Bejo Nuvance | Oppiplaas 12

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revelation (noun ): used to emphasize the remarkable quality of something


ell peppers are low in calories, fat free and have a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals. In general bell peppers are rich in antioxidants and help the body fight against chronic illnesses such as inflammation, heart problems and cancer. The redder the bell pepper the higher the antioxidant content. One cup of bell peppers has at least 2.5g of fibre, 119.8mg vitamin C, 0.5mg vitamin E and the mineral zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin is very good for eye health. The first pick for the connoisseur in terms of smell, crunch and taste is the bell pepper variety Revelation. When the grower decides to produce bell peppers, the following should be taken into consideration:

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Market availability Consistent quality according to your market requirements A packhouse that meets the stringent standards

Revelation has a proven track record of meeting all of the above mentioned conditions. Bell peppers have very specific requirements for consistent and economical crop production. A pepper plant requires a rather stable temperature range (25-28˚C throughout the day and 16-18˚C at night). A pepper plant stops growing when temperatures drop below 10-12˚C, whilst at 6˚C the leaves can die, and flowers are aborted. The plants react similarly when temperatures increase above 35˚C. Temperature has a significant effect on the fruit developmental phase. A big variation between minimum and maximum temperatures as well as overcast weather can result in poor fruit set, poor fruit quality and loss of yield. In general, the average number of days to harvest decreases with an increase in temperature. Revelation takes on average 6-8 weeks after transplanting seedlings to harvesting the first fruit, if the temperatures are favourable.

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