Legals april 15, 2015

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CITY OF BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF NET POSITION PROPRIETARY FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 2014 Business-type Activities - Major Enterprise Funds 203 204 Sewer Water Totals ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and temporary investments $225,275 $942,654 $1,167,929 Cash with fiscal agent - 3,967,104 3,967,104 Receivables Accounts 142,884 93,069 235,953 Special assessments - current 552 368 920 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 368,711 5,003,195 5,371,906 NONCURRENT ASSETS Special assessments - noncurrent 11,183 7,455 18,638 Capital assets Land 195,492 76,386 271,878 Equipment 270,257 69,169 339,426 Infrastructure 17,767,268 15,103,634 32,870,902 Total capital assets, cost 18,233,017 15,249,189 33,482,206 Less accumulated depreciation (3,823,113) (3,673,188) (7,496,301) Net capital assets 14,409,904 11,576,001 25,985,905 TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS 14,421,087 11,583,456 26,004,543 TOTAL ASSETS 14,789,798 16,586,651 31,376,449 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable 18,417 18,993 37,410 Accrued salaries payable 5,566 4,166 9,732 Accrued interest payable 52,810 108,715 161,525 Due to other governments - 2,421 2,421 Compensated absences payable - current portion 8,869 5,154 14,023 Bonds payable - current portion 767,035 4,235,000 5,002,035 852,697 4,374,449 5,227,146 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Compensated absences - noncurrent portion 20,693 12,025 32,718 Bonds payable - noncurrent portion 5,362,164 4,420,000 9,782,164 TOTAL NONCURRENT LIABILITIES 5,382,857 4,432,025 9,814,882 TOTAL LIABILITIES 6,235,554 8,806,474 15,042,028 NET POSITION Net investment in capital assets 8,280,705 6,888,105 15,168,810 Unrestricted 273,539 892,072 1,165,611 TOTAL NET POSITION $8,554,244 $7,780,177 $16,334,421 CITY OF BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET POSITION PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 Business-type Activities - Major Enterprise Funds 203 204 Sewer Water Totals OPERATING REVENUES Charges for service $1,314,438 $953,013 $2,267,451 OPERATING EXPENSES Personal services 371,567 272,708 644,275 Supplies 23,961 21,550 45,511 Other services and charges 115,803 74,076 189,879 Repair and maintenance 39,845 80,780 120,625 Utilities 76,290 97,798 174,088 Insurance 30,000 14,000 44,000 Depreciation 457,960 415,910 873,870 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,115,426 976,822 2,092,248 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 199,012 (23,809) 175,203 NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Interest income 9,973 22,333 32,306 Miscellaneous 34 4,901 4,935 Interest expense (154,719) (262,259) (416,978) TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) (144,712) (235,025) (379,737) INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS 54,300 (258,834) (204,534) CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS - GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS 155,435 197,905 353,340 CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS - CONNECTION FEES 102,038 73,528 175,566 TRANSFERS OUT (13,892) (14,738) (28,630) CHANGE IN NET POSITION 297,881 (2,139) 295,742 NET POSITION, JANUARY 1 8,256,363 7,782,316 16,038,679 NET POSITION, DECEMBER 31 $8,554,244 $7,780,177 $16,334,421

Legal Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 15, 2007 MORTGAGOR: Emily J. Frame and Adam B. Frame, wife and husband. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded July 3, 2007 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A776901. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Dated June 15, 2007 Recorded January 28, 2008, as Document No. A792398. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100418400125708830 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Tradition Mortgage RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 507 Main Street West, Belle Plaine, MN 56011 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 200011290 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots 7 and 8, and the West Half of Lot 9, Block 50, Belle Plaine, according to the map or plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the county recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $139,200.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE:

$133,709.18 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: May 7, 2015 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. ยง580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on November 9, 2015 unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: February 26, 2015 Minnesota Housing Finance Agency

wednesday, april 15, 2015

CITY OF BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 Business-type Activities - Major Enterprise Funds 203 204 Sewer Water Totals CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from customers and users $1,291,586 $1,008,394 $2,299,980 Payments to suppliers (313,231) (312,326) (625,557) Payments to employees (367,950) (269,876) (637,826) NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 610,405 426,192 1,036,597 CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Transfers to other funds (13,892) (14,738) (28,630) CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Connection fees received 102,038 73,528 175,566 Acquisition of capital assets (5,905) (88,980) (94,885) Interest paid on bonds (161,475) (183,783) (345,258) Principal paid on bonds (743,680) (300,000) (1,043,680) NET CASH USED BY CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES (809,022) (499,235) (1,308,257) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Interest received on investments 9,973 13,606 23,579 NET DECREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (202,536) (74,175) (276,711) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, JANUARY 1 427,811 1,016,829 1,444,640 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, DECEMBER 31 $225,275 $942,654 $1,167,929 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating income (loss) $199,012 $(23,809) $175,203 Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities Other income related to operations 34 4,901 4,935 457,960 415,910 873,870 Depreciation (Increase) decrease in assets Receivables Accounts (22,937) 50,223 27,286 Special assessments 51 257 308 Increase (decrease) in liabilities Accounts payable (27,329) (24,337) (51,666) Due to other governments (3) 215 212 Accrued salaries and compensated absences payable 3,617 2,832 6,449 NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES $610,405 $426,192 $1,036,597 NONCASH CAPITAL FINANCING AND INVESTING ACTIVITIES Capital assets contributed by other funds $155,435 $197,905 $353,340 CITY OF BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA SUMMARY FINANCIAL REPORT REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL OPERATIONS GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 AND 2013 Percent Total Increase 2014 2013 (Decrease) REVENUES Taxes $4,666,932 $4,662,865 0.09 % Licenses and permits 102,176 113,297 (9.82) Intergovernmental 575,608 755,304 (23.79) Charges for services 429,370 394,972 8.71 Fines and forfeitures 32,000 50,046 (36.06) Special assessments 487,509 536,133 (9.07) Interest on investments 83,491 - 100.00 Miscellaneous 93,069 169,619 (45.13) TOTAL REVENUES $6,470,155 $6,682,236 (3.17) % Per capita $968 $1,006 (3.81) % EXPENDITURES Current General government $953,913 $770,097 23.87 % Public safety 1,762,854 1,603,343 9.95 Public works 684,381 782,304 (12.52) Culture and recreation 392,651 316,705 23.98 Housing and economic development 98,453 71,138 38.40 Capital outlay 2,194,032 2,045,478 7.26 Debt service Principal 1,648,320 1,395,890 18.08 Interest and other 220,617 239,678 (7.95) TOTAL EXPENDITURES $7,955,221 $7,224,633 10.11 %

Per capita $1,190 $1,088 9.39 % Total Long-term indebtedness $10,898,364 $11,147,263 (2.23) % Per capita 1,631 1,679 (2.88) General Fund Balance - December 31 $3,176,091 $2,726,630 16.48 % Per capita 475 411 15.72 The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of financial information concerning the City of Belle Plaine to interested citizens. The complete financial statements may be examined at City Hall, 218 North Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee Meridian Street, Post Office Box 129, Belle Plaine, Minnesota 56011. Questions about his report should be USSET, WEINGARDEN AND directed to Holly Kreft, City Administrator at (952) 873-5553.

LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 135 - 15-002049 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 11, 18, 25 and April 1, 8 and 15, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-5145 notice and order of hearing on petition for formal adjudication of intestacy, determination of heirship, appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Gerald M. Morrison, also known as Gerald Morrison and Gerald Michael Morrison, Decedent. It is Ordered and Notice is given that on April 29, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota, for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirship of the Decedent, and for the appointment of Donald L. Morrison, whose address is 310 West Main Street, Belle Plaine, MN, 56011 as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an Unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate, including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims

Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, April 15, 2015. to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 25, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 25, 2015 By the Court Michael A. Fahey Judge of District Court /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Petitioner P. David Melchert Melchert Hubert Sjodin, PLLP 121 West Main Street, Suite 200 Waconia, MN, 55387 Attorney License No: 0249877 Telephone: (952) 442-7700 Fax: (952) 442-6166 Email: Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

Important Information Regarding Assessment and Classification of Property This may affect your 2016 property taxes Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeal and Equalization for Blakeley Township shall meet on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 7:00 PM at 15016 West 250th Street, Belle Plaine, MN 56011. The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether taxable property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor, and to determine whether corrections need to be made. If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact your assessor's office to discuss your concerns. If you are still not satisfied with the valuation or classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local board of appeal and equalization. The board shall review the valuation, classification, or both if necessary, and shall correct it as needed. Generally, an appearance before your local board of appeal and equalization is required by law before an appeal can be taken to the

county board of appeal and equalization. Maureen Busse Blakeley Township Clerk Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-6300 notice of informal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Fernando Gallegos Perez, Decedent. Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's Will, dated January 26, 2015, ("Will"), has been filed with the Registrar. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Sonia Maria Jean Perez, whose address is 4418 Grand Avenue South, Apt. 2, Minneapolis, MN, 55419, as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate, including, after 30 days from the issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the Will or appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate

are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 30, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 30, 2015 Vicky L. Carlson, Registrar /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Personal Representative Roy B. Henline Henline Law, P.A. 11300 86th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN, 55369 Attorney License No: 142487 Telephone: (763) 767-6200 Fax: (763) 971-8040 Email: RHenline@HenlineLaw. com Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

ADVERTISEMENT FOR QUOTES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Quotes for gravel will be received until 7 p.m. April 29, 2015, by Maynard Rucks, Clerk of Jessenland Township, Sibley County on behalf of the Supervisors of said Township for the following: 3,000 ton of class 5 gravel more or less delivered to anyplace in the Township by July 1, 2015. Township is also asking for quotes for road grading and weed cutting this season, snowplowing and sanding this next season. Township reserves the right to reject any and all quotes. Maynard Rucks Clerk Jessenland Township 35493 226th St. Henderson, MN. 56044 507-964-2733 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 15 and 22, 2015.

Legal Notices

(continued on the next page)

wednesday, april 15, 2015

Legal Notices

(continued from previous page) important information regarding assessment and classification of property This may affect your 2016 property taxes. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeal and Equalization for Township of Faxon shall meet on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the St. John's Church Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether taxable property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor, and to determine whether corrections need to be made. If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact your assessor's office to discuss your concerns. If you are still not satisfied with the valuation or classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local board of appeal and equalization. The board shall review the valuation, classification, or both if necessary, and shall correct it as needed. Generally, an appearance before your local board of appeal and equalization is required by law before an appeal can be taken to the county board of appeal and equalization. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, April 15, 2015.


CARVER COUNTY WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION CHASKA, MINNESOTA To Consider an Amendment to the Carver County Water Management Organization (CCWMO) Plan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, the 28th day of April, 2015 as soon as possible after 6:00 p.m. upstairs in the Social Services wing in the Commissioner's Meeting Room of the Carver County Courthouse, Chaska, Minnesota, a public meeting will be held at the regular meeting of the Carver County Watershed Management Organization (CCWMO) Advisory Committee to consider an amendment to the CCWMO Plan. The Plan Amendment consists of an update to the implementation section of the plan and the proposed project list. This meeting meets the requirements of Minnesota Rule 8410.0140. Copies of the proposed amendment to the CCWMO Plan are available for viewing online at or from the Planning & Water Management Department. All persons interested are invited to attend the meeting and be heard on this matter. Written comment may be mailed to: Dept. of Planning & Water Management ATTN: Paul Moline Carver County Government

BELLE PLAINE CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE 15-02 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1, SECTION 108.00 FEES, BY AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BELLE PLAINE ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 1, Section 108, Fees, Subd. 1, Fee Schedule, is amended as follows: 15. GENERAL LICENSE, PERMIT AND SERVICE FEES. Revolving Loan – 1% of Loan or $100, Origination Loan Fee $300 or 1.5% of the loan request, whichever is greater Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective upon publication in the official newspaper of the City. Passed and duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Belle Plaine this 6th day of April, 2015. ATTEST: Holly J. Kreft, City Administrator

BY: Mike Pingalore, Mayor

Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, April 15, 2015.

Center 600 E 4th St. Chaska, MN 55318 Or emailed to: pmoline@co.carver. Date: 04/01/2015 By: Paul Moline Manager of Planning & Water Management Dept. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-6117 notice of and order for hearing on petition for formal adjudication of intestacy, determination of heirs, formal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Lawrence Dennis Vance, Decedent. It is Ordered and Notice is given that on April 28, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379, for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirs of the decedent, and for the appointment of Mary Hicks whose address is 8133 Foxberry Bay, Savage, Minnesota 55378 as personal representative of the decedent's estate in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be raised at the hearing or filed with the Court prior to the hearing. If the petition is proper and no objections are filed or raised, the personal representative will be appointed with the full power to administer the estate, including the power to collect all assets; to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses; to sell real and personal property; and to do all necessary acts for the estate. Notice is also given that, subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 30, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 30, 2015 By the Court Ann M. Offerman Judge of District Court /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Teresa Molinaro (MN# 0388660) Molinaro Davis Law PLLC 2809 Cliff Road East Suite 100

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2015 Drainage Conveyance Improvements City of Belle Plaine Belle Plaine, MN RECEIPT AND OPENING OF PROPOSALS: Sealed proposals for the work described below will be received at the Office of the City Administrator, City of Belle Plaine, 218 North Meridian Street, Belle Plaine, MN, 56011 until 10:30am on April 28, 2015 at which time the bids will be opened and publicly read. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes the construction of approximately:

Clear and Grub Excavation Erosion Control Seeding Erosion Blanket

1 6,000 1 3 2,500


together with numerous related items of work, all in accordance with Plans and Specifications. COMPLETION OF WORK: All work under the Contract must be complete by September 25, 2015. PLANHOLDERS LIST, ADDENDUMS AND BID TABULATION: The planholders list, addendums and bid tabulations will be available for download on-line at or www.questcdn. com . Any addendums may also be distributed by mail, fax or email. TO OBTAIN BID DOCUMENTS: Complete digital project bidding documents are available at www. or You may view the digital plan documents for free by entering Quest project #3783934 on the website’s Project Search page. Documents may be downloaded for $20.00. Please contact at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in free membership registration, viewing, downloading, and working with this digital project information. An optional paper set of project documents is also available for a nonrefundable price of $30.00 per set (non-refundable), which includes applicable sales tax and shipping. Please make your check to payable to Bolton & Menk, Inc. and send it to 1960 Premier Drive, Mankato, MN 56001, (507) 625-4171, fax (507) 625-4177. BID SECURITY: A certified check or proposal bond in the amount of not less than 5 percent of the total amount bid, drawn in favor of City of Belle Plaine shall accompany each bid. OWNER'S RIGHTS RESERVED: The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities and informalities therein and to award the Contract to other than the lowest bidder if, in their discretion, the interest of the Owner would be best served thereby. Dated: March 23, 2015. /s/ Holly Kreft City Administrator Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, April 1, 8 and 15, 2015.

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2015 Pavement Maintenance City of Belle Plaine Belle Plaine, MN RECEIPT AND OPENING OF PROPOSALS: Sealed proposals for the work described below will be received at the Office of the City Administrator, City of Belle Plaine, 218 North Meridian Street, Belle Plaine, MN, 56011 until 10:00am on April 28, 2015 at which time the bids will be opened and publicly read. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes the construction of approximately:

Chip Seal Coat Crack Seal Striping Pavement Message

40,000 4,000 12,000 24


together with numerous related items of work, all in accordance with Plans and Specifications. COMPLETION OF WORK: All work under the Contract must be complete by June 26, 2015. PLANHOLDERS LIST, ADDENDUMS AND BID TABULATION: The planholders list, addendums and bid tabulations will be available for download on-line at or www.questcdn. com . Any addendums may also be distributed by mail, fax or email. TO OBTAIN BID DOCUMENTS: Complete digital project bidding documents are available at www. or You may view the digital plan documents for free by entering Quest project #3767373 on the website’s Project Search page. Documents may be downloaded for $20.00. Please contact at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in free membership registration, viewing, downloading, and working with this digital project information. An optional paper set of project documents is also available for a nonrefundable price of $20.00 per set (non-refundable), which includes applicable sales tax and shipping. Please make your check to payable to Bolton & Menk, Inc. and send it to 1960 Premier Drive, Mankato, MN 56001, (507) 625-4171, fax (507) 625-4177. BID SECURITY: A certified check or proposal bond in the amount of not less than 5 percent of the total amount bid, drawn in favor of City of Belle Plaine shall accompany each bid. OWNER'S RIGHTS RESERVED: The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities and informalities therein and to award the Contract to other than the lowest bidder if, in their discretion, the interest of the Owner would be best served thereby. Dated: March 23, 2015. /s/ Holly Kreft City Administrator Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, April 1, 8 and 15, 2015.

Burnsville Minnesota 55337 Telephone: (651) 705-8800 Facsimile: (651) 705-8003 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-5763 notice of informal probate of will and informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Gesina Wilhemina Baumgard, a/k/a Gasenna Wilhemina Baumgard, a/k/a Gesina Wilhelmina Baumgard, a/k/a Gasenna Wilhelmina Baumgard, Decedent. Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal

PAGE eleven Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated December 19, 2007. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Gary John Baumgard, whose address is 19529 Ewing Street, Farmington, MN 55024, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent's estate. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4)

COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close April 28, 2015 Jordan, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the County Engineer of Scott County, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352, until 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 for construction of the following: State Project SAP 070-599-022 County Project CP-THE01 Construction Plans for Culvert 70J61 and Approach Grading Located on St. Benedict Road (TWP. RD. 179), 0.5 miles east of CSAH 11 Over West Bank Raven Stream Bridge Removal, Box Culvert Construction, Approach Grading, Aggregate Base, Bituminous Surfacing, and Turf Establishment The Major items of work are: 58 LF 12X10 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT 116 LF 12X9 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT 2 EACH 12X10 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT END SECTION 2 EACH 12X9 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT END SECTION 343 CY GRANULAR BACKFILL (CV) 546 CY AGGREGATE BEDDING (CV) 492 LS RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IV 497 TN TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,E) 1 LS REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352. SEE THE STATE WEBSITE ( FOR ALL OF OUR PROJECT LETTINGS. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE ( TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. Bids must be sealed, identified on the envelope and accompanied by a Bidder’s Bond or Certified Check in an amount equal to at least 5% of the total bid made payable to the Treasurer of Scott County. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities thereof. Dated March 27, 2015 Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Tony Winiecki, P.E. Courthouse Acting Scott County Engineer 200 4th Avenue West Physical Development Shakopee, MN 55379 600 Country Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 1, 8 and 15, 2015. COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close April 28, 2015 Jordan, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the County Engineer of Scott County, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352, until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 for construction of the following: Scott County 2015 Overlays-2 Aggregate Base, Aggregate Shouldering, Mill Pavement Surface, Bituminous Pavement Reclamation, Plant Mixed Asphalt Pavement, Permanent Pavement Markings, Concrete Walk, Concrete Curb & Gutter and APS Pedestrian Push Button Station CP 02-12-2, CH 2, located between CSAH 11 and CSAH 15; Township - Helena; length 3.35 miles CP 14-03-2, CH 14, located between CSAH 15 and CSAH 17; Township - Louisville & City of Shakopee; length 2.21 miles CP 17-37-2, CH 17, located between 10th Avenue and CSAH 101; City of Shakopee; length 0.95 miles CP 64-18-2, CH 64, located between CSAH 11 and TH 21; Township - Helena; length 1.01 miles CP 42-20, CH 42, located at Louisiana Avenue; City of Savage; length 120 feet CP 16-38, CH 16, located 0.14 miles east of CSAH 17; City of Shakopee; length 330 feet The Major items of work are: 3,957 75,096 75,358 4,384 21,056 1,309 (4,B) 25,506 (3,B) 1,157 34,800 16







The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352. SEE THE STATE WEBSITE ( FOR ALL OF OUR PROJECT LETTINGS. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE ( TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. Bids must be sealed, identified on the envelope and accompanied by a Bidder’s Bond or Certified Check in an amount equal to at least 5% of the total bid made payable to the Treasurer of Scott County. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities thereof. Dated March 27, 2015 Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Tony Winiecki, P.E. Courthouse Interim Scott County Engineer 200 4th Avenue West Physical Development Shakopee, MN 55379 600 Country Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 1, 8 and 15, 2015.

months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 30, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 30, 2015 Vicky L. Carlson, Registrar /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Petitioner Michael Davey, #0388285 Chitwood & Davey, PLLC 821 Raymond Ave., #260 St. Paul, MN 55114 Tel: 612-239-6727 Fax: 888-375-8783 Email: Mike@ChitwoodDavey. com Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

office of the Minnesota Secretary of State Certificate of Assumed Name Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333 File Number 8187562 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable consumers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. 1. List the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: Balance and Strength Acupuncture 2. Principal Place of Business: 6001 Egan Drive, Suite 120 Savage, MN 55378 3. List the name and complete address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address: Balance and Strength Accupuncture 1047 Hummingbird Lane Eagan, MN 55123 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. signed, Lynn R. Weatherson, Contact Person (952) 221-3502 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 15 and 22, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-6119 notice of informal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Rita C. Sunder, Decedent. Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's will dated Dec. 21, 1990 ("Will"), has been filed with the Registrar. The Application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Kay Marie Monson, whose address is 600 Watkins Street, Mora, Minnesota 55051, as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the Will or appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801), all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. A charitable beneficiary may request notice of the probate proceedings be given to the Attorney General pursuant to Minn. Stat. 501B.41, subd. 5. Dated: April 10, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts April 10, 2015 Delores A. Beussman Deputy Registrar Vicky L. Carlson Court Administrator Attorney for Personal Representative Eric J. Lindstrom Lindstrom Law Offices 7600 Parklawn Avenue, Suite 444 Edina, MN 55435 Attorney License No: 235283 Telephone: 952-831-2363 Fax: 952-831-7358 Email: Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 15 and 22, 2015.

Legal Notices

(continued on the next page)


PAGE twelve

Legal Notices

(continued from previous page) gravel quote faxon township Faxon Township is now accepting quotes for the hauling of class five gravel Hauling only!!!!!!! Gravel must be taken from Chard's or Mueller's Pit Gravel must be laid by July 15, 2015 Bids will be accepted until April 28, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the home of James Witt, Faxon Township Clerk 20472 261st Ave. Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Township residents wanting gravel at quote prices should contact Township Clerk at (612) 619-8550 Jim Witt Faxon Township Clerk Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 15 and 22, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-5146 notice of informal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Mary Louise Sinnen a/k/a Mary Lou Sinnen, Deceased. Notice to all interested persons and creditors: Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's Last Will and Testament dated April 18, 2001 has been filed with the Registrar. The Application has been granted. Any objections may be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Ruby Winnings, whose address is 2740 Jade Circle East, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379, as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801), all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 26, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 26, 2015 Vicky L. Carlson Registrar /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Personal Representative Heather L. L. Koering, #30394X Eastlund, Solstad, Cade & Hutchinson, Ltd. Hutchinson & Ysebaert, Ltd. 4200 County Road 42 West Savage, MN 55378 (952) 894-6400 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 15 and 22, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT District Court File No. 70-CV-15-7112 SUMMONS ___________________________ Ron Hocevar Scott County Attorney, Plaintiff, -vs1998 Jeep Cherokee, MN License Number: 469NPD VIN: 1J4FJ68S9WL212445 (Owner: Ryan Kelsey Wells ), Defendant. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA to Ryan Kelsey Wells, 620 Gorman Street, Apt. #311, Shakopee, MN 55379. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to serve upon Plaintiff’s Attorney an Answer to Plaintiff’s Complaint which is on file in the office of the Clerk of Court in the AboveCaptioned Court within twenty (20) days after Service of this Summons by three weeks’ publication. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded by the Complaint. This Action involves the forfeiture of the above stated vehicle, One 1998 Jeep Cherokee. Dated: April 10, 2015 Lisa A. Skoog 169869 Assistant County Attorney Scott County Government Center, JC340 200 Fourth Avenue West Shakopee, MN 55379 952-496-8240 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 15, 22 and 29, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT FILE NO.: 70-CV-15-4025 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the matter of the Petition of Wilmington Trust N.A., as Trustee, in relation to Certificate of Title No. 38895 issued for land in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota legally described as: Lot 14, Block 3 Providence Point 1st Addition, Scott County, Minnesota TO: Ruthie M. Barrow aka Ruthie Mae Barrow; State of Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Human Services; and Providence Pointe Townhomes Association, Inc. Upon receiving and filing the Report of Examiner of Titles in the above-entitled matter, IT IS ORDERED, that you, and all persons interested, appear before this Court on May 12, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. in the Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue West, City of Shakopee, County of Scott, State of Minnesota, and then, or as soon thereafter as the above-entitled matter can be heard, show cause, if any there be, why this Court should not enter an Order as follows: That the Registrar of Titles, upon the filing with him of a certified copy of this Order, shall cancel Certificate of Title No. 38895 and enter a new certificate of title for the land therein described in favor of Wilmington Trust N.A., successor trustee to Citibank, N.A. as Trustee for Bear Stearns ALT-A Trust, Mortgage Passthrough Certificates, Series 2006-4, subject to the memorials of Document Nos. T118372, T124028, T130545, T130546 and T230024, but free from all other memorials now appearing on the present Certificate of Title, the last of which is Document T232479, and free from the memorial of this Order. Attendance is required only by those who wish to object to the entry of the above-described Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order be served: (a) at least 14 days prior to such hearing upon all of the above-named parties residing in this State in the manner provided by law for the service of Summons in a civil action; (b) it shall be served at least 14 days before the hearing upon each of the above-named nonresidents by sending a copy of this Order to the non-resident’s post office address, by registered or certified mail, return receipt; (c) except as provided in Paragraph (d) below, it shall be served upon each of the above-named parties who cannot be found by three weeks publication and by sending a copy of this Order at least 14 days prior to the hearing by first class mail to the last known address of such party and by sending another copy of this Order at least 14 days prior to the hearing by first class mail to the address of such party as stated on the Certificate of Title if an address is so stated, which service shall be deemed complete 21 days after the first publication; and (d) upon a dissolved, withdrawn, or revoked business entity governed by Minn. Stat., Chp. 302A, 303, 317A, 322A, 322B, or 323 in the manner provided by Minn. Stat. 5.25. Dated: March 13, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 13, 2015 /s/ Caroline H. Lennon JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT Approved as to form this 9th day of March, 2015. By: /s/ Bryce D. Huemoeller, Examiner of Titles Usset, Weingarden & Liebo, P.L.L.P. By: Adam Soczynski, #0264805 Attorney for Petitioner 4500 Park Glen Road, Suite 300 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 (952) 925-36444 Telephone (952) 925-5879 Facsimile Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 15, 22 and 29.

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the mortgage dated March 17, 2006, executed by Mathew E. Rettinger and Suzette E. Rettinger, husband and wife, as mortgagors, to TCF National Bank, a national banking association, as mortgagee, recorded in the office of the Registrar of Titles of Scott County, Minnesota, on April 3, 2006, as Document No. T 175554, which mortgage conveyed and mortgaged the following described property, which property is registered land, situated in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, which property has a street address of 1263 Polk Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379, and tax identification number 270840260: Lot 14, Block 2, Minnesota Valley 3rd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles, Scott County, Minnesota That the original principal amount secured by said mortgage was $44,600.00; that there has been compliance with any condition precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by said mortgage and foreclosure of said mortgage required by said mortgage, any note secured thereby, or any statute; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there is claimed to be due upon said mortgage and is due thereon at the date of this notice, the sum of $42,953.30 in principal and interest. That by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by the sale of the above described premises with appurtenances, which said sale will be made by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota, at the Sheriff's office in the Law Enforcement Center, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota, on May 21, 2015, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., at public

auction to the highest bidder, to pay the amount then due on said mortgage, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorneys' fees as allowed by law, in accordance with the provisions of said mortgage. The time allowed by law for redemption by the mortgagors, their personal representatives or assigns, is six (6) months from the date of said sale. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: NONE THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. If the mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the mortgagor must vacate the mortgaged property by 11:59 p.m. on November 23, 2015, unless the foreclosure is postponed pursuant to Minn. Stat. §580.07, or the redemption period is reduced to five (5) weeks under Minn. Stat. §582.032. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT BY A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. DATED: April 1, 2015 TCF National Bank FOLEY & MANSFIELD, P.L.L.P. By: Karl K. Heinzerling Atty. No. 142475 Attorneys for Mortgagee 250 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and May 6, 2015.

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: February 11, 2010 MORTGAGOR: Pamela J. Siedow, unmarried woman. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for PHH Home Loans, LLC, a limited liability company its successors and assigns. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded February 17, 2010 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A847336. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: U.S. Bank National Association. Dated December 23, 2013 Recorded December 31, 2013, as Document No. A951706. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100652000000215763 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: PHH Home Loans, LLC, a Limited Liability Company RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 317 Wagner Way, New Market, MN 55054 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 230080410 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 17, Block 3, Whispering Creek 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Scott County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $191,290.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $198,695.12 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: May 28, 2015 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on November 30, 2015, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None


Scott County Board Proceedings BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF SCOTT MARCH 17, 2015 (1) The Board of Commissioners, in and for the County of Scott, Minnesota, met in the Courthouse Board Room in the City of Shakopee, Minnesota, and convened at 9:00 a.m., with the following members present: Commissioner Ulrich, presiding, Commissioner Wagner, Commissioner Wolf, Commissioner Beard, and Commissioner Marschall. (2) Minutes: On a motion by Commissioner Wolf, seconded by Commissioner Beard, the Minutes of March 3, 2015 were approved. (3) Consent Agenda: Chair Ulrich announced the request to award a Contract to Park Construction Company for the 2015 overlay projects is being pulled from the consent agenda for a separate discussion. On a motion by Commissioner Marschall, seconded by Commissioner Beard, the following actions were approved unanimously. All resolutions are available in the office of the County Administrator and are made a part of this record by reference. A. Approve the 2015 Renewal Application for the On-Sale Wine/ Strong Beer License for Castle Kitchens dba the Minnesota Renaissance Festival for events from May 1, 2015 through November 30, 2015. B. Approve the Application for a One-Day Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for Parish of Saints Joachim and Anne of Shakopee in Louisville Township for an event to be held on August 16, 2015. C. Approve the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Annual County Boat and Water Safety Grant Agreement in the amount of $15,829 effective January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. D. Accept a Grant Agreement from Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management for a Hazard Mitigation Assistance Planning Grant in the amount of $29,958. E. Adopt Resolution No. 2015026; Authorizing an Amendment to Agreement No. 6826 With the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for Federal Participation in Preliminary Engineering to Provide Permanent Pavement Repairs to County Highway 1 in the Amount of $20,000. F. Adopt Resolution No. 2015042; Authorizing Final Payment for the Marschall Road Transit Station Project in the City of Shakopee to Ebert Construction in the Amount of $500. G. Adopt Resolution No. 2015043; Authorizing an Amendment to the Roadway Maintenance Services Joint Powers Agreement With the City of Burnsville to Add the Administration of the Annual Striping Contracts. H. Adopt Resolution No. 2015044; Authorizing Entering Into an Agreement With LeSueur Soil and Water Conservation District for Services Outlined in the Board of Water and Soil Resources Targeted Watershed Grant Not to Exceed $60,000. I. Adopt Resolution No. 2015045; Authorizing Entering Into an Agreement With Rice Soil and Water Conservation District for Services Outlined in the Board of Water and Soil Resources Targeted Watershed Grant Not to Exceed $60,000. J. Adopt Resolution No. 2015046; Authorizing Entering Into an Agreement With Great River Greening for Services Outlines in the Board of Water and Soil Resources Sand Creek Targeted Watershed Grant Not to Exceed $55,000. K. Adopt Resolution No. 2015048; Authorizing Entering Into an Agreement With G & K Services for Uniform Rental and/or Purchase for Use in the Physical Development Shop, Facilities, Environmental Health, and Transit Locations in Scott County. L. Approve the amendment of a Contract with Robert Half International, Inc. for a temporary Technician to staff the 2015 PC standardization project. M. Commissioner Marschall

wednesday, april 15, 2015 moved, seconded by Commissioner Beard to approve an Amendment with Endurant for project office set up, applications management support, and finalize the information technology transformation project. The motion carried unanimously. N. Amend the Contract with Creekridge Capital for our Dell compellent storage area network in the amount of $111,301. O. Amend the Microsoft Enterprise-Wide Agreement to design and migrate Scott County to Office 365. P. Adopt Resolution No. 2015047; Acknowledging Receipt and Acceptance of Gifts to Scott County. Q. Approve the re appointment of Marianne Breitbach to the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District Board of Managers for a three year term effective March 3, 2015 through March 2, 2018 R. Approve entering into a Joint Powers Agreement with the Saint Paul Port Authority for the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program. S. Approve the agreed upon service fees between Scott County Taxing Districts and the Taxation Department for assessment years 2015, 2016, and in some cases 2017. T. Reschedule the public hearing date of March 17, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. to April 7, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. to consider public comments on the Amendments to Scott County Building Code Ordinance No. 10. U. Approve the record of disbursements and approve claims made to Scott County from February 1, 2015 through February 28, 2015 in the sum of $8,741,570.86. V. Separation of employment for Georgia Carlson, FT Supervisor Administrative Services, Health and Human Services Division, effective 03/31/15. Separation of employment for Richard Swerdlick, FT Social Work Case Manager, Health and Human Services Division, effective 03/31/15. Separation of employment for Merrilee Brown, FT Nursing Director, Health and Human Services Division, effective 03/27/15. Separation of employment for Charlene Shaughnessy, FT Senior Administrative Specialist, Sheriff’s Office, effective 03/27/15. Separation of employment for Barbara Stein, PERA Pro Participant (50% FTE) Unclassified Senior Accountant, Office of Management and Budget, effective 03/31/15. FT Probationary employment for Kristin Hendrick, Assistant County Attorney I, Attorney’s Office, effective 03/16/15. FT Probationary employment for Nelson Rhodus, Assistant County Attorney II, Attorney’s Office, effective 03/24/15. FT Probationary employment for Morgan Ashwell, Therapist, Health and Human Services Division, effective 03/30/15. FT Probationary employment for Michael Clark,

911 Dispatcher, Sheriff’s Office, effective 03/16/15. FT Probationary employment for Peter Duffy, 911 Dispatcher, Sheriff’s Office, effective 03/16/15. FT Probationary employment for Krista Vonderharr, Financial Assistance Specialist, Health and Human Services Division, effective 03/09/15. FT Probationary employment for Khoua Tran, Financial Assistance Specialist, Health and Human Services Division, effective 03/09/15. FT Probationary employment for Angela Louricas, Financial Assistance Specialist, Health and Human Services Division, effective 03/09/15. FT Probationary employment for Imran Yousufzai, Information Technology Manager, Information Technology Division, effective 03/30/15. Intermittent (34% FTE) employment for Patricia Mitton, Unclassified Librarian, Community Services Division, effective 02/25/15. The recognition of the following individuals as volunteers which will enable them to be covered for liability insurance purposes in accordance with the insurance contracts currently in force with Scott County: Additions: David Schild-Mueller, Eileen Taylor, and Lori Theis. Deletions: Donald Wilmes (4) Manage Challenges and Create Opportunities: Commissioner Beard moved, seconded by Commissioner Wolf to reject all bids and re-bid for the 2015 County funded overlay projects. The motion carried unanimously. (5) Develop Strong Public Partnerships: Lynda Boudreau, Congressman John Kline’s Constituent Services, provided a recap of local events, mobile office hours, and contact information for reaching the Congressman’s office. (6) Provide a Supportive Organizational Culture: Vice Chair Marschall presented a plaque to Social Work Case Manager Dick Swerdlick in recognition of his upcoming retirement from his employment with Scott County. Chair Ulrich recessed the meeting at 9:40 a.m. for a reception honoring Mr. Swerdlick and convened the meeting at 10:02 a.m. On a motion by Commissioner Wolf, seconded by Commissioner Marschall, the meeting adjourned at 10:21 a.m. Jon Ulrich, Chair Gary L. Shelton, County Administrator, Clerk of the Board Debra K. Brazil, Deputy Clerk to the Board This is a summary of the Board proceedings (M.S. 375.12). The full text is available at www. (which can be accessed at any public library), and in the office of the County Administrator. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, April 15, 2015.

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