What is Beer fob system? A Fob is streaming with the brew consistently. The fob naturally stops the flow of beer when it identifies an empty keg otherwise called “froth on Beer�. Beer Fob system is intended to keep your lines loaded and. This disposes off the froth you get from a vacant barrel and further more the need to refill lines of clean the air.
How Do They Work Draught Beer System regular beer flow support the float at the highest point of the chamber. Interference of brew stream enables the float to drop, making a mechanical seal on the outlet port along these lines. This result in talking out the loss of beer by removing the flow into the beer line when the barrel exhausts.
Why Double Beer fobs
Compact easy to use Switches effortlessly Easily added to any pre-built draft Never stop pouring
Features of our product
Easy Installation Easy to use High quality Reduce beer waste
Contact Us Telephone +1-604-517-1223 E-Mail- info@beerfob.com For more information visit our website