Coming Events at Beit Haverim January 2014
Shabbat Service led by Erin David And Ann Brown ~ no potluck prior to services ~
Confirmation Class
Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class
Blood Drive Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Berg and Ann Brown
1:30PM 7:00PM
Tot Shabbat Torah Study led by Rabbi Berg
9:30AM BH 10:00AM BH
Religious School Hebrew Classes Board of Trustees Meeting
2:30PM 4:30PM 2:30PM
Ladies’ Night Home of Barbara Brady
Men’s Group Location—TBD
Annual Women’s Led Service With Ann Brown
Confirmation Class
Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Berg
Torah Study led by Rabbi Berg
10:00AM BH
Religious School Hebrew Classes Tikkun Olam Planning Meeting Learn to Knit
2:30PM 4:30PM 1:30PM 2:30PM
Shabbat Service led by Robin Kay
7:00 PM
Rabbi Alan Berg Cantorial Soloist Ann Brown Shabbat Services Fridays at 7:00 p.m. at Beit Haverim 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 311 Lake Oswego OR 97034 Rabbi’s Hours: by appointment Phone: 503-344-4839 Fax:: 503-344-4870 Email : Website
Beit Haverim is an open, inviting, and spiritually alive Jewish community, located just outside of Portland, Oregon in Lake Oswego. We welcome everyone to our Reform congregation of Jews by birth, Jews by choice
FROM Rabbi Alan Berg Our Amazing Musicians and Singers Combined Choirs for Marriage Equality on Feb 9 Dear Friends, At the gathering to support marriage equality on February 9, our temple choir will be combining voices with the LOUCC choir to demonstrate the truth of the old song If I Had a Hammer: it’s a song about love between my brothers and my sisters…all over this land When I heard that our choirs were getting together, I started thinking about how amazing our temple music program is. Our Cantor Ann Brown lifted the roof at the community Thanksgiving Service when she led Holy Ground. Ann creates this spirit of community at every Shabbat service. Ann’s mastery of the classical Reform music combines with a unique knowledge of today’s music. Allan Kalik leads our volunteer choir with a shining musicality. Allan and the choir give our High Holidays a depth that otherwise would not be possible. Each choir member connects with the congregation, and sounds so great at Shabbat services, adding their strong voices to our weekly worship. On many Shabbats, either leading our services or singing from the congregation Judith Kleinstein, Gabe-Hunter Bernstein, Robin Kay, Eve Miller, Gail Feinstein, Martha Spinhirne, Sharon Rose, and other choir members assure the congregation a nurturing musical setting for our prayers. On Sundays Mark Newman, our religious school cantorial soloist, is having a remarkable impact on our students in all grades. Mark has been bringing a renewed music program to our students; and our students have been reacting with enthusiasm. It’s great to experience how broad a repertoire Mark continues to draw from. This year’s Hannukah focus in the religious school was much stronger with Mark giving the students the full range of Hannukah songs. As is the case with our congregation’s general comfort with using Hebrew in worship, Beit Haverim gains unique strength from our musicians and singers. Music is only one part of the worship and community experience; but for many of us, good music can make a difference in our perspectives. Best for a healthy, safe New Year. Rabbi Alan Berg
Stay tuned for the February newsletter: Rabbi Berg will discuss his trip to the URJ Biennial. January, 2014
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Letter From Our President, Alan Cohen Happy New Year! I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about an event that Beit Haverim is co-sponsoring next month: Open Minds, Open Hearts. We will be hosting this with our friends at LOUCC on Sunday, February 9th in support of Oregon United for Marriage. There will be a traveling photo exhibit, speakers, choir, music, food, and of course, camaraderie. The event begins at 1pm, and I hope everyone who is reading this marks this on their calendar and shows up to support this event. The Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Federation of Portland voted on November 13th to take a position on repealing the ban on same-sex marriage in Oregon. It passed with a 14-3 vote, with 1 abstention. It then went on to the Federation, which passed it with a 9-0 vote with 3 abstentions. Prior to this, our own Beit Haverim Board of Trustees voted to support the repeal, and it passed with one dissention. Dealing with political issues when our congregation has such a strong social action component has been one of the most challenging aspects of my presidency, but this issue was an easy one for me. It's 1964 all over again. Jews should be proud of their involvement in Civil Rights issues. According to the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Jewish activists represented a disproportionate number of whites involved in the struggle. Jews made up half of the young people who participated in the Mississippi Freedom Summer in 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (and the Voting Rights Act of 1965) were both drafted in the conference room of the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism. Religious organizations taking a stand on political issues certainly can raise some red flags, and it is the Board's responsibility to walk that fine line. Everything is political, but basic human rights issues such as this are clearly different. Supporting the repeal of the ban on same-sex marriage falls into that category. I'm proud of the Board for their action, and I wanted the congregation to be aware of that. Until next month, Alan Cohen
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Beit Haverim Events Adult B’nai Mitzvah by Rabbi Berg Welcome and Introduction to the Program Meeting Thursday, January 9, 7:00PM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Beit Haverim will begin a new program on January 9th for temple members who are seeking, as adults, to become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. This program can be a wonderful journey into Jewish history, holidays, sacred texts and community. Above all it is an experience that can fill your soul with Jewish liveliness, and perhaps help you to explore personal religious questions. Participation in the program means about an 18 month commitment to participate, and will include monthly study with the rabbi, some unique activities, and independent study over the summer. The class will be in English, but our text studies will assume that you can be able to read Hebrew when you begin the program. As your Bat or Bar Mitzvah service approaches, your work in Hebrew, to prepare you for conducting the service and reading the Torah, and expanding your Jewish knowledge, will become more active. Students may decide to practice Hebrew with other class members or with a tutor. Beginning next fall, our students will be participating in or conducting, a Shabbat morning service once a month, led by me. If you are thinking about the program, but have questions before our first meeting on January 9th, please send me an e-mail. There will be some elements of our programs that are familiar to an adult B’nai Mitzvah experience, and a few that will be unique to our temple. I’ll present a full vision of the program at the 1st session in January.
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Beit Haverim Events, Cont’d Beit Haverim Blood Drive Friday, January 10th 1:30PM—7:00PM Beit Haverim 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Come for the cookies...stay to save a life. The need for blood is constant -- every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. But blood cannot be manufactured – it can only come from generous donors. On Friday, January 10th, please donate an hour of your time at the Beit Haverim blood drive to save a life. To schedule a time to donate blood, click here and enter the Sponsor Code: BeitHaverim. Sign up early to get the time that works best for you. For those who plan to attend services that evening and would like to donate just prior, allow yourself one hour for the entire donation process. If you've never donated before and are unsure if you are eligible, click here for details on eligibility, or call 1-866-236-3276. If you need help signing up, please email Dena Gutterman and let her know what time works best for you.
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Beit Haverim Events, Cont’d Tot Shabbat— Shabbat Theme! Led by Rabbi Alan Berg Saturday, January 11, 9:30AM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Welcoming all children and their families. A fun-filled, casual service of songs and stories! This month our theme will be Shabbat candles with songs and crafts! Enjoy Shabbat with your child and get to know other young families at Beit Haverim.
Ladies’ Night Tuesday, January 14, 6:00PM At the home of Barbara Brady Address and/or directions will be given when you RSVP to Barbara or 503.704.0782 The guests are gone; the children back in school; the New Year's Resolutions have been made. Please join us for a potluck dinner and evening of friendly conversation. This month's potluck theme is Winter Healthy! A step back in time to our June 2009 Inaugural Beit Haverim Ladies' Night
Beit Haverim Annual Women’s Led Shabbat Service With Cantorial Soloist Ann Brown Friday, January 17, 7:00 PM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Drive, Lake Oswego OR, 97034 Everyone (Men, Women, Children!) is invited to attend this annual service led by Ann Brown and the women of Beit Haverim. The theme of the service will be Women of the Torah, A Dvar study of Sarah, Ruth, Leah, and Esther, and others who shaped Judaism. The women of Beit Haverim are encouraged to contact Sue Greenspan to obtain a reading. Please bring a dessert to share at the oneg to follow services.
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Beit Haverim Events, Cont’d Beit Haverim Men’s group Thursday, January 16, 6:00PM We have two upcoming events scheduled for the Men’s Group: Thursday, January 16th 6-9 PM – Poker Night –Location TBA Sunday, February 2nd 1-7 PM – “Super Bro” Super Bowl Party 50% of the poker buy-in will be donated to Beit Haverim while the other 50% will help to underwrite the Super Bowl party – winner of the poker event takes home bragging rights and the trophy!
The Beit Haverim guys enjoying a November night out.
Tikkun Olam Planning for 2014 Sunday, January 26, 1:30PM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Please help strategize for Tikkun Olam Projects in 2014. Do you have some "pet projects" or causes that you would like to support. Do you want to help provide direction for this effort? This is a time for open discussion and planning. Bring your ideas and energy so that we at Beit Haverim can do our small part in "repairing the world". Questions? Send me an email: Stacy Epsteen
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Beit Haverim Events, Cont’d Learn to Knit Sundays, 2:30-4:00 PM On days when there is religious school and no board meeting First meeting Sunday, January 26, 2:30PM Beit Haverim Fireside Room Want to learn to knit or brush up on your skills? We will have knitters, yarn and needles at Beit Haverim during Sunday school. Come join us and chat and create. We got a generous donation of yarn from Masha Sanders so you won't even need to purchase yarn. Karin Stolz and her crew of knitters (Sue Greenspan and Stacy Epsteen) will be on hand to get you started and answer questions and have a fun afternoon with you. Check Beit Hav calendar to see when there is Sunday school starting in January, and come join us on those Sundays.
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Get Involved! Volunteer Opportunity Are you are a Web Designer / Web Developer with experience in Joomla CMS? Beit Haverim is seeking an experienced individual to volunteer as an assistant to administering and managing our custom designed Joomla web site. Interested? Contact Michelle Bombet Minch
Community News and Notables Help us share community news and notables. We'll include community members' simchas and acknowledgments of life event struggles and condolences. Let us know if you received an award/honor, earned a promotion, welcomed a new addition to your family, celebrated a special anniversary or occasion, are mourning a special person or healing from an illness or surgery. Email Gabrielle Williams (photos welcome) or call the office at 503-344-4839. We hope to hear from you!
Sound Bites — Oregon Jewish Life For the February Weddings issue, Oregon Jewish Life would like to hear from couples to feature in the Soundbites Column. Please send a "couple photo" and your short story (up to 70 words) of how you proposed or met and the city where you live by Jan. 8 to Michelle Bombet Minch, Beit Haverim Marketing/PR Chairperson. Be on the look in each issue for the question for the following month. They are hoping for a blend of poignant, funny and insightful replies.
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Committee Reports Tikkun Olam “Repairing The World� A note from our committee chair, Stacy Epsteen As you know we did not run a project in the month of December. However, there are 2 items of follow up information to share. 1. After Sweet Repeat we had a good deal of clothing remaining. I delivered these to the folks at Rose Haven in NW Portland, and while I was there they gave me a tour and information about their mission, that I would like to share with you. Rose Haven is a Day Center serving women and children "experiencing the trauma of abuse, loss of home, and other disruptive life challenges." Their mission is to "maintain a safe, respectful community while providing our guests with support and services to assist them in regaining stability in their lives." They were so pleased to receive the clothing for their guests and said that anyone who would like to visit and learn about their community is welcome to come down and see for themselves this amazing resource for women and children in our city. 2. We received the following thank you note from JFCS: Dear Community Partners -Thank you for your participation in the JFCS Emergency Aid Holiday Campaign. Thanksgivukkah 2013 proved to be very historic for the Portland Jewish Community. We appreciate your organization being a part of this project and we could not have done it without you. We want to hear from you of how it went for you. Please provide feedback to JFCS. Thank you for taking the time and we look forward to working with you again soon.
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Committee reports (cont’d) Knitzvah Karin Stolz We did it! We donated 47 hats and scarves to Lift Urban that were distributed to low income adults downtown Portland and NW at their December holiday party. I want to thank all my busy knitters who so kindly donated their time and yarn to this project. Thank you!!! Roberta Deasis, Mary Birenbaum, Gail Feinstein, Stacy Epsteen, Sue Greenspan, Robin Kay, Hannah Berkowitz, Leslie Guterman, Constance Dorreman, and Gabrielle Williams. You guys are awesome! I also want to thank Dena Gutterman for her donation of yarn. A big thank you goes to Masha Saunders for her huge donation of yarn. We are set with enough yarn to knit many more hats and scarves for 2014! Please keep the hats, scarves and cowls coming! I would love to double our donation next December. Thank you all! Religious School Happenings A note from Religious School Chair, Heather Kirkbride The first half of the religious school year has quickly come to a close. We had a busy six months full of learning, dancing and singing. The second half of the year should be just as exciting. We will be having a Tu B'Shavat seder on January 26th. This is always a favorite of the children as the special seder includes dried fruits, nuts and other yummy treats. On February 2nd, we will be doing a school wide service project. More details to come on this. If you are interested in visiting or participating in any of the religious school events, please email me. A calendar of events can be found online at
Religious School children learning Israeli Dance
Shalom! January, 2014
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news Beit Haverim Geniza
Congregants who have materials they would like considered for geniza placement may contact Sue Greenspan, Chair of the Ritual Committee. For more details about the Geniza process please visit the December Newsletter.
Beit Haverim is a co-sponsor of Eighth Annual Weekend in Quest February 28, March 1-2 2014 Astoria, OR A Shabbaton of study and fun at the beautiful Oregon Coast Dr. Ellen Eisenberg Professor at Willamette University Department of History Topic: Go West, Young Mensch! Presented by The Institute for Judaic Studies For more information, or contact Mimi Epstein , 503-203-2671
Amazon Shopping Earns $'s For Beit Haverim
Just use this link here when you make your purchases through Amazon and Beit Haverim earns a percent of your spending. Be sure to share the link with family and friends - it really adds up!
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More News Bar Mitzvah Suit Closet Reduce – Reuse – Recycle! Bring in your rapidly growing boy to borrow a suit for any synagogue occasion. We only ask that you dry-clean any borrowed item before returning it. This clothes closet benefits those in need AND lets us recycle through re-use. We are currently in need of donations of clothes in “like-new” condition, including belts and shoes as well. Girls clothes are welcome for donation too! If you have something to contribute, or if you would like to check out our collection for your own son’s use, please call Rita Sherman at 971-295-6884 or email.
Pet Loss Support Our member, Sharon Rose, is certified and offering pet loss support for other Beit Haverim members. Email Sharon or call her at (503) 352-5045 and she will be happy to talk with you as you go through your grief process.
Beit Haverim At Your Fingertips! Did you know that Beit Haverim offers a secure Member’s Only Section of the Web Site? You’ll find useful information there such as our membership directory. Visit Membership to learn how to obtain access to the Member’s Only.
While we’re talking about on-line tools, don’t forget to Like the Beit Haverim Facebook Page! It’s a great way to be reminded of upcoming events and see some great pics of your community! Beit Haverim On Facebook
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Community News Jewish Overnight Camp The Jewish Federation is expanding first-time camp opportunities to as many children as possible. To learn more about your camp options, attend the Jewish Camp Fair at the MJCC on Sunday, January 12, 2014, or in the interim click here to explore camp options coast to coast. We believe that more children experiencing Jewish overnight camp will build a more positive Jewish future!
The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning New Melton Classes Starting in January! On-Line Registration or contact Rachel Pollak at 503-384-2476 or email
Troubling Texts of the Torah, with Jan Rabinowitch Thursdays, Jan. 9-Feb 4, 7:00-8:15 p.m., 5 sessions, at Shir Tikvah, $90 Mysticism and Kabbalah, with Rabbi Ariel Stone Thursdays, Feb. 13-March 13, 7:00-8:15 p.m., 5 sessions, at Shir Tikvah, $90 What Is God? Part II, with Jan Rabinowitch Tuesdays, Jan. 7-March 11, 9:15-10:30 a.m., 10 sessions, at the MJCC, $180 The New American Haggadah, with Sarah Liebman Tuesdays, Jan. 7-March 11, 12-1:15, 10 sessions, at the MJCC, $180 What is God, Part I, with Jan Rabinowitch Tuesdays, Jan 7-March 11, 7:00-8:15 p.m., 10 sessions, at Shaarie Torah, $180 Jewish Poetry Workshop, with Rachel Pollak Tuesdays, January 7-Feb 4, 10:45-noon, at MJCC, $45 The Holocaust in International Feature Film, with Dr. Anna Szemere Film Viewings: Sundays, Feb 9, 16, 23, March 2, 9 at Shaarie Torah (times tba); Classes: Tuesdays, Feb 11-March 11, 10:45-noon, at MJCC, $90 for Sunday view ings and Tuesday classes; $15 for just the 5 viewings, or $5 ea. The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Part II, with Rabbi Joshua Stampfer Mondays, Jan 6-March 10, 2-3:15 p.m., Neveh Shalom, 10 sessions, $180 Also Thursdays, Jan 9-March 13, 10:30-11:45, Neveh Shalom, 10 sessions, $180
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In the Beit Haverim Community Yahrzeits
Birthdays Max Libmann
Adam Perlstein
Naomi Angier
Melissa Deasis
Natalie Goldberg
Barbara Gold
Chris Heath
Natalie Scheele
Abigail Kirkbride
Sharon Rose
Ian McTeague
Abigail Minch
Audrey Minch
Chris Dearborn
David Levine
Adam Beyer
Alan Cohen
Tomer Gitler
Carlie Greenspan
Esther Schwartz
Tate Williams
Arielle Barry
Dale Willis
Jeffery David
Michael Perlstein
Ethan Gitler
Alex Libmann
Aaron Rabiroff
Max Sokol
Lindsay Goldberg
Gabrielle Williams
Steven Sanders
January, 2014
Joshua Albert Bombet Nephew of Michelle Minch
Jeanette Levy Friend of Roberta DeAsis
Bette Cohen Sister-in-Law of Brian Olson
Morris Goldberg 1/9/2014 Grandfather of Matthew & Cary Goldberg Floyd Moss 1/15/2014 Former Husband of Susan Moss Edward Sonnenfeld Father of Laurie Sonnenfeld
Albert Bilow Uncle of Steve Bilow
Lillian Opper 1/18/2014 Mother of Babette Flynn, Grandmother of Liz Cohen Helen Epsteen Mother of Stacy Epsteen
Norman Perlstein Perlstein, Bob & Linda
Gertrude Sondheimer 1/22/2014 Grandmother of Gabe Hunter-Bernstein Solomon Yawnick Father of Barbara Gray
Morris S. Macovsky Father of Louis Macovsky
Herman John Feinstein Father of Alan Feinstein
Phyllis Natale Mother of Jo-Ann Moss
James Horwitz Brother of Barbara Brady
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