what is beer fob A FOB is also known as Foam on Beer. It is designed to continuously keep your lines filled and flowing with beer. The FOB automatically shuts off the flow of beer when it detects an empty keg. This eliminates the foam you get from an empty keg and also the need to refill lines or purge air. When you tap a new keg with a FOB installed on your beer line, your tap will automatically pour beer with no evidence of foaming when the keg goes empty.
How It Works Once your beer keg runs empty, your usually left with messy beer froth and foam. When you have a FOB installed and your keg is full or when the beer is flowing, a float inside the FOB remains at the top. When a keg goes empty the float instantly drops to the bottom like a suction. This suction acts like a plug in a sink, creating a seal that prevents any air or gas from entering the beer lines.
How To Install When hooking up a new keg, ensure to open up the bleed valve to drain out any excess foam into a bucket or drainage pipe. Once the FOB is full and filled up with beer you’re all set to pick up where you left off. No wasted beer or no wasted mess, just don’t forget to close the bleed valve!
Why Beer Fob
Never Stop Pouring Comapct easy to use Swtches effortlessly Easlt added to any pre built draft system including pannels
Features of Our Product
Easy Installation Easy to Use High Quality Reduce Beer Waste
What makes our product the best Uninterrupted pouring State of the art Fob combined with next-generation switching capability Seamless Installation Into any Cooler Room Configuration Easy To Clean
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