VEGETABLE SEEDS 2022 - 2023 f Working with Irish Growers to produce healthy and nutritious vegetables for local markets
BEJO’S CROPALYSER APP is a practical search tool for growers to help identify pests and diseases. The app provides information about the health and growth of your crop! DOWNLOAD CROPALYSER COM CROPALYSER THE APP TO ANALYSE YOURDISEASESPESTSCROP!&CROPALYSEFUNCTION DIRECT SEARCHNEW CROPS CONTACT OFFICE DIRECTLY LANGUAGESDISCLAIMER&
Vegetable Production Guide 4-6 General Information 7 Resistance Terminology and Codes 8-9 Product Forms and Specifications 10-11 12 13 Purple Sprouting Broccoli 13-1415 Brussels Sprouts 16-18 Pointed Cabbage 19 Dutch Winter White Cabbage 20-21 Savoy/Autumn Winter Cabbage 22-2324 Cauliflower Summer, Autumn & Romanesco 25-26 Cauliflower Autumn/Winter 27-293031 32 33 Bunching Onion 35-3634 38 39-41 Coloured Carrots 44-454342464747484849-5051-55 ORGANIC SEEDS 56 Cauliflower 57 Romanesco 58 Broccoli 58 Purple Sprouting Broccoli 58 Chinese Cabbage 59 Kohlrabi 59 Red Cabbage 59 Savoy/Autumn Winter Cabbage 60-61 Summer and Autumn Round Cabbage 61 Dutch Winter White Cabbage 62 Pointed Cabbage 62 Brussels Sprouts 63 Shallots 64 Bunching Onion 64 Onion 65 Leek 65 Carrot 66 Coloured Carrot 66 Beetroot 67 Radish 67 Courgette 67 Declarations and Disclaimers 68 General Terms and Conditions 69-71 68-71 4-10 INDEX 32-3656-6712-3138-55 PleaseORDERSplaceyourordersingood time and clearly state the variety choice and product form you wish Once delivered, we cannot accept any seed returns Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 3
VEGETABLE PRODUCTION GUIDE CROP HARVESTSEASON SOW PLANT HARVEST (INCHES)SPACING POPULATIONPERACRE BROAD BEAN Overwinter November-December May-June 18 x 6 60,000 Early Mid February June-July 18 x 6 60,000 Main March-May July-September 18 x 6 60,000 CLIMBING FRENCH BEAN Early glass Mid JanuaryMid February June 2 Seeds per Station 48 x 15 17,500 DWARF FRENCH BEAN Early glass May-June August – October 24 x 3 90000 Maincrop June August 15 x 3 140,000 RUNNER BEAN Early pinched End May-June July-August 30 x 6 35,000 Maincrop Supported End May-June July-September 24 x 20 14,000 BEET Early End March June 15 x 1 5 280,000 Maincrop (pickling) April-July August Double line 16 seeds per foot 550,000 BORECOLE April-June July October-March 24 x 24 10,900 SPROUTING BROCCOLI Winter April-May June-July February-March 24 x 30 9,000 BRUSSELS SPROUTS Early Mid Feb-March April August-October 21 x 18 16,500 Mid season March–Early April May October-December 24 x 20 13,000 Late LateMidMarch–April May December-March 30 x 24 9,000 4
CROP HARVESTSEASON SOW PLANT HARVEST (INCHES)SPACING POPULATIONPERACRE CABBAGE Early Summer February April June 15 x 12 35000 Summer March-April May-June July-August 15 x 12 35000 Autumn/SavoyWinter March-May April-July September-March 20 x 16 20,000 Spring hearted End July Mid September April-May 16 x 10 40,000 Spring greens August September February-May 16 x 6 60,000 CALABRESE Very early February March June 24 x 24 11,000 Early End March Mid May July 24 x 16 16,000 Maincrop Mid May-June July August-November 24 x 16 16,000 Late Mid September End October May-June 24 x 16 16,000 CARROT Early bunching Oct -Jan glass February-April 20 x 1 25 300,000 Early covers Mid Oct -March June-July 20 x 0 75 350,000 Early February-March June-July 20 x 0 8 400,000 - 500,000 Maincrop-late March-Early July August onwards 20 x 0 4 600,000 - 800,000 CAULIFLOWER Early Summer October March June-July 24 x 18 14,500 Late Summer March-April May Mid July-August 24 x 22 12,000 Early Autumn Late April-May May-June August-September 24 x 24 11000 Late Autumn Late April-May June-July September-December 24 x 24 11000 Winter May-Early June July December-May 24 x 26 10,000 CELERY Very early Dec-Jan glass April July 12 x 10 50,000 Early Mid March May-June August-October 12 x 10 50,000 Autumn glass Mid June End July November-December 12 x 10 50,000 Winter April-May May-July September-December 12 x 10 50,000 COURGETTE Early glass March May June 48 x 30 4,500 Early covers End April-May End May July-September 36 x 30 6,000 Maincrop Mid May-June June-July July-September 36 x 30 6,000 ENDIVE Spring December glass April 15 x 12 35,000 Autumn April-July July-October 15 x 12 35,000 Winter EndSeptemberAugust- December-March 15 x 12 35,000 FENNEL April-August May-September 20 x 10 30,000 KOHLRABI End February-July May-October 15 x 9 44,700 LEEK Early Autumn February-April April-June September-November Pre-pack18x3 115,000 Autumn/Winter Mid March-May May-June October-April Fresh market 18 x 6 58,000 Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 5
CROP HARVESTSEASON SOW PLANT HARVEST (INCHES)SPACING POPULATIONPERACRE LETTUCE GLASSHOUSE Short Butterheadday 15thJanuaryAugust- 2-6 weeks October-April 9 x 8 85,000 Long Butterheadday 15thFebruary-August 2-6 weeks April-October 9 x 8 85,000 LETTUCE OUTDOOR Butterhead March-Mid August 2-6 weeks June-October 12 x 10 50,000 Iceberg/Crisp February-July 3-6 weeks June-October 12 x 12 40,000 ONION Maincrop Mid MarchFebruary- August-October 18 x 1 5 250,000 Overwintered August June-July 18 x 1 350,000 SALAD ONION Spring February-June May-November 14 inch rows, 38 per foot 1 4m Overwintered July-August March-May 14 inch rows, 40 per foot 1 5m JAPANESE ONION April-June June-October 14 inch rows, 40 per foot 1 5m PARSLEY Early September April-Frost 18 inch rows x6 400,000 Maincrop February-July June-Frost 18 inch rows x6 400,000 PARSNIP Pre-pack EarlyFebruary-June September-February 18 x 1 5 225,000 Ware EarlyFebruary-June October-March 18 x 2 5 140,000 PEA Early March May-June 8 x 2 400,000 / 70-100 kg Maincrop April-May June-August 8 x 2 400,000 Late June September-October 8 x 2 5 350,000 Glasshouse December-January April-May 8 x 2 400,000 SUGAR PEA Summer March-June May-September 8 x 2 400,000 / 70-100 kg PUMPKIN Summer/Autumn April-May May-June August-October 36 x 30 6,000 SWEDE Early EndmodulesFebruary March-April June-July 18 x 4 90,000 Maincrop April-July August-March 18 x 4 90,000 SWEETCORN Summer/ Autumn May August-October 24 x 8 32,500 TURNIP Early glass Mid Jan -Mid Feb March-April 15 x 3 140,000 Early summer Mid March-May June-July 15 x 3 140,000 Summer May-June July-September 15 x 3 140,000 Winter/store Mid July- August November 15 x 3 140,000 RADISH Glasshouse Successional 20-50 days 4 x 1 5 1m Outdoor SeptemberFebruary- April-November 8 x 2 400,000 SPINACH Summer March-August May-October 12 x 1 500,000 Winter September-October April-May 12 x 3 175,000 6
GENERAL INFORMATION Method of calculating plant stand per acre DRILL LENGTH PER ACRE AT DIFFERENT ROW WIDTHS 12” rows (30 cms) = 522,720 inches 20” rows (51 cms) = 313,632 inches 28” rows (71 cms) = 224,022 inches 14” rows (35 cms) = 448,045 inches 22” rows (56 cms) = 285,120 inches 30” rows (76 cms) = 209,088 inches 15” rows (38 cms) = 418,176 inches 23” rows (58 cms) = 272,736 inches 31” rows (79 cms) = 202,343 inches 16” rows (40 cms) = 392,040 inches 24” rows (61 cms) = 261,360 inches 32” rows (81 cms) = 196,020 inches 18” rows (45 cms) = 348,480 inches 26” rows (66 cms) = 241,255 inches 34” rows (86 cms) = 184,289 inches 19” rows (48 cms) = 330,138 inches 27” rows (68 cms) = 232,320 inches 36” rows (91 cms) = 174,240 inches To calculate the number of plants required per acre you simply take the row width in inches from this chart and divide the number of inches shown in the chart by the distance between plants in the row. Example: 20 inch rows with 18 inch spacing between plants require 313,632 ÷18 = 17,424 plants per acre (multiplied by 2.47 = 43,037 plants her hectare). Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 7
Two levels of resistance are defined:
Resistant varieties may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest or climate pressure
Resistances in our varieties are coded with a crop-specific resistance code (see the coding list on the next page for the explanations), unless indicated otherwise In situations where a variety is resistant to more than one pest, the individual resistance codes are separated by a semicolon (;) For the latest information on resistances and the interpretation of resistance codes, please see
It is to be noted that if a resistance is claimed in a plant variety it is limited to the specified biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains of the pest If no biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains are specified in the resistance claim for a variety, it is because no generally accepted or relevant classification of the biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains of the cited pest exists New biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains that may emerge are not covered by the original resistance claim
I High resistance (HR): plant varieties that highly restrict the growth and/or development of the specified pest and/ or the damage it causes under normal pest pressure when compared to susceptible varieties
• 'Resistance': the ability of a plant variety to restrict the growth and/or development of a specified pest and/or the damage it causes when compared to susceptible plant varieties under similar conditions
• 'Immunity': a plant variety is not subject to attack or infection by a specified pest Resistance codes
1 FAO defines a pest as: any species, strain or biotype of plant, animal or pathogenic agent injurious to plants or plant products. Pathogens (microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi that cause a disease) are, therefore, included in the term ‘pest’.
Definitions of the terms describing the reaction of plants to pests1 In the information provided by the Seller, the following meaning is given to the terms below:
• 'Susceptibility': the inability of a plant variety to restrict the growth and/or development of a specified pest
II Intermediate resistance (IR): plant varieties that restrict the growth and/or development of the specified pest and/ or the damage it causes, but may exhibit a greater range of symptoms or damage compared to high resistant Varietiesvarietiesclaiming the same level of resistance against a specific pest may exhibit a different resistance response due to a different genetic background of a variety
RESISTANCE CODES Crop Type Code Scientific name namecommonEnglish Brassicas Bacteria Xcc campestrisXanthomonaspv campestris Black rot Fungi Ac Albugo candida White rust Foc Fusarium oxysporum f sp conglutinans Fusarium yellows Hb brassicaeHyaloperonospora Downy mildew Pyb Pyrenopeziza brassicae Light leaf spot Mb brassicicolaMycosphaerella Ring spot Ss Sclerotinia sclerotiorum White mold Pb brassicaePlasmodiophora Clubroot Vd Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt Vl longisporumVerticillium Verticillium wilt Insect Tt Thrips tabaci Thrips Carrot Fungi Ad Alternaria dauci Alternaria leaf blight Ar Alternaria radicina Black rot Cc Cercospora carotae Cercospora leaf blight Eh Erysiphe heraclei Powdery mildew Ma acerinaMycocentrospora Liquorice rot Ps Pythium sulcatum Cavity spot Pv Pythium violae Cavity spot Rc carotaeRhexocercosporidium Black spot Virus CtRLV Carrot red leaf virus Carrot red leaf CMoV Carrot mottle virus Carrot mottle CeleriacCelery, Fungi Foa Fusarium oxysporum f sp apii Fusarium yellows and wilt Sa Septoria apiicola Late blight Virus CeMV Celery mosaic virus Celery mosaic Crop Type Code Scientific name namecommonEnglish Courgette Viruses CMV Cucumber mosaic virus mosaicCucumber PRSV Papaya ringspot virus Papaya ringspot WMV Watermelon mosaic virus mosaicWatermelon ZYMV Zucchini yellow mosaic virus Zucchini yellows ShallotOnion,(Bunching)Leek, Fungi Ap Alternaria porri Purple blotch Foc Fusarium oxysporum f sp cepae Basal rot Pd Peronospora destructor Downy mildew Php Phytophthora porri White tip of leek Pa Puccinia allii Rust Pt Pyrenochaeta terrestris Pink root Insects Tt Thrips tabaci Thrips Lettuce Fungi Bl Bremia lactucae Downy mildew Fol Fusarium oxysporum f sp lactucae Fusarium wilt Viruses LMV Lettuce mosaic virus Lettuce mosaic TBSV Tomato bushy stunt virus Lettuce die-back Insect Nr Nasonovia ribisnigri Lettuce leaf aphid Parsley(Rooted) Fungus Pc Plasmopara crustosa Downy mildew Radish Fungi Ac Albugo candida White rust/blister Ar Aphanomyces raphani Black root For Fusarium oxysporum f sp raphani Yellows Hb brassicaeHyaloperonospora Downy mildew Red Beet Virus BNYVV Beet necrotic yellow vein virus Rhizomania Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 9
Bejo Basic coating is a film coating incorporating fungicides These fungicides protect the seed from seedling blight and soil fungi during germination Bejo insecticide coating (blue colour)
All seed meets the requirements for standard seed of the EU Council Directive 2002/55/EC. Normal seed In general, normal seed has not been subjected to special processes It is sold by weight and/or by count, depending on the product Bejo Precision Bejo Precision is precision seed The most stringent quality standards are employed for Bejo Precision The seed has a uniform size and a high germination capacity The Euroseeds product specifications mentioned in the table below are the basic standards for Bejo Precision Primed seed
Vegetable growing has become a highly specialized and intensive activity As a result of the ever increasing demand for better quality, vegetable growers and plant raisers require an improved quality of the propagation material The demand for specific seed product forms and more information about seed quality has strongly increased to better influence emergence and required number of plants
The product specifications for both germination and varietal purity of precision seeds and the seed health requirements are based upon Euroseeds recommended standards
The often varying environmental conditions thus influence final results It is therefore often not possible to give detailed information about emergence and other physical seed characteristics To meet the wishes of clients as much as possible Bejo has made up quality standards for the various seed categories
Seed is a natural product
Organic seed Bejo’s organic seed is certified according to Regulation (EC) 834/2007 After harvest, organically produced seed is subjected to physical treatment (e g by steam vacuum or hot water treatment) We apply an organic coating to all our organic seed Bejo coating for organic seed (yellowish colour)
The product specifications are not meant to be absolute minimum standards for delivery If the quality tests of Bejo indicate a lower quality-level than given in these specifications, Bejo will inform prospective seed users This communication is aimed at informing professional seed users about the quality they can expect, so they can make their own assessment and decide if these seeds meet their requirements
The priming of seed comprises the activation of the germination process with the aim of ensuring that the seedlings will emerge more quickly and/or more uniformly after sowing This process may also result in a more uniform crop and enables more accurate timing for weed control Pelleted seed The pelleting of seed is a process in which small or irregularly shaped seeds are coated with an inert material to make them round and uniform, in order to facilitate sowing It is also possible to add beneficial substances For pelleted seed Bejo Precision seed is used Bejo Basic coating (green colour)
Advice safe use fungicide and/ or insecticide treated seed When using fungicide and/or insecticide treated seed, you must take precautions for your own safety and the protection of the environment See “Treated seed safe use advice Euroseeds” on our website
Insecticide coating is an all-round film coating incorporating fungicides and an insecticide This coating considerably helps to reduce the use of crop protection agents Insecticide coating provides reliable protection at the start of the cultivation and helps to prevent population growth It is only available for some onion varieties and specific countries
Bejo’s organic seed has a yellowish colour coating to facilitate sowing and for better visibility for drill depth and sowing rate control Bejo’s organic coating is approved by the organic certifier Bejo coating for non-chemically treated (NCT) seed (white colour) After harvest, conventionally produced seed may be physically treated (e g by steam vacuum or hot water treatment) NCT seed has a white colour coating, without any chemical additives, to facilitate sowing and for better visibility to control the drill depth and sowing rate
EUROSEEDS PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS OF PRECISION SEED AND PELLETS (valid for EU member states) The germination percentages mentioned are Bejo’s minimum required figures and made up according to ISTA methods and tolerances, and are valid at the time of despatch Crop Precisionseed Pellets Brassica seedgerminationsizegradation 0,2590%mm 90% Beetrootmonogermmultigerm seedgerminationgerminationsizegradation 0,5090%80%mm Bunching Onion seedgerminationsizegradation 0,2590%mm Carrot seedgerminationsizegradation 0,2085%mm Celery/Celeriac germination 90% 90% Courgette germination 92% Fennel seedgerminationsizegradation 0,20/0,5090% mm 90% LeekOPF1 seedgerminationgerminationsizegradation 0,20/0,2585%90% mm 85%90% Onion seedgerminationsizegradation 0,7590%mm Parsley seedgerminationsizegradation 0,20/0,2587% mm 87% Radish seedgerminationsizegradation 0,2592%mm Shallot seedgerminationsizegradation 0,7590%mm EUROSEEDS PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS FOR VARIETAL PURITY* OF PRECISION SEED (valid for EU member states) Crop Minimum % varietal purity for precision seeds Brassica 93 Courgette 97 LettuceButterhead, Batavia, Iceberg, Romaine other types 9598 * Varietal purity is defined as the percentage of plants from a seed lot that meets the variety description. SEED HEALTH REQUIREMENTS In order to supply sufficiently healthy vegetable seeds and in order to meet the requirements of EU Council Directive 2002/55/EC, Bejo uses various disease risk management strategies to prevent and control seed transmitted diseases These may include and are not limited to seed health testing programs, protected seed production, field inspections, seed treatments and other effective seed disinfection methods ISHI-Veg has developed the Manual of Seed Health Testing Methods, which includes state of the art seed health testing protocols Bejo follows the ISHI-Veg recommended minimum sizes of a representative sample for seed health testing Information regarding the ISHI-Veg seed health test protocols and recommended minimum sample sizes can be found at: https://www worldseed org/resources/ishi-veg-protocols/ Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 11
BushySANTEEplantwith medium dark purple spears Harvesting June to November and February to March Significantly extends the growing season for this crop . X Growing days: 115 X Harvesting period: JuneNovember X HR: Foc X IR: Xcc EarlyBURGUNDYvariety,very uniform, suitable for one-cut segment harvest, keeps colour well . X Growing days: 70 X Harvesting period: JuneNovember X HR: Foc HeavyBELSTARdense400-500 gram heads Best suited to early and late production . X Growing days: 75-85 X Harvesting period: Early, late production X HR: Foc X IR: Ac; Xcc BROCCOLI PURPLE SPROUTING BROCCOLI Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 13
PURPLE SPROUTING BROCCOLI Compact,RIOJA very productive hybrid with a bushy habit . Suited to early spring harvest Very high quality spears . X Growing days: 116 X Harvesting period: Mid February - Mid March X HR: Foc X IR: Xcc LateBONARDAmaturingwith good deep purple spears . Strong yielding late variety X Growing days: 230 X Harvesting period: April - May X HR: Foc X IR: Xcc 14
BORECOLE HighOLDENBORyieldingvariety . Good winterhardiness, providing a longer period for harvest . Good leaf to margin ratio X Growing days: 118 X Harvesting period: July X CMS by protoplast fusion: yes X HR: Foc X IR: Xcc AttractiveREDBORred borecole with intensive colour X Growing days: 120 X Harvesting period: Autumn and winter HighREFLEXyielding with excellent winterhardiness and very few yellow leaves in late winter . X Growing days: 120 X Harvesting period: Late summer, autumn and winter f Red Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 15
BRUSSELS SPROUTS AATTIShighyielding sprout for the fresh market Later Divino type X Growing days: 150 X Harvesting period: SeptemberOctober X IR: Xcc EarlyMARTEvariety with excellent standing ability Plant after 10th May . Produces high percentage of 31-41 mm sprouts X Growing days: 145 X Harvesting period: SeptemberOctober X HR: Foc Mid-darkDIVINOgreen, round medium sized sprouts Upright plant with very healthy growth habit . X Growing days: 140 X Harvesting period: SeptemberOctober 16
BRUSSELS SPROUTS Solid,STEADIAmedium sized sprouts . Strong against thrips X Growing days: 180 X Harvesting period: NovemberDecember X HR: Foc X IR: Xcc VeryHELIOSattractive uniform buttons . Smooth, slightly oval shape suits industry . X Growing days: 170 X Harvesting period: NovemberDecember X IR: Xcc OutstandingNEPTUNOvariety which can harvest from late October to December depending on planting dates and growing techniques Very round smooth attractive sprouts . X Growing days: 165 X Harvesting period: Late OctoberDecember X HR: Foc X IR: Xcc Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 17
ChristmasHECTORharvest variety with excellent vigour Very uniform, high quality buttons . This variety has a good tolerance for light leaf spot . X Growing days: 220 X Harvesting period: DecemberMarch X IR: Xcc TallDORICstrong growing plants, ideal for stalks X Growing days: 180 X Harvesting period: NovemberDecember X HR: Foc X IR: Xcc FirmPONTUSsprouts with excellent grade out Suitable for Christmas production . X Growing days: 200 X Harvesting period: NovemberDecember X HR: Foc X IR: Xcc BRUSSELS SPROUTSHEMERALatevariety.High frost tolerance and very good standing ability . X Growing days: 215 X Harvesting period: December 18
SuitedDUNCANforallyear round production Circa 500 gram heads when mature . Good bolting tolerance X Growing days: Wide variation depending on planting dates X Harvesting period: All year round AANTONIOveryuniform, smooth pointed headed cabbage with upright foliage . Produces cabbages of 1,0 – 1,2 kg Antonio is also suitable for (short term) storage X Growing days: 80 X Harvesting period: JuneNovember X HR: Ac; Foc SweetCARAFLEXtastingvery attractive smooth conical shape Narrow base makes it suitable for bagging X Growing days: 75 X Harvesting period: Late JuneEnd October X HR: Foc POINTED CABBAGEVERVEPointedheaded cabbage, spring green . Small medium core loose density head . X Growing days: 110 X CMS by protoplast fusion: yes X HR: Foc Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 19
DUTCH WINTER WHITE CABBAGE ProducesCYCLONEmedium to large sized heads with flat-round shape Suitable for short term storage . High resistance to Fusarium oxysporum X Growing days: 100 X Harvesting period: AugustOctober X HR: Foc GoodPERFECTAstandingability, internal structure and colour Early plantings must use covers for mid July harvest Mid May planting should harvest by mid August . X Growing days: 85 X Harvesting period: JulySeptember Solid,FARAOround fresh green heads with long field standability Strong against cracking . Suitable for spring-autumn production X Growing days: 65 X Harvesting period: July - October ClubREPORTRootresistant . Uniform and solid head . Nice internal structure . Mid early variety X Growing days: 116 X Harvesting period: August - October X HR: Ac; Foc; Pb:0,1,3 20
DUTCH WINTER WHITEthripsdensityBeautifulKALUGACABBAGEpresentationforhighsowingStrongagainstandeasytopeel. X Growing days: 130 X Harvesting period: AugustOctober X CMS by protoplast fusion: yes X HR: Foc EarlyREACTIONsmallwhite cabbage with long term storage ability Suitable in tighter spacings for 1kg head production X Growing days: 118 X Harvesting period: Mid AugustOctober X HR: Foc HighlyLENNOXproductive, long storage hybrid Very uniform, close spaced for late fresh market, wide spaced for slaw Very green out of storage X Growing days: 140 X Harvesting period: October - mid November StorageZACAPAvariety . Healthy leaf edge, fine structure . X Growing days: 138 X Harvesting period: September - November X HR: Foc Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 21
SAVOY/AUTUMN WINTER CABBAGE LateFIRENSAAutumnmid-season variety . Dark green attractively savoyed appearance . Good frost tolerance X Growing days: 120 X Harvesting period: End Augustmid November X IR: Ac LateOVASAsummer and early autumn variety Good holding ability in the field . Very uniform crop performance X Growing days: 100 X Harvesting period: Mid AugustOctober X HR: Ac VeryFAMOSApopular variety for Irish growing conditions Early maturing . Suitable for close spacings Firm heads with dark green blistered outer leaves . Produces flat round heads of 2-3 kg . Perfect for supermarkets . X Growing days: 70 X Harvesting period: JulySeptember X IR: Ac 22
ProducesSTANTONdense round heads from November Very good standing ability in the field . Strong stem, heads set high off the ground, good cold tolerance, stores well . Widely grown in Ireland with excellent results X Growing days: 130 X Harvesting period: OctoberFebruary ExcellentIMPRESAquality heads . Good winterhardiness Potential for very late production . X Growing days: 152 X Harvesting period: January - End March X CMS by protoplast fusion: yes DarkBARBOSAgreencompact heads . Good frost tolerance X Growing days: 145 X Harvesting period: OctoberFebruary SAVOY/AUTUMN WINTER CABBAGE Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 23
RED CABBAGE MaincropLODEROstorage variety . This variety shows high resistance to one or more club root fungi . Good deep red colour X Growing days: 135 X Harvesting period: Late September - mid November X HR: Pb:0,1,2 RoundKLIMAROstorage cabbage with very good standing ability Beautiful red internal colour and dense structure Also suitable for higher plant densities . X Growing days: 123 X Harvesting period: Septembermid November AnOMEROimproved, more uniform type with a fresh appearance Suitable for the small head market . X Growing days: 80 X Harvesting period: Mid JulyAugust X CMS by protoplast fusion: yes 24
CAULIFLOWER SUMMER, AUTUMN & ROMANESCOLIRIAMidearlyvarietyforsummer and early autumn production Finely structured curds ideal for the fresh market Holds white colour well after cover leaves open in field . X Growing days: 80 X Harvesting period: JulySeptember CanFLAMENCOharvestthrough summer and early autumn Also suitable for October sowings . X s: 76 X Harvesting period: JulySeptember MidALCALAearlycauliflower for earliest and summer cultivation The leaves have a grey green colour with medium length and a good covering . Alcala produces a medium sized white curd with a flat round head . X Growing days: 76 X Harvesting period: JuneSeptember X CMS by protoplast fusion: yes Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 25
CAULIFLOWER SUMMER, AUTUMN & ROMANESCOVERONICALateRomanescotypeforsummer/autumnproductionStrongagainstriceynessand red discolouration X Growing days: 90 X Harvesting period: September/ October X HR: Foc OutstandingSKYWALKERautumn variety . Best for harvesting in October Well protected medium deep curds . X Growing days: 96 X Harvesting period: JuneSeptember ForZARAGOZAlatesummerand early autumn Resistant to the most common strains of clubroot . Solid white curds X Growing days: 80 X Harvesting period: August/ September X HR: Pb:0,1,3 26
CAULIFLOWER AUTUMN/WINTER cauliflowerRoscoffLANNIONtype.winter/springGoodleafcover X Growing days: 220 X Harvesting period: January - End March EarlyPACIANOwintercauliflower . Vigorous upright leaf habit with a visible white curd . X Growing days: 175 X Harvesting period: December; January X IR: Xcc StrongBELOTwinter cauliflower for November/December Long cutting period particularly when planted late Wide spacings can result in hollow stems . X Growing days: 135 X Harvesting period: NovemberEarly December Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 27
CAULIFLOWER AUTUMN/WINTER LateCHESTERmaturingWalcheren . Well covered medium large frame X Growing days: 255 X Harvesting period: Mid April LateDOUGLASmaturingWalcheren with good protection and a deep white curd . X Growing days: 254 X Harvesting period: Mid April ExceptionalVOGUE quality . Very vigorous and healthy X Growing days: 240 X Harvesting period: Mid - late April 28
CAULIFLOWER AUTUMN/WINTER WalcherenSETH type . Latest of our winter cauliflower range Well protected with good vigour . X Growing days: 280 X Harvesting period: Mid May VeryCARTAGENAlateRoscofftype with good cover X Growing days: 275 X Harvesting period: Early - mid May VeryFLETCHERhealthyfoliage . Dense white curds Roscoff type X Growing days: 255 X Harvesting period: Mid April X IR: Xcc Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 29
StrongBOPAKupright, smooth white stems . Dark green broad leaves . Strong against breakage . Fast growing and easy to harvest Highly resistant to Clubroot races 0,1,3 which makes it possible to grow crops in ground which was infected by Clubroot . X Growing days: 45 X HR: Foc; Pb:0,1,3 PAK CHOI 30
GlobeHELENORshapewith a neat neck and root Excellent sweet taste and deep purple skin colour . Needs extra boron X Growing days: 140 X Harvesting period: Early, maincrop, late SWEDE f Purple top AESKnew and exciting main season variety Esk is a traditional globe shape with a vibrant purple/ cream skin colour and short neck . Grows well on all soil types and maintains a consistently uniform pack-out yield . X Growing days: 140 X Harvesting period: Maincrop AttractiveTWEEDpurple shoulder and tasty cream coloured flesh Uniform, globe shaped roots . Vigorous early growth habit X Growing days: 140 X Harvesting period: Early, maincrop, late f Purple topf Purple top ForMAGRESearlyproduction can be sown in modules or direct seeded . High dry matter makes it suitable for overwintering X Growing days: 180 X Harvesting period: Early, maincrop, late f Purple top Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 31
RED TIDE High yields of round, attractive bulbs Good storage potential X Growing days: 170 X Harvesting period: Late Season X IR: Pt RoundHYPARKconvex onion in the middle early segment Suitable for all soils . X Growing days: 166 X Harvesting period: Second early EarlyHYBINGRijnsburger . Strong rooting helps in warm, dry conditions to produce high yields of superb round bulbs X Growing days: 157 X Harvesting period: Early X IR: Pt ONION f Red VeryELEMENTearlyoverwintering variety . Globe shaped uniform onions with good bolting tolerance X Growing days: 270 X Harvesting period: Early Season f Overwintering Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 33
GrownPARADEforsummer and autumn crops . Fresh green to dark green in colour Ideal for bunching and cleaning . Very strong against bulbing . X Growing days: 80 X Harvesting period: Summer/Autumn X IR: Foc; Pt SlightlyPERFORMERearliermaturing than Parade . Intense dark green colour Very slow to bulb X Growing days: 85 X Harvesting period: Summer/Autumn X IR: Foc; Pt BUNCHING ONION 34
LEEK ABATTERmaincropvariety with good shank length and a nice green colour . Easy to process and clean X Growing days: 110 X Harvesting period: SeptemberNovember X IR: Ap; Pa; Pp; Php Summer/autumnWALKER variety with a very long shaft of uniform thickness . Suitable for pre-pack leeks or soup packages If very long shafts required, plant 200,000 - 220,000 per hectare . X Growing days: 100 X Harvesting period: AugustNovember X IR: Pa EarliestRALLYof our range of summer Leek Medium/long shaft length, strong against leaf breakage . Excellent for peeling Planting period March . X Growing days: 90 X Harvesting period: JulySeptember X IR: Pa; Pp; Php f Hybrid leekf Hybrid leekf Hybrid leek Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 35
SWISS GIANTHighCOLUMBUSyieldingearly variety . Long shanks with strong upright foliage . X Growing days: 100 X Harvesting period: Mid JulyOctober X IR: Ap; Pa; Pp; Php LateDEFENDERvarietywitha long shaft and a dark leaf colour Strong against rust and easy to clean . X Growing days: 140 X Harvesting period: SeptemberMarch X IR: Ap; Pa; Pp; Php LateCURLINGautumn,slow growing leek . Dark coloured upright leaves Good standing ability in the field . Very healthy growing habit and easy to clean . X Growing days: 120-150 X Harvesting period: NovemberFebruary X IR: Ap; Pa; Pp; Php LEEK f Open Pollinated leekf Hybrid leekf Hybrid leek BLAUWGROENE HERFST - LANCELOT Medium long leeks with no bulbing . Intermediate resistance to Rust . X Growing days: 110 X Harvesting period: September - December X IR: Ap; Pa; Pp; Php f Open Pollinated leek 36
Precision seed (left) is outperformed by B-Mox® seed (right) f
To produce a healthy, uniform crop, it is essential that young plants get a strong start. That’s why we developed the innovative B-Mox ® seed enhancing formula. Based on new technology, B-Mox ® strengthens the power of the seed, bringing more energy to seedlings and stimulating their growth in the earliest stage. Our international research trials have shown that our priming technology advanced by B-Mox ® gives an average of 5 percent improvement over standard priming, as seen in the development of the crop. Many growers have experienced the advantages of B-Mox ®, with stronger and more uniform crops and higher pack-out. They have often seen up to 15 percent higher pack-out compared to non-primed seeds. Customers report a positive effect on the storability of carrots as well. B-Mox ® is available for carrot and rooted parsley, and is always offered in combination with priming technology. ALSO AVAILABLE FOR OUR ORGANIC ASSORTMENT. CHECK B-MOX® IN ACTION Also available on and Bejo YouTube channel.
CARROT FastNAPOLImaturing early variety . Widely grown for bunching crops High yielding with strong tops . X Growing days: 97 X Harvesting period: JuneNovember X IR: Ar; Cc; Ps, Pv EarlyMOKUMvariety with a very good flavour - the best of the bunching carrots . High-coloured carrot with attractive slender roots Holds sweet taste even in warm weather . Almost coreless . X Growing days: 87 X Harvesting period: Mid Sept - mid March X IR: Ar; Cc; Ps, Pv wellcylindricalFirstNOMINATORearly,verysmoothNantesProducesfilledcarrotsquickly. X Growing days: 96 X Harvesting period: June - late August X IR: Ar; Cc Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 39
CARROT ANAZARETHmidearlyvigorous variety . Very strong upright medium length foliage . Smooth bulky Nantes Strong against Cavity Spot . X Growing days: 111 X Harvesting period: SeptemberFebruary X IR: Ad; Ar; Cc; Ps, Pv MidNAMURearlymain crop production . Suitable for high density sowing Bright colour after washing . X Growing days: 104 X Harvesting period: JulyNovember X IR: Ar SecondNORWICHearlyand mid season production Also suitable for over wintering . X Growing days: 100 X Harvesting period: Late JulyJanuary X IR: Ad 40
CARROT VeryNIPOMOsmooth, cylindrical well filled root Healthy upright foliage . Good colour after washing Suitable for bunching X Growing days: 125 X Harvesting period: SeptemberMarch X IR: Ar; Cc; Ps, Pv MarketNAIROBIleader in Ireland for many years Suited to early, maincrop and late sowings . Excellent for mechanical harvesting . Stands well in the field . X Growing days: 112 X Harvesting period: July - May X IR: Cc MainNORFOLKcropandlate Nantes type . Produces attractive, smooth, bright, cylindrical carrots . Roots are strong against breaking or splitting . Intermediate resistance (IR) to Cavity Spot . X Growing days: 109 X Harvesting period: SeptemberFebruary X IR: Ad; Ar; Cc; Ps, Pv Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 41
MELLO YELLO Yellow medium long carrots . X Growing days: 115 X Harvesting period: Septembermid November X IR: Ad; Ar; Cc MixedRAINBOWcoloursof white, yellow and orange X Growing days: 92 X Harvesting period: Septembermid November X IR: Ar; Cc PURPLE HAZE Long slender purple carrots with orange interior Summer and autumn cropping . X Growing days: 85 X Harvesting period: August - mid November X IR: Ps, Pv COLOURED CARROTS f Coloured Carrotsf Coloured Carrotsf Coloured Carrots ProductiveYELLOWSTONEyellowtapered variety . Good length with strong upright foliage . X Growing days: 139 X Harvesting period: Mid August - mid November X IR: Ad; Ar; Cc f Coloured Carrots 42
BEETROOT SlowTAUNUSgrowing cylindrical beet . 6-7 inch roots are perfect for slicing . Makes nice finger beets at high density (3m seeds per acre) . Perfect for roasting . X Growing days: 127 X Harvesting period: Augustmid February AttractiveBOLDORsmooth round yellow beet For fresh market purposes Boldor can be sown early for an extended production season X Growing days: 105 X Harvesting period: Augustmid February VersatilePABLOmarket leading variety . Good tolerance to bolting so works well for early bunching . Very uniform shape and excellent skin quality . X Growing days: 104 X Harvesting period: Early, maincrop, late f Cylindrical beetf Yellow beetf Red beet Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 43
PARSNIP VeryPEARLuniform attractive roots with good white colour and even root weight distribution . Excellent canker resistance X Growing days: 150 X Harvesting period: End Octobermid May AttractivePANORAMAsmoothmain crop variety Produces relatively long, well filled roots . Good weight distribution throughout the roots . High yielding with good disease resistance . X Growing days: 150 X Harvesting period: Mid July to Mid February ExtremelyPICADORvigorous growth habit with high yield potential Handles well in pack house . X Growing days: 140 X Harvesting period: Mid July to Mid February f Maincrop and Latef Maincropf Maincrop 44
PARSNIP GLADIATOR F1 Presents a refined regular obovate root shape with white skin and strong resistance to root canker Very early bulking and is ideal for harvesting through to late autumn . X Harvesting period: JulyDecember WARRIOR F1 Warrior produces an attractive white root that carries its weight well down the length of the root . It is very early bulking with vigorous foliage . Warrior has shown strong resistance to root canker and is ideal for lifting through to late autumn . X Harvesting period: JulyDecember JAVELIN F1 Slim roots with excellent uniformity High yielding variety X Harvesting period: SeptemberJune f Maincrop and Latef Maincrop and Latef Maincrop and Late Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 45
CELERYJIVEMediumgreen attractive appearance, strong against bolting X Growing days: 83 X Harvesting period: Spring, Summer, Autumn X IR: Foa:2 LongCUMBIAtypewith slim bottom and small incision surface Generally very healthy with IR resistance against septoria . X Growing days: 83 X Harvesting period: Spring, Summer and Autumn X IR: Sa 46
RootBRILLIANTstoragevegetable with celery flavour . Large, solid, smooth roots with white interior that resist pithiness . Needs a long season and good soil to reach full size X Growing days: 145 X Harvesting period: Early variety X IR: Foa:2; Sa CELERIAC DarkLADOGAgreencylincrical fruit shape, nice upright growing habit High yielding variety X Growing days: 41 X Harvesting period: June - September X IR: PRSV; WMV; ZYMV COURGETTE Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 47
Round,RUDOLFuniform tubers with strong red colour Very good internal quality . Harvest period: April / May to August Optimal seeding density 220-250 seeds per m² . BoltORIONandtop burn tolerant . Very uniform and vigorous X Growing days: 90 X Harvesting period: Summer AnRONDOearlyvariety suited to summer cropping Attractive round bulbs . X Growing days: 80 X Harvesting period: Summer FENNEL RADISH f Radish 48
ATIMEScompact habit with a neat wrapper leaf which is suitable for fresh market and proccessing during the summer X Harvesting period: JuneSeptember X HR: Bl:16-37EU; Nr:0; Fol:4 ARUMOURScompacthabit with good vigour producing well filled heads for fresh market and proccessing . X Harvesting period: JuneSeptember X HR: Bl:16-37EU; Nr:0 X IR: LMV:1 FastMALISgrowing, medium sized butterhead lettuce The crop has a beautiful shiny green color . Easy to harvest due to a smooth bottom . X Harvesting period: JuneSeptember X HR: Bl:16-37EU; Nr:0 X IR: LMV:1 LETTUCE BEJO f Iceberg Lettucef Iceberg Lettucef Butterhead Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 49
MidELLEtodark green open heads with fine curled leaves Suitable for both processing and fresh market X Harvesting period: JuneSeptember X HR: Bl:16-37EU; Nr:0 X IR: LMV:1 CompactOAKLYdouble red oak leaf lettuce with an excellent internal colour . X Harvesting period: JuneSeptember X HR: Bl:16-30,32-33EU; Nr:0 X IR: LMV:1 Compact,PLEASANCEgreenoak leaf lettuce . X Harvesting period: JuneSeptember X HR: Bl:16-37EU; Nr:0 X IR: LMV:1 LETTUCE BEJO f Lollo Biondaf Red Oakf Green Oak SOLOSAnupright habit with open, dark red heads . Quite compact but with good weight . Easy to harvest with good tolerance to Tipburn X Harvesting period: June - September X HR: Bl:16-37EU X IR: Fol:1 f Lollo Rosso 50
LETTUCE ENZA ProducesALEGAstrong base early and good mid winter speed Variety is suitable for production throughout the short day growing season . Excellent mildew resistance . X Harvesting period: Short day X HR: Bl:16-36EU MediumAMICAsized long day variety . Fresh green colour and strong base . Very good holding ability throughout the summer X Harvesting period: Long Day X HR: Bl:16-26,28-35,37EU/Nr:0 X IR: LMV:1 EasyESPIRANDOtotrim.Medium to large heads suited to Irish market Excellent mildew resistance package Also strong against tipping and yellow leaf edges . X Harvesting period: Long Day X HR: Bl:16-26,28-35,37EU/Nr:0 f Butterheadf Butterheadf Butterhead Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 51
LETTUCE ENZA MediumELMUNDOsizedvariety for latespring to early autumn Dark green, very slow bolting . Suited to very fertile soils and for cultivation with net protection . Slow filling and easy to harvest . X Harvesting period: Spring, Summer and Autumn X HR: Bl:16-37EU/Nr:0 EDUARDOMediumtolarge framed fresh green Iceberg X Harvesting period: Spring, Summer, Autumn X HR: Bl:16-37EU/Nr:0/Pb ACARTERgreatwinter Butterhead . X Harvesting period: Short day X HR: Bl:16-34,36EU f Iceberg Lettucef Iceberg Lettucef Butterhead 52
LETTUCE ENZA ASTONSAYmediumgreen glasshouse Little Gem variety with early maturity and upright plant habit . Excellent shape with a beautiful fill and a good disease package . Strong on dropouts . X Harvesting period: Short day X HR: Bl:16-36EU/TBSV 8-10cmELIZIUMLittle Gem . Reliable variety with good bolting resistance for whole season . X Harvesting period: Spring, Summer and Autumn X HR: TBSVBl:16-36EU/Fol:1/Nr:0/Pb/ AlatristeALATRISTEisablond, large sized Little Gem suited to the summer season . It is top closing and has a good shape Complimentary to Alsacia, it comes with a full Bremia package . X Harvesting period: Long Day X HR: Bl:16-36EU/Fol:1/Nr:0/TBSV X LR: LMV:1 f Little Gemf Little Gemf Little Gem Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 53
LETTUCE ENZA AAVENIRvoluminous, shiny green Oakleaf A nice rounded shape with a well closed base . X Harvesting period: Spring, Summer and Autumn X HR: Bl:16-37EU/Nr:0/TBSV X IR: LMV:1 RedMOONREDminiCos,reliable with good internal colouring X Harvesting period: Spring, Summer and Autumn X HR: Bl:16-26,28-37,EU/Fol:4/TBSV X IR: LMV:1 ForAIRTONsummer production with good ITB tolerance Easy to harvest . Performs well under heat stress With full Bremia resistance . X Harvesting period: Spring, Summer and Autumn X HR: Bl:16-36EU/Nr:0/TBSV f Green Oakf Romaine minif Cos, Romaine 54
LETTUCE ENZA Darker,LEA triple red Lollo Rosso with full resistance and good speed . Flat base and good round shape X Harvesting period: Spring, Summer and Autumn X HR: Bl:16-33,35,37EU/Nr:0 AttractiveDABI strong Lollo Bionda with fine curl X Harvesting period: Spring, Summer, Autumn X HR: Bl:16-33EU/Nr:0 RedMATHIXOakleaf for fresh market . Open growing habit X Harvesting period: Spring, Summer and Autumn X HR: Bl:16-33,37EU/Nr:0/Pb/TBSV f Lollo Rossof Lollo Rossa, Biondaf Red Oak Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 55
f europrise .ie ORGANIC SEED
CAULIFLOWER StrongBELOTwinter cauliflower for November/December Long cutting period particularly when planted late . X Growing days: 135 X Harvesting period: NovemberEarly December OutstandingSKYWALKERautumn variety . Best for harvesting in October Well protected medium/deep curds . X Growing days: 96 X Harvesting period: October MidLIRIAearly variety for summer and early autumn production Finely structured curds ideal for the fresh market Holds white colour well after cover leaves open in the field . X Growing days: 80 X Harvesting period: JulySeptember Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 57
ROMANESCO BROCCOLI BROCCOLISPROUTINGPURPLESANTEEBushyplantwithmedium dark purple spears Harvesting June to November and February/ March significantly extends the growing season for this crop . X Growing days: 115 X Harvesting period: JuneNovember X HR: Foc X IR: Xcc HeavyBELSTARdense400-500 gram heads Best suited to early and late production . X Growing days: 75-85 X Harvesting period: Early, late production X HR: Foc X IR: Ac; Xcc LateVERONICARomanesco type for summer/autumn production Greatly improved uniformity . Strong against riceyness and red discolouration . X Growing days: 91 X Harvesting period: SeptemberOctober X HR: Foc 58
RoundKLIMAROstorage cabbage with very good standing ability Beautiful red internal colour and dense structure Also suitable for higher plant densities . X Growing days: 135 X Harvesting period: Septembermid November VeryKORISTearlywhite variety . Flat globe shape with mild crisp tasty flesh which holds a long time without getting woody Healthy leaf . Very uniform ripening . X Growing days: 65 DarkPACIFIKOgreenwith yellow internal colour Highly productive with high resistance to clubroot races 0,1,3 X Growing days: 64 X HR: Foc; Pb:0,1,3 CABBAGECHINESE KOHLRABI RED CABBAGE Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 59
UniformPARESAreliable late variety . Grey green finely blistered leaves . Good frost tolerance . Only available as organic seed X Harvesting period: Mid November - February X HR: Foc LateCANTASAautumn/winter variety . Finely blistered leaves and short stem . Good standing ability . Only available as organic seed X Growing days: 125 X Harvesting period: Mid September - December EarlyFAMOSAmaturing . Suitable for close spacings Firm heads with dark green blistered outer leaves Very popular variety for Irish growing conditions . X Growing days: 70 X Harvesting period: JulySeptember X IR: Ac SAVOY/AUTUMN WINTER CABBAGE 60
AttractiveFARAOdark green colour with good standing ability X Growing days: 65 X Harvesting period: July - October JanuaryDEADONKing type with dark green outer leaves Flat round heads with red tinge and nice yellow internal colour Colour increases under stressed growing conditions X Growing days: 110 X Harvesting period: Mid AugustDecember X HR: Foc ProducesSTANTONdense round heads from November Widely grown in Ireland with excellent results . Very good standing ability in the field . X Growing days: 130 X Harvesting period: OctoberFebruary SAVOY/AUTUMN WINTER CABBAGE SUMMER AND AUTUMN CABBAGEROUND Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 61
SweetCARAFLEXtastingvery attractive smooth conical shape Narrow base makes it suitable for bagging X Growing days: 76 X Harvesting period: Late JuneEnd October X HR: Foc Uniform,LENNOXhighly productive, long storage hybrid Close spaced for late fresh market, wide spaced for slaw Very green out of storage . X Growing days: 140 X Harvesting period: October - mid November EarlyREACTIONsmallwhite cabbage with long term storage ability X Growing days: 125 X Harvesting period: Mid AugustOctober X HR: Foc DUTCH WINTER WHITE CABBAGE CABBAGEPOINTED 62
ADORICstandard high yielding variety for December harvest, Doric has good vigour and standing ability Its upright stems make it ideal for use as stalks . Medium green, round buttons and foliage X Growing days: 183 X Harvesting period: November - December X HR: Foc X IR: Xcc OutstandingNEPTUNOvariety producing very round smooth attractive sprouts X Growing days: 165 X Harvesting period: Late October - December X HR: Foc X IR: Xcc BRUSSELS SPROUTS Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 63
RoundMATADORuniformshallots . Excellent skin quality . Very long storage capability X Growing days: 180 X Harvesting period: September - October X IR: Pt GrownPARADEforsummer and autumn crops . Fresh green to dark green in colour Ideal for bunching and cleaning . Very strong against bulbing . X Growing days: 80 X Harvesting period: Summer, Autumn X IR: Foc; Pt SHALLOTS BUNCHING ONION 64
ExcellentREDLANDERlongterm storage potential High resistance to downy mildew . High yield of round bulbs X Growing days: 166 X Harvesting period: Summer, Autumn X HR: Pd X IR: Pt HighHYLANDERresistance(HR) to downy mildew Good yields of round bulbs with excellent storage potential X Growing days: 170 X Harvesting period: Summer, Autumn X HR: Pd X IR: Pt ONION PerformsBANDITwell under bad weather conditions Strong against bolting . X Growing days: 140 X Harvesting period: Mid September to Mid March X IR: Ap; Pa LEEK f Open Pollinated leek Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 65
uprightvarietyProductiveYELLOWSTONEyellowtaperedGoodlengthwithstrongfoliage. X Growing days: 139 X Harvesting period: Septembermid November X IR: Ad; Ar; Cc MidMIAMIseason to late variety . Sowing period mid February to late June . Established variety for organic growing Only available as organic seed . X Growing days: 117 X Harvesting period: Mid AugustFebruary X IR: Cc; Ps, Pv FastNAPOLImaturing early variety . Widely grown for bunching crops High yielding with strong tops . X Growing days: 97 X Harvesting period: JuneNovember X IR: Ar; Cc; Ps, Pv CARROT CARROTCOLOURED 66
DarkLADOGAgreencylincrical fruit shape, nice upright growing habit . High yielding variety . X Growing days: 41 X IR: PRSV; WMV; ZYMV Round,RUDOLFuniform tubers with strong red colour Very good internal quality . Harvest period: April / May to August RoundBOROsmooth beets with strong healthy tops Suitable for bunching . Excellent interior colour X Growing days: 110 X Harvesting period: Early, maincrop, late BEETROOT RADISH COURGETTE Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 67
Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris Bejo Zaden tests all seed lots of their Brassica varieties for the presence of Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris, the causal agent of black rot Only seed lots of which a representative sample has been found to be free of Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris will be delivered Clubroot disclaimer When it is indicated that a variety has high resistance (HR) to clubroot, this means that the variety has high resistance to the indicated races of Plasmodiophora brassicae, the cause of Clubroot However, if the soil is contaminated with the Clubroot fungus, then the grower should first test the variety in order to confirm that it is resistant to the strains present Cultivation measures such as liming, drainage, application of calcium fertilizer and good crop rotation can help to reduce the incidence and severity of Clubroot Non-GMO All varieties in our assortment are obtained through non-GMO plant-breeding methods or methods that are excluded under Directive 2001/18/EC CMS introduced by protoplast fusion In our brassica, chicory and rooted parsley crops, a limited number of our varieties contain cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) that originates from protoplast fusion events A number of our organic customers choose not to use these varieties For these customers we wish to confirm that none of the varieties in our organic seed program have been developed with CMS by protoplast fusion The varieties in our conventional assortment for which CMS by protoplast fusion is applicable are clearly indicated as such in all promotional materials
GLOBALG.A.P. You will find Bejo’s answers to GLOBALG A P questions about propagation material at our website Intellectual Property Rights
Provision of information Information provided by Europrise Co Ltd in any form whatsoever is without commitment Descriptions, recommendations and illustrations in promotional publications like websites, catalogues and brochures are based as closely as possible on experiences in tests and in practice and are intended for general information purposes only and not as an indication of quality and/or guarantee Europrise Co Ltd in no event accepts any liability, however, on the basis of such information for different results obtained in the cultivated product The buyer must determine whether the products are suitable for the intended horticultural crop and/or can be used under local Forconditionsthemost up to date information on resistance terminology and codes, product forms and product specifications, statements, intellectual property rights and our terms and conditions of sale and delivery, please see our website
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All intellectual property rights reserved Illegal reproduction and/or exploitation is forbidden Violation of these rights may constitute a serious offence that is prosecutable by Law For further information see www europrise ie/ie/terms-and-conditions
5 The Seller is permitted to make part shipments of the products sold If the products are delivered in part shipments, the Seller has the right to invoice each shipment separately 6 Carriage takes place in accordance with the latest valid Incoterms
If the Buyer is in default or fails to perform one or more of its payment obligations, all the collection costs both in and out of court will be for the Buyer’s account
1 These general terms and conditions apply to each offer of Europrise Co Ltd , hereinafter to be called the “Seller”, and to each agreement between the Seller and the Buyer, unless expressly provided otherwise in writing
Article 6. Retention of Title
Article 2. Definitions 1 Product: seeds, planting material and/or other goods and/or agreed services 2 Processing: the treatment of the product, although not exclusively, to improve the sowability and emergence and/or the protection against (spread of) pests and/or diseases
3 If the Buyer accepts an offer, the Seller nevertheless reserves the right to withdraw the offer within 3 working days after receipt of acceptance (either verbally or in writing), in which case no agreement is concluded between the parties 4 Verbal offers automatically expire if the Buyer does not accept them in writing within 7 days 5 Written offers automatically expire if not accepted by the Buyer in writing within 30 days 6 An offer to the Buyer or a purchase agreement between the Seller and the Buyer does not imply, and may not in any way be explained as a silent license (agreement) to the Buyer with regard to any intellectual property right to the offered or sold products
5 Without the prior written permission from the Seller, the Buyer has under no circumstance the right to postpone payments or to set these off against invoice amounts to be paid by the Seller, irrespective of whether the Buyer sets off its claims due to assumed defects in the shipment or for any other reason
8 An agreed delivery period will not be binding In the event of late delivery, the Buyer must give the Seller notice of default in writing and grant a reasonable period in which the Seller may fulfil the agreement
2 The application of any terms and conditions of the Buyer is expressly rejected
2 The Seller must receive payment within 30 days of the invoice date At the end of that period, the Buyer will be in default, in which case the Buyer will owe interest at a rate of 1 (one) % a month on the outstanding amount as from the date of default
1 All deliveries are subject to the customary crop and processing reservation If the Seller invokes the crop and processing reservation, the Seller is not obliged to supply The Seller will, if possible, attempt to deliver part of the quantity ordered and/or the nearest alternative
2 Products delivered by the Seller to which the retention of title pursuant to Paragraph 1 applies, may be resold or used only in the normal course of business If they are resold, the Buyer is obliged to demand retention of title from its own buyers, and Article 16 of these general terms and conditions will remain to apply
3 The products delivered by the Seller, which are subject to retention of title pursuant to Paragraph 1, will at all times be stored and/or used in such a way that the quality will remain guaranteed and that the products can easily be identified
Article 7. Prices and Payment
7 The Seller undertakes to deliver within a reasonable period, in accordance with the sowing season or planting season, following the conclusion of the purchase agreement
9 The Buyer must specify in writing, upon placing orders and at the first request of the Seller, what data, specifications and documents are required pursuant to the regulations of the country in which the delivery is to be made, such as those relating to invoices, phytosanitary certificates, international certificates and other import documents
Article 3. Offers and Acceptance
General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery of Europrise Co. Ltd., Ireland Drawn up by Europrise Co Ltd , whose registered office is at Blakes Cross, Lusk, Co Dublin, Ireland
1 All offers made by the Seller are without engagement and can be withdrawn at any time The prices specified in an offer are exclusive of VAT 2 Offers can only be accepted in writing; the Seller nevertheless reserves the right to treat a verbal acceptance as if it were given in writing
1 The Seller reserves the right to change its prices Each new price listing will invalidate the preceding one with regard to all orders placed after the issue of the new price list
Article 8. Suspension and Security
3 If the Buyer is liquidated, declared bankrupt or granted a suspension of payment, the Buyer’s payment obligations will fall due immediately and the Seller will be entitled to suspend the further performance of the agreement or to dissolve the agreement, all of this without prejudice to the Seller’s right to claim compensation
Article 5. Ordering and Delivery
2 The Buyer is not entitled to compensation if the Seller invokes this reservation
Article 1. Application of These General Terms and Conditions
3 The Seller will always act to the best of its ability in fulfilling its obligation to deliver 4 Fulfilment of the Seller’s obligation is also understood to mean: delivery with a minor difference in size, packaging, number or weight
4 The Buyer is not permitted to pledge or otherwise encumber the products
Article 4. Crop and Processing Reservation
2 The Seller is entitled to demand full payment and/or sufficient security for payment by the Buyer before performing, if there is reason to believe that the Buyer will not (or cannot) fulfil its obligations correctly and/or in time
Vegetable Seeds 2022-2023 69
1 If the quantity ordered in any order differs from the standard quantity applied by the Seller or a multiple thereof, the Seller will deliver the next highest quantity
1 If the Buyer fails to fulfil one or more of its obligations or to do so correctly and/or in time: • the Seller’s obligations will automatically and immediately be suspended until the Buyer has fulfilled all its obligations (in case of a payment obligation, including payment of any extrajudicial costs); • the Seller may demand full payment and/or sufficient security from the Buyer, for instance in the form of a bank guarantee to be issued by a reputable banking institution, with regard to the performance by the Buyer
These terms and conditions are effective from 1st May 2022 and replace all previously published versions of Europrise Co. Ltd.
4 If payment in instalments has been agreed, the entire remaining amount will fall due immediately without notice of default being required in the event of late payment of an instalment The provisions of the last sentence of Paragraph 2 apply accordingly
Article 9. Collection Costs
2 The Seller reserves the right to charge an additional fee of EUR 10 for orders with a value of less than EUR 75
The products delivered by the Seller and/or the products derived from the products delivered will remain the property of the Seller until the Buyer has paid the full purchase value This retention of title also applies to any claims that the Seller may acquire against the Buyer due to the Buyer’s failure to fulfil one of its obligations towards the Seller
• ‘Susceptibility’: the inability of a plant variety to restrict the growth and development of a specified pest
2 The Seller is not liable for damage as a result of non-delivery or late delivery nor for failure to correctly specify the requirements as referred to in Article 5, Paragraph 9, if as a result thereof the order cannot be delivered (on time)
The products delivered may not be used for the production of sprouting vegetables as the sprouting vegetables will be consumed together with the seeds The Seller is not liable for any substances and/or micro-organisms that are present on and/or in the seeds
2 All information on quality provided by the Seller will exclusively be based on reproducible tests
2 If visible defects or deficiencies are established, the Buyer must inform the Seller accordingly in writing within 3 working days after delivery, specifying the lot number, packing list and/or invoice details
5 In the event of a continuing dispute between the parties regarding the germination, trueness to type, varietal purity, technical purity and health, an inspection will be performed, at the request of either party, by Naktuinbouw (Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture), whose registered office is in Roelofarendsveen, the Netherlands The costs of such inspection shall be borne by the party to be found most at fault This request must be submitted within 6 months after the first written report of the problem to the other party The inspection will be carried out on the basis of a sample taken and retained by the Seller prior to sale The result of this inspection will be binding on both parties, without prejudice to the parties’ right to submit disputes on the consequences of this result to the institutes referred to in Article 19 Article 12. Provision of Information 1 Information provided by the Seller in any form whatsoever is without commitment Descriptions, recommendations and illustrations in promotional publications such as websites, catalogues and brochures are based as closely as possible on experiences in tests and in practice and are intended for general information purposes only and not as an indication of quality and/or guarantee The Seller in no event accepts any liability, however, on the basis of such information for different results obtained in the cultivated product The Buyer must determine whether the products are suitable for the intended horticultural crop and/or can be used under local conditions
3 Any and all guarantees on the part of the Seller will lapse if the Buyer processes the products or has them processed, repackages the products or has them repackaged, or uses the products incorrectly
6 Any possible claim to compensation on the basis of these terms and conditions will expire if no written claim was made to the Seller within one year after delivery of the products 70
2 In the information provided by the Seller, the following meaning is given to the terms below:
4 Complaints must be described in such a manner that the Seller or a third party can verify them For that purpose the Buyer must also keep records with regard to the use of the products and, in the event of resale of the products, with regard to its buyers If the Buyer does not file a complaint within the aforesaid period, the complaint will not be dealt with and rights will expire
3 The Buyer must report any non-visible defects to the Seller in writing within 3 working days after discovery, specifying the lot number, packing list and/ or invoice details
1 The Buyer must inspect the products purchased upon delivery, or as soon as possible after delivery In doing so the Buyer must check whether the products delivered comply with the agreement, i e : • whether the correct products have been delivered; • whether the quantity of the delivered products corresponds with the agreement;
3 The Seller may at all times assume that the information and details provided by the Buyer to the Seller in the framework of the conclusion and performance of the agreement are correct and complete Article 13. Force Majeure 1 Force majeure means circumstances that make fulfilment of the agreement impossible and cannot be attributed to the Seller This will also include, if and in so far as these circumstances make the fulfilment of the agreement impossible or unreasonably complicated: extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, measures by or regulations of any government, war or civil riot, destruction of the production facilities or materials due to fire, epidemic, failure of public facilities or transport, strikes in other companies other than the Seller’s, unofficial or political strikes in the Seller’s company, complete or partial lack of raw materials and other goods and services required to deliver the agreed performances, unforeseen delays at suppliers or other third parties that the Seller depends on, and transport difficulties
It is to be noted that if a resistance is claimed in a plant variety it is limited to the specified biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains of the pest If no biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains are specified in the resistance claim for the variety, it is because no generally accepted classification of the cited pest by biotype, pathotypes, race or strain exists New biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains that may emerge are not covered by the original resistance claim
The Seller is not liable for damage as a result of any deficiency in the fulfilment of the agreement unless there is evidence of intent and/or gross negligence on the part of the Seller and/or its employees
Two levels of resistance are defined: I high resistance (HR): plant varieties that highly restrict the growth and development of the specified pest under normal pest pressure when compared to susceptible varieties II intermediate resistance (IR): plant varieties that restrict the growth and development of the specified pest, but may exhibit a greater range of symptoms or damage compared to high resistant varieties
4 If it is a matter of force majeure as described in this Article, the Seller is not obliged to pay any compensation
• ‘Immunity’: a plant variety is not subject to attack or infection by a specified pest
3 The Buyer is required to limit as much as possible the damage with regard to the products delivered about which a complaint is filed against the Seller
4 The Seller does not accept any liability for damage caused by seed and/or planting material that has not been multiplied and/or reproduced by or on behalf of the Seller
Article 14. Liability
4 The products delivered by the Seller are intended for the production of plants, and are neither in an unprocessed nor in a processed condition intended for human or animal consumption The plants produced from the products in question may only be used for human or animal consumption if the plants have been completely separated from the products delivered
1 The Seller guarantees that the product delivered will comply to the best of the Seller’s ability with the relevant product specifications However, the product specifications will not apply as a guarantee The Seller furthermore does not guarantee that the product will comply with the purpose given to them by the Buyer
• ‘Resistance’: the ability of a plant variety to restrict the growth and development of a specified pest and/or the damage they cause when compared to susceptible plant varieties under similar conditions Resistant varieties may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest or climate pressure
• whether the delivered products meet the agreed quality requirements or - if none were agreed - the requirements that may be stipulated for normal use and/or trading purposes
2 The Seller will inform the Buyer as soon as possible if it is unable to deliver or to deliver in time due to force majeure
3 If the force majeure lasts longer than 2 months, both parties will be entitled to dissolve the agreement in writing
Article 11. Defects and Complaint
The supplied quality information merely indicates the result as achieved by the Seller at the time when the test was performed, subject to the conditions under which such test was performed No direct relationship may be assumed between the information provided and the results achieved by the Buyer The results achieved by the Buyer depend, among other factors, on the location, climatic conditions and cultural practices
5 If the Seller is liable on the basis of one or more conditions, such liability will be limited to the invoice value of the delivered products; the Seller will by no means be liable for any form of consequential damage, lost sales or lost profit
Article 10. Use and Guarantee
2 In that case the other provisions of these general terms and conditions will remain fully valid in so far as possible
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2 In the event of a dispute the parties will, however, first try to reach an amicable solution in consultation, or otherwise by means of mediation, before the parties submit the dispute to an arbitration tribunal or to the civil court
The Buyer will indemnify the Seller against all actions and claims from third parties for damages (allegedly) caused by or otherwise related to any product delivered by the Seller, including actions and claims filed against the Seller in its capacity as a producer of goods pursuant to any regulation regarding product liability in whatever country, unless that damage is due to intent or gross negligence of the Seller and/or its employees
Article 20. Applicable Law and Other Applicable Conditions
2 The application of the ‘United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods’ (Vienna Sales Convention (CISG)) is excluded
The Buyer may not use trademarks and signs that are used by the Seller to distinguish its products from those of other legal entities/companies, or use trademarks and signs that are not clearly distinguishable from those of the Seller An exception applies to the trade in products in the original packaging of the Seller with the trademarks and signs placed on them by the Seller
The Buyer is not entitled to use the supplied products and/or derived components and/or derived plant material for further multiplication and/ or reproduction of parent material Nor is the Buyer permitted, without the explicit permission of the Seller, with respect to the (multiplied) products and/or components and/or derived plant material: I to treat and/or use these for multiplication, II to offer them for sale, III to sell them, IV to import or export them and/or V to keep them in stock for any of these or similar purposes This includes all varieties essentially derived from a variety supplied by the Seller 2 In the case of the resale of the supplied products, the Buyer shall impose the above clause on its own buyers, under penalty of a fine for each infringement The amount of the fine will not be less than the benefit obtained by the buyer 3 The Buyer shall grant the holder of plant breeders’ rights, or a party acting on its behalf, direct access to its business, including in particular the greenhouses, to enable the Seller to carry out (or have carried out) an inspection Business in this sense also includes all activities performed by third parties on behalf of the growers The Buyer shall at the Seller’s request grant immediate access to all administrative records with regard to the relevant parent material The Buyer also imposes the aforesaid obligations on its own buyers
1 All agreements between the Seller and the Buyer are governed by the law of the country in which the Seller has its registered office
1 Unless the parties have agreed on arbitration in consultation, all disputes will be settled by the civil court that is competent in first instance in the place where the Seller has its registered office, unless another court is competent pursuant to the applicable mandatory rules of the law applicable by virtue of Article 20 The Seller will at any time have the right to summon the Buyer to the court that is competent by law or pursuant to the applicable international convention
Article 15. Indemnification
Article 19. Settlement of Disputes
Article 16. Reproduction and/or Multiplication Reservation
Article 17. Use of Trademarks and Signs
1 If any provision of these general terms and conditions is invalidated, that provision will automatically (by operation of law) be replaced by a valid provision that corresponds as closely as possible to the purport of the invalidated provision The parties must, if necessary, enter into reasonable consultations on the text of that new provision
Article 18. Conversion
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