Bees for Development Journal Edition 63 - June 2002

Page 8

Bees for Development Journal 63

OF PLANTS, HIVES, CONSE! by Ann Harman, Virginia, USA

Ann Harman has worked as a volunteer in many countries including Armenia,

Azerbaijan, Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Panama, Russia, Uganda and Ukraine. Ann has discovered a universal desire to learn more about honeybees, “People have worked with have realised how much can be learnt from sharing information about bees and also never fail to learn more”. |


An essential challenge is to understand the climate of the region where am working. One way to do this call ‘reading |


the plants’. During the latter part of the 1800s trees and all sorts of smaller plants were transported around the world. Some became established and today are recognised as part of the landscape and not always acknowledged as being exotic. Such plants can give excellent clues to the type of climate. For example in Armenia found that everyone had at least one fig tree, some quite large. The presence of figs indicates a mild winter with little frost or snow. At my home in the mountains of







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Virginia growing a fig tree is impossible: the tree would not last even through mild winters.

WINTERING A reason to use plants as an indicator of climate is because beekeepers do not always give particularly accurate answers. Individuals living in temperate climates describe their winters as very cold, whether or not they actually are! Fuel to keep homes warm is expensive and not always available and electricity supplies may be unreliable and also expensive.


Therefore a family may use only the kitchen as living quarters during the winter and leave bedrooms unheated. If people are cold, the weather is

described as extremely cold.

follows then that the bees must be cold. Beekeepers in the temperate climate of Eastern European countries put great effort into keeping their bees warm. If cellars are available, hives are kept there for three to five months, or if left outside, stuffed with straw or wool (this is It


Ascosphaera apis. Today plastic hives of various kinds are being made and sold. But where is the research that shows such hives are successful homes for bees? Here is a situation where it seems that new inventions are not always suitable and no reason for using plastic really fits in with the natural life of the honeybee.



An item in today’s modern world that has indeed influenced beekeeping is plastic. Sheets of plastic are used to cover hives, both around the outside and placed under the top cover. The reasons for using plastic vary. Some beekeepers explain it keeps the hives dry because rain cannot leak in, whilst others say it keeps the bees warm. visited an apiary with every hive Wrapped in plastic, from the top all the way down to the ground and buried in the earth. Yet the day was very warm, the sun was bright and moisture was running down the inside of the plastic. This environment is not healthy for the bees and a common and severe problem have observed with plastic-covered hives

In tropical regions where hives are widely spaced apart and surrounded by vegetation, drifting of bees from one hive to another is not a major problem. In some countries, where hive or honey theft occur frequently, hives are best kept in a small area close to an occupied house. This means spacing between hives is minimal (they almost touch) and the distance between rows is only enough for the beekeeper to walk and work.




frequently left in place all year round). We now understand ‘wintering’ better, and know that bees do not heat their whole hive. Instead they cluster and heat themselves only: not unlike the family living in the kitchen where the heat is.

In these countries most beekeepers follow traditional Russian management methods since this was, for generations, the only information available. However, not every country that was once part of the Soviet Union has the same climate or resources, and although the approach to management is the same, problems with bees and hives differ.



A Bees for Development publication

is the fungal disease

chalk brood

By tradition the hives are often painted the same colour. What is a poor forager bee to do in this situation? Drifting is a severe problem in such apiary sites, but frequently goes unrecognised.

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