FOM Chapter 8 - Field Enumeration and Supervision

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Chapter 8


About a week after the conduct of the Third Level Training, the field enumeration for the 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (CAF) will commence. All concerned census personnel should be in their respective areas of assignment on the first day of the enumeration. Throughout the enumeration period, designated PSA personnel will closely supervise the Enumerators (ENs), Team Supervisors (TSs), Assistant Census Area Supervisors (ACASs), and Census Area Supervisors (CASs).


The average output of ENs is about 8 to 13 operators per day. The output may vary from one barangay/enumeration area (EA) to another depending on the terrain, weather, mode of transportation available, health protocols, and other conditions prevailing in the area. It may also vary depending on the actual number of members, number of operators per household, and characteristics of farm and/or fishery operations. Area-specific adjustments may, thus, be made to account for these variations, either during the entire period of enumeration or on selected days only. In other words, these adjustments may lead to lower or higher output per day. The Provincial Statistical Office (PSO) Focal Person should be responsible in prescribing the average daily output of each EN.


The Regional Director (RD), Chief Statistical Specialist (CSS) of the Regional Statistical Service Office-Statistical Operations and Coordination Division (RSSO-SOCD), selected RSSO personnel, PSO-Chief Statistical Specialist (PSO-CSS), and PSO Focal Persons (PFP) and Supervisors are authorized to travel within their respective areas of supervision during the enumeration period. Their authority to travel should be prescribed in a Special Order (SO) as follows:

To be Issued/Signed by RD, RSSO-SOCD CSS, RSSO personnel, PSO-CSS

Personnel involved

RD PSO Personnel


Moreover, a copy of SO should be submitted to the Central Office (CO), through the Assistant National Statistician (ANS) of the National Censuses Service (NCS) (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through the email address

2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries

Philippine Statistics Authority

All field supervisors should prepare a plan of travel to ensure systematic, effective, and well-coordinated supervision of the field enumeration, which are based also on reported problems and data quality assurance concerns including those generated from the 2022 CAF Management Information System (MIS) and Data Processing System (DPS).

Unreasonable entries, inconsistent data, and text entries for "Other" category that are required to be coded among others should be verified during the data collection phase to reduce problems in the succeeding data processing activities in order to fast track tabulation and the release of census results. In preparing the plan of travel, every field supervisor should be guided by the following procedures:

1. The travel of RD and RSSO personnel should be undertaken primarily to address the problems that may arise in the enumeration area. It should be focused on the supervision of pre-identified problematic/special areas, and identified areas with non- performing TS/EN, and/or with questionnaires for field data verification based on census supervisors’ feedback and CAF MIS/data processing reports (e.g., error lists, evaluation results, etc.). The RD and RSSO personnel should ensure that ENs/TSs/ACASs/CASs are doing the census procedures correctly to uphold the quality of data collected and compliance with data privacy.

2. Similarly, the travel of PSO-CSS and PSO personnel should be undertaken primarily to address the problems that may arise in the field. They should perform the supervisory tasks expected of them, especially in the known problem/special areas and identified areas with non-performing TS/EN, and/or with questionnaires for field data verification. The PSO-CSS and PSO personnel should ensure that the census fieldworkers have sufficient questionnaires, forms, and other supplies and materials. They should also conduct spot-checks/reinterviews to ensure that CAS, ACAS, TSs, and ENs are doing the census procedures correctly and compliant to data privacy.

3. The plan of travel should show synchronized field visits of RD and CSSs, and their respective RSSO/PSO personnel. Having both RD and RSSO personnel or both PSO-CSS and PSO personnel in the same area of field supervision at the same time should be avoided. Moreover, there should always be PSA personnel left in RSSO and PSO who could deal with queries, complaints, and problems regarding the census.

4. The CAS/ACAS should supervise the field operations in all the areas assigned to him/her on a full-time basis. The travel plan of CAS should include the supervision of all ACASs, TSs, and ENs under him/her. Specifically, CAS should also observe household interviews, conduct spot-checks on the ENs/TSs using CAF Form 16, reinterview households questionnaires using the DPS reports/error lists, and monitor and provide regular report/feedback on the progress of enumeration using the MIS to PFP and other supervisors.

5. The RD, RSSO personnel, PSO-CSSs, and PSO personnel are allowed to conduct field supervision for a maximum of 10 days each, depending on the area of assignment. The CAS/ACAS, on the other hand, may be allowed to supervise for as long as he/she has ENs who are not yet done with their enumeration work.

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6. A copy of the Itinerary of Travel of the official/staff who will conduct the field supervision should be left in the office so that his/her whereabouts could be readily tracked, especially by CO personnel who may also visit the area.

7. Supervisors should be immediately informed of any change in the Itinerary of Travel for guidance.


1. Regional Director and RSSO Focal Person/Personnel

The RD and RSSO Focal Person/Personnel are required to accomplish important tasks during their field visits to the census area. During these visits, they should call the attention of census personnel in areas with reported problems or irregularities pertaining to the conduct of the enumeration.

Moreover, they should also help provide solutions to problems that may crop up during their field visits. Specifically, the RD or the RSSO focal person/personnel should:

a. For Paper-and-Pencil Personal Interviewing (PAPI) areas, evaluate the quality of the data collected by checking/editing the contents of randomly selected accomplished PAPI questionnaires. Follow the guidelines in Chapter 6 – Scrutiny of Questionnaires in the Supervisor’s Manual;

b. Review maps if boundaries are being followed and if buildings are properly plotted on the map;

c. Determine the material and supply requirements of the PSO and make sure that enough reserve is stored in the RSSO for distribution to the provinces in need of additional materials and supplies;

d. Monitor the progress of the field enumeration and simultaneous data processing activities, supervise the implementation of field editing and processing, and evaluate the quality of data in the census area through the MIS/DPS for CO, RSSO, and PSO;

e. Generate/prepare/consolidate progress and performance reports by field personnel, census teams, and census barangays, and evaluate the census progress statistics of each barangay/EA, through the CAF MIS and DPS, and other submitted accomplishment/progress reports of CAF supervisors; and

f. Give prompt action to all problems that may arise during the enumeration and attend to all administrative matters that need immediate attention. Problems that cannot be resolved within this level should be elevated to the NS through the NCS-ANS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through the email address

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2. PSO-CSS and PSO Focal Persons/Personnel

The PSO-CSS and PSO Focal Person/personnel should make sure that all barangays in the area are visited at least once a week during the enumeration period. For each barangay visited, PSO-CSS and PSO Focal Person/personnel should visit as many field personnel as possible during the days that they are allowed to supervise.

Specifically, they should perform the following activities during the enumeration/supervision period:

a. Meet with CAS/ACAS weekly or as often as needed to discuss progress of enumeration, and problems encountered and recommend possible solutions;

b. Visit/conduct spot-checks on CASs and ACASs once a week especially in problematic/special areas, to determine if the prescribed operational procedures are being followed, address problems encountered, and collect CAF Form 15 –Weekly Accomplishment Report of CAS/ACAS and all accomplished questionnaires for PAPI areas;

c. Reinterview households using CAF Form 16 – Spot-check/Reinterview Record and match it with CAF Form 2/3/4/5;

d. Make sure that census supplies and materials are ready and sufficient for distribution, whenever the need for additional supplies and materials arises during the supervision;

e. Initiate thorough investigation of reported irregularities in relation to the conduct of the enumeration;

f. Evaluate the quality of the data collected by checking/editing the contents of randomly selected accomplished CAPI and/or PAPI questionnaires. Follow the guidelines in Chapter 6 – Scrutiny of Questionnaires in the Supervisor’s Manual;

g. Guide and supervise EN/TS/ACAS/CAS about the maps’ orientation and boundaries;

h. Check if the barangay/EA boundary is correctly covered and the households are properly plotted in the barangay/EA maps;

i. Generate/prepare/consolidate progress and performance reports by field personnel, census teams, and census barangays, and evaluate the census progress statistics of each barangay/EA, through the CAF MIS and DPS, and other submitted accomplishment/progress reports of CAF supervisors.

j. Give prompt action to all problems that may arise during the enumeration and attend to all administrative matters that need immediate attention. Problems that cannot be resolved within this level should be elevated to the RD/RSSO-SOCD.

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3. CAS/ACAS 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries Philippine Statistics Authority

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In coordination with PFP, the CAS formulates and recommends specific strategies for the efficient implementation of the 2022 CAF plans within his/her area. Specifically, the CAS shall:

a. Study maps and guide/supervise use of maps by TS/EN;

b. Schedule a meeting with all TSs during the first week of the enumeration period to discuss problems and possible solutions;

c. Meet TSs (preferably every Friday) to collect CAF Form 13/14, check/collect accomplished paper questionnaires and discuss errors noted and problems encountered, as well as enumeration progress and data quality reports (e.g., data consistency error lists, spot-check/reinterview results) with corresponding instructions;

d. Observe interviews and conduct spot-checks on the TSs and ENs to determine if correct operational and interview procedures are performed and to check on the overall progress of enumeration and progress of a particular TS/EN assignment. Visit all EAs and check randomly if households of housing units with stickers were actually interviewed by the assigned EN.

e. Reinterview households using CAF Form 16, record and match it with CAF Form 2, 3, 4, and 5. Visit shall focus on problematic/special areas and identified areas with poor TS/EN performance for closer supervision/assessment and/or with questionnaires for field data verification;

f. Evaluate the quality of the data collected by checking randomly the contents of the accomplished questionnaires. Follow the guidelines in Chapter 6 of Supervisor's Manual;

g. Inform PFP of the reported or observed irregularities relating to the conduct of enumeration and assist him/her in the investigation of such cases; and

h. Give prompt action to all problems that may arise during enumeration and attend to all administrative matters that need immediate attention. However, problems that cannot be resolved within this level shall be elevated to the PFP.


CO supervisors who may conduct supervision in a Census area are required visit as many field personnel as possible during the supervision to observe conduct of listing and interviews and to conduct spot-checks and reinterviews. Specifically, the CO supervisors should:

2. Observe conduct of listing and interviews of EN and spot-checks/reinterviews by TS/CAS.

| Chapter
Field Operations Manual
Philippine Statistics Authority 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries

3. Spot-check the field personnel especially in known problematic/special areas and in identified areas with poor TS/EN performance and/or with questionnaires for field data verification to check if they are really doing their tasks as prescribed.

4. Evaluate the quality of the data collected by conducting reinterview of households using CAF Form 16 and matching reinterview responses with PAPI/CAPI questionnaires, field editing/scrutiny of questionnaires, and code verification.

5. Report to the RD/PSO-CSS any irregularity observed relative to the conduct of the enumeration and recommend for the investigation of such irregularity; and

6. Give prompt action to all problems that may arise during the listing and enumeration and attend to all administrative matters that need immediate attention. Problems that cannot be resolved within this level should be elevated to proper authority.


Listed below are some problems that may occur during the census enumeration, possible solutions/strategies to such problems, and role of agencies/personnel concerned:

1. Loss or Damage to Census Documents, Materials or Equipment – Loss or damage to census documents, materials or equipment should be reported within 24 hours upon occurrence by the census hired personnel to the PSA Supervisor and/or accountable officer, and inform the PSO-CSS, RD and NCS-ANS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through the email address for appropriate action.

In case of breakage, damage, failure to function, missing, or stolen tablets, notify your supervisor immediately (within 24 hours). The PFP/Supervisor should file an incident report through this link: and inform the 2022 CAF-CPS through the email address

In case of a factory defect or malfunction, this will be covered by the warranty. The CO will then advise the supplier and the next step to take by the RSSO/PSO for the repair of the tablet.

In case of accident-related breakage or damage to the tablet (human error), the insurance will cover the tablet. The CO will advise the supplier and the next step to take by the RSSO/PSO for the repair of the tablet.

In case of missing or stolen tablets, the PFP/Supervisor will also lead the filing of a police incident report within 24 hours. The police incident report should be filed with the PNP, explaining in detail the circumstances that led to the loss of the tablet, and an Affidavit of Loss should be secured and submitted to the PSO-CSS or PSO personnel.

The concerned PFP/Supervisor shall conduct an investigation. If there is negligence on the part of the census personnel, he/she shall assume the

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Census of Agriculture and Fisheries
Statistics Authority

responsibility by paying the current market value of the android tablet (and its accessories) determined by the PSA accountant. This shall be deducted from his/her wages, or the current market value of the equipment shall be paid in full by the personnel.

2. Accidents or Injuries of Census Personnel – Information on cases of accident, injury or disability of hired census personnel whether or not on duty should be reported within 24 hours to PSO-CSS by the PFP through the fastest means with necessary documents such as barangay or police report. Accidents or injuries shall also be reported through the feedback management module in the CAPI Application. , RD, and NCS-ANS through the Feedback Tab of the CAPI App and/or through the email address (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS). The PFP should assess whether the affected personnel can continue with their assigned task during the prescribed period. If not, the PFP shall recommend the replacement of the affected personnel and retrieve all census forms and materials from them.

3. Personnel Negligence

The following instances are considered as negligence of one’s duties and responsibilities:


a. Inability to supervise his/her TSs/ENs.

b. Failure to follow or comply with the instructions indicated in the Enumerator’s Manual and Supervisor’s Manual.

c. Failure to enumerate/saturate barangays, households, and operators in his/her areas of assignment.

d. Failure to report administrative/financial/enumeration problems to the PSOCSS or PFP.

e. Data privacy

a. Failure to cover/enumerate/interview the households and operators in his/her area/s of assignment.

b. Failure to follow or comply with the instructions indicated in the Enumerator’s Manual.

c. Refusal to reinterview households whose accomplished forms/questionnaires were lost or damaged.

d. Failure to comply with the deadline indicated in the approved timetable.

e. Collaboration with local government officials in tampering with the census results.

f. Violated data privacy act.

g. Failure to secure tablet and its accessories.

The CAS, ACASs, TSs, and ENs are required to explain immediately for any negligence committed. If they are found guilty, the office has the right to terminate their contract.

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4. Replacement of CAS/ACAS/TS/EN – In case there is a need to replace a CAS/ACAS/TS/EN during the training/enumeration due to illness, quarantine compliance, disability or other justifiable reasons, the PSO-CSS should be guided by the following:

a. Designate a PSO personnel who had attended the training to act as the CAS/ACAS/TS. The PSO-CSS may designate a replacement of CAS/ACAS/TS from among the best performing ACASs/TSs/ENs if no PSO personnel is available.

b. The PSO-CSS, together with the PFP, should evaluate the workload of each EN to find out who among the ENs are most likely to complete their enumeration work ahead of time, hence, can replace “less/not performing” ENs or those who backed out, who are ill, disabled, and others. Replacement ENs should come from among the reserve ENs who have completed the training for field enumeration. As a last resort, the PSO-CSS may hire and train a new EN.

Aside from the reasons mentioned above, an EN may be relieved of his/her duties if his/her work performance is unacceptable or if he/she has committed grave dishonesty and other grave offenses stipulated in the contract. The TS should recommend in writing to the CAS/ACAS the EN to be replaced, and the CAS/ACAS in turn shall endorse this matter to the endorse the matter to the PSO-CSS for approval.

The following are some of the grounds for replacement of an EN:

1. He/she is not working when/where he/she is supposed to be;

2. He/she asks someone else to do the work/job for him/her;

3. He/she fabricates information;

4. He/she violates the provisions on the confidentiality of information (Sections 26 and 27 of Republic Act No. 10625 or the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013) and on data privacy (Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012);

5. He/she behaves unethically (such as conducting an interview under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs);

6. He/she does not correct his/her errors;

7. He/she does not exert best effort in convincing households and individual respondents to cooperate and agree to be interviewed; and

8. He/she does not show due diligence in improving his/her performance, despite repeated reminders about his/her shortcomings (i.e., incomplete information collected).



The supervisor should use all available means to persuade the respondent to cooperate and participate in the interview. If necessary, he/she may seek assistance from the officials of the barangay or homeowner’s association.

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If there is a significant number of refusals in an area that suggests a deliberate effort to resist the census activities or a planned refusal campaign, the PSA must be notified of the situation through the PFP/CAS/ACAS. Appropriate actions will be taken by the PSA to address the issue.

No Delineation Policy

During the actual conduct of enumeration in the barangay/EA, it is possible that the number of households in an area exceeds 300, no delineation is allowed. Continue the enumeration activity until the area is completely covered. The PSO personnel, with the assistance of TS, may assign another EN to assist in enumerating the area. This matter should be reported to the RSSO and the CO through the ANS of NCS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through the email address

Saturation Drive

The conduct of enumeration may be extended for some valid reasons such as lockdowns, bad weather, unexpected large number of households in a barangay/EA, and others. Areas that have been identified as inaccessible or with high rate of refusal or callbacks such as in exclusive subdivisions and condominiums should be scheduled for a saturation drive. Cases of households which cannot be interviewed after three visits should be referred to the supervisors.

If the PSO-CSS sees the need to a conduct saturation drive in some barangays/EAs, he/she should inform the RD and the ANS of NCS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through the email address about the details of the planned saturation drive. Details pertaining to the expected number of days needed to conduct the saturation drive, personnel involved, and other relevant information should be included in the report.


The ACASs and CASs should submit CAF Form 23 – Summary Report on Field Supervision of CAS/ACAS as input for the Narrative Report on Enumeration and Supervision for the 2022 CAF. The PSO-CSS, PFP, and PSO Assistant Statistician shall consolidate the reports submitted by CASs, ACASs, and other PSA supervisors. Provincial reports on enumeration should be transmitted to the NCS (Attention 2022 CAF-CPS) through the email address, copy furnish the RD, within 30 days after the last day of enumeration.

Meanwhile, the RD, RSSO Focal Person, and RSSO Assistant Statistician should consolidate the provincial reports for the region from pre-enumeration to postenumeration. Submit the regional consolidated report within 45 days after the last day of enumeration

The outline of the Consolidated Narrative Report on Enumeration and Supervision is presented below:


Field Operations Manual | Chapter 8 – Field Enumeration and Supervision
Name of Designation Date/s of Supervision Province/HUC City/Municipality/ Name of Enumerators Name of Enumerators and Team Supervisors Philippine Statistics Authority 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries


(Enumerate the common errors observed and the actions taken on the questionnaires reviewed/edited). Common Errors Observed in the


(Enumerate the issues, problems, and actions taken during the supervision).


(Enumerate the census personnel who met an accident, were injured, got sick or died whether on or off duty.)


(Enumerate barangays with lockdowns, with temporary evacuation center, affected by calamity (specify if enumeration was delayed or not), with peace and order problem, etc.)

109 Field Operations Manual | Chapter 8 – Field Enumeration and Supervision Personnel Barangay/EA Observed Spot-checked
Reviewed/Edited Action Taken RD/Regional/Provincial Personnel who Reported
Issue Action Taken/Recommendation
Province /HUC Name of Personnel Designation Area of assigment Check if applicable Remarks Animal bite (Specify) Motor vehicle accident/ injury Illness Other accidents/ injuries Death
Barangay Problem Encountered Action Taken/ Recommendation 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries Philippine Statistics Authority


Specify the strategies implemented and innovations adopted to improve the training.


Specify the areas that needs to be improve during field enumeration.

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