BELMAS Strategic Plan 2023-2026

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Covid Recovery, Growth and Sustainability


Welcome to BELMAS’ first full Strategic Plan. A variety of activities, discussions and reflections across the organisation from the Board of Trustees to employees and members over the previous 12 months have contributed towards the direction of the organisation for the next three years.

The organisation is now in a position to focus on three key areas for development. They are:

1. Increase both UK and International membership.

2. Ensure the organisation is financially sustainable.

3. Assure BELMAS’ good governance as a charity and membership organisation.

The 2023-2026 strategic plan aims to capture and focus annual KPI’s against these objectives which shall inform the operational plan and budget of the organisation.



Offer a referral scheme with 25% off membership for one year when you recommend a new full member.

Discover the process and limitations for implementing a % discount offer for those who recommend a new member with the new website provider.

7.5% of members based on 2023 membership figures (roughly 30) recommend new members.

15% of members based on 2023 membership figures (roughly 30) recommend new members – a total of 60 within two years.

At least 50% of the new members joined since 2023 as part of the scheme (15) continue their membership into 2025.

Develop “Practitioner Mixers” where BELMAS offers commercialised visits to MAT and Schools across the four jurisdictions within the UK.

Plan what a “Practitioner Mixer” looks like, and what the membership would expect from an opportunity using the organisation’s annual feedback survey.

Trial a “Practitioner Mixer” in England as a pilot scheme and consider and review any learnings from the process.

Build relationships with potential MATs across the UK to plan for the full Practitioner Mixer launch in 2025.

First two Practitioner Mixers within the UK launch, with full plans in place for the other two jurisdictions to take place in 2026.

At least 10 sign ups per Practitioner Mixer and to planned budget.

Introduce a two-tiered membership with the launch of a BELMAS Fellowship.

BELMAS Fellowship Working Group defined ready for 2024.

BELMAS Fellowship Working Group report to the Trustee Board that considers requirements, benefits, process for selection and timeframe, post-nominals and fees.

Fellowship of BELMAS launched with 10 applications in the first year and the first fellows selected.

Development of an online global mentoring programme for leaders in education.

Mentoring Programme Working Group defined ready for 2024.

Mentoring Programme Working group report to the Trustee Board that considers application process of mentors and mentees, training, facilitation and pairing and contingencies for poor mentoring/issues arising.

20 mentees signed up and paired with a mentor.

75% of mentees rate the experience from the mentoring programme as GOOD or EXCELLENT.

Activity Year 1 (2023) KPI Measure Year 2 (2024) KPI Measure Year 3 (2025) KPI Measure

Review RIG Processes to ensure that they are welcoming, open, utilised and sustainable.

RIG Review conducted in partnership with current RIG Convenors and through a membership survey.

First RIG Convenor meeting to take place facilitated by the BELMAS Office.

RIG Handbook written and circulated to include new RIG procedures and processes.

Two RIG Convenor Meetings held with the BELMAS Office with Convenors attending at least 1 of the meetings.

Review of new RIG procedures at RIG Convenor Meetings.

All RIGS considered active with an appointed convenor and holding at least two RIGS per year.

Review of RIG engagement figures including membership engagement and RIG meetings held against 2022 figures.

Two RIG Convenor Meetings held with the BELMAS Office with Convenors attending at least 1 of the meetings.

All RIGS considered active with an appointed convenor and holding at least two RIGS per year.

Conduct a Membership Satisfaction Survey

First annual membership survey with a 10%. membership participation and use data to improve services and inform the movement of the Strategic Plan for 2024 and 2025.

Annual membership survey with a 15% membership turnout, and an average of over 3/5 satisfaction rating.

Annual membership survey with a 20% membership turnout, and an average of over 3.5/5 satisfaction rating.

Improve the communication between BELMAS and its members.

Launch of new website in Spring 2023.

Review current statistics of followers on social media (LinkedIn and Twitter), email open rates and website views by end of 2023.

Review of current communication methods including the newsletter and social media.

Use the Membership Satisfaction Survey to review the organisation’s communication rating and to inform any improvements.

Create a communications strategy that sits alongside the strategic plan of the organisation.

Use the Membership Satisfaction Survey to review the organisation’s communication rating in comparison to 2024.

Increase in followers on social media (LinkedIn and Twitter), email open rates and website views by 20%.

Set up an “Institutional Partnership Programme” with University Education departments or other organisations that deliver Level 7 standard qualifications in Education Leadership to pay an annual subscription which in return provides 1 YEAR membership to Masters Students on Education programmes.

Identify and determine which institutions in the UK and Internationally would be interested in the Institutional Partnership Programme.

Draft agreement template for the Institutional Partnership programme seeking advice where necessary.

Pilot of the Institutional Partnership Programme with at least one provider.

Review value of the Institutional Partnership Programme through engagement with the Masters Students.

Review the number of Masters Students on the pilot of the Institutional Partnership Programme in 2024, and how many of those bought memberships in 2025.

3 active partnerships in place on the Institutional Partnership programme, providing an additional income of at least £5,000.


Review of the value of International Partnerships and establish meaningful links that provides physical member benefits.

Production of a BELMAS online publication that is open to practitioners to publish in that has peer reviewed articles.

Review all current international and UK partnerships, reviewing and signing new MOUs where relevant.

Hold two joint events, one with a UK partner and one with an international partner that attracts at least 2.5% of the BELMAS membership for each.

Hold two joint events, one with a UK partner and one with an international partner that attracts at least 5% of the BELMAS membership for each.


Establish an editorial panel for discussing the launch of a practitioner-focused online publication.

First issue of the practitioner-focused publication launched and to planned budget.



Meet budget annually. Plan and execute an annual budget that performs to the planned budget making no further surplus or deficit.

Ensure each overarching expenditure budget area (department) does not exceed 1% of their allocation during 2023

Plan and execute an annual budget that performs to the planned budget making no further surplus or deficit.

Ensure each overarching expenditure budget area (department) does not exceed 1% of their allocation during 2024.

Plan and execute an annual budget that performs to the planned budget making no further surplus or deficit.

Ensure that conference is planned well and established as a breakeven, high quality membership benefit.

Reduce the deficit from the 2022 conference to below £5,000, aiming to breakeven.

2024 Conference details launched at the 2023 Conference to include the dates, venue, theme and cost.

2024 Conference to breakeven.

2025 Conference details launched at the 2024 Conference to include the dates, venue, theme and cost.

2025 Conference to make a small surplus that goes back into the organisation for members.

Plug the gap in income from the current subscription-model journals by introducing a third journal in a pay-topublish model.

Establish a Third Journal Working Group with members acting as the interim Board.

Plan for a 2024 launch of the Third Journal with an editorial board appointed and supported.

Third Journal publishes first two editions. Third Journal publishes three editions with an income of at least £5,000 after stipends and expenses.

Accurately assess VAT liabilities after becoming VAT registered.

Receive external support to ensure that BELMAS continues to be compliant and accurate in its VAT returns.

Begin to accurately process and budget for VAT implications in-house without support.

Continue to accurately process and budget for VAT implications independently.

Activity Year 1 (2023) KPI Measure Year 2 (2024) KPI Measure Year 3 (2025) KPI Measure

Create Job Board postings for additional income generation.

Work with new website provider to discuss how a Job Board would look on the BELMAS website, gaining visuals.

Write a business plan for Job Boards for consideration at the Trustee Board to include cost and process.

Job Board live on the BELMAS Website and across Social Media.

Job Board live on the BELMAS Website and across Social Media with minimum £2,000 income.

Invite sponsorship from commercial organisations with transparency of how much is donated published on website.

Contact other Learned Societies and Charitable Organisations for support in obtaining commercial sponsorship.

Establish and Launch the Sponsorship guidelines based on research from other Learned Societies and Charitable Organisations.

Gain additional income from commercial partnerships using the Sponsorship Guidelines

Reduce expenditure across all departments by seeking efficiencies and value for money in ways that do not detract the quality of key resources or the removal of essential/necessary services and resources.

Review banking arrangements to reduce cashflow risk and operational burden to BELMAS.


Reduce expenditure by 1% across the five departments in the management accounts for 2024.

Further reduce expenditure where possible by another 1% across the five departments in the management accounts for 2025.

Review the annual timelines of Financial Reporting, AGM and Elections to ensure smooth process for compliance.

Gain access to HSBC legacy account and split BELMAS resource across the two current providers.

Review both banking providers and present a report for the Board of Trustees to consider new providers where appropriate.

Review use of a debit card and change t a company credit card for additional protection.

Two bank accounts in operation with BELMAS funds split across them.

Complete the Annual Audit (Report and Accounts) by the Easter break 2023 and upload them to the Charity Commission and Companies House in advance of any deadlines.

Consider the timing of the AGM to approve the annual report and accounts whilst remaining conscious of the CIO work.

Following the introduction of a new CIO, set the annual operational plan timelines for 2024 in line with the considerations of the Annual Report and Accounts delivery from 2023.




Re-write the charity constitution to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and ensuring that all processes and By Laws are fit for purpose.

Feedback from the 2022 Strategic Away Day presented to the Board within a draft of the CIO to be approved.

Changes of the Constitution presented to the membership at the 2023 AGM for approval.

New CIO submitted to the Charity Commission for a 2024 launch.

New CIO launched with all roles and committees filled, supported and active.

External Review of Governance following changes to the Constitution from NCVO.

Ensure all policies are up to date and are reviewed every three years.

Review and Renew all Policies creating an inventory of review dates.

Continue to review policies annually.

Continue to review policies annually.

Ensure Trustees are supported and equipped to effectively carry out their role.

Complete full NCVO training for Trustees as an annual refresh and following new appointments.

New trustees to have internal training the Executive Officer and Chair of the Board prior to attendance at the first Board meeting.

Provide all Trustees with the “The Essential Trustee (CC3)” and information on the “Charity Governance Code”.

Continue to ensure that ALL new Trustees complete training before attending a Board of Trustees meeting.

New trustees to have internal training the Executive Officer and Chair of the Board prior to attendance at the first Board meeting.

Provide all new Trustees with the “The Essential Trustee (CC3)” and information on the “Charity Governance Code”.

Increase in % against 2022 trustee survey for the question “Do you feel equipped and supported to fulfil your role as a Trustee”.

Continue to ensure that ALL new Trustees complete training before attending a Board of Trustees meeting.

New trustees to have internal training the Executive Officer and Chair of the Board prior to attendance at the first Board meeting.

Provide all new Trustees with the “The Essential Trustee (CC3)” and information on the “Charity Governance Code”.

100% of Trustees feel equipped and supported to fulfil their role.

Activity Year 1 (2023) KPI Measure Year 2 (2024) KPI Measure Year 3 (2025) KPI Measure

Ensure that the organisation is focused on its charitable objectives, mission, vision and values.

Establish clear Mission, Vision and Values from the outputs of the 2022 Strategic Away Day.

Use the NCVO Governance Wheel to identify weaknesses in the organisation in relation to it purpose and overall governance.

Create KPI’s against the Governance Wheel activities. Review the Governance Wheel activities and produce a report in any differences between 2023 and 2025.

Understand the organisation’s risks, mitigate any high-risk areas, and prepare the Board for potentially harmful activities.

Establish clear succession plans for key roles within the organisation.


Commission an external risk audit of the organisation.

Establish a clear and concise Risk Register against the findings of the risk audit.

Reviewing the risk register bi-annually as part of the governance calendar.

Invest in the Society’s employees and consider any relevant accreditations.

The Appointments and Remuneration Committee begin to hold discussions on a Society-wide succession planning approach across both elected and appointed trustee and paid employee roles.

Review employee development offer and in partnership with employees establish a learning and development strategy within the budgets for 2024.

Review the use and value for money on the employee benefits established in 2023.

Ensure all employees have regular one-to-ones as part of the “Be At Your Best” Plans and launch the new appraisal system.

Succession Planning Report written by the Appointment and Remuneration Committee and approved at the Board of Trustees.

Implement the employee learning and development strategy that is embed into the BELMAS “Be At Your Best” Plans.

Ensure that all employees are achieving a minimum of GOOD in their annual appraisal.

Seek external evaluation of the quality of employee experience at BELMAS.


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