Chapter 10

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This chapter provides the detailed instructions on how you will accomplish CAF Form 11 (Notice of Listing/Enumeration (Sticker)), CAF Form 12 (Appointment Slip to the Household/Barangay Official), CAF Form 13 (Daily Accomplishment Report of Enumerator), CAF Form 18 (Transmittal/Receipt Form), CAF Form 26 (Household Referral Form), CAF Form 27 (NonHousehold Referral Form), and CAF Form 29 (List of Households for Telephone Interview and Self-AdministeredQuestionnaire (SAQ)).


CAF Form 11 or Notice of Listing/Enumeration is a sticker that will be used to control and monitor the listing or enumeration progress. This sticker signified that a household has already been listed/enumerated and to be posted in every building/housing unit according to instructions in this chapter.

The number of stickers correspondsto the number of housing units in a building.

Before you post CAF Form 11 in the building/housing unit, write on the line provided the following:

1. Enumeration Area (EA) Number

Copy the six-digit EA number from the Geographic Identification (Geo-ID) portion of CAF Form 1.

2. Building Serial Number (BSN)


3. Housing Unit Serial Number (HUSN)

Copy the four-digit HUSN in Column 4 of CAF Form 1 and write it on the space provided.

4. Household Serial Number (HSN)


If there are two or more households that occupy the same housing unit and without any householdmemberidentifiedasoperator,writetheHSNsinrangeusingtheformat,“[FIRST HSN] – [LAST HSN]”. For example, a housing unit that has three households and without any household member identified as operator with HSNs 0002, 0003, and 0004, will be written as “0002-0004” on the space provided for HOUSEHOLD SERIAL NUMBER in CAF Form 11(SeeIllustration 10.2).

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Illustration 10.3 shows an example of a filled-out sticker to be posted in a building with 20 vacant housing unitswith HUSNs 0010 to 0029. Illustration 10.4 shows an example of a filled-out sticker to be posted in a building if the housing unit is occupied by a non-usualresident (NUR). Illustration 10.1 Filled out CAF Form 11 (Household Without Operator) Illustration 10.2 Filled out CAF Form 11 (Three Households in One Housing Unit Without Operator) Illustration 10.3 Filled out CAF Form 11 (One Building with 20 Vacant Housing Units) Illustration 10.4 Filled out CAF Form 11 (Housing Unit of a Non-Usual Resident)

If in a single building there are two or more housing units and each of the housing units is occupiedby“non-usualresidents”, diplomats,orisusedforvacation/rest house,thereshould be one(1) sticker per housing unit. See Illustration 10.5.

Indicate the date you have listed and completely enumerated the households. If you have successfully listedand interviewed the household on September 04, 2023, write “09/04”.

If a household has an agricultural, aquaculture, and/or fishing operator, put a check mark () in the box opposite “With Operator”. If there’s no operator in the said household, leavethe boxblank.

If a household is for callback because you failed to interview an eligible respondent/operator during your first visit, put a check mark () in the box provided for “Callback”. If in your next visit you were able to successfully interview/enumerate the respondent/operator, line out the check mark in the box opposite “Callback”. Indicate the date of successful interview.

After interviewing the household or accomplishment of questionnaires in the household, putadot()inthecirclecorrespondingtotheinterviewmethodused,that is, CAPI for Computer-Assisted Personal Interview, PAPI for Paper-and-Pen Personal Interview, or SAQ for Self-Administered Questionnaire.

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5. Date Listed/Date Enumerated 6. Indicator for Presenceof Operator 7. Callback Indicator 8. Data Collection Method Indicator Illustration 10.5 Filled out CAF Form 11 (One Building with two Housing Units of Vacation or Rest House)

Illustration10.6 Filled out CAF Form 11 (Household Scheduled for Callback and After a Successful Callback using CAPI)

10.Seetoitthatthestickerisproperlypostedbeforeleavingthehousehold.Avoidposting it on a wet, greasy/oily, or very rough surface. Make sure also that it is posted airtight to avoid water and otherelements from seeping under it.


The EN isresponsible for filling out CAF Form12or Appointment Slip to the Household/BarangayOfficial when scheduling ameeting with anyresponsible member inthe household. You will need thisform if thereis no responsible eligible respondent inthe household during your first visit who couldprovide you withaccurate information. Hence, a callback at alater date is necessary. Inquirefrom children, household helper, or neighborsthe best dayand timetomake a callback.

In CAF Form 12, write down the date and time of the scheduled visit with the respondent, sign the form, and provide it to the respondent. It is essential to keep a record of the appointments to help manage the schedule efficiently.

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9. Post the sticker on a convenient and conspicuous part of the main entrance to the housingunit. Filled out CAFForm11for ahousehold listed on September 04, 2023 for callbackon September09, 2023 Filled out CAFForm11for ahousehold successfully interviewed using CAPI duringcallbackon September09, 2023

Instructionsin FillingOut CAF Form 12:

a. Put an “X” in the box corresponding to “Household”. Leave the box for barangay official blank.

b. Indicate onthe line provided the date youaccomplished theform.

c. Write your name on the corresponding line for Census Enumerator/Supervisor. Underline the word“Census Enumerator”.

d. Indicate onthe line provided the date youvisitedthe household.

e. During the visit to the household, the enumerator should ask for the most convenient dateandtimefortheinterviewwiththerespondent.Itisimportanttomaintainarecord of the appointmentstokeep track of the scheduled visits properly.

f. Provide information of the contact person that the respondent can reach. Indicate the nameof PSO-CSS, withofficeaddress, telephone number and email, asindicatedon the box at the lower partof theform.

NOTE: Leave this form to any responsible member of the household (such as the son/daughterofthehouseholdheadordomestichelper)tomakethehouseholdaware of your future visit. If no one can receive the appointment slip, put it in the mailbox or in a conspicuousplace near the entrance/door.

Illustration 10.7 Accomplished CAF Form 12

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CAFForm13orDailyAccomplishmentReportofEnumeratorisaformdesignedtorecord your daily accomplishments and to provide your supervisors with information about your output. Likewise, the data in this form will serve as the source of information that will be used to monitor the progress of listing/enumeration. This form will be used to monitor the progress of enumeration in your assigned barangay/EA and should be submitted to your supervisor duringyour weekly meetings.

The entries in the CAF Form 13 will come from the accomplished CAF Form 1. This form is divided into three parts, namely, Geographic Identification (Geo-ID) Panel, Accomplishment Record, and Submission, Verification, and Encoded/Synchronization.

NOTE: Bear in mind that all information gathered in the census shall be kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Hence, you should neither give nor show the information from CAF 13 or from other accomplished CAF Formsto unauthorized PSA and non-PSA personnel

The Geo-ID Panel contains the name and codes of the province/highly urbanized city, city/municipality,andbarangay,enumerationarea(EA)number,weeknumber,andstatus of enumeration.

The Accomplishment Record consistsof the following:

 number of buildings andhousing units listed,

 number of householdssuccessfully enumeratedand for callback,

 numberofhouseholdsengagedincropfarming/withcropoperator/totalnumberof crop operators,

 number of households engaged in livestock and poultry raising/with livestock and poultry operator/total number of livestockand poultry operators,

 number of households engaged in aquaculture/with aquaculture operator/total numberof aquaculture operators, and

 number of households engaged in fishing/with fishing operators/total number of fishing operators

The last row of CAF Form 13 labeled COLUMN TOTALS is allotted for reporting the total of each item/column of CAF Form 13. This includes the following:

 Total number of buildings

 Total number of housingunits

 Total number of households successfully enumerated

 Total number of households for callback

 Total number of households engaged in cropfarming

 Total number of households with crop operators

 Total number of crop operators

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 Total number of households engaged in livestockand poultry

 Total number of households with livestockand poultry operators

 Total number of livestock and poultry operators

 Total number of households engaged in aquaculture

 Total number of households with aquaculture operators

 Total number of aquaculture operators

 Total number of households engaged in fishing

 Total number of households with fishing operators

 Total number of fishing operators

The submission portion is where you will write your name and the date when you have submitted this form. The verification portion is where the TS will write his/her name and the date he/she verified the entries in this form. The encoded/synchronized portion is wheretheCASwillwritehis/hernameandthedatehe/shesynchronizedtheentriesinthe row totals of thisformtotheManagement Information System (MIS).

General Instructions on How to Fill Out CAF Form 13

1. Accomplish CAF Form 13 in duplicate (3) copies. One (1) copy will be submitted to your TSeverymeeting.

2. In case you are assigned to cover more than one barangay/EA, use a separate CAF Form 13for eachbarangay/EA.

3. Fill out the GeographicIdentification Panel

Geographic Identification: Copy from CAF Form 1 the name and code of the province/highly urbanized city, city/municipality, and barangay and the EA number to the corresponding lines and boxes provided.

Week Number: Write “1” if the report that you willsubmit corresponds tothe first week of enumeration,“2”forthesecondweek,“3”forthethirdweek,andsoon,untilthelastweek of enumeration.

Status of Enumeration: Write “1” if the statusof enumeration in your assigned EA is still ongoing or “2” if you have completely covered your area.

Note that you will only write “2” in the box for status of enumeration on the last CAF Form 13 accomplished for a completely enumerated EA. Hence, in CAF Form 1, thereshouldalsobeanentryof“00”forthedateofvisit(Column1)afterthelasthousehold has been enumerated.

4. Fill out Columns 1 to 17 of CAF Form 13 everyday with the required data based on CAF Form 1. Each rowin CAF Form 13 will provide summaryof accomplishments for each day of enumeration.

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Column No.

Information to copyfrom CAF Form 1

(With reference to the date being reported in Column 1)

1. Date Accomplished The latest datefrom Column 2 (Day of Visit)

2. Number of Buildings

3. Number of Housing Unit

4. Number of Household Successfully Enumerated with Operators

5. Number of Household Successfully Enumerated without Operators

6. Number of Households for Callback


7. Number of Crop Operators

8. Number of Households with CropOperators


9. Number of Livestockand Poultry Operators

10.Number of Households with Livestockand PoultryOperators


11.Number of Aquaculture Operators

12.Number of Households with Aquaculture Operators


13.Number of Fishing Operators

14.Number of Households with Fishing Operators

Count the number of buildings successfully listedin Column 3 during the date reported in Column 1

Count the number of housing units successfully listed in Column 4 during thedatereported in Column1

Count the number of Household successfully enumerated withat least one operator.

Count the number of Household successfully enumerated without operator

Count the number of circles marked with X in Column 2. Write the number of households not yet interviewed/for callbackduring the date reportedin Column 2

Count the number of crop operatorsreported in Column 15

Obtainthis bycounting the coded with “1” in Column 14a

Count the number of livestockand poultryoperators reported in Column 21

Obtainthis bycounting the line numbers coded with “1” in Column 20a

Count the number of aquaculture operatorsreported in Column 27

Obtainthis bycounting the line numbers coded with “1” in Column 26a

Count the number of fishing operatorsreported in Column 33

Obtainthis bycounting the line numbers coded with “1” in Column 32a

5. Add all entries by column and write the corresponding sum of each column at the bottom row labeled COLUMN TOTALS, which is the row of totals of each item/columnfor every CAF Form 13 to be submitted.

6. Write in Remarks any important information that will provide explanation or clarification on the counts or entriesreported inthis form.

7. Fill out the Submission,Verification, and Encoded/Synchronization Portion

Name and Signature of the EN and Date: Print your name and affix your signature on the line under “Submitted by:” Writethe date when you accomplishedthis form.

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Name, Signature of Team Supervisor and Date Verified: Leave this blank for the TSforhis/hername, signature, andthedatehe/shereviewedorverifiedtheentriesin this form.

Name, Signature of Census Area Supervisor and Date Synchronized: Leave this blank for the CAS for his/her name, signature, and the date he/she reviewed or synchronized the entriesin thisform.

NOTE: Once the interview for all the callbacks has been completed, the interviewer shall append the additional counts pertaining to the successfully interviewed callbacks in his/her next accomplishments report. The final totals shall now be reflected in the boxes of the page of CAF Form 1 where the callbacks which have been completely interviewed are found.


CAF Form 18 will be used whenever questionnaires, forms, maps, and other census supplies and materials are transmitted and/or received between the EN and the TS, the TS and the CAS/ACAS, as well as between the CAS/ACAS and the PSO Focal Person. This form will also be used to return incomplete or incorrectly filled-out questionnaires to the EN and to transmit all unused census forms and materials to the CAS/ACAS upon completion

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Illustration 10.8 Filled out CAF Form 13

ofthelistingandenumeration.Theformservesasproofforboththetransmittingandreceiving personnel that the transfer of the specified number of itemsactually occurred.

Whenever forms, materials or supplies are transmitted, the receiving personnel should check the quantity transmitted and record the actual quantity received in CAF Form 18. In case of discrepanciesinthequantitytransmittedandreceived,thereceivingpersonnelshouldpromptly inform the transmitting personnel of the discrepancy so that necessary actions and/or corrections can bemade.

Instructionsin FillingOut CAF Form 18:

1. Accomplish this form in duplicate, one copy for the receiving personnel and the other for you asthetransmitting officer.

2. Fill out the Geo-ID portion for the name and code of the region, province, and city/municipality.

3. Column 1 – Area/Description of Materials

Write the name of the barangay and EA number. Also write in this column the description of materials such as questionnaires, forms, manuals, equipment, and supplies to be transmitted.

4. Column 2 – Unit

Write in Column 2 the unit of each material transmitted. Examples: booklet for CAF Forms1to 10 or piece for CAF Form 11(sticker).

5. Column 3 – Date Transmitted

Write in thiscolumn thedate whenyou submitted the materials.

6. Column 4 – Quantity Transmitted

Write in thiscolumn thequantity of materialstransmitted.

7. Column 5 – Date Received

When you are the receiving personnel, write the date of receipt of census forms and materials.

8. Column 6 – Quantity Received

When you are the receiving personnel, check and write in this column the quantity of censusforms andmaterials receivedfromyour TS.

Ifthequantityreceiveddoesnotmatchwiththequantitytransmitted,youshouldinform your TSabout the discrepancy.

9. Column 7 – Name/Signature

When you arethe receiver, write your name or affix your signature inthis column.

10.Column 8 – Remarks

Write remarks of materials/transmittal processin this column.

11.The portion on “Transmitted by:” is found at the lower left corner of the form. Write yournameasthetransmittingpersonnel,yourposition/designation,andthedatewhen you transmitted thematerials on the space provided.

12.Theportionon“Receivedby:”isfoundatthelowerrightcorneroftheform.Writeyour name asthereceiving personnel, your position/designation, and the date of receipt of materials on the space provided. Ask for a copy of thetransmittal for your record.

13. At the end of the enumeration, when you transmit the materials and unused forms to

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your TS, write “UNUSED FORMS” in Column 1 then, list below the description of unused forms to be returned. Then, ask your TS to write the date received, quantity received, and his/her name/signature in columns5, 6, and 7, respectively.

NOTE: The personnel who received the materials from you should check the quantity of materials received in Column 4 and write the date of receipt in Column 5.

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Illustration 10.9 Filled out CAF Form 18

10.5CAFFORM26 –HouseholdReferralForm

CAF Form 26 or Household Referral Form will be used for every household with identified household members who worked as a hired manager in another household’s/individual’s agricultural/aquaculture/fishingoperationduringthereferenceperiod.Youshouldfillout/update this form daily, when necessary.

Instructionsin FillingOut CAF Form 26:

1. Fill out the GeographicIdentification Panel by copying the name and code of the province/HUC, city/municipality, and barangayand the EA number from CAF Form 1.

2. Fillout Columns1to19of CAFForm26foreveryidentifiedhiredmanager of another household’s/individual’s agricultural/aquaculture/fishing operation. Column No. Instructions

1 Date of visit Copy the date of visit inColumn 2 of CAF Form 1.

2 BSN Copy the BSN in Column 3 of CAF Form 1.

3 HUSN Copy the HUSN in Column 4 of CAF Form1. 4 HSN Copy the HSN in Column 5 of CAF Form1. 5 Name of Hired

Copy the name of the Hired Manager in Columns 18, 24, 30, or 36 of CAF Form1. 6 Contact


Write the contact number of the hired manager on the space provided. Obtain and record as many contact numbers as possible. 7 Email Addresses of Hired Manager

Write the email address of the hired manager on the space provided. Obtain and record as many email addresses as possible. 8

Write the last name, first name, and middle initial of the hired manager onthespace provided.

Chapter10–HowtoAccomplishOtherCAFForms 2022CAF-Enumerator’sManual 279
Hired Manager
Name of
of the Employer
13 Contact Number/s of Employer
14 Email Address/es of Employer
15 Growing of crops
1. 16 Livestock/Poultry 17 Aquaculture 18 Fishing 19 Remarks Write in Remarks any important information that will
explanation or clarification.
9-12 Address
Write the house number, name of street or sitio/purok, barangay,city/municipality,andprovince/HUCoftheemployer on
Write the contact number of the employer on the space provided. Obtain and record as many contact numbers as possible.
Write the email address of the employer on the space provided. Obtain and record as many email addresses as possible.
Entercode1iftheemployerisengagedincropfarmoperation, livestock and poultry operation, aquaculture operation, and fishingoperationduringthereferenceperiod.Otherwise,enter code2. Notethatatleastoneofthecolumnsshouldbecoded with

3. Fill out the certificationportion beforesubmitting to TS during weeklymeetings.

Name and Signature of the EN and Date: Print your name and affix your signature on the line under “Preparedby:” Writethe date whenyou accomplished thisform.

Name, Signature ofTeam Supervisor andDateEndorsed: Leavethisblank forthe TS for his/her name, signature, andthe date he/sheEndorsedthis form.

Name,SignatureofAssistantCensusAreaSupervisor/CensusAreaSupervisorand Date Received: Leave this blank for the ACAS/CAS for his/her name, signature, and the date he/she receivedthisform.

Illustration 10.10 Filled out CAF Form 26(Page 1)

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Illustration 10.11 Filled out CAF Form 26(Page 2)

10.6CAFFORM27 –Non-HouseholdReferral Form

CAF Form27orNon-HouseholdReferralFormwillbeusedfor everyhouseholdwith identified household members who worked as a hired manager in establishment’s/organization’s agricultural/aquaculture/fishingoperationduringthereferenceperiod.Youshouldfillout/update this form daily, when necessary.

Instructionsin FillingOut CAF Form 27:

1. Fill out the GeographicIdentification Panel by copying the name and code of the province/HUC, city/municipality, and barangayand the EA number from CAF Form 1.

2. Fill out Columns 1 to 20 of CAF Form 27 for every identified hired manager of establishment’s/organization’s agricultural/aquaculture/fishing operation.

Column No.


1 Date of visit Copy the date of visit inColumn 2 of CAF Form 1.

2 BSN Copy the BSN in Column 3 of CAF Form 1.

3 HUSN Copy the HUSN in Column 4of CAF Form1.

4 HSN Copy the HSN in Column 5 of CAF Form 1.

5 Name of Hired Manager Copy the name of the Hired Manager in Columns 18, 24, 30, or 36 of CAF Form1.

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Column No. Instructions

6 Contact numbers of Hired Manager

Write the contact number of the hired manager on the space provided. Obtain and record as many contact numbersaspossible.

7 Email Addresses of Hired Manager Writetheemailaddressofthehiredmanageronthespace provided. Obtain and record as many email addresses as possible.

8 Name of Establishment/ Organization

9-12 Address of Establishment/ Organization

13 Contact Numbers of Establishment/ Organization

14 Email Addresses of Establishment/ Organization

15 Growing of crop

16 Livestock/Poultry

17 Aquaculture

18 Fishing

Write the name of the establishment/organization on the space provided.

Write the house number, name of street or sitio/purok, barangay, city/municipality, and province/HUC of the establishment/organization onthe spaces provided.

Write the contact number of the establishment/ organization on the space provided. Obtain and record as manycontact numbers as possible.

Write the email address of the establishment/organization on the space provided. Obtain and record as many email addressesas possible.

Enter code 1 if the establishment/organization is engaged in crop farm operation, livestock and poultry operation, aquaculture operation, and fishing operation during the reference period. Otherwise, enter code 2. Note that at least one of the columnsshould be coded with 1.

19 Establishment Control Number Do not fill, for PSA use only.

20 Remarks Write in Remarks any important information that will provide explanation or clarification.

3. Fill out the certificationportion beforesubmitting to TS during weeklymeetings.

Name and Signature of the EN and Date: Print your name and affix your signature on the line under “Preparedby:” Writethe date whenyou accomplished thisform.

Name, Signature ofTeam Supervisor andDateEndorsed: Leavethisblank forthe TS for his/her name, signature, andthe date he/sheEndorsedthis form.

Name,SignatureofAssistantCensusAreaSupervisor/CensusAreaSupervisorand Date Received: Leave this blank for the ACAS/CAS for his/her name, signature, and the date he/she receivedthisform.

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Illustration 10.12 Filled out CAF Form 27(Page 1) Illustration 10.13 Filled out CAF Form 13(Page 2)

10.7 CAF FORM 29 – List of Households for Telephone Interview and Self-AdministeredQuestionnaire

CAF Form 29 or Listof Householdsfor TelephoneinterviewandSAQ willbeusedtorecordall household/respondentwhooptedforatelephoneinterviewandSAQ.Youshouldfillout/update this form daily, when necessary.

Instructionsin FillingOut CAF Form 29:

1. Fill out the Geographic Identification Panel by copying the name and code of the province/HUC, city/municipality, barangay, and EA numberfrom CAF Form 1.

2. Fill out Columns 1 to 14 of CAF Form 29 for every identified household/respondent who optedfor a telephone interview and/or SAQ.

Column No.

1 Date of visit


Copy the date of visit inColumn 2 of CAF Form 1.

2 BSN Copy the BSN in Column 3 of CAF Form 1.

3 HUSN Copy the HUSN in Column 4 of CAF Form1.

4 HSN Copy the HSN in Column 5 of CAF Form 1.

5 Name of Household Head CopythenameoftheHouseholdHeadinColumn6ofCAF Form 1.

6 Name of Potential Respondent/s

7 Contact Numbers

8 Email Addresses

9 PreferredInterview Method

10 Appointment for Telephone Interview (Date)

11 Appointment for Telephone Interview (Time)

Write the last name, first name, and middle initial of the potential respondent of the household on the space provided.

Write the contact number of the household/respondent on the space provided. Obtain and record as many contact numbersaspossible.

Write the email address of the household/respondent on the space provided. Obtain and record as many email addressesas possible.

Enter code “1” if the respondent a telephone interview method. Otherwise, writecode 2 if SAQ.

If the respondent preferred the telephone interview, write the preferred appointment date and time. Remember to use the date format “MM/DD” and the time format “HH:MM AM/PM”.

12 Result of Interview Enter code “1” if the respondent successfully completed the interview. Otherwise, leave the space provided blank.

13 Date Completed Write the date completed using theformat “MM/DD”.

14 Remarks Write in Remarks any important information that will provide explanation or clarification.

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3. Fill out the certificationportion beforesubmitting to TS during weeklymeetings.

Name and Signature of the EN and Date: Print your name and affix your signature on the line under “Preparedby:” Writethe date whenyou accomplished thisform.

Name, Signature of Team Supervisor and Date Verified: Leave this blank for the TS for his/her name, signature, andthe date he/sheVerifythisform.

Name,SignatureofAssistantCensusAreaSupervisor/CensusAreaSupervisorand DateSubmitted:LeavethisblankfortheACAS/CASforhis/hername,signature,andthe date he/she submit thisform.

Name, Signature of the CSS/PSO Focal and Date validated: Leave this blank for the CSS/PSO Focalfor his/her name, signature, and the date he/she validate this form.

Illustration 10.14 Filled out CAF Form 29

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