour of the Damnoen Saduak market is a must – it’s the best way to enjoy the atmosphere in the floating markets like the Taling Chan Market or the Bang Ku Wiang Market. You will find every single tropical fruit or vegetable but you will also be able to enjoy traditional Thai food from kitchens improvised in floating boats. Forget for a second about hygiene and live the moment – you will not find this food in the western fancy restaurants. But be careful not to get distracted as time can fly when you’re in this kind of heaven especially when everybody around is luring you with a bargain. When night comes and you’re almost out of energy you must find a place to recharge your batteries. The first place to go is the Chinatown – a place that attracts tourists both during the day and during the night. During the day you can come and buy clothes, gold, or visit museums but during the night the place changes into a massive crowd full of energy that’s running from one restaurant to another. Here is the place to enjoy local food while not on the run – the 15

Charoenkrung road is 1 km long so you will find a place for sure. But if you don’t then you don’t have to worry, that’s why Khao San road exists. This is the place where the western cultures won the battle so you will see more familiar things, although local influence is, of course, present. Besides restaurant, here you will find market stalls, cocktails bars, and clubs with different kinds of music for everybody to spend a night to remember. Also this is the place where you will find the young, open-minded people of Bangkok so it’s the perfect place if you’re looking to make a friend or two.

Bangkok hotels No doubt that the best hotel in Thailand’s capital is the Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok. As the name says, it’s on one of the banks of the Chao Phraya River which means you are close to both centers, the historical and the cultural one. And the great location will offer you a great view over the view and the other part of the city especially in the night where you will be able to see all the fuss going around. It’s a five-star hotel so it will not be cheap, but the services and facilities are worth it: fitness center, business center and, of course, swimming pool. Also the great location will ease your movement through the city as you have access to the main methods of transport, like the BTS Skytrain or the shuffle boat.

The Prince Palace Hotel is another great spot where you can enjoy the wealth of the city. You will live in luxury in the Bobae Tower, one of the 4 towers in the Old City. From here you will get to the Grand Palace or other historical attractions in less than 10 minutes by taxi. If you’re a business traveller they will have special apartments for you, but 16

you will still be able to enjoy the wide range of facilities offered by the hotel: outdoor pool, fitness center, sauna, Jacuzzi and 5-6 restaurants offering menus from all over the world. This third hotel will take your breath away – The Lebua Hotel at State Tower Bangkok. It’s world renowned for its incredible restaurant, Sirocco, which is situated in the best possible place: on the rooftop. Sitting at a table there which give you chance of enjoying a cocktail while having a panoramic view of the entire Bangkok. The hotel has a very modern architecture both on the inside and the outside. The rooms are spacious and in each one of them you can see an incredible attention to details as you can see in every place in the hotel. It has a landscaped outdoor pool, fitness and business centers and different fine-dining restaurants ready to fulfill every wish when it comes to food.

Bangkok entertainment We already talked about tourist attractions and hotels in Bangkok, but let’s see what can we do to actually have some fun in the exotic capital of Thailand. Although in many ways the city is different than what we’re used to, when it comes to entertainment thing are completely different. They have clubs, cinemas, bowling alleys or night shows in local theatres so you can do your usual stuff while being on the other side of the world. For them cinemas, bowling alleys and karaoke places go hand in hand and you will find them in most of the shopping malls around the city, like in the Paragon Cineplex at the Siam Paragon. The Siam Paragon is the most exclusivist shopping mall in Bangkok – it’s the place where you will find most of the luxury goods and brands around the world. From Lamborghini cars to Jimmy Choo shoes, this is the place to go if you’re in the mood for a shopping day. At the 5th floor you will find an IMAX theatre, Thailand’s only one, so you can relax after carrying around all those bags with you- eating a bag of popcorn while watching the latest movies from Hollywood. At the Siam Discovery Center, which is another big mall where you can find brands from Armani to Kipling, you can enjoy a day with your family at the Ice Planet – an ice skating place that covers 2 floors and has an Olympic size ring and a nice lounge where you can enjoy a cup of tea while the kids are having fun. After that you can put the kids to bed and you can go and enjoy one of the night shows in the local theaters. Given the diversity of cultures found all over Thailand but especially in Bangkok, you can imagine that this will be much more than just a local Thai show, it will be a real production of intercultural arts. You can enjoy the traditional performances like the Khon, which is the classic masked dance, or the Likay, which is the Thai folk dance, or you can opt for a Broadway production or a piano concert with ballerinas and tenors. Last but not least, you will be able to find Paris’ soul and spirit in the Cabaret Calypso Show – the name says it all so there is no need for presentations. We’re done with our exotic travel for today. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as we did because we had a wonderful and magical time going through all those aromatic markets, visiting the grand palaces of Bangkok and having a coffee in the evening at the Sirocco on top of the world before going out and enjoying a nice Cabaret Show. Be sure you plan a trip long enough to enjoy all the marvelous occasions this country has to offer!




Lawrence Taylor

By Wendy M. Reynolds 3

Higher Heights/Global ICE

Make no mistake, when Sharon Lawrence Taylor takes the microphone the atmosphere literally changes. Her powerful voice and amazing passion for God ushers you right into the presence of God where you can experience His love, His forgiveness, His healing, His freedom, and His joy. Yes, tears fall, hearts cry out, and you are forever changed. For years, Sharon has poured out and shared her God-given gifts liberally. She has preached and sang across various pulpits and stages. She is highly sought out for recording projects, stage plays, conferences, major university commencements, and concerts. I recently heard a University Dean say that they want Sharon's amazing voice of hope to be the last voice students hear as they graduate and step out into a challenging field and a world in crisis. In the midst of all of this, Sharon knows that her gifts and calling are so much more than about her. It is about delivering God's message of hope to a people- to a world so thirsty and in need of it. She uses every opportunity and every platform she is given to do just that. Sharon has helped so many people discover and sing their song. Now, she shares and sings her own. Her recently released "Triple Threat" CD project has left all those who hear it wanting more. The words are saturated in the power of God. Your heart can't help but be penetrated by them. I had the awesome pleasure of sitting down and talking with Sharon. She's graceful, humble, transparent, humorous, and has a beautiful spirit. She knows who she is and to Whom she belongs and that enables her to walk in a noticeable freedom and authority. Allow me to present the incomparable Sharon Lawrence Taylor! Wendy M. Reynolds: Thank you so much Sharon for taking out the time to do this interview. Sharon Lawrence Taylor: My pleasure Wendy. Thank you for having me Wendy: Tell us a little bit about you? Where are you from? What was the family makeup? 18

Sharon: I was born and raised in Lansing, Michigan. I've been in Lansing all my life. My Dad migrated from the South to come work for General Motors and well, we've been here every since. I was the fourth of five children. Two of my sisters have gone on to be with the Lord, so now it's me, my sister, and brother. Both my parents are deceased but were married for over 50 years. I myself am married with a son. Wendy: What was home like? Was it musical? Sharon: I came from a musical background. My father sang with a group. I never heard them. Actually I don't think I was born yet but I did come across some old pictures of the group and was amazed that he was in a group that travelled around. As far back as I can remember, he always sang around the house. He took us to church and he sang in the choir. My mother wasn't a singer but she came from a singing background. All of my aunts and uncles are in the ministry, the Apostolic faith. You talk about singers. They are some singing folks. My Grandmother was a singer as well as her siblings. It's truly generational. Wendy: When did you discover you could sing? Sharon: I believe I was born with an attraction to music. The first time I realized it was around the age of 4 or 5. I remember being in kindergarten- you know back in the day, schools had P.E. and music, in addition to English, math,... They had everything. I remember we would have to roll out our mats and take a nap. After we awaken, I guess to get us motivated and get the sleep out of our eyes, they would have us sing. The first song I ever sang was Dumbo the Elephant. Every day I couldn't wait to go to sleep so I could wake up and sing Dumbo the Elephant. I go home thinking about that song. I still know all the words to this day (laughing). Wendy: Who were your musical influences? Sharon: Singers who had a heart to heart passion just hit me like a ton of brick. Most of my musical influences came from church- 'cause you KNOW we were always in church (laughing). So church and choirs were my foundations. But growing up, I used to love Gladys Knight. As I got older, it was Walter Hawkins and the Hawkins family. I love Walter. I can tell you every Walter Hawkins song. God rest his soul. I became a part of a singing group and you know you kind of emulate the singer and music you are drawn to. We were the Lansing area Hawkins singers. We basically sang all Hawkins music. Our group was called The Body of Christ. It was awesome. Wendy: Your Triple Threat CD project- Where did it come from? Sharon: It was just something that I felt I was supposed to do. It was encouraged by my late Mother Annie, who would always say, "Sharon, you have to make a record. You need to make a record." I've been blessed to sing with some of the best of the best. At this stage of my life, I wasn't really sure that this was something that could possibly happen. I'm married. I have a son. In addition, I worked a full time job, and took care of my Mother in her old age. There wasn't a lot of time to do other stuff other than sing- basically locally.


Wendy: What changed? Sharon: My Mom died. When she passed away, I knew that a part of me was gone. I knew that this was something she desired of me. Unfortunately, she never got to see the completion of it to this level but she came to hear me sing many many times. She was my #1 fan and very supportive. Wendy: This is a very special project. Sharon: Yes. In addition, I wanted to leave something in the earth- something that people could put their hands on. More than a memory- something that could be beamed up (with today's technology) at any time. Something that when I am gone, I can still be found here. A memory is good, but putting your hands on something tangible that captures the passion and anointing that God has placed on my life... This allows me to leave something in the earth when I am gone. Wendy: Rumor has it that when Ervin "Magic" and Cookie Johnson were married years ago, they didn't want anyone but you to sing at their wedding. Sharon: I was blessed to sing at Mr. & Mrs. Johnson's wedding. They could have had anyone on the face of the planet and they asked me to come. I'll never forget that and I'll be grateful as it kind of increased awareness of what I could do based on the fact that they could have had anyone and they chose me. Wendy: When you're on stage, you seem to give your all. What do you think about while you're up there? Sharon: When I'm on stage, my focus is tuning into God in order to give the people what they need. I think people need to hear sincerity. I don't think people need to be entertained and I don't really enjoy entertaining. When I sing, I have to sing with purpose. I have to present something from the Father to the people. I feel like I'm standing in a capacity to be used by God to reach somebody, to give hope, to give peace- to give them something they can hold on to. Music is a universal language. Everybody feels it and understands it. So when I sing, I want people to go beyond the melody and see their answer, and let it be delivered in a way that only comes from heaven. Wendy: What's next? Sharon: My goal is to finish up this project and produce a full jacket CD with 8-12 songs. Wendy: What's the feel of the CD? Sharon: The feel of the CD is so unique that I can't stick it into any genre. My heart was to convey to the people how great and mighty God is- that He is the creator of all of us and everything in the earth. He's majestic. His love is better than any natural love and nothing can separate us from it- not an argument, betrayal. People are hurting. We all have issues. We all go through stuff. Sometimes we are all alone and we don't know who to call on. I want people to know they can call on the name of Jesus. There is power in the name. If you call Him at that desperate place in your life, He hears you and will come see about you. He may not see about you the way you think He should, but trust me, He's on the job and He's coming to see about you in a way you don't understand. Wendy: You live this. You don't just sing about it, huh? Sharon: Andre Crouch says, "How do I know God can solve the problem if I never have one?" I'm nowhere near perfect. I make mistakes every single day. There have been times when my back was up against the wall. I found myself in places 20

where I couldn't believe how I got there. I was standing at the sink thinking about how God rescued me out of certain situations. The tears began to roll. I thought about how my eyes were blinded. It was so dark and my flesh told me there's no way you're going to get out of this. But I called on the name of Jesus and He rescued me. He was there. He was more than enough. He came to take care of me... "Sho you right." Those words became my song "Call Him." Wendy: Awesome words. Have you always been an incredible writer? Sharon: You know this journey has been a God thing. I searched all over for someone to help me with songs. I went to some of the best songwriters on the planet that I had relationships with- that I had worked with and helped when they recorded their projects. The timing was never right. I never could get anywhere with it. "Lord, I need some songs. I'm no writer." I used to journal a lot. I went back through some of my journals and God just knew what I needed. I woke up in the morning with "How great He is... the rivers do clap their hands... the earth twirls and dances to the majesty of God." The words just came out of me. And the music... let me just say there is no one like Michael Daniels! I kid you not! Michael Daniels is a phenomenal Minstrel. He kind of came in and Got this whole thing started. He said God had assigned him to me. He wrote what I heard. I'd tell him what I heard and he would just play it. Phenomenal and anointed man of God. Wendy: I know you've been singing for years. This isn't new to you but how does it feel to hear other people singing your songs? Sharon: Funny that you should ask that. I was over to my cousin's house. She's a believer but doesn't really go to church. She said, "Cuz, I play that Mighty is our God song all day. Now, the rivers really clap their hands? The earth twirls and dances." I thought, "Wow, she really knows the words." That was phenomenal to me because I never heard anyone sing "my" song. It blessed me to know that it blessed her. Wendy: I don't know much about the music industry but how do you feel about its direction? There seems to be a leaning to music with a positive message. Sharon: I don't know much about the industry either Wendy. I do know that people don't just need a positive or motivational message. They need something that going to point them back to hope and Jesus- something that's going to change their lives- something lasting and sustaining. You might get your hopes in a $5 foot-long...that's on you. It might fill you for a day but you're going to be hungry again... Come on somebody. Ha! Jesus is the only one who can satisfy that longing- that spot in our souls and give what we need to stand through the storms. Wendy: So how are you feeling about things? About life at this point in your life? Sharon: Everyday there's something new. I'm appreciating my life more every day, every single minute and every single breath! I'm feeling like I'm here for a reason for the season. I'm here and it's exciting- the good, bad, the ups and down. All things work together for good... I focus on the good- admit the other stuff, but focus on the good. Whenever I find myself slipping, God upholds me with His right hand (breaks into song: "Oh how I love Him!") I feel really good! Wendy: Any words of encouragement to those struggling to hold on to their dream? Sharon: Hold on. We all have times when we are like "Where am I? Nothing seems to be happening. I have nothing to look forward to. Where is God?" Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. When you hit a speed bump. Keep looking up. Keep getting up. Don't stop. I was tempted to stop mid-way through because the opposition was so great but now God has showed me that the opposition was so great because I had stepped out into purpose. I had stepped onto a 21

road that would lead me farther than Lansing, farther than my front door- farther than my church- It would lead me farther than what my eyes could see. Faith had to kick in- in order to still me. While seeking God on whether to continue to pursue the project, I heard the word of the Lord, "Pursue and pursue with a vengeance!" So as Fred Hammond said, "I'll find a way to lift my hands." I heard from God. Do you know WHO that is? If you don't know, you better ask somebody. Ha Ha! Don't give up! Wendy: Sharon, thank you. This has been amazing interview. Any final words? Sharon: Thank you and Beauty Come Forth for including me. You all keep doing what you're doing. I love the magazine. It's always so encouraging and full of relevant information and you always have a beautiful face on the cover! And I love reading your words Wendy. You're like the Susan Taylor or Beauty Come Forth. I love the message this magazine sends out to our young girls as well- helping them define real beauty before the world does. You all are great and I appreciate the opportunity!

Sharon's "Triple Threat" CD can be purchased in Lansing Gift and Bibles stores,, and You may also purchase it directly from Sharon's Ministry: "Salt of the Earth Ministries" P.O. Box 15121, Lansing, MI 48901


By Demita Usher Most cultures have rites of passage for when their children reach a certain age. The event often include a ceremony and celebration to acknowledge transition into adulthood. In the Jewish community, at age 13, a bar mitzvah for boys and a bat mitzvah for girls recognizes they have reached the age of responsibility and will no longer be treated like children. In the Hispanic culture, when a young girl turns 15, she has a celebration called a Quincenera. This celebration marks her transition from girl to woman. Some of the traditions observed in the celebration include the giving and throwing of a quince doll. The display doll signifies the young lady's last doll as a child and the throwing doll is thrown by the young lady to the other female children in attendance, much as the garter is thrown in a wedding. The young woman is wearing flat shoes for the celebration but after the inaugural dance the father of the young lady, who is sitting in a chair in the center of the dance floor, removes her flats (girls shoes) and puts her high heels on signifying her becoming a young lady. This cycle of transition into manhood and womanhood happens over and over again in indigenous tribal communities as well as posh sophisticated well to do families. It indicates a time of great change and things will never be as they once were. Although these celebrations note a one time transition into adulthood, I like what I read a rabbi say about us as human beings. In some parts of our life we are little children, in some areas we are teenagers, and in other areas we are adults all at the same time. As I look at my own personal life, I found this to be remarkably accurate. If that is the case, then I suspect that we do not go through a rite of passage once, we go through it over and over again until every part of our lives has reached a place of maturity and we fully become the person God has destined us to be. If we look at Jesus, the bible says (Luke 1:52) that He grew in 4 ways; Wisdom (Intellectually), Stature (Physically), in favor with God (Spiritually), and with man (Socially). While He may have reached all these places of maturity at the same time, for the rest of us I suspect that a little more work needs to be done. Some parts of us grow faster than others. We come to that season for a rite of passage point in our lives more than once, but we do not recognize it and we fight the process. If we do not embrace it, it will greatly impair our progress and it can abort our purpose altogether. One of my favorite rites of passage is the “walkabout”. The walkabout is the rite of passage where aboriginal males are taken into the wilderness by an elder or male relative for up to a period of 6 months. In this time without the comforts of home and the security of his family, this young boy comes face to face with who he is and who he will become. He learns how to survive and use the resources available to him. After this season is over, the young man returns to his home, is recognized as a man, and is given all the privileges and responsibilities that comes with being a man, which includes protecting and providing for those in need at home and in his community at large. If the process was successful, a noted change in his demeanor and conduct will be noticed by all. He will have acquired a “spiritual” growth spurt. 23

The Native Americans have an identical ritual called the Vision Quest, but the young man is only tested for 4 days during which he is supposed to receive a vision of what his life purpose is to be in service to his family and tribe. The reason this particular rite of passage resonates with me is because I see it mirror the lives of many people, my own included.

Any person called to a great purpose will have “Walkabout Seasons”, seasons where they walk alone in the wilderness and tested. It is usually in regard to an area of their life that needs radical change. If they cooperate with that season, they will come out on the other side with a confidence, an authority, and a humility they did not possess before. Abraham, Moses, King David, Joseph and even Jesus did not escape this. They all went on walkabouts and we see what they became on the other side. When you are about to enter a ‘Walkabout” I have found the following are some indicators to look out for:

1. Family and friends you are normally close to suddenly distance themselves from you for no explainable reason or you find that you just want to be alone and not interact with people.

2. You become agitated with your life as it currently is and start looking to make changes because things no longer fit or work.

3. Things that once satisfied you no longer do. Your desires become more defined and you are no longer content with settling. Why is the “walkabout” season needed? It tests our CHARACTER, it shows us what we are really made of and brings to the surface not only the weaknesses in our character, but skills and abilities we did not know we possessed. To share from my own life experience, I have been working since I was 12 years old, babysitting until I was old enough to work after school at a fast food establishment at the age of 16. About my mid 30’s I felt a prompting from God to start my own business. I did not want to do this. I was comfortable being an employee. Well as God would have it, the recession hit and wiped out almost all the jobs in my field so I had to find a new way to provide for myself. I was entering a walkabout. This season lasted 5 years, but in that time, I learned that I had what it took to be a businesswoman. Talents and abilities that I had buried or did not know I had came to the surface and as I used them, they worked to my benefit and were a blessing to others. There were days that were hard and I wanted to give up, but I gained a strength from God I did not have before. When I came out on the other side, I was able to encourage others from a place of mature confidence. My character had changed. One parting thought I leave you with is that when an aboriginal youth is doing his walkabout, he relies on the “songlines” which are the songs and stories of those who walked this path before him. As he repeats the stories and sings the songs on the path, they helped him look out for familiar landmarks along his journey. This provides great comfort and serves as a reminder that others before him had walked the path. How long your walkabout season will last depends on God’s timing, how fast you learn, and how fast you submit to the process. Walkabout may deal with how you handle money, how you deal with relationships, or with your faith. The wilderness is a dry place. I have learned to comply with the process so I could move on as quickly as possible and be restored back to life. I am sure you want the same. The truth of the matter is, is that your walkabout season is really a turnabout season for the better!


tepping Out!

tepping Forward!

By Chris L. Gilrath II How do you move forward from adversity? Do you have what it takes to get back up on that horse after you have fallen off a few times? Life throws us a bunch of curves at times and we choose how we move forward and step up our games. Popular culture and the media have given us a lot of examples of just how to do that. We all know the story of Tina Turner, who rejuvenated her career in her mid 40s after dealing with years and years of domestic abuse from her husband Ike. She was broke and in serious debt and without a record deal. Tina was taking gigs anywhere she could. Nothing was too good for her. She needed the work. Through it all, she never complained and was extremely happy and fulfilled. She had what it took to step it up and step forward. Only then, did her career go the next level and she reached a new level of success that even surpassed her time in the 60’s with Ike Turner. Now at 73, Tina is reaping the rewards of her longevity and perseverance. Anita Baker started off with the Detroit band Chapter 8 and had enjoyed modest success with the R&B minor hit, “I Just Want To Be Your Girl”. However, when their record label folded and was sold to a major record label, the band’s contract was not renewed and they (the record label) used Anita Baker as the scapegoat for the reason. They told Baker that she could not sing and her voice sounded too manly. For a while the experience of that left a bitter taste in her mouth, and Baker found herself getting a 9 to 5 gig and becoming a regular person. She would not even hear of further pursuing her musical aspirations any further. She was comfortable and safe. It took a phone call from a friend, an executive in the music business, to offer her a solo deal to get her to reconsider her options, Now eight Grammys, twelve million records, and sold out concerts later, Baker is living her dream and has become one of the most influential and successful singers of popular music.


Marla Gibbs was 40 years when she got her big break playing the iconic television character Florence Johnston on the American classic The Jeffersons. Marla went on to do 227 and still has a solid career today in the twilight of her life. Jennifer Hudson was long considered to be the frontrunner of American Idol and was considered to be one of the best, however Hudson finished 7th place much to the shock and dismay of the public. Fast forward to 2013; J-Hud has won not only a Grammy but also an Academy Award, Golden Globe, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. Now what would have happened if she had given up after that disappointing news from American Idol? Tyler Perry grew up a victim of physical and sexual abuse. He was homeless and distraught. He got inspired from Oprah Winfrey, who told him to channel through pain by writing. Perry began to write and journal. He turned those journal entries into plays, and from there those plays turned into movies. Now Tyler has a seat on the Hollywood A-List and is one of Hollywood’s key players. Now at some point in these icons careers, they probably did not want to step forward and claim their destinies that God had called them too. It became too hard. They had too many disappointments, failures, and haters. Yet, they got back up and dusted themselves off and stepped forward. They looked beyond their past struggles, disappointments, failures, and adversities. They stepped up and stepped forward.

At times, we look at our icons in popular culture and society and wonder what their impact is in our individual lives. Looking at these examples, we see that if they can move forward in their careers and block out the negative energy and haters, we can do the same. Maybe we have a book that we want to write, or a promotion we want to go for, a degree we want to pursue or a business we would like to open yet we lack the drive or let the enemy come in and discourage us. We have had too many failures or setbacks that hinder our thinking. It is time to look at the examples in society and in our personal lives and put one foot in front of the other- take the chance and step forward. It is the only way to make it happen. It is never too late.


My Words to Your Heart By: Nailah Lee

Like many did in the 1980’s, I loved watching The Cosby Show. I loved the characters, the storylines, and the humor. Recently I told a dear friend that the day we lose Bill Cosby will be a very difficult day for me. As a child I watched the show for reasons others may not have. You see I didn’t grow up with my father so every Thursday night I would have 30 minutes to imagine Bill Cosby as my dad. Not in replacement of the one I have, but encompassing the behaviors I craved and desired as a child. As young girls we desired consistency, love, humor, discipline, and a solid stable relationship from our fathers. This week I picked up my favorite magazine and read an amazing letter of encouragement from the Editor In Chief to his adult daughters. Affirming them and giving them words of encouragement as they have now transitioned into women. As I read these beautiful words I began to think, “What about the young woman who never grew up with her father?” I grew up with a very strong mother and by no means is this indictment on her or any other single mother but as strong and hard as you are or were, there is nothing like the relationship between a girl and her daddy. But as life goes on, we women who were once those young girls hoping and wishing for their fathers must now pick up the pieces of life and move on. But as you move and continue to move each day, allow me to encourage you with my words. I hope they touch your heart. You Are Beautiful and Made in Wonderment Each day my husband tells my daughter how beautiful she is. As the first man in her life, his words are crucial to her self-esteem as she blossoms into a young girl. I want you to take hold of the fact that you are beautifully and wonderfully made. Go out into this world strong knowing you can conquer whatever it is that God has for you to do. They say ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, so look in the mirror and celebrate the beautiful woman you are. Never Compromise The lack of the father in the household has led many women settling for “less than” acceptable men. Many women have abandonment issues without realizing it which has and will lead to damaging relationships. You know what settles? Dirt in the ground! Not a 27

woman set aside for greatness who can only accept a man as equally compatible. So if you are hauling around “dead” weight, release it! Move on to someone who acknowledges and loves the woman you are. Love Him and Trust Him Don’t allow the past to dictate your future. All men are not created equal so don’t judge each one by the mishaps of one bad apple. Without the father in the household it may be hard to trust a man due to inconsistencies you grew up with. But ladies trust me; it’s time to live free! The bondage of childhood will only hold you back if you let it. I am thankful that as a woman and mother I have a relationship with my father. Even though it has been 16 years since our reconciliation, we work at it each day because it is still new, for me at least. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who also grew up without his father, but is diligent in giving our children everything he wished his father gave him. Now as I watch The Cosby Show, I do so with no expectations besides laughter; because as I have grown and matured I realize that the beautiful, powerful, trusting woman has always lived in me and guess what? She is also living in you!


Ways to Reduce Arthritis Pain To Reign in Health By Shelita Williams, R.N. Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. There are over 100 different types of arthritis but osteoarthritis is the most common. Over 21 million people are affected with this disease. Even though it’s most common in women over age 60, men and younger adults are no stranger to it. What I find as an R.N. is that prevention is almost never talked about it. Even in the medical profession, it seems they just expect as you age that you will get this painful disease and off you go with anti-inflammatory medications and surgery as your only viable options. Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is associated with a breakdown of cartilage in joints and can occur in almost any joint in the body. It most commonly occurs in the weight bearing joints of the hips, knees and spine. So who is most susceptible to developing

Osteoarthritis or OA? 1.

People who are overweight.


People who perform high intensity workouts or activities putting continued stress on the joints such as athletes.


People who have some type of genetic defect.


People who have poor diets and nutritional habits.

When you go to the doctor most times they prescribe you anti-inflammatory medications along with physical therapy. While physical therapy is good, understand that there is no cure for OA, and that the very best treatment is to get healthier! 29

7 Things you can do to promote better health and reduce or eliminate Arthritic pain! 1.

Exercise. Your joints maybe very stiff and it may seem counterintuitive to exercise but that’s exactly what you need to do to loosen up your joints and stretch your muscles. In the long run this will reduce your pain. (Always consult your physician.)


Hydrate your body. Water, yes I said water, not pop, tea, or coffee. Water hydrates, protects, and moisturizes your joints.


Detox your body. If you body is toxic, those toxins are in your joints and toxins cause inflammation.


Walk in forgiveness. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Unforgiveness poisons the heart, the mind, and the body. It’s not worth your health. Let it go!


Eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Putting more live foods into your body reduces the acidity of your body. Our bodies are naturally alkaline and when we eat dead foods because the enzymes that been cooked out of them, they actually become acidic. Disease thrives in an acidic environment.


Reduce the amount of saturated fats. Foods high in saturated fats produce plaque in the body which gets trapped in the blood vessels and joints. This causes heart disease and joint pain.


Take natural supplements. Let prescription medications be a last resort as they cause more toxins and don’t treat the problem only the symptoms. There are many natural supplements that you can take including Glucosamine and Chondroitin.

No matter what the ailment, disease, or health condition is, we can’t get away from the fact that eating a healthy well balanced diet is the main ingredient in promoting better health. Take some time out to read food labels, plan your meals, and get a good workout in! My goal for you is to Reign in Health and Fitness, so please feel free to ask me any questions in the comment sections below. Shelita Williams, R.N. helps aspiring and established women entrepreneurs who struggle with achieving their health and fitness goals, to lose weight, increase energy, boost confidence, and establish brand integrity so that they are poised, fit, and motivated to start, manage, and grow their business!


Sing Your Song “Lessons from an African Tribe” Re: Tolba Phanem & Saqib Safdar

This story has been an inspiration to many women around the world. I originally heard the story shared by a dear friend Cindy Ashton during a women’s conference in California a few years back. I was reminded of the story as I began a personal journey to my authentic self and began to investigate the details of this story when I ran across the Tarbeya blog written by Saqib Safar, who references the writings of an African Poet, Tolba Phanem. If you have never heard this story, I guarantee you will be inspired, if you are familiar with this story, take a moment to remind yourself to “sing your song”.-Myra Wallace

When a woman of a certain African tribe knows she is pregnant, she goes to the jungle with other women, and together they pray and meditate until they get to “The song of the child.” When a child is born, the community gets together and they sing their song. Thus, when the child begins his education, people get together and he sings his song. When he become an adult, they get together again and sing. When it comes to his wedding, the person hears his song. Finally, when his soul is going from this world, family and friends are approaching and, like his birth, sing their song to accompany it in the “journey”. In this African tribe, there is another occasion when men sing the song. If at some point the person commits a crime or aberrant social act, you are taken to the center of town and the people of the community form a circle around you. Then they sing “your song.” The tribe recognizes that the correction for antisocial behavior is not punishment, is the love and memory of his true identity. When we recognize our own song, since we have no desire or need to hurt anyone. Your friends know “your song”. And sing when you forget it. Those who love you cannot be fooled by mistakes you have committed, or dark images you show to others. They remember your beauty as you feel ugly, your total when you’re broke, your innocence when you feel guilty and your purpose when you’re confused. “I was really struck by these lines: “The tribe recognizes that the correction for antisocial behavior is not punishment, is the love and memory of his true identity”. That a tribe would meditate to find the song of a child which unfolds with his/her souls journey bringing the person back to their true identity is amazing. How special and unique that must make the child feel! I’m not certain how this can be applied to anti-social behavior youngsters are facing in the UK and in a consumerist society which promotes the ‘little me’ with my job, my career, my car, my promotion… at the expense of a genuine connection to those around us and the Divine. I do however see two possibilities we can take from this African tribe. 1. Seeing the highest potential in a child with the eyes of compassion- especially when they’ve committed a mistake 2. The possibility of a family to act as ’the tribe’ to bring a child back to their true identity or center. Both naturally challenge or require us parents to act from deeper and centered parts of ourselves- To meet the child with compassion and unconditional love in moments when our buttons can potentially be pushed. My own experience has been when my teachers have honored me by seeing the highest potential in me, it has always elevated me. This to me feels very different then to praise, which leads a person to potentially become complacent or ‘big headed’. Such praise feels like it is at the level of ego. It comes from another ego to the ego. May be the same can be said of criticism. A friend of mine wrote today “one of the hardest things and yet seems the most essential for spiritual development is to let go of people’s praise and criticism.” It may be what Alfie Kohn writes about in ‘punished by rewards’.” Saqib Safdar TARBEYA 31

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