Bees for Development Journal Edition 14 - May 1989

Page 15

BRAZIL Beginners in Beekeeping. 17-18 June 1989, Jaguarao. Further details from: Oldino de Nale, Av Gal Mena Barreto 453, 96300 Jaguarao, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Apimondia Congress (XXXII International Beekeeping Congress) 22-28 October 1989, Rio de Janeiro. Further details from the National Committee of the XXXII Apimondia international Apicultural Congress at the following address: c/o Congrex do Brasil Ltda, Rua do Ouvidor, 60/705, 20040 Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil. Telex: 32891 CERT BR.

LOOKING AHEAD Please note if you ave planning a beekeeping event and you want details to appear in this column it is important that you send information to the Editor of the Newsletter well in advance of the planned date.



International Symposium on the Prevention of Varroa jacobsoni. 9-12 October 1989, Budapest. Further details from: Professor Sandor Holdas, Research Centre for Animal Production and Nutrition, H2101 Géddll6, Ganz Abrahém u2 PF 65, Budapest, Hungary. Telex: 28 10288.

11th International Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects. 5-11 August 1990, Bangalore. Further details from: The Secretary, 11th Congress of IUSS!, Department of Entomology, University of Agricultural


Sciences, GKVK Campers, Bangalore 560 065, India.

NEPAL International Expert Meeting on Horticulture and Beekeeping in the Himalayan Mountains.

19-23 June 1989, Kathmandu (postponed from May 1989). Further details from: Dr S S Teaotia, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), PO Box 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal. Telex: 2439 ICIMOD NP.

NETHERLANDS Sixth International Symposium on Pollination. 27-31 August 1990, Tilburg. Further details from: The Sixth International Symposium on_ Pollination, Ambrosiusweg 1, 5081 NV, Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands.

THAILAND The First Asia-Pacific Conference of Entomology (APCE). 8-13 November 1989, Chiangmai. Further details from: Mountri Rumakom, PO Box 1078, Bangkok 10903, Thailand. The first carousel, constructed from re-used material: an old trailer axle and hub of 5 cm water pipe. Brackets, bolts and welding were the greatest expense. with approximately 12 m

This is a new idea to help physically handicapped people to practise beekeeping, and has been developed by Wayne Kristensen in Denmark.

Bee hives are placed on a carousel structure with a regular distance between each hive. The handicapped person either working from a wheelchair or standing, can service each hive from one position by rotating the carousel. The first carousel (illustrated here) was constructed from reused material, an old trailer axle and hub, and water piping. A second, more sophisticated carousel has also been constructed and this model can be moved between crops as they come into flower.

Hives of bees kept on a movable carousel without doubt raise many questions! What about aggression, swarming, bee communication, pollination and honey? It is important that the size of the hives and their colour are the same. Management of the colonies is kept as simple as possible, with a minimum of open inspection. This is a recent innovation whose possibilities are still being determined by the inventors. Arevolutionary idea perhaps?

USA International Beekeeping Seminar IX. 17-28 July 1989, Ohio State University. Further details from Gail Miller, International Programs, Agricultural Technical Institute, The Ohio State University. 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691, USA. Cable: ATI-WOOSTER.





USDA AHB Workshop.

22-23 August 1989, Wooster. Due to equipment requirements, en-

rolment will be restricted. Further details from: Agricultural Technical Institute, Agricultural Technical Institute, The Ohio State University. 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691, USA. Cable: ATI-



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