Vows Exchanged at Episcopal Church
Cross Country Teams Finish High at Section Meet
Longtime Belle Plaine Letter Carrier Mailing It In Page 14
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Voters Will Decide New Half of Belle Plaine School Board
Working together, volunteers with the Belle Plaine Area Food Shelf, Thrivent Financial and Oak Crest Elementary School are starting a program to help provide healthy food and snacks for children in need over extended holiday breaks. Pictured above is Pat Ollhoff of the food shelf, Liann Hanson, Oak Crest principal, Karen Borresen-Berg, a Thrivent associate, and Laurel Miller, a para-professional at Oak Crest.
Backpack Program Aims to Help Needy Students Over Breaks
Pat Ollhoff, the operations manager at the Belle Plaine Food Shelf recalls a teenage boy stopping by the food shelf during a recent weekend. The family had almost no food in the house and the boy was looking for help. There was no school lunch breakfast or lunch program to provide the children with a healthy meal. In Belle Plaine’s public schools, just over one-fourth of students’ families qualify for free or reduced cost meal service, a number that’s slowly grown over the past five years. At Oak Crest Elemen-
tary School, that means about 130 of the school’s 500-plus students qualify for free or reduced price meals. While students needing healthy, balanced meals have access to the school district’s food service Monday through Friday, that service is obviously not available weekends and during extended holiday breaks, like Thanksgiving and over Christmas. Starting at Oak Crest Elementary, the Backpack Program will provide students and families in need with healthy food that will bridge the gap during extended holiday breaks. It will start this
year over the Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. “Having enough food is just so basic,” said Liann Hanson, principal at Oak Crest Elementary School. She noted children who don’t have enough food are far less likely to succeed in school. With donated food collected via food drives run by the Oak Crest Student Council, school staff will discreetly provide students with food and healthy snacks for the breaks. Once the program is established, it can
Backpack Program (continued on page 8)
School Board Reaches Tentative Agreements With Two Unions
Last Tuesday was a productive day for negotiators on the Belle Plaine School Board. The school district reached tentative agreements with the unions representing its teachers and support staff. Members of both unions will be reviewing the details of the proposed contracts this week. They’ll vote on them later this
week or next week. If approved by the two unions’ rank-and-file, the school board plans to include them on the agenda for a special meeting Nov. 11. Negotiators reached the agreement that evening after approximately 90 minutes of proposals and private discussions. The tentative contract agree-
State Berths on Line for Football, Volleyball Teams It’s possible the Belle Plaine High School football and volleyball teams could qualify for state tournament berths this week as both are No. 1 seeds in their respective tournaments and both won last week’s playoff match-ups convincingly. It’s been decades (if ever) that Belle Plaine qualified two teams for state in fall sports. Although the volleyball team has made it there on multiple occasions in recent years, the football Tigers have not been to state in 20 years. In the first round of the 1993 state playoffs, Belle Plaine loss to St. Cloud Cathedral on a cold and mixed-precipitation-filled night at Tiger Park in Belle Plaine. St. Cloud Cathedral went on to win its second-straight state championship that season, but like Belle Plaine, has not been back to the state tournament since that year. Coincidently, St. Cloud Cathedral, like Belle
Plaine, is one win away from breaking its 20-year drought. It will play Pierz for the Section 5AAA championship this Friday night in St. Cloud. The Tigers overwhelmed last year’s defending Class 3A state champion Blue Earth Area 33-7 in the Section 3AAA semifinals Saturday at the Belle Plaine Athletic Complex. Belle Plaine will host No. 2 seed Fairmont for the section title 7 p.m. this Friday. More about Saturday’s game against BEA and this Friday’s even bigger game against Fairmont appears inside this edition of the Herald. The Belle Plaine volleyball team, which swept Le SueurHenderson in the opening round Thursday night, was heavily favored to defeat Norwood Young America in the semifinals of the
(continued on page 8)
ment for 2013-14 and 2014-15 with the 110 teachers, members of the Education MinnesotaBelle Plaine Education Association, reflects a 6.55 percent increase over the current contract. It represents about $15.5 million in spending on salaries and benefits over the next two years. Details of the proposed pact include an additional $800 per cell on the steps (experience) and lanes (additional education) schedule in the first year and an additional 2 percent increase the second year. Teachers leading teams and groups in co-curricular activities will also see a wage increase – 2 percent the first year and 2½ percent the second year of the contract. The final financial piece of the proposed contract with the BPEA is a 3 percent increase in the district’s contribution to health care the first year of the agreement and 1½ percent increase in the contribution the second year of the deal. The final hurdle in contract language was the number of
School Board
(continued on page 14)
Fall Back Saturday Night Daylight Saving Time ends early Sunday morning (Nov. 3), meaning you should set your clocks back one hour before going to bed Saturday night.
Voters will provide the Belle Plaine School Board with a potentially distinctive different look Tuesday when they elect three new directors to the sixperson board. Votes can be cast Nov. 5 at the Belle Plaine Government Center, 218 Meridian Street N. in downtown Belle Plaine. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. With no other elections on the ballot, a light turnout is expected. None of the incumbents – directors Judy Nagel, Mike Daly and Gary Steinhagen – are seeking re-election. The five candidates for three school board seats, each with a fouryear term, are Dan Gardner, Dan Giesen, Larry Kiewel, Aaron Provancha and Joe Vandermark. Gardner is a retired Belle Plaine School District activities director and junior high dean. He also served a year as the interim principal at Our Lady of the Prairie Catholic elementary School. He is currently the executive director of the Minnesota River Conference. He has three adult children. Gardner wants to help shape the district and make a positive impact on education as the district faces changes now and in the future. Giesen and his wife have three school-age children. The director of operations at Video Guidance, a video conferencing solutions provider in Bloomington, he is running to serve his community and give time and energy to shape its devel-
side looking in. Provancha is a physics teacher and a substitute para-profesThe candidates particisional. He is married to a Belle pated in a Q & A sesPlaine School District teacher. sion with the Herald and He is hoping to bring a fresh School District Candiperspective to the board along dates’ forum. Details of with his experience in education for the betterment of the both are on the Herald’s community. web site -- www.belleVandermark is married with plaineherald.com three school-age children. He works in the information techopment and growth. nology profession and is seekA retiree, Kiewel and his wife ing election to the board to have two adult children and four grandchildren. He is seekVoters ing a seat on the board to help (continued on page 11) play a role in important decisions rather than be on the out-
Online Info
Pine City Girl, 8, Killed in Crash on Highway 169 Sunday A girl from Pine City, Minn., was killed in a crash along Highway 169 near Blakeley Trail Sunday just after 2 p.m. Laura Maloney was a passenger in a 2008 Ford Super Duty truck driven by Walter Grewe of Brooklyn Park. They were heading north on Highway 169 when Grewe, 62, had to slow down quickly to avoid a 2008 Honda Civic that had slowed down, according to the Minnesota State Patrol. The truck rear-ended the Honda driven by a Mankato man, Timothy Adams, 48. Grewe lost control of the truck
and entered the ditch. The horse trailer the Ford Super Duty was towing landed on the truck. The girl’s mother, 35-year-old Erin Maloney of Pine City, was also a passenger in the truck. Like Grewe, she suffered nonlife-threatening injuries in the crash, according to the state patrol. The crash and rescue efforts prompted the Minnesota State Patrol, Belle Plaine police and firefighters to close Highway 169 and reroute traffic through Blakeley and Belle Plaine for over three hours.
Business Trick-or-Treat Thursday The Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Halloween Business Trick-orTreat this Thursday from 3-5 p.m. Many downtown businesses and a number of others throughout the community are participating, just look for the pumpkin cutout in the window. Also participating is The Lutheran Home, where residents from 3-5 p.m. will gather in a circle to hand out treats in the home’s Chapel. Participants can enter through The Lutheran Home’s main entrance.
Public School Halloween Events
Chatfield Elementary School students will hold their annual parade of costumed participants at the “high school” gym starting at 2 p.m. Thursday. The event is open to the public and doors will open at 1:35 p.m. Oak Crest Elementary School is not having a costume parade this year. Instead, each class will hold its own Halloween observance in the classroom. Belle Plaine High School’s annual Halloween Dance at the school was held this past Friday night.
First Presbyterian Church Sloppy Joe Dinner
First Presbyterian Church on West Main Street downtown will hold its third annual Halloween observance from 4-6 p.m. this Thursday. The event will include trick-or-treats and a sloppy joe dinner.
This is just one of the creatures that will be greeting trick-ortreaters in Belle Plaine Thursday night. Just one hint – it’s located north of Highway 169.
Rock Church invites all kids up to sixth grade to its annual Community Kids Harvest Party in the Chatfield Elementary School gym from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Costumes are encouraged. There will be a special prize for the best Bible character River costume. This Harvest Party
Kids Harvest Party
Waiting for You
includes fun games, a bounce house, lots of free candy and door prizes. More information can be found at www.riverrockchurch. com or by calling the church at 952-873-5453.
Klatts Observe 25 Years Of Service to The Lutheran Home Association
Oct. 24 marked Michael Klatt’s 25th year of service to The Lutheran Home Association (TLHA). Starting as a direct care worker in 1988, Klatt began his career in an entry-level position and gained invaluable experience and knowledge that would help form his leadership style. He was promoted to different roles with increasing responsibility and then appointed president and CEO in 1997. A natural visionary, Klatt played a significant role in growing TLHA from an organization that served 200 residents on one campus to an organization with five campuses serving almost 1,000 residents. He has championed the use of technology on the campuses and The Lutheran Home: Belle Plaine was one of the first nursing homes in Minnesota to adopt electronic charting while Kingsway Retirement Living employs sensor monitoring technology in the assisted living community. Klatt also created the Office of Mission Advancement, the fund-raising arm of the organization, and the program became self-sufficient in three years and met national standards in four years. Under his direction, TLHA also incorporated a new ministry, Jesus Cares Ministries (JCM). JCM assists congregations in reaching out to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families and communities. With over 100 satellite locations nationwide, each program encourages Bible studies, worship and fellowship opportunities. With a servant leadership style, Klatt has built a stable, highperforming organization by putting people first in a Christcentered environment. Respect, excellence in customer service and continuous improvement are values he expects of his team and also delivers himself. Through his stewardship and commitment to the care of the soul, Klatt leads by example
Observing History and Future Michael and Shari Klatt as a humble servant doing the Lord’s work. Klatt is also a strong influence in the health care industry and the community-at-large. He is a member of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, Association of Fund-raising Professionals, Association of Residential Resources in Minnesota, Aging Services of Minnesota (ASM) and Wisconsin Heath Care Association. He serves on the board for Healthsense Care Alliance, Great Plains Lutheran High School (Watertown, SD) and previously served on the board of directors for ASM. In 2006, Gov. Tim Pawlenty
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INVISIBLE* HEARING SOLUTIONS nities. With over 100 satellite programs, Gaertner is charged with developing a new growth strategy, strengthening existing programs and ultimately ensuring we are meeting the spiritual needs of the IDD community. Gaertner is an ordained minister and a graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Until accepting this new role, he served as a parish pastor for the past 23 years. At his parishes, he saw the opportunity to reach out to families of individuals with developmental disabilities and adapted routine activities to suit their needs. He also actively participated in a number of outside organizations serving as chairman of the WELS Intellectual and Developmental Ministry Committee, chairman of the Translation Evaluation Floor Committee at the 2013 Synod Convention and chairman of the Winnebago Lutheran Academy Executive Board. Questions or comments for Gaertner can be directed to jpgaertner@tlha.org.
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Pet Adoption Nov. 2 Volunteers for the Carver-Scott Humane Society will hold a pet adoption on Saturday, Nov. 2 from noon to 3 p.m. It will be hosted at PETCO in Chaska, which is located off old Highway 41 and Pioneer Trail. CSHS is without its own building and all pets are housed in foster care. All cats and dogs have been micro ID implanted, vet checked, wormed, had shots updated, checked for friendly temperaments and age appropriately spayed/neutered. Adoption fees are $175+ for cats and $200+ for dogs. Call the Society for more information on adopting a homeless pet at 952-368-3553 or visit www.carverscotths.org.
Prices starting as low as $750 each!
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On Oct. 23, The Lutheran Home Association (TLHA) installed Rev. Joel Gaertner as the new Vice President, Ministry and National Director, Jesus Cares Ministries. The Vice President, Ministry role is a new position that will provide focus and guidance to the entire organization; reinforcing our existing mission of providing a place “where care of the soul is the soul of care�. Gaertner will also assume the National Director role of Jesus Cares Ministries (JCM). JCM is a ministry of TLHA and assists congregations in reaching out to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), their families and communities. Nationwide, JCM programs encourage Bible studies, worship and fellowship opportu-
5)634 /07 1.
appointed him to the Minnesota Board on Aging. Klatt also served on the Belle Plaine Economic Development Authority for 10 years. Shari Klatt is also celebrating 25 years of service to TLHA. She has served as an Administrative Assistant; most recently with Human Resources and Jesus Cares Ministries, throughout her career. She also has been an example of service by helping with a variety of new construction openings, special projects and managed Boessling Village Apartments for one year, going above and beyond her regular duties.
Belle Plaine’s historic Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration was back in the wedding business for the first time in a number of decades Saturday with the marriage of Rachel Simmons and Aaron Houck. Pictured above is the bride taking a stroll to the main entrance of the church with her personal attendant, Marria Thompson. Pictured below are Simmons and Houck exchanging vows, which was performed by Simmons’ grandfather, Rev. James Barnes. Simmons, a history enthusiast, became acquainted with the church through her position as a member of the Scott County Historical Society Board of Directors, and after visiting the 145year-old site, she knew that’s where she wanted to get married.
Rev. Joel Gaertner Joins Lutheran Home Staff
Emma Krumbee’s General Store
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WEDNESDAY, october 30, 2013
Donald W. Borchardt
Donald W. Borchardt, 83, with his loving family present at his side, passed away peacefully and entered God’s arms the morning of Wednesday, October 23, 2013, at his home in Prior Lake. Celebration of Life Service was on Monday, October 28 at 11 a.m., with visitation two hours prior all at Fish Lake Immanuel Lutheran Church, 20200 Fairlawn Avenue, Prior Lake. Pastor Brent Parrish presided. Don was laid to rest next to his triplet brother, Delbert at St. Paul’s Lutheran Cemetery in Prior Lake. Services were with Ballard-Sunder Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Prior Lake Chapel. Otto and Clara (Klingberg) Borchardt proudly announced the birth of Donald William, born on the family farm, on January 2, 1930, in Spring Lake Township. His birth was quite unique, for Don was the oldest of triplets. Don, Delbert and Doris weighed a combined total of 5 pounds.They stayed warm packed in cotton and laid in shoe boxes, on top of the oven door. Living during the depression, they were blessed to have survived. As a young boy, Don walked to school ‘both ways up hill,’ to Fish Lake Immanuel Lutheran Church. He later attended District 17. When it came to high school, Don drove the students to Shakopee High School, attended school and drove the students back home. He graduated from Shakopee in 1949. After high school he helped his dad and uncle on their farms. Most of Don’s career was spent working as a carpenter for Sears. For over 20 years, he also had a small business sharpening saw blades. Life became complete for Don when he married the girl next door, Verna Mae Busse, on September 11, 1954, at St.
Stop N’ Shop FALL Boutique
Paul’s Lutheran Church, in Prior Lake. They were blessed with two daughters, Debbie and Lori. As a family, they treasured the annual vacations up north, where their days were spent fishing. Later in life, Don made many trips to Alaska, hoping to catch that prize fish. He also liked to deer hunt as well. As a couple, Don and Verna traveled to all 50 states, Canada and set sail on a cruise in the Caribbean. For 20 years, Don was a member of the Prior Lake Volunteer Fire Department, with serving as assistant chief for two years. He was also a member of the Prior Lake City Council and served two years as treasurer for the City of Prior Lake. A faithful servant of the Lord, Don was an active member of the Fish Lake Immanuel Lutheran Church, as an elder and a secretary. Don was a compassionate and loving husband, dad, grandpa, great-grandpa and brother. He had this soft heart and happy personality, which will be forever missed. He will be deeply missed and remembered always by those who loved him, wife, Verna of Prior Lake; children, Debbie (Stan) Schultz of Park Rapids, Lori (Chuck) Marquardt of Soldotna, Alaska; grandchildren, Jamie Schultz, Derek (Shauna) Schultz, Josh Marquardt, Nick Marquardt; great-grandchildren, Casey and Carter Schultz; sisters, Lois Will of Shakopee, Phyllis Rowe of Prior Lake, Doris Malz of Prior Lake; sister-in-law, Carol Thorsfeldt of Prior Lake; and other relatives and devoted friends. Don is preceded in death by parents, Otto and Clara; siblings, Floyd (Nora) Borchardt, Delbert (Glendora) Borchardt, Fern (Lester) Blohm; brother-inlaws, Carl Will, Harold Rowe, and Ray Malz. Don’s grandson, Derek Schultz was the urn bearer, with the rest of the grandchildren and greatgrandchildren being honorary bearers.
Birth Announcement
Sat., November 2, 2013 10:00a.m. - 2:00p.m.
Belle Plaine Vets Club Downtown Belle Plaine Homemade Crafts & Home Baked Goodies of all kinds! Free Coffee & Cookies!
Our Pumpkin is turning 30 on the 31st!
Church News
Betty G. Windschitl Betty Geraldine Windschitl, 85, of Belle Plaine, passed away Wednesday, October 23, 2013, at Auburn Manor Care Center in Chaska. Funeral Service was Monday, October 28 at 11 a.m. at Bertas Funeral Home, 200 W. 3rd St., Chaska, with the Reverend Mike Sindelar, of Valley Free Evangelical Church, Chaska, officiating. The visitation was Sunday, October 27 from 4-8 p.m. at the Bertas Funeral Home, and also one hour prior to service. Burial was at Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Chaska. Betty was born May 20, 1928 in Mountain Lake, MN, the only child of William and Dorothy (Rinehart) Steinhoff. She graduated from Comfrey High School in Comfrey, the class of 1946. On March 16, 1948 she married Melvin Windschitl in Comfrey. They had seven children. Betty loved spending time with her grandchildren and also baking, sewing and quilting. She would make quilts for all of her family’s special events such as births and weddings. Her husband Melvin died in 1996. Survivors include her children, Linda Carlson, of Atlanta, GA, Brian (Billie) Windschitl, of Chanhassen, Brenda (Ralph) Anderson, of Shakopee, Bruce Windschitl, of CA, Mark (fiancee’, Connie Liestman) Windschitl, of Chaska, Susan Windschitl, of Shakopee, Randy Windschitl, of Prior Lake; 13 grandchildren; 20 greatgrandchildren; close friends, Snook and Virginia; special companion, her cat Braco; and brother-in-law, Raymond (Marilyn) Windschitl of Detroit Lakes. Betty is preceded in death by her parents; and husband, Melvin. Casketbearers were her grandchildren.
B.P. Fire Department Relief Association
Ryan and Krystle Ladd of Belle Plaine are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Rylynn Grace Ladd. Rylynn was born September 29, 2013 at 2:26 p.m. at Ridgeview Medical Center in Waconia. Rylynn weighed 7 pounds and was 19 inches long. Grandparents are Nelson and Cindy Ladd of Belle Plaine, Tim Manthe of Henderson, and Paul and Sheree Jeffrey of Belle Plaine. Great-grandparents are Arlene Manthe of Belle Plaine, Robert and Jane Jeffrey of River Falls, WI and Marlys Knautz of Harlingen, TX.
Wedding Anniversary Open House
Judy & Robert Sellnow
Sunday, November 10, 2013 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. Music by: Barefoot Becky
Pla-Mor Ballroom 9th & Stevens, Glencoe, MN
Soup & Pie Supper Craft & Bake Sale Monday, November 4 • 4-8p.m. FREE WILL OFFERING
Homemade Soup - A bottomless bowl
• Chicken Dumpling • Clam Chowder • Chili
Made with the freshest homegrown ingredients and stirred up by the extraordinary Zion cooks.
Enjoy a delicious piece of pie for dessert
Stop by the Craft and Bake Sale sponsored by ZEL
ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL 14735 County Road 153 • Cologne, MN 55322 Funds Supplemented by Thrivent
52 CLUB RAFFLE Winner - $100 Jr Hendel
Senior Dining Seniors 60 years and older are invited to join us for Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. For dining reservations please call 952-873-6311 three days prior between the 9 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. weekdays. A contribution of $3.75 is requested for each meal. Meals are served at 11:30 a.m. Cardinal Ridge Apartments CAP Agency Senior Dining
Wednesday, October 30 Beef Pot Roast, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy, Buttered Corn, Dinner Roll w/Marg., Halloween Frosted Cake RCD Unfrosted Cake Thursday, October 31 Chicken Strips w/BBQ Packet, Minnesota Mac & Cheese, Zucchini, Melon, Whole Wheat Bread w/Marg., Cherry Gelatin Friday, November 1 Pulled Turkey w/Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Normandy Blend Vegs., Light Rye Bread w/Marg., Toffee Bar Monday, November 4 Chicken Primavera over Fettuccini, Italian Green Beans, Tropical Fruit, Breadstick w/ Marg., Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Tuesday, November 5 Election Day Ham Steak w/Honey Mustard Glaze OR: Chicken w/ Honey Mustard Glaze, Baby Red Potatoes w/Marg, Mixed Vegetables, Pumpernickel w/ Marg., Fresh Melon Wednesday, November 6 Chicken & Wild Rice Casserole, Steamed Beets, Fruit Cup, French Bread w/Marg., Peach Shortcake
Our Lady of The Prairie Catholic Church - Belle Plaine Fr. Michael Kaluza 952-873-6564 Wednesday, October 30 8:00 am. Rosary 8:30 am. Mass 9:00 am – 9:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Thursday, October 31 8:00 am. Rosary 8:30 am. Mass Friday, November 01 All Saints Day First Friday 8:00 am. Rosary 8:30 am. Mass 9:00 am – 11:00 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration 7:00 p.m. Mass CCW Remembrance Saturday, November 02 All Souls Day First Saturday 8:00 am. Rosary 8:30 am. Mass 4:15 p.m. Mass Sunday, November 03 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:00 am Mass 10:00 am Mass Tuesday, November 05 8:00 am. Rosary 8:30 am. Mass 9:00 am – 9:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday, November 06 8:00 am. Rosary 8:30 am. Mass 9:00 am – 9:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration St. John Lutheran Church 148 S. Chestnut Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Pastor Mark Johnson sjlc@frontiernet.net 952-873-6492 Wednesday, October 30 5:30 Food 6 p.m. 5, 6 Connect 7:30 Worship Choir Thursday, October 31 10:00 Bible Study Leaders Saturday, November 2 7:00 Weight Watchers Sunday, November 3 8:00 & 10:30 Worship (Holy Communion) 9:15 Sunday School 9:15 Informational Mtg. 1:00 New Member Class Monday, November 4 8:00 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 Boy Scouts Tuesday, November 5 10:00 Cardinal Ridge 11:00 Lutheran Home 1:00 Kingsway 1:00 Quilting 6:30 Core Meeting 7:00 Esther Circle Wednesday, November 6 5:30 Meal 6 p.m. 5th & 6th Connect 7:30 Worship Choir Oratory of St. Thomas the Apostle - Jessenland Father Sam Perez 507-248-3550 Thursdays: Mass at 5 p.m. St. John-Assumption Parish 26523 200th Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Father Sam 507-248-3550 Sundays: 10 a.m. Mass Holy Family Academy & Chapel Traditional Latin Mass 10679 182nd St., Belle Plaine, MN 56011 (952) 873-2582 or 873-6613 (coord.) Fr. Christopher Leith Sundays 2:15 p.m. Confessions 2:40 p.m. Rosary / 3 p.m. Mass Academy Mass - call for times
Belle Plaine Herald Founded 1882 by J.E. Townsend
C.Edward Townsend, Publisher & Editor
The Belle Plaine Herald (USPS 260730) is published every Wednesday at Belle Plaine, MN 113 East Main, P.O. Box 7, Belle Plaine, MN 56011. Periodicals postage paid at the Belle Plaine Post Office.
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Redeemer Lutheran Church St. Paul’s United 14226 W. 280th Street, Church of Christ Henderson, 111 S. 6th Street, Henderson Pr. Diane Goulson Pastor-Rev. Brigit Stevens 507-665-2932 507-248-3594 (Office) On Highway 19, 2 miles East Sunday, Oct. 27 of Highway 169 9-9:50 a.m. Sunday School Sunday, Nov. 3 10 a.m. Worship All Saints Sunday 8:30 am One Room Sunday First Presbyterian Church School 219 W. Main Street, Belle Adult Education – Judaism Plaine, MN 9:30 am Worship with 952-873-2966 Communion (Children Sing) Pastor Don Genereux 10:30 am Potluck Fundraiser for www.fpcbelleplaine.org Nathan Baseman fpcbelleplaine@frontiernet.net Wed., Nov. 6 Welcome-Learn-Serve 6:30–8:00 pm Confirmation Inspirational Message Line Apostles’ Creed Book of 952-583-3302 Exodus Wednesday, October 30th 1:00-2:30 Bible Study East Union Lutheran Church Visitations 15180 Cty. Rd. 40 Thursday, October 31st Carver, MN 55315 4-6 pm Annual Halloween 952-448-3450 Sloppy Joe Event Sundays Sunday, November 3rd 9 a.m. Worship (Holy 24th Sunday after Pentecost Communion on the 1st, 3rd, & Service of the Lord’s Supper 5th Sundays) 9:00 am Hunters Worship 10 a.m. Fellowship Time & SS Service Venison Meatball Stew dinner West Union Lutheran Church follow service 15820 Market Ave. Operation Christmas Child folCologne, MN 55315 lows dinner Church: 952-466-5678 Church Council Meeting westunion1@juno.com Wednesday, November 6th Pastor: Wolfgang Laudert 1:00 pm Bible Study Wednesday, October 30 Visitations 6 p.m. Sweet hour of prayer 6:30 p.m. Confirmation Zion Lutheran Church & 7 p.m. Choir School Saturday, November 2 14745 County Road 153 7:30 a.m. Men’s Group Cologne, MN 55322 9:30 a.m. Womens Bible Study 952-466-3379 Youth Group Girls & Guys e-mail: brendathompsonzion@ Night Out gmail.com Sunday, November 3 Pastor: Eric Zacharias 9 a.m. Worship Wednesday, October 30 10 a.m. Sunday School/program 7 p.m. Confirmation Class practice 7:30 p.m. Choir Youth Group wreath orders due R: Larry Johnson Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church Tuesday, November 5 500 West Church Street 7:30 p.m. Women of Faith Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Wednesday, November 6 952-873-6545 6 p.m. Sweet hour of prayer Pastor John H. Meyer 6:30 p.m. Confirmation www.trinitybelleplaine.org 7 p.m. Choir Wednesday, October 30 6 p.m. Midweek Catechism River Rock Church Class PO Box 184, 7 p.m. Senior Choir Practice Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Thursday, October 31 www.riverrockchurch.com 8:25 a.m. School Chapel info@riverrockchurch.com 7 p.m. Midweek Worship Service Worshiping at BP Chatfield with Communion Elem. School Sunday, November 3 @ 330 S. Market Street 8 a.m. Adult Bible Study Ministry Center: 9 a.m. Reformation Worship 124 W. Main Street, BP Service with Communion (Usher (952) 873-5453 Team 4/ Video: Schmidt) Junior Lead Pastor Chris Teien Choir sings Associate Pastor Dan Jetto 10 a.m. Coffee Hour (Hosted (Please call for locations) by LGP) * denotes 330 S. Market 10:30 a.m. Bible Study and ** denotes 124 W. Main St. Sunday School Wednesday, Oct 30 11:30 a.m. Youth Discipleship 6:30-7:40 PM COMMUNITY Committee Meeting HARVEST PARTY for kids up 11:30 a.m. Lutheran Girl Pioneers to 6th grade Meeting 6:30-8:00 PM Sr High Youth 4:30 p.m. Martial Arts Class Group** 6:30 p.m. Open Gym Adult Thursday, Oct 31 Volleyball 7:00 PM Women’s “Stuck” Monday, November 4 Bible Study (call for location) No School Sunday, Nov 3 7 p.m. Worship Committee 10-11:15 AM Worship Svc* Meeting 3:30-5:00 PM Bible Quizzing 7 p.m. Men’s Bible Study at Practice** Kingsway Monday, Nov 4 Tuesday, November 5 6:30 PM Women’s “Stuck” 6:30 p.m. PTO Meeting Bible Study (call for location) 7 p.m. Women’s Enrichment at 7:00-8:30 PM Men’s 1 Peter Kingsway Bible Study** 7 p.m. Trinity Knotters Wednesday, Nov 6 Wednesday, November 6 6:30-7:40 PM Kids Bible Adv 3:20 p.m. Faculty Bible Study Club HARVEST PARTY & Jr 6 p.m. Midweek Catechism High Youth Group* Class 6:30–8:00 PM Sr High Youth 7 p.m. Senior Choir Practice Group** St. Joseph Catholic Church 213 South 6th Street Henderson, MN 56044 507-248-3550 Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass: 8:00 a.m.
Belle Plaine Herald
Chicken DINNER
Sun., Nov. 3, 2013 4:00-6:00 p.m.
East Union Lutheran Church Co. Rd. 40 Carver, MN
(952) 873-2261 Legal Newspaper of Independent School District #716, City of Belle Plaine and Scott County.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $26 Per year in Minnesota $30 Per year out-of-state 75¢ Single copy Advertising Deadlines:
Golden Nugget Insert: 12 p.m. Friday
Thurs., Oct. 31 • 4-6 pm
Our 3rd Annual Sloppy Joe Dinner Once again, Brian Stoltz will make his “talk of the town” specialty*
Sun., Nov. 3 • 9-11am
9am Special Hunters’ Worship Service followed by Venison Meatball Stew* at 11am
First Presbyterian Church * FREE will offering • 15% goes to Food Shelf
PAGE four
USDA Program Offers Single-Family Home Loans The USDA Rural Development Agency is currently accepting applications for loans available to low-income families to buy, build, rehabilitate or improve homes located in rural communities with a population of 20,000 or less. The maximum loan limits for the counties served throughout the region, which includes Scott County, range from $161,800 in Faribault County to $193,800 in Goodhue County. Approval for the maximum amount is based on household income and monthly debt obligations. No down payment is required and a portion of the loan closing costs may be included into the loan. The applicant must be unable to obtain the needed credit from another lending source, have an acceptable credit history, meet income guidelines, have repay-
ment capacity to service any existing obligations and the home loan payment, be without adequate housing, be a United States citizen or a non-citizen legally admitted for permanent residence and have the ability to personally occupy the home on a permanent basis. Funding is based upon an annual appropriation. Loans may be made for up to 100 percent of the appraised value of the home. The Rural Development loan may be subsidized based on financial need in order to show repayment capacity. The repayment period of the loan is typically 33 years. For information, contact the USDA, Rural Development office at 1408 21st Ave NW #3, Austin, MN 55912. (507-4378247, ext. 4.). Information is also available at www.rurdev. usda.gov/mn.
Farm Land Rental Rates to be Topic of Meeting Nov. 6 Landlords, farmers and agribusiness professionals should make plans to attend one of the informative meetings being held across central and southern Minnesota. These free meetings are being provided by the University of Minnesota Extension. Farm land rental rates have never been higher and determining a fair and profitable farm rent agreement is a challenge in today’s economy with recent record corn and soybean prices and record farm land values. A meeting will be held locally on Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 1:30 p.m. at the Scott County Extension Office in Jordan. Negotiating a fair rental agreement that satisfies the land owner and the farmer is a challenge. David Bau, extension educator
in ag business management, will provide several ways; by examples, factsheets and worksheets to determine a fair farm land rental rate for both parties. Topics covered at the meetings will include local historic and projected farmland rental rate trends, current farm land values and sales and a worksheet that will help determine a fair and profitable rental agreement. Input costs for 2014 will be presented along with current 2014 corn and soybean prices. Worksheets will examine 2014 costs and what is affordable rent that a farmer will be able to pay in 2014, the rate of return to the landlord at current market values and examine flexible rental agreements. For more information, call 952-492-5386 or 952-492-4665306.
Golf Zone Acquired for New Highway 101 River Crossing Carver County has acquired a business to make space for the expanded Highway 101 bridge and road project between Shakopee and Chanhassen. The county board agreed to a $748,570 settlement with the owners of Golf Zone (Rain Snow or Shine Golf) on County Road 61 near the Highway 101County Road 61 Y. The business will be part of the right-of-way for the expanded road project. The amount reflects the land and impact the project will have on the business in the years to come.
The county is acquiring less than one acre for a permanent easement for drainage and utilities and 2.1 acres as a temporary easement. The construction will completely include the par-three and mini courses, the Chaska Herald recently reported. The project will include a new four-lane roadway spanning 4,100 feet elevated above the floodplain. Bids are due next month. Work begins in January of 2014 and should run through the fall of 2015.
HHNHIICGIGHGHHV&VI IESETWW R A BLLEE AA B Invites and RR AAyouNNexperience CC HH &&greatSS trails TT A B great L Etimes!
Invites you experience great trails and great times!
Invites you experience great trails and great times!
Ranch Rodeo Programs
Full Service Boarding
Ranch Rodeo Programs Full Service Boarding Lessons on Cattle • Team Sorting League-fall/winter Team Sorting League –winter • Individual/Group Riding Lessons Team Sorting League –winter Riding Lessons Ranch Rodeo Programs Full Service Boarding Team Penning Events (TPA) • x Htd. Htd. Indoor & Outdoor arenas Indoor & Outdoor Arenas •x Penning/Sorting Events (AQHA) Team Penning Events (TPA) Htd. Indoor & Outdoor arenas Cut & Sort Sessions Performance Horse Training x Team Sorting League –winter x Riding Lessons • Performance Horse Training • Penning/Sorting Practice/Lessons Performance Horse Training Cut & Sort Sessions Penning /sorting Practice MNIndoor Horse & Council Certified Team Penning Events (TPA) • x MN Htd. Outdoor arenas Horse Certified Penning /sorting Practice MN HorseCouncil Council Certified •x Cattle on site for sessions Cattle on site for sessions Affordable Boarding Rates. Cattle on site for sessions Affordable Boarding Rates . Cut Service & Sort Sessions Performance Horse Training • x Affordable Boarding Rates •x Full Boarding x
x x
Proprietors: Linden Carol Hermel PenningProprietors: /sorting PracticeLinden MN&& Horse Council Certified Carol Hermel 32908ƈ285th AveƈLeSueurƈMNƈ56058 Cattle on site for sessionsAveƈLeSueurƈMNƈ56058 Affordable Boarding Rates. 32908ƈ285th 507-665-0019 x x
www.highviewstable.com www.highviewstable.com Proprietors: Linden & Carol Hermel 32908ƈ285th AveƈLeSueurƈMNƈ56058
Invites you experience great trails and great times! Invites you experience great trails and great times! x
Team Sorting League –winter Riding Lessons Team Sorting League –winter Lessons Team Penning Events (TPA) Riding Htd. Indoor & Outdoor arenas The Belle Events Plaine Council is seeking Team (TPA)City Htd. Indoor & Outdoor arenas Cut Penning & Sort Sessions Performance Horse Training CutPenning & Sort Sessions Performance Horse Training applicants to fill a vacancy EDA for a /sorting Practice MN on Horsethe Council Certified Penning /sorting Practice Horse Council Certified Cattle on site for sessions 31,MN Affordable Boarding Rates . term ending January 2016. Meetings are Cattle you on site for sessions Invites experience great trailsAffordable and greatBoarding times! Rates. x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x
x x x x
generally held at 5:00 p.m. on the second Proprietors: Linden & Carol Hermel 32908ƈ285th AveƈLeSueurƈMNƈ56058 Proprietors: Linden Carol Hermel Monday of the month with a&per diem of $40.00 32908ƈ285th AveƈLeSueurƈMNƈ56058 507-665-0019 Ranch Rodeo Programs Full ServiceinBoarding per meeting. Persons interested serving on 507-665-0019 www.highviewstable.com Team Sorting League –winter Riding Lessons the commission may download an application www.highviewstable.com Team Penning Events (TPA) Htd. Indoor & Outdoor arenas at www.belleplainemn.com, or by contacting Cut & Sort Sessions Performance Horse Training the City office at 952-873-5553. Please submit Penning /sortingby Practice Horse Council Certified application NovemberMN12, 2013.
x x x x
Cattle on site for sessions
x x
Affordable Boarding Rates.
WEDNESDAY, October 30, 2013
Green Isle City Council OKs Sale of 43 Vacant Lots to Developers
Although the timing of the future of 43 vacant residential lots is yet to be determined, they will soon be back in private ownership and back on the open market in Green Isle. Last Tuesday (Oct. 22) week, the city council formally approved the sale of the lots to developers Bill Feldman and Norm Beckman for $6,000 per lot. The pair was the high bidder for the lots from the start, but the council initially rejected their offer of $5,500 per lot after the bids were opened in a closed session Monday (Oct. 21) and the city told the pair they needed to up their bid. The following forming, Feldman and Beckman upped their bid for the lots by $500 apiece. The $258,000 the city will receive from the sale will be used to reduce the approximately $663,000 Green Isle still owes on the bonds that funded installation of streets, sewer and water lines when the developments were created about a decade ago. The city hoped to sell the lots for at least the value of the assessments against the bonds, about $15,400 per lot. The remaining money for the bonds – about $405,000 – will likely come from money levied from city taxpayers over the
next few years, said Bert Panning, the city’s clerk-treasurer. If Green Isle begins levying for the remaining $405,000 in 2014, it will take an additional 2 percent annual increase to cover the debt by the time the bonds come due in 2017, said Mayor Dale ZumBerge. Feldman and Beckman plan to begin marketing the 43 lots as soon as possible. They range from about 9,400 square feet on Gloria Drive to 27,000 square feet (almost 2/3 of an acre) on Erin Circle. The two men developed the lots in Lake Erin Estates just east of Irish Yard, the baseball park. Unlike Rosemount Development, which originally developed eight Green Isle additions, Feldman and Beckman never sought city assistance.
As I went through the process of looking for something library oriented and specific to this week or day, it became more obvious that Halloween themed things seem to dominate the week. For the most part, it is all of the obvious stuff. There were articles about the popular costumes and various articles about hauntings. About the only fresh thing I ran into is that some people consider October to be “Haunted Refrigerator Night”. It is a night to empty your refrigerator, clean it and then evaluate all of the items that you took out before you consider returning them to the refrigerator. I must admit that I have occasionally found something scary in a container that had worked its way to the back of the refrigerator. The near-Halloween timing might ‘Two Good Guys’ be correct. I can hear you asking “What does this have to do with “These are two good guys,” the library”. ZumBerge said. “We had this The answer is, almost nothing. deal cookin’ long before the It does demonstrate that there is bids came in.” a wide variety of things out there Monday, Feldman said he and to read about. That is about all I Beckman purchased the 43 can salvage from this reading adlots to protect their investment venture. in Lake Erin Estates, where We do have a lot of items that lots are currently selling for are significantly more worthy of $40,000. They are working with reading. If your mainstay is reada Realtor to assess the value of ing novels, consider jumping over the lots in Lake Erin Estates to autobiographies or biographies of people that you may be interested in. Just because it is factual (in theory, at least), does not mean that the contents are not interesting. There are a lot of people that have lead significant and interestThe Minnesota Valley Electric purchase chest-style freezers ing lives. Their story can be evCooperative (MVEC) recently and a large commercial refrigery bit as good as that which you would find in a novel. You may helped out Peace Center with erator. Located on the Mayo also enjoy evaluating the way a $4,700 donation toward chest Health Systems Campus (formerly Queen of Peace), the they spent their lives. Some might freezers. inspire you to try bigger and bet- MVEC’s donation helped the New Prague food shelf serves ter things. Others might provide New Prague area food shelf nearly 5,000 people annually. a valuable warning on lifestyles to avoid. Take a cruise through our biography section. You might pick up a book about somebody that you have always had an interest in or you might be really brave and pick one about somebody that you never liked or even heard of before. It is an opportunity to The Sibley East teacher who court proceeding. He pleaded learn and it beats cleaning out a pleaded guilty to using the vid- guilty to one count of interfereo recording feature on his cell ence with privacy, a gross-misrefrigerator any day of the year. The Friends of the Library will phone to record under a hair demeanor, Oct. 10. He’ll have be handing out Halloween pencils stylist’s dress has been placed to spend 30 days in the county and tootsie roll to trick or treaters on unpaid suspension pending jail, the Arlington Enterprise between 3-5 p.m. as part of the the outcome of psychological recently reported. Chamber of Commerce Hallow- and psychosexual evaluations. Because Flieth is unable to een activities on Thursday, Oct Doug Flieth was on paid leave perform his duties as a teacher 31st. pending the outcome of his while in jail, the district can Dale Swanson has written the historical novel, “The ThirtyNinth Man” which recounts the story of the US Dakota War of 1862 and the last native American, who was spared by Lincoln from hanging at Mankato. He will be speaking at the Jordan Library on Nov 13 at 7 p.m. and Wednes- A man with a history of finan- Nevada a decade ago. day, November 20 at 7 p.m. at the cial troubles is facing a felony Belle Plaine police learned of Belle Plaine Library. charge for issuing a worthless the dishonored checks in DeOur Early Literacy Story Time check to cover the rent on a cember of 2012. Their investitheme for November 1 is “Fall dwelling in Belle Plaine. gation was slowed by waiting Holidays”. Be sure to get your William W. O’Hara Jr.is for account information from young reader in for this event. It charged with two felony counts two banks. They then had to is always a fun time and they will for allegedly issuing two worth- find O’Hara, who still lives in enjoy the story. less checks to pay for rent on the Belle Plaine, and have a crimiOur once a month adult book club/discussion group meets in dwelling he and his wife rented nal complaint issued. the Rose Room of the Belle Plaine on East Orchard Street in Belle According to the criminal Public Library at 7 p.m. on the 4th Plaine. He is due in Scott Coun- charge, O’Hara allegedly wrote Thursday of the month. The group ty District Court Dec. 9, 2013 two checks for the rental propis small, but we are hoping more to address the charges against erty, one on Nov. 11, 2011 from a KleinBank account for $1,025 readers may be interested in par- him. ticipating. They are reading the The felony charge stems from and the other Dec. 17, 2011 book by Dale Swanson mentioned the amount of the two checks, from a TCF account for $1,800. cumulatively $2,825. He did make two deposits worth above and meeting that night. Invites you experience great He trailsalso and great times! Invites experience great trails and great Library Hours: hasyou two felony embezzlement overtimes! $41 into the TCF account Invites you experience great trails and great times! Saturday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. convictions – one in Oklahoma just before writing the $1,800 Ranch Rodeo Programs Full Service Boarding Sunday & Monday: Closed Ranch during and the other check. However, both checks Rodeo1996 Programs FullinService Boarding Team Sorting League –winter Riding Lessons Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Team Sorting League –winter Riding Lessons x Team RanchPenning RodeoEvents Programs x Full Service Boarding (TPA) Htd. Indoor & Outdoor arenas Wednesday 1-8 p.m. Team Penning Events (TPA) Htd. Indoor & Outdoor arenas & Sort Sessions Performance Horse Training x Cut Team Sorting League –winter x Riding Lessons Thursday 1-8 p.m. Cut & Sort Sessions Performance Horse Training Penning /sorting Practice MN Horse Council Certified Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. x Team Penning Events (TPA) x Htd. Indoor & Outdoor arenas Penning /sorting Practice MN Horse Council Certified Affordable Boarding Rates. New Arrivals Oct. 30, 2013Cattle on site for sessions Cattle onSort site Sessions for sessions Affordable Boarding Rates . x Cut & x Performance Horse Training Reference Electronics Buying
and reset the price. Feldman expects the state of the recovering housing market and the cost of the 43 lots he and his partner just bought, will bring the price of the Lake Erin Estates lots down. “We just feel it’s a good area for people. We wish there was more commercial, but Green Isle’s a good area and we think it’s got a future.” The city received three sealed bids on the 43 vacant lots Rosemount Development originally developed between 2002 and 2007. The other two bids were from Ann Tracy-Lopez and Kathleen Tracy-Lopez, Green Isle natives currently living in Arizona. Eyeing potential retirement homes, they offered $2,001 for three lots on land their family once farmed. Rosemount walked away from the lots when the residential housing market collapsed in 2008, allowing to go to foreclosure. The city recently acquired them from Sibley County. ZumBerge said Feldman and Beckman buying all 43 lots will generate about $15,000 a year in property tax revenue. More importantly, it spares the city trying to sell them individually. “I wouldn’t live to see them all sold,” he said.
MVEC Makes Frigid Donation
It was founded in 1983, the New Prague Times recently reported. MVEC has helped food shelves in Jordan and Montgomery with similar gifts during the past year.
Sibley East School Board Suspends Teacher Without Pay suspend him without pay, said Tony Nerud, the Sibley East School District’s legal counsel. The Sibley East School District will review the results of the two evaluations before the school board, in consultation with Nerud, makes a decision on Flieth’s employment.
Worthless Rent Check Brings Felony Charges Against Man
were returned for insufficient funds in the two accounts. The checks for the rented property were far from the only allegedly worthless checks attributed to O’Hara. Police learned that between Oct. 26, 2011 and Nov. 22, 2011, O’Hara allegedly wrote 21 worthless checks on the KleinBank account cumulatively worth over $4,326. The account was closed Nov. 25, 2011. Police spoke with O’Hara regarding the worthless checks. He told them the landowner, the criminal charge states, the property owner could take him to court if he owned him money.
Thank You
On behalfPractice of myLinden wife Shari Proprietors: Carol /sorting x & MNand Horse Hermel Council Certified Guide by the Consumer Union ofx Penning Proprietors: Linden & Carol Hermel 32908ƈ285th AveƈLeSueurƈMNƈ56058 myself, we want to express our profound appreciation the United States MnCareers 2014x Cattle on site for sessions x Affordable Boarding Rates. 32908ƈ285th AveƈLeSueurƈMNƈ56058 507-665-0019 by MN Dept of Economic Secufor the recognition of each of our 25 years of service to The Lutheran Home Association this past 507-665-0019 www.highviewstable.com rity Adult Non-Fiction Twin Citweek. Your words of encouragement, cards, and prayers will always be remembered in this milestone. www.highviewstable.com Proprietors: Linden & Carol Hermel ies Prohibition Minnesota’s Blind When one works for 25 years, in particular in a leadership role, you make many mistakes and 32908ƈ285th AveƈLeSueurƈMNƈ56058 Pigs and Bootleggers by Elizabeth things you would like to do over. At the same time, we have been extremely blessed in this ministry. Johanneck Word 2013 Absolute 507-665-0019 Beginner’s Guide no experience We www.highviewstable.com have been blessed with faithful board members, generous donors, encouraging business owners necessary! by Sherry Kinkoph and partners, community members, government leaders, friends and neighbors. We are in particular Gunter Walt Disney World For blessed and want to recognize our fellow team members throughout The Lutheran Home Association Kids by Stephen Birnbaum The who are the heroes to us in our work. Imperfect Environmentalist a practical guide to clearing your body, detoxing your home, and Lastly, we thank our residents and family members in this community, our other campus locations saving the earth (without losing and throughout the United States in our ministry outreach programs who have placed their your mind) by Sara Gilbert Adult confidence and trust with The Lutheran Home Association. The future of this Christian ministry Fiction Summer Promise by Marianne Ellis The Well by Stephanie is bright and hopeful. Challenges also abound. Yet, hope is what we share and what is provided to Landsem Gone With the Win by each us throughgreat Jesustrails Christ. you, one and all, for allowing us to serve and lifting us up Invites youof experience and Thank great times! Mary Daheim Silencing Eve by Invites you experience great trails and great times! throughout the past twenty five years. Iris Johansen The Bride Wore Full Service Boarding Size 12 by Meg Cabot BooksRanch Rodeo Programs Ranch Rodeo Full Service Boarding on CD A Tap on the Window by TeamMichael SortingPrograms League –winter Lessons and Shari Klatt Riding Team League Riding Lessons Linwood Barclay Never Go Back TeamSorting Penning Events–winter (TPA) Htd. Indoor & Outdoor arenas Team Events (TPA) Htd. Indoor & Outdoor arenas by Lee Child DVDs Geronimo Cut &Penning Sort Sessions Performance Horse Training Stilton Operation Shufongfong Cut & Sort/sorting Sessions Performance HorseCertified Training Penning Practice MN Horse Council and Other Adventures by AtlanPenning /sorting MN Horse Council Certified Cattle on site forPractice sessions Affordable Boarding Rates. tyca Entertainment The Little Cattle on you site for sessionsgreat trails Affordable Boarding Invites experience and great times!Rates. Mermaid by John Musker Music Proprietors: Linden & Carol Hermel CDs The Greatest Video Game 32908ƈ285thLinden AveƈLeSueurƈMNƈ56058 Proprietors: & Carol Hermel AveƈLeSueurƈMNƈ56058 Music performed by the Londonx Ranch 32908ƈ285th 507-665-0019 Rodeo Programs x Full Service Boarding 507-665-0019 Philharmonic Orchestra Easies I www.highviewstable.com x Team Sorting League –winter x Riding Lessons Am Mixed by Sebastian A. Jones www.highviewstable.com Mike and the Mighty Shield byx Team Penning Events (TPA) x Htd. Indoor & Outdoor arenas HIT Entertainment Easy Read-x Cut & Sort Sessions x Performance Horse Training ers Me and My Robot by Tracey x Penning /sorting Practice x MN Horse Council Certified West Kat’s Maps by Jon Scieszka Board Books Jonah and the Bigx Cattle on site for sessions x Affordable Boarding Rates. Fish by Barbara Herndon.
x x x x
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WEDNESDAY, october 30, 2013
Thirty Years Ago This Week
The Four Teachers Not just the students but the teachers as well dressed for Halloween on Monday, Oct. 31, 1983 at Belle Plaine Elementary School. Among them were the storybook characters, from left, Goldilocks, Mama Bear, Baby Bear and Papa Bear. Salary increases for the city’s non-union employees were agreed upon by the Belle Plaine City Council. The increases ranged from 5 to 11 percent. The highest paid employees, Public Works Superintendent Pat Fogarty and Police Chief Rod Peddycoart, were given a 5 percent increase, which amounted to $1,080 per year, going from $21,600 to $22,680. The Minnesota Waste Management Board and three groups of residents active in the board’s consideration of a candidate hazardous waste disposal site in Carver County reached an agreement that would allow tests and evaluations of the site while providing for special board consideration and support of landowner views and concerns. At its Oct. 27 meeting at the State Capitol in St. Paul, the Waste Management Board became the fourth party involved in the dispute over testing of the site to approve a joint agreement hammered out by representatives of the board and citizens’ groups. Judge Francis J. Connolly, 84, of Shakopee, died Nov. 1 at St. Francis Regional Medical Center. He was educated in Belle Plaine schools and was for a time employed by the State Bank of Belle Plaine until he was stricken with tuberculosis in 1925. He made a complete recovery from the disease and was elected Scott County probate judge in 1929. He served on the judge’s bench in Scott County for 50 years and was regarded as one of the most knowledgeable judges in the state on probate law. However, he never went to law school and was one of the last of the state judges without a law degree. Wayne Ediger, one of the top Charolais breeders in the state, developed a champion bull called “Double H Pathfinder,” which took a host of top prizes that summer and fall, including the Minnesota State Summer Show. The Belle Plaine High School football team ran into a tough and fired up Montgomery squad in the 1983 season finale and lost 28-0. The victory enabled Montgomery to finish in a two-way tie for first place with Jordan in the Minnesota River Conference. The Tigers finished in fifth place with a record of 3-4. They were 5-4 overall. Jeff Larson led the offense against Montgomery with 52 yards. It was the first conference game he was held under
100 yards. He finished the year with 1,016 yards in the conference and 1,131 overall. The Tiger volleyball team came from behind to defeat Cleveland and advance to the District 13 semifinals. Lori Farrar had 16 service points for Belle Plaine and Laurie Wolpern had 14 kills. She also had five blocks. Up next for the Tigers in the semifinals would be No. 1 seed and defending district champion Le Center. Belle Plaine’s head football coach the past 19 years, Roy Henderson, submitted his resignation. He planned to continue his teaching career here but drop the football duties. During his coaching career in Belle Plaine, he had 101 wins, 66 losses and three ties. He coached four conference champions – ‘70, ‘78, ‘79 and ‘80, and two state playoff teams in ‘77 and ‘79. He coached 57 allconference players and two allstaters – Denny Riesgraf and Bruce Volek.
60 Years Ago (1953)
Most unexpected was the death of Harry E. Plantz. He was at work in a gravel pit near St. Louis Park, operating a dragline, when stricken with a heart attack. He was 53 years old. Mrs. Earl Johnson, Donald Olson and LeRoy Koepp were still hospitalized following the previous week’s head-on automobile collision. The other involved victim of the accident, Earl Johnson, was buried at East Union Cemetery. A surprise birthday party was given Mrs. Joe Zeiher at her home in Jessenland. A blue-wing teal banded on each leg in Manitoba, Canada, was shot by Edward Young in a wild rice slough in south Le Sueur County on the opening of the duck hunting season. Miss Betty Lou Devine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Devine of Blakeley, and John Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy of Faxon, were united in marriage at Sacred Heart Church. Mr. and Mrs. William Domras, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gebhardt and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gebhardt attended the funeral at Lester Prairie of their nephew and cousin, Loren Gebhardt, 18, who was fatally injured in an automobile accident. Relatives and friends helped Fred Trost celebrate his 80th
birthday at his home. Life ended quietly, although unexpectedly, for John Patrick Connolly, 42, at his home in Belle Plaine. He had been in poor health for several years. Manral Jahns met with a tractor accident while working at his farm. The tractor was tipped over onto him for a couple of hours. He was at the New Prague hospital with broken arm, shoulder and ribs, and other injuries. The month of October came through to the end with a record of exceptionally fine, although dry, weather. Only one day did the mercury reach the freezing mark with a reading of 30. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Melchior entertained at a candlelight buffet supper at the home of their son Edward. The occasion was Mr. and Mrs. Melchior’s 40th wedding anniversary. The Trinity congregation met to discuss the call that Pastor Radtke received to serve Zion Lutheran Church of Monroe, Mich. After many hours of discussion, the congregation reluctantly granted Pastor Radtke a peaceful release to labor in this new field. It was a Halloween without a single act of destructiveness, not even a soaped window or auto. Miss Margaret Egan and Lloyd Doheny of Belle Plaine exchanged marriage vows at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, St. Paul. Cyril W. Maxa of New Market was appointed chief deputy sheriff of Scott County, according to an announcement made by Sheriff W.B. Schrieder. Le Sueur edged the Tigers 7-6 in the final game of the 1953 football season. The seniors who ended their playing for Belle Plaine were Dave Grosser, Tom Melchior, Lee Engfer, Lee Lynch, John McPartlan and Earl Olson. Jeanne Wilczek of Little Falls became the bride of Michael Plonski at Our Lady of the Lourdes Church, Little Falls. Our Northside turkey raisers were fewer in number that year
Meet Randy.
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The SMSC has opened the application process at http:// shakopeedakota.org/trailsgrant. html. Applicants whose projects fill trail gaps, augment existing trail systems, improve access to existing public natural areas, or provide additional environmental benefit beyond simple access will be given preference. Applicants should also note any plans or opportunities involving local volunteers. The application period is presently open, with a deadline of Dec. 6. A committee and the SMSC Business Council will then review the applications. Grant recipients will be announced on Jan. 6.
Lumberman Whitlock was advertising flooring at $15 per M. W.A. Kalanke of Le Sueur moved his harness stock here He doesn’t just sell windows, doors, and opened the third harness Ƥ ǡ ǤǤǤ shop operating in Belle Plaine. He’s a great listener and will guide The borough council ordered you every step of the way. the construction of a number of fire cisterns in various parts of Lamperts town. 14555 Galaxie Ave Eggs were 20 cents a dozen, Apple Valley, MN butter 20 cents a pound andLamperts More than an Ordinary Lumber Company pork nearly 6 cents. These were Contact Randy Koepp today! considered big prices and were offered as an argument against raising wheat. Barney Kirchoff rode his bicycle to Minneapolis, and while in the city someone stole the bicycle and no trace of it was ever found.
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is charged with aiding and abetting a second-degree murder. He is also in the county jail. Police found Moran dead in his house on the 800 block of Prairie Street last Tuesday (Oct. 22) after receiving a report of an armed robbery. Shakopee police believe at least one of the two arrested men is a former acquaintance of the victim. The Shakopee Police Department is no longer looking for additional suspects associated with this incident, said Jeff Tate, chief of the Shakopee Police Department.
Tribe Offering $350,000 in Grants for Trails
With Land to Air Express and its connecting
Dear Editor, In electing new school board members lets remember the most important part is an excellent education for our kids. My biggest concern is the low test scores compared to a town like New Prague. Our kids are asked to wake up 1 hour early to catch a school bus to sit in a lunchroom, or after school to sit in a lunchroom for 1 hour before going home. We need to find the funding to fix this big problem. Teenagers more than any age need that sleep and that sleep might be all they need to get those scores up. I will support any candidate that can fix this issue. I will pay a few more dollars in taxes to fix this problem. Our children deserve to be on the same playing field as other kids in nearby towns. Douglas Sloan Belle Plaine, MN
Men Arrested in Shakopee Murder
With Land Land to to Air and its connecting With Air Express Express partner Jefferson and Lines,its youconnecting can get where you partner Jeff Jefferson erson Lines, you can get partner Lines, you can getwhere whereyou you need to go, stress free! Land to need to go, stress free! Land to need to go, stress free!connections Land to to cities Air provides Air provides connections to cities Air providesthroughout connections toCanada cities and the US, throughout the US, Canada and Mexico, in Canada addition toand the airport. throughout the US, Mexico, in addition to the airport. NE the airport. Mexico, in Oaddition to O T E NE NE, G o
Letter to the Editor
19-Year-Old Man Dies in Hwy. 169 Crash
but the volume was up. Those who disposed of their flocks were Cliff Johnson 2,000 birds, Alexander L. Reeves, 19, of Ed and Vince Johnson 4,000, Mapleton, was killed Friday A.O. Brahee 2,500 and G & G night in a crash on Highway Anderson 2,000. 169 near Shakopee. According to authorities, Reeves was driving a 1996 90 Years Ago Honda Accord on Highway 169 north of Marystown Road at (1923) approximately 8:30 p.m. when The borough council was get- he crossed the median from ting particular as to the quality the southbound lanes into the of milk sold in Belle Plaine. northbound lanes, striking a The council appointed W.C. 2014 semi and 2012 Supercrew Bromaghim to inspect dairies truck. The occupants of those at a salary of $75 a year. vehicles did not receive lifeWilliam Weiss left for Mitch- threatening injuries. ell, S.D., to commence work for a lumber company. Belle Plaine was largely represented at the Le Sueur bridge The Belle Plaine Herald celebration. In the sports prowelcomes photos to gram, the Belle Plaine team of accompany John Jackson and Harry Marks won first prize in the horseshoe obituary notices. pitching contest. Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Gorr sold their farm at Eden Valley and came here to make their home with the L.A. Malz family. Mary Franciscus died at age 73. She was the daughter of the old patriarch who lived to be Shakopee police arrested two 103. men Sunday for their alleged Blakeley village was aroused parts in the murder of a Shaover mysterious night prowl- kopee man last Tuesday (Oct. ers. In the darkness the strang- 22). ers made their escape. Police arrested Anthony James At St. John’s Lutheran Church Cox, 21, of Minneapolis. They took place the marriage of Miss believe he is the shooter in the Ella Laabs and Arthur Schmitt. murder of 32-year-old Aaron The couple established their James Moran. They believe home on the groom’s farm at Cox was robbing Moran in his the north side of Belle Plaine. home and shot him during the Peter Blau resigned his job on robbery. the road and would stay home Cox is charged with secondthat winter and take things easy. degree murder and remained in He had been with the company the Scott County Jail Tuesday many years, both before and af- morning. ter he engaged in the meat busi- Police also arrested Brooks Ellery Kurr, 36, of Annandale. He ness here. While working around his farm in St. Lawrence Township, Jos. Carlson was attacked by a boar, and one of his legs was badly slashed by the tusks of the animal. Hjalmer Johnson of East The Shakopee Mdewakanton Union met with a serious acci- Sioux Community (SMSC) dent when his tractor backed up is making $350,000 in grants on him while he was in the act available for trail improvements that will benefit Scott of hooking on a chain. County Commissioner Wil- County residents. liam Witt arranged to give the The county government and job of gravel surfacing the new any city or township located highway grade south from the in Scott County are eligible to Chas. Solheid farm to farmers apply, along with charitable orof the township, whose teams ganizations in cooperation with an eligible government. could be spared for that work. Fred L. Mueller shipped a car- The maximum single grant load of 60 hogs of 261 pounds amount is $100,000. There is no average weight and drew a 15- minimum amount. A 20 percent cent per cwt. premium over match on each grant is required and the funded project must market. be substantially completed by 120 Years Ago Dec. 31, 2014.
Destination YourYour Destination SelectSelect Destination
PAGE five
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PAGE six
Union Hill St. John’s Catholic Church St. Scholastica Church Father Dave Barrett & Deacon Bob Wagner. Sunday Mass at 10 a.m. at St. John’s Servers: Gabby Forrester, Nick & Abby Knutson and Gloria Lemke Mass Wednesday 4:30 p.m. and Confession at 5 p.m. Saturday evening Mass at 8:15 p.m. at St. John’s (note change) Sunday Mass at 8 a.m. at St. Scholastica Servers: Sarah Colwell and Billy Odenthal Mass for All Saints Day Friday, Nov. 1, 7 p.m. at St. John’s ***** Prolife Sunday was observed here at St. John’s. The rosary was lead by our 3rd graders of St. John’s and St. Scholastica parishes. Opening of Mass was proceeded with a procession led by Father Dave, Deacon Bob, the Mass servers, Knights of Columbus and various folks representing different age groups with baby Grace, 4-weeks-old the youngest member of our parish-carried by her mom and dad, Joe and Lauren Weiers.
Father Dave blessed the new church lighted sign Sunday after mass. The lighted board had been blank for several years. Marty and Farrell Weiers from Parkville, MO, came to Minnesota Friday to cheer on the Nebraska Corn Huskers Football team (Farrell’s alumni team). They played the Minnesota Gophers Saturday, who won over Nebraska 34-23. They reported hundreds of Husker fans downtown Friday night. Friends from the Union Hill and Belle Plaine area helped Jeanette Tolzmann celebrate her 96th birthday on Saturday. Katelyn and Audrey Zurn stopped in for birthday cupcakes and coffee and enjoyed visiting Jeanette in her new home at Kingsway in Belle Plaine. We all wish Jeanette many more birthdays! Katelyn Zurn came home from the College of St. Benedict for the weekend to spend time with her family. Humor Corner: Lena: Ole, I yust bought myself a new hat. I like to buy something for myself ven I’m down in the dumps. Ole: Hmmm - I vundered vere you found it!
St. Thomas Mass scheduled at St. Thomas Catholic Church is November 2, at 5 p.m. with Fr. Roger Hessian officiating. The mass schedule at St. Anne’s Catholic Church in Le Sueur, with Father George Grafsky officiating, is on Saturdays at 5:15 p.m. and Sundays at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Jim and Marsha Sullivan, Eric and Brigid Tuck enjoyed the Le Sueur Henderson High School 20-Year Class Reunion at the Henderson Roadhaus on Saturday, evening, October 26. Addison Jean was born to Nick and Stacey Feser on at 7:37 on October 20 weighing 8 pounds, 13 ounces. Proud grandparents are Barney and Jean Burns, great-grandmother is Vangie Burns, making Addison and her siblings, Grace and Brennen, two generations from St. Thomas. Mary Grace O’Brien and Loni Graham visited Madelyne, Bernetta and Gerry Wolff at Madelyne’s rural Madison “REFUSE TO BE VICTIMized�
• $75 for Class • Sign up for one of our classes or organize your own
Veterans Day Program at SCHS
Join the Scott County Historical Society for a Veterans Day program at the museum. It will take place Saturday, Nov. 9 from noon to 2 p.m. The free Program includes patriotic crafts for kids from and a presentation by Tom Melchior, author of “Never Forgotten: Stories by Scott County, Minnesota WWII Veterans,� from starting at 1 p.m. The Scott County Historical Society is located at 235 Fuller St. South in Shakopee, three blocks south of the intersection of County Road 101 and Fuller Street. Visit the SCHS at www. scottcountyhistory.org.
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Group Meets Nov. 5 Beyond the Yellow Ribbon South of the River will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 5 in the lower level of the Prior Lake VFW Club from 7-8:15 p.m. All meetings are open to the public and we welcome your participation as well as ability to volunteer. The mission of the group is to support all service members – active, inactive and retired. For more information, call 952440-5011 or visit www.btyrsouthoftheriver.org.
Lake home, recently. Karla Wolff Wells is coming home Area Separated, from California and the Wolff family will be celebrating their Divorce Support Christmas on November 9 at the Wolff home, before their Meeting Nov. 5 snowbirds go south. The area Separated, Divorce Jason Retka hosted an annu- Support Group Tuesday, Nov. 5 al Halloween party Saturday from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Wencnight, many showed up in cos- eslaus Church (lower level), tume. Marie provided a fine 215 East Main Street in New layout of foods and snacks, Prague. �including the best taco dip Come and experience good ever tasted.� support as you move through Tom and Loni Graham hosted this time in your life. People of their annual family hayride, all faiths are welcome. Sunday afternoon. The weath- Call Deacon Bob at 952-758er was wonderful, temps in 0463 for more information. the 60’s. This is the first time in at least 15 years, blankets were not needed. All of their American Legion grandchildren are growing up Auxiliary News in cities, and the city kiddos enjoyed the corn picking runs by Diane Otto, Unit #144 when Grandpa stopped the B Secretary Farmall, hand shelling corn, The Belle Plaine American shelled corn tosses and collect- Legion Auxiliary Unit #144 ing caterpillars. met on Oct. 10. Our standing Aiden Hoehn celebrated his rules and budget for 2014 were 7th birthday on October 26. approved. President Chelsea The cherished grandson of Barta appointed unit chairmen Maureen  Middelstadt is two for auxiliary committees. generations from St. Thomas. Fiesta Night will be held FriMany of our St. Thomas farm- day, Nov. 1 at the Belle Plaine ers are at the beans this week, Vets Club from 4-8 p.m. This and some are even starting to will be an all you care to eat Taco Bar & Nacho Bar. The wrap-up the corn harvest. cost is $9 for adults and $6 for, Prayers for good health for children 5-12 years. Kids 5 and Jill Holden’s dad, Les Trimbo, under eat free. This fund-raiser who is in Abbott. Prayers for is open to the public. Please comfort and good health for all plan on attending and help supour folks stressed, in hospitals port our veterans programs. #OMMITTED TO 9OUR and for those who are grieving. Veterans Day is Monday, Nov. Please know#OMFORT #ARE you are in our 11. Programs will be held at the thoughts and prayers. school, The Lutheran Home
s #LEANINGS s &ILLINGS #OMMITTED TO 9OUR s #ROWNS Committed to Your Comfort & Care #OMFORT #ARE s "RIDGES • Cleanings • Fillings • Crowns • Bridges • Dentures s #LEANINGS s $ENTURES s &ILLINGS
and Kingsway. A social hour and dinner will be held at the Vets Club starting at 6 p.m. Thank you to all the veterans who have served or are currently serving our country. s #ROWNS Our next unit meeting will be s "RIDGES $R 3TEVEN *ABS Thursday, Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. s $ENTURES Lunch hostesses for Novem#OMPREHENSIVE &AMILY $ENTISTRY $R 3TEVEN *ABS ber are Ruth Westphal, Irene 3 -ERIDIAN 3T "ELLE 0LAINE #OMPREHENSIVE &AMILY $ENTISTRY Koepp, Connie Zurn, Gladys 3 -ERIDIAN 3T "ELLE 0LAINE Felt and Dorothy Koepp. .EW 0ATIENTS 7ELCOME .EW 0ATIENTS 7ELCOME
Tigers Plow Over Blue Earth (continued from page 13)
Belle Plaine provided the first hint of things to come on its second possession when it put together a nice blend of runs and passes to drive 73 yards for the game’s first score, ending with a 3-yard TD run by Gavin Dauwalter. The extra-point kick was no good but the Tigers had drawn first blood with 2:46 left in the first quarter. Again, the teams exchanged punts – BEA twice and Belle Plaine once. It was already well into the second quarter before the Tigers got the ball back for a fourth time. They started from their own 47 yard line and moved all the way to the Bucs 1 yard line, where Dauwalter again carried the ball the rest of the way. The two-point try was no good but Belle Plaine had a 12-0 cushion with 4:42 left in the first half. The Tigers moved to inside the BEA 5 yard line in the final minute of the half but was stopped on downs and it stayed a 12-point lead heading into halftime. What questions about the outcome of the game remained at halftime were answered by the Tigers loud and clear in the third quarter as the contest quickly became a rout. After BEA went three and out to begin the third quarter, the Tigers’ Derek Dahlke had a long punt return, setting his team up 16 yards shy of the end zone. That led to a 3-yard touchdown run by quarterback Luke Narveson that made it 18-0 with 7:38 to play in the third quarter. Fifty-nine seconds of game clock later, Belle Plaine’s Zach Bahr scooped up a fumble and returned it nearly 60 yards for a TD. Narveson hooked up with receiver Brady Johnson for the two-point conversion and it was 26-0 with 6:39 left in the third quarter. It became 33-0 when running back Chris Holmbeck broke loose on a 30-yard scoring scamper with 36 seconds left in the third quarter. The only other score of the afternoon came on a 1-yard TD plunge by BEA’s David Franta late in the game, making the final 33-7. “Anytime you get a chance to knock off the defending state champs you have to play a great game and the kids stepped up and did that,� said Belle Plaine coach Justin Johnston. “All three phases of the game executed well, and the fun part is knowing we can still get better. “The offensive line did a great job of establishing the line of scrimmage,� Johnston continued. “Chris Holmbeck did an outstanding job of running downhill when he needed to and being patient and looking for cutbacks when he needed to. We have to do a better job this Friday of finishing drives and making sure we clean up the penalties. “Defensively, the effort was amazing and it was fun to see the kids flying around doing their jobs. It was an outstanding team effort led by Zach Bahr making two huge plays with the fumble recovery and an interception,� Johnston said. The Tigers had 320 yards of offense (202 rushing and 118 passing). No team or individual statistics were available for
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WEDNESDAY, october 30, 2013
BELLE PLAINE MEDIACOM PAST AND CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS The City of Belle Plaine is seeking input from past and current Mediacom cable customers to help address the specific needs of the subscribers prior to the 10-year renewal agreement with Mediacom Minnesota, LLC.
Let us know your suggestions and ideas for improved cablevision services for City residents. PUBLIC MEETING
We would like to hear from you! If unable to attend the meeting, please feel free to call City Hall at 952-873-5553 or email at cityhall@ci.belleplaine.mn.us with your comments.
Thank you.
City of Belle Plaine, 281 North Meridian Street, P.O. Box 129. Belle Plaine, MN 56011
BEA. Holmbeck led the Tigers offensively with 130 yards and one TD on 20 rushes. Narveson ran seven times for 20 yards and one TD. Dillon Haefner had three rushes for 15 yards, followed by Dauwalter with five attempts for 12 yards and two TDs. Luke Dandurand and Danny McCann both had 8 yards on three and four carries, respectively. Narveson completed 10 of 15 passes for 118 yards. He had no interceptions. Dahlke had six catches for 78 yards, while Johnson caught two for 24 yards. Sam Karl and Chase Emmers both had one catch for 10 and 5 yards, respectively. Defensively, Bahr had a teamhigh 10 tackles and one interception to go along with his fumble recovery for a touchdown. Ben Stier had seven tackles and one interception. Nathan Herman had six tackles, followed by Dauwalter, Colton Hentges and Dahlke with four apiece. Emmers, Ben Wagner and Blayne Prochaska each added three tackles. Fairmont Next Top-seeded Belle Plaine will square off against No. 2 seed Fairmont in this Friday’s 7 p.m. Section 3AAA championship game in Belle Plaine. The Cardinals, who blew out the Tigers 48-26 in the first round of last year’s section tournament in Fairmont, are 7-2 this season following Saturday’s 30-6 drubbing of visiting Sibley East, a team Belle Plaine defeated 41-27 in Arlington on Sept. 13. The Tigers and Cardinals had two other common opponents this season – New Ulm and Blue Earth Area. Belle Plaine defeated New Ulm 34-13 in the season opener on Aug. 29 and the Cardinals routed that same team 42-0 just two weeks ago.
Three weeks ago, Fairmont defeated BEA 40-22 in Blue Earth. So on paper, Friday’s fight to go to the state playoffs is shaping up to be a close one. “This Friday is going to be a great challenge playing Fairmont and it’s one that I believe the kids are ready for,� Johnston said. More About Fairmont Fairmont generated almost 70 percent of its total yardage through the air during the regular season, which included 1,690 yards and 27 TDs via 199 passes. The Cardinals also rushed for 843 yards and six TDs on 219 attempts. Junior quarterback Spencer Chirpich completed an impressive 57 percent of his passes during the regular season – 111 of 194, good for 1,650 yards. He had five interceptions. Chirpich set Fairmont’s singlegame passing TD record with six, in addition to producing a career-best 271 yards, against BEA on Oct. 11 in Blue Earth. The Cardinals’ only two losses this year came back-to-back on Sept. 13 and 20. Both were at home – to Dassel-Cokato 31-21 and Waseca 43-27. Their regular season wins besides BEA and New Ulm were against Worthington 26-0, Marshall 15-2, St. Peter 21-18 and St. James 35-0. 2013 BPHS Football Schedule Aug. 29 vs. N. Ulm W 34-13 Sept. 6 vs. W-M W 18-14 Sept. 13 at S.E. W 41-27 Sept. 20 vs. Jordan W 12-6 Sept. 27 at M. Luth. W 35-31 Oct. 4 vs. LS-H W 35-0 Oct. 11 vs. NYA W 40-20 Oct. 16 at TCU L 25-13 Section Tournament Oct. 22 Bye Oct. 26 vs. BEA W 33-7 Nov. 1 vs. Fairmont at B.P.
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Veterans Day
Chicken & Beef Dinner Monday, November 11, 2013 at the Belle Plaine Vet’s Club 6 PM Social Hour • 7 PM Dinner Cost $10/per person with RSVP or Walk-in $11/per person
Everyone is Welcomed. Ticket Deadline: November 8 RSVP to 873-4583, 952-261-5928 and 952-393-7103
WEDNESDAY, october 30, 2013
Community Services
Nelson Ladd • Community Services Director 130 S. Willow St., Belle Plaine • www.belleplaine.k12.mn.us Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Phone 873-2411 Pre-registration is needed for all programs and activities
TAE KWON DO This is the Korean martial art of Tae Kwon Do. Students will learn self defense, self control, history, sparring and techniques needed to test in the beginning level of Tae Kwon Do. Advanced students will continue on at their own pace. Students attending class in BP are also welcome to train at other Kroells Karate Club locations at no additional cost. SESSION 2: Wednesdays, Nov. 6–Dec. 18 (No Class Nov. 27) TIME: 6:30–7:30 pm AGES: 5 years old and up LOCATION: Chatfield Elem Activity Room COST: $36.00/session INSTRUCTOR: Linda Kroells GIRLS/BOYS YOUTH BASKETBALL This recreational program is for boys and girls in grades 3-6. The program purpose is to introduce and develop the fundamentals of basketball; dribbling, defense, shooting, etc. Also this program will work to increase the basic knowledge of the game of basketball. Volunteer Coaches Needed 3rd Grade Information: DATES: Saturdays, Dec. 7 - Feb. 22 TIME: Girls 9-10 am Boys 10-11 am LOCATION: Oak Crest Elementary INSTRUCTORS: Volunteer Coaches COST: $35.00 (includes t-shirt) 4th, 5th and 6th Grade Information: SCHEDULE/LEAGUE: November - Introduction & Development December - Basketball League January - MRC Travel League or BPBA Traveling Teams. All players begin with Saturday, November 9th Introduction & Development program for a $50.00 fee. Practices will be Tuesdays and Saturdays. Basketball League games begin in December with Tuesday & Thursday practices and games on Saturday. In January, players may choose between a no cost in house travel schedule or a more competitive tournament league for an additional fee. Practice will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays with weekend tournaments. All players will have the opportunity to improve their basketball skills from November thru February TIMES/ LOCATION: 4th GR. Girls 9:-10 am Oak Crest Elementary; 4th GR. Boys 10-11am Oak Crest Elementary; 5th/6th GR. Boys 11-12 noon Oak Crest Elementary; 5th/6th GR. Girls 11-12 noon BPHS, North Gym. Schedules will be updated as the season progresses INSTRUCTORS: Volunteer Coaches Needed COST: $50.00 DEADLINE: October 1: Need Numbers to Determine League Play OLD LOG THEATER “Rancho Mirage� A bitingly funny comedy about what happens when the fictions that hold our lives together are exposed starring James Denton . . . . .
“Desperate Housewives�. In this sharp and surprising sojourn into the psyche of 2012 America – where affluence is perhaps our greatest mirage – three couples, long-time friends, find themselves at a dinner party where everyone finally decides to tell the truth. What remains between us when our youth, our dreams, and our last bottle of wine is gone? Contains adult situations and language. Please specify lunch choices: Walleye, Windsor Pork Chop, Chicken or Vegetarian. DATE: Thursday, Dec. 5 TIME: Depart at 11am Return at 4pm COST: $67.00 (includes transportation, lunch & show) DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 21 STAGES THEATRE “Llama Llama Holiday Drama� “Llama Llama holidays. Jingle music. Lights ablaze. How long till that special date? Llama Llama has to wait.� Everyone’s favorite chronicler of Llamas, Anna Dewdney, has created another magnificent story around little Llama Llama, who has so much trouble waiting for anything. DATE: Friday, Dec. 6 TIME: Depart at 8:45 am Return at 12:00 noon COST: $20.00 (includes school bus transportation & show) DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 22 ABRAKADOODLE Art Exploration – Everything from drawing to duct tape Do you like to create colorful and fun art? Do you like to paint, draw and sculpt? Do you like to create things with Duct Tape? If the answer is yes then Art Exploration is the class for you! We will explore lots of media in this creative fall session. We’ll draw a giraffe, sculpt lizards or iguanas. We will paint on canvas and explore abstract art. We’ll even make a duct tape wallet or clutch and much more. 5 Fun Sessions. AGE: Grades K–5 DATES: Wednesdays, Oct. 9–Nov. 13 (NO CLASS Oct. 16) TIME: 3:15–4:15 pm LOCATION: Chatfield Elementary, Room 1 INSTRUCTOR: Abrakadoodle Staff COST: $60.00 RETIREMENT: MAKING YOUR MONEY LAST Have you retired recently? Are you planning to retire soon? This presentation discusses ideas to help build a reasonable and sustainable strategy for managing income and expenses during retirement. We’ll explore how to address key concerns such as inflation, health care expenses and market volatility as well as ways to prepare in advance for things that may not go as expected. DATE: Thursday, Nov. 14 TIME: 7–8:15 pm LOCATION: District Center, Room 202 INSTRUCTOR: Ashton Pankonin, Edward Jones Financial Advisor COST: FREE
Service News Army Spec. Jacob L. Maguire has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. Maguire is the son of Jane Maguire of Belle Plaine. He is a 2007 graduate of Belle Plaine Senior High School. He earned a bachelor's degree in 2011 from North Dakota State University, Fargo, N.D.
Samuel A. Chase has been commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army after successfully completing the Army ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps) program and graduating with a bachelor's degree from Saint John's University, Collegeville, Minn. The new officer will be branched to a specific corps in the Army to serve on active duty or in the National Guard or Reserve. Â The lieutenant will attend an officer basic course relating to his or her particular military occupational specialty/ job. Â Afterward, the officer will complete advanced training by attending basic officer leadership courses for career progression purposes. He is the son of Harold and Letha Chase of Belle Plaine. Chase graduated in 2009 from Norwood Young America High School.
Land for Rent
The Belle Plaine Schools seeks proposals for the rent of approximately 73 tillable acres located near Oak Crest Elementary for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 years.
73 Tillable Acres!
Proposals are due to the District Office by
4 p.m. on Friday, November 22nd.
NINE LITTLE KNOWN WAYS TO FUND LONG TERM CARE New Content on Critical Illness! Ever wonder how you’re going to pay the high cost of long term care (LTC)? Then this workshop is for you. You already know the top-3 ways to fund LTC expenses: (1) spend your assets of farm, investments, CD’s, cash; (2) qualify for Medicaid; (3) purchase long term care insurance. Before you do any of these, there are at least 9 other strategies you should research. Each concept stretches your existing assets if you ever need to pay for long term care. None of the ideas are use it or lose it! like most traditional long-term care insurance policies. This educational workshop has helped previous attendees understand different ways to solve paying for long term care. Graduates rave about this class! Your presenter is a Minnesota-certified instructor in Long-Term Care insurance and someone knowledgeable with all nine strategies. DATE: Saturday, Nov. 23 TIME: 9-11:30 am LOCATION: District Center, Room 202 COST: $10.00 per person/couple JUST ONCE PIANO FOR BUSY PEOPLE Some music teachers may not want you to know this, but you don’t need years of weekly lessons to learn piano. In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoyment. How do we do it? While regular piano teachers teach note reading, piano professionals use chords. And you can learn all the chords you’ll need to play any song in this one session. Any song, any style, any key. If you can find the middle C and know the meaning of Every Good Boy Does Fine, you already know enough to enroll in this workshop. DATES: Monday, Nov. 25 TIME: 6:30–9:30 pm LOCATION: Oak Crest Elementary, Music Room COST: $25.00 (plus $29.00 material fee collected by instructor which includes workbook & practice CD) YOUTH WRESTLING Tigers to the mat!!! Belle Plaine Kid Wrestling is getting ready to start. This program is open to all kids grades K – 6th. Kids will learn the fundamentals of wrestling in a fast paced practice that will be challenging and fun. Practices will begin Monday, Nov. 25 at 6:30 pm in Chatfield Elementary. Practice will be Mondays and Thursday, 6:30–8:00 pm. The cost is free and each wrestler will receive a t-shirt. Questions Call: Jeff Bahr (952) 873-5462, Jeff Hoen (952) 873-5424
K-6 School Menu
Parents Welcome Everyday
Wednesday, October 30 Beef Soft Taco w/Fixings, Chicken Patty on Bun, Broccoli Florets, Black Beans, Cherry Tomatoes, Fresh Fruit, Canned Fruit Thursday, October 31 Chicken & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes & Roll, Cheeseburger on Bun, Peas, Baby Carrots, Green Pepper Strips, Fresh Fruit, Canned Fruit Friday, November 1 Ham & Cheese on Bun, Pizza Dippers w/Marinara Sauce, Roasted Broccoli, Italian Herbed Bean Salad, Shredded Lettuce, Fresh Fruit, Canned Fruit Monday, November 4 No School Teacher Workshop Tuesday, November 5 Grilled Cheese, Soup, Chicken Tenders w/Soup & Roll, Spinach Salad, Baby Carrots, Cauliflower, Fresh Fruit, Canned Fruit Wednesday, November 6 Southwest Turkey Crunch, French Bread, Cheese Pizza, Broccoli Florets, Black Beans, Cucumbers, Fresh Fruit, Canned Fruit
BPHS Winter Eligibility Meeting Nov. 4 Belle Plaine High School will hold its second seasonal eligibility meeting of the school year 2013-14 on Monday, Nov. 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the school’s south gym. This meeting is for all participants in grades 7-12 for winter activities, including boys’ and girls’ basketball, wrestling, dance team, speech, one-act play and robotics. School personnel will be ready at 5:30 p.m. to take fees and other forms necessary to
Dollars for Scholars Big Fund-Raiser Upcoming Belle Plaine Dollars for Scholars recently sent a group to the National Scholarship America Conference held at Normandale Community College. Sue Halloran, Teri Kiewatt, Tiffany Stier, Michelle Bahr and Lisa Bahr went as representatives for the Belle Plaine chapter of Dollars for Scholars. They were entered in a drawing and won a $500 scholarship for the Belle Plaine Chapter from Scholarship America. On Saturday, Nov. 23, the fund-raising will continue with the Belle Plaine Dollars for Scholars Wine & Beer Tasting and Silent Auction. This event will be held locally at Valley View Golf Course. Doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased in advance for $20 at Coborn’s, State Bank of Belle Plaine, Cornerstone State Bank and Belle Plaine High School. Tickets at the door will cost $25. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending this great community event.
Correction The Drive for Education fundraiser benefitting the choir at Belle Plaine Junior-Senior High School Oct. 12 at Matt Saxe Chevrolet-Buick raised $6,000 -- not the $3,000 errantly reported in the Oct. 23 issue. Central Boiler
Instant Rebate! Now-Nov. 25 Save up to $1,000 on selected units plus $100’s in additional dealer discounts CLASS-ACT OUTDOOR FURNACE 763-972-6255
Le Sueur Family Dental David Tycast, DDS
219 S. 2nd Street Le Sueur, MN 56058 (507) 665-6812 LeSueurFamilyDental.com
Latest technology Small town atmosphere Complete Adult or Child Check Up New Patients Special $75 Exam, Cleaning (routine) & 4 X-ray Films or $50 off any Dental Service
Interested parties may receive necessary information by contacting
PAGE seven
participate. Please come early if you can. All forms can be found on the school’s website under Activities - Activities Central. Coming with completed forms and paying online through Infinite Campus will speed up the process. All student participants should report for the meeting along with one of their parents/guardians. At the meeting, Activities Di-
rector Mindy Sparby will share school rules regarding academic eligibility and attendance, etc. Following a short program, activity groups will go to their respective rooms/areas where head coaches/advisors will share specific information regarding their activity. For more information, call the BPHS Activities Office 952873-2412.
Superintendent’s Update
By Dr. Kelly Smith
Congratulations to Janessa Meuleners for advancing to another State Cross Country meet this weekend in St. Olaf. Janessa placed fifth overall at the Section 2A meet in Montgomery on Thursday leading the girls team to a 5th place finish out of 19 teams. Our boys team finished 6th out of 20 teams. Great season everyone and good luck on Saturday, Janessa! Congratulations to our football and volleyball teams as well as they both advanced in the play-offs last week. The volleyball team beat LeSueur-Henderson by a score of 3-0 on Thursday and were playing again on Tuesday night in their next round. The Football team beat Blue Earth Area 33-7 on Saturday to advance to the Section finals this Friday night at 7 p.m. in Belle Plaine. Best wishes to both teams as you continue your drive to the state tournament! The Belle Plaine Schools and all Minnesota schools will be operating under the rules set forth in new legislation last spring as part of the World’s Best Workforce Act. The legislation directs each district to adopt a comprehensive, long-term strategic plan to support and improve teaching and learning that is aligned with creating the world’s best workforce. Minnesota schools strive to provide the best educational opportunities for all children. Providing an education to Minnesota youth that leads to creating the world’s best workforce is a goal that must be addressed early on in every child’s life. Students are more likely to reach this goal if they are ready for school upon entering kindergarten; achieve grade level literacy by grade three; graduate from high school and attain career and college readiness. In order to create the world’s best workforce, it is imperative that academic achievement gaps are closed among all racial and ethnic groups of students and between students living in poverty and not living in poverty as well as for English language learners and non-English language learners and for students who receive or do not receive special education. The comprehensive strategic plan that districts create is intended to serve as a foundational document to align educational initiatives that serve to ensure reaching intended student outcomes from pre-kindergarten to post high school graduation. Districts should consider and use existing plans, documents and strategies that may already be in place and/or are required by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), such as the Title I Plan, School Improvement Plans; School Readiness Program Plan; Local Literacy Plan; Student Transition Plan to College and Career Readiness; Plan for Educator Effectiveness, Q Comp, Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services, Continuous Improvement Monitoring Progress Plan, Achievement & Integration Plan. This district level strategic plan should illustrate how the various existing district plans fit together and serve as a blueprint to create a quality workforce equipped with necessary skills for the 21st century. The Belle Plaine Schools will be working on our World’s Best Workforce plan in the coming months. We are in a good position to move forward with this plan as we have an up to date Legal Notices strategic plan and goals already in place in addition to plans regarding our early learning programs and college & career readiness. Stay tuned for more information about this plan as it is developed. As always, if you have any questions about school matters, please feel free to call me at 873-2400, contact me via email at ksmith@belleplaine.k12.mn.us, via Twitter @BPTiger716 or check our website at www.belleplaine.k12.mn.us. Go Tigers! PAGE TWELVE
(continued from previoius page)
COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close December 12, 2006 Jordan, Minnesota NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS - Sealed proposals will be received until 1:00 p.m., December 12, 2006, by Mitchell J. Rasmussen, County Highway Engineer, Scott County, Jordan, Minnesota on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of said County for the construction of the following project. Proposals will be opened and read publicly by the County Highway Engineer in the Scott County Highway Department Offices, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352. Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing regulations. READ CAREFULLY THE WAGE SCALES AND DIVISION A OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS AS THEY AFFECT THIS/THESE PROJECT/PROJECTS The Minnesota Department of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders: in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Act), as amended and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Subtitle A Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, it will affirmatively assure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded maximum opportunity to participate and/or to submit bids in response to this invitation, and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for an award; in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, and Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230 Subpart A-Equal Employment Opportunity on Federal and FederalAid Construction Contracts (including supportive services), it will affirmatively assure increased participation of minority groups and disadvantaged persons and women in all phases of the highway construction industry, and that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be provided to all persons without regard to their race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.08 Unfair discriminatory Practices, it will affirmatively assure
Belle Plaine High School
Belle Plaine Herald
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 23, 2003 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $465,000.00 MORTGAGOR: Anderson Family Homes, a Minnesota partnership. MORTGAGEE: ProGrowth Bank, a Minnesota corporation. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Mortgage, Assignment of Leases & Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement filed on December 29, 2003 in the office of the County Recorder of Scott County, Minnesota as Document No. A639825, which mortgage was modified by a certain Modification of Mortgage dated September 7, 2004 and filed September 22, 2004 as Document No. A672396. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 2, Hickory Hollow. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE,
Olivia Turmes is the daughter of Marlene and Paul Turmes. She is involved in track, band, jazz band and hockey for PLHS & BPHS. She enjoys playing guitar, biking, hockey, going to the gym, mixed martial arts and cooking. She plans to go to college to be an elec1MFBTF KPJO VT GPS B trician with a music minor.
Tony Vesselinov is the son of Vladimir and Ginka Vesselinov. He is involved in weight room. He enjoys hanging out with friends and playing video games.&RIDAY $ECEMBER ST He plans to be a businessman and major in economics. AM ^ PM
CornerStone State Bank
Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Serving the community since 1882 Brett Holbrook Ins. Agency., Inc. 201 W. Main St., PO Box 87 Brett Holbrook, Agent, Lic. #IN-20264384 Belle Plaine, MN 56011 164 Commerce Drive Belle Plaine, MN 56011 (952) 873-2296 952-873-2228 Fax: 952-873-2595 www.statebankbp.com
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406 E. Commerce 406 East Commerce Drive •Dr. Belle Plaine Belle Plaine 952-873-2500 952-873-2500
Drive-up: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Saturday Lobby: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon. - Thurs. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday
Belle Plaine High School
Gardner Common Sense Leadership, Integrity, Experience
FOR BELLE PLAINE SCHOOL BOARD I ask for your vote because I believe:
* Working together we can solve issues to best educate our students * Our students are the highest priority * My experience in two local school districts, MSU-Mankato and the MSHSL gives me a unique and varied perspective * Being a guardian of the public’s investment in education is critical
My background in education and my work as a small businessperson gives me a balance that will make a difference for kids.
Vote Dan Gardner on November 5! Prepared and paid for by Dan Gardner.
We have a wide variety of beautiful dining room sets to choose from. Please come early so we can have your order submitted in time for you to enjoy it for the entire holiday season! Oak Dining Room Sets Oak Hutches Oak & Hickory Rocking Chairs & Gliders (8 different stains to choose from)
Hickory Beds Storage Benches Gun Cabinets Entertainment Centers
Thursday, Oct. 31
Saturday, Nov. 2
Volleyball: Varsity Sub Section Tourn Cross Country: Varsity State Tourn 7:45 vs TBA Gustavus Adolphus 10:00am vs Northfield @ Saint Olaf College bus 5:15 College Volleyball: Varsity Sectional Tourn 7:45 Friday, Nov. 1 vs TBA Gustavus Adolphus College END OF 1ST QUARTER Football: Varsity Sectional Tourn. Sunday, Nov. 3 7:00 vs Fairmont @ BP HS Cross Country End of Season Banquet 6:30 @ High School Commons GO TIGERS! Please call the Belle Plaine High School with any questions 873-2403
Amish Jellies & Jams Candles, Baskets
GENUINE AMISH FURNITURE 817 N. Minnesota Ave., St. Peter, Minn. (Located on Hwy. 169 - St. Peter) (507) 931-5517
Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., 12-4 p.m.
INCLUDING TAXES, IF BY MORTGAGEE: $666 That prior to the commen mortgage foreclosure proc gagee complied with all n ments as required by sta action or proceeding has b at law or otherwise to rec secured by said mortgage thereof. PURSUANT to the po contained in said mortgag described property will b Sheriff of said County as f DATE AND TIME OF SA December 13, 2006 at 10:0 PLACE OF SALE: S Law Enforcement Center, SheriffĘźs Office, Civil Un Street South, Shakopee 55379 to pay the debt secured gage and taxes, if any, o ises, and the costs and d including attorneysĘź fees law, subject to redemption months from the date of sa mortgagor, their personal r or assigns. THE TIME ALLOWE FOR REDEMPTION MORTGAGOR, THE MO PERSONAL REPRES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE TO FIVE WEEKS IF A ORDER IS ENTERE MINNESOTA STATUTE 582.032, DETERMININ OTHER THINGS, T MORTGAGED PREM IMPROVED WITH A RE DWELLING OF LESS UNITS, ARE NOT PROP IN AGRICULTURAL PR AND ARE ABANDONED Dated: October 11, 2006 PROGROWTH BAN LINDQUIST & VENN By Jo Attorneys f 420 80 South Minneapolis, Min (6 THE RIGHT TO VER OF THE DEBT AND OF THE ORIGINAL WITHIN THE TIME PR LAW IS NOT AFFECTE ACTION. THIS IS AN ATT COLLECT A DEBT INFORMATION OBTA BE USED FOR THAT PU Published in the Belle P on Wednesdays, October November 1, 8, 15 and 22,
Shop the Stores that Advertise in this Newspaper.
They want your business.
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Kris Davis, Belle Plaine School at 952-873-2416 or at kdavis@belleplaine.k12.mn.us
Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352 (TH 282 - 1/4 mile west of TH 13). Digital copies of the Bidding Documents are available at http://www.QuestCDN. com for a fee of $20.00. These documents may be downloaded by selecting this project from the “Browse Projects� page or by entering eBidDoc#450402 on the “Search Projects� page. For assistance and free membership registration, contact QuestCDN at 952-2331632 or info@questcdn.com. Paper copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from Docunet Corp., 151 Cheshire Lane #300, Plymouth, MN 55441, 763-475-9600 for a fee of $120.00. Deposits will not be refunded. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Scott County Treasurer, or a corporate surety bond made in favor of Scott County, for at least 5% of the amount of the bid. The right is reserved to accept any or reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. Mitchell J. Rasmussen County Highway Engineer Scott County Any questions, please contact: Greg M. Felt, Operations Engineer at 952496-8047 or gfelt@co.scott.mn.us Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, November 22 and 29 and December 6, 2006.
State FarmÂŽ
that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be offered to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.36 Certificates of Compliance for Public Contracts, and 363A.37 Rules for Certificates of Compliance, it will assure that appropriate parties to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement possess valid Certificates of Compliance. If you are not a current holder of a compliance certificate issued by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights and intend to bid on any job in this advertisement you must contact the Department of Human Rights immediately for assistance in obtaining a certificate. The following notice from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights applies to all contractors: “It is hereby agreed between the parties that Minnesota Statute, section 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 are incorporated into any contract between these parties based on this specification or any modification of it. A copy of Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 is available upon request from the contracting agency.� “It is hereby agreed between the parties that this agency will require affirmative action requirements be met by contractors in relation to Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules 5000.3600. Failure by a contractor to implement an affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort shall result in revocation of its certificate or revocation of the contract (Minnesota Statute 363A.36, Subd. 2 and 3).� A minimum goal of 12.03% Good Faith Effort to be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. Grading, Base, Paving, Lighting, Sewer, Watermain and Prefab Bus Shelter CP 18-07, SP 70-596-002, CR 18, located near CSAH 18 and Trunk Highway 169 in the City of Shakopee. Major quantities of work are approximately as follows: Light Poles, 32; Brick Pavers 13,680 SF; Concrete Walk 15,247 SF; Concrete Curb and Gutter 7,827 LF; Common Exc. 33,210 CY; Aggregate Base (CV) Class 6,030 CY; Sanitary Sewer 1,032 LF; Storm Sewer 1,143 LF; Concrete Paving 2,559 SY; Type MV 4 Wearing Course Mixture 870 Ton; Type MV 3 Wearing Course Mixture 2800 Ton; and MV3 Non Wearing Course Mixture 3,465 Ton. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County
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It is up to the individu when to begin receiving S beneďŹ ts. A person can ta beneďŹ t as early as age 62. employee can claim a fu what the Social Security A considers to be full ret which, for example, is 6 born between 1943 and 195 a person can wait until ag larger beneďŹ t. Bear in mi you elect to receive a red you remain at that level f your life (with normal increases). The longer yo live, the more you beneďŹ t for the larger check. The current generation more likely than the last have active retirement yea a mix of travel, sports, an How will you spend yo years, and how can you fun Social Security may ďŹ ll o amount of your ďŹ nanci Visit VALLEY BANK MI 200 Creek Lane North, Jo about our savings program equity loans help you tap i for your personal needs. C 492-2666.
HINT: If your income including one-half of So beneďŹ ts, exceeds a certain your beneďŹ ts are partially ta
Backpack Program
(continued from page 1) Section 2AA, North Subsection Tournament Tuesday night in New Prague after this edition of the Herald went to press. A Belle Plaine win will send the team to Gustavus Adolphus College for this Thursday night’s subsection championship against either No. 2 seed Jordan or No. 6 Watertown-Mayer, both of which the Tigers have already beaten this season. The North Subsection champion will advance to Saturday night’s section title match against the South Subsection champion (see details inside).
(continued from page 1) be expanded to help families of students attending Chatfield Elementary School and the junior-senior high school. Organizers want the backpack program to be self-sustaining. Food drives at Oak Crest will be the start of providing the food children need. Junior high students are collecting food Halloween and the food shelf will also be providing food to the program. Food not used in the Backpack Program will go to the food shelf, said Laurel Miller, a para-professional at Oak Crest.
“It has really blossomed,” Hanson said. Thrivent Financial has also pledged to help. Nov. 14 – Give to the Max Day – people can pledge to help their favorite. Thrivent and Kingsway Retirement Living, 815 Main Street W., are hosting a reception that Thursday, 4 to 7 p.m., where people can stop by Kingsway, enjoy refreshments, register for door prizes and make a donation to the Backpack Program. A $5 donation will buy $10 worth of food for the program, said Karen Borresen-Berg, a Thrivent
D.E.A.R. ……
Divas Enjoying Awesome Retail Men may fill freezers, but women are responsible to fill an entire home. How is that fair? Men may travel hours away to sit in a stand high above the ground to wait patiently for a big buck to pass by, while ladies get to save a buck in their own backyard. Waconia retailers and restaurants have come together to create the perfect hunting ground for women. D.E.A.R. =Divas Enjoying Awesome Retail. Scout your ground: Shopping begins 9 a.m. sharp andGeo. confeeding theatpig and get tinue to scout your ground by
attending the Fashion Tips and Trends at the Waconia Theater. Here you will gather ideas for fun fall and winter fashion tips, tricks, and trends. 10 a.m., seats are limited! Keep scouting your ground: Tablescaping 101, 11 a.m. at Yetzer’s Home Furnishings, and 1 p.m. at Mackenthuns Fine Foods., is a sure way to start the process of filling your home with great ideas for Holiday Décor and holiday gift ideas. In addition to great holiday décor and gift ideas, Laketown Chocolates will be on hand at
Yetzer’s to hand out samples of their delicious chocolates that are perfect for gift giving. Then at 1 p.m., visit Mackenthuns to sample their delicious appetizers and take part in a wine sampling by Waconia’s own, Schram Vineyards. Scavenge the ground: Enjoy a little game of “hunt and seek” by finding the letters D.E.A.R. hidden around town at participating merchants and restaurants to fill out your scavenger hunt card (cards can be picked up at any of the participating merchants). One winner receives a “Basket of Waconia” filled with treasures from the participating businesses. Dress in your best blaze orange attire. When you enter the “hunting zone” you will be sure to “shoot” a deal everywhere you go!!!
associate. She said Thrivent’s Southern Scott County Chapter has pledged matching funds for the program from the reception up to $2,000. The funding from donations by individuals and Thrivent will also help the food shelf buy food from Second Harvest Food Bank. Ollhoff is able to stretch a dollar nine times at the food bank. He can fill up his Trailblazer with $700 worth of food – about 2,800 pounds -- for individuals and families in need. The food shelf also benefits from donations from area grocers like Coborn’s, Ollhoff said. To start, school staff, Ollhoff and Borresen-Berg are trying to raise awareness of the need and the Backpack Program. “It’s really a good example of people coming together to help each other,” Borresen-Berg said.
Help deliver the new DEX telephone directories to the St. Paul and South Metro Areas. eo.com/PropanePig be 18Breakfast or olderon & Nov. a licensed, insured driver. • WaffleMust & Sausage 10 from 8:30 a.m. to noon at Our Attend a short meeting for more information. Held daily Lady of the Prairie. at 10:00 AM or 1:30 PM Monday – Friday. You can • Belle Plaine Run Club, an informal running club for participants who get started immediately! desire to run, socialize, and motivate. For information and times, call Great Fundraiser more for Groups
(952) 486-1903. Delivery stations: • City Council Meeting on November 4 at 6 p.m. at Belle Plaine Government Citi-Cargo South Citi-Cargo North Center.3080 Long Lake Rd. 900 Apollo Rd • School Board Meetings at Junior High Library ~ 2nd Eagan, MNMonday 55121of each Roseville, MN 55113 month: meetings are scheduled as a work session; 4th Monday of each CALL 1-855-471-5804 Or text ‘job4471’ to 77948 month: business meetings for the board, Finance starts at 5:30 forRegular more information www.deliverYELLOW.com EOEp.m. and regular at 6 p.m. For more information or if a holiday interferes, call (952) 873-2400 or go online at www.belleplaine.k12.mn.us • Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women now has free on-site childcare available during weekly evening and daytime women's support groups. If you or someone you know is or has been a victim of domestic violence, please call SVA at (952) 873-4214 for more information regarding the times and locations of the groups. • Senior Citizens Meet Wednesdays & Fridays Cards are played at 1 p.m. at Cardinal Ridge Apts. Mondays: Mom's/Women's Prayer Group: Meeting from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Call Amy for details and location (952) 484-9100. Wednesdays: BP Rotary at 12 noon at Kingway Retirement Living (Ratzkeller Room) Wednesdays & Fridays: Al-Anon Meetings on Wednesdays (only) at 8 p.m. Meetings are held in the hall at the corner of Chestnut-across from St. John Lutheran Church. Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays: AA Closed Meetings on Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m. Also, NA Meeting open on Sunday at 7 p.m. Thursdays: Belle Plaine Knitting Group meets at Kingsway Living Center from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room or in the Art Gallery. Open to all ages and skill levels. Knitters and crocheters welcome. Sundays: BINGO at the Vet's Club. Starting at 7:30 p.m. Public welcome. 1st Monday of each Month: The Belle Plaine Friends of the Library meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Rose Room, at the Library. 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each Month: Support Groups for Families meet at the Valley Green Workforce Center in Shakopee at 6:30 p.m. and is for families who have a relative with a mental illness. The group is led by trained facilitators who also have a family member with mental illness. The support groups help families develop better coping skills and find strength through sharing experiences. For information, call (952) 890-1669. 1st Tuesday of the Month: Belle Plaine Lions/Board of Directors meet at Borough Bowl in Belle Plaine, at 6:30 p.m. • Area Separated & Divorce Support Group from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Wenceslaus Church, lower level, in New Prague. Call Deacon Bob Wagner (952) 758-0463 or Mary (952) 873-6781 for more information. 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month: Area Separated and Divorce Support Group meets at St. Wenceslaus Church, lower level, New Prague 7-8:30 p.m. Call Mary (952) 873-6781 for more information. • B.P. Borough Riders Snowmobile Club meets at Sparetime Tavern in Belle Plaine at 7 p.m. 4th Monday of the Month: Support Group: Women's Connection for Cancer. For more information contact the 'Ask St. Francis' info. line @ (952) 403-2000 2nd Tuesday of the Month: Belle Plaine Lions/General Membership Meeting at Duets in Belle Plaine, at 7 p.m. • Minnesota Valley Riders Saddle Club (MVR) monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Neil's Pub Rustic Room. Join in planning and participating in area horse related activities. • Valley Garden Club: meets monthly. Location varies, see bpgardeners.blogspot. com or call Anne Buesgens (507) 248-3666. 2nd Wednesday of the Month - Scott Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors monthly meeting at 8 p.m. at their office in the Scott County Extension and Conservation Center at the Scott County Fairgrounds in Jordan. For more information, call Shelly at (952) 873-5412. 2nd Thursday of the Month: Sons of the American Legion, American Legion & Auxiliary Mtg. at 7 p.m. at the Vet's Club. 2nd and 4th Thursday of each Month: New Prague Area Toastmasters meet from 7:30-8:30 p.m. at the New Prague City Hall, 118 Central Ave. No. Join to develop and enhance your speaking, communication, and leadership skills. For more information, call Carolyn at (952) 873-4489. 2nd Friday of the Month: Steak Fry at the Belle Plaine Vet’s Club, Steak or Shrimp, 5:30-8 p.m. 2nd Saturday of the Month: B.P. Historical Society Open Meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the Historical House Muesum. 3rd Monday of the Month: Vet's Club Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Club. 3rd Tuesday of the Month: Sportsman's Club Meeting at the Vets Club in Belle Plaine at 7 p.m. For more information, call Maynhardt (952) 873-4395. 3rd Thursday of the Month: VFW Auxiliary meeting at 7 p.m. at the Vets Club. VFW Men at 7:30 p.m. at the Club.
Help deliver the new DEX telephone directories to the St. Paul and South Metro Areas. Must be 18 or older & a licensed, insured driver. Attend a short meeting for more information. Held daily at 10:00 AM or 1:30 PM Monday – Friday. You can get started immediately! Great Fundraiser for Groups Delivery stations: Citi-Cargo South Citi-Cargo North 900 Apollo Rd 3080 Long Lake Rd. Eagan, MN 55121 Roseville, MN 55113
Coalition, which includes representation from Belle Plaine and Scott County, wants the interchange project underway next spring. However, the new rest stop, a $3.5 million project, is not yet funded. Cambria wants the 28½ acres the rest stop currently occupies for its expansion plans. The state has OK’d selling the rest stop land in the name of economic development. The company has offered $700,000 for a parcel with an assessed valuation of $439,000. There’s also the issue of acquiring right-of-way for the interchange and designing it once the right-of-way is purchased, processes Mn/DOT says can take months.
Chaska City Councilors recently approved a concept plan for an 83-acres business park plan along Highway 212 near its intersection with Engler Boulevard. The business park could include a grocery store, prompting concerns from grocers in downtown Chaska. Downtown businesspersons are concerned the park could have a negative impact on their bottom lines. The proposed business park will have five distinct districts, the Chaska Herald recently reported. The districts include two offices districts, a corporate industrial district, a highbay industrial district and a retail district. The retail district would be on 15 acres and be anchored by a proposed 65,000-square-foot grocery store. It would also include businesses like a sit-down
restaurant, bank, pharmacy, day care, dry cleaner, daycare or barber/beauty shop. Councilors were initially enthused about the prospects of a restaurant near a businesses park. They are reportedly concerned about the impact a grocery store might have on other grocery operations in the city. The exact tenants of the park will depend on market demand. The park still needs preliminary and final site plan approvals from the city council. Gary Cooper, owner of Cooper’s downtown, believes a new grocery store would kill his business. The loss of Cooper’s would eliminate between 6,000 and 8,000 shopping trips downtown, said Dan Keyport, a downtown business owner and member of the Chaska Planning Commission.
CALL 1-855-471-5804 Or text ‘job4471’ to 77948 for more information www.deliverYELLOW.com EOE
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What’s Happening
Belle Plaine High School’s annual Food Drive begins today and will continue through Wednesday, Nov. 6. The school is collecting nonperishable food items and/or cash donations. Checks can be made payable to Belle Plaine Food Shelf. For more information, contact Jill Morreim at 952-873-2403 (ext. 528) or http://missmorreim.weebly.com.
geothermal heating and cooling systems can ou up to 70% on your home energy bills. With an nal 30% federal tax credit, these systems are now ffordable than ever!
Le Sueur County is in no hurry to accept a federal grant that will help pay for a new interchange on Highway 169 until details on the relocation of the rest stop are finalized. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) has yet to finalize where the rest stop along Highway 169 will be placed. That location will impact the location of the new interchange at Highway 169 and County Road 28. The federal government has OK’d a $2.1 million grant for the interchange project, the Le Sueur News-Herald recently reported. The interchange will make entering and leaving Le Sueur’s planned business park safer. The Highway 169 Corridor
opane too high? eginningbills 10/27/2013
In Le Sueur, Details Put 169 Interchange Project on Hold
Chaska City Council BPHS Food Supportive of 83-acre Drive Begins METRO Business Park Plan
2x4 ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 10/27/2013
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2x2 & 2x4 ads run ONE TIME, the wee (952)to447-8120 www.hafermanwater.com
Propane bills too high? Display Ad Network
Your newspaper has agreed to participate in the 2x2 Display Ad Network program by running these ads in the main news section of your newspaper (not the classified section of your newspaper). At times, advertisers may request a specific section. However, 113 East Main Street • P.O. Box 7 • Belle Plaine, MN 56011 decision is ulti952.873.2261 • Fax 952.873.2262 •the Email bpherald@frontiernet.net mately up to each www.belleplaineherald.com newspaper. Ads may need to be decreased slightly in size to fit your column sizes.
Stop feeding the pig and get Geo.
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WEDNESDAY, october 30, 2013
In Loving Memory of
Ilene E. Hanson who passed away 1 year ago on October 29, 2012
Tho her smile is gone forever, and her hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories of the one we love so much. Her memory is our keepsake, with which we will never part. God has her in his keeping, we have her in our hearts.
Greatly Missed By Her Family
help wanted
Make $63,000.00yr or more, $2,500.00 Driver Referral Bonus & $1,200.00 Orientation Completion Bonus! CDL-A OTR Exp. Req. Call Now: 1-866325-1584. 10/30
Equipment operators and CDL drivers wanted. Must be reliable and able to work in a team setting as well as individually. Contact Molnau Trucking LLC Anna 952-240-0688
The Lutheran Home Campus in Belle Plaine is currently accepting applications for the following positions: • LPN/RN • Nursing Assistant • Evening Cook We offer very competitive pay and benefits! For additional information or to apply online, visit The Lutheran Home Association website at www.tlha.org or call (952) 873-2164. An Equal Opportunity Employer
Environmentalist II
Performs a variety of professional duties related to maintaining a healthy environment for County residents. Assignments include inspection & enforcement activities in solid waste, hazardous waste, subsurface sewage treatment systems (SSTS), sewage regulations, nuisance complaints, & operation of the County household hazardous waste (HHW) facility. The work hours will include work at the household hazardous waste facility Saturday mornings from 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM & Wednesday afternoons until 6:30. MQs: Requires equivalency of a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science or directly related field & 1 yr of professional experience in the environmental health (EH) field. Must be eligible for Registration by the State of MN as an EH Specialist & standardized, certified, or otherwise qualified as an inspector in 2 EH specialty areas. Preference given for MPCA certification as a SSTS inspector or designer & for OSHA training & experience handling household hazardous waste. One must possess a valid driver’s license. Starting Salary: $21.57/hr. to $29.68/hr. – DOQ. Selection Method: Rating of Training & Experience. Final selection will include additional assessments. Closing Date: 11/04/13. Obtain application from the Scott County Employment Page (http://www.co.scott.mn.us/CountyGov/ Employment/Pages/WorkforScottCounty.aspx). EOE TTY/TDD: 952-496-8170 Let’s work together.
PAGE nine
Bowling Results
for sale Beautiful black dirt: Reasonable Price. Delivery Available. (952) 873-6866. TF
Orchard Street Townhomes
Apartment Homes For Rent
Belle Plaine, MN
2 & 3 BR units available for immediate occupancy. • 2 BR unit $740.00 per mo.+utilities • 3 BR units $840.00 per mo.+utilities Must meet section 42 income guidelines to qualify. For rental information please call 952-445-2001
1 BR All units feature gas 2 BR & 3 BR fireplaces, onsite laundry, Apartments
Wanted: 1 bedroom apartment
Please call (952) 10/30 873-6745.
large & spacious units, controlled access entry. Heat & electricity included in rent.
Greenfield Estates Apartment Homes
help wanted
OFFICE ASSISTANT – COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The City of Belle Plaine, MN is accepting apps for FT Office Assistant-Community Development. Resp. incl. shared receptionist duties, clerical related to permit activities, maintain city website, monthly newsletter & cable channel, & perform a variety of routine and admin. tech. & prof. work related to econ. dev., planning, zoning, & parks. Min. qual. include H.S. deg., or equiv., 2 yrs recept. or office related exp.; exc verbal and written skills; Microsoft Office, Adobe In-Design & Banyon. Starting range $16.53-$17.29/hr, plus benefits, DOQ. 35 hrs per wk. App & job desc. on the City’s website at www.belleplainemn.com or contact 952-873-5553. Submit app., cover letter & resume by Nov. 12, 2013 to City of Belle Plaine, Attn: Comm. Dev. Dir. Chelsea Alger, 218 No. Meridian St., P.O. Box 129, Belle Plaine, MN 56011.
880 Kingsway Drive Le Sueur, MN 56058
(507) 479-0345
2 Bedroom in 4-plex:
Call (952) 873-2265 or (952) 250-9687. TF
For Rent: 3 BR, 2 BA Rambler in Belle Plaine with deck and large unattached garage. Available Nov 1, $1,150/month. (952) 466-3363. TF
Under New Management
Apartment Now Available Cardinal Ridge Apartments
1 Bedroom 62 & Older or Disabled Rent Based on Income Optional Weekday Noon Meals Equal Housing Opportunity
2BR Apartment Includes water, garbage, off-street parking, coin laundry. New carpets and paint. No pets. Owner/agent (612) 483-1781. TF
Looking for a place to rent? Looking for a new/used vehicle? Looking for a good Day Care? Looking for a new Job?
...Look in the Classifieds
Buesgens Septic Services
William “Bill� Paige-Evans, M.A. L.P. Licensed Psychologist
Serving the behavioral health and mental health needs of individuals, couples and families for over 25 years. 200 N. Meridian Street, Belle Plaine 952-847-0410 • wpaigeevans@hotmail.com www.empathic.com/empathic/pro/william_paige-evans
Currently filling 2 PT positions at 20 hrs/wk, 2 PT '# "" # % ’ &%% " % ## Sfb #% '# "" # % ’ &%% " % ## Sfb #% positions at 30 hrs/week, & On-Call positions Currently hiring PT Drivers to transport passengers of varying capabilities in fixed, circulator, & dial-a-ride routes in Carver & Scott counties. If you’re a service-oriented Driver looking to make a difference for those you serve, please apply. MQs: Requires possession of a valid Commercial Driver’s License with passenger endorsement for 29 or more passengers & 1 year of related commercial driving experience. One must hold or be able to obtain a DOT Medical Card. A safe driving record & a pre-employment DOT drug test (in accordance with Part 655) are required. Computer use is required. Hiring Rate: $15.21/ hr. Selection: Rating of Training & Experience. Appointment contingent upon ability to pass drug testing, DOT & physical demands medical exams, 15-yr background investigation, & safe driving record. Postings Open Until Filled. Obtain application from the Scott County Employment Page (http://www.co.scott.mn.us/CountyGov/ Employment/Pages/WorkforScottCounty.aspx). EOE TTY/TDD: 952-496-8170 Let’s work together.
Thursday Foxes Johan’s 26 Deb’s Embroidery 16.5 Sparetime Tavern 14 Wild Night Karaoke 14 Last Call 13.5 High Game: Julie Savage 215, Judy Keefer 181, Jeanne Lundborg 179, Miranda Yahnke 179 High Series: Jeanne Lundborg 495 Tuesday Night Ladies KRI 18 Sparetime 15 Meierbachtols 14 G&H Ready Mix 13 Hairs 2 U 12 Charlie’s Angels 12 High Game: Jodi Fahey 212 High Series: Jodi Fahey 493, Jo Kruger 488, Heidi Piche 486 Wednesday Afternoon Delights Huck’s 22 St. Gert’s Gardens 22 Renewable Res. 19 Mankato Motors 16 Dahlgreen Golf Club 16 Siegle’s Conc. Pumping 16 Paparazzi 14 High Game: Sandy Oestrich 218 High Series: Sandy Oestrich 541, Deb Shaughnessy 531, Sarah Voss 456 Commercial League Bartels Lands 18 Johan’s 18 D Lee Guns 17 Neils 16 Ag Power 15 Prairie Farm 9 Coldwell Banker 6 High Game: Eric Lyons 264 High Series: Eric Lyons 762, Todd Tuchtenhagen 688, Josh Muehlenhardt 662 City League Johan’s 21 Ag Power 15 Foline Auto 14 Annie’s Boys 14
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SmartLink Scott & Carver County Transit PT and On-Call TRANSIT BUS DRIVERS
Deadline for bowling results is Monday at 12 noon.
Borough Bowl 13 Neil’s Pub 5 High Game: Tom Otto 279, Clinton Herrmann 257 High Series: Tom Otto 731, Matt Schwichtenberg 682 Friday Night Owls Johan’s 3 Stier Trucking 3 Jody’s Daycare 2 Hair by Paula 2 Napa Auto 1 Spletzer Automotive 1 Men’s High Game: Jason Spletzer 231 Men’s High Series: Chad Feltman 616, Ted Malz 589, Tom Sellnow 589 Women’s High Game: Jody Hornaman 198 Women’s High Series: Jody Hornaman 534, Tina Soller 479, Bonnie Malz 453. Congrats to Spletzer Auto for winning the 1st Qtr. Pin Bashers Koepp Accounting 15.5 Steffen Hardware 12.5 Boys’s High Game: Ben Davis 102 Boy’s High Series: Ben Davis 244, Alex Feddersen 209, Connor Mulroy 133 Girl’s High Game: Emily Nagel 89 Girl’s High Series: Emily Nagel 213 Monday Mini’s VFW Auxiliary 14 Genesis Town & Country 12 State Bank of BP 7 Boys’s High Game: Jack Hohn 53 Boy’s High Series: Jack Hohn 84, Ted Hohn 68, Carson Mulroy 67 Girl’s High Game: Ciara Fahey 108 Girl’s High Series: Ciara Fahey 194 Strikers Dairy Queen 20 KRI 17 Prairie Farm Supply 16.5 Behnke Auto Center 14.5 State Bank of BP 13 Team 6 12.5 Rainbow Discovery 12 Cenex 6.5 Boy’s High Game: Aaron Lenzmeier 215 Boy’s High Series: Allen Jackson 575, Brady Yahnke 572, Aaron Lenzmeier 564 Girl’s High Game: Madison Brown 171 Girl’s High Series: Madison Brown 429, Emma Salden 254, Sara Stoterau 121
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PAGE ten
Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR INTERIM USE PERMIT You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Scott County Planning Advisory Commission in the County Board Room, of the Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota on: November 12, 2013 at 6:40 PM PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider application for Interim Use Permit of Joe Fries SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: Part of the Northeast Quarter and Southeast Quarter, Section 3, Township 113, Range 22, Cedar Lake Township Property Address: 22470 Panama Ave REQUESTED ACTION: Interim Use Permit (#170-I-3) to operate a trucking company as a home extended business in the RR-1 District Further information regarding the above mentioned project including site drawings and relevant Zoning Ordinance requirements will be available, after October 31, 2013, on the Scott County web site, www. co.scott.mn.us. Please go to Your County Government, Boards and Commissions, Planning Advisory Commission, Planning Advisory Commission Agenda 11/12/2013, and click on the project item. If you would like to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Department. For more information, contact the Scott County Planning Department at 496-8475. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, October 30, 2013.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MINOR AMENDMENT You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Scott County Planning Advisory Commission in the County Board Room, of the Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue W, Shakopee, Minnesota on: November 12, 2013 at 6:50 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider application for Comprehensive Plan Minor Amendment to amend planned land use map, Scott County, Greystone Construction/By The Yard, applicants REQUESTED ACTION: Re-guide land along TH 169 in Sand Creek Township from “Commercial Reserve” to “Commercial/Industrial” on the 2030 Planned Land Use Map. Further information regarding the above mentioned project and relevant Zoning Ordinance requirements will be available, after October 31, 2013, on the Scott County web site www. co.scott.mn.us. Please go to, Your County Government, Boards & Commissions, Planning Advisory Commission, Planning Advisory Commission Agenda 11/12/13, and click on the project item. If you would like to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Department. For more information, contact the Scott County Planning Department at 496‑8475. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, October 30, 2013.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-13-18490 NOTICE of informal probate of will and informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Raymond J. Winkel, Decedent. Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's will dated 6/22/1976 has been filed with the Registrar. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed David A. Winkel whose address is 9751 Portland Ave. So., Bloomington, MN 55420 as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate, including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the Will or appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four
months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. A charitable beneficiary may request notice of the probate proceedings be given to the Attorney General pursuant to Minn. Stat. 501B.41, subd. 5. Dated: October 2, 2013 Filed in Scott County Courts October 2, 2013 Heather M. Kendall Registrar Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Applicant James M. Kempainen 8609 Lyndale Ave. So. #115 Bloomington, MN 55420 Attorney License No: 54975 Telephone: 952-881-8636 Fax: 952-881-9150 Email: jimkemp5154@hotmail. com Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 23 and 30, 2013.
NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE SCOTT COUNTY HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 12 You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Scott County Board of Commissioners in the County Board Room of the Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota on: November 19, 2013, at 10:00 A.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider amendments to the Scott County Hazardous Waste Management Ordinance Number 12 which regulates the generation, storage, processing, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste in Scott County. The amendments to this Ordinance will help maintain consistency with the rules enforced by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the surrounding metropolitan counties. The amendments will also reduce regulation for smaller facilities collecting waste from other businesses and the public in Scott County. REQUESTED ACTION: Approve the proposed amendments. A copy of the Ordinance with the proposed amendments is available from Joan Anderson of the Scott County Environmental Health and Inspections Dept. (952-496-8477) or on the Scott County web site at www.co.scott.mn.us. Please go to Parks, Library & Environment, Business Hazardous Waste and then click on Proposed 2013 Updated Hazardous Waste Ordinance. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, October 30, 2013.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: 70-PR-13-18219 NOTICE of informal probate of will and informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Donnavan Martin, a/k/a Donnavan D. Martin, a/k/a Donnavan Donald Martin, a/k/a Donovan Donald Martin, a/k/a Donnovan D. Martin, Decedent. Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated December 13, 2011. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Roxanne RaNae Jackelen, whose address is 2135 Park Ridge Drive, Shakopee, MN 55379, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent's estate. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: October 2, 2013 Filed in Scott County Courts October 2, 2013 Heather M. Kendall Registrar Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Jaspers, Moriarty & Walburg, P.A. James P. Conway MN # 0391044 206 Scott Street Shakopee, MN 55379 Telephone: (952) 445-2817 Facsimile: (952) 445-0812 e-mail: jconway@jmwlaw.com Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 23 and 30, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Date: September 20, 2013 YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT: 1. Default has occurred in the conditions of the Mortgage dated February 23, 2007, executed by Victoria Taylor, a single person, as mortgagor, to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as mortgagee, and memorialized on March 19, 2007 on Certificate of Title Number 44451.0 as Document Number T182988, in the office of the Registrar of Titles of Scott County, Minnesota. The land described in the Mortgage is registered land. 2. The original principal amount secured by the Mortgage was $157,800.00. 3. No action or proceeding at law is now pending to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof. 4. No mortgagor has been released from financial obligation on the mortgage. 5. The holder of the Mortgage has complied with all conditions precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by the Mortgage and foreclosure of the Mortgage, and all notice and other requirements of applicable statutes. 6. At the date of this notice the amount due on the Mortgage, and taxes, if any, paid by the holder of the Mortgage is $140,977.66. 7. Pursuant to the power of sale in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the land described as follows: Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 6, Evergreen First Addition will be sold by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota, at public auction on November 14, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at the office of the Scott County Sheriff, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota. 8. The mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. May 14, 2014, if the mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. Sec. 580.30, the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. Sec. 580.23, or the redemption period is not reduced under section 582.032. 9. The time allowed by law for redemption by Mortgagor or Mortgagor’s personal representatives or assigns is 6 months after the date of sale. 10. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. 11. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Foreclosure Data required by Minn. Stat. Sec. 580.025 1. Property Address: 2048 13th Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 2.Transaction Agent: Not Applicable 3. Name of Mortgage Originator (Lender): Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 4. Residential Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 5. Tax Parcel Identification Number: 27-11302-10 6. Transaction Agent’s Mortgage ID Number: Not Applicable Wells Fargo Bank, National Association Attorneys for Mortgagee Drew L. McNeill STEPHENSON, SANFORD, PIERSON & THONE, P.L.C. Suite 220, 1905 East Wayzata Boulevard Wayzata, MN 55391 (952) 404-2100 7-3108 Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 25 and October 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 26, 2009 MORTGAGOR: Paul E. Schulte and Kellijo L. Schulte, Husband and Wife. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded July 14, 2009 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A 830746. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: CitiMortgage, Inc.. Dated October 22, 2012 Recorded October 31, 2012, as Document No. A919611. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100026900031084386 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Bell America Mortgage LLC DBA Bell Mortgage RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: CitiMortgage, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 16323 Southeast Victoria Curve, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 253220130 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 3, Cardinal Ridge Fourth Addition, Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY
IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $248,000.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $256,695.12 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: November 21, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 21, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: September 13, 2013 CitiMortgage, Inc. Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 10 - 13-006022 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 25 and October 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: April 7, 2006 MORTGAGOR: Dale M. Haupt, a single person and Wriel R. Garcia, a single person. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded April 26, 2006 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A736473. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the Certificateholders CWALT, Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 2006-OC5 Mortgage Pass-through Certificates, Series 2006-OC5. Dated March 15, 2010 Recorded March 30, 2010, as Document No. A850203. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100077910006047381 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Decision One Mortgage Company LLC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1887 Greenway Avenue, Shakopee, MN 55379 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 271910540 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 5, Prairie Bend 1st Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $214,000.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $332,546.42 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as
WEDNESDAY, october 30, 2013 follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: November 19, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 19, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: September 16, 2013 The Bank of New York Mellon, as Trustee Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 38 - 13-006359 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 25 and October 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 21, 2004 MORTGAGOR: Jeremiah K Bimpong, single and Anthony Minta Single. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for U.S. Bank N.A. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Filed July 26, 2004, Scott County Registrar of Titles, Document No. T159086 on Certificate of Title No. 40542. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: U.S. Bank National Association. Dated July 11, 2013 Filed July 15, 2013, as Document No. T224522. Said Mortgage being upon Registered Land. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100021278907557727 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: U.S. Bank N.A. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank Home Mortgage, a division of U.S. Bank National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 13948 Ventura Place, Savage, MN 55378 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 262900060 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 6, Block 1, Cranberry Ridge 2nd Addition, Common Interest Community No. 1067, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $186,049.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $205,163.20 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: November 14, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family
dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 14, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: September 3, 2013 U.S. Bank National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 19 - 12-004388 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 25 and October 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2013.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Belle Plaine/Belle Plaine Orderly Annexation Board in the Belle Plaine City Council Chambers, 218 North Meridian St., Belle Plaine, Minnesota on: November 13, 2013 at 5:00 PM PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider application for Conditional Use Permit of Cindy Heimerl, Rubies & Rust LLC SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: Lot 1, Block 1, 2 Story Acres, Section 8, Township 113, Range 24, Belle Plaine Township Property Address: 23961 KITTSON BLVD, BELLE PLAINE TWP REQUESTED ACTION: Conditional Use Permit (#1363C-1) to operate a home extended business to host weddings and wedding receptions in a barn in the A-3 District Further information regarding the above mentioned project including site drawings and relevant Zoning Ordinance requirements will be available, after October 31, 2013, on the Scott County web site, www. co.scott.mn.us. Please go to Your County Government, Boards and Commissions, Orderly Annexation Board, Orderly Annexation Board 11/13/2013, and click on the project item. If you would like to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Department. For more information, contact the Scott County Planning Department at 496-8475. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, October 30, 2013.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR REZONING You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Scott County Planning Advisory Commission in the County Board Room, of the Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota on: November 12, 2013 at 6:30 PM PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider application for Rezoning of Patrick M. and Timothy W. Murphy SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: Part of Northeast Quarter and Southeast Quarter, Section 2, Township 113, Range 24, Belle Plaine Township Property Address: 22501 Delaware Ave REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning (#772-R-1) to rezone 78.24 acres from A-1 Agricultural Preservation to A-3 Agricultural Preservation Density District Further information regarding the above mentioned project including site drawings and relevant Zoning Ordinance requirements will be available, after October 31, 2013, on the Scott County web site, www. co.scott.mn.us. Please go to Your County Government, Boards and Commissions, Planning Advisory Commission, Planning Advisory Commission Agenda 11/12/2013, and click on the project item. If you would like to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Department. For more information, contact the Scott County Planning Department at 496-8475. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, October 30, 2013.
WEDNESDAY, october 30, 2013
Legal Notices
(continued from previous page) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 30, 2005 MORTGAGOR: Darcy Anderson, an unmarried man. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded July 11, 2005 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A704901. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., FKA The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A., as successor in interest to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as Trustee for the holders of MLMI SURF Trust, Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-BC4. Dated February 26, 2009 Recorded March 19, 2009, as Document No. A820597; and also by Document Dated May 17, 2012 Recorded May 18, 2012 as Document No. A905846. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100175200002572926 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: MILA, Inc. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 16005 Creekwood Road, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 040140250 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 9, Block 2, Creekwood, Scott County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $216,000.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $286,038.87 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: December 5, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on June 5, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: September 26, 2013 The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 38 - 13-005298 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and November 6, 2013.
mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: August 5, 2005 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $425,850.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Thomas C. Mulcare and Dawnlynn M. Mulcare, Husband and Wife, As joint Tenants MORTGAGEE: Ameriquest Mortgage Company SERVICER: Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC LENDER: Ameriquest Mortgage Company. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Scott County Minnesota, Recorder, on August 19, 2005, as Document No. A 710024. ASSIGNED TO: Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Ameriquest Mortgage Securities Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-R9 Dated: March 11, 2009, and recorded April 1, 2009 by Document No. A821605. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 2, Block 2, Wagonwheel crossing fourth addition, according to the map or plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the county recorder in and for scott County, Minnesota PROPERTY ADDRESS: 22425 Wagonwheel Trail, Lakeville, MN 55044 PROPERTY I.D: 080560080 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-Eight and 40/100 ($450,868.40) THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes; PURSUANT, to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: 10:00 AM on December 5, 2013 PLACE OF SALE: in the lobby of the Scott County Law Enforcement Center, 301 S. Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN 55379 to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by said mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns is 6.00 months from the date of sale. If Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. Section580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. Section580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on June 5, 2014, or the next business day if June 5, 2014 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR`S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: October 16, 2013 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Ameriquest Mortgage Securities Inc., AssetBacked Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-R9 Randall S. Miller and Associates, PLLC Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgage/Mortgagee Canadian Pacific Plaza, 120 South Sixth Street, Suite 2050 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone: 952-232-0052 Our File No. 13OMN00139-2 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. A-4420842 Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 16, 23, 30 and November 6, 13 and 20, 2013.
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: August 18, 2004 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $141,600.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Ronald W Toward and Carrie R Toward, Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants MORTGAGEE: New Century Mortgage Corporation SERVICER: Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC LENDER: New Century Mortgage Corporation. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Scott County Minnesota, Recorder , on September 7, 2004, as Document No. A 670498. ASSIGNED TO: Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Indenture Trustee for New Century Home Equity Loan Trust 2004-3 Dated: February 12, 2010, and recorded February 23, 2010 by Document No. A847806. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: A certain tract or parcel of land in Scott County, in the State of Minnesota, described as follows: The South 71 feet of Lots 6,7 Block 62, Shakopee, Scott County Minnesota according to the plat thereof. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 418 Pierce Street South, Shakopee, MN 55379 PROPERTY I.D: 270014590 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY
BELLE PLAINE HERALD, BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA IS LOCATED: Scott THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: One Hundred Sixty-Eight Thousand Five Hundred Forty-Four and 65/100 ($168,544.65) THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes; PURSUANT, to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: 10:00 AM on December 12, 2013 PLACE OF SALE: in the lobby of the Scott County Law Enforcement Center, 301 S. Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN 55379 to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by said mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns is 6.00 months from the date of sale. If Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. Section580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. Section580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on June 12, 2014, or the next business day if June 12, 2014 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR`S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: October 23, 2013 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Indenture Trustee for New Century Home Equity Loan Trust 2004-3 Randall S. Miller and Associates, PLLC Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgage/Mortgagee Canadian Pacific Plaza, 120 South Sixth Street, Suite 2050 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone: 952-232-0052 Our File No. 12MN00309-2 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. A-4421305 Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 23, 30 and November 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 24, 2005 MORTGAGOR: Jeff Davis and Michelle Davis, husband and wife; Michelle Davis was released from the mortgage by Doc. No. 202107. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Filed July 12, 2005, Scott County Registrar of Titles, Document No. T168609; modified by Modification Agreement Dated April 5, 2010 Recorded April 13, 2010 as Document No. T202108 on Certificate of Title No. 32942. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: U.S. Bank National Association, as Successor Trustee, to Bank of America, N.A., as Trustee, successor by merger to LaSalle Bank National Association, as Indenture Trustee for the holders of the Accredited Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-3 Asset Backed Notes. Dated January 20, 2010 Filed April 13, 2010, as Document No. T202106. Said Mortgage being upon Registered Land. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100176105062283141 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Accredited Home Lenders, Inc. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6089 150TH Street Southeast, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 251260010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot One (1), OakGlenn, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Scott County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $288,000.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $347,420.43 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be
sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: December 19, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on June 19, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: October 17, 2013 U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 38-355 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 30 and November 6, 13, 20, 27 and December 4, 2013.
PAGE eleven
4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 21 - 12-006355 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 29 and June 5, 12, 19, 26 and July 3, 2013. NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 580.07, the foregoing foreclosure sale is postponed until December 24, 2013 at 10:00 AM at the Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN, in said county and state. Dated: October 22, 2013. Nationstar Mortgage LLC Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 21 - 12-006355 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, October 30, 2013.
Voters (continued from page 1)
serve the community and the district’s students and staff. He wants to bring passion and his talents to help students achieve academic excellence. The five participated in a candidates’ forum and answered a series of questions from the Herald. Details from both were in last week’s Herald and are on its web site – www.belleplaineherald.com
Area School Board Elections
In Jordan, Joe Benko, Sandy Burke, Connie Hennen, Jeanna Orris, Deborah Pauly, Kerrie Troseth and Tom Vogel are running for four open seats on the school board.
In the New Prague Area School District, voters will see three unchallenged incumbents on the ballot. Directors Sherry Brooks, Don Dvorak and Jerry Walerius are seeking re-election to the board. Shakopee School District voters are considering candidates Chuck Berg, Jeremy Casper, Shawn Hallett, Mary Romansky and Scott Swanson for four seats. Voters in the Central School District based in Norwood Young America will choose three of four candidates seeking election. They are David Bleichner, Nicole Evenski, Elroy Latzig and Richard Schug.
Belle Plaine Police Report NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: November 14, 2007 MORTGAGOR: Scott J Lundquist and Ruth T Lundquist, husband and wife, as joint tenants. MORTGAGEE: Bank of America, N.A.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Filed January 18, 2008, Scott County Registrar of Titles, Document No. T188353 on Certificate of Title No. 33237. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Dated January 3, 2013 Filed January 14, 2013, as Document No. T220638. Said Mortgage being upon Registered Land. TRANSACTION AGENT: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT’S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Bank of America, N.A. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Nationstar Mortgage, LLC MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 15026 Valley View Place, Savage, MN 55378 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 262910280 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 6, Block 3, Dufferin Park 12th Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $353,500.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $396,910.95 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 23, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on January 23, 2014,
The week of Oct. 21-27, Belle a vehicle. Plaine police responded to the Friday, Oct. 25 following selected calls: A person on the 100 block of South Elm Street called for Monday Oct. 21 medical help at 5:12 a.m. A Police assisted paramedics man suffering back and chest on the 600 block of West Main pain was transported to an area Street at 12:21 a.m. with an un- hospital. cooperative patient. The patient A woman on the 100 block calmed down and was trans- of Aspen Lane asked police at ported to an area hospital. 5:58 p.m. to unlock a vehicle. A woman on the 800 block A woman on the 300 block of Prairie Oak Drive called for of South Walnut Street asked medical help at 8:08 a.m. A police at 7:20 p.m. to unlock a man, 73, was suffering numb- vehicle. ness on his right side. He was After a random license plate transported to an area hospital. check at 8:02 p.m., police Police assisted high school stopped a vehicle near the instaff at 12:42 p.m. A student tersection of East Main Street brought marijuana to school. and Highway 169. The driver There was not enough marijua- was cited for driving with a susna to test and so the student was pended license. not cited. At 8:27 p.m. police cited the A woman on the 200 block of driver of a vehicle that did not South Market Street reported at move over for an officer on an3:33 p.m. the theft of a bike. other call near the intersection A person on the 800 block of of Delaware Avenue and HighEast Orchard Street brought a way 169. The driver admitted backpack with narcotics items he was on his cell phone and to police department at 4:33 did not notice the officer on the p.m. Contents of a blue bag- side of the road. gie tested positive for cocaine. Saturday, Oct. 26 Information was forwarded to A man near the intersection of the county attorney’s office for East Main and North Chestnut possible criminal charges. streets reported at 2:33 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22 an assault at a downtown bar. A woman on the 400 block of The victim declined to press West Main Street called at 9:04 charges. a.m. for medical help. A man, A woman on the 700 block of 73, suffered a fall on the side- Maple Circle asked police at walk and was complaining of 8:30 a.m. to unlock a vehicle. knee pain. A man on the 700 block of A person on the 100 block of West Forest Street was taken South Chestnut Street asked into custody at 9:41 a.m. on a police at 11:07 a.m. to unlock Scott County arrest warrant. a vehicle. While executing a search warWednesday, Oct. 23 rant at a residence on the 700 The theft of a bike from the block of West Forest Street at high school bike rack was re- 1:37 p.m., police confiscated drugs and drug paraphernaported at 10:03 a.m. A person on the 900 block of lia. A report seeking a formal Deer Creek Parkway reported a criminal charge was sent to the domestic dispute at 10:44 a.m. county attorney’s office. After investigation, a man was A man on the 800 block of arrested for domestic assault West Main Street asked police and obstructing the legal pro- at 2:18 p.m. to unlock a vehicle. cess with force. A person on the 600 block of Sunday, Oct. 27 East Prairie Street called for A man on the 100 block of medical help at 11:16 a.m. A North Meridian Street apman was transported to an area proached an officer on foot pahospital. trol at 12:58 a.m. and reported A man on the 300 block of being assaulted inside a bar. PoWest Church Street reported at lice searched the bar and could 5:12 p.m. the theft of a wallet not find the suspect. Paramedics were called to check out the within the past week. victim. Thursday, Oct. 24 A person on the 600 block of West Main Street called Belle Plaine Herald for medical help at 6:15 a.m. A woman was suffering neck pain. She was transported to an area hospital. A woman on the 400 block of South Meridian Street asked police at 11:46 a.m. to unlock bpherald@frontiernet.net
WEDNESDAY, october 30, 2013
PAGE twelve
Kris Corl (No. 170) was among the Tigers competing in Thursday’s section meet at Montgomery. It was the final high school cross country meet for Corl, who is a senior.
Cross Country (continued from page 13)
City United (151), LCWM/Nicollet (162), Belle Plaine (182), G i b b o n - F a i r f a x - Wi n t h r o p (187), United South Central (201), Blue Earth Area (265), Fairmont (280), St. James Area (314), New RichlandHartland-Ellendale-Geneva (316), Maple River (350), Sibley East (371), Waterville-Elysian-Morristown-JWP (411), St. Mary’s-Sleepy Eye (421), Le Sueur-Henderson (437), St. Peter (473), Minnesota Valley Lutheran (478) and Medford (526). Junior Shane Streich of Waseca was the individual medalist as he finished the 5,000-meter course in a time of 15:41, well ahead of NRHEG senior TJ Schiltz, who was second in 16:29. Rounding out the top 10 were junior Jonah Mayo of MCW (16:40), junior Dylan Brockman of MCW (17:00),
eighth-grader Skylee Schwingler (51st in 17:32), freshman Belle Plaine’s Marykay Nasby, right, had 16 kills, seven digs and three ace serves against LS-H Hannah Witt (61st in 17:42), Thursday night at the BPHS gym. seventh-grader Trinity Webb (69th in 17:54) and senior vs. Tartan W 2-0 BreAnn McDermand (82nd in ter competition. Our seniors gave excellent performances in Oct. 1 vs. N. Prague W 3-1 18:27). (continued from page 13) their last home match in Belle Oct. 3 vs. TCU W 3-0 Plaine.” Oct. 8 vs. Chaska L 3-1 (13-14) 7:45 p.m. this ThursOct. 10 at Mayer L. W 3-1 Statistical leaders for the Tiday night at Gustavus Adolphus As was the case in the girls’ gers were Mariena Hayden (22 Oct. 14 at Waconia W 3-0 College in St. Peter. The North race, Waseca captured the team W 3-1 championship of Section 2A as Subsection champion will ad- kills and four digs), Marykay Oct. 15 at NYA vance to this Saturday night’s Nasby (16 kills, seven digs and Oct. 19 at Chaska Tourney it had three racers place in the vs. C. Rapids W 2-0 top seven of the 141-runner 7:45 p.m. section champion- three ace serves), Amara Meyer vs. Eagan L 2-0 field. Martin County West was ship against the champion of (six kills), Elizabeth Johnson vs. SW Christ. L 2-1 the other state team qualifier. the South Subsection at GAC. (13 digs and one ace serve), The semifinalists of that group Danielle Taylor (seven digs and vs. Farib. BA L 2-1 Its score of 51 was just one Tuesday night in Mankato were one ace serve), Devin Lehman Subsection point shy of Waseca. Mankato No. 1 seed Kenyon-Wanamingo (44 sets assists, one kill and two Oct. 24 vs. LS-H W 3-0 Loyola /Cleveland was a dis(21-6-1) taking on No. 5 New digs) and Kaylee Hentges (two Oct. 29 vs. NYA at N.P. tant third with 146 points. The Richland-Hartland-Ellendale- kills, two digs and one solo Oct. 31 vs. TBA at GAC rest of the field consisted of Triblock). Geneva (9-15-1) and No. 2 Nov. 2 Section Title Match 2013 BPHS Volleyball Waterville Elysian-Morristown at Gustavus Schedule (21-7) squaring off against No. Nov. 7-9 State Tournament W 3-0 3 St. Peter (18-7). The winners Aug. 27 vs. LS-H at Xcel Energy Hunter Apprentice W 3-0 of those two matches will meet Sept. 3 vs. Jordan
Boys’ Results
in the first of the two subsection championships at GAC this Thursday at 6 p.m. Tigers 3, LS-H 0 Belle Plaine left no doubt from the start what team was going to advance to the subsection semifinals and what team was going home for the season. The top-seed Tigers squashed the No. 8 seed Giants 25-16, 25-16, 25-18. “We performed at a consistent level, allowing us to get everyone in off the bench to contribute and start our playoff run with a fun night of volleyball,” said Tigers coach Cassie Wolpern. “We established the fundamentals important not to overlook as we progress to bet-
Sept. 5 vs. W-M W 3-0 Sept. 9 at TCU W 3-0 Sept. 12 vs. S.E. W 3-0 Sept. 17 at SW Christ. L 3-0 Sept. 19 at Jordan W 3-2 Sept. 20-21 at S.W. Christian Tournament vs. GreenwayW 2-0 vs. Map LakeW 2-0 vs. Chatfield W 2-0 vs TRF L 2-1 vs. Jordan W 2-1 vs. Visitation W 2-1 Sept. 26 at LS-H W 3-0 Sept. 28 at Chanhassen Tournament vs. Delano L 2-0 vs. H.F. W 2-0 vs. Buffalo L 3-2 vs. T-Grace W 3-2
Panther Cubs Wrestling Starts Nov. 7
Panther cubs wrestling, which is a combination of grades K-8 from Jordan and Belle Plaine, will begin on Thursday, Nov. 7. Practices are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the wrestling room at Jordan High School from 6-7:30 p.m. Registrations will be taken the first two weeks of practice. For more information, call Al Flynn at 612-290-0124.
New hunters who have missed the opportunity to take a firearms safety class may still deer hunt under supervision this fall by purchasing a hunter apprentice validation, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Now that deer hunting season is quickly approaching, many prospective youth hunters and their parents are realizing the remaining hunter safety and education classes are full. The hunter apprentice validation allows a new hunter the opportunity to hunt one season under the direct supervision of an adult licensed hunter without completing a formal firearms safety hunter education class (FAS). The hunter apprentice must first purchase the validation for $3.50 at an electronic licensing system vendor, and then purchase the appropriate hunting license. The validation is usable for one hunting season and apprentice hunters are allowed to
senior Josh Kimball of Waseca (17:00), sophomore John Roth of LCWM/Nicollet (17:03), freshman Cole Streich of Waseca (17:04), junior Matthew Viesselman of MCW (17:08), senior Wyatt Elmer of Mankato Loyola/Cleveland (17:14) and eighth-grader Landon Javens of Mankato Loyola/Cleveland (17:14). The top Belle Plaine finisher was sophomore Dylan Bigaouette with a 27th-best time of 18:06. Also competing for Belle Plaine, all of whom finished in the upper half of the individual standings, were sophomore Brendan Mackedanz (29th in 18:07), junior Max Hughes (37th in 18:17), freshman Kellen Bergs (38th in 18:18), junior Carter Olson (51st in 18:36), sophomore Carter Corl (65th in 18:54) and senior Kris Corl (66th in 19:03).
Validation Option for New Hunters
purchase only two validations in a lifetime. Apprentice hunters are then required to get their FAS certificates to continue hunting. Firearms safety hunter education classes are offered throughout the year by DNRcertified volunteer instructors. New hunters are encouraged to take a FAS class as early in the year as possible when many classes have openings, rather than waiting until demand is high and seats fill. “Safe hunting is not just a result of passing a firearms safety class,” said Shelly Patton, DNR northeastern regional training officer. “Equally important is the role of a parent or mentor to model the safe practices of firearms handling and ensure the new hunter is safe, responsible and ethical while hunting. Actual field experience is one of the greatest teaching tools.” Anyone born after 1979 is required to have a FAS certificate to hunt with a firearm, except youth age 12 and under may
hunt without a FAS certificate as long as a parent or guardian accompanies them. New, adult hunters (age 18 or older) may choose to take an approved FAS classroom training, an online study course with virtual field day, an independent study course from an approved instructor, or utilize the same hunter apprentice validation option under the same rules. Even though FAS certification field days may no longer be available this season, a new hunter may still benefit from reviewing the firearms safety course at www.huntercourse. com before hunting. By completing the online portion of the course prior to hunting, the student will be eligible to quickly register for the next available field day to complete their certificate. For more information about the apprentice hunter validation, firearms safety hunter education class, or to learn how to become a volunteer firearms safety instructor, see www. mndnr.gov/safety /index.html.
Free Beginners Hockey Clinic The Bulldogs Youth Hockey Association invites boys and girls ages 4 to 9 years old to the Le Sueur Community Center Ice Arena on Saturday, Nov. 2 at 10:30 a.m. for a Try Hockey for Free Clinic to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basics of the sport in a fun, safe environment. To register for one of the 500-plus Try Hockey for Free opportunities, visit www.TryHockeyForFree.com or contact Juli Sowder at 507-380-2008. Belle Plaine’s Danielle Taylor had seven digs during Thursday’s night’s subsection quarterfinal match against LS-H at the BPHS gym.
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His First Elk Mitchell Westphal, 12, son of Eric Westphal formerly of Belle Plaine, shot this elk near Rifle, Colo., on Oct. 26. Mitchell is the grandson of John and Jan Westphal of Belle Plaine.
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The Tigers’ Chris Holmbeck had a 30-yard touchdown run on this play against Blue Earth Area Saturday in Belle Plaine. Holmbeck carried 20 times for 130 yards.
H.S. Football
Tigers Plow Over Blue Earth The Tigers’ Danielle Taylor sought shelter as teammate Devin Lehman attempted to keep the ball in play against LS-H Thursday night at the BPHS gym.
H.S. Volleyball
Tigers Gobble Up Giants by Dan Ruud The Belle Plaine High School volleyball team made postseason play look easy as it quickly disposed of visiting Le SueurHenderson three sets to none in the quarterfinals of the Section 2AA, North Subsection Tournament Thursday night at the BPHS gym. But as every No. 1-seeded team in the state knows, things
get more difficult each step of the way toward Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, site of next week’s state high school volleyball tournaments. The Tigers were scheduled to take another step in that direction when they faced No. 5 seed Norwood Young America at New Prague High School Tuesday night after this edition of the Herald went to press
(see www.belleplaineherald or the Herald’s Facebook page for result). If Belle Plaine (21-8) prevailed as it was favored to in that match, it will take on the winner of Tuesday night’s other subsection semifinal between No. 2 seed Jordan (17-12-1) and No. 6 Watertown-Mayer
(continued on page 12)
H.S. Cross Country
B.P. Girls’ and Boys’ Teams Finish High at Section Meet
Will Host Fairmont for Section Title Friday Night
by Dan Ruud It was one of those games that beforehand many fans did not know what to expect. The Belle Plaine High School football team was at home against Blue Earth Area in the semifinals of the Section 3AAA Tournament. The Bucs were the defending Class 3A state champions but were without a number of key players from that squad this year, as evident from the 6-3 record they came to Belle Plaine with. The Tigers were coming off their only loss of the season 10 days earlier at Tri-City United, which by the way was upset in its playoff opener six days later by unranked Cannon Falls. So would Blue Earth Area regain some of its form from a year ago and defeat Belle Plaine, maybe even in blowout fashion? Or would the Tigers rise to the occasion and batter the Bucs? No one seemed to
Belle Plaine’s Ben Wagner had a team-high two quarterback sacks Saturday against Blue Earth Area. have a finger on the pulse of the sion. game – not even after it started Football as both teams were forced to punt after their initial posses(continued on page 6)
Janessa Meuleners Qualifies for State Fifth Year in a Row by Dan Ruud The Belle Plaine High School girls’ and boys’ cross country teams placed fifth and sixth, respectively, in Thursday’s Section 2A Meet at Montgomery National Golf Club. There were 19 teams in the girls’ field and 20 in the boys’. Belle Plaine junior Janessa Meuleners qualified for the state meet by placing fifth in a time of 15:38. There were 132 racers in the field. This Saturday will mark the fifth-straight time that Meuleners has competed in the state Class 1A meet, which will take place at St. Olaf College in Northfield. The girls’ 1A race is Belle Plaine junior Janessa Meuleners qualified for her fifth- scheduled to start at 1 p.m. straight state meet after finishing fifth among 132 runners at Waseca, with 53 points, and Thursday’s section meet in Montgomery. Fairmont with 82, both qualified as teams for the state meet by finishing first and second in the team standings. Rounding out the field were Martin County West (116), Mankato Loyola/Cleveland (171), Belle Plaine (176), LCWM/Nicollet The Tigers’ Gavin Dauwalter (No. 54) not only made things difficult for Blue Earth Area’s of(204), St. Mary’s-Sleepy Eye fense, he also scored two rushing touchdowns Saturday in Belle Plaine. (213), St. James Area (222), St. Peter (243), United South Central (257), Waterville-ElysianMorristown-JWP (305), TriCity United (306), Blue Earth Area (311), Maple River (340), Minnesota Valley Lutheran (349), Le Sueur-Henderson (423), Sibley East (455), New Richland-Hartland-EllendaleGeneva (493) and Madelia/Truman (573). The individual medalist was sophomore Tierney Winter of WEM-JWP as she covered the 4,000-meter course in a time of 15:01. Eighth-grader Beth Stevermer of USC was second in 15:22. The other top 10 finishers were freshman Kourtney Kulseth of Waseca (15:35), freshman Brooke Anderson of MCW (15:36), Meuleners (15:38), junior Sally O’Brien of Waseca (15:41), sophomore Allison Breck of Waseca (15:49), sophomore Morgan Larson of MCW (15:53), eighth-grader Kyla Haas of Mankato Loyola (15:56) and freshman Jenna Pavich of Fairmont (15:59). Following Meuleners in the Belle Plaine pack were sophomore Alissa Schultz (26th in 16:42), sophomore Danika Schroeder (37th in 17:07), The Tigers’ Alissa Schultz, a sophomore, crossed the finish line with authority at Thursday’s section meet in Montgomery.
Cross Country
(continued on page 12)
The Tigers’ Derek Dahlke, who caught six passes for 78 yards and had a long punt return, did the Heisman pose on this play against BEA Saturday.
For Muehlenhardt, Rural Route School Board Affirms Tight a Relaxing Ride in the Country Controls Over Internet Access
He can drive a car with his left hand and foot as well as anyone, slowing down just enough to deftly open a mailbox, deposit envelopes into it and close the box before the dust catches up with him. Lyle Muehlenhardt knows his way around the gravel roads of the Belle Plaine countryside. Having delivered mail in the rural areas around Belle Plaine for nearly all of the last 30 years, he’s has seen plenty. Tomorrow (Oct. 31), he’ll drive his route for the last time. His retirement becomes official Nov. 1. His last day will, as it has for years, start around 7:30 a.m. Muehlenhardt sorts mail before hitting the road. His route takes about 5½ hours and covers “103 point something miles.â€? Muehlenhardt will wrap up the day sorting mail. Friday, he was the last to leave the office. He wonders what his coworkers might have in store for a farewell. Muehlenhardt hopes things don’t get too emotional. “I’ll miss ‘em,â€? he said. “I’ve had good people to work with.â€? Muehlenhardt’s looking forward to time dedicated to doing not much of anything, perhaps a little fishing and plenty of time with his family and grandchildren. He likes to play cards when not wetting a line. “He’s going to find he has a lot of open time,â€? said Roger Malz, another veteran rural carrier. “He’s pretty easy-going so I’m sure he’ll be OK.â€? Muehlenhardt is known for his quiet but friendly demeanor. His co-workers describe him as someone they can turn to when they need help with something. “When I became a substitute carrier in Belle Plaine 10 years ago, he made me feel welcome. He could always tell a good story to make us smile,â€? said Cathy Creech, a co-worker at the Belle Plaine Post Office. “Most of all I’ll remember him telling me not to get so excited. To quote him, ‘Just let it go’.â€?
Helpful Hints
When Malz started working with Muehlenhardt back around ‘85, he was immediately impressed by Muehlenhardt’s approach to the job. He recalls the helpful tips Muehlenhardt offered, ideas that would save
Lyle Muehlenhardt has been delivering mail to rural Belle Plaine residents for 30 years. Tomorrow, he’ll run his route for the last time. He won’t miss heavy parcels or bad weather. Muehlenhardt will miss co-workers. “I’ve had good people to work with,� he said. time or keep mail from spilling about the car during the route. Muehlenhardt’s route runs through townships around township roads west, southwest and north of Belle Plaine. Creech, who has worked rural routes, too, enjoys periodically working rural routes on an emergency basis. “He has one of the most scenic routes, with the most hills and gravel roads, yet he hardly ever complains about having to deliver when the weather is bad,� Creech said. Having grown up on the farm, Muehlenhardt handles the heat and humidity with relative ease. He’s no fan of winter turning gravel roads treacherous. The winter of 2011-12 will forever be a bad memory. “It was always snowing,� he said. A good day for Muehlenhardt is a nice drive around the countryside. He grew up near the Malz farm in Blakeley Township, on a 115-acre farm along County Road 51, and doesn’t mind his route’s gravel roads and rolling countryside. Like many rural carriers, he has mastered the art of changing a flat tire on the fly. “The worst day you can have is when you have two flat tires,� Malz said. “Thank goodness for cell phones. You had
Belle Plaine School District students and visitors using the district’s wireless Internet system will still have to deal with relatively strict access to information based on a policy the school board approved Monday night. The policy limits the information students and guests can access. It is based on the most recent case law, some of which is based on litigation in Minnesota. The controls will limit the kinds of information students and guest users can access. For example, access to Facebook is blocked. A student doing a research paper on breast cancer will find information blocked by the district’s filters, said Superintendent Kelly Smith. “That’s the classic example,� he said. The filters target certain words to block or permit access to web sites, he said. But the student doing a paper on breast cancer research can have a teacher, working in concert with the school’s information technology staff, approve the use of a computer with a less-restrictive filter, according to the superintendent. There are good arguments for and against access to Facebook. For now, it will remain blocked, Smith said. The policy says “users are expected to use Internet access through the district system to further educational and personal goals consistent with the mission of the school district and school policies.� The district’s wireless Internet system allows access to guest and student users before and after school hours. Its filters should block access to certain sites the district deems not appropriate for education. That means a student won’t be able to post a photo taken during a basketball game on a Facebook page. The district’s policy prohibits
to hope somebody drove by or somebody was home. Lyle and I have both had that happen over the years.� Muehlenhardt got his start when a former carrier Lloyd Schultz told him Don Anderly needed a substitute for one of the rural routes. He started parttime in 1983. Muehlenhardt worked some shifts in Carver County as a way to make some extra money. After a few years as a part-timer, he went fulltime. Today, Muehlenhardt is the senior carrier working out of Belle Plaine. At 70, there are days when he knows lugging heavy parcels and bundles of mail will pleasantly be a distant memory. He won’t miss the ache in his shoulders and back from lugging mail. “When he retires, the joke is out I’ll be the old man,� Malz said. Along with his friendly disposition, Muehlenhardt may best be remembered for the cars he drove. Over 30 years, he’s logged plenty of miles. He recently put a ’96 Oldsmobile to rest. He logged over 200,000 (continued from page 1) miles driving his rural route. The frequent starts and stops can be tough on the vehicle. personal days teachers can take The key to long life, he said, and how many they can carry “I do oil changes every 3,000 over from one year to the next. The district agreed to a cap of miles.� two days carried over per year. The district will buy back any additional days at $110 per day, the rate it would pay a substitute teacher.
New Restroom, Ticket Building
The board OK’d a plan to allow a new restroom building on the west side of the footballtrack complex across the street from Oak Crest Elementary School. The 34-by-22 foot building will include womens’ and mens’ restrooms accessible during events at the facility, a uni-sex restroom for families open spring, summer and fall, an area for selling tickets to events and storage space. The district estimates the building could cost as much as $35,000. The board unanimously OK’d committing $15,000 as seed money from the operating capital fund balance. Financial donations and donated labor, including BPHS students, will help complete the project.
Construction will start in the spring. The building is expected to be completed by the start of the school year. In other action Oct. 28, the Belle Plaine School Board: • Paid bills totaling $1,992,372.73. • After a report on Belle Plaine students’ potential participation in adaptive sports, the board OK’d a cooperative agreement with New Prague for Belle Plaine students’ participation in adaptive recreation. Participation will cost individual families $75, the school’s participation fee. It will cost the district $375 for floor hockey this winter and $370 for softball in the spring. Superintendent Kelly Smith expects those costs will be reduced by the time the sports begin. • Approve the addition of five days to the contract for the high school counselor Laurie Green for the 2014-15 school year. • Approve the addition of two days to the contract for the junior high counselor/social worker Kelly Vorlous for the 2014-15 school year. • Accept the resignation of Darlene Anderson, high school secretary, effective Oct. 11, 2013. • Scheduled a special board meeting for Nov. 11, 6 p.m., to canvass results of the school board election and possibly approve contracts with unions representing teachers and support staff. • Approved the annual Assurance of Compliance report to the Minnesota Department of Education. The report assures the state the school district is following its myriad of policies and procedures. • Approved updates to policies addressing protection and privacy of pupil records; do not resuscitate/do not intubate orders; and violence protection.
School Board
Support Personnel
The agreement with the union representing the support staff – approximately 65 para-professionals, custodians and clerical staff – reflects a 7.32 percent increase for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years. The deal is worth approximately $3.2 million. Details of the tentative agreement include a 40-cent per hour wage increase on the salary schedule the first year of the contract and an additional 3 percent the second year for all members. Union members starting their 12th and 17th years will receive an automatic 60-cent per hour hike. About 18 members in the union qualify for the longevity pay increase. Union members who work 1,600 hours a year or less will receive two additional paid holidays. The agreement also includes the same increase in the district’s contribution to employee health coverage -- 3 percent increase the first year of the agreement and 1½ percent increase in the contribution the second year of the deal.
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access to pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit material or other visual depictions harmful to minors; obscene, abusive, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, disrespectful, or sexually explicit language. It also prohibits materials that use language or images that are inappropriate in the education setting or disruptive to the educational process. The district also prohibits information or materials that could cause damage or danger of disruption to the educational process or materials that use language or images that advocate violence or discrimination toward other people (hate literature) or that may constitute harassment or discrimination. The board last updated the Internet access policy. Because of advances in technology and Internet uses, Smith told directors they will see updates frequently. “This is a policy trying to keep up with technology,� he said.
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