FOM Chapter 6 - Training on Data Collection

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Training is crucial in a census-taking because it sets uniform quality standards in different phases of data collection and therefore, serves as a quality control assurance procedure. Thus, personnel to be involved in the 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (2022 CAF) shall be properly trained so that they can effectively carry out the tasks assigned to them. The training should be able to provide each census personnel with necessary skills, knowledge, and concepts of the census, and the capability to implement specific tasks. A good training should prepare each personnel for any eventuality that may occur during the census operations. It is imperative, therefore, that the training should be conducted as systematically as possible to produce highly qualified census workers who can effectively deliver the required outputs.

For this reason, a training plan for the 2022 CAF is necessary. The plan shall include training programs, schedules of training, personnel involved, training activities, and a list of materials.

This chapter discusses the nature of training to be conducted for the 2022 CAF including the training levels, schedule, and evaluation, and the preparation and submission of training reports.


The participants in all levels of training for field operations for the 2022 CAF are required to attend all daily sessions to fully comprehend the census concepts and procedures. If a participant has missed some lectures due to absences or tardiness, he/she should exert extra effort to catch up with the lectures. The trainers are responsible for reminding participants to always be present and to come on time during the training. The training sessions should start promptly as scheduled to avoid any unnecessary delay. In the event that the hired personnel back out during and after training, he/she shall not be paid, instead he/she shall pay the actual cost of meals and accommodation expenses using the demand letter (Appendix 25), except for the following justifiable reasons:

a. Health reasons and accidents with Medical Certification that the EN cannot continue to participate/attend the training/perform his/her task as EN.

b. Family/personal matters that will prevent to continue as EN, subject to verification of the immediate supervisor.

A. Levels and Schedule

Chapter 6
2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries Philippine Statistics Authority

The training for the 2022 CAF field operations shall be conducted in three levels as shown on the next page.

Table 6.1 Levels and Schedule of 2022 CAF Trainings on Data Collection

Batch 1 1 Selected personnel from CTCO, SSO, PRO, FAS, RSSO, PSO

Resource persons from DA-BFAR/BPI/PhilRice, PhilMech, etc.

Task Force Training (First Level)

Batch 1 6 Selected personnel from CO, All Regional Directors (RDs), Chief of RSSO-Statistical and Coordination Division (RSSO-SOCD), Chief of RSSO-Civil Registration and Support Division (CRASD), RSSO Focal Person, RSSO ISA-I, PSO-Chief Statistical Specialist (CSS), PSO Focal Person

Resource persons from DA-BFAR/BPI/PhilRice, PhilMECH, etc.

Second Level (Provincial) Batch 1 n Remaining RSSO/PSO Supervisors

Hired Personnel: RSSO Assistant Statistician, PSO Assistant Statistician, PSO Clerk, PSO ISA-I, PSO Accounting Clerk, CAS, ACAS

Resource persons from PAO, CAO, MAO, DA-BFAR/BPI/ PhilRice PhilMECH, etc.

Third Level (City/Municipality)

1 n Hired TSs, and ENs (including reserved ENs)

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Training Level Number of Classes Participants Trainers Date Venue Training of
Selected CO personnel 10 to 15 July 2023 CO
Selected TOT personnel 17 to 24 July 2023 CO 3
CO Personnel, Task Force Training Participants 31 July to 07 August 2023 PSO
CO personnel, Second Level Participants 14 to 21 Aug. 2023 City/ Mun
23 to 30 Aug. 2023

Moreover, the Field Operations Manual (FOM), Enumerator's (EN) Manual, and the Supervisor's Manual (SM), will be used as main references for the training. Each level of training shall follow a specific training schedule.

B. Training Class Size

To ensure the quality of training, the following guidelines for determining the number of participants at every training level should be observed:

1. Determine the total number of participants in each level of training based on the workload estimate, which includes hired and PSA regular personnel;

2. As much as possible, the number of participants in each training level should be limited to a maximum of 40 per class;

3. During the Second and Third Level Training, each class should have at least two trainers, of whom should be a permanent PSA employee.

C. Training Venue

The training venue for Data Collection shall meet the following basic requirements:

1. large enough to comfortably accommodate maximum 40 participants, preferably with sufficient ventilation or in an open space environment;

2. quiet and free from distractions;

3. with good lighting;

4. well-ventilated;

5. with white/black board;

6. with comfortable chairs;

7. with a front table where the trainer can put the manuals;

8. with functional sound system; and

9. with at least two bottles of alcohol per training class.

The RSSOs/PSOs shall make arrangements in advance regarding training venues, considering also possible/available training venues and/or accommodation facilities owned/managed by government agencies/universities/training centers, etc. (e.g., ATI, PhilRice, BFAR, LGU training/accommodation facilities) through coordination as per PSA Board Resolution No. 3 Series of 2023.

Please take note of the preventive measures/protocols in managing face-to-face training.

✔ Prior to and during training, make sure to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.

✔ Follow sneezing/coughing etiquette and the recommendations for hand sanitizing when touching elevator buttons, doorknobs, handrails, keyboard and mouse, printers/scanners, chairs, tables, screens, projectors, telephones, boards and markers.

✔ Mask-wearing is mandatory for the elderly, individuals with comorbidities, immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, and those with flu symptoms.

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Philippine Statistics Authority 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries

D. Training Materials

Consistency in the interpretation and discussion of concepts and in the manner in which all personnel trained are a prime consideration in all levels of training for the census. For this purpose, the following standardized materials should be made available at each level of training:

a. EN's Manual

b. SM

c. FOM for PSA personnel only

d. Questionnaire s

e. Codebook

g. Training Workbook

h. Blown Up CAF Forms 1 to 6

f. Enumerator’s Handbook

Refer to Chapter 3. 4 for the complete list of training kit.


The PSO Focal Person should prepare and submit the Second and Third Level Training Plans to RSSO Focal Person for consolidation. The RSSO Focal Person will submit the consolidated Second and Third Level Training Plans to the National Census Service (NCS) (Attention: CPS 2022) through email address, copy furnish RD, SOCD-Chief, and PSO-CSS, on or before 09 June 2023.

The file naming convention for the Training Plan is as follows:

For the region: nTRNGPLANRrr.xls

For the province: nTRNGPLANPppp.xls

For the Highly Urbanized City: nTRNGPLANHhuc.xls



- stands for the level of training (e.g., 2, 3)

TRNGPLAN - refers to the keyword for “training plan”




- stands for the word “Region”

- stands for the word “Province”

- stands for the words “Highly Urbanized City”

rr - two-digit region code based on the PSGC

ppp - three-digit province code based on the PSGC

huc - three-digit highly urbanized city code based on the PSGC

xls - document to be submitted should be in Microsoft Excel

Field Operations Manual | Chapter 6 – Training on Data Collection 90
Activity Responsible Person/Unit Deadline Submission Filename Convention Second Level Training Plan PSO-CSS/ PSO Focal Person On or before 09 June 2023 RSSO-RD, SOCD-CSS, RSSO Focal Person, cc: PSO-CSS 2TRNGPLANPppp.xls or 2TRNGPLANHhuc.xls
6.2 Timetable for Submission and File Naming Convention of Training Plan 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries Philippine Statistics Authority
91 Field Operations Manual | Chapter 6 – Training on Data Collection Activity Responsible Person/Unit Deadline Submission Filename Convention Consolidated Second Level Training Plan RSSO Focal Person On or before 09 June 2023 CO cc: RSSO-RD, SOCD-CSS, PSO-CSS 2TRNGPLANRrr.xls Third Level Training Plan PSO-CSS/ PSO Focal Person On or before 09 June 2023 RSSO-RD, SOCD-CSS, cc: PSO-CSS 3TRNGPLANPppp.xls or 3TRNGPLANHhuc.xls Consolidated Third Level Training Plan RSSO Focal Person On or before 09 June 2023 CO cc: RSSO-RD, SOCD-CSS, PSO-CSS 3TRNGPLANRrr.xls
Philippine Statistics Authority 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries
Figure 6.1 2022 CAF Training Plan for the Second Level Training
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Figure 6.2 2022 CAF Training Plan for the Third Level Training 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries Philippine Statistics Authority


After the conduct of each training, the participants should evaluate the training session. The evaluation activity is aimed at improving similar training that the office will conduct in the future. The Training Evaluation Form as shown in Figure 6.3 will be utilized as one of the bases and inputs for the report preparation.

93 Field Operations Manual | Chapter 6 – Training on Data Collection
Figure 6.3 2022 CAF Training Evaluation Form Philippine Statistics Authority 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries


The PSO should submit the narrative report on the Second and Third Level Trainings on Data Collection to RSSO Focal Person for consolidation.

Below is the outline of the Regional Consolidated Report on Second and Third Level Trainings on Data Collection.

I. PROFILE OF THE TRAINING (Specify information needed per class and batch.)

Province Date of Training Place of Training Number of Participants Number of Trainers

Province 1

Province 2

Province n



Name of Trainer from CO, if any

Arrangement for the Venue and Meals

a. This includes the topics discussed by the trainers: (Specify all the topics discussed by each trainer for each class and batch.)

Province/Training Batch and Class Name of Trainer (including Trainer from the CO, if any) Topic/s Discussed

Province 1

Batch 1, Class No. 1

Province 1

Batch 2, Class No. 1

Province 2

Batch 1, Class No. 1

b. Issues and Actions Taken: (Enumerate the issues raised during the training and the corresponding action/s taken or response given by the trainers. If one or more provinces reported the same issue, specify the provinces in the third column.)

Province/s that Reported the Issues


Specify the strategies implemented and innovations adopted to improve the training.

2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries

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Operations Manual | Chapter 6 – Training on Data Collection 94
Issues/Concern Action Taken


Specify the recommendations to be adopted to improve the training.


All narrative reports should have the following file naming conventions and should be submitted to the National Census Service (NCS) (Attention: CPS 2022) through email address, copy furnish RD, SOCD-Chief, and PSO-CSS, before the deadlines stated below.


nLT - The level of training (e.g., 2LT for Second Level Training)

DC - stands for the word “Data Collection”

R - stands for the word “region”

P - stands for the word “province”

H - stands for the words “Highly Urbanized City”

rr - two-digit region code based on the Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC)

ppp - three-digit region code based on the PSGC

huc - three-digit highly urbanized city code based on the PSGC xls - document to be submitted should be in Microsoft Excel Philippine Statistics Authority 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries

95 Field Operations Manual | Chapter 6 – Training on Data Collection
Level and Type of Training Responsible Office Deadline Submission Filename Convention Data Collection Second Level Training PSO 20 days after the last day of training RSSO, cc: CO 2LTDCPppp.xls 2LTDCHhuc.xls Consolidated Second Level Training RSSO 30 days after the last day of training CO, cc: RD, SOCD-CSS, PSO-CSS 2LTDCRrr.xls Third Level Training PSO 20 days after the last day of training RSSO, cc: CO 3LTDCPppp.xls 3LTDCHhuc.xls Consolidated Third Level Training RSSO 30 days after the last day of training CO, cc: RD, SOCD-CSS, PSO-CSS 3LTDCRrr.xls
Table 6.3 Timetable for Submission and File Naming Convention of Narrative Reports on Data Collection Training

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