THEME Magazine special strength with in issue

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The strength of a woman lies in her resilience, adaptability, and ability to overcome adversity. She is capable of enduring hardships and setbacks, yet still able to find the courage to keep pushing forward. She possesses a unique blend of empathy, nurturing, and fierce determination that allows her to succeed in various roles, whether it be as a mother, a leader, or a professional. A woman's strength is not only in her physical abilities but also in her emotional and mental fortitude. She is a powerful force that can inspire, uplift, and empower those around her, making a positive impact on the world. A woman's splendor emanates from within, as she embraces her unique qualities and radiates confidence and self-love. I would like to the photographer Eleni A and Eve Chen for spearheading this amazing project.


This year will make it ten years being in the industry and I can honestly say only two women have offered me paid positions which I feel bothers me alot because I am always willing to put someone in a position to make money The jobs that I have gained where all because of me It’s emotionally draining most of the times because it makes me feel like my peers and even some of my mentors really didn’t want to see me get to the next level

What would you say your true splendor is in your life? My children without them I would not be the women I am today. lot of that to survive in entertainment. Would you like to describe a moment-

where you felt like your life change for the better?

I believe it’s when I took the chance and left Georgia to come back to New York City my hometown to purse my dreams in fashion. If there’s one thing you wanted to tell your younger self that only your older self as large what would it be? Stop shopping and invest in a clothing store

What would your chains be in life and how did you break out of it? My family I thought I needed them to do things but I learn everything is instilled inside you. I am never afraid to start over. I will move to another city In a heartbeat.

Thalía montalvo

At the young age of 11, I had to make a very tough decision to leave my home with my mom and move in with my dad. Before I made this decision there was a great lack of stability in my home. I would watch TV shows where the family was intact --

a mom, a dad, and siblings in a peaceful home. That's what I craved. I remember watching shows like Lizzie McGuire and That's so Raven and thinking "wow, she has such a great life". Not because of what she had but because of her family dynamic. There was no violence between her parents. They were supportive and most of all loving.

Don't get me wrong, I knew I was loved. But one moment being loved and the next violence erupts, I was always preparing for the other shoe to drop. It was like trying to find comfort in a war zone. Sure things feel normal for a moment but you're secretly waiting for the sounds of explosion. Growing up in a home where violent fights would occur at any moment you learned to be prepared, as if I was preparing for a battle that wasn't mine


This led me to have anxiety, only I didn't know it had affected me I convinced myself once I left that was the end of that experience As I got older I became hyper aware of other people's emotions which led me to over analyze my interactions with boyfriends and friends This anxiety only grew stronger the more I was let down by my ex partners and ex friends I became less trusting and more aggressive My shadows came to the front of my personality To protect my inner child I became openly aggressive I let everyone know not to f--k with me It was a defense mechanism, protect yourself before anything actually happens just in case because people have surprised you before I lacked proper communication skills because yelling and fighting was the form of communication I was taught I lacked confidence in myself and emotional intelligence And I lacked confidence in the people I surrounded myself with I am now in therapy and I am so grateful for this journey I have a partner who communicates calmly, clearly, and most importantly, gently Not only have I been able to transform how I communicate and treat other people, I've learned to find the peace within and quiet the anxiety Healing is on going and can be tough but so is living in toxic cycles

Splendor in life?

The greatest thing I could've done for myself was create a spiritual relationship with God I grew up catholic then christian, it was confusing for a while given the atrocities happening in the churches But when I realized God is in my heart and I don't have to follow religious regulations, I found myself closer to God than ever It's helped me trust the process and let go of what I cannot control, the root to my anxiety Living in chaos you want to start controlling your environment as much as you can I soon learned I don't have to hold the weight of the world God has a plan and I need to trust the process I show gratitude for the blessings I receive and I don't ask for much yet I receive more than I could've ever imagined My life has done a complete 180, little me would be so proud It sounds cliche but I mean it wholeheartedly when I say I am currently living out my dreams

When did your life change for the better?

I've had multiple significant moments but I think the most recent was in 2021 when I was forced to move out of my family home The owner was selling it and we had to be out by that summer Ironically I had wanted to move out by that June but I always imagined myself being one of those people who moves out to have their own space, but comes home when they're feeling nostalgic I think I still hold some resentment so I'm working on that I miss my home I miss my bedroom If those walls could talk, they'd write novels But now I live in one of the best areas I have a beautiful apartment with a view of NYC It's bittersweet I know this occurrence was part of the plan, I'm just still working through the emotions of it all

What would you tell your younger self?

You had a hard childhood, you grew up a lot quicker than most kids, but everyone has their own story, yours is no rougher than the next How people treat you is not a representation of you, but a representation of their experience so don't take it too personal Learn what you will and will not allow in your life because when you respect yourself and know your worth, other people will eventually follow suit or fall off People are here for a reason, season or a lifetime Regardless of their duration, be your most authentic self Don't let anyone change your heart

What were your chains in life and how did you break out of it?

My anxiety and intrusive thoughts have been the strongest chains Therapy and meditating have helped tremendously Honestly, if you met me 5 years ago and met me again today you would think I'm two different people I wouldn't say I'm completely free, some days I wonder if I ever will be I've accepted that mental health care is an on-going experience Like showering, you're going to do it every day until you die So I treat it as such It's not debilitating anymore, it's become a part of my livelihood to live intentionally and be aware of my words and actions It's brought me a lot of peace Some days are harder than others, but I'm a strong woman I know I will always prevail


A mix of all the above. 10 years of foster care on and off the first 10 years of life was an adventure to say the least The system truly fails us kids, so many of us deal with abuse in many forms The system is supposed to HELP children, hence the name child protective services… and every single day kids are lost and forgotten while in the system. By the time I was 5 I had learned how ugly this world truly can be. At almost 30 I still have scars from the abuse Every day I have to unlearn the of negative thoughts and comments put on me as a kid

What would you say your true splendor is in your life?

Having a pure heart, despite the battles I’ve fought Would you like to describe a moment where you felt like your life change for the better?

My life changed for the better when I decided it was MY life and no one else’s. Only I have to live it, might as well live how you want instead of how others think you should

If there’s one thing you wanted to tell your younger self that only your older self as large what would it be?

If I could tell myself anything it would truthfully be. find YOUR voice. The sooner you realize your voice has to be the loudest in your head, the happier you are.

What would your chains be in life and how did you break out of it?

My chains are being a child of addicts. You’re expected to turn out EXACTLY like the rest. Being a foster child, the world expects you to be a mess Everyone is always so shocked when I tell them I have no history of drug use despite the environment I grew up in But the truth is, I never wanted to be a product of my environment. You have a choice to make every day, you can choose to be the statistic or the exception. I make a choice everyday to be better than I was yesterday


I broke out of that mental depression by focusing on my craft

I grew up in Long Island City Queens, NYC Like many other kids growing up in urban areas, I didn’t have too much encouragement as far what to become School, the news, our parents and other adults would direct us away from things not to become but as far as things to become, I felt like that was for me to figure out During my high school years I really started to home in on cosmetics I have three older sisters who would dress up and do their makeup and of course being the youngest I wasn’t allowed to where it but that didn’t hinder my interest. As I got older my interest grew, so did the craft, so did my client base. I went from doing my own makeup to doing friends and family to having regular clients out of my mothers home Life really said hello when I realized I needed a booth I rented a booth out of an existing studio in Brooklyn, NY The growth continued, after a year I moved to a somewhat bigger and nicer but most importantly, close to home studio in Long Island City Queens After being there for 5 months, that salon was broken in to and all my Makeup was stolen. This literally felt like the end for BeatByKayy. Everything I’d worked so hard to buy was taken from me I sat and thought,

There’s no way I could recover from this. I cried. I continued to have faith in the Lord that I’d gain everything I’ve lost back, and slowly but surely I did and I couldn’t thank God enough Without God I don’t know where I’d be What would you say your true splendor is in your life?

Artistry, for years I’ve always had an eye for art It brings me peace & happiness

Would you like to describe a moment where you felt like your life change for the better?

My life changed for the better when I turned to God, in this life times can get really hard but once you build a relationship with God there’s always going to be light at the end of the tunnel and I feel like I learned that first hand

If there’s one thing you wanted to tell your younger self that only your older self as large what would it be?

It would be to slow down, growing up I always rushed to do everything If I could go back in time I’d definitely take my time with things and cherish my family more

What would your chains be in life and how did you break out of it?

Most would say I was lucky to Grow up with both my parents but at times it was actually very draining living in a household where my dad abused alcohol There would be fights/ arguments every week I broke out of that mental depression by focusing on my craft

Eleni Anagnostakos

AWhat is your emotion, mental or physical scar story ?

My fiancé we were together 7 years We were soulmates in adventure and love We loved to travel together - we Lived in Greece twice for a year. He passed away from a heart attack on his motorcycle May 3 2022.

He was 41

What would you say your true splendor is in your life?

My true splendor in life is that I love to travel. I am Greek and feel the filotimo in my blood Filotimo is the Greek word for hospitable and respect to others So I really love to meet new people. I also love LOVE and every form of it. Friendship lust love=filia Eros and agape are the Greek words for this.

Would you like to describe a moment where you felt like your life change for the better?

The moment I felt my life change for the better was When i took time to heal and stopped going to clubs for three months

Having time alone clears up brain fog from all the outside noise I opened my eyes and decided to open up my spa.

If there’s one thing you wanted to tell your younger self that only your older self as large what would it be?

I would tell my younger self to not forget to slow down and smell the roses. I zipped through life like a hurricane It’s better to cherish it and be present The parties will always be there but time flashes in a blink. So turn your time into quality.

What would your chains be in life and how did you break out of it? My chains in life were that i Would be scared to take risks

I broke out of it by I just jumping into gut instinct and take challenges all the way to the finish now.

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