This chapter presents information on the type of maps that will be used in data collection, area assignment and familiarization, and identification of areas needing special strategies for enumeration.
The completeness of census coverage depends highly on the accuracy and reliability of the maps that will be used during the census. The accuracy of the barangay and EA boundaries, the correctness of the orientation, and relative location of landmarks and other physical features on the maps will affect the coverage of the census. These important aspects should be ensured because maps are used not just in field operations but also in information dissemination, spatial analysis, and development and maintenance of the Master Sample Frame (MSF).
1. Census Maps
For purposes of the 2022 CAF, the pre-census barangay/EA/block maps will be used for the listing and enumeration. This was prepared by the Provincial Statistical Offices (PSOs) in collaboration with the Central Office based on the updated and processed maps used in the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH).
After the 2022 CAF enumeration, post-census barangay/EA/block maps will be produced which contain the updated features and landmarks of the barangay/EA based on the actual conduct of the 2022 CAF listing and enumeration.
Sources of Pre-census Maps for Enumeration
Pre-census maps have been produced and updated from previous mapping activities and censuses such as 2020 CPH. The Geographic Information System (GIS)-based maps or digitized maps were the results of the mapping activities done since 2019. The Global Positioning System (GPS) mapping was done to come up with updated maps of EAs, barangays, cities, municipalities, provinces, and regions throughout the country. These maps were updated in terms of boundaries, street names, and prominent physical features/landmarks and were used for the conduct of 2020 CPH.
The following types of maps were prepared and updated after the conduct of 2020 CPH:
a. Digitized city/municipal maps with barangay boundaries;
b. Digitized barangay maps, including EA boundaries for barangays with more than one EA; and
c. Digitized EA maps
The digitized pre-census maps for the 2022 CAF that contain geotagged building structures were based on the post-census maps of the 2020 CPH and will be provided to
Philippine Statistics Authority 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheriesthe Provincial Statistical Offices (PSOs) by the Census Planning and Coordination Division (CPCD) of the National Censuses Service (NCS). The PSOs validated the demolished and new buildings during the 2021 Processing of Post-Census Maps activity. These updated maps will be used to reproduce printed maps and/or uploaded to the tablet as part of the Computer-Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) system for the 2022 CAF.
2. Map Reproduction
The PSO will be responsible for the reproduction of block, EA, barangay, and city/municipality maps to be used during the enumeration of areas where PAPI data collection method will be used. The following are the guidelines for the reproduction of maps:
a. Use long bond paper (8.5 x 13 inches) to produce (more readable) maps. Barangay/EA/block maps should be printed in color, while the city/municipality maps are in grayscale only.
b. All Enumerators (ENs) should be provided with a copy of the maps of the barangay/EA/block assigned to them. The Team Supervisor (TS), Assistant Census Area Supervisor (ACAS), and Census Area Supervisor (CAS) will also be provided with an electronic copy of barangay/EA maps, cluster of barangays, and city/municipality maps, respectively.
3. Post-census maps
After the conduct of the census, some map features are expected to have been updated and should contain plotted building symbols with Building Serial Numbers (BSN).
These maps should indicate the full coverage of EN’s assigned area through the corresponding BSNs for each of the building points. After completion of enumeration in the barangay/EA, these maps together with CAF Form 1 - Listing Booklet, CAF Form 2Household Questionnaire, and CAF Forms 3, 4, and 5 (Core Questionnaires) accomplished by the EN/TS should be transmitted immediately by the TS to the ACAS.
Area delineation is an important component of every census taking. A properly delineated area map would lead to an accurate accounting of the distribution of the population and its characteristics relative to spatial distribution. An EA is considered as the basic unit for census data collection. It is a contiguous area composed of one or more adjacent or neighboring area blocks. A relatively small barangay can be one EA while a large barangay can be composed of two or more adjacent EAs.
For the purposes of the 2022 CAF, an EA is composed of 100 to 300 households, which are deemed sufficient and manageable for an EN to completely cover within the prescribed enumeration period. The delineation of EAs was based on the 2020 CPH. Before the 2022 CAF, PSOs provided confirmation and feedback on whether further
delineation of EAs must be done for the 2022 CAF. It must be noted that no further delineation activity should be done during the 2022 CAF operations.
The Enumeration Area Reference File (EARF) was updated after the delineation activity/confirmation by the PSO. The map files of the newly delineated EAs to be prepared by the PSO will be sent to the Central Office (CO) as a reference in the updating of EARF.
The PSO Focal Person (PFP) will be responsible for providing the area/s of assignment of the TSs and ENs. This should be aligned with the workload analysis evaluated by the PFP, wherein the number of ENs and TSs were allocated based on the workload, mandays, and duration of the enumeration. As much as possible, the PFP should see to it that the distribution of work is equitable among all the ENs, taking into consideration the duration of the census enumeration, which is expected to be completed in more or less 45 days.
A. Guidelines in the Assignment of Area/s of Enumeration/Supervision
The following guidelines should be observed in preparing the areas of assignment:
1. Team Supervisor
In general, each TS will supervise about five ENs. It is, therefore, important that the barangays or EAs assigned to the TS are strategically located within minimum/shortest distance from one another to minimize travel time and maximize the time for supervision.
The PSO should prepare the areas of assignment of the TSs and these assignments should be given to the TSs prior to the discussion of the Supervisor’s Manual.
2. Enumerator
The EN will be assigned to at least one barangay/EA depending on the workload and the expected duration of the enumeration. Ideally, an EN should be assigned in the barangay/EA where he/she resides. If this is not possible, the distance that the EN needs to travel from census headquarter to his/her area of assignment should be taken into consideration to minimize travel time and maximize the time for enumeration.
In planning the area/s of assignment of the ENs, the PSO-Chief Statistical Specialist (CSS) should consider the population or number of households and estimated number of operators in the area, dispersion of houses, terrain, mode of transportation, quarantine classification, and other related factors.
Moreover, after informing the EN about his/her areas of assignment, the PFP through the CAS/ACAS should provide the EN with the following:
1. Digitized maps with barangay/EA boundaries accessible through 2022 CAF-IS mobile application installed in the tablet device.
2. Printed copy of the EARF of the city/municipality and barangay/EA. The EARF contains the names and codes of the region (two-digit), province (three-digit), city/municipality (two-digit), and barangay (three-digit), EA number (six-digit), and the estimated number of households.
3. Printed maps for those ENs to be assigned in areas that will be enumerated using PAPI.
B. Familiarization of Area of Assignment
Prior to enumeration, a one-day ocular inspection of the area of assignment should be carried out by the TS and EN. They should pay a courtesy call to the Punong Barangay or any other barangay official to inform them about their designation as the TS/EN in the barangay/EA during the conduct of 2022 CAF. During this visit, they should make themselves familiar with the area, by going around it to determine its actual boundaries and have an overall idea of the prominent landmarks, features, establishments, among others, in the barangay.