Pulse SPA Magazine October 2017

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P U L S E . E X P E R I E N C E I S PA . C O M

2017 ispa Conference & Expo

Our Tribe




ELECTED OFFICERS CHAIRMAN Todd Shaw The Peaks Resort & Spa VICE CHAIRMAN Todd Hewitt Shangri-La International SECRETARY/TREASURER Garrett Mersberger Kohler Co. IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN Michael Tompkins Hutchinson Consulting

Flip 96 for IS to page P Lynne M A President c Nees’s 2 ISPA Co 017 nfe Checklis rence & Expo t. all the b If you check o guarant xes, you’re eed to h ave an incre dible week!

he ISPA Conference & Expo is such an exciting event. You can feel the energy in the air—let it IGNITE you! Use that momentum and excitement by putting everything you have into the week. Greet every person like they're your lifelong friend. I always look forward to making deeper connections with those I've known for years and building bonds with people I've never met. The ISPA Conference & Expo gives us a chance to learn new things about each other or forge bonds with people we never would have met otherwise. We all already have commonalities and a deep understanding of each other, use that as a base to build the kind of connections that will sustain our industry. For spa directors, be mindful when talking to vendors on the Expo floor. The Expo is THE place to learn about new product trends and get a sense of the remarkable innovations in our industry. Plus, our vendors are incredible business people. They have skills we spa directors might not possess. Try to learn something new from each booth you visit. And resource partners, know that the relationships you make at the ISPA Conference & Expo are lasting and meaningful. ISPA is a community of partners and friends, which is invaluable in today's industry. And finally, don't forget to be inspired. From Peyton Manning and the keynote line-up to all our Professional Development Speakers, the educational content of this year's ISPA Conference & Expo will be unparalleled. The sessions are for everyone, so step away from the booths, take a break from meetings, and just listen. With such a robust three-day event, I challenge each and every one of you to make the absolute most of it. We only get to do this once a year, so make it count and treat this week as the gift that it is!

DIRECTORS Sharilyn Abbajay ISPA Foundation Vice Chairman Noel Asmar Noel Asmar Group, Inc. Scott Duncan Spa Gregorie’s Blake Feeney Living Earth Crafts Michael Harmsworth ESPA International (US) Ltd. Patrick Huey Minor Hotel Group Kristine Huffman Huffman Hospitality Concepts Julie Oliff St. Regis Aspen Laura Parsons ESPA International (US) Ltd. (Spa Division) Frank Pitsikalis ISPA Foundation Chairman Eric Stephenson Well World Group Dawn Tardif BodiScience Wellness Center & Spa Robert Vance Well & Being Spa at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess Lynne McNees International SPA Association MEDICAL ADVISOR Brent A. Bauer, MD Mayo Clinic

CHAIRMEN’S COUNCIL Past ISPA Chairmen who are current members: Gayle Brady • Brady Spa Consulting Jeff Kohl • Spa & Club Ideations Jean Kolb • Well By Choice


John Korpi • Korpi & Korpi Kate Mearns • 5 Spa Consulting LLC

Todd Shaw MBA


Todd Shaw

Jim Root • The Westmoor Club Jane Segerberg • Segerberg Spa Consulting, LLC Ella Kent • The Spa at Sea Island



October 2017

Deborah Waldvogel • ResortSuite


HOORAH! Pulse has won another APEX award. Visit pulse.experienceispa.com to read all about it!

EdItorIAL Kelly Heitz dESIgN Marja Walker AdvErtISINg ANd SALES tara Finn AdvErtISINg CoordINAtor Jessica Pfister ProduCtIoN MANAgEr Chris guzicki

Pulse is the official publication of the International SPA Association, a member organization for the spa and wellness industry. Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent of ISPA. All inquiries should be sent to Pulse, 2365 Harrodsburg Road, Suite A325, Lexington, KY. 40504 USA. Canadian publication agreement No. 40042114. PULSE ACCEPtS LEttErS to tHE EdItor. Please include your name, title, company,

EdItorIAL oFFICES International SPA Association 2365 Harrodsburg Road, Suite A325 Lexington, Kentucky 40504, USA Phone: 1.859.425.5062 1.888.651.ISPA (4772) • Fax: 1.859.226.4445 experienceispa.com

address, phone and email address. Only your name, title, company and location will be published in the magazine. The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity and content. By submitting the letter, you are giving ISPA publishing rights. Pulse (USPS 017-893, ISSN 15259226) is published 10 times a year – January/February, March/April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December by Associations International, 2365 Harrodsburg Road, Suite A325, Lexington, Ky., 40504. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Pulse, Attn: Member Services, 2365 Harrodsburg Rd., Suite. A325, Lexington, Kentucky, 40504, USA.



October 2017

PULSE is the magazine for the spa professional. As the official publication of the International SPA Association, its mission is to serve as the preeminent resource of expert insights, trends, tools and research to help spa professionals create innovative solutions and make informed business decisions.

“It looked as though we had all gathered on hilltops to pray for the world on its last day.” — Annie dillard, Total Eclipse

Eclipses preoccupied ancient scholars from the Greeks and Romans to the Chinese and Assyrians. They’ve signified different things in different eras: foreboding, good fortune, change. Across cultures, though, an eclipse has almost always been filled with meaning—a sight so vivid and unsettling that it must mean something important. Perhaps that’s still true. The total solar eclipse that cascaded across much of the U.S. in August left me with a feeling of excitement for what’s on the horizon. Even though I wasn’t in the path of complete totality, I could still sense the change in the air and the exhilaration that

this celestial event promised. On one hand, it was simply an awesome show. As the moon passed in front of the sun, day became night, the stars came out, temperatures dropped, and the animals didn’t know what to do (those crickets were freaking out, y’all). For an instant, the whole mad clockwork of the universe revealed itself, and it was pretty cool. But on the other hand, maybe something worldlier was at work, too. If you turn on the news, you’re constantly met with rage and resentment and a passionate intensity that has become, frankly, exhausting. But, on August 21,

millions of people gathered across the country—from Oregon to South Carolina—to set aside their political, religious and economic differences for two minutes and join in a commonality they didn’t know they had. I heard stories of strangers sharing glasses on the streets of New York City and of tens of thousands in downtown Nashville cheering in unison at the exact moment of totality. It’s pretty incredible that a two-minute event can bring us all together in joy and optimism. As October presents itself, I can’t help but apply that feeling of reassurance and optimism to the ISPA Conference & Expo. The imminent gathering of thousands of spa professionals who are at once both incredibly diverse and forcefully united under a common goal of igniting the spa industry, feels somewhat like an eclipse: the change on the horizon, the impact of a gathering of such magnitude and the sheer joy that only an event like Conference can conjure. —KELLy HEItz, EdItor

the ISPA team taking a break from Conference prep to enjoy the solar eclipse.

FoLLoW KELLy @PulseEditor 6


July 2017


38 VOLUME 27



OCTOBER 2017 Innovate Awards:

3 Minutes With...

PArt tHrEE o F tHrEE By

Getting to Know KELLy HEItz the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo PDS Speakers

Celebrating Innovation Within the Spa Industry By KELLy HEItz


Bryan Williams

Linda Harding-Bond

Petra Kolber

Dawn Kaiser

Dre Baldwin

Anna Moine

Tanya Chernova

Kathy Klotz-Guest

Carol Stratford

Sharon Rapoport







2017 ISPA Conference & Expo Exhibitor Highlight

October 2017






From The Chairman


Pulse Preview


ISPA News and ISPA Calendar


Pulse Points





Member Perspectives: The Spa at Naples Grande Cultivating an Oasis for Both Locals and Guests


A day in the Life: The ISPA Staff At Conference BY KELLY HEITZ & AMBER PHILLIPS


Ask the Expert: Colin McIlheney Global Research Director PwC Research BY KELLY HEITZ



Product Spotlight

Conversations: Ricardo Richey a.k.a. The Apexer Street Artist


ISPA Snapshot Survey




Solving Industry Problems: Spa Industry Unites Next Generation of Leaders BY ASHLEY ALT


October 2017



ISPA Foundation



Success Stories: Ira Kaganovsky Giving Women the Freedom to Beat Breast Cancer







People of ISPA: Tracy Squillante Founder/CEO, HAVEN Collective New York City

End Notes

ABOUT THE COVER What are you ready to IGNITE at this year’s ISPA Conference & Expo? Between the General Sessions and the Expo Floor, the most rewarding thing ISPA members get out of Conference is the community and friendships that last a lifetime. COVER PHOTO © JACOB KEPLER PHOTOGRAPHY


Contribute to the ISPA Blog or Pulse ISPA is always looking for members who want to contribute guest posts. From industry news to trending treatments, any submission is welcome. If you have a topic in mind that you want to share, let us know by emailing ispa@ispastaff.com. Member submissions are always appreciated and encouraged!

Research to be released at 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo Consumers find themselves in a powerful position. With greater choice than ever before and a whole new world of options available at the click of a button, retailers face a constant battle to remain both competitive and relevant. Findings from the Consumer Snapshot Report, Retail edition, will be released at Conference this year. The study looked through the lens of the consumer at the worlds of spa and retail, and aims to shine a light on how spas can maximize their retail offering to their clients.



Breast Cancer Awareness Month National Chiropractic Health Month


9 Columbus Day (U.S.) 10 World Mental Health Day


16 Survey opens

New ISPA Workforce Development

18 Announced

ISPA Innovator of the Year Award

20 October Snapshot Survey Opens 22-28

Twitter & Instagram: @ISpaDoYou facebook.com/InternationalSPAAssoc



October 2017

pinterest.com/intispaassoc LinkedIn: International SPA Association



27 October Snapshot Survey Closes

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Spa Therapies Improve Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Patients “Studies show that up to 80 percent of people with a history bout one in eight U.S. women will develop of cancer use one or more complementary and integrative invasive breast cancer over the course of her therapies, but until recently, evidence supporting the lifetime. When you think about each of use of many of these therapies had been limited,” the women you hold dear, that number said Heather Greenlee, ND, PhD, is staggering. October is Breast Cancer Awareness assistant professor of Month, and this year, the spa community has the Epidemiology at power to go beyond wearing pink and do Turn to Columbia University’s something to help those struggling with the grueling page 48 to Mailman School of and often debilitating breast cancer treatments. read about how breast cancer Public Health, and Growing evidence supports what many in the spa inspired one past president of community already know: mind-body therapies like member to SIO. “Our goal is to meditation, massage and yoga can improve the quality of life take action. provide clinicians and of patients with breast cancer. patients with practical In newly updated clinical guidelines from the Society for information and tools to Integrative Oncology (SIO), researchers at Columbia University’s make informed Mailman School of Public Health and the Herbert Irving decisions on Comprehensive Cancer Center with an interdisciplinary team of whether and how to colleagues at MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of use a specific Michigan, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and other integrative therapy for a institutions in the U.S. and Canada, analyzed which integrative specific clinical applitreatments are most effective and safe for patients with breast cation during and after cancer. breast cancer treatment.” n The researchers evaluated more than 80 different therapies and developed grades of evidence. Based on those findings, the Society for Integrative Oncology makes the following recommendations: This new research opens up a world of possibilities for spas to work in conjunction with the medical community to improve quality of life for 1. Use of music therapy, meditation, stress breast cancer patients. Here are a few ideas to get you started: management and yoga for anxiety and stress 1. Reach out to local oncologists. Work directly with doctors in your reduction. area who specialize in women’s health. By making your services known 2. Use of meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage to them, they’ll be able to recommend their patients to your spa. and music therapy for depression and mood 2. Create packages for breast cancer patients. Design and promote disorders. special packages designed specifically to help breast cancer patients. 3. Use of meditation and yoga to improve Integrate the therapy types the SIO recommends. quality of life. 3. Host an event. Host a meditation or yoga event together with other 4. Use of acupressure and acupuncture for businesses in your area. Offer free massage, yoga and meditation for reducing chemotherapy-induced nausea and breast cancer patients. vomiting.


What Can You Do?



October 2017


B y tA r A S A L A H E L d I N ANd KELLy HEItz

tHE SPA SHIFt Announcements marking spa industry players on the move. ● ●

Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita has appointed Paulina Mercader as Spa Director.

Paulina Mercader

Amir Blattner

Michael d. Mcgilligan

Jennifer Lak

dr. Alison Stone

Amir Blattner has been named General Manager at Hyatt Regency Savannah in Savannah, Georgia. Amanpuri in Phuket, Thailand, has appointed Dr. Alison Stone as Director of Spa & Wellness. Michael D. McGilligan has been named General Manager at Hilton Anatole in Dallas, Texas. Jennifer Lak has been appointed Corporate Operations Director at WTS International and will oversee a portfolio of spas in New York City and the Northeast U.S.


We want to know your news. Send your latest updates to kelly.heitz@ ispastaff.com.

Christine Clinton has joined Saltability as an Account Executive and International Educator.

Christine Clinton



MEMBEr uPdAtES 1. Osmosis Pür Medical Skincare is celebrating their 10-year anniversary. Founded in 2007, Dr. Ben Johnson, MD started with just 10 employees and four products, and has since grown the company to be an international brand.

2. Heather J. Kreider, founder and owner of Makes Scents Natural Spa Line, was among the thirteenth cohort of 23 graduates who recently completed the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses-Greater Philadelphia program.

3. Sandals Resorts International’s Saint Lucia resorts have been awarded the


EarthCheck Plantinum level of certification for their sustained environmentally friendly program, which utilizes key elements of the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover to provide an ecologically sound and environmentally friendly approach to minimizing and managing waste.


4. The O2CHAIR was a Gold Medal winner at the 2017 Concours Lépine, France’s most prestigious competition for new inventions since 1901. The chair, which is clinically-validated, FDA-registered and endorsed by world-class athletes, reduces stress, blood pressure and heart rate, while increasing energy and vitality.

5. Performance Health, along with the Florida State Massage Therapy Association, 5

awarded the 15th annual Humanitarian award to Marcia Chaves Tyndall, LMT. The award honors individuals annually in the massage therapy industry for their efforts in improving the welfare of their clients and demonstrating selfless devotion to others.

IN MEMorIAM It is with heavy hearts that we mourn the loss of Omni Houston Hotel Spa Director, Jill Renick, who lost her life during the devastating floods of Hurricane Harvey. Renick was in the hotel helping guests to safety, which is a testament to her caring heart and beautiful soul. Our thoughts and prayers are with Renick’s family and the Omni family during this difficult time. To help Jill's family during this trying time, visit gofundme.com/jill-renicks-family-rescue-efforts.



October 2017


oPEN For BuSINESS 1. The new Melt Spa by Hershey in Hershey, Pennsylvania, opened in September. The spa features six exclusive Hershey’s dark chocolate treatments including Hershey’s dark chocolate sugar scrub; dark chocolate dipped strawberry treatment and dark chocolate immersion.


2. The Turnberry Isle Miami Resort, part of Marriott International’s Autograph Collection, will be expanded and reflagged as a JW Marriott. The 398-room hotel will add a 16-story tower with an additional 282 rooms. The $172 million expansion will also include upgrades to the hotel’s pool, main lobby and building, and increase the meeting space by 110,000square-feet. The project is set to be completed by the end of next year. The resort will remain open throughout.

NEW oN tHE MENu 1. Mirbeau Inn & Spa at The Pinehills in Plymouth, Massachusetts,


has announced new corporate group programming. Designed to encourage better communication, enhance creativity and promote out-ofthe-box thinking among colleagues, Mirbeau has partnered with local businesses and attractions to create authentic experiences.

2. In honor of Fort Lauderdale’s Spatember, Pure Spa at Pelican Grand Beach Resort offered participants 50 percent off the Pure You Massage with a Maria Åkerberg Express Facial package, which provided guests with a custom massage to reduce stress and a facial.



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The Spa at Naples Grande Cultivating an Oasis for Both Locals and Guests


pa guests of the Naples Grande Beach Resort can find a place to renew mind, body and spirit in the sanctuary of an indooroutdoor spa village. As one of the only Naples resort spas that are open to the public, The Spa at Naples Grande is both resort and day spa, spanning the needs of

every type of guest. Encompassing four pavilions in the Japanese tradition and set amid exquisite gardens and pools, The Spa’s architecture, landscaping and water features are interwoven to create an atmosphere of harmony and beauty, blending to present the experience of true tranquility. The Spa boasts 12 spacious treatment

rooms, including a Spa Villa with a soaking tub, whirlpool bath, sundeck and patio. The spa also features a unique “floating” hair and nail spa, which features a buff bar, a pedicure banquette for four, and a hairstyling station overlooking the tranquility pool. At the Spa at Naples Grande, both (CONTINUED ON PAGE 24)

“We want to promote the spa as not only ‘the bow on the package’ for resort guests, but to also create awareness for the local community that...it’s still available for their enjoyment.” — SuSAN gHANNAM, SPA MANAGER, THE SPA AT NAPLES GRANDE, NAPLES GRANDE BEACH RESORT, NAPLES FLORIDA

the Spa at Naples grande is designed in the Japanese tradition and set among beautiful gardens and pools.



October 2017


resort guests and locals are treated to complete serenity and peace, but running a Florida spa during the summer slow season can be extremely tricky, even in the most tranquil of circumstances. Susan Ghannam, spa manager at Naples Grande Beach Resort, opens up about marketing challenges and how her team works to overcome them.

Marketing “We want to promote the spa as not only ‘the bow on the package’ for resort guests, but to also create awareness for

the local community that even though its located in the resort, it’s still available for their enjoyment,” says Ghannam. As one of the only resort spas in the area that is open to the public, it’s important for Ghannam to push the spa to the local community so they’re aware of the spa’s offerings. She focuses her main local push in the summer, because that is the slow time for resort guests. To do this, The Spa at Naples Grande runs a summer special called “Summer at the Spa,” which allows the spa team to focus on attracting locals to come

experience a high-end spa at a great value, hopefully turning them into longterm customers. Ghannam also runs holiday promotions throughout the year, such as a “Fall into Relaxation” special with a variety of pumpkin-inspired treatments and Valentine’s Day specials, which continue to attract local guests and create loyal customers throughout the year. To get the word out about specials and general happenings at the spa, Ghannam utilizes the resort’s social media accounts. “Social media is a great marketing tool,” she notes. “We are incorporating more spa-related posts to our social media calendar to further promote the spa on the resort social pages.” By using the resort’s social media pages to push spa interests, Ghannam can take

SPA quICK FACtS Spa open date: March 7, 2007 Facilities/amenities: 12 spacious treatment rooms, floating hair & nail salon, tranquility pool, sundeck and patio, meditation lounge and rain showers. Percentage of guests (male vs. female): 30% men vs. 70% women Number of full-time spa staff: 15 Product lines used: HydroPeptide, Éminence, Moroccanoil, SkinCeuticals, Pure Fiji, Sparitual Most used marketing channel: Hotel website Website: www.naplesgrande.com/spa Phone Number: 1.239.594.6321 Facebook: OfficialNGBR Instagram: @naplesgranderesort twitter: @NaplesGrande Serenity is the ultimate goal of the Spa at Naples grande. 24


October 2017

advantage of an already large and dedicated fan base to position the spa as “The Heart & Soul of Naples Grande.” Ghannam also utilizes The Spa Villa to attract groups and couples to the spa for an indulgent weekend complete with private amenities. A private sanctuary in the middle of a peaceful oasis, The Spa Villa is complete with a couple’s treatment area, luxuriously appointed bathroom with rain shower and a beautiful outdoor garden with a private whirlpool plunge pool. “The Spa Villa experience is something that is appropriate for couples, small groups of friends and even bridal parties,” adds Ghannam. “It can be booked with a variety of different

treatment packages, and we can also serve refreshments and light meals.”

Meeting guest demands Working tirelessly to attract new and loyal guests is futile unless you are offering unique, one-of-a-kind spa experiences and treatments. That’s why Ghannam updates the spa’s menu annually, being sure to introduce something new every year. “To keep the guests’ interest, we like to introduce something new and exciting and discontinue treatments that are not producing as much interest,” she says of her menu rejuvenation process. With menu updates comes the need for constant staff training, so staff are

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treated to regular and thorough product and treatment training. This also helps satiate guests’ desire for knowledge and information, as Ghannam is seeing a huge shift in guests being highly educated about spa products and treatments. “Many of our guests are knowledgeable about product ingredients, and in order to keep up with the evolving consumer expectations, we do a lot of product training with our staff,” Ghannam adds. Keeping her staff informed and upto-date allows them to have the confidence to think of themselves as experts in their chosen field. This translates to the guests and provides the higher level of customer service that spas are constantly striving for. n



B y A S H L E y A Lt

We all have our own creative outlets. Whether that be through painting, writing or other freeing forms of self-expression, we sometimes surprise ourselves with the emotions that come from seeing the finished product.

ricardo richey, better known as Apexer, has

that conjuring

effect on people. “Go out and explore the world. Experience it with no expectations,” he advises in a voice and outlook that is both captivating and inspiring. Apexer is a street artist from San Francisco who creates colorful, abstract patterns throughout urban cities with the aim to evoke positivity and a sense of connectedness. Often working nine to 10 hours a day creating strikingly distinguished artwork, Apexer leaves it up to viewers to interpret the message. Apexer, who was a featured artist at the St. ART festival in St. Louis, will be donating a piece of his artwork to the ISPA Foundation Auction at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo, and will be giving an inspirational speech during Tuesday’s General Session. We asked Apexer why he enjoys his profession and what street art accomplishes in society today, and his answers may surprise you. PULSE: What first sparked your love of street art? Apexer: Growing up in San Francisco in the early 80s, society’s differences and separations weren’t comprehensible as a kid. I really started getting into art around third grade. I loved seeing the different colors everywhere around me and wanted to create my own. For me, coloring in my coloring book was no different than seeing scribbles and colors around the city. It actually got me into trouble at home—I would get black ink on the walls. P: Why is street art so important to the fabric of our cities? A: You have to go back to the beginning roots of New York and Harlem, where there is a good representation of modern cities. A huge part of San Francisco was abandoned growing up— people without jobs, empty lots with buildings crumbling, and that became part of the youth culture. There are famous photos of kids jumping around on mattresses in a parking lot. That youthful, childhood imagination is where street art came from—it tells a story.

For me, it’s really important to have public art that is diverse and can appeal to sensitivities of a wide group of people. In suburbia of America, homes all look the same. The cars out front are the only forms of color. In cities, you need diversity; you need colors—things that will stimulate the brain and spirit to live healthier. P: You were born and raised in San Francisco. How does the city inspire your art? A: I lived on one corner of the city, my grandma lived on the other corner, and my cousins in between. We drove around all the time visiting family, so I was exposed to all the different SF neighborhoods. You have skyscrapers, a lot of greenery with parks, and famous painted ladies in front of Victorian houses. Seeing all of this informed me of what I wanted to do. Because SF has hills and streets and valleys, you never know what’s around the corner. I like to create work that is unexpected so that when you’re riding your bike down an alley and you turn the corner, you see a random, colorful splash on a building. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 28)



October 2017


P: Where did the name APEXER come from? A: Apex means peak, or highest point. Within the rising street art culture, you can add different endings to your name like “ing” or “er,” and I picked “er.” It was my sophomore year of high school when I came across the word “apex” in English class. As a young boy trying to find his place and hierarchy, that name was incredibly cool. Fast forward to now, and it represents the exact opposite. If all of us try to do our best, to reach our peak, the most important part is to enjoy the process as you try and find your way. P: Abstract art can sometimes be hard for people to decipher. What do you hope people gain from your work? A: Early on, I learned all the traditional practices of art. It felt like I was copying, so I wanted to create something new—something that was pure imagination, aside from the art classics. I pull from that same child in me for inspiration. I want people to remember that child in themselves and that moment of questioning, freedom and curiosity about the world. That’s what I want people to get from my work. If my work can grab the passerby for even a second, I have accomplished what I wanted. Studying design and architecture, learning the goal-to-ratio of classic structures as the way we view the world blew my mind. I wanted to stand out in competition of billboards and other traditional styles, so color theory became a big part of it. Layering my work all together creates an explosion of positive energy that I’m giving to people. I like it to be colorful and abstract so that it goes against the norm. P: You tend to use brilliant colors in your artwork. How does color help you get your message, story or purpose across? A: My work is very layered. If there are 10 layers of my work, only three of them are controlled. It is completely meditative. A lot of



October 2017

C o N t u N u E d F r o M PA g E 2 6

vibrant colors grab your attention and then it gives you a moment in your day-to-day life to reflect and breathe. You might like a particular green, pink or blue, and you pick something out that’s uplifting or it changes your mood completely. Having all the colors there is the balancing act—it isn’t pulling you to happiness or anger, it’s allowing you to just be. P: What would you consider to be the hardest part of your work? How do you overcome these challenges? A: To stay motivated when I’m not working, and to stay humble when somebody is complimenting me on a new piece. After a piece of my work is finished, I say that it is 18 years old, has matured, and is ready for the world to experience it. The hardest part has become explaining my viewpoint on ownership of who deserves credit. After my work has been released, I don’t take ownership because it’s for everyone else at the Apexer’s mural located in the that point. People should be giving Mission district of themselves a compliment for appreciating it. San Francisco. P: What is the most rewarding part of your work? A: There are a lot of rewarding things like being able to travel and see different cities, and meeting all kinds of people around the world and hearing their stories. But the most rewarding part is people connecting with it. It’s a sign that I still have my finger on the pulse. Understanding how to navigate the art and communicate that with different cities and different walks of life is amazing. We are all connected and that shows when we relate to the work. Seeing that so many people can relate to it and appreciate it is rewarding. n

GET INSPIRED! Don’t miss Apexer at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo gENErAL SESSIoN H tuESdAy, oCt. 17 H 9:30 A.M.

SEE + BE SEEN 2017 EAST COAST ISPA MEDIA EVENT As the longest standing media event in the spa industry, the East Coast ISPA Media Event has become a must-attend for journalists looking to catch the latest in wellness, beauty and spa. At this year’s event, held Tuesday, August 8 at iconic Gotham Hall in New York City, spa professionals offered treatments, products and immersion experiences to attending media from national news outlets such as AP, CBS and NBC, and top-tier journalists from travel, beauty and business publications. Attendees were educated on the newest spa trends while experiencing mini-treatments from 21 ISPA member sponsors from the U.S., Italy and the Dominican Republic.

Aaaand ACTION!. ISPA President Lynne McNees and American Spa Magazine Managing Editor Natalie Maneval live on Facebook promoting the event.

To the point. Aspira The Spa’s acupuncturist performing


facial renewal acupuncture, which rejuvenates and revitalizes the facial tissue by allowing the muscles to lift and tone organically. ASPIRA THE SPA

Completely Relaxed. Journalists escape to another world at O2 Chair’s O2 Experience, the world’s first breathing chair treatment that delivers a combination of zero gravity, nap breathing exercise, synchronized swinging movement, oxygen concentrator, optional heating, soothing sound/instruction and wake up.

Brighten Your Day. A lucky journalist enjoying the LED Light Therapy at Beauty Changes Lives’ booth, which involves the application of specific wavelengths of light to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits.

Ready for My Closeup. MedAesthetique giving an attendee the star treatment with their redcarpet facial.


Pretty Pout.



A thoroughly relaxed journalist getting the royal treatment with Relâche Spa at Gaylord Hotels’ BIOTEC Eye and Lip Duo.

DO YOU WANT TO BE SEEN? Submit photos from your events to kelly.heitz@ispastaff.com and you might see yourself in the next issue of Pulse! 30


October 2017

On the Run.


Floating on Air Sanitas Skincare esthetician performing a contouring and sculpting anti-gravity facial with exfoliation, massage and peptides. THE LODGE AT WOODLOCH

Don’t Forget Your Greens! Attendees at The Lodge at Woodloch’s booth receiving a salt stone massage and learning about farmto-spa innovations from Woodloch’s resident “farm-acist” Derrick Braun.



Technogym specialist offering athletic performance training with the SKILLMILL, the first machine to allow everyday athletes to improve their power, speed, stamina and agility in a single product.

Feel the Vibrations. A journalist experiencing the sounds of spa on âme Spa & Wellness Collective at Turnberry Isle Miami Resort’s soundwave massage table experience, which uses dynamic acoustic stimulation to provide a new anti-stress experience.



Spa Industry Unites Next Generation of Leaders By ASHLEy ALt

ith the gap between the abundance of job opportunities and lack of qualified candidates only increasing, spa professionals are left with quite a challenge. With the many benefits a career in spa offers, how we can we articulate the unique industry opportunities to the next generation of leaders? Taking the prevalent controversy headon, industry leaders are coming together

W 34


October 2017

through innovative programs to understand why workforce shortage continues to be an issue, and figure out how to refashion the concern. The ISPA U.S. Spa Industry Study reports nearly 33,000 job openings are available in the spa sector, while the U.S. Department of Labor projects spa and salon growth between 10 and 20 percent over the next decade. As promotion of careers in the spa industry will be an important initiative for ISPA’s future, industry leaders and

members’ commitment to propelling spa forward starts and ends with the people a part of it. Industry professionals are working to piece the puzzle together through three innovative initiatives – the Global Mentorship Program, Beauty Changes Lives campaign and Mary Tabacchi scholarship.


GMP is Guiding and Inspiring Spa Leadership Global Mentorship Program (GMP) is an initiative of the Global Wellness Institute

addressing predicted management shortages in the spa and wellness industry. Developed in response to a 2012 study addressing market gaps in spa management, researchers explored ways to spotlight available job opportunities. While the hiring dilemma continued to seem unsolvable, spa professionals began digging deeper over the shortfall of qualified candidates, asking themselves, “How can we instill longevity within the spa industry?” Kate Mearns, a Global Regional Director of GWI’s Global Mentorship Program, Principal Consultant at 5 Spa Consulting and longtime ISPA member, explained that the goal of GMP is to engage experienced managers with newer

managers to foster and sustain professional growth. She says the mentorship program falls heavily on education regarding the inadequacy of staffing levels. “This is a real barrier to continue to grow and sustain our businesses,” Mearns commented on the management shortage topic. “We saw there was a huge deficit of therapists, nail technicians and estheticians and knew we could make a bigger impact to slice the pie down by working with managerial positions.” Mearns explains that the program is not meant to do more than connect, support and guide mentees in preparation of one day becoming spa managers and directors. “We wanted to give our educators an accessible resource that allows them to

connect with and collaborate on the future success of our industry,” Mearns remarked. “The role of the mentor is to guide and provide resources, knowledge and opportunities to help the mentee create a successful path.” Jean-Guy de Gabriac, Global Mentorship Program Chair and CEO of Tip Touch, says he saw the management labor pool problem as a call to take action, emphasizing how badly the industry needs not only better managers, but better leaders – where ISPA members truly shine.


Beauty Changes Lives Campaign Supports Next Leaders The Beauty Changes Lives Foundation has

partnered with ISPA to launch a nationwide call to action – the “Get Your Dream Job” campaign, where professional beauty and spa industries are joining forces to elevate and celebrate careers in spa. Currently providing scholarships to students pursuing esthetics, cosmetology, makeup, nails and runway/editorial, BCL acts as a nonprofit foundation that unites beauty and wellness professionals with the mission to elevate the perception of the beauty industry as a viable and rewarding career choice. The “Get Your Dream Job” initiative will be promoted by spas, salons and schools coast-to-coast to build awareness of the extraordinary career opportunities in the spa sector, with the goal of recruiting new minds. The campaign will be unveiled at the 27th annual ISPA Conference & Expo at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, and will officially launch November 1st. With the spa industry’s continued growth, this campaign will spread the message about the benefits of working in spas, and attract job seekers in search of stable, promising careers.


Mary Tabacchi Scholarship Central to ISPA’s investment in the future lies the ISPA Foundation Mary Tabacchi Scholarship. With the help of the ISPA Foundation and through a wealth of donations, students interested in pursuing a career in spa management can fulfill those aspirations. It is ISPA’s hope that students touched by these scholarships will not only provide comfort and care to those who



October 2017

“The role of the mentor is to guide and provide resources, knowledge and opportunities to help the mentee create a successful path.” — Kate Mearns, Global Regional Director of GWI’s Global Mentorship Program, Principal, 5 Spa Consulting

need it, but serve as an inspiration to others to join the spa profession. The scholarship was created in 2006, named in honor of Mary Tabacchi PhD, RD, Professor, Services Marketing and Operations Management at the Cornell School of Hotel Administration, and continues to uncover many bright and emerging leaders in the world of spa.

Looking Ahead Although the staffing issue is both real and overwhelming, the buoyancy of our dedicated spa community, perhaps the greatest asset in the wellness industry, comes from our members who are making a positive change. Sharing insight and ideas through these initiatives will make way for those not only passionate about wellness, but sustaining professionalism in the business. n

WHAT CAN YOU DO? As someone who is completely dedicated to the spa industry, you’re probably wondering what you can do now to address our staffing crisis. Here are a few ideas to get you started:


Post your jobs on the ISPA Job Board, then share! We all have open positions, but if job-seekers don’t know about then how will you fill them? Post your open positions on the ISPA Job Board then share it on social media to get the word out.


Recommend a student apply for the Mary Tabacchi scholarship. If someone you know is thinking about a career in our industry, do you part and reach out and offer to coach them through the Mary Tabacchi Scholarship application. Your guidance may encourage a wavering applicant to dive in head-first.


Nurture your current staff. Support the career aspirations of your current staff by being an engaged and proactive leader.

STAY TUNED FOR MORE NEWS And info on how you can get involved in the Get Your Dream Job Campaign!



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Getting to Know the Speakers

WE’vE got AN ALL-StAr LINE-uP of speakers for the Professional development Sessions at this year’s ISPA Conference & Expo. These educational sessions feature experts in leadership, business strategy, marketing, sales and more. We spent three minutes with each speaker to give you a bit of insight into their personalities.

Bryan Williams

Favorite book: The Greatest Salesman I Ever Met by Og Mandino


Last great place traveled: Gold Coast, Australia

Session: “Sacred Ground: Exceptional Habits to Re-Hire, Re-Orient and Re-Engage Yourself at Work”

Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Attend any of the live shows. Favorite podcast: The Ask Gary Vee Show with Gary Vaynerchuk My inspiration: Spending time with my family and reading the Bible. Best part of my day: Making breakfast for my children. greatest lesson I’ve learned about business: Make each client feel like they are my only client. Favorite breakfast: Almond flour pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon with a fruit smoothie. If I could be anyone else for a day I’d be: Tony Robbins Best presentation I’ve attended: Any speech by Horst Schulze (former President/COO of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company).

Favorite book!

Linda Harding-Bond

Favorite book: The Bible


Last great place traveled: Pak Khlong, the 24-hour flower market in Bangkok; it’s a sensory explosion!

Session: “Introverts: The Secret of Increasing Retail Sales”

Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Hang out on Freemont Street. Favorite podcast: Skincare Talk Radio and Black Entrepreneur Blueprint My inspiration: The people of Thailand who live very much in the moment; they don’t sweat the small stuff. Best part of my day: 4:30 a.m.—when the world is quiet and thoughts flow freely. greatest lesson I’ve learned about business: Build good relationships with solid people because try as you might you cannot control everything. Favorite podcast!

Favorite breakfast: Scrapple, eggs and home fries—it’s a Philly thing. If I could be anyone else for a day I’d be: Michelle Obama

Best presentation I’ve attended: Blake Mycoskie at the 2013 ISPA Conference & Expo 38


October 2017

2017 ISPA CONFERENCE & EXPO Favorite book: For personal growth, Awakening The Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das and for business when I get stuck, Do The Work by Steven Pressfield

Petra Kolber ExPErtISE: LEAdErSHIP Session: “R.O.I Return on Inspiration: Double Your Happiness, Triple Your Revenue”

Last great place traveled: I get to visit so many beautiful places, but have not traveled abroad this year. In August, I was at The Lodge at Woodloch. It is a beautiful resort and even though I am there working I always leave recharged. Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: See a show. So far my favorite has been O by Cirque de Soleil. Favorite podcast: Well when I am not working on mine (insert shameless plug here) I love The Good Life Project with Jonathan Fields. My inspiration: Right now, my work, my sister and my friendships. Best part of my day: Recently, anytime I have focused long enough to finish a chapter for my upcoming book is a great part of my day. When not working, sunset or sunrise are pretty hard to beat. greatest lesson I’ve learned about business: To never let the success go to your head, and to never let the critics get to you heart.

Favorite book!

Favorite breakfast: Avocado toast on well-done multi grain bread with a splash of sea salt topped with a poached egg and complemented with a cappuccino, then repeat! If I could be anyone else for a day I’d be: Well right now I am taking DJ lessons, so to be Mark Ronson would be cool as I am a long way away from mastering the craft, but being Oprah for 24 hours wouldn’t hurt either. Best presentation I’ve attended: All the ISPA Conference & Expo keynotes last year were amazing, in particular, I was super excited to see Simon Sinek and Brené Brown as I have watched both of their Ted Talks over and over again.

dawn Kaiser

Favorite book: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown


Last great place traveled: Tabernash, Colorado

Session: “Contagious Joy: Increasing Customer Satisfaction Through Positivity”

Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: See the shows. Favorite podcast: Happier Life by Gretchen Rubin My inspiration: My faith and my community of aligned entrepreneurs. Best part of my day: Waking up and getting centered so I can be the best me for my clients. greatest lesson I’ve learned about business: It takes a tribe; no one can do it by themselves. Favorite breakfast: Eggs, crispy bacon and hash browns. If I could be anyone else for a day I’d be: Wonder Woman Best presentation I’ve attended: Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic”

Favorite breakfast!

October 2017



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dre Baldwin

Favorite book: The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene


Last great place traveled: Philadelphia!

Session: “Discipline: Conquering and Owning the Third Day”

Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Walk the Strip and take photos and Snaps. Favorite podcast: Work On Your Game Podcast by me! My inspiration: Accomplishing as much as I can while I’m here. Best part of my day: Waking up! greatest lesson I’ve learned about business: Solving problems = money. Favorite breakfast: Bananas and water. If I could be anyone else for a day I’d be: Me, 10 years ago.

Favorite book!

Anna Moine

Best presentation I’ve attended: Every presentation I do!

Favorite book: I love reading! It’s so hard to pick one, but I would say Scandinavian noir (Jo Nesbo, Anita Lackberg) are my favorite détente books.

ExPErtISE: rEtAIL Session: “The Art of Retail: Merchandising and Display Tools to Create an Engaging Retail Environment”

Last great place traveled: I love the Basque region that straddles France and Spain, and it happens to be where my family was originally from! Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Vegas is not one of my favorite places so I would have to pick eating at great restaurants. Favorite podcast: I am old fashioned and don’t listen to podcasts. I much prefer a hard cover in my hands over ear buds. My inspiration: The wonders of nature—whether it’s an egret fishing or a stunning sunset. Best part of my day: My first cup of coffee brewed by my husband. greatest lesson I’ve learned about business: Never take yourself too seriously. Favorite breakfast: A warm croissant from the boulangerie. If I could be anyone else for a day I’d be: Aung San Suu Kyi—even in the greatest adversity she has never relented in her quest to free her people from dictatorship.

Favorite breakfast!



October 2017


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tanya Chernova

Favorite book: Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels—I read this book a long time ago, but her poetic imagery is still with me.

ExPErtISE: SALES Session: “Complete Guide to Creating Profitable 12 Month Spa Promotions”

Last great place traveled: Dubai—breathtaking and remarkable in every way. Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: The ISPA Conference, early morning desert hikes, comedy clubs, people watching and brunch. Favorite podcast: TED Talks My inspiration: My son, the beauty I see in the world, and people who boldly dare. Best part of my day: Morning cuddles, morning coffee, and the connection I feel with the people I touch. greatest lesson I’ve learned about business: Trust your Instincts, but measure your results. Failure is feedback, don’t take it personally, see it as a step forward and make the changes required.

Favorite book!

Favorite breakfast: Indulgent—cinnamon French toast with maple syrup. Healthy—green chia pudding with tons of fruit. If I could be anyone else for a day I’d be: Will Smith or Jada Pickett Smith. Best presentation I’ve attended: So many! I love the speakers I’ve seen at ISPA: Jim Collins, Mike Walsh, Brené Brown were great.

Kathy Klotz-guest ExPErtISE: MArKEtINg Session: “Four Ways to Break Content Rules and Win”

Favorite book: So many, especially in the business and comedy spaces, it’s hard to think of just one. Last great place traveled: Alaska Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: See some great shows like Penn and Teller. So amazing. Favorite podcast: I listen to a lot of storytelling podcasts. My favorites are The Moth and Comedy Bang Bang! My inspiration: Having great people around me who push me to be better. Best part of my day: When I am working out, and when I get to visit with my son about his day. That is special. greatest lesson I’ve learned about business: Do things that scare you, do it your way, be you and have empathy for others and yourself along the way. Favorite breakfast: Pancakes!

Favorite breakfast!

If I could be anyone else for a day I’d be: Keegan-Michael Key: funny, brilliant, talented. One day, he’ll play me in a movie and be better at it than I am. Best presentation I’ve attended: Presentations where there are few slides. The speakers are more connected to the audience. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 44)



October 2017

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Sharon rapoport

Favorite book: Blood, Bones & Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton


Last great place traveled: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Session: “Question MARK-eting: Asking the Questions that Lead to Real Results”

Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: People watch Favorite podcast: Radio Atlantic (from The Atlantic) My inspiration: Fun co-workers and clients. No, really. I LOVE what I do. Best part of my day: Morning latte (and the insane amount of work I get done after). greatest lesson I’ve learned about business: Be authentic. Favorite breakfast: Fried eggs, bacon and grits (yes, I'm originally from the South). If I could be anyone else for a day I’d be: Malala Best presentation I’ve attended: Woody Pirtle giving a presentation on conceptual design. n Favorite podcast!

Carol Stratford

Favorite book: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald


Last great place traveled: Lanai, Hawaii

Session: “Question MARK-eting: Asking the Questions that Lead to Real Results”

Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Shopping! Favorite podcast: The Brain Candy Podcast by Susie Meister and Sarah Rice My inspiration: My family. Best part of my day: Bedtime routine with my son. greatest lesson I’ve learned about business: If you don’t go after something, you will never have it! Favorite breakfast: Pancakes and a latte. If I could be anyone else for a day I’d be: Amy Schumer Best presentation I’ve attended: Deepak Chopra

Favorite book!



October 2017


Giving Women the Freedom to Beat Breast Cancer IrA KAgANovSKy Founder/CEO Free Brands, LLC Hendeson, Nevada n


e are paranoid about everything; what we eat, where we live, our By genetic history. Perhaps any one ASHLEy ALt of those factors, or a combination of them, contributes to the development of cancer, but maybe the real culprit is stressing over those things. While the survival rate of breast cancer is 90 percent if caught early, the best thing we can do is continue to be proactive and raise awareness, but are we doing enough? Someone a few years back put it best – “I don’t have time for cancer.” That someone was a dear friend to Ira Kaganovsky, founder of Freedom natural deodorant, ISPA member and mother of three girls. Operating out of Las Vegas, Kaganovsky is making natural normal through her all-natural antiperspirants. When Kaganovsky’s best friend Cindy (one out of three friends diagnosed with breast cancer in an 18-month time span) was told by her doctor to stop using antiperspirants upon her diagnosis, Kaganovsky, stunned, immediately stopped using them and began searching for natural options instead. After frequenting her local grocery store in search of natural deodorants, Kaganovsky concluded that they simply did not work; they weren’t absorbing sweat, they didn’t smell great and they weren’t lasting more than a few hours. This continued for a year before Free Brands Inc. was born. “I turned into a mad scientist,” Kaganovsky said. “I turned my kitchen into a lab where I was melting beeswax and coconut oil,


“When Kaganovsky’s best friend [was] diagnosed with breast cancer [she] was told by her doctor to stop using antiperspirants, Kaganovsky, stunned, immediately stopped using them and began searching for natural options instead.” 48


October 2017

researching all the right ingredients – what smelled right, what looked right, figuring out how to make lavender citrus smoother.” Kaganovsky gave her first homemade product to Cindy, receiving a phone call from her two days later crying because she didn’t wake up in a pile of sweat, she smelled good and “her kids weren’t afraid of her.” After six months of intensive chemotherapy, Cindy’s skin was reacting poorly to the treatment, she was losing her hair and she was thrust into early menopause. This antiperspirant made her feel normal again amidst the challenging circumstances. While there is no proof or direct correlation linking the use of unnatural antiperspirant to breast cancer, Cindy’s doctor’s explanation of using something somewhat toxic that close to your lymph nodes was enough for Kaganovsky to pursue her business. “If you aren’t letting your body get all the toxins out of the body, then where are they going?” Kaganovsky asked herself. “I don’t care what all of the ‘green’ bloggers are saying, natural deodorants sold at drug stores don’t work.” Wanting answers, Kaganovsky sought out a few local doctors, even chemists, asking their opinion on the leading cause of cancer when they told her, “they don’t know what causes cancer.” “It’s like the high heel debate,” Kaganovsky told us. “They tell (CONTINUED ON PAGE 50)

Kaganovsky with her three daughters, who are constantly inspiring her work.

SUCCESSSTORIES you not to wear them because they aren’t good for your feet, yet everyone does. That’s why we created Freedom. We’re making natural normal, and that doesn’t have to be weird.” Discovering that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) considers antiperspirant an over-the-counter drug was what further fueled Kaganovsky to make it her mission to educate people on this. Shocked that this isn’t clearly communicated to consumers, Kaganovsky makes it clear that she is building a brand and company that people know they can trust, with the goal to create products that women and men enjoy. “We get so much through what we eat, breathe and drink – if we don’t know the cause, something is bound to wake the cancer up,” Kaganovsky remarked. “We at least know that the natural stuff is good for you.” Partnering with organizations like the American Cancer Society, The Caring Place and Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation, Free Brands makes sure to give back to organizations that are working toward helping individuals with breast cancer. “I thought, if this started because of cancer, we’re going to give back to cancer,” Kaganovsky stated. “We’re making it cool to




go natural, and we’re making it easy.” Discussing preventative measures for breast cancer like eating well and being kind to your body, Kaganovsky was firm on advising women to request ultrasounds along with their mammograms. “When they ultrasound the breast, they can see more.” She said. “This is especially the case for younger women whose breasts are denser, making it harder for doctors to obtain the most accurate results.” Being so keen on making her product “normal” to buy and use, Kaganovsky wants to raise the consciousness to spas and fitness centers. Her first retailer was a spa, which made it prestigious. And after selling out at a Four Seasons in two days, Kaganovsky knew this was the right market. “Working women want nice things,” Kaganovsky said. “So I wanted this to be a gift because it was a gift to Cindy, and spas were a perfect fit.” Cindy, alive and well and still fighting, (she recently fought her fourth battle with breast cancer) is showing women everywhere that knowledge sharing truly is power. n

2017 Innovate Awards:

Celebrating Innovation Within the Spa Industry For Four yEArS, the ISPA Innovate Awards have recognized deserving ISPA members for their unique contributions to the spa industry. Applications and nominations were open to all ISPA members in the categories of experiences, leadership, philanthropy, products, technology & equipment, and treatments, and then voted on by the entire ISPA community. This year’s 15 deserving winners all have one thing in common: their desire and ability to push the limits, break down barriers and truly exhibit the essence of innovation.


2017 Innovate Awards

the Spa at Meadowood Napa valley MICHAEL CoNtE



Who says you can’t have your wine and drink it too? Nestled in Napa Valley, Meadowood Spa partnered with local biodynamic and organic wineries to develop a retreat that provides guests with a wellness experience without having to sacrifice the fun and flavor of wine country. “We think it’s important to teach our guests about moderation,” says Michael Conte, director of spa and wellness at Meadowood. “We all want to live a healthier lifestyle but sometimes that makes people think they can’t enjoy certain things that are deemed ‘not good for you.’ We wanted to create something that fits our location and has a fun twist.” Meadowood Spa began offering “Wine and Wellness, a California wine country wellness retreat” in January 2017, which takes guests on a thorough tour of Meadowood’s winery partners’ grounds and shows guests all the intricacies of what their farming and wine making procedures are.



October 2017

the St. regis Aspen resort IrISHA StEELE


SPA dIrECtor

Sometimes, you must go outside the spa to let the true healing begin. At Remède Spa at The St. Regis Aspen, The Mala Experience provides a new, next generation wellness experience for guests and includes one-on-one intention-setting with a spiritual guide, a custom mala bead necklace based on the guest’s personal mantra, Qigong meditation, a river-blessing ceremony, and healthy provisions to promote peace of mind. “This experience fulfills the mind, body and soul through connection, self-awareness and lifestyle practices,” says Spa Director Irisha Steele. “It creates a full experience incorporating the outdoor beauty of Aspen and is an unexpected and multisensory adventure that allows guests to feel deeper sense of relaxation.”


2017 Innovate Awards

Innovative Spa Management

the Milagro Spa & Salon






FouNdEr & CEo

Losing three spa team members in a twoInnovative Spa Management began offering the unique year period can seriously affect the moral and valuable benefit of unlimited PTO to all and spirit of such a tight-knit group of salaried employees in 2014 and has seen people. To help the team cope, The Milagro incredible results. Spa and Salon’s leadership team decided to host “We found that our highest producing a smudging ceremony to help cleanse the mind, managers took approximately 3.5 body, spirit and physical space of unwanted weeks of paid time off,” says Ilana negative energies. This was a unique way to help Alberico, ISM’s CEO. “Those who did ISPA not take enough were less productive, as well as INNovAtE the team through a very difficult time, to honor those they had lost, and to invite peace into their those who took more. ISM provides our guests a AWArdS lives. relaxing environment to de-stress and we want to “It was a provide our associates with the same opportunity to beautiful ceremony take care of themselves; this way we can promote selfand the team was extremely health while implementing healing services.” appreciative,” says Patricia Offering unlimited PTO exemplifies the company’s focus on Laus, founder and CEO of wellness and creates a trusting foundation with their The Milagro Spa and associates. It is important to ISM that their associates have time Salon. “The success of the to nurture their bodies, minds and relationships in order to be event is hard to quantify their best selves. in numbers, but there is a distinct difference in the feeling of the staff and the overall spa space.”

Philanthropy emerginC IAN LIrENMAN


CEo & FouNdEr

emerginC has become an industry leader in promoting meaningful and sustainable environmental initiatives including tree planting, bee habitat restoration, and assisting in cultivating organic vegetable

2017 Innovate Awards gardens. Their “buy one, plant one” tree planting program has led to successful plantings in Madagascar, Nepal and Mexico— where monarch butterflies winter. Over 200,000 trees were planted in one location, which restored 100 acres of land and provided jobs for villagers for 425 days. Their emerginBees program has provided

October 2017




2017 Innovate Awards

emerginC continued

milkweed seed bombs to create habitats for bees and other pollinators and coincides with their emerginCeeds program, which helps people plant organic vegetable gardens in their communities to promote sustainability. emerginC also partnered with Miraval to provide seed bombs to their guests on their first night stay to complement Miraval’s beekeeping program.


Sanitas team Chop

Shankara BHuSHAN dEodHAr

Ian Lirenman planting

Sanitas Skincare LISA CrAry


oWNEr & CEo

At Sanitas Skincare, they understand how a diversified philanthropic program can boost their employees’ moral and sense of accomplishment, which is why Sanitas offers over 600 eligible hours per year of paid volunteer time off for individual team members who wish to support charities that fall outside the umbrella of Sanitas’ Corporate Giving Program. “Sanitas’ Volunteer Time Off Program embodies a spirit of both corporate and individual giving that exemplifies the spa industry’s passion for giving back and helping create global well-being,” says Lisa Crary, owner and CEO of Sanitas Skincare. This time can be taken during the regular work week and does not require any type of shift coverage to be approved. Employees at Sanitas are encouraged to follow their own philanthropic passions, so the program organically lends itself to building diversity within the company’s philanthropic efforts and creates a multifaceted, highly conscious workforce able to support a wide variety of worthy organizations. 54


October 2017



When a company’s main intention is to create holistic products to enhance people lives on all levels, and then, to give away all net profits, it is truly a win/win for everyone. Shankara is committed to making the world a better place by donating 100 percent of its net profits to humanitarian causes throughout the world via the International Association of Human Values. This mission of giving back whole-heartedly drives everything within the company from Shankara’s consultants volunteering their time to employees accepting less pay to make greater contributions to important issues. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 56)

Products Éminence organic Skin Care BoLdIJArrE KoroNCzAy AttILA KoroNCzAy





As the skincare market continues to age, spa products must be innovative enough to stand out and deliver true and lasting results. Éminence Organic Skin Care’s all-natural Age Corrective Ultra Collection, which includes an eye cream, instant line filler and neck cream, uses unique ingredients and a highly effective delivery system to produce results in two to five minutes. This collection demonstrates that products formulated with all-natural, organic ingredients provide the instant results demanded by the consumer and encourages an increase in facial treatments delivered by professional estheticians at licensed spas. Éminence’s Age Corrective Ultra Collection is valuable to the spa industry because it builds widespread, international consumer confidence in the efficacy of natural products and facial treatments, without the need for intimidating or invasive medical procedures.

Noel Asmar group Inc. NoEL ASMAr



Never satisfied with status quo, Noel Asmar Group innovates to create clothing and accessories that improve the way spa professionals feel and perform—while applying timeless, great style to each piece. Everything Noel Asmar Group creates stems from the desire to improve wellbeing and empower. “Our first innovation, Spa Uniforms, was a game changer for the industry with fabrics and styles that are made for the way a spa therapist moves and are easy to care for while performing year after year,” says CEO and ISPA Officer Noel Asmar. INNovAtE Creative The Noel Asmar Group expanded in 2016 to AWArdS offer a women’s contemporary fashion and Italian handbag collections aimed at female wellness travelers. This expansion has put Noel Asmar’s styles and designs on both sides of the spa industry—from the spa professional to the customer.



October 2017

2017 Innovate Awards

Saltability ANN BroWN


FouNdEr & CEo

Himalayan salt products have garnered a lot of buzz from the spa and beauty world. Saltability products, such as Himalayan salt jars and salt stones for massage, are made with 100 percent Himalayan crystal salt, which is hand-mined from the Himalayan Mountains. An environmentallyfriendly, cost-effective and highly convenient alternative to traditional stone massage, Saltability’s Himalayan salt products create a healthier treatment and spa environment. Both clients and therapists benefit from the 84 naturally occurring minerals and elements they receive through Saltability’s pure salt stones, which help to stimulate circulation, detoxify, improve sleep, reduce inflammation, calm the nervous system, and reduce the signs of aging. As an added benefit, the warmed Himalayan salt in Saltability’s Bamboo

Warming Tray gives off negative ions in the spa environment, helping to relieve anxiety, reduce indoor air pollution and allergens and more. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 58)

Technology & Equipment

2017 Innovate Awards

Living Earth Crafts








Living Earth Crafts’ Signature GT Series combines client Products that pull double duty with seamless design are hard to comfort with therapist mobility to create a series of treatment come by, but the Robert Henry Masquerade by tables that are unparalleled on the spa market. The Century Touch America is a piece that does both with City and Infinity GT tables feature an amazingly responsive, incredible style and innovation. The ultimate in proprietary GelTech mattress, wireless controls, a warming comfort and design, The Masquerade converts drawer, LED lighting and integrated warmer covers. from a day bed into an ultra-comfortable spa ADA compliance and low height range are treatment table with the push of a button. This extremely important to elderly and disabled first-of-its-kind piece can easily be converted by the guests who have difficulty getting on and off therapist from the day bed into the massage table at their ideal treatment tables, and for the healthy height. ergonomics of smaller massage theraThe Masquerade could change the dynamics of the pists. The advanced motor systems of resort or hotel spa by allowing therapists to go to ISPA the Signature GT series offer 16 inches of where the customer is. Placing this unique product INNovAtE height range enabling both very short and very tall in-room allows for room-service treatment calls. A therapists to be comfortable working on the same poolside or meeting room Masquerade allows for AWArdS tables. quick conversion where guests desire and drive spa “Our goal was to create a series of low height range revenue throughout the hotel. tables with unmatched comfort and the full features of taller tables. We succeeded,” says Jim Chenevy, CEO of Living Earth Crafts. “Our engineers designed the tables from the ground up with excellent ergonomic height ranges, amazing client comfort and leading-edge operating features.”

“Living Earth Crafts’ Signature GT Series combines client comfort with therapist mobility to create a series of treatment tables that are unparalleled on the spa market.”




With over 33,000 open jobs in the spa industry, staffing has become a true problem for spas around the world. The Zeel Spa platform permits spas to fill sudden requests, to cover unexpected absences by staff massage therapists, or to meet (CONTINUED ON PAGE 60)



October 2017

zeel, continued

surges in demand for busy time periods. These appointments are covered with pre-vetted, five-star standard trained, licensed Zeel Massage Therapists. “Zeel Spa has been a huge benefit to the spa industry,” says Samer Hamadeh, Zeel’s CEO. “Spas historically have severe staffing issues due to lack of qualified massage therapists available at peak times, or to last-minute callouts by therapists. With Zeel Spa, that supply-demand imbalance is all a thing of the past.” The Zeel Spa platform is tech-enabled, online and easy to set up and use. Thanks to Zeel Spa, spas have been able to recapture revenue that would have been previously lost.


zeel website

2017 Innovate Awards

Kerstin Florian International KErStIN FLorIAN



On average, it takes a guest approximately 20 minutes to settle into a treatment, which greatly inhibits a treatment’s full healing potential. The Kerstin Florian Energy Balancing Ritual, a simple five-step hold sequence, is designed to connect and balance the subtle energies in the body. Gently ISPA placing hands on specific sets of INNovAtE energy points creates balance within our universal energy system, clearing the AWArdS Lake Austin Spa resort body’s pathways and facilitating energy flow to open the JorINdA NArdoNE n SPA dIrECtor body, mind and spirit to the healing benefits of treatment. Lake Austin Spa Resort’s Gifts & “Performing the Energy Balancing Ritual at the beginning of our Graces Massage creates an opportunity to utilize treatments allows the guest to settle in instantly, enabling them to the highly-specialized skill sets of a distinct group of receive the full benefits of the therapy being performed more therapists who can fully address guests’ individualized needs. quickly and deeply,” notes Julie Andrews, president of Kerstin Bypassing the traditional process of recommending a treatment, Florian International. “Our holistic approach to wellness is based skilled reservation agents at Lake Austin listen to the true on the mind and body connection, which is imperative in therapy. reasoning behind a guest’s stay and pair a specific therapist to the We understand the importance of clearing the mind of racing guest. thoughts and mental clutter to create calm before treatment.” “I feel that this is the wave of the future for spas to completely personalize an experience for guests in need,” says Jorinda Nardone, spa director at Lake Austin Spa Resort. “When dealing with those that are grieving, detached mentally, undergoing cancer treatment and those digitally consumed, we have an opportunity to pair these guests with the therapist who most connects to their true intention. Using energy and traditional body work, an individualized treatment is created by the practitioner allowing the guest to reset and leave feeling grounded.” n 60


October 2017


The life of a spa professional is a continuous cycle of daily responsibilities that help make the spa world go round. Pulse asks ISPA members to give us a sneak peek into their daily lives to help us understand the roles they play and the difference they make on a daily basis.

★ 12:30 pm Tweet, Facebook and Insta

some crazy-fun photos from the morning sessions. #ISPA2017! ★ 1:50 pm Walk the Expo floor, assisting exhibitors with anything they may need, then remember you haven’t had any water today. ★ 1:55 pm Fill up water bottle and chug! ★ 2:50 pm Channel inner IT goddess and help an exhibitor fix their internet. ★ 3:30 pm Afternoon Professional Development Session rehearsals, which involves last-minute slide changes. Speakers don’t always know how to spell. All joking aside, ★ 4:25 pm Ask attendee The ISPA staff clowning around for Red Nose Day, a holiday that strives to the ISPA Staff loves the end child poverty. to not climb on ISPA excitement of Conference Foundation Auction he lights! The sounds! The food! involves frantically week. If you ever have any risers. questions or need help with The ISPA Conference & Expo is a calling missing anything, a member of the ★ 4:40 pm Run to magical place, but behind the speakers who staff is always there to assist the restroom for the scenes, dressed in black, are 20 fastmight have had too you. If you see one of us first time today and talking, hard-working ISPA staff members much Vegas fun the in a black IGNITE shirt, stop and say hello! enjoy some FarmHouse who are working around the clock to night before. Fresh goodies. make sure your experience is unforget★ 9:20 am Welcome ★ 5:15 pm Meet with catering table. For the ISPA team, Conference is ISPA members and attendees team to go over completed day numbers the culmination of a year of hard work. to the General Sessions, which always It’s a time for us to bond as a group, meet involves explaining why the room is so ice and prepare for next day. Then meet with bell staff to collect left over Room Drop and mingle with members we’ve been cold. bags, and check in with security to ensure working with all year, and, yes, have a ★ 11:05 am After wiping tears from an all ISPA areas are secure. little fun, too. Here’s a glimpse into a inspiring General Session, rush to the ★ 7:00 pm Double check all signage typical day at Conference for an ISPA staff Expo floor to prepare for daily opening. needed first thing tomorrow is in the member. ★ 11:15 am Greet attendees as they proper place before headed to dinner with ★ 4:45 am Stumble out of bed, take a enter the Expo floor and watch as they the ISPA team. Delicious food, drinks and deep breath and get ready for the day. marvel at how we always seem to be in team bonding are the perfect way to wind ★ 5:30 am Chug a coffee while running two places at once. down the day. to the Staff Office. ★ 12:00 pm Head to Staff Office to eat ★ 9:30 pm Head back to the room and ★ 6:00 am Full ISPA Staff Meeting to lunch soak in the fabulously humongous hotel tackle important items and create a game ★ 12:15 pm Get a call to head back to tub. Essential oils and bubbles are a must. plan for the day’s events. the Expo floor to tell an exhibitor about ★ 10:00 pm Dive into bed and prepare to the no drone policy. That’s ok, super ★ 7:15 am Professional Development do it all over tomorrow! n heroes don’t eat that much anyways. Session rehearsals, which inevitably




October 2017




the relationship between ISPA and Pricewaterhouse Coopers goes back nearly 18 years. That’s 18 years of groundbreaking spa industry research that has come to define the industry and create standards by which spas all over the world measure and plan for success. CoLIN McILHENEy has been there every step of the way. As global research director for PwC Research, McIlheney has had the opportunity to work with spas and spa professionals all over the world. His dedication to the spa industry and passion for our research initiatives is unparalleled. For this month’s Ask the Expert, we dug a little deeper into what makes McIlheney so dedicated to our industry and his thoughts on the latest record-breaking ISPA U.S. Spa Industry Study.

Pulse: You’ve been conducting research on behalf of the spa industry for quite a long time! What do you think is so significant about this year’s U.S. Spa Industry Study? McIlheney: What strikes me most about this year is the surge

in the number of visits to spas in the U.S.—there have been 5 million more visits than a year ago—that’s a very encouraging sign. I would also highlight the emergence of millennials as THE spa going generation. What they want will drive the industry in the years to come.

“I love the P: Why is research like what you do with ISPA and PwC so excitement of important to our industry? the annual ISPA M: The importance of the work Conference. delivering lies both in its longevity—we the key results are now 18 years in—and the data has come to be seen as a on the main stage definitive picture of the key is still a big buzz metrics for the industry. It’s great for me.” to be associated with something that is eagerly awaited each year as a key milestone. McIlheney at the 2016 ISPA Conference & Expo.



October 2017




P: Being on the research side of things, you get a firsthand look at the ebbs and flows of the spa industry. What particular patterns have you noticed and what do you think they mean? M: The one thing that stands out for me over the years is research we did for the consumer snapshot series on the male spa-goer. In my career, I can’t remember a bigger reaction to any piece of research. The interest levels to this day are huge! P: For the first time in the history of the ISPA U.S. Spa Industry Study, the total number of visits to spas rose above 180 million. Why is this figure so significant and what does it mean for the future of the industry? M: The number of visits highlights that spa-going is not perceived as a luxury but increasingly as part of an integrated wellness program. It’s great to see an all-time record high number.

WHAt MotIvAtES you? I grew up in a tough part of Belfast at a troubled time for the city and my motivation every day is to take the resilience I learned then and apply it to everything I do. WHo IS your BIggESt roLE ModEL? My late mother Muriel Mcilheney was the biggest influence on me. She was quick-witted, sharp and shaped my character. She was also great at mental arithmetic something I was lucky to inherit! you HAvE A rANdoM dAy oFF, WHAt do you do? On a random day off I like nothing more than practicing and playing with friends in a rock ‘n’ roll band that we formed when I was 16. WHAt IS your FAvorItE SPA trEAtMENt? My favorite spa treatment is a head and shoulders massage as I find it really relaxes me. WHAt IS tHE MoSt INtErEStINg PLACE you’vE EvEr vISItEd? The most amazing place I ever visited was the South Island of New Zealand. It’s literally the end of the earth, but just jaw dropping beauty around every corner.



October 2017

CoNtINuEd FroM PAgE 64

P: What is the most rewarding aspect of your work with the ISPA industry study and other research initiatives? M: I really love the interaction with so many spas during the course of the industry research, but I also love the excitement of the annual ISPA Conference. Delivering the key results on the main stage is still a big buzz for me. P: What are you most looking forward to about the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? M: I think being on as a “warm-up” for Peyton Manning at Conference is a once-in-a-lifetime experience! On a more serious note, the launch live at Mandalay Bay of the inaugural spa industry workforce survey has to be a career high point. Fingers crossed it will be a massive success and a defining moment for the industry! n

Presenting a year's worth of research at the ISPA Conference & Expo is still such a thrill for McIlheney, even after 18 years.



he spa industry is continuously moving and growing, and as professionals, it’s our goal to IGNITE change within our business and practices to support that growth. Our industry is currently witnessing a unique juncture where we are experiencing fewer individuals entering and staying in spa careers. In fact, research has shown that more than 40,000 job openings remain vacant because of lack of interest and/or targeted messaging about the value of working in the spa and wellness industry.


Therefore, the ISPA Foundation and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) will be launching a comprehensive workforce development research initiative at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo. This research instrument will focus on recruitment, retention and engagement and will include both spa directors/managers and service providers to ensure a broad perspective of the workforce climate is represented. Are you excited to hear Peyton Manning’s keynote presentation at the ISPA Conference & Expo? Be sure to visit the Auction to bid on a signed football he graciously donated to the ISPA Foundation.

As the educational and research arm of ISPA, it is the mission of the ISPA Foundation to improve and enhance the value of the spa experience by funding initiatives such as this, which will advance the welfare of the industry. To help support this valuable research, the ISPA Foundation has partnered with Beauty Changes Lives to launch a recruitment campaign that will help spread awareness of the value of working in our amazing profession. The goal is to elevate and celebrate professional careers in the beauty and spa industry while also highlighting the increased job demand. In turn, it is our hope that the industry will see an increase in students enrolling in spa-related careers. ISPA and the ISPA Foundation are thrilled to spearhead this project with the help of PwC and

October 2017

CHAIRMAN Frank Pitsikalis ResortSuite VICE CHAIRMAN Sharilyn Abbajay Abbajay & Associates, LLC DIRECTORS Todd Shaw ISPA Chairman Todd Hewitt ISPA Vice Chairman Lynne McNees ISPA President MEDICAL ADVISOR Brent Bauer, M.D. Mayo Clinic HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS Ruth Stricker The Marsh, A Center for Balance and Fitness Deborah Szekely WELLNESS WARRIOR

The ISPA Foundation wishes to thank the following supporters for their generous contributions: LUMINARY

tunity to build on these initiatives to ensure our future




Ruth Stricker

world the many powerful reasons to work in our amazing industry.



Beauty Changes Lives. Our industry has the opporsuccess. Together we can IGNITE change and share with the



Dr. Howard Murad PATRON

Red Door Spas ResortSuite

As you start to plan your 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo experience, don’t forget to pencil in a stop at one of these fantastic exhibitors’ booths. Each one is full of new and exciting products, plus a friendly face just waiting to get to know you. Blinc, Inc. Booth Number n 549 blincinc.com n 1.877.454.7763

Exhibitor Highlight

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Our Fountain of Youthful Color Eyebrow Mousse is a unique and innovative brow makeup designed to give enhancing, water-resistant and moisturizing color to your eyebrows. This miracle mousse has the water-resistant color of a tint, fills in sparse areas like an enhancer, and tames brows like a gel. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Come visit the Blinc booth for tons of product demos and giveaways!


Ashley Wenger director of Sales ashley@blincinc.com

Favorite city: New York Favorite movie: The Fault in Our Stars Favorite food: Sushi Favorite book: Girl Boss by Sophia Amoruso Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Try new restaurants.


Book4time Booth Number n 413 book4time.com n 1.905.752.2588

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Our dedicated mobile experience is helping spas increase their spa revenue without lifting a finger. It facilitates business efficiencies, streamlines data entry and payments, and reduces excessive time spent fixing errors or dealing with lengthy phone calls. The system is very intuitive, greeting customers by name and reminding them of any up-and-coming appointments. It is feature rich and can also be branded to suit any spa’s branding. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Come and experience our mobile booking experience on our giant iTab. One lucky spa director will also have the chance to be featured in our digital magazine, Spa Executive, along with the chance to showcase their amazing spa property. Visitors will also able to enter for the chance to win an iPad.


roger Sholanki Founder and CEo rsholanki@book4time.com

Celluma by BioPhotas Booth Number biophotas.com

n n

201 1.714.978.0080

Favorite city: Langkawi, Malaysia Favorite movie: Scarface Favorite food: Pizza and wings Favorite book: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Have dinner at STK.

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Celluma is the preeminent light therapy solution for destination spas worldwide. With award-winning performance and proven results, Celluma is a versatile, three-in-one LED device that is FDA-cleared to treat acne, wrinkles and pain. Celluma can be used anywhere on the body and is available in three models. Celluma can be used by both message therapists and estheticians, as well as retailed to guests for significant profit. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Stop by the Celluma booth for information on destination spa packages, retail programs, hands-on demonstrations, show specials and free pain or facial rejuvenation treatments.


Patrick Johnson CEo patrick.johnson@biophotas.com

Favorite city: Paris Favorite movie: Master and Commander Favorite food: Burritos Favorite book: Trinity by Leon Uris Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Rest after the show!


dazzle dry Booth Number dazzledry.com

n n

961 1.480.814.8300

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Dazzle Dry will be showcasing our Vita C Crystals and nail lacquers from our 2017 Winter Collection. Dazzle Dry Vita C Crystals is a topical antioxidant that uses scientifically-proven, high-potency vitamin C to improve the skin’s overall tone and texture. The featured lacquer shades in our Winter Collection are part of the four-step Dazzle Dry Nail Care System, which delivers quick-drying, long-lasting nails without the use of harsh chemicals, animal byproducts and testing, or UV lighting. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Attendees will be able to enjoy complimentary, onsite manicures using Dazzle Dry’s signature four-step nail lacquer system.


dr. vivian B. valenty President vvalenty@vbcosmetics.com

degasa Beauty Booth Number n 359 degasabeauty.com n 1.818.326.6112


doreen Imperial Sales Manager dimperial@degasa.com

Favorite city: New York Favorite movie: Too many to list! But I love romances and comedies. I can’t stand gory or scary movies! Favorite food: I love a variety of cuisine: Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and Italian to name a few. Favorite book: Cinderella Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Eat

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Degasa, which means gauze in Spanish, began 59 years ago spinning our own 100 percent cotton thread to produce premium 12-ply gauze for the medical industry. Degasa continues to produce premium gauze and cotton, and has added many other quality products including non-woven disposables. Stop by Degasa Beauty booth to check out Degasa’s fantastic 12-Ply Gauze and Non-Woven Wipes, and “Buy 3, Get 1 Free” deals offered from The Spa Mart, Degasa Beauty’s official spa partner. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Degasa Beauty is the number one farm to face manufacturer of premium gauze, cotton and non-woven disposables. Degasa Beauty has partnered with The Spa Mart to be our official spa partner. The Spa Mart offers all Degasa Beauty products for immediate purchase. Stop by the Degasa Beauty booth and enter a raffle drawing to win gift cards to The Spa Mart.


Éminence organic Skin Care Booth Number n 601 eminenceorganics.com



What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? We’ll unveil our limited-edition “Red Carpet Ready” Instant fX Gift Set. Four travel-sized products combine in a glamorous set to dramatically improve the appearance of puffy, tired eyes, smooth fine lines and plump skin. Packaged in a rose gold metallic, vegan leather clutch, the set includes the award-winning, Hibiscus Ultra Lift Eye Cream, Hibiscus Instant Line Filler, Hibiscus Ultra Lift Neck Cream and the Cinnamon Kiss Lip Plumper to reveal instant, red-carpet worthy results in just two minutes. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? At this year’s ISPA Conference & Expo, Éminence Organic Skin Care is celebrating the public opening of our visitor-friendly certified organic farm in Hungary by offering one lucky ISPA attendee the chance to win an all-expense-paid trip for two to visit Budapest and tour the farm! Attendees can enter to win this incredible raffle prize by visiting booth 403.


Lisa Wensley

Favorite city: San Francisco Favorite movie: The Holiday Favorite food: Italian Favorite book: Meditations with James Van Praagh—it’s easy to carry as I travel so often. Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: See friends, spas and great shows!

outside Sales representative lisa@eminenceorganics.com

Envy Medical Booth Number n 1026 dermalinfusion.com n 1.818.874.1195

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Dermalinfusion, an advanced skin resurfacing treatment with precision-timed serum infusion. Dermalinfusion is a patented, non-invasive, three-in-one dermatological treatment that simultaneously exfoliates, extracts and infuses skin with condition-specific serums for an all-inclusive treatment in one step. It is the only precision-timed, exfoliation treatment with optimal-depth serum delivery for immediate and long-lasting results on all skin types— with no downtime. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Come to the Envy Medical booth and experience Dermalinfusion for yourself. There will be a limited amount of free Dermalinfusion treatments offered during the show. We will also be holding a raffle for steep discounts on the Dermalinfusion device and free skin care prizes.


Bob Ingersoll vice President of Sales bingersoll@envymedical.com

Favorite city: San Diego Favorite book: The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: See the shows.


essie professional Booth Number n 901 essie.com n 1.866.313.7845


gino trunzo Assistant vice President, Education premiumsalonprogram@essie.com

EuroSpa Aromatics Booth Number n 624 eurospaaromatics.com



What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? From the house of essie comes gel couture, a sophisticated polish collection with staying power. Designed with an haute couture vision, the line offers up to fourteen days of luxurious wear with instant gel-like shine. Gel couture seamlessly blends technical innovation with incomparable style. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? essie makes life colorful! As a fashion insider with a professional salon heritage, essie is luxury in a bottle. Every iconic shade and premiere product reflects salon expertise and complete nail education, all with the wit and sass that could only be essie. The exclusive essie premium salon program drives sales by transforming the best essie salons into unique nail destinations. Come experience a premium essie service and enter for a chance to win an adore-a-ball gift.

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? EuroSpa’s Lavender-Infused Eucalyptus Yoga Mat Cleaner is a uniquely blended plant-based cleaner designed to remove the most difficult stains: mascara, makeup, foundation, perspiration, etc. Infused with pure eucalyptus and lavender oil, it helps to naturally deodorize, as well as clean, without affecting the mat’s surface. Natural enzymes clean safely without any harmful chemical residues. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Come see us for drawings to win Amazon gift cards, samples of products and opportunities to increase monthly retail sales.


Eric Snyder technical director eric@eurospaaromatics.com

Favorite city: Salt Lake City, Utah Favorite movie: A Man Called Ove Favorite food: Cobb salad Favorite book: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Relax at the Las Vegas Motorcoach Resort. SPECIAL PULSE AdvErtISINg SuPPLEMENt

FarmHouse Fresh Booth Number n 701 farmhousefreshgoods.com



What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Discover Moon Dip Back to Youth Body Mousse. This magnificent weightless whip is billowy, breathy and other-worldly. Its unique texture is matched by its delivery of uncompromising youthdom from top-performing deep-wrinkle peptides for legs, necks and body. And the scent? The stuff of dreams! Offered for treatments and retail sale. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? We’re bringing holiday magic from the farm! FarmHouse Fresh is debuting over 10 new products from local gourmet milk soaps, to an instant poretransforming facial tonic made with aronia berries, a U.S.-grown “miracle fruit.” Our favorite farm to treatment techniques will be showcased live and special limited-edition tote bags will be gifted until they’re gone.


delia McLinden vP Sales & Business development delia@farmhousefreshgoods.com

ForEo Booth Number n 751 foreo.com n 1.415.312.6470

Favorite city: Santa Fe, New Mexico Favorite movie: The Champions Favorite food: Chicago-style deep dish pizza (spinach & mushroom), fried okra and key lime pie—how can you pick just one? Favorite book: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Eat at Lindo Michoacan—best Mexican food you’ll ever eat!

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? FOREO brings to ISPA THE DIGITAL FACIAL, a revolution beginning in the treatment room. Our award-winning devices have been tailored for skincare professionals to bring their clients game-changing experience, results and the future of beauty tech. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? FOREO will be hosting ISPA attendees to experience THE DIGITAL FACIAL first-hand. Additionally, the first 50 visitors will receive an exclusive set of our devices.


trisha Mendiola omni-Channel Program Manager trisha.mendiola@foreo.com

Favorite city: Stockholm Favorite movie: His Girl Friday Favorite food: Anything at Lotus of Siam in Vegas. Favorite book: Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: The Lake of Dreams at the Wynn! SPECIAL PULSE AdvErtISINg SuPPLEMENt

the HydraFacial Company Booth Number n 401 hydrafacial.com n 1.800.603.4996

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? HydraFacial uses patented technology to cleanse, extract, and hydrate all skin types. The threestep treatment painlessly extracts impurities and dead skin cells while at the same time quenching skin with vital nutrients like antioxidants, peptides and hyaluronic acid. The amazing results are both instant and longlasting. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? We are debuting the HydraFacial Nation, your connection to millions of believers that know beauty is more than a physical attribute, it’s a feeling. The HydraFacial Nation is built on the foundation that nothing compares—HydraFacial gives you the best skin of your life. We’re getting all of us together at ISPA to show you why you should join our global community of skincare leaders.


Clint Carnell CEo contact@hydrafacial.com

HydroPeptide Booth Number n 713 hydropeptide.com n 1.800.932.9873

Favorite city: Paris Favorite movie: Jerry Maguire Favorite food: Chocolate Favorite book: The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: It stays in Vegas.

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? HydroPeptide Nimni Cream is a first-of-its-kind patented collagen support complex that rejuvenates skin at the epigenetic level. Rather than focusing on the top layer of skin, Nimni Cream is specifically designed to turn on your body’s collagen in a meaningful way, by focusing on the health of cells. Stress, the sun, pollution and time can all affect gene performance. Nimni Cream steps in to reverse this damage and keep cells healthy, happy and acting young. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? We invite you to stop by and learn about how epigenetics is changing the way we approach skincare. As always, HydroPeptide will be offering daily product giveaways at the booth. We will also be featuring a new facial experience for 2018, along with our new product launches and gift sets.


dr. Neal Kitchen Coo nealk@hydropeptide.com

Favorite city: Seattle Favorite movie: Star Wars Favorite food: Any vegetable. Favorite book: How Not to Die by Gene Stone and Michael Greger Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Eat


Institut Esthederm Booth Number n 461 esthederm.us n 1.514.270.3763

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Institut Esthederm’s suncare products protect youthfulness and can change your skin’s fate when it comes to sun exposure. Since its foundation, Institut Esthederm has focused its research on exploring how the skin interacts with the sun. Institut Esthederm has developed Cellular Water, which consists of ingredients similar to the components of interstitial water, which is vital for life. Blending perfectly with the skin, it optimizes its metabolism and helps protect its youthfulness. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Esthederm will present products but also treatment demonstrations.


Pauline debarge & Ella Mottley Marketing Manager & Education Manager pauline.debarge@ca.naos.com & ella.mottley@ca.naos.com

ISuN Booth Number n 736 isunskincare.com n 1.970.626.3181

Favorite city: Paris Favorite movie: Pulp Fiction Favorite food: Burgers Favorite book: Harry Potter Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Casinos

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Our Phyto-Infusion peak-performing, age-defying serum helps to minimize the appearance of visible signs of aging, while revitalizing and restoring an appearance of youthful skin vitality and radiance. Hands down proof that the most potent, energizing and effective serums on the market are plant-powered. This eco-luxe and one-of-a-kind stem cell-based serum is literally packed with enzymes, peptides, antioxidants along with the most gorgeous glow-boosting organic oils. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? We are pleased to offer the first 100 people who visit us at our booth a full-size retail sample of our age-defying facial serum, Phyto-Infusion, winner of Best Serum 2017, Beauty Shortlist Awards.


Bunnie gulick Founder and CEo bunnie@isunskincare.com

Favorite city: Telluride, Colorado Favorite movie: Dalai Lama Awakening Favorite food: Arugula Favorite book: Before I Am by Mooji Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Hmmm.



What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Our new Radiant Skin - Intensive 3-step Vitamin C Treatment, which is a breakthrough professional-only treatment that combines micro-fine Vitamin C crystals, fruit acids and the highest sources of natural vitamin C. The treatment is not only pure and natural, but also extremely powerful as it instantly brightens skin and reveals a glowing complexion. The Radient Skin Treatment will revolutionize the world of natural skincare.

relaxation Area jurlique.com n 1.800.854.1110

What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Jurlique will be hosting an experiential relaxation lounge at Conference this year! We are excited to be debuting our brand-new spa treatments, which include amazing new professional-only products. My favorite, our Revitalizing Antioxidant Facial, is one treatment everyone needs to experience. It includes our new Radiant Skin Vitamin C Treatment that delivers high doses of pure Vitamin C.


Marlies taylor

Favorite city: Sydney, Australia Favorite movie: Something’s Gotta Give Favorite food: Thai or Mexican food Favorite book: The Food Revolution Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Get treatments at Qua!

director of Sales, North America marlies.taylor@jurlique.com

Living Earth Crafts Booth Number n 518 n 524 livingearthcrafts.com n 1.800.358.8292



What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Designed specifically for salt room and corrosive environments, The Salt Room Edition of the ZG Dream Lounger fuses the scientifically-proven relaxation benefits of zero-gravity positioning with LEC’s world renowned custom-built craftsmanship. Spa guests experience life changing spinal decompression and muscle relaxation in the world’s most comfortable recliner while benefiting from the healing properties of salt room environments. The convenient electronic control panel allows for easy zero-gravity chair adjustments with whisper quiet and smooth UL listed motors.


Brian Paris Executive vP, Sales brian@livingearthcrafts.com

Favorite city: Amsterdam Favorite movie: WWII movies are a particular favorite. Favorite food: Sushi—specifically a really well-made Scallop Roll. Favorite book: I am a fanatic reader of all genres. I just finished Let My People Go Surfing by Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia. Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: I enjoy exploring the new, off-beat restaurants of the city.


Milano Software Booth Number n 661 milanosoftware.com n 1.800.667.1596

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Klickbook is our new cloud-based spa management software. What sets this product apart from other software in this space is the introduction of several new and innovative features such as a multi-dimensional appointment dashboard, guest experience monitor, sophisticated inventory management, intuitive POS, unlimited forms creation and management, and dynamic KPI dashboards. It is simple to use and packed with industry-leading features. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? We are offering a 2017 ISPA Expo-exclusive 30 percent discount to early subscribers when the product is released in March 2018.


Imran zalfackruddin CEo Imran@milanosoftware.com

Naked Princess Booth Number n 613 nakedprincess.com n 1.352.262.1100

Favorite city: Toronto Favorite movie: Last of the Mohicans Favorite food: Anything spicy. Favorite book: Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Pamper winter skin with our new Dry Oil made from antioxidant-rich vitamin E, avocado, marula and jojoba oils. This lightweight, fast-absorbing formula delivers ultimate hydration for a smooth, satiny finish. Delicately fragranced and available in all three of our signature scents: Midnight Bloom, Vanille Blanc and Boudoir Blush. It’s the perfect post-massage treatment! What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Get the ultimate Naked Princess boudoir experience! This year we are featuring an experiential booth. Attendees will get to experience what their own spa guests would encounter in a Naked Princess “shop in shop” so they can really immerse themselves in the Boudoir Life. We will be giving out mini gift bags with beauty samples. Attendees also receive 10 percent off all orders placed at show!


deanna White Sales Manager deanna@nakedprincess.com

Favorite city: Charleston, South Carolina Favorite movie: Memoirs of a Geisha Favorite food: Hummus Favorite book: Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: The Michael Jackson ONE show!


Noel Asmar group Booth Number n 725 noelasmar.com n noelasmaruniforms.com 1.123.456.7890

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Our booth will include both Noel Asmar Uniforms and Noel Asmar Collections. Proudly offering premium uniforms for spa and hospitality clients, our extensive line of in-stock tunics, suiting and fitness apparel will be available, in addition to a new spa and resort collection unveiling at ISPA Conference! Our premium women’s fashion collection and Italian-made handbags are the perfect luxury retail offering for the wellness traveler and can be viewed at the booth. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? We are proudly celebrating the 15-year anniversary of Noel Asmar Uniforms this year and look forward to sharing our design story with attendees! Without giving too much away, we are excited to feature a “living timeline” of the brand throughout the Conference! Stop by the booth for an exciting unveiling of our new Resort Uniform collection with new fabrics and colors and to find out what is coming next!


Noel Asmar CEo and Founder info@noelasmar.com

PiperWai Booth Number n 1052 piperwai.com n 1.646.710.3223

Favorite city: Florence Favorite movie: I love a good romantic comedy—nothing too serious. Favorite food: Lebanese food Favorite book: Too many to list—most recently, The Woman I Wanted to Be by Diane Von Furstenburg. Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Discover new restaurants and spas.

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? PiperWai is the first naturally powerful, aluminum-free deodorant that uses activated charcoal to absorb wetness and successfully neutralize odor. Our stain-free, low baking-soda formula rubs in clear while keeping your skin smooth and fresh with the purest ingredients. Meet your new essential. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? PiperWai will be exhibiting its activated charcoal cream deodorant (as seen on ABC’s Shark Tank) and the recentlylaunched stick version of the original deodorant formula. Stop by our booth for samples, product demos, and an exciting announcement about our next product launch, coming early 2018.


Sarah ribner & Jess Edelstein Co-Founders sarah@piperwai.com jess@piperwai.com

Favorite city: Sarah London n Jess Philadelphia Favorite movie: Sarah Moonrise Kingdom n Jess Into The Woods Favorite food: Sarah purple heirloom potato chips cooked in coconut oil n Jess young coconut meat Favorite book: Sarah anything by Margaret Atwood n Jess Girl Boss by Sophia Amoruso Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Sarah a Canyon Ranch spa day n Jess currently discovering the answer on my first Vegas trip! SPECIAL PULSE AdvErtISINg SuPPLEMENt

resortSuite Booth Number n 801 resortsuite.com n 1.866.477.8483

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? ResortSuite GuestEX is a complete suite of guest engagement tools for online and mobile booking. Comprised of ResortSuite WEB, MOBILE, CONNECT and a seamless integration with ResDiary, ResortSuite GuestEX provides a powerful combination of an enhanced property-wide online booking system, a newly-updated, customizable and sleek mobile app, and targeted e-mail marketing automation. The combination engages your guests to easily book and enhance their experience by showcasing what your entire property has to offer in real-time, 24/7. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? With the launch of the GuestEX suite, ResortSuite will be offering a special promotion at the ISPA Conference this year. If your spa/resort/hotel purchases ResortSuite by December 31, 2017, you will receive the first-year subscription to all GuestEX modules free! This could be worth $10,000 in total savings and is the biggest promotional offering in ResortSuite history. Come by and chat with us to see if ResortSuite is the right fit for you!


Frank Pitsikalis

Favorite city: San Francisco Favorite movie: The Godfather Favorite food: Greek Favorite book: Good to Great by Jim Collins Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Spa of course!

Founder & CEo frankp@resortsuite.com

Sanitas Skincare Booth Number n 407 sanitas-skincare.com



What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? We’ll be launching Gentle Refining Mask, a brand-new addition to the Sanitas Mask Collection. After expanding our Sanitas Progenerate Collection to include a full daily program for sensitive skin last year, we realized there was a demand for a product that could safely, yet effectively, exfoliate fragile or compromised skin. This mask features caviar lime, a natural and safe AHA, paired with complementary bio-intelligent ingredients to also hydrate and relieve skin irritation. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? We are really excited to launch and showcase our brand new 20 x 20 booth at the Conference and can’t wait to share it with the rest of the ISPA community! We’ll also be doing raffle drawings throughout all three days of the conference which will include exclusive sneak peeks at new products slated for launch in 2018. Please stop by - we’d love to see you!


Lisa Crary owner and CEo lisa@sanitas-skincare.com

Favorite city: Florence, Italy Favorite movie: The Color Purple Favorite food: Anything Italian. Favorite book: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: My dirty little secret: play the slot machines, where, thus far, I’ve been extraordinarily lucky! SPECIAL PULSE AdvErtISINg SuPPLEMENt

Schmidt’s Naturals Booth Number n 146 schmidtsnaturals.com



What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? We believe that the future of deodorant is in plant and mineral formulas that outperform conventional products and leave sketchy chemicals out of the equation. We all deserve healthy and reliable products that don’t let us down. Products that we trust to smell good, feel good. Use a natural deodorant that actually works and smells absolutely amazing. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Stop by the Schmidt’s Naturals booth to experience for yourself The New Face of Natural. Samples and mesmerizing scents—who could ask for more?


Crystal McElroy

Favorite city: London Favorite movie: Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz Favorite food: Italian Favorite book: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Play poker.

director of Sales crystal@schmidtsnaturals.com

Sorella Apothecary Booth Number n 437 sorellaapothecary.com



What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? The Cherry Pepper Peel, a weekly smoothing treatment with a slight, sweet tingle. Get your glow back with this active herbal exfoliant that’s loaded with hydrating ingredients to balance the skin while providing a deep yet gentle pore cleanse. This peel smooths and re-texturizes with capsaicin, vitamin C and honey. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? We will be holding demos of our amazing signature Sorella facial. Come and sign up! We will also be offering and extra US$300 in samples or testers to accounts that sign up at the show.


Emily Sindlinger Co-Founder emily@sorellaapothecary.com

Favorite city: Kauai, Hawaii Favorite movie: Joy Favorite food: Anything with wasabi. Favorite book: Originals by Adam Grant Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Golf


Sothys uSA Booth Number n 419 sothys-usa.com n 1.305.594.4222

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? The Firming Youth Cream features the BP3 Tri Complex which is a youth solution by Sothys Advanced Research to protect by fighting against oxidative stress and chronical biological aging. The BP3 Tri Complex features saffron, sophora and peptides as well as hibiscus seed extract and plantain stem cells. The combination of these innovative ingredients improves skin elasticity, reduces wrinkles and reduces appearance of dark spots. The skin will be left feeling firm, lifted and restored. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Sothys USA will be doing a drawing on Tuesday evening that will allow one lucky winner to join our 2018 Sothys Growth Rewards trip to Paris, France.


Shawna dahl director of Business development sdahl@sothys-usa.com

Supracor, Inc. Booth Number n 730 supracor.com n 1.408.432.1616 (257)

Favorite city: Paris Favorite movie: Disney’s Frozen Favorite food: Asian Favorite book: Delicacy by David Foenkinos Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: One can never tell, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Our new Magenta/White Striped Stimulite Bath Mitt, featuring alternating layers of softer and firmer honeycomb cells, joins our luxury collection of SpaCells Facial Sponges, Bath Mitts and Body Exfoliators for stimulating blood flow to enhance circulation and promote cellular regeneration. Naturally antimicrobial and allergen free, the flexing action of the honeycomb cells gently removes dirt and dead skin while their massaging action helps to promote lymphatic drainage and eliminate the toxins that produce cellulite. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? We will customize any package of our luxury Stimulite skin care and spa products, which include attractive, compact countertop displays, at show special prices to meet retailers’ needs.


Steven Landi Business development slandi@supracor.com

Favorite city: Chicago Favorite movie: North by Northwest Favorite food: Fried green tomatoes Favorite book: Any by Doris Kearns Goodwin. Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Enjoy a spa treatment.


technogym Booth Number n 301 technogym.com n 1.206.861.5119

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Join the worldwide leader of Wellness solutions, Technogym, in booth 301 for an exciting look at the future of fitness. Designed with elite athletes and Olympians, the SKILLMILL and SKILLROW will be joined by an all-new athletic performance training machine that will debut for the first time at ISPA 2017. Also, immerse yourself in seamless design and a fully connected wellness atmosphere with our Artis line, while enjoying entertainment and customized training via the cloud-connected mywellness platform. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? SKILLROW is the first fully-connected indoor rowing equipment that trains both cardio and power at the athlete’s level, thanks to its sport-specific design, exclusive technology and performance-oriented workouts. AQUAFEEL provides an unparalleled feeling that simulates the actual act of rowing on water while MULTIDRIVE technology (patent pending) provides users the ability to add further resistance on top of air resistance, changing the equipment mode from cardiovascular training to power training by simply adjusting the resistance level.


Jay Muller Sales director – Hospitality jmuller@technogym.com

the Cottage greenhouse by Margot Elena Booth Number n 849 thecottagegreenhouse.com n 1.303.730.3133


McKenzie Perez, Ed.d, PHr director of Sales & Human resources Management mperez@margotelena.com

Favorite city: Got to be NYC-hometown, the sites, the people, the food— 2 a.m. Korean BBQ anyone? Favorite movie: Top Gun Favorite food: Definitely a cheeseburger, preferably from Corner Bistro in NYC. Favorite book: Not much a reader, except my Facebook timeline and Instagram! Favorite thing to do in Las vegas: Hanging with good people at any great venue.

What product are you showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Enhance your personal space and immerse yourself in a radiant glow of relaxation. Our long-lasting aromatic candles are hand-poured in small batches and packaged in keepsake ceramic containers. Available in six signature aromas, each formulated with non-GMO soy wax blend and never animal tested. What exciting things can attendees expect at your booth? Discover Mother Nature’s Botanic Beauty Market. Our luxuriously moisturizing, beautifully packaged spa treatments are filled to the brim with botanic plant infusions, formulated with up to 98 percent natural ingredients and every product is paraben free and never animal tested. We promise a beautiful, skin-nurturing experience ever-mindful of quality and performance.


We've added even more incredible sponsors to the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo!

New Sponsors

AddEd AFtEr JuLy 2017

Silver Sponsors BABor

What are you doing to ignite your brand at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? This year we’re

Morning Refresher Sponsor

going to turn the ignition on your spas bottom line and increase guest satisfaction with our iconic

babor.com n 1.800.333.4055

beauty ampoules, BABOR AMPOULE CONCENTRATES. By simply popping open a beauty ampoule, you can delight your guests with visible results and significantly increase your treatment and retail revenue in as little as two to three minutes without reengineering your service menu. How does your brand ignite the future of the spa industry? By continuing our heritage of delivering innovative products and services to our spa partners. Consumers are actively looking for innovation and customization when it comes to how they care for their skin, and for over 60 years our primary aim has been to do just that. That’s why over 125 thousand skincare professionals around the world put their trust in BABOR. What exciting product is your company showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? The scientific research and innovation that goes behind our BABOR AMPOULE CONCENTRATES perfectly represents BABOR. Into immediate results? Try them for yourself; our #masterpiece set will be waiting for you in your room.

Bioline Jató Headshot Station Sponsor

What are you doing to ignite your brand at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Visitors will “touch and feel” our multi-sensorial skincare range and our unique method. They will experience our

BootH NuMBEr: 561

reputation coming form 40 years of know-how, functional massages and passion shared by more

bioline-jato.com n 0039 (0)461 933209

satisfaction. All this with a touch of an Italian family-company style. Book your free facial at

than 40 countries, and tailor-made solution to support spa business and long-lasting customer info.usa@bioline-jato.com How does your brand ignite the future of the spa industry? Our mission is to create and support a high-level professional network that provides outstanding results and customer satisfaction with specific method, massage, diagnosis and products; leading skin therapists to professional success—building a future that lasts. We derive from a school (est.1970) therefore spa training and education are in our DNA and, we believe, the future of the industry. What exciting product is your company showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? In 1979 we launched the first Bioline Jatò cream with apple, heralding the use of AHA and the pillars of Primaluce Exforadiance, which is our most beloved line. We will be showcasing it together with our latest face line, De-Ox C evolution!

October 2017



Silver Sponsors

New Sponsors

AddEd AFtEr JuLy 2017



What are you doing to ignite your brand at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Groupon

Conference Attendee Pen Sponsor

invested more resources and people to the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo than any other

BootH NuMBEr: 949

conferences this year. Besides a booth and presenting, we are sending a team from our

groupon.com n 1.312.242.2072

corporate office to share Groupon’s commitment to the long-term success of the spa industry. Furthermore, we are excited to share some of our new partnerships and solutions to help with acquisition and ongoing retention specifically for the spa industry. How does your brand ignite the future of the spa industry? We are on the leading edge of mobile and online booking solutions for spa merchants. We are proud of our 90-plus percent merchant retention rate within the spa category. Groupon has shifted its focus to provide custom programs that provide relevant, quality, long-term clients to our spa partners. Recently, we have had tremendous success with high end spas and we are excited to continue to expand our partnerships within the industry. What exciting product is your company showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? BeautyNow is a dynamic, user-friendly mobile app that secures beauty bookings, works in tandem with other booking tools and guarantees payments. Consumers love the ease and simplicity of BeautyNow. Spas like the flexibility of this platform to boost their slow days and times.

What are you doing to ignite your brand at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? At the 2017

Kneipp In-Room Bath Amenities Sponsor

ISPA Conference & Expo, Kneipp is excited to introduce our expanded assortment of preser-

BootH NuMBEr: 645

vative-free, vegan, aroma-therapeutic products made from plant-based functional

kneipp.com n 1.123.456.7890

ingredients. The effective naturopathic studies of health pioneer and “water doctor” Sebastian Kneipp laid the foundation in 1891 for the development of the Kneipp brand. How does your brand ignite the future of the spa industry? Today, the Kneipp brand embraces its historical values by combining the best of science and best of nature to develop products of the highest quality. We are officially announcing our partnership with Universal Companies making our products more accessible to spa goers across the US. What exciting product is your company showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Our number one customer favorite, the Arnica Active Gel, is based on an especially highquality formula with valuable arnica extract and natural mountain pine oil. The active gel is ideal for relaxing care following physical activity for leisure and sport. The refreshing, stimulating fragrance provides an invigorating sensation for the body. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 88)



October 2017

Silver Sponsors

New Sponsors

AddEd AFtEr JuLy 2017


Spa & Club Ideations

What are you doing to ignite your brand at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? SolTec Lounge

BootH NuMBEr: 824

continues to ignite our brand by offering the only magnetic, sound and vibration therapy lounge

spaclubideations.com 1.702.701.6874

your “thinking brain to turn off” during your session. This experience is currently being enjoyed


available. SolTec Lounge will bring you into a state of meditation and relaxation while allowing by resort guests, spas, medical facilities, country club members and professional athletes. How does your brand ignite the future of the spa industry? The introduction of the SolTec Lounge into the spa industry is a game-changing offering. With the combination of magnetic, sound and vibration therapies, we offer an experience that no other product can. The ability to use the SolTec Lounge along with current spa services or as a stand-alone service provides the ultimate flexibility, without a licensed technician required. What exciting product is your company showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? SolTec Lounge represents the future of our company as we thrive to establish initiatives to enhance the spa industry through technology, innovation and ideations!

Spa Business & Spa opportunities

What are you doing to ignite your brand at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? Spa Business and

spabusiness.com spaopportunities.com n +44.1462.471.911

wellness market including spa foresight, development pipeline, industry thought leaders, key


Spa Opportunities are leading sources of business information covering the global spa and sector statistics and research, market reports, industry initiatives, events calendar, product innovations, technology, training and recruitment. How does your brand ignite the future of the spa industry? Our content is available in print, digital, PDF, web, ezine, social media and as instant alert. We engage readers by being first with the news, we challenge them by debating the hottest issues and we put passion into writing the most interesting features, creating insightful profiles and interviews and researching the most compelling stories. What exciting product is your company showcasing at the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? We plan on showcasing the print and digital versions of Spa Business magazine to ISPA members.


“What you want to in others, must first burn inside yourself.” — AurELIuS AuguStINuS 88


October 2017

1. togoSpa’s Bamboo Charcoal FACE is guaranteed not to rip your face off! This mask has all natural, quality ingredients without any parabens or dyes and gives superior results at a cost everyone can afford. 1.888.773.1711 | togoSPA.CoM


ProduCt SPotLIgHt 1

2. The telli-Everything for Salon and Spa Tess Hair and Body collection is one of the few cost-effective professional bulk liquid products that is sulfate free, dioxane free, DEA free, paraben free, biodegradable and cruelty free. 1.888.309.2592 | tELLIINd.CoM

3. jane iredale’s new Magic Mitt uses nothing but water to remove every trace of makeup—even mascara! Impossibly thin microfibers penetrate surface oils while leaving the acid mantle intact, so completely clean skin stays perfectly protected, naturally. 1.800.762.1132 | JANEIrEdALE.CoM


4. Schmidt’s Naturals Deodorant uses essential oils that are sourced from around the world and captured at their purest point to create each scent. Schmidt’s is a natural deodorant that both actually works and smells amazing. 1.503.473.3997 | SCHMIdtSNAturALS.CoM




New and exciting products from ISPA resource partners featured in last month’s Reveal Box. 7


5. the Peony and Me Printed Headband is a great way to showcase the beautifully detailed prints featured on their leggings. Plus, Peony headbands come with velvet grippies to help keep your headband secure when out for a jog or in downward dog. 1.305.873.1971 | PEoNyANdME.CoM 6. Éminence organic Skin Care’s Stone Crop Cleansing Oil uses the potency of microgreens to bring balance back to the skin and protect against free radicals and combats against the damaging effects of pollution and sun radiation. 1.888.747.6342 | EMINENCEorgANICS.CoM

7. the NuFACE Lifter Infusion Serum helps achieve maximum lift and brightening using Vitamin C while hydrating with Hyaluronic Acid. These special formulas let you customize treatments for specific skincare needs and deliver optimal results when used with NuFACE devices. 1.760.734.4545 | MyNuFACE.CoM

THE ISPA REVEAL BOX provides a unique opportunity for vendors to get their product in front of ISPA spa members. the reveal Box is sent three times a year to our Premiere and Premiere Plus Spa members in the u.S.





8. LaFlore’s Probiotic Cleanser, Probiotic Daily Defense Moisturizer and Serum Concentrate get to the root of the issue and target skin dysfunction at its core. These products are carefully formulated to provide skin the nourishment that it needs at various times throughout the day. 1.941.587.3593 | LAFLorE.CoM

9. EuroSpa Aromatics’ Lavender-Infused Yoga Mat Cleaner was developed with the help of yoga practitioners for the fast, easy and complete removal of difficult stains like mascara, foundation and eye shadow, even those that are water-proof. 1.800.395.6478 | EuroSPAAroMAtICS.CoM 10. olivina Men All-in-One Body Wash allows men to refresh face, body, and hair with just one effective formula. This balanced cleanser removes dirt and grime without leaving you dry or oily. Relax tired muscles with the calming aroma of rich red cedar and smoky vanilla.

October 2017

1.615.600.9877 | oLIvINAMEN.CoM



he June Snapshot Survey covered social media use for ISPA members. The last Snapshot Survey to cover social media was the March 2012 survey, so it was interesting to see how much more popular social media marketing has become over time. Notable usage changes include 40 percent of all spas using LinkedIn as a business tool in June of 2017, compared to just 31 percent in 2012. However, the most noteworthy change is Instagram, which was still in its infancy in 2012, and is now used by 80 percent of all spa respondents and 76 percent of resource partner respondents.

Has your company produced measurable results by increasing its client base and/or revenue through social media? 58%









24% 18% 13%







Want to participate in ISPA Snapshot Surveys and receive the full results the next week? Just keep an eye on your inbox every third Friday of the month!

October 2017




ISPA Welcomes New Members to the ISPA Community SPAS


Addison Reserve Country Club

Ahliah Ford

Aut2Bee Relaxed Avani Healing Sanctuary


Body Balance System

Au Naturale Cosmetics

Beaver Run Spa Resort and Conference Center

Body Balance System

Bonita Bay Club

Branche Beauty Inc

Bvlgari Resort & Residences Dubai

Collective Showroom

Canyon Ranch in Lenox


Elements Massage


Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge

Florida Private Labeling

Fairmont Southampton


Fisher Experience

Lulu DK

Freedom Spa, LLC


Gervais Salon & Day Spa


Golden Nugget – Biloxi


Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort

Salon Clouds Plus

HoE Wellness Pvt. Ltd.

The F.C. Sturtevant Company

Kingfisher Oceanside Resort and Spa

Trades by Haim Shahar

Langham Place, Fifth Avenue

Universal Insurance Programs

Martin North

Vital Proteins

Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa RELAX The Spa Salon Clouds Plus SkinHealth Centers The Headlands Lodge and Spa



October 2017

EDITOR’S NOTE: This includes new members from August 4 – September 5, 2017. You can access the online membership directory at experienceispa.com.

GET TO On this page, the KNOW team shares their tips THE ISPA for working smart, being STAFF! healthy and living the spa life. This month we asked:

We can’t wait to head to Las Vegas for the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo. What is your favorite thing to do while in The City of Lights?

Lynne McNees • President lynne.mcnees@ispastaff.com • 1.859.226.4260 Crystal Ducker • Vice President of Research & Communications crystal.ducker@ispastaff.com • 1.859.226.4427 Jennifer Duckworth • Senior Director of Events jennifer.duckworth@ispastaff.com • 1.859.226.4254 Ashley Alt • Content Specialist ashley.alt@ispastaff.com • 1.859.226.4354 Megan Browning • Events Marketing Manager

ISPA STAFF PROUDLY SERVING ISPA AND THE ISPA FOUNDATION VISION To be the leader in promoting and enhancing the well-being of the spa industry

Eric Callaghan • Digital Marketing Coordinator eric.callaghan@ispastaff.com • 1.859.963.1877 Tara Finn • Sales Manager tara.finn@ispastaff.com • 1.859.226.4372 Kelly Heitz • Editor kelly.heitz@ispastaff.com • 1.859.359.8010

and the people it serves.


megan.browning@ispastaff.com • 1.859.219.3549

Shows. Absinthe was my most recent and was FANTASTIC!

Allison Martin • Membership Manager allison.martin@ispastaff.com • 1.859.226.4334 Cala Meikle • Project Coordinator

the spa industry by providing

cala.meikle@ispastaff.com • 1.888.651.4772

invaluable educational and networking

Wendy Payne • Member Experience Specialist

opportunities, promoting the value of the spa experience and speaking as the authoritative voice to foster professionalism and growth.

EAT! I’m not much of a gambler but I am a bit of a “foodie.” I try to find time during the busy week of Conference to go to as many restaurants as I can while in Vegas.

wendy.payne@ispastaff.com • 1.859.219.3512 Jessica Pfister • Fulfillment Coordinator jessica.pfister@ispastaff.com • 1.859.687.7014 Amber Phillips • Events Manager amber.phillips@ispastaff.com • 1.859.226.4420 Eileen Pitts • Public Relations Manager Eileen.pitts@ispastaff.com • 1.859.425.5072 Ashley Roberts • Project Coordinator ashley.roberts@ispastaff.com • 1.859.219.3621 Tara Salah Eldin • Project Coordinator tara.salaheldin@ispastaff.com • 1.859.219.3615 Samantha Smith • Project Manager samantha.smith@ispastaff.com • 1.859.219.3619

I love to visi t the the spas in Las Vegas! Not only ar e th incredible fa ey cilities with endles s amenities, they offer a (very) welcome es cape from the Vegas hustle and bustle.

October 2017



Ad INdEx 5

[ comfort zone ] north America 1.212.924.2454 comfortzone.it


BABOR 1.561.802.6160 babor.com


Be the Good 1.503.317.7988 shopbethegood.com


Bioline Jatò 3.90462E+11 bioline-jato.com


Biotone Professional Massage and Spa Products 1.800.445.6457 biotone.com


Blinc, Inc. 1.877.454.7763 blincinc.com


Book4Time, Inc. 1.905.752.2588 book4time.com


Candle Warmers 1.801.771.9650 airome.com


CareCredit 1.800.300.3046 carecredit.com


Celluma by BioPhotas 1.714.838.1956 biophotas.com


Degasa Beauty 1.818.326.6112 degasabeauty.com

IFC, 1

32, 33

20, 21

Éminence Organic Skin Care 1.888.747.6342 eminenceorganics.com ESPA International (US) Ltd. 1.786.350.1192 us.espaskincare.com essie 1.908.673.5437 essie.com

ISPA would like to thank the following Pulse advertisers for their support of the association:


EuroSpa Aromatics 1.800.395.6478 eurospaaromatics.com


Noel Asmar Group, Inc. 1.604.534.9667 noelasmaruniforms.com


FarmHouse Fresh 1.888.773.9626 farmhousefreshgoods.com


Omnia LLC 1.626.720.3227 omniaspaart.com


Foreo 1.855.773.6736 foreo.com


Phytomer Group Brands 1.800.227.8051 phytomerusa.com


Groupon 1.312.242.2072 groupon.com


ResortSuite 1.866.477.8483 resortsuite.com


HydroPeptide 1.800.932.9873 hydropeptide.com


Sanitas Skincare 1.888.855.8425 sanitas-skincare.com

46, 47

Institute EstheDerm 1.800.710.1018 esthederm.com


Satin Smooth 1.203.351.9000 ext. 9131 satinsmooth.com


ISUN Skincare 1.970.626.3181 ISUNskincare.com


Schmidt’s Naturals 1.503.473.3997 schmidtsnaturals.com


jane iredale 1.844.350.1610 janeiredale.com


Shimmer Screen 1.914.664.7500 shimmerscreen.com


Jurlique 1.800.854.1110 jurlique.com


Spa & Club Ideations 1.425.213.9623 spaclubideations.com


Kneipp 1.855.KNEIPPWORKS kneipp.com



Living Earth Crafts 1.800.358.8292 livingearthcrafts.com

Spa Business and Spa Opportunities + 44.1462.431.385 spabusiness.com


Milano Software 1.905.884.4888 milanosoftware.com

Technogym 1.206.623.1488 technogym.com


The Cottage Greenhouse – from Margot Elena 1.303.730.3133 thecottagegreenhouse.com

8, 9

The HydraFacial Company 1.800.603.4996 hydrafacial.com



Moroccanoil Inc. 1.514.448.8967 moroccanoil.com


Naked Princess 1.310.271.1199 nakedprincess.com


Naturopathica 1.800.669.7618 naturopathica.com

Bold indicates year-round Pulse advertisers and/or 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo sponsors.



October 2017

PEOPLE OF ISPA Our ISPA community is full of interesting characters and inspiring stories. Visit PeopleofISPA.com to learn more about these incredible individuals.


Years in the spa industry: 5 Favorite spa treatment: Facial or Massage

Tracy Squillante

Three words to describe herself: 1. Passionate 2. Persistent 3. Quite Funny

Founder/CEO HAVEN Collection • New York City SECRET TALENT “I make the best Eggplant Parmigiana.”

IT’S THE LITTLE THINGS... Squillante loves to take her dog for an extra-long walk along the Hudson River in NYC.


Squillante’s highest accomplishment is moving to Italy when she was 37 and learning the language.

Hey Rosé!

“All boats rise in high tide.” Favorite Book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

So Proud

Both her guilty pleasure and her favorite way to relieve stress—a perfect French rosé.

Now Playing “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” by Michael Jackson is currently on her playlist.

Want to share your story? Visit peopleofispa.com and click “Share your story.” We can’t wait to hear from you!

SOCIAL CONNECTIONS tracy-squillante-59972



@tracysquillante October 2017



CoNNECt WItH ME oN FACEBooK! Lynne Walker McNees

“Be grateful for the good times, keep faith during the bad times, and stay positive when life gives you every reason to be negative.” I read that quote in ruth Stricker’s The Marsh Monthly and it resonated with me. It certainly is a hard rule to follow these days with so much turmoil and tragedy. But with everything going on in the world around us, isn’t it such a blessing to be surrounded by such a caring and passionate community? Which is why I’m using that quote as a mantra going into the ISPA Conference and the rest of the year. I’m GRATEFUL for the time I get to spend with my cute husband, my family and my ISPA friends and colleagues. Enjoying the Live Auction at the 2016 ISPA Conference & Expo. From Left:

I’m FAITHFUL that good can come of any bad situation.

resortSuite’s Frank Pitsikalis, the Marsh’s ruth Stricker. ISPA President Lynne

And I’m POSITIVE that this ISPA community will do every-

McNees and Well World group’s Eric Stephenson.

thing it can to be the shining beacon of light when life gives us every reason to be negative. Because it’s positivity that pushes us forward. What will be your mantra for the remainder of 2017? —LyNNE McNEES, ISPA PrESIdENt


peaking of positive energy, are y’all getting excited for the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo? As a fun way to get us all engaged, I’ve put together

this little Conference checklist. If you complete all 10 by the last day of the 2017 ISPA Conference & Expo, post a picture of all your boxes checked on my Facebook page with #ISPA2017. After Conference, we’ll randomly

post & wIN!

select a winner to send a bag full of incredible spa goodies! Ready, set, IGNITE! 96


October 2017

q Participate in the Workforce Development Research survey. q Sit next to someone you’ve never met at the General Session. q Attend a PDS Session that is a bit out of your comfort zone. q Treat yourself to some down time in the Relaxation Area. q Fit in a quick presentation at the Second Stage in The Hub. q Visit the booth of a vender you’ve never heard of. q Bid on an Auction item that excites you. q Get a new headshot at the Headshot Station (and go ahead and send it to our Pulse editor so she has it on file for future use!)

q Sample a few goodies from the Dessert Cart in the Expo. q Take a selfie at the Farewell Party and post it on social media with #ISPA2017

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