M A G A Z I N E . c o m
Alina Rosario - Special Issue MARCH- ABRIL 2009 Publisher/CEO Ed Alvarez ed@bellabellamagazine.com
bella B E L L A
Editor Jackeline Cacho Editorial@bellabellamagazine.com Staff Writers Vy-Vy Dang Tran Doris Benavidez Martica Careballo Feature Writers Noelia Kouchoyan Mabel Kats Grover Bravo Lillian Marquez Moni Hernandez Graphic & Design Masslab Design Group design@masslab.net
p g .1 0 - 14 | ALINA ROSARIO Con los niños en la casa.
Distribution Manager Hector Ramirez Distribution@bellabellamagazine.com
pg. 4 | un especialista con los pies en la tierra Dr. Paul J. Brody.
Sales Department Connie Avalos Daniel Ramos Daniel Guzman Public Relations publicrelations@bellabellamagazine.com Marketing Department Luis Medina Marketing@bellabellamagazine.com National Integrated Media Inc Bellabellamagazine.com 1627 W Garvey Ave. N. W. Covina CA 91790 Fax Number 626 502 1554 Main Office Phone 626 502 1552 (2008 Copyright by BELLABELLAMAGAZINE.COM All rights reserved by BELLABELLAMAGAZINE.COM. Printed in the USA. BELLABELLAMAGAZINE.COM is published monthly by NATIONAL INTEGRATED MEDIA INC. Reproduction in any manner, whole or in part in Spanish or any other languages without written permission from the publisher is prohibited by law in all parts of the world. The Publisher and Editors does not assume responsibility for any unsolicited material and will return only those accompanied by stamp, self-addresses envelope. Subscription rates: $20 (USA) per year; Foreign: $30 per year; $45 one year airmail.
pg. 4-5 | un especialista con los pies en la tierra Si Ud. Cree que la crisis económica nos esta afectando, imagínese como nos podrá afectar una crisis educativa. pg.8-9 | MODA Palomas Collection e Ivette Alaniz, La Combinación Perfecta. pg.18 | STAR HOLLYWOOD COSMETICS pg.20-21 | EL IMPACTO DE LA EDUCACION Si Ud. cree que la crisis económica nos esta afectando,imagínese como nos podrá afectar una crisis educativa. pg.22 | HOPE Congratulations to U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis pg.24 - 25 | FAMILIA DE EXITO