Beit Haverim February 2014 Newsletter

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Coming Events at Beit Haverim February 2014 2

Men’s Group—Superbowl Party



Mah Jongg



Confirmation Class




Family Potluck Dinner Family Shabbat Service led by Religious School Classes K/1 and 2/3

6:00PM 7:00PM



Tot Shabbat - Purim! Torah Study led by Rabbi Berg

9:30AM 10:00AM



Open Hearts = Open Minds Open House Religious School Hebrew Classes

1:00PM 2:30PM 4:30PM



Confirmation Class



Phone: 503-568-1241


Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class



Email :


Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Berg and Ann Brown




Bar Mitzvah of Adam Beyer




Bagel Chat—Illuminated Letters Oregon Jewish Museum



Ladies’ Night



Ritual Committee Meeting Foundations of Judaism Class

10:00AM 7:00PM



Shabbat Service led by Gabe HunterBernstein and Ann Brown




Purim Carnival Committee Meeting Religious School Hebrew Classes Board of Trustees Meeting Learn to Knit

1:30PM 2:30PM 4:30PM 2:30PM 2:30PM



Shabbat Service led by Gabe HunterBernstein



Rabbi Alan Berg Cantorial Soloist Ann Brown Shabbat Services Fridays at 7:00 p.m. at Beit Haverim 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 311 Lake Oswego OR 97034 Rabbi’s Hours: by appointment


Beit Haverim is an open, inviting, and spiritually alive Jewish community, located just outside of Portland, Oregon in Lake Oswego. We welcome everyone to our Reform congregation of Jews by birth, Jews by choice and Jews at heart.

FROM Rabbi Alan Berg

Foundations of Judaism The Springtime Festivals Purim, Passover and Shavuot First Class: February 20, 7 PM

Dear Friends, Our Foundations of Judaism series returns this year with an in-depth study of the springtime Jewish festivals, Purim, Passover and Shavuot. The first class will meet on Thursday February 20 at 7 PM, the second will be on March 20. The third class will take place on May 15. A close look at each of these festivals creates a doorway into a treasure trove of Jewish faith and culture. Purim provides us with an entryway into an almost lost sacred literature known as the Five Megillot, as well as a close look into the Purim adventure itself. For Passover we will rediscover the Haggadah and rethink the greatest stories in Jewish life, the liberation from Egypt and the miracle that followed at the Red Sea. Shavuot, a less familiar festival, but of great centrality to Jewish life, provides an opportunity to encounter the Ten Commandments. Each session is a complete lesson so join us for one class or all three. I hope you will join us for this year’s Foundations of Judaism series. Rabbi Alan Berg

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Letter From Our President, Alan Cohen This July 1st will be the 5th anniversary of Rabbi Berg arriving at Beit Haverim. It's been a wonderful journey for me personally as part of the leadership team and as president the past 3+ years. In 2009, the economic downturn was hitting us really hard, and economic reality meant we had to go from a full time Rabbi to a part time one. While initially I was a little concerned about the change, that concern quickly evaporated as things were working out very well. To supplement a part time Rabbi, we've had amazing lay leadership (Especially Gabe) step up over the years so that Shabbat Service happens most every week. Economic realities are still economic realities, but things have improved and some expenses have been eliminated over the past few years. With this in mind, Rabbi and I have been exploring what it would look like to commit to 75%. After our discussions I believe it will be a huge plus for our congregation. Starting July 1st, Rabbi will be leading 3 services a month instead of 2, and there will also be an extra Torah Study or Saturday Shabbat service each month as well. I believe this change allows us to continue with lay led services, as well as have Rabbi around more. It's a Win-Win! The office closing will be finalized by the end of this month, and possibly sooner. Thank you to everyone show has stepped up to make this happen. I believe we have some furniture and book cases left, so if that is something you are looking for, please contact Allison. Please note that the telephone number has changed, and while the old number will forward until mid March, you should start using the new number: 503568-1241 - Thanks to (free) Google Voice, we are saving about $1700 a year on internet and phone charges. Looking at our schedule, what an amazingly busy month or two we have ahead. I'll put in a final plug for everyone to come out and join us for Open Hearts, Open Minds on February 9th. Rabbi Berg will be a keynote speaker, and I am proud that my son Aaron will be playing piano. I am pleased that the Men's Group is back on active status, with a poker game in the books, and a Superbowl Party to cheer on the Seahawks (or the Broncos I suppose) - Women's group is and has been very active! In December, a group of us go together to have dinner and catch It's a Wonderful Life. If you missed that (and even if you didn't) we have two upcoming theater events. The Jewish Theatre Collaborative has a production of "A Pigeon and a Boy" on March 29th, and Crossing Over (Co-written by Rabbi) on Saturday, April 6th. Also keep an eye out as we will of course be having our community Passover Seder in April. I'll leave it there for now. I hope to see you soon. Until next month, Alan Cohen February, 2014

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New Member Corner Welcome Barbara Gray! Barbara Gray was born and raised in New York City, attending the High School of Music and Art (part of the “Fame” school). She majored in music at Queens College, CUNY, with a minor in education, then taught vocal music in Illinois, New York and Kentucky. Barbara raised two daughters – Nancy, who lives in Beaverton with her husband and two boys, and Susan, who lives in California. In 1995, Barbara moved to Athens, Greece, where she taught music and IB theater at Byron College and The American Community School. She also sang with, and then became the conductor of, the Athens Singers, a large community chorus of ex-pats in the Athens area. Barbara had the opportunity on several occasions Dena Gutterman, Alan Cohen and Rabbi at our to conduct this chorus with members of the New Member Dinner in October welcoming new Greek National Symphony Orchestra. She also members. organized and conducted the first Handel’s Messiah “Sing-In” in Greece, an event where the audience brings their music and becomes the chorus. Upon returning to the U.S. in 2007, Barbara worked in a large conservative synagogue in New Jersey until May of 2013, when she moved to the Portland area. Please join us in welcoming Barbara to the Beit Haverim family!

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Beit Haverim Events Beit Haverim Men’s Group Super Bro Superbowl Party Sunday, February 2, 1:00—7:00PM At the Home of Rob Hershinow Early schmoozing kicks off at 1pm at the home of Rob Hershinow - please call or email Rob for the address - the game kicks off at 3:30pm. Please bring your favorite hot/cold foods and tailgate beverages – Rob will be providing beef, turkey and veggie burgers on the grill. Please RSVP to Rob ASAP! Rob Hershinow 503-318-4140 We're looking forward to seeing you!

Mah Jongg February 4, 6:30PM At the home of Claire Frye All Levels of Play! Please bring a snack to share and $1.00 for the Ladies Beautification Fund. Please RSVP to Claire and she will provide address at that time.

Tot Shabbat— Purim Theme! Led by Rabbi Alan Berg Saturday, February 8, 9:30AM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Welcoming all children and their families. A fun-filled, casual service of songs and stories! This month our theme will be Purim with songs and crafts! Enjoy Shabbat with your child and get to know other young families at Beit Haverim.

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Beit Haverim Events

Open Hearts In The News! Click the links below for the on line article West Linn Tidings Lake Oswego Review OR Jewish Life Oregonian (coming soon!) Volunteers needed for 1/2 hour increments to greet guests or to bake cookies. We are looking for volunteers for both! Please email Stacy Epsteen to sign up. February, 2014

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Adam Beyer Bar Mitzvah

Hi, my name is Adam Beyer and I am a 7th grader attending Rosemont Ridge Middle School . I have two brothers, Stephen age 30, Daniel age 28, and a sister, Leah who is 17. My parents are Michele and Jeff. I like to play sports. I play soccer, baseball, and basketball. My favorite is basketball. When I’m not playing sports I like to hang out with my friends. Usually we play sports. On February 15, 2014 I will become a Bar Mitzvah. My Torah portion is Ki’Tisa Exodus 30:11 – 34:35. The verses that I have chosen are 32:1 – 32:12. My Haftarah is from I Kings verses 18:1-18:5.

My mitzvah project is collecting new or gently used soccer cleats and basketball shoes. The shoes will be donated to 4 World’s United Soccer Alliance . This organization is an advocate for fourth world youth. “Fourth world” refers to young people from third world countries who live in first world countries. 4WUSA seeks to bridge communities and cultures by uniting third world youth with first world youth, helping both to interact and understand one another on the field and in the classroom. For more information can be found at

I would like to thank Rabbi Berg and Amir for helping me with my Hebrew readings. I would also like to thank all my religious school teachers Robin Kay, Helene Callagan, Kim Kent, and Malka Osserman who taught me during Religious School . I am looking forward to sharing my day with Beit Haverim.

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Events Bagel Chat ~ Illuminated Letters: Threads of Connection Sunday, February 16, 12:00PM Location: Oregon Jewish Museum, 1953 NW Kearney St. Portland OR 97209 Phone: 503.226.3600

Beit Haverim Bagel Chat will take a field trip in February! Artist Sara Harwin exhibit draws upon the ancient tradition of illuminated manuscripts and encompasses large panels and hanging mobiles that use strong jolts of color, sacred imagery, pattern and movement to achieve an innovative blend of visual and textual commentary on Jewish life and thought. Gallery admission is $6 for adults ($4 62+) which you pay at the door. Talk includes small bagel nosh. Please RSVP to Allison at the office by Feb. 7.

Ladies’ Night Out Tuesday, February 18, 6:00PM At the home of Florence Yospe RSVP to Florence 503.635.4015 Address will be given when you RSVP Please RSVP so the hostess will be able to set up easily. An Evening of Dining and Conversation Bring a dish to share - whatever fits your fancy. Come to relax, visit, make new acquaintances, and of course, dine.

Purim Planning Committee February 23, 1:30PM Beit Haverim Fireplace Room Are you looking for a way to get more involved? Here is your chance. Come and join the Purim planning committee. Please let me know if you are able to come and help out! Contact Heather Kirkbride

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Coming up in march Good Deeds Day March 9, 2014 2:30-5:30PM During Religious School Once again for Good Deeds Day, Beit Haverim will be making polar fleece blankets for Project Linus. These blankets are distributed to babies and children when they are hospitalized. All you need to do to participate in this worthwhile project is to bring a yard of polar fleece (1 1/2 yards if you want to make a larger one) and a sharp pair of small scissors. Constance Dorreman will bring the pattern and her knowledge and teach us how to complete the blankets. If you are unable to attend this session, you can still participate. Visit Project Linus and complete directions will be given. Drop the blankets off on Sunday, March 9. Coffee and Goodies will be served!

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Coming up in march Theatre Time with Beit Haverim "A Pigeon and a Boy" Sat. Mar. 29, 7:30PM The Jewish Theatre Collaborative i based on the book by Meir Shalev Milagro Theatre, 525 SE Stark, Portland, OR

Crossing Over: A Musical Haggadah A Celebration of Passover and Crossing of The Red Sea Music by Michael Allen Harrison Books and Lyrics by Rabbi Alan Berg Sat. Apr. 6 7:30 PM PSU Lincoln Hall, 1620 SW Park, Portland, OR For details and tickets

2nd Annual Hammentashen Bake Friday March 14, 2014 9:00 AM Claire Frye's Kitchen RSVP to Claire. Address will be given 503.880.3256 For the second year, we will get together and bake those delicious 3 cornered Haman's Hats for the Purim Carnival. Bring a prepared batch of you special dough. Fillings will be provided. A rolling pin, baking sheet, and perhaps your favorite round cutter. Bring a snack to share. February, 2014

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Committee Reports Tikkun Olam After taking the month of December off, we are ready to ramp up for Tikkun Olam activities in 2014. Planning is almost complete for our interfaith social justice event on February 9: Open Hearts=Open Minds. With LOUCC we will be hosting an Open House for the exhibit of a photo exhibit from Oregon United for Marriage, in support of gay marriage. The open house will feature speakers including Rabbi Berg. Also there will be music provided by the choirs of both congregations, and our own Aaron Cohen. Planning is complete for Good Deeds Day on March 9. Once again we will be making blankets for the Linus Project under the direction of Constance Dorreman and Sue Greenspan. April will bring a campaign to provide clothing for the Clackamas Clothes Closet, for kids who need clothing so they can go to school with confidence. Stay tuned for more details. This project will be led by Karin Stolz and Barbara Gray. Finally, there will be planning for a Shabbat Haggadol on the shabbat prior to Passover. The focus for this will be Social Justice. This effort will be led by our Ritual Committee. You too can be involved with any of these efforts. Just call or email Stacy Epsteen. Do a mitzvah today!

Blood Drive Success Thanks to everyone who participated in the Beit Haverim Blood Drive last month. We collected 27 pints! According to the American Red Cross, that is record breaker in the Portland area for a 3-person staff, which is the smaller of their drives. Congratulations!

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Get Involved! Volunteer Opportunity Are you are a Web Designer / Web Developer with experience in Joomla CMS? Beit Haverim is seeking an experienced individual to volunteer as an assistant to administering and managing our custom designed Joomla web site. Interested? Contact Michelle Bombet Minch

Community News and Notables Help us share community news and notables. We'll include community members' simchas and acknowledgments of life event struggles and condolences. Let us know if you received an award/honor, earned a promotion, welcomed a new addition to your family, celebrated a special anniversary or occasion, are mourning a special person or healing from an illness or surgery. Email Gabrielle Williams (photos welcome) or call the office at 503-344-4839. We hope to hear from you!

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Mazel tov! The Kent/Heath family is excited to announce that NayNay Taylor was officially adopted on Wed., Jan. 15. Mazel Tov on this wonderful news!

Jo-Ann Moss, personal vacation planner for Cruise Planners - American Express Travel in West Linn has been designated a Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) Elite Cruise Counselor after recently completing the organization’s rigorous certification requirements. Moss achieved the esteemed certification by completing the official CLIA Cruise Academy training programs, visiting numerous ships, experiencing long cruises, attending professional and product development seminars, and demonstrating strong sales achievement levels. Graduates of the program are widely recognized as the foremost cruise vacation experts among American travel agents. This is the third certification Moss has received through CLIA since 2011. Elite Cruise Counselor (ECC) certification is achieved by a small fraction of travel agents nationwide. Jo-Ann extends her heartfelt appreciation to all Beit Haverim congregants who have used her services.

Save the date B’nai Mitzvot Feb. 15—Adam Beyer April 12-Michael Dreger August 9—Abigail and Audrey Minch August 16– Jacob Sherman August 23– Edyn Pilkington

Beit Haverim Annual Congregational Seder Tuesday, April 15, 6:00PM

Temple Fund Raiser June 7, 2014

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news Beit Haverim Geniza

Congregants who have materials they would like considered for geniza placement may contact Sue Greenspan, Chair of the Ritual Committee. For more details about the Geniza process please visit the December Newsletter.

Amazon Shopping Earns $'s For Beit Haverim

Just use this link here when you make your purchases through Amazon and Beit Haverim earns a percent of your spending. Be sure to share the link with family and friends - it really adds up!

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More News Bar Mitzvah Suit Closet Reduce – Reuse – Recycle! Bring in your rapidly growing boy to borrow a suit for any synagogue occasion. We only ask that you dry-clean any borrowed item before returning it. This clothes closet benefits those in need AND lets us recycle through re-use. We are currently in need of donations of clothes in “like-new” condition, including belts and shoes as well. Girls clothes are welcome for donation too! If you have something to contribute, or if you would like to check out our collection for your own son’s use, please call Rita Sherman at 971-295-6884 or email.

Pet Loss Support Our member, Sharon Rose, is certified and offering pet loss support for other Beit Haverim members. Email Sharon or call her at (503) 352-5045 and she will be happy to talk with you as you go through your grief process.

Beit Haverim At Your Fingertips! Did you know that Beit Haverim offers a secure Member’s Only Section of the Web Site? You’ll find useful information there such as our membership directory. Visit Membership to learn how to obtain access to the Member’s Only.

While we’re talking about on-line tools, don’t forget to Like the Beit Haverim Facebook Page! It’s a great way to be reminded of upcoming events and see some great pics of your community! Beit Haverim On Facebook

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Community Events Eighth Annual Weekend in Quest February 28, March 1-2 2014 Astoria, OR A Shabbaton of study and fun at the beautiful Oregon Coast Topic: Go West, Young Mensch! Presented by The Institute for Judaic Studies For more information, or contact Mimi Epstein , 503-203-2671

Benefitting the nonprofit Morasha/ Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning

Feb 16, 2014 Featuring Live Music Dancing Kosher Buffet Silent Auction This family event for the entire community will feature live music, a dance floor, and kosher buffet, along with a silent auction to support the unique adult Jewish education provided by the Melton School. Date: Sunday, February 16, 2014 Time: 5:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Congregation Neveh Shalom, 2900 SW Peaceful Lane, Portland Tickets: $12 adult, $6 teens Silent Auction: 5:30-8:00 p.m.

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In the Beit Haverim Community Birthdays Noah Gitler


William Saphir


Nicholas Payne


Nancy Lepler


Alex (Abi) Markgraff


Ardyth Kalik


Naomi Emmich


Sophie Lena Rittenbaum


Sara Greenspan


Juliana Sahni


Donald Spear


Tamara DiVergilio


Glen Friedman


Kovi Lefkowitz


Roberta Deasis


Matt Peterson


Ronald Trosty


Nancy Gray


Henry Hauck


Garland Horwitz


Matthew Macovsky


Anniversaries Stephanie Lipman

February, 2014

Yahrzeits Helena Goodman 2/1 Cousin of Shirlee Berman Roza Casuto 2/2 Grandmother of Esther Schwartz Thelma Kleinstein Aunt of Judith Kleinstein


Charles Olson Father of Brian Olson


Marie Wiegler Mother of Barry Wiegler


Andy Hamon Partner of Brian Olson


Leo Kay 2/12 Grandfather of Robin Kay Fay Newman Mother of Mark Newman


Frances Kalik Mother of Evan Kalik


Reba Payne Mother of Alvin Payne


Reuben Moss Father of John Moss


Samuel Perlstein Father of Robert Perlstein



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