wednesday, june 21, 2017
Legal Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 18, 2002 MORTGAGOR: Pedro Leonardo Fraga and Edith S. Fraga, husband and wife. MORTGAGEE: Goldmine Lending. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Filed January 27, 2003, Scott County Registrar of Titles, Document No. T139196 as amended by Court Order Dated August 22, 2013, Filed September 23, 2013 as Document No. T225749 on Certificate of Title No. 50593. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Regions Mortgage, Inc. Dated December 18, 2002 Filed October 30, 2003, as Document No. T151299. And thereafter assigned to: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association. Dated February 21, 2008 Filed April 22, 2008, as Document No. T189838. And thereafter assigned to: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association successor by merger to Chase Home Finance, LLC. Dated February 12, 2009 Filed January 7, 2011, as Document No. T207128. Said Mortgage being upon Registered Land. TRANSACTION AGENT: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Goldmine Lending RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1007 Pierce Street South, Shakopee, MN 55379 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 270210130 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 6, Block 2, Terrence Addition to Shakopee COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $137,500.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $168,468.69 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: June 13, 2017 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on December 13, 2017, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: April 12, 2017 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 30 - 17-002486 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 19, 26 and May 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2017. NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 580.07, the foregoing foreclosure sale is postponed until July 25, 2017, at 10:00 AM at the Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN, in said county and state. Dated: June 15, 2017.
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JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 30-17-002486 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, June 21, 2017.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT PROBATE DIVISION Court File No.: 70-PR-17-9650 In Re: Estate of MICHAEL DUANE BARTH aka Michael D. Barth aka Michael Barth aka Mike Barth Decedent. NOTICE OF INFORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated July 25, 2016. The Registrar accepted the application and informally appointed Jeffrey R. Barth, whose address is 7181 West 192nd Avenue, Eden Prairie, MN 55346, to serve as the personal representative of the Decedent's estate. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the Decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the Decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: 6/1/17 Filed in Scott County Courts June 1, 2017 Vicky L. Carlson, Registrar Phil Bird, Deputy Court Administrator Adelle Hansen, Attorney at Law MN# 0388703 7455 France Avenue South, Ste 372 Edina, MN 55435 Telephone: 612-462-2945 e-mail: aah.attorneyatlaw@gmail. com ATTORNEY FOR Jeffrey R. Barth Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 14 and 21, 2017.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: November 29, 2006 MORTGAGOR: Steven W. Robbins and Kelly A. Robbins, husband and wife. MORTGAGEE: National City Mortgage a division of National City Bank. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded November 29, 2006 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A 758098. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: National City Mortgage Co. , a subsidiary of National City Bank. Dated August 13, 2007 Recorded November 4, 2013, as Document No. A948525. And thereafter assigned to: PNC Bank, National Association. Dated November 11, 2013 Recorded November 26, 2013, as Document No. A949822. TRANSACTION AGENT: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: National City Mortgage a division of National City Bank RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2916 South Shore Drive, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 110050100 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots 12 and 13, Plainview Heights COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $999,950.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $1,297,715.31 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice
requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 13, 2017 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on January 16, 2018, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: May 3, 2017 PNC Bank, National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 38 - 17-003258 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 17, 24 and 31 and June 7, 14 and 21, 2017.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT PROBATE DIVISION FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: 70-PR-17-10397 NOTICE OF INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS (intestate) Estate of Lee Howard Urness Decedent. Notice is given that an application for informal appointment of personal representative has been filed with the registrar. No will has been presented for probate. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Lisa Christine Sitzmann and Matthew Howard Urness, whose address is: 204 Firewatch Drive, Jordan, MN 55352 and 2970 Hawk Ridge Rd., Prior Lake, MN 55372 as personal representatives of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the
appointment of the personal representatives. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the appointment of the Personal Representatives must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representatives or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: 6/7/17 Filed in Scott County Courts June 7, 2017 Vicky L. Carlson, Registrar Phil Bird, Deputy Court Administrator Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 14 and 21, 2017.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT probate division Court File No. 70-PR-17-10364 NOTICE and order of hearing on petition for formal adjudication of intestacy, determination of heirship, APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Angela M. Gartner, Decedent
It is Ordered and Notice is given that on July 18, 2017, at 9:00 Am, a hearing will be held in this Court at JC 115, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, MN, Minnesota, for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirship of the Decedent, and for the appointment of Marie I. Gartner, whose address is 108 1st Avenue SW, P.O. Box 181, Mapleton, MN, 56065 as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate, including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate. Notice is also given that (subject to Minnesota Statutes section 524.3801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: June 6, 2017 By the Court Colleen G. King, Judge of District Court Phil Bird, Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Petitioner Steven H. Fink Farrish Johnson Law Office Chtd. 1907 Excel Drive Mankato, MN, 56001 Attorney License No: 0175328 Telephone: (507) 625-2525 Fax: (507) 625-4394 Email: Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 14 and 21, 2017.
Notice of Sale Public Sale to occur June 30, 2017 at 10AM of 1994 Goldwing SE with trike kit, Belle Plaine Motorsports 908 E Main, Belle Plaine, Mn 952-873-4500
Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 14, 21 and 28, 2017. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: 1/12/2005 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $339,523.90 MORTGAGOR(S): Peter G. Rau and Dawn M. Lewis-Rau, husband and wife MORTGAGEE: Household Industrial Finance Company DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: 1/21/2005 as A686477 in the Office of the County Recorder, Scott County, Minnesota The mortgage was assigned for value as follows: Assignee: LSF8 Master Participation Trust c/o Caliber Home Loans, Inc. Assignment dated: 8/1/2014 Assignment recorded: 8/8/2014 Assignment recording information: A963086 Assignee: U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for LSF8 Master Participation Trust Assignment dated: 10/30/2015 Assignment recorded: 11/10/2015 Assignment recording information: A991297 All in the records of the County Recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota. TAX PARCEL I.D. NO.: 27-303015-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT 4, BLOCK 2, PHEASANT RUN FOURTH ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. Abstract Property STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 2342 Ponds Way, Shakopee, MN 55379 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR: Household Industrial Finance Company RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Caliber Home Loans THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE: $452,989.02 AS OF 06/01/2017. THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the mortgaged premises will be sold by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota at public auction as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: 07/18/2017 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Scott County Sheriff’s Office, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, MN 55379 to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for
COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close, July 5, 2017 Jordan, Minnesota
redemption by said Mortgagor(s) or Mortgagor’s personal representatives or assigns is 6 Months from the date of sale. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the mortgagor must vacate the mortgaged property by 11:59 p.m. on 01/18/2018, or the next business day if 01/18/2018 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS THAT MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Publication to begin the week of: 05/24/2017 - 05/31/2017 U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for LSF8 Master Participation Trust, Mortgagee/Mortgage Assignee The Sayer Law Group, P.C., By Brian G. Sayer, Attorney for Mortgagee/Mortgage Assignee 925 E 4th St., Waterloo, IA 50703 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 24 and 31 and June 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2017.
Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State Assumed Name amendment to assumed name 1. List the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: Giggle Gals 2. Principal Place of Business: 7729 Egan Drive Savage, MN 55378 3. List a Mailing Address if you cannot receive mail at the principal place of business address: 4. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address: Littles LLC 12116 Red Oak Court Burnsville, MN 55337 5. This certificate is an amendment of Certificate of Assumed Name File Number: 1281258-2 Originally filed on: March 23, 2005 6. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities.I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Minnesota Statutes section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath. Dated May 10, 2017 Joann Waugh Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 21 and 28, 2017.
Legal Notices
(continued on the next page)
NOTICE OF BID FOR SALE OF BUILDING(S) FOR REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY BY HOUSE MOVER - Sealed written bids for the sale and removal of houses will be accepted until a deadline of 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, July 5, 2017, by Anthony J. Winiecki, County Engineer Transportation Services Division, Scott County, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352 for and on the behalf of the Board of Commissioners of said County. A sealed bid may be submitted for the sale and removal of any or all four buildings. The houses are described as follows: CP 42-17 House A A single-family house built circa 1972, with an above grade finished area of approximately 1,072 square feet with 3 bedrooms & 1.75 bathrooms; attached two (2) stall garage. The building described above is located in Prior Lake, Minnesota at a street address of 14025 Rutgers St NE, Prior Lake, Minnesota. House B A single-family house built circa 1971, with an above grade finished area of approximately 1,212 square feet with 3 bedrooms & 1.75 bathrooms; attached two (2) stall garage. The building described above is located in Prior Lake, Minnesota at a street address of 6797 140th St NE, Prior Lake, Minnesota. House C A rambler-style, single-family house, built circa 1971, with an above grade finished area of approximately 970 square feet with 4 bedrooms & 1.75 bathrooms; attached two (2) stall garage. The building described above is located in Prior Lake, Minnesota at a street address of 6815 140th St NE, Prior Lake, Minnesota. House D A single-family house, built circa 1984, with an above grade finished area of approximately 1,004 square feet with 3 bedrooms & 1.75 bathrooms; tuck under (2) stall garage. The building described above is located in Prior Lake, Minnesota at a street address of 14010 Commerce Ave NE, Prior Lake, Minnesota. The Contract for each building will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. Bidders can bid on any or on all four. The County will consider the best value in the event a bidder bids on all four. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE ( TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. Bids must be sealed, identified on the envelope, and accompanied by a Bidder’s Bond or Certified Check in the amount of $500.00 made payable to the Scott County Treasurer; one envelope for each building. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities thereof.
Dated June 2, 2017
Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Anthony J. Winiecki Courthouse Scott County County Engineer 200 4th Avenue West Physical Development Department Shakopee, MN 55379 600 Country Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 7, 14 and 21, 2017.
Classified Ads Sell Call the Belle Plaine Herald
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Legal Notices
(continued from previous page) Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State Certificate of assumed name Assumed Name: Giggle Gals Boutique 2. Principal Place of Business: 7729 Egan Drive Savage, MN 55378 USA Nameholder(s): Littles LLC 12116 Red Oak Court Burnsville, MN 55337 USA By typing my name, I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities.I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Minnesota Statutes section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath. Signed by: Joann Waugh Email for official notices: Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 21 and 28, 2017.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: September 30, 2008 MORTGAGOR: Nathaniel J. McDonald, a single person and Kathleen A. Barnstead, a single person. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded October 23, 2008 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A810906. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Bank of America, N.A. successor by merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP f/k/a Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP. Dated September 22, 2011 Recorded October 11, 2011, as Document No. A889150. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100257100030078790 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: MidCountry Bank, Federal Savings Bank RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Bank of America, N.A. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4932 W 126th St, Savage, MN 55378 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 260080080 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 3 and the East 26 feet of Lot 4, Block 3, Paukner's Addition to Savage, Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $156,536.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $148,794.11 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 27, 2017 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on January 29, 2018 unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA
STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: May 24, 2017 Bank of America, N.A. Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 18 - 17-002549 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 31 and June 7, 14, 21, 28 and July 5, 2017.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 13, 2013 MORTGAGOR: Mark L. Liesener and Lois L. Liesener, husband and wife. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded June 21, 2013 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A939090. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: CitiMortgage Inc. Dated November 29, 2016 Recorded December 5, 2016, as Document No. A1015872. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100011511235521995 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: CitiBank, N.A RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: CitiMortgage, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 8679 Sunset Court, Shakopee, MN 55379 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 271460050 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 1, Horizon Heights 4th Addition COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $390,500.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $389,054.28 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 27, 2017 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on January 29, 2018 unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: May 23, 2017 CitiMortgage, Inc. Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 10 - 17-003425 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 31 and June 7, 14, 21, 28 and July 5, 2017.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: 2/8/2005 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $214,713.29 MORTGAGOR(S): William Halverson and Dawn Halverson, J/T, Husband and Wife MORTGAGEE: Beneficial Loan and Thrift Co. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: 2/16/2005 as A 688997 in the Office of the County Recorder, Scott County, Minnesota The mortgage was assigned for value as follows: Assignee: LSF8 Master Participation Trust Assignment dated: 08/04/2014 Assignment recorded: 08/08/2014 Assignment recording information: Document No. A963087 Assignee: U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for LSF8 Master Participation Trust Assignment dated: 12/23/2014 Assignment recorded: 02/03/2015 Assignment recording information: Document No. A973142 All in the records of the County Recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota. TAX PARCEL I.D. NO.: 20-001711-0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots 1 and 2, Block 122, Belle Plaine, Scott County, Minnesota. Abstract Property STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 125 Cedar St, Belle Plaine, MN 56011 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR: Beneficial Loan and Thrift Co. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Caliber Home Loans, Inc. THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE: $370,414.00 AS OF 06/23/2017. THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the mortgaged premises will be sold by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota at public auction as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: 8/03/2017 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Scott County Sheriff’s Office, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, MN 55379 to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by said Mortgagor(s) or Mortgagor’s personal representatives or assigns is 6 Months from the date of sale. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the mortgagor must vacate the mortgaged property by 11:59 p.m. on 02/03/2018, or the next business day if 02/03/2018 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS THAT MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Publication to begin the week of: 06/12/2017 - 06/16/2017 U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for LSF8 Master Participation Trust, Mortgagee/Mortgage Assignee The Sayer Law Group, P.C., By Brian G. Sayer, Attorney for Mortgagee/Mortgage Assignee 925 E 4th St., Waterloo, IA 50703 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 14, 21, 28 and July 5, 12 and 19, 2017.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: April 29, 2013 MORTGAGOR: Willard J. Matzke, a single man. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded June 28, 2013 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A939756. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Dated May 16, 2017 Recorded May 23, 2017, as Document No. A1025763.
TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 1008597-2302977500-1 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Excel Mortgage Servicing, Inc RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Nationstar Mortgage LLC MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 7504 Parkridge Lane, Savage, MN 55378 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 263691960 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Unit No. 196, Common Interest Community No. 1129, Ridgewood Condominiums, a condominium, Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $169,050.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $161,357.53 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August 8, 2017 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on February 8, 2018 unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: June 5, 2017 Nationstar Mortgage LLC Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 21 - 17-003514 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 21, 28 and July 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2017.
Scott County Board Proceedings BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF SCOTT MAY 2, 2017 (1) The Board of Commissioners, in and for the County of Scott, Minnesota, met in the Courthouse Board Room in the City of Shakopee, Minnesota, and convened at 9:00 a.m., with the following members present: Commissioner Beard, presiding, Commissioner Weckman Brekke, Commissioner Wolf, Commissioner Beer and Commissioner Ulrich. (2) Agenda: On a motion by Commissioner Wolf, seconded by Commissioner Ulrich the agenda was approved as presented. (3) Minutes: On a motion by Commissioner Wolf, seconded by Commissioner Weckman Brekke the Minutes of April 18, 2017 were approved. (4) Leadership: Anticipating Changes and Managing Challenges Based on Reliable I n f o r m a t i o n and Citizen Input: A. Health and Human Services Director Pam Selvig explained the New Options Program is a day training and habilitation (DT & H) program. State and federal policy changes and rate structure changes will affect the program and levy dollars may be needed to support the program and options are being explored as to how best provide DT & H services. Ms. Selvig stated the purpose of today’s agenda item is to receive public comment on the New Options program and no decisions will be made today. The following individuals stated concerns and expressed support for the New Options program. Paula Neisen, Paul Wise, Linda Thramer, Jennifer Deschaine, Denise Ryan, Don McNeil, Maureen Tegmeier, Lynn Wise on behalf of Deb Fell, Tom Fix, Soraida Castillo, Jeff
wednesday, june 21, 2017 Loney, Jeff Sexton, Jerry Hennen, Tim Plekkenpol, Lester Schauer, Ann Young, Mary Miller, Larry Schawzenbach, Lori Paulus, Noreen Seuer, and Denise Scherer. Chair Beard recessed the meeting at 10:06 a.m. and reconvened at 10:15 a.m. (5) Consent Agenda: Commissioner Weckman Brekke requested to have agenda item 6.7 authorizing access to properties for survey and environmental testing purposes in Jackson and Louisville Townships be pulled from the consent agenda for separate discussion. On a motion by Commissioner Weckman Brekke, seconded by Commissioner Wolf, the following actions were approved unanimously. All resolutions are available in the office of the County Administrator and are made a part of this record by reference. A. Adopt Resolution No. 2017052; Approving Health, Dental, and Life Insurance Providers; County Contribution and Employee Costs for Health, Dental, and Life Insurance; and Flexible Spending Accounts Effective August 1, 2017 for All Eligible Employees; and Rescinding Resolution No. 2016-091. B. Adopt Resolution No. 2017055; Awarding a Contract to BKJ Land Company, Inc. for the County Highway 79 and 78 Trail Project in the City of Shakopee C. Adopt Resolution No. 2017056; Authorizing an Amendment to the Agreement With WSB and Associates, Inc. for Consultant Services for the Trunk Highway 169 Freight Mobility Project in Jackson and Louisville Townships. D. Adopt Resolution No. 2017057; Authorizing Entering Into an Agreement With Bolton and Menk, Inc. for Preliminary Engineering and Design Services for the County Highway 21 and Trunk Highway 13 Intersection Improvement Project and Authorizing a Budget Amendment for Advancing Funds to 2017. E. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-058; Authorizing an Amendment to the Agreement With Alliant Engineering, Inc. for Consultant Services for County Project 83-20, County Highway 83, County Highway 101, and Trunk Highway 169 Dynamic Message Signage Project. F. Adopt Resolution No. 2017060; Approving the Purchase and Execution of a Purchase Agreement to Purchase Real Property for Removal of Direct Access Along County Highway 42 Situated in the City of Savage. G. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-062; Awarding the Contract to Pearson Bros., Inc. for the 2017 County Sealcoat Project. H. Approve estimate of just compensation by a market value appraisal for new right-of-way for the construction of a frontage road along Trunk Highway 169 located in Jackson Township. I. Approve the specified use of 2017 programmed funds (20162024 Transportation Improvement Program) for service hour expansion of SmartLink’s dial-a-ride service. J. Approve the Renewal Application for a Precious Metal License for Samuel D. Rockne dba Excel Pawn & Jewelry. K. Authorize submittal of a Watercraft Inspection Grant Application to the Department of Natural Resources. L. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-054; Authorizing an Amendment to the Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Plan 2016-2017. M. Adopt Resolution No. 2017063; Authorizing Entering Into Cooperative Agreements With Jackson and Louisville Townships for Their Participation in the 2017 Sealcoat Project. N. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-065; Authorizing Entering Into a Cost Sharing Agreement With Shakopee Public Utilities for the County Highway 79 and County Highway 78 Trail Project in the City of Shakopee. O. Adopt Resolution No. 2017066; Acknowledging Receipt and Acceptance of Gifts to Scott County. P. Approve the appointment of citizens to advisory committees: Shamrock Adams of Commissioner District 1 to an at-large position on the Mental Health Local Advisory Council effective May 2, 2017 through December 31, 2017 and Andrew Petrenko of Commissioner District 5 to the Human Services Resource Council effective May 2, 2017 through December 31, 2017. Q. Separation of employment for Angela Louricas, FT Financial Assistance Specialist, Health and Human Services Division, effective 04/28/17. Separation of employment for Erika Wilson, Intermittent (34% FTE) Library Associate-Unclassified, Community Services Division, effective 04/14/17. FT Probationary employment for Christopher Bruhn, Assessment Technician, Community Services Division, effective 04/24/17. FT Probationary employment for Aaron Thibert, Corrections Officer, Sheriff’s Office, effective 04/24/17. FT Probationary employment for Samantha Goldman, Child Protection Worker, Health and Human Services Division, effective 04/17/17. FT Probationary employment for Shannon Gibson, Social
Work Case Manager, Health and Human Services Division, effective 04/24/17. FT Probationary employment for Mariah Mandich, Assistant Probation Officer, Health and Human Services Division, effective 05/01/17. FT Probationary employment for Anne Westall, 911 Dispatcher, Sheriff’s Office, effective 05/22/17. FT Temporary employment for Chrissy Degendorfer, Office Assistant-Unclassified, Office of Management and Budget, effective 05/16/17. Intermittent (34% FTE) employment for John Glisczinski, Business Analyst-Unclassified, Health and Human Services Division, effective 05/03/17. Promotion for Nelson Rhodus, FT Assistant County Attorney II to FT Probationary Assistant County Attorney III, Attorney’s Office, effective 03/25/17. Promotion for Kristin Hendrick, FT Assistant County Attorney I to FT Probationary Assistant County Attorney II, Attorney’s Office, effective 03/17/17. Promotion for Scott Norring, FT Social Work Case Manager to FT Probationary Child Protection Worker, Health and Human Services Division, effective 04/24/17. (6) Stewardship: Ensuring the Responsible and Stable Investment of Taxpayer Dollars and Communicating its Value to the Public: A. Commissioner Weckman Brekke moved, seconded by Commissioner Wolf to adopt Resolution No. 2017-061; Authorizing Access to Properties Addressed 12835 Ventura Court, Including Both Parcels Legally Described a Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Emerald Park 2nd Addition in Jackson Township That are Potentially Impacted by the Trunk Highway (TH) 169/TH 41/County Highway (CH) 78/CH 14 Improvement Project for Survey and Environmental testing Purposes. A copy of the resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and is made a part of this record by reference. The motion carried unanimously. (7) Customer Service: Creating a Customer Experience That is Respectful, Responsive and Solution-Oriented: Business Information/Systems Specialist Troy Pint announced the 2016 Second Quarter Spirit of Scott Awards have been presented to Information Technology Manager Janelle Day, Social Work Case Manager Christina Lopez, Financial Assistance Specialist Leslie Letson, and Social Work Case Manager Nichole Smith for going above and beyond in the area of excellence in customer service. (8) Commitment: Developing a High Quality Workforce That is Dedicated to Advancing a Safe, Health and Livable Community: Commissioner moved, seconded by Commissioner to adopt Resolution No. 2017-053; Proclaiming May 5-13, 2017 as Correctional Officers’ Week in Scott County. A copy of the resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and is made a part of this record by reference. The motion carried unanimously. (9) Leadership: Anticipating Changes and Managing Challenges Based on Reliable I n f o r m a t i o n and Citizen Input Continued: B. Commissioner Wolf moved, seconded by Commissioner Weckman Brekke to open the public hearing to receive public comment on the implementation of portable recording devices, also known as “body worn camera”, for deputies who are licensed peace officers at 10:36 a.m. The motion carried unanimously. Hearing no public comment, Commissioner Wolf moved, seconded by Commissioner Ulrich to close the public hearing at 10:39 a.m. C. Commissioner Wolf moved, seconded by Commissioner Weckman Brekke to authorize release of the 2016 Scott Watershed Management Organization Annual Report and Newsletter. The motion carried unanimously. (10) Stewardship: Ensuring the Responsible and Stable Investment of Taxpayer Dollars and Communicating its Value to the Public Continued: B. Commissioner Ulrich moved, seconded by Commissioner Wolf to adopt Resolution No. 2017-059; Authorizing an Amendment to the Scott Watershed Management Organization 2017 Budget. A copy of the resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and is made a part of this record by reference. The motion carried unanimously. On a motion by Commissioner Wolf, seconded by Commissioner Beer, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Michael L. Beard, Chair Gary L. Shelton, County Administrator, Clerk of the Board Debra K. Brazil, Deputy Clerk to the Board This is a summary of the Board proceedings (M.S. 375.12). The full text is available at (which can be accessed at any public library), and in the office of the County Administrator. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, June 21, 2017.
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