Beit Haverim Newsletter April 2014

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Coming Events at Beit Haverim April 2014 7:00PM


Bagel Chat—Passover Religious School Hebrew Classes

2:30PM 2:30PM 4:30PM



Confirmation Class




Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class




Shabbat HaGadol led by Rabbi Berg And Ann Brown



Rabbi’s Hours: by appointment


Bar Mitzvah of Michael Dreger



Phone: 503-568-1241


Board of Trustees Meeting Religious School Hebrew Classes

2:30PM 2:30PM 4:30PM



Beit Haverim Community Passover Seder Lake Oswego Adult Community Center



Shabbat Service led by Gabe Hunter-Bernstein and Ann Brown




Learn to Knit Religious School Hebrew Classes

2:30PM 2:30PM 4:30PM



Ladies Night



Confirmation Class



Men’s Group - “Guys Night Out”



Pre b’nai student led Shabbat Service




Tot Shabbat - Focus on Shabbat! Torah Study led by Rabbi Berg

9:30AM 10:00AM



Learn to Knit Religious School Hebrew Classes

2:30PM 2:30PM 4:30PM


Rabbi Alan Berg Cantorial Soloist Ann Brown Shabbat Services Fridays at 7:00 p.m. at Beit Haverim 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 311 Lake Oswego OR 97034


Shabbat Service led by Erin David and Ann Brown


Crossing Over: A Musical Haggadah Portland State University


Email : Website


Beit Haverim is an open, inviting, and spiritually alive Jewish community, located just outside of Portland, Oregon in Lake Oswego. We welcome everyone to our Reform congregation of Jews by birth, Jews by choice and Jews at heart.

FROM Rabbi Alan Berg

Rediscover the Essence of Passover on Shabbat HaGadol A Social Justice Shabbat Erev Shabbat Service April 11 Dear Friends, For the past several months the Ritual committee has been preparing a Shabbat HaGadol service that will be enhanced by music, special readings and a message on why this country carries a hope for so many seeking equality, freedom and opportunity. This year has been distinguished by a series of services that have combined a strong spiritual message with a biblical prophet's voice for social justice. Here I'm thinking back to the Thanksgiving service and, more recently the marriage-equality event in March. I would also add to this list the afternoon Torah reading on Yom Kippur, where we find the most articulate expression of ethical behavior in the Jewish tradition culminating in ahavah l'raacha c'mocha love your neighbor as yourself. The source of this vision is found in the Passover Seder, the Haggadah, and the miracle of Israel being saved at the Red Sea. This is why the Shabbat before Passover is called Shabbat HaGadol the Great Shabbat and why it is dedicated to the theme of Social justice. I hope you can join us for Shabbat HaGadol. My best for a meaningful, happy Passover, Rabbi Alan Berg

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Letter From Our President, Alan Cohen I hope everyone had a great Spring Break, because it is going to be a very busy Spring at Beit Haverim. Here is the rundown of what is planned the next many weeks Crossing Over - A contingent from the Congregation will be attending this event, and even if you didn't get tickets, they are still available. There are two performances, including one this Saturday evening at 7:30, with the performance in Lincoln Hall at Portland State University. Bagel Chat - join us at Religious School on Sunday, April 6th, for a Bagel chat with the discussion topic of Passover, everything you need to know. This will be led by Naomi Angier at 2:30pm. Passover Seder - Our annual Beit Haverim Passover Seder will take place on the second night of Passover (as usual), which is on Tuesday, April 15th. We start at 6pm, it will be held at the Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, with the same caterer as last year. You can go to the website to secure your reservations. We had a very fun Family Service in March, with the help of the K/1 and 2/3 classes where we learned all about the 10 Commandments. We have back to back services involving our religious school classes, 4/25 will involve the Pre-B'Nai Mitzvah class (Grades 6-7) and our family service on 5/2 will include our Grades 4/5 classes. I hope everyone attends these services, they really are a lot of fun when we have the kids involved. Looking ahead to May, we will celebrate the conclusion of another successful religious school year with our now annual tradition of Spaghetti Dinner and Bingo for prizes. Another annual tradition is our All Musical Service, which is scheduled for Friday, May 16th. With adult education, men's group activities (yes, we have an active brotherhood now) and women's group activities, it's a full calendar. Until next month, Alan Cohen

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Michael Dreger Bar Mitzvah Shalom, My name is Michael Dreger. I live in West Linn. I am in the 7th grade at Portland Waldorf School. My parents are Joanne Gordon and Gary Dreger. I have been attending Beit Haverim since I was in pre-school. In addition to my Hebrew studies, I enjoy karate, playing the cello and participating in school sports. The karate form that I practice is called Krav maga. Krav maga is a reality based self-defense system developed for the military in Israel. The cello group that I perform with plays at various venues. If you come early to my Bar Mitzvah you will be able to hear my group play during arrival time. On April 12, 2014, I will become a Bar Mitzvah. My Torah portion is Leviticus 16:1-12 and my Haftarah is Ezekiel 22:1-19 My Mitzvah project is helping out with Beit Haverim’s new Tot Shabbat program. Each month I participate and help children learn more about Jewish life and tradition. I would like to thank the community at Beit Haverim for supporting me during my Hebrew education and on my Bar Mitzvah day. I want to thank my Hebrew Teachers (Robin Kay, Kim Kent, and Malka Osserman). A special Thank you to Rabbi Berg and Sami Oberlander for helping me prepare my Torah portion and one more thanks to Sami for helping me to learn the tropes in a fun and enthusiastic way. I am looking forward to sharing my special day with the congregation, friends and family. All are welcome. If you are planning to attend the luncheon following the service, please RSVP at

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Events in April

Beit Haverim Community Passover Seder

Join us for a family-friendly Seder with Rabbi Alan Berg and Cantorial Soloist Ann Brown. Tuesday, April 15th

The 2nd night of Passover Check in at 5:30 pm Seder begins at 6:00 pm, with dinner to follow. Lake Oswego Adult Community Center 505 G. Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Buffet dinner includes: Matzoh Ball Soup Roasted Chicken Salmon Vegetarian Entree Option Salads Side Dishes Homemade Desserts Deadline for reservations is April 9th!

Make your reservations here Gluten-free Matzoh available. Children 5 and under are free. Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Sunshine Pantry. If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact Allison Fowler in the office at 503-568-1241 or before sending in your registration. Your contact will be held in confidence.

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Beit Haverim News Open Hearts = Open Minds We are thankful for the many folks who helped to make Open Hearts = Open Minds a success! Together an amazing group of committee members, speakers, helping hands, and our guests joined together to deepen our understanding of homosexuality. Click here for photos from the day!

Good Deeds Day Beit Haverim again participated in International Good Deeds Day on Sunday, March 9. More than 35 people gathered to make 29 blankets for Project Linus a non-profit organization that provides homemade blankets to children in need. Beit Haverim members and community members, in addition to Kim Kent's 2nd/3rd grade Religious School class, cut and knotted the fleece blankets. A big thank you to everyone who helped, loaned their sewing materials, and brought fleece! Be sure to visit the photo album for pictures!

Mazel Tov! Theodore Gold, grandson of Barbara is a recent graduate of the University of Chicago. Ted will begin graduate study in the fall toward an MA-PhD at the University of South Florida (in Tampa) in his chosen field of archaeology.

Thank You! A Big Thank You to All the Hamantaschen Bakers who made hundreds of those tasty treats for the Purim Carnival. Barbara Gold, Claire Frye, Hannah Berkowitz, Karin Stolz, Naomi Aigner, Leslie Bratschi, and Sue Greenspan.

Thank you Claire Frye for once again offering your kitchen!

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Events in April Crossing Over: A Musical Haggadah A Celebration of Passover and Crossing of The Red Sea

Music by Michael Allen Harrison Books and Lyrics by Rabbi Alan Berg Sat. Apr. 5, 7:30 PM PSU Lincoln Hall, 1620 SW Park, Portland, OR


Bagel Chat—Everything you need to know about Passover Sunday, April 6, 2:30PM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Please join us for a group discussion on Passover led by Naomi Angier. Bring recipes and Haggadahs to share! Discussion Items include: How to prepare a Passover seder. Keeping kosher for Passover What does Passover mean? Share your experiences and memories. And any other items that go into the Passover Seder

Shabbat HaGadol led by Rabbi Berg and Ann Brown Friday, April 11, 7:00PM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Shabbat HaGadol is the Sabbath preceding the Pesach festival. As well as commemorating the great miracle of the exodus from Egypt, it is also a Shabbat that addresses social justice. Please join us as we celebrate our freedom and social justice. April, 2014

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Events in April Ladies Night Out Tues, April 22, 6:30PM Home of Francia Trosty Our monthly potluck will be graciously hosted by Francia Trosty. Address and directions will be given when you RSVP. Join us for our monthly potluck as we swing into spring. Please bring a vegetarian dish to April's dinner and $1.00 for our Temple Beautification Fund. Members and guests are welcome. Please RSVP 561-254-5970 to Francia and address/directions will be given.

Religious School led Shabbat Service Friday, April 25, 7:00PM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Road, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Please join us for our pre b’nai mitzvah class lead Shabbat Service on April 25. This type of service gives our Religious School students the opportunity to lead worship. These services highlight our amazing students, serve as a testament to our outstanding Religious School, and are an inspiring reminder that our Jewish future is in terrific hands.

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Events in April Men’s Group, “Guys Night Out” Thursday, April 24, 6PM Nicoli’s Grill & Sports Bar, 17880 SW McEwan Rd., Lake Oswego 97035. The Beit Haverim Men’s Group has been active in 2014! January’s “Ante Up!” poker night was a great escape from the cold winter weather. Congregant Mark Lewinsohn won the traveling trophy from last year’s poker champ, Dan Greenspan. Money raised from poker night went to the Men’s Group fund, a discretionary fund used to support future events, purchase gifts (we bought the congregation’s Keurig coffee maker), donate as tzedakah, etc. In February, the Men’s Group exemplified true team spirit at the annual “Super Bro” Superbowl party, a smorgasbord of tailgate foods, big-screen action and camaraderie. March set a new Men’s Group standard as we joined for “Brothers on Ice,” which began with a delicious dinner at Stanford’s and was followed by the non-stop action of Winterhawks playoff hockey at the Moda Center. Beit Haverim’s Men’s Group is open to all adult men of Beit Haverim looking to connect with fellow congregants in friendship. The common interests of participants drives our current event programming – past events have included summer camp-outs on the beach, sporting events, educational outings, game night, congregational and community service, as well as the ever-present casual gatherings at a local pub, restaurant or congregant’s home. Events are scheduled monthly and vary – look to the Beit Haverim website, newsletter and weekly bulletins for announcements. If you’d like to learn more about Men’s Group, have an idea for an event or wish to participate, please contact the Beit Haverim office.

Tot Shabbat— Focus on Shabbat! Led by Rabbi Alan Berg Saturday, April 26, 9:30AM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Welcoming all children and their families. A fun-filled, casual service of songs and stories! This month our theme will be Shabbat with songs and crafts! Enjoy Shabbat with your child and get to know other young families at Beit Haverim.

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Upcoming Events Spaghetti/Bingo Night Saturday, May 4, 5:30PM 1111 Country Club Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Skip a night of cooking and join Beit Haverim on Sunday, May 4th at 5:30pm for an evening of spaghetti and Bingo. Bring the whole family for an event that combines a tasty spaghetti dinner, spending time with friends, and playing Bingo for a chance to win fun prizes. For families with children in Religious School (RS), we’ve swapped RS and Hebrew School (HS) for this one day only. HS will be 2:30pm-3:30pm, and RS will be 3:30pm-5:30pm. You can pick up your kids at 5:30 and join us for an evening of fun! Dinner includes all-you-can-eat spaghetti, salad, bread, and homemade dessert. The meal cost is $5 per person ($20 max per family), and children 5 years and under are free. Register Now! We need your reservation by Wednesday, April 30th.

You are most cordially and tunefully invited to

Beit Haverim’s Annual Musical Shabbat Service May 16, 7:00 PM 1111 Country Club Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Our Service this week will be conducted entirely through melody and song. Enjoy the beautiful voices of Ann Brown and the Beit Haverim Choir under the direction of Allan Kalik, accompanied by Aaron Cohen. This special service is a unique and wonderfully creative way to welcome Shabbat. Don’t miss it! If you can, please bring an item of food for the Sunshine Food Pantry and a treat to share at the oneg which will follow the service.

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Upcoming Events Ladies Tea Saturday, May 17, 2:00PM Home of Suzanne Causer

Dust off your spring bonnets and pull out your gloves, and iron your floral dress! Check out these photos lovely gals and the amazing spread from our last tea! It’s once again time for the Ladies' Group Spring Tea hosted by our own Suzanne Causer. We will sip tea, munch on finger sandwiches, cookies and tea cakes! Bring your daughters, granddaughters, nieces, or a special friend. $5.00 at the door! Please RSVP to Suzanne Causer.

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Upcoming events

Beit Haverim Auction Requests Your Donations A Tisket, a Tasket, Come Bid on a Basket Beit Haverim’s 2014 fundraising event, is coming up on June 7th. This event will include wine and hors d’oeuvres at the home of Steve and Rita Sherman, and a silent auction to raise money to support the Beit Haverim congregation.

Beautiful fused glass plate hand made by Steve and Patt Bilow and donated to the 2012 Beit Haverim Auction

Our auctions have thrived in the past from generous donations from our members and local businesses. We would love to include a donation from you in our auction, which consists of pre-made and assembled themed baskets. Perhaps you have a jewelry business or you can provide a set of sports or theater tickets from your season pass.

To see if your donation could enhance one of our planned baskets, take a look at the list below. Or start a new basket with your contribution! If you have any questions about an item or service you may be able to contribute, please contact one of our committee co-chairs, Karin Stolz or Sue Greenspan. Planned Baskets include: • Dog Lover • Lady’s Bag • Seafood • Wine • Tea Party • Beauty • Crafts • Sports • Chocolate • Coffee • Taste of Mexico • Chanukah • Shabbat • Martini • Spices • Dessert • Taste of Italy • Knitting • Movies • Music • Artist To download a donation form for your tax records, click here. April, 2014

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Upcoming events The 22nd Annual Song of Miriam Award Celebration Sunday, June 1, 10:00AM Location: Mittleman Jewish Community Center

Beit Haverim is very happy to announce that the Song of Miriam Award will be presented to Naomi Angier this year. We are so grateful to Naomi for taking on many responsibilities that keep Beit Haverim moving forward.

Click Here for details and to Download a Reservation Form

Save the date B’nai Mitzvot April 12-Michael Dreger August 9—Abigail and Audrey Minch August 16– Jacob Sherman August 23– Edyn Pilkington January 10, 2015—Natalie Goldberg April 15, 2015—Caden Ellertson April 25, 2015 Matigan Williams June 20, 2015—Zack Friedman August 29, 2015—Gabriel Horwitz

Temple Fund Raiser June 7, 2014

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Get Involved! Beit Haverim Cookbook Remember the time you were at a Friday Night Shabbat Potluck and you had the best tasting (fill in the blank) ever? You wish you had that recipe. Well, the time has come! The Ladies' Group is compiling a cookbook of all those delicious recipes. We are looking for everyday recipes as well as those special holiday recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation. Whether it is Kugel, or Taco Salad, or that dessert that was gone before your eyes, we are asking you to share. Don't forget all those oneg or break-the-fast treats.

Click here to submit your recipe online, or blank forms can be found at the temple. All recipes should be in by July 15th so we have them published by the holidays. If you have any questions call or email: Suzanne Causer (317) 694-3957 Karin Stolz (971) 219-3484 Sue Greenspan (503) 691-0370

Help Sponsor the New Beit Haverim Directory Beit Haverim will be publishing a printed directory and distributing it to our 90 member families with the 2014/2015 membership packets later this spring. Please consider purchasing advertising space or a greeting to help sponsor this new directory. The printed directory will be 5 1/2"W x 8 1/2"H, with a black and white ad or greeting space available as follows: *Business Card size (3 1/2"W x 2"H): $25 *Half-page (4 1/2"W x 3 1/2"H): $35 *Full-page (4 1/2"W x 7 1/2"H): $50

If you are interested in purchasing an ad, please contact Dena Gutterman or click here.

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Get Involved! Volunteer Opportunity Are you are a Web Designer / Web Developer with experience in Joomla CMS? Beit Haverim is seeking an experienced individual to volunteer as an assistant to administering and managing our custom designed Joomla web site. Interested? Contact Michelle Bombet Minch

Clothing Drive Time to start thinking about switching out your winter duds for spring. We are sponsoring a clothing drive for the Clackamas County Clothes Closet. It is an organization that depends strictly on donations. Low income school children can go there twice a year and "shop/pick out" clothes they can wear to school. Any gently used or new clothes can be donated. Under-garments need to be new but everything else can be used. It is a great cause and the needs just keeps increasing.

We will have a bin at Beit Haverim set up for you to drop off your items starting April 1st. The kids range from kindergarten through seniors in high school, so pretty much any size works!

Knitzvah! We are again knitting/crocheting hats, cowls, headbands and scarves for Lift Urban. They host a party every December for low income adults living in NW and Downtown Portland. This helps keep folks warm and it is often the only gift they receive all year. We have yarn at Beit Haverim that you can use. It is a basket in the fireside room. Last year we were able to give 47 items. It would be great to increase that number. Any questions, call Karin Stolz. Thank you so much for being part of this worthwhile project

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Bat Mitzvah Project Hi, We (Abigail and Audrey Minch) have recently started working on our Bat Mitzvah project and have focused on horse welfare. We chose this because we have been riding horses for about 4 years and we have a very strong connection to them. We have started on 3 different parts: 1. We started Polished Ponies a business where we make homemade horse polo wraps and the profit goes to Once Upon A Rescue, a barn that cares for abused and neglected horses. 2. We have started working with abused horses and volunteering at Once Upon A Rescue in Sherwood. 3. We have started working with the producers of American Mustang: The Movie to raise awareness about the issue of wild horses. To quote the movie web site: "As you read this, there are more mustangs being held in captivity than allowed to live free in the wild. The struggle to protect wild horses from excess roundups has been raging for decades between the Bureau of Land Management, cattle ranchers and wild horse activists who are at odds in a battle for land use rights in which the horses often come out the loser." The movie screening will be April 18-24 at the Regal Fox Tower 10, 846 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97205, Advance Tickets with discounts available here! We hope you will also join us at any of the following free events where the producers will join us to speak about the wild horses. There will also be refreshments and drawings for prizes! Thursday, April 10th 6:30 – 8:30 Lake Oswego Hunt Club, clubhouse, 2725 Iron Mountain Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Stacey Riggs of Riggs Training will demo horsemanship with an Extreme Mustang Makeover horse. Friday, April 11th 6:30 – 8:30 Sound Equine Options and Riggs Training Abundant Life Church 17241 SE Hemrick Rd, Damascus, OR 97089 Stacey Riggs of Riggs Training will demo horsemanship with an Extreme Mustang Makeover horse. Saturday, April 12th 2:00 – 4:00 Retail Event (meet and greet and ticket giveaways) Gallops Saddlery (17937 SW McEwan Rd, Tigard, OR 97224) Saturday, April 19th, Time TBA Big Dog Horse Show (free and open to the public, $15 if participating in the show) Big Dog Barn 13262 S. Leland Rd Oregon City, OR 97045

Pick up a WL Tidings/LO Review (or visit the web site) on Thursday and learn more about our Bat Mitzvah project. “Like” us on facebook at polishedponiesAbigailAudrey to keep up to date!

Abigail and Audrey volunteering at Once Upon A Rescue

news Beit Haverim Geniza

Congregants who have materials they would like considered for geniza placement may contact Sue Greenspan, Chair of the Ritual Committee. For more details about the Geniza process please visit the December Newsletter.

Amazon Shopping Earns $'s For Beit Haverim

Just use this link here when you make your purchases through Amazon and Beit Haverim earns a percent of your spending. Be sure to share the link with family and friends - it really adds up!

Community News and Notables Help us share community news and notables. We'll include community members' simchas and acknowledgments of life event struggles and condolences. Let us know if you received an award/honor, earned a promotion, welcomed a new addition to your family, celebrated a special anniversary or occasion, are mourning a special person or healing from an illness or surgery. Email Gabrielle Williams (photos welcome) or call the office at 503-344-4839. We hope to hear from you!

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More News Bar Mitzvah Suit Closet Reduce – Reuse – Recycle! Bring in your rapidly growing boy to borrow a suit for any synagogue occasion. We only ask that you dry-clean any borrowed item before returning it. This clothes closet benefits those in need AND lets us recycle through re-use. We are currently in need of donations of clothes in “like-new” condition, including belts and shoes as well. Girls clothes are welcome for donation too! If you have something to contribute, or if you would like to check out our collection for your own son’s use, please call Rita Sherman at 971-295-6884 or email.

Pet Loss Support Our member, Sharon Rose, is certified and offering pet loss support for other Beit Haverim members. Email Sharon or call her at (503) 352-5045 and she will be happy to talk with you as you go through your grief process.

Beit Haverim At Your Fingertips! Did you know that Beit Haverim offers a secure Member’s Only Section of the Web Site? You’ll find useful information there such as our membership directory. Visit Membership to learn how to obtain access to the Member’s Only.

While we’re talking about on-line tools, don’t forget to Like the Beit Haverim Facebook Page! It’s a great way to be reminded of upcoming events and see some great pics of your community! Beit Haverim On Facebook

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Community Events

FREE Women AND Men of all ages Register Today

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Community Events

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In the Beit Haverim Community Yahrzeits

Birthdays Joshua Schwartz


Robert Hershinow


Brian Olson


Caden Ellertson


Francia Trosty


Laura Addonisio


Carlie Hershinow


Levi Minch


Patricia Bilow


Carol Cohen


Brandon Dorreman


Tom Hauck


Grace Miller


Gary Dreger


Tami Sternoff


Joshua Sherman


Ann Brown


Marty Lefkowitz


Mark Newman


Anniversaries Karin and Gary Stolz


Gabriel and Michael HunterBernstein

Abraham Perlstein Father of Susan Perlstein


Simon Trosty Father of Ron Trosty


Oscar Gordon 4/6 Step-Grandfather of Judith Kleinstein Jack Gerber 4/7 Step Father of Gabe Hunter-Bernstein Etta Grosz Mother of Rita Sherman


Lester Steinberg Father of Roberta Deasis


Leah Gold Grandmother of Janet Sahni


Gussie Steinberg 4/17 Grandmother of Roberta DeAsis Sondra Cohen Mother of Carol Cohen


Ida Kleinrock Mother of Leslie Peltz


Bernice Kay Grandmother of Robin Kay


Marinus Dorreman 4/23 Father-in-law of Constance Dorreman Jake Steinberg 4/24 Grandfather of Roberta DeAsis Phillip Louis Bilow 4/25 Paternal Grandfather of Steve Bilow


Alicia Kavka & Dale Willis 4/25

Travis Amey 4/26 Brother-in-law of Kim & Bruce Goldman David Casuto Brother of Esther Schwartz

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