Some carnivals in Italy

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The Carnival is unquestionably a product of the Middle Ages. The term is associated to the idea of seing deprived of meat. It designated the day or the days which come before a period of fast and penitence for Christianity: the Lent. It’s origins, however, are to be found in the ancient pagan customs.

After the 15th century, through the first attempts of Christianization, the Church tried to suppress this kind of pagan celebration. Throughout the centuries, Carnival, lead to the birth of celebrations in form of ritual fight, such as the struggles among various parts of the same City, or among different social classes, for example they hit each other with stones or wood.

In some cities, the carnival festivities and rituals have been handed down from generation to other they often represent a kind of socio cultural origin to attract tourists and visitors from all over the country.

A famous example of carnival is that of Viareggio, where majestic and colorful floats take place, on which you can recognize glaring caricatures of famous men in the field of culture, politics and entertainment, whose peculiar features are emphasized with satire and irony.

The floats taking place on the promenade in Viareggio, are over two kilometers long and run between the beach and the fine Art Nouveau buildings, overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea.

This particular parade dates back to the second half of the 19th century, when some upper middle class people wanted to organize a carnival parade of floats decorated with flowers. On that occasion, some people were also disguised to protest against taxation and municipal tax collectors became the first target.

In Piemonte, in Ivrea, there is the characteristic "orange battle" in which people on parade floats challenge those who attend the parade, using thousands of oranges as real bullets.

The Queen of the festival is the miller, who comes from a character in the Middle Ages, who had rebelled against the tyrant who ruled the city and killed him, calling into a popular uprising that is still remembered today through this bloodless “battle�.

Also noteworthy is the Carnival which takes place in Puglia in Putignano, this carnival has ancient origins with ancient rites that accompany the parades of floats, such as curious satirical verses dedicated to characters and events in the city.

Shrove Tuesday is celebrated as the funeral of King Carnival and his coffin parades through the streets of the city to be burned at the end of the procession.

Carnival of Ceggia In Veneto, Ceggia is the second most important carnival, after that of Venice.

For 2012 the Friends of the Carnival group introduce a satirical representation of China and its growing economic power .

To create this kind of floating parade, the technique mostly used consists of building a metallic framework on which a dense grid of thin iron is fixed. Above it different layers of glued paper are applied, to cover any sign of the inside structure. The paper is then painted. The use of new materials, new colours, has without doubt improved the quality of today’s floats, in the course of the years they have become more interesting even from the artistic point of view. They are, today, the product of the ability and the talent of the groups of builders, who are the main characters in this Carnival parade.

Carnival of Scodosia One of the most important carnivals, is the carnival of Casale di Scodosia, a town which is also known for its handicraft in the wood sector.

The organization and the program for the carnival celebrations are characterized by popular games (for example races with the sacks).

The end Carlo

Jennifer Marco

Giastin Renato

YOUNG STUDENTS IN EUROPE Partners: Istituto Marco Belli di Portogruaro (Italia) Instituto de Enseñanza Secudaria Xesús Taboada Chivite di Verín (Spagna) - VUC di Lyngby, Copenhagen (Danimarca)

Liceo “Marco Belli” di Portogruaro Anno scolastico 2012/2013

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